HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1930-08-29, Page 1'! , M I � ­._­ -1-1 . .!,t�ffl,l� AN N11,7411 IN ,,, A%! p I I " t " �� ,',.',,�A,,,�� V',� .I .' ""."l- ., ,, ot, t �! 1. ".,. 1!�. "I, 11 � , I "It """" , I. � ­ 11 .1 ,, , ,w, . : I -, I WIN i , � , :, �It0, ;� . , ,'�, .." ,j .L �11'1­�,.'. jN, ., Mr, , I I : ­ � , ­ �; .Mj�`.,�', I _ �, I'll ii ... �4410'11�4�1 ,,i,; '.'�`, n , ! � _­ I . i , I INK'"K ... ... ,1� , I it", �� ��,� I il:­11, . � � I � - . 411.11, �, .,.% , I NO, 11 I , , . . , . .1 . i,;; 1. l'i-11. ; I ." . W, '44--m— I 11 � I ; , , , . . , ,�, ,4;�,.,, -t - "I 6v �", 1. - , I � i il IN ,. .1 ,, r.� -, " I ! % . .1 0 : P�_ .1, .f , ) )'T,.� 4.93 .1 � , . , . .4 " , I , .". � -, 4 , I , '. , 0� �� �1� I I I � I .. V 'e II. �, .­ I.., , ­ .1 : ­ :111, I� I.,. 1?,7 I � , -7 I . ! I. . . . . I .... I.. . I .1 - 12,; I , ,.,* , li 11� - 'a ,­pq -1 4 It I" Rw 7�4,i"*,L�-i,iY!�ll' 69 1101,511 I , : , � �1 . 4I I , I "I . - ., . .1 11,�,� t & '%' , , M,`l :, . ". I - I - � I � 5 .--.- ­­ I—— I . W1 ,� , -, . ;111 V� ." fx.'�;,­Al ;-,�,x, , ,,, , F , ". , M ,, -,i I- Tgv �, I " 141, � .11 ,", � 151, � TMINUMNI ,'� , ! 11 � � , ­ I, . I .". lik � "t. 1!�� .:,I id, , , i! " . 'S , . . I.. . ., ",.,,� 4 I ��'11 �. . " i % I V ., , """I � r, ". 1 .�,.,�,i�,,'��.�:.�,11,,,,,.,�-�, R ",v, �? -!�, 1,"," �, , .4 P 3 I !� ,_ ., ,,, � , .4 7 ,* ,_ I . . .% �".,. . .." 11, It: ,,;-j",�,q'i , -­ 1_z , ,� , -.--. - , ""� _ I 11 I , � , .. �,� '�, : ". '_1 I I, I I IWA I . I . , " . - :,�,`,`,� 11 14 " ,�, !, � fp � 1211 M , 4111i I 01, 11 P i `�, . .1 , 1. �' , , ""K, .1 ',,­ I ,:. .� "" 1 1 �,�,'__ I * , .. `;i 1"�'t 1i I 1�, - I I � � . -111, .... '­, �..,-.-.,.-�-...��"-����I."��::'I ... w. . 1.4 ,,.�,!i"�,! , " , 11i . - I ',� - I,-- - , 1. , ! "' 's `�,�,',`� .� ,� I � � " � ,, s,'�.,�"!;,,_A,, �,i; _ I �.. , , �.",,!- �,; "'. � ,1';�.,, ! 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" _ " I" -114 , , � , I I . . . ,. . .1 11 &'.­`,`%,�,,� , � , 1", ,I M I _`­ _.. , , " I 11.1 ­ """ 'g. ­ � , , , "'' .�, , I �'..'� .. ,-.-'t ­...,.,_,`.nm I ­�, 11 % I � 1. 3 V4 "', � � � , 11. I I _- ��'. ,,�igq, . .1 . 1 i ,, �I, . ... . . I., - ­ �Ir IeMl "I 4, . . I ,,�, . . 41 I X-IN101 , , 1. , . - I I � , 1-1 I . pi'l.j"i m-, . i ,. 1. , 1, - . _1 � !;� "4;� " " � . ?I I �1$9,i­;,�:I't�,%_ , i . , � - I I I . 2 . I I . . � . �­i. �n I , , �7I ,'!­ � 1 1�1 I I , � . 1. "I � I � ..,,.,�. � "".. I , � ._ '', : , I - 1. �* ._� ,,��`, ;` , ; . � `,­��-.,,� '' I � ,,"�e( t'.I "'i, I " ,., ��,r ,.. - � I .W1 1 :,,,5�, " . . ,,.-, ,, � I q " " e , � . . : I -1 I , " , _o 't 1%ir b , , ii 01 " A , , " , - - , 1; ,:. . , I -A I going, 6, th� $.eafbrriiU ,tpllegii et��',t , __04. 10, sqgAr km no .t6y, , � . I ' , _ ,, . # , - � ., * I VIL, , � � " 1 7IW41 1:14 ".1 1 31N,4 ­�11 , "p, I., " �. �,(�,4, rRQ4 " ,a,, "I: tp ,J * I , - _U S , , " I 1 r X"Idls6n - I . 4, '. ; , 'O", -T I _J I V, _P , '41104% " " Vc� ... . '' ye " s of all "frgit% ep-� � " I I . **' "' ... " two I � , , . . Mo— - ins plus 196 ""''IT091 A . -, -1 . I . ". " "M TAL � ' ., , I 1W Wif , , $&go rat . . IV MR fpt, iar bq�',preseiqt ", p tlie,,, 0,", mut day, , *0V have " � 00 due, To 141WA � AX _ "i 4 - - , - I I , ! I�_ " . A. - I I , The. total -*mb�r 0 *iAfl#,� - I Wall, , Thef, N 9�. 4 w � " . 'W . TA S..._�`t ­� � !''­ ,,�"�,*'� t . .", , I - , I �0, $%.��t. . I � e4fo '1- pe'J -V ap I ' ,'h " ".., oe ­ , to __&��t.' 4 � , , �Vl� 91t t4l . . ,� -' " . t , �_ Seafe , - 1. . , - � - , - , . .i; Hvit, Al '' , = ,� 111,1i�­.', � 0, � I � �� , rth Ga . dall ,O� es V511 � . ,� . ,p A (4. I " ..., \ errs ,vm.#,. p ps, . . ", i �, ,� ""., 1: I . 11 . I . � , qbiel�t , ,gi4 . , �' ,I in, . ... . , . . � I I Ie ob'Aft.- - 1 iY I leg'aul I#= " , X in . , .., . I I . in til 4,',,,!,F'1 irl "I oWvva"'b' "' r' ,.' 102, The diot, =_ o0ally *fez - Taitu3s. , I � , , , �1.1.1,�:, #1� ,, J nt.­�TN3 mow govern�pent pqp , ,� � �., 11 .. �, 1. � . . tewart, I . I r" i , "11IM" ,: " . '14 .� . i .1'.1 � 15 _# ? A ......... .. �v to, *,JAeb , p0o# . -1 ve J"que wos 4 � ' . , .. I "" `;� � �. ", .ii�'. , "I I � q Thelmany secti -,were sevepoly burnpad , - � VTAI:ges� 449*'-,'� Vi I , . p le Of. 0aaa4a gave,, - dc. of failurea.was 151. ons ti : 1/1' 11, 4 Ti. ,_ I s. not tok toW numb . .1. R�xga --2 wins plus 2. - - "'N 11, ,. ... ",'', . ,g rAvMdatq,l,ast"rA1onbh ha, , cu jinkej ,of P�,Pqra Passed ws, OZ.5 per and mapy d4rymen, "W1611y iii -W 01 1114 0V 10 il I - Ii I, � , . ­ I . And:�_ la W,OX , . Ito . . .111121 .... � �Av . 01' V, 41.1 I � �'.' T. "i � . jip Uy" Ia,� Stratford. I " ". " g ", t ,W_w� 11 .. , -6 . I. , "O .. , . , , X. 0�i.P# b ,� 1!1 , , ­ . . I � , " I .. . I Runciman . I . 11 __ '.,_'�. ,_'1- .,; , 0% " :, 11 ­... 111. 1W." . ,� _ .A; �", % T ""i, ' L *11th. �, ..�, I "'!, ,V, � . Edil U - -�*­,,v M *41WW" I " , . I IQ e ­%,,to. ,got Installed and . get on cent, ,,of the ,total. W*sberii OntkiO, have. had ta'xesort I , 0 .1 0#, A Mexf_'.1t ,X . A P4, , I ' � I- .? �, 1* % .,I .. ,;, business. ' While the , actual .- The' total. numpAer �of. Upper.. School to feo4fr t , cattle.'&Tiln anO Q * , , li, It heir ,,,t on- . I ��, ;b " - 14#9.4''PiRAN '00., �4­:VR P-11 I I . . .� , � . ;�"-�, �,; I Hammer -2 wins plus 12. 1 � .1 �. Is I .- I I ". , (.% " A I ., . � .� . � I ;L,.. If 1, . . 'I, , .: ; ..� N 4ange in ministry was quietly ef- I Was. 144. Thq� total silage. This em in addition to 0111%11 I , -Is,, R., I W111 tAe,,'J L,ps�,,,, ., '; "i" .. .. .. �` , , � paws writte'a , pm% I L . . .414, �Vei '00. I . w oige ,#s, of y § 10 . ' * . . ., I . , -, _ !11 toctod, it has beeq followed by tbd . 1. Seaforth. (Wi! . .. - , , . I .. � . , , r m 1,w 11 " .0 ))) I t � -5 nunimor of failures was 31. The uuni- 09' low Price'Vai,d -for milk at the I 0"" 11 I le , . 1. luln-ttoub kavlel A., t9l:K, P-Ipen ,,%04 ,Toaxw I '��, .. , " I I �. %O -y . J b6w.enings which always 4tteud such . clitease, factoribs 'has caused * the farm- , . � I rs , I .?A, "I 's 'M � �01101*ed lhy'a'��ptl# ,�'-, ", Wi I'll -I "A . I .. ber Of 'papers passed was 785 per � -i .nre. I I. Isproat I I 1, �. '.,,.-`,4*4­XTi7 � � 1 -'A ah, o"asion. ,,A gredt rush to the I I Dor,sey-1 win -plus 5. :i' ,st4;.�47 unt & .w.. 0'.." '111t, F, 11 'the total papers written. ers to little cone 1:1 I -� ;W, .a. b '717 , ,,, 4 I t . Of ern. T6� sbartoge . .. ­ .- . 6 � vV4s bl�,00gbt ,4 ­ --._-1 . ; ,i ceri I,- . � ,� " I ,i . I . . -, 4" � Seaforth. Cl*se'by singing "God -Sees the Littil� Mips Xorey � Sall " ' 4 ';' "' AW I I' e*.%al has occuTre& Fates axe 1oOML- . � I . Of Pasture haiS-.U1`sO, increased the ship. , , �', � '.i 4 I I . .. - . �:. m"Z, I . . V 'A. If . ! 1pg, up who have not been seen in 0 t- . 1. . op , I ment.4 of Icattle and- lanihs' .with the - Chapman I �Sparr6w.s -Fall" aud, ther'benediotion. ' Aid, Bailey, who , ,dA`t�.'­'�,`fi'�� ­ , . %wa� sine(( the Oonsermt;ive PaitY . . . I , \ i i�.i Axins. trong-Maon.-Hillerest F�trra, Which Clinton S,Wope,�­Zt6, , . �, W, . ";�� ­ esult -that many cattle. will be sold . 'Sills -1 win plus 1. ,. * I �i.o� I , I 1' - - �; �,,, t*ve up I the Teins, nearly nine years TQ90NTO CONSERVATORY OF ' -a loss. � I CO. '. � "i- ,�, t tho bpme, ,of MT. and Mrs. IL � B. Moon !�nd e,oncesa.*014.'U:;,.'5,bior.n,,e,',,,'�.t , - . I , p, . at 1. I Seaforth. "To . �� , � . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . '... J :...'ago, Thp; iT�fiux seelus one thing or ,.. I I I � � . 'here, U,. Q,4j,Wji, " ' '�' i I MVSIC EXAMINATION REISULTS was On Wednesday, August 27th, at below w q�,-,V- �,;tii I Bechely . ., Wv:.-r . :,�,_ , %.. ". , ��", �,;ti A— - ..".17, . cularly any ' -IL o'clore ,T. . Quamge � a 4,�,, 1 � _,`;�,- -, % � i another---4parti jobs that Doing Valuable %�ik. Beattie- -1 win plus 5. ­ .k.. the scene of apretty ,w.e4I!_.X . and IMITs., , � , ,t'."'I7�, �1� ,�,�, *. � �� I . , At-;, number of . ye,�:d' to,, a 1, �, � ,V4WI%_t�I'5t, tin" I—. . are 'M CLUFF -&':,SON S =­ _'. i_1.1.1.,d,I!1 . U J� ton. The work done.st -the Ridgetown i . going. The time was when the Pupilp, of A. W., Aiiderto , Clin I ding ,when their only daughter, At ­7%,� '. it 1'� E� I . , . I defeat of a go,vernment and'the then - � Experimental Farm is selecting and t . Stratford. in laxet"", ."Aft. .&_e �,�, 'N __1,,,-1. ai" I I I 1. berta M. X Moon, became the bride Whibb. they W., . ; f. , Easson ? .. mv_ .. V A� Ir accepted doctrine that. to the victors A. T. C. M. (completed exa=111a- Propagating -a vaiietk of beans that I . I I I . . of Mr. Frederick Armstrong, son of they took up residence i +11 ', *Q_� ,,i I _rt':� , . . Wel�ie--S wins plus 7. I 111-1-1-_ "I , � 'i �. - F .. 1, belopg the �spoils, was the signal for tion.), -E, Naftel, Hanours; -S. Cole, 'is "freer from disease ,and gives a I MT. Hatthew Armstrong, Reeve place'wheire they now r1yo, fi#% - .. I ""i " "., 11111 I , V I �L J3MR0 , wholesale dismissals in, the pubfic ser- - 'Piano --intermediate, Helen Lane, much gTeater yield than varieties from the droppi ' f�eaforth. I ,At" ' -9. " " I ' ' "�; n(gst ano from the air of 'Hullett, and .Mrs. Armstrong. iblAy-fivo 'years ,ago. The7 " to' '�,,'�'�'!� " A "! 11 �,I­ ., �1' � i, i", � I. an. Haigh . The ,bride, who was given away been married , ;.I ,­;, , -vice.' 'For every vacancy, a soore o� -Hlan-011379-, IM. -A. Pentland, M. Ry ; formerly -grown, has alone --ustified of thebenhause, and, s4ould be chan fif#-ave ars, - ,� .�.i , A I . 'i .... . . 3 9- , " . .��,�. � I ivil service Jupitor-4r. 116ntliron, L. W. Harrison; the establishment Of this farm. is eq e Close�-1 win -plus 6. ,.; U11A_ �a .. ,.,�: � aspirants appear*4. But c ' Th* ed fr u nt17 in wet weather. Moldy , I by her father, took her place 'blessdd mith. six cluldr 10f ;,'.-%', V " " reform, did away with th-A, pi-etty ef- primavy--4B. Thorntom. . .1 ch'of work undertak- straw is almost certal-A,to cause trou- are living. They are- , I , . I - -,o" - is On y onie bran Stratford. before q beautiful archI of ov- ., at , .'�, 11 I fectively. The civil service was iimde :S-Inging-A.T.C.M., F. Beattie, Solo en ithere which is of substantial belne - ble and- should never be used in poul- Johnson ergreens and flowers. iShe looked. erson (Blanche) Detroit- $. Nel- � ,�, 11 . ­�,.' . ­ I pervianent. ilt is possible, 'still, to Performer; E., -Halt, teachers. fie to individual farmers of South- try houses. Farquharson -,3 wins plus 17. beautiful In. a dress of pale pink son Clarke (,ka2u&), near Wrkton- , :,.�, . 11 I dismiss a man for cause, but the quiet Intewdediaite­X. Fraser, R., Mac- western Ontario and to the province I �'. 1, Seafoirth.- georgette on silk radium lace with a Ws. David Russell, Mrs. W. X Beer" � ..... .1 I .. I I exercise of privilege -of a voter is not Donald, L. I& Woods,,M. A. Pentland', as a *bole. Valuable work has 'bean -,Shanahan bridal veilof tulle caught with orange and MIturice E. Quance,, town, aa*� ' . � 11:.��; . , one., ISo it is that regardless of the S. A. Cole. Apple Yield Lower , . �� I done with tobacco, canning, factory DeLacey---2 ,wins plus 10. blossoms and carried. a -bouquet 'of iffiehard, Jr., a merchant at Cromaty, � . . I 11 "" ': , it �1 , f , 'I �,i, I I fluctuations of govewnaneut . ,I': ,.e , I .. ,§� and the Junjor__-4C. E. Coultess, F. R Ryan. crops, cereal grains and, hogs. Be- The Canadian comime,rcial apple Go&---ich. sweet peas and fern. The bridal Mr. Quance has one brother, Wllli2�Ta ' � ., V, . I .. , fii,'�, �>�m 1 it 11 � :alternate nvonoi�oly -of power by po- TheoryL-A.T.C.M. Piano - S. , A- -sides -this, W. R. Reek, the superin- crop prospect, reported on August 1, Black couple were unattended. The eere- ,Quance, living at -Snowflake. Mani. �,�`�]1'1. �I� , I ... � , ". . . . Htleal parties, the public service as q, Cole, 111onours; E. Fisher, E. C. Ryan, tendent. and his staff -have, been , many wasperforined by the Rov. John toba, and one sister, Mrs. Samuel � I I J I indicates a yield of 2#90,109 barrels, Murray -3 .3 plus 16, .:y'.t, 4 .. �111-'�, 1. �11:11:1,1111 'United Hutcheson, on%Lorne Avenue, Land djl.��A, . .. ;%'. �,,, I whole, is not disturbed. -Certain posi- A.TjC,1M.,.,51nging-E. Snider. stramental in helping talong the good as compared with a yield of 3�939,915 Johnson, of Landesboro OIL . 4111.'11' - .Al� - . . V11, , ,:�� , 11 . N %ons, however, aTe traditionally po- Intermeddate Form ­,S. A. Cole, B. work done at the Agricultural Voca- barrels in 1929, or 7� cent. of 'Gibson L -forth. Church. The wedding march was , Mr. Terry was born at Quaker 11. ­ . i .1A I r . ; 'T". ."e'. � I 1) . litical. Among these aTe bbe baTb`0,r Gordon, HiGnours; K. King, Honours. tional 'School On Hidgetown. last year, or 99.9 of h1ge-year av- played, by Miss X -dud Ferguson, of near Uxbridge, -being t�e .,%on ofJohn. . .i.. �.,,�, ,4. I -he differ- Intermediate uoi7nony-E- Fisher, ,it is interesting to note that the Seaforth, cousin of the obride. Fol- Terry. Ms mother died when be was , I . �,,,,�,, � �, � , , � � - ;f Devereux --4 losses minus 34. "i I e0animissions admiTAsterigg t erage, of 3,182,195 barrels. British . ,!;J4.,,�`t . I . �,N�.., _ I., ., I ent ports. They'have al,l resigned 11OUTS" 9- A, Cole, Honours; , B. farm was established at a time when ,Columbia, with an estimated crop of Stratford., lowing the ceremony, a wedding din -:very young and his father married , '�,­., 1, , ... , , - . . ' 0 , , Naftel, the bean growers 'were discouraged 4 . ,169,13,6 boxes, is the only prbvime - , , � ,�.�:`,ffi � . and will be -replaced, when, selections Gordon, hqnours; K: King, E. Fisher neT was served to about sixty guests again. Little Richard struck out for , . . I . � - . .. :� , from Out of the army of applicants B. M. Gordon. and disea-se was taking ,a heavy tol.l. reporting an increase -over last year. Vanstone-3 wins plus 16. who were waited -on by girl friends himself when he was ten years Old. . . .. i�-, ',bl ".. 1'1�­ ssi -e. But there Won't be Intermediate Counterpoint - E. As little or no work had been done Nava,Sootia expects , Stratford. of the -bride. The groom's gift to He fin -ally landed in London. Having- , ��i, * crop of slight- �1,1;. I " ILI,- , ,��! P 111011011TS; K. King, 1101101irg; inSelection, the seed had, became run ly over half that of the bum -per crop , ,., =ugh jobs to nearly go romid the Fisher, . ,Campbell . the bride was a cii-binet of silver and a liking for carpentering he learned. � �; ' lengthy waiting list, made more S. A. Cole, .-Honours; H. Bugler, E. E. out, resulting in a -pbor -yield. Beans in 1929, while. -Ontario, Quebec and Schmidt --4 wins plus 20. to the pianist, a bar pin. Mr. and the bukiness and, built himself a house . " ." � - � I � , I lengthy still bemuse the queue has Ryan. hove long been -an important cash New Brunswick report decreases Lucknow. Mrs. Armstrong left on their honey- in London when he was 2.5 yearsold. , ""I. ,,�I_i 1 4 been growing for nine long years. Intermediate Hisrtory�S. A. Cole, crop in Kent -and Essex-. Mr. Reek ranging f-rOm' moon for Toronto, Niagara Falls, In 1.977 be married and came to EX6- _'­ I 11 12.6 per cent. to 38.9 'McKenzie - �`. . � !� . .. 1* '� . I Emergency Session. , first class homours; K. King, Ho-nours. was able to, get some selected bean per cent. Indications ax& that fruit plu� 6. Buffalo and other points,'the bride ter, wh%re he has built three hoines. I � 1: '�� "'.. !C1arke­-,.;tl. win 21" .1 V , ;� An emergency session of,parliament JurA,or Harmon5r-G. Wendorf, Hon- seed- from MilcIdgan, which 'he I travelling in a pale yellow geoirgette- In the interval he built a home and . '.. , . , . � Pro- will be of fair to good size, and in Stratford. -0 � t -is scheduled for early next month. It ours; A. Goehrane H:ono-urs; M A. pagated the first year and placed in suit with hat and shoes to match. On lived awhile in Brussels. Mr. Terry . I ., 1 ' general color prospects are favorable. Greenwood 1�,, �, �f - �, will be the first -autumn session since Pentland, Honours- B Thornton. small ,lots on ii.�ighb,oring farms the Me.extremely dry weather which has their -return they will reside in Grinis- was somewhat of a speculator in hisr . . , - the year that parliament. was sum- Junior ffistory�Ld.' W6ndoif, Ist second year. . prevailed throughout most §eetions of NeGd-2 wins plus 10. by. ' . younger days. He owned and oper- 1 ., ..;� 1, I - ., �� I -.moned to. sanction the tpeace trqWty. Class- Honours; A. Cochrane., H,on,ours; The variety is known as s Goderich. 1. I _ RO'bu t, -Ontario and British Columbia has re- ated three )diffierent farms -around I I.�_ . � . I . 11, � � I 11 I 'This one fulfils -a ,Pledge of the new M, A. Pentland, Honours; B. Thorn- and it is in general age at the pres- Litt Exeter, only last year haiving moved . I , sulted in, a slight reductiOn ip the I I : "" 1� prime minister to have parliament ton. ent time, being resistant to disease ,,stims�tea. for plums and prunes, Chapman ---3 wins plus 8. BLYTH out -on to. a farm that had been left ­ .�, 1, !� "I 'I deal ptromotlm with imemployment. Junior Counterpoint --M. A. Pent- and a heavy vielder. There are, 30 peaches and grapes, although in all Stratford. . on his hands, on which he held a , ., %Ili - - ' I -s plenty of it in the country. land, Ist Class Honours, A. Cochrane, acres sown to Veans on the farm this cases ex a are considerably Runeimen Notes.-Chicke-0 thieving i5 again mortgage. MT. Terry took off thev , _�'. ". There i pected. yield % � -The provinces -and the municipalities Hanours; G. Wiendtarf, Honours; B. year -and this will go -out for seed,� larger than. last year. ,McCallum ­92 wins plus 6. prevalent in this district and one ev- crop and has now sold the farin to li�:(4. 1 . erring late last week Robert Wight- another farmer. - . lle..'� are to be co-operated with, and a sur- Thornton, Honoms. On the plots special work is done in' Palmerston. Mr. Terry's family- z�.., 1. emy -is in progress as ta the extent of T,rimaryt_a. IMilacl)onald, Is,t CUss s;election to further improve the ON Burns man had several hens stolen from his consisted of one son-, who died when .� !�. I . . . 10 , I . poultry house. one momtb old; Xrs. Terry, who is 76, ...N il 1, the rprobl�ms, while ideas of dealing Honourg;,H. Lanei istClass Honours; stra n Ske" wins plus 9. ; - I with it are b-ei,ng sought. Public works L, R. Woods, Ist Class H'Onullrs; M. I LADIES' Lucknow. Word 'has been received here of the is still bale. He, also has- two bro- . ;. - I; will be started and -all -private enter- Ryan, ist Class Honours; T. Both, 1'st A Contrast in Weather death -of Joe,, eldest son of Major thers and one sister, John.,!of Monk- I . 1 prise encouraged to go ahead -with Class Hanours; F. Beattie, ist -Class The contrast in weather conditions BOWLING TOURNAMENT He-sderson .1 I . Robertson -4 losses minus 2-5. and Mrs. Wightman, of the stsff bf ton, and Edward, of Listowel- 'the .. 1.4� . . - . Honqurs. during the Present summer in South- theL Bowinanville Statesman ;n' -his sister lives,7.t Red -Deer, Albertit. The, . ­ : ... work even if -out of the ordinary sea .,...,. 11 � ' * , " � son. Such proposals, there is little Special mention should be made of ern and Northern Ontario and in The SealoTth Ladies' Lawn Bewling Goderich. 11th year. Death was due to infan- two Richards live within. the one, i .... , .. I ,')', 1.0 cloubt,will enlist the sanction o', par- the record -of Ws. J. A. Ste,wart, Of Quebec has been of a most astonish- Club held a Scotcb doubles tourney ,Glazier tile paralysis, he being only . sick two block, attend the same church,' and ,-, � - Seaforth, who Obtained the Solo Per- ing nature and holds more than. a . days. What makes the care unusually are real good friends. . . ... ' liament, even of the, new Liberal op on the beautiful clubgreens on Tues- Edwards -3 wins plus 15. . 11, 1 . � day evening, New Hamburg. . ,_ I , Tositio4, which had in mind some- tar,rne;rls -examinations hip A.ssociate of touch of irony for farmers generally. sad is the fact that the. second son, ,S-eholarship Winmers�Tlie priza I ­_ . I " Twenty-eig.ht iinks representing Peacock �, � 11 I I., thing of the same kind itself. the CoAservatory irn one year, which In thb north and in Quebec the rain outside clubs fro,Tn �$tratford, New Merner-4 wins plus 23. aged seven,, had infantile paralysis awardedby the Exeter Board- of Edu- � .. �o k: , BRt there now looffist irp, the strong is a very -unusual achievement, and al- ,came in ,such copious quantities that at two years of age and is now a cation for highest standing at the- . ., "'.." I � " possibility- Of Wliamentairy actidn soc,f the -record of Miss Helen Lane, crops were injured, seriously in some Hamburg, Gaderich, Lucknow and Stratford. cripple. ,Major Wightman is a nephew Entrance examinations for ;A� I Palmerston with Seaforth Tinks, were 'Matheson .the, cen- . I . .. �1. � 'being,soug�t in revision of the tariff of.,Sea&orth, whe covered the wr.* of districts. In Old Ontario -i particular- of Robert Wightman. George Wight- tres of Exeter, Hensall, Dashwood, I,: , . upwards. 'If that is attenuPted, the Intern-gediate Piano, in one year and' J,y in -the southwest, crops sweltered In competition and some excellent Dingman -4 losses minus 22. man, of ,Regina, who tvisited here a Crediton, Zurich and Winchelsea, was I I.... ,, special session may not be a quiet scored 78 marks, only two short of day after day under a merciless sun bowling was witnessed. . . 0 couple of weeks ago, is grancifathei w on by ,Miss Helen Telfer, pupil of �. J# 1000 " -The large entry and perfect wea- d had quite Aliss Gaiser, of Crediton, who was I l k � t, , -affair of two or three weeks, as has First Class Honours. for a period of nearly two inonths,, ther conditions made the tournament to the unfortunate lad an . . � � , been forecast iIn view of the necessity � Rainfall figures for July afford the CONSTANCE recently visited with his son. . just -one mark ahead of Miss Jean- % . " ." I ­ of the head of the government being - . most striking illustration of what the a success beyond expectations, and the Miss Jean Laidlaw leaves thi,, week ette Taman, pupU of George S. How- �'. 4�� � � I . play was closely follorwed by a large Notes. -The Misses Ahna, Clara for Jellico in Northern Onta ' 1. I over in London for the Economic NEWS AND INFORMATION, FOR eountrvside has borne. In Southern r1O, ard, Exeter, who won the first prize ,� ." Conference,"in October. Tariff sub, Ontario the rainfall was .53 inclies, gallery of spectators, both afternoon ,rd Ruth Pitblado, from Auburn. where she has been engaged Lo teach of the Exeter Pd,blic -School. 11 and evening. spent last week end with Mr. and in the school there. ,� I jects are inherently contra"Irsial. The THE BUSY FARMER whereas the average figure is 3.5 in- Briefs. - Ted Wethey and Elderr ... I 1j&berals are more than likely to ques- ches of moisture. Quebec, on the The Z)rize winners were- First, Mrs. George Leitch. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wightman Kating, two lads of tovni, full of ven- 1�� . I Brant County Dairy Show Peacock and Merner, New Hamburg, ': �-, - �. tion the ptility of a protective tariff other hand, had- the greatest rain�all MT. and -Mrs. .C. Dexter and Mr. and and babe left on Saturd " 'a y motor tuTe have left in an -old touring car, i . A.� V, ai� a Sokv.nt for unemployment when, ' in thirty years. The total for the 4 -wins plus 23; 2nd, Campbell and Mrs. Robert Jamieson spent last Sun- for Timinins where Mr. Vightcoan is which b -as been christened "The . I; i, .., ! The annual Brant County Dairy I His father, Wreck of the Hesmerus." for the great I I � ... 4' in the T-T-nited -States, where they have mionth was 5.6 inches as compared P-chmidt, ,Stratford, 4 wins plas 21 ; day with friends in Kitchener. principal of the school. - . I I so ynu,cb protection, there is *much un- Show willbe held in c -operation with with a normal of 3.7 inches. urd, Grey -and Matavia, Stratford, 4 Miss Doris Lawson is spending a W. Wightman, -of Belgrave, 9ccOm- National Exhibition. They each took . J the Paris Agricultural Society on wins plus �0; 4th, Nicholson and fewl days with her grandparenis, Mr. panied them on the trip. . '. employment. The intimations, how- a meagre amount of change and pur- ,� ever, are that the g0verument is September 2offi. -Classes are provid- Use Pl Ro", Palmerston, 4 wins plus 19. and Mrs. Henry Taylor, in Seaforth. 'Mr. and Mrs, Herman Wightman ' �, . for four lyreeds, of dairy cattle with pose living and sleeping in the old � , I . Hkely to dosomething 4bout it. rOne ed ' It is good policy to use) an abund- The scores:- Mrs. William Nelson, son., daugh- and daughter, Jean, of Saults Ste. bus. .11 , idea is for a horizontal 10 per cent. a prize list �yf over sixo offered.. In ance of clean, fresh litter in the lay- Stratford, . ter and niece, of Cleveland, visited Marie, -were guests at the h(me of James Handford, who has just re- .. �. I . . raise in the tariff on, every -thing This 19,29 at this ,%how. there were 220 cat- -ing pens and a poor economy to re- Easson Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lindsay last the former's uncle, Robert Wightman, cently celebrated his ninety-ifirst, . would be the simplest way. A�,i&, t1e, shown front some of the ouL6tand- strict the quantity even when litter Oman -2 wins plus 6. week. on Saturday. They leave this week birthday, accompanied by 'his daugb- . 11. .. I- I . , . idea, said to be more probable, is for Ing 'herds in Western Ontario. must be ,purchased. A 19'ying ben is New Hamburg. Mrs. Anna McLean, of Buffalo, is by mictor for New Jersey where they ter, Miss Amnie, is attending the Na- ,:! an increase in certain -key commodities always a happy hen and, a hen carinot Berger iAsiting her brother, David Nelson exi)ect to spend the winter montlis. tional Exhibition. Xr. Han.dford in, :14:. ,I Results . . I I I . of the various categories, Pending a Valuable Meadow be happy unless she is busy most of Debus-1 win plus 6. and sister, Mrs. Peter Lindsay. Visitors outside the community the ,early days, was a great horse, � I Good, ,ordinary meadow mixtures of the time. Litter on the floor, espec- The Ladies' Aid met at the home were, Dr. J. C. Ross, with Toronto fancier and the,exbi,bition is a great I ,� fa,6r revision. at the regular session. lover and timothy can 'be, increas�d ially if it is fresh and, clean, is an Stratford. of Mr. and,Mrs. J. Ferguson on Thurs- friends over last week end; Mr. and "drawing card" for him. He -can see, I, - If the subject is introduced in avy 0 Grey . I tbere is no telling to as high as 49 per cent. green weight excellent means of keeping the layers day afternoon. Mrs. David Floody, in Huntsville, the better grades of horses and en- 7 % I waT, however, 'by proper fertilization. This is the bu-sy even though all the grain is be- - 'Matavia-4 wins Plus 20. Mr. and ,Mrs. Ed. Britton and Mr. with Rev. E. L. and -Mrs. Anderson- joy the trials of speed, such as be . �, what length the discussion May go. erage result of ten carefully 0orn- Ing fed in hoppers and none is ,Seaforth. and 'Mrs. W. Britton attended the Recent visitors to Blyth: Rev. and alwa - enj y d. He tries to attend 'III VM!le Mir. Bennett'n trip abroad av, _� s a e I � 1A , - would, ordinarily, 'be facilitated., the ducted tests ,throughout the Pr"'"nee thrown on the, floor. One of the best Campbell funeral of Mr. Herb. Fleming on Mrs. W. Taylor and family, Rock- the exhibition Lnvry year. I regard a tariff last summer by the Department of materials for litter is wheat straw, Hodgins -1 win plus 2 Thursday of, this week. wood -with Mrs. Taylor's mother. Mrs. I 1� I - � � disposition will be to rjhernistry. in these tests, one-half hilch is not so stiff as rye straw and Seaforth. Miss Blanche Wheatley returns to B. H, Taylor and brother, T. H.'Tay- Funeral of Mrs. Rivers. -The fun- .,:i . c1latnge as, ,not 'an_eme(rgeut necessittY w I and to resist it. ,Hbwever, if such a,cre -blocks. -of meadow were measured dZ not break aso easily as (Pat straw. -Smith Toronto on Friday to resume her. du- lor; Mr. and M!rs. Henry Pfile, Hen- eral of M.rs.,William Rivers was held 111 .4 the purpose of the govern- off during early spring -and fertilizer Litter absorbs considerable moisture - Jeffrey -4 losses minus 26. �tiels in that city. . sall, guests of Ezra and Hiss Alberta at Staffa cemetery on Sunday after- 11 ,, should be of Various mixtures was applied. In Mrs. noon. The funiaral, though private, .11 � nwnt they have the majority t"I carry Bender, they have also visited i, � , . ft .ithrough, though to do so in any Most cases the fertilizer was sown . . - ­---�-�� Pfile's sister in Ayton; Mr. and Mrs. was composed r5 of a cortege of somer , I brief period might occasion res,ri to with.the ,drill. , ____ — I Strang and son, Max, HaTriston. twenty-five es- . being made up of OIL]` I . . closure, which is not popular in ()an- The average kain for the entire test I Blvth Citizens' Band is giving a friends and relatives. Mere ww a . �., ' . J little Over a tonpeT acre green ' 11 or� Sunday beautiful -service conducted at the ;, would not be -regarded by was 'a sacr d concert in lltensa� .. ada and house by her Pastor, the Rev. D. 'Me- I MaTiy .as a happy way to start in-. weight. This ShoWed; a nice return- On ! Tariff Board in Discard. themoney invested, in fertilizers. The evenirL::. � — Tavisb. The pallbearers were old I Tdeanwbile, the advisory tariff bo,aTd addition made to the meadows in these OFFICIAL OPENING school chunis of the deceased from � . ern,ment has tests averaged. about 300, pound% .per I I EXETER the Staffa distri � ct in the persons of � created 'by the late g0v ent Of I . ') gone into the discard. The authoritv sore, or represented an- fiUvestin . William Jeffrey, Frank. Hambly, John . . V. I— or. Ordinance under which it was es- five to six dollars per acre. 00% 04 THE it W, C T. U__4Me regular meeting- Miller, Joseph Warden. William and . . . , ' ta-blished 'has been cancelled- The % 11 of the Exeter W. C. T U. was held Robert Sadier. The floral offerin-gs , ' . I, conservatives never fiked. the tariff As an aid to the -overseas market- in Main Street Church on Manday af- of which there were many, were cay- . 1, $oard as constituted. It was a one- ing of Ontario's s4plua fruit crop, VIDTH I ternoon with the president, Miss Mur- ried out to the fumeral car by F. Del- .: I- . Midn -body whose head is now in par- the Ontario Goverment has decided . ,ray, in the chair. - A helpful devotion- brid-ge. Benson Tuckey and Charles f -10�om at- to came to the aid of the F*uit Grow- al exercise was candmted by Mrs. GettneT. Mrs. Rivers, who before her I", liamen,t Vo defend himsel s, Association insofar as guarantee, EAF,�Vlu - I�NY IM Amy, evangelistic superintendent. marriage was Elizabeth Hammond,. J m ,I%k The idea of the.new tariff tri- eT - buried in the family burying . i . . . t �,l by' -statute, and to, vest it with Ing sufficient momies to. the banks to , Mrs. McTavish contributed a reading. -was 4, . I -authority, but parliament is, all5w- proper financing of the ship- n the absence of Mrs. Moorchous-, ground which is situated next to the 11. certain I )1� not likely to delegate its authority and Pers., This stop ,has been taken to secretary, -Mrs. Beavers was ap- place where she was horn,,the lina 1! 1140V in fact cannot do so constitlitiO114117- allow absolute indepe-ndence-in mar- pointed secretary pro tem. Reports fence separating the Hammond home some lively debate keting and will mean that with the 18=Hole Miniaturffe.,GoIJ Course 'from the� secretary and treasurer from the cemetery. Standing on the � I In, consequence, associa,tion in a position to finance ex- - were received and approN-KI. The srpot one can look long distances either . .Y. vill,,likely attend the project in par- I t is with the PaTt shipments, a laige number of to by items way viewing the country for s.rreral !� Uia;%ent, involved as i n the NORTH MAIN STREET, TVVO BLOCKS FROM GODERICH STREET roll call was responded in h i blood qu;;�4;�t of tariff revision. Cau- '4hiPP`rs who ,have been barred I ' of interest on cigarettes. it was d,e- miles. The m-netery com, ittoc as� � It *Man .manufacturers and Other ad- Past Will now be able ak I � cided to have - the same sulb.iect for undertaken the task of -making the :� �11; . *_ I protection see now t1le age ,of the services of "Mr. Andtrew I the September meeting roll. call. "sacred spot" beautiful. Already I ��` herents of I of their Fulton, the -association's represbutat- By T. McMillan, M.P., Mayor R. G. Parke D -r. Smillie, of Toronto, nephe-vj Of stones have been straighteneq], ' the, 11 "i , in. As a further . Miss Murray, favored the ladies surface bag -been ploughed and tu.Tred I,' Prospect Of realizing the ful . desireq. MeN new governnietut is bOm- tive in -Great Mta � � Imitted to it and, they have a sufficimIg step in organizing the province's fruit C. A. Barber (Fres. Lions Club), and R. M. Jones, (Crippled Children's Committee.) wij�� a solo entitled, "Rest," ,9;ibich up, and after it has been levelled and I . id idmin-Ister tradre, -the appaintment is annoui�ced I .. I was beautifully rendered and appre- reoovrn with grass and ah- iror. fence N :qnsindiate to go #head ai Kefteth ,C a, of Trenton, to , nani- put across the front, it is expected' "il � � 11 ; most undi�m Of .1rew "_ ...- -1--, �tatqd by all. It was decided u ;mryin-g - - . ­_ __ _. I . ,��,,. . ­­_­Alt­��.,�bp_ _... - _ - _--ii " . orn4f_. .. � - poM mously that Miss Murray be the that St4ffa Vill have, a _._�l ­ - -.-.-- ­ The West&'n AL -r- m*#Fs -iifg- In a " ldn.: "I and s0cretary iof the - 4 , . 'ruit branch -on, ` ... in 0 delegate to the Pravinciral Convern- ground- second to none, a,s a country I happy fratne' of mind 61rei, the wheai f - -P, - V. -Rctagettts-, Alreet , T -Aug -S- "a --2M, 'I at 8 ' ' ,�;A, ..:.. _�# form. st. 7 All roVinde sociation, 116 will keerp o ly , - . riday, It tio.n to b,e held in Belleville coin- resting place. It is understood that . I situation, aid''tbe - Pruiri,*-, P1 I 1 4 .1 I L disdoMfort. touch -with the shippers in ;A si . of mencing October 6th. ApProp�riate hereafter all plots will be sold subject. � .i. '.`11,�L, . ts -share oivLi -1. to perpetual care. Following are the I 113i : governmeh, � I niarjQet conditions and aetivg ,-as . gs .� I . . . 11, I readin we4a given, by Mesdames , ... -., � �J � , - - . 4, "A re atives �"��, . I il , "... . litaison officer between the shippers . Walker and Cbristie, entitle I and friends from afaT who- . , , It�of � - . . ______W6_____�_ " -and Mr.- Fulton. FuAheir, a,series Of ' I)run ar Wife," and "A Genuine attended the funeral, aside from the- " ­1� 04 '. 11 beaforth now ranks with any to*n in Canada in respect of a Miniature Golf Course, aS k d's I . . '�_�Ilk � , " I COLLEGIATE'NOTES ,tx;perimftt9 twill be undeftaken at Cure," respectively. - Guests of the home friends: -Mr, and Mrs. Charles� I � . �, onoet")with a view to controlling the this Course is one of the,Premier Courses of the ]Dominion, as all who have played on I ," . ,,� . . I , � 1,; Union were three ladies from Cem- Way and 9ginily, of St. Thomas; Mr, . 01 � ,. il I , , k . I , ' I � ,,- "'r, , The seafarth. 'Collegiate' ln,dtilute' ff,ap,016� ' 'soal-d" disease' Which ae"'i'al-ly 6ther Courses will admit. You will enjoy playing this healthful, wbolesomO, fastinat- t,alia, Mesdames Hick,%, Po -Ke and and MT,s. John Routledge and family, � , -; �j� emendots loss to Ont-Wrio , who expTessed their apprec- of Mh - Nlr. and . �,!i �­ 1, -�ij,l. �6 tVtmVei 2nd , tr . milton, late of Dut n; �' ­ .. : , . ,on Tuesday, S, ". Bright. Come and see Bowden, ­ :"� , . . 'Vibu, on the; Istaff" 4 1 1 ing game. This Course is owned and opeMted by Mr. R. li, Z, William '.1,4 ��',j . , - With, *,o'new teachers �khfoovs. . . I I I . lation of the work done by the W. Mrs. Lloyd Rivers, Win v�or; . :, ­ V, - I ��nerly at' , I � I tW �,,', " -, G. A�,, sal-lantyne, IMA., .— � and enjoy the pleasure and beauty of this atractive Golf Park. - C. T. U1 Mr. tlocTavish elosAd with Haminiond, and sister, Viss Irene, of' 1 �.,,I,; - ,,, 1. il t. , . I I I . Churchville, N. Y.; 'Mri. Phil. -C61116r4 -�!` ,,, �:; . J, � I .1.,� K., ,1 � the.gt. loathgrines,00lleglate institute I . -Crob. Co*ditions. . prayeT. � ;�4-�',,.�,, ".s . .',J','.,:,,"',.4� '' and ViWatI400 'Sdohool, will be ,'th6. � ,� ' Lions Club Prize to Lady with Lowest Seore. Two Fine Old R66idents,Compar- Buffalo, N.Y.; Mrs. Elizabeth 14bWAt ­ "A ­,,, ­ i,A;,�A I N rom agr Itu'ra ,Msises Loui8e in& , . .,;, "­.­,;; I I ne* lhi ' ' " '1 td h4ad, of the, D& : R�b6nt reoortls .1 icu I � atively few there are who live to -be and daughtem I fW I _ , 11. M I 111 It ii*Afhtwv*s��;, loulld indicate, that I 1�: : ikethu, �ht- � 4. � Vo at - ta�l ,*heatt , * Forty Per Cent. of the Ope Receipt's to be donated to the Lions Club eightL*yet -on, ,Saturday two ,respect- Alice-, Of Tor I ' "' d g1ping � ., , 6to,� TAT, and WK I ����,,I�"",:;,it�,-"�'.-i,--� , .,o . "'�',I,�'.': .1 , ;�,;i,11,11'1,��111�, I c I ning Night _,�, �,XII t ,dt . �, I , -4 . 't .114 . ' i ed ,citizens on Victoria Street, Exeter, James Rivdrao SeafOrth'. mias J64* -,V . , ! r6i, � '�l,� � ihb� $* I th,61 F, qdlto� I I "i-ir'. WOMNNI BIA,p. bA -'.1.1.410 �h. ift , ­ i ' _' ig ' ally good. ' f6r Or pp�bq- Childr&a Benefit. ' 'I I i qJ `4111 ,11 ". G., t, _W%�. FF �, I P, Itc P�l '�,' ii I ". - f4l" 3"j'i,,,!! � k. - ! R", ,�. o. _,��'," f I , ­1�1�11,51 ,. �) 1013. , " I � I , 11 -9 � I L t, I I � , ? - ` , i � . I . , I I 'i I 11 1� , I �11 N 111I ; , , 111 _ ...'' � I I I fittitut% 1,66- ".- ­ U00,11'. ONE? "On: ,. I - a Thooms', - 1 ;.�J;�T? �� ,'�I` � I I , I , , / I I . . . reached abut great age.� They, atb and 11�;arold Ross 'of 'St I I I .11 �1.. � tiNW,jJ,thbf" cft,A010" A Y. I" pedh -I&AI ' . . ' uul, , .� , ,;, 4""? . I Wil �4 . � , �,A` , CollftlbtL� - ; I .M.N, ip4;tmebt ... '' , , 0; I -J ,ATd Quance, wid Rii&Ard Terry. Mrs. Rivers litag fi� brother- ill . .., " - @ . 'n "'. , I, &%A�. ,A&'­46"�DL I . &.1 ..'j" pfl:�ie, - Rie� . lid d Sift" At � ' �'.L" ��'I ,, � , W ., -41 for, 04 *Wqft, ,of . gook, I � MUS t . � I , #_ '19,14 1 1 , ­ I , IJ04bt.,,9t&1'bT, ,A)FORTH , 1-iAr"', '1'1� .�" . t .11, I I ,, . d 1> �� . 1. -"..".,I � ."'­ I I -.1 �� , . .-, I 6 " �.P�,,��,. I I I . ­ �. 11.11- �. I—— ".. I_ 11, � IR � I1'1.� � , - . , . ii- M .. . . 11 I I :; t"11 i�, .WL. � , ,�_ , I � I , L' 19t I , 11 I I . 41� 1 ­ -1 �, L ­ � . A)..!tl."­­1�111 !...­­­. ,,, ­­.. 11 � * aily oboUrt theit t gardt-Ag. lmeoml*j Alft. I . I -%.%�::Oq Arog, k 1�' '�"l A! 10 . , ork d " . 2 _ , -- * A �, ;�, , W, ic- By � . SAND . , ! ,gentlemen are ,fiido * wi4 hearty at muiaord, N.Y., 6, . 11 , I . '. I ,� . � I 1.0*1 =1 W , v OWA . � 1111P Z . , I I " , ­ , _ .1 _' * 1 - ­ ­... I W ___ � - I " ".. _�. , I ana .1 . , " . .1 � .6 lut" ,�'­J ­ -1 -,, __ . , , � It, " , P1 $5 'I, ", :�: , # , - 0, T t � . . -1 , It " ;'. I I" , � . , ; . � , I I 5 -1,.R 1� r t46 . I . , ,� I ,i'4, , I . '' )1. ,I�, . : 1," .1. .... I).,, .. .... . ., I I I .. I ." � .. ,� . v. � I I I �",::. '1� I I . . I . I .1 i I ., - .,. ,,11,,'.- - 111�"'! ..., .., ", a , ,,, . �., I"tj,;�",, 1. 11 L � , . I :� 11 .... .1 I , ,-Vi. "i . - J 11V"`AR,1 � , , , to, , 1�, " 11 1, L . . I .. 1. ... li�� I " , , . , I W � _, . . L#_ .11 : . . .. . � ., 1� , ,. � �,I't. , .�..",!,� I . , . LUZ, � t wi. li",'y `�,�*. " �. ', � #, , �40 . k ! "."! , , � . : . I . ,.. It�� "' "! , ,,� dwix, � V, - .j�l 1�1 JVI�Ii� �_ .� . - " � . . . 1 lk ,,,,,, � .. ­ . I I I I ,g !r+(�j A W , ' r4;��', �'�'�,, L", - " " � . '*.!, f..: , , , . .� - �; , ) . - . . ,, . . I I . , . I ! � ,� ,,,�,,� �.;;7 ",.� O', �-�i,-!,­ ,�, � . _ .,,. ,,I", ". I ,� ,; .� 4:1 1. � .. . . � . . .- - �V' i�jri,J,Qfji� 11 . � � V., .. 11 I. . I � . I .. iI',,. . "I, ,,� , _ , I �- , , " ,�'. . . 1: I I , P ggi�q,..,' , '.. �,V , 111, . 11 M". 1 ....... .1 � ,_."" ,, , I � , . , � , , " i� 9 pr 4 I Z �, 41 I . 1. I I.. 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