HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1930-06-27, Page 1I., , i ill FT, 9 , , j,T�j 'f .. ,7,nT, —
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SEAFORT11, FR10DAT;,4V%,Niu 4s, 1930. '' ' ' . I . . " , " �, ,,;� %.."11-:1 W. �; —
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.11 currod, said: was a visitor for a short Cme and
Yo,u were apprehended on the enjoyed the proceedings.
.., ... charges read to you and for your de- ,Games were indulged. in, good priz-
.:.: ...... Nit�15-:,:
" fence you have had the services of es awarded. The appen�dld list tell�
. . . . . . ,
�;....'i .. emin�nt dounsel who left nothing un- 'its own story,
. 1.11 ....... ;t
N.. -.,!�'...��-, �!�i."� done and nothing unsaid that might The Prize Winners. H.O.B. Picnic.
`i� Wr.";!�:: tend to clear you. of these charges anA Boys under 8 years, D. Mi'140n, D.
� -i�,*`-.'i','M.`:;.*,:: t$
tf.tt:. I-? .
Z I NO:, 1'1�
�4'.�"",;.".�1'r.-I.I�;.",=- we think -thegreat ability of your de- McQuarrie, R. A. McCreath;, girls un -
I 11�1'��-,
..., .i�' Jay,
, fence counsel was shown in his advice der 8 years, 'Mary Marie Jor-
I ". *1 ...
1. 1.11 to you to plead guility for we may say dari, Marie O'Keefe; boys und 10
.-�`*.-'!�" er
�11*11'.!�i, t.".......'-,
�!;�,�i��.."��i :
-"�,`., : without any hesitation, that it is the Years, R. Nagy, C. Wilson, D. Milden;
,,�,`:ii. .. .
g ..��-,,.,�.,�i..--.,.,�.,,;:"�:,;.:::;,:,:;;; -:::�.: t.,
. - '.. � � : opinion of this Court that no charge girls under 10 years, E. Nagy, Elien
- , . .. ,,. N any man Jay, 'Ruth Pridham; boys under 12
.. �if�,i��ii�if:ii!iii.,�i!�i�....���!��!ii . was ever .preferred against ,
. with more reason or with stronger years, R. McCreath, D. Crawford, R.
, , evidence, in support than in your case. Wilson; girls under 12 years, E.
�-ti.�11` ,
- _i*�gp,*
!,.,....�', -1Z`.;t-'..`..g�..;..,�.j .
,�.�."*.`-;� ... ..... arn; boys un-
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_i�-"' it �. Your record shows that each time Nagy, E. Jay', R. Pridh
al'.'�N.�.,*-!����..-",,*.'i;��, an opportunity has offered for ' reach- der 14 years, F. Thompson, John
��i�,?.` `�� �.'i.,,*,::::;:;:;:;.:::!:! Ing out in certain, directions, more Crawford, Jack -Moon; girls under 14
.,.,.t'.. ,; -ath, J. Pridham, J.
�`,!*,,��":O �
:�..,-��,�!i especially
_�:! in the matter of obtaining years, J. McCre
:"�,.,�K:i;;:;.:.;,.::. �� GT C
-.i�*..�iiiiiit;:::;�::;, I more members and selling more At- Urquhart; laiffies' open race, a e
,.�....,,;�.: ... ::�;..:i I ;:jij:jtT:t
::::�i�*,rl,,;",Ir"�ii�!������:�.:'.,;:j�:;�� . . . . . . . . . . . . I Home tickets, you have grasped it so Stirling, P. Connolly,H1. Staines-. boys'
I , ,
-.1111....'.""."."',*""""..'t "' ;;; �
,�e...,..,�l.-I...�.�,...,........,.....,�.",,�'..".I LL:,...: . quickly as to show that you were on boot race, R. McCreath, Wallace
'.." "' Floody, Ed. McArthur; married ladies,
li.,`!� , ,,. the -alert continually with malice
I -
... 1 iii::Irf, ::���.',,'.,'i.,.'..".,.-..."-.. .1
0 * rs. Hart, 'Mrs. Guy, Mrs. Young-
�.i��ii�.ttf�,%;A :,t�,iitt!��::;i� aforethought and it is not surprising M '
�,,,�i!�-.',';.g-11- ��.� -1 where Young men's race, W. O'Connell, Earl
i :: . .
L�,,, , ; therefore that you have landeq .
N t:-:1.11,11,11. I . you find yourself to -day. Stark, V. Faulkner; married inen, B.
I .
It is to be hoped you will realize H. MoCreath, R. Hart, H. Wilkinson,
EDWARD FLOODY - 'that the sentence about to be pas -sed peanut race, A. Flynn, J. Stark, B.
� ___ - — upon you is, considering all the cir- Connolly; fat men's race, A. Jay, D,
cutr�starices, such as in your calmer Crawford, A. Currie.
.FLOODY WAS PINCHED .moments will be considered as not -49�
I greater than the conditions warrant. .
Officer O'McCreath Nabs the Hustling The sentence of this Court, from
Secretary of the Huron Old, Boys5 which there is no appeal, is that you THE SEAFORTH RACES
Association of Toronto.- I . take this -key and insert it in the small The postponement from Wed-nesday
It was Friday, the 2oth, a week aperture made for that purpose in the to Saturdayafternoon made nocessary
door of the instrument known as a by the heavy rains did not in any way
3ater than the 13th, qt 4 P-171-, the "Grandfathers' Cloc'k," and that you affect the attractive card f0_t' the day's
young girls and old boys, exiles from will there and then wind the said clock racing, although the attendance -was,
Huron, gathered in Exhibition Park, and repeat this operation, as often as possibly, not as large as it wfaild have
Toronto. for their annual Picnic. may he necessary so that in this way been on the holiday.
Secretaa�y Floody was first 1,0 arrive, you will "do time" for the rest of The entry this year -was the largest
-or among the first. A smile anc. warm your natural life, and you are so ac- in many years, over 30 horses making
Huron welcome he had, fof. everyone. cordingly sentenced. tip the card, a . rid it was seven n'clock
Thebookon-and the tickets, particular- The inscription on the beautiful before the 1wt beat was finished.
ly the latter—were conspicuous. The clock, engraved on in brass plate, No better racing has ever be'en seen
Artful Dodger himself couldn't dodge reads: on the Seaforth track and completely
Ed. Floody. But Floody, fr3rn Blyth, 'Presented to Edward Floorly by the satisfied the large crowd prer.ent.
didn't know what was coming to him, Huron Old Boys, Association of To- The summary:
but it came. ronto, in recognition of his exception- 2:24 Trot or Pace (First division)
Over in the Transportation Build- al services as Secretary of the As- '
ings long rows of ,tables wer3 loaded so,ciation frorn its in,ce_otion in the Peggy Harvester, R. Hales,
with good Huron grub—the kind Of year 1900. 'Chathani .................. 1 1 1
food mothers learnt their daughters "He rose to honor and to fante. Allright, W. Herbert, Niagara
to Prepare back in the yesterday'. And Through loyalty to Huron's narne." Falls ........ : .... ........ 2 2 4
there wals lots of it. And ,%ve went at Ed. Floody couldn't carry the clock Eva Grattan, J. McManus,
it just as we used ,to do at barn- around with him, so they presented Goderich ................... 3 3 2
raisings,threshings, quilting bees, and him with a solid gold pin inscribed: Lenora Clinch, Abe Johnst(kn,
church socials yonder in the old Ban- "Huron Old Boys' Association �f'To- Simcoe .................... 7 4 3
ner County of Huron. Exiles never ronto, (Hur,pn,County crest) Edward miss Hial .lAcEwen, A. Belorc,
forget home. There was ,iw 20 mdn- Floody, in appreciation of efficient X-ount Elgin ............. 4 5 7
utes for refreshment at "the StOP" service 1900-1 . 9-30." Lucky Lindy, R. Trench, Tees -
in the transportation buildings. Ed. The ladies presented Mrs. Floody water ..................... 6 6 5
Floody -was as nervous as a railroad with a beautiful bov6uet o,f flowers. Star Peter, J. Wellwood, Mor -
conductor of a limited train half an Edward -Floody in accepting the lin ....................... 5 7 6
hour late. He sens6A there was some- clock and pin, in de -fiance of the sent- Time -2.14; 2.12, 2.13%,
thing doing—a smash-up or something ence of the, court, said he would can -
down the line. Everyone wanted to tinue to sell ticke;ts t * a the judges, the 2:24 Trot or Pace (Second division)
—to kill time— sheriff, the prosecuting attoiney and Dei:by Dan, C. .Moore, Palmer -
till Judge Duncan arrived. Floody others. He -bore up well under a try- Stan ....................... 1 1 1
wanted to get on with the program, ing ordeal for any man. But the emo- The Send -man, C. W. Ander-
but Mrs. Thorns -on and others kept tions nearly gained the upper hand Ison, Welland ............... 2 2 2
him talking—someone told him to hold when he graciously thanked the ladies Carrie Direct, W. Fraser, For -
ion., there was to be an executive meet- for the beautiful bouquet of,floweTS ost ....................... 3 3 3
ing. He wondered what the dickens presented to Mrs. Floody. Bertha Gray, L. H. Lipsitt, St.
an executive meeting was for. I Notes. Williams .................. 4 4 4
Officer O'McCreath Nabs Floody. An old-timer from Seaforth was at Gertie Dell, A. Schaeffer, Wa-
Judge E. J. B. Duncan, who by the the picnic swaping yarns with other terloo . ..................... dr.
way Was the second president, of the old-timers—James Wright, who was a Tlmo-2.17Y2, 2.18%, 2.18.
Huron Old Boys, arrived. Th -a Judge, school mate with Thomas A. Edison, While scoring Gertie Dell broke
supported by Judge McLaren, sheriff, the electric wizard, in the -village of her hobbles and repairs could not be
prosecuting attorney Proudfoot, de- Vienna, Elgin County. made in�time. .
fending counsel Lee, all gowned, were Judge Duncan fumbled around hdsi
ready in an improvised court, for Of- pockets for the clock key, First he 2:18 Trot or Pace.
ficer O'McCreath and his prisoner, one looked- at Officer O'McCreptth, then at NcDougalh, A,% XclIntosh,
Ediward Floody. The officer had the the sheriff, then at O'McCreath again. Prince Albert ........... 3 1 1 1
secretary in true cop style by I he col- HLe wasn't sure which one picked his Bill Patch, W. Fraser, For-
IaT of the coat. In the arrest Floody's pocket. But the severe lo,ok he gave est .....................
straw lid flew, but , a bystander grab- the co,p, one could tell whem his sus- Peter G. Jr., J. Wellwoorl,
bed it. pieions rested. ,Merlin ................. 6 2 3 3
The complaint was laid by 'President iThe comedy -drama moved quickly. Great -Storm, C .W. Arider-
D. D. Wilson. The warrant, signed Ed. Floo,dy..-wasn't given a chance to son, Welland ............ 7 3 5 5
and sealed with a big red se,pj, read: inspect the grandfatheT'S �Jock. He Irene Grattan, R. Trench,
The -Huron Old Boys' Association of got a look at it that was- all. Finally Teeswater ..
Toronto. he came back to "the court" to ex- Martha N a p a ie'� r* rt,* * * R''. * * J.
,Canada, Province of Ontario, amine, and lo! behold somenne had Smith, Guelph ......... 2 dr
,4 pinched" the clock. Perhapi it was Irene Peters, George Lowery, . 4
city of Toronto, the judges, the sheriff, the cop or 'Seaforth ................ 5 6 6
11 To Wit:— . Doug. Wilson.., Time flies—and so did Time -2.15, 2.17, 2.131/z, 2.15. 1
Between: the clock. It was found afterwards 2:15 Trot or Pace.
The Members and Officerb of the at 58 ,Close Avenue, where Edward Peter Patch, Vic Rowntree,
I Huron Old Boys, Association of To- Floody resides, when at home,. Weston ... I ...... ......
, ronto, The Broom Football Match was one Silent Grattan, G. S. Litt,
and of the best features of the afternoon. Godeiieh ................
Edward ,Floody. Twelve ladies on each side were caP- Rah Peters, W. Burns, Palm -
To the Sheriff: tained by IMrs. G. C. Young and Mrs. erston 1
WEEREAS proof has been made H. B. Stowe. After a hard fought Oliver Pe,�e,* Geor*ge* *L* o'we'ry*,
before me by the members Lmd of- battle, a truce was arranged and each Setaforth ................ 2 4 4 4
ficers �,f THE HU,,RON OLD BOYS' lady was presented with a broom and ,Sbarter—Roy Brothers, Strafford.
ASSOCIATION ,Or TORONTO that a bottle of malt vinegar. . Judges—W. H. Grosch, Stratford
EDWARD FLOODY has been chielflY Bert McCreath was th4e starter in Wm, Martyn, Mitchell, Geo. R. Mul
responsible for the organization and the foot races and C. G. Vanstone, doon, Brussels.
M, I
maintenance for a period of some 30 George Ferguson and John on act- TimeTS—W. Ament, J. F, Daly
years of a society known na The Hur- ed as the judges. George. McCartney, Scaforth.
on Old Boys' Association, if Toronto, Treasurer Lorne Prirglf� was the
which saij association as a result of busiest man on the grounds. 4
his efforts has so grown in numbers T. L. Blake, formerly of Hullett,
and influence. until to -day, as evidenc- was early on the gToun.ds, and took JUDGING COMPETIT . ION
ed by this unprevedented gathering, in all of the events.
the said association has atlaine,i such Robert Holme- was chairman oi` Live Stock and Household Scienc4
a state of perfection as can only be the, Reception Committee and rlid bi., Judging Competition Draws Largi
equalled,by the great and glorious work well. Entry.
lCounty of Huron from which the Doesn't W. Proudfoot make. an ideal The fourth anrual Live Stock ani
members of the said association have crown prosecutor? If you don't be- Household Science Judging Competi
ibeen recruited and it is my belief lipve it, ask Secretary Floody. tion was held at Seaforth on Frida'.Y'
from. the representations which have W. l,'Il,lott Richmond, an ' old school- June 20th, under the direction �f th,
been. made before me that the said mate of Secretary Floody at S. S. Hui -on County Brranc�h of the Ontarb
, bw,
Edward Floody does not intgrid to a- No. 7., Ilullett, over 50 years ago, was Department of A,griculture. Forty
bate his energies in advancing the in- present and as lively as.a kitten. boys; and twenty girN toolk part 11
terests of the said Association but . :President D. D. Wilson wag in his the cow.petition which made it th
will continue to perform such act$ as' glory, and particularly when taking large�st ever held in the county.
Will further, influence the. forrivir -resi- gart . in the staged drama in the Trans- The result- of the girls' competitio.
dents of the said County of Huron, portation Building. are as� follows:
and now residing in the said City of J. A, McLaren and E. J. D. Duncan Trophy for highest,score—Miss -Mil
Toronto, to become members of the looked very becoming in their Judicial rImd Hainstock, Fordwich; first prim
said Association, which will result in gowns. Nutrition, Miss Elva Brown, Y",d
its becoming, i'f possible, vve-i more Bert McCreath made an ideal po- wich-, first Prize, House Furnisbini�
powerful than it is to -day. Ifleeman. Sorne of our Toronto cops Miss MIda . B-odbler, Fordwich; firE
THESE are, therefore, to command might take a tip from Be-Tt. Prize, Clothing.. Misst I Louise Matthew
you to take the said EDWAIRD ' The refreshments were up to -date Fordwich.
pLOODY and to bring him before me aAd one better. The results of bhe competition i
forthwith at the Sittings of this Hon- The Lipton Tea Race bralight out live stock judiging are as, follows:
ourable C/ourt in the Transportation over 100 Huron ladies in the ;ine up ,, Highest sco,re, Bill. Archibald-! Seg
Building at the Exhibition Grounds for the 100 packages of tea, orth-. %econd, Mervyn Cud,more, Her
in the said City of Toronto, or before The Refreshment Committee, made .salll; third, Clarence. Down, HensalL
such other Judge d'Affaires as may up of -Mrs, D. Thompson, Mrs. Stowe, The trophies for the two highe,,
be presiding thereat, there to testify Mrs. G. 0, Vanstone, Mrs. G. C. scores Were awarded to Mervyn Cux
what he may know cancarning the Young, ' Mrs, D, Hoag, Mrs. Wilson, more and -Clare -Tice Down. Bill Arch
matters in' question hereinbefore re- Mrs. Pringle, Mrs. J. A. McLaren, bald who had the highest score he
ferred to arid that you detain him in Mrs. D. Hodgirrs and Mrs. J. Moon won the trophy two years ago ar
your custody until be shall haveogiven deserve special niention, for their ex- for tbi,% reason refused to ateept
his evidence or until-ather order shall ct,ilert arrangements. again (bhis,, year.
be niade by the Court concernink him. I Mr. and W-irs. Jack Suter, of Clinton, The high man in each class of 1h
GIVF,-N under my band this 20th ,were welcomed visitors, and. took in aback were, as, P.416ws:
day of, June, 1930, at Toronto. all the events. Heavy horsee, �Douglas Oampbe;,
I M. J. B. DUNCAN,. :Rev. W. G. Hanna, -a native of Nor- Blyth; beefcattle, Bill Archibald, Se
. � �, . . Judge d'Affaires. ris Township, was presentund wag as f,orth;,, dairy cattle, Warren Zurbri-g
The Stidg6 in sentencing ,getretary livoly as a 16 year old. Gortie: sheen John Potheringliax
Floo(ty, ill, whteh -J,Udg'o McLar"ll Con- r aev. Dr. 14ikpte-r, of Knox C'hurch, Bruceifield; swine, Rdbeart Conne;
. .
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, st, , �, I I .1 � -, !, ,
""' - �"". I -
` � June - ic - were in- togathar this even our re� Al— -7000 _-La...11-11 I �t,#X,q,' �
,,, .11,
28th, Cards and mum . ing to show 101411' " ; �1
dulged in until. midnight A dainty spect and esteem for yQu. , The in, '119' U"'- MIT ` omaxlca�_�,. . fl#"Q-
" ., "
.- W
L-1111.] lunch was served, after which the spired pen has written, "There is a 'W'Mxanit`i4 -, ;31t,e�4 _4$.r_a, ,
11 , W4i
I . I . - A � ! . *1 � " ,
� , +V'h ....�, A .,- !
I I ilids -r,a ., I I f -
I" I to amjang 1 �0'se, Vre, 14
� 14. 1- baide was cailled; to the celifre of the time'to, every purpose," a ti R
. � me, I . e, , 1-1 -i"
I " floo1r. An address was read by Mrs. meet, a time to part, a tim, to be for the ;Julliilee Pund, wwem��,ip�) f, 1
. 1
. I It. h4s, ,g e go "' i ' ' J$ 'a %+_110 "'-4"I#f.�� '11� V
� . David Gemmell and a prettily decor- glad, and a time to. be sad. ,ou.s. Th � 0A
JJ04V_4`n-$. _f . x "� -, X Q�
� J - 'a)l ,s.k ' `,GeiowgqS -.' t` ';'
� tori -- r?t, - At- ",
PLA -K ated wagon was drawn in by two lit- been a pleasure meeting with'you, al- . etch of th6 , ior,M.
., , bj , ei�;,,p S'e'a :iT. .,
�, . hure - Walton: �T re*e
.�� $ tle girls. A miniature bride was though the time has been shurt, that gliesm C � ,11 Wigg, �
" ,- �..,.
. . f., seated- on a white throne surrounded brief period has, been long enough to church was erected im -1,$90, Rev..Jj,,,, I
, �th
.... - Ryan being the ,reeter.."Wh.e; powul. ,%-.o�!
I/ For.7'. by the numerous gifts. The, bride, provoe- to us- that you possess those t � e was laid by' J j 9,
I � taken completely by surprise., thamk- sterling-qual,itles which are charaewT- Orange -,,—.,. ;
, _; Bennett; assi. xjea, 11>Y., ROWO",: 4 -, K qp,� 11
, . pk, -, ,,� '. 11
., �, F
ed the guests very m thew and Henderson and the, Are _� -, �'gli -
'�' uch f or their ized of any noble man or woman, and "-'r ,,, pp -
. thoughtfulness. The, address was'as you -(Mr. Snell, we will effWnly miss bent., ,on - ' , .k'
. . $t; Bamdbas Dgy,,4,U'i# 4' ' '�'
Barn Firlors follows: "Dear Xabel- We, your your many .services, kindnesses, con- The, corner stone wa ___,_ ;
S dlstur4edf dlw� 11, M,
, , FMI ��
. IWC�
I arly amurg . per,4�.": -� N,;�
. .. m% friends and neighbors, haAng learned geniality, particul t1le ing the night by some uxika6wrl, ` I N
� , �
� . � . . of - your approaching. quarriage, have young people. And Mrs. Snell for ,,,,,. aaf.]"Ile coins were reinov._-,4,,,, _ . .�' T,J
. , a6ww, . . "',
,gathered here this evening to express assisting so generously with 701�-r ev�w a new corner ,stone Was mad 4�1
,�O', ,,�,,. .�,
N. CLUFF & SONS . oll My? g
. our appreciation of Your quallities as splenilid musical talent. We appred- and the coins uere replaced .')'�'� - , ,z tg, P �.
.. : . T�� , .
- % . , "
. .
. . . � . �:� j I �";.
. friend and, nei-g4hbor and also to show abe yottr -broad' vision, of -what our church was campleted- lit a �,Mt ,6i, ' ,%,, $b,
. ' ., .,
. ,,
. J- 1%`� 111�xtl
I __ ___ our regret that you are soon going to church stands for and all problems about nineteen hundred dollary ill.'of" �,o�qTllofl U
. leave us. Ha,ving lived here all your pertaining to our own comm,inity We which -was provided before the dt&'-of' ,,, - 7_�..g,qx,A.,5,Wj4
Elalmerston. L - life, we fe4 that your departiTre, vAll which has made it a pleasure t� work the opening o,n 1, �', � .111 I
`�?�" j "'
. Pecember 12,tAi, 1886" I �1�3-'-'��4*�� '..
I . I .M I �
The teamsi to reprea6�kf the County be felt as a deep loss throughout the with you. It was with regret thatwe Thecipening semees were held. inJIL ' ��" I
. ::1 I -I .. , `�, .)� I'll, 1. .
.; ,I A-,
�t the Inter -County com&,titioris "vvill neighborhood. Your services have al:. Learned thatt our diays of intiniate as- racist Picturesque edifice on the ailuove. .... .. �... It.. . � ,".
� .. . I
. , ,
)e selected from the high contestants ways been willingly and cheerfully socistion were to terminate. We would date. Very Rev, Dean Boomer, of' ' .1,�:, - 11�;9
� I
trid judging from the results ,uf this given in any time of stress. We re- ask you, Mr. and Mrs. Snell. bo kindly London-, was the special preachex in. - � �', '- 'i
,ompetition, Huron CA>unty should be alize the Sincere, loss, that will be accept these gifts as me%.igre tokens the morning. Rev. Rural Dean M14 ........ ` " PX
. �� ,;� I
. _h .�,,��
"; �. ,
*presented by outstanding teams at felt in this cominunity ,owing to your qf tbq lasting -memories of Staffa Of SeaS,orbh, in the afternoon iand ev- I . 1.., �
. �, I
Coronto and Guelph, this,fall. departure, but we axe quite c,mfident Church. In Parting "good-bye" -ore ening. 'The attendance for the day is . I 1. fll;���
. ... 14t,�
-0 recorded as seven hundred and sev- I , ��,!,
. that the new community. into which can but trust that as you leave our 11 ��,%
you are going will benefit !3y our loss. midst and go in -to your new liome and enty and ,the'total ,offering amounted . 1z ��r ,
. ,-� -�, � ill
KIPPEN Wte did not like, to see you ieavel us enter your new field of labiw. He to forty,seven dollars. On, May 6th, ' 1,1:1".. �
Announcement.-JMim. -Geo ,without having this little .4;ocial gwth- who holds our every destlipy . 1881, ,the propefty was vestud with . �_.._'',
- , rgc Webb, may in syW.of the diocese and on Whit I :.,. . �*_
. the `�. 1,
lucknow, Ont., d-hnounces the en- ering, where we could all meet you this life grant you the desire in your I. -T,
Sunday, 1882, the church, entirely . ,:,; ,,�
,nagement of her elder daughter, again and show our appreciaLion ev- heart and later an abundant entrance , . � . '4.
3 free of debt, was consecrated,, by lbbig . . ��� "
x1adys Christiarma, to Robert j. en in a small way. We now ask you into the land beyond the vale of time ,;�.
affa bishop of the diocese, The- church is i�.�
&CIOTO, Kippen, Ont, the marriage V) to accept these small gifts and our -Signed -on ,,behalf of the St :
rilcely kept and will be maintainadby, _1
. ,
ake place very' quietly in Foit Wil- best wishes far a happy. and prosper- Church." a very faithful and generms con-gre- - ,% � 11,
iam the end of Ji;tne. . ous married life. -Signed on behalf of � 1, C.
. gation and during the past 50 years I 'Ir
� I ',
- . :�.,.,1,5
No,tes.-Rev. PCX Conner and Mr. the neighbors. has received some very handac-me an4 . . 1�.!.,` � I
I 11 I I . ,��41 I
Norman Alexander spent a few days useful gifts including Communicm. sil- I ��.,.,�
— .O. l WALTON ,;;11- ,
n Toronto recently, attending the . ver presented- by the late John Hewitt, I ." I
Coung People's Conference. The Walton Chopping M-111 will b� �-.osed s brass lecteTn-pulbit by'Mr. and Mm .:'11, 11 I
. � ... I I
I t; I
Dr.' -and ,.Mrs. E. Mortensor, of Los CONSTANCE -n nd a ,brass alvis bas- , � :!!
next Monday and Taesday. A quantity of He .ry Hamiltmi a ' .
kngeles, Calif., visited recently at the Ontario oaL% at reason&We Priee at th6 in donated by the congregation '*in .1 ...
iome of Mr. and Mys. Ge�rge- E. Notes. -The Taylor family held Mill. 3263-1 memory ,of Major Bennedit, who laid . . -,%,
their picnic atGodeTich on Monday. . " I
�Iivmsorn. 'Mr. and Mrs. Will McMillan and Presentation. -The members of the esign-a- . . ,. . (" ,
Quite a number from this - clioiTof Duff's United Church, Walton, '�'-rm of Rev. Frank Rvan in 1885, the ,, ,
- �!
v'c'u-'ty daughter, Marian, of London; Mr. and foll-wing clergymen have ministered ., ,
ttended the strawberry festival held Mrs. Webster and daughter, Jean, of assembled at the home of Mr. and to the congrega1ion With residence at .. 'I., I `
Lt Thames Road United Churp.h Harvey C. Johnston on Friday : ; �T�l
an St. Helen's, and Miss Florence Taylor, Mrs- Brilssels: Revs, W. T. Cluff. W. G_ . , ! t,
vlonday evening last, June 23rd. evening, June 20th. Following the I"
The Entrance exams, also public af, Toronto, were -pre-sent. choir rehearsal, Mx. and Mrs. John- Rcilpy, A. K. Gri ,r�e �`,,
Mr. William Moore spent a few days . Wel-�b, H. . e4,gfo,-r,1.. D. 12 . , I
T. -M' ,Zn, L, r.4 orJ D I . .1
chool exams, axe now over and we �ton were, presented with Coleman 'I , �Z( . " .�
ze, ready for the summer vacation. with big brother and- sister in Toran- lamps -on behalf of their valued ser- ('q merryn. R. E. Page. [ Snilith, Rov � V,
to vices Which they have rendered to the NJeFs. J. S. Johnsinn, W. F. Connor, F. ,,;; I �11111.
A garden party is to be beld in * ai�nd ' L. Lewin. Rev. F. G. Rickard is the, - . ,
�rucefleld to-riight (Friday) and no IMT. and Mrs. Benjamin Snell choir Tht rd-maining part of -zhe ev- rector now in charge. � . I , ,�'
loubt ouite a few around herem will be 'Miss Anilie Ashby spent Sunday witii ening was spent in music and games. I ,;',
4-annin Mrs. R. R. Sloan at Bayfield. A dainty lunch was served by A num- 0. I �,
g to attend. �
The paivement will soon be com- Mrs. George Wheatley goes to To- her -of the young ladies of the choir. . . . �"..
. .
ronto on Saturday to meet her dai*h- The following was the address read: .,t
)Ieted, though it has been delayed ter , Blanche. They intend taking & "Deax Harvey and Leila: We, your BRUCEFIELD ..'�"'v,&
rom recent rains, but is nearing com- . I !�;
, 1.
)letion. boat trip to the Thousand Islalids, fellow members of the choir of Duff's Announ-cement.-The marriage of ' . . .... 1, , I
- I
Some farmers have started hayin 'Miss Mildred Britton.. -of Toronto, is Church, have followed with g,reat in- Reid, daughter of ' 4.?.�!,
' ,
g Adah Florence I 15
spending her hol\days with her par- terest and pleasure the ements of the ;,;;
ind report it to be a good crop. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Britton. lastfewwe-eks. Wefeelthatwecan- Charles H. Reid and the fate Mrs. . . .�,,
am . cefield, Out., and MT. R. ""till
— Mr. A. Trewin is quite seriously ill not let such a -happy occasion �pass Reid. of Bru ' I . �'I.
TUCKERSMITH in Clinton Rospital, having undergone without showing in some way our ap- N. Theodore Karack:4, son of Mrs. H. �11.1
- � .
. PT ric - tand, . M
. an operation an Wednesday al' this eciati,on of your serN es -to the Erskine, xf . RouTnerriouth,_EngL . ., �, . . .�
Nctes.-4M-rs, W. S. Broadfoot spent week. choir. We have always been able, to and the late John Theodore Kamcke, .d.
he week end with friends near Exe- (Too late for last week ) count on both of you, assured that you of EcIfae., Northern Ireland, will if ,
:er. Notes. -Mr. and, Mrs. Chas. Dexte-r would do your best willingly and take place on July 3rd, in Biucefield. . ,. c.".
The many friends of Mr. Lloyd Me- held the 20th-, anniversary of their cheerfully. As a slight toke2l*0f our Notes. -Mr. and Mxs. R-)he'rt Beat- *�
� ,.:
3,ee are sorry to hear that lie was wedding (lay on Wednesday, June 11, good wishes we ask you to accept this tie. of Vancouver, B. -C., visited at the , .
" ' �, t:
aken to London Victoria Hospital last when about forty guests were present lamp. May it s,-rve to brighten many home of Mrs. A. T. Scott and other I I i ,
veek to undergo an opeiation. We They were the recipients of somo year,, of wedded happiness, as well as friends last week. � ,,��,4
irl, glad to bear that he is getting beautiful presents. The guests were be a reminder of your friends in the Mrs. J. Snider and her daughter, ,4
dong well. present from 'Brantford, Clinton and choir of which we hope you 1vill con- Miss Irene, are visiting friends in'Mid- A
Mrs. Alex. ,Wright was -Laken to LDrideebo,ro. We wish Mr: and Mrs. tinue to be valued members.-z:�igrre:i land, Mdebigan, this week. . ..
;he Scott'Memorial Hospital rocently. Dexter many years of happy wedded on behalf of the choir: Robert E. Pat. Mrs. William Rattenbury visited . A
LIler many friends hope she will soon life. teTson, Janet Ritchie, Ferne Love." �
.friends in Burlington last we2k. S
)e able, to get home again. ,Mr`. and Mrs. John Inglis, of Brant- Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. RDI)ert Me- Don't forget the garden party and .. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Key,-,-atten4e,rl ford, were visitors at Mr, and Mrs. Laughlin and son Billie, of Seettl�, play, which is to be held on Friday . � .
, Washington, who spent some time in . �.,.
;he Webster reunion last .Saturday, Charles Dexter's recently. M, evening, June 27th. Supper served
3 n I I. from 5.30 to 8 p.m. I
Arhiclh was held at Bayfield Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lawson and Los Angeles, California, called 1)
* n Lighter, Marian. spent Sunday aL and 'Mrs. Thomas Young re,ently on :1
Mrs. Lorne Finlayson a a Mi%11 d'a I MTs . Sinclair, of their return to Seattle. Club Meeting. -The Brucefield U. F. ..
Jessie Finlayson are visiting friends the, home of Mr. an� . .
. Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carnpl-ell an -1 0. and U. F. W. 0. held a j.,inc meet- . 1,
in Toronto. W M S. -The Women's Missionary two daughters, Misses Reta and C-n,ra ing at the home -of Mx. and .Mrs. S. �' ,
. Mr. and -Mrs. John- Elgie are sport- Sqci�t'y *held their monthly me -ting on CanipbL-11, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Thompson, June 17th. The Ii. F. 0. -
ing a new Ford car. Thursday last at the home of Mr. and 11am Humphries recently. Club had a good turnout of members �, ,
The many friends of Mr. Alex. Sin- Mr's. Edwin Britton. The ment'ng op- Messrs. Keith Lamont and Pete�- and visitor§. Orders were taken for "
, Mr- twine and coal and as it is getting !
lair will be sorry to bear he suffered encd with the president, Mrs, N. Brit- .Xiowbray, of Detroit, called (in I
and Mrs. Peter ner .)n Sun- a
i stroke last week. We hope to se2 ton, presiding. After singing ant] B. Gardi n'ear the tinic- for those mcessities, .. i.
him around soon aigain, -.�,nn the daV. anyone wishing to get in there order, .11
prayer by Mrs. R. B. Rogei ' 4
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. V4I,ellan, of I ninutes of the last meeting were read Mr. and Mrs. William G. Clark, pIcase get in touch with the Secre- ".
Milton, spent the week end with Mr, and adopted, afteT which .Mr., Roy �' ' i�s JOHn Clark and Alen Clark call , ary. Mr. Hugh McLachlan. The ques- .!
and Mrs. Hugh McGregor. LaNrAon gave an interesting talk on ed on Rcv. Dr. D. B. and Mrs. . Marsh t ' ion of fertilizer and its value was dis- .
Woman's Institute. -Our summer points of interest from the different of Norwich, rCCc'ntlN-. c'm:sed and it was thought advisable 1.
y much interest to mission fields. M-rs. B. B. Stepliers,on ,Nlr. and Mrs. Peter B, Gardine-r
, )nda-;-. ".�Iisc
us, all. She told us how we could read the devotional leaflet. .�I:ss El\,a were in Stratford on M( . .� to order for fall sowing. The U. F. 1
- W.O. had their business part �kith the 11
b-pautify our homes and ma!<e thern Wheatley told the story fr1m th,� Vera Gardiner, who has been attend- president, Mrs. DougJas, in the chairf
pleasanter to look at and -not have studV book, "From Jeru%alern to Jer- ing Collegiate there for the past ,year, alled the ireeting to order and opem- I
much ,extra work. She also showed usalem," which ,wa- well told and returned home with them to spend c , wed by the creed "', .:
us d1ifferent kinds of textile P,,(%ods and very interesting. Mrs. P. Lindsay the vacation T - Pd with singing follo od
it proved that the Canadaian made brought a message in song which wa; Mr. and .vT,r-;. George Muldroil of in unison. Roll call showe'd a go I
�eqw much enjove.d. prayer .,\a,, Of. Brussels, called on Mr. and Mrs, John attendance -and was respunded to by .1,
goods were the best, so wh�, s'nould w, '. - -s. Watt on Sunday a riddle. The topic was ably taken �
import good-, when our o' n are .bet. rc�i ed by Mrs. Robert Laws.iri, ,,vl,l . . .. t
w A, Mis,s Archil-ld, who has heen at by Mrs. McLachlan, " K eepin g Farm -d
ter. There is much pleaStire in an- Lindsav, 'A -i-;. R, LawAon and 'Aln. ,
. benediction, to , Mr--. William Noal for Accounts," also a paper 1).v MT S. J
nouncing that our July meoling -will Britton. After the a, th� home of -ent visi,irg 'her T:)ugh, 11W�)nien in Agriciitture for t
tie ,held at the *home of Miss Jean was serv&l. stirie tilliv. is at pre,, .
- brother, Andrc%v Archibald, in So'- pleasure or profit," being two good
Fothe,rin-gham on July 4th, at 2.30 forth, palvorg, Convenor's reports on citi- :
p.m. The. roll call will he anbwere-d STAFFA .Nll-,. Dora Holmes spent tl.e week zonship legislation and marke�ting 11
with "A suggested roll call for the ond with .�liss (lortrude Mille-, ' were given. The meeting c!)bed by I
year's Work." There will be an ad- Notes, -The play entitlod, -'Light- ,�lis, 'maybelle Rands, of S,�afaith, singing "Our niecting, is over, refresh-,,-' I I
drers am "Woman's Work." house Nan," will be given a�,ain by spent. tho week ond with Nlisz� Annie ,,d Nvo go," The Jul�- ine,eting, :Is to be
Shower For Bride-olect-On Wed- the Junior Farmers and Junior Insti- .NlxTaggart. held at the ]ionic of Miss ',Nlurroe on .. I
- ___ tute, in Staffa Town Hall, on Friday I Goldon Jubilce.-Thn Gold(,n Jubii- 3LIlY l6th, T'h,o tonic i% ,,o be taken .
. Ice. For\ -ices. of St. Georgre's Anglican
evening, June 27th. There will bc� a , by ,Ilrs. Dow and Mrs. Clift -on, "A Pod J
- I Church, Walton, were 'held on S,undny ,, p's"; roll (-all, cm -rent cVn. Mrs.
I .. U-nce after the play. . A %--ry large crowd attvnde I both 1 Da, idqnn i, ta take chargo of the
Mrs. J. A, Norris, of Winnipeg, is ni�g and evening service's r.nd the s -�
,,�siting with hier daughter', Mrs . W ' 111 rl r re enough to ac- programme. After the Chibq 'had I
N la Currie. ..: ... church was not larg lance. The church thVir 11U. -Ino- part over. the U. F. 0. 11 .
GARD"hi EN Dr, and Mrs. R., Sniale, MI Regina, "ollinio'date the attem Club was invited to join tho U. F. J
wAs betlutirull�- decorated with rose-. W 0 C -
, he hosfvqs and .1
were vi,;itors with -Mr. and Nln,. A. peonies ani palms. The choir fron' . . 1111) when t ,,
Smale last week. St. John', church. Brussels, was P1%,:,. friends served dainty refresbinerits. 1�
Mr. nod Mrs. T. Worden of Sea- vn,'. at the in-orning wrvice and N . F.O. then favoi-od w4 with a ,J
� li.q�; The t'. ,
Pff" " A R T Y forth. and Mr. and Mrs. J. rhornpqon, l"loren-ce Garn-mage sang a vory pleas SpIcn(iid pr('gram,nie: A viol,in selec- 11
of Raglan, spent Sunday with Mr. ing (jerto,ry s tion by Mr. W. 'Mol,achlan, accairt- .
., ,olo, ,,M-�, T,Jsl�." Sonic n; 'Ar. W. 1,
and Mr.-,. J. M. .Miller. menihor- of the St. ' John', choir, panierl by 7%11,3� M,01,achltl ;
I — 2 4
' Mrs, J. Norris -,pent the na-it week Brus,qelg, were present at th.� evening Dougla- gave a short spk,coh on the . .1 .�
The Ladies' Aid of First Pres- wit.1i lier dwighter, Mrs, W.' Fawcett, service. A 1-nale quartotte con-isting immigrant- violin wbntion by Mr. W. .1
hyterian Church, Seaforth, will in Nfilchell. of Captain Ge,orge A. Campbell and flart accompanied by MT-, Siieir; a .. I"
hold a Garden -Part3 (n the Xliss Blanche Snell, of Tw�onto, is Messrs. Garvin, James and Smith, reading by Mr. .Murray Cil�son on I :.
Church Lawn, on spending her vacation with 1wr par- sang "Go Where the Miorning Shin- ,cCriticisni"; duet by Mr. and Mrs. ; ,
ents at the parsonage. eth," by H. J. Le,slie. Rev. Canon Speir, "Annie Laurie"; mouth orga,n .. 11
FRIDAY, JULY 11th :Rev. B. Snell will attend the World's Cluff, �of Strp/.Oord, who t6ok charge selection by MT. MeLachlan accomparl- , 1�11111
Cafeteria Tea served from 6 Swild-ay School Convention in Toronto of the, parish four years, r&er the i,ed by Mrs. McLachlan; a ,vading by I � , , , ..
this week. church wa- built, ,,�&-s the 'special Mr. W. Hill, ,'The Ch.0'res"; duet 'by .�,
to 8 p.m. Presentation. -On ThursdoN, even- preacher for thc, day. At the morn- Mi-, Elgin and Edna Thompson, "Moni- '!
Ing of last week a large nuniber of ing service he took for ,his ,�ubject, orios. of Galilee"; violin and mouth -N
; ,
ed Church pek)T,,'.p ga,bb. "Go Forward," After complimenting organ selection bN Mr. Hart and Mr. I �,,:, �
. -
And during the evening Cake, the Staff a Unit ' e- Jubilce and McLachlan, ace(�mpwriied by Mrs . 1,
the congregation on th , 11"."
Ice Cream, Tea and Coffee and erted at the home Of Rev. 'Ind Mrs. RfteT stating "Onle of the principles Speir. The annual picnic, which was I �,� ",
. � ""i
Sno 11 I
Hot Dogs. I ,11 to pre.se,it them with a nia-ntle �, " 11 M
,.,.. ��,, �.
clock and electric floor larrip and lin- for -,vhich the Anglican church stands, arranged at a previous meeting, to be -I
Fish Pond, Short Programme, en tablecloth. R. Norris was chair- he urged the p-ople, not to rest uVori held- at Springbank. Park was discuss- .. -4 I
apast but to pres,q forward orr PeTish. " ��
with Pipe Band in attendance.* man. Miss Norma Wilson ipad' the At the evening seovite, be spoke ed and an, account of so much of the I . 1�, &
ad-dres rs. sity of (%ristians living seve-wal � I ,'�, t
. ss and Mrs. F. Bruce and M I nd air and t
ADMIISSION- 15c and 10c. A. Norris and Mrs. L. HRrburn pres- on the neeml, urs an the way thL-re, i t wm 6- , . 144
I '.
ented the gifts, althaugh*Mr. and Mrs. their faith. They should do the d"t" to hold the picnic in, Bayfield on . t I ":,� ,:. I
things throughout the week that the C'cl'e'l ,.,� I '.1
, , . , 6�
,f the JuIv 19th. A hearty vote of thanks "
If weather is unfavorable, will k mipletely by sur- instruction and inspiration . . V
be 'h6ld--in basement, prige, Mr. Snell made, a very fitting Sunday services demanded- and in was te�ndeTed- the host and hostes's for '. .I.'- �,
.,: ,�,
reply and invited them all to visit their 'Christian activities strengthen their bospitalifty. We then adjourned .'.�:, 11.11 I.,
, I .
, �, - ...
E LCME them in theAr new home in Benmiller. 9,nd ,�,nc,ourrsire the miTilster for his all expressing they had spent and en- ' '
I 'w r� I
Wi s Verna Klunfeldt gave a 1�eauti- worl, At the- 'iniorning service Can.1joyed a social half hour, closing with'.. .1. . I
"1011,111 � I fuls piano instrumental. Lunch was on Cluff ,also dedicated a, beautiful-Ithe, National Anthem. 141 11
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