HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1930-07-18, Page 2-1,111.0'? - J ­ � . " "11V4 I "" . , � wol, 6�1 1� 11.1 0% 0, , " '. I � ,�s,!,?,��,,, : -,?:�,-Jr,i,� ly?, _ . " " , , ", , "'t, � - .1 1* 1.) , ==, "" , _ . , " , X0011', 4404mon "' �' - " � , I , �N�-�Zs '01 . I I ..-..�..�....i�.-*.�-11,1�'ll�,�l.!",�"", � . ,��: . -��'."00mllji. kw,tQ,�; tF �K vill"! '"A . , . 11 . I . ,04..'�,'" '#,i' � , ',!,) � "', -4.0 g �r 4i ­ "I . ." $ , *40' � jn�, y ,. i��, ,�' i�' I . ... ,.,."k , �% 'R W_ - , , , . . . " " �C� T !­ ,[Owt:��,%,�,*I." I.," ;n�.n,_, 'A�t�' - .; -� ,. L_, _...M _._, � _ #kfl , , "I''. ." � . ',,x , " -rai:. , ,�� �i - _ I 11P, 0 ..,?" , ,;.. , , I � i � . t , . �, -� ,,,. ; . ': I . �. jkiir,\i, , . i�� , , �1 � ;,��',-, .� , . , , , 9 "i ,�, '. ,,�Sgw '1� .. ... .. � �� ­,gp � , . 114 p"M, If -, " Wn o N, '. GO4119 � . �1' I ""' , *W`"* �t , "' , g.% ­_ i a - -- ult '­' 011090"'I'VI ,',4--t.0".-' -4,- 11". 4 , , , , , ''� "', "� k " '! 'i", 'A I 0, op � " I . ,�., , ,$,.���!",���,'ii�,�w",�,�74k�(,Q i5-0, I . , ,�� U � R. lli.141' " I. , I., I - 'Ill. I ......, I ,". , I , , . ,-� Au, ung"A -the: ,iwastl�ll "IN 111C �h ,.". , -_,�i�� A110"! , � , , 14, ft 4 'n, , 11 01 11 - , 'W .. _". I 'ekno .# t -., i .: ��,_;. 1: ,4 ­ � eA A . 11 i ,, I . - � ", "i ,� - tll�y the toiling, sorrAn. id , ,;t";. 44,4,; -rom 2. -, 11 11 . . 1. t ,-, ­. -71 NAPU � V % �.,A* tes. VTT � I Comfoptable wqrds TXo-1, � , , , - _._­ -G-1 ,. �Awo# Z �V, 'keth_- . -, Mont* -1 , .,,,� , 5T, le�Ygl , � 44 47 � i � .... " 1. 1�� 11" -y- 1,.,. w �M­I­i­.­_ I . . , , 0, , - " "�, � . .X.1. T"Vi .; 1',�.A '�,'�','� -!.!;� '7 "", .: 11. , , .. .! 14 ,; r , '�,� I I I . , ;, , . -....,.T .. " . , .": 'a" " %51V`- - ?5,;w �,�qgu * . - . I , �sj�' " , . � i �#% �. . . P"I :: � �., , , 1� sm .,a. A vi�;, - .. �,, . 11 " ,� ` .1 . "': �� � ... , � _4 . �..,;�:�;I "I , � ., � ­RPAW the 40%w In .... �,'�' .., 4A 1, . Wbile His handa 1 .11 nr� �.t� V V1441 *4T."s "'I'l Ir ��,�t"",�,� , I , �', , W , , , P � , O't - i � � ;� r 1�1` ,� I ly flavo*d, PAW , � - I :. . 11.1. . W I ",., � ,, '. � AF MIN I 101111,11 wil "* k , ��', ' - . . , V �, 17 r , , . ... .�­ I 1.11 .. � , * . .,.. 1101�1_ ,* 1. ,, . -,­.� I , ,� Grief, nor pain, nor any sorrow �11 . I , *"� . I I _,�� � , . -,i,,,, .. _, � I 1! .. I e'.�,111'11;.. 'r _�,: . Ronds the heamt, to Him unknown; � . . . , �41`� " , -,;:11 " . ­ I P.k'� 11", �. .1 1". , I . , I - , ,.;,,, �.­ , I .. . '. , , 11 � � ;_�, - . -,. '' � . , Chocolate, Cocoanut Dru.UR'l . , , . . , i . 11 ". .,.;,. I '.% , i !:-tm.in�,, � He to4ay and He torjaerrow , _, .... - . , 'T , f 4xi,awgeoten-44 .!, 1. I -It. '�111. I—. I , ­. � . .,., ... . I ffll��. ��*" tA I . I !4 � �' . I �. , . . � I q. I . .... V . .. . ­�� I I . I 4 , I I �, ­?­fli V.. . 4, .. . ! , "" ­'­..,.� '4 4 , I r No - - k ... :� i�.i"��" ',�,�','�X:`,� � '.,.%11;.;�*,,,::�:; :Uhlt Ono � Ac � Grace sufficient gives His own. , � `11'..�,::��-�2 i -, Na -R."'.1 luaTe o ... , ii:�-%.' , ,�:� :, ,: ,:;;:.,,'.,.',�",�,'.".�,i�i�i-,'.",-,,��'�Ill""I"7::.":�,, . .I.*.-.-- 1'."4..0 , ­,., , . 11 Thomas XacXellax I chocolate i.,4 01.ible b0ilft, A44" -9*8 ; , '�, 40 . . . , ­', � .10, � . �: I � - - ', %. � M . . " T t . I . "..­ ... ��!,,,�: �:;::;--_,,;_1.�.. I ,� "I I g -- . � 7 ��, , .t I I I .. .., dupf4l ,Onden,��ed: �nilk and 6ne,quv- : � . :."�,7 � _gw " ff , - , i , ,. 1. I , . � I . - \ , � . 11 I... 'I , , "' ", ` � , """' ,1:), , �,i;, . I" I I 1. , -, �,�i��'.�.'!',�,.-",k,.�',-'.�-,-.-...�,,'� ter "Ploun4l shredded ,cocoanut.- � "'.11 I -.1 .�A. ,;,� '. �,�,' , � , I 7 "", '. ;. - ,,,,,�`�,'i�xf..'..�'..,-�� ',�" : - � . I I I Al" 1:.1 �.M'N'."N_ _.- . I . I .... It ;� <� 0, .V , PktAYER �,N ..... ," I , ra, ; . .11' . � i'.... , . �, i .,.., ? , " , . , . . — ,;:,;.;-;.;.�:g, . .1 on A_w4m"4 I. - I I _ —, — , . well; ftpp by'spqonfu s ,...-i � I . I . .. . " ' .. . ----. ..�..� ­ ' ­ & 1� .-i�,, "I..'- 1. W ' � ... '�- " N ., 6 ...., .... .,. �, -, .1 - :.0 ".. . .. , I , � , .1'.., , " I'll ­12'*.§,"­`��-'; I'll . , ...... . __� - I .. ,,�'-'WW-'� for- 15 to 20 niinutes. Place tb .an 1_*� I "' 1�4 .'*�.O'." " ... ... ' 0 . chosen people and , P ,e . .`,�'�*"O, """" " I` " - I 1�� .� I I 4 Nt$ '­�', .+"2 : . , .m . , 1. , . � h I I . 0 ... . As Thou 0 Lord� didst send Moses. pan, and ba.k4 in a fairly slaw oven ". _.; M I 'Thy 11 , 11 to deliver _mt,1.:1 pakes . " � _ ..., ....".. : � . , `�,'i� , � " ­­­%.�­, I . 4 ' I 11, Jesus, in the fuluess ,of time, to be M-'.""�:-'.,".',""-'-"�','-'* fairly hi:gh in the oven'" tlie�,' I I I . 1. ,j .. .... , . " - - ,�:'. �! -" , . , � � 1 , 1i .,;�i� .'i, ." . I . . .. , . � , , , . � -�, . �W­1.101 14 -111. -.--Q, . '11 I _. , 1. '. I_ . : , . ..'v , . the Redeemer of the world, so dost 1;1.. -X..1'* . turn easily Ws recipe Nri make . � I � . , . d ...'', , I .. ... ""'...........,"... "'. 4 1 I. .� ,, . a. ­... , :�..� * W* � I., A -,---.--� . . .... .1W ,.-�,gg'...--.�' . �: , ,, .i.-,!�. I I - , � ,ill. - I - .. . . I .1, . . _� I . I . 1 W'--5 , � . I %, ­­ / 'k, , I � ' ' - � . . , I .. li, , ��P, thou send us to'tell,the ory. ,�.k.,V*i�`� �i�'�.:::�::::�;i:�l:�i!�i,::i:.::,.��,'���,.��i,4i'll'�� 'M . .� . �, "I .11, Help us to work and gi . pray ...'�.z ' ' 0 - !� ' - ; ' I . , I -0 . - , - I I . � " A., 11 ` " . � 1. � . will be done. In Jesus' name we .. I . 0 I ., � .. .1 I I I . 0 No I , �11 ,.� o I .........".,�.'�-...-'.-'��:��,,�,��.",i�,�!,I..$:i. - I irines: ­', , 11 that Thy Kingdom inay.come, and Thy , , V ­ *.6'."', .";."'...'s, - - '.�J " . ,;1 "I �11�<.:- 1-:`.;. . . .,., , Ix �If � M11 A' "' I , ­ , "", I . , '. � - '.. ' - '. � ` I 9 , ;Ak� . . I ,.;;j t..,--.. 1. �,..-;1,11..-ffi-1'11 two dozen ttle; cakes. . .� / .. I., ... I h : . . , I I " I I..... 1. ". 1". ., 0 ile-,� 1, , �, Cs aend �� ". ". F. ' - � ON& :1.`1�.1'._..-`_ I — " ��'* - � �,-�Vt�7� r, '�, � I i ' , 'i ., .��I'iii:�i�i4 .I.R, I . . I I r­_�1`1' " 1 01'.."....00.0, 4� _��, . -,von ­-, 4., . _..� �, � I , ".., ... .... I ", X 4, 'I" " ; pray, Ameri, .1 . 12.5 M- 11,11' , E p -s I ,. tl�:�.,, 't ­ - - I I . . ��',,, r-,,� �'.,.','.�,.",.,j�,,�'...':�:�.,.�.',,-'.,:��,..... .. I -, . . ,,.,..,;� �i .!.i:"� i I - . " . . 1. � 1, , _ THE W04LD TAKES LFAVE OF I I . .. � . J . � " " U" -- �11 1, ,. . . $. $. L)R$SQN FOR JULY 20th, .1930 :�;::�::.�:;­:-I;:-;.C�-. -, . I . . , � !,�i' . , �::�.�.. .. ) I �Ii',�,�I��.Ilt,� , 'I, -,-i, - .,:; - 11 . I , �� - 1- "I"... ;. .�:*,j. ... _ , - FIGURE I (.0 %9 "' , , _.. '. .�,.*-N."i __�' ".,,�,',, .. -:,.,., � ; - , ` 4.': " ,-,;;.�V-.-:.;- , 1..7..:-,.'%,..�: .111,111 ". :,:.­....... .�� I �1. .,Jv�.­T- I . I .. � I � Lesson Topic -Moses- . ' h ara -1- .�.- IL I I .­..,­�il: . T,; iv, ... - ......... ­ A 0ALLANT � J kills Ales all day anti evei� :j:j.,.,�$:1 �'-� in eac - in of w'he"aL - " i I � ....... 1'1:-`- * """ � :� 11 1. ,, I :. I I.R., We do not know any literary .critic . .h '. I W- -" p ....... __. , .�', � , , . ...... . Z"',',' ­`,,&` t, 2 ir'3 weeks. 3 pads in each Lesson Passage Exodus S 1-:2 ' � , d/ I N ', , .. , I.. �;�I�`:, '. vi"et. No spraying, no stickiness, Golden Text -Hebrews 11 _ ::, ��:,... :::.��:,: who would''have'placed tho late $ir . ,,, . ... ,j:.., p: ....... .......... � � _�7 _... ", , . �, ,_ ... � ". ,,;, ; � ", . r ...... , � ,.- , I . , , , "' , __ I.. � - :, " I ... , , , . I ... _.- , I I " i '; I 1 7:1�- , . . I., I I , , ,,.:,:-:.:-,..,.r,A ...: , , �_-,-4*.'-'-� 1,'.�:,� . . I il �� ,,',` WO a , , . . .; -n Doyle first in the JAst, &g Puffed Wheat " , ""', "' "!;.., ,,,, , .� � .", od , .... .: .::::::: � ATthiur Cona " ­­ , _ , . . , " h it or. Ask your Druggist, - latter Part ; '.. . . ". � We read in the the .., ... thus ma4 .14 % , �".- -:-X N* . �, 4 �. .;� 03: great comt60porary novel'sts, and , .Ckvcery or General Store. second chapter that "the children of .. . .X -­ ��4_`-'-�-:-:' ' 1 . .. .,.7...:: ' _1 . .1 �. I . � '1.�41., I ­;­ -he, vaup . - 1. . I . rael sighed 'by reason, of the bo,nd- certainly melf. � Yet � ". , , ­. 10 CENTS PER PACKET Is . . .ted not him 0, A VJ @ " . .... I age, and they tried, and their cry. W,3oz==4"AmjxX,&x1max%== Viewing him purely from a literary and Puffed Rice viitually as 4�, I . I ­ � . . . I ... A 11� V.,._.- t,,,,� _; : WHYTAY MORE? ,am, up unto God." standpaint, b4 had some aeboniplish- . ... ... . ..-.,.. � I . ''4, . � . .. , ­ � . ..,:� .... :,�.. , M. ROBERTSON ments to his credit that none cd his �� hedcereals. .. I F ... I 'SM WILSON FLY PAD CO., Hamilton, 0 while this anguish was being en- AIRS. , . nourishing as hiot coo 0 � , , �. .., 1� I.-,"."' ..I.... , ,. _ fellow craftsmen could equal. Hi� . . '. ,�,*."` � ; I dured in EMt, Moses was being "IM .... t ;�l -I-`:. 1. , . . . _ , I . . own condition, tired -and indisposed created, for example, the bast- kno , .. Q ...... , 5 � L I , . .- .— trained for his work of liberator. As d wn ERE I S an utterly different ready -to -eat cereal! Crisper ."'..' 1. I .�, . , -" :.:.,e. , � an inmate of the house of Pharaoh hL, all. the time aTid was subject to ,.evere character in fiction since the days of .,:... �-.*.-,k. :-�:� . . - ti. Thit is -Sherlock H*ImM a �:�:".-.-'. ,�:�:�-, 4.F.'. �:, . . . . F� H V ­ 'i � had received the training .Of a cour- headaches. There was a neur- , con- Dickens. . . ..cruncbier ... more flavory. And with virtually the h I - - dition in my shoald,pr and arm, and name wb4ch has: entered ir.to our ' - � 1� :...... � , .., I �� . I . , . .. , - �,:, % - - ,.-:-� . . . ... ier and a scholar and to this was add same noutishment'as hot cooked cereals! ..:,,_,, ---- , W-ek_ I __,rx .. I � ""' - 11 ed that of the shepherd amid the constipation, had such a hold on me comanon speech and is likely tO Te- . """ " , .... �, ' 11.� � 1K_' 1%. solemn scenes of nature. Tho effects that I developed hemorrhoida. Six main there with all the. 'persistency That's because Puffed Wheat andPuffed Rict! are made �":".. 01, .... '. %. ...- ". ... . ;z�-_' ,�, . __4 ..".. ','.... . I .1 . ­ . " . - " -1� ­­%il,71 ... �� _.V uch name s boy tt, acad, in -cereals. P �­ X � it - of this discipline were seen, in -the bottles Of .Sargon dTove the Dains out of s sa to rn a in an entirely different way from all other lump, ..". 11 _��wzxr­ QKM" , , . If,, .. . - of my -body, I sleep better than.1 have and ma6ntosh. A y noval-,'s: will 1, � _*11 change of character. n choice grains of wheat 'and rice are sealed in huge bronze' �:!"..I.,X9" :'X-:�.,-'�k::::-.,-. "I �IV � in yearsand have a wonderful feeling cordess4 thaL tbe, greatest difficulty .... quAmam oe 1. ,:,o I � , ' .. : � , - *% "He, long forced in humble paths to Of strength and energy. I'm telhrig he has is to give his eharae,ters a gtins.,The guns'are .revolved in fiery ovens. The natural 140 "... ...... EMMm lol. , � � . � . , 1`171 " I i " . I. - I ­ @' all my friends about Sargon. kind .of third dimension which will ... ".7 . � 1, moisture in each grain is chaq�,ed to steam. Then' ihe guns . ,., 901 . _, .. I ov, i11, I Was soltened into feeling, soothed and "Sargon Pills ,have given me such, make them stand -out ,of che printed in. F .i,.,.�:. t .... .;0 t. , .. % -n,derful relief from eonslipation page and, become recogaizabb�� 'hum, are fired. 125. million exp�osions occur in every grai ,ach I .. rA 11, WRIGURN VIS tuned." wo '...". : � �, 'i . F'.x.�� tiny food cell is blasted open. K9 � . - that II d*n't 'notice the hem-m-hoidal beings. We recall the frivolous crit- --,-,.,-. Na, I Thus every particle of the :::::" 1,111. I -hile busily engaged tending his trouble'like I d6l, and- I'm erjoying icism of.Wolls to the eff ect that Sher- . . as completely digestible as though they had 4 .1,; ,<7 1) � I" � � W grain is made .. X-1 11 � Alertness scores everywhere- ;�-` .. I t . . I , flocks Moses. had time for ,c i I a char- been cooked for, hours. And so Puffed Wheat and Puffed I.,;:.`:�: . I splendid heal-th'an, every way.`--M-ra. lor-k Holmes was not real y ,� lf��.. I ommuning 16 Alice St,, Hamilton, acter since nobody could ever imag- �k'�:`.*,' ..... �� 1. . . , I I I I I with nature. Every bit of nature M. Robertson, (:� - t'� Wrigley's creates pep and en, I Rice attain -the virtual nourishment of hot cooked cereals. v �?, .- , &" will teach the reverent student some- ont* fne him in love or falling down. sWx's, I . . . I M , ..., . ". . ' 'be obtained in Seaforth We find. it quit na I 1��', Z� I Cr9y and keeps you alert. thing Of God. The lilies as well as Sargon may e as easy to,h Zine This process explains why Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice � �, I,.. from Charles Alberhart. � these things as to imagine Mi,.- Wells ,..:.. ­ I ! �,�, � A 5� package rnay save you the stars are teachers but in the case playing a violin or tracking down % I have an extra delicious flavor ... plus a crisp light daintiness ......" � I �0� � of Moses at this particular time it Serve thes'e little nuggets of rich .:..,. - I -P I'll . I � from going to sleep at the wheel . was a bush. The surrounding moun- criminal through, the, science of de- that tempts the appetite. .. X . . k l of your car. tains, might have been lit and such a . dnetio'n. We note as a kind of liter- � grain nourishment for breakfast, lundieon, and supper. I *' I I ary curiosity or coincidence, That the I .­ ,;: 41.11, spectacle would have been worthy of HAY They digest so easily that they're extra good for children's __# ':.:.:.7--. ." ....... 5 '" .1 k� .1 I ... Nt� I next best known character in Modern ,..'.... I � . k ... .".I.............., , the majesty of God. In that case the evening meal.. Your grocer has Puffed Wheat and Puffed .� �'.. f . makes Pep to iSherlock Hoirmes is Raffles, ­ -1 ; ....... - .. . .. . ... ... �` egu ar " ... ... , ... .''... *� , 1,-,;� lonely shepherd would have been dis- Hay Counrdl Me.ting.-­iThe r I I'll I— . . . . . . . . . .: . t. I mayed, whereas the burning bush at- monthly meeting of the. council 'Of the the. master criminal, who wkig the in, Rice. Ordertoday. The Quaker Oats Company. ..'.... ..., , - lit . vention ,of E. W. Hornung, who hap- . ­ ... ... ... ,:....,.... ...., � 4 tracted him. ' Tawnship, of Hay was held in the . I I � 4759 ,� -11 111L: I July pened to -be Conan Doyl-'s brother- I . �_ v - . "And Moses said, 1, will now turn Town Hall, Zurich, on Mondayj .��, . OUAKER PUFFED RICE 'AND PUFFED WHEAT ��, aside, and see this great sight, why 7th, 1930. All the members were in-law. Perhaps here is something 91, I . the bush is not burnt." �I� pas -sed present. The minutes of the June which a PhilOsOpbEr might find Inter- o / ' )L�.; � &sting as throwing a liglit On the I J�q� through the gate of curiosity and meeting were adopted as read. After ". . � , . . __:A� found himself face to face with (iod. a number of communications were dis- character of the generatibn which . ciris .* -s thought that nev,er again shal . V... � j0b� "And when the Lord saw that he po,sed of, the following resolutions chose a detective and a thief as it I, we "e cut it short and -returned home to . I . turned aside to see, God called unto were passed: That the Townshin mOst Popular Uterary heroes. � loved ones who have died than ever sound the alarm which fell, alas, on ,"t tho, i d t Next, in, "The Brigadier Chases the -he had worked for his own ad -vantage. unheeding ears- He wasclassified with �, him out of the, midstof the, bush and Weed Inspector be au T 7.e 0 have I �.,� ,", . . said, 'Moses, Moses."' He was dis- all weeds on township roads destroy- Fox," Conan Doyle wrote one of the ffts ,health ,broke down, and , few Lord Roberts as a fussy old wonian, p , �1. posed to see and hear. His was th,� ed and- where Ro,ad Commissioner neig- most diumovous ,shoft stori?s of the months ago, v�&n his familiar face and,the brighter and ypunger mem- , ft� Besf .. ,.: -ng eye, the hearing ear and the lects to de y w 40- years. In "Waterloo" he pro- and voice were recorded by the t81 -k- bers of the press had a most ,enjoy- , I - 1�'.,. . � seei stro - acor YOU . . , - . understanding heart and he received spector may hire men to destroy same duced ome o�, the most effective one- ing pictures and shown in To -ionto, it able time in wittily proving that he ",� I , . . ays, seen- in the modern Theatre. was plain -that -he, was a wpary old was crazy. Nobody ever said that I , � ,�, lk � ER - ,.i great blessing. !See in what a tender .and cost shall ,be, 'charged against act pl - 4 Baby fov� I V, N .. .. - gift of making his man a -ad that his once, ruggol Phys- - Doyle was t4o g e test novel- . � � 't !*iii. � i:i � . manner God revealed himself to the such Road Division. That Alex. Fos- He bad that ,rare Conan T a I W,�'.. _...--".j:j:j�1i W! V��­ uct characters livie and no contemporary iqu, had come near to the erld of all ist of ,his time, and no -body, so far ., . . i;­..­-:­3­:11ii: lonely shepherd. , 141 am the God of ter be awarded contract to constr . .- �:.:,:.:, . � I . *5;4 i i:i:i:;�! - 0 Con author ever gave us such a portrait thingry rthly. as we are aware but Conan Doyle . :!;iiil�iiijfli`i�,& , C , . . 19.. - -, � thy father." He did not say, I am cement bridge opposite Lot I , . ea ­ ... , ­­ 'P�t- .., _:f:;:7. -.:;;i:: the Go,d of majesty, unapproachable 6, at $4.00 per cu-bic yard. T). , * .... ._... _ i0s:, :::;:� ._...,;1 .... , -, - -:.:,.:.:;:;�!,:.:;:�:i:iiz:::-4-;;:- '..� ­-.� 4 M. 'ter, ever said thAt W. B. B"y S � , ... �: . ­ -igel, Sam Aylward, We can think, too, of Conan Doyle and the wn I !!!.-N�.-!.fi:::::;i.":!;;,.,.;-. .I­Mh­� ,,, ��:2 _. . ..'­­!. . _,!� , , .111" ,at By- gallery as �Sir N � * -ii.i. ; .,�. __ . 1* - `­ * I—' - .4 . .. .. M. .-.. .- rket, Bigadier Gerard, -Hor- the courageous, e ar-e-yed patii6t. It Maxwell was the -finest sto-y teller .. 'Wi::.... 2 MINN.. 1.11111-111. ., 11 . . --- ­ ... - and of inifinite power, but the God of law No. 12, 1930, authorizing the Micah Cla ri le , , i,. � -.;: S, ; - hat I .. .., the home and of the family. Having Reeve and the 7'reasur,r to borrow dle John and a dozen others which was the voice of i0onan Doyle - f his y. But -nobody will .av ,which o da s . t 1. , . I ow : I, ': � N" .. 11 li'�.". 'i then thus drawn him he calls him to money for current expenditures be might be mahtioned --- ino, women a. was lifted a yeasr or so before the war he was not one of the finesi fell, Yws I �. t a' great undertal�ing. Go�d -sai i to read three times and finally passed. 111"Ong tbl, by the way. This, per- broke ,out to warn his countrymen ,of his itime and thUt -he did not rnak-, , , �) ,, haps. give uebing th SOAP . % him, "I ,have surely seen the affliction That accounts covering payments -s a olue to a col -Lain axtis- that Germany ww. already ,ro e world a little -happier and cleaner I Alh-rt 8,Ap. IAWt.d, 34h.,-M-tr"L. ;.I., and I am come. down to Townsbip roads, telephone- a,nd gener- -tic defect in Doyle, his literary sex- for her tiger sprii�g, He had go -no to than 'he had. found it. Only a gTeat 1� , , . ". � - .. of my people, ssnes . There is 6rdly a breath of Garmamy on a fraternal visit, ,but he,race produces men like Conan Doyle. � - . deliver them out of the, hand of the a] accounts be passed as follows:- le s. � ..., . . iiship Roads - London Rolling Pas-SjOn- to be found in his pages, .- - __ — -.------ I . �� � I v; I%- '.. Egyptians." He who could, oy a Tow I . � $11. roken their Mills, steel, $23-68; C.N.R. frei ' ght, crammed though they are with male , . . I 1: . �_ chains, called a lonely shepher-i to S1.80; P. Schade, pay list Road 1g, cutthroats and nialefactpps. Maybe - — _ --.--.--.-..,-.-.--------.---.---.-,�- " .. I 1. I '' : I . :. :;: , work out, through a series,of bewild- $105.85; John Oesch, pay list. .%oad if he had given us a guirty luvc now I . ... ::. . - . . l?'. � 11. :�; e: ering -and discouraging undertakings, 8, $8; R. Geiger, pay list, Road 9, sind then be, would hauve bean more a I I . �, . . . God's purpose: "I willsend thee un- $3; S, 'Martin, pay list, Road 6, $7..26; realist, and would- have escaped the I I .. "? �_% , "I IF _T_%,Fn I 1 4�� 9 ,0-!e� to Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring H. Brown, pay list, lCuad 15, $16-50; yeproach of having addressea bis utor- 11 11 " ; �,.�. �. ` .1 .- ..!:: God never wo.-ks T, Ayotte, -.Day list, Road 10, $52.52; les mainly to the taste and intellee- - . .11.11 . : "I''. :, d, _�'. I. ::. forth my people." EMPIRE TRAA-.,F,.... . 11. . ; , fro,m the many to the, one; be w(nks J, Rennie, Pay list, Road 6, $183.9l; tual capacities of wholesome, sixteen- ' . I " , !� 4 . ., 1. from -one to the many. . E. Datirs, pay list, Road 9, S16.60; YeaT-Old boys, instead of to unwhole- I � W `� . "And ,Moses said unto God, Who I E. Datars, pay list, Road 10, $238.12; some sixteen -Year -,old girls whO pro- . 0 ,�... . *11% Ao� rity , � I ' is Canada's Road tuc% Prost _. 1�fl' 6 am 1, that I should go .tt. Pharaoh, A. Reichert, pay -list, Road 4, $51; W. vide the market for so -me of Hs more diF 11 J Pano,rarn6 o/ I I . -and that I should bring forth the Grenier, pay list, Roads 845, $16; A. lauded rivals. k� � I Ori ' 'world has been 1. t � 1,7".., - lliance and Splendor clildren of Israel Gut of Egypt?" L.'Sreenan.. pay list, Road 18; $16; F. For many years,the, � , , . I - fanAliar with the stAwy of how Doyle, ' I � - 1, .., Poitrdying World Proeress The idea was too much for him. He J. Flaberer, pay list, Road 7, $7.010; si World-wide conditions have created eo trade wi' ,bin the I .; - was cluate equal to the h,urrible duty Alex. Housseau, pay list, Road 3, the country phy biap, turne-i his idle art economic situation that presents Empire is the logical solution of the ;.i., � ILIU which'he performed under Jethro his $29; J. 'M. Richardson, pay list, Road hand, to the fashio,ning of a ,xtory and problems demanding the highest enoraious problem involved; and the ' W, father-in-law, but to go forth on such 5, $15.ft S. Ropp, pay list, Road- 2, turned out,1A Study in Starlet" which . . .. ,-, � COADUMN introduced H,ollmes to the world, in qualities of statesmanship f0t their enthusiastic manner in which ihe �'. 0 ,,_�,-W-rv� an undertaking seemed far beyond W $6.50;, J. Parke, paIr list. Road, 1, - . ,, ��� . 'The more fit any person i3 $123.20; C. Aldworth, pay list, Road, the pages of the'old Strand magazine, I solution. Since the war period, ni6w King -Dunning Budget has been i .1 powers, I �, . for service, commonly the less opift- 2, 3, 13. 14, $58; S. Hoffman, pay list if we are not mistaken. But he had tariff barriers have been created received throughout the Empire .1 1, ' I . .... 1� I I I ion he h -as of himself. God answered Roads 8-15, $188.10. Telephone Ac- writte-n- other stories bef,ore tl at and by -many countries, restricting the ensures Canada a most favourable I .� 11 they had -been rejected time and outlets .,� - his ob -- promising his preG- counts -Bell Telephone Co., tolls, : "i, . _­ N10 jection, by I for Canadian product wj+% April 21st to May 20th, $114.52; agaln- "Micah,01-arice-," a stirring .s and position at the Imperial Conf6rence' � -.�� ence: "Certainly I will be necessitating new trade arrangements. for the interchange of'product's. I i .. I I � yarn if Over there was one, was re- �, 1. , I thee." He assured -him of success. 'Northern Electric Go., material, . . I i 11 . . I I I � 'qften thou hast brought forth the $449.9.1; Zurich HydTo, lights, $ ; fused.a dozen times. 'But in Hs de- � ., 1 2.86 Early recognition of this trend provided ...,." T.,. . I people out of Bmt, ye shall serve Can- Tel. & -Supplies, material, $14.06; rtective stories Doyle performed the Pxoviding a market for Canada!s farm. y ,' r I 11,,%'� � _,9 Q God upon this 'mountain." , The pi-om_ Bell Telephone Co., -booth, $25; C.N.R. 'In" miracle that has been p-lirformed the inspiration for the King -Dunning products, ensxding the building up of 1: " toSept-6 3 - in and -again. He took ,over a Budget, which has indicated the path a home-naarket for hek'manufactured . I ise that God would have the people freight on booth and cartage, $6.38; ag'a I : �, I ". " , I Aug -11 . serve Him in that particular pla�.,e W. F. Jerinison, rebate rate, $10.00; neglected nettle grown field- and made along which Canada must. proceed to products, the policy of the king adtni�n. r , -1 I was an assurance, if fully believed, Zurich -Central, switching five weeks, ity if -not a garden., then ,something like ensure a continuation bf� her com. istrition 'offers the greate I st assurance ' i pl� -Carlson Tel. Mfg. Co. abril-lianitly lighted theatre stage. He � 1 _ I'��'� ALL -CANADA ',ha -1 all intervening obstacles would $85'; Stromberg mercial prosperity. The prompt of Canada's future prosperity. i I'll be removed ,b,y His, power. material, $15.63; P. Mclsaac, .plary made the detect4ve story a medium . . . I �, ' , . -11is, nce VWe over- ,-, I, �,. $500; labor $291.76.. less tolls $33 1,0-- Of art- I'll this ' ta doo . �. 7 -, VEAR step the bound of rationaT judgment ' I � ''I . . I I WORLD MISSIONS balance $759.66; .H. G. Hess, la�,r' LOWER COST OF LIVING, . . �, . material, etc., $182. General Account i . ". During the- last week in August and Setting Men Free in India. Bu gets during the past nine years of electorate is asked to approve an July I . I'll ." -Rinker Drain payments, $155.91; If so, -then we can on�ly ,say that there i I the first week in September, the * � Ve . 11 i 1!1 (By Rev. H. H. Smith, Sitamau.) Zurich Hyd,o, lights for hall., $2.68; 'TO men of acknotvAbdZed genius Who U eral Administration have lowered largest annual exposition in the world We hope to have a fruitful wintec. Murray & Nicholson, on Wildfon- ha 28th, is, an extension of this. policy; I . ve 'Something le'Sys to shorw for it. " tatiffs.on many commodities a,nd d - I i I , 1. .'. 1, vAll be in progress. God has done much here. Ove: one Drain, $1,660.00; -balance all(Ava . - As is said -to the Oerson, who in W implements of production� these aify equl]�ment and machinery iin .. Mces . - ' ' �� "' "Y' stone Pautl's - Cathedral wonders where is I I F�elatures, displays, buildings, attrac- hundred, and sixty were baptized this Black Creek, $90; J. Ortwein, reductions have a4totriatiail P general placed on the free list.; te�., . . These need now to be trained " IS' Vlowered . I ��i . -% so huge, magnificen t a nd diversi- yea r - - Masze Drain, $15j J. Reid, balance the monument to the 4.%nius of ir . an � .� - Black Creek contract, $5,374,23 ' . �� ­� tion- Asked why we accepted such raw m, livingeosts to the Canadi * and China, free under the . !, ". rbe Christopher Wren, "Look around you," an Public. POrctli ",", fied that two million people from eet again o- The Kirig-Durining Budgpt, which the British preference. . .., �� " terial into the fold, I p&ointed to some council adjourned to I n so we might say ithat the, monumeut I . � . 1. ,7� ­� I thO genius of SJomn Doyle is to, be � . . 7. : almost every country will visit diis of the Bhils we brought with us, and Tuesday, August fth,mst 1 .30 o'clock to . , * , ',,'�, I , aniqueand colossal enterprise. told our critic that ,these viery men, p.m. -A. F. Hess, Clerk. seenall about uf(inlbe detective mag- . TAX REDUCUONS I TARIFF REDUCTION& ..., 1� The 193'0 Canadian National who have been the life of the, present I azines, the detective stories, the crook . ! - .- I I 11 I 11 1,1�',; I I Rihibition promises to eclipse all movement were themselves just as - plays, the vogue of Van Dine, Chris- . SaW Tax --Reduced from,6% to 1%. J[922 -Sugar, agricultural 6ple � ,��_ tie, Fletcher and the swarms cf their tnentaotextiles, �101 raw,a few years ago as the converts DON'T LOSE YOUR CHILDPEN Postal'Rates-R-educed fr6m 3 cents to 2 cents; . boots and shots; "I - - Vnvious yeam I baser imitators. V -it had not been I I ' !."-".. here are now. 1l)-on't lose your childiren when they for Doyle they would, not have been. penny postage re-established. 1923-Bridih oreferentiat tariff reduced by . , I I . . 10 Per cent. w]6ere -goods imported by ! - _ "LE8; VOYAGEURS" a brilliant Nor are they all, so raw. The head leave home. -keep in touch, with them They are his creations shnost as much Cheque Tax -Reduced from 2 cents on every can4JIan Port. . � 1. I pageant -- 4. "I 11, �,:;,.. I , � . r-evkpwing Canada�s develop- jailer in Pertapgarh 'has for long by telephone. Out-of-town calls awe as is ,Sherlock Hlolvi�s. $50-00 to 2 cents over $ 10.00. -, 19A4 -instruments of production used in 11 I . 2bent from its earliest days will be been asking for baptism. the i s a as simple and easy to make as local In -his last phase�.,Conan Doyle turn- I e agriculture, mining, forestry and fisherle _� . , � 7 , � Re�eipt Tax -Abolished. a. Ill '. 16ged ea& evening by 1500 per- Brahmin.. I told him to bring some ones and for very little cost you e n f m hat -e cal to h be � 0rilling , fisher - I . a ro, w th -led fiction w at 192 -5 -Well. machinery and " I ­. one else to ChAst. 'He at once told arrange a Tegulaw visit by telephone called truth, though na-Ilions would, re- sheols,ftigitles. , .... ,!; � .� .. f0mers on the world's largest stage. Tmwportatim Tax--Ab�ft.hed. ,I, I , I,- �,"�, me of four prisone-ts whom he had each week. Reduced ev ng rgtea on VOrs t en�l�re. H � I . . .1 . 'i ,.­... 'Thi-ty, �iffit-y and concen bands, includingthe eui e be nom e bocanie a \ 1926--�-Sugai, tuitomobiles. tin.pl2tCl etc . I ,; , . On "anyone" calls start at 7.00 p.m.; still . .. - `�V won and asked. me to go to the pri'T' lAsuratwe-Tax-Abolished. , .1 , �,CANADA PERMANENT FORCE spiritist, said perlia&% the , int.st On- _ I . 10�8­4`ImPlemetfts of pro&Lctlon in I � I k v,,�,- to baptize them . lower night rates at 8.30 p.m. thusiastic and effec*ve pro,I)ngandist Telegraph Tax -Abolished. . ;�nlng I i 1. I ,:,, '(by permasion Depgrtment of Militia - . tind figfiing Induatries;1ertilizers on free list. li �_` , �', ­� When I asked him how be had . I. 19310 'I Vefetice), a� especially recrufted drganiza- for this curious b6fief thax our age ,,;Mf ol,cet1:1n,thina, vegetables, fi*ta, I ,;-,,.,v, ,,, of *Veary-six skilledm'9=wentslists raken taught them of C&rist, be taid, "Sa . 0. . . has seen. ft is one 'tbAt his friends �, I Redhetion in live years estimated to citnou.nt to , . , I I 3ri h preference. '� ,�,, . I . I . ,I ., �,- .�,' '06=&'s Reow Mlitary Establishment& hib, there 1% a cust6m here that if n-A,ght choose to pasi over but for the 1 $110,000,000. � Reduction its doi1lis . nteans I . .� V i �,,, the . .. K."- . I " .. � - - . ��"-:�;. - d"611;.ili'y fiti6tw zoww.'EMBI. I'lly prisoner can catch hold of ' RECIPES V fact that It Tievealled the cWrago, ind * . . � reduction in pric" J-� , - �` �, r4'CH0Rt19'ih, lour wnoutep--Aug� Ir . I I � � '. . . ;�,;,�.�;�T� -, 23 Rajah's feet, he -vnlil be freed. So Delicate Cake. cheerfulness of D6yJ'a mote perhaps . . I ... 11. ,.�..­­- p- %,'$ - whenever His. Highness comes here thain any of biwl� �Teoocupationg.. ., 11 . . I .11. ' . , I . ' ' .­�"',Ji",O. .,Opt,2and-6. .. 11 . . .1 .T4 ly'lil .1 I I "C.0`16, , Ot out Avewrtit, 0=1 . . 'I'",& �,;, I I - , 1100 no ip 4,*1,br�.ncAek* Trottifig *ncl, Facidg ugar, 4 egg, yolks, 1� . I .. 4 �. �. I ., "', . . . M-.', .-PA.JL %;; _ I ,4, 1% 'cuPfuls PRO- his bmt:hiony and, 1 4_ the, wf,rld- Mar . - 1�. - '14. "Trade , V� 1-'-1 V�- $ "'i �� the prisonervare pu,t a distalvee away One­half eu . . I , . 11 i 11 I Ulf, diiplg�s atcl c Under,it strong guard lik p butter,,( I % euPfuls 1-16 quietly 9,rose j&)�ils. pla�o to give For Gre, ater, � � " . N I . .A thei abould s . I . , . . ,. E . . I... 1. .� 1; 7 .. . . , � I .� �� �E N �:�� dkg.$.5,J0W"FUtUrid"i throvir thb,tiselves at I -As f eet and de- try flour, % -cup, potato flour, ,lbur v,r �.R-,��-te;_ . � ,ld I I .. il^ - . ­ . I", ,� I * '144 ", 0 1 .. , , , I 0.i,�Siftw�wairait Iftid 1. . , � 7 ' ' .� I'll, i4.1 � �1_ 4 fiftaus udo,wetmble teaWotIftil allnond &ntabon thzt wctg,e,hu2q&d it 14 ,b , �. 1. I � . , , , , . L;d6t 6, ,, L" , I I -ea I . , 9,�n §,V�fw 6 * ln:LL, , ' , A f win Iv--- All, . Maiid freedom. "Nfow.," gAid 86hati- teasPoonfu4k baking powder % t - gry with the. r'bc��ft aud MiST*3�e$- ' - , 'k ' d" ' " '' ' . � . 'ib ' ' ' " , . 1%,. notg-vowaft. I !a1l, "I tell, my pTisoners to throw spoor&ii salt, - I. . W .r;,,,.-. " I . r g Lur , , "t" � ­'�t�; . In it 1. & .,.:",.., -1. i I I '. .1 . WUF tfh6m)sobies at the feet of _ . ) , 1�-,,�� , AT . il , - �� ". I'— u, � . I , 11 '; . � :-:,-", , . Ohri fit, And extract, % eup h . � 4., - ;, �il . . . 10'." 411.� I � 11 1, , I 1. , �'. . I � . . , � I . , . .. . . . I � 1: 1''. � . I I , , . I ,,­ ,,, .f-', , " . " kf.:,;.,�,,�_�',;� , , 91'4! � , ill ;-e,.'g.4�'j��q'��i�', I , "; I F"N"34'A ,_,,%, ;, � I,, . �, " �* - , I, ­ `iX*'4,1 . 5V,3,� "fiv.5"', i�, ` -, 1 .3 - , 4.014"I., , 'Sll .*k�.1.411,1;?,`�, 'A -1 I I , - r. All�lgil.,, �,, ag) 1, � _', -�',,�,` vs. "I I A 4�1.11 -it", .,M , �� R ,.,I ,1;- . � 4, ""'I A:1. ov,.` *,, * 1, , I - , 'i, I I I �k_ I r :41 1 I'll , !; ft 4,tftd, oth#* I ter un#1 crea .4hd, plo., ,ke, 'im %. � '�.". ...­ "I ': : ,,:. . � . � � 1;, I � t , " " , ,k* , inly, add V I �, I . 01,g!"��` "t ' ' , '. an y &,net pitietee , . I It _ I , 110 will, free them; and, fliese, four wliftes. \ I �X 11 4 ' '* ' '"' I le 4 . . . prolebeded to den,16t."Araf O ft . und'em- I , 10W. . 1. 7 1 , Dunning' Bit a*." , Rath& good L ' Beat ,tim ,1.>1it r . KIM" , 4pp 1 ,,,, - "'A "-,y* L .. thAlling. I Ongtrable ,"*,,' "a . I . , �,, I � I _ 4 � :, I . .., A611101,01 . 6 it��g"duiX"Alt the s0J?WiA0At- PaiTy`,td0d that toV I#U' Poksible I .­ 1.0 4.1 I � ­,- 11, I I I . ­i� � I I �. , ,,, . � , I , I... I � . 3ft l ... 0, It"'I" i" . 1, . . I 0 06 6919 ook ihd eiv#- . A "d I. . , . Z , ,_., . . I '-" . � � I I �. I., t- - -I �, ' . , . - ,7 .� ; .! .,,W ­ I .. 1 " i., I - -th 4the . ,� ., .1. �!., ,, � , "., , I . N Idle ' biO &T this game, offti,il ca'610 iftig bofte&'. . I I � �, Uddfflong,- 4 . . ,-;1 , ­ I "', I , All .1 �4111 16t - V.hth- U.% to ryowe &f the villAges wwk yoft UAtil W k J d I ft,,'�olqedo " I " 1. ... , , I "."" I I I 'A I I , f. votlkbt � .I.- . .. A " 7 ,�, ., ,�. za.,� 7 . I , , 11 . ­ � I ,� -1 - . . _ I ,- :, � 11. . gri"' du �'. ,4, x ;. � i K 1'-� * vUlting. Pointifte. to Xlkthd�' s14d'­`to.-*hO*.--4 .' ally Vie repAufto ;,,,., .� , . ; * . - . . I .)* " "" ;- "'.. pi , I �.. 0)00� 4', 1 �,� '? - . .;'... 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