The Huron Expositor, 1930-09-05, Page 2�`g ? QN, �sgk&, g V, 0V 't ii �6 'AR W WWAQ, MAT01 IRV% 5.1 oi� at's X ym"me i�p P40 1 delight 11iorpin, Xv; -mp, A, 9, i MM -11 3 P00 §T?# 4, �qq, Jftuil -0 404 to, ixqed, M� �r,;ll s"V01, vu - It is gis,,".1or n bloat* "N- rAed -by forminting - 'Turn, 71hou Way TAY 81014 And eyes, Atiwd, *ouldl,reAO, %I tmq& our- ATPRI 4o and 1441001,0# owe #140110,eau the Uetla 0#ia� 4 From viewing Mwty; eal#, V; t ! , i. 't - G ly w food, thA, 4 r M "IRV 4,%44 r0c. And in Thy good -and hv ay swmA h, mysilft sourness,'he4itbum absurd.bOefs equipernilig. pIr Be plea:aed, to quicken j yp ology lfte�sajter dullues!z, uASpinfortable' fq. Iness- and and, - -chOilstry. - :�of tte, hoi)iatt )Soolbtieh WORK -ROOM for you pains of indj, g4estion. Drugs, abomach %.ou.tb hav4,been 60.0imly jn�pl"teo j.n -the public, mindtb&t'it-wo4ld:tQc4 A -74 Fllay�roorn f 'or the PRATER tonics'and art4ficial digeatents 101 to give satisfactpry relief becuuse,,fhey another*Law LWoreoiont Commispiou yQUugst9tS in the basement. Grant Lord -unto us the ready r�ind have little or .-no, effect on �a'4ch to make a d4ntL in the j�an&hl a�d; An. extra bedroom or two in and, the willing heart that we May acids that: `hi�p been proved to be. the mistakpu 'belief that acid mouth is TeAl CaUse..*f g.aSSY StOTARell- and thit.pathQ- the Attic. Thfse are now surrender ourselves to Thy guidance abnormal ana unhealthy, pv to -be enriched 'by Thy grace. In tically all-indi-gestion. Instead UAILb. 1091* conditions §u6h, aj� pyorrhea possible in your home at Jesus' name we pray. Amen. solutel ptike..stnti-aeid or neu.tralizing can be treated by ilenUflrices and that little, expense. y - be used after meals t6 any j one, can have pe, ly white teeth agent shoulo. _ar 'd i S. S. LESSON FOR SRPTEIVIBER 17 The" new Ivory coloured neutralize tYda dangerou;s ap ii the which are the envy of.your fr', fid1s. "scientific', Ad.' stomach, and undoubtedly uotjjj7ig Such is the power of Gyproc Wallboard that does, Lessow Topic—Josiah. 0". could be better or safer. for the pur- vertising that two statements' fi�m' burn and needs no decor, Lesson Passage -2 Kings 22A, 2.; T1. ation (when panelled) will 8; 23.1-3, 21-25. pose than Bisurated X-agne4a. This the highest authorities which should you can obtain from ony good, drag have put most of the manufacture�s Golden Text—Psalm 119:103. Neces'o'ide�-�—Not Luxurd.e& the: give you additional space in store in either powder or tablets, and out of business have caused hot �ay_s h run"M der your present home. Some three hundred and saxty-five in- most casPa a t6aspoo3iful of the least concern to "the trade." MTCHEN sink wit g water tin years had passed since the temple of powder, or four tablets taken with a the American Medical Ass6ciation, strong pressuie—A Modern Emeo equi�ped suf- "dentifrice has in itself Easily and quickly applied, Salomon was dedicated with great little water after meals will be no magical -oi bathroom—laundry -facilities,—a'fau6it at: structurally ro- ng that ficient to1ustantly neutralize' exces- chemical power to clean, and Oe best every required point on your. pro t strong, it p poinip. and splendor. Duri r.. y—a�i all. av -Supply vides fire -safe walls, ceilmigs time it had been despoiled by mon- sive acidity of the stomach, stop and mouth washes are warm water or a ailable with an Bmpire Dura ater k_ arch after monarch and id-ols had prevent premature, souring and fer- solution of common table salt." The S_Vstem:.. and partitions. tation of the fdod and pejinit a American. Dental Association, states gmpire Duro W�ter Supply Systems are not' time and again been set up in the men oi�cf A 6 painless digestion Of what- that fhe, chief v4lue of a denvi ice is expensive--s.omemouexspxiceuas,.I was Your dealer's name is place where God had been. worship- normal, h 'latest improvements of any 'In to-da�'s lesson. we read that 'ever you have eaten. Try this simple to. establish a healthy habit of ma.]�jng andthe contalut e listed below. Consult him ped. Zply Sy9tenilon the market. Water 9 today and ask for full infor- Josiah came to the throne whek he prescription and be delighted, with tooth Urushing a more., -pleasant pro� our sed,to advise you on, cess, and thal "n dentifrice can be dealer will 1�e plea was a mere child. In the parallel Your entire freedom from indigestion. 0 * - your Water, Supply problems and, demonstrate mation regarding Gyproc narrative in 2 ChTon. 34:1-22 we have used for so-called mouth,, correction." a model to meet your every need.. Wallboard or write for in- fualer reference to his early life. "In Possibly the best example of an. alb- teresting free book "Build- the eight years of -his reign while he trained teach "But we're I solute misstatement of scientific fact ers. earn- is the contention that acid mouth, the ing and Remodelling with 'wa:sf yet young, he began to seek af- For Sale, b ter the God of David his fatlie-r; and ing—next term we can help, is their newly discovered national menace, is V Gyproc. expressed -attitude. in the twelfth year he began to purge an a;bnoTnal, condition, and can be Judah and Jerusalem from the high prevented by certain. -tooth paAer?., If GYPSUM, LIM AND places, and tli4� gToyes, and the - carv- the fact '-that the human saliva is GeO.A. Sills Son, THE ECOINOMY OF SPEED normally slightly acid, and that. no ALABASTINE, CANADA, ed images and the molten images." In no half-hearted way did Josiah substance introduced into the mouth LIMITED i More than 70,000 ti�nes a 'day, tele- can -,have inore than a temporar al -I carry on his work of reformation. It Y phone users in Ontario and Quebec kaline reaction, could once be gGt a - pads Ontario was, Constructive as well as de-strue- use Long Distance' to give vAngs to cross to the public, dozens! of tooth- tive. But he did not carry on alone.. their messages, to distant cities. The paste manufacturers. would be bstnk- Just at this time a pro�het arose of economy of bigh speed nlasles a rupt. ThQ American Dental Associ. mob&.# whom we read in Jeremiah, "In �he strong ap,pea the modern bum- ation states - -ing ness man, days of Josiah the sonof Amon ' 1, Pressure `/fieNEW OVOW r The saliva is normally slightly acid. 26a of Judah, in the thirteenth yea of his reign, came the word of the Lord Mouth acidity or alkalinity cannot be to, Jeremiah. Behold I have put my controlled by any induced substances. Words in thy mouth. See I have -this WAS RUN DOWN Here is. a product advertised as 'a Water, S3rstems day set thee over the nations, and ANP YERY WEAK "cure" for acid inouth: Semafor—'Ia over the kingdoms,, to root out ana to ---Nor new contril�ution to health." Semafor and bathroom FilttlIMOS 7 pull down., and to destroy, and to Too Little Blood the Trouble. offers its users, a'delightful game. It is a red liquid and "by Changing to throw down, to build and to plant." After Josiah broke down the altars Mrs. Jas. A. Haugh -n, Bridgewater, white it reveals when acids -are pres- throughout, all t)ie land of Israel he NjSj., writes: ­4"I was badly run, 'It in the mouth or throat." Since. set to work to iestore. the Temple. down and ivery weak. So much io I acid, are normally present in aU While that was being done a sensa- could scarcely do my housework My mouth, the geme never fails. To test For 8de R& tion was -produced by the discovery nerves were affected; my, dige,ti,, the "degree Of acidity" one takes of the original roll of the Law of poor; I had continual headaches and rp�uthful after mouthful till one can Geo. A. SiHs & Son - - - Sedorths Onto Moses, which '.had been put into the could not get a restful nighb's sleep. spit red. ;Could not an original -hos- 01 tess devise a Stinafor competition. to ark eight centuries before. Hilkiab Different remedies failed to be of see -who can spit red in the fewest the high priest found it and passed it benefit and I �vas growing discour- on -to -Shaphan the scribe, who read it aged. One day, however, I saw an number of rinsea.? and then showed it to the king. The advefrtisem�ent 'of a case similar to Since some co.py-writer discovered king had it -read to him and it caused rnine which 'had been rellevej by Dr. the popular appeal of film-on4he-teeth The High -ay Traffic 4mendiment Act, 1930 him to rend his* clothes and command NNIlliams'- Pink Pills so I deckled t,, dozens of dentifrices employing the the- priests to inquire -of the Lord for try t�ern. A few weeks' us,"of the well known principle of using an. al - Th e him what he ought to do to avert His Pills fully restored my health and kaline or soapy medium to dissolve, anger. When he received the mes- now my household duties are a plea- mucin, have been put on the market. Safety Responsibility Law sage. of Huldah the prophetess, he sure instead of a torture." Hiere -again the American Dental As - assembled all Judah to Jerusalem, Mrs. H-aughn's whole trouble was sociatio4 has thrown what should of Ontario andipulAicly read the words Of the that she had too little blood. Dr. have been a bombshell with the :§tate. Law. Then, he made. them renew Williamis' Pink Pills were of aid to ment that "the dentaf profess -.on is the covenant with the God of theix her -because they renewed and puri- not at all agreed that mucin jAaques fathers, and after that he held his fied her blood and that Zood blooA should be removed daily by the means celebraied passover. His greater promoted good health for where good of an energetic alkaline medium." It Makes Necessary kniowledge was followed by greater blood abounds disease cannot exist. Orphos, "dental science's latest mir- A-'j� 141- acle"- Pepsodent, "the greates; step obedience. "Surely there was not You can get these Pills from any I holden such a passover from the days dealer in medicine or by mail at 50, made in a half-centuTy's study of of the judgeS t -hat judged Israel, nor cents a box from The Dr. Williams' tooth -cleansing method, "; PebecG, "a tooth paste specifically sreated to cor- in the days of all Ow kiry� Qf IsrAel, �,TQdicine Co,, Brgekville Ont. the kiddies7 evening meal you - Two Things nor of the kings of Jud&h." rect unhealthy mouth conditions"; The hew law provides suspension of Josiab's ch4d' excellence 14 in his Li8terine tooth paste, which "keeps couldn't serve a better dish Careful driving license for the motorist conscientiousineGs. "Like, unto him THE DENTIFRICE RACKET tee-th gleaming white with almost no guiliy of offence in regard to rules was there -no king%efore him, that Do your teeth show the nued of an brushing," offer c�eap and comynon laid down in this Act, designed to turned to. the Loyd with all his heart, isoto-nic cleansing agent? Are you chemical agents. under the guise of than Kellogg's Corn Flake's and with all his soul, and with all afflicted with mucin plaques,? Ov suf- scientific discoveries to combat film. Driving safeguard person and property on his might, according to all the law fering from the pericemental pain of 'Here, is Mu -Sol -Dent, one of the with milk 'or cream. So casyj' the highway, of Moses; neither after him arose malocclusion? Coming down a few more exclusive and aristocratic of .4% VP;�,Tr, '7 there any like him-" pegs in the scientific lingo of modern this group, advertised as a product -re- to digesL Extra goo or motorist who causes damage, .... dentifrice advertising, are you per- sulting from extensive research under the auspices of the -Mellon Institute. Insurance ;�he suaded that four out of - five get unless protected by insurance, must WORLD MISSIONS pyorrhea, that you have acid mouth, The fact is that a dentist -named C. be prepared to pay up to $11,000-00. Vogt, who held 'a fellowsKip at the or that your gums need exercising? or ability A Japanese Reformer (Continued) Mellon Institute, developed a formula e Failure to pay will result in suspen- The next -point of interest visited Pick up any magazine, read a few to pay sion of driving licens4F. was the bathroom. It was perhaps tooth paste advertisements I and re- for removing mucin without tbe use of soap, and, the Institute issued -its tm feet by twelve feet, and. a third of alize. the inadequacy of your college regular certificate declaring Dr. Vogt that space was occupied by . the large chemistry courses. cement tUb, sunk below the KOT, to Ora-Noid, when dissolved in the to be the discoverer of this 'orinula. Drive Carefully! Be Insured be convenient for stepping into. saliva or blood, forms a hyper -tonic This certificate, prominently leatured You all know that Japanese baths are: solution of,the salts of sodium ' al- On the Mu -Sol -Dent label, concerned N Suspension of driving license applies to all more "social" than ours, accomnio- clum and magnesium, based on the only the chemistry of the product and cars owned by the offender. dating , two or three or more bathers �lectro-chemical theory of hydro -gen not its extravagant claims. Realizing at once. Also they are deep, so wben iron control. that its certifleate was being com- Through reciprocal arrangements this law one sits, the water wraps, one warm- Those scientific terms might be iak- mercialized the Institute discontinued the issuance. of' such certificates -in applies to Ontario motorists when in other Jy to the very cbim They are de- en from a Ph, D. thesis; but try it on 1921. The American Dental Associa- provinces or in the U.S.A. and to moterists ligbtful. The villagers, are not able an expert chemist. He will tell you CORN to supply a community bath and are that it means nothing at all. If you tion found that Mu�Sol.-Dent is.neither " 0 visiting Ontario. tn� poor to have a decent privat,- one, ask him further to analyze a $2.00 new in principle nor results. S The most widely advertised depti- to be heated three times, a week so canofOra-Noid, he will tell you that fTices are Of two kinds: those that FLAKE Mr. Wakaos gift to the villag-3 of it co-asists Of a mixture of salt, bak- MKES Every Motorist should know the this well built, well heated -one is. ing soda,- chalk, magnesium, borax clain-A to cure pyorrhea or other path- ological conditions which on-ly an ex- - 7.go and starch, which cost the manufac- a, sig -n: ",Men from 6 -p.m. to *Sold by all, grocers. Served br hote14 details of this Act pert dentist should -treat, and -those p.m.; women from 7.30 pm. to 9.00 which modestly limit their- claims to restaurants, cateteria.—on diners Pamphlets e.xplaining the. new law can be procured ulth- P.Tn." On the wall.% was a sheet of cleansi,ng or polishing the teeth. Use� out charge fr(nn the agent of any company a member of white paper with cheery injunctions the fitst rjass at your peril; the see - likely to arrest interest and perhaps ond if you prefer their pleasant taste awalcen something deeper. For ex. to table salt -or powdered, chalk, which The Canadian Al ntomohHCb ample I noticed one or two: 44 It's are equally efficient as cleansing ag- good to 'be clean in body, and we Underwriters Assoelintlion should have a clean heart to match ents. it" "Remember to do kindnesses— 'Some of the dentifrices which claim wash your neighbor's black!" Very the -power to whiten dull or yellow practical -and fitting! The sugges�- teeth employ such dangerous ehemi- cals as hydrochloric acid. A govern- ti6na changed each Monday, so there'd I ment chemist placed an extracted always be a new interest inlrea4ing tooth overnight in a solution of one them. Mr. Wakao told me that widely admiertised tartar remover. The - - - - - - - OU L, irty. fp sons use e buth next morning the tooth was the con - every evening. A laTge closet open- -sistency of a well chewed, lump of WESA zaaN FAIX ing off the bathroom contained Imig gum. - Taftaroff, "the greatest ;cien- polished sticks, masks, etc. To my tific discovery of the age, which trans. 14. 11 -puzzled inquiry, my guide told me, vf The University belongs to tho� people forms teeth immediately into gems of LONDON ONTARIO hi% morning classes at 5 a.m. in �eft - of Western Ontagio. "i earl -like. beauty," was found by tbe ing. He himself is an, eV�� ai;d It h is sugerted '"by Provincial and AmericaAe Dental Association'to con- 13thq 1930 SEPTEMBER ath is the ambition oTI--every Japanese mvnycepa grants, by rndowment siit of 1,grdrdehloric acid and water T%irty youth to excel in, this art. Fund income, and bV tuition fees. with a ta,,ace,of alu-mioum. seems -a favorite. number, far agiiii I The enfolment of, regular students in - Other es and mouth washes Make your plans now to come to the best are am told of thirty young meh �AO 1920-30 was *"% not including t qoul&, termed, Cnilseptic and %getinicidal." W, estern Fair ever held. You'll derive Profit, come for the invigorating (�Yer6ise in apptoxiniately fo�o hundred students the early morning, In a0ecial groupi, Who r4ceive4 in- Chemical experts in the Joh'n§ :Rop_ Education and Pleasure from it kifts Wbora6riet testgd'41 brands' of 46 By now, it was time for as 'to go _*uction From thoVeijitrilty Stag. tooth paste,df whieWeldlit accounted Q1,".1 into -the meeting for the young women Rc9l*aGon Daj ATURDAY, fot, 90 per e6it.' of'biq total 'tooth - Live Stock, A culture, Art, Pure' Food, -eted by one of -our Kofu wonitti.. Sept4mber 206-26,4, W and 4th. pafte sale#�� for Pouible anti septio ac- gn condu evangeli Manufactuiers' Exhibits, Government Dis s.U. On the comfortable- -m(ab. ear students froikl&,doft. ''MON. Seragg! VAY Y� v:iighavon 16atigi ting flaors, twellive were gath6red en-' W 136 capable'bf. destroVing' areRkedun,wk P0 4.1 :� , 'WESOA'l SeORANof 23rd-2od, ofle In, pla�8, Wormen s Work, etc. Rubin and tering with shy -pleasure into ' ;bhe: 0q. di sire efitiftly out. TIP. 9, 1" Y'01W 3rd and 4d; yealtttadgittsftiim �4intres cus, one Cfidfty WldwaY,, Extra Special Grandstand sin%tg of h-y'mn�s. A1W "ste"'ng mOst- -oditr E;ian L44rkdoii� WEDN 9 'a fonix! 4fii t& -mouih .0i edf Pe*son01'4jpP66&Ein0e .so ke, t." 'I, ESDAY, I _V downcast eyes to a al af V6 fird s, eW 6901ie at au UXA"�A sinavt With 79, 1"1'0� tagg6t7l" Horse Show, Trottin Bible teaching. -Befm their -h i': Featilt Evenink our a will � pfbhab� 9 PwiUkhet'i formatfon write t* THE e 61i. 5s the"piibli ivate�*Ioofs Ae skoes as, was Up the whole. yae4 about the P. -ace btriethliftst to interest everybody. was thionged *ith jestjiug f6fl, of .0i. paim 4MG Alt,or h to" 530 Y Tibbs of, -h8.AhU':Ql phildrett, Xt Wat their turb IT W166 the o; 13revent ""A neoM UNIV t exp% 4b, % e-e-yed, young ra*-_ In" one �&6 it *&:eA1;s,1A&t Such. 'brig y Z IN PR a al s, It was very evideAt tha this, �nem,,� vontu" of falth was, am, &,at 161'e'-vith 't "6 gw*f�jo f Gas t&e , WrW JUMPL-d with th a -fd t N nj ft, '1%4tk ' , 1� ��X , Wb% vft th tbing '1�jeti V", "Ito. �6&i** -pN6 lan4 4wp alid, vokm W, Who% In4year by -010-1145 —09V 41W orift list& it �Mme to t 410 01tile bk4lg V fu ; '. . 1. .7 ijq, hit 40"Peeg. mue :, , I �i 0 :141ACK SW WA 1. 0 Woo M., 1k. 0 vp- !N45 NP A . . . . . . . . . . % 01_ - MY EA� 4 Slo ,f V - 1A Al A 111r, �