HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1930-06-20, Page 5lt. v1 f1rl$ps ttfl'.:1 nit 77 iT 6 r te '•STAF'FA Junior 'lstitgte,—A joint Meeting of the('W'Iomen'is and Junior Institut% mill be held in the 1:ia11 on Monday everurlg, June 23rd '11s M.. V. awel1, frgln the 'Depaptment of 4H- -culture, Toronto, will give a talk on "Places of l;ntere•st in our Own Land." An invitation 'is extended to all the ladies and girls of the cam- munity to be preSent. An interesting program 1s else, being prepared. The Tiger ralr•L— he Tiger Earl an intriguing co -Metier, is 'being played in the Town Balll, Staffs., by the A. Y. P. A. of Trinity Chuirch, Bayfield, on 'Tuettday, June 24hh, ' under the aus- pices of Gtrace Church, Stan. This ,play ihies been successfully presented at Bayfield and Hensel]) and was 'wearily appreciated by the large audi- ence at both plaices. r VARNA Notes,—The funeral. of the late 'George Richardson, of Waterloo, which took place on Monday, was very largely attended. The remains were laid to rest in Bayfield cemetery. ' I't -certainly was quite a shock to his -many fri'ends. Being born and rais- ed in the Township df Stanley, he was widely known and much sympathy is extended to the surviving relatives. IMr. and Mrs. MCAsh of London, spent Sunday with Mrs.2C-'.Weekes. Mrs. Stockton, of L.os Angeles, who leas been spending a few weeks with friends here, left for her home on Wednesday. Mr. George Coleman shipped a car load of live stock to Toronto market Monday. I•n the. absence of Bev. ?4r. Paull, Thompson, of Huron College, very ably took the service in St. John's Church Sunday evening. The members of the United Church are busy with the erection of a new shed. Mrs. Wilmer Reid and little daugh- ter have returned home from Seaforth Hospital. THE RETURN OF "MUTT AND JEFF" The latest addition of Bud Fisher's cartoon musical comedy, "Mutt and Jeff" will be presented at the Opera lfliouse, Seaforth, for one evening per- formance only, Friday night, July 18th. The "Mutt and Jeff" series of car- toon comedy presentations, undoubted- ly the most successful' and best liked characters found on the "Funny Pages" of many thousand newspapers throughout the entire civilized world, has now outlived the popularity of any other cartoon of all times. "Mutt and Jeff" is a musical show catering to the masses of the ordinary theatre goer. There is no attempt at artistic production in any way, shape or form; it. is intended for ludicrous laughter and for no other purpose. Music and dancing form a pleasing environment as also does pretty girls and beautiful scenic surroundings.— Adv. Dangers in Fenced Fields. One of the greatest dangers on farms with many fenced fields is of piling up too many furrows against the fences. On some farms this has been practised for so long that ems bankments halfas. high as the fence are around some fields. Persistent back -furrowing here and there will bring such land into shape after a time. One rule should be never to plow a field the same way twice in succession. With the proper laying out and handling of "lands" it is pos- sible to keep fields free from objec- tionable F' dead furrf;Ws'' and, VIdgeTTA It is the matter of ` 11411417111g the s *a l of the land -la mind all the time. e. � ,t .. ,.,,511► ... . DAIRY 'MARKE Toronto, June t 17114,,-+Uheese, neav; larger 18c; twins, 118?4c, 4111/eletett 1,81/40: ptiltgtre. 20%. 01d large Z8c; twine, 29c; trlpiete nod, elite, 80c; old stilton. $1c. Butter—No, 1 creamery prints, 824; NO, Z creamery primes, 80e. Eggs --Fresh ,extras, 4n carbons. 35e; fish extras, loose, .330; firsts, 81e; second's, 27.c. POULTRY MARKET Torgnto, June 17th, • Dressed Chickens, 5 lbs.' up ....1 88 Do., 4 to 5 lbs, 88. Do,,, flee to 4 Ibs. 82 Do., 8 to 8% lbs. 29 rho. 8 lbs. 29 Hens, over 5 lbs. 82 Broilers 55-40 Ducks 88-88 Turkeys 45-48 GRAIN MARKET Toronto, June 17th.--Manlboba wheat—No. 1 Northern, 41.03%; No: 2 do., $1.01%; No. 8, do., 9914e; No, 4, 96a; No. 5, 88c; No. 6, 71c; feed, •65 1-2c (c.i.f. Goderich and Bay porta). Manitoba oats—No. 1 feed, 46%e; No. 2 do., 481yee American corn—No. 2 yellow, 8614e; No. 3, do„ 85e, Millfeed—Delivered, Montreal freights, bags included: Bran, per ton, $28.25; shorts, per ton, $30.25; middlings, $32.25. Ontario grain—Wheat, $1.08; oats, 45e; barley, 50 to Mc; rye, nominal; buckwheat, nominal: LIVE STOCK MARKETS Union Stock Yards, Toronto, June 17th,— Persistently diminishing demand for beef, fur- ther encouraged by weather conditions of the Past few days, continued to be reflected in the cattle trade at the market here to -day. Salesmen found increasing difficulty in effect- ing sales, with bids at the opening $1.00 per cwt. below last week's decline, and while not more than 50 cents per cwt. was taken off in the day's trading, there were 1,700 head of cattle unsold at 'the close, out of a total offering of 2,800, which included 400 left over from last week. The fresh offering as compared with that of Last Monday was down 1,000 head in vol- ume, and praetieally all grades in ell classes of killers suffered in the decline. :Representative sales up to 2 o'clock, when only some 200 head had gone to the scales, showed only the odd small lot of choice heavy steers sold at 10 cells., as against 25 cents per cwt, higher a that week's close, and the range of price on light to weighty steers in the early sales was 7 to 91,_ cents, Prices seemed to be established on a Sum- mer demand basis, and showed in crmpari- son with this time a year ago, a decline of 32 per cwt. at the top, Buyers reported plants well filled with beef out of recent heavy offerings of cattle and movement into consumption very slow. Wholesalers distrib- uting beef to the local retail trade marked down prices of forequarters and beef car- casses $1 per cwt. yesterday. Prices on the bulk of butcher steers sold up to 2 o'clock ranged €[roan 7 to 9 cents per pound, just the odd straight load weighing up at 9', cents, Cows sold from 5 to 714 cents for butcher stock and some cam at a low of 2t,_, cents per pound. Goo1f Its butcher bulls made 7 to 714 cents, an the odd heavy 6144 cents per pound. A few baby beeves sold at 10 cents. Store cattle in a moderate offering created no interest, farmers and dealers holding off in view of the weakness in killer cattle. Dealers in milkers and springers reported very poor demand for that kind of stock, with no sales showing better than 4100 each. Trade in calves was slow, and prices easier than last week's close, despite a faking off of '300 in supply es compared with last Mon- day. A few fancy calves made 10 cents, ani the odd prime 10'4 cents per pound, but the range of the bulk of choice veals was 9 to 914 cents, with plain to medium veals from 7 to 81/_ cents and grassers at 5 to 5 1-2 cents per pound for .the bulk. Sheep and lamb supply also was lighter than a week ago, and Spring lambs sold un- changed at last week's closing price, the bulk of choice making 13 cents per pound, and cull lambs 10 cents, Yearlings scold lower than lost week at 7 to 8 cents, and sheep were rarely steady at last week's decline, selling from 2 to 5 cents per pound according to quality. Packers' bids an hogs were 25 cents per cwt. lower than at the, close of last week, and salesmen were net looking for any marked advance on the opening bid, which was 11?¢, cents per pound, f.o.b. and 12', cents per pound, w.o,c. for bacons, with bids for to- day's loading 25 Bents per cwt. lower. The receipts to -day were 2,400 cattle, 700 calves, 660 hogs and 703 sheep and lambs. Quotations : Heavy beef steers, 48,75 to $10,00; butdher steers, choke, 89.75 to $10.00; do. fair to good, 59.00 to $9,50; do. common, $7.50 to $8.75; butcher heifers, choice, 49.50 4', Ir08 ue'dR;" • {u f'&W�1 $81.6 Ow co Ire i t%, to s $8 50 ; '1n 04d too el 7.44], to 48,25 s do, atlot'i 41,50,atkr (Q:, aaanere and euefeele 00. to $ ,00;. 03 431014•]-120(15 to oheiee 41.20 44 4.7.75 i 'do, t1ie41bun, 4l 540 to 47,00; do. ble ooggnaa, $.6.00• to 40 �Q belle beef 49,75'' to $11,50t feedeso, geed, $8,50 t9, $$(7b, stye a, Snot 07.50 •jio 48.251,eibees good tet enoice, $2:00 to $e0.430; do. Medium, 1$7)76 to 49.00; do. cgapmon, 45.40 4.115). 81.50; mincers. $75,00 0'4100.00; springers; 4,95,00 to 4115,00; lambs dhoice. 012.00 to 418.00; do. yearlings, $7.00 to 410,00; sheep. good, 45.00 to $5.50; bogs, bacons, w,00„ 11150 to $12,75. Do., selects, $1.00 Per hog premium; do., 'butchers;, 75c per hog discount; de., trycked in, 50o owt. under w.o.c. ; do., f,o.b. price, $1.00 cwt. under w.o.c. Montreal, June 17th.—cattle receipts ore the two Montreal live stock markets to -day to- talled 800. Indications were that cattle would pot be cleaned up to -day. Calf reeeipts were 8,376. The calf market was slow and lower. 'About 700 calves were sold early today With prices ranging from $4 to $9,, The bulk of the calves were cen,mon veal and drinkers. Fair to medium good veal made 47 to $7,50. Sheep receipts were 798. Sheep were eas- ier at $2.50 for culls ,to 46 for the best lots. Spring Iambs were 41 to $2 lower. Good lambs brought $14'. to 415; medium kinds around $18; common light Iambs, 411.50 to $12, and were not,, wanted. Quotations—Ewer, 42.50 to $6; lambs, good, $14 to 415; common, $11.50 to $13.50.1 liog receipts were 1,424, Hera were eas- ier. Sales were made at $12.50 to $12.75 for bacons and butdhera, with 41 premium per hog on selects: heavyl hogs, around $12; light and feeders, 413 to 413.50. Sows brought $9.50 to $10.50. a a5 BIRTHS Ische.—In Mice. on June 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey cache, a on. DEATHS Stobie.—In Dungannon, on June 1611, Alice McMath, relict of the late Alexander W. Stobie, aged 68 years. Sproat,—In Tuckersmith, on June 14th, Mary Loin Sproat, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sproat, aged 1 day. Govenlock.—In Seaforth, on June 15Th, Eliza- beth Hall, beloved wife of John R. Goven- dock, in her 80th year. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. J. J. Varley and family desire to ex- press their appreeiation of the many kindness- es and sympathy extended to them during their recent bereavement, CARD OF THANKS Mr. W. N. Glenn wishes to extend his thanks to the neighbors and friends particularly to the U.F. W.U., of Brucefield, and the Huron - dale W. 1., for their kindnesses to the late Mrs. Glenn, during her illness and after her death. 3262-1 IMPORTANT NOTICES FOR SALE.—A GOOD YOUNG COW TO freshen soon. Apply to WILLIAM HILL, R. R. 1, Varna, or phone 5-86, Hensall. 3262-2 r31ILE DRAINING.—ANY ONE WISHING '• tile draining done, apply to EDWARD GRANVILLE, c;o William Green, Kippen, Ont. 3261x2 CATTLE WANTED.—A LIMITED NUMBER of cattle will be taken in for pasture. Plenty of water. Apply to J. M. GOVEN- LOCK, Executor T. E. Hays ,Estate. Sea - forth. 3251-tf MORTGAGE SALE OF CHOICE BUSINESS AND BES;DESICE PROPERTIES, AT HENSALL. The undersigned have been instructed to sell at public auction at the Commercial Hotel, Hensel]. on Friday, July 4th, at 1,30 p.m., the following property: Parcel 1: Lots 30 and 31 on the south side of Queen Street, Hensel). This property extends to the Pro- vincial Highway and is an excellent location for a gas station. Parcel 2: Lots 1, 2 and 5 on the east side of Larne Ave., Hensall, There is a comfortable cement block house and stable. well built with good garden. The properties are offered under Fower of Sale in a mortgage which will be produced at the sale. TERMS Ten per cent. down and the balance in 20 days. For further particulars apply to GLADMAN & STANBURY, Hensall and Exeter. Solicitors for the Mortgagee, 3262-3 t !eaeher° lik00.ed f4,t., t:<s• N 10,. ti erre smst s, 48ttltse. exleerietl, 0a ° Auall i catnaps$ 1104 ewlarydcat ettla ' t' . , m by Tunes tk. Apple to „W. 4, IN,. f AN, 4..11, NO. ICi, 82624 TEACHER,..WANTED Teacher for S. 5, No 2, McKillop. Dytiee to commence Septemlbee 2nd, 1930. Apply to .SAW,IHL STOREY, Secretary Treasurer, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth. 8262x3 AUCTION SAI41 UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the powers contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there Mill be offered for sale by public auction on Saturday, the 6th day of July, 1080, at 2 o'clock, in the afternoon, at the auction rooms of George H. Elliott, Olinton, Ontario, the following pro- perty, namely: Lot 28 in the Filth Conces- sion, London Road Survey, of the Township of Tuckersmith, containing by admeasurement one hundred and twenty-eight acres of lane more or less. Upon the said lands is said to be erected a stone house, nine rooms; barn and cow stable, TERMS Ten per cent. of the purchase price to be paid at the time of sale. For balance terms will be made known at the time of sale. The `property will be offered subject to a reserve bid. For further particulars apply to F. J. Mac - RAE, Solicitor, 93 Sun Life Building, Toronto. DATED the 14th day of June, 1930. 3262-3 TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up to 12 o'clock noon, June 30th, 1930, for the following: The redecoration of the Court Rooth of the Court Heuse, Goderich, as follows: - 1. The metal ceiling to receive two coats of ivory paint. 2. Walls to be stripped and receive one coat of wall primer and sealer, as it comes out of the can, and have two coats of cream paint, all cracks and crevices to be filled with Plaster of paris before the sealer is ,applied. 3. Varnish all wood work such as doors and door frames, and paint all window -sash and seats and floor, two coats. 4. Tenderers to state the kind of faint to be used, and do their own scaffolding, and remove -the same when through. GEORGE W. HOLMAN, County Clerk, Goderieh, Ont. Goderich, June 16th, 1930. , 3262-2 Auction Sale HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of the late Janet Kerr ROYAL APARTMENTS, SEAFORTH —on— SATURDAY, JUNE 21st at 2 o'clock, HAROLD DALE, Auctioneer. CONSERVATIVE Organization Meeting Mr. N. W. Trewartha, Conservative candidate for our Riding, has obtain- ed the services of Mrs. Howard Fallis, the noted Conservative le^tura;, for next Monday night, June 23rd. A meeting of the ladies and gentlemen interested in the Conservative party will be addressed by Mrs. Fa)lis at 8.15 p.m. on the above da+e in the Carnegie Library. We hope yuu will be present and assist in the organiza- tion work which is necessary to win the County for the Conservative can- didate. FL AVOR . You don't know how much flavor you can add to breakfast till you fill a bowl with crisp Kellogg's Corn Flakes, pour on milk or cream and add fruits or honey. One of the finest dishes you ever 099 tasted! 9 CORN FLAKES Mont than 12,000,000 people daily demand Kellogg's Corn Flakes because of that famous Kellogg flavor! Enjoy Kellogg's for lunch as well as breakfast. Just try a bowlful late at night! Look for the red -and -green package at your grocer's. It brings you oven -fresh Kellogg's Corn Flakes in the patented inner' seared woktite wrapper. Served by hotels, cafeterias'„ on diners. Made. by. Kellogg in Londbtiy Ontarioy ' Mt J. H. REID, Chairman. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given under the statues in that behalf that all persons having any claims against Richard Barry, late of the Town of Seaforth, Huron County, Retired Farmer, who died on the lith day of Novem- ber, 1929, are required to send to the under- signed solicitor for the Executor, full particu- lars in writing and verified by affidavit. of their claims and the nature of the securities. if any, held by them, on or, before the 24th day of June, 1930, after which date the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased. having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have had notice. DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 2nd day 4 June, 1930. R. S. HAYS. Solicitor for Executor. 3260-3 FARMS FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE.—A FEW CHOICE farms in the Townships of Usborne. Tuckersmith and Hibbert. Good buildings and well located as to market:, THOMAS CAM- ERON, Exeter, Ont. 3068-tf FARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE PART LOT 28 and 20. Concession 3, McKillep, con- taining 192 acres and known as the T. E. Hays farm. Must be sold to close the estate. If not sold will be rented. For particulars apply to J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor, Sea - forth. 3201-tf yxbg A.Rpi4',i�1F +�t't ,', iourizo Kgs 240. Will eland for,. Cup impr'ft amen$ eft n0oela than treason at his own et ele, Lot 8. Omega* sioa 8, Henget.. 'a,;, Terme—$16.00, • T. J. McMZCHAEle Proprietor. 82444f • Enrolment We. 2640 Form ,4. 3 The Jrnported Belgian 8'remigm Draft Stallion DE HEMEII 4369 Wm11 stand for the impeovement of, steak until further notice, at the' farm of James Smtilde, one mile north of Repsall. Mares from a distance will be. met by appointment. Terms --$15,00 to insure. NORRIS & SMII+L's, Proprietors. • Enrolment No. 2096 Approved Form 1 The Choicely Bred Clydesdale Stallion "FLASH -ON" „ (25022) (20576) Imported Will stand for the improvement of stock this season as follows: Monday.—Will leave his own stable, Lot 23, Concession 5, Logan, and proceed to Peter Hicknell's, Lot 14, Cdncesaion 5, McKillop, for noon, anis to his own stable for night. Tuesday. --.To Joseph O'Rourke's, Lot 4, Con- cession 6, McKillop, for noon, and thence to Rock Bros„ Brodhagen, for night, Wednes- day.—To Thomas Bolton's, Lot 19, Concession 10, McKillop, for noon; thence to George Benneweis', Lot 8, Concession 12, McKillop, for night. Thursday,—To Amos Wickie a, Lot 29, Concession 14, Logan, for noon; thence to George Siemon'e, Lot 24, Concession 11, Logan for night. Friday.—To James Roy's, Lot 12, Concession 8, Logan, for noon; and them to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. Terms: To insure a foal, $15.00, payable February 1st, 1981. JACOB HIGNELL, Proprietor. 8257-tf Enrolment No. 1137 Approved Form 1 The Imported Belgian Stallion SULTAN —2456— 1090 Monday, May 19th—Will leave Hawkins' barn, Seaforth, and go 3% miles south, then east 1% miles to Roy Brown's, for noon; then 114 ,miles east and 3% miles north to St. Colusnban to William Cleary's, for night. Tuesday. -11 miles east, then 2% miles north, then 114 miles west to Beechwood, then north to Timothy Lynch's, for noon; then one-half mile north and west 214 miles and north 114 miles and west to Tout Pryce'a, for night. Wednesday. -114 east, 2 miles west to Willis Dundas', for noon; then west 194 miles, then south 88/4 mile-, and east to Ivan Henderson's, for. night. Thursday. -8% miles west, then north 11/4 miles and west to Alvin Dale's, far noon: then west 214 miles and south 1% mile to Joe Reynold's, for night. Friday. -114 miles south, then east 3%, then south 1% miles, then west to Orville' Phil - for noon ;' then west 114 miles, then south 114 miles, then east to Andrew Kirks, for night. Saturday.—East 211 miles to Eg- mondville, then north to his own stable, where he will remain till the following Monday morning. Terms: To insure a foal 414.00, payable February Tat, 1931. JAMES CASEY and ALEX. HODGINS, Proprietors. D. REYNOLDS, Manager. FARM FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, LOT NO. 8, Concession 16, Township of Grey, Coun- ty of Huron: 2 storey brick house, barn 55x60 on atone foundation; another building 26x56 ;' windmill. drilled well; 80 acres plowed, balance has been under pasture for several years. Thirteen acres hardwood bush. Pos- session first of March. Apply to ALEX. BUCHANAN, R. R. No. 3, Walton. 3186-t3 3257 -ti Enrolment No. 982 Approved Form 1 The Well Known Stock Horse BRITISH HERO (Imported) Will stand for the improvement of stock, health and weather permitting. Monday.—Will leave ha own stable, Kippen, and go to Conrad Siemon's, Zurich Road, for noon: then to Anson Coleman's, for night. Tuesday—To Edward Foster's, Parr Line, for noon; and td Charles E. Wise,' Lot 41, Con- cession 11, Goderich Tp., for night. Wednes- day—To Le Beate Bros. by way of Clinton Road and, Baird's school house, for noon, and by way of Turner's Church to Vernon Terry - berry's, Lot 27, for night. Thursday — To James Dallas', Lot 26, Concession 2, L.R.S., Tuckersmith, for noon, and to Percy Sales', Lot 8. for night. Friday—To his own stable. Kippen, for noon. then hy way of Concession 2 to Herb. Kearrher's, Lot 2, Concession 14, for night. Saturday.—To Jack McLean',, Lou 6. Concession 12, Tuckersmith, and by way of Horton's Side Road to his own stable for night. Terms ---$12.00 to insure a foal. PETER KILPATRICK, Proprietor & Manager. 3258-tf FARM FOR SALE. — MY TIME BEING taken up with other business, I am° of- fering my farm of 100 acres working land for sale; one-quarter mile from Seaforth: well watered and in first class agricultural condi- tion. Buildings beautifully situated and com- modious. Farm has always been heavily stocked with dairy cattle and hogs. Suitable tends- -to--reliable- p..,tiee Phone-' ''2s or 24-148 for appointments. Apply to J. A. McKENZIE, R. R. No. 8, Seaforth. $282-tf Eonrolment No. 2200 Approved Form A 1 'The Pure Bred Imported and Premium Percheron Stallion FARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE AT ONCE. 100 acre farm In the 'township of Stan- ley, County of Huron, Ontario, in fine farm- ing district; 60 acres of this is high undulat- ing clay loam soil. well tine drained, in ex- cellent condition, no waste land, with fine crops of growing grain and hay; obendnnt water supply, fruit orchard, etc. Forty acres nn lower level with beeh and excellent pas- ture. Good bank barn and 1>,[ storey house, furnace heated, Situated on . fine highway with •Hydro wires; buildings only a few rode exam highway and good village, with schoof. churehee, stores and bank, ete. Price for en- tire Sam including ,growing ttree, $4,800.00. Terms, 41,800 cash; balance over four years to pay if desired. Immediate possession giv- en. The building's, timber and growing crops on this fa`r'm are worth morathan is being asked for entire farm. It is ,estimated that the pvoduee from the now growing crop and other available products from this farm Ode year ,dill easily provide for the entire down payment _required. 2E interested,, l•1t for an Informat(oh desired from Deeper.J. Wy W. ARM- StI'RONII, Box 89, Oodenich, Ont. 0612 RAVEN 1128041 Monday, --Will leave his own stable, Staffa, and go north to the 7th concession and west 212 miles and north to John Dalton's, for noon ; then west and south to Harry Tyndall's, Tuckersmith, for night. Tuesday.—North by Spruat's side road to Thomas Scott's, fo. noon; then north to the Beechwood road and east to Beechwood at P. Sialoney's, for night Wednesday.—North 114 miles and west and north to Andrew Patrick's, for noon; then north and west to Fred Scnrlett's, for night Thursday.—East 2Ie mike and south to Fred Byermenn's, for noon; then east to Ed. hare'. Crunight. Friday. --East by way of Brod- hagen and south to Norman Bodied, for noon, then South to the 4th concession of Hibbert to• Cray Bros., for night. Saturday.—South and west to his own stable, where he win remain until the following Monday morning. Terms --$17.00 to insure. LI VINGSTON &. TEM PLEMAN, Proprietors, John. lvingston, Manager. Enrolment No. 1961 Form A 1 The Premium Clydesdale Stallion FAVOURITE AGAIN - (24337) 1londny Afternoon.—Will leave his own etahle, Brucefield, and go smith to Kippen by London Rend le Al. Harvey's, for night. Tees- (by.- To Sinnlair's Corner and down 10th con- rosion to Angus MrKinnnns, for noon; then east to the Town Line and north to the 9th concession to William Patrick's, for night. Wednesday.-F,ast 112 miles end north to the 7th Concession to Miles McMillans. for noon; then vest to Rohert Dnig's, for night. Thurs- day. ---Went to James nemmell's Corner and north to Mill Road to Cenrn' R. eleCartney's. for noon ; then east in McAdam's Side Road end north and want to the 2nd Concession to Cnrnnehen Bros., for night. Friday.—West to Ilroadfcot's Bridge. end south to the Mill Road to his own settee. Saturday.—west to the 2nd Concession of Stanley and north to ,John II. MrEwen's. for noon ; then to his own stable for night. Terms -41600 to imure, 1t. D. MURDOCK. Proprietor & Manager. ri+ THE C �i,, O 1 ;g COMAE LL4. Capital Paid Up $20,000,000 Reserve Fund $2Q,000,000, Seafost h Branch - - - . J. 'G: Mullen, 'Ma;gtage* DON'T FORGET St.Bridget's Annual Lawn Social Township of Logan • —on— TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 24th Big Open Air Dance—Music furnish -j ed by Melody Kings Orchestra. Games and Amusements, Novel At- tractions, Refreshments and Lunch. Football game between Stratford and Monkton. Brodhagen Band in Attendance Good parking space for cars and grounds specially lighted for the occasion. ik WE REMOVE live or dead horses and cows free of charge. We pay , for the phone call. William Stone .o Limited ' Phone 22, Ingersoll Phone 215 W, Stratford 8258-15 Gates open at 7 o'clock. ADMISSION 25 CENTS What's in A Chick • They all look alike, but it's the part you cannot see—the breeding that counts. Will it lay 100 or 200 eggs? Will it make or break you? Think it over. We make' a specialty of Barred Rocks. It is our constant aim to turn out the highest quality stock, not only as far as livability in chicks is con- cerned but the assurance of a full egg basket when prices are high. There will be a few more Chicks this week and next at $15.00 per hun- dred. We have already booked from old customers several thousands for next Spring, the first week in April, 1931, being booked solid. Enrolment Ne. 2623 ,..Approved ...Form 1 The imported Clydesdale Stallion VALOUR (Imp.) (21645) 1259551 Monday, Noon. --Will leave his own stable at John Cairns', Lot 20. Concession 6, Hibbert. and go hy way of Staffs to Duncan McMil- lans. Lot 5, Conreelien 9, Hibbert, for night. I'uesdny--Will proceed Pest and south by way ivi' 12Ty Z nureit a—ii 0' "'PTe88Tt3f,' n •re' Sawyer's. Lot. 25. Concession 14, Fullerton. for noon; then south and east to Harry Sperling's', T,ot 7, Concession 2, Rlan-hard, for night. Wednesday.—Will proceed 8% miles south to William Redd's. Lot 5, Concession 8, Man - shard, for noon: then west and north to Hugh Berrys, Lot 4, Concession 5, Usborne, for night. Thursday --Will proceed north and east and north to Arlow Ctoupland's, lTsborne, for noon ; then north and east to David Hack- neys, S.T,R., Uabarne, for night. Friday— Wiil proceed up the Boundary between Hib- hert and Usborne to Alex. McDougall's, Lot 1R, Concession 14, Hibbert, for noon; then west to John Glenn's, Let 27, North East Boundary, Usborne for night: Saturday.— Wiil proceed north and east to Frank Allen's, Lot 19, Concession 11, Hibbert, for noon: then North to his own stable, where he will re- main until the following Monday noon. This route will be continued throughout the season. health and weather permitting. Terms,—To insure a foal, $18.00, payable February lst, 1931. Poems d4apdsing of their mares before foaling time must pay in- surance whether in foal or not, All accidents to mares at owner's risk. i"itkb COLQtTAOUN, CHAS. WOMEN, Proprietor. Manager. J M. SCOTT Sunny Crest Farm PHONE 32-2151 SEAFORTH 3261-1 1 EPPS TRANSPORT Varna, Ont. Phones: Clinton, 626 r 21 London, Met. 1165 Daily Freight and Express Service from London. CLOSED VANS FOR FURNI- TURE—ANYWHERE. Every load insured for $3500.00 Satisfaction Guaranteed. E. H. Epps & Son 3260-8 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 W. J. CLEARY 0 O Licensed Embalmer and 0 0 Funeral Director 0 0 Up-to-date Horse and Motor 0 0 Equipment. O 0 Night and Day Service. 0 0 Phone 19-22, Dublin. O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000000000 O 0 0 W. T. BOX &'CO. 0 0 Funeral Director and O O Licensed Embalmer 0 0 H, C. BOX 0 O Best Motor and Horse-drawn O 0 equipenenit. 0 Merges moderate. 0 O Flowers furnished on short O O notice. 0 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chicks Baby Chicks We will have a limited supply of Baby Chicks to spare for the remain- der of May and first week of June at prices ranging from 10 cents to 15 cents in the following popular breeds: Tom Barron Single Conrb White Leg- horns, eghorns, Barred Plymouth Rocks, Black Minorcas and Anconas. We use, recommend and have for sale Reesor's Marmill Chick Starter, Chick Feeds, Growing Mash, Develop- ing Feed, Lay Mash, etc. SUNNYVALE POULTRY FARM AND HATCHERY Andrew A. Moore Phone 137 r 3, Seaforth Automobile Insurance. We Issue the Standard Policies of the PROVINCIAL INSURANCE One of the few British Companies operating in Canada to -day, at COMPANY OF ENGLAND Non -Tariff Rates SPECIAL RATES For the term from June to December. Phone us and 'we will call. This means a saving in premium to you with protection, security and the night and day service of this of- fice. Call, phone or write us for full in- formation, rates, etc. Our services are at your disposal at any time. A. D. SUTHERLAND General Insurance, - Conveyancing Real Estate - Investments - Etc. PHONE 152 SEAFORTH, ONT. A BARGAIN FOR SALE.—Five acres, one mils from Seaforth; modern house with furnace, bath and toilet; small barn; good orchard. Taxes, $15. Splendid chance to start chicken farm, bees, etc. Apply to R. S. HAYS, 2953-tf Seaforth, Ont, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. J. Walker & Son 0 O O O W. J. Walker, Funeral 0 O Director and Embalmer. • 0 O O 0 Motor or Horse Equipment. 0 0 Cars or flowers furnished 0 O as requested. 4' 0 Day or Night, phone 67. 00 000000000000 THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate Money to Loan SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Phone 91 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y'. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: James Evans, Beechwood - President James Connolly, Goderich - Vice -Pres. D. F. McGregor, Seaforth - Sec.-Treas. AGENTS: W.' E. Hinchley, Seaforth ; John Murray, Egmondville; R. G. Jarmouth, Brodhagen; James Watt, Blyth. DIRECTORS: William Rinn, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth; John Bennewies, Brodhagen ; James Evans, Beechwood; James Connolly, Goderich; Alex: Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea - forth; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George CArtney,---.N10---,3t- Cofl- f Jnr+1t,t- John, Pepper, Brucefield; James Sholdice, Walton. D. H. McINNES Registered Drugless Practitioner. CHIROPRACTOR ELECTRICITY Magnetic Electric Baths Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Priday Afternoons. Adjustment given for di:sele2 of all kinds. .4 80544 11 V.