HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1930-12-05, Page 8"­-�­ M'. - '' ,,, , � , -, , � ,.i., 11, �� ,�J,�y ;; � �F,,; Z , �"'p � " " �-�,� 1�.T , , , , ,.� [ ',i� T 1: I � �t . . � A. . ��, , ;� - . " - ni�t!i,,���,l��',-'���,�, w �.t' , "' , : ,�, I 11 � - I , , �, , � � � � 1. , : :� I �, ir il', tv,ti��:;I, �1', ,,, , , ,,, � ,, 7 •, I I , ,,."14, 111� I ,l -N � � � , �,�;I, ��, V ,�,, .- ;',-,�..31 I I . I :., � 1� I , !F ` , . I . , � .1. il I I 11. 1 11 .�, � "I li� 11 I - 1, 4 ; ., I I . . -�11'11 ,,! " . . I :�. : . ..1 . . 11 I I P 1, .1 r. r I I . � I , , , I I � , . :F I L I . 11 I I 11 I'll, ., P,,,,� 'N.,t'�!;'.'J?T, ­ . � , ., - I I I a -, .Aftl�&. ` 1. r�'. 0 , beaw a member ,of !ills Rd. re -A ,i� "', , _,R.,.,,,,',,',',',�1:: tll�, . �, ,,, 1 � ;,"". , ".:Aft I ,��-q, , �t,­ - , �� ,,, " Awh, , ,, -1 I , -- un�w church, Sheitook # very ae F9 I ,k,�, : , I ., ', tiv)o port in. the various w -omen's or- , I- . � ,- .1111-, . _ _ Ma �,,l;M,141_11'i 4 . . 1 .., I vaulzatione And will be dooply mi-Aurn- , . - . L - � - 1. 0 ed -by members of the ladies Aid � I , , � ., , , �-�, �, T 11 ,;, 11 "I W, � � '. , �N, ,., I '� ''".1 -iety. . of ,krdr .�'.11, I ,,�, 1:1 �1. , - . �', and;: the Wo,men% Missionary Soe � ln� ", i" she had been par- , ........ �, ;Rl� .... ,1 i Shopping.. tn both a whish ,!� '� I • -,� A - �: . titularly ache. Left to nilourn -her _ � ,� death are three daughters, Mrs. Percy , �, �:. "'"." , * . We invite you to visit our Store and ,,��%,L, . . . . . . . . . . . . . ""I"'.... I'll �:ipp ug about DerletPber see just what we offer to solve t' , ' , , , .......... I M, , " 11 , w,m , , , 119 -Mrs. (Dr.) J. C. Humphreys, Ot- , , , "'i, , - I he Daniels, Westboro; Mrs, R. B. Lee �. " 14 1-1,91.1 1.11,h, Delivered perplexing problem of suitable and "11 1-1 15, I � I � . livAted, �j,,t1; V111 I W1'0� �, t, �, �7i, IMRP, � VV.9 *M"j* glt % -, 'per oaljpn, or at gifts. tawa; tone son, Bay E. Lawrence, ", t� 5 , � , `$ -as.; two grandchildren, �, W, s.n�a,�Jladvance. . ,. Here you will find a wonderful Springfield, Ma I, I .i I . 1. I - A C1UNA- Hle�leen Daniels and Dorothy Lee; two ,,,,, I , range of the better known Toilet Art- . 'ni" 04p§ and Saucers, Vases, isles and Sets.: Fancy Goods, Candy, sisters, Miss Frances Wtutely, Clin- I -Li . "T'00kets Ash- Trays, Bon- Beautiful Boxed Stationery, Smokers' ton Ont and. Mrs. IM. 0harle-sworth, ,, lggit`$�q�B, Pitchers, etc., S . , Gi,l&K' California. "I , Supplies for the men; Kodaks. I . ': ..'' Arly. 4 25c up. Have you see our assortment Of - — ' - "i ... - tea 11 "I'll, ... ;,)­ -3 1. .11111111111 -,.�!', ,A , ... I t�!, � MD PEF#LS---'Usl1ar17 con' Christmas and Greetings Cards? " I - " Z;c.b,re,oln ��, Q," ,":; - , and lemon peels. Ours They are $,"oad to None. House For Sale -12 -roomed fram r f_ 4�,. good condition, Apply at The R . . tles citron peel at, � '.. , . . " 8?61-(tf I - . ii,0111111 I ... ..., .......... I B -C fice, pound . Help wanted. -Karn money weekly, growing 11 �)', . , WALNUT QUARTERS �, Mill, .; I � mushrooms for us, all winter, in waste cellar - �, 11 p,�­­ ... I pound ................. 45c spaces. ,Light, pleasant work for either sex. � _�'-', �', � I � a MARAS0,MN0 CHERRIES . Illustrated booklet free, Canadian Mushroom , " , A�N, , Q i I �, - ' We have them )again with . Company, Toronto. 32,86-1 � .,'� ,,� 11, �, ��.�4. " . I , 60C a Special Optical Notice. -Have your eyes ex- .. 1, I ,I 1pie Wonderful flavor, at ... * ' ; I ., , I I , - , ClIER ermined by our well known and painstaking 1,1 RIU&-Good , ': ... � I 11 � . specialivt, Mr. Hughson, formerly optical ex - I C. , I . . 01 - w,e*,. 'pound. ............... 45c pert for Kents, Toronto, and Henry Morgan SPONSORED BY & Co., Montreal. Over 80 years' experience; , � �': 1,rjW8L EXTRACTS - Regular 15c 1".. 1, �. . . �, 4"", - - lex, quays c, 2or years coming to Seaforth. You ..re as , *.: EFLOUR from all West- so ed of the best optical work to be obtained i . i, V . ,GltF,AT fti and at very moderate cost. We furnish all , F�, 1.. I I ern Wheat . ................. $2.75 eaff 6�� the late styles of mountings, the best make " KETTLE RENDERED LARD - We lnow . of the best makers, and our prices are from , . I at our toilet $4.00 up. Tuesday and Wednesday, December 111 I have what we believe to be the best �, L'.'., 9th and IM. -Beatties Fair, Seaforth. %,._ quality we have had in years. The goods counter. 8285-2 market is higher, but our 18C - price is still!, per pound ..... perfume counter People's Society -The Chris- .. � FRESH NHNOEMEAT,Df splen- 25c ALL at our pe 1,i did quality; 2 Pounds ....... C and see the new Seventeen! Young Pe . ]BLUE ROSE RICE Besides the perfume there's a tian Fellowship Department with Miss I a pounds .................. 25c Seventeen powder, and other de- R. Fennell convener, was responsible , for the excellent programme of the CLAAWS SOupS___JWe reconimend lightful toiletries. Young People's Society ,at North Side . 'as splendid rvalue at 3 cans for 25c "Mine, as though I'd had it United, Church on Tuesday -evening including Tomato, Vegetable, Cel- made to my, order," says Joan "The Story of the Other Wise Man'; may, Consomme, Scotch Broth, Mock Crawford of Seventeen Perfume. by Henry Van -Dyke was remarkably . � a -I had always told my friends that well ,presented, by Mise Wanille Say- . 'SOUP. some day I would make a perfume auge and is one which should make . BORDEN'S ST. CHARLES MILK is ... not simpering sweetness - - - a lasting impression. Mrs. W. P. . ideal for soups, creamed vegetables, but dash and zip ... oh, gay mod- Lane led in prayer. Scripture lesson . gaW dressings, rich desserts. Ws em. things! And then, one day, I was ,read by -Mrs. E. 111, Close. Mss . economical, too. Keeps perfectly found it.. . I didn't make it ... Mary Bamber delighted with a ,piano in unopened tin. Per tin ... .. 14C f . solo, "Gently Lord, BORDEN'S MALTED MILK C but Seventeen, is all I wanied it solo. A vocal 59 17 -DY -44 Gently Load Us.," was well rendered per tin .................... to be!" by 'Miss MargaTet Crich, Miss Rklen 0EMISTMAS -CAKES put up by . (lane accompanying on the piano, The iehri"s that can be steamed andto a by re- used for Christmiav puddings.... 29c Keating meeting was brought ng's Pharmacy peating the Mizpah -beneclose. diction. . SCOTCH. BREAD -4 for 25c (wed %"" (weight 0- I The Rexall Drug Store . IF. H. HutchisonAnnual Meeting of Ladies' Aid- SEAFORTH : ONT. The annual meeting and election of 'officers of the Ladies' Aid Society of Phone Phor Food -166 — Northside 'United C'hu'rch was held or THE HURON Tuesday, December 2nd, after a very EXP I OSITOR successful year with $1,025 in the . . = treasury. The officers for the ensu- "ing year are as follows: Honorary DISTRICT MATTERS president, Mrs. Isaac Hudson; presi- pe J. Dorsey - dent, Mrs. Alex. MvGavin; ist vice- - president, Mira. F, J. Burrows; 2nt I . Expositors Wanted. -This office -vice-president, ,Mrs. A. F. Cluff; re. Plumbing and . cording secretary, Mrs. Robert Areld. would, be'glad to purchase any copies bald- corresponding secretary, Mrs. E . 41 of The Expositor dated November 21st S. dhaprmn; treasurer, Mrs. Johr g, � and 28th. Our supply of these issues Finlayson; convenor of flower com. Tinsmithin . , is completely exhausted and we have mittee, •Mr,. J. McIntosh; convenor All work done in first- had many calls for additional copies. of visiting committee, Mrs. R. Frost - - --.*— convenor ,of property committee, Mrs class manner. J. Consitt; convenor of quilting com. . Goforth Mission Band. -The annual mittee,'M-Ts. ,G, T. Turnbull; convenor Phone 23 - SEAFORTH meeting of the Goforth, Mssion, Band of kite -hen committee, Mrs. A. Stark. ,of First Pbresbytea1an Church, was held -con ,Monday, December 1st. The .0. . secretary ,and treas,uredr gave full re- ' -0 <>- 0 <> 0 0 0 * -0 0 ,C* * ports of the year's -work. During the Egmondville Church Notes.-Th4 .0 . <> year the Band coritributed $88.57 to Egmondville 'Church Christmas con 0, .S. T. Holmes & Son <> Missions. 'Miss B. Smith compliment- eert will be -held on Friday evening 0 FUNERAL SERVICE <> ed and thanked the officers for their December 19th. following offi- The Y. P. S. conducted the servio OMain Street, Seaforth <> splendid wox,,k. The <> — 0 cers were elected for 1931: Presi- in the Egracrildville Church on Sunda! 0 S. T. Hresidence, <> dent, Harold Free; Vice President, evening, a most appropriate St. An <> Goderich Street, West; phone <> Dorothy Drover; Secretary, Edna drew'9 night. ,Miss Eiveleria Nott, vici 0 No. 119W. Charles Holmes' .0 Plant; Treasurer, .Donald McTavish; president, was in charge and she ww Captains, Alastair Wigg, Jim Elliott. ably supported1by her several assist , <> residence, Goderich Street, * ants. Miss Jean, Smith read the 0 East; phone No. 308. 0 -_ great Psalm of the Scottish folk, " <> Limousine Ambulance Service <> Will Lift Up Mine Eyes Unto th, <> Night calls, phone 308. OW. M. S. -Thursday afternoon, No- Hills." tAUsP Isabel Forrest and Mrs <> Day calls, ph -one 119J. -�> vernber 2 -7th, about fifty ladies, me -m- ' .0 Charges moderate. -C� bens of the W. M. S. of Nortliside, Helen Thompson. led in the prayer I 0 I <> United Church, spent a delightful af- The musical numbers were much ap <> <> 0 <> 0 <> <�o 0 0 <> 0 * ternoom at the -home of Mrs. R. Fer- preciated, a duet sung by the Misse guson, Sparling Street, it .being their Viola and Doreen ,Clark, and an in social meeting., 'Mrs. 'Robert Arebi- strumental. trio played by Miss Viole , Tyndall, Edwin Chesney and R . bald presided. diiring the programme 'S, consisted of hymns, readings by Tyndall. The addresses, "Scotland,' I 14surance Specials This given by Miss Jeanette Finnigan am V, Mrs. MeDerraid and Mrs. R. Savauge "St. Andrew" given by Miss Vern Automobile Accidents Cause Serious and ,an oral review of the new study Crozier, were (both of high order, The, book on Japan for the coming year by , k Financial Loss. Mrs. W. P. Lane. They were also setched-the pictu.ms of rugged lif� farvored by a pano solo by the and -religious livingas the backgrourti '. Your Ford, Chevrolet, Whippet for ScotlandPs national gretaitme"ss, am 4,_ Plymouth, Durant 4, Essex or Misses Ferguson. At the close of St. Andrew, -a practical, humble dis Pontiac covered for Fire, Tteft, the meeting refreshments were serv- ciple of Christ, the 1:indly rsher wh( Public Liability and Property ed. The collection amounted to over "-ought men and b,)y-, tr) the plan Damage for $23.00. Ordinary ten dollars. -0 11 ,� here. thev count see an,ci hear, mee Limits. and help Jesus. Special Reduction on Farmer's Cars. Christmas Mail. -Once again Christ- On Monday everting, Miss Alici Similar Low Rates for other Models'mas is alrdost here, and ,the. Post Of- Thompson and Edwin Che.-.ney "vo? Special Rates on Truck Cargo fi-ce Department is once more asking 'the finals in, the Oratorical Contest Cr Insurance. the pubIlic to help the service with its the Huron Presbytery Y. P. Union, it Protect yourself with a Special co-operation at this particular time the Ontario S-tapet(Church, Clinton. Accident Policy, $1,500, Princi- by observing the following sugges- The Communion service will be ob . pal Bum; $2'.00 per week in, tions -and, regulations: Parcels for served on Sunday morning in th, I demnity. Only $5.00 per year. the United Stgitesi axe subject to the Egm,ondville Church, On Friday eve Let us ,protect you. following rates: Parcels weighing 8 ning at eight o'clock, there will '6e 1 ounces or less, I cent per ounce; : par- service preparatory to the -gervice b: WATSON & RE]OD eels over 8 ,ounces, 14 cents a pound, Communion, at which the Rev. R. P with a special rate for parcels ,over Conner, B.A., Kippen, will preach. Specialists in all Lines of Insurance. 10 pounds and up to 15 pounds, the !Because of the anniversary service PHONE 33W : SEAFORTH, ONT. rate being $1.75 per parcel. Becaus,e which are being held in the Presbyter — of the tremendous congestion. of par- ian C-buyell, 'Seaforth, on Sunday, De cels for the United States, early cemW 7th, the evening service wil mailing to, ensure delivery' before be withdrawn at the Egniondviii, THE McKILLOP MUTUAL Christmas day, sliould.be the rule. For Church. . FIREINSURANCE CO,y. parcels weighing 8 ounces or lass, n The regular Young People's meet . invoice should be enclosed; for par- ing was -held on Tuesday evening an, eels wedgbing over 8 ounces, a cuss- opened with, -a ,brief worship period READ OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT. toms declaration, should be affixed. after which Miss -Mae Wallace led th 11, Parcels should, be strongly wrapped xtudy on "The Christ of Every Road OFFICERS: and if of any value should be insur- Miss Violet Tyndall, Messrs. R. Tyn ed. The insurance rate is very low dall and E. Chesney gave severs James Evans, Beechwood - President Q amply pratects the sender. The musical selectiorrs, which were muc' JamesjQonnolly, Goderich - Vice -Pres. Department suggelsts the following enjoyed. The meeting next Week wil D. F. McGregor, Seaforth - Eec.-Treas. mailing diates: December 10th -Yu- be in charge of the Missionary Vice I AGENTS: kon and, United' States; December President, ,Miss E. Nott. WE. Hinch-ley, Seaforth ,- John 15th, British Columbia; December 17, Murray, Egmendville; R. G. Jarmouth, Alberta, Sadkatch,Owaa, Manitoba and . . . SrodhagW, James Wtatt, Myth. the Maritimes; December 19th, On- LOCAL BRIEFS I tario, and, iuWbee; Demnbet 20th - I I . D%AECTORS: Lienal delivery. -C. P. Sills, PX Thee was skating at the Palac I I lwilftAlrr Rknn, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth; N& Rink on Tuesday afternio,on, whie I John Munewieg, Br6dhagen - James . creates a record, for early ice, Th its J3eeqhvvlood; James ,donnolly, Death of Mrs. W. S. Lawrence- reigular sicabing season will open a . 11 p, I...' I Sea- (Copied from an Ottawa Mer): Mrs'. the rink on, Friday evening. Thew ,, . I . . 14,1 beat S, ock; GeorgeW. S. Larwy-enlee, a well known reel- is a splendid, sheen of ice. ., � . I , , I dy, No 3 Seaforth- John deist of the Ottawa distrk% for some MT, and Mrs. J. G. (McMichael ar 1. 1-1 . , %&1d;' James ; , ye4rg, died Nwtnlber 8th, 1980, after spending e r t the borne , � .. .1 L ��, P . the winter a a me . I Tia %. �;K I a Unigering illnest;. She was In her tWy daughter in Detroit. .q . .z , ,!, �, . 70th year. Formerly Afin Elmira ,, . - "? 'I; , 11 Jog v; - . Mneja% 1�iends of , e� .1.11-, I . 1 .., Whitely wiev" the daughter of the gAad to learn, he - "I", I - � __ .," , "., " .". , , '�­­ ', , . �. ' � � � , late W%G; slid RebOMA 'WhitA17, Of recovering froln a oerious- attack o' � �:, I . �� 4�', , 1'� Tuckw0mith 11tron, 4Dounty, Ont. ,%be pneumonia. , I V.� ;-_' ,_� !Lj�.', I I ,,, .. �_,`_ , . I ,jlml�nia. . ?].111•,, 1 . I �11­111 I �, L LUXUR � *as UMW(1AeJ to the ,late Wiffiani S. 'Mr. John McLeod, of Deft%it, i ,,�,'­ ,L ,, ­ ­, t ga, , � 'i"L'�l . .. .... '��' ­­ . i'mee at Seutorth 4nd lived -ib spend,ing, a week with iridlids, in to*X "' "t";,". . - I " e , ,,, '.1 .1 I to the Ow tzw­ " .14 ­ . IL I _ml nty 9111WOn 00'attY Until fes, Vbeft 1§116 W. Mcleod, iw one of the; feW renl�xim ltled %F ddM# gra,. Wh4M& tier h0bat lie Who were present at the ArBit in sat 11 �om rdtivit 1 �61- 0'e. &611A1*M,d.V.4W,6Mft 10(f pirst ft;A%R�sft dhftl , �' % " -, yy sulm It 1* Il'o rwkv,hf 4, W,mi-U- gind ,hef ,myfto ov,pr to uttgnd-, til-e,'ft� ' OWM6 00�'�'rA*ftl*e 'WrY ' $40Y 1lU,Ai,V1-&MTy of ANt bloent I olftfa I I WC 06*ftft� 1&r husbnnd-�, hddi th14 Im %Am m, ,A,,,*,&v TiAv+i . ' , 7 V 04QW`466 4''tA 14 --^-- --­` — , '.. L, )11� '. , to* 44'" this, . . ��,�����.,�,,��,,���,,,",,,,,,.,��,,,,�!,i"�:�,,����,�;�:A,��"-�.,��,�;�". I. 11,��.�,;,­ , .;,,,,. ­�� �, ,.I,. 1'� %, , - . , ,,­, � I 11,1, �, �, " I . , �.,".j,�.��,, ,,,,, L, , , , ,,,, *, ,, , ' , - , _�j � " , . ,� ; ,� , " ,., � ,�,.! � � �� ; , , i, , , , , , . " & I ,,,± , v't,��i��,�� "i" .!, :", i��,,, , � '_'( , .!�, , �e";,� , � . 11 I I � L;­;�.'�-' ,", ; , ' , '� " ,,, � '� I �`ItP � - , . I I , L , I , , . I , . . I I , I ... � ! ,; I 1. � 1. �),, ' 4 . �, ":­. : "I , ill , "' , 111- I il C U, , I ... . , ?, 114i'OffAl U, its 6--.---�-- I Our Christmas Goods are now in I and on display. Come in and I look over the different lines be- fore you commence buying. We i have some Beautiful Gifts at Reasonable Prices. Not too early to pick out your Christmas Cards, while assortments are complete. I 9 : Tho'mpson S - 1300K STORE - - SEAFORTH Subscriptions taken for all magazines and papers at publisher's Prices. — , friends. Mr. J. C. ,Greig was in Toronto this week attending the funeral a his si,a- te4 .the late Pips. Joseph Clark. Miss M. H. Young is visiting with friends in, London, IMiss Leila Best, who has been, the guest of Mir. and Mrs. J. H. Best, re- turned to Toronto on Wednesday. Miss Olive ,LaidlaW, of Bostorl, is visiting at the, home of her mother, Mm. J. ,C. Laidlaw. ]Muss Jessie Bethune, who spent the sunitiner -at the home of her sister in Vernon, BJC., has returned to her home here for the 'winter. - Reeves Beattie, of Seaforth; Thomp- son, of Tuckersmith; 'Dodds, of Mle- Killop, ,and Arinstrour, of Hullett, are in Goderich this Week attending the December session of the County Council, The -many friends of Mrs. M. Lyn -ell, of Beechwood, who teas been seriously ill with pneumonia and under the care of Dr. H. a Ross, Will be glad, to learn that -she is making a satisfac- tory recovery. Mrs. Susanna Elgie, who has been The Frozen Faced Comedian I BUSTER lUEATON , I with ANITA PAGE, in Free and Eas . 01F He never smiles 'but you'll grin with a gurgle when, Buster, as business manager of a Nebraska beauty contest winner, crashes the studios of Holly- ' wood. I 't . There's no keeping up with the- , laughs, in this joy -jerked, tickle -tug- ged trip to entertainment town. I I DON'T MISS IT P I NOW PLAYING � . Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday ; . . NEIL HAMILTON WYNNE GIBSON ; -in- , . PORILDREN OF PLEASURF7', � I From the stage success. [I PI�IINC E SS . - I � . i I I . KEEP I I Thursday, December 18& ; %!J) OPEN FOR A PLAY, entitled "GO SLOW, MARY" . to be put on by the Young Peo- i ple of the Section at Roxboro School, S. S. No. 13. ! ADMISSION- 25c and 15c � L . The concert to start at 8 o'clock 6 ill WHY NOT 6 us s I � SPECIAL SALE TO -DAY?' i of - I I PEANUT CLUSTER 1 S 39C 1 for .............. ... . PEANUT TAFFIES 19C I for ................. 1 1 1 . Olympia Restaurant . SEAFORTH, ONT. Russel Dotrrance, Thomas 'McKay and 8286-tf I — Reduced Prices on all of our Ladies' Hats Now , I t . Andiflne.00, Ps . Bakery I OUR AIM' To Give the Lowest j Possible Prices, consistent with E Highest Quality. ,� , -1 LOOK OVER THESE GIFT q � p " . The home of Buttemilk Scones, I have you tried thern? Variety 3 of Breads improve, every meal. I Rung, Cake4, Pies and Cookies beautiful luncheon, always *n hand. ; SATURDAY SP9CIAL I 15C I APPLE CAKE ......... 1 (If " 01680.6 1,, Yi". o..t, b,a.n,, t.�e if, i , oft) 1 C1 .; ­ ; I gAqki* 11 "tell :6'',- '7I 11 err I I - 1. 1-�, I in the Statt MvAhovlal RoEipitall - , . I.. I ,'Al ,: ., "), (,4., -4 , , ais returned ,to Uoi friendis in Strait- GIFT 'i ...! , , , . , � 1'r �X'r ' ,.H , , - .. I I I , _. .. X& M. Drd. � THINGS, � ., , , .1 �.. I :1� , ' , SUITABLY . BOXED DUBLIN . . I 11. � � � , ,. . . l)'A ,][VER)K .1 I I . . I . I I � I . ER)K . I - .1 , � , I JwAr ". I . 0 I , h I �, I , � �, :-, , W I, - . FUR , , W •, � I , I .. I , . , �., , '. 6 4q_W M;a �, 4V �� _I Is", .- , Wisp Mary (Monnell is visiting IN la ,CT -1 - , , 0-4 W-1 mends in London', -C .1 . 1. I ;, 1 � " ' Miss Gertrude Mulligan, of Strat- omd, spent Sunday with her mother, " I Christmas irs. A. Mulligan. , Dr. WoCk*goT has moved his office -1 o M1ain, 'Street. . . .0. Suggestions . ELIMVILLE I . Mrs. Leonard O'Reilly is on the, slick - Reduced Prices I I I ) Ladies Coats Dresses Now est, on all and Mr. Wellington -Bell, of Detroit, vis- — I . . ted at ,his home last Week. Rev, Mr. Whitwides and, Mr. Leon- I trd, the Evangelists from Toronto, I we at Zion this week. They weave at Boxed Christmpus 7,31mville for the last,two wt The k Writing Cards neetings were fairly well aUend4 k ind we are sure that everyone who Paper and - Seals and, leard these wonderful sermons and gongs that they -have given each eve- Envelopes. I a Parcel Papet . ling, the people were, more than pl-eased. They intend Waving for To- . . — . ionto on 'Saturday. vejhe The funeral of the !late 'Mrs. Frank Davis, of Wlinchelstea, was held last � SELECT , 6 ill WHY NOT 6 us 9aturday. Intel -went wtas made in YOUR GIFTS0 START' Pit the Exeter 'Cemetery.EARLY -0 TO -DAY?' WINTHROP � .. . . , - " Mc- Those elected on Monday for M, I Direct from Furs manufacturer to you. i Killop Township ,are: Reeve, John An ideal gift to mother or daughter Furs Eckart; Councillors, John Campbell, Russel Dotrrance, Thomas 'McKay and ,. Joseph O'Rourke. Lt 'being a ,stormy day, a.very light vote was palled. We, Reduced Prices on all of our Ladies' Hats Now , think they will have to change the I I date again, as far as the weather is . , � , , I concerned, The heavy snow has stopped the MILANESE ,� , -1 LOOK OVER THESE GIFT q � p " . cars at present. ,Miss Lillian W$se, who spent.'the Finest lace trimmed .Jd 1 M.t�' - GESTIONS AND YOU WILL FWD I— week end with Miss Ethel McClure, Linens from which " MANY OF YOUR WHAT -TO -GI" returned to her home in EGoderich on I beautiful luncheon, . I...." Wnday. 'PROBLEMS Mx. and Mrs. Poster Bennett and bridge, buffet and A SOLVED I Mr. and- Mrs, Gordon 'Little and son, dresser sets can be I Jackie, called, .on. Mt. and Mis. Cveorge Eaton on Slundlay. made. 39c to $4.50. .0. 'A STYLISH HAT would surely please, I Bath Towel Sets "her." Selling here at Reduced MANLEY Towel a n d two prices now. Election day passed off quietly, ev- Wash Cloths neatly ery candidate working to win. The Weather kept the roads in a heavy the set 89c boxed, , . ,man 'conditiou, but in spite of all that a to $1.65. SILK HOSE make dandy gifts -75o to $2.00 heavy vote was polled and the -men a pair. were elected as it it had, been in wards, so that each corner of the Fancy Rayon Bed - HOLE -PROOF FULL FASHIONED township has a representative. Spreads HOSE --41.00 and $1.95. Mrrs.. Peter Eekart and her son., Joe, and Miss Catherine. O'Connorhavie re- Edges are scalloped RAINBOW SILK HOSE ­41,00 to $2 turned from a motor trip to Roches- and Overlock stitch. ter, N.Y., where they had been visiting friends. Sizes, 72 x 90, and . . We are pleased to learn that Mr. 80 X 100. P r i c, e s Wilfred O'Hara is improving in $3.95 to $8.35. � HANDKERCHIEFS - health. . The always acceptable dft--aes •0. STANLEY. Bath Towels here in immense assortments; . very reasonably priced,. Our Reeve, Mr. Art P. Keys, is at- Dozens of White . to 5e $1.00 SPECIAL -Boxed, 25c to $1.00. tending the 'December of the Turkish Bath Two or three in a box. County Gouncilat Goderich this"' k I I Towels. Fancy col-IMtss Annie Consitt, of Hensa,, spent the past week visiting at the ored ends in pink, I __ ­ .. . . home ,of Mr., and, Mrs. W. J.. Dowsun- blue gold, orchid I I - ­ "I On Saturday, November 29th, the marriage took plaice of Lorne D. Man- , and rainbow:each, y GLOVES-. . son, son, of the late John Manson, to 29c to $1.00. (Handisome boxes for them, took, Miss Edna Thompson. good suggestkon�-Kid, Silk'afnd and Mrs. (Samuel Thompson, of the O COThompson, <j, q, * <j> .0 O,a. Chamoisette, and the new Slip -ori second concession, Stan -ley, These are ,two of Stanley's popular young 0. PILLOW SLIPS 4' q> Plain, and Fancy Ir -.styles. . 50c to $3.50 people and we wish them ,a long and <.> 65c to $2.7-5 pair 0) SPECIAL --- Chamoisette, Gloves, Ftp - happy voyage through life. They will O. I 0 cy Slip-on style ............ 59P reside on, ther,;rosihen Line on the * NEW COATS (.> I farm of Mr. Peter Manslon. MT. Peter Manson and family inove, <C-> (A woman's delight O! ,8> $1,0.00 to $45.09 1�1 11.1 ____ this week to, Hensall ,where they in- tend to reside in future. Mr. Man- ,$> ' + - * PRL17TY DRESSES 1,0 SILK UNDERWEAR makes a sens- son Was born im- Stanley and has spent practically all his life On this same q, (,Host acceptable) 0' ,& $8.50 to $2.5.00 O able Gift, in the popular shades farm. Hphas been a isucceosful f4rm- q, ; � and sizes. Bloomers ..........59c to $1.75 erand be -and Mrs. Manson have been valued members of the oominurility, q, SPECIAL PRICES (P q, ON FURS 0. Vests .............59c to $1.Ur' also of the Blake congregation, where . ,,> FOR TRIMMING '�­ -Slips ............ $1.25 to 53Z0 Gowns .......... $1.25 to $4.8S they will be pouch iiiissed. The best ' wishes of their many friends follow them to their now h6me. , �4% .> . � * HAND' BAGS O Pyjawas ......... $240 to $4-% Koolie Coats, Special .... �$&50 -Miss Florence Hayter, of Flint, <.> $1.00 ,to $5.50- .0 q, . v Michigan, -spent a few days at the home of her parents, 1&. and' Mrs, p Silk Neck Scarfs ,^--, q, 75c to $4.00 0. HEARTH RUGS OR MATS - Harry Ulayter. ,Mr. Tom Reid entertained a number - These make attractive Christmas of his friends to a fowl supper on ' Down ComfortereMother. 'Gifts for the home and would es- Saturday evening. A very pleasant evening was spent as Tom makes a A gift$1.49 to $11.50 splendid host• thrill of delight, I - -0. - Special: $8.50 and t- '. " t, 7 NECKWEAR ALWAYS PLEASF,S----4 CROMARTY $10.00. , "" I #1 There is -no woman who can,1p b I The heavy fall of snow, followed by rain, Was very welcome in this ' Don't Forget Baby too many dainty neckwear p,1600 ,and you are Wre to give an lie - part ,of the neighborhood' as a great Hk andmade nitt A wide e price range ible gift if it isneckwear. here, many are very short of *ate -r, Quite a -number of wells we, dry at present, and crochet things: � I . 50c to $3.50 some places being very serious is Jackets, Bonnets, the creeks also are very low. Caps, Bootees, I r - - ,, Mrs. Kenneth and Donald M,K,- lar are spending a week at Niagara fantees, Shods, Etc. A SWEATER FOR HER- . visiting the latter's daughter, Mrs. 50C to $2.75. ,Here you will find 4nhny different Carl Weitzman, nee Miss Mary Mc- styles and colors -all, excelleoft Kellar. made. Whaft's, nicer for a Christ - Mr. John, 'Hoggarth- had, the mieor- tune, while going ,home from the mill. Chinese and Euro- mas gift? $1.49 to $1.56 on Saturday, ley accidentally falling pean - Brass i . 1�. --' --- -_ - I .. off ,the wagon on which was a load of Novdties I 11 1. chop, the wagon passing over his arm. We understand, no bones were bi:o,k- Wall Placquesp Ash UMBRELLAS MAKE FINE GIFT&4 en. I Trays, Candle The lucky recipient of a Maa4 Wt. and Mrs. James 'Sco'tt motored to Toronto the beginning of the week Sticks, Trays, Cake Tavish Umbrella is equipped for "a rainy day"; black and colors. to visit with friends, also, atteuding Baskets, Fern Pots, 1 $1.75 to $5.06 the Royal Fair.� Congole Sets, Ci,gar- The funetail of Mr. Thomas, me- Curdy, ,of Thames, Road-, passed ette Cases, Etc. WHY NOT BUY TABLE LINEN through here on Friday, interment be- - ing made inStaffa, cemetery. Successful Anuilrdrsary Serdceo.- French Tapestries FOR THE HOME- I I The f ovA supper held- on the Is Lb, fol- Table Mats, Run. or a Linen Breakfast Set, or A, lowing the induction of the new titin -Linen ister, was -largely attended and a do- le'rs, Cushions, Etc. Bridge Set? Or a piece of Fancy Linen? Or a Lua& )oid,W sde;cessi L*ga rerow& were 85c to $3.50. Cloth, Centrepiece, Doylie or, present. The, services on Sunday,I . ­ Dre%�;er,Searf? W-hynot? , both morning and eveming, were well attended, Mr. Rogers, the new minis- Bed Comforter. -, ____. ter, co,riducting Sboth services. 'rho Blankets - - - - .' AND THE SE FOR, HIM- . con- programme on, Tuesday evening con- sisted of a n&44, 4uaftettq� from . Cotton sM AII.Wol I I Necktie, No& Scarf, F a n e V, Liatowel and oth& C&iit, Mr. M1,11 gnd �rith viark at. . - .Nodko, Shirtsp, Gloves, Underwolw, violi-Aist- Air. $90ug.ei read t' -'i4%** T. 'tractive color toies. - 8h9pW,6i%, RwridkeTch1gs, , P3�. ; ,�; it 111amiltaii, soloist,, Mr. L. aknil- ,Vvko I Jana% tali,. soloist end .6&6r-'t81�'n1t1 $1.98 to $9,25. � . I gave an ea-04�i6fititiad vealed program, . 11 ., I . . I . . Iblivo. !gimp of 84-0otthe, ghadot, of A, ; . � Vn?VX,, ..of � Thames Road, . t�'( -,bfft,ght I - ­ I I . I , I 1;.A& I I . , ... ", �` . 1. : ,• � "T ."'6 ". V alft, - .. I itiftifu gteot. , " , L . d, ''old 6h.1' 1. . � '&,46nt A wta, f - ­ , ,­ � .4 W*61,66ni6i 16t, Out At* ... I � - 1.1mlaV_ .11. , , , " , - .. 'AAC.., .: 1 I i- I '"' I I 9" .4 0 0 "' , I I I .A I.. I .­­ . ... . 11 ­,"'.. -1 . I I , , '­ ONT=O , , '. - " �. f. 14 ,� ^ , '' � , . , I .4, - 1�, _­­ , , " , . ,,, : ,�' � , � ''. - ., I , ,.,I ., � , !� _­""i��,,,'_. - I � .. , � . I . I 11� - I � I . �1 I � I I I � �,�.,,,,. ", , 'I., I "I , , .�. , '101.1, I" ,�'. "''. 11, ., , I i_, . : . I , . I . I .. I. I I �. I � . � , I � . - . , �. . . I . f . . . 'W'. , .­.�,% ........ 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