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peat a few daj�,vtitfi liei sister, , . titer, �
0", and 'programme by tho .1. �,
I S. Walker. viol* *St Maroaret MaAenzi'�, grucefield,; tw "
Harmonic Male, quairtatte, Ina. . I ,o
IF Mr. Lawrence 13494161nore, Of Lon- and reader, of Listowel. Come alld sitters, Mrs. J. H. Phinney, Detroit;
don, ,spent the week end, with his aunt enjoy the treat _of the season. Mrs. J. Richardson, Varna; three, bro-
L and uncle, 'Mr. and, Wo, J. H. Coeh� . thers, John, Detroit; Charles, Lon-
Tano, . - - - don. and Frank, St. Louis, -Mo.
Xr.,and Mirs: ThomasColenmu, who Notes. -The anniversary services,of
spent several days at the home of BAYFIELD the United Church will -be held Illext
;. M&s. L, Troyer, returned to their Sunday, October 26th, the morning
lome, near Seafarth, . Breezes -V -4W. and Mrs. Gaiwer and service -at 11 and evening at 7 p.m.
-1 - family, of London, spent the week end Rev. Sooble, of Beigrave will be the
- at their cottage. . I preacher for -the day. 4�Zi music
Mrs. Lawson-, Harry and Florence will -be furnished.by the choly.
00, . ELIMVILLE Lawson, of Stratford, were at their Mrs. L. Forrest returned. home last
Notes. -7 -MTs. Lightowler, of Sea. cottage over the week end. -week after ,having her tonsils re-
. Mr. and 'Mrs. W. [M Robinson and moved at Seaforth Memorial Hospl,
� , forth, is visiting her relatives in this family of London, came to their (*t- tal.
idnity this week.
vi 'tage Vriday and while -here installed Air. and Mrs. Burgess, formerly
.1 A u4niber from -here weret at Z'ol'i a furnace in their cottage. Miss Laura Sawers, and son, were
on, Sunday last attending the anm- ,MT.
wersary services. and Mrs, Sbannon, of Londes- visitors ,at the home of MT. and Mrs.
I boro, were coming to Bayfield, Friday John 'Watson. last Sunday.
.� ,Mrs. Charles Johns and Mxs. Ken. to spend the week end with 'Mr. =4 Mrs. DIsley, of Moun-5
tional Ca4forence at Port Albert last er, Mr. Robinson, and Forest, spent the week end at the
noth John attended the W. M. S. See- Shannon's broth . Mxs.
Wednesday.. . were being driven by Mr. J. Walker. - home -of the latter's mother, Mrs. W.
� Mr. and'Mrs. Alden Jones, of Lon- .On reaching, the top ,of a hill iaeai Stevens.
__�_.L t . , a truck was ahead, of them
. I
i! u0n, i ed the form s sister, Turs, and they crashed filto it. *s. Shan-
-Wnry Johnson, Saturday last. ' nort's face was badly cut and one eye
A largo number from here attend- C"jured. She was taken, to Dr. Gan -
ed the Provincial Plowing Match keld diees office and later to Stratford
I . i near Stratford last week.
P Hospital. It was expected she would
ose the eye, The others were brui,s-
. from his. inJUTieS received in hir. re- ed considerably,
cent motor accident. My -and Mrs. 1-1. McLaren and fam-
.101. ily visited Miss Josie Sterling over
. the week end.
i, 41
. Notes. - Our burg w.as under a
1blainket of snow for three days, but
the moisture is not enough to put out
I ihe swamp fires, and the water famine
i*ill continues,
I : The large number from here who
attended the plowing match last week
vvere so well pleased -with the affair
,that some of them returned the see-
ond day. The traffic officers handled
the traffic to -perfection, as their were
-no accidents with the thousands of
,caTs going and coming from the
Our road superintendent, Mn W.
Manley, was in Seaforth Monday and
Tuesday, getting the road books aud-
ited by the government auditor, to
have the report ready for the Me-
Kill,op township nomination.
The weather is turning milder for
the farmers to harvest the balance of
-their root and apple crop and the
,alfalfa, which promises to be a fair
yield this season.
Notes. -The C. W. L. are hotding a
. social in the Parish Hall on Friday
evening, NoveTrdber 7th. Blyth Orches-
Quite a large number from here. at- .
tended the Provincial Plowing Match �
.held at Stratford during the past ,
week. We congratulate our young I
-friend, Joseph Hastings, on secur , Ing
.first prize in one of the entries. .
The Misses Mildred, Gertrude and V
Agnes McGrath spent tho week end
- under the parental roof. The former ,
two ladies are teaching at Kitchener,
,alid Waterloo and the latter is at- .
tending -Normal at Stratford.
We regret to bear of the death of
Mrs. Josp.ph McGrath, of Dublin,
formerly of this parish.
Mrs. Win. Dorsey hes returned
,home after attending a convention of
-the Catholic Wtornen's League at Til- ,
bury and visiting relatives in Wind- i
sor and Detroit. Mrs. Dorsey resign- I
*d her office as third ivice-president o: ,
the diocese for this year. :
Mr. Joseph Dantzer has gone to �
Northern Ontario on a hunting expe- I
-ditiom l I
0 � I
Notes.--Wrs. Harry Chesney spent ,
the week end with her sister, Mrs,
James Thompson., at Brucefield.
Mx. and Mxs. Peter Hay and Mr.
and Mrs. Lorne Pepper, of. Niagara I
Falls, spent the week end with Mr.
and Mrs. James Hay.
Miss Effie McKay has returned to
,her home on the 8th co'licession.
West End Notes. -There is still a
)at of ,plowing to do in this neighbor-
i Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Crich, of
!Pontiac, MIchigart, spent the week
. �end with relatives here.
V Mrs. W. Cricb, who has been v ' isit-
Ing her sister, Mrs. Charles Layton,
-at Hamilton, has returned home.
'Mr. and Mrs. A. Matheson, of God-
eTich, spent Sunday with friends here
Notes. -Nearly every farrd between
Eginondville and Brucefield was re-
presented at the plowing match near
'Stratford, last week. All reported a
good, day. .
Mr. L. Finlayson has moved to the
..farm on the ryth conces,sian of Tuck-
*rsmith, formerly owned by Mr. El-
liott Walter.
'Mr. Douglas Fotheringhl&rn treated
himself to an Essex car one day last
Notes. -Mrs. James Medd rc-turned
on Sunday after spending a week with
her brothers, Messrs. Anthony and
Fred Lawson of Toronto..
Mr. and M�Is, John Ferguson spent
a few days last week wU_h Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Elliott, of Toronto.
Mrs. Leo Stephenson is spending
.two weeks with Mrs. Justin, Sinelair
df Brigden.
The Centre Section of the 'United
;Church will be held in Constance
Church on Friday, Octobe,r �111at. In
,the afternoon an address will be giv-
en by Miss Jean Gillespie, of JaPan.
Dinner will be served in the basement
of &,a church. All, are welcome.
Mrs. Charles McGregor spent the
,week ead at the home Of Mr, and Mrs'
Joseph LoTe in Nftlton-
, Messrs. William, and Ed. Gormley,
of ToT6vto, visited at the home of
Mr. and M,r1j. Robert Lawson on Sun-
,dity last. ,
I Quite a -number attended the plow -
Ing match he14 near Stratford last
Mi. gnd 160. Prod ATmhtrOng, "I
C,riinft, spefit Sunday at the bom�
. I .
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On Wednesday evening of last week
a congregational meeting was held at
Trinity -Church when it was decided
tohold a hot supper in the Town Hall,
Thursday evening, November 24bh.
Committees were appointed, to see af-
ter the supper and �pr�ogram. Some
change is ,proposed in the heating of
the church.
Mr. George Mitchell, of Lobo, and
son., Harry Mitchell, .of London, spent
Sunduy with their cousin, F. A. Ed-
wards, who returned with them to
Notes. -Miss Veronica McConnell,
�If Guelph, spent Sunday with her
�ather, MiV. Frank McConnell.
. Mr. Thomas Ryan, of Detroit, spent
.he, week end with Miss Shea and Mr.
Dan Shea.
Mrs. John, Dorrestyn underwent an
)peration at St. Joseph's Hospital,
Dondon, during the week. I
Death of Mrs. Joseph McGrath. -
rhe death of Mrs. Joseph McGrath
)ccurred, early Wednesday morning at
aer hionle. in the village, after a lorig
;erx?li� illness. Deceased was. in her
_ '
i0th year, and, was an active member
A St. Patrick's Church and of the
kItar 'Society ,and Catholic Wolnen�s
. �eague- was kind and cheerful to all
memory will
)e long cherished. She is survived by
ter sorrowing husband, three daugh-
Rrs, Mary, of Toronto; Bernice, of
3etroit; Lucille, at home, and her
tunt, Mrs. Peter Matthews. We extend
)ur sinceresympathy to them in their
�reat.loss. The funeral will take placa
)n Friday morning to St. Patrick's
,hurch at 9 o'clock. Interment will
)e made in St. Patrick's Cemetery.
Death of Chief Bissett. - Wesley .
rames Bissett, Chief 0(ynstable of Ex -
,ter, pissed, away suddenly at eight
),QI0 Monday morning in his 76th
__ Nespite, the fact that Mr. Ris-
;ett had been feeling miserable for
eyeral, -weeks, he kept on with his
I %-s.*,,�-as,;ChJef Constable. Sunday
!vening while talking over the phone
in a long distance call from Toronto
ie fell irV*faint and his son-in-law,
ivith whilO he was talking, sensing
I methin, ' ." ' e matter, at once had
;' e operat6r call one of the neighbors
&n d I him to go into the Bissett
iome. by this time, however, Mr.
3 - issett had recovered sufficiently to
�et to a couch and Dr. Pletcher, was
:'jil * ed to4ilminister to him. At the
Ime his wife was visiting her dau,gh-
;er in Toronto and was preparing to
-eturn home, which was the reason
4 the long distance call. On, Monday
!k -ening Dr. J. McGregor, of London,
vas called to consult with Dr. Flet -
!her and- it. was decided that he had a
,,o,od ch4wbe for recovery. 'His pass-
;i,� Tui6sday morning, therefore, was
i great shock to, the whole comm,u�n-
ty, Mr, Bissett had ,been in the em-
Aoy of the town of 'Exeter for over
,wenty-five years, succeeding James
Dr�ecb, Sr. Born in Stephen Town-
5hip near 'Centralia, he was a son of
-be late Thomas Bissett. In the early
lays ,of the'settlements his family
vvas known as Sturdy, rugged , men
and were all hard workers. He was
%e head of the local'street gang and
could frequently he seen, taking a
shovel in hand. and bustling work
along. He was a member of the
Jamee Street United ,Church and in
politics was a Conservative. He is
survived by his wife and daughter,
Mrs. W. iRousom, Toronto, and two
brothers, David, Walkerville, and
Charles, of Deloraine, Manitoba. The
remains were laid to rest in, the Exe,
ter cemetery on Thursday at 2.80 P.m.
Obituary. -Rarely since thie war has
our community received such shock-
in.g news as that of the death of Al-
lan MacKenzie at the, hands of an
9,ssassin in Banes, Oriente Cuba Al -
ie Rod*'
Ian was the son of the fa erick
MacKenzie and Mrs. Margaret Mae -
Kenzie, of BTucefield, He was 'born
May 2, 1894, at the old MacKenzie
homestead, at Varna. He attended
public school in the village and later
the Clinton Collegiate Institute, Ho
left home as other boys have to go to
Detroit and the,n to Clevelandp Ohiop
where be spent several years with
the Lincoln Electric Co., of that city.
It Was while with this company that
he received, an offer to go to Cuba for
the United Fruit Co., of Boston, to
supervise the maintenance of their
electrical equipment 'it their planta.
tions and refinerio& After spending
two years inCuba, he took a vacation
home and married Florence MRCMil-
lan, of t,ondou, and took his bride
-W . .
Notices are out announcing the an-
nual convention of the Huron Co. Edu-
cation,al Association. of Trustees and
Ratepayers to behold in the auditor-
ium of the Golle-giate Institute, GULL -
ton, on, Saturday, November 1st, co-m-
meneing at 1.30 p.m., sharp. In addi-
tion to the public spe�aking competi-
tion, 'Mr. A. E. Anderson, Lanw4k
Co., (a rural man with the rural view-
point) who took part in the debate on
Township School Boards at the O.E.A.
Convention of 1929,. will address the
gathering on "The Financing of Rural
Schools." Mr. E. ,C. Beacom, I.P.S.,
v�ill speak on "Fifth Classes in Rural
Schools," and Dr. J. M. Field, LP.S.,
will speak on the new basis of grants
public schdois recently announced
by the, Minister of Education. Let ev-
aryone come prepared to take p�rt
�n the discussions. The boys and
.7irls of Huron Co. are entitled to the
best to the had in the line of public
5chools. Members of parliament of
:he County of Huron, inspectors, mem-
)ers of township and county councils,
is well as teachers, trustees and rate-
?ayers, are cordially invited to at-
. A special invitation is vxtend-
� i .0280-2
A, to ladies.
The following is the report of hog
,hipments, for month ending August
30, 1913 -0: -
Walton -Total hogs, 113; select
3acon, 36; butchers, 12; heavies, 4.
Hensall-Total hogs, 212; select
)aeon, 47; bacon, 131; butchers, 21;
ieavies, 1; extra heavies, 1; lights and
'eeders, 4.
Huron Go. Locals - Total hogs,
),051; select bacon, 547; bacon, 1,16,2;
)utchelrs, 212; heavies, 40; extra
ie-avies, 6; lights and feed,ers, 50.
Huron Go. -Total hogs, 4,710; se-
- - bacon, 1,33-5; bacon, 2,628; but-
4�`rs, 493; hearvies, 73; extra heavies,
to; lights and feeders, 93.
For. month ending September 30,th:
Walto-n-Total. hogs, 132; select bae-
)n, 41; bacon, 76; butchers, 8; heavies,
1; extra heavies, 1; lights and feed-
�rs, 2.
Hensall V� Total hogs, 469; select
>aeon, 129; bacon, 265; 'butchers, 51;
icavies, 2; lights and feeders, 11. -
Huron Co. Locals - Total hogs,
>.,5,53; select bacon, 654; bacon-, 1,646;
:)utchers, 179; hearies, 62; extra heav-
�es, 11; lights and feeders, 30.
Huron Co. -Total hogs, 6,236; se-
[eet bacon, 1,772; bacon, 3,628; but -
,hers, 482; heavies, 100; extra heav-
[es, 19; lights and feeders, 85.
I'What!s the trouble, John?" asked
the clerk of his 'fellow pen -pusher.
John raised a very worn and hag-
gard face.
"I've been disappointed in love," he
returned. .
"Is. that so?" asked the other in
3urprise. "I thought you' married
"I did," John replied sadly.
Buffalo, Odtober 21st.-ReceiPts of hogs,
2,800; holdover, 200; steady, less active than
Larly, some I -ate bids lower; Supply arriving
late; bulk desirable 170 to. 220 pounds, $10.75 -,
150 to 160 pounds, $10.50 to $10.60; belo ' w 140
lbs., $10.25; packing sows, $9.25 to $9.
Receipts of cattle, 1,450; active, fully steady,.
quality improved: choice yearlings, $11I.M.
bulk dry-feds. $11.50 to $12.25; fleshy grass -
era and short-feds, $7.50 to $9.75.
Receipts of calves, 400 ; vealers active� 50c
higher; $14.50 down. .
Receipts ,of sheep, 2.600; lambs 50 cents
higher: good to choice owe and wether lambs,
$8.75; mostly $9.00.
Union Stock Yards, Toronto, October 21st.
-Decrease of close to 1,500 head in total sup-
ply of cattle for sale at the Union Stock Yards
yesterday as compared with the previous Mon-
day, occurred chiefly in the killer division,
and there were very few good butcher cattle
in the offering. Stores for sale locally were
a fair volume supply, and sold readily at
steady prices, while in addition to the market
offering there were 1,500 cattle, mostly stock -
era and feeders, on through billing to country
There wfAs good demand for medium to
good killers at steady prices, good weighty
and heavy steers selling from 7 to 71/4 cents,
with the odd top at 71h cents per pound, and
plain downward to 6 cerift. Half a load of
light butcher steers also made the 71/4 cent
top, with the bulk moving at 6 to 6% cents
per pound -and common downward to 41/1,
cents, with the bulk of the common kind un-
sold in a -holdover of near 1,000 cattle at ths
close of markethig. Good butcher cows sold
steady at 41/z to 6 cents, with a few choice
heavy fat cows UP to 51/4 cents. Canners and
cutters were slow at 11,4 to 8 cents. Butdwr
bulls in a light offering made 4 ,to 5 cents p 'r
pound and bolognas were weak at 28/4 to 81A
cents. Baby beeves were firm at the top of
a range of 8yi to an extreme 11% cents per
,Half the number of cattle weighed up to
two o'clock were stockers and feeders, which
said fitm at 5 to 6 cents per pound for the
bulk, with several loads nuking 6.20 to 6.40
cents, and one load averaging 846 Pounds at
a top of 6% cents per pound. Good milkers
and epringere were In fair demand, with the
best selling up to $120-00 each, but there
was no c�ftqulry f6r plain dairy cows.
The Calf market was strong at the opening,
owing to reports -of storm-etayed shipments
And , Armer 'feeling at BUR610- 1% the eartV
Wes a law prime calves made 10/1, cents
per pound and choice vetLl# 121A to 18 cents
or 50 cents to $1 Par evi. better than IM
, j.;
brought 8% oewto p,er,Wp
�40; inpip RAO DUO"
selling 2 cents par 1*11j4_' 10WOr than gpod
ewes and wethers. '0.6,d
.9 butehe,r slAs4p
`i cen(
hrongt a steady 4 4�- A 0 and culls
downward to one ceaC,j�r Pound with the
� . "
odd a,pdee light owe at- 6 cents.
The hooe maThet was' A= at 10 cents f.o.b.
and 11 to ILYA cents w.o,,c. for bacons, with
road bags selling, at 118
/,&'cents per pound.
Receipts yesterday werg 4,480 cattle, 1,100
Calves, 846 boo and 6,04 . 0 sheco and lambs.
Quotatims: Heavy beef steers. $6.00 to
$7.25; butcher steers, choice, $6.75 to $7.25;
do. fair to aced, $6.00 fp,$0.50; do. common,
$4.00 to *5.,26; butcher 'boilers, choice, $5.75
to $7.25; do. fair to good. $6.00 to $6.60;
do. common, $4.00 to' Sfi,�S; butcher cows
good to choice, $4.50 to'$5.00; do. medi;�z
$4.00 to ,$4.60; canners and cutters, $1.50 to
$8,00; butcher bulls, good -to chaice, $4.50 to
$5,00; do. bologna, $8.00 to $3.50; baby beef,
$9.00 to $11.159; feeders. good, $5.25 to $6.25;
stockers, $4.60 to 45.75; calves, good to
tihoice, $12,00 to $12.50; do. medium, $9.50
to .$10.50; do. common, $7.00 -to $8.00; do.,
grassers, $4.50 to $5.00-, milkers, $50.00 to
$95.00; springers, $80.00 to $110.00; Qlambs,
mWee, $8.25 to. $8.35; buck lambs, $6.25 to
$6.50; sheep, 41.00 to $4.60; hogs, bacon, w.
D.C., U1.00 to $11.25.
Do., selects, $1.00 per hog Premium, do
butchers, 75a per hog discount; do.. tracked
in, 26c cwt. under w.o.c.; do.. f.o.b., price
$1.00 cwt. under w.e.c.
Toronto, October 21st
Chickens, 6 The. up .................. B,8-35
Do., 4 to 5 lbs . .................. 30-84
Do., 81,14 to 4 The . ................ 28-80
Do. a to 3% lbs . ................ 28-80
Dr., 8 the . ........................ 28-30
Hens, over 5 lbs . ................... 28
Broilers ................. ........... 92-35
Ducks ................ .............. 32-34
rurkeys ............. ............... 45-48
Toront6, October 21-10heese, new, large,
1.7c; twins, 173/40; triplks, 17%c; stiltons,
loc' Old, large, 27 -to 29c; twins, 28 to 29c;
Ila stiltons, 28c. ' I
Butter-Nio. I creamery, Priirte, 34-c to
i41/2e; No. 2 creamery, prints, 33 to 832/2e.
Eggs -Fresh extras, in cartons, 47c; fresh
.xtras, loose, 45c; firsts, 40c; seconds, 80c.
Toronto ,October. 2I. -Manitoba wheat -No..
� Northern, 761hc; No. 2 do., 731/4e; No. a
lo., 711/4c; No. 6, 56c (c.i.f. Goderich and
3ay Porte).
Mmnitoloa oats -No. I feed, 33y4e; No. 2,
lo., 301/2C.
Argentine corn, too c.i.f. .Port ObIloorne.
Millfeed, delivered Montreal, freights, baga
neluded: Bran, per ton, $21.25; shorts, per
�on, $22.25� middlings, $23.25.
Ontario grain --W, . heat, 68c; barley, 34c ;
mts, 28c; rye, 45e; buckwheat 60c.
&aker.-In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth,
on October 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Baker, a son. .
I -0.
ellan.-In Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea -
forth a October 15th, i'4fant daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mct'411an.
)rodie.-�-At the Private PatienVs Pavilion, To-
ronto, on Saturday, October lith, Bertha A.
Shaw, beloved wife of the late Williara
Brodie, of Woodrow, Bask.
Note.-VII-Iteasis under this head will be charg-
0 50 cents per Blngle verse, and 25 cents for
each additional verse.
In loving memory of ourldarling Iva Knight,
who died October 20th, 1922:
Deep in a �heart lies a Picture
Of a loved one laid to rest;
In memory's frame we keep it,
Because she was one of the best.
-Ever Remembered.
. — -
Mr. John Hildebrandt and .family desire to
express their sincere appreciation of the many
expressions of sympathy extended to them in
their recent bereavement, also to thank those
who loaned their cars. 8280x1
six weeks old, sable and white; nicely
marked. Parents are heelers; $2.00 each.
ROBERT M. PECK, Zurich. Phone 96 r 3,
Hensall. 112,80-2
ter ram lambs, Tammorth pigs, both sex-
es. Also a few good young carriage or g,en-
eral purpose horses. MANSON BROS. Phone
23 an 96, Zurich, Ont. 3280-2
Oliver riding plough. Apply at The Ex-
positor Office, or phone 6-82, Hensull. 3279-tf
SHErP, AND HOGS, at Lot 2 . Cc ces
sion 13, Hullett, RIA mile; northw of n-
desboro, on Thursday, OctWober 3 . at 1.80
vharp, consisting of the following: Horses -
Bay horse rising 4 years, brown horse rising
sing 3 years, Pereheron
colt, CATTLF-Durharn cow due to freshen
time of sale, Durhard cow due to freshen in
January, Durham cow with calf at foot; Here-
ford Cow, milking-, Brindle Cow with calf
at her side, blue cow with calf at her Bide.
16 yearling steers and heifers, 15 two year
old steers and heifers, 9 spring delves. These
are all Durbarn and Hereford cattle and in
good condition. Sheep -25 Oxford and Leices-
ter ewes, 2 and 8 years old; 6 owe lambs.
Hogs -2 York sows clue to farrow in De-
o farrow in Novem-
ber, 13 young pigs. Terms -12 months'
credit will be given on furnishing good bank-
able paper or a discount of 5 per cent allow-
ed for cash. WILMER HOWATT, Proprie-
tor; Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 8280-1
Registered Shrops-hire Sheep, at Polleloy-
don Farm, Ba7fleld Road, 1/4 mile east of
Varna, Ont., on Tuesday, November 4th, at 2
p.m. o'clock. It is my intention to offer to
the public by annual auction sale the beat
Shropshire breeding sheep of Imported and
domestic stock that I can produce. This
Year my offering includes: 17 ram lambs, 5
ewe -lambs, 8 choice breeding ewes. An es.
gembly (�f Wonilld individuals, proven in
production and of good type. This fall my
sheep won Arsts at Zurich, B13rtb and Bay-
field Pairs, also at MdteheU ,they won h
their class. The lamilis are of outstanding
quality, iwluding show prospects, aired by
Imported Butter and Gibson rama. The ewes
by such well known sheep breeders no Shields,
Knox, Hatimer, Bistmer, Cowan and Van -
loon, Registration Papers for ea,ah sheep on
hand day of sale. Buy a registered pure bred
ram to -head your flock, also some foundation
stodk al; this special aale� Good roada all
direotlow. Torras. -Four PO eftt. 6tralAt
,a&urik�jo4 c&h. or 12 molAft' credit on sit�-
otoVed 'Joint notes. LLOYD A. �MOWATFr,
LMA,D.D.S., Proprietor*, George tIllatt, Ana.
�;,,;,;W . 9296-2
..- I
I . �
due to fp�abqn ,sio N
.. , ,0y#m,*r.* k '14,0VO , _
,. I
years old dui -to I-reshen, JLn De . I .;
1. I . I 1� .",
cows 5 W— old"4ue to frolign in" I 11 .1, .. ? r.
I cow 6 ,. .914 due $a freshen, - in . -av . I , I i
I cow 7 years Qld dap.to, fraeben. iu,V,qven*.,er,
i , , ,-,
3 hekforis 2 ygm old due to
., �qrChpn In Ile-
cember, I cow 7 years old dixe freshen In
-December, 2 cows 6 ye= ,old due to freshen
in March, ased Durham cow, m�lli;fug good-,
.17 choice Holstein, heifer calves from -4 jn 10
months old. 4 Role-tein heifers rising 2 Weara;
I Durham heifer rising 3 years, I Durham
heifer rising .9 years ; pure bTed- Holstein bull
5 months old (registered), 6 rolled Aug=
stem rising 2 years old; heavy draft grev
colt rising 8 years, Choice; heavy draft black
coat rising a years, choice, Pigs -ii pigs 4
weeks old at ,time of sale, 1 sow bred 6 weeks,
9 ,store hogs about, 80 pounds each* 50 Rock
hens one year old. Farmer's F;f,�A riding
plow, 3 eirum. steel roller good as new, Mas-
sey -Harris fertilizer dr.111 It disc in good con-
dition. Terms -10 months' credit will be giv-
en on furnishing approved joint bankable
paper, or a discount of 6 per cent. straight
allowed for cash. M. J. BUTLER, Proprie-
tor; Geo. H. Miott, Auctioneer. 8280-1
AuCTION SALE. -Mr. George Elliott has re.
ei ad ,instructions from William M_ Doig
C v
to Bell at publici auction on Lot 14, Conces-
sion 2, L.R.S., Tuckersmith, a mile and a
quarter east of Kippen, and one-Wf mile
south, on Saturday, October 25th, at 1.80 p.m.,
Farm Stock, Implements and Household Furn-
iture. Horses --One matched team of Pereh-
Cron brood mares, both of which have been
own�d; one 3 -year old Percheron filly. ex-
ceptionally high quality; 2 two year old
Percheron geldings; one year old Percheron
R13y and one spring Colt. Gattle--One two
year old rqg1stered Shorthorn btock bull
Plato (195076); one registered Shorthorn ebw.
Mary Queen of Swts (181290) with calf at
ifout; one registered Shorthorn cow, Sea -
forth Lessie 6th (194799) with Calf at foot;
I registered three year old Shorthorn heifer,
Evangeline (224574) with calf at foot; 1 five,
year old cow with calf at foot; I three year
old 'heifer with calf at foot; one baby beef
steer choice quality; three year old steers.
Sheep ---Thirty-eight ewes and lambs and one
Registered Oxford ram. Implements - One
7 -foot Massey�Harrds binder nearly new; one
6 -foot Massey -Harris mower -nearly new, I
International hay rake nearly new, I seed
drill, I plow, 2 sets of barrows, 1 land roller,
1 wagon, 1 bay rack, I disc, I ianningmill,
I pulper, I cutting box and a large number
of other articles too numerous to mention.
Also a large amount of household furniture.
Terms of Sale. All sums of $10 and under
to -be cash. Six months' credit will be, g1ven
on all sums over $10 by furnishing approved
joi,�t bankable notes. Discount at the rate of
6 per cent. per annum. or 3 per cent, straight
an all credit amounts will ,be allowed for cash.
WILLIAM M. DOIG, L.L.B., Proprietor: Geo.
Elliott, Auctioneer. 3279-2
HOLD EFFECTS oh Lot ZI, Concession 14.
Hay Township, 21,'2 miles west of Zurich, on
Tue-,day, October 28, 1930, commencing at
12.30 o'clock, sharp: Horses -1 bay horse 11
years old, gray horse 7 years old, bay horse
7 yeara old, chestnut mare 11 years old, two
Percheron colts rising 2 years. Cattle --Three
fresh cows, 3 cows to freshen in February
and March, 1 farrow cow, I steer rising two
years, 2 heifers rising 2 years, 3 calves one
year old, 1 Shorthorn bull, I young Calf, Col-
lie dog. Pigs -4 pigs 8 weeks old, brood
sow, York hog 9 months old, Tamworth hog.
Grain, Etc -1,000 bushels O.A.C. No. 144 seed
oats, 500 bushels O.A.C. No. 3 early outs,
quantity of potatoes, quantity of hay, split
beans, quantity tobacco, half azre turnips ir
row. Implements, Etc. -United Tractor, al-
most new; John Deere tractor plow, Bissell
tractor disc, spring tooth lever harrows, stiff
tooth cultivator, Blizzard cutting box, roller
crusher, McCormick-Deerjug manure spr-dfx
almost new, Massey�Harris fertilizer and grain
drill, 2 Deering binders, Deering mower, steel
rake, hay loader, side delivery rake, Massey -
Harris bean scuffier and puller, No. 2 earn
oultivator, I.H.C. spring tooth cultivator,
Chatham fanning mill arid bagger, 2000 Th.
scales, John Deere double Plow foot lift, Mas-
sey -Harris single riding plow, foot lift; walk-
ing plow, Breaker plow, 3 drum steel. roller,
3-Gection drag harrows, A -section drag bar-'
rows, lever harrows, single scuffler, 2 wagons,
2 hay racks, sliding rack, 14 -foot wagon box,
2 pair bobaleighs, one almost new; sleigh plat-
form, auto seat cutter almost now, buggy,
crearn separator, Ford coupe, trailer, Foid
touring car, numerous Ford parts, large apple
pealer, Shorthorn Herd Books 1904-1923, spirit
level, lightning red wire, onion seeder, harness
horse, pick, extension ladder, bag holder, bag
truck, sling ropes, corn sheller, clipping ma-
chine, 2 grass seeders, Wisconsin incubator,
broader, dump cart, ice cream Ireezer, grind-
6tone, wheelbarrow. root pulper, stoneboat�
one-horse scraper, blacksmith vise and forge,
2 iron kettles, scalding trough, quantity wood,
bags, forks, shovels, hoes, chains, doubletrees,
tools, 2 pipe wrenches, 25 gallon gas barrel,
40 gallon oil tank and pump, 2 shot guns,
rifle, two danterns, 2 gravel boxes, bolster
spring -s, and many other articles. Hax-ness-
Set brass mounted harness with britchen al-
most new; 2 sets heavy harness; single har-
ness, chimes, blan�kets, robes. Household Ef-
fects-Williarris Piano, King radio, Victor Vic-
trola, over 100 records, 2 beds and springs,
book case and writing desk combined, buf-
fet� kitchen cabinet, New Williams sewing
ma,ehine, Old Honesty range for Coal or wood
almost new, 3 -burner coal oil stove, 2 coal
oil -heaters, kitchen range, coal heater, cup-
board, 2 tables, sink, refrigerator, ice tango,
large flour box, washing maeline, 2 eider
barrels, 2 vinegar barrels, syrup barrel. 100
pounds syrup, Alludin lamp, hanging lamp,
other lamps, kitchen chairs and numerous
ni-tioles. Everything goes to highest bidder
as -Term is sold. Promptly at 12.30. Ten
dollars will be given away in prizes. Terms
of Sale. --$10.00 and under, cash; over that
amount 12 months' credit will be given by
furnishing approved joint notes. Five per
cent. per annum allowed for cash on credit
amounts. OSCAR KLOPP & SON, Proprie-
tor; Win. S. Johnston, Clerk; Klapp and
Weber, Auctioneers. ,8280-1
A reward of $25.00 will be paid to the per-
son furnishing information to lead to the eor.
viction of the person or persons who entered
into the school house of Public School Section
No. 3, in the Township of Hibbert, and stale
property therein on or about the 22nd day
of September, 1930.
By Order of the Board.
Secretary School Board, P. S. S. No. S.
Township of Hi,bbert.
Great Bargains
In Good
Used Cars.
70 SPECIAL SEDAN with 4 new
tires and smooth ril-Aning 6 cylinder
sleeve valved engine, with two heat-
ers, one front and ome, back. Cost
new $2,5,00,00. Now $600.00. Will
outwear two cheap new cars.
(2) TWO 1929 MODEL 96 A SIX
SEDANS. Fast, economical and
smooth running. These cars are mod-
ern, up-to-date in every way. Cbst
new -one year ago $1,135.00. Priced
mow at $650.00. Your old car ac-
cepted as trade-in. Terms on bal-
Chas. Barnett
Box sos SRAFORTH Phone 276
1 1
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will on October 30th, pay its monthly dividend of I'V20/0 t6 V; 14i-, " � �:. �,",��
ferried shareholders of record October 25th, 1930, thi b 1, ,
.11.1-.11 � , , �,
, ""' , A
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paid by Imperial Royalties Company since organiza#on in. April,
1920. A ' I . I �
.o!,�, �,�,
� , �,,�l
I ::� , �,, 11
. �� . . . . . I"
total of 202% in cash. I
0 H. C. BOX
. . ; `
. �:��,:,V
For particulars apply to . I I
C> Charges moderate.
. I `
. ,� � -�
I "'i
- I ', -
218 Richmond Bldg., London, Ont. Phone Metcalf 8077
I � I
. ��.,
I i
I .
... , I
. - . .
____ - -
Northern Electric Sound System
Now Playing
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday .
the uproarious "Spirit of the
. Ages"
he of the cavernous mouth
idolized French heavyweight in
the funniest of all laugh pictures
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
with Kay Francis
in the sensational courtroom
drama, rated -as olie of this
year's best pictures.
In the Matter of the Estate of Elizabeth Sinale.
late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County
of Huron, Married Woman, deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Sec-
tion 51, of the Trustee Act, Revised Statutes
of Ontario, 1927, Chapter 15G, that all credi-
tors of the estate of Elizabeth Smale. whc
died an or about the 4th day of Oetober,.1930.
at the Town orf Seaforth, in the County ol
Huron, are required to send by post prepai�
to the undersigned, Solicitor for the Execu-
tore particulars of the claims against th(
i;i;ie of the said deceased on or before th'.
eighth day of November, A.D. 1930.
And take notice that after the said dat4
the Executors will distribute the assets of tht
said deceased among the persons entitlee
thereto, having regard only to the claim &
which notice has been given.
DATED at Mitchell, Ontario, this Sth da]
of October, A.D. 1930.
Mit.hela, Ontari�
Solicitor for Executors.
-W 28 and 29, Concession 3, McKillop, col
taining, 192 acres and known as the T. I
Hays farm. Must be sold to close the estat
If not sold will be rented. Far particula
apply to J. M. GOVENLOCK. Executor, So
fo . 9201 -
farms in Tuckeramitib, Us,borne and Hi.
bert, some of which are within 11/4 miles fro
the canning factory where the farmers a
making all the way from $50.00 to $100.1
per acre for their peas this season, and t]
same distance from our famous High Scho(
From these farms owners can have their to
es taken from the township End applied
our school end send children to C A
school free of charge. THOMAS CAME'RO)
Box 43 , Exeter P. 0. Phone 114 J. 8268
less, Lot No. 28, Concession 6, L. R. �
Township of Tuckersmith, County of Huro
There is on the premises a 9 -roomed elboi
house with siate roof, barn 54x66 and wb
to barn 85x5O, all vntb good stabling Und,e
neath. Also gooid drive shed and hen how
all in good repair. There is W" on t!
P Cruises an abundant supply of water t
year round; 12 acres of good hard wood buB
There is not a foot of waste ia'ad on t
farm. There is a splendid orchard and plan
of small fruit Immediate possession to hou
and buildings. For further Particulars apr
to JAMES CAMERON, R. R. 4, Seafort
ont. Lot 18, Concession 5. or phone 2 I
188. Tuckersmith. 8267:
Buildings for Sale.
Dimensiona and Descriptions its Follows -
One building lVxllif with 81 ceiling, rout
b Wea and a
and have vine lapped siding, the whole Un
with Georgian pine. There is and pinell
door and two windows with two� lights eaA
24/1x,24,`1-, rDC&ed with Paroid roofing.
One building 16,lx24f with 7P GPf cei,lix
,rough pine siding with battoria outside a
7,1461 of inside matched siding and eellinj
One building, 80,*x7OP with Wx,ltf studdh
covered with 11? elf rough pine aiding *1
battions. Rafters are 2,*xVx18f.
One- building 8#,"x75,*; I2fAx12PP ifirdl
frame; 80,1x88j1; I0?fx1G1t thuber frame: a
leauto's, 80?xg(if, 141x0f, 16ft88?. 12 feet
66 feet.
Above buildings situated on Main Stre
south, sestorth. Avoly to VVILLI[AM ABM
Seafarth. Ont., for farther loartioulals.
Cider Mill
'Will make eider and apple butter
Wednesday and Thursday of ewh
week. Lot 23, Concession 6, Logan,
or phone 620 r 31, Mitchell.
- -
0 We Remove
live or dead horses and cows free
of charge. We pay for the pl,onq
Phone 22, Ingersoll
Phone 215 W, Stratford
00 W. T. BOX & CO.
0 Funeral Director and �
C> Licensed Embalmer
0 H. C. BOX
0 Best Motor and- Horse-drawn
0 equipment.
C> Charges moderate.
0 Flowers furnished on short
0 - notice.
0- Night CaAls Day Calls
0 Phone 175 Phose 48
0. 0 * <> 0 <> 0 0 * <111 *'* 0
0 Licensed Embalmer and
C* Funeral Director
0 Up-to-date Horse and Motor
0 Dquipment.
0 Night and Day Service.
0 Phone 19-22, Dublin.
0 . 0
0 W. J. Walker & Son 0
�� 0
0 W. J. Walker, Funeral 0
0 Director and Embalmer. 0
<> 0
0 Motor or Horse Equipment. 0
0 Cars or flowers, furnished 0
0 as requested. *
<> Day or Night, phone 67. <>
.0 *
FOR SALE_-�Five acres, one mile
ro m house with
ilet; small barn;
good orchard. Taxes, $15. Splendid
chance to start chicken farm, bees,
etc. Apply to
R. S. HAYS, Seaforth, Ont.
ds. .
Bonds, Real Estate i
Money to Loan
Phone 91
Registered Drugless
Magnetic Eleetric, Baths
Commercial Hotel, .Seaf6rth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afteftoons.
Adjustment given for diteft
of iu kindis, -
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