HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1930-11-07, Page 5m
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e an en a of Mr. Wilfrid tli In an a lou had .field oat: Iorl ,.pf I h .. '� Yk4 h' onion interyiewel
'�'!„ am , e f ollavnng address, Ttf .hlx. and ; P g . +T.,. P,. Q;> o „ Ra k, ,Y�r is c :: .A'
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Dula' a hearth as r ill Thi bed h o' w res and' [lite ba riled a• s�lllzn the.;)W line betw . n i s poanuFs, but a afluld be !iieP ' a�? xtund
not 1I r n ap q s Ag t e Tixst , Fportunity a#elc far a fe a>�Irttl, a li . , g filha?t at is dastlnctly harmful tp 3131
as. expeotred. your recent marriage,. of piibllclyr away. It was a good sized an mal, woott: and ," ,Rend to [lie ' Hay type of wire fence, �axue melts .ax a
The 'late,:snowi'all makes it appear honouring you,.. we, your friends slid Sohpal Report. --The following is Mluu1cl al:TeJ�phon� System. An of- YP
p ` comparatively low' te�npexature and
as )thoug+h 'winter is Butting in. neighbors, bewe deemed it fitting to the school report of S. S. 'No„ 10, fax •will be lnax#.e for the' lice. y
as'selnble In this, your beautiful and A bazaar 1, the heat from .burning gra o� *r Beds
Tuckalsmith, for the months. of Sep iz!i'l1 be held in the Town .
s'gacious home, to observe that quaint tember and October. The numbers Hall, Zuriob,•�,'Saturday, November, l,s 'often sufficient to scorch the pro-
• matrimonial gustomi of celebrating the Indicate,, percentages. "A" placed af- 8th, under the• ohapices of ,the local tee ve coaUng and will. ;lI•robaibly,
WINTHROP event. We are to -night living the ter a number indicates that the pupil R. C. Church, A chicken supper will shorten by several' seasons the useful
thought of the poet where the well- be served on Saturday evening from fife of the deuce.
Notes. --,Mr. and Mr% Foster Ben- ding 'guests address the, Ancient Mar- has 1ativ absent fox, one or more ex- .to 8 o'clock.
amiliati'ons. Ross 60, Honours 75:-
3 meta; Huron Road, and Mr. and Mrs. finer: Mx. L. H.. Radek, Reevle, attended
`t W. C. Bennett, of 'Walton, spent Stun- The'•bride•groom's, doors are open wide Sr. IV -Bill iMeLean 77. Jr: N- a meeting ,of •the+ County Good Roads
day with Mr. and 'Mrs. George Eaton, And 1, the next of 'kin', Laura Tremeer 86, Gertrude Martin Commission, :held at Goderich on POULTRY 'MARKET
IMr: and Mrs, Fergus Bullard and The guests are met,.the feast is set, 83a, Mervyn IHlodge# 85, Rita Clem Tuesday.
Toni 73, Robert Reid' 70a, Evelyn Sand- A meeting of the directors of the Toronto, November 4th.
a: - ;children spent Sunday with Mr, and May'st hear the merry din'. g Dresses
Mrs. Aarold• 'Sm'alldon, of •Walton. You •both may ibe assured that the ford 42. Sr. 11I -Verna McLean 79, Hay Township Mutual Farmers' Fire Chickens, 5 lbs. up .................. 88-85
Mfrs,, Joseph I,ibtle spent a few heart of everyone present beats hap- Margaret Taylor ,80, Elsie' Reid 70a. Insurance Coxn a was held at 'Bien- Do., 4 to 5 the ,.......,
P y 30-84
day's with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. pily in harmony with the happy oc- Jr.. III1-fMyrtlle, Taylor '184, GcFxdoni gall on Satli'rday,.- Do„ 31/„ to 4 the. 28-30
ccs. and our d'e'sire is that; ha 1 Had ert 61 Geor Varley 62• Prim- Ha Council. The re ular montthl Do- 8 to $1�. tbs. 28-80
Cedilla of Belgrave. , pP g ge Y g Y Dr., s toe. 28-80
The W.M.S. and Ladies' Aid meet- 'ness, and 'harmony may be typical of er-Shirley Fairbairn, Keith McLean, meeting of the Council of the Town- Hens, over 5 itis . ................... 28
ing held' ai the home of Mrs. Allan 'that .halo which shall summon your Kenneth McLean. Highest marks in ship .of Hay was held) in the Town Broilers ................. 82-85
future lives The tan role e Hall, Zurich, do Monday, November packs ................ 8
i Ross on Monday was well attend;ed', gl xpres- any subject, 100 by Rita CiecolonL- Turkeys 454,8
fifty ladies being presehrt. Miss Gil-, Sion of the love and esteem we wish Olive Workman, Teacher. 3rd. All the members were present.
1es'pie, of Japan, gave a very interest- to convey to you ,both. We ask you 'School Report. -The following is The minutes of the October meeting
ing address. to accept these gifts and it is our the 'school report of School Section were adopted au' read. 'A commund-
Messrs. Melvin Clark and W. C. ferveryt hope that the horseshoe of No. 5, Tuckersmith, for the months of cation was laid before the council, DAIRY MARKET
Stennett took a big load of dressed Prosperity and health may ever hang Seotember and October: Ji+. IVH showing that the'umount of Govern-
I , 'owl to Toronto Wednesday. above your door, and may your life Gavin Gemmell 85%, Edna McDonald ment subsidy towards the Bl Creek Toronto, 'November 4th. -Cheese, new, large,
Tim Eaton has --been on the sick ,be guided and goy-erlied by ' that 78, Harold Rice 74, Harold Chesney I7c ; ld, l 17, - 27 triplets, ins, c ; st£itons,
greatest of all virtues "Love.," for 69 Jean MoDonal'd 65. Sr- Ul-Ed- Drain treaamosurer
s to $4;968 and town- old20cold, large;•27 -to 2sc; twine, 28 to lac:
• .list a couple of days, g + ship treasurer stated that cheque had ole stiltons, zse.
Don't forget the. euchre and dance He prayeth who loveth well, ith Wallace 90, Arthur Leyburne 81, been received. A communication from Batter --No. I creamery ,prints, 881h to 84c;
this Thursday evening. Both man and bird and beast; Dorothy Gemmell 70, .Rdbert Patrick No. 2 creamery, prints, $21/, to ase.
y g• the Sell Telephone Co. advising that kgs ---Fresh extras, in cartons, 52 to 57c;
WT, George Wheatley has supplied He prayeth 'best, who loveth best, 69, Ethel Chesney 66. 'Sr. II -+Grace
the people in the village with their All things :both great and smell, Wallace 77., Jr. II -Warden Haney the copper line from Dashwood to fresh extras, loose, 60 to 55c; firsts, 44 to 48c;
. winter's wood. For the dear God who loveth us, 83, Arnold, Archibald 75. I -Gordon Grand Bend and thence to Shipka seconds, 35 to 373
He made, and loveth all. McDonald '82, John Oldfield 78, Hazel Road was for sale. Clerk was in -
Si'gned on behalf of the neighbors McNaughton 71. Primer - Claire strutted to advise Company that an
and friends. The ,groom, in a few Haney, Pierson Chesney, John Pat- offer -of $20 per circuit mile be lriade GRAIN MARKET
• CONSTANCE well-chosen words, made a very suit- riok, Donald Wallace and Shirley Old- for all wires, poles, etc. The follow-
' solei reply. Dlarucin'g was resumed field. Number on roll, 21; average ing resolutions were .passed. The Toronto, November 4th. -,Manitoba wheat -
until the wee small hours of the morn- attendance: September 19;.651, Oidto- Township Treasurer ,be authorized to No. I hard, 75c; No. 1 Northern, 74c; No. 2
Notes. -There will be no service in au., 711/4c; No. 8 do., 691/ic (cA.f. Goderich
•Constance United Church on Sunday ing ber 20.1- -Alice Alice M. Archibald, Teach- refund' to VAe�rested municipa'S,tre's and Bay porta).
-on account of anniversary services er, in the Black 'Creek Drain the sum of Manitoba oats -No. I feed, 30c; No. 2, do.,
-being held in Londesboro. School Report.: The following is $4,9168 Government subsidy and the 27c. ,
McKILLOP the school report for School Section sum -of $7,236.76 surplus on wonstrue- Argentine corn red /lc (tree Port Colborne),
MT. Edwin, Britton attended the. as- P Milled: delivered Montreal, freights, bags
-sizes at Goderich on Tuesday of this No. 9, Tuckersmith, for the month of tion, That Township Treasurer be included: Bran, per ton $21.zs; shows, per
October. Pass 60%, Honours 75%. authorized to refund, to assessed per- ton $22.25: middlings, $23.25.
-week, AddreS-The following is the ad- Ontario grain -Wheat, 68c; barley, 34c ;
Sr. IV Anna Love 77, Irene -Mackay soros in Hay township 38 per cent. of
Mr. Geo. Nichol and Howard Mar- dress which accompanied the presen- oats, 3oc; rye 45c; buckwheat 57c.
shall left on Tuesday of this week tatdon to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hen- 69, Jean Irvine 6R Mac Hodge
t 66, their assessment o Black Creek
Jack Consitt 65, Russell Hodgext 58, Detain, .being Hay' portion of Gove'rn-
with the intention of spending the derson by their McKillop friends, no- Lorne Hay 49. Jr. ,IV -- %Billy
con -
Winter in the lumber woods. tice of which appeared in last vreek's Dalrymple 35. 'Sr. 'IPI --+Robert Me- merit subsidy and surplus of cote- LIVE STOCK MARKWIFS
Nurse McRorie, of Brantford San- Ex ositor: "To Mr. and Mrs. Herb. be appointed
moneys. ,That John Galstex
P Lachlan 79. Jr. IIIc 75, Gl er Gem- PP p Union Stock Yards, Toronto, November 4.
station, is spending a few days with Hende2san: Dear Friends: `Ji'e, .as meal 81, Stewart Love 7�5, Glen Hous- be a ointed Ins actor of Zurich
Icer cousin, Mrs'. Wm. Britton, friends and neighbors, have gathered' ton 64, *Kate Dalrymple 37. Il Class Drain South and that he shall pro- -There was fairly good demand for weighty
here this evening to spend a few -Bill Powell lr Jack :Macke g'g teed to put said drain in repair. That steers ami handy butcher cattle of fair to
School Report. -The following is g P Y y ' accounts covering payments on town- good quality at the Union Stock Yards yes -
the school report of S. S. No. •^s, Hul- pleasant hours with you in your new Willie 'Hodgert 8'0. I Class -Helen terday and buyers took the pick of ,he offer -
lett, for September and October. An home. While among us we. have al- Houston. Primer ---Trances, Elg•ie, ship roads, telephone and general ac- ing at firm to slightly stronger price. than
asterisk after a pupil's name indi- ways found you willing to help in Doris ;Mackay, Bruce IHlodgert, Num- counts be paid as psi vouchers: Town- were -in evidence 0 last weighek's r than
Road's: J. Oeseh Riad $ pIY was some 1,200 head lighter than on
any way you could'. We regretted to ber on roll, 20; average attendance, , , $7'00' E. Monday .of last week, and exporters took a
cafes that he has been absent for one 19.26. -Mar aret E. Grieve, Teacher, Datars, [Road 10, $1.95; T. Ayotte, Rd. hand in the competition for shipping steers,
examination. Names appear in order hear you were leaving our midst, but g
ef merit: Sr, IV-,Htattie Armstrong hope you will like your new home, School Report. -The following is 10, Rennie,
S. Rapp, Road 2, $8.70; J. forwardingr-cattle trade c yntnu d active good
the school report for S. S. I o. 3, Rennie, Road 16, $16; E. J. Stire, Road
79.6%, . 'Lawson 6!3.2, Doreen and we will all be looking forward to Tuckersmith, for the months of Sep- 10, $69.80 Wnn. Fischer Road 11, feeders selling at 5,+/} to 6�, cents and fair
Clark 62.6. DorisDo Edith Britton ,2 Bernard the time when you will be coaling + to good stockers at 4% to 51/2 cents per
' back to see us one and all. lire ask tember and October, based on weekly $219.70; W. G. Bell, Road 3, $62.00; pound.
Riley 56,2. Jr. IV -Hazel Jamieson k examinations and daily work. V- B. M•akins, Road 5, $103.17; C. Ald- -Heavy and weighty steers sold at a range
you to accept this purse as a• token of -k to 71/1 cents per pound, and good handy
69.4, Ethel Dexter 60.4, Kelso Adams Jean Watson 74, Gordon Wright (only worth, Roads 2-14, $18.85; 1. Arm- butcher cattle at 7 to 71/, cents, with a few
56.2, John Thompson 55.4, Ella Dex- of the high esteem in which you both wrote a few) 70, Jr. IV-* W. D. stron , Road 2 $$2j50• W. Greiner,
are held in this community.-"ignerl g + Pinney, ooanmon as low as 4 cents per pound. Cows
ter '52..84 (Ghahles Sundereo;ek 49.4, on behalf of your friends." Wilson 7'6, Bobby Dalrymple 75, Mary Road 8, $6; R. lnney, Road 14, were off 25 cents per cwt„ the good butcher
Fred Riley 48.6, Milton Moore 42.8. McCully 70, James McCully 69, Ar- $18.50; S. Hoffman Road 8, $41.91; kind selling at 4 to 41/s cents per pound,
School Report. -The following is thur Wright 65, Beatrice Armstrong and ,only the odd kosher killer un' ,to scents.
Sr. III=Gordon Pethick 43.33, Jr. III S. McArthur, (Road 1, $32; 5'. Ropp, Common butcher cows sold downward to 3
----Jean Anderson 71.25 Elva Sander- the report of S. S. No. 9, McKillop, and Earl Papple 57 (equal), Sr. III Road 2 $150.39•'J. Oesch Road 3, cents, but canners were firm at I% cents per
cock 62.25, Edna Armstrong 55.75, for the months -of September and -*Annie Papplo 77, *Mac W.ilison $232.5'5 J. M. Richardson Road 5, pound., Bulls were a slow sale at 4 to 41/?
'Olive Grimoldby 53.5. Sr. II--Alvir. October: Jr. IV -Lorne McNichol 72, Alice Wright 66. 1,11 --Delbert $118.60; C. Aldworth Road 2 $47175; cents, for good butchers and 3 to 31/s tens
Riley 78.7, Kathleen Yungblutt 62,
83%, Kenneth Thornton 91, Agnes Taylor 43. Jr. 'III-�Mayme Watson ' per !Pound for bolognas. Baby beeves sold
Dundas 69. Sr. IH -Hazel McPher- 81 Isabel Armstrong67 Donald Mac- D. Oswald Road 9; $23.80• S. Martin, at s <, to ii? cents per pound, or unchanged
-Jean Wakefield 47.33. Jr. II -Viola Road 6 $309.80• I+'. J. H'abereT Road from the close of last week at the top, while
son '85, Elsie Dennis 81, Mary Munn Donald 60, Grace Dalrym�piq 51, II- ' � plain salty cows were hard to mov, at barely
Dexter 80.5, Stella Armstrong 74, * 7, $10'1.20; J. Parke, Road 1, $6.00 ; F
75, (Ralph McNichol 75, Irene Neon- Elsie Robins 87, Myrtle Papple T5, steady pricey The holdover of common kill-
- Marian Lawson 69**, Mary Thomp- � M, M. Russell, Rodd 1, $26.60; W. J. ars was only half that of the previous Mon-
son"", Reggie Lawson ****. L- hardt 68, Mildred McNichol 08. Sr. Muriel Wright and .Ervin Sillery 74
II -Florence Dennis 83, Madeline Hul- (equal), Bobbie Wla.tso, a 68, Nan Jarrott, salary, $217.04; A, Foster, on day.
Elwood Clarke 90, David Anderson 70, ley 81, Mervin Leonhardt 80 Thelma Taylor 66, *Morley Wright 54, Mil- cement work: $100; J. Hunkin, balance Calf supply was heavy at over 1,100 head,
Kenneth Thompson*. Primer -Jim on bride Road' 15, $157.40. General and the market was .easier, -the bulk of the
Forbes 74. Sr:' I -+Lester Leanhaxdt tan Taylor 46. I-�Ilazel Wilson 82, , choice vealers down 50 cents per cwt. at Iz
Jamieson, Excellent; Allan Sunder- 91. Jr. I -Wilma McNichol 60, Glen Allan Hill 76, *Preston Dallas, Pr. Accounts-JZurich Hydro, lights, town cents per pound, and only a few �£ the best
,cock, • Excellent; Harry Yungblut, -John Calrvvill 78, Anna Watson 75, hall, $2.50; J. Campbell, allowance on made 121X: to 13 cenfs in sales to small but -
McNichol 58. Primer 'Grace Dennis, * VPildfon Drain, $20 Perth Fire' In- 'here. Plain veals sold downward to 6 cents
Good. Number on roll, 32; average Lloyd Papple 72. Mayne Watson, g , and grassers were draggy at ay4 to 4!q cents
George McNichol, Lois Hackwell,
attendance, 27.19 -Viola J. Morrison, Elsie Robins, Isabel Armstrong, Bob- surance Co., insurance on hall, $20; per pound.
exceed -
'Teacher. Kathleen Smith, Evelyn Dundas, Ken- bie Watson, Mac Wilson and Ervin C. Eilber Estate, account, re Board Sheep and lamb supply was heavy, exceed-
neth Forbes, Edith Hackwell, Robbie Sillery had the l'e'ast mistakes in daily of Health, $34.90; C. Eilb4 Estate ing that of the previous Monday by over
W. Hulley. Number on, the roll, 24; av- spelling. Those marked with an as- 500, The lamb market was slow at :he start
erage attendance for September, 22.5; teeri•sik shave peI-feet attendance for vision Court sittings, $6; L. 'H'• with bids 8 cents per pound ora gdartes
average attendance for October 22.6• both September and October. The "oder, selecting jurors, $6; 6;W. H. fewer than ers.last week's close on goon ewes
HILLSGREEN -N. M. Homutb, Teacher. P F. Hess, s selectingi,tiu jurors, 86; A. and we, and Feeling improved before noon,
following had perfect attendance for F. Hess, sedectitl jurors $6• Munici- however, and goon ewe,, and wearers sold from
School Report. -The following is October 9 W. D. Wilson, Beatrice g 8,25 to 8.40 cents per pound, with around 150
Notes. 'Messrs. W. Turner, Thomas pal World, supplies, $7.32; Waterloo head at a top of 8V� cents. Culls and bucks
'Con'sitt and Wm. Jarrott attended a the report of Union School Section No. Armstrong, Earl Papple, Mary Mc- Fire Insurance Co., insurance on hall, sold from 61/4 to 7?. cents per pound, very
1, McKillop, for the months of Sep- Cully, James McCully, Annie Papple, few bucks offering. Sheep were weak at 4
meeting in Exeter an Moeda even -21; L. Schumaker, salary, Weed In-
' tember and October. 'Sr. IV. -Fran- Mac Wilson, Mayne WtElsie to a1i cents per pound for good light ewes
Ing. ees Fortune 83ek, Adelaide Murray Robins, Myrtle Papple, Ervin Watson,illery, sPectar, $203.20; Bank of Montreal, and downward ,to 2 cents per pound for
and Mrs. P. Wbrkmah, bridal exchange on Tuckersmith cheque, culls.
couple, left after their wedding at 77, 'Mabel Nigh 72, Doreen Nigh 64. Ivan Taylor, 'Morley Wright, R'obe'rt $2.70 Municipalities, refund Govern- The hog market was unsettled, with bids
Jr. III --Jack Fortune 79, Ambrose Watson, Hazel Wilson, Allan Hill, P 5o cents per cwt. lower than last week's
the Kippen Manse on November 1st, ment aid Black Creek $1,226.60;11
for a trip to Flint, Michigan, where Nigh 77, Margaret Murray 73. Sr. Preston Dallas, John Calwili, Lloyd close at 9 �q to to cents f.o.b. and las; to re
II--4Florence Murray -86, Aileen Mur- Papple.-•M. 'McNaughton, Teacher. refund surplus construction, Brack cents w.o.c. for badons. Most tickets were
they will visit with relatives. School Report. -The following is Creek, $1,590.10; F. E. Ducharme, fees not marked and bids for yesterday's loading
Mass Annie Jarrott, who spent a ray 83, Robert Devereux 77. Sr. I- the school report of S. S. No. 6, Tuck- School Attendance Officer $7.40; T. were 91.3 cents f.o.b.
few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Frank Devereux 93; Peter Nigh 87, Receipts yesterday were 5,240 cattle, 11183
Dick in Toronto, has returned to her Lawremce Murray 87, Joseph Ryan ersmith, based on the work of the Kyle, pay list, Stephen Drain, $230; calves, 1,250 hogs and 6,219 sheep and lambs.
}l, a La e,nJr. I -Madeline Fortune 93, month of October Ind examinations: S. Huron Plowmen's' Association, in addition there were 1,700 cattle on through
Sr. IV -Sarah Whitmore 89%, Pearl grant, $15. Telephone Accounts- billing.
The W.M.S. will hold their regular James Nash 87, Sylvester Ryan 87. Hugill 70. ah I hi Hazel Ashton and Zurich HydMo, lights, Central office, Quotations: Heavy beef steers, $6 00 to
meeting at the home of Mrs. Gordon Primer -Kenny Murray, Helen Dev- g $7.50: butcher steers. choice, W75 to $7.50:
Love on Wednesday afternoon, No- ereux, Mary Devereux, James Dev- Leola Nott 70 (equal), Myrtle Ash- $2.67; P. McIsaac, ba'ttea•ies, $15.50; do, fair to good, $6.00 to $6.50: do. common,
Hu 'll 4 S III E R Guenther cartage $8.23• North- $4.00 to $5.25; butcher heifers. choice, $5.75
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for the $ower pexdv iq BeR'�1wvj l dent[, ' II
illness of Mrs.. ��1►ymglRr
Mr. Joseph McGrath and f4invy wish, to..
thank the 'people of Dublin and eurround, . I ,
community for their kindness and eympat¢ry
during their recent bereavement
The family of the gate Alexander McKay
wish to express their thanks to their friends
and neighbors for the many expresswAs of
symparthy; also rfor the many acts of kindness
and those who Moaned their cats, ;8282-1
Experienced boys, 14 to 19 years
of age for immediate placement.
Protestant homes only. Please men-
tion your local minister. Full par-
ticulars from A. MacLARXI'T, Norval.
Telephone, Georgetown, 90 r 3,
Mr. Dan Jarvis hes instructed the under-
signed to sell by public auction at Webster's
Farm, one mile east'o'f Varna, Bayfield Road,
on Wednesday, November 12th, commencing at
1.30 sharp, consisting of 30 head of good
Durham grade cows, yearling" steers[ and hei-
fers, 25 Yorkshire pigs from 5 to 8 weeks
old. Terms. -12 months' credit will be given
on furnishing approved joint bankable paper
or a discount of 6 per cent' will be allowed
for cash. .DAN JARVIS, Proprietor; G. H.
Elliott, Auctioneer. 3282-1
Oliver riding plough. Apply at The Ex-
positor Office, or phone 6-82, Hensall.
keep on Lot 17, Concession 1, McKillop.
a pure bred bacon hog for service, loaned by
the Department of Agriculture to the Mc-
Killop Bacon Hog Club. This is a superior
animal, a real pig. JOHN NOLAN, care-
taker. Phone 21 on 144, Seaforth. 3281-2
six weeks old, sable and white; nicely
marked. Parents are heelers; $2.00 each.
ROBERT M. PECK, Zurich. Phone 96 r 3,
Hensall. 8280-2
ter ram lambs, Tamrvvorth pigs, both sex-
es. Also a few good young carriage or gen-
eral purpose horses. MANSON BROS. Phone
23 on 96, Zurich, Ont, 8280-2
County Treasurer's Sale of Lands for
Notice is hereby given that the list
of lands liable to be sold for taxes this
year, has been prepared and copies
thereof may be had at the County'
Treasurer's Office. The list has been
published in the Ontario Gazette of
August 313t, September 6th, Septem-
tcmiber 13th and September 20th. In
default of payment, the lands will be
sold for taxes, said sale to commence
at the Court House, on Monday, De-
cember 1st, 1930, at 2 o'clock in the
County Treasurer.
vembex 12th, at 2.30 p.m.
Mr. Orville Smith was in London
erevx, Joseph Murray (good work).
Number on roll, 22; average at
ton 60, Verna gl 5 . r. -
Florence Whitmore 73, Velma Ash-
' '
ernF.hectric Co„ supplies, S294.26;
Telephone & Supplies, material,
to $7.25; do. fair to good. $6.00 to $6,.50;
do common. $4.00 to $5.00; butcher cows,
7 Alf
ante, 20.23. - Teresa Carpenter,
.ton 57. Sr. II -Lona Hugill 72, Wes-
ley Hugill 62. Jr. II -Carman Whit-
$18.25; Bell Telephone Co., directories,
Rood to choice, $4.50 to $5.00; medium.
$4,00 to $4.50; canners and cutters: $1.50 to ;
Mr. John H. Cochrane and Mr,
Philip are away on a hunting trip to
School Re ort. -The followiri is
more 74, Marion Flugill 70. Sr. I-
$108.75; Bell Telephone Co., tolls,
$3.00: butcher buss, Rood to cho;ce, by b to
$4•50 ; do. balogna~. $3.00 to $3.50: baby beef, '
Northern Ontario.
the report of School Section No. 7,
Kenneth Terr berry 83. Jr. Primer--
August to Sept 247.50 Econ
gu p $ +
Fire Insurance Co., insurance,
$9.00 to $11.50; feeders, gond, $5.25 to $6.25; I
$4.50 to $5.75; calves, good to ;
•Mrs. Ross Dick, of Toronto, is
McKillop, for the months of Se tem-
Mildred Ashton 84, Mina Terryberry
Clifford Hugill 64. Number on
telephone office, $24; Zurici4.F C-en'tral,
choice,$12.00 t common, (10.
6 . mto e $ , d00 '
spending a few days at the home of
Mr, Mrs. J. Coch-
her and October. Those who missed
roll, 16; average attendance, 13. Best
switching 4 weeks, $68; postage on
$3.50 to '$4.50; milkers, $45.00 to '
her p stents and
exams are marked with asterisks. Sr.
IV Perdue 79% R alter
spellers in each class for October:-
directories, $13 R. J. Taylor, error
$80.00 : springers, $60.00 to $115.00 ; lambs ,
Mr. Win. Jarrott has tre'atd him-
71, Jr. IV -Boyd Driscoll
Sr. IV Sarah Whitmore; Jr. IV-
on rate, $, I . G. Hess, labor, bat-
t- S.,.00 ;i zhogs, cbacon, c., $10.75 � $o '
self to a new 'Cadallae car.
79, Ivan Shannon 73; Jimmie Balfour
Hazel Ashton; Sr. III-Fiorenee Whit-
terries, etc., $117.85; L. Schilbe d• Son,
cenr al 4
coal foe central office, $61.70. The
hog do,
(Too late for last week)
Notes. and Mrs. Rice, of Los
70. • Jr. III -Kathleen, Leemi;tg 78,
more; Sr. II -Iona Hugill; Jr. II-
Carman Whitmore. -Edna M. Jamie_
council meet again on
Do selects, $1.00 per premium;
butchers, 7sc per hog discount; do., tracked '
Angeles, California, who have been
Harold Hudie 76, Sr. I -(Helen
Thamer 80', Willie Leeming. Primer
son, Teacher.
Monday, December 1st, at 1.30 o'elocl.
in, 25c cwt. under w.o.c. ; do., f.o.b., price
$1.00 cwt. under w.o.c.
spending the summer at Forest Nook,
Somerville, Good. Nwnber on
Notes. -Mr, and Mrs. Norman Car-
p.m . -A. F. Hess, Clerk.
called on Mrs. L. Troyer en route' to
in California.
roll, 1101; averagia attendance, 9.24.
ter and Joyce motored to Toronto
ovem 00 ; active aptainbher stq t
s o uMaholdNovember
their home
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stephenson
The highest number of stars for
this week. Messrs. A. H, Carter and
R. Noble returned with them from
strong to I5 cents higher: bulk desirable, 170
to 200 $9.60 .to $9.65 ; few, 250 to
-visited for a few days with friends
spelling during the two months.
Leeming. - Cora F. Strong,
the University to spend the 'holiday
Royal Winter Fair.
280 pounds, $9.7,1; below 160 puuueta, $9.•10
to $8.7q
• in Lueknow.
Misses Agnes! and Annie Cochrane,
at their parental homes.
Mr. Mrs. Ira Johns, Mr. S.
The next 'big event from an agri-
packing sows, $9.25
rc $9.60cattle,
Cattle, receiryta, 1.425: genual quality
of Clinton, spent a few days at the
School Report. -The folla,� ing is
No. 12, McKillop,
Whitmore and. Sarah, also Miss E.
cultural standpoint in Ontario is the
nialn ; weighty steers, 50c u, 75c . others
s "': to 25 cents higher: choice, 1 160 lbs.,
of Mr. and Mrs. H. Fuss and
the report of S. S.
September and
Jamieson attended, the rural Trustees'
Royal Winter Fair, which takes place
Freer $11.7;; rat rough. I,25o pounds, eds.
.Mr. William Jarrott attended an
for the months of
October. Those' marked with an as-
and Ratepayers' Convention held in
in Toronto from November 19th to
feature this year is
lockU, t$..7 nfleshy
ebeef ssOoatoh$550reas.
,executive meeting of the O.B,T. in
terisk were absent for the examina-
the Clinton Collegiate auditorium on
Saturday •Last. The contest for the
27th. One new
the visit of 230 Ontario girls at the
c,a ves receipts, 1,000: ccalen, unchanged.
$16.60 down.
Landon recently.
Mr, W. E. Jarrott, of Brigden, spent
tions: Sr. IV -Agnes Case 79%,.
*Elizabeth 'McFarlane. Jr. IV -Tillie
championship for public speaking was
-expense of the Provincial Govern-
Sheep receipts, 10,6,00: kart fa i,•ly segue:
generally 25 cents over Friday oversize; gco(
Sunday at the home of Mrs. L. Troy-
Hulley 81, Bert McSpadden 75. Sr.
also held at the .same, time. Those
rent. These, with the 544 boys who
to ,choice ewe, and wether lambs, $R,;10; fat
III -Margaret Habkixk 78t/z, George
present listened with interest to the
annually throng the Co'li'seum and
take in the different Junior Far -
ewer, ,13•.50 to $4.
Mrs. L. Troyer left Sunday to spend
the m'onth's with Mr. and Mrs,
Habkirk 76. Sr. I --Gordon Hulley
Primer -Kern-
splendid speeches given after-
noon by thirteen contestants.
mer contests, should liven up matters
W. E. Jarrett in Brigden.
80., Lillian McClure 76•
Beattie, Norman' Dodds, Jack
A pleasant Hallowe'en social was
'considerably. Horseshoe pitching
Mr. W. Jarrott and daughter, Mr.
Cochrane Mrs. H. Me
McSpadden "Jean McFarlane, *Root.
held •flu the school room of S. S. No,
G, Tuckersmith, an Friday, October
oontests will provide another inter
estin'g feature, with a specie compe
Large. -In Scott Memorial Hospital, Scntti,rth,
Novcmmber 41h, to Mr. and
Allan and
trio, of Ki.ppen, spent the week end
McFarlane (Good). Number on roll,
at 2 'programme, clock. The
to winners at local
on Tuesday,
Mrs 11' rid Large, London, Ont,, a son.
in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. ];toss
13; average attendance, -Annie
ansenj yableaftercwhich
algrieulttion ural fairs.en
buss. --,On October 21st, to Mr, and Mrs Harry
Love and famdly
E. Strong, Teacher.
Tragic Death. -Edward Stafford,
a a dainty lunch was enjoyed by the
F•.rss, a son.
Adkins.-• On October 22nd, t,n Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mfrs, John
• visited friend's near Auburn recently.
highly respected resident of this dis-
suicide at his home
Mrs. F. Townsend visited friends
Ontario Apiarists Win.
if.arry Adkins, a daughter.
trict, committed
the North Road, near Seaforth,
in London this week.
time during Friday afternoon or
First and second' prizes for honey,-o.tcman-Dmasnn.--At
the Manse, Kinpen, on
and his lifeless body was
a silver and bronze medal, were wan
,sat:,rosy, Novernher 1st. Thelma',
Mr, W Dowson, of Varna. to Mr. P.
found hanging from a rafter in
a r�yT
in competition practically worldwide
Notes. -The many friends 0f Mr•
had the misfor-
shed an Saturday afternoon. Rela•
man are anysti•
Nates. David Ducharme was
at the British Dairy Show, Londron'
England, by exhibitors from Ontario.
Brown-Norlon. -•At Kapuskaaing, Ontario, on
Saturdny, October 19th, Irene Norton,
' William Dow, who
tune i0 break his log a fou months
tives of the deceased
fled as to ,the reason for the rash deed.
in 'Goderich this week acting as a
The winner of the first prize and
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Norton,
of Ottawa, to Thomas Lennard Brown. only
®'g a,. and was taken to Victoria Hos-
He had been in good health and was
in,,, at the, fall aasizeS.
silver medal is T. J. Francis. Can-
the Ontario
rem or Rev. Thomas H. sail Mia. Brown,
pita!, London, will be glad to hear
i•s at his home and ex-
last seen on Friday afternoon when
town and made a de-
-Mr. George Volland, of Detroit, vis-
ited relatives here over the we••k end.
nington, a member of
Honey Producers, and the winner of
of Tornntn.
that,h6' now
pact;soon to be. able to walk again.
he, went into
at 'a local bank. Mn, Stafford
Mrs, C. Ayotte has returned from
the second prize and bronze' medal
November 4th,
1V1R. and Mrs, Hastings and family
hump of
Who was in his forrativnshh Yand
relatives in De-
rofuthe Ontario Beekeepers'
Hoegarth.--ln Seaforth, on
1+'la,y Ann Hudson, beloved wife cr Mr.
spent the week and at the
the latter'g mother, Mrs. Janet Ross
born in McKillop P had
this all his ]Ifo. Sinco
fro card. WdnsBrth
At a meeting of the Ladies' Aid of
a mamba
Association. This is the eighth con-
Jcseph Hogttarth, in her Fiv,49th year.
Davis. -At 9tafer on Thw October 30th
Mr, and Mb's. C, Dell, of 00bourg
lived in •aficindty
bis father Mecl about two years ago,
the Lutheran Church held on Monday
secvtive time that the first prize and
were of Air. Mont
Fte nnr Veneer. wife
visited at the hoitle of Rev. W. A, ane{
had lived alone. is survived
evening, the sum of $150. was donated
silver medal for has been won
gomery Davis, aged 45 years.
. Bremner this week.
r -
n : s.i ° rl,:
el�?r, .;f A �r�
EARN $6 TO $11).#, e.. ,
Part time. selia� a amen �Y, , , r ,l
p y h;l braam W,V P,-
Meehauics, Gants} W rk rlvizrga .
E3eo'6tdc Acetylene waldi =$Dose W „
InduaLria4 Eleatr%eity, MaehLwist Brlcklplf
ins. Plastering, Drafbrng,' $bsr3Ag `" .
$slid eesiOug. Roti quack, Eat .9opr;:sypitps.
tion' Asa now. Write or csffi 'for tnimemal8oa.
DOMmm 11 TRADR AeixnnY,A- TIMn
Employment servico-. - ae£,'to eealt
' ''r
, ,i
l :j
.1r ��'.
Will make cider and apple pg a bntt+ar
Wednesday and Thursday of e�
week. Lot 23, Concession 6, Logo,
9r phone 620 r 31, Mitchell.111
Flowers furnished on short
We Remove
live or dead horses and cows free
of charge. We pay for the plh-one
Phone 22, Ingersoll
Phone 215 W, Stratford
1 Ya;
, ,i
l :j
W. T. BOX & CO.
Funeral Director and
Licensed Embalmer
Best Motor and Horse-drawn
Charges moderate.
Flowers furnished on short
Night Calls Day Calls
Phone 175 Phone 43
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Licensed Embalmer and
Funeral Director
Up-to-date Horse and Motor
Night and Day Service.
Phone 19-22, Dublin.
0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
W. J. Walker & Son
W. J. Walker, Funeral
Director and Embalmer.
•` O
Motor or Horse Equipment.
Cars or flowers furnished
as requested.
Day or Night, phone 67.
FOR SALE Five acres, one
from Seaforth; modern house
bath and toilet; small barn;
good orohard. Taxes, $15. Splendid)
chance to start chicken farm,
Apply to
R, S. HAYS, Seaforth, Ont.
28 and 29, Concession 8, McKillop, con-
aining 102 acres and known as the T. E.
lays farm. Must be sold to close the estate.
f not sold will be rented. For particulars
.pply to J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor, Sea-
orth. 8'201-tf
farms in Tuckersmith, Usborne and Hib.
5ert, some of which are within 11/4 miles from
he canning factory where the farmers are
asking all the way from $50.00 to $100.00
ter acre for their peas this season, and the
ame distance from our famous High School.
.rom these farms owners can have their tax -
!a taken from the township and applied to
,ur school 'and send children to common
Ichool free of charge, THOMAS CAMERON,
Box 43, Exeter P. O. Phone 114 J. 3268-tf FOR SALE• -128 ACRES, MORE O
less, Lot No. 28, Concession 5, L. R. S.
Township of Tuckersmith, County of Huron
There is on the premises a 9 -roomed stun
house with slate roof, barn 54x66 and win
to harn 35x50, all with good stabling under-
neath. Alao good drive shed and hen house,
all in good repair. There is also on the
premises an abundant supply of water the
year round; 12 acres of good hard wood bush.
There is not a foot of waste land on the
farm. There is a splendid orchard and plenty
of small fruit. Immediate possession to house
and buildings. For further particulars apply
U) JAMES CAMERON, R. R. 4, Seaforth,
Ont. Lot 13. Cnneession 5, or phone 2 on
133. Tuckersmitb. 8267x4
Buildings for Sale.
Dimensions and Descriptions as Follows
One building I4?x151 with 81 ceiling, rough
boarding inside and out; two sides and one
end have pine lapped siding, the whole Iined
with Georgian pine, Them is one panelled
door and two windows with two lights each,
24/fx24//; roofed with Paroid roofing.
One budding 16N24r with 71 6?/ ceiling,
rough pine siding with battens outside and
71x16f of inside matched siding and ceiling.
One building, 301x70? with 41.1x411 studdAng,
covered with lit 61) 'rough pine siding with
battons. Rafters are 2-1x6)'x18/.
One building 301x75P; 12,?x12FP timber
frame; 301x38f: 10texioll timber frame: ani
leantn'a, 30/x261, 14?x40?, 16/x881, 12 feet br
6,6 feet.
Above buildings situated on Main Street
South, Seaforth. Apply to WILLIAM AMENT
Setrforth, Ont., for further particulars.
Registered Drugless
Magnetic Electric Baths
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons. i
Adjustment given for disease2
of all kinds.
1 Ya;
, ,i
l :j
Insurance of all kinds.
4 y"
,, ��,?
Bonds, Real Estate
Money to Loan
� ��, ;
l 1. Phone ft
' e j 1 ?,