HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1930-07-04, Page 1�-�:,.- iqq� . I I 1*1:1�,';' i , r . �.,
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Sevepty-First .Tear � . SEAFORTH, FR11DA-14t",-'-j- . . I I I -1, , �. _.1111$.1111 511.10, �
i ItTLY 4.4 1930. 1� 'MI,
Mnhole Number 8264 . I I I � ;_ I ..... I.- I I ��
1. I — I I ____ ___ __ I . 11 ..� I
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. Reeves, Peru Dunlop, Jim Elliott, NEWS AND INFORMATION rOR
CAP11AL . Promoted to Jr. Ill.' THE BUSY FA . RMER
Too Many Accidents. '
pj"l pa-rties in, the Dominion gen- Jean Dungey, Donald' , MacTavish, . I
eral election campaign, %;vlta voting Alastair Wigg, Muriel Hudson, 04an, With -the advent of haying ,time
mow -four weeks away, make co-ndlict- MacTavish, Hlarold Free, Helen faTmers should -pay particular atten-
ting,el'aims as to, the' outcome. Some Cheoros, David Grieve4 Zeta Dun -lop, tion to the avoidance, of accidents
of thhelm stand up reasonably well to Helen Chamberlain, DIluvid, Stewart ' which have occurred all to,o frequent-
seratiny, orthers may be dismissed as Mae Hodgson, Dorothy Fraiser, Ar- ly in past seasons. The life ,)f more
justances of the wish fathering the thur 'Cameron Bobby Barlow, Billie ,than one child hasbeeri taken by the
thought. In, no preAous electirin was Wamsley, Genevieve Hawkins, Viola sickle -bar because, the driver Of the
there more thorough orgarrizaton. Dftne4ge. . ,team was not watching the field "_
Superficially, it might seem that of helad, of him. Workmen by the score
the .0ouservative party is superior. Promoted to 11. ot taking the
Their headquarters at Ottawa is, and ' pricIper care when working arouad the
qleta Dickson., Betty McLeod, Mar- machupery, and the accidents caus-W
Ime been for weeks, a perfect Iiive of ion lbbotson, Helen Swan, GraCe Gil- by caielessuess with pdtchf.o
indusit,ry. The government fOrCQS blelra lespie, Charlie Woods, Roy Kerr, rks. must
operate modestly, with a small office Bruce Wright, 7,'knnla, Dennis, hoyd reach an appalling total. BVI
and a small staff. But the systems er shauld be, first impressed wil dan-
Pinkney Carolyn Hollmes, Clara Dol- s -himself and then warn his nien
are different. The Conservative fiell, mage, Clayton Dennis, Alma Elliot, 16er
.Tuorshaj, G4_Nji. RcRa,e, is locateu there ern women do with their time. But to exercise the utmo-st care.
Qnj d1iTC4ctiM,1g eVelrything from its I-, , Lenore Edler, Margaret Flet- .
central bure�au, On the other side the 'O'pf 4r
chor, Richard Box, Jack Cameron,
lAberals have aseparate organ ' �zation Tomanie Wilbee, . Earl Montgomery, Specialize in Turnips.
for each province. The Ottawa head.- George Case, Alfred Seigrist.
quarters, if they can be, called such, I Wellington farmers have just coin- n
is essentially an WoTmation bureau. Promoted to First Class. pleted the �,owing of 9,000 acres of
turnips which is abbut. one-eighth of
Conservatives Need 40 Seats Alore Lois McGavin, Donald Scott, Clara the to,ta:l acreage for the province
To defeat the government and come Keller, Doris Barlow, Stelwart Wigg, Two-thirds of thdse turnips wi,l be
into power Conservativets, with ninety Frank Golding, Ruth Joynt, Joseph ,sold for table purposes in Unittd
smtis in parliament at dislso-'�utiori, Smith, Eloise Harkness, Mary V�loods, States cities. Many ,turnip fiel'Is re -
must hold all these and gain 4.1 MOTe M&rion- Sclater, Sterling Halikirk, ceived very special' cultivation this h
to have a minimum, wGrkin,g majority Muriel Oanieron, John Pin-kney, June, year. 'Some of the, fields were sunj_ r
of efight. This is possible in. the event SeigTist, Reginald Dolmage Doroithy mer fallowed last July and AuguA Z
of a great national upheaval, 9, poli- Fletcher, Mary . Geddes, Be arn Rest, and ridged up in September. manured c
ticial tidal wave, sweeping the cou-n- Margaret Hudson, StanlRlill, D,oTo- this spring, thoroughly worked, d -own, t
try. it may come becausi? 6e 11-oting thy Howes, Leo Oke. then plowed again, harrowed, rolled, f
is nearly a month away, but -it is not fertildzed and ridged and rallel ag
gjjn a
in evidence"vet. The Opposition party - . uritil many of the fields look like mar -
will make gains all right. 7huse are USING CANADIAN RAW ket gardens. Some start to vuffle i
inevitable, here and the -T4, but it will their turnips before the seed is up in
not record all gains and no losses. - MATERIALS order to encourage rapid grl;wth of a
aritime the plants and easier hoeing. Co,astant t
Provinces where there are 2') seats, (By R.' J. Deachman) cultivation produces a, crisp, swe--� ,'
Clonservwtives admit that, in the last product of high qtiality, free of WO'Ddi- e
'house, they were at the maximum. When Mr. Bennett gets excited— ness and very tasty. . I 11
They held all but three- in Nova Scotia, keep cool. . . e
seven Out of eleven in New Bruns- When he suggests that we should — . I s
-wick, and one. out Of serven in ,Prince use Canadian raw materials to build
EdwaTd Island. But this -time, in Nova up Canadian industi�ies, tell Mm we Culture of Roses.
Scotia, Liberals claim eight seats out are.
If you are not in a -hurry, you n-Aght In the'1930 edr*,tion, I'Am�erica i Rose
of foueteen and all of Prince Edward diuing it Annua4"! 16.) distinct varie,tie& Of
Island. They only figure, however, on explain to him that we are roses were reported, among these, be-
holding their own in New Brunswick. now to -a greater extent than, we ever ing the, report ,of testing at t1te On -
If the new hudgelt benefits %.ny pa,rt did, and to a much larger extent than taxiio Agricultural Goillege of so-venty- t
more than another it is the Maritime we could do if -his policies were in One of these varieties. The collegtx a
Provinces. They should. be respondive. force- to -day. -
Not only tell him this, but prove it -this year intends to double, or per- 'L
-Moving We -Sit, one oomes. first to haps -triple the num1her of varieties (
QuebiEh, French Liberal stronghold, —reasion with him. , � under test in the Collegegardens du- 9
with 61 out of the 65 seats last time. Here a -re the statistics of two years. ing the next"three or four years. The, I
Ijbersla claim no change, but Con- The first is 1922. t� - important new. introductions will be a
servatives are concentrating 6n ceT_ That was the last year Conserva, ve tested by the Horticultural Depal-t- e
tain seats and employing all neces. policies were in force. '
sary ,equipment, They may'somewhat - Census figures tell us the amount of ment there ' and reported on before a
improve their poslitiom Here -in On- raw and semi-manullactured, ,oroducts, they are Gffered foi sale.t6 the public. I
tario, is a big battleground with the used in Canadian indulstries. The Of the 1800 rose hushes growing ,-a a
rival, claims particularly in evidence. Trade Reports give iis the Imports Of the collegel gardens, not one was wir.-
.ter killed during the -past winter. dConservatives talk of sweeping ,the raw and semi -manufactured Inalter- d
province because M�r. Fergugo;n, did so ia,l-'- * . � f
last October in the provincial e,jec- If we ,bake the census flgtire�s show- 0
tions. Liber -As claim 30 selat�. They ing the actual use of Canadian raw Ontario Gardeners Competitions.
I .
pointito the faicit that, in the last pro-: materials and deduct from the figures -,' As -
vftjoiul eilection, des,pite the great ma- showing the iipportation. of raw ma- This Ontario Vegetable Grower c
jority piled, up for Ferguson, the Con- tefrials, we 'have then the actual con- slociatiorn holids two competition -i year- s
servattive popular rate actually fell'sumption of Canadian raw and semi- ly, one for field crops and tho otbur e
off 50,0oo and the LiheTals increased: manufactured materials in Canadian for a Garden Competition. to encoitr-
theirs by 170,004D. Conservatives stand lindustry. age well-keDt pren-iisies. In the field
to pick off a few Liberral seats in it P . -ple li-ttlebit of arithmetic. crop competition various clas,sv�s ol
berrals some 1 1';�,2 ys'
Northern Ontario and U � An even the protectionist can-. vegetables are to be grown such as
ITOM their oppon,ents in the western,d-idate ,and follower of Mr. Bennett cabbage, leittuce, tomatoes, oniow-, eLc.
Pmts- I -should be able to Work it out. ,Here For both compettitions ito -be held there
Few took for very much change, in it is. for the, year 1922: must not be less thanten entrie-s fro,ii
Xmituba. Conservatives �,ad no merm- $1,283,700.000 of raw and semi- each dkstrict. The; pprovftice is Jivide,'i
bers there in the last electioni. They manufactured material was used in as follows: 1. Brockville, Cyrville,
=my get twi, or three out of the fif- -Canadian manufactuidng indus�ries in Kingston, Limoges,, Northumberland,
teen this time apart from three, seats 1922. The imports Of raw and part- Ottawa, Peterborough, Prince Edward, s
where lAubor, will be, returne4. upon ly manufactured materials tutalled Brantford, 'Bearnsville, Burlington,
Sadkatchewan the opposition .pwAv $288,300,000. D-urunville, Niagara, St. Catbarines,
phisNhigh hopeis, In 1926, out there, Deducting the one from the other Vineland and Welland. 3. Agincourt,
the Liberals won seventeen out of 21 we have the net amount of Canadian Barrie, Belle Five ' r, Chatham, Barrow,
emts. The other four were nominally raw materials and semi -manufactured Kingsville, London, North Yock, Sar-
. ve, but of t em were products used in -Canadian, industry. nia, ScarhorD, Seacliffe, Tecurris,Lh,
re�xRy cam-ouflaged Conservatives. In It -amounts to $995,400,000, Toronto, Toront township. The.ie corn -
the provincial elebtions a year ago petitions ar-_ open only to, mem*;(:rs of
the� province, for the first time, went Then in 19281, the 'Ontario Vegetable GTowers' As-
, I
C�ynservsjtive. The party may get six Let us test it now for the year 1928, , 3m'aition'
or seven sea-ts next month. They have
. the last year in which we have the
an ally in the Ku Klux Kjan. waging cflicial census of industry.
Am lanti-JCathollile, 3mti-Fft%nch, anti- $1,950,800,000 of raw mateTial anh Pull Weeds Now.
jewei,gri campaign. It is only right to partly manufactured products were., I
say that this o-�ga;niz-aft;ioj1._,W not 'Of- used in Canadian industry that year. 'Much value can be added to ail field
ficially countendneed, but 'the ,Tesult We imported $388,900,000 of raw ma- crops and particularly those crops
of its work will not be refused. terial and qemi-rn�anufactured mateT- grown for seed purposes by the pull -
In Alberta Conservatives should ial. We, us,�d $1,561 90,01,000, Canad- ing,of Weeds when the ground is soft,
gain two seats in Calgary an4 Ed- lan raw and semfi-manufactured nia- .iust now after the recent rains. Many
monton., -but elsewhere in the province terial in 1928. farmers and especiallor those li�illg in
there will he little change. In the Pa- In olther words, Canadian industries the, well known seed clever distrietz
44 provinIce. of Briltdsh COlumibial used Cana,lian ra,w and serni-maru- in Centra,l, Eastern and Western On-
jas;t time Liberals ellected only one fa,ctured materials values at $99,5 - tario, are finding that this To iging
amd there was one, Independent Lib- 400,0.00 in 1922 and in 1929 ur-ed ra�v of the fields is not as difficult as sup-
erail. T -key cannot do worse, They ex- and semi-manufa,ctureld, materials val- poseld. The weeds -stand up ve, , proin-
pect to treble their standing. Con- ued, at $1,561,900,000—an incremse in inently and one slightpull wiW1 easitu
sematives are ex,ploiiting, everywhere, Canadian ra,w and senvi-ma,nufactured re -move, bhem.
imemployment and pointing to Pro- materials, used between 1922 ard 1928 "The, fields seem to have Moro
tektion as they have it in, the United of $566,500,010.0 or 5-0 per- cent. more weleds than they really have," statel
,,Gtatesl as a remedy. Liberals counter Oanadian raw and semi-manu,'act-UT- a York 'County Observer, "as niany of
with*statistics showing enormous un- �d m1a,teria!Iq in 1928 than they did, in them usually have from three or forr
employment across the ,border in spite -1922. branchets, but all corne togethor witli
of aR the, merits cladmed for protec- And 1922 was the last year in whic'n oL single pull. Owners of fields intend -
tion, which there.. of all countries In Conservative policies were in, force. ed for seed should bear in mini that
the world, Frilds ilts meat widr"sprread 1928 is the last year for which we it is almost impossible to soparate
and altitudinous application. 'have a complete c�nsus of in(histry. many of our, -worst Weeds, Stich as
I .0- The change has taken place undeT %west clever, curled dock amd catch
�'he, Liberal adnidnistration Of W. L. Ry from the coinmercia-1 seed crops.
Mackenzie King. and an this. clocount they arre, stvongl)r
PROMOTION 'Will Megsm Bermett, Manion, Stev- advised to go ,over their gelds now "
-rm, Cahan, Chaplin -and Ryrlcmen. It -is pointed out that the wide,;pread
EXAMINATIONS 'ind the wild men of the Protectionist reputation of Peel County as an a*-
. Party—Mes,�rs. "�V-cGiiybon and Tolm- falfa prodii�e,r is largely due -.0 tile
SEAFORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL inie Church vote for MT. King at the fact -that for years they have rnade.a
JUNE, 1930 next election. 1. regular practice of rouginc- their
. They ought to! NF bf I fields of weeds. ... _
Promotecl to 'Sr. IV. n�6y' want td'1ii-dfb,ftge -th6 iCf§
Canadian mw rdaterial in Canadian
Doratby Drover, -Jean Pears,071, industry. Cleanliness Needed.
Leona Box, Conrad. Crawford, Stanley Therre has been a greater h,trease .
Dorrance, Frank Giieve. in the use, of 0anedian raw materials If -Ontario livestock breeders are. to
between the. yeaTS' 1922 and 1928 than ma4intain the 1ucr9)tji',V market which
Promoted to Jr. IV. in any -other period of CamadiAn 'his- obtains -to-day it isl not sufficient that
Mary Johnston-, Dorothy Golding, tory. answer to this state- they have plenty of goo4 anin,als to
Jack Rankin, Van Bell, Jack Cheoros, 19 there an sell. In ord-T to keep outside buyers
jeec Dunlop, Ste -wart Geddes, Ted ment? interested, the surrourding,v in which
Ask the Protectionist candidate on the cattle are kept should be att.irac-
Southgate, Marjorie Wigg, 1)0'rothY the pastforin for an answer. I tive. One breeder who has bad re-
Pwire, Martha Storey, Billie Box, Ask your friend w1ro tells you that markable succes.2 in selling livestock,
RbwaT4 Seigrist Glen Pinkney, Ross W49 '
t . are not using Canadian, raw ins- recently obse!rved that netx-t to the con -
Allen, Garnet Free,, Jim Cluff, Gordiot textal, lor mi, explanation of the fig- dition and quality of the anintals for
I&Xel-larr, Helen cricit, Gladys tires prov%g that we-ure using 57 pe % nee nd m n
. r �&je, the neat i s, a cl, n1i eso
liolmles. . . cent. rmre, ithan in the last year of around the barns were- the, most im-
I Promoted to Sr. III. high 'Protectionist policies, poirtant factors in predisposing a man
,Find an aii,swer tothis statement if to buy. They indicate the farmer's
Mary Oolnmes, Pjubh Cluff, Mat yPa 04U. pride in, his busitiess, and give the
Southgst;69 Merk Xgagog, Edna Plant, 'Get your answeT.froni the defend- impression of pr�osperlty. When a ,buy
Howard �Arol, Alite Had -son, Gre-Otge eYs Of the p,oliey of exclusion. Some- eT finds a breeder enthusdastie over
Wol,sh., t�ek Drover, Wry Dolmage, time thefse gentlemen ought to answer, big breed and proud of the success
, 0 .11je, th to auswdr t -ow I -his herd ,is bringing him, it is
Rolie pybdwnrt, jh1,11(a,n Reoveis N, Got . em which
- 1. - ____4�� -4, 1 1 . .. . �� I . . - . I � � " - "' ' 1V-1-.11...., ___.,,�� i, 1.
. W� I ,
I . ... . .. . . . .��- .1, � I W , - 1� , I. I Il"', ", , I . � I ,�� r .
. . I?
I ed On behatf of 'S. 18. No. 1." m.&Ked two very ftmv a I "I
M $.,41 l 1,
�, W
, �j ,
i 11 .. I
Mismorial Semvirce. . - The aunu leaderelil , of � - 1
41 under ,the,able W , ` -N
It is not., to "I ate to 41�2�gk"Tii m,
.9 memorial service' was held- on -Sunday Bpvsip Davidson, Miss ue'�M.'401%117, , ''Wom ��
evening in- the ,hall. Since, the eree- le -r presided, at the organ. Th,e ji.:phi4ii�-6�' ';§p'hov, - i0v I ,g,. "'
a ,� 6 alj
Shingle your tion of Memorial Hall this service has 'was ,beautifully decorated with roses, t40 resqlt of tho'"ft � - ,�
, , _ -
been held- on the -Sunday nearest,lbly , peonies and ferns. Miss Ethel ;�haw Sphool Sbalon A,q.-V J M "A _
9,,N1Fv*-.H 1,
' Ji� �0,th AA,d'9j6t1h,`.: 10, 4 -, . ,-
. I i I .0, I
Ist in memory of our fallen heroes. presided a)id the service opened b� Oww"WO.- �" I ,. lIx
,;;. 11 I
:�� Rl
- " , "i 1�1
A united cho:r of ,the town fumished Anging the d1oxo4ogy, lqaoly, Holy OF 0, ,;.,
, IN
- ' the PUR11P muot ha'Y'0�":40-I'V"�, � ' , , 1, "t, . �
Barn, ]Roof splendid music, Which included an an- Holy." This was followed Ny the re- deft ,subjOcz &no w,- per'. C,O,X.','b z ..1. J 11 'I, �
,,,,, . . F , ID ,��, , .. , I
�* them and quartette. M]Ts. Murrav peating of the Lord!s Prayer in uni- total. T�h-_ ye4r.1 I
,$ Work has. T b. " i
xso. , �r-
.. , , IR J,:` �
� *11 , I
al son. After singing "The Spacious taiken .51dea'aton 'I , .t 001
that beautif � infio. ,COD , � 'M 111, li�l
W , , W ,,,
With the - mous "There is No Death." Lev. E. Firmament on -High-," Miss Mmy En- to ST., IV -A - I �.� �� Nn'l,,. I
solo, U, E 'Ta � - - I -RK' , I- �
�', , I ,� " I!S� '' .
- , -
. L. Anderson was chairman, Rev. )L. nis gave the Scripture rea&ilii� which ConsAtt, 7�, ITehe Vacka�` 0,06 wxo.�g,,�,w, ,': , . , 1.
1; l", " "i,
. ,", , 11 11
,,�;A, -
I . I Ho-agert . M �_ t . I
I I V Pocock reading the lesson. Tho was taken from the twelfth chapter 66, Jean Irvin6 6%, -T,�._"� "" ' ' *e
speaker of the evening was Rev. Dr. of Romans. The choir sang a chorus, Bay 64., Reconimendpd to Jr,'.'.:1V71._ ;�'�:"
Keystone �. I..""j, '
.. McIntosh, oi London, who took as his "Victory Through Grace." This was Bflly,D�lrymple, .51, Prlbmloted;to�,%#.,� f - �11� VPT,ll �.
... ,,, I
n..,1111. -r,.. ,, I.I...
I . text, "Except th'kUrd -build- the house followed by a prayer by Miss Wby IH -Robert, McLachlan 73,. J . � IN17 ,� ". "� - I
I they labor in vai'4 that build it." An Young. A mixed quartette sang "The Glen Houston 48. The f ollowing weve �� �"",�e �4%
I; 11
I � 11 11
offeri* was eh -ed in aid oT the Little Brown Church in the Vale." pir 6m otea at Matter but trW ,is . ;%,�,�. - X
, w4mwwr � �,P__,P,l
_ '�' V-1
5 x Shingles British! and Foreigh"Billble Society�, During the offering, Miss GeTtrude tests: Jr. HI-Stewaxt Love .73 L _k. "' ��:"?".,! �
I "
I .L,
. '. . f,, 1- n
1. ,;,. ,11.11
-Miller played "'Softly and Tenderly Bobby !G@mmell 69, Kate Dali ' �)", llv.'K�,% .
I I Presentation. -It was vrith regret r" P. , . , f-.. I
. - - .,; 4 !�, �
, , 11-��
, ...
. citiz6nq learnea, last week that Jesus, is CAlling." The congregation 57.. Jr. II -Billy Powell, Jjac1 Mao�l , '... ",...I I
�. , �'. �
Miss Ruth Barnby ,had tendered her j'Oined in singing, "I Am, Thine., 0 ka,y Willie Hodgert. Class 1�Heiledi ''.", �,
K. CLUFF &SONS that ?P . � L ,,�,�'J- I
, Z��
., �
., �
Lord. An address. "The Opportun- Flodkon. ' Primer � Fraaw6s, ftlp, 1. ".k.S1,
. , `
I resignation as teacher of the junior 4�"!
.,�, 1" I
room in the public school. As a work- ities ,of the Young Canadian," was Bruce Hodgert, Doris 'Mackay. Nua�n_ ." '' -jv" "
, . ". 4 e�
.-- er in Young People's Society, choir given by Earl Anderson, of Belgrave her on, ro,1q, 24; average attend'ame ' A" L Ij
ot difficult to sell thV cattle which and -Sunday school, sihe will also be Following this the choir rendered an- for June 23.8.lMamgaret E. Gne4e,' , . ,.,.,�, j!e �
,,�� q `
. . I I
xe. before him.' greatly misped. On Thursday even.. other chorus, "My Captain Never Lost Teacher. . 1� " ,;'
. I a Battle." The meeting was close;d School Report. -The following is I .L �,Ild
ing several members of the young we- �� ..I't'.
-by the singing of the hymn, "Speed the classification of the pulpili of S. �,�,'.'
I ... I
. . men's class in Qaean Street Sunday . I - 1�
School, also the young people's group Thy Servants, Saviour. ,Speed_Them," S. No. 3, Tuckersmith�, based. on year's . ,.,4 .
Sweet Cloyer As 4anure. ' and, the choir slang the benediction, wo-Tlk -and June examinations, Those ,_r� t
. of which she was a member, we�t to ,, ...., 11
-ii er cent. are mark- I L.11111.
During recent years many fcirmers wn, where a pleas- Lord Let arcy Now Attend Us." who bad over 75 P 'N . . . . J
. . - lYe I
ave been gro*ing si�veet clever in ant time was spent in singing, etc,, The choir was accompanied by : an ed (H.); between 70 ,and" 75, (112), A' I
-chestra comprising Miss Maybelle Jr. IN-Bablev Dalrymple (H), Arthu I I"
r .
otation with �otatoes. A full ciop of around the camp fire. Lunch was al- oi r . 4 ...
rFee-t clover ploughed under may be 50 served,'at the close of which an ad- Rands, of S.�aforth, and Robert Pat- Wright (H). W. 1). Wilson (H), Jas. . I. "`� i
. ;�
. j;�
6nsddered worth as much.as, 25 to 9C dress was reqd and. Miss Barnby was terson, violinistR, and Cecil Lydiatt, _McGul-ly (H2,. Earl P2,131ple (H2), -111
. i . �
c7is of barnyard markVe. Where presented with a -silver rose ba,ket saxophonist. Mary G. McCully (ITIR), Beatrice Arm- . 1. � .
4 " �
arm.eTs have p . lenty of manure avail- and a purse. Miss Barreby made a -0 strong. ST. III---�Annie Pa;p,�, (H). ' - .. I'll "'A
. ;L'�
ble it may -not ,be desiralble to grow fitting reply. She'left on Monday for ,Mae Wilson, Alice 'Wright, Lelbert �. , ..,111
wleet cluver for the- purpose of plow- her home in London. VARNA Taylor will work with both thirds. Jr. .. 1'��'.
. L...
I , I
Briefs. -Mr. and Mrs. R. C Me- III-Mayme Watson, Donald Mae- -11� 1
4 7��'11 ,
n,g it down but where the manure * ool Report. -The following . ,
upply is limited it has beou profit- Gowan left on Tuesday morning for Sch is Donald, ls�bel Armstrong, Grace I LA; 11
. an going -al examinations Of _4EIsie Bc1bins .(H), 11 . , �
ble, to follow th'e. a,borve plan of ac- extended trip to the coast, , the report of fin - Dalry,mple, H I
;on. The most essenitial precautions by beat fro,),n Sarnia, They will also Varna S,ohool: ,ST. IV-D,oTis Chuter, Ervin Sellery (H), myrtle Papple, : I
. Lill,,an, Elliott. From Jr. IV to Sr. IV (H), muriel -Wright (H), M,Orley ., :,��,` ,
o be,observed in growing sweet clov- visit, friend6 in Oregon before return� , ,". �,
. . Pass 450, Hon. 560-ld'a Chuter 511, Wright, Ivan Taylor�. Bobbie Watson, ,., ,
r are to, make sure that the so,il is 1r1g- Hazel Hu.nkin-g 481, Bill Ausrtir 341. Milton Taylor I -Allan 'Hill and . :1
. I
,Ross Robi,nson, of Hornepayme ���
cit acid, that it is well enough drain- r. I -IT to Sr. III -Pass 330, Hazel Wilson (H) equal; Preston Dal- .
d to prevent heaving and fhat the teaching stafF, returned home on Sat- P101 J ,::��.��
eed is inoculated, urd-ay for his holidays. Hon. 410: Willie XcAsh 354, Harvey las (H), Primer -John Golwill, An- . �;;, ''.
' �
Mr. and Mrs. Cade, of Chatham, Chuter 297, Elmer Jolinston (absent) na Watson, Lloyd Papple. Elsie Rob- , �. �,
;7 �
are guests at the home of the for- From Jr. Ill to Jr. 11 (B) -Jack Me- ins was awarded the prize for having A ,
Linchey. From II to Jr. Ill (A)-- the least mistak �� �
mer's sister, Mrs. Charles Grasby. es in 'Spelling. - M. . ., 11: �
Current Crop Report. Pass 330, Hon. 410: Jean 'Reid 386, McNaughton, Teacher. . . .,��
Dr. and Mrs. E. -C. Wilford and ' ,,, .",
family, of Oil Springs. were guests of Bessie Chuter ,W9 GordlDn Horner 931. ;School Picnic. -Om Saturday after- I . Z
According to reports.received from the former's mother, Mrs. A. B. Carr'�Prornoted to Sr. 11-0haTlie Hunking, n.00n a picnic was celebrated on the .'� I
Practically every county, crops in On- on Sunday. Murvin Johnston, Jennie Humking, schQ g'o'undsof S. S. No. 3, Tucker- . ''..
ario are looking exceptionally wel. Mrs. D. D. Crittenden and daughter, Fcr.i Johnston (absent). Jr. Primelf smith. The following are the prize 11 I
.�� 1,
nd promise to give heavier yields Dorothea, of It. Thomas, are here to to ST. Primer -Floyd McAsh and Roy winners in the races: Straight. races: -1,
ban hare been etnjoye�d for some time. visit friends for a couple of weeks. Elliott (equal). Donald Keyes. Prim- Children 6 and under, Ethel Wilson. ��Ili
,ver most Of the province hay will tRev. and Mrs, E. L. AndeTE�.on and er A to Jr. Primer -Helen Johnston, Olive Papple, Anna Watson; laoys, 9 11. � � ,`� i
live a larger yield tham'last year. family are ir Owen Sound this week Ge,+ge Hunking. Perfect Atlwiday.0 and under. Ist, Ervin Sillery: 2nd, I � ?�i �
September, 1929 to June, 1930: ' 1.
all wheat is, headed, Out and barley attending a"Teunion, -of Mrs. Ander-, fl'oin , Morley Wright; 2rd, Ivan Tay19T. �,q ,
I ,
, ��L
nd eats are heading out in the south- son's family. D,,ris Chut�!f, Lillian Elliott, Willie Girls, 8 and under, 1st, Myrtle Papple; �AL.
rn part of the province. Cutting of Misses Elm -a and Ida McGowan, ac- McAsh., Harvey Chuter, Bessie Chute---.,, 9nd Elsie Robins; 3rd, Hazel Wilson . 110.,
lfalfa and �wpet clover has been fair- Jean Reid, 'Charlie Hunking. Best Boys, 11 and i1nder, ist, Earl Papple; * .1 , I
companied by their aunt, Dr. Annie " � 1,
y general during the past ten days R ... 9 of Guelph, will leave on Thurs- fe .- 2nd, W. D. Wilson; 3rd,, Viltwi Tw I'll 11 V
;v' L
. .
nd haying is now in full swing day to jqin a party who will tcur sev- Ruby L Taylor Teacher. lor. Girls. 11 and under, Ist, Mary '7""
' out Grace McCully; 2nd', Alice Wright; L ,�,;
hroug% the provitpe. Dairy pro- eral'Europ�,ar_i countries for some 1"..
ucti-on is at its peak but farmers are weeks. BRUSSELS 3rd, AnTie Papple, Boys, 12 and ov- ...., A, , .
issatisfied with the prices bein.- paid Elmer Wilkinson, of Wingham, corn- --�r, ist, James McCully, 2nd, Arthur I ,." ..
or milk products for the manufacture menced work on his ppLinting contract Temperance Convention. -The Wo- Wi�gbt; 3rd, Dellb,ert Taylor Girls, ..... .1 .,
-f butter, cbeese and condensed milk. on the hall an Monday. men's 'Christian Temperance Union 12 ,and over, Ist, Mildred Robins; 2nd, . . . . . . . . A.
kn abundance of rain has brought Friends of George Snell, of East will hold tbe;r annual convention in Evelyn Wilson; 3rd, Beatrice Arm- .. '_
glong the pastures which are in fina Wa,wano%h, will regret to learn of his Brussels United -Church on Tuesday, strong. Boys' -relay race. Ist team, . . 1! i , , , �
ondition in most sections.. Picking of death, which took place July 1st. July 8th, 1930. Rev. D. McTavish, of James 'MC -Cully., W, D. Wilson, Del- I 1.1,
traw,berries and cherries is, now gen- Exeter, will address the af.erno,on bert Taylor. Boot race-, ist, Alice .l I
, ��
ineet ; . rn Wils - I..
ral in the fruit -growing districts. .0. ing on "Modern Men -aces" eve- Wright, 2nd, Evel� o,n; 3rd, Mil 11
-0 ning ses�sion, four -act drama. "Who dred Rcbins. H'ard boiled eg.g race �
WALTON Cares," -by Ethel Garvin. This will for boys, Ist, Earl Papple; 2nd, Del- ".
. : �
be presented by young folk of Gode. bert Taylor; 3rd, Ivan Taylor. Hard � A
BLYTH Noteq.-Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Fender- e for girls, 1st, Annie �.E,
rich, Vis,;tors welcome at all sessions. boiled e.gg -ac ,?�
. i
son and family, of Seaforth. spent Papple. 2nd, Mildred Roibins; 3Td, .11
Address and Preeentation-On Fri- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William ao Jean Watson. Pelanut race, ist, Alice ;4
lay, .June ODtl,, the pupils and rate-- 4
' Farquhar%on. Wright; 2nd, Mary Grace McCully. . �,
payers of No. 1, Morris, mert ,at Day- Week end visitors at the home of TUCKERSMITH Necktie race: ist, Mildred Robins and i
field, to enjoy another pienic. After )IT. and MTs. Jose -ph Bennett were W. D. Wilson; 2nd, Beatrice Arm- � ,�
linneT, the teacher, Miss Viola Morri- ap 3 Uv yn " ,,.-.,
MT. and Mrs. Joseph Davidsf�ii and Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. George Hand- ,trong and Earl P pie; rd, I el 1, ,,
on, was called forward and present- 11
son�, Master Murray Davidson and Mr. ley and Janet, of London, are spend- Wilson and Carlyle Gornish. Hop, ,�,��,.,
ed with a beautiful casserole in a s�il- an To f gi
I and M-rs, Thomas Watson, all rX Lon- ing their vacstion at Mr. J. G. Gem- step d ju p or r1s: Ist, Evelyn "
ver !stand, and a pyrex,pie plate b 11'.�
y don. k mell's. Wilson; 2nd, Mildred Robins; 3rd, q�
Doris Rogerson ,and Mary Fear, while af ort'li - of Mary Grace McCully. Fat ladies' .1�
Miss Mary Dickson, of Se, I, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hatmiltcri, "'
Jimmie Laidlaw read the addrEss, af a'- ,�,
j spent Sundav with Miss Edna Reid. Toronto, we-,- week end visit;..rs race: Ist, Mrb. Alex. Broadfoct'. 2nd, L"i,
ter which Miss Morrison expresiset. Mrs. Lena McGavin and tbr�-e chil. .Mr. James Love's.. Mrs. Williarn Chapman. Relay 'race i
her appreciation in a fiw fitting dTen,, Jack, Leona and Wilm-(A, of Mr, and Mrs. P. Bale, of Windsor, for --irls- Winning team, Beatrice '�
wo,rds. Then everyone sang "For spen . I
She's a Jolly Good Fellow." The fol- Kitchener, are at present visiting rel- and Miss E Taylor, Stratford, . t A,nGtrDn'g, Evelyn Wilzon� Mildred '. �1)
ati-ves in this vicinity. a few days with Mrs. J. Taylor. Robins. Threa,d and needle race for 'A,
lowing is the address: "Dear Miss Miss Pauline Ashton, of Gorr*e, vis- Dr. C. Alexander, of Brantford, was zirls, Ist, Elizabeth Broadfoot and 1�
Morrison: We, your little. btald of ' , Evelyn Grai ger; 2nd, Mil - R bin
pupils from No. I.. Morris, have great ited her sister, Mrs. W. F. Radford, a week end visitor with his mother n , - dyed o s .7
recently. Mj-s, Alexandt'r, Kippen Road. arxi Evelyn Wilsion; 3rd, Audrey Swan 11'�,
plea -sure in Coming with our parent.� Mrs. John S,millie is seriousli, ill at -Misses Jean and Hazel XcLaughlan and Anna Aikenhead. Wheelbarrow . �
to Bayifie�lld for this picnic. It gives present. Hnr many friends wl�.h her are spendin.- two weeks with friends race. for bm-. Ist, W. D. Wilimn and 1i I
us pleesure because w,e can have one. a speedy re-,overy. in Detroit. . u , Mac Wilson and :1,1",
more day to sipend happily wirb our Mrs. Peter McArthin- had t�e mis- Mi's. A. J. Houston is visi.ing in Far] Parmle. Potato race for Juniors: ,
dear teacher. We are, all very so,rry -n Taylor: J11A, Isabel Arm- i
that you are leaving our section. We fortu-ne recent'y to fall and hurt her Detroit. . lqt, Milto 1
3 � J
shall not forget your kindness to u leg quite. badly. Mrs. McCarthur was Mr. A. Simpson has taken a posi- ..v rong; 'Ird Edvin Sillery. Potato i*�
and also try not to forget that you quite an active worn -an and her n-ranv 1�ion in North Bay. . race for Sonloin: IRt, Alice Wright, i
friends hope she will be able to he School Report. -The following 1� -2,d, Earl Papple: 3rd, Arthur Wright. ,
aws o lovo God. the report of promotion exaniiiiatiow Bo( : Ist, Delbert Taylor-, 2nd, . ,J;
hionour the king, obey Our p�4�i� around soon. -rk race I li
andl to be good Clanadians. We can- Armand Kernick and M'iss Flora for S. S, No. 1, Tuckersmith� I;r. IV BoHiie Dalrymple; 2rd, Earl Papple. �
n-ot let you go frc,m us withou" show- Harris are visiting Miso Hary;s' par- lo Jr, V-11onours, 75'r, 525; Pass, (',-,-,qcPf,il wqlkirrz: Ist. Mae Wilson
. . ents, Nh% and Mrs. John Hairis. 60';, 420: Addison Forrest, 571,. Ruby and Alice Wright; 2nd, Mildr�-: Rob- �
ing in some, iv�y Our lolve, for you as Mr. and ,6s. W. E. Radford and Pfaff 497, Jackie Traquair 467, Mil- ins and W. D. Wilson, 3rd, Isobel -,"I
e past three years. , -ed -) Arms and , ,orl'Y 'Tig t. Pea I"',
We ask you to accept this .L wit gon, Master Maurice Raaord, spent h Madge 467, Helen Walker 41, . tron,g , M L VY b C �,
the good wishes of your pils and the holiday with Mrs. Radford's sis- .(absent through illness for two exarn- nut Ricramblo for all; corn -flake, ra e: If,
ter, Ma -s.. Strangway, in SarmR. nations). ('less Ill to Gia." IV-PaF,, 1�t Earl Papple. and B o b b i e
of -the school section. We, wish for ., L'&'
' *
Mis Ann;r, _.McTaggart, of Varna, 360: Ross Forrest 429, Ruby Dalrymple; 2nd. Kac Wilson and Del- ,�.
yo,u many happy days and hope -that . s spending the vacation witri ber Dalrymple !177, Bruep Volland SC4, ]St lvrt Taylor: 2rd Isabel Anustronv� �'.�
. I .,�.
when possible you will pay u -s a VIS11; arents, Mr. and M". George Me- Class -Hazel Dilling 405, Murray an,l Annie, Pan,ple, Cost race, W. D. �
in our school and in our homes, Sign- P.
Taggart. Aliss f,Traquair :395, Roy Pepper 3(10, Wil- Wilson and Mildred Robins; 2nd, Ar. � ,�
/I l Scaforth spent Sumlay with Nliss Me- nier Dalrymple 322, Primer --Marg- thur 11,'rigbt and lRahel Armstrong; g',
----. — � 1;1,1
, Milton Taylnr a A nni apple. -,
Taggart. aret Kearcher .100. Highest marks .1rd, nd - o, 1, ",
several frorn Walton and -icinity in Arithmetir. 92; in 1,pelling, 119: Ad- Thre'e-legge'd �ace: Mildred Robin,; .�, �1
. -vice in the dison Forrest -R. Broadfoot, Teach- -n Wilson-, 2nd, Reatrice I i'll
attended the Masonic sei and Evel.N �f.
JV iki-ins - - IcCullv.
United Church. Brussels, on Sunday er. . , .tron-g an'] Mal-% Grace N � �,
evening. School Rep,ort.-Tlie folinwing I' .1rd, Arthur Wright and W. D. Wil- . 1.
GARDE1 19 , Mr. and Mrs. Johnston and Mr. the school rCp')Tt Of S. S. No. 6, Tuck- �nn. S -oda hi,euit rice: Ist, Nelson -11!
and -,vfr-. Harvey Brown, of Blyth, ,r-mith, for the June Promotion ex- Forrest; 2nd. Mayme Chapman-, 3rd, . _� I
. - ,�
spent Sjj.nday� with Mr. and Mrs, Wil- iminations. Tho.w marked with an Evelyn Grainsver; Candy scranible for
l I � I M ldred III".
liarn Woods. , nstei�F-k were promotod conditionally. all, Horse back rRve: Ist, T i . -.1
PAR Y A special service, wa,q dedicated t) I-Ion.our%, 75',; Pass, 60'�. To Or. IV Robins and M-arion IvilF,on; 2nd, Nel- , "I
the Oran-gomen on. Sunday in St. -Sarah Whitmore Rif), Pearl H,ugill son Forrest snd E.arl Pappl�, 3rd, ..".?
GeorgCs. Anglican Church. Rev. F. 7.-). To Jr. IV -Leola Nott 76, Vernri Jarneo, ',\Ic-Cjl1Y Arl Preston Dallas. D
— G. Rickard gave a very fitfiiog ad- Rugill 75, Ilazel Ashton 71, Myrtko Chu,,, race: 19t. 'MilflTed Robiiis ani ;j�
. 11
The Ladies' Aid of First Pres- dren. Ashton 72. To Sr. TIT-Florenice Whit- W. I). Wilson: 2nd Evelyn Wilson an,1 � .��
. �,l
, bj1#-r1dff ,-Church; Senforth.- will 1. W.ek+ erydvi-,-itfw% wi*h,.)14,&s,srs_ Rose ailoxe 71, Ghkr@,rce Elliott 69, *A -01d Arthur Wriv�t; 3rd. Mcirley Wright - I
hold a Garden ParfY cn the and Janet Simpson, of the Boundary, Rugill, *Ve!rniR'_A0,fi_Ui_n _MT 9,r -.--H-- -,T,i +N�.1--krulatron.g. Running hi -917 --:. �
e__.Wr,c� - -;'------- � `
- .41
Church Lawn, on were: Mr. and Mrs. W. 111-oggarth, Tons. Hugill 7q, Rhoda Elliott 69, Wes- ijjqn,p: Ist, Mary �rr�r' , IT4,�"; 2nd A
Bruce Hogg,qrth and Miss Anni-, Hog ley Hru,gill 64. Jr. 11 -Carman Whit. '�4ilflrp,d Robins: 3rd, Evel'.771 Wilson- - _i.,�,
- "
,( 1,
FRIDAY, JULY 11th garth, of London-, Mrs. Deem, of more 70, Itlary Hu,gill 69. Sr- I- Newspaper race, Ist. W. D. Vrilaon,; . _.�4
'd, - -eth To 9 ; ,3rd, Ivan layl,oirk I ;%'%
, r. Primer . �, ;-Q
Cafeteria Tea served f rom 6 ,BrantfO-1 Rnd Miss Annie Simpson, Kerrn Tryberr., 65. - 2nd, Annie PapPle � 111",
I . ,,, U
Of Hamilton. Norman Elliott. Jr. Primerr-Mildred Sweepstak", Mildred Robins, and W.N, , � gg
. to 8 p.m. mivps Ruby Young, of Strathroy, is Ashton, Mliia TeTrylxrry, Clifford D. Wilslon. MT. Bremner presented \, � .1%
, � - Hugill.-Ed-ra M1. Jamieson, Teacher. the, medals that were awarded- for per- 11"
, "'
spending the vacation with her par ' "J.'i"I'l,
r �
nig, hool -Th,v Alowin IF; feet attendance during ftm school yea I .,
. .�
And during the evening Cake, ents, Mr. and MrsL Thomas You Sc Report. ft 9 �, , '' 't
on, , ,0
lee Cream, Tea and Coffee and miss Young has been teach-ing near hlw- report of the finall examination', to Preston Dallas, Hazel Wils , N. Mm
, 7
-e s held in June at Schlootl Section No. 10, Beat,rice, ArmF , Flora McDou- ,-,��41?1
Stratbroy for the past N -ar end ha, troyw .., 4�
Hot Dogs. L. � 0,qk
been engar�,,d again fo� the coming Tuckei-vnift.h. The, names are arrang- gall, Bobby Dall-M.ple, W. D. Wilson, 11��,,Ilh
Fish Pond, Short Programme, term.. r,,d in. order of rneTit. The pupils are Jean Watson and Mildred Robins. The, ;,� ,1
with Pipe Band in attendance. Miss, Edna Reid, of Ben -miller, is in the cla�%Ies for the term StSTting ladllies treated everybody to 9. gracious ,!1,1� I
. ��,,
s,pe-nding the vacation with her par- (;eptenibeT ist, 1930. Those who fail- and rguiniptuous lunch., which disap- ,*L, "
ADMISSION: 1.5c %nd 10c. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid. -d in ome subject but passed on the peared as if by mWe. After this,. .1 ,,5m
, I'll I
."I "I
Young People's So,ciety.-Tine- an- total sho,uld be given a trial as inda- the Section treated All to ice cre0ft. I �'..:). R,
, e. 11
If weather is unfavorable, will nual open nnCetingof the Young Peo- qted. Sr. TV -William. McLean. Jr. TO complete a perfeet djay, a fe'W %_ A�l %
, L11
I be held in basement. ple'9 Society ,of Duff's United Church, IV--Gerbru e Martin, Laura Tremleer, nti7igg of soft 6all were indulged in, ... _6� 1.
- " .1
.... I ... I ..
Walton, was, held on Sunday evening Itobert 11 Merv"., Hodogl6rt (trial). ,Men all wended th4ir way hlovioV�Wd; " � i R j ,
1�1� ,, -,
-_ 'L I
- Ei0rERYBODY WELCOME in the auditorium of tbe. Aurch. A Sir. III -Verna McLean (trial). JT. the S�('Lhnlars, glad that vacation Wais �� �;;�i , .
I I I ��� , � 11
� splendid congregation attended the 111 -*Myrtle Taylor, Margaret Taylov, her,% but thifAchig thAt Sab-01 I 1, L'' - �"'_Ll . . . . . . 5.."
*'a#P'f - ",1h
L 1. . _,�..._... LLL ,service, A full choir was present and Mgie lkteid, 0,ord'on, �Iodgert, George gueh a bad, plate, fttt*t all. L , LLL 0 � �jl, , , PO
pll;�,�',� "ll
I � ,� : 14 i, A ,
I. , ,:, - "I
I 1, "I ,
I I I I I I I 11 . i",
.� � . I - ;, .
11 I , . . I . I . . �� ,
I 1� w` I -1 . I I I . I . . "I ."� A$6 'A
, , . ;. , ;,',�16W��,i,F;V.
� I . . - . . . 1. '�::_ - � . - I , ". I ", 1� .1, � I I N,!�' 11 �
$1 ,V I I . � .� . , . . . ,. . , , � � �� .. �, - I. .
1� 4,q I � A "�.': ' .. . . I I I I", - , ,. ". I ,,, '_ I ,,,, . ", I , � I I I.:4 � 'e"'.. �, 7�., .., !
I 1� I . 1'�%4 . lm��i�71
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, 1. . � .� . 1, , - �,�i� ,,�X. � . ".." 1�� wrl ,,,Ag1M.11,. I 1�,.:`Ii�,,'.I, I I 1,
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�Yll �v , I
11 11� , , � 1.� I 11.1 . . ?K. or � .."'."'t-, i�.',,Ti,,014 . 'W" I -�,:�,' '.� -� , , " �, .v0% `j� " - , �. " � �11,41 t ,,, �,"�,,',��! � I M'11 I I., .� '%,�,h,m � , : i., i .. �. .. .
��'�,,,.,.',, 1�,-�., . .1
� l
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� , L. ,
,,;,,,���,;,:"",!,�,���,,�:�,�, , J �, ��.�"",!."��,,,��.'���.,�,�,��',,",.",��.",,'�,��,,,�,��,,�ti,�,, �`,,,V,,17: T,,,��-,,'4�,�,I"W,.', 6" ��, , , '� 'A
114.�%;0'a" �,�l;��, I , , . 14" , . ,,,, �! � I t � I I � V) �
6�� t, , e"'l � , I . , -,
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