The Huron Expositor, 1930-09-12, Page 54t EMT1BgR 12, 1930..,.. CLEVER TRAIN CREW OF INDIA FOOLED A BAND OF ROi3BERS A very ;feat capture of a gang of train thieves 'lues made some years ago in the Bombay Presidency, The Capture tools place on a branch rail- way' which runs through a very wild region Where the inhabitants are ad- dicted to robbery. The line was a new one, and on the Bay of opening a band of these half - civilized robbers derided to intercept the.train and, after causing it to pull np, to loot the carriages and pas- tengers. In order to accomplish their abject they took the trunks of several trees and laid these across the rails, the Idea being that the train would pull up and that as soon as it was at a • standstill the robbers would board the train. The engine driver, . who knew the 'tiis*rict through which he was travel- ling, quite anticipated something of the kind, and so he kept a sharp look out as the train travelled along. Sure enough, theie in the distance, Ile could see the trunks of the trees, lying across the line. And so, in- stead of running into them, as no doubt the robbers thought he might, he put on his brakes and slowed down, so that the locomotive came to a standstill within a couple of feet or so of the trees., In a moment the robbers sprang out and swarmed up the sides of the railway carriages, crowding into them and plundering everything they could find. But the guard and the engine driver were ready for the rogues, At a given signal from the guard the engine driver gave a whistle, turned on steam, and began to back his train. Speed was rapidly gained, and before they knew where they were the rob- bers on the train found themselves rushing back to the town from which the train had started. They were naturally in a great consternation, and some of them, to their cost, jumped off in order to escape. The others, however, seeing that this would be foolhardy, remain- ed on the train, and in due course were safely landed and captured by the authorities. It was a neat a capture as has ever been made of Indian robbers. SUCH PRECISION AS THIS MADE SCOTLAND FAMOUS Mr. A. G. Racey, the well known Montreal cartoonist, is, as his many friends know, one of the most jovial and entertaining of men. He has Scots ,blood in his veins, at any rate he must have, for, as Sir Walter Scott would say, his heart warms to the tartan, and every now and again he adorns the pages of the Montreal Star with a cartoon based un some Scottish subject or suggestion, Mr. Racey states, however, that these car- toons with a Scottish background in- variably bring him more entertaining criticism than any others. If, for ex- ample, he writes the legend beneath the picture in Glasgow Scotch, some Edinburgh -Canadian is sure to take him to task for not knowing how to write broad Scots. If he imitates the Edinburgh accent, then some Aber- donian is sure to come down on him heavily; and if he tries to put the speech of the Aberdonian in print, he is certain to offend his admirers who hail from Inverness. But the strangest criticism ever re- ceived from a Scot, states Mr. Racey, was a few years ago, after lie had made use of the famous incident of Tam o' Shanter fleeing from the witches across the Brig o' Docn. It was a good picture and he felt rather proud of it. 'However, next morning, as he sat in his studio the door open- ed and there appeared on the thresh- old an elderly bewhiskered Scot with murder gleaming in his eye. "What dae ye mean by makin' a pikter lik' yon?" demanded the in- truder. "Why what's wrong with it?" asked Mr. Racey. "Wrang wi' it?" exclaimed the stranger. "Ma consciences man, dae ye no' see ye bad Tam gpllopin' on the wrang side o' the brig." "What!" cried Mr. Racey, starting to his feet, the horrid 'thought striking him that in a for- getful moment he had depicted Tarn -riding under the bridge instead of ov- er it. iHastily he got hold of a paper containing the cartoon. But no, ev- erything seemed correct. Tam was shown galloping over the bridge in the most orthodox manner., "The pic- ture is all right," said Mr. Racey, re- lieved. "The pikter's a' richt," re- peated the Scot is disgust. Ye hae Tam gallopin' free east tae west, when a' body kens he rade across the brig free north tae sooth!" As Mr. Racey examined the car- toon afresh, he was puzzled to see flow anyone could judge in which direc tion, north, south, east or est, the horseman was riding. However the Scot was so insistent that at last to get rid of him Mr. Racey assume him that the next time he drew 'Tam o' Shanter he would include the points of the compass in the drawing so that everybody would know in which direction the horseman was heading. Having received this assurance the Scotsman, pacified, took his departure. BIRTHS Greene.—In Seaforth, on September 4th, to i1r. and Mrs. J. W. Greene, a .laughter. Collyer. --At Viktoria Hospital, London, on Tuesday, September 9th, to Dr. and Mrs. Gerald R. O&lyer (nee Helen Talbot), of Hansa, a son, Robert Tahoe IMPORTANT NOTICES volt SALE.—ONE 12-20 OIL PULL 'FRAC- tar in A 1 condition, guaranteed to burn fuel oil. THOMAS L. SCOTT, Rumely Dealer, Cromeety, Ont. 8273-2 WARM TO RENT BY TENDER FOR TERM • of years, subject to sale, Lot 28, Con. 5, 1LR.S., Tuckersmith., 128 acres; has never been rented and in good state of repair; good buildings. Renter can have ,immediate pos- eesefon of buildings and land, but not what is be buckwheat. Address tenders by Septean- ber 80th, to JAMES CAMERON, R. R. No.4, beaforth. Phone 2 on 188. CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. Archibald, f3,A,Sc., (Tor.), O.L.S., Registered Professional Bu- gbear and Land Surveyor. Associate Member Engineering Institute of Cann Aida. Office, Seaforth, Ontario. A fl TION SALE D7�1',PF,tRSIUN ATJOTTgN small or' ram BRED MOM ' 111! 11iU, property 'of tee late Mr . W. N, Glenn, liegietered and Fully Acarediited, consisting of 80 'head --24 females and 2 bulls, Twelve Of the females are near freshening and the rest of breeding age are bred. Will be sold Try public auction at Sprucepark Farm, lot 28, North East Bonn. dary of Usborne, 4 miles east at Hewell, on Monday, September 22nd, 1980, at 1 o'clock p.m. At the same time and place will be sold a 20-80 Rumley tractor, 1 Ceeksldutt 8 Burrow 12 -inch phew, 1 nine -foot Cockshutt cultivator, 1 corn binder. The implements are all new. One pair grey 4 -year-olds, gelding and mare; 1 blaek horse 8 years old; 1 aged mare. Terme and Conditions.—frhe terms of the sale are cash, but liberal credits will be elven' to any who wish, on furnishing notes acceptable by their own bankers. The stock will be at purehaser's reek as soon as bid is off, but will be eared for and carefully loaded on, ears free of charge. Certificate of Reg- istration will be furnished with each lot sold, and transfer made free of charge. Cata- logues on application to W. N. Glenn. Hensali, Ont. LONDON AND WESTERN TRUST CO., Executors of the Estate of the late Mrd. W. N. Glenn. Frank Taylor and G. H. El- liott, Auctioneers, 8274-2 AUCTION SALE OF DESIRABLE FARM, Cattle, Implements and Household Effects in the Township of McKilop, The Executrices of the estate of William Staples, late of the Township of McKillop, farmer, decesaed, have instructed George Elliott, auctioneer, to offer for sale by public auction on Wednesday, the 24th day of September, 1930, at the hoar of 1.95 o'clock p.m., on the premises the follow- ing: 'Farm -150 acres of first class land in the said Township of McKillop, five acres of which consibt of good timber and the balance in cultivation. There are on the premises a good bank barn with cement floor and run- ning ,water, a good two storey brick house with conveniences, a poultry house and a good cement driving shed. The property is well situated as to market, school and church. Well drained, windmill and never failing well. Cattle—Twenty-nine head yearlings and two -year-olds, One fat cow, al' first class stock. Implements—Ford touring car, one Portland cutter, buggy, extension ladder, Wheelbarrow, pig crate, set of single harness as good as new, iron kettle, crosscut saw, wire stretcher, hand stretcher, a quantity of inch lumber, a few cord of short wood, three hives of bees. Household Effects -1 sideboard, I extension table, 6 dining :room chairs, 1 arm chair. 3 oak rocking chairs, 1 small oak rocker, other kitchen chairs, 1 high chair, 1 mahogany parlor table, 2 small tables, 1 kit- chen extension table, 1 ocean, couch, linoleum 12x15, almost new ; linoleum 12x17, smeller linoleums, 1 parlor rug 9x12, bedroom rug and carpets, 3 iron beds, springs and mat- tress, 2 dressers, 2 washstands, 2 bureaus. 2 toilet sets, chandelier, hanging lamp, other lamps, 8 -day clock, hall rack, paper rack, clothes horse, corner cupboard, cellar cup- board, 1 airtight heater, Moffat range, pic- ture,, dishes and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale on Farm—Ten per cent. of purchase money on date of sale Ind the balance within three weeks. Terms on Cattle -Six months' credit on approved joint notes. Four per cent. discount for dash. On Chattels and Household Effects --Cash. For further particulars apply on the premise; leiter parts of Lots 31 and 32. Concession 11 McKillop Township, Huron County, or to BEST & BEST, Seaforth, Ont., Solicitors for Executrices. George Elliott, Auctioneer, Dated September 10, 1930. 3274-2 EXECUTOR'S SALE OF FARM LANDS AND RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY There will be offered for sale by public auc- tion on Wednesday, October lst, 1930, at two o'clock p.m., at Lot 35, Concession I, 'Pawn - ship o£ East Wawano h, the following pro- perties: 1. Lot 35, Concesion 1, Townshop of East Wawansh, consisting of 197 acres of land, more or less, on which is erected a comfort- able frame house and barns about 40/x60/ and 30/x70/. On this farmthere is said to be about ten acres of good hardwood bush. 2 Part of Lot 35, Concession 13, Bullets Township, containing two acres of land. more or less, on which is said to be erected a com- fortable cement block and frame house and stable. The above properties will each be offered subject to a reserve bid and subject to cer- tain condition of sale which will be produced and read at the time of sale. Further particulars may be obtained from the Executor, or his Solicitor, F. England, Clinton, Ontario. HERMAN C. DAER, Executor for the John Deer Estate. G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 3274-3 House for Sale The house and lot belonging to the estate of the late Ann E. Modeland on Market St., Seaforth, Ont., will be sold at a sacrifice price is order to close up her estate. For particulars apply to BEST & BEST, Seaforth, Ont., Solicitors for the Executrices. 3274-tf NOTICE We hereby give notice that we in- tend too apply to the Municipal Coun- cil of the Town of Seaforth for per- mission to operate a steam boiler in the store in the Broderick Block for pressing clothes. GEORGE A. CHARTERS NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby ,given pursuant to the Statutes in that beh1'df that all persona hav- inft dairies against the estate of William Staples, late of the Township of McKillop, who died on or about the 19.th day of July, 1930, are required to forward their claims, verified by afRdavit, to the undersigned Solici- tor on or before the 24th day of September, 1930, after which date the Executrices will proceed to distribute the estate, having re- gard only to and being responsible only for the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED this 4th day of September, 1930. JOHN H. BEST, Solicitor for the Executrices. 3273-8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given under the statues in that behalf that all persons having any claims against George C. Bell, auto dealer, late of the Town of Seaforth, Huron °minty, bachelor, who died on .the 23rd day of May, 1930, are required to send to the undersigned solicitor for the Executors, full particulars in writing and verified by affidavit, of their claims and the nature of the'seouaiities, if any, held by them, on or before the 22nd day of September, 1930, after which date the said Ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased, having regard only to the claims of which he then shard have had notice. DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 29th day of August, 1930. R. 8. HAYS, Solicitoe for Executors. 8278-8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTTCE is hereby given under the statues in that behalf that all persons having arty claims against Margaret Ann McAdam, late of the Township of McKillop, Huron County, Spinster, who died on the 28th day of June, 11980, are required to send to the undersigned solicitor for the Executors, full particulars in writing and verified by affidavit, of their claims ane the nature of the securities, if any, held by them, on or before the 22nd day of September, 1980, after which date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the resets of the said deaoaned, having regard only to the claims of which they then sh'all have had notice. ,DATED at 8st+8orth, Ont., this 8rd day of September, 1930. R. 8. HAYS, Solicitor for 'Executors. 8249-9 G•ODE&ICH 'FAIR NEXT WEIR O 3oderich Industrial Exhibition Wed- nesday and Thursday, September 17th and 18th, 'Program before grandstand Wednesday evening ,,and Thursday af- ternoon, farness and novelty raees and other attractions Thursday, Take a day off and see your friends at Goderich Pair. EARN $6 TO $10 PER DAY Ambitious, reliable men wanted at once. Part time pay while training for Aviation 0t1echanics, Garage Work, Driving, Battery, Electric Acetylene Welding, House Wiring, Dndustria9 Electricity, Machiudst, Bricklay- ing, Plastering, Drafting, Barbering and Hairdressing, Act quick, get your appliea- tion do now. Write or ea for information. DOMINION TRADE SCHOOLS, LTD. Eastern Headquarters '79 Queen West., Toronto. 865 Talbot Street, London. Employment service—coast to coast To Parents. Some boys and girls are us- ing the Minature Golf Course as a play ground on Sundays. The Course is private pro- perty and no trespassing is al- lowed. After this notice any infringement of the rule will be prosecuted. Will parents please ask the children to keep off the course on Sundays? POTATOES are going up in United States, which is going to stimulate prices here through light cr,ops and failures in many places. But to move out some of our stock, we will offer you: No. 1 Graded Cobblers, delivered at $1.75 per 90 -pound hag, guaranteed cookers; or field run at $1,60. We have many Large orders in now and if you are needing potatoes, phone 34-616, Clinton Central. Last year many were too late in placing their orders, as we have cus- tomers from Goderich to Kitchener, They will go quick, so phone now, J. E. Hugill & Sons • 3274x3 FARMS FOR SALE It ARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE PART LOT 28 and 29, Concession 3, McKillop, con- taining 192 acres and known as the T. E. Hays farm. Must be sold to close the estate. If not sold will be rented. For particulars apply to J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor, Sea - forth. 3201-tf FARM FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, LOT NO. 8, Concession 16, Township of Grey, Coun- ty of Huron; 2 storey brick house, barn 55x60 on stone foundation; another building 26x56; windmill. drilled well; 30 acres plowed, balance has been under pasture for several years. Thirteen acres hardwood bush. Pos- session first of Mareh. Apply to ALEX. BUCHANAN, R. R. No: 3, Walton. 3186-tf FARMS FOR SALE.—A FEW CHOICE farms in Tuckersmith, Usborne anel, Hib- bert, some of which are within 114 milesrom the canning factory where the farmers are making all the way from $50.00 to $100.00 per acre for their peas this season, and the same distance from our famous High School. From these farms owners can have their tax- es taken from the township and applied to our school and send children to common school free of charge. THOMAS CAMERON, Box 43, Exeter P. O. Phone 114 2. 3268-tf FARM FOR SALE. -128 ACRES, MORE OR less, Lot No. 28, Concession 6, L. R. S., Township of Tuckersmith, County of Huron. There is on the premises a 9 -roomed stone house with slate roof, barn 54x56 and wing to barn 35x50, all with good stabling under- neath. Also good drive shed and hen house, all in good repair. There is also on the Premises an abundant supply of water the year round; 12 acres of good hard wood bush. There is not a foot of waste land on the farm. There is a splendid orchard and plenty of small fruit. Immediate possession to house and buildings. For further particulars apply to JAMES CAMERON, R. R. 4, Seaforth, Ont. Lot 13, Concession 5, or phone 2 on 133, Tuckersmith. • 3267x4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. J. Walker & Son O O W. J. Walker, Funeral O Director and Embalmer. O O Motor or Horse Equipment. O Cars or flowers furnished O as requested. O Day or Night, phone 67. O O O 0 O O O O 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. J. CLEARY O Licensed Embalmer and O O Funeral Director O O Up-to-date Horse and Motor O O Equipment. O O Night and Day Service. O O Phone 19-22, Dublin. O O O 00000000000`0 D. H. McINNES Registered Drugless Practitioner. CHIROPRACTOR ELECTRICITY Magnetic Electric Baths Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons. Adjustment given for disease* of all kinds. *054-'tf A,,,ftAltGAIN FOR SALE,—Five acres, one Mile from Seeforth; modern house wit& furnace, bath and toilet; small barn' good orchard. Taxes $15. Splendid chance to start chicken farm, bass etc. Apply to 13. S. NAYS,, • 2953-tf Seaforth, 0711 Bui iii0 s °`or ., a.le Di.nenaiona and Desclrlptlons as Follows- One all s: --.One building 14/x7,5/ wish 8/ tailing, rough boarding inside wad oirt; two sides end one end have pine lapped siding, the whole lined with Georgian price. Theirs is one panelled door and two windows with two lights each. 24///x'24//'; roofed with learoid roofing. One building 16/x24e with 7/ 6// ceiiiig. rough pine siding with battons outside and 7/x16e of inside matched siding and ceiling. One building, 80/x70/ with 4//x4// studding, covered with 11/ 6// rough pine siding with battens. Rafters are 2/x9/x18/, One building 30/x761; 12//x12// timber frame; 30/x38/; 10//x10// timber frame; and leanto'e, 30/x26/, 14/x40/, 16/x38/, 12 feet by 66 feet. Above buildings situated on Main Street. South, Seafart4,. Apply to WILLIAM AM1NT, Seaforth, Ont., for further particulars, 8272-2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O W. T.BOX &CO. O Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer H C. BOX Best Motor and Horse-drawn equipment. Charges moderate. O Flowers furnished on short notice. Night Calls Phone 175 'O O O O O 'O O O O O Day Calls O Phone :43 O O00000eeeooee A Word To Auto Owners Be Prepared for the New Amendment to the HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT which comes into force on September lst, 1930 Drop in and let us explaiu to you just what is required under the new amendment. Nothing to worry about if you have a policy in the PROVINCIAL INSURANCE CO. of London, England, one of the strongest in the British Empire Issued by A. D. SUTHERLAND General Insurance. Real Estate Conveyancing, Investments. Etc. SEAFORTH ON'T'ARIO PHONE 152 URE -1 SOPS lee ,Itatlt JYt;a:nl Choice ram lambs of imported Butter stock. Also a few older ewes. " LLOYD A. MOFFATT, 334 Dundas St., London, Ont. 3273-2 Live Fowl WANTED Will pay cash at your home. No delivery. Extra good prices Max Wolsh Phone 178 Seaforth The Fertilizer News "It Ain't Going to Rain Any More." Well, boys, since this song was composed it has rained plenty and it will soon rain again. We have all brands of Choice Fertilizers on hand at reasonable prices. Delivery made on short notice, William M. Sproat R. R. NO. 4, SEAFORTH 'Every Yard of Dry Ge0ds tided to discontinue many .11ne$,, be sold. here are a few o1; tbe'linan, 'Shirting, heavy bide and white stripe at tie a yard Towelling 19e yard • Ladies' and, children's hose, 2 pair for 85c .Pure Table Linen , ....98c yard. 1; it Agfrov, All 'WOO , til eb'uiar $x , 01109j:' .0.10 tOgulittir 040' Shoe O pale*, pair, GROCERIES (Week End) SPECIALS Sugar $4.90 infalnt's Dle1i 1 "Soap, '4,14 Big Five Cleanser, 2 for....8c Pork and Beans,.,3 for (Beats the Dutch) Horse Radish, regular 25e; Chipso, large size 21c for re 1+' it 11! t l�tl i')9 ti!ft lf, n; WANTED—Cream, Eggs and Fowl. Also fowl culled by appoint- ment. Hugh F. BERRY, Brucefeld Phone: 13-142, Seaforth. Phone: 13-618, Clinton. Wolverton Flour Mills Company, Limited, Seaforth, Ont. We are paying 75 cents (Standard) for Winter Wheat We Have On Hand— Screenings, Chop, Mixed chop, Oat chop, Barley cho Corn Chop, Cracked Corn (coarse and fine), Oyster Shell, Whole Oats, Barley, Bran and Shorts. PHONE 51 We Remove live or dead horses and cows free of charge. We pay for the phone call. WILLIAM STONE SONS, LIMITED Phone 22, Ingersoll Phone 215 W, Stratford 3273-13 THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate Money to Loan SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Phone 91 Autnmn Sa1e -- Sept, 12 to 27. We are offering all merchandise in our store at right bargain prices. Our goods are all new and guaranteed or money back, It is our desire to let you avail yourself' of the opportunity of buying goods at Real True Bargain Saving Prices MEN Special Suits, Navy Blue Serge, 18 ounce. Sizes 36-42. Regular $27.00, at Navy Blue Stripe, regular $27.00 and $29.00. Sizes 36-42. at Suits—Grey Tweeds and Worsteds; 38, 40, 43. Regular $18.00. To clear at Penman's Merino Shirts and Drawers, regular $1.00; 79c Heavy all -wool Shirts only, regular $1.25, $1.19 House Dresses, Print, dainty styles. Sizes 36-40, at 17.95 Brocaded Silk Japanese Kimonas, very colorful, 7Full fashioned Hose, first quality. Sizes 81/2 to 10. Naturelle, for $� 7.59 Chairs, Nacre, Hoggar, White, Gunmetal 75c $2.95 98c 75c 59c 69.c 19c 45c $13.95 first quality. Regular $1.00 Pointed Heel Silk IIose, all shades and sizes. Regular 85c for Full Fashioned Cashmere all -wool, first quality, assorted shades and sizes. Regular 81.00 value $1.39 Cotton.Hose, black, grey, sand; very serviceable. to clear at for Penman's Merino Combinations, all sizes kr Atlantic Spring -needle Combinations, very serviceable for Fall w All sizes. Regular $2.00 Special in Cottonade Pants. Sizes 32-42. for Overalls, Black and Blue, Red Bac. All sizes ear. $1.39Silk Boomers, lace trimmed, all shades and sizes. for Workshirts, flannelette,chambray khaki twill, a few checked; full length cut Work Sox, all -wool; 89c $1,19 $1.35 79c 3 pair Fine Shirts, clearing line broadcloth, collar attached for Broadcloth, separate collar, lovely designs for Checked all -wool Sweater Coats, beautifully designed, Regular $5.00. All sizes. Jumbo Knit Coats; to clear at Caps, assorted patterns, Fall and Winter weight for Cotton Fancy Hose, all' sizes; good wear. 3 pair Balbriggan Underwear, shirts and drawers; to clear at per garment Balbriggan Combinations. All sizes at B. V. D.'s. Sizes 36-44 for heavy make. Felt, felt with velvet trimming, velvets, latest fashions Large Girls' Dresses—Jersey and Chemine, sizes 6-14, assorted, latest stylesfoADL $L.95 98cSpecial reduction in Girls' Fall Coats, fur trimmed. �7 Sweaters, all -wool, sizes to 34; red, sand and maroon. 0 $1 .6`+p9y $ $1.19 $1.25 $3.65 $3.19 98e 35c 39c 75c 45c A snap in Men's Overcoats, Milton cloth, very well made, full length plush lining. Sizes 35-44.. Overcoats, brown heather, half length lining. to clear at Pullovers, all -wool, fancy designs. Sizes 36, 38, 40. To clear at Large selection of Sunday pants, Worsteds, Tweeds Discount 20 per cent. Garters for Braces, heavy Police Braces and Fine Braces 39c $13,95 $11,95 $2.25 • • 15c for LADIES Broadcloth and Dui'etyne Fall Coats, popular shades, latest 1930 fashions, valuable fur trimmings; crepe de chine and silk brocaded lin- $17,519 Ings, Regular $28.00, special for this sale !J First grade Broadcloth opossum trimmed crepe de chine and silk brocaded lining, black, brown, green. Regular $35.00 and $37 $26.50 A few Coats, Broadcloth, to clear $11.95 at• A few Coats, large sizes, fur trimmed; $3,95 to clear at J Special selection Ladies' Dresses, sizes 38-44, satin faced crepe and canton crepe. Black, Navy, Brown, Green. $7,75 Latest styles only nd designs$2.95 and $4.95 Canton Crepe Dresses, assorted shades a Sizes 16-20. Only Wonderful quality Georgette Dresses, s Silk and wool jersy special at pecial reduction Fall Dresses $4.95 and $4,45 (Latest shades and designs, assorted sizes). Sweaters, all -wool, sizes, 2, 4, 6. --Different for colors Cotton IIose, black and sand. Sizes 6-10. 39c 2 pair Boys' Suits, Tweed, assorted sizes 211 per cent. Discount 65c Everyday Shirts, khaki, blue and white stripes for Caps, fancy designs for Pullovers, all -wool, 24-34, fancy check for Sweater Coats, V neck for All -wool Jerseys, green, sand, navy blue; collars. All sizes Reduced prices nn Boys' and Youths' Pants and Knickers. B. V. D. and Balbriggan Combinations 45c at 69c $1:65 $1.65 98c Yard Goods Prints, large selection. 55c 3 yards J Bleached 81 inches wide yard 49c Cretonne, beautiful patterns, heavy quality 23c yard a7 Shirting, heavy, black and white stripe and flannelette pepper and salt; yard 28c White and striped Flannelette 36 inches wide; yard 19c Blankets,aflannelette, grey and white; large size, ele'een-quarters $1.95 pir Curtain Material, Marquisette 12c yard Curtains, Swiss, lovely designs, to clearat $1.49 Panels, Swiss, Ochreat $1.29 Muslin Curtains, frilled, 3 -piece at 9 98c (White only) Come early to get Special daily offerings. Terms cash. Buy now and save at S. SHINfAN, TELEPHONE Manager.TheSeaforth Bargain Store 109 '1 iI it