HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1930-07-25, Page 5I
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Vorfh- of ITelan .
.4';, wh0e, . ivers are
- to tecuie;'.fix frrmeiJanaftn
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I �, * V �`w, aiftlWxn�:ted that An ,
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I Qand �to* sttizdy the flax 4tu
Aind r4port fikeli; to theI department.,
%e Fln*TO (Mowketing Board has .1�1-_'
fe"A to, (M-op4rate M'', =' 'Way pos
- "
.mbl�.' At t,l,ie present ,, 41t6ut 7,,-
000 awes are -doevotied to flax in W,lost-
� ern -Ontario. . . I , .
I ' Fighting the Weeds.
I Ontario is this year makirg a de-
termined effort to ell ' minate -0he weed
-inenaeo.which in reeen� years has
,seriously reduced crop retu,ras and
'land values. Under -the Ontarlo W�eed
iControl Act it is the duty of rural
municipalities to see that all weeds
:growing upon highways under - their
jurisdiction are cut down at the, .pro-
per time to prevent the -ripening of
their seed an, to apdpoint such of-
Ticers as may be necessary for that
purpose. Railway eomp�anies are re-
-quired to fkke similar actkoit alon.-
their rights ,of way. If weedsare to
be eliminated from Ontario everyone
anu�st do his share because one,weedy
farm can, effectively infest a whole
-neighborhood. Destroy, weed -s' anI
'help prevent enormous annual loss-.
Bound For Po . ultry Congress.
Prof. John Buchanan, Director of
]Pxtension at the Ontario Agricultural
Oullege, sailed lasit ,week, on the
Duchess of Bedford for England, to
s6t up and arrange tbe Ontario Gov-
ernmelart exhibit in connecticn with
the Wicorld's Poultry Gongeess, which
opens, on July 22nd. 'Prof. BUch-anun 4
-has already designed and built the ,
exb1b.it, which has been shipped to
London. I On July 2nd, a large party I
:from Canada will sail for the Con -
gross, and. included in the number Will ;
be Dr. F. N. Marcellus, of thA O.A.C., 1
and Mrs. Marcellus. The Congress I
opens on July 22ndf and continues un-
til July 31P,t.
I .
Veterinary Summer Courses.
. The summer course for priwticing I
. Veterinarians which was so wall lik-
ed last year is being repeated at the ,
Ontario Veterinary Callege, Guelph '
:from July 7th to 11th. A short course '
. ,on the Veterinary problems connected
vAth the fox industry will also be
beld on July 14tih and l5th at the
College, when both breeders and vet-
erinarians will be present.
As on'Ej of the large�st and best �
equipped Veterinary colleges on the
continent, O.V.C. is plroviding v seT-
wice fo,r the live stock industry which
can hardly be gauged. Linked with
the Ontario Agricultural Co,llege it is
. carrying on research into all kinds of
bealth Of anamal problems and help-
i.ng to rid the, country of disease.
Poultry Market Unpromising.
ates that the
poultry market for the balance of the
yearr is -going to -be a trying one, Per-
haps the most difficult through which
the industry hat, passed in recent
years. Not 4�nly are storage stocks
lieavy and production fully up to
mormal, ,but the recently enacted ta�iff
sehedules of the United States are
bound to affect the shipments of live
poultry to that country. This is a
I business which has reached quite
heavy proportions, especially in West-
ern Ontario, to -which district Buffaloo
4offers a splendid market.
If'the lambs are light, rough -coat-
ed and runty, the worms are getting
them. GIet busy and help the lambs
by dosing them with the bluestone
mustard drench. See Bulleton 337-
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OntaAo Department of'AgTiculture.
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4q-qQt0 47.91M91" 11 4* ., tpl .� OUT'S -CA, 0:,FQ , � " 4' 'y".. ',''
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do. 40mmm, ;6.60 (6p, $0.1 16 "I I .., I " , , P " � ', '' , , , I I . 1 .44 ,.x om, � �;, �
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mod Iv choto,_46.40 to'.$�,,O,o; do".* ',, I ,�, �', � �
.to $5, �0; ,' can ' nJ` ,ano eutbe,S",$ , I 0 � low"Goveramimt Ila I ,14,-, . : , " " 7 I 11" , �
�"' ot �,4* .
$ , 44o . , �4.um 7.1% ki`�" ", � '' s'),�Oted *,* , QUIS, "� ",&,�,ift to coilhnue" -: �` , o' . .
IV _ �,Q#,,to, L . " It o .1, I .11 41 ; . , , . , I - . I
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OR -00; butolher b0le" 00.6. . 4 1. Cho I il . ge -U , W- co�peio 'with the Canadian i. ,, , . 1 ,�..,\ I
, oo,tq� I , , o'come In lm�e,.6 l-,';' � . I ..
' ' -
, 6.50; 'to. � iaediux4i $0.60 to - ,$6.00 '-'. K bv - f arm"S. " The 'homp marliet 4.houlo ,�Oiolii to."ibIe ,, ", - � , . TH4'PRoSP0R1TY-? - I � I I I
� I . I� , I -!W , 14 q ..� �
M.1% $4.50 to $5.,00-,' rby, bW., 4,p,;oQ',,to I I . I � . i I It , "W ".. V,;L., I I �. 1, . I . 1. �,
, . ,o f4rm,e,T-o;wboi lives� ,here,, w -pays. s tax . � ,; i
, . .9 . . os
"ders, good. 4, . '75 'to. $7.26; *tocic, , 9!�._ THEN, With voting day,,,qq=nip.r-V"Fi,�,X._, 019
; ,,, . e4bice," � and. wh'q.'J*q.qntit11ed- to make Ii i h . I I I � .
em 5,25'to 1$6.60.; e4ves., mBd to . , . , 4' � I'Ving lem, -try is� proppek - '
4 I I , . A�f 'b4ck�as-1�25w.Uewtheoh., ' gpes around Aayin lu .� -
s-10 I so to *fcoo; '40. mte�lum, *9.00, , � . to $10; , .1 � . ustr4lka-a .*o - . , go the ocqun * ., V. i� I
' , '%t)r � � (Let any farmer who 6ngag4s I �
� . I I , I M, 4xiiAl'iAo-
do. common, 47.00. to Va,0Q; mQ1rwra,$50.q0-, dvap maile lit was thd. fanner who was. eaW upon , -Let him� too,kover 1#,S,MV0,n1�,0,h-_41Ios,, - .
to $90.00; ppring6t, ,47p,00 th $Do.QQ; 14mbe, :� awar him. I .
I to makei the siprifice. , The duty on butter 'was .
choice,' $11.75 'to, 19.00; buek lambp, $10,90 . ,,, . IDetween 192 -1929k Ca�da;li .'e',haiVed
. , _6 and , _ ,.4r
to $10,60; sheep, $2.00 to $5.5,0; do. �esdin6� , - MA to- One cent w pound., ft-ps and butterwete, ,� '
. .from exporting', 2A P 1. und . � . .
$6.00- to -46.00- bogs, bacon, w^o. '$�.2.Fi.'7' ' ., admitted free-. � "Fresh meats wero taxed � only one� * . 4000b0i) po �' s -of buttor. to
' . , . I I I Im, ,
Do., selecle, $1.00 per hog Premium; do., half c6lat per pound'.' . portiing 34,0Q%QQ0- ils that prospent,y? I
butchers, 75e per hog discount; do., #ucked . idea. 1, A decrease -at 11-5,000 roilch cows in two years! - I
in, 60c cwt. ufider w.o.c.; do. , f.o.b. �prlce,, , Right, there the Conservatives fought the. 'Is there any ,pro,s �
$1.00 cwt. under wl.o.c. I I , Hon. Arthur Keighenaal[4 this: (Hansa;rd- 4-87-6) 1 ,perity in thvkt? - ..
; Farmers receiving $1.4r.per .100 pounds of milk.
-0 . . I if BY THPS TREATY THE GOVERNMUNT OF " jo that prosperity? . . .
Toronto, July 22nd.Chee5e, new, large, ANWPAY-THE WHOLE COST OF THE CON- . - Canada cannot get along without a strong body
R181/4c; twins, IBI/qc: triplets, 18-y,c; totiltons CESS1IONS THEY HAVM GIVEN AUSTRALIA." of agriculturists. That is the backbone of �ur
, * tripletp. . % ,' .,
4. Old, large, 26c; twins, 99c: tripletp. I I . ei,vilization. ,We are -spending .good Money every .
, 81c. � - The,Mng Government, having invited the farm- year in order to teach the latest and best,methods
Butter -Not I creamery, prints, ale: No. 2,-, � '
creamery prints, 30c. : ers, of Australia to invade, the Canadian market, in farming. Rural thought and rural tr ng
- I
� EggB-Fresh extras, bR. eartons, 344o t� 85c; .1. . immediately proceeded to extend -the same I'Mvi- are recognized, as being wholeso,me. . aini
Fresh.extras, doos.- 32c to 33c; firsts, Ne to I tatilon to New Zealand. 'Thqy did that on October You don't bear of many farmers being able to ,
fte; econ4a, 26a to 27c. �
, I Ist, 1925, and New Zealand butter hasbeen dump- retire to -day.
. IV -7 ' You hear ,of a good many who say they can
- I ed in' Canada to the extent of 3-51,0040,000 pounds
I . a year. hardly get'allong because Prices are too low when
. POULTRY MARKET . JUST LOOKED ON they sell and too high when they buy. I .
I .
Toronto, July 22nd. � 'Farmer . s can tell how business .goes. To -day There can be no improvement with a Govern-
'hickens, .. Dressed they say they are milking cows for nothing. The ment in power that deliberately plans to take the
3 5 lbs. up ................. 86-38 money that ought to be going to Canadian farm -
Do., 4 to 5 lbs . ................... 84-35 New Zealand butter is still entering Canada. ers and put it in.the pocketsof farmers, in New
Do,, 3% to 4 lbs . ................ 32 The damag%4 has been done and it will take a Zealand.
Do., 3 to 3% nos . ................ 29r long time to get the dairy bus4ness back where �
Do, 3 Ths . ....................... I 29 1 MAKE THE CHANGE
lens, over 5 lbs . .................... 30 , it belongs. .
Broilers .............. ............. 35-40 How could it be otherwise? Therie, are only a The Canadian farmer is entitled to have the .
Ilucks ................ ............. 33-86 given number of people in Canada to consume, 1. Canadian market for his produep, and the pro-
ru-rkeys ................ ........... 45-48 butter If millions of tons are brought in here duce of other land's should be kept out of this
0 I . there is ,bound, to ,be stiffer competition for the ln,Arket. That is the Conservative policy.
I rket. That Is why rural thought is, turning against
GRAIN MARKET I . t"A'alcmg Government brought abaut a condi- the King Gonnernment.
' tion where the Canadian farmer and dairymen Posing as the friend of the farmer it has de -
Toronto,. Judy 22nd.�manitoba whest---�No. were told -by ,the trade: We don% need your but- liberat6ly forced the farmer to face a New Zea-
. Northe . rn, $1.01%_; No. 2 do., 98%e; No. 3
lo., 968/4e,, No. 4, 94,c: No. 5, 85�lvc; No. 6 te.r. Wo can get all we, -want from New Zealand. land campetition which he never should have had
'le; feed.'59c (c.-I.f. Goderi& and Bay parts). You will have to cut your price to pieces to sell to face.
Manitoba oats -No. I feed, 451/1c; No. 2 Canadian butter. Get rid of this Government so Canadian farm -
lo., 4W,c. z- - , . That is the treatment the dairying intere-sts ei, cam have the home markelt, VON,- for I
American eorn-No. 2 yellow, 94c. '
Millfeed delivered Montreal fiv-4glats, bags 11
ncluded: Bran, per ton, $28.2,5; shorts, per -
on, $30.25; middlings, $32.25. -
Ontario grain ---i wheat� 80c to 85c; oats, EWARTHA
oarley, ,rye, buckwheat, nominal. � . . TR
� I Inserted by the South Huron ConseTvative. Association.
. BIRTHS COL. H. B. COMBE, President. � ROBERT HIGGINS, Secretary. I
' I
,olemari.-n Stanley, on July 17th, 1930, to
-Mr, and Mrs. Anson Coleman, a son (still- -4
born). I - .
Furner.-In Stanley, on July 19th, 1930, Lo
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Turner, a daughter. ____ _.____________ --"-,---- ___ - __ -1
�runynaoett -4n Scott Memorial Hospital, on
!Sunday, July 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Q. Tuckersmi,th Towru,hip, by D. F. MeGiegor, IN THE ESTATE OF SARAH JANE PEP- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all credi-
Township Clerk, R. R. 4, Seaforth, Ont., un- PER, late of the Village of Hensall, in the tqrs and others having claims against the
DEATHS ti -I 2 p.m., Saturday, August 2nd, 1930, for County of Huron, Mariied Woman, De- estate of John Jame� Varley, la'.e of the
repair of: ceased. Township of Tuckersmith, in the County of
itap,]L�In Hallett, on Saturday, July 19th, (1) Big Drain, 20460 lineal feet of olpen Huron, who died on the sixteenth day of
William Staples, aged 70 years, 1 month drain, estimated quantity of excavation 0,300 NOTICE is hereby given Pursuant to See.- June, 1.93Q, are required to forward their
and 2 (lays. .. ,,, cubic yards, tion 51 of the Trustee Act that all creditors claims duly proven to the undersigned on or
- ., (12) BroadT00t Drain, 26700 lineal feet of and others having claims against the estate before the 28th day of Judy, A.D., 19SO.
open drain, estimated quantity of excavatioa of the said deceased, are required to send AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that
7825 cubic yards. full partidulaa-s of such claims to the under- after the said date, the Executrix- will pro -
INMEMORIAM _ Tenders are to be in the form of a lump signed Solicitors for the Executors of the ceed to distribute the estate haVLng regard
I sum, not unit prices, for either or both drains said estate, on or before the 12th da�� of only to the claims of which she tnen sha'l
and must be a,qcompanied by a marked cheque August, 1930, after which date the saad Ex- have notice,
Note. -J -Items u �der this head will be charg- payable to the Treasurer of the Township of ecutors wil'I'proceed to distribute the assets DATED at Exeter, Ont., this 7th day of
A 50 cents per a ingle verse, and 25 cents for Tuckersmith for 10 per cent. of the amount of the said estate,having regard only to the July, A.D., 1930.
Mch additional verse. bid. The work is to be commenced with'ri alfuLms of which notice shall then have been GLADMAN & STANBURY,
I one month from awarding of contracts and given. I � Bensall and Exeter,
In m9mory of Jack Ross Montgomery, who completed on or before NovemberI 30th. 1930. London, Ont., July 21st, A. b., 1930. Solicitom for the Executrix.
,vas drowned at Crysthl Beach, in July, 1929, Plans and specifications may be seen at 1h GLADMAN & STANBURY, 3265-3
d e I Ba
n attempting to save the lives of two young office of ,the Clerk- The lowest or any ten e, nk of Toron,to Chbrs.,
girls. nut necessarily accepted. 6267-21
"Greater love hath no man than to lay I ,,,,,, London, Ontario, I
down his life for his friends." -Isabel, — _. 3267-8 tors for the Executors. �. —
GOOPER.-In loving memory of our dear
)oy, Lloyd, who passed away two years ago, V_i wp
Tuly 20th, 1928. . I FARMS FOR SALE Fall Wheat
% wonderful son, and brother so dear, -
hre who was bett" God never made; S FOR SALE. -A FEW CHOICE I .
kiways so good, untelfiwh and kind FARM of UA.rn
farms in the Townships e'
Few on ,this earth his equal we find� "M Tu.ckersmith and Hibbert. Good buildings and
well located as to markets. THOMAS CAM-
n't help loving, SEALED TENDERS addressed to the under- ERON, Exeter, Ont. 3068-tf � Fertilizer
X heart that was purer than gold, signed, and endorsed "Tender for Wharf, .
knd to those who knew him and loved him Sarnia, Onto" will be received until 12 a 'clock FARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE PART LOT
His memory Will never grow old. noon (daylight saving), Tuesday, July 29th, 28 and 29, Concession �, McKillop, con-
---Sadly missed by Father, Brothers and 1930, for the construction 6f a wharf, at Sar- taining 192 acres and known as the T. E. To OUT old customers and as many
Blisters. 3267-1 nia, Lambbon County, Ont. Hays farm. Must be sold to close the estate.
Plans and form of contract can be seen and If not sold will be rented. For particulars � new ones as it is possible to SeTve, we
specification and forms of tender obtained at apply to J_ M. GOVENLOCK, Executor, Sea- -wish to remind you we -will bave feTt-
this Department, at the offices of the District forth. 8201-tf ilizer for you all. Ruhm's 33 per cent.
IMPORTANT NOTICES Engineer, Customs Buildings, London. OnL, ARM FOR S,kLE.-100 ACRES, LOT NO. Phosphate, Tanguay's Mixal Fe,til-
Toronto Builders Exchange and Ormstruction F i .
GAS .ENGINE FOR SALE. -FOR SALE I Industries, 1104 Bay St., Toronto, Ont., and 8, Concess on 16, Township of Grey. Coun- izer, also Armour's and 16 per cent.
ty of Huron; 2 storey brick house, barn acid phosphate.
eight horsepower i7eversible type gas en- at the Post Office, Sarnia, Ont. 'n These grades have made e,.,cellent
T nders will not be considered unless made 55x6O o stone foundation; another building
zine in good condition. P-easoirble price. Al- a men 26x56; windmill, drilled well; 30 acres plowed,
� - ,
;c, one 8 -inch straight Platte grain grinder, on printed forrns supplied by the Depart . t F lng.. -
Apply to A. G. ALMANDER, and in accordance with conditions contained balance has been under pasture for several )bowing this Spri Ask our cus
road as new. 'e.ra_ Thirteen acres hardwood bush. Pas- I torners and find out for yourself '
R. R. No, 2, Kippen, or phone 132 - therein.
, r 22, Sea by an session first of March. Apply to ALEX., I Don't be in a hurry to sign an order
8266x2 a Each tender must be accompanied BUCHANAN, R. R. No. 8, Walton. 8186-tf
11111P. ocepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable as we always use your right as to
LIVE STOCK MARKETS of cattle will be taken in for pasture.
� Plenty of water. Apply to J. M. GOVEN-
Buffalo, July 22nd-Rogs receivib, I,000; LOCK, Executor. T. E. Hays Estate Sea -
holdovers, 200; most 220 pounds down aroun.1 forth. ini-tf
steady: pigs Joe lower than close last week; 'VARM FOR SALE -128 ACRES,,MORE OR
imedium. weights and heavy butchers strong,
vackinr sows steady: bulk 220 pounds domn. 1� less, Lot No. M, Concession 5 ' L ' R ' S "
an*luding pigs. Slo.&5 ,and $10.40: 2N to Township of Tuelteramith, County of Huron.
230 pounds, $10 to $10.25; 230 to 260 pounds, Them is an the premises a 9-momed stone
1$9.60 to $.10; pack0ir sows. moatlY $7.75. house with slate roof, barn 54x56 and wing
Cattile-Recleipts, 2,260; slow; generally 25 to barn Sfixtil(), all with good stabling under -
to 60a, lower: load good to choice around 900 newth. Also good drive shed and hen. house,
pounds, Yearlinge, .$ . 10.60: beat heifers, $9 to 'all in good repair. There is -also on the
69.75; bulk good steers and yearlings, $8.75 PreMIScS an abundong supply of water the
to $9.1130; medium kinds, $7.50 to $g.ba.,' fai; year ,'round ;' 12 acres of good hard wood bush.
tmws, rno�tly, $4.75i to $5.50' ,few, $6; cutter There is not a foot of waste land on the
grades, $2.60 to $4.60: tn��. bulls, $5 to farm. There is a splendid orchard and plenty
*5.50. of am -all fruit. Immediate "session to house
Oplyes-Receipts, 1,800; .steady; good to and buildings, For further particulars apply
choice vealears, $43 to $13,50; common to to JAMES CAMERON, R. R. 4, Seaforth,
inediurn, $8.50 to S11.50. . Ont. Lot 13, Concession 5, or phone 2 on
Sheep-aeceipts, 4.700; lambs, 50 lower, I 33, Tuckersmith. 3267x4
bulk better grades, $10.50 to $11; 101mmOn �
throwidut; around $7.60 down; ifist ewes, - - ____
steady; Qk, $2.50 to $3-50; fell, $4.
Union Stock I Yards, Torontoo, July 221nd- NOTICE TO CREDITORS
,Supply cof cattle for the ,opening market of ,NOTICE IS HE=, BY, GIVEN that all credi-
the,week was onay some 200 bead lighter than tbrp ,and others having claims against the
Rust M�nilay. and trading showed no improve- estate of Samuel Reid, Gentleman, late of
iment - In Ire rices the Town a Seaforth, in the County a Hur-
-tivity %,htle p * were barely
. swady to a shade easier ,as compared with on, who died on the, 20th day of June, 1930,
lo_qt week's close. Under continued warm are required to �orv�ard, their claims duly
vreather conditions, the demand for beef was proven to the undersigned on or before the
lim-ited and farmers showed very little inter- lVtb day of August, A.D.. 1930. 1
,eat in store clattle. Only the odd load of .
butcher steers and a few ccows and bulls AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that
after the said date the Executor will vro-
4sold up to 11 o'clock, but from that time uP ceed to distribute the estate having regard
to mid-afterncon the count at the scades was �,,nly to the claims of whi,ah he then shall
increased to 1,1500 head. Trading was du.11 ��ve notice.
4bt the close, m�ith well cover 1,000 of the 4,110 DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 24th day of
I lbead offering hegod.over. July, AX., 1930.
'Heavy stee-re were bard to move at from R. S. HAYS.
171A to 81/t cents Par round and the -range of Solicitor for the Executor.
Inice on butcher cattle -was a;h extreme 61/P 3267-3
to S.S5 cents, with the -bulk at 7y2 to 8 cents
vLnd several loads of good handy steers making
61/4 cents Der pound. Only a few fancy eowg ' - -
�snacle the I cents top, most good to choice -
butcher cows selling from 61/1 to 6% cents For Sale
gr .pownd, with plain odown,ward to 53/j, eentr. Property '.
an — not movAng.� buSis wore scaret , In Eginondville
but VeT,v few of the ibutcher kind i1apped 6%
,amts, wifth; bologna riold sq=E(Wh'&6 Ro*er
# I
,han last weglt,s close at 41h to 63A cerhto.
Some 60 baby* .�Wes wade anvy6tre fronk Comforta�blo Dwelling" Barn, Chick -
9% - to 1 1 cents per pound in seqcd ul) to. 2 on 'Houso and two acres land. ,"
0,016c,L HIalf A load of atodlcOvs bleoughv- 6.451 I
cenb per ,p*tmd and ,about at ,Ws 4WAt ,
ffeed&s sold alt 6.95 centn' I . Ituildffits 1h, the best of repair; good
g6Wlptg 01 0alves were some AO hdaviar Wat,61,,, gmit1l: .fruits, etc.
.1 .
tham/m�week asoa, mid. the market Was dAffllblo , I
. to twe, extent of 50 cents V& 6Wt,,f,6r.ohd1c4- A REAL BARGAIINt
'Grif almw of the, boot vealls made ft d6t& ,� , , , ,
rq�jffi t1je, holk of ehociae selling 1A 10 tAl 111% , .
I litiftiodbifp Possession Given.
"nU_;,ffld4diun% from 0 to qyp cents. Gia6pepa
segii IfroM l;11g too 6 1-2 csn6 per"PoArd. I ... I
" t�- 1glUTIM
Sheep" hhd 'lat4ly,.. Iroploy, abo showed in- A I '. RL"D,
, . ;M#41, 1 4o, . - " .
llsf,96m� 06 m., 4 'Vel� WiT Act , , I I
'*, 9. _ e I I
I 4 "'�, - e, Vltk . IJI,§'4jiitke6 . j�- : 1& Estate, Bte.
.; JAAW eir ,
- �, .1, ,
4 ...... a I-, "I a , r 161k% W IN cftt� jp(k: , I E 02
.__ �. ft; , *ea 4�a� I , I �
.roo , s dfAW1.1#tft,11*i6,41 4'w�-e 6 , , 11 'k
. . - . I I 1, ft�a JJTA4 '1�co 1'2 deli'lIs ,Per petitia I 1 .7�
I _ .. 1, " ,� 1. I L �,
�� " , � I . .. . � �
., .
I ,,,� I ,._,,", .
,, �, , , "
. � "'o. - � � I I . . I
I I 1� .
I ' � , . - f , , �! ,. , �:4 I I ; , , . k . I � I .
,���I.,,�;;,;� , ;'., , "! 1, ' I L , . . - I " .1 I
� ," , . �, 1�111 1. .. ;", . , ,.
,., 1�j�-,:'' —, , �, __ I I 1 . ", ''
,�,�1,11!,,,�t,3�� , 11�,1-14i',, , "114's- I ..., I 4'
- �!, 1. ": 1 1?��,_I �,,,,.' , I I ,,� .,
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.1,�,��.,I,�,,".,�,�,1,,I-,t:4��,,.-��",�":,;i�,.";!Y,�:;"";,,., ") " � ,14, . �, - "'
... �,,�'� _.f��.,.,''J�,L�1"_I" �* .
1:�,,".,�,,"J� '�,,�,,��'? '51""'if . ", . ..... - �; - ��A - .,�,,, I I
k � �qt",'�, 7, . _
, " , ,,i��,,,,i,,!��.,I.�,�,��L,,�,,:�', 01 `+ -�-11',V:'..... �V":,_ - ��!"�x
, "�",,�,,o',
�- T"i,Y % i,�v�, .,
':!�,P,6P,"�,�;��!� 11,�,,` ,,,',�,��,� ,, �!
� 1. % ��, C'�o ,1.',�_., �, jj"�, + _ � 1�.� 114� , ,;,
to the order of the Minister of Public Works. price, quality and service.
equal to 10 per cerot. of the amount of the
tender Bonds of the Dominion of nada or I
bonds . of the Canadian National Raitway Com-
pany will also be accepted as security, or
bonds and a cheque if required to make up
an odd amount.
NOTE. -Blue prints can be obtained at this
Department by depositing an accepwd cheque
for the sum of $20.00, payable to the order of
the Minister of Public Works, which will be
returned if the intending bidder submit a
regular bid.
By order,
Departanent of Public Works,
Ottawa, July 15, 1930.
I 1-11 =1`
SEALED TENDERS addressed to the under-
signed, -and endorsed "Tender for North
Pier Reconstruction, Kimeardime, OnL," will be
received until 12 o'clock noon (daylight sav-
ing), Friday. August 1, 1930, for the recon-
struction of 200 feet of., the NoIrth Pier, at
W; _AA Bruc,d Count- Ont,
nee ne, .
Plans and form of contract can be seen
and specification and forms of tender obtain-
-_ - —
<> <> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *
ed at this Department, at the offices of thO
. 11
, 11
District Engineer, Customs Building, London '
1-28x46) Case Steel Thre,sher.
Ont., Toronto Builders Exchange and
struglion TrIdustries, 1104 Bay St., Toranto,
Licensed Embalmer and
Onto and at the Post Office, Kinoardine, Ont
Tenders will mt be eonisidered unless made
Funeral Director ,
on printed forms supplied by the Department
Up-to-date Horse and, Motor
and in accor"nee with conditions containea
Equipment. -
Night and Day Service.
I- -�112x50 Docker with Cutting Box Attachment.
Each i.nder mu�t b. .I.corapa.kcl by An ne-
Phone 19-22, Dublin.
e,evt,-d cbeQue.on a chartered bank, payable
to the corder'ot the Minis -ter off Public W,Yrk.,
equal to 10 per cent, of the amount of the
* <> <* * <> <> <> <> * <> <> <> *
tender. Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or
1-24x4O White without cutting box attachment.
bonds of The CaxVadlian NlatUms, ail a-,
- .___
priced accordingly.
Oompamy will also be acceipted as .ea1it;*-`r
bonds and R 6heqUe if required to make uP
� , A
no Odd func,ont,
W. I Walker & Son
. NOT2.-Blue prints can bosi obtained tit th-1,N,
Department by depositing ILI% accepted eheQ110
for the Ohm of $20.00, payable to the order of
W. J. Walker, Funeral
the 3Whister of Public Wicorlo, which will be
Director and Embalmer.
reftirAed ff the intending bidder 6ubmit a
** -
r — .
regulav bid.
. I
Motor or Horse Equipment,
-139, order,' -
<> "
'OATS 6T flowbra furnimhed
1 ds requested.
� Secretary.
Dal, Or 10,jht, phone 67.
Departan6nt olo Pilbild vlar%,
- . I �
Ottn*a, J`uly 18, '10,80. 8207.1 *
I �,., ,� , , . .
. N I I I � I
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,K�;,: '.." - ... I � . '. 1: � �
- 1"o 11 I e,
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, , - -
.,,,,,,, ..�,�."%,i
William M, Sproat
Bonds, Real Estate
Money to Loan
Phone 91
FOR SALE. -Five acres, one mn�
from Seafortb; modern house witl
furnace, bath and toilet; small barn;
good orchard. Taxes, $15. Splen(HO
chance to start chicken farm, bees
etc. Apply to
2953-tf Seaforth, Oul
___1 — —
___ .
. Registered Drugless
Practitionet. '
Magnetic ElectriO Baths
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth
Monday, Wednesday and
Friday Afternoons. .
Ad,justmemt given for diseams
of all Idlide, ,
. 8054-tf
__ I
, I � I
. , I�
� ,
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I ..� L �.'r,` , � �-�,` , ,;'
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� . I . I .. 1 � � . . � �. �, �,4 ,:". �
I I . IN I 11� . . � ., �;",. I __�
tGINACHWES , . % .1 , I .�
I . ! �,�, - ,:,,','�.;,.,.! , "7
. � ,
, �
. WASH , . I ') ., _:�11! ��.,
I . . � . , . �C. ,..'�� !..:I"'
11 . . I L�' �
6' Red Star I , 1. 1.4 ... �
I I , ,:�',�
I ' . .�� �.:�,,�
.. ,i",:. � �,�,
I , —
With corrugated cypress I . � 1111� ',,"", I.Z�i"
.1 .. I � ,� , : �. ,'�.��
tub, aluminum dolly, ao . .1. �"�',,�'
, ""'
I , ". i 10
- I
cut gears, ball beatinVO; �
,9 - ;.
� M 'a.. , 'I � I - "'., , "
1: I
� -
I PRICE $I 8.00 I IV I . � , �
Special Wringer, covered ' , I �, ��
cogs; 11 -inch roll. I -_ J
ONLY $6,00 1 ,4 . - -1.
" - -1
— � 7,1,� 41, :."& .. , I , -1 INI
jtg,.!M , , I 71' 11 I. Dill
I- *1 - - - ,
Go. A. SILLS , ��i=7_;4'11 . . . . . . . . .
� , �_,_; ;� I .. - �il__l
Ojj� �Flilr,"- ,_ _
& SON. �� 7
i� ��I, � I .
. . �
I .
-ill on July 30th, pay its monthly dividend of I V2% to preferred
shareholders of record July 25th, 1930, this being
paid by Imperial Royalties Company since organization in April,
1920. A total of 1971/2%, in cash.
For particulars apply to
218 Richmond Bldg., London, Ont. Phone Metcalf 8077
1�,,�4, , �, ",,'s,
,_ '.., o�
,' I 4A F � I �,t:"�4-
1 : , .�,,
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psl��`;� ";
. . '. I,
i , , ."
. I ,., .. .
1� . I
I .1 I 1.
. —
- - _- - __ — — —
— ,
Threshing Machinery
'. ,
For Sale
. 11
, 11
I �!
1-28x46) Case Steel Thre,sher.
1-28x45 Wrate-rloo, coni,pletc with elevator.
1-122x46 SawyeT-Nlassey Separator,
. �;.
. ;.
1-36x5'0 Decker Separator,
1-32A0 Decker Separator.
. ,�,�
1-36x5O Sawyer- M asse y Separator.
, �'o
1-28x46 International ,Separator.
I � �,�
I- -�112x50 Docker with Cutting Box Attachment.
1_26x50 Co-odison with Cutting Box o4t&ehinent.
1-16x50 White with Cutting Bo\ Attachment
1, ,
1-24x4O W'hite with Cutting Box attachment.
1-24x4O White without cutting box attachment.
I ,��
These Machines are not rebuilt, but in good operative condition, and
priced accordingly.
1-24x4O Rebuilt Boll, with Cutting Box attachment, used only
� , A
one, �,ho-rt season.
New 24x36, 24x4O, 28x45 and 28x5O Separators with or without
Cutter Attachment
�.. �.
New 24x42, 28 -*50, 32x5O Steel Separators.
, , :�
1-16-32 Rebuilt Imperial Tractor.
" 1
1-20-35 Rebuilt Imperial Tivactor.
1-12-24 Waterloo Boy Tractor, in good operative condition.
, ,�
1-22 H. P. Decker Stearn Engine, rebuilt in first elfts shape.
1 1'i
1-22 H. P. Sawyer -Massey Stealm Traction Engine, tho(rouIghly
" ,�
1-25 H. P. White Steubi Tr,action Engine, in. first class ftqye,
I.. '14,
. .
I � .
The. Robt. Beff Enone & Thresher Co., Ltd",,..,
, �, 1.
'i � . �,Ql�,
1. . I 'P,��I','111
. , , R
�),�,-,�,�, �,:��v,.I�i
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�k' '�.,'�",W'4,149,
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