HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1930-11-07, Page 71. ;1' :� � ,� , .� ,
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Pbone, No. 91
Barrister, SolicitOr,
Beattie Notary Public, lilte.
Block , - . - Seeorth, Ont.
*.,.__q.__..._-. '...., . , , . I -
Bwrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer
and Notary Public. Solicitor for the
Dominion Bank. Office in rear of the
Dominion Bank, Seaforth. Money to
- . .
� ... BEST & BEST
Barristers, Sclicitors, Convenyan-
*bra and Notaries Public, Etc., Offace L
In the Edge %ilding, opposite The v
Ebqmitor Office. , e
- - 13
i, a
Honor graduate of Ontario Veteriu- a
ary College. All diseases of dompatic b
salmale'treated. Calls promptly at- rl
tended to and charges moderato. Vet- n
evinary Dentistry a specialty. Office o
and residence on Goderich Street, one m
door saist of Dr. Mackay's office, Sea- t:
ftraL s
-, . ' ' I - e
Graduate of Ontario Veterinary 0
Gollag% University of Toronto, All h
diseases of domestic animals treated f,
the most modern, principles. ,.-
reasonable. Day or night
promptly attended to. Office on -
Main Street, Hensall, opposite'Town 11
JESIL Phone 116. a
. I . L . . . , +- n
- _ MEDICAL. "
r_-�4 _.� 1. I- -4 . d,
__ . ! ' h
*p, Bar, Nose and Throat �
Graduate in Medicine, University of -
Tamto. E
lAte, assistant'Now York Oplathal-
md and'Aural Institute, M,00refield's �1'
Eye and quare oar s_ C.
London,, Eng. At Commercial u
oK Seaforth, third 'Monday in tl
%ae& mouth, from 11 a,m. to a .p.m. b
gg Waterloo Street, South, Stratford. fi
i t t]
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, a
VMVer�dty of Western Ontario, Lon- s:,
4km Xember Of College of Physic- j,f
Ims imd Surgeons of Ontario. Office 0
in Aberhart's Drug Store, Main St., d.
Ileaforth. Phone 90. tl
4. ' . If
Honor graduate of Faculty of h
Xedieine and Master of Science Uui-
vasity of Western Ontario, L�'ndou. f�
Iffonber of College of Physicians and t].
Sdrgwra of Ontario. Office 2 doors -5
emt of post office. Phone 56, Hensall, t]
Ontarim 3004-tf h
I .
. Bayfield. 11
Graduate Dublin UnimersitY, Ire-
JLn&--Late Extern Assistant Master c
itatimida Hospital for Women aild o
C2g1drell, Dublin. Office at residence I
fate]y occupied by Mrs. Parsons. e
. Hou", 9 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 P.M.; ,,
sundays, I to 2 p,m. 2866-26 1,
4__1-_ - ___ 11
02ce and residence Goderich Street, '
*aA of the United Church Sea- 0
ferM. Phone 46. Coroner i�r the v
Cbunty of Huron.
C. 3fiickay, honor graduate of Triu- f
ft University, and gold medalist of 3
2WWty Medical College; member of c
the College of Physicians And Sur- E
gooms of Ontario. I
ykeuny of 'Medicine, member Of COI -
1W of PbyBicians and Surgeons of I
Ontario; ess graduate courses in ,
Cbimgo Clinical School of Chicago; ':
]toy&l Ophthalmic Hospital, London, I
; nivarsl Y I - I
hon, and. Office -Back of Do -
=MOD , I, , Seaforth. Phone No. 5. !
iftht Ila nswered from residence, .
VIeWria Street, Seaforth. -
6 1 1 � DR. J. A. MUNN
I Successor to Dr. R. R_ Ross
Graduate of Northwestern Univers-
M:ko, Ill. Licentiate Royal
01f19DentaI Surgeons,, Toronto.
Oace over Sills, Hardware, Main St.,
S"forth. ,Phone 151.
Graduate Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W. R.
Smith's Grocery, Main Streetf Sea -
forth. Phones: Office, 185W; resi-
dMee, 185 J.
S. W. Archibald, B.A. c ., (Tor.),
O.L.&, Registered Professional Em-
n or. Associate
Member Engineering Institute of Can-
ada, office, Seaforth, Ontario,
Licensed auctioneer for the counties
15f Huron and Perth. Correspondence
arrangements for sale dates can be
s3adaby calling The Expositor Office,
BWortb. Charges moderate, a n d
esWaction guaranteed. Phone 302.
#onor Graduate 'Carey Jones' Na-
t1mal School of AnctionZing, Chi-
eago. ,Special course taken in Pare
B440 Live Stock, Real Estate, Mer-
ellandige and Farm Sales. Rates ill
$DOW -ng with prevailin- market Sst-
Waictlaft assured. ' W -to or 'WiTe
()gcar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. Phone!
is -93. 2869-M
Licensed suctioneet for the COMO
of Huron. sales attended to in Ri
Parts 6f the county, sev p 0%,
perlouge in Mitnitoba w2e &skstche,
WAS. , Terms reasonable. Phone NIC
118 r 11 rxaet' Nlitralio P.O., R.11
No. 1. Ordard left at, The Huron I&K
=I office, Seaforth, Pr011iptly At
111". to.
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You I ORD o BomOX4 -phor $1101�,,IU41,11 I 1.�,,, IP 1,21`3 i_., 1�,
By FRANK L. PACKARD -not Imm , I Is dead; he,emL as this ' ' ' wA � ] 1% ,,, 4,rol�,. . .. ,,, V , ""', , - �._.
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Four'Short Novels of Crime on the a" 'th- . LWW Last I I �_
. PAVUT,X#P-1114� .. i , I " �,,',�� I , i� I �V� N, �, �L j.;g� ��,� -4�
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A Seas 1. He of dividers Applied, to the chart pro� by somo sort of tra%lhig', wv4�k'.. �,;�i",.',,! �, - ,,, �7 III; ,I ggn- ,,;
A parallel ruler and A pair was tp reac, 4_ ly ''M ,
1�1 - . I - ,;
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---Tou ktIio,w � he w wounded moment. 4 . , .
14 - 111. ", "�
died li�'A ,%, ;
Hi' when the boat fired at.,, the raft. 1p�41111, IR P7 eM31 0
and Grieg were mixed up together in claimed ber,on ithebasis of dead reck- in acc&4,ance wit -,*'�, 4 ."",?��I'l-'�"l'it,7f��i.0��'.1 gg,ni ,
. _ 4 � T ng�o q� ��,, ��45` "
I this trading-sitatiomL here. The little onfimg, 4)d be on her course due souith zriade, .for her by her ypod , ,:g , � � 01,
, � %, o;,#M,P1 " �, ,
I ' ' I , d' I � 011
legitimate trading they d was to from Celebes and with ample sea to arrivp at � J- Uf (;lP t` "�,,4�'L; ,� I'll,
11 . 11 .. .. 411 . hiLt 4.1mi 40yo I ,� �, �� .1
. .val object. They bought room. But in the Malayan Archipal- the c,ha�nt, ' pa. -M. F;* I 1� I
*hiol�( rep]�.P , 141- ,,:-, �
cover up the i �*t
, .
, ., , ., , An
(Continued from last week) himself to the bottom and ran to the pearls.that were stoksa. fToin -the ago there ,are many ,other islands-,, laud and, -her unOes hom6. -it ro ,�:� ,,
� . � � . . . . I
. �, �
Grieg. He bent quickly Over the pro -s- pearling grounds. And that was why, ver they loom, up out of the not an saw journey, OT.,V10TA-aps, one .
He was not fifteen yaTdg behind Yatnd=, when there is dawn, and altogether safe for A girl 410 ' , - " 11 11 �
tr4te form. Girieg lay still, without because, he was thidt with Grieg, he sea . A . . VA,;r ...... !
e, ,,� q
I ., If,e. . fi", ,.� 0111
. I .
neg now, -and Grieg was Visibly movement, one hand stretched out and said nothing, -and, let the blame go to they are the specters of the night- had said so at qu%W an early ata&. I . . 11 "IA6 a ".
. 111Y
. 1, - _� , INA
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�akenimg, looking from side to side, plunged into an -open case, the fin- you. 1 -1 -was with him last night, and the dots; on the chart that repre- in their aoquajntanceship� and she, F,�� .". ,r., I'NR � l. 1, � 2, "I
idently for shelter from which to gers in pitiful ironfy clutching at the and he told, nie. He-4he was standing sent them are in numbeY -as the specks had laughed at him. She loved the "" � I - ,"t �.
. 41-j . C " !� �,.111 I
%ke a stand, for they had `�Ome to heap of tarnished gold coins it COU- just ,behind Grieg that night when left by countless vagrant and wander- sea, and she loved the out-of-doors. 1. -, . � 111l�
long, wide, hamen stretch of rock, t&imed. � . I X .1'. ��,"�,,. .� �,,���,� i
Tom was shot, and he, savr-Griog fire ing flies. If she did not Eke it there, gne wioujul m I .. �_,.11�110 �
11� "'', 11 �" 1��,�
einingly without ,break, save where W,hite-faced, Kennard straightened the shot, amd-andL-you-1-1 think Wartin Lane"s hand, gripping the return to New York where ahe was F, . 11 K
I ,
ead and a little to the right a patch up. N,Q wonder Grieg had shrieked I believed you ,that -night on the deck bridge rail, ,tightened suddenly, fierce- born -but where she no longer had a �', 11", , ""-"� �� . M,
. , I.., ", .....
broken bowIders and COPsel ShOwect aloud in his madness,. Gold, blood and when yaw gave me the revolver --only ly,involuntarily-itightened unlil the home, I , �,. ''
�A ' :.�,
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1. , 1, 1,1:�.V,�, MM, ,:e,..
0im Grieg cast a -hurried ,glance death! 'GTieg had murdered for the �oiily-l" . knuckles cracked. Yesterday, the -He remembered the wistfulne �,41' MMWWO, R. "I
11 '�
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,jo�,�,,!.-4 - -11. � � �'
j 'X -,,,,.W- ,
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. sure, sOld his soul for it -and he She faltered, and put,out her hands daybefore, timeswithout number, he the clear -hazel, eyes when, With,per. I �, ;� I ,g �',?�g! N 11,
hind him, and swervie,d in that di- trea ' " ""' . . � Ili, ?�' I
, 2%T
'M , I
� ,
Alon. Kennard laughed, out re- had found itl to him impulsively. He caught them had consulted the chart, hang over haps unwarrantahl in tenc , h ' e . d " ' i ' ' i OF " , �, g, V� ,
11� e sis e o had .H T voice ha t brqkem�; -,Wt �:_-T64fljg I ,'- `,,��',"' .
)rselessI.7-he was within ten Irds Kennaird bent down again. Grieg quickly, drew her to 'him, and, lifting it like a man fascinated-, leaving it pressed an anxious disapproval of her her strength 'back, she had, It . ,v I lilll;a , � 1P
'Urrio ,i��6f "� I
P, , dl,�114`4 ., �,
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� I f',��;, 11 P,N,6,�,_ . 11
-the other now. Griog answered had seemed to stir. The shot, when her face, -searched long the eyes only to retury to it again at frequent voyage; hi� remembered Almo&t .her run ,suddenly along 4the dt'm"k " Q4"; o '0,1� 1: �,,Nl .�
_ 11-�, 145
" N, ""'
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th a snarl, and ,once more turned, they had seen ,him Teel, had struck grown tear,dimmed now; and then', intervals. And Captain'Botts, coming exact words: companionway, Aaid he' kad, ',%' ','l,�,,, f',§ I
,_ ,, ,.'em
�4. , �,ig
� "llj�,ffil% I
is time almost full around; �"t,Lj�,J�"g§M,..'�
am(i, lim in the right aide, and was still as the quivering lashes fell, he led in -to the chartroom on morre,-,han. one "I know, Mr. lane; but then, you thetre, as, he stood now, aa he 11veJX,',,1 ", , �
i�,',_ �,�.��p�;'.k'
,,, �3`
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.11 running, but backward now, rals- 'bleeding profusely. Kemnar(b rolled- her, with song and ,happiness in his of these occasions, had nodded his see, there really islet anything else, that scene qigain now, �ere, ,iAW'�-J,ii- ��, L:,�.hl�,. �,,�."�,tL*_;
, r ,
" -
1. 1, �1_111,�', I
-over in order to get at the heart, across -the beaeh out of sight head approvingly at what he consider- to do, is there? There's only uncle hands covering, Iiis. face., ., - ', , �,'�,_,k" -V
his -arm and levelled his r�volver at th6 ,man ;��,-,�, 7i ... �` " 'I
, 1: ,,� , ,,,, "l�,""',
mnard. There was a fl-a-sh, the roar wound and make a,. effort to ,t,n,h from the men on the shore -and she ed the 'Praiseworthy conduct of big left. 11 was only d child, when my Ho.had never seen her, neverapp �.`b`��1'1�11111i
keW.; i,� "'Ve '1�10
: , ` - ,'640�1�
the -report, but the shot went wild, the flow. The movement seemed to was in, his arms, 'her fate, erimsoning, chief offi�er- mother died-4-Xin afraid, I hardly to her again. She had rerauined, �;,J*'.,; , ���,,'
. '' , "
itiams i . , . ,4 . ..... �,,
811; R,
�h in the air -and the revolver flew ,,,,e Grieg, -and he began to inutter. shyly seoldrig a hiding place on his "Mr. Lane," Captain Botts had said member her. And, then when I was h b - th r ,�,,,�,-,",'
, re er ca in erealite pothiam" ,� ;::!,�
Yin Grieg's hand, as suddenl . � ,,, . I
' . ..;
Y miss- Kennard leaned closer to catch the shoulder. Hope, life, joy and love in his mild manner---�Captain, Botts nearly through boarding school mj, -at suchhours as she kikew ,.. ,1111-.,� 11 1,
. hi��j,toij`-�'- ' �.,�,�,'.,
L"?, . '�1�1, I
.r ,his footing, he slipped and pitch- word,, as Louie -and W,Jah Fang drop- were 'his! always spoke ir� a mild man -nor, "I'll father died. tj went back to school On duty on the .bridge. A rotetb4t. � �, ,i__
.. "_
his length upon the ground. -He ped down from above and joined him. "Aldeth!" -he cried. "Aldeth!" go so far as to say it's a pleasure to afterwa,rd to finish. �l was there an- he 'had sent ,along to her had 't-eff'Til- ' 1. ;,".",
I ,.; ""�,,��,. , .
, , �'� ,�il
� I -1 "I I
[led' over with desperate haste in "Joke," murmured Grieg. 11Yu Ling find an ,officer whose interest in his other year. Meanwhile my uncle, my i eturned unopened. She had. left the. ,, ". �,-,'� j��,
111. ' . L ��!,� "' I
,,:, "
,'' �'. 5, ,
_ �', '�.�
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I I . .. 11 . ,�.� I I
effort to regain hi* feet-aild the 0hen's joho. Found the point-ithree . duties is such as yours. Venj grat- father's brother, bad been eummumi- ship at Bombay. . I �', , . �! ,..,; 't. �,;g 11"�
' i, L"
xt instant a wild, despairLig cry miles -:6n line--4northeasrt front cave. ifying, Mr. Lane -very!" cated with, and he asked me to corne - "Oh. Godt" Martin Lane cried 0111f. . :7; � � . 1; ,,.,5��
I �',i� � �
ng up and down, the inountainside- Du - g it up. Found, a little box-no-th- THE MARAUDER He had answered Captain Bott. out to him and make my home there into the night. . . I I ',,,:�r��,... ,; I
, , 'V 0
.. , I -1. ,
, �_
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with a mechanical, "Thank you, sir." if I liked it, but in any case to, come He had chucked the .passenger rtxl*, , . ',",", '11 ...
11�1� I
,. 1�,Iv I
Kennard halted in, his tracks, as ing. in it-bu,t an idol. Little idol- AoMkER I � .� ,
I Wah Fang and the men behind beastly ugly little idol." He tried, to He laughed now mirthlessly, self- f or a v?sit. I'm, sure there is noth- on 'his return to England, as that fii-�- ...I,�'.i
;� Y:,�
n. As though the solid rocit had fumlble in, his pocket. THE OFFICER OF THE WATC.H jeeringly. The parallel ruler and the ing ito worry about, for uncle has ner voice bad so jeeringly statped_ It, .I., .,!, �.
DTally opened, and swallowed him, !Wah Fang suddenly reached for- The Bonara, Singapore to' Brisbane diKiders had stra-yed always to one made all arrangements." was perhaps urn�oaaonable-:4butl he; . , , 1;��,
.� . . . . . . .
XailsW� 1. �,__
117 ,.,;. ,_ �
ieg had vanished! warcb -put his hand into *9 pocket, ,heavy with cargo and low in the wa' particular dot on the chart -which "Is your uncle married?" he had bad not reasoned about it. .., "A' 1
' ' . � . 44
A. moment, stunned by amazement, and lytought out the small metal fig- ter, rolled sulkily, lifted sulkily, was not the shipls supposed position. asked her. life had become abhorrent to him- .: Jllqk.-'__�
I ,",r , �
. -��,,'a K
, a ,
,nr=d -stood insoctionles, Then he ureof aequattiqlg idol mot more than grumbling, chattering her disapprov- There were very many of those little "No," she had answered. "He lives the boatdeck had not been, empty ,!11r I
, Of ,1�,'.,!t,1.` , ill
. . �i, V, 101
ri quickly forward, and a sharp ex- three inches -high.. al of the night in the language of her dots, they were, innumerable; but, ig- all alone with big natives and his Other couples on the homeward voy- I . - 414'11� .
. -4,
anation, mingling both surpri6e and "J,k,,"y . murmured Grieg again. kind, which is a language univoysal no,ring those closer at hand, those in copra, except for a sort of white ov- age. And then, back in England, he . , �1151A.� , ;
derstanding, espaped him. Where uyu Ling Chen's joke--cu.rse him!" to all ships under whatsoever fl;ag, respect to which the ship's welfare er.�eer, a man he calls Starling, who had played, Derhaps, in a httlt� luck. . 6
.. t �'.
- .;.:::,
3 gray of the roeN had looked um- Wah Fang turned the idol quickly and is, withal, a very humar. l,angu- was indubitably more concerned, one has been with him, I believe, for the The Bonara, -a new cargo boat of the, . .�,
c)ken there was, in reality, a long �. : 9,1�, �,
tt. , N; ne;
in ,big hand. age. !Bulkl�eads, rivets., plates, stan- podnt -at the dividers invaaiably found last twenty years.* same line, was just going in0bo com- . I 51 -
sure -or cleft, so curiously formed "That what I thought idol on map chions, ,all the innards of her lifted lodgment on perhaps the most dim- "But what kind of a life.couA you mission; her route the sea lames of . I . ,��� .... �� ��, .
i !1ity of inutive dot of all. To-migbt, for ex- possibly li,�e there?" -he had' protest- the world, ,her ports1 where, cargo *f- _ ;�
at it gave the effect from a little meant " he said excitedly. "Ten years up their voices in an unanin Ill, � ��,'
-,tance -away of being no -more than ago i�u Chen show me thiz. Got discontent, refusing to be assuaged ample, that dot was barely a hundred ed. "Perhaps once in six montU a fered. It appealed. He applied for . I., -z�_ �
.11, _:;. -
slight crack. The side of this fis- spring. See!" The idol, working on by the soft lulla,by of the engines and 'fifty miles -away-by dead rock- trading boat comes in, You are ab- the transfer and got it --and in a sense z�.
, .;
� ""', -
.. "
.1 I �
. � ,,,
re on which Kennard, stoA, pro- a central hinge, lay open, in his hand. that sang in -steady throb -and beat as oning. solutely cut off from the world --not too, got promotion. He became chief ", .... ,;;� ...
,; "I �
,bed out, he saw, and overhung the There was a piece Of paper inside. though to allay her fret. She was '�CaTol!" satd Martin Lane, in a low a womanof your ,own- lcind-no com- -officer of the Bomara. And to -might, , � ... 1:1, ,
. :A� , "I
. '0
posite side, which latter sloped Wah Fang took it out, - opened it, unhappy, irritable and disgriAntled. strained way. partionship of Your own age. You'll after two years, spanning the wunt- ,,�'g.
... .1�dl'.,`
, "I . .
. . . . . . 1
wnward for a distance of some looked ,at it, and handed it to Ken- Not that it was heavy -weather, but He did not move. It was raining be frightfully lonely, Pmafraid." less Itagues that since had lain be- , �.,r
I'll, I., �r �
ree feet to wherre it ended abruptly, mard. there was a choppy croqs_se�t. and again -heavily. He did not rebutton She had turned her head away then tween them, the Bonara in her wand- ',,�
',; ` �!,
. ! _�
... ... .. i.
Ming a ,narrow, black, yawiting gap 1:,�'r,
� , Kennard stared at it in turn. 11 it war, thick, misty, sticky, Adirly wea- his Oilskin. V,lhy shouldhe? 11 was as sho had answered: Irings. from end to end ar the world .� ,.,�V" �.,. , 't
it wais almost hidden by the over- was a complete chart of the island, ther. She flung the seas frorr. her a nightof moonlight, of .sheer beauty, "Ah, that! I don't know. But uncle had brought him, by dead reckoning, 1'�i�..`
nging surface -above. Grieg's first one point marked with a cross, and bows, not imootlily, but in short, an- a placid sea, and a form in soft, is no longer a young man, and I want to within a hundred and fif ty miles .1 .
. . - ;`1 X_
... �, ,,, 11
11 was ,a matter of but a few feet, at thebottomwere foot-no-tes of dist- gry buffets, as though -annoyed ,be- clinging white stood beside him, and to see him." of ber agmAv--like a hand's throw 111�'
. ,,11 11
�, ,
2,n he must have slid down the short an,c,, and directions. yond her patience at their incessant the moonrays caressed the great ma&- Martin Lane brushed the streanning from her, -it seemed. . s ';�_,
, -
arp descent and pitched finally gter,oss show where this place is.,'! teasing and tke d-enial of her right ses ,of dark hair so close to him, and rain from his face -as though me- . ".11,
, 1".
(Continued next week) - � "I
rough the gap. How faT-ten or a said Wah Fang. "That clear up ev- to Tide through their rornahv in eom- her face ; . . . chanically to clear his vision.. Some- .1 �, _.�,
ndred feet -there was no telling. eTything---Ahow Yu Ling Chen bury fort. Occasionally she seemed to "Carol!" 'he whispered. "Carol where out there was old Silas Gray's -0 :�, ;,",
; ,
, ,
Wah Fang- and the Chine,s6 crew treasure all by hiniself by just drop shake herself much after the manner GTay!" island. To port --a hundred, and fifty _4
What Ambition Did for Joe �,,�;,
me clustering around, Kenr,ard, the it in here, and explain too why no of a wet dOg, ,as the wind in accentu- That was two years -ago. He had miles away. She was there. It was :�)i�i,ff �.��
I -1 .. l
ter chattering like magpies. find any sign of any -thing on line ated gusts every now and then de- been -the cycle again! Another of not, perhaps -he knew she was there. Joe had' a Job In a factory. Though ..�;�A,
,.yi, M
"Keep quiet!" Kennard OrdeTed from cave where only very small,lit- posited a tropical dowmpour upon her the -black hours that bad haunted ,him Did it matter? It was hard, he worked cheerfuIL3r 1�'.
� % .
deck. Also, it was pitilessly black, with remorseless insistence since the As the voyage had progn be a foreman with larger pay in or- "I"'.
rtly, aind threw himself flat down tle box with idol is buried." -essed they early and late, because he wanted tt> ,
the rock, bending ove;r to listen. "Joke," babbled Grieg for the third save when, in the distance' ondriven cursed chart and that diminutive dot had been a great deal together cn his der that he might 4give his wife an& 1.1, �
' children a better home. Then he be- :,v.
tore was not a sound. He stra,ight- time.. Then he jerked himself sud- the showers seemed to take on. 11 had been so constantly under his eye! watches off; and then had come that gan to faei extra tired, couldn't sleep, �"'� 11
ed up and turned to Wah Fang. denly upright, and, again the hollow, spread ,of grayish color, thinly trans- It ha -d been bad, enough before at night -in the Gulf of Aden. They was weary all da3, long and his chest . ,��',
leaven knows, -how far hia's fallenl" had been standing in the space be- palned him. One day he fainted at ,� I
,ug with wild, de- parents, like some strange wraith intervals. , '.1
cavernous place ra � I
exclaimed. "Maybe far enough to moniacal laughter --and again, and hurling itself through the niglit up. He swung around, buttoning up his tween two -of the boats, a favorrite his job. The doctor said be had only- ..
one chance of recovery from his trou- �;:A I
Ive finished him, or again, only a stle oilskin coat as the rairn came again. nook of theirs, secluded from the rest ble-consumption-and that was tc� "
again -and then a gasp, a choking on her. And, her raucous Whi . I!, *
w feet -in which case, if there's an in the wheel- of the deck, and the moonlight lay be treaLod at the Muskoha Hospital � 1.
gound, and Griejg fell back. blasts, in these mon'tents of mls,t!, Shadowy, indistinct for Consuaiptives. ,.I...
ening anywhetre below, he's got a'- "Him dead!" said Louie. were as though she were giving add- house, the form of the quai-termasiter soft upon her, making of her a pic- So 1.11 was Joe that It has taken ..... ... � I
ly.yl showed i1i the binnacle light. What ture of dreamy sweetness, of I-oveh- almost two years to build him up to� "I'll, .
Wah Fang shook his head. Dead! Kennard'% lips were drawn ed vent to her spleen. at man thinking about? Ab- nees, entrancing, stealing his senses anything like normal, but he hopes to. ,1111
into, a straight line. Awou nd . b im, On the ,bridge, Martin Lane, ch.i f was th A
o be able to return home soon and take, "., I
"No opening below," be, said. "See,! strewtv about the ground, was gold in officer, a tall, sturdy figure, bulking surd to wonder a;bout it' No thouglits, away -her hair with the haunting up once more the duty of supporting : '.1
e pointed along the length of the vast quantity, of the coinagt� of all the larger for his oilskin wrappings, Probably. Life was the present. scent of woodland violets, and a tru- his family- I � ,A� I ,
For work such as this, your sub- ,, "A
mure to where, Perhaps twenty nations. In fabulous confusion, from brushed the wet out of big face, and, Home? ,'he man hadn't any. The, ant curl that brushed his cheek; her scription is asked. Will you please, . 11111111
LrdS away, it closed in again at the the bursting sides and tops of boxes, as a downpour subsided temp(yrarily end of the voyage? There was only eyes wide open to the sea, misty with send a-9 much,as youtcan to Mr. A. IL 1, ,
her end. "All volcano f,yrmation earrings, bracelets, necklaces, studded into a mere drizzle, flung his oilskin another one to begin. If the man that strange, alluring wistfulness they Ames, 223 Co lege S reet� Toronto. .11, I � I ,
lound here- do that many years ago. with precious stones, gleamed at him; jacket wide Open. It was hot. was thinking about anythine� i�t, was so Often held; the warm, sweet lips, ... ���. � � .
' ! ".
O, opening below, but mabbe deep; and gems, too, were there, cut and un- rn forward the ship's bell struck that there would be plum duff next half parted, similing at him; the glor- -:�!,
'etty sure be's dead," cut -rubies, sapphires, diamonds, em- onlig''Half past four in the morning. Sunday, and- iously imperious tilt of the little chin; LONDON AND WINGRAM 11�,., ;�;;.
1,�, , I
4 � -he the contour of the white ne-ek and t;'
"Dead" said Kennard dully. 'Then eralds. And there were wearons- Martin Lane stood, still for a mom- Hie found 'himself standing at t ".�;,
North. �11 "
, ' ...... �q ,
be's dead, I— Liston!" ort side ,of the, bridge. Somewhere shoulders; the daintiness of her; the ,,11��, P
daggers, sword% with jewel -crusted, ent, big bead cocked slightly to one P . lq,�,
" .
-ilts, the pick ,and choosing of the side in a listening attitude, his steady out th . a.m. p.m. I"- �
A faint moaning sound came frOn' h ere, a hundred, and fifty miles wonder of her as the light breeze `_
- . nearer to -night than wrapped the soft, clinging dinner .;;;;;,
I ,,�
- ,
.neath their feet. It lasted for, it accumul&ted store of Yu Ling Chen'q gray eyes fixed over the weathercloth away . . "
. Exeter ............ 10.50 5.54 "
�k, ,�,
�emed, no -more than a barre ,second, wild,, plundering years. Richesibeyond -be could just barely make out the in all those two years! Perhaps not. gown closer about her form. Hensall ........... 11.13 6.08 _'�� 11 �, 11 ... 11 �
ri,d then, in its place, came peal on ond the Perhaps she wasn't there. Who knew! Martin Lane cried out now, a chok- ',�. " "N'
all counting were his; wealth whose rise of the focls'le-bead boy Kippen ............ 11.18 6.13 ,;�� ''.�
''I, ... ".
-al -of wild, inhuman laughter. value staggered computati�n lay with- Bonam's low, flush foredeck. Then It wouldn't down! Well, why trY? ed, inarticulate cry. He could see her Brucefield ......... 11.27 6-222" ".� . . . . . . . . . . � I
1i. l. 1�
s I& s a e wi b in ee ed Clinton ........... 12.12 6.42 .. -,�,",! ,,,
hastly, maniacal, it came, again and in -his gras-n-but what good was that he frowned, shrugged hi shculd r A voic t in hi j r : to -night as vividly -as he had seen her .��l,
. �5� 11 I
, .
.. ..
gwrr, until, as suddenly as it had to -him? W -hat would the treasure of little impatiently, ,and resumed his "Of course! Wi,hy try? Go on, YOU that other night. It was as though Londesiboro ........ 12.32 7.02 .4�", 1. - 1�
agum, it ceased, and utter silence all the ages matter mOW9 I t pacing up and down the bridge again. silly fool: torture yourself! Two years she stood here now, again, before Blyth ..... I ...... 12.42 7.11 ' .� 1�1 , I , I
I 1,
�11. Id not buy Aldeth, nor right him There was s,omething uneasy in the ago you were first officer om 9, swell him. While he lived that pictare " Belgrave .......... 12.54 7.23 1 "', �,.A,i
'4(Crack him head when fall," diag wou ' imailboat ,on the India run. And YOU her would live. It was all that was . , .. 7AS I ��� �__
- in her eyes. Grieg, big one hope, wag night-4o,T was it 'himself? Wingharn .. - - - - 1.10 ": !�
osed Louie with calm judicial sboic- dead. Caieg's lips from which. in his From the boatdeck belo,w, as he -bucked it when You got back to Ileft. � ,
- "Gone off him nut." tell us why! We'd He did not seek to,flnd excus,�a for South. l'i , �
,Tn. poorr vaunting strength, he, Kennard, passed the head of the -starboard England, Go on,
6'Well, be not dead yet anyway," had sworn he would wring a confes- bridge lwlder, be caught a faint glim- like to bear it-we'lve never heard it h i mg I '), ... ::, ,�
. elf eVen, now, for there were no �
Vah Fang said. siOn, were closed forever. mer of light as a curtain swayed in bef ore! " excuses to find, but at least lie had a.m. P.m , �:,f,�X, �
i'.,j " " 11
"Carol!" sa Lane under been any ......... 6.45 3.05 ��l -1
I �,
Kennard crossed to the other side Grtieg wa,9 dead. the wind from one of the open po;rt- id Martin innocent of premeditation Wingham �A,
� . ,
.7.01 3.2a 1�.
f the fissuTe. No; perhaps not! A sudden hope halois - of the captaireg cabin. The his breath. "Carol!" He whiipered it in wh-at he had done. It bad come on Belgrave .......... &aT IN, �
, ,
"It can't be very deep," lie said le - again,: "Carol!" the instant, His soul itself ha be ..... 7.12 , 1.` 1, i
leaped within him. Hie pushed Louie old man was a bit uneasy himself . 7.19 3.45 1 , T
I if I can't zet a look away and stooped hurriedly over the still up; Or, at any rate, still stretch- The boatdock on, a passenger liner intoxicated. Hie had been conscious Londesboro ....... 1 ...
11:,11'... �
Uickly. "I'll see The ............ 7.39 4.08 :I", I
, , �, � ��
elow." silent form---on1Y to rise again with ed out on big settee with his ubiquit- in the tropics -and the moon. only that he had swept her into big Clinton , .),�� I
"Take care!" cautioned Wah Fang. set bloodless face. Yes, Grieg was ous pile of month -or -more -old news- soft -airs, the wonders of the skY- arms, that his lips were upon 'her. BTucefi-eld ......... 7.56 4.28 .
to many officers had pointed Out hair, her eyes, -her lips, her throat. Kippen ............ 8.03 4�26 ,LA 1�
- �, 11
I tell you once about mad dog's bi - dead. papers, of which it was, his habit to How . 8.09 4.43 Z ".
lake care againl" "Help me from here," he gaidl garnAor an enormous sheaf in every the constellations to fair pdssengeTs! He had been unconscious of her sty -ug- Hensall .......... '.q ,
. "
"He hasp.'t got any revolver now," reaj How many flirtations had a. boatcleck gle; unconscious that in his ,-strength, Exeter � ........... 8.23 4.58, 1 , 1�� � �
, hoarsely-amd there was something in port, and which he thereafter - '' , I �:, , I
Cennardanswered, a� he,got down, on his eyes, his face, that invited neither with amazing thoroughness and. port- known! It had been since ships be ungoverned and like himself beyond � ... . .. Jr,
,is knees and peered under the up- word noT comment. inacity. gan, Quite the ordinary thing! restraint, he had done her physical *...'.. �
�er ledge. He gained ,the ,surface, and, with- Martin Lane's frown gave place to No! Martin Lane's hand crenched- hurt as well - conscious only that C. N. R. TIME' TABLE : 11 I ! ... :,-I"', ".
a r I I
The gap ,at the edge- of the Short out -a glance at the group of chat- t�- F,icker of a smile. The skipper's It hadn't been the ordinary thing. Not what alone he do -sired of life w s fo East. . "" fj �
I ''..'...'.. _? 1 the moment his- that she was in his p.m. IRK
ncline here appeared to oe about tering Chinamen who waited there, .. I . �� . . -.-.-Icts, and on a to him! Nor a.m.
. ., perhap% it might have been arms, strained io him, that she be- .11,�i� - I
! but a little to the he walked straight before him across ----,,, .,'! ----y �--'-I-y fli-�t wovild pass least. Godericb, ........... 6.20 2.1rr '��!� ,1.
Olur.feet across, ent if he 'had not been a. f %. ��,, At ... �,
oft it narrowed to half the distance. the baro, grey stretch of rock that the time was a -blessing. Captain differ 001- longed ,to him, that he bad claimed Holmesville ........ 6.36 2.32 ,�, .�
ountain- Botts prided hinigelf on being a -bit No,*rtot a fool -mad! She had never his own. And at the end, it was a �;�)
I Clinton ............ 6." 2.45 , ��'n
.4-ating this Kennard hastily changed led yet higher still up the in `0��M;
by look or word misled him - but limp figure that had slipped from his 420)
of a sbark at -world new's. ..... 6.59 3.03 "'ID,
lis position, ,and. on, his back-, feet s id e. e sort of friendship ,,,,, as he had released, her, and, Seaf Orth ...... e"vr
. To .bad been �tb 'ill " 11
. - slide. It was The 'hours passed. At times, from "It was a man's business, and es- the St. Columban ...... 7.06 3.10, 11 ,R!
:oremAost, let himself
. was between thein that might have ripen- of the 1. ,N
niple enough. His feet struck the an ,elevation, the sun pouring hot up- pecially a seaman's," the old man Dublin ............. 7.11 3.17 ... �� 1,
DY Tom . ,,, I
D,pposi,te side, While big bead was still on hirn, he saw the schooneri lying wont to say, "to keep . 1,_., 1�1
. posted on what — boat's lashings to keep herself f ,'�_,,�
above ground. The two feet across below in the lagoon; -at others, it was was going on in the warld while (>Tie, ---I-- __ falling to the deck. She bad not been West. I !, "".
,,; I
point presented no cool and dim in the wooded tracts-- in a way of speaking, was out of it. able to speak for a moment; and he a.m. p.m. ,��. I
the gap at this ked, undone 1", "
side- but both were as, one to Kennard. A 'Eh? What? Wireless.? Bah! Sket- had been as a man rac, 1)ublin ............ 11.37 10.04 1l, L,'!
, �
Mother Restored to Family �. .
danger and he had only to, turn rderer in the eyes of men, forever chy Atbest, Mr. Lane --and a lot you from sorne mad orgy, his b,rain, his Seaforth .......... 11.53 10.17, 1 �1 ,....; i
ways and let his head and shoulders mu for- mind, 'his soul, s1haken and ad -rift. .. 12.09 10.81 . 1.,'..,11�,� !
down. This he did, ,and, braced by to be ,an outcast from society, to be d<yn't evotti get, at that, with lie If you asked the average happy and Clinton .......... �� ""i-,-,
face ." ,,��
one, hand On the opposite .side, lay h,ou-n<ied down, to be caught at last s,ak,en ses they put into us cargo boats. comfortable Ontario botis,ewife wfti Strained, white, tortured, her Goderich .......... 12.35 10.57 1 'III,
fairly across the ,opening. And then and'haniged like a felon by the, neck I've just beem-b."in-just been read- 9, gain of 491/� pounds would mean tc had looked when she had spoken theil; ..��'r 1:,
for an instant as be, lay thev- might God ing about-', her, she woutd probably look aghaal ..'r.
at the very suggestion. 'Suppose -her voice low, monotonous, save that ;.1 1'�,X 6
. - I �.�,ffig
heart seemed to have loost its beat as have mercy on his soul; but what of Martin Lane laughed outright now, however, she were in the osition oi she -gasped for breath. 'i"I
, .";iii j!.
Mrs. Roberts, a woman wit.% a family , ,4 C. P. R. TIME TABLE �� 0 I. I
-then it began to pound, with quick that? That was as noithivgl so,ftly to himself. Even the stewards f young children in a. small Ontaric I mi.stook you for a gentleman," ..!�V, �,
D 11 �J �' � ,�
o earn . lr,"
fierce throbs that sent .the blood rush- It 'was Aldethl All, this must come Pulled each other's legs with that town where there was "little t she -bad gaid. "Let me pass!" East. '��,,�,��
. �.,�,, � ,� I
vats about nine -tenths and many to keep," grow1bg weakez I ,,!,!,��Ik q
$, "
She bad taken a faltering step for- a.rA. .-I ..,i�� -
ing in a mad' tide to his head. through herr-mu-st come-foT, eveth if phrase. It prefaced %nd weaker from overwork and pov- I , -,"'A2 � 1.
he crazy, dreaming or was it true,? sbe would, she had, no right to shield of the old man's remarks. '*Ive just orty, finally obl to leave her llttl� GoAerich .................. 6.50 I 11% "I
I ..,�'. �"i
'ged " L!,?4'-, �,
' a b3re, li'm reading D 8 to friends and neighbors and be fall, he ,Had reached out to catch her. Menset .................... 6.55 - �1 , - 4�
'Below, not 'More tba"n gi x him, -no choice but to denounce him. been, -just been -" Mar- 'Toronto HosPita] ,!, , "',
tile . ,
fleet Gri-eig's form lay sPrawled. face At su-ndown, worn, out in mind ard. tin Lane halted once more, staring to herself to the She had instantly shrunk back. ' McGaw ................... 6.04 I., -4__ 1'4 "
for Consumptives. ;.,h,r�,�
P er III -I would not care, to have it Auburn .................... 6.11 . ,� il. ,h,r�,� I.,
d#vkmwaTd ere along the body, he caine out upon the beach by out over the weathercloth as amoth Then began the long, long fight tc ,:. I":., " 11
, �
" , =",
bottom of , the fissure, in places piled the charred ruins of the trading sta- rain squall came pattering with a �Out back the PreclouslLpourlds, whicli known that-thart I .h4ve been in your Blyth ..................... 16.25 � i:�,� "',
- Mrs. Roberts and so many likelier, 6.4* . '! 11
four and five deep, ,and many of them tilon, At the water's edge were half rush &long the fored-eeck. But ncw his mean milestones on the road tc arms,'P she -bad said in a dead tome. Walton .................... ":'j,""j,
ten m6nths of. good 6.61 .1 ,; -, ,�
' a erious again. "A dammed health. Thanks to "Are you going to force that shame McNaught ' .L ............... . "; ��;, "
burst 01)�en from the fall whk'm thely a d food and ex- 10." . '_,11.1�,, ,,�
ozon boats,, ,and men were loading f ace w; 9 s . i4t� � � ���
re, rest, nourishing upon me too -make me call out for Toronto .................. ! ,�s l:. _P,",
had been dropped in, "To innurner- them from a greet heap of small box- good Man, at that, ,thought" he an,- "a' edical attention, mrs , �,�,, -11l,
perienced m .1 � ,� R, 1�
"None ,better as a seaman Roberts one day saw the scaiez reff- protection ? " ,�,� 1,�!- '6, 1,
,. 11 � " �, V
" ,
able small boxes, and there, was gold es that were piled, on the beach. He nounced. ister 149 - ft 11F�PP gain from the He remembered that a voice had West. . �,.�1,5. N
about,, and goTAsr, and chased OTma- smiled bitterly. The Mandarhips from ld-8 -boots UPI" pry% pounds she regr1stered on enter- . ",
. ,;;
spoken. It wasn't big voice though �,.IL , :�,��,` 's �")
lentg and -things that ghttffe'a snu board! Gold, blood and death - the tit wasn't the newspapers, as Mar- in the hospit,%I. �j 1.11,
�Vhere Is she now? Bftck at home, the sounds bad come from big. lips: Toronto ................... 1 46 "'!
ZnT,:h from jeweled' eyes- Mandarin's HmTdl tin Lane miery we'll kvew, that were joyously taking tip the care. of hel "CoroIL-have pitYl I love YOUI- MeNaught ............ .1 i I �� . "I
, f nor restor. ..... 11A11 �� . �
�� �y� ...
The Mandaries, Hoardl The tres- And then from the ' . keeping the Aold man up to -might, family, and grate ul for . �,
groitip, but walk ass"r,
sure 'of Yu Ling Chenl jug very slowly, a ,girl's figure came though he might,be reading thern, as, sLtion to health. A great work "Lovel" She had flung the word Walton .................... 12.0,11 - 1.�
edly which, need 8 much assistance -1& , . '.1l
to towwd him. Aldethl Why did she imAid, ,he utdoubtedly had loeert do- fro�A frlerrdb because poverty and -back at him, her small, hands clench- Blyth ....................... I 1. 9 i tt. I I I � I
lie tried hoaTsely, hysterics,11Y, of ten go hand 'blazing then. "To such Aubbin .................... I26 - '."
1146 watched her dumb- illig when, be, Martin Lane, had stuck tuberculosis so N ed, herr eVes .11, �
5ule, scarcely knowing come to him? hand, Will You help, lease? A sub. n ......... 6
1 14'�
"" ,
, ,
" 119
4 ; � ",
- , .
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