HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1930-07-18, Page 3a $20.00 Suits of pure wool tweed. Patterns are well assorted in grey, mixtures and dark tweeds. Will give every satisfaction the style is correct. Be in early for these. They won't last long at $9.95 Others groups include our entire stock of. this sea- sons's newest Suits for Men and Youths. A big range of sizes; an unlimited assortment to choose from. Every suit carries Stewart Bros. guarantee. Regular $20.00 Suits for $15,95 Regular $25.00 Suits for $19.95 Regular $30.00 Suits for $23,95 Regular $35.00 Suits for $2195 . •. THIS -sale dosen't mean anything but what it's name suggests. We 'haven'I .. any old stock to dispose of. We are not forced to raise money. We are not going to move. We are simply going to stimulate business by giving you an opportunity to buy, early in the season, genuine, clean, new merchandise at SENSATIONAL SAVINGS. We Npver Misrepresent. Come Early. Come. Often. Come to Save Money. tE R M S OF SALE—CASH NO GOODS ON APPROVAL PROVING THAT IT PAYS TO BUY NOW 4 -YARD WIDE LINOLEUM New patterns, 4 yards wide, two qualities. $3.00 and $3.20 OILCLOTH—All widths & patterns. 44c Square Yard Boys' Suits Regardless of size or price, every Boys' Suit in our immense range goes at 20 PER CENT. OFF. Work Shirts CONGOLEUM RUGS All Sizes. Big Choice. 6x9, $5.19; 9x9, $7.69; 9x12, $10.29 RUGS Axminster, Wilton, Brussels. All stock sizes. Ne'w Patterns. 20 Per Cent. Off EXTRAVAGANCE TO PAY MORE WOMEN'S TUB' DRESSES, $1.39 Sizes 16 to 44. No end to new styles and trim ideas, cape collars, bows, frills, flares, belts. Made of Batistes, Dimities, Sport Cloths, Prints, Polkas, Checks. Worth more than twice this price. Don't miss these at ANOTHER LOT TUB DRESSES $2.89 Dimities, Lawns, Piques, Batistes. This lot is 'ust to hand, bought at enormous reductions and are passed on to you. You will be amazed when you see this rack of beautiful Summer Dresses. Regular $4.00 to $4.60. MEN'S SOX One special table of Work Shirts, full, roomy shirts, light and dark blues, khaki and grey. Regular val- ues up to $1.25. Summer weight, natural balbriggan drawers. Regular 50c quality. 39c, shirts and ALL THIS SEASON'S NEW SOX Smart patterns, attractive colors, guaranteed qualities. Big assortment. Sizes 10 to 111/2. Regular 35c Sox for Regular 50c Sox for Regular 75c Sox for Regular $1.00 Sox for ..... MEN'S NEW CAPS, $1.19 Dozens of this season's finest dress Caps, newest patterns. Caps you will be proud to wear. All sizes. (Regular $1.50 quality. 28c 39c 59c 79c MISSES' AND WOMEN'S WASH DRESSES, $3.95 Finest quality Dresses and Suits of Piques, Prints, Batistes, elaborate style..Sold everywhere up to $6.50. Guaranteed color fast dyes; newest styles. You, will want to select several at FINE CREPE DRESSES AT $6.95 Excellent quality, Pink, White, Yellow, Blue, Mauve. All this season's newest styles. 7.1 E1 'S OVERALLS, $1.59 Our regular leader, "Snag Proof' quality; Black, Blue, Stripes; all . siz- es. A perfect fitting overall. You will want more than one .of these. Regular $1.96. 1111111111111111111111111 SHEETING Afi 47c Heavy quality grey sheeting, pure cotton, two widths, 72 or 81 inches. Regular values 75c. 47c YARD PILLOW COTTONS, 33c Bleached circular Pillow Cotton, heatvy weight pure cotton; 42 and 44 inches wide. This is an excellent cloth. Reg- ular value 50c. 33c YARD Silks, Crepes, Flat Crepes, Georgette Crepes, Cantons, Celanese, in fact all our very best dresses. All new styles, full range of sizes up to 46. Black, Navy, Sand, Brown, Green. Some have short sleeves, mostly long sleeves suit- able for better wear. You will be wise to buy one ahead for Fall wear. Frites ranging from 8.75 to $25.00, 20 Per Cent. Off IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIII S AvElimimmimmut Staple Department Cuts 20 Per Cent. Off. Towellings, Towels, Shirtings, Sheet- ings, Pillow Cottons, Curtains, Lin- ens, Wash Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Talble Oilcloth, Wool Blankets, Cur- tain materials and Draperies, Cotton Batts, White and Grey Cottons, Yarns, Auto Rugs, Flannelette, 20 Per Cent. Off CORSET DEPARTMENT Corsets, Corselettes, Brassieres, gir- dles, Garter Belts and Sundaries, San- itary and .Rubber Goods. 20 PER CENT. OFF 39c TWO SILK HOSE 59c SPECIALS Two very special Lots of Silk and Art Silk Hose fashioned, full length, ex- tra spliced heel and toes; Block or French heel. Every wanted shade is included. Sizes 81/ to 10. Regular 75c to $1.25. 39c and 59c TOWELLING Pure Linen Towelling 17 inches wide; natural and white stripe or colored borders. 14c k MILLINERY—Half Price All this season's' new Hats includ,- ing Angora, Baku, 'Mohair and Silk Stitched Hats. New styles, all prices. HALF PRICE BATHING SUITS Men's, Women's; Children's Cotton or Woollen; all sizes, big range of styles and colors. ' 20 PER CENT. OFF WATSON'S SILK KNIT VESTS ..59c BLOOMERS ..69c Regular KO value. Excellent qual- ity, full sizes. Every wanted color. Vest's shoulder straps of self cloth. DON'T MISS THESE .� SWEATERS LESS 20 P. C. Men's, Ladies', Boys' and Girls' Swea- ters and pullovers; also Ladies' Knit Suits, new styles, all colors and sizes. Big assortment of fancy patterns. 20 PER CENT. OFF GIRLS' DRESSES, 98c Special rack of bright new Wash Dresses. Sizes 2 to 14 years. Prints, Piques, Ginghams, Chambray; extra pants with most. Regular price up to $1.75. SAVING on DRESS GOODS All Dress Goods, Silk Crepes, Dress Trimmings, Laces, Velvets, Linings, Dress Ornaments. 20 PER CENT. OFF y HEN'S DRESS SHIRTS . For better wear, neat patterns, some have collar attachetl, 'some separate collars to. match; good fitting and roomy. Sizes 14 to 161/2. Worth $1.50 to $1.75. MEN'S COMBINATION UNDERWEAR This Group Represents Our Best Lines Hatchway, regular $1.25, for ,..r.... Penman's, regular $1.25, for . , .. , , .. , Forsyth's, regular $1.00, for All Other Lines of Finest Muslin and $ tine u' ar24 A f $iy 4,f4. 11