HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1930-07-04, Page 8sit that ;were 40c for 30c > lcila tri that were 50c for 40c BRQ't?IM1,S hat were 75c for 60c 1ilQiIVIS that were $1.00 for75c t u,�amdity limited. • BARGAIN COMBINATION— I Box Taylors Talcum Powder 25c 1. Cake Taylor's Infant's Delight Soap 10c 1 Walsh Cloth 10c Total Value 450 .ALL FOR • 25c BORDON'S MILKS will be found very convenient in hot weather on ac- count of their splendid keeping qualities and their varied uses. 'ORDON'S Silver Cow Con- densed (unsweetened) BORDONIS Eagle Condensed 19e (sweetened 1 BORDON'S St. Charles evapored KLENZINE AMMONIA does not shrink woollens nor fade colors when used according to direc- 25c tions; 3 for a8 R,AIRPOL is a wonderful polish for motor cars. It cleans and polish- es a muddy car without scratching and not only preserves the original• lustre, but improves it. Used g5� without wrter. Per tin JEWEL EX fRACT-2-oz. bottles that have been for years 15c per bottle, we have derided to sell at the price of the cheaper grades, 10e, or 25c 3 for BEST CHOCOLATE BARS A 51, For one week; 6 for LaD RICE -4 pounds for 25c BROKEN BISCUIT'S -3 lbs. for 25c PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES -- A large and a small package for r11�� price of large one alone , , LL 19c 15c F. D. Hutchison Phone Phor Phood-166 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S. T. Holmes & Son 0 O FUNERAL SERVICE 0 O Main Street, Seaforth O O O O S. T. Holmes' residence, 0 O Goderich Street, West; phone 0 O No. 119 W. Charles Holmes' 0 0 residence, Goderich Street, 0 O East; phone No. 308. O O Limousine Ambulance Service 0 O Night calls, phone 308. 0 O Days calls, phone 119J. 0 O Charges moderate. 0 O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Plumbing and Tinsmthing Agent for HECLA FURNACES AND KEMP OIL BURNERS P. J. DORSEY Phone 23 Seaforth i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O W. T.BOX&CO. 0 Funeral Director and O Licensed Embalmer 0 H. C. BOX 0 Best Motor and Horse-drawn O equip,• O Charges mo }' erate. O Flowers furn•is}I • : on short O notice. 0 Night Calls 0 Phone 175 O 000000000000 Day Calls Phone 43 Insurance Specials Automobile Accidents Cause Serious Financial Loss. 'Your Ford, Chevrolet, Whippet 4, Plymouth, Durant 4, Essex or Pontiac covered for Fire, Theft, Public Liability and Property Damage for $23.00. Ordinary Limits. Special Reduction on Farmer's Cars. Similar Low Rates for other Models. Special Rates on Truck Cargo Insurance. Protect yourself with a Special Accident Policy, $1,500, Princi- pal sum; $25.00 per week in- demnity. Only $5.00 per year. Let us protect you. WATSON & REID Specialists in all lines of Insurance. PHONE 33W : SEAFORTIJ, ONT. 5z Huron -St Erie TrusteeDebeni ure s adtt prized 'in" t trent for ti 1Y8fyl. :. S:i ,tt'O'R'I'J1 Three' Flowers Bask Cleansing Treatment A unique offer! Introductory Set for $1.50 -., a full size package each of Special Cle'n ing Cream and Skin Freshener , . . accompa- nied byaseparate sample of each. If a trial of the generous samples does not satisfy, you may return the full sires and get a complete refund—$1.50. We are convinced, however, that you'll be delighted with both preparations. Created by RICHARD HUDNUT Keating's Pharmacy The Rexaii Drug Store [TION E 2S : SEAL" ORTII THE HURON EXPOSITOR DISTRICT MATTERS Announcement. — Mr. Thomas E. Livingston announces the engagement of his daughter, Josephine Isobel, to Mr. Robert T. Thompson, of Ki.chener. the marriage to take place the middle of July. Special Church Service.—Ar. invita- tion is extended to all interested in The Game of Golf and the bigger Game of Life to attend First Pres- byterian( Church, Seaforth. for the third of a number of lecture -sermons, being given by the minister, the title of which ir, "Hazards and Clubs." This will be delivered Sunday, July 6th, at 7 p.m. Correction. — In the ladies' golf tournament held last week an error was made in reporting the winners of the approaching and putting event. Mrs. R. Murless Jones won first place with 'a score of nine, and Mrs. J. E. Keating the consolation. The Execu- tive, however, met after the compe- titions were won and awarded the first prize to Mrs. Ross Sproat, whose score was ten: The consolation prize also was awarded to Mrs. Earl Bell. =Cam, Neubauer -Kruse --A pretty wed- ding took place in St. Thomas' AngIi- can Church, Seafo'rth, on Saturday, June 28th, at high noon. when Mabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Kruse, was united in marriage to Mr. Edward Neubauer, only son of Mr. and Mrs. William Neubauer, Niagara Falls, N. Y. The rector, Rev. Mr. Myers, officiated. The bride, wee was unattended, was given in marriage by her brother-in-law, Mr. Wiliam Old- field. The bride was gowned in cm'rn- flower Celanese voile with white hat and contrasting shoes and hese. Her bouquet was of white roses and maid- en hair fern. Her only ornament was a rope of pearls, the gift of the groom. After the ceremony dinner was serv- ed at the home of the bride's parents. The waitresses were the bride's sis- ter, Miss Winnie Kruse, Misses Doro- thy Parke and Jean Gemmel]. In the afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Neubauer 'elft by motor for Washington, D. C. The 'bride's travelling dress was sand silk crepe with white hat and navy coat. They intend residing in Niagara Falls, N. Y. The gifts were both beautiful and costly, showing the high esteem in which the bride is hind. Out of town guests numbered about thirty. Women's Missionary Society.—The heavy rains on Thursday did not dam- pen the enthusiasm of the member, of the W.I.S. of Northside United '.hurch. In the afternoon more than 60 met at the home of Mrs. Rlack for sewing and for social inte•tcourse. The following program was also ren- dered; Mrs. E. R. Crawford presiding. Hymn 95 was sung, followed by the reading of the Scripture lesson, Col. 3:1-17 'by Miss J. Ferguson, and Miss Lawrence led in prayer. Mrs. Hop- per, accomeanied by Mrs. Lane, sang "The Beautiful City." Miss Lawrence gave a concise but most interesting report of the Conference Branch meet- ing recently held in Godericb. This report shownd advance's being made in all branches of the work. Two new mis's'ionaries are being sent out from this Conference, viz: Miss Ward, of London, to China, and Miss Ruth Churchill, of Petrolea to the Church ee All Nations, Montreal. A duet ren- dered by Mrs. Lane and Miss Helen Lane carried to all its message to brighten the way with a smile. An offering 'of $16 was received, after which the devotional program was breugh't to a close by all repeating the Mizpah benediction. A bountiful and tempting lunch was provided and served by Circle 4, and a r lcaasaint soeial hour was spent. Stewart-Beattie.—The marriage of Florence Isabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Beattie to Mr. Jas. Arnold Stewart, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart, took place in First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, on Tuesday, July 1st, ,at 3.30 o'bI'ock. Rev. I. B. ILaine conducted• the ceremony and Mr. Ear: VanEgm:ond, cousin of the 'bride, played the organs The bride, oho, utas given away by her father, linked c'h'arming in rose opaline point ,II'enpeit With matching picture hat of reteltaiir and tulle, and carried a 9nou- tr' t of emler roses, lily of,the sal e Aga harttrspur.'Miss `eilgtt M•tsK�ary, ala,!bxidesan'aid, wore paten blue hiffe% With matching hat, and carried a bouquet of Sunburst roses ane corn Rowers. The groom was 'attend'ed by his brother, Mae Gerald Stewart, and the ushers were Mr. Charles Stewart and Mr. Russel W lters. After the ceremony, a ,buffet luncheon was serv- ed at ,the home of the bride's parents. Mrs. John Beattie, mother of the bride wail in 'French blue lace, black mohair hat and corsage of pink roses. Mrs. Stewart who received with her, wore pale yellow chiffon trimmed with orch- id, with matching hat and shoulder knot of oa•,:h'ids. The young couple left later for a motor trip to Muskoka, the bride travelling in a Liberty blue silk suit with eggshell blouse, clue hat and shoes. They will reside in Sea - forth on their return. The guests from out of town were: Mrs. Fitz- gerald, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fowler, London; ,Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McDermid, London; Mr. and Mrs. C. Colbert, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. P. C. 'Calder•, St. Catharines; Mr. and Mrs. R. Reid, Stratford; .Miss Helen Dickson, Toronto`; Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott, Brucefield; Miss Elizabeth Scott, Brucefield; Miss Ina Scott, Lon- don; Miss Lyla Chapman, Brucefield; Mr. 'and Mrs. Douglas Beattie, To- ronto. For Sale.—A tent and camping outlit. F. G. Neelin, Seaforth. For Sale.—Steamer trunk in goo.} condi- tion. Used twice only, Apply at The Ex- positor Office. 3264-I House For Sale. -12 -roomed frame house, in good condition. Apply at The Expositor Of- fice, 8261-tf A Bargain. --Mrs. B. O'Oonnell's house on John Street, Seaforth, for sale or rent. Apply to Mr. Thomas Daly, Seaforth. 5261-tf Lost. --In Bayfield, somewhere near pier. on July 1st, a pair of tortoise shell glasses; lenses slightly rose color. Reward. Finder please notify W. J. Finnigan, Egmondcille. 3264-1 Whippet Sevin For Sale. -1929 model, prac- tically new and used for demonstration pur- poses only. Tenclen, will be received by the undersigned for purchnie of above car. 'Terms cash. Estate of the late Geo. C. Bell. Apply to R. S. Hays, Solicitor for Executors. Veterans' Picnic.—The comriittee in charge of the sports for the Huron County Veterans' Picnic, to be held at Hayfield, July 23rd, have pre;tared a very attractive entertainment. The Veterans are working hard to make this first annual picnic under the aus- piees of all Legion branches in -Huron '.,aunty' a reel success, and hope that all veterans and their families will come and spend a happy day with old comrades. Further announcement will be made later. STAN LEY School Report,—The following are .he results of Promotion Examine - teens of School Section No. 14, Stan- ley. An asterisk before a pupil's, name indicates absence on account of illness. First Class Honours, 75'7' Second •Class Honours, 60'i; Pass 60'> Sr. III to Jr. ,,IV—Andrew McKenzie 88.9, Elmer Hayter 72, Wilmer Jones 69.9, Wesley Jones 66.7, Margaret Jones 66..6, Mary Aldrich 65.1. Alex. McBeath 64. Jr. III to Sr. III•—Aud- rey Cochrane 76.3, Harvey Hayter 4,3 Herold Jones 60.7, *Aubrey Far- grhar (recommend to Sr. III on year's work ). Jr. II to Sr. II—George Clif- `o•n 67.7, Kathleen Jones 65.9, *Mary Farquhar (promoted on year's work). Sr. I to Jr. 1I—Eric Switzer (36. Sr. Primer—Mervin Hayter, Kenneth Mc- Kenzie. Jr. Primer—Donald Switzer. Rest Spellers in each class for month of June were: Sr. IV—Mabel Talbot; Sr. III—Mary Aldrich; Jr. III —Aud- rey Cochrane: .Jr..II—Mary Farqu- har. Best Speller 'in school for June: Mary Aldrich. Number on roll, 21; average attendance, 18.4.—Jean E. McKenzie, Teacher. • School ..o*po-i-t.—The following are the June 'promotions for S. S. No. 5, Stanley, the names appearing in or- :l'er of merit: Jr. IV—Margaret La- ment, Isabel Robinson, Dorothy Arm- strong, Allen Armstrong, Sr. III— Hazel Hayter, Elva McClinchey-. Jr. III 'Johzt McClinchey, Lolus McClin- chey. Jr. I!—Mary McClinchey. Sr. I-eElm'ore McClinchey, Emma 'Mc- Clinchey. Jr. I—Jean McClinchey, George McClinchey. Sr. Ptimer— Clifford McClinchey. Jr. Primer— Mae Smith. The Primary and the First Classes shall be promoted about the first of October—Hazel M. Smil- 'ie, Teacher. Death of Samuel Reid.—One of the esteemed pioneer residents of Huron County passud away at the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Broadfoot in Seaforth on Monday, June 30th, in the person of Mr. Samuel Reid. Mr. Reid had been in failing health for the past eight months and had been confined to bed she greater pert of that time, but the immediate rause of his death was pneumonia. The deceased was a son of the late Andrew Reid and was born in Tyrone, Ireland, 86 years ago. At the age of eight years he' came to Canada with his parents, the family settling in Stanley Township, r.�,�r Varna. As a young man he learned the' blac.ksmithing business and sixty years ago opened a ,blacksmith shop at Harlock, which he. carried on suc- cessfully for a great many years. Thirty-two years ago he moved to the farm on the Mill Road, Tuckersinnth, known as'the Gray farm, where he re- sided until the death' of his wife some twelve years ago, when he moved' to 'Bruch�field, Inter coming to' Seaforth where he had made his home with his daughter. Fifty-eight years ago Mr. Reid ,was. united in marriage to Miss Ellen Gray, of Tuckersmith township, who predeceased him in 1918, He it survived by one daughter, Mrs Wm. Broadfoot. The funeral was held from the home of Mr. Broadoot on Wednesday afternoon, under the aus- pices •of the Orldifellows Lodge. the of- ficiating clergyman being Rev. I. B. ICaine,,,of First Presbyterian Church. Interment was made in Baird's Ces e- tery, Brucefic)d, the pall bearers be- ing 'Messrs. E. Mole, John Doherty, James Boyce, John 'Kaise'r,, W. H. Golding and Fred Burdge. ' LOCAL BRIEFS Mrs. O'Connell, Vise Dorothy O'Connell and MT. Louis O'Connell, of Windsor, spent the week end With role atives here. Mr. Robert ,McKay in snendintg a few days a, the home of his daughter • PAPER PLATES PAPER CUPS TABLE NAPKINS these to save washing breakage of dishes. Use and SNAP SHOT ALBUMS 5.0c and $1.00 Thompson's BOOK STORE - ' - SEAFORTH Subscriptions taken fpr all magazines and papers at publisher's prices. in New Hamburg. Miss Ria Hills, of Oshawa, is spend- ing the holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. George Hills, in Egmond- ville. Mr. Clifford Trott, of Toronto, is spending the holidays at his home here. Mr. and Ma's, P. C. Kerr and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kerr were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Kerr., Mr. Ernest Edge, of Toronto, spent the week end with his father here, Mrs. R. J. Weglg and family, of Strathroy, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Wegg's mother, Mrs. G. D. C. Hari. Mr. Glen Holmes and son, Jack, of Toronto, are guests at the home of Mr. S. T. .Holmes. Mr. George Love, of Toronto, was a week end guest at Thornton Fall, the home' of Mi. and Mrs. A. D. Scott. Mrs. S. Somers and daughter, Miss Audrey, of Detroit, were week end guests at the home of MT. and MTs. A. F. C'luff, t Mr. Alvin Oke, of Toronto, spent the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Oke. Miss Bertha Beattie, of Toronto, is spending the holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Beattie, of Egmondville. Mr. and Mrs. William Lanlpka and NOW RING LARDNER and GEORGE M. COHAN present their BASEBALL COMEDY RIOT Fast Company with Jack Oakie, Evelyn Brent Elmer's here, folks! And is he modest? According to Elmer,' he's the greatest thing that ever hit this town—and he proves it. SEE Ring Lardner's gay braggart with the heart of gold. The smart cracking gay' romance of the "You Know Me, Al" series baseball se- quences on one of America's biggest ball parks. , THIS WEEK END Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday DOROTHY MacKAILL JACK MULHALL in "WATER FRONT" PECIAL NEXT WEEK END The Great Air Spectacle LILAC TIME PRINCESS That "GRADUATION GIFT" You Promised Why NotSelect it Here? J. A. WESTCOTT Jeweller Diamonds Watches Repairing Phone 64 W. Res. 64 J Anderson's Bakery V; e Are Trying to Please You With Quality Rave you tried our Buttermilk Scones, Home-made Brick and Cottage' Loaves? Variety of Buns, Cakes, Pies, Cookies always on hand. SATURDAY SPECIAL, !FANCY COOKIES 20c per pound G (If we please you, tell others; if not, tell uS) T. R. Anderson, Si I'amuk , of Kitchener, were week ,en guests at the home of 'MT. and Mu Joseph Mexi. - Mr. James 'Murray, of Pcrtiaar Oregon, was here this week vis'itip at the home of his mother, Mrs. Murray. Mr. Murray is an old Se forth ]boy and a graduate, of The E• positor Ofiiee and' he has a host friend's here who were delighted see him again. 'Mas. R. H. Sproat is 'visiting wit London friends this week. Miss Jean Carswell and Miss Hel Carswell, of Toronto, are visiting wi friend's here. Mays. John Pinkney attended t funeral of her brother-in-law, the la Mr. Snell, in Mullett, this week, Mrs. P. C, Calder and baby, of S Catharines, and Miss Mary Hays, Toronto, are guests this week at home of their parents, Mr. and Mr Adam Hays. (Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nendick a Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, of Toronto, guests at the One of Mr. and Mr R. F. Jones. !Miss Agnes Heron, of Cromarty, a guest at the home of Mr. and Me Alexander Campbell. Mr. Thomas Purcell, who has bee confined to his hors through injuri received in an accident, is improvin slowly. Mr. Alton Mero, of Kitchener, spending a few dams this week at t home of his parents. (Mr. and Mrs. P. Do'origan and sma daughter and Mrs. Letitia Tasker, Windsor, spent last week with friers in Tuckersmlith, and McKillop. Mr. John Scott, Roxboro, left th• week for the West, where he wi spend the' summer. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Knight, Fruitland, and Mr. and Mrs. Le•sli Knight, •of Kitchener, spent the hol day with their parents here. Mr. George McTaggart and so William, and Mr. Trout, of Michi'ga Mr. and Mrs. Guymer and claughte' Aileen, and Miss Mary Hewitt, London, were week end guests at t home of Mr. and Mrs. John IdacLe non. Mr. Alton Mero, of Kitchener; Mn Joseph Mero, of town, and Mrs. Jo Hickey, of Dublin., spent the holida with relatives in Goderich. Mr, and Mrs. W. P' Martin, Mid'dl port; Mrs. (Rev.) McLean and Mr. C. 'McLean, Toronto; Mrd E. E. Secor Meaford, and Miss Alice Knechtel, Kitchener, were the guests pf Mr. an Mrs. W. N. Knechtel over the wee end. Next Thursday will be ladies' da as usual, at the Golf Club. Miss E coat will be captain and Mrs. Georg Israel will have charge of the lunch. (Miss Betty and Miss Patsy Soutt gate are spending their holidays wit Toronto friends. 'Miss Doris Clarkson. of Toronto, i a guest at the home of Mr. and Mr G. D. Ferguson. Mr. C. H. Broadtfo•ot returned t Moose Jaw on Tuesday. Miss Mary Hays, of Toronto, i spending the holidays at the home o her parents, Col. and Mrs. R. S. Hca . Mrs. F. L. Backus and two son Messrs. John and Frederick Backu of Olcott, N. Y., were week end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Keit McLean. Miss Mary Holmes is spending he holidays with relatives in Toronto. Mr. Ernest Edge and Mr. Hower Purdy, of Toronto, spent the week en with Mr. H. Edge and Miss Josephin Edge at the Reeve] Apartments. .Miss Lucy Eckert, of Detroit, an Mrs. W. J. McKay and family, o Seattle, are guests at the hcme o their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Co Eckert. Miss Elinor Burrows, of London, i spending the holidays at her hom here. Mr, and Mrs. R: H. Sproat end Mr and Mrs. W. R. Plant spent the wee end with London friends. Mr. Louis Brall, of Detroit, i spending a few days with friends here Mr, and Mrs. A. Dickson awl l'ittl daughter and Miss Helen Dickson, Toronto, and Mr. A. Dickson, of Fre dome, N. Y., were guests this wee at the home of Mrs. Adam Dickson. Mr. Ballantyne, the new principa of the Collegiate, is moving his fam ily here this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Armstrong an. children, of Waterloo, are guests a the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andre Archibald. Miss Bessie Grieve, of Chatham, i spending the holidays at her home in Egmondville. Mrs. W. R. Plant and two childre are in Toronto this week, Mr. Weedm.ark, of London, the new- ly appointed science masher in the Collegiate, hay leased the residence of Miss Alice Archibald, on Goderich Street, East. Dr. T. L. Ryan, Mrs. Ryan and son, Thomas, of Saginaw, and Miss Schu- men, of Bay City, are guests at the home of Mrs. 'Margaret Cleary. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McKenzie, of Orillia, are guests this week at the home of Mrs. D. McKenzie. Miss Marjorie Bickel!, of Toronto, is spending the holidays at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. W. Jackson, and Mr. and Mrs. T. Jackson, of Ripley, spent Sunday at the home of their sister, Mis•5 Belle Jackson, in Egmondville. Mr. Arthur Ament, of Toronto, spent the week end"with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Anent. 'Mr. John Robb and son, James, of Detroit. spent the week end with Mr. James Robb and his sister: Miss Robb. The many friends of Mrs. William Sclater ,will wish her many happy. re- turns of Wednesday, when she. cele- brated her 80th •bintlhday, • Chief Fee is spending ,twoweeks' holidays in Northern Ontario. Mr. William Adams is acting as hie of police during his absence. Mrs. L. T. DeLacey is spending the summer at her home on. John Street. Mr. and Mrs. H. Sutherland and daughter, of Emden), were the week end guests of Rev. W. P. Lane and Mrs. Lane. iMr,. •and Mrs. George McKay, Mrs. L. • Olce and son and Mr. Fraser, of Toronto, were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Hays, of Ptrat- f•ord, were holiday guests at the hones of Col. and Mrs. H. S. Hays. Mrs. W. E. Keslake, Mr. and Mrs, Reg. Kerslake, Mist Dorothy Kerslake and Miss Anlia Sutherland' lett Wted • fresdiay on a motor trip to Ottawa. Mr. ;Task Fergu'sen, of Etitadale, is s. d, g• F. a- x - to h h he to t. d theme+ s. nd are s, is B. es g is he 11 of d's 1S 11 of e i- n, n•; r' of he n- s. 5. y e- C. d, of d k 1� h s. y s, s, d k e oF 1 - d t v✓ s n' Ilik) CHIC SILK TAM 95e ( , NEW )QA]G l 'Y , SUMMER KERCHIEF'S 25c PrettyVoilee THEY ARE Dresses HERE NOW a. .11, Dresses Sale At This THE GREAT WONDER IS HOW THESE COOL STYLISH FROCKS • CAN MADE AND • • SOLD AT SUCH A LOW s PRI'C.E. . ,. pcial Voile GO On $3.95 All New Week. JUST WHAT YOU HAVE WANTED ARE THESE SMART STYLE VOILE DRESSES AT A POPULAR PRICE Again—The C e Cape Feminity seems to like to affect the Cape. Every year or so it is revived, or suggestive of it. We can interest you with New Silk, Chiffon and Celanese Crepe Dresses, Cape and other 'style effects, really wonderful frocks at the different prices, from $7.95 to $20. Give the Little Fellow a Wash Suit They come in two-piece styles, made from Percale and good Wash Drill. Knee Pants which hutton in the waist. Assorted colors. Ages 2 to 7. ACCORDING TO QUALITY -75c to 11.25. e I. J.MacTavish ______ D spending Egmondville. s f Boston, ,. ronto, parents, in s - was Mrs. r troit, d of d e a T. f Presbyterian f Jowett 1 day, s Nicholl and s , Toronto, her Wheatley. - : ed T. visiting, the holidays at his home in 'Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weilaed, of and Mr. Roy Weiland, of To- are guests at the home .if their Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weiland Egmondville. Mrs. G. Mc rrison, of Melville, Sash , a guest this week at tht home of R. H. Ferguson. Mr. Roth and Mr. Laney, cf De- are guests this week at the home Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Crawford. Mrs Harry Grieve, of Windsor, is guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Grieve. The Sunday school picnic of Firs Church will be held in 's Grove, Bayfield, on Wednes- July 9th, Mliss Mary Haigh and Miss Ona are visiting friends in London. Miss Fergus 'McKay is visiting Mr. Mrs. J. G. McDermid in London. treated themselves 1 Mrs. and Mr. spending in St. Thomas. The Ladies' monthly the church two quilts a short Miss Toronto Notes.—Mr, and son, 'day with Mrs. I and 'Miss .Miss K. i visiting O'Connell. Mr. Joseph Toledo, to Sr. Angelene, ing her Cronin. The following for vacation; ,of Chatham; ilton; Helen 'Stapleton, St. niger, Eyton. to a new Plyfhoutti. E. Britton, Miss Fern Love Robert Patterson intend! the week end with friends Aid held their regular meeting' in the basement on Thursday last, when were finished, after which meeting was held. Mildred Britton returned on Wednesday of this week.. of` to - anal are M.. to DUBLIN and 'Mrs. Wart, Smith Bill, of Dunnville, spent S�un- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith Bertha O'Connell,Mr. Louis Dorothy, of Windsor, O'Connell of London, Mrs. Bruxer and Miss Lerner has gone visit friends. of Toronto, is visit- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jame teachers are home Misses Annie McGrath„ Marie Benninger, Ham- Cronin, Detroit; Gertrude• Toronto; Veronica McCont- Clemens, and Mr. Hugh Ben-• CONSTANCE Notes.—Miss BIanche Wheatley, of is spending her holidays with parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. George I I Mr. Pockett, of Saskatoon, has join- his wife at her father's home, Mr. E. Livingston, where she has been (nen, Mr. and Mrs. William Clark have , ' , , GEO. D. HAIGH "SPECIAL" Black Tea 39c Tuna Fish, 1/45, 18c P for O University Blend Black and Hunts' Supreme Fruits 35c Mixed Tea, with cup pc fox salads and saucer; pound .... Sweet Mixed Pickles 50c "Franco Peas, ls. '10c 38 -oz. jar Can 1 Lunch Queen Pimento Cf1C. Alymer No. 3 Peas, 21�. s., same Olives, 26 -oz. jar JU size as large can q Lunch Queen Olives, 43c tomatoes; can 23e plain, 35 -oz. jar `I Mushrooms 30c Gloss -O -Silk Rinse, for all tin �D washable silk articles 3ca Shrimps bottle tin 2'5c Apricots, 35c Lobsters, %s: 40c large tin for 4J ,k Wolverton Hour - Mills Company, Limited. , .n Seaforth, Ont. Mill. Feed • Bran, in bags , $26.00 per ton Shorts, in bags 28.00 per ton Middlings, in bags .. 33.00 per ton Mixed' chop, in bags . 29.00 per ton Winter Wheat 1.25 bushel Oats , .. ... , e .-.60 bushel PHONE 51 ....---- EVENINGS 299 r rfanam•�.- i Jl .t