HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1930-06-20, Page 1TS . R , , I ,_ I` 314� � ., . 4k, *1! #1 ��7,��-, jj,-� i.,.,­�'�,��', �, . lflr . vs..z� V­­ip , - , �i) - , 1,��,,, " ­ ( '':� -�'.'.�, -;­ ,,gl&g� , ,,%,,D,i0,,iJ',�,,ti�A- �, . ��,ii��q � y4 4914;4,1j" " 70, _�� " , . 7" . .... .. , ap , �t�%,�ipoj ..,�, U17 . j,;�, I , - . , �1, . P'. -�,:..,,!� � -,. ,V �" ". - C � 1, �. I �, . , �,'.'1!111, �71 ill" I V�111f�,,,Xkrll le!" -� 11 I 1 W.4., 1 , e I I i I �"' � I '".117'"".1; �-._ ,�,, r N 11 I -111, 11� % . . � � ... !� . � ; I -;!:� ";1,7�, �, I. t i i I , % ,�t­ . If, X A, . , . . "I', �', , ,.',,f,, " ;, I � I � . ; I , 1i , ,� �11`11',AM�r',-,� �, , f l? 1, �y . :,� 11 , � ,!�:, � _11. 1: ,�- I . 11 ,� .� �., � k" -, , 1� I I '; � P . 1-��I� 1� � � I . "I tii I ��i ,., . . 1 . '.. . k � I 4."I I I I � � i ... 11 I . I � ; ,,�,­ � 4%,�4 � I -.It �. �� .. I � -1, . I � 1� IV I i , , � , , . ,�f I I I I . � �. 11 ­� .� , � ,,, I I '" � ,� . 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I' -1.66.. 11 ­­._­.­­­ .... ­., ­ , I .1 lli. .._----.-- I � .; �, ., , , ..,I . � � - - = --.--. q . I.. 11 ­ ,­ I . I IV ''. - , � I ­ I I �1' - . - 1. ,­.,., . . 11 - 1"...." I . � a,t�� 4;i;ii�6 ��-.-­ - -- -- - -.. ' �11'�- I I 1 .�771� , , . ". I ­.".""'..''.", Y. I .1 1. . � I . I I . .. "" I T � . : �, . " : , "." , "., , I ., " i. P -pit ',Year . , , A � "�' � , '.) 1'�, 19 I W, - I ,,, I : �,.-1�14 Seventy ,at ,. 'I .; . .� " I . , fl. I I .2 � . � , , I ", A, 1'TKM_1_. T'n—u-" aorm' , t , . . : % '� , SEAFORTH ?FR1[DA1,r,;'5 . I JA 911 —.1.19 .11"�,, ; , I I �. "I � p, ­ . _30 1. . . I * 1. ­ I , , . . I . � I I., I 1. - . .. . - ­_ _. I . .., .. . - —_;�� -; l, - . j"___ ­ 11g,11111 :; ill _. I . . I I t I � -_ - � , . . . � �, W I I I '. - . . C11 . � . . . I '. . . . I ,. O.A'C, I ON Et)U-0A,nON` FARMERSI� WEEK , ill, CHATS"', I President, ]Kra. Browning, of Exeter; I . I . . . I I .. I 2nd Vice-Presidept, 19m. Ohas. ,Fritz, . .� I (At, Oe . Priucit I pare P�SO ", I iie-C,ollegip will,be at 4pme to its . of Zurich; 6rd Viele-President, 'Xiss ", , .. farmer friends from all parts,ol the- Eva Scarlett of �kis- , I .11 I one of ,the saddest tragedies of ex- province June 16th, 17the,, 18th wid Treasurer, 1�an XacIgAac, of amina#oi timp,ls the r9gielation that 19th. . I . 1. I Crediton; Auditors, - Mrs. Charles . Some 11 . . I khblthiws or fatber-Ils boy is not Visitors are i�dviied to arrive, . early Zwicker and A ,&a, M. Telferr, of Crodi- , ­ I .­­.., , - at a 46 he ,useO to be— in -order to, ha4e -time to see the big so goo -4,40 , 4 ton, Federate Delegate, lMxs. Johr ,q , that h6 does -not remember as he Once institution. The forenoon may be I iley, Jr.,'of Zurich, The convention , could; ,that he 'is -falling behind the ent 10"o,king about the lawns and ap is to �.9'lield in Credition next -year. others in his Otudres. ga dens or going over the exhibit� in r Too much can not be said Of the . ^ ii� - "I The tragedy, is the more tragic the buildings of the Science Depart- courtesy and hospitality shown to all 0 when as is . sometimest the case, ment,s. memblers present by the Seaforth charges of mikonduct and especially All visitors are reqifested to bring (Junior) W. I., who were the hostesses . . �� � of pilfering -or ste-aling begin to be, basket lunch, and tW assemble picnic . do niade, or perhaps proven against him. style under the shade trees by th,�% I . ". . 01 � � Pripelpal's who have had the oppor- . gymnalsium (in the gymnasium -in SEAFORTH BOY MANAGING I I tunity to study and observe b0Ys case of rain) at 12 o'clock, sharp, ly to the success of th - * A ��� a pi.eni..... 1. I 11 01 Imbw well what is one of the clom- Stariddid Time. The 40ollege will -pro- DIRECTOR OF LARGE . I nionest causes, of such -backsliding on vide -hot tea, milk and ice cream. . I TELEPHONE COMPANY the part of a boy. ' After lunch, the men may -go in I I .'I To be sure there may be many charge of a 4uide to spend an hour The Waterf ' Ord Star of June 12th , , '�, 11 'a once I causes. excepi- or two� looking over the cropi experi-' . , makes the following reference to the 0 � ti6iially brij'ht -boy fall farther and menflplots and the live stock, after I consolidation, of three independent V a W It I OV, 1,' 4 A f It I farther behind -because of the slow de- which they will be at liberty to visit telephone companies I into the ,Southern welopxnent of insidious disease, such other departments as they see fit. Telephone Company covering the as tuberculosis for example. - The pale After lunch, a guide will conduct counties of Norfolk and Haldimand,. face And hollow cheA-ks, the physical the women to ,Macdonald Institute, This company is one of the -largest � langoni 4n'd the mind that may be where they will be shown through the in-depevent companies in Canada, and, I bright for a few moment& only to fag Home Ecionorntie classrooms, labora- the Managing Director of it is 'Mr. after four or five minutes of. sustain- tories, and -kitchens. The women will James R. Forbes, a well known old �­, ed effort call aloud for proper food, then -be at liberty tb visit the poultry Seaforth -boy, and a son of the late I -thore sleep, sunshine, fresh air .and houses, dairy, apiary and th6& gardens Arthur Forbes, of this 'town, An- ,DufAoor life. But -by far the common- at their leisure. other Seaforth boy, Mr. Nelson Gov- isaf cause of progressive stupidity and There Will be an information bureau enlock, son of lYh-. and Mrs. J. M. delinquency to -day is undoubtedly the in a comfortable, airy room near the Goven-lock, is the foreman �of onstruc- A cigarette. gymnasium. Here there -will be a tion on the game system. I V -ben I first attended a public supply of bulletins, circulars, etc., On The St&r -says: P, school in Canada, my principal was various topics, and copiesof these can VAn event of more than ordinary . Chester Ferrier. That was 'forty be had for the asking. Persons in interest to the people�" of 'Norfolk years. 'ago. Shortly afterwards ti1r. charge will be -glad to give informa- County will take place on July ist Ferrier was placed in charge of the tion and to direct visitors to Any build- next when a new company known as , industrial School at Mimico, a school ing'or department which they may the Southern, Ontario Telephone Com- . organized to give boys who had been wish to ivisit. Besides this, staff of- pan -y will come into being to tak6 ov- in trouble wit -b the authorities an op- ficials will'be in all buildings from er, the- affairs of the three now exist- portunlity to learn, trades .and equip 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day, ready to ing systems in thiis district orl'arating themselves to -become useful and self- give information on questions of agri- under the names of the Norfoi.lit. Conn. respecting citizens. cultural science and practice� ty Telephone Col., the Eris Telephone . After forty years of experience7, or At 4 o'clock the campus will be Go., and the South Norfolk Telephone mearly that, Mr. Ferrier, now Dr. Fer- available tol'young and old for base- Co. * rier, I believe, should be able to ex- hall games, horseshoe pitching. or Probably not many people -,tre a - press an opinion on the causes which such other sports as they may see fir ware that,this will be one of the larg- I Jead boys to commit the various of- to enjoy. . est independent telephone companies , fences for which the courts have been All farm folks are welcome. It"S in Canada, serving 25 municivalities sending them to Mimico'. your week to see your College. Don't in Raldimand -and N At the Easter Convention of the miss the opportunity. tal'of 4,300 telephones and an invest.. � Ontario Educational Association, Dr. ment -of more than, half a million diol - I Ferrier did express that opition, and 10 lars in plant and equipmert. I . he expressed it very emphatically. In The outstanding figure in the in - Imore than two W. M. S. OF HURON dependent telephone business of Nor- � three the cause of the trouble that has PRESBYTERIAL folk is 'Mr. J. R. Forbes, of Water - led -boys to be sent to Mimico had ford, managing director of the three I been the cigarette. I ,On June 12th, 1930, the Executive systems, who -has been assonatiedwith I do not wish it to be assumed that of the W. M. -S. of the Hurom Pres- the enterprise fo,r the g,.-o`Atei- part this statement exonorates the cigar byterial. of the United Church, met in ,of its years of operation. ,Hi,,4 long or the pipe. The only reason that. the home of Mrs. Scobie, Belgrave, experience in the telephone business, cigarettes do more harm to boys than with all present but three members, together with marked executive abil- cigars or pipes is that boys use a and Mrs. Lane, our president, in the ity, lia,,e made him an invaluable as - great many more of them. Actually chair. That most impressive passage set to the system. Without Mr. one cigar is more injurious than a on Love I Cor. 13, was read, followed Forbes the three companie:; could not � cigarette in proportion to its weight.. by minute prayers from each mem- have attained their present high peak An investigation of the effects of be'r. of efficiency. � smoking on scholarship at Antioch . Miss Murray, Exeter, was Record- Altogether the companies have a - w .. C,bllege riiadd not long ago lb� J. ing Secretary pro tem. Seve:ral vae- bout 1,000 miles of polas and 4,000 Rosalyn Earp, showed that of twenty- ancies. in Executive caused by removal miles of wires and the villages are , three students dismissed for low sch-ol- or resignation were filled: Mrs. Chas- about fifty per cent. cabled. . arship, 21 were smokers, and further, Johns appointed -to iMissionary Month- The capitalization of the new South - that as one ascends the scale of ly Secretary; -,Mrs. James Hamilton ern Ontario Telephone Ciinpar,y will I 11 scholarship, the ratio of non-smokers appointed to Assist. M. Molnthl,y See- be $750,000,. ,, grows steadily greater. I retary; Mrs. Andrews, Godericb, to , �, Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. A. W. a., I When Dr. Robertson was the prin- Barker, Brussels, to Y.W.A. Secre- . cipal of Macdonald College, St. Anee's, t,ry; Mrs. !Bremner, Brucefield, to I MANLEY Quebec, he was himself a smoker and Baby Band Secretary. I had been from -boyhood. He had not The Nominating Committee Are as Notes.—TVT, and Mrs. Ed Horan noticed any ill effect on himse)f, but follows: Mrs. W. C. Pearce, Exeter; and Mr. and tMrs. John Feeney, from lie obserived its injurious effects on Mrs. George Welb, St. Helens; Mrs. Stratford, spent Sunday wjt.h friends the boys. So he called the boys to- Mew, Goderich; M.Ts. ROY, Lawson. in our burg. gether one day, and spoke somewhat Constance; -Mrs. J. E. Hogg, C'inton; Mr. Thomas McKay was in Godench as follows: "Boys, I have been a Mrs Greer Winigh-am; Mrs. R. R. last week as a jury man. ,Smoker since I was thirteen, and I Conner, Ki,�pen, Convenor of Nomin- WT. Jo,h,n Reid is pushing the work have not seen that it has done me any ating Committee. on the Raegy Drain since 'he put on harm. My father was a smoker, and ,The executive was fortunate in be- a day and night s-hift on the dredge. it did not seem to do him any harm. ing invited to hear 'Mr. Netrom from Messrg. Alex. Darling ann Peter '. But I can see that smoking is "hurting India, who gave a Wonderful picture Gardiner are busy pressing the suTp- some of you boys. I . think that you of the 14Changing East." lus hay to make room fo`_ the new should ' quit, and to help you, if you crop. will promise to quit, I will." The 9 Mr. Fred Eckaxt and Miss Eliza� � ;boys of that class one and all prom- beth Murray motored to London last ; . ised and from that day on to the end SOUTH HURON W.I. ELECT week on business. . of his great and useful life, Dr. Rob- OFFICERS .a. , t ertson was *a non-smoker. I ,� With a ,good attendance, the Wo- ' k�l, �,�, Smoking is a drug habit, much like , �. � � ,�: �. cocain, morphine or.heroin, in that it men's Institutes -of South Huron beld DUBLIN : �. I makes you miserable for a consider- their district annual meeting in the Mrs. Ryan, of Detroit, is ,.-isiting � Public Library at Seaforth, June 9th. heir sister, 'Mrs. P. Stapleton, , � � �, 1,',.� able time, off and on, if you have the The morning session was in charge , � I . -�s. L. Beale ard boys, ,of � .. hardihood to attempt to discontinue of the ' sident, ,Mrs. John Hey. St,j Mr. and Mi it. Scores of victims of these other :P Stratford, spent Sunday with Mrs. E. 7 of Zuric? The Slecretary-Tressurer I . drug habits have, imagined themselves ' Beale. I p . cured, only to find the craving, the Mrs. Dian X-aclsam ` of Crediton, then MT. Michael Darling, of Buft'alo is ,, I submitted the financial report, show - ''I -restlessness, the burning -nerves, phys- holidaying at the home of Mr. ;a;d , ;, ical and mental distress, the nausea ing the receipts for the year amount- Mrs. A. Darling. . '. ,� , � and indigestion, and other elements of irLg to $1, - 226, and the'expenditures ,Mr. ,and Mrs. Leonard Synith, of t . were $680. Mrs. McLennan, pf Sar- ' 11 inisery returning after a few weeks, Kennilworth, spent. the week end with I � and again and again ,,every .six to nia, the Federate Representati-ve for the latter's mother, Mrs. E. Roach. . . ''I eight weeks for months before the ef- this district, was present and gave a Misses Kathleen, Angela and Aileen I fects have completely worn off. If splendid address, telling of the great NItAlligan, of Detroit, are holidaying 1. I .. . y5u, are a smoker and wish to dialcon- work'the Women's, Institutes are ac- with their mother, Mrs. A. Mulligan. I I ;,I tinue, as ,Dr. Robertson did, for the complishing. Mrs. George Edwards,. Mr. and 'Mrs. Louis Evans, of De- , I pr � , sake of the boys who may be influerre- of Komoka, was also ' esent and made troit, spent a few days with the �%: �,' ur example, prepare for this a arks and also brought formier's mother, Mrs, Evans, at the -, I , ad by yo greetih-gs from Mr. Putman, the t, repetition 46f misery. home of Mr. -and Mrs. P. F. Benn. 1. I I knew a man Who quit smoking Superintendent of W. I., Toronto, as Mr. and -Mrs. Robert Roney and son, �k�,, ie branch, Ko -mo- Bobbie, and Miiss Edith, of Jinpeirial, I for a year, and at the end of that well as from her hon . "I �e time his own.wife, begged him to start ko. Those taking part in the Program Sask., are spending a few weeks with I . were ,till pe at this session were: Vocal duet bv -'. � again, for his. nerves IT- ' frbeads, I ; . I I iodicallY so raw from the effects of Mrs. Emery Fahner and Mrs. Gordon � I to make him unbearable Morlock, of Cred,iton; reading by Miss ' -0 - ;. the drug As 11 Smith, of Seaforth; vocal solo by Mrs. I . I,-, in the Home. , .. 1� Hess, of Zurich'- paper on "Our Can- WALTON ,, ,, .. 11 V", And all nerve quieting drugs have Ada" by Mrs. "Charles Zwlcker, of i,-" an unfortunate teridency to weaken I I k I I especially ttose very nerve centres Cre-diton, and piano s�lo by Miss Notes.—Miss Annie, MeTaggact, of � A ; , ,that have to do with the qualit.les of Grant, of Exeter. Varna, spent the week end at her I determination, and sense of duty. , The afternoon session was in charge home here. . I I Therefore, those who once become vic- of the first vice-president, Miss N, Miss Vera W. Gardiner has return- " 11 I -. Mxs. Edwards ed to attend slchool in Stratford, after � R flnis of the drug habit. of any drug Keddy, of Hurondale With her parents. . I habit, whether cocain oi tobacco, ever then addressed the meeting and gave slietding a week I . � " i retain sufficient manhood .to really a very interesting addresR on the con- Guests at the home of Mrs. C. H. . re- Mr 1, 11 , break it. ditions in Northern Ontario, and of Dr4ager over the week end we . . I You fathers and uncles who know the great work the Women's Institutes and Mrs, G. R. Church, ,Mr. ,and Mrs. , your slavery, who feel your minds are doifig'for them thbre. . Mrs. Ed- E, H. Adams and Miss Hazelle Drager, I dulling prematurely, and who, hate to wards also very abily conducted' a of Detroit, and Mr. and'Mrs. R. Drag- ,, I see the little son or nephew strolling question drawer in the interest of er and 'Master Wilbert -Snider, of I down the street with a stolen cig- Institute wbrk. Mrs. Wardlaw, of Galt. .� arette between, *his lips --there is- no Ethel, was also present and told of -Mr. and Mrs. W. C .Bennett and I � I m ever inflict that' the advantage of having a County Master Ronnie and Mrs. Holmes, of , I ,. .1 Household Advisory Cvuncil. Num- Walton, spent Saturday in London. � will offset the influence of your ex- Vocal Mr. and 'Mrs. J, Davidson'and son, r ample. The boy�has made big start bers on, this program were: i . i on your example. With his sensitive solo by Mirs. Roy Goulding, of Exe- Murray, of London, spent the week 11 lierves the craving becomes even more ter,, p no duet by -Mrs, O'Dwyer and end in Walton. i I t He must satisfy MT , ft. Hess, of Zurich- p-lano, solo Mr. Earl Hoy, of Walton, met with ... ! . acute than yours. 1�11 I It. And when he steals to satiAfy by IMrs. n, arl Mitchell, d Hurondale, an accident near Blyth on Saturday 11 that craiving it is your crime, because and vocal solo by Mrg., Chesusy, .of afternoon, which might have proved 11, p you have not the moral fibre, the Seaforth. . .1 .." " 11 very gerious, when the truck which backbone to quite. yourself, and it is The following officeriq were then he, was driving, crashed into another � � boy to imitate elected: 'Houcirary President, Mirs. car. Tortunabe-ly no one was hurt. � ,I e 'The monthly meeting of the W.M,S, , � I those whom he, reiklards, mistakenly 'J,olhn Hey,, Jr., of Zuric�; President, peihapb, as, 11104, "' '. � . Miss N. Xeddy, of Hurondale,, ist.-Vke of Duff's United Church, Walton, was . I I �� . I I I . I � . , I .1 . I - 1 7. . . . J . ..., , I 10 . . I � I I . � , 'i � I � I ... I � . `�, , . . I I I __:—, '5 . . I I , _ - - �. !, �",.AL-,�L' I � I 1-111-.1.1111 11 I �... I... I I 1-.11.1111. I I- .. .. I I ­­ 1-11 �.. 11 ­ .1 I.. ", . *� .;­� - , . 7T � , ; "11111 11 . , . . I I " -� . � I_' * *ff ` .*�""',-..', 1 ,��� ,,,, , . I , ..... 11 . 1, .... & I.- .... .. �­ 1, "'.1 . Y I ��� . I I I 11 . ­ " ..."...4C - � ­.­". , I. '. ".."I".."', ;. � " 1p�, 11 . I .. �^ �� i I I . ,. - . ., I . ., . - 11 - , 1. 44 �Sp., I _�, J"",-:!',,Q ­T &r " , - .10-.V , V . , , , � ! "I", - . .: � .. .1,, I,, ,,,, . I . . I . " V , , ­ . � . . I . . .1 11, I .. � , , � . . � . .1. .� V "I , '-4 1 . � . _ ?. - � .,�, , P � I . . � `-'4,��. I I � , liiir.,��%!;J I . 14 1; . 11 I- ,! , _� 104", , I , 11 I � aww" " A. , 'r ,,,, , . . - I - - Rtll I '! I . �.. e,l, . , ", , ,� , � 110RIL ,� I � . 1 ;. �- " ,� L ,7-A ,.,� . 11 N � I "l, .. � � W:1 . -I 1` - 1, I �, I 4 , il , , i 1:� .. - - , " , " - I I i I'll fi, � , 11 1, , F10 '. I., 11"t, - $6po.. 1. ";,, I; . , .­, LL '.. .1, I L ,,,.J ,;.. ... . � .�. . . , I 11. ..;.*.11, , . . 0"' t . 1'1* . . ". ,, .1 %44 w . . �, 1� 6.11 , �" " % : �111 , I 1�1 ,� _'t I . I LL , to :1, _ C. J . " , P, 0 , . .. I � e . to �, f I 10 � "" . ,_ - , �. 11 il .� . 11 I "'.­:, .I I I ,, . . '* I �11 ,1�. .11 ". . . , . .1 - - 1, " . I . . I i , We h -71 '' F) ' 'L avel­ I hwous . . - . ...'...'' I '.,�'� L",� : ,� I .. ....,§ " .w2r.. - , t'�,., I '' I - . . . ,�'o 11 I ry ,� , i e Brand' ­11�il,,7., ..., ... I 11. I . -0 - � L.' . .9 ., . 15 I 17� ,., e'd". I ^ ' I I . Red 'r i , , ar.. o nm,,,� ­ � .1 gles ,�, . I ;.­�L.t" . . I - I . I. Ne", CLUFF & SONS. . ., I I,. . I � . . . I . � . L' . ­ � . . . 11 . - I .1,,". L- 1. — . ..__ � , I 'L I I held. at the home -of MTS. Roy Bennetc. . spend the summer., on Wednesday last auld-'Was well at- MT. Wren Eyre, of Sarria, tipemt'the , tended,'and arrangements were made week end with his mother, Mrs. S.. for the garden party. .1 Eyre. iMr. Basil Wilson, of London has I Mr. and Mxs. Walliam. Pullman aTe been visiting at the home of j. W. visftizig relaitives in Detroit. kloy. 11 . WT. Arthur Finlayson has been con, Miss Mary Ennis, of ,our ivillage, has fined to, his ,room. with a severe at - been employed,at the 'home of Mr. tack of the mumps. His many friends and Mrs. J. ,Montgomery, of Winth,Top hope to see him around SOM ag�l,!M Mrs. William, Wcolds� accomparrieti Mr. Alex. McMillan has returned tq her nephew, Joseph Nicholson, of Detrolit after spending a week, with Ethel, to London recently. his plarents. 1Mr, and Mrs. John S. Buchanan and ,Mx. Robert; t1gie is recovering af- ' Miss 'Mary Buchanan, -Mr � a, Peter B. ter an attack ,of blood poison on lu� Gardiner and Miss Vera*', Gardiner face. I were in Clinton on Saturd4y. I IMr. and ,Mrs. Alex. McKinnwn, and Mrs. Wil�pam Neal, accompanied by �lallgbteT I of North Dakota, aro visit - Miss Annie Yerguson, of Seaforth, are in,g with Mr, ,and XTs. Angus Me- at present visiting Mxs. Neal's son, Kinnon, -and other friends here Dr. Frank Neal, of PeterboTo. 0 Mrs. Bateman, of Toronto, is viait-1 ing llier parents, Mr. arid Mrs. R. W. WINTHROP Hloy . I M�. and 1Mrs. Clarence Bennett and Notes.—The football game betweeq( . Mrs. Dora Holmes motored to London Milvertan and Winthrop was post - on Saturday. Poned On account of the nun. Win - Mr. and Mrs. Harvey C. Johnston, throp plays in Milver-born this Friday of the eighth concession of Morris, night have returned from their honeymoon ,M.,* and N i . Mra. Epps, of Varna, spent , to Ottawa and other Eastern points. Sunday V,ith Mr.,and ,,Mrs. MA. Clarke. 0 . 1 Nx. Nielson Govenlock, of Water - I 'forrd, ealled on friends in the village CLINTON : on Sunday. I d,aMT. and Mrs. Russel Shaw and t Death of William Brydone, X.C.— ughters, 'Riena and Helen, of Blyth, After an il,iness extending over a ca,ll,e0_pp!Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Eaton on . year, William Brydone, K.C., promin- Sunday. ent lawyer of this t,bwn for over 30 . 'Mrs. H ", is spending a Cew days t years, pa§_ in Toronto. ,ged away,gund-ay in his 64th year. &EKBrydone had suffered from Mr. and Mrs. M. Blanchard, Mr. a complication of diseases and his and Mrs. H. Blanchard, Mr. Thomas passing was not altogether unexpect- Blanchard, Mrs. Russell Bolt4n. Miss- e -d. He was born in Morninvton town- es Velma and Vera Haist attended the ship in IM,,the son of thi4 late Jos. graduation, of -Miss Bessie Blanchard, Bryclone, and Anne Ovilen. His par- of Stratford General H-uspital, on e,nts were early Scottish settlers of Wednesday, Nornington township and cafhe to this Mr. arid Mrs. Joseph Dolmagre and country when it was nothing but a Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton spent t wilderness. The deceased man attend- Tuesday in Guelph. 8 ed public school in Milverton and then Miss Norine Armstrong, of l.ondon, - went to Stratford Where he graduat- is visiting her ,sister, Mrs. F. Bullatryl 1 ed from the Stratford Collegiate In- MT. and Mrs. Joseph Little svid Mr. stitu,te about 40 years ago. Seeking Neil Moritgonietry spent Sunday ieven- a higher education MT. Brydonr, then ing with friends in Belgraive. went to Toronto. where he attenderi The chicken pox and muinp�, are on the University of Toronto, graduating the rounds. . with big B. A. Choosing law as a - profession he attended Osgoode- Hall I for some years taking his 'M.A and BRUCEFIELD L.L.B. He took up Commercial Law. in -the law office of Oliver Mowatt, at' Cemetery meeting.—All picrEons in - that time Premier of Ontario. It te-rested in the Ross Cemetpry, south was while studying at this office that of 3-rucefield, are reques,tcd to be ) Mr. Brydone's ,health failed him and present at a meeting which will be he was forced to rest. Ile took an held !at the cemetery on Tue.sday af- extended trip to Rome anti on his re- ternoon, June 24,th, at 2 r)'clock, to turn settled in Clinton, where he had arrange for cleaning up' the cemetery since resided. In the year 1900 he Notes.—Anyone wishing to procure married Mary MciMurchie, daughter fall bulbs will kindly have their or - of the late Archie MeNTurchie, Of de,s sent in to the Secretary-Treas, Clinton. There are surviving, besideg urer Mrs. J. Addison, not later than his bereft wife, two brothers, John anti JLln� 'goth. James Brydone, both of Mornington Mrs. McCartney, of Clinton, return - and one sister, Mrs. William Maxweli ,d to h6r home last week after spend - of Kingsville. Two sisters and one ing a wook visiting at the home of Mr. brother predeceased him some years C. Reid and other friends in the com- ago. The furieral was held Tuesday munity, who were glad to see her look - afternoon with services at the Pres- ing so well after her serious illness. byterian Church at Clinton, of which Mrs Cr. Stanbury and Miss A. he was an esteemed member. F 11 I I .. . 0 0'w- Londesborough. of Clinton, were tho ing the church service, burial took,guests of their sister, Mrs. James M`c- place at Milverton. Queen, of Brucefield, last week. 0. The many friends of Mrs. P. Bowe.v will be sorry to hear that she is quite TUCKERSMITH ill anti under the doctor's care. i Mr. and Mrs. H. Zapfe returned West End Notes,—The choir Of horne this week after spending sorn� Turner's Church I)icnicked at Goderich th-ne with friends in Detroit. on Saturday last. 1 W, M, S.—The W. N1. S. of the Next ,Sunday will be Flower Sunday Brucefield United Church met Wed - at Turner's Church. : nesday Afternoon. June I Ith, with the Last week Messrs. J. F. Johns and T'resident, Mrs. 11rernner. in the chair. Allen Johns, of Toronto went on a The roll call on "Chri-;t's care ior the motor trip east to Montreal and Que- ' individual" was responded to by 2:3 bec City, returning via New York members and many beautiful . verses State and Niagara Falls. Needless were brought before us showing U'4 to say they had a very pleasant trip ;how Christ is concerned ahout thel Mr. John Ashton, who got his barm'welfare of fliq children, Mrs. J. i - burnt by lightning a f( -\v weeks ago'! Thompson one of the Roralds, broughi is having a Preston steel barn ere,t'�tiding from NV, Africa. The tomper- ed this week. . ance, reading, "Control in British Messrs. John Turner, Howard Johns,' Columbia" was given by Mrs. Addi- Roy Pepper and Mr. Crich spent Tues- son. In tl�e. absence of the leader of day at Guelph. , Group 4, Mi." Helen Tough presidel I The inern-betits. of the ,Junior Farn .I �ver the remaining part of tile mect- . -T�; and Junior Institute speint P. very ing- The devotional leaflet, Ptnterost pleasant day in. Gu,,�llph a,t the OA.C.: and Evangelism, was read i by Mrs It Was a very ingtrucbive day to every- one. , I------------ _____ --.---------- Mrs. Alex. Broadfont returned to I ' her home on the Mill Roaxl afte,r; spending a week with friends li, De�! troit. I The Ladies Guild of , I Miss Wary Watt a,nvi Mi-;,% Ormn i ' Bro-adfoot, of 6nelph, spent the weel� end with -the liatteir's parents, Mr, and - St. Thowas Church -Mrs. Alex. l3TOadrfOOt. ATC. ald -MrS. I Alex. Watt, of Guelph, spent Sunday intend holding an Afternoon with friend,s in the virinitv, MT. and Tea and. Home Cooking Sale Mlrs. Alex. Witight. and Mr. and Mrs. at the residence of Mrs. J. Alex. Broadfoot. . H. Best, on IMT6, Rouzeal, -of Detroit, spe-rit a : F I. RIDAY, JUNE 27ih few days with Mr. and Mrs, G. R. Me - CaTtriley recently. I f rom 3.30 o'clock to 6, Wrs. Thonihs Rich-ardisiorn, spent a SILVER COLLEiCTION few days in Godeirich last weelt. . iMis� Ermk Wlirlitierr beft on Tuesday I � --..-- _. foir Mvcge, Jaw, ftsk,wh6re she will I - , . I . X__ - - � y . ffi�z#&)P�)�'qv , "' ;,.�*,'12� ' i ", . ,. .p,,,�ft.VJ,L,..,V�j!"�,,-,i,-,,,.,,np�I R , j*P,5j;,p­ 'Ir � , _., 'yff � , . . , goor, gvg' M" _ - , � -th.e... '� , 7, , "UMA , '%1W41SW,1 . � % _. , , I&I-1, ." '' , � � P. I �` I I I I I 1, I I . . I . . � . .1 I ". , I 11 . , , � , V . . 1. I I . I .., .1 1, I I i . I � . I ,r . 0 ., 1, �. , "I . I . � . � 1. I �., 1! ... '. . . . . . I I - �'. , 4, , . J , � , � . : , I . l N - 1� . �, I I , � . I � �11 , " J, ., �­,`�; . ry , T, , , .1 . I I . , .11 . 1. I., .11 ",l I 1�1`. I ". ... I : ., . I ?, .,. , , I - � � k, - � %,.,1Vv0,..­�._ , " N, " `�, . , .".,." , :. � C I- 1. it� - V 1, I k. � '..) . , . , , . � .. . 1. . 1, 1. I I �. , 0, - t , � �1. 1; !J'(, , , � '. , - �, . - " - ., "t _ N1, '" " " X . I , !, .- . . � I �% I I . . . . . 11.4,11 4" I , . I 1. -., . I , ", ... '. , � � , , .� , , -1101 'ill " . � 19�lf'l'dm Id 1111111b 0010a, ;,:�.,,�, ­­.­ _�V­ j- p)R , , r',��, o"'Y" �,,.,, .�� � 'W .1 r ,f, 1. , �, 11: :,, i �' , �ei`. I . . W, , :, ;.,,' �, �V�� .1 , a, a * —­ V - �-!­%­'.." �,�.TA;P�R.. -, ­ .Ali3A ,!AT4A, � Tough. Hymn'27,0, II.-UT"VAf ,W'A' On W ; , I � � y . ffi�z#&)P�)�'qv , "' ;,.�*,'12� ' i ", . ,. .p,,,�ft.VJ,L,..,V�j!"�,,-,i,-,,,.,,np�I R , j*P,5j;,p­ 'Ir � , _., 'yff � , . . , goor, gvg' M" _ - , � -th.e... '� , 7, , "UMA , '%1W41SW,1 . � % _. , , I&I-1, ." '' , � � P. I Br64t,li of Q�ad,'I, wa&�zung' andw;!*AZ . .. _ %, 04-f,�t-. ,,;r .: . .. ,sox ,.40!-A wwr,: ' Rattelabury closed the mvetbT.& ' witl, I . prayer. I Y... . , I., . '4V Xr.�. 1. � 11, ,,, `:..,:, "'ll, - "r :'.4 . . ,.... I � _, �,,�w I �',, , ".11 , 'Ir � ,,, . I . 11 . I . . -0. � . '. I " , ,L_,.li0-_— '. ." l, I . .. . .11 I .. � ; . BLAKX . -, ' - .; � . ..'i, 0 I , Nr , A, ­ i - W,.. " R'd "I'll, -1 . . BAYFIELI� - . . � . I � . R,punicin.-rTheold tl�m,­ e 'd � 11 ,�,", ,� rl"V_ � ". `1, I . . 11. rounh 4 , pa -, �nie , jy"t� Bre�16zes.­Mr. av4 Mi�s. Roy 31cLeod , on.thle Blake school grounds ton"., ' vw.i�r, ' i**';±A0nds,. Mr."and )Irs. ,Gballitiz . . ., June. f1th, was- a huge sdi�4eeitg �jafi4. , ,,,,, ,,;,,�, :�, - . RN� 1i and aiona, Blitner a4d' Kenneth, mid I will bl�,a nietmor" event to many of , ;�,. _ , , , .,-_Z0.l � f � dlaughter�. Marilyn, of ',Toleda, motored .1 I ,the foi pupils and, WeII&I. 'Tho' .�, t, - I .1. I ; S ,,.:, !, !y here Saturday a4d are guests for a 'weather proved ideal And adde,d great. , 4 . . . , ,. ' .."' �'-� ' `;S ,,, few 4-4ya of Wrrs. James Thornf;*u. � ly to the success of th - * A ��� a pi.eni..... 1. I If - " P'. 1. 1% ..., ., - � , �,,, A delegation of Orangemen from short pro -gram was giy�-n (!on4sting 1, ..-��, ,�. ", . �..� ,...y . ,.y . , ��.�'. `V-:'A�",�, �, , Bayfi&ld Lodge -attended a mpeling at . of a welcome sorng by Ithe pupi.1,4, X01- I �. � , ,�-�t,,A, I.... '� Wingliam Tuesday evening to consult - 'awed -by An inspiring vvelcor ne a& .*' 'S. , .. ..." . , "".oIN 11 � , -�,� - 4,171�'­�- with. miember ' s of the ,Ord, -r there re- dress by Blake's young prator, E ph.- I �.'.',,� - 1q, ,4; , i, , ,.,,�, � gar,Cing their attendance -str tbe dem- rilam Girigerich, who, with his pleas - I �".`�' I'. ."" ""I'i � onstration ,hetro, on July 12th... Make ing smile, and sunny mamn6d,, de- ' I . I � �� 1 "11 , , .� zt..i� �,1' your ,plans to spend- the Glori ous 12th at Bayfield. Ample he. lighted -all ,prevent. Mr. E. Toni. ox- inspector Godei , , �..) , .: ;;�i�.,;��..., , -..tiI I ­­ . provision,; will of who for forty- , , . . . " 1, -Z P �..�,.. made to feed all who come. The ho- three, ye9wra has visited that siqhwl, ... . I ... -* �4�, � I "I'll . '. I tels and the various churches ay -1 making ,arrangements to serve paid high tribute, to the teachers ,and, inspira- I , � ,�f . 1�il.... I A . . �Xi', , � "4"'t, . " meal . The Orangemen have committeps for pupils who were always an tiou to him, and expressed his pleas- . . . . I - .. , . , '. I ��_ I , , �,.- . � �, � 'XI I �'. decorations, advertising, receiving the ure at being present -to renev, cid ac., . . , � �,, �., .. 11:, I *' lodges and all details and are detem- quainfbanees. Humorous midressels - . � ... ... %, 1�,�, . ined that all who come wIP go home delighted were given by Mr. Dan Witmer, of 13fr. �t::: " , ­ .�, 1, , P.. 1 " " , � � � ��,1,1' with the day's droings. Dettroit, and James Irwin. of 'many �z ,P, Mrs. A. Catling and son, James, of Marlette, 'Mich., who recalled I ­ : Port Stanley, visited her mDther Mrs. seenes of bygorite, days under the care- ,il�,' I A, . , �. J. Sturgeon., over Sunday. fuL entergetic supervision of their I t . �� iMiss. Drouin -and a numlier of . teacher, now Dr. Ross, oZ Scafofth. . � 7 �,� friends, of Detroit, were at her cot- Dr. Ross was then called -and told of I . 11�� ...A � tage over the week end. big thirteen years in Blake as being ' , . ,� I �1 I 11�`I. 1. , - ,Mrs. E. A. Sauder and son, Bobbie, . the happiest .years of his, life and I 1. . ., A A I 1�." and Miss R. Fisher, of Kitcheftev, were spoke. of the hi,gh type ,-Yf Christian ... � guests of her aunt, Mrs. ?. A. Ed- manhood found in many who biaive .., "', I . wardis, Saturday and Sunday. since been laid to Test, lont wbr,se, in- . � ,",`.t' I " , , " , 1)� . Miss Helen M�nkhouse and William fluetritce lives on. An interesting event I ," .. �, Monkhouse, of Toronto; A. K. McDon- Of the program was the ieading Of : ��,,.. . . I ald, Winnipeg; Dr. J. A. McCullough, . many letters from teachers and pupils .. . .1:11 . , �� t, Sudbury; Mr. King. Morris, King and ' who -were unable to be ureserit, ,bull ' � "', I . ., Evolyn -King, Stratf Ord, were week ,wished to extend greetings Oy Mr. Bill �, � ��� :... �t � - end guests of Miss Rose K,mnedy, Douglas, of Brueefield- A suitable �..A �. I . '.�111 � ­ Rose Cliff ,Cottage. program of sports undier the super- ­� . I 1;, � ,Mr. land Mrs. John Pollork are vis- vision of the present t*achex, MISS J. , , , . �� -.4 . . - - ting their daughter, Mrs, J. Stewart, MacDonald, and trustees was emjo�-ed .1 -11 .I. 1�:: _� I Hiamilton. by all. Well filled tables were set � 'I , � . �, f Sid Castle, -of Stratford, visited his under the maple, trees and it is need- , ;:��. '11�4t' nother Sunday: less to say no one went home hungiry, -0 I . . Mrs. Dill -on and family, of London, During the course of the meal Mr- . _ell . . .... . il"N are in Casey Atkinson's cattage for Howard made a brief interestinp.; . :',f I he summer. I speech. Mir. Thomas Johnstor, the . I � .. ,. " Mrs. Frank Trebell, Str�tlo,rd; Mr. oldest pupil on the grounds wis pres- .. :-4 tnd Mrs. Fred Treball.and family and e,nted with a token, of rernernbrance, ­ . . I , � I I 1. Ars. Kirkpatrick and family, Toren- err Is and rep`16&d1 v- Y fittinglY "PuPi .. . 11 :.1, . " I '.. o, 'have taken cottages in jowei were present from Toronto, Kitchener, ' I .11. I . Grove. HaWhou.; London, Detroit, Mairlittibe, ... .. " .. �, Mr. Jones, of Stratford, ha-. pur- Bigger, Saskatchewan, and numel . el. . , 'based One of Mr. Jowett's cottages other places' far and near. The teach- , .11 . .4. I � � and is ba-ving it enlarge -1 and re- er, Jessie MacDonald, arid trustet-s aro . � 11 , I , ,!. 1, modelled. to be congratulated for the way in ... !-I I , :1 , Miss Rush, of London, wa.� the which the prograin was .-Conducted. I . ...-. ... '.,. �� guest of Miss Bacon overr Sunday, -0 ,� I -Members of the A. Y. P. A., (if - _,;� .1 : " 1, BayfieId, Varna ,and Middl,?�on, gave "The HILLSGREEN , '... he play, Ti -ger Earl" a., Hen- . I ,,,, all Monday evening and plan to give Notes.—Misses Agnes and' -Annie _�, I. 11 t at Staffs, Tuesday evening next. Cochrane, of Clinton, spent the week . . 11 I �, -.0 end with their sisters, Mrs, J. G. .. I , 1, ­ I . Forrest and Mrs. H. Fuss. , I . . KIPPEN Miss Edith Forrest, of Hensall, . �t"?` spent a few days at the bbme of Mr. 1. I ..: . � �� I Cemetery meetin.g.—All. per,.sons in. ,and Mrs. W. Love. . � ��. teTested in the Ross Cemetery south The Sacrament of th& Lord's Supper ­­ I tll of Brucefle4d, aTe requested to lo� will be observed on Sunday evening, . �. . V., I . , >relsjent at a meeting which will be June 22nd, at 7.30 p.m. Preparatory . 1, - .1. 11 held at the cemetery on �uesclay a -f- service will be held on Thursday eve- . �- ternoon, June 2�lth, at 2 o1c!uck, to ning, June 19th, at 8 o'clock, corduct- I ." I arrange for cleaning up the cemetery. ed by Rev. 'Penrose, of Varna. There- 11 NoteS.—MT. William C, Sproat, Sr. will be a baptismal service also. . , � .1 of Kippen, is visiting with his son: ' Picnics and reunions are now the '. ,; Dr. W. C. Sproat, of Seaforth. order of the day. The Troyer reun- � The Sacrament of the Lord', Sup- ion was held at Grand Bend on Satur- I 1�' I per will -be held in St. Andrew's Unit- day. The Stephenson reunion will �N' , ed Church on -Sunday, June 22nd, at take place at the home of William � 11 a.m. Preparatory services will be Stephenson on Wednesday, June 18th, held on Friday evening, June 20th, a� and the Love reunion will be held to I 9 p.1n, Rev. Arthur Sinclair, of Bayfield on Wednesday, June 18th. . . Hensall, will preach. Mr. and Mr-, S. G. Troyer and son, � A number from Kippen heard Mr. Gordon, of near Hensall,--were Sun- - I i . Netrain, of India, last Wednesday eve- day visitors at the home of Mrs. T. I ning in Hensall, United Church. ,Troyer. .� Dr. Margaret M.-cKellar, of India Mr. and Mrs. Albert Keys-qnd fam- . will -peak in St. Andrew's Unitel ily were Sunday visitors at the home Church on Sunday, June 29th, ,at 11 of Mr. and Mrs, Ross Love. . a.m. � Mr. Williarn Blackwell, of Lansing, I Mr. and Mrs. M. McKay, of r,od- Michigan, attended the funeral of his ..! I t ­h, visited recently at the horre of father, the late William Blackwell, of' 1. Mr. and -Mrs. A. Montieth-, o7f".Strnley. Hay township, on Saturday, June 14th. .11 Messrs. Fred, l"arsons an:l Percival Sunday. June 29th, Dr. Margaret I .JO?I.e% Of London, .spent the wi,-Pb, em,: ' McKellar, returned missionary, Will 11 I .1 �,:th the fornilor's parent;, ',\I,- and give an address in the Kippen Church Mrs. R. flarqon,s, of Stanley. at I I a.m. . Mrs. Taylor is visiting for a fc%,,* The Late William J. Blackwell.— (:,iyq with'hie'r daughter, Mrs. J. C� There passed away at his late resi I . 1, Bell, of Tuckerrinith. dence, flay Township, Lot 19, Conces- . 11 Paving operations have hoe -n iolav- , sion 6, on Thursday, June 120i. the I . ed a littl e during the past %ve,ok Owing late William J. Blackwell, in his 63rd .� , to the frequent rains, but are pro. year. .Mr. Blackwell had been in 1, �Ii M-e,ssin-g fine. �ailing health for the part year or so, 1 Mr. and,.Nlr-. George F. T� mism: but until a few weeks ago was able, v.. 111- 4;p�mt the past week, the ,f Dr . gLW-,t9 to be up and around. The deceased I and Mrs. C. Stii,wart, of Battll:� Cre-r,k, was highly respected by all wh�) came 1 ' Michiiga!n, and also attentle.] the in contact with him. He leaves to .. I � Mcrtent-on-Stowait wed,ding. mourn biq loss, �is sorrowing widow 11 ,Mr. and ,Mrs. WiTi, Al,Nxnn.1,,r arid anti three sons: William, of Lansing, Al family, sp,ent a clay in Guelph ro(-ently Michigan; and Stewart and David, *,t �11 , 'i Miss Hazol Thomson is sr.crding home. The funeral was conducted by *11'. , the holidays at the home -f her par Rev. Parker, of the St. Paul's Angli- .� . . ents, Mr. and 'AfTq. R. Thmnson, of I can Church, Hersall, of which church .1 TU-cleersirtith, %'he, having con-ipletel.A'he deceased was a devout mernber, on " . the year at liondlon N07MSI 1,'�-bool. _ Isaturday, June 14th, from his late � I ,Mistg Mildred Workman ,nont the ',he residence to Exeter cemetery. The 11 ! , " w"k end At her home in Allage. sympathy of the community is ex- ".', . is.- Seatwice Gooper -ii,"od over tended to the bereft ones in their I 9A the week e-n,d at the hoiiio of -her hour of sorrow. I � , ­­ 1, 1, fath,r,r, 'Mr. R. J. Cooper, of Tucker- W. M. S.—The regular rnonthl5r Ill am i th. ' meeting of the Wo,men's Missionary "In �� : ,,, I Mirs. H.. Whiteman and di�ghteT Society was 'held at the home of Mrs. , �, !". visited recently at the howe of Mr. Robert Stephenson on Wednesdtiy af- I . , �:: 1. " " and Mrs. R. Dinsdale, of Stanley. te,rnGon, June litb, at 2.30 o'clock. �f, �j� �. lMr%. W. F�rench's many frit.--iils are Miss Annie Jarrott presided. Th& , " �� glad to sev, hvir Out again and look- meeting opened by singing Hymn 283. 1�, , ,!::i�,' I � ,,,,, ,il,.��` I s. ing so well after her recent 'Ilnpls, ' led in. pray MTq. John Guebrane . er. _ � . , ..!l, , �. . .�� LIT, McKellar, a returned Trisstio,ri- The Scripture lesson was read froin -.,� . ,,, I ary, will,i speak in St. Androw's Urvit- Acts 1:1-8; 4!20. The devotional leaf- , n Sundav, June .pid Church, Kippen, O let was read by Miss Annie Jarrott. . t I ""."', 29th. gyrrm 371 WAS sung. MXS1- -I. C10ch- I—! ,� " 1, ,,, il&snion Barrd,—The Gauld Mission rane then read a MiSSIOnArY Story. pi , , .'111 -L" ' Band, of St. Andrew's, held tht-ir us- The business was taken arid the of- I'll, ual mon'thly meeting on Saturday, fering. The missionary study was I I W . , oil June 14th, and opened the, meeting by ta-ken by Mrs. (Rev.) Conner and was- . . , , 11 singing Hymn No. 426, ,�God Sces ths Little Rparrow Pall." The very interesting. The roll was dalled Hymtt 2?0 was *=ng. The moet. A./,( ,h�,A� .�a,',l " " IT - A� . I " � R, prayer by Dor,is Alexander. Sc;rip- and by the Lo,rd'§� �-:; "'. � was led ing closed all repeating .," i',1,'�::!,1rh I :", ture reading was takem. by q4len Up- prayer� . . [ . _.,A�lhl� :1 ( . I 11 O:�..;! .! , '' I I . . 11 I 1- .Xi .. 4 1.1% " ;4��", � I 1�11g.��,�, �, I I il I . 11 , , I . 1, , � . � 17111-�, I " - 'I .. m I , ,,, - ,.�� , J. 11 .� .,J,�v .0�., � .,,. , �:-,,� , � 4� 4� . ,,, "I', '.1 , T, I , . - '. . . 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