HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1930-11-14, Page 1r4P, 1,d z (l:r a t, n - g r v, x¢ ht-,µ i .., u, ` •' t rlA9 -',t r •'p fah : tt ,1. i 4i '«I�.PI 1 1 k p d, i n ae- ,r h ;5i 7 +J. E5 t _. ii a 4r�D-ryb +� t'+4' �I, e�a�P4`� l+�kui,�e F. 11 i.,y, 1 K'�1 *! •v RYIN AR'rll*7°lRfl MM7f ` ,: ,?Til G, 1i, d I I '"' yz4,A s. .� i p,'.`'�1 4 r t r! t a , t�, t1¢ 7 .... ,C JJ .: iil't iI .,^y icy.:. :�'%''` r';., �'�r4"'• rl aiS v',i ' „L',; f.Et �f'';� o,r•R��r+YA 'B �11. ,R",+try Hur rqc� anh rh4'' }' kyr c) #i �y)r'rlt : 7 1c7 A• _ k 1,�� v • �l'e� I'llt� a g ' , : .y LfL '..r, f h K i f� 3'k'7.�' e a !{,Fk; ,'i Sr 2, , L �' ' �. ii,t r t r :,�y... -11 •� ,04 �'` 7�I, $• e". ' ' p�I 2't49 • : r°, : 4r'�b 3 i• ld „ , " , )1i tk. l ,,. r{%. q . + hr ,t .1 ��� + ,y't �r , �' r� v�j si,�1. �� �, ry}� int h1 s ^?t'Ilfit, r _ 1. td. t' f i Ne ,, fy'�.;,��,.11 tr,. �r N' .' .?., I'll, 1' 1`. 1 J] ,, b '''+tt r ,'n d „4 , :f i1 i -y4r 1 , ,. l u' j'1pP MAIN ; y? 1. - 1 h d i R ;'s , 11 yr`i: Pyr r , . } '; �• y., T : I A� . a a Fi a34�gg7llty- rgt Year `° 11p Lip • -.� l liv a Number '32$3 � t . SEA VOR T��la� I r, � GRIEVE ACQUITTED saeHe denied telling Constable uisl ed 'between the seriousness of Whiteside and' County Consta'b'le i criminal negligence and .•manslaughter Woslh, of Seafostk, on July 7th that: although the sante principles applied, `,,f WITNESSES ARRESTED ,"Tbe, driver was William Grieve and he said. However, in' criminal negld- ho,;seemed' :ho be intoxicated." gene there was no malice af8re- E' ,0rpwn 'Cwunse,l "Then you deny thought. 'Witnesses who, in his opin,- ('Frpm Goderich Signal) that you, said' that to the constables ion, were not .to be believed were y. "Not guiilty," was the verdict re- on July' 7th.?" named by His Lordship, :who said turned by the fall asslize jury Wed- 'Wlitness "Yes, I deny 'I said that there was a commontaw obligation nesday evening in the''ease of William to ,the constables." devolving upon every 'citizen to .avoid T. Grieve, charged with criminal neg- Ewart Young, also of Walton, and perjury tp others' and' that anyone who liigerrige. The trial lasted from 9.3'0 Clar'k'scompanion when the fatter attempted to drive a motor car while e -m. to 5.45 ,p.m,, but the jury defib- talked to Grieve, told a different intoxicated was not only breaking crated only twenty minutes befbam sbary. ,He ♦s'a'id accus!ed's answers to one, 'but several Taw's, and when found reaching its veraiet. Five minutes questions were unsatisfactory "and. I guilty of either a major or minor Of - after they retired .th'ey inquired o£ was suspicious he was drunk'." fence must be .prepared to take the X. T. Justice Logie if .they were re- . Provincial; Constable Whiteside gavre. consequences for his foolhardiness quised to ,give reasons for their ver- his evidence from reports he had com-• and negligence. -dict and were; Informed- that they piled following i'n'v'es'tigations made were not. on July 5th and Tlbh,. He quoted I'll mush say that I cannot find any Staples as, saying 'both men (Grieve OATS AT 15e A BUSHEL great fault with your verdict. You and Kelly) were intoxicated. He had would have, ,to 'go a long way to find smelt liquor and, they acted. strangely. _ the prisoner (guilty;" His Lo,dslhip On July 7th Constafble whiteside in- ' By Bd1 Fowl in Beaches Gazette said. The jury was polled and the terviewed 'Staples, In company with Wisoner walked out of the box a Constable Welsh when witness is al- ' Oats 15c a bushel' is ,best explained free' leged to have 'said: I saw no liquor to city -readers ahs follows: A fair His Lordship refused to, grant bail but I could tell they had. been drink- price for oats under ordinary condi- r to 014un -Staples, land A*m- Chir'k;, ing." tions is 60c as bushel. Then 15c is Crown witftesses, whom he ordered ar- On the morning of the accident in but a quarter of 60c. The farmer's re&pd? during :the trial. Mi. Cock- Wingham hospital the officer stated wages are ,thus cut 750 per cent. How b, Hays„ their solicitor, was ready accused' had (said' he had bean drink- . long would city mechanics and artis- ww `bondsmen, but Justice Logic ing at various homes and 'with John ,,,, stand for such a cut in wages? sI .l he would reserve his decision un- Staples on 'the roadside when he pull- How long? til;, Saturday, November 8th. He said ed up alongside -thee road' grader. Monday ;morning last I talked with bio`*ould give his decision by tele- Grieve, he said, had' taken whole re- a Western On'tari'o editor in his news - r graroo fixing bail, if any. The, pria- spongbihtyb ,but the following Satur- paper ,shop. On the streets of that ovensI were taken by officers to the day, in company- of himself and 'Don- town I 'had' heard, that farmers were oountby jadd. 41 , . s'ta'ble Welsh, Grieve refused to talk ,offered 15c a bushel for their oats. To at first, although he was not under confirm it . take, it out of the rum - Se'ns'ational developments Wednes- -arrest, 'Later Grieve said Curtin or class, I asked the editor if it were "slay featured, the trial of William T. m'u'st have been, on the wrong side of ,true. Lt was truer. It could -.be easily j Grieve, charged with criminal negli- the road and that if he :cad &add confirmed by questioning grain buy- - gemce at the fall assizes Two Crown Staple's was drinking alongside the ers and U,F,O.''s. y , witnesses, .John Staples, of Wroxeter, road grader it wasn't right. There The we, -k end' I passed, through and Alex. Clark of Walton when re- was no liquor drunk at that time, he , , what is .beyond. question. the best gess was :taken for lunch, were order- said. agricultural di'stri'ct of NorthAmerica ed- arrested by Mr. Jus'ti'ce Lo'gie on Constable Whiteside also testidied =Productive Western Ontario. Coun- „- the o'liarge of wilful and -corrupt per- that during the examination of Alex. ties land . tbeir :townships' than have jury. They were immediately placed Clark, who said 'accused "seemed to given to the world' its 'best cattle, in custody. Art the conclusion of theirs be intoxicated," Clark was waiiired by , horses,; sheep and swine -and men, to e,&dence each, had been ordered re- ,his('Caarks) father several times not mention but two, a Saunde'rs,and, an >tainetd in the court roam by His Lord- to say -what♦ he had said. Zavitz. Men -.who have increased sh'ig They 'had' just told the court The evidence of County Constable grain output in my time 100 per cent. - =dear oath 'that -they had not said, Welsh, who was .on the scene shortly -on the same land] acreage, +when questioned by ,poEce, officers, after the accident butt not before -the , `My 'grandfather was a pioneer.'. . that the 'accused was intoxicated a removal of the injured men, corrobor- Walked, into the apparently impene- few hours) previous to the motor acei- aced that of Constable Whiteside, tratable forest with an axe swung dent in which Kelly received fatal in- James Curtin, eotitra'ctoT, driver, of from :his ,shoulders. 'He and others I juries, one of the two cars which figured in may never have known what an axe The accident out of which the the accident, 'admitted drinking two really was. But there was the bush change aroaee, occurred on July 5th glasses ,of wine and a drink of Whig- land. To feed 'thenvsehves and fami- lhst while Grieve, a resident of De- k'e'y 'prior ,to 11 o'clock on ,the might• ilie,s ,the bush nits, be removed. 'So troth, was paying a visit to his native preceding the fatal crash' and tol(T of the ,axe 'rang and the forest' giants township, HeK!'illop, and neighboring arising at 3 o'clock next morning totumbled and were converted, into halb- naunicipal'ities. Accompanied ,by his drive_testades to cut some hay. Cur- itati'on, log , ignities. Handfuls of uncle, the late George Kelly, Morris tin 'said he did not see the lights) of wheat and oats were sown between township, lie went to ''Stratford on either the Grieve car or the grader, the stumps and 'harrowed in with tops July 4th, when Kelly purchased four Neither did he hear anything. The _ tsh4-of these giants of the for quarts of spirits. That evening they first .he knew was when, he "came to" est. Their 'Sons and daughters learn - made several visits bo former friends' an 'the road. He ,said the accident ed how to work grands'o'ns' and of Grieve's. At 4 a.m. the following was' a complete mystery to him. He daughters, too, of these pioneers -to, vio ing the car in which they were denied that he still felt the effects of swing 'an ,axe, to cradle, -bind and stook riding, allegedly driven by Grieve, his previous night's drinking or that vhe,at and ,sats. But oats in those crashed' w tri. an automobile driyen he might have dozed at the wheel drays never sold: for 15 cents) a 'bush-' by James Curtin, two, miles south of Other witnesses were Roy Patter- el. Our mothers and sisters spun 'Walton on the North Road, all three son, county engineer, ,who submitted flax and wool and wove them into being taken to Wingham hospital„ a -blueprint of the scene of the acci- cloth--thodden gray as rough' as a where Kelly died' on the onerating dent and, testified the road was in burr on our tender skins. But they table from a ruptured spleen, He good condition all summer; also Dr. were warm had also sustained a triple* fracture of McRae, of Brussels, who described the Many Farmers Unable to Pay Their the jaw. The Grown charged the ac- injuries of the three men. He stated Taxes. cideait was due to negRgence driving that while on the operating table hav- Sunday I snood in my 'bro'ther's barn ,of accused• ing his fractured jaw wired MT- adhnirring eight head of horses --three The prosecution• rested its case al- Kellly's heart had stopped beating Grattan,♦, five Clydes. On that farm most wholly on the allegation that three times. Twice stimulants and of 107 acres are forty head of cattle, Grieve was intoxicated ons the morn- artificial respiration were successful ,� bogs -but no sheep DoT automoviles. ing of the accident, but the evidence in restoring the 'heartbeat, rho', opera- The 'sheep are non-existent because of on this point was highly contradictory. tion .being -proceeded with. A post- fences. Automobiles none, because John) Staples, operator on the n'ig'ht mortem performed by Dr. Connell, of Jack says'': "Those darn things keep obifit of a county road grader, had Lucknow, later showed a ruptured a man poor!" Jack is right 'And come; upon accused and the late Mr. pelvd,s was the cause of death. Dr. 15, a bushel oats will not buy much K'M ire the early morning of the McRae assisted Dr. Colboime, of gasolive, non pay the demand of lien n fata]Gty. He knew both men inti- Wingham, in charge of the operation, notes• mately and was in their company, un- Thebe were several exchanges be- "A lot of farmers will not be able til a few minutes before the crash. tween Justice Logie 'and medical wit- to pay their towilis,ip taxes," said The starter on Grieve's car had jam- nesse,ss, whom 'His Lordship changed Jack. ,He -knows, for he is a munim- med, witness said, and, he attempted, with hedging on questions put on the pal official. Just figure ,.how many u.nsuccessfullyl, to get the car started. degree of intoxication of the injured bushe'l's of oats at 15c a bushel it will He returned to his, grader and had men.take to pay $120 taxes. I figure 800 proceeded only a few roils' when the Oneof the doctors said: "Accused ,bushel's -50 bushels to the acre the Gr%ve�% car passed him, on its right wasn't as bright as he is to -day, but product of 16 acres. side' -of the road, only to crash into answered ,the questions I asked. I (Forty years ago 1010 ,bushels of the' -Curtin autom'o'bile coming in the , duld not say he was intoxicated. oats at 25c a bushel would, have paid opposite direction, a short distance up Justice Logie--"Th'at is not an an- the tax on a hundred acres in that the road- Staples swore Grieve and srwer. You were asked• for an opinion game banner towns,,,p. But you say, Kelly were sober and Kelly was in as to accused�.s ,obriety on the morn- look at the good roads. Huron coun- ithe diriveTIs (seat when he left Grieves ing of the accident. ty -had good gravel) roads since 1854. czar ;'after hel'pin'g to shave it off the Witness -"My opinion was that The Scotch .pioneers' of that early day travelled portion of then road. he had, been out doing some drink- bonded the county for $250,000 and "+Did' you not ,tell Provincial Con- ing." built roads. Long-headed' Scotchmianl sr stable Whdte'side, 11 saw no liquor but Judge -"Your duty is not to salve Highway No. 8, Hn,ghway No. 4, and I couad tell that the others (Grieve, or smooth over the nasty points of the Bluewater Highway cross Huron belly and Reid) had been drinking? this 'case just because questions may County. And the, farmer pays 800 1 Wiitness•-,"I did not." be embarrassing to yourself and the bushels of oats now, where 100 bush- Justice Logie--"I warn you, wit- answers to the 'ne'oplle in the country." els paid his taxes' before the automro- , tress, that there is gulch a thing as Mr. and Mrs. John Cuthill, who oc perjury. I do not like the efiflorts cu'py the old Grieves' homestead on hilae ,arrived,. Jack pays for the Bre 'highways although he does not sawn that are being made to cove: ap the the 10th concession of McKillop, were an automobile. "The darn things faets'of this case. There is, too ,Duch also Crown, wiltnesses. They told of keep 'a man poor!" ,perjury in our courts." Grieve and- Kelly coming to their ,Crown Prosecutor McIntosh. -"Did borne about 9 o'clock on the night New Zealand Butter and Ontario you tell Whiteside that you smelled before the accident. While there a Automobiles. liquor and that they acted hke intox- fire 'started ,in the uphol'steTy of icated, men. Whiteside slays you did." Grieve's car, presumably from a match We ,sold New Zealand six million Witness -"I contradict him and I or 'clirgarette. It was, extinguished dollars' worth ,of 'au'tom'obiles -and,' know ,no reason why the constable with, a pail of water ,b>o,ight hurried- New Zealand, paid for ,them with bu't- shoaldl pu't that in his re,port." 1'y from' .the house. Grieve asked to ter. That island's government sub - Justice Logie-"Now we know be shown through the old homo. He sidized' export 'butter 10 cents a pound where y'ou stand•" was taken through the downstairs by You could 'buy New Zealand' buttei Sfiiaples :gave a minute account of Mss, Cuthilland the upstairs by Mr• cheaper in Oan'ada than the house - he found when, he left his grad- Cuthill. wide could ,buy it in that country. Ii cr abd ran to the `s'cen'e of the, crash. "He had, some `liquor in him," said was "dumping" with a vengeance Curtin was pinned under his car. Mr. Cmtbipl, of Grieve. `aHli:s talk was The Ontario farrier got 34c a poun,c Grieve was weaning around and Kelly as usual ,but fins gait wag not normal. for hip butter fat, and a pound of ` was not in sight. .The cars were bad- He wanted me to advance some money butiber fat will make, a pound anc 1'y. smashed .up, He and Nelson Reid, ,on the, mortgage. I didn't see any one-fifth of a pound of 'butte: that i�, his cempanion ,on the grader, pulled drinld hZ I did see- a ,parcel in ,the sold over the counters of Toronto Curtin; from under the eater In an un- back"sedt•,of the car, but I could not Which means that the New Zealander \ Conscious condition and while• doing so, shay what was in it. I smelt liquor gat 441e a pound• for his butter far KeR ' walked up. His, face) cvas `,rad- off "Gzieve% breath. I would say both while the Canadian received 34 cents ly swollen. ,Staples went to a farm- iii,6i. were inttowicated!' Who paid for the automobiles? Talc Mouse and phoned Dr. ';Thoma"s McRae, lit. 'Cu'tbill said, she felt nervous NewZealander or the 'Canadian? Oma of (':brussels, who responded and re- aft A,owing Grieve through the thing is certain, the Ontario aulbo moved the Injured .bo Whng'ham in his lower%`portnon of the house. Ile acted mobile maker received the ext>ri automobile, t1'g'oLV" .talked much and Vried a change, Band l the , -Canadian `acme' Ari the eonehudon of hn;a~'.evldbnee 1�d,;s�1e, 'said. I never saw a drunk, paid it. Those darn things' will keel Steeples' was ordered by ?his Lordship tw3,ran, iib:_xii�±,.life, `bot in my estimation' a men poor'" says Jack not to, leave the Alexau&r. ,Clark,ua y'6ualg ''W0,11DOU t vt tafnd ',tis spec hg and--nead'iiihgsus los? One thing iscsuuv -lien, was also retained ` eott>Ct iUinci• xt, oix t.;.�lle must be something unless others come down in thea- prk the ,bonne] ali'on "off ''.6 •� Ivonxgh -it wall quite nice of es, the fa.•rmer will, go broke. ordered arczesd at - I L could, a ".,ti� L**.,,, ' to see +;-'iron the old have selected *abs. con d W eevidem'Ce. IiIie said his ea brad "� 8'h Men struck ib an e*'1 0ir>' 'teller;*ed, to l% �. !lull 'Jie Itiv'as ftised." easily have taken other grain, I e iit.:IiVibcffi titre : etc 0g;fi�4i' o X, a'id iitot ors ,arras, etc. �Ilie only (bhangs that ar be that of ''rt. .. D , ,..., t,. �„ r.,r - ,.'.: :.. •, y, ... .� ' - 'haldn t at t ' . s. to ,,well,y mr ng hent own preteen for bh ��ide n, Ted. �;�iitid r,'n � .� e tl ert�Yuk, i5rvtuaw;tt� btu. �► ,. � � <r t.. „ , ;•"' a e went y the fromet are Sia arid- e .. ' ii<a<I' tt " .,t�Tn,� .�,� - � fid: �� .. �„ � .., to � eggs. grave ,h'se a , .. a. bUlt : each ahs y t�a �► ,' 1w` ux ": apt I Ali . , t••., r tre,chlalrga of Some who in, swivil cllaits an' iia 11e d;`.G!shi::1J', w!ssiii,•IJfrgto. h-•oirxlsQiup• clIkt6mlg- dnarov ,down bhousamds crf'dailars yeraY %­..,Ielll r. ,11, .. - IVVE1V,I IRR 1.4, MO .• ', • .i I 't: ,• 11 11 1 At A` .. :,.. ," 5:„ xJ . S"' S.,d� ? n w r oe tri n'�t, g' :Er6 7 ^"vi "ai, ' 7� .55' *u s• , i; saints and were all, cle. ned and ew nc s. Four '3 �:.. " �� �k ' y� l '� ,. "; sanitary a Cfl Il?R1Kkf<kts ♦tea v�r�la ; �' + n. a aY<�'o •,klk4 t ,• ,^ Bared for •p4'aying before the bogs tso'T,ecelyed a co mn2s$?on an.tea ;t>.t ,a :,hk . ;,21. ,F1i 4, jn I.. . : l, Berkshire r •. , , •'. -, •`f a 9. ^ 1)!'y� r art' Bruen ,lean kshrreieglmL'IAt. vi*as.,al,? 1 ''; ,tl ;; A , X1;4':+. ,r „ iw, it r, 1 oO)iq ���, • . r. t r a. . . Yr rlr.�..7.n P.. P,h,.? J.. Q 1B tM Z -rEand tuitaon. classes `are held on' inesM gimme -late' sfez ed c? `.' , d y r4 �., �� €la.+z , ` Monday and ua,mr�da ev�nin s fxom. Fr nce a .d • s , -i t O i ts. G� e. 9 g a, . n. %ted .n.,o 1►e_,. $ end ,a „i # . ■y x, 1 e. S' .y :� • * •. .- ,5. . r, � .- 1 .....'. ,Y Yf hi i. ,,, :.,3 +1G di•Y. n�* 7.3t) to 8.30 did does eat rn-erfexe m In the, Y s - as:•, �, ':Dir :1 , t, Ja pre ellen,. : v ... za Ry'e t';!110T i 2. `ddk , { �;NA .,,.^ i,, tlr.,the s di DoT a Jr 1:1. .. ,s t„ "Q.�t , „..�1 ;i bo .stn ee s .sell; at . 1 a . d c y , on IZil 60 n they on.'r a e . n � e ,Pani�ik `jiliedr..b � ; T � r,... , Pla I -(� ©© l :sue , o,a �F, ' r#/r ea doss not attend school. , t r . •.. z f .. . . p 0 7 Tres, and took part an z►arnor 2 � 'ter, 'l fs rxie* ' yty, x �5 :°.n , > t f , 11'. 11l4'F tom'` . d/. '�+i';tt ,y.'41`..1�4`,�'. mx,, , , Associations nn band' room is of a gagements of Le Glieir,'Pl'oeg, Stedrt' West n 5a ''A r u,,t 1rs, to „,•,.t+, r i a3,; high standard, if to any ,boy. and' St. Ives: In July, 191 , ��n!: -Gl►arles •.�a .. ': n , °fit M. �c ; i � s; ��� 5� „� ��#�}�! . , .,a B'a'nd instruments can 'be purchased art o the F w' ra+g#r' ''.,t-`_ P P f e tench front abaxnax>e- .the week crit'' nth �elatb e r y �� ; e: local' from 'Mrs. Pec A. Westcot + dei. �� B01,I , Y k, t, eoit'Wood was taken ever, Lieu. C�;l Mm, Allan Jo o` , , hT7S, , ;'l` Qr . ?]S _.,a�:, kb r ; °w J: F. Daly, C. Aberhart and H. C. der was appointed' intelligence officer' `the holiday' .a2 ,hrs ihoiirte :,r , ' `. . Box •and .at a reeson:alrle margin of to the battalion. Attia,Aed to the The Wort Elad .Beef Ra exewall ol+[I i a ° la .19, . , a .:..• y.. rofit b j to hem. Can an ,one _ a ne i . ,a, F Z' Y m Staff at Baee Head charters from their aim �� o Rea rr>r.affs q cal` kwslnes` rxrtityg at ,{�r,,.,,,. '' •: r . men are ,interested in organizing August to November, 1915, he then home of Mx. Fred Pe xI , o ; r ?�`-nes la: " f , a . band in 'Seaforth far the welfare re oined his unit and sent the wan, .evenin next, All err: ='':rt anal..: Ce><l>< s• En- , j p g ire . � :� ,�Ka, ,' , , of Seaforth„ and not making a long ter in idle trenches, In one of the''gnestte. I to;::-:tbe � present or autb,RinZ� -1 A.,", �" the y F1'rEproof profit in their sales. Apparently many raids that broke the monotony some member to settle their activuid - "�%" b some Lions, 191Mf g 'them the benefit of trench warfare, Lieut. Calder and for their); `and av�oad' a fine.:' ` � ,� 144 what isof the that ,on intSeaforth,gdo not kna9 a lance -Corporal were cut off by a' Mrs. Carey and MT. and Mrs Fxarlc .1 ` ' j 7 (* goi g nd ar art of Germans and oil escaped Dunn, of ,Goderich .were Sunday ,via E , ;rf, N. CL lJ ��, JoNS like he little school age bods, who under cover of darkness. Lieut. Cale ;tors at the home of T. J. Richardison „ 5 readily takes to the instruments, or der was appointed second' in command Wiss Erma Broadf rot spent .08, =` ,c , --- that which looks like a shining af- of his Company, and, during a san-- ThanUs'grvin'g holiday at her home 3x>i ,, ly far that wearisome occupation may fair, Should realize that their efforts Biliary action at Iiebuterne in May, Tuekersmith.I .1S read dills and yawn 11 are not in 'lime. 1916„ the full command. devalued up. Mr. Saint Broadfoot, of 'Landon, was �* For those 'whom your paper report- on hien. In the course of this • fight a guest at the frame .af his rem is You can wale'- Earle stock, and 3flie� pa o,1111111 s will benefit, bivt the: Yarmer Canna, as ,being behind the new arganaza- he was twice buried by high explosive 'Mm. and .'NIre. W. S. '$roadat, h tion, -sanely, Mayor Parke Lion Pres- shells, and aftei'v>ttardg affelcted by Mrs. Robert Charters,, of the Mall 's throw ,buckets of water. stock se- ;dent Barber Lion Secretary Craw- gas. As a result he was removed' to Road is spending a Eery. days, at tliq curidues-­cut melons if you like -and ford' and Lion Ballantyne, the follow- hospital at Rouen, and later evacuat- home of ,her son, MhTry, ef' ::Seaigrth: j pass it out to a gullible public. No ing is fox your ,information. ed home to Aberdeen. 'Ws. A. Nicholson lass beers con= A chance. ,� Mayor Parke is not billed this new "During this period he was minister fined to her ,bed on aec:ount of a tea! ,Said Jack Ito his wife, Well, Jen- organization. The above Lion'mem,- of the char a at Brodick and while bad cold but .her many friends are ':. uie, they carnet •starve is, outs" bers are, but the Icons Gab, is not. at home he sent in his resignation. In glad to hear she is .getting along But t hey can starve. out . swivel Why ,these members should -be behind July, 1916, 'he visited' Clachan, gin- nicely: c'h'air artists. There 1,S biro much wn- such a move, one cannot understand tyre, to recuperate, and took charge `Miss Nellie Stow, Mr. •Douglas Neil ter in the inflated' stw'eki .bo feed. on. Ribs vvclll stick out. , �'au'cannvt keep for the reason; that it is advocating of the vacant Free Church pujpit and Miss Eula Fipple, all of"brant11 - Chem dn�-and stock certificate --,a'i'ds buying out ,of town, which the Lions there pending lies recall to bhe colors. ford-, spent the holiday at the home. Club had a great advertising feature His preaching and personality made of the latter's parents, Mar, ani' Mrs. > are made of spruce wood rags and a about last year. such ,an impression on the Free D. G. Pa le. 'l' little sulphur --ands 'a heti of a lot of It is 'purchasing from men, Who Church le at 'Clachan• that de- iMfiss Ma Margaret McLean has, been water. How would, you: like stewed °p ' g shock certirfi�cstes military obligations, for-ditiner? were selling intruments without the spite his they moved from the Scott Memorial Hiosr-11 necessary license, nor did they maker pressed him to become their minister pital to her 'home in Tuokersmith. Al application for a hawker's and ped- and he was ordained during special her friends and neighbors are glad: lar% license, which is $10 a flay, but .leave in 'May, .1917. A few days tat- to .hear ,of her 'being able to be home' RE THE BOY( AND were called before the Chief of Po- er Mr, 'Calder was transferred from again. lice. the combatantranks to the Chaplains' Mrs. ,G. R. NkCartney is in vers 11 Dear Expositor: k. At present there are the Mayor's Department with the rank of Captain. poor health and, is under 'the do-ator's* son and five sons of Lrion memlbers He returned to France and served as care. In your issue of Novdmber 7th, re who are in the young ,band of the Chaplain with the Camerons and Visitors at 'bhe home of Andrew - "The Organization of ,the Seaforth town. The young band taking in- Argylls. Thereafter he was trans- Kirk over the week end were: Mr.. Boys' Band Nearing Completion," is struction 'cons'ists of twenty-three ferred to the ,Salonica Force. 'Re- and Mrs. J. D. 'Beecroft and_childiren, well worth reading, -andilt is, still bet- boys and if any one has any questions' turning home, he was attached to the of Wingham; Miss Ohlene Faulkner, of ter, for the readers to -know a little p gr g , go to Black Watch in England. Demobiliz- Detroit; Oliver H,. Kirk, of Birming- ,, about bhe , ro ess 'bele made more about it. The a +bele was not one of the classes. ed in ill health in August, 1918; Mr. ham, and his nephew and two Deices,. , written by Editor McLean, although One cannot understand Why the Calder took up his ministerial duties Francis, Pearl and Thelma Creighton,. Me introductory sentence would give Principal, ,of a ,public school should at Clarchan. He ,was called to Perth of Detroit. bhe reader that impression•. lend a heaping 'Nand, to non' -residents. some eighteen months later - and 'School 'Report. -The fol'l'owing im One wound' infer that S �• forth nev- Wonrild it not -be better to ask :himself from that city returned again to _din- theschool report of S. S. No. 2, Tuck - sr possessed a fine band., Seaforth ,why he was- not assessed for business tyre as minister of Campbeltown Free ersmith, for the months of September - X tax for selling rad'i`os. All monies Church. and October: V Class -June Smith I., collected for business tax, licenses, "BC.ck at his ministerial dutia•s, Mr. 84, Eula. MacGregor 81., Beatrice Day - make the burden easier for all. Calder never lost his interest in or man 75. Jr. IVB -Gladys McKenzie Where was the. candies 'bought for his love for the soldier. The annual 91, Norma Hevenor 83: Ruth Watson • the frolic? We know --4n Kitchener. camps have kept him in touch, and 6�, Bruce 'MaeGregor 60,. Sr. III ­ Why Products Why not 'Seaforth? Our merchants with the Lovat Scouts he still enjoys Doreen Cooper 56. Jr. IIl - Edna need the (business. Are they not en- the tented field." Dayman 80, Thedla Watson 76, Oliver titled to make their usual small mar- Smith 74, Bernhard Sandford 67, Mona ' A' gin? They are requested to be with Smith 61, Ronadd MacGregor 60. ST.Gordon J. Re nold� you in your efforts. II -Dorothy Dietz 86, Edison McLear J Come; get together. Let's push to STANLEY 66, Arthur 'Field 64, Mildred Dietz 55- SEAFORT1Ea : PHONE 144-14 help one another. If wedo, we push Jr. II -Kathleen -MacGregor 82, Don - the fairest town in Canada. Notes. -Mr. Roy Lamont and fam- ald Dayman and Kenneth McKenzie RATEPAYER. ily vi'sit'ed MT, and Mrs. William 76 (ties), Blanche Watson 72. Grace, Braun and family, of Forest, gyre day Schilbe -and Danal'd GoopeT 66 (ties),, - _ 6o bast welek. Robert Field •62, Ray 'Cooper 58. Sr - HONORED BY KING Mr. and 'Mfrs. Len Talbot and babe Primer--MaaJorie Smith, Gwendolyn. Higililanders Band and Seaforth Citi- spent Sunday with 'Mr, and Mrs. W. Cooper Kathl'e'en Schii'be. Jr. Prim- zems' Band, back to the days of the J. Dow,som. eT-,Esther Dayman, Billie Sproat. 33rd Regimental Band', Seaforth has The following from the Campbel- Mrs. Annie Reid and daughter, The best Speller in each class for Sep - had 'as fine a band, if not a little bet- town paper, of Campbeltown, Kirk- Mary of Seaforth, spent the week terrrber -wets: Jr. IV-No-rma Hever ter band, than any town of its pohpu- cudrbrightshire, Scotlan'd', will be of end a't the home, of Mr. Art P. Keys. interest to man Expositor readers, or; Jr. III -Edna Dayman; Sr. II - 'solei in Western Ontario, and played Y P Mr• and 'Mrs. Ruskin Keys, of Ford Dorothy Dietz; Jr. II -Grace Schilbe. a grade of music -'that many city as Rev. John Caller is 'a brother of City, and Mr. Stewart Keys. of To- Best speller in school for September - bands c'ou'ld handle no better. Mr. P. C. -Calder, of St. Catharines, ronto, spent the holiday with their -Norma H,evenor. Best spellers in ,The people of Seaforth were always and formerly of Seaforth, and asci- parents., Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Keys, each class for October: Jr. IV - proud of their band, The crowds at in-law of Mr. and Mss. Adam Hays, Babylon Line. the park last August, showed their of this town: Mies. Lloyd Keys, of the Parr Lime, Gladys McKenzie; Jr. III - Mona. appreciatSoay. "We are pleased to observe that in underwent an operation in Clinton Smith; Sr. Il --Edison McLean; Jr. II Seaforth has some very fina boys, the list of honours published on Tues- Hospital last 'Saturday. She is pro- -Kenneth McKenzie. Best speller int bright chaps, and every boy seems! to day in connection with the birthday gess ng favorably. school for October: Gladys McKenzie. take readily to various band instru- of His Majesty King George 'e'., the M'is's Izetba M.ern:er, of New Dundee Number on roll, 31; average atteme- menbs, but wall the instrument take Order of Member of the British Em- spent Thranksgiving with her par- Ken for October, 30.18. -,Tear, E MC - to the (boy? After you purchase you pire (M.B.E.) has been conferred' on ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Meaner. Kenzie, Teacher. find it is too fate, if it will. Many' a the Rev. John Calder, minister of ,Miss Marjory Gascho, sof Zurich, e 6 James Cameron has purchased" boy tried in, vain to play a wind in, Campbeltown Free Church, in recog-sent the week end with her friend the 60 acre Halliday farm on the Mill sttrument, but failed. To guarantee notion of his services as, a Chaplain p Road and will get immediate posses- g Miss Margaret Robinson. that one can make -a boy -a p)ayeT, is of the Territorial Army, School Report. -The follow -in is sloe. too much for anybody that knows "'Rev. -Mr. ,Calder is to be - lost g Farm Sold. -Mr. the James Cameron Y Y ;the report of No. 14, Stanley, oft has sold lot 28 on the 4th concession. wind instrument's, however, if the boy warmly congratulated on the distine- October: Sr.. IV -Mar aret McKem- fails it will. be the bo 's fault and tion conferred on him• He is an Hon- g known n the McCfarm, to Mr. Y zie 69„ Mabel Talbot 63. Jr. IV. -An- Lorne Finlayson. The farm is an ex - not his Instructor. orary Chaplain in the Regular Army drew McKenzie 81, Elmer Hayter 58, SeaforthCouncil, or Property Com- and is the senior chaplain in the 51st -,Lar Aldrich 57, Wesl Janes 50 cellent one, wwi�.th splendid buildings,. mittee,'has provided the band with a (Highland) Division Territorial Army, Margaret Jones 50, Alex. 47, land the purchase se will m'a'ke Mr. Fin'- ible room. and an ,instructor and Mr, 'Calder is one of the clergy- g Jayson thee possessor of a very fine suita " �- Wilmer Jones 46. Sr. III -Harvey home. tuition to the ,boys is free, and instmu- men who in the hour of national dan- Hayter 70, Audrey Cochrane 65, Aub- -.Mr. John 'Hudson last week sold meats supplied to as many as pos•- ger broke through the ,barriers of rey Farquhar 55 Harold Jones 48. Sr. sib4e, so why V e necessity to form ease and comfortable convention. He q Lot 29, Concession 7, H elvo,awhich,, another organization at a cost to the saw no moral difference between. II -Mary Farquhar 98, George Chi£- is ictally called the Melvor farm,. ton 62, Kathleen Jones 58. Jr. II- to 'Ir. Philip 'Hartman, of Seaforth. parents of an instrument and tuition preaching a war sermon and carrying Eric Switzer 4'0. Filmer -Mervin , fess? a rifle. In November, 1914 he loin- This farm is one of the 'best in the ' ' Hayter, Donald Switzer, Ernie Tal- townshi of Hibbert and has excep- IlnstrumeT,ts, owned by the town are ed the Inns of 'Court Officers' Train- p bort, Kenneth McKenzie. Number on banally good buildings. Mr. Hart- - roll, 21; average attendance, 18.12.- man will get possession on March 1st_ P. C. Penfold, Teacher. - a. � A. . . aiY ""O ersa-y Services NORTH SIDE UNITED CHURCH, SEAFORTH Sunday, ,Nov. 16th, 1930 Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Conducted by Rev. Arthur Sinclair, B.A., of Hensall Special Music by the Choir Assisted at the Evening Service by the Listowel Male quartette. FOWL SUPPER AND CONCERT the following evening Monday, November 17th Supper Served From 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. The Concert will be rendered by the Listowel Harmonica Male Quartette and Concert Co., consisting of 'the following Artists: L. A. Fleming, first tenor; C. E, Blackmore, Zmd tenor; E. S. Hudson, Baritone; A. W. Zu lyrigg, Bass,; W. G. Hall, 'Violinist; Miss M. Pur- cell, Reader; Miss A. Htll, Accompanist. l ADULTS'6c CHILDREN, andel" twelve, 35c REQ'. W. P. LANE, p.A., ipastar TUCKERSMIT11 DUBLIN If YOUR money comes OUR way. :t's mov- If YOUR money come; OUR way, it's mow- inn in the right direction. Beattie's Gift inz in the right direction. Beattie's Clift Store - Store, Notes. -The following spent the Nates,. -Mrs. Grace Ross and Miss week end and Thanksgiving with Verna McGregor, of Clinton, slpemt friends in bh'ie village: Mrs. Michell Thanksgiving at the residence of Mr. and Miss Vena„ of Toronto; Mr. and Robert McGregor. Mrs. F. S. Bloods -worth, Miss Vera Mr. John Doig and his friend, Mr. and Frank, of Toronto; Miss V. 'Mle- Francis Edwards, of Detroit, were re- Connell, of Guelph; Mists Vera Feenep cert viisitors alt the former's home. of Toronto; Miss Anna Molyneaux, of , Mr. and Mrs. Paul Doig and son, Kitchener; ,W,gs Ben,ince McGrath, of of London, and 'Mr. and Mrs. Ben Detroit; Mass Marie Benninger. of Willi'ams, of Us'borne, and Mr. and IInarLilton'; Miss Gertrude Stapleton, Mrs. Jahn Doig and M's. Peter Doig, of Toronto; Mr. C. Shultz, of Detroti; of IEorwick, were recent visitors at Mr. and 'Mrs. EdWardas, of Strartfoud; the Doig home. Hugh Benninger, -of Rrivers'dhalo; TQSSs Mr. W. M. Doig, who taught school V. Dill, of Guelph; Miss, Mary lfc- in 'Ontario for thirteen years, and has Daid, of Galt; Mir. E. McGrath, of est. practised law in Michigan for., the Clements; Mus Mary Mhirphy, St. Cb- tharty and has owned a 1'umban- Miss 'Mary tHhills of London.. 111 past years, WI,.. farm- since he was nineteen years of Fire deistxoyed •,lie fine farm dual - age, and has also been engaged in ling of Mr. Joseph Nagle, Reeve. of tis farmling most of his life, bias decided Hiibb&it, on Saturday morning. Mor. . to discontinue his law ,practice and Nagle had .gone to the ,barn aid it ,j expects to .have his business in Port is thought the fire was caused from *? $ Huron closed by Christmas and will the kitchen range, and, had got such. -. sperid the remiainder of his' day's on a start that it was imiposs'ble to salve+sf the old 'homestead farm in Tuclger- any 'af the contents .Al smith, where he was born, Mrs. Beale arca Mi's's Ma open . Dr. Charles Alexander, of 13radnp- Thiantdsgfivting !Wt the hWA6 of W • and "6a, ton, spirit the week end with his Mrs. 19. Bogle, Stratford. mother, 'Mrs. John Alexander• ' ,on Stun&$, void w' recti V40 oI' , IM�r. Kenneth Jackson of McDonald the death a 11 , ' Goba�''''861idlii t ,,.11 ( I :. �u 4� .Colla a Guelph, visited over Thanks- Detroilt, fralloVintg' Aft operd+tOa#�, 119( ��,,rerrtt`,,' g , ph, giving at 'his 'home Hero. � S&%imier wets *arr d %, Atig'os�r W " �; �. Mrs. William Pullman had returned Wss iChamiiil'i-a '11%046et, of tliid iI - h'om'e after a oeasarib Ni'sit with 1rlig+e, mis took 'per i'n a• i'riufffia u ftp{ lh, odi . eiSd , v friends in IJeti4ib...d .. t , is d j i,uty �i,' ,��11'� i"rbc a"�� I' s. f M d 1 .I;r� i„ l 1 ,�K , 0...'Y [ i...... ,. P .Y r.. e , 1 , i . ,., !t ,.,. Nr_„ .I .,, , "., ��..4, . ,. a,.?f. ,, h�,a„';,n,-s. .;i�, n- , . v , m .„'iw.