HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1930-06-20, Page 8ls�, I, %,6,1 'U."qR11 31'EX �"-109 '. "I , i ; . ,� 'r&p 4"..';g�, -� -p �V"'K �11%�i .94i,i,,-lti,,it�P�:";�i5�;�,%i-',-,7.�?",I I!, h 'Y-�111 ­,, . 11 P " , , I 11111-W`11 11­1,,,,..�,,­"' ,".0 � ,� '. '�M' "" �,-. "i " , , , _ �,"Rvrr,� : `� AI I - I , 1 � , - ill�l ��. % ", � N"'.... , ,,�qim- .11"'. f, i, . ­ �,E;OTi . 4,,'�I � , , , . Z, 'pAXIM1111,; - i .11 ­ I ­ � MNXIIMR, . I 11 I ba , ��'��.' ;', `,4, .1 � - , I . 'kl p , , I - . ,�J�,,�. "i )!. .; ,� �. ''. IN, , AR .", , 4 , , , . "I ff'; @�grg , I - I 11 - �. I I :1 14 1. P�, , 1. � I I .2 _�r,64� 'A; �� " m , % � �j ; , . � - i �, .:; ;1 , . , , , .i . I I I �, 7 ,z I M "�Ffl�,�,i�,,�,�";"f,zl?19�,�rl,�,�i"�'VI"�ill� I r7i R, � RT-., .i 11 — __ I .­� - �.k­ ig.K",-",3;:�..'P. 'i, I I . ,,�:: I , , ;, ­ __� :1. - q -��,�T��,.' � llrrl.�., .. . I ,", ­­ ...... ;­ — J ,�, ,.- i 1. " , �,� . " . I I ­�,�­��,,V �1, "I � ., .Aj� . � �'; � . " in , I ., i-,.., .� . ­_,;_ ....... -,P---%- I - � 1 . .. 1 I .. . � . _ ! , f , ,� - , 7, """"' '...... 11 I 14it ill�t�i'�,�i'l�!"!Il�,4�pl�l,'--, �1 M'".. - � �� ic", . , - , , 1. I "I � 11 t `V , .T�5i. � ­�--! ­i­�11­ -� �-il _.,w� M. _­­­ I "" .'­ 1.4 , . ,. I I - - ` - '�-� . . . I ...... ��J - -�� I MI -,iF� .. - .. I I . �, . - �A­11 � . I 11 t .. � � � — -, ,�I,mjri 'x,%A,-, . I 1 1 �, !I. . � 'i W7 , �� , I . I !Fq �� � I I �,,LT �� , . , - 11 , �-- k, . �� 1, # It , �Vk.. vu 0 , , � , - - � ! I 11� " '. 4, "11, 01so'o,tk , I 14 _y �� . � F �� __[ �� . I ! �,� 'r"�,� . . I � I - .. ' I i!­� � 0 I 0 4�,.".. . " I 111 71----,,-' ll.!!.101111.1, 1'. I I.!. 'I'll i . . ...�, I �J, 104 ! Hiltichley, Miss jean Fetiguson, I .J, I -1-11 -_ ,_­.1mQr,.eF. " I I . I �011 _ �, - 401ki A, I I , I . ' . " 30111 �, T%V 84pply ca . ""' �, ; e 11.1 '"' . ., .., ., 111 , , ! A T4 I 1,111.1 4 ; . S. - U. 9m '(' I . . I I I - �* . I 4�, � ,.,,L,� . ," I � ��, I " ., � - ...... 110"111, - A 'Mrsi; a ce- pAck� . . a '..�140 . � 't, ' . , ", 1: ., ,,�', r, 11 ` � - - " I . . � ., , I N1, 'A AvmP4 an� §avt V, . 14,11 -91 4, : "' "' " � d K � � � * � , - I 6 11 6'. � i, ,.. r ,�­1171 _ _ I 1.11 ­., � x gv'4 .. 0. 0 1. i . �"J "": 1, I I, V"( U& . I � 5 ... �dil�... , I itt �� r " A I . . , , . C - , I 11 �', - I . F . 01 g , i .. 11 Thte T..d&�,qo � 'AN The Ladli 0 a Fira, pro's-byter. I , INVIT - TION, ' I . I I �� IT 1�11 11�"I" ', ". . "', I , R!tle consistinv of .secopvi 'hotn.4 . I laW , . . I .y �!.. ` . . I ,"t., I" 'agur-OR wil% 11014 a garden. party I . . I ino and .Ao .. . � I .4 �`.,'1..`i.`;` -910U - Christmas gifts, I Ilow. I It"A' I I , ,.;' x � � �, . I , . i qn ,the church, 1,aWn on t i7lig of 1 , I . %;Mues, I- . lie e"oi . .. - , , I 1. I I . '­ , I � 4 .' � , � ., 9 . , Y, July fitlu I . I .. " " � 1, .0 r, 11014 i09 010 close, of the meetin 11 , - 11 - 11& . , 1. ,, . _- ,"i, IS . �:, ii'��!,,. 1. "l. r4da , ,0 � , i - I I _, � ��,�, � You are invited to, Consult our . ,,�,��_� I . I I -, VNI" ODUCT9 rt � 1. _ ahos Jean VA.Utee;--0f-.-Gio *(� ' I I &A h, i . � I . I . . . $ XXLIK P4 Expe Dermatologist di%wt Framed'r Itures in a variety ispending s0v§�al weeks? holiclayl�v 411t . . �i . _16 I .. I 1 %4.!: 1 0110M ,-al prim favorable fr,;m the A'LUIRE Laburatories, I House For SAile,-12-roomed finuixe house, in of subjetis. These c9me Ili., t6 home, 'of 14 her . � " ... . I � 1, 0,yot; Their keeping quali- good C0114itiou. Apply at The Expositor of- dif ,gTandmothex, Mirs _2 . , I., I , @­ y�,.,­- New York- City, who will be at ferent sizes. Just the Robert Wimbar. ' I mmmemommmow . % Mt, ..4 `��I. bw flee, - . 8261-tf I ... .1 M;Pil usefulne . , i, t I I . I I .. . . '�, as and ma�aufac- our stoxe for one week thing to brighten a room. Mrs, W. A., M,arftn, of Ba!timo . . � I . , ,, I I � " �.4, 00owk only A 111jargails.-Mrs. i. O'Connell's house on . re, � . � I . AM-dupper-strietly sanitary condi- .Was a guest this week at ,the I 1�1 I - - �7-�V , ­­ .. �W, - , J -hu Street, Seaforth, for sale or rent. Appl,y home LINOLEUM , general health- to Mr. Thomas DaJy, Seaforth, 6261-tf O.MpSonqS of ber fath,sr, MT, F..,Cr. Neelin. . __ 14' 9M, A.0 vonvenient June 23rd to June 28th I LINOLEUM �� F . '. Maess are also favorable to the buy- For Sale. --A steamer trunk in gcod cond.i. ,Mrs,, J. S. Roberts and Mrs. A. and and 1, %�� , " tion, medlum, s4e. Apply at The Expositor Th ' ___ � CONGOLET,TM . ,)�,:�!, inclusive Office. �'�., L.. --$T-- QR U -MES (unsweetened) EVAP- 89.82-1 Clapham, of McCutcheon Now AT- Q , , � Housekeeper Wanted -Immediately by young rs. F. Hubew, of 'Ne,.�y York- All Rue Eizes . By the Yard ", `-�X. � ORATEI) MILK; large cans ... 15c Without cost or cl,bligwlion of P Mrs, N. Henry, ,of O'ahawa, and Mis4, __ I � , O.. .t � BOOK STORE - - SEAFORTH Rey; M "I . rotestant farmer, three children, comfortable Subscriptions taken for all magazilitts --- � I . . ; "., .. , 2 for .......................... 27c any kind she will analyze your home, close to town. H. L. I Wise, ft. -R. No. M rgaTet Caise, of Detroit, are guests . I I I --- I i ,_ .1 " F 'I ca 3, Clinton. Phone 607 r 24. 82962-1. � . .1 I I ,�11!. 1� ,* �_l ns, 810; 2 f or ......... 15c skin, recommend the treatment and papers at publisher's prices. this Week at W,Vle, U1411, the lrome of � I M I � BILVER ClOW (unsweetend) - CIDN- wlhiuJh will best nourish and da. Sale of Homemade Cooking in R.J. Gibb's . — =­ ATT. and, Mrs, J. A. ,r & . � F L 0 OR 01 � store, Sea,forth, on Saturday, Juno .not, at 3 . .,a . . L- ,,M� DENSIDD MILK .............. 19c vellop it, and gi � Vti 2 1or . ............. 35C ve, yau a facial Pin., under alus-picts of Duff's church. me- Imss Gaet7mleyler hals "Usposed of and , f�-.,4:,��' (��e�i,�e�, using her re,commen-dations. Killop. a262-1 duet. Interment was made in the her -residence on High St . " , t. FACILE ) . reet to Mr. I TABLE ­ . House For Sale. -Frame bunvak,w, situated .family plolt in Maitilandbank cemeteiry Gallop, of the Maesloy-Harris agency. .. "..'.. � MILK ...................... 19c Special -Private 13'%ah on corner of George and Victoria Streets. All the pallbeareTa being Me,.3�rs i. m' Mr. and I OILCL(Y]rH ,i;',,�� . Mrs. Wibcln, Allan, Iva and . I n . . . W11 011 . BAXING POWDER (Hutchison"s), modern conveniences, Apply to Dr. J. A. Govenlockv Bert Gave-niock, A. P. Gavnet, of Egmondville�, i , � X�.,;;!:,.. 1.4pound tins at .............. 25c Phone, for Your App)intmenrt. Munn, or phone 151 W., Selliforth. 8257-tf Keys, B. TW,I, Joai a�d Mi% I New Patterns . ,��'. . n, McA�h and M. Taman, ,of Niagara Falls, left this . I �� M , '' is our best seller. There is a rea- This invitation entitiv3 v(.0 to Notice. -The Chopping Mill in Seaforth will Tabot, . . I - ,,��i., wn. Try it and find out. invite ote friend. " be closed,on Wednesdays all day until further week for Cochrane, Wh.em they wilil � and color tones � 1�11' - 11�� ,,,�, J. A. McKenzie, Seaforth. � pply to - -vlsft Mr. John. Taman, that are � . c 1� i, , ,�i PEANUT BUTTER-Inbulk .." Tet our Prices on foods. A 8257--f . 11 ,,!�;10� - , 20c Lumber For Saile­-Some 2it x 12,* -0 x 12P- LOCAL BRIEFS 'My. and Mrs. J.Greenwoo(r, of Den- .. Unusual . . 4.�., Per pound ......... ....... "'! Keating's Pharmacy I nisoin, Ohio, were gue&t� this week at . . , :V PFAANUT BUTTER- -In 14b, ,some 2/1 lumber, va,rious widths and lengths : Mr. George Fowler. of F%rgn, North I I 11 89Xe 6?f x 61/, 16 and 20 feet long; som� Dakota, was a gnest'last week at the the home of ,.Mr. and Mrs. Alex. . I ,,1' pint sealer .................. 25C The Rexall Drug Store .. Broadfoclt, Mill Road. .. ,. � �W',x §11, 10 and 20 feet long. Aqpply to G. home of the Misses Cresswell. I . " �� , . � I !.; CHEESE -We have several kinds and PHONE 28 : SEAFORTR A, J"*sorl, Egulondvillie. . I IMT. is, M. Jackson, of Toronto, vis- RICH BROCADED ­ . 3262x2 TAVESTRY V -fQr= Pf cheese i,ucluding Cheddar Whippet Sedan For Sale. -1929 model, pear- Mr. W. R. Reid, of Kirkland Lake., ited -at his'home in Egmandville. thiti AND VEL-SURS I., t a few days last wo-k at the I DRAPERIES �1� ij.-Cheese at 25c lb.; Mani (Holluil,d) -_ tioally new and used for demonstration pur- sPen week. . for Upholstery. Come For side drapes, . I'll .1 l! Cheese at 45c; Roqueforte at 65c; , P000S only. Teaders will be recoived by tho liome of,bis mother, Mrs. J. F. Reia. ,and -see'-what beautiful ,,overlugs, � ----,--, I — underafgned for Purchase of above ear. . Messrs. J. Beattie -W J. Duncan, C. etc. Beautiful - g:,ods � .1 4 'Cu — ____M_ Miss Margaret Thompsoqq, of Alle ,'. yera (Swiss) Cbf��,e, at 70c. __- -rerrnz ouh. Estate of the late Geo. C. Bell. town,, Penns n- A i' " goods you can got bere. . from every viewpuint. * V y4vania, is sp�ridjng the * Barber and J, E. Keating were, in . I I . CEMENT TANK - About 31 x 51 Church Services AJIFI.v to & $. nam Soucitor for Executora. holidays at the honl,R of haL, parents; North BaY-Ais week attending the . I ......, boarded and covered and Strongly -:11 —Rev. 1. B. Kain(I Strayed or Stqlen from res -Hence of John "Ir - .N ,I annual ons Convenitiom - I �� " set up on legs, will be sold for abo have foT ms subject in Firs� Purcell, Market Street, on Tuesday, Yune 17 - 2. an Xvilra. W. T, ,.�hioq . th. . _pSon. . ': half what it cost. Preebyterian Church on Sunday mom- a come dog, mcstiy white ,vi 'Mr. Howard Ulartry, of Landon, aind MT. Alex. Powell, of the Kitchen,L�r - ;1 I " th black and Fallce Florce,,speqt Wed-hes,arly at the " '- FOUND AT LAST - Caposol that 'ng "" t, "Consider the Lilies," an(! b—n spots on face and back. Answers to Mr. Ryersm Hartry, Qt Toronto, spent hom Vi 1, � Pn the evenlng,�"Now." . � name of Collie. Anyone harboiinz the dog th'e, weak end at th;6 ll&nLi � t r e Iiis paavnta Mr. and Mirs. ,A,.�4�ud� 4tluminum, granite, tin, —, widl be prwecutod. Apply at ExPos tor ,ft bet . Powell, WXIU; . .. ., 1, _ ._ 26C flq.e, Of- fathetr Mr William Hartry. I . #. . .- - 8262xl I . ,04 .l.' iron, eid - - Mrs. R. N. Bissomnlette, -hr.d tw') x19 H1&irmah, of Torcmto, hhd I I . Announcernent.----,Mr. and Mrs, John )a or rent ' ;, BAF,ORD'� i L'0-0' R'' ' W''A* X- *o*n*1*y' oure For So a or Rent. -For a Mira. Cheirlotte Lee, of St pahenaville. . ­ ;," o- 45c Beattie, of Seaforth, announce the en, 7-roumed fro -me house on G6deA Streei' children, of ,Stra-tf were gues;ts . e - .i ich Or& I I . . . West, Seaforth. Splen6d cellar with ne at the I' me of Mrs. Bis- MXg J F at Hutchis6ills ....... gageinent of -their only daughter, � last week. -were guests ,at the ,home of Mr. and ' I LIQUID VENDER -Regular furnace, closets; three -lots with large bar), ,. Keating. � . 150 Florence Isabel "Fuzz", to Mr. Jameq . . sonnette's ftji-ier '10 ­ - - ­ . . and sul-1.1 fruits. The property is in excel'- t, , MT. W.M. Hqrtry. Ili .......... Arnold Stewart, second son of Mr. azd lent condition and will be sold cheap or will -T�fr- lftr,'i Walker of Timmins, was ay,Di'� - Crich, Mr. Fred Cri-ch .1 25 cents, for ..... 1�ui�rey I ' be rented, ,Npply tq Mrs. W, W@sWtt or gs OL ". DAMY BUTTER, rolls and Mrs. Harry Stewart, of SeAf6l'th, the siting his pare'ritts, 5rtrude Crich, of Toronto, . . ks, choice; speci 28c . heTe lazt week vi ` . .. � croc al, lb..l;� marriage to take place early in JiAly. A)odl`�w Uttle, gealorth. 3259 -ti "I ,ke, spent the w4eak end with thfir par- , : .11 FULL 0, VIM -A. gua-rante pre� -a. . Roectal Optical Nqtice­llaw� �rwr eyes tx- .ar. and Mrs;. W. J. Wal _% enits Mr. andi Mrs. W. A. Crich. I �` -- - Mrs. T. Ferguson -and daughter, .. . jr,pApallon similar to Toddy and Vi Junior Woffif,n's Institute. -.Please amined by Otte Well known and painstak�ng Migg lii�. and Mrs. S. Spencer motored spatialist, Mr. , Edith, spent last -week with . Hughson, former]y optic�d ex- ' this week -to Brampton and Toronto, , To,ne, Regular 40c at A(% kee- in mind tl­ - - *-- A_ I T - ­ tr I .. " 2 for 41.41­i� ............... MMQJ� gpeaker, Miss M. V. Powell, WbLo Will be ir 'sea. perc r Kents, Turonbo, and Henry Morgan & Co., Montreal : go years' experience, twenty e1i n undon. -Messrs. James Dick, M. McPhee, D. . 7%,e closing exerci-ses at the Kinder- .. ,��. 40REEN MOUNTAIN SEED POTA- ', . H � forth on the 24th of Jun�. - C, years coming to Seaforth. You are assured L. Reid- and Dawson Reid left the first garten -will be heild on Wednesday 'T . .: TOES -We have just received a ­ subjert 'will be, "Beautif�ing 'Your of the best optical work to be obtained and at very moderate coot. We fu h I th rnis a I e of the week on a me,tor trip to Mrk- rn ,orning, June 26th, a+, 9.30. MIS -9 Dunq�, .r consignment from Government Home Surroundings, both i, and ,out n la'te styles of mounLings the best make of land Lake. ,of Port Colborne, is a' � , . , certified stock of this excel- c , " 45 of doors," alt the Carnegie LibraT�. the best makers and our Prices are from $4.00 . Mr James Sleeth, of Detroit, sai�g guest at 'the home ,of 19.T. and JUrs. J. C. �!.� lent variety, at per peck ..... , . at 3 P.M., June 29h. up. Tuesday and Wednesday, June 24th and 25th. Olose Wednesday at 12, noon. Come two �eautiful so,Ios at the services, in Qreig. Mr. Louis Brall, of Detroit, .., . ., , I ISon F. D. Hutch' __=__­&_� Awarded Scholarship.- Jame6 -Reid early. Bea.ttie's Fair, Seatforth. 3261-2 First Presbyterian Church on. Sunday last. spent a ew days with f - this family, who atre .�, , RdTnomds, -of the ToroaTto, Dental Col- .e. Mrs. J. M-Govienlock VI left on"T on- I spending the .holidays uiider the paT- . Phone Phor Phood-166 ; lege, son of Mr. and M16, William Edmonds Godeq-ich Str— - 4. L, Florse Races Postponed.-rbe horse races under the auspices of the Sea- day for Climax, Sask. She will ' Spend +.,k- .,,-,-- -4-44 4. ,1,4V --4- ental roof of Mr.and'Mrs. Con Ecklaft. 'Mxs. John Bennett, Huron Road anvf 1. . ..". ­ I g 1, I I ­: . .- . . 11.il 4> * I., 0 S. T. Holmes & Son * " I - I ea- forth, whoLrecently grad-aatpd with honors at the head of a clars of 6i has been anvarded. the NScAih schol - ship of $150. - . Cburch Reception. -The con-grega- forth Turf Club, whi�ch welre hii1ed for 'Wednesday of this week, had to, be o unt of the heavy rain -and will be held on Saturday, June'21-st, commencing at 2 pan. It . I is many,,. yeazs since the Turf Club -6 . er -�Dintsl in the Welster� Pro,vj�Lces. Mr. Fred Larkin, of Windsor, spent , Sunday with friends in town. I - Mrs. Alex. BrOadfolot, of -the Mill Road, spent last week in Detroit vis - iting'Mrs. Bennett's vister Mrs. Alex. Sauter, and -other friends.' I , IMr. Taman. of Niagara Falls, spent J. MacTavish the ' we'ek and with his s!"'e" ma". -_ .. . <> FUNERAL SERVICE * � . . � <> Main Street, Seaforth * ' tion. of St. Thomas, Ariglica-rl Church was well represented at a reception have had an entry list even %pproach- ing the number of horsas that are SPECIAL Roy McGeoch antd;MTs. Wilson Aillan. � The members of the Home and — I "I I ff, <> '. I . I . 0 S. T. Holmes, residence, * ." r o sial gatherim,, held in the school ro,oin on Friday ,�vening now at the track, and, with any kinti of favorable weather, a record meet Death of Mrs. John R. G;)venieck- Selh000l Association and their farnilies . cal Sunday School reunion hold at ,, wfll hold apicnic on July Uhl furth'e' 'MR Tli t .. . I 0 G*derich Street, West; phone -0 .o <> No. Chaxles Holmes' * last. to welcome the new re,�tor. Rex, J. S. Myers. The is a,gsuxecl. There are go many en- tries in the 2.24 trot or pace, io to be Henry Kin -I's 10 Part Prese!iu.fion, of - veTton. on, Sunday afternoon. a notbice, of which will be, gi,ven next Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stedmqcher, of - week. 119 W. "". .�%-, <> residence, Goderich Street, * I . evening was pleas- antly spent in music, cards and con- exact, that the Directors ha,ve decide � Col. Rupert Hughes' Red Baok Story Stratford, and, Mr. and, Mrs. Norman it yv- Mrs. R. J. Twillitcheill left Wednesday Bew.eweis, ,of Log"an, we�,e Sunday f,o,r her GRADUATION GIFT . " . <>.velrse. 4 4:> Past; phone No. 308. " I <> Limousine Ambulance Service <, � 11 Addresses. of welcome were given by 11. Edge and W. A,rchibald. to, run this race in two class;;s anli have adided ad�ditional prize money. ' !'Syhe Goes ho ... �. in, 1 , in- tend" on Braodon.. she visitors at the home of -Mr. and Mrs. the way, to visit h, -r sons Wilham Koehler. . I 0 Night calls, phone 308. 0 A delicious lurich was servi�d ,) - the : � ' ,This -will make four races on the car:4 Roq.-;meis1-.Mert - On Saturday morning, 1) in Delbroitand, Davenport, Iowa. 'Mr and Mrs. Gordon Rogele, You Promised � I _., . <> Days calls, phone 119 J. .0 " . ladies of the congregation. Rev. MT. instead of three. under the auspices of the Ladies' I of the Mrs. McLaughlin and. farnily, of 'of McKillop, s -pent Sunday 14th .. . I ­ 0 Charges moderate. 0 '. <> <> Myers,begins his nastwate under fav- CTable auspices. - -0. Golden Wedding—- .Mr. and " Williaffi ' Mrs. To War 'at" aTe guests at the home of on Ux. and, Mrs. J. E. Irallis, our line. Why NotSelect it Here? 'Dr. V, I '-------.G— . Adams celebrated the fiftieth anniveTsars, their daughter, MITs. W. R, Plant. - W. J. A. Greig, of T-lrontu, is — J. A. WESTCOTT 1. I , .t . Lady Bowlers. -The Ladi,!s' I..).w n Bowling Club held their of marriago at their home on D�orth Main Street or Mon- WALTON spending a few hoilidiays with 1, .is par. CROMARTY -ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Greig. P, 1 1 — al,7t monthly ,lay la -t, She� belonged to the idle r*arh anti Jeweller I ... to�urnament on Tuesc:ay ev,.ning -1un, 17th, on the new gree- Tha­ __ f when they were the recipi- ents of a .shower -of congrattilations werrtto war for the thTill. ITIL I The Sunday Schools -of Huron will Notes. -The Irish concert held in Diamonds hold a picnic in Jowett's Grove R,wv- Watehe_%. . a splendid turnout, five rinks ptayi ing. . and good wis-hee. Besides th",e they e . 9 amours, adventure, laugh ter ., and tears of "khe liate unpleasantness, fie, I the -Town Hall, Staffa, on. Friday eve - d, on Wednesday, July 9th. . last, decided Repairing The, WeatbleT WaS ideal and th ' : P groenr were pre-gented with a very nne radio by members of the family and Mrs. as seen. from woman's viewliw*rt Mr. and Mrs, H. La-wrence and Mr. ning was -a success. Rev-, wn:d ,Mirs.-Jl�tmes Aitchesion, Mrs, H. Mr. Elder gave his lecture on Ireland, Phone 64 W. Res. 64 J 0 in good condition. Miss D.)rse.y's rinh wmi. first prize: Mrs. D. ShanahAn, `e'c�- ' * Adains' four brathers present(A he'" A smashing romantic drariatiza'tion by the author of I e -acting b,est . %�ght and ,Miss L. Harvey Were * illustrated with iviewsof Ireland show- in ing Death of Mrs. John R. G;)venieck- ond. There w1114 be. a tournament for ith a beau-tif w ul silver cresm aM ,zlellers. some of the magnificent building3 Rlisse,11dale this week attending the as well as the beautiful ---- --- I I � the ladies the ffi-st Tues,lay of each month, and prize -s will be given. , Be �ugar set, lined with gold. Mr. and � K;s. Adanns, who,se, maiden neine was Janet Henderson, � Heading a Super Six CssL ' funeral of the late ,Mrs. A. Hodgert. scenes of 'Mr. and M,rs- E, K. Rhinehart �md Killarney Lakes, the lecture being in - fa,mdly, terspersed with songs and music by Annual Garden Party on hand to enJoy -a real g-od time. were marricd in NOW PLAYING and MT. and Mrs. D. Rhine- the, 'and, esteemed resident.� -1i s tir of this ( -jet, paps-4e-cl to thl, great �Ort Tuesday afternoon, .Jure 24th McKillop on June 16th, 1880, and the ' 8.30 p.nl. Saturday 7.45 an d 9.30 P.m' hart and Mrs. Walters, of Midland choir, under whose auspices the I Roq.-;meis1-.Mert - On Saturday morning, 1) . , at 2.30 p.m., the ladies avo! having a first feiv years of their married life Admission: 215 and 15 cents. Mchigan, weire, week end guests concert was arranged. I . a Rev. under the auspices of the Ladies' Bridge at the club hou,vi-?, You are were spent in that town�hip. Over . ' the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Aitelle-MT. Elder being a commis- Aid of Duff's United Church., I � Invited to come and bring a I rif-,nd. 40 years -ago they came to Seaforth always taken an' ac- tive interest in, soil. sioner to the -General Assembly held daughter, MITs. W. R, Plant. - , ,: , Ibliffn1pav 01111, where they have been weli known and ;Monday, Tuesaay and Wednesday 'Mrs. W. Devlin and two sqns, of in Hamilton all last week, arrived WALTON Egmondville United Church �V.M.S este�enlecl residents through ail the WILLIAM HAINES Taronto, spent the week end with their home on Thursday evening. I -The regular meeting of the W0_ years. Six children of a fannily of in uncle, Mr. Robert Gerrow. We -are Sarry to report the very FRIDAY, JULY 4th- men's Missionary Society %,vqs held in gevem survive. These are: Mr. Fired "A MAN'S MAN" Mrs. Parrkes and Miss E,mma serious illness of Mrs. Lammond, who the church on June 13th. llrs. R. E. Adams and Mrs. Charle.z; Rolph, of Sproat, of Lucan, were visitirg with is at present in the hospital at Lon- Supper from a to 8 p.m. ' McKenzie presided and nprmecl th ^ meeting with Hymn 283, which e was Seafo�rt,b; Mrs. Bert Klin Ohio; Mr. I -Larry "'Cal-na, c5l lrll)�111;1".Itmol , Mr. Jack " PRINCESS Senforth friends this week. don. Mr. ard .Mrs. C. Moore-, of Palmer- . Mrs. D. D. McKellar is at nresent risiting her in Detrc�it. Maple Leaf Male Quartette, of' . Gait; Blyth Citizens' Band. follo . wed by the Lord's PrRv2r. in uni- Adams, of Da,yton, and Mrs. ston, are guests at th-e home (if Mr, with son - n . san, After this Hym 492 wa% sung. J. M,Dermid, of London. all of whorn . and Mrs. R. IR Sandford, Gmge a. Mr. Archie Graham held a very suc- - ADMISSION: 50c and 25m. The Scripture les��on was p - t,f Acts were h .ere, forr the -happy comsi-on. -Mr. and Mrs. ,C. J. S hock I cessful -barn raising on Saturday last. 'co'z' an' Mrs. H. Kirby - - President .— - —, .)rt 1-2 and was read 1, 1,r IT 7�' Among the otherr guests pre .%nt were . three children Rocmrr Ral 1, - 11 Mr. Graham's barn was burned me Rey. W. J. Maines Pastor - I ,., e n7. i e. y Mrs. H. Chesney, Sr", led"'in the Mes� � 1'r, and Mrs. Robert- Hy,inderson, of .., V B ,russels! Mr. and 1&s . I[" -,A.., � 6- rayer. Alm. Janv.,s Alle, read the dcvotional leaflet, "Pentecost . - slon, Mr. and -Mrs, James Henderson. I ;,. __________________ 1, 11 and Evangelism." Th,e sti)(1y leaflet, Mr. and Mm. Cherster Henderson and I �, ,I I "From JeTusaleiff to Jerusa',em'l was M r. Andrew Henderson, of McKillop . .1 I Z! il;,. ie SpecialS ,i,,n by the following ladies, Mrs. Isaac Moore, Mr�- T. Lake Falls, Minne-sota. The ceremony g'a G, Shillinglaw, Death of Mrs. John R. G;)venieck- S�� . Mrs. Isaac Modeland an,d .Mrs. W. F. . A long and useful ,life was brou'.-ht to kl� Automobile Accidents Cause Serious 1k: .11clTillan. Mrs, R(.,,%-. Malcolm gave a a close in Seaforth orn Sunday ,.,vening I& Financial Loss. splendid report on the Pres-Li.-terial last, when Mrs,-Jobn R. Govenlock, ,; I P"Y Your Ford, Chevrolet, Whippet held in. GodeTich. The m"ting closed with flymn 270 and with by nne of' the olifeat, most %idnly lmown most highly 1, � . 4, Plymouth, Durant 4, Essex or I . prRypr Mxs. C. A. Malcolill. 'and, esteemed resident.� -1i s tir of this ( -jet, paps-4e-cl to thl, great 1� I Pontiac covered for Fire, Theft, 10 / - heyand at the fai nily honi.� oil North I , Public Liability and Property �1, ,I? Damage for $23.00. Ordinary Roq.-;meis1-.Mert - On Saturday morning, 1) ,Main Stre-ot. 'Mrs. Goven! - -k had . . . I- Limits. at o'cllo*ck. Miss Florence ,leen geriousily M with heam 'rouble " � Mero, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. F(,r nearly three, weeks but* harl ral- I I 11 . time last winter. I Gloria, of Detroit, spent the week end 3262-2 at the home ,of Mrs. Sbockcor's par- enbs, 'Mr. and 'W%-. John Sproat a,nd — - i with other fnendIS here. '&5 1 . - R. F. Janes reiturned �irom To- ' - __ - ron-to, on Saturday and its -ionvalesicing at the, home of her sistev, Mrs. Adam Hays. E-A Waterford, spent the week ernill with friends -here. I ""AIGH Mr. and Mrs. Nelgon, Govenlock, osr GEO., Do Ll MiSO M`arY T�ays, of Toronto. anti 11 . . I Miss AgrW9 Fowler, ,of Leamington, "SPECIAL" Black Tea Tuna Fish, %,s, were Week en,d guests at the �,,me a pound .............. 39c r ................... 18C Mr. mid Mxs� Adam Hays, fo University Blend Blac� and Hunts' Supreme Fruits Miss. Lema Tredow, of Tr,Tonto., Mixed Tea, with cup for salads ............. 35c - spent the week end at the home of nrlA -,--. --A - . ­ . _. . . ;. 11 8pecial Reduction on Farmer's Cars. Nfero, of Seaforth, became the bride of 1.-,In-,er A. I iied gomewhat and 6n Sunday seemed —_ -,..-- -_ Mr. and Mirs. W. A. Crich, 'Drr. and Mirs. G. . .�. . Similar Low Rates for other Models. Rossniej.,,], .9on of MT and Mrs. W. A. Rossmeisl, of Re * d to he zesting more easily. Tbat even- i ng, h' . --- - -_ - - K, Chapman, of Bridgeburg. spent the week end at ,i. .. Special Rates on Truck Cargo Insurance. Lake Falls, Minne-sota. The ceremony owever, she passed peacefully Lhough unexpectedly awa.y. The de- the horne of'Mr. W1, A. Chaj�man, l. � ... ", � Protect yourself with a Special was performpd in St. Vincent de Paul Church in Pontiac by Rev. Father cirawd, whose maiden name wus Eliz- abeth Hall, was born in Ba,,fi(4d, ibn Cwme to the Tea Mrs. William Hogg' Mr. Leislie. miss lab ' el Hogg, of strat 11 . Accident - Policy, $1,500, P * rinci Thornton. The bride Was charminq June 3rd, 1850. In the yarar I$ i5i she fHo,orgdg ,-aTrd, pent, the week end with Sea. , , , .;. , )al sum; $25. I I I 00 per week In - , demnity. Only $5.00 . in a gown nf orchid ,;ilk net over sal. mon taffeta, large picture hat and -was united in mairriage to Mr. Joh-n R. Govenlicqck, of Winthrop, McKillop in school room of North Side for,W friends. . ,M4i&,% Kathleen Burrows, of London, per year. Let us protect you. shoes to match. She carrier] a bou- township, wheTe she- resi-ded until 1897 United Church, under the aus- is spending the holidays, with her plar- - 11 ­. -11 11.1 quet of rosebuds and lilies of the val- ley, The brides..id, when the., family inoved L'o S,eaforth, prices of the Ladies' Aid, on ents, Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Burnyms. Mr%. D. Stewart, , 11 WATSON & REID Mi$;,; Muriel Klein, was attired in a long gvwn of wbicb has since been their home MIrli. Govenlock had FRIDAY, JUNE 20th of Torontn, spent the week end at the bome of her . 11: ., . I Specialists in all lines of Insurance pale green silk lace over green always taken an' ac- tive interest in, daughter, MITs. W. R, Plant. - , ,: , Ibliffn1pav 01111, georg- pait and church work 0 !1%/r- .14 I!. 0 : o-Arvaitt, OINT. ette, one carried a bouquet of roses forr many years rOn, 4-60 to 7 p.m. . am —9. ,Xrnald ,",%l)kirk, of I 1. t being a memteT Of Dunnville, were, guests this week -at " — _____—� .. ., .; and sweet peas. Mr. Val Rossmeisl, First Pi-w-byteriain Church and of the ADMISSION 25 CENTS th-le home of Mrs,. J. R. Tfabkirk. --- 4 - brother of the groom, assisted as best Wamen's Missionary Society of .that - W205EMENMENFammulaw I I �.: __. __ Mrs. Baxterr, of StrdMord, is visiting Ill No , ,��. man. Following the ceremony, a church. of which Society she. was Everybody Welcome. 411 - dainty �breakfast was served at the made a life member in 1015 I-1()1Jow_ . at the -home, of her ffiother, Mrs. T. � K 1,,e of the bride's ,ister, Mrs. John ing the Union she becarne i value�d Grieve, James ,street. Wolverton Flour Mills Company, Limited. ,�,, 11 An Unwise Selecfion -_ . , Klein. Mr. and Mrs. Ro�snneisl will n:(., be of North Side United Church I rl!ss Violet Rankin was visiting I 1. r, with, Detruit f-vienAs. I �. ,�.,* ro reside at the Douglas Manor, Pontiac, and ,m ctivie, worrkler in tho Women's --- — ' Mr. Ja,ck Walker, of Timmins, is; Seaforth, Ont. . ,,�i I tt aged couple in Desbo Michigan. . Missiona-ry and Ladieg' Ai4 Son;eties . ' ____1 ��i.�v 13,500 when they chose . vi-jiting bis paireints, Mr. and blis. W. . "I �,� . - of 1 ) a - c�.urch. On Decemf).. r 29th, J. Walker. . I ., � IL speculative investment W. M. S—Friday aftemoon the W. 01,1'., fv*r. and MTs. Govenl��ek cel,e- , I *- — . I � I , - ., i , M. S. of Northside United Church held brated f f eir golden wedding B "I''. I . � � &WcZ1 of a trustee security. . esides _4 r, d e. rs o n s Siiverls-k-ing �",,). Its regular meeting, The prea4dent, ',,rer bus-T.E-nd she is surviv-4 by a 0 1 I I Huron & Erie debentures are Mrs ' I MCKILLOP ., I i".. 0 t r U a t e e investme It I - W. P. Lane, presided during the fionily vf one son and four (­a,,ghters,� I BEST PATENT ............... $j.00 per 98 tbs, . �, 1, ;,. ... ", n opening exercises and busines-i (liscus- Ml% -�viljipm H. Gavenlock, (d Chi- , Bakp,ry � f, fluthorized by law for sion. Following this the meeting was cago; Notes.—Bethel United Church' is .9r) per 24'lbs. 1.1, INJ-s. Harry Munn, of New We try to -please you with holding a picnic in MT. Wm. L�;erning's I ":.:. 401cutors. in charge of Circle No. 6 with the W(Ist"1171ster, B. C.; Mrs. A. 14". Dates, Quality. bush on schlaoil groundsi on Saturday, Keystone . . 11 Ii. . captain, Mrs, George Black, as lead- of Grand Valley, Ont,; Mi." Janet Have You tried our Buttermilk June 29th. Evelrybody welcome, . .1 I I .1 er. After the singing of a hynirv. Mrs. Govenj(�rk, of Weston, a Scones, Homemade Cottage a' I'll I . ,­ � ,Z _ n4 Miss Annde nd Eighth L%O�N Notels.-Mi% and Mrs. PASTRY PATENT ............ $3.45 pier 98 Ms.' I 1. , Black led in prayer. Miss .1. Robb Govenlock, at -home. She is alsio sur- Brick Loaves? . .11,11 AlrrY Doerr amid Mrs. Fred Hoegy .85 per 24 tbs. � . 11 read the -Scripture lesson, Timothy Aved by one sister, Mrs. W. L. Keys, Variety of BUM, Oakes, Cook- . ,emt Saturday arld Sunda- . _ I . T — I . "I � 'bull Seadorth- Dr W. J. Hall, Lynnhamen, M �a BRAN -f -ft bags ...................... $31.00 ton. . -iriv ies and Ple,%:atways air hand. hill, Hj1vtftoh a d Kit hen, 11, verses 1-9. Mrs, George T . t .� At Gads- ,� . rave the devotional leaflet after which Florida- 'Ji�,' B. Hall, Tole�c, Ohi,D- SATURDAY SPECIAL . Mr. and Mna. .. ,,,,,,eT. OIZT,S-4n bags .................. $83.00 ton .i.-7 . M7 1 , I . f . . '. .1. Mrs. F. J. Burrows read a very in Raspberry and Pineapple Fr d KoehIm spent T,hurad,qy e MrDDLIWGS­in bags ............... il, - Albert, k. Hall, Cordele, Geiorg'ia, and I c and Mrs. , * 8a, i 1;.1., . P" Au*Utn 00 $100 aM Ovft-' spiring article en ."n��ng � : I �:, '. .. . . 1 .� . . I -titled, IlMzi,rilee In. F. B. Hall, Londesb6p. Two sons pre- Jelly Rolls, otth ...... sit Imoilkiton. . : $SnO, ton, t, ,, , ) , &.�_&f_ �..�,l bpr fram .-Ileceaswi heir, The, funeral W96 heild . . e I I ... �. . �240 per 10b lbs. � ,. �' PqrPMP�"__WVM MEW (If we,pleas& ybuj tell oiherV 'Mr. and He$. Henry Koeh , � I 14 -1", . aftVtod kV the studybook was presented by Miss frorn.her latehorne on Tuesday after- 'if -not, tell us.) ed holm�a ,on ,gundal after spending a I ,�_,, .., . ,�___, , � fler I*truvin_ - COTTONSEED MEAL_ . ... 11 I ... _) I I., , ,4, , . ., : ,5 1 , , , . . "I" I . 'A. Ferguson, Miss A. Wallace and nuon, w1--eli f,1Tq g' ' I I � Mr-INTZIL VVAEAT POIR, SALE..., � 2 - , . 7 . 5 l, peT 100 1b,ff. I ". +,T.-. , tot � " , -ei ervices Weire et lidluet- coupl,(� of "elm in sftatfbiI ­ . I . -$1.2 1 bus. �, . , 4, , � I I . 5 ,1��' , '. 4.4 (;O% ,,Mrs. Ty than. The Society have rea., ed by lhft p , 'Re - . P, Lfte, ' T. R. Ande'raon, 11 . A. I 0— � ­�, . I 1�` ,� , - , I _1� 11 ..... I , ,. ­__ �-?. ,­ I , I . 'bi .11 W MCGRIM aowr V W � . I . I Vt. =4 Mra. C. Eggert. Dellit and I .. I I I � " ".., . , � I ' ' soit to feel greatly encouraged ps'eol- and, dw1mg the ,serviee, a, &hn ',-.-'� X Plib"'al I tv,mikos, 299 1 ioman, Mba. Jdl-dn� R&6airrk es ; , i� _ - Mi ". I � . ir IL"i'v'' - � mt ­­�.. _,�­ .. _ I - , ' I I ,�. . - . . . " il, � .. ' . - � t. 1��7' .- , . -, X-61 4 91HAVORTA ,ketions overreaching the allOCItiott Mill9oft 6nd Mt, John Scott oaug 4 — - I Vftd K,6eihleit aite.,hdj-�j� '�';A WAL '..;,.�,,l ....... . � ..._., __Z ... ... � I I , � : I "! �': , - � I .,.,. . . I I . I I � ­.,, , %; "��1'1.11� � � ".-Li. .....-111- _..... I .. � 1"', I "i- .� `111 - � I I I . ,.'�. - I I 11 7" � , "i, �, �, � I...,. . , .,. I .. , � I . . , . %; I 1. . I I I , , . I , � - �'. � I i I -, -1 I I . I , . � , '­�R­ -0 ­ - womossommew & 51- i , .... I 11 I , " . _. I ,� ,:�t , I '1' �, I ,. . � . . I I 1, I .. 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