HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1930-07-18, Page 7I , "' " -, �, "' ­'­ . 'r , F ,� , . - c"A ", ,1�1? " - , ,� R � "I . . . -1. �w ".r,�,� � . "' " � -,� 411ft V.,,1!VM.. W, ...... �M _, I �11'1`1��` ,,��."� , . � . , . 1'' , ,", � ; � -! " ,,, . j,", I'' " �,�,� "i�� �_. 1 7��,, W_ " -, - ., .",". , 141� , " . . . . . . . . I . 1,'�.,.j . . . . . i ­,� %, I . ..". 11 . . 4;,�� I ".. 'I. '�� � . . , . . 4 1, 4� ,I - , - � . '...J . . : .1 , I I I � 0 I m � A � . :­ ..I . � . , I . . , _ . . _,� -9 . I � , ­', - ", , � . . -J , , -, 11 _1111 . . . '', I. 11 1W � . , � ",". �xhilaration ra.n through 'her. He, was In spite- of the pleasure Rc;hin gave , 1.'I � . � " 1�1. ; s.,.. '; 1 ters, his eyes -twinkling. : . . r ,:�, ��,, " � A� , ",Lgo- �J,;-.-y­1'1.1.,11.­ I ­ - , . ,,A -k , I �.. I I - x"Yov,�"Vy , � J I- 1, , ­ ��, , - 4 0'i ft - i I .0; � T G" 6 A R D.' ..' , pr `*�. � , I �'.,A)rrist;i; ,,Qicit * I � . ..� " PuNle. S - . ­ #10V41* .� te, . I . . , )�e#,�16'rq*. ,-�_i- -,, ,89aforth Ont. _ � ,,, I I , ,."I .4 11.1111.1 . I I .. .... . �.,�L I., � _j ­ .., I .. — :, , � 1� iri ,Q Ir A �V6 I I � I 1844, Nlotavy'l k1up4c. 6olicitor for the , . 11 . DDRiMiJA Bank.. Office -in rear of the . DomiAtbu, BAXIJ�- loaji�,­.,-N,.',�. . " Peaforth. Money to . . 1�. I. I . 11 r4. 1 ,,, I.. I I..''... . ____1 ------ t— I " . .. .. , ,, 114 ..... - , , I 1, ',,I, BEST 8z BEST . - I Bkftf6f0i;* Srlicitor%, Convenyan. cers'and,Notaries Public, Etc. office ,O IV in the U.1ge Building, OPP6site The I Expositor: Oftice. . VETERINARY I ,,.,JOHN GPIEVE, V.S. I I Hos00'.. graduate of Ontario Veterin- ary College, All diseases of domestic . . . . . 0 suhnals treated. ,Calls ptomptly.at- ten&4..�to and charges moderate. Vet- . I , erivary Dentistry a specialty. Offi 'e: � I and residence on Goderich Street, on .. door east of Dr. Mackay's o I fortil. . — i � S. - k . I Graduate, of Ontario - Veterinary , I I College, University of Toronto. 'Ail ..; I diseases 'of domestic animals treated by the most triodern principles. ,�, , , .I Charges reasonable. Day or night �, , I I. calls -promptly attended to. Office on V �� Main Street, Hensall, opposite Town ,� Hall. Phbno 116. 1� W * ,6 1 * MEDICAL i I DR. E. J. R. FORSTER I Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. , tate assistant New York Ophthal- mei and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye and Golden Square Throat Hos- pitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel I Seadorth, third 'Monday in each month, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 53 Waterloo Street, South, Stratford. -_ . DR. W. C. SPROAT Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, University of Western Ontario, Lon- don. . Member of College of Physic- ians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office in Aberhart's Drug Store, Main St., Seaforth. Phone 90. I I DR. R. P. 1. DOUGALL Honor gwaduate of Faculty of Medicine and. Master of Science, Uni- versity of Western Ontario, London. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office 2 doors - east of po�st office. Phone 56, Hensall, � onta,�O. 3004-tf .1 DR. A. NEWTON-BRADY . Bayfield. � Graduate Dublin University, Ire- � laud. Late Extern Assistant Master ; . Rotunda Hospital for Wome ' n and - Children, Dublin. Office at residence lately occupied by Mrs. Parsons. I MUTS, , 9 to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 p.m.; ' Sundays, I to 2 P.m. 8 I . DR. F. J. BURROWS Office and residence Goderich Street, �, east of the United Church, Sea- fort1k Phone 46. Coroner for% the L, County of Huron. � I ' I DIL C. MACKAY I C. Mackay, honor graduate of Trin- . ity University, and gold medalist of, TrWty Medical College; member of . the College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Ontario. I i DR. H. HUGH ROSS Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine, member of Col- lege of j?hysicians and Surgpons of ( Ontario; pass graduate courses in ] ,Chicago Clinical School of Chicago; ] Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, London, ] England; University Hospital, Lon- j don, England. Office—Back of Do- ( aninion Bank, Seaforth. PhOne.Xo. 5.1 Night calls answered from residence, I Victoria �Strpet, Seaforth. I—.1 .... I.. I DR. J. A. MUNN I Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross Grailoato of Northwestern Univers- ft. OhicigO, M,., Licentiate Royal . !Nolloge-of Dental Surgeons, T6ronto. I IOffice over Sills' Hardware, Main St., j Seeforth. ,Phone 151. I I — . Di� v. J. BECHELY , I i ( Graduate Royal College of Dental ] Surgeons, Toronto. Office -over W. R. ] Sinith's Grocery, Main Street, Sea. ] forth. Phones: Office, 185 W; resi- I 4 -once, 186 J. ( CONSULTING ENGINEER . ' S. W. Archibald, B.A.Sc., (Tor.), ().L.S., Registered Profespional Rn- gineer and- Land Surveyot. Associate Member Engineering Institute of Can- ada. Office, Seaforth, Ontario. _. 1. . — . I I , AUCTIONEERS I � 10 .e 41 0 " ,I.w 4 MR , �,_:'_. !", , - ,�� 'Y I.& - " , , , - " - � a , , � 11. 1- ap � A ),041 12", �.` � i IN ` - I 014 " MW 11 , , I �!­': � I �, ,g"? I I I , . �­­­`C� � , �.',� ,kr­�q ", '. . 'iz, ,rn pi�3 )� W , ft'' I. I .11�ii,i;,�, 1: 1� - � ,,� W0 -k , 30174� �pAA;W�Tyy_p _�' I V ".;, , � MN 11.1 I '11111, """" 100m, ,­%) ap� X 59WW'111' _R14 N ) ", - , � J'A.-thr,64 "' l!", � I I . I _ " 0'�, "I �� I 11 - , " �� L � � I i� �.11111 , � � r, .... .. �, I I � IG - , 1 N , , 11 i i ;,,:" , 1, ,.,,,% I I I., I � ,,. , ,,< TA , M _W40 - ,`.10 , `_ , ", I " I . "' ,�­ , 11 . , , . . 'N,�� �� I �1� . " 7 "i I W11, 1.7, , " lj� tjl,� . . . . . . . ,�� � "500". 4-" I'll �� 0 . , �, , �,.�, i� o " 4 . ;, "I". 4 i i - '. I I , , ,,� ., .. . �. I ! ��i, L L . J L ." , " , . ! ,� , , 1� �i� I 0) ,. � . , 11 'A I I , . . � .; t � �t ` , , , . , I I , , 07 1 . , - I ,I F111, Rwt�l A5 , M � !k- . " ` A llfi , f!"", , ", ", T � - ;, 11 .. '. R, � . I - . A 1�1 , , U , , , I . . , _�!,� , I. , _0 . �� t Ill, I , , , ., A_ , '141"N" 'M P F�, '� - . , , " , w . , % - I f": 11. 1XII)II, 1, __; , - - i4, �'. I A � , , I � ."., ;I 'I" ,� � .11 I I 1-1 I ".1" , "" , 1�� _M_1ZU:ADWnL!! I I km . I �', , 'I.', '."��­O,L�'t� _ �,�.�;,17, � ; ! ,'' __ .. , ­ . I - I 9,� " "A -41' 11 '16'" " .'� � `�"�::":'�,'�, I., ti, 1, . " � - - 'W't . " ff, ifw'," D`�M; I "II '111, "�4_ " k N , il " I N I lw..� '� , ,; , �, ggg. , ." r� �12v, � QJ I :� , , ,, " ". ,�. ��!",,­0"'.��.:k�.". ­-,i,�, ;`.Z, 7,V,, il ! 7 P , " * " I . ;k 1� L11, , . _�,!,_ I. � Y.Q,W No " , , & . - 4 4 -W , , R T_ , " � �1,1 � � . � . � 111L." � I I :,;,; 1%, - � ��. � -, ­:. I. ( ;� �1.� M., lJoewt 120 A .i.' 1 V10, � *llv­ � Aw . .� , 9 ."," � I , . . ".1, - .�.11�''.'��.',,',,,� �,;�;�, . . 11 .1 . e �� .� -,�,�� � ". , I - P36%04 _ �, _. 4 ,'�.,�;,�� P I, N."A - I � i'� �1',�`,�,'; - , i .i �i 9 ty �, I -.� -.1'. -1 " � 0,14 - ".1, g � 1. - . , �': - .. � " ?, - , -h,* '" . ,4, .. � I ., . � ­ 40,11 "I I � .1� � ­,­"", -'I"'",- . , _ " �) "', � 1, , I j,.�,. !* ,RAM, ININAAW L Alk � A lrm , �, . -, 'P y , , �,,' , �al` _",,. I � �Im " IL 4 `401 fttlk.. *.: . . . � � !a ',1;V'A1,�r6.. , "I . I �, �fi, , " 1 1.,.�,,4 V . , I ::""-:", ."r P40"P ,� T,;,, �, � � �,, I , '. :-':��`;..!�11 k ,,, , , q,.� " , �r , Aied., "part " ft0- lodbued, . " I �.�' .: . ­ 11 � I ',,,�!� ,, � I,: ;:��"�e ,, ,. Z , " ,!,�;t,,.i > 9114 0 V* 0�q �,� i�,­4'1��WOI �, , 'ji I I.' 0 � I I'' � ,E2� ivT�V; 1 � �; , L - I t:�­ , , ,.-, , ".., '. . . . . � 1;1 . , . . !�, " 4hev 1. ";I.,111 � . . ,.: , 11 1, I .�. I �� 1'!�­�, , � ;;.,,L. -A -.� r�� Onape . I I,f � i I ftli;i. I 1� 4_1 � I I ' --ilh � , , , .1 . I I 1. I .. ,­­ @_M_ ,,$,,P Mv, reMOVIA1 ,01, :�-�Shl� .044' ,��,� Mn, t'r/1"o 01. N � 0 041*� , ,�. :.%.' , � , ;. I I.. ., I , so",­;Pro�, An" P"IM11 0 IrAwl , AR" -,R7`r,`4' i ­ "' . I I d i 'IW-.lqu't you.: b,'�,,.,o *�#d -�,�,.A . ID . , � �� -,!I. X �,V. _M� ypp­ I � . � , .. ,, , MI '; I I ,,, I 4 � y . , , �. fe � Q , " 401, :do .Aterl`� : - ,,, , .. , " 1, �9 � xp TO. �## 1,11, I , .,j* _'t . ,�. ��, , 1� . ­� � I 5 "KAX1w"Pal V #A - I - ... � � , I W A .1 . I RVPRW�R IN! diva;t, , �! ,xv� Olt I - 1,0#�,R�O�WLTIR: , 4%�;%.,a --w- L..,= I Pli ii� ,% , 1. .:'­.. � tj�,�­." '. - . ...... � _,." , ""'' ... L I— " - "I ­­_ 111�1'­­.­, . " .� . . ­_ , . . ., . 11 .. , "Y .big .ep � .,# '� 0-b -0 'O &h. � .­,; , . "' � . 6*led, ... W1101 CLO n , ,a " , � . , I :�.. � ". �: , , - � , '11�.. . . � " ": ". . I L i0f, � , pw, '. - 1, ! ",%RLI', 44—-3 , , " , �; �', ''L 0 1 �, . . � ��0404,�,W. s�-',J ,,�;w 0 ,,poo -sm - , - , . R '."�',,a , '. yog, ;,�,4 ''."to p p I " , i . - . ,,, , 0 , , 10 . oil V40 noor, : I , ? I you . itM I iA _. , ­5'�, INMAW4 � - 0 1101 -i i ­'. -1 I I '111�;,; � . ', '�.N �­ "r, , ,�'. , ., ­_, .. , , . . I "' , , I to "o N to a "040 - ': """ ; I. , , - � 11 la: - 1 48* 40 06PPO, In ' ' po po4, i , , , "' , I I - sold - Uted. , , - , , .. U I , 0, :7P ,, , �� EN (0. , - -!-d -ftow� � wst, W . � "" . .... . � I . . 1; Wtbe voint`�, If .,� 0 : :1. ? , I Add tag$;P, "In y I R . j� �.. ,par, h-4t,�.,o-' " , - . . Al I lly � . APM . R � , 0, 'CHAP1% It XQVII , _e q 7,01-4 -to ,Paint * � . , , # - ", I y ­ , s ,:"iyour aid? thou -t , m ,, �jsito oTed voip%, �44,60iff-44;U0, ", ,� ,� '. . MY 4111,0M811A. r- 410"', , , , r fke tko . FU. .T � , � � ()�t, exqu I 7 . I 1­,,L�_ ­,,L�_ ­,,L�_ . . tletqpo,,'� ,ho UZI he . . " I" . I , I ever fte"I.1-Mith ,, One eXPOV� zMJ;1,,pn. , .#W ­,,L�__ 1. 01 , A_N�.J�. AIVIODERN ROBIN - HOOD .19 3, �1'1 L� � ,*,'�.) .. .0 . � ,i . � 1; ,,$?,..e k4d, � I . '# -7 " ­ . � . T1104- - Ve W -48'q#104 '10 r,044' thO un- heT..bosorri r046. ',' , 11 '. L , �..:.g, . . t I aiik hee'-40ad" .her eye�ccri -, au . 1�, , .. '. She ob , �= _ I . P, a , I � , . . . - . 14r4llngl P.,41P., �-. i 'I" gTange that ,M his,, well -knit farnv, I '-$he c1l*bed i t 'h, ' " and set filendli-hess, there. . . I :enwgona. On- . ­ . ­ 0 1179r�i 11211 11, I 04r, , 190.0 11P - , , 'I" 0 ' 'gr� 01- -17 , It is perijapD, yJq ca4. swe*09 . , �i it, It 10 Huntingdon should, some w ' , 1, the saidf' "yau would do tled :he'self,.at the wl�eej.' I :"Miss, Xim�erl$e,ll bw said coming Uarj4 , , � I I All" .Y. iN I eeks After I - a jost .r I - ragga; y* %I I I ,.. L ljoVe, the f ----.4.; ,. . , seal yg�gg ; , IL , P, , - t 4' - k are, I be- , " X-imberk-'ifte, ;�099$11` .04' _ A. 666 h0T -second meeting -with Nevilles' as he would do; der�aud .all, I I "$hall we sa�, ser�on4birty ? " s1h6 d!MtIY tO the - It was a diftersat;, ;. � i ... � , ,, 7 , C111191! 'askiid" nig toward him, . lane - I -W nd and pve it io the first Z weleomen him Y009, ,%, . ,L. LL , , M" � -�11 - * seek the Shaded ro,Ad ,w*hiclX -,Vo.0 ee of Aft. Mrol- from the one wli, '. � I ,�,6j*l o -had . , 11-she.'1.04A, P't-4441 Tk, .1 � � , , I - , . , t P) . " � �., .� I iiiess agent 14�. -so coildly, who acoOmpniaed wevinis ` V r '.#,,, 0 ,� ­­ 1? � among the Ptarnley -beeches once a� 94LV YOU Me . , � "q He did,not answer at once. Ile was livOr, MY busa �e � 01�, gain; she belisv . �Pir is �XT-b��.; "!4".0 ed that the deFd .into her eyes I,- -t - i ,,, , ,,!�,,.�V� 4boll V 60 A ­ . Xe. - "Perhaps " he compr* onvised ,- biA. looking - -!v, 1APTIV , , . a � # � e,, glimiosing again 'She inclined- her head haugfitily, to the door as 1h6 took hTs dpar - ler , h; I , � _ Itu're. Wr , " �4" -�, � �_ i� I I - �.� �, .-,., , , -age, on the 4�n y ,ih - � I". si ,,- 91'. Wir 0 11 . rose wholly ,from -1 .!'As you are doubtless aware, be.. �`l can't attempt. to than� you.,Mw- ,� - , V "MEI'l, Or V!, , 'I idh,,r - . having glimpsed a, g n, eep of hei hair. the, �golden flecks whi Ose and fel �Ptoill q�o , and I I , � � � 5,,I�� ,1, .,O,,�, i.11!, - . .. 0, p . ,_� 11 , P, charming bit of scenery which she "I doubt, bowever,'if I -would bee, un� �bere.' Then he saw .,%' faint flush has disappeared." . Webster " ohe said,;. as , � , N- 1- . As held out in a i,;@;. . .1, V I ed to transfer to, canvas. se fish eno.ugh to rerneiiij)er the be' wondered Again she bowed. . .,.,,ii, ,,,.,;� ,� ong sel - creep into -her cheeks-, *ad, . her hand. "But, * -if you could only . I "',`­ W;�,.:�­.­ - , I.. V?�XU_V 5Z,.,�';- % Neither is there , . . g ' . . "A -Ad. you, ,oxxv. A , *dufd,�, b #'! . ,, - anything remark- gstt-" ,. � I if she thought him rud!& to stare so. "POT Some weeks," Nevill" went undsrst,and all of what you have told , ,,, ., ,, p i, � " I p.1". , 11, I -.1 cliued'' to JjAe% � . $2, 11 - ":.`:k""`�,.'v� ,,�,Hw I _ w , .,� able in .*.e fact that Nevilles should She threw her paletf6 and brushes I'Shal we ,SAY seven4hi,7ty?" Zhe� -on, Iqho has, I -understand, -0,-een sub- me ' ,. ". " ,, fll­ �F-'.x,,,,?� " ' '#�' '; "' 1��, P.`1�1­ 11 I I . melans to me.. " . ,,Well Sir, I I ,W.o�hlld . ."if, .". '' that same afte-raloon take a notion to on -the grass and- stood up, - repeated ' jeetto fits of despondency. You know He smiled strainedly. , . -'s . . Zx,t� 6j�.A tdll�, ,".',`T,�,.' , I . � , !, . , "Seven. -no se ret worries he, may have had prase , if alle, would. , Y11 sep,. � . visit the trout strear-ii, and whip its "I think Robin Ho,od. wa§ , .simply 4'Yes, yes,,, he staiuinered,. - of c . , "IV17 part," he said Ilseem� to be 4 , I . - ., - . . I , scolds,.me a good djail, " ,4,,`t-. -, 1� id,pl, c � , 01r AV "p.,_ ..J�,7��'X'Rp .LL � white surface, for speckled, v nil sh cried -ecstatically. "I thirty, certainly, if theLt is not too I S' P ?' ' that of making p(�opie unhappy ra- - - ,F .�. 'I , ,er llon sh RP, Ose , I � F�7;. rl,l . .!, 1�'.,' 1� I 44W;O?1y . Me I'm an, ibsent-mi V- � dotted beauties. ude - �'., .d - �'. .�� . ' Qd;- ass.q . , �, , , � ��,W�;� " "I', . ''''.�.�'�', . .1. . i 'Ah. Or like' him would appear ela4y for you." ther than happ , so, I came as Soon which 1 take, it I,, a p6d- Sii4`.1':' "�'—f"I'�,,�,�.;".:.,��:,It�,�..� Destin In -cho i , bt. I . m .34,101 , �, , , ­ *11 f ". , ., , I . 1, I I I _ ,y, which sometimes assumes MOngus to,day, and wrest 'some of 'Then, until rbo-morrow," she nood- Nsvilles sat wrapped ,as 1I learned Zt you weve the wo- ter D -o.,, , - " .1 1' I . aw . ., - �','�,�-",I' I the form of a round,bodied, sqmny- e money from. the glutted rich and ded brightly, and speeded- away up the '141-s that all?" asked, 1 146- Man. The Senation of haiviylg made 1; ,��,�.`�, �� ��,,,,� , .111,1�',­ , _E I . . world - : 1. s�,� , - - haired cherub, with wings, carryi -give it to the poor," . -hedged read. . Ing, IIor do you wish to, cros4-oxam_ your sky a little brighter is a new N "The -bask., in the i lb "."' 't. ." �,-i � i 51' � -1 I ing a . tree 01:1 , o�r th,S:n_; Ii . I , bow and arrow, may have inspired Hei. gazed tat her wonderingly. Her throat ww.. throbbing strange- ine, me further ? " one to me. 11 11 sten, *,y boy, Y. � 1. _.­� ,,,,�-�;i!�P,- t. -.-,��, ' �'. , ` , '4' , ':; ; , ... il �, . .;.. _.i;:�,�.Jj. . , ... 1� i'7111w 1 . ! . . ` ,,,, . .. . . . M = � . . ., �', �,� ....1 - I * 0 .. _­,. - that fifty-acrer garden far d ' iv. I ..., f the idea in both ma)i and woman. If "What -a dandy eb�,wnce he; would ly, and to her ,eyes the mv.Tiall colors '' I He felt the scornful sting of hoT "Please," she faltered, her eyes -big Mapi, Hollowq), , � : .� �� .. 41'p,f; 1 So, -he mUst surely have chuckled gJee- 'have at Dalvild Webster," -he laughed, ,of� the summer afternoon blended in words, -and -his jaw set a trifle. ' I I . , � ;:`.11- "'.1 I'll I " ." ,, , , 11�' ��,.Z N , � ,,,��,�,��;. ,; I with sympathy,, I'dOn't SaT that. I '40h, yes, Sir; iven% I alwaya �Jong-; - �,�,�.��� I I . I I ,. � . . , , � . ;-.1.1111 ftillY when Nevilleis, rounding a* curve "All that audacious robber in green a haze 4 indescribable tint's to frame "Do you thinIc Trollivor lias killed am. sure----�' ed to own a little place like- tb,a,t ?, W,; I _';,; , 1,., � . ,�i, . - 4: q'o " in the tree -canopied road came sud- would have -to do is -to creap down a strong face with cleft chin and himself?" he asked abruptly. 'She hesitated and he finished for parni,y, ,e, 0 , Ssi#, Sir—___ - . ,,� , ,". 11 "'i - denly Upon a blue run!Wbout. thTough these woods and) grab him." Searching eyes, which she had seen A look Of hoTroT .sprang into ften ? . "'.0". ,,� . - 64i� , her her. .:, .,., T I - . I., 'I ; I !1. "'I'll, I I I ' . I .. . I - �, . .. ,,:. N � � ,:­ . next week) . 1.1�. 2,,k� . , A little apart from the ear sat its Her eyes sparkled. .1 melt to tender honmge. She was face. "That in spite of what peiple say (Continued �'._ - fair owner, on a camp stoo-1, painting. "'Mr. Webster could well stand the happy,. happier than sh16 had. ever hop- "No," she whispered. "Oh, not that about m,e, I have some go,ol in me?" . I . I . V ,,;! , , , . I ;,-�,,,, 611 py . .., . I . 11.1 .� 2 She looked up from her canvas at loss Of a million or So," she, deelarea. bdor dreamed to -be; yet, being a wo- Sur. Y. , 'He shook his .head. M , . �, - , ' " " 1, _-1, - .11, I �. ,. �1'1 -`-1 � .1. " -i - ne age, a writer rewinds . 1. �'�'.e sound of his step and frowned. "He's -as rich as Croesus, and he ut- man, not for worlds would she have "Mr. Haight, bowever, seeTTIS to 'ISome, day youPll know me for ex- In the Sto AC , , , a5 Please," she, 6id, "you are ob- terbr ignores the needy and destitute. confessed herself In love., think so" said Nevilles mercilessly. actly what I am. Until then, try to us, men had no such -thing as -money. � cl" structing my view, "' Wh . y," she cried, growing suddenly ' Not so NevillelK. He knew' beyond "A�ld 4,;� do You think?p� think as kindly of me as you can.Ps It is really surprising ho,w little tfAngs I . 11 .... " Nevilks, who was carrying an serious, "think -of the good he n-Aght doubt that he was in love, and 'he was Tbi� words seemed wTun� from her From the doorway she wabch�d (him seem to haTe changed since then, I �� ,A� automatic pistol in -a holster, intend- do with but a very small portion of willing to confess it.. The realization white lips. stride across the lawn, leap *,.nto, his . , i 44- �. , Ing to. do Some target practice at the his man7 hundireds of thousands of brought'him but small consolation, "I think," answered Nevilleg, watch- car and send it shooting down the London Humorist. � �� . . . , .1 I � I I I -- I I I � , , I I lodge, threw pistol and belt ori. the dollars! Buthe, won't!" Her lips curl-' however, as,he sat-�on the moss -grown ing her closely, "that it is more Prob- drive at a speed which made I er diz- — am � , "I , .111 � ard ' He removed his hat, but did ed scornfully. able he has fled from n he was gone. , , ,�, ;. 11�111, sw - "He's, utterly zelfish etump, his long arms nursing his legs. something zy. The . " not move. and depraved. Please forgive ms,'p , I'Shes, bound to think me a -hanged which menaced him." Ve might be- as cruel, delyased and .. , ;�7,� , i , �� �'Can't you manage to, pur me in she chided herself suddenly, "for this i�otter sooner or later," he, was telling lHe saw the look of relief that cams reckless as people said he v.-ae, She Strength Regained Through the Use I ­,� the picture?" he begged.. "I'll try to outburst. 4 &rgot for the moment himself. "I w'ondey just W.b.at that il. into her eyes. thought, but David Webster wits ev- of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I .1 .� . I I . ;, . look as muchlike a tree as possible.,, that he is your friend," lustrious bandit, Robin Hood, would "Oh," she cried unguardedly, "if I ery inch a, man, . . I . . . "be laughed, -brushing a strand of "My ,benefactor rather," be correct- have done had -he found himself in my could only think so." q S I A few heavy raindrops driven by an . "After the birth of my -baby I was . f * �,:,-,' golden- hair from, her eyes with. Re. Smiled oddly. east wind, blotted the windsh-4eld, as terribly weak," says Mir -S. Jos. Mor- � .1 a od. "As' I told You,onco before, I am Position?" I ; �,, I .1 . curved wrist. here because I need his money." A bunch -of goldenrod alon.- the "Why," she cried, hating herself for Nevilles turned into Sha� Vill-I asse, - Dupuy, Que., "and could not� . . � � .1 , � '141. , "You Will 'note," she said, with a ,He thought she looked, relieved, as ditch rustled ever so slightly. Nev- 90 displaying her true self to 'his grounds. Old Robbins met him at thL sleeR or do my housework. I Was . half-deflant tilt ­of the chin, "I am shebent to retrieve palette and brush- 'Iles gort slowly to his feet and pick- clever probing, I'doyou wish to know door. : I _;'. � 11 despondent and was afraid I would . 1'1.,� poaching again; you'll perhaps ,have . es i4 bd up the. automatic. my feelings, in this matter,f what rIThere be a couple. of '-legra,ms be a constant invaffid. lbegan taking . mC- arrested?" .. I would you," he, asked in all seT- - "Now then," he addressed the clum,p ulterior motive have You in cr-ming coming for you, Sir," he informed his Dr. Williams, Pink- Pills and b -Afore "I took as thought it is I who aT11 ioueness, 'Ilike� to See David Webster of goldenrod,, "supposing you come here as you have done and trapping master. "Mr. Griddle has 't:m, Sir.), lo'ng my health was restored and I ,. the poacher," he laughed as he Step- in the Power of a 'modern Robin out and explain." me into the admission I have just Nervilles nodded. could do my housework without fa- I . poed aside. "And poachers being con- Hood ? " � 'He was holding the pistol loosely, made?" ' "Very well, Robbins, I'll gut right tigue. Since then I hwoe used these sidered bad, reckless men, I really Her answer was given unhesitating- but the man who crept from his hid, "That," Said Nevillea, - I'ynu, will up.1P I Pills on -two other occasions, with should insast—thlat y�ou paint me." ly. ing-place and -stood suEenly before learn in good time." He paused. at the foot of the stairs. Splendid result." "As Robin Hood?" she. laughed mis- ' "I certainly would. Besides teach- )rim knew from dearly -bought experi- He came a step or two closer to "You followed my instructions- a- - Dr. William,' Pink Pills enrich ana -hievously.. "But you know you would Ing him a lesson it would relieve un- ence that the black pisto.1 rested in S, her, and. looked searchingly inte her bout the dogs?" Purify the blood. That is why better . unwavering eyes. "Yes, sir. They were � �ave to be garbed' in moss -green and told suffering. Oh, how I wish such a sure band. He was -an old guniman s,hipped this sleep, steady nerves, improved appe- - himself. tite and increased vigor follow their ,arry a how and arrow." miracle could happen." I III am sorry I had. to furce my morning, sir." Hle- seated himself On a stump. Nevilles, felt his pulses thiob. "What are you doing here?" Nev- presence on you t1iis morning," he "Fine. You're a m-ighty depend- use --all these can be yours if you. "I would like that," he declared. "I "Oh, Lord,`bee thought, "if she only illes, asked sternly. said sincerely. "Consideringr the re- able chap, Robbins." start treatment to -day. The Pills are iave always admired Robin H<,od.' He knew how nearly her wish has come The, poacher was ,dirty and unshav- putatim I bear, it was good of you "I 'ope so, Sir." sold by medicine dealers or by maj' I ,rad a peculiar aptitude for Securing true." en. He- leered at Nevilles. to receive me. But you see," he add- "You must be getting PrAty well at 50 cents a -box from The Dr. Wil - ;he things ho'n-bost desired." She caught -his faint smile, and mis- ' "What else but havin', of a quiet ed quic�ly, as she shrank back from along the road. How old are You liams' Medicine Cov., Brockville, Orat. I t.., 94T I- � 11, I IV -Y, . Her eyes strayed, off to the dark- 6oustrued it. doze," . Answered, showing his un, in, w a oy over n rance 4,9,11 now . *- Y,Teen aisles ,of the woods. Perhaps "Please don't be cynical," she -beg- even tei5th iin a malignant grin. .who used to speak ,of a girl be could "lleventy come September, sir. I've, Nevilles placed pistol ;he was picturing the forest bandit ged. "I detest, cynical peopile." . Nevilles plucked a whit�_ puff -ball I 4ot forget, although it seems. she had been here more than fifty Years," Men are Obviously the superior sex; ind his merry men ,advancing up the "But," he defended, "I'm not cynical, about the size of a golf ball, f . rom used him shaniefully. I just couldn" proudly. � they have done everything in the tafy slope to take her captive. believe me. I was just wondering if, the sod at his feet. He handed it to think that any woman could be false "So you have." world of importance since the begin - A little shiver of excitement and with the inconsistencies of your sex, the other, who, with a mutteved blath to a man -like my pal.; I t6ld myself NQvIlles leaned against the banis- ning of time.—'M,s Ethel Warmin. �xhilaration ra.n through 'her. He, was In spite- of the pleasure Rc;hin gave stared down at it. that I would find out—" ters, his eyes -twinkling. these grounds. and catch you any- * Aratching hey, stirred to his inner- you by depriving .the ParnIey beir of "Throw it," Nevilles commanded, ,He smiled. She was leaning toward him, lips parted, hands rigidly clench- "any "Pretty nearly time you vie�e get- 40 nbst depths, by her exquisite cameo a million or so of his money, you oveliness and charm. wouldn't in your heart, despise him direction ybu choose, as hard as you wish." ed at her ,sides. ting a promotion, don't you thinkV' "Why, HOME BY TELEPHONE "If You Were really gobin Ho4d?" for being a robber?" "Never!" 'she "I'm damned If—" "What has that gotto do with me," she asked tensely. Sir," answered Robb'ns mod- estly, "that ain't for me to 9� sayin'. When you are homesick --turn to ihe said, -and paused. cried indignantly. "If I were really, Robin Hood," he "And 'I dmi like, that expre6s;on ,in- "Throw it!" thundered Nevilles. The man burled the ball frcm 'him. He drew his mind back from a Pic- I always 'oped old Master Parriley your telephone. It will take you . imiled, as though he had read the consistencies of sex' either. It's ob- High up and out it soared, a tiny ture which had flashed Wore him; the ,of a battle-sca.:red field, would remember me, air, but 'e went off suddent-like; and ), home in a fL-w minutes and it I the S next -beat thing tobeing there in per - )iature -her imagination NM painted, solete. Women, to -day, have no mord 'I would. come Stealing throuib, that -inconsistencies than men; perhaps not fleal� of white against thle blue s1ky. picture There was a swift, Sweeping motion belated aircraft whinning horiieward He sighed as 'he hung the slicker son, An out-of-town call nowadays ;picy shadow and—" so many." ' of Nevilles's arm. The pistDI barked. through the sulphurous dusk, and a broken man 1-ying -on a mattre,-s. - Nevilles bad thrown him on the rack. 'qRobbins, )ook at me," commanded is as simple and easy to make as a local one. Reduced evening rates be- "Yes?" she ptompted, as he hesi- IShe laughed at the half-apologe(tic, The puff4aall paTted. Twice again the "You," he said, I'are that woman." Nevillm gin -at 7.00 p.m. and the cost is Sur- half-embaTrassed expremion her re. - tort brought to his face. -automatic spoke, and the two halves bf the target were cut into quarters. She sprang to him, clutching his The old man turned, prisingly low. You can talk a hun- "Of course," She said GweeCy "I The man who bad been for(ed to arm, eyes starry wits emotion, all antipathy for him swept away before "Yes, Sir, I be a-lookin', Sir." "You're a sly young rascal, Rob-lof dred miles or more for about the price a movi(�. LONDON AND WINGRAM didn't mexan that. Weare chalilg�61� 1hrow the ball stood shaking, He 4,08 but known it, expressed the truth in a regretfully. � . and likely as not I would despise Rob- -gazed at Novilles, ,like one fascinated. I - 4.28 nutsheR. , He swung up the road and turned Cippe . n ............ 8.05 North, in for. being a robber, and have h9m I "I thought you might as well know . * 11 _1 -14 . I_ IT Ir A -1 1.4 U +1,1 4.43 morning," he said, as -she placed the spy. Nevillsa'g face was "ft with ,entralia ......... ' a.m. 10.36 P.m . 'iBy ihe way," she asiked suddenly, 5.41 ,)where does ?0bis, w t. was capalvIe -o ng , . little eigbt�gun.11 . the back in its 1',xeter 10.49 5.54 David Webster keep Nevilles placed pistol ............ lensall 11.03 himself ? 'It's -strange 'I have never 6.08 holsterr and...threw -the belt on the ........... Uppen ........... 11.08 seen him. Does h� never come down 6.13 to ithe city?" ground. I "Now then," be advised, 'if I were 3ruce;field ......... 'linton ........... � 11.17 i2.03 &22 "No," Nevilles, informed her. "At 6.42 -he is you I'd lose no time in striking the highvey. You business jqndesboro ....... 12.23 present, unable to leave his 7.02 ly .have no on if I 31yth 12.32 room 7 11 i& "Is these grounds. and catch you any- * ............. 3elgrave 12.44 arched her brows. he Ill?" : 723 whereon this'lo tate again—" � , .......... Vingharn 1.00 There wasa note of sympathy inher 7 . 48 )He -made a signdficaint moticn, ,gut ......... -Ours on sky and, trees itie at their. 0.04 cot - voice. . the man lost no time in obeying the South. card- into amall fragments. A fluffy Pekingese -lying .in a silk - '%o is under the doctor's care." Order. . I - lo, , 2866-6.2 XeNgught - "Poor feRow," she sighed, "even 1, ,As -be reached the curve in the road, 19-99,;. 4, - ............... : �, . . . . - TOT'Outd ................ a.m. P.M who abhorhim, am -sorry to hear that. he turned -and raised his fist menac- .. 6.45 8.05 And, of couTsej?'.turning to him, "you ingly. 3elgrave .......... 7.03 3.23 cannot return to your beloved wilder- Nevilles laughed, . 3ly1th ............ 7.14 8.87 ness so long as -he isincapseitated." III should- have kicked the hrute ,ondesboro, ........ 7.21 BAB Nevilles, winced. She had, had she good and ,hard," be ruminaz�ed, half- ,!Ifnton ........... 7.40 4,08 but known it, expressed the truth in a regretfully. � 3rutefield ......... 1.58 4.28 nutsheR. , He swung up the road and turned Cippe . n ............ 8.05 4.86 "I hope I ,have -not destroyed yoilT into the bush. Forgotten was Haight's leusall ........... 8.13 4.43 morning," he said, as -she placed the spy. Nevillsa'g face was "ft with Ixoter ............ 8.27 4.68 brushes and palette in their rece,p- tender feeling as be passed alorig the 4 tralia ......... ,en 8.39 5.08 tacle. "Won't you Please finish .the sun -checkered trail to the trout painting? I am going up to tlie trout stream. - . stream right away." . "Queer -she .should, know that fav - C. N. R. TIME TABLE "Trout stream," she whispered ourite old rhyme of mine, 'When trout East. rapturous,ly, "oh, how I wish- -11 -bite best,"' he ruminated. I . a.m. p.m. She turned away, confused with her -But if there was -anything queer 'roderich ........... 6.20 2.15 outburst. He was quick to take ad- ahout -his forgetting to .cast a By af- lolmesville ........ 6.36 2.32 vantage of her impulsive :words. ter he had- reached the stream ar his , Rinton ............ 6." 2.45 "Won' t, you come?" be asked, care- sitting dreaming On the bank until 3eafOrth ........ 6.59 3.03 ful not to make his requesit too urg- the twilight shadows lengthoned a - 3t. Columban ...... , q-06 8.10 ent, "There are some really fine trout, cross the valley, the fact did not both- )ublin ............. 7.11 3.17 and I can get you rod and waders or him. Whoever heard of an insane 4� the lodge. You like fishing?" .mlan worrying over the qiieer things I I Weal. 4, I simply love it," she confessed. 9 ti he does? \ I THOMAS BROWN a.m. pan. Licensed auctioneer for the counties Dublin ...... 11.27 5.38 : P.m I But, of course, I cant go with you. 10.04 "Oh, it's not thimt," she laughed, as CHAPTER XVIII lof Huron and, Perth, Correspondence St. Columban. 11-82 5.44 ..­ 'his eyes shadowed, "I'm'not the'lelast ASHES OF POPPIES ' 1&rrarrgements, for sale dates can be Seaforth ...... 11.43 5.68 10-17 bit conventional. I would accompany Clara Kimberlie frowned down at rnad6by calling The Expositor office, Clinton ...... 11-59 6.08-5.43 10.31 you in a moment if it weren't for' a the card she held in. her hand. The Sesforth., Chargda nio4erate, a n. d Holmeaville .. 12-11 7.OrY .,,. 10-40 pvomt§o I have given to, a little, lame maid standing respectfully by, vacant satisfaction guatanteed. Phone SM. Goderich ..... 12-25 7.10 10-6V boy in the t6nements to visit him ithis of expression, ag all well-trained -0, 1, . afternoon. Perhaps," she suggested maids should be,. patiemtly aNyttited the F . �. C. P. Ri TIME TABLE a�chly, "you'll hi(vite me ,again?" orders *9 her mistress. . . OSCAR KLOPP� East. . 'Would to -morrow morning suit 'IT -ell thegentleman I'll be down in 46nor Ginduate Carey J.pnes' Na. a.m. you?11� he asked eagerly. ten minutes, Kitty," gaid. Miss Kirabe-r- tional School of Anctioneeringi Chi- Goderich .................. r).5,o "Perfectly. 11 love stream-,19hing He. her cagd,", Special Menset .................... � � UeV- 6.55 beft in the morning, The tints and Gh& atood in the cenitre of room Biewl� tfie Stock, Real Eptate, Rates MleGaw ................... -Ours on sky and, trees itie at their. 0.04 cot - as the maid. withdrew, twisting. the eha I ndiso and Farm Sales. In Auburn ................... . with prevailing market. Sat- : Blvt4 6,11 loveliest then, 11 always'tbink." 6;'2& 11%ey -are," he agreeo., "and the card- into amall fragments. A fluffy Pekingese -lying .in a silk - i �,61i assured, White or wire, ..................... Zurich, Ont. Phone' WlaltOi ................... 6.410 tfout rise best in the early hours." en cushion yawned up at his mistress *h4ned I - lo, , 2866-6.2 XeNgught - 6.52 t9ho liked the ,smile which made lis and for Atteation, hut.tor onee 19-99,;. 4, - ............... : �, . . . . - TOT'Outd ................ 10.25 face seem -so boyish. . � "AreWt *I his plea went 3znheWed. Clara- 10m. I 11. -1. I ­ :1 pbu'going to ask me if berlie was Mpltxed- more, she wad '!,� '' L I West, .. 4,'- ,.' R. T. LMER ... �rem6mher..tbe old vewse, about motn­ not a little *616ed. ihzi In 016 wood 4" I - . I � ­ I a.m. Ing fishing?" she qu to eouldtthis- reipyb1hate, David Webster, 11 . .. 11 , .1 I . U`omsed ailctioteer for the county t, . ........ TOM! 0 . Ir 7,40 ! 1, 40eiftirily I am, vqoh o, seehtr'about? She ttfL$ Itor. of U�rot�,, Shlet attedido-d, to in al.1 ........... . MeN.Aught ....... � ... 11.48 it?" . I � ry 11 -ow it was too late th%t the, M11 , Vatt&4 t1ld unty., .,Sovou years' ex- :::�*::". . 2, Walte'll - I ................... 12.01 "I do. This is A- . ' not irefused to.gov h1w. Frftf Vftt I Oce in �atitobjj ancl'giaksiche,- � . : Vo -.�.. I b6 , PhO" 9-6- Myth ..... � . it'. , 1112 -N she had 119e� ol Mra, one tA -, it, ,.',,d *& A! Terma roas6n,016., I , ,� na k 11,; FAeter, C6utralio T. 6, ii.a. koom, - .... "... i :*: ... ,­ 12.23 " Wh6 dawn, mist lay oh braoklow 12 , - brelast 14&eA th#t,t6�,,#.os§eped a,06MW . n6tvlo. Thig 4i� �aftinly ptd��­Ot I,!, ''Ot'14-alig 1(j,,V �t, The, Huron FIK- NwOA`9�' ........... I ....... X-6, 1P " . ...... .. � ". ., I I Msivit at. Meneset ..-., -.­*... ­ � . I , Sw*ly the"h1ting-4 tr�Ui �bito bost,." = 1. 1. L'� � It ' -;,,' � , 0, .. .11; " I . 1. -12'61-1 '- ­, ,L,�',4, , ,Z — --- I . In Passing Other , ,, 1, , '_ . Car's...Don't "Cut In" . � One of the greatest dangers on the highway is the driver who � insists on passing other cars when there is no space for him in I the traffic line ahead. If he should meet a car coming in the . opposite direction, a crash follows—with injury to persons or "I - � cars. ��/ It's a good rule to keep in line, unless you have a clear view of I the road ahead, and there is a place in the traffic line which you : can reach before you meet on -coming traffic. Don't be a. nuisance by "cutting in". It is discourteous to I other drivers and creates needless danger. You may have a �, crash . . . and even if you don't, you are liable to a fine under the Highway Traffic Act. The Keystone of Safety on The King's Highway . and aU other roads and streets I . , I Ak� :. I � . I , . .. # ,. . 1: � IN, ,�, , - J . . I . V :1 11 . : . . . ; li I .... .... ; � _­ � I TI I I , I I I I . I I � � .. . P. 1..� I , I I I , � . 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