HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1930-07-25, Page 3tti .5',4 �I{S'G4 .14 2}ruTJi. E�lt+,•t1,.6�„�.,',te,+S,ah�.r�..�.a .i,a�u��.s a'f`t. >,x •r Ai ti ,5 S C i at tt lilt illfil eonifiae ar >il ■CO a Q�Q:.et l k,IY� QTAR S 4t.„1 itt aW 1t, lrtlgl• 410;;•5 t 4r ones rl nus +e'0 •'0• eT hauclles, $1 M1aY, amass. $,OXP; r g,`$ 36;; lz'reeman,•AOan Mawr 1n+g, $20.05 Louis T.'lertalier, •P hens ,' $18.40; Huai Cooper, tip for graders? $1501 'Gerald 'read, aerap•}>fig',."$3184),;, Gji'beat J'ohu , -s, aping, $32 .20a Ar time Campbell,.aping; $33:15; O. Step'httruc�k Steal -ten, nG g ;gravel, : $3Q 68 ;. weliin' +tag, -Batten, trucking 'gravel,' $360.094 Pae'Llf.Salmi shnxtg, $5144i' Garnet Hicks, crushing, $�3g0.+60; Roy Coward, team: in pit, $61.24; William. Stone, team IIn pit; . $61.20; Stanley Cowardsteam inn .pint, $21; Johu'Hode gert, team in pit, $15; Obarlei Golds ard, labor on culvert, $3; Wm, Moodie;. fgreman, $60.70; Huron County, ren • tal ' for county machime+ry, $162.00; Silas Stanliake, gravel, $99.93; Hilton Johns, misdellaneous work, $21.60; Fred Wright, miscellaneous work, $49.80; John McCullough, +snow, work„ $16.50; Fred Johns, weed cutting, $3.; Mervyn ;Cudmore, work in pit, :$46.50; It. E. Pooley, hardiware, 81c; Mrs. H. Ford, clerical week, $4; Henry Ford, superintendence, $80.40; Clark Fish- er, drainage! work, $76.60.. Council adjourned to meet on Saturday, Aug.. 2nd, at 1 p.m.—Henry Strang, Clerk. USBORNR • Council .Minute •..•- The IVI nlici4pal "Council 4f the corporation, of the "Tameable) of Vel)arp , pursuant to a&. • join -moat, t,, meat. at the Township Hall,. Elimvtile, on July 5th, 1930, with all. -the meimbe . of council present. The sainuteg• of the meeting of May Satih -were read and approved on Motion of -Wiilliame-Dewa with the. following ,correetiian: The S. S. No. 5•order l- ing for $200.00 instead of $100.001 as stated. S. J. Pym interviewed the. council re grant to the Agricultural Societies. Westcott-.Shier: That a grant •of $15.00 be made to each of 'Exeter and Kirkton Agricultural. So- cieties and a special grant of $15 to each for Baby Beef competition, open to residents of the Townships of Us - borne. Mr. McNally; of the Merch- ants' and Employers' Insurance Go.,'. solicited business from the council.— 'Laid over until the August 2nd meet- ing on motion of Dew -Shier. Th e Court of Revision .of the assessment rill was resumed .with 'a re -appeal from Edward Westeoitt and was again dismissed. Lot 16, N.T.R., changed -from Arthur 'Campbell owner, to Jne. W,. Stewart, owner, ori motion of Dew - Williams. ;Court elos'ed. The Reeve stated that he had had a conference with Reelve Thompson, of Tuckersmith xe grave'11ing the 2% miles of bound- ary. It was agreed that Tuckersmith should die all the work with Road Sup- ,arintendent Ford overseeing Us- -borne% share on motion of Dew -Shier. Williams -Shier: That the 'res'o111tion of April 5th be rescinded, fixing wag- s for men and teams for 1930,e -Car - Tied. re.stcott-Dew: That from. this date, the scale of wages for township -work be as follows, viz: Man and team, 50c an hour;. man, 2•5ic an hour. --Carried. The Treasurer reported that he had received from Treasurer -of Blanchard $375.00 Blanchard Tp. assessment on the Brock, Drain and '483.25 an the Washburn Drain. West- <cott-William's: That an additional $2 •each' be paid Wm. • Elford and W. J. Ford on broken plows at snow work. —Carried. The auditors' report for 1928 as authorized to be made by a -chartered accountant at the last meet- ing of council, was received from- F. P Gibbs, showing a discrepancy in the treasurer's books of $318. The following bills were paid on motion of Westeott-Williarms: Stewart M'c- 'Queen, Sec. Treas., S. Order No. 10, $375; Luther Reynolds, Sec. Treas., S. Order No. 1, $300; Chas. Kistner advance on Elimville Drain, $960.00; Joseph Dwyer, advance on Fletcher. drain contract, $240; Clerk Blanshard, by-laws and Clerk's fees, Brock Dr., $60, by-laws and Clerk's fees, Wash- burn . Drain, $18•; total $78.00; Ward Bern, scraping, $13.75; Frank Cornish, etraping, $1.5•.95; Wilbert Batten, scraping, $15.95; . Win. Elliott, scrap- ing., $12.65; Amos .Doupe, scraping, $8.25; Wire. Giifillan, scraping, $9.90; Arnold Wiseman, +scraping, $9.90; Wil- ford Doupe, scraping, $8.25; Welling- ton Neil, scraping, $5.50; Maurice 11111011"m74411111 Use Baby's Own Soap It's aeli}tifalo '� BnHY-8tat � I. at 1110 11 m'. Each pad will kill flies all day and every day for three weeks. 3 pads in each packet. 10 CENTS PER PACKET at Druggists, Grocers, General Stores. WHY PAY MORE? THE WILSON PLY PAD CO., Hamilton, Ont. EASY—QUICK—CHEAP Constant improvements in telephone service have made out-of-town calls as simple and nearly as quick as a call to your next-door neighbor, and the cost is lower than ever. before. After 7:00 p.m., when evening rates begin, you can talk a hundred miles or more for about the price of a movie. Fairy Sponge Cake. Three egg yolks, one • scant cupful fruit sugar, 1 cup cake flour, measur- ed after sifting, 21/2 teaspoonfuls bak- ing powder (level), 5 tablespoonfuls boiling water, grated rind •)f one-half lemon, 3 egg whites. Separate yolks and whites. Beat the yolks, add to them the boiling water, beat thoroughly; gradually add the sugar, beating between .additions. Mix and. sift the baking powder 'and flour four times, then fold it into the egg yolk mixture. Add lemon rind. Fold in ..the stiffly whipped egg whites last. Pour into two square and fairly deep Layer cake tins, place in a slow oven (3Z5 deg. F., rising to 360 deg. F.) and bake for about 30 minutes. Or, bake in a dripping pan or in round, deep layer cake tins, Baked in a dripping pan, cooled in the inverted tin, then cut in squares, each square split through the•centre, filled with chopped and sweetened fresh fruit, the top re- placed, then topped with a ro:,e and border of sweetened and flavored whipped cream, this will make a most delicious short cake forespecial occas- ions. It is delicious, too, when baked in layer cake tins, the layers put to- gether with lemon cheese, and the cake topped with whipped cream. This is a nice cake for Sunday supper. Do not put the cream on the' cake until just before serving time. This sponge cake' batter makes de- licious little cakes for serving with fruit desserts. Bake the batter in frilled paper baking cups. Be sure that the cups you use are made of waxed or oiled paper—not plain white paper. 'Sponge cake mixtures should be baked in ungreased tins. When we bake the batter in layer cake tins, we lightly grease the bottom of `he tins to facilitate the work of removing the cake—but we do not grease the sides of the tins. The batter, when rising, will cling to the ungrease'd sides, and this will help to keep the -.ease from falling. Because the proportion of eggs and baking powder to flour is unusually large,. this cake is a diffr:;ult one to make. It falls very readily. Do not open the oven door until the cake has been in the oven at least 20 minutes. When well baked, the, cake' is ex= ceptionaliy light and delicate. Bake one hour when mixture is bak- ed in loaf tins. SATURDAY NIGHT will bring to a close our Greatest Sale—Not a sale of Broken Lines at the end of, a season —but the offering of Our Entire Stock of High Grade Merchandise, just when youneed them at pries, away below any- ordinary clearing Sale. Thus far, this Sale has been the greatest buying demonstration we have ev- er- had. If you have not been in, come now, and join the big procession of happy satisfied customers. In many cases these We cannot possibly continue these Tremendous Price Reductions indefinitely. Saturday Night will beyour last opportunity for the OPPORTUNITY SALE. Don't Miss This Chance to SAVE and SAVE and SAVE. EXTRA SPECIAL HOSE;. Regular 75c Silk and Art Silk Hose fashioned, full length, extra spliced heels and toes; Block or French heel. Every wanted shade is included. Sizes 81/2 to 10. Regular 75c to $1.25. SPECIAL HOSE—Regular $1.00 Pure Silk Hose (sub -standards), all this season's newest shades; Block or French heels. Fashioned and full lengths. ,All sizes. WONDERFUL VALUE VALUES UP TO $6.50 Finest quality dresses of Piques, Prints, Batistes, el- aborate style. Sold every- where up to $6.50. Guaran- teed color fast dyes; newest styles. You will want to select several at VALUES UP TO $4.50 Dimities, Lawns, Piques, Batistes. This lot is just to hand, bought at enormous' reductions and are passed on to you. You will be am- azed when you see this rack of beautiful summer dresses. Regular $4.00 to $4.50. WATSON'S SILK KNIT Regular $1.00 value. Excellent qual- ity, full sizes. Every wanted color. Vest's shoulder straps of self cloth. DON'T MISS THESE Bloomers 69c Vests 59c. $25 SUITS Good, Style GIRLS' DRESSES, 98c Special rack of bright new Wash Dresses. Sizes 2 to 14 years. Prints, Piques, Ginghams, Chambray; extra pants with most. Regular price up to $1.75. Great Quality Sizes 16 to 44 Wash Dresses, all new styles, beautiful patterns, and colorfast. $1.39 FINE CREPE DRESSES Excellent quality, Pink, White, Yellow, Blue, Mauve. All this season's . newest styles. Light or dark shades, Fancy Tweeds and beautiful Wor- steds. You never saw bet- ter values in your life. Ev- ery Suit sold with our per- sonal guarantee. Staple Department—Save 20 P. C. Off Towellings, Towels, Shirtings, Sheet- ings, Pillow Cottons, Curtains, Lin- ens, Wash Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Table Oilcloth, Wool Blankets, Cur- tain materials and Draperies, Cotton Batts, White and Grey Cottons, Yarns, Auto Rugs, Flannelette. SERVE RASPBERRIES IN THESE POPULAR FORMS Make the most of raspberries while they are in season. 'They can be serv- ed in a host of attractive ways:, in combination with other fruits as well as in pies and other dishes. Here are some popular recipes: Raspberry Bavarian. 'Pint each of raspberries and cur- rants. Add one cupful of water to the fruit and boil rapidly until very tender. Press through a sieve, add % cupful sugar to the pulp and bring to the ,boiling point, then ,thicken with 3 tablespoonfuls cornstarch 'blended with a little cold water) Cook twenty and utes over boiling water, stirring uracil thickened. Cool slightly, then fold in the stiffly whipped white of two eggs. When cold, fold in half a cupful of heavy cream (one small bottle, whip- ped until stiff), and pour into tall slender glasses to chill, Serve iey cold with a spoonful of whipped cream and a whole raspberry on each glass. Raspberry Tapioca. Cover a print of raspberries with one cupful of suga,r and leave for an hour. Meanwhile ;soak half a cupful of pearl tapioca in a pint of water until swol- len—about thirty minutes. The time will depend upon its dryness. Add the sugared berries and ;any juice that has been drained from them and stir over the fire until the mixture boils. Chill and dip out in sherbet glasses and serve with cream, plain or whipped, Currant, strawberry or blackberry ta- pioca may be made in the same way and they will be found equally as ',good. HOUSE DRESSES Who would be without one of these handiest of dresses. Ginghams, Prints, a n d Broadcloths. New styles ; new ,patterns. EXTRA—MEN'S FANCY SWEATEII•S Here is another wonderful bargain! 2.39 All our fancy pullover Sweaters. A big variety of colors and patterns. Regular up to $5.00. Whencon need** eiiiecgy, , when you are hot and mouth is • dry—pep nu with 'rtgl ysii -it moistens mouth and throat. ”- The increased flowttf Saliiva feeds new strength totheblood,, you can do &ore 7,- you feel better.rid-liVR-a14.117),.3 i Ili1/44, Q, HIGHEST GRADE SUITS AT THESE BIG REDUCTIONS MEN'S STRAW HATS Every hat must go. Come early. Half Price FAMOUS SNAG PROOF OVERALLS Our regular leader, "Snag Proof" quality; Black,Blue, Stripes;sit- es. A perfect fitting overall. You will want more than one of these. Regular $1.95. MILLINERY Half Price • Any hat in the store. All new styles. Angora, Baku, Mohair , etc. Half Price Empty Flour Bags. .T6 reintiDiVe the colored lettering on iibwia a td *tor ;bags, first moisten the pars tlVftli oft wafter and rub well vC14h scup; 'Place in boiler with Cold' water ,tb •arhl 1i has, been added gen- erouai ►ro' o eill bf coal.ell boil fon a, time, then wash through lukewartit weber aYit� ;dam ntiit of doors. DON'T WAIT Don't Let Your Opportunity Pass MEN'S $25 SUITS, $13,95 MEN'S $30 'SUITS, $23,95 MEN'S $35 SUITS, $27,95 BOY'S SUITS All new patterns and styles of the famous Prince Brand. Big stock to select from. 20 PER CENT. OFF TWO SPECIALS IN WORK SHIRTS Men's Work Shirts of real quality in two wonderful 'bargains.' All good 79 & 99e colors and cloths. All o'ar regular $1.00 and $1.25, for Bathing- Suits i4 1 ,f li. stn Qj+lf th K fa