HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1930-06-13, Page 7, , " 11�� I 11! I �,',, .irl .� I li� % I ,,�'00 . *ll � � i i�,-4 0 �J, 1.44 . I , 01 e tilk 4 � " db- 40 #A 1 44 I #,A 1. P ,-4, It a " .,A so I , I -*� r i # . 4. k 4 1 I . ik. , 4 I .. I .1 yr 10 e I l V IV I � 0 'I / , * 1 4 .� 4 ,� 4 , ov, -,A) 6 I? i, � I I I I I f "ll, 14 - * - 4 F . ,,.,,t,�Jft , '?�i,.",71,;T-­'i, ;;�,--�,,;�,�,,�-,,�'P-'�-�-;��,l�:,;�"'-"�.,�,,�-,"',i `,�'­V ')'1%'l",'1" '11,111111,111 :� . .1 I Ili ',"­ 1, ; I � � - . I I "' , , I : )RU .#- I aqtj ,��S Q �, . �� * , I - , 0�, , , , " ,�. , """ I* I I . , " �, i I I 1:, I I -111 1 '. , * ,. �!,� ".." : ".� '�V,., , � "","'.4 I ,." I . X , V ." A*Q�010, ; vanvose Veil i w , I , , I . . Rm , ". 0 EMMIMA-41 Weakni-0-3 I splua� vox �'Q-_ =1' ­- : V V� or is,w1f... I � 7i Mon Free '. Co I or . MM100 . 'G. SMITH, British � li. Moz 8".0 SpWalist, 15 Downie Sit S At - 0941 ont. )202-20 0. ,I I - LEGAL oli . '' - I I I I . � Pbone No. 91 1 JOIRN J. HUGGARD Barrister, Soilieftor, Notary Public, Etc. . X"ttle Block - - Seaforth, Ont. " I a ... . -_______4-_ . IL S. RATS � Pawbter, Solicitor, C4nveyancer &W Notary Public. Solicitor for the Mondnion Bank. Office in rear of TIAB 1)4m"olt Bank, Seaforth. 'Money to 610116 ­ I BEST & BEST . I RaMsters, Solicitors, Conveyan. Mrs and Notaries Public, Etc. Office to fte Edge Building, opposite The Alopwitor Office. VETERINARY I I 0 ; 1 . � - OHN GRIEVE, V.S. 310nor graduate of Ontario Veterin- azy College. All diseases of domestic uldmals treated. Calls promptly at- 6nded to and charges moderate. Vet- winary Dentistry ,a specialty. Office md residence on Goderich Street, one docir east of Dr. Mackay's office, Sea- SORCL . � . - . A. R. CAMPBEL4 V.S. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All A,Wasea of domestic animals treated most modern principles. 124hees reasonable. Day or night salls Promptly attended to. Office on Iffain Street, Hipnsall, opposite Town Nall. Phoui If%. I MEDICAL , ­ I I DR. F. J. R. FORSTER . Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. - Ute assistant New York Ophthal- MM and Aural Institute, Moorefield's .1170 and Golden Square Throat Hos- i3ftalik London, Eng. At Commercial AotA Seaforth, third Monday in SwIt mouth, from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. 01 Watekloo Street, South, Stratford. 1 � 1 f - DR. W. C. SPR5AT -graduate of Faculty of Medicine, Uhiversity of Western Ontario, Lon - AW& Member of College of Physic- bw and Surgeons of Ontario. Office In Aberhart's Drug Store, Main St., SWertb,. Phone go. b- DIL R. P. L DOUGALL EDonor graduate of Faculty of 390dicine and Master of Science, Uni- vwisity of Western Ontario, London. Alember of College of Physicians and *=Svons of Ontario. Office 2 doors *sat of post office. Phone 56, Hensall, 0xtario. 3004-tf , DR. A.. NEWTON-BRADY Bayfield Graduate Dublin University, Ire- %&& Late Extern Assitant Master Rotunda Hospital for Women and 43hil&en, Dublin. O.ffice at residence bty'pit uig7ed by Mrs. Parsons. 9 0 10 a.m., 6 to 7 p.m.; Akwidays, 1 to 2 p.m. 2866-26 DR. F. J. BURROWS Office and residence Goderich Street, qsaxt of the United Church, Sika- dwth. Phone 46. Coroner for Cbunty of Huron. tke ,a i . Dr. C. MACKAY 4M Mackay, honor graduate of Trin- By University, and gold medalist of 'lWbft Medical College; member of SU College of Physicians and Sur - Zoom of Ontario. A I DR. H. HUGH ROSS Graduate of University of Toronto finculty of Medicine, member of Col- bSe of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, pass graduate courses in Clinical Schoo o Chicago; I Ophthalmic Hosp - , London, JbWwknd; University Hos i 1, Lon - &n, England. Office Back of Do- =bA*n Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. 5. Iftht calls answered frop residence, Victoria Street, Seaforth. a.., - ... DR. J. A. MUNN . Successor to Dr. R. R. Ross Graduate of Northwestern UniveTs- fty cago Ill Licentiate Royal Wle:Vof fient.i Surgeons, Toronto. Qfike over Sills' Hardware, Main St., Seafarth, Phone 151. 0 1 DR. F. J. BECHELY I Graduate Royal College of Dental ::2g�.MSTce over W. R. Street, Sea- fwth. Phones: Office, 185W; resi- dome, 185 J. I 111. CONSULTING ENGINEER S. W. Archibald, B.A.Se., (TOT,), O.L.S., Registered Professional En- ghxw,and Land Surveyor. Associate Nomber Engineering Institute of Can- AdIL Office, Seaforth, Ontario. 1.4 AUCTIONEERS 41`­� THOMAS BROWN Licensed auctioneer for the counties i9f Huron and Perth. Correspondence arrangements for sale dates can bd made -by calling The Expositor Office, 10saforth. Charges moderate, an d antlisfaction guaranteed. Phone 302. ; OSCAR KLOPP Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Na- tional School of Auctioneering, Chi- asgo. Special course, taken in Pure lbred Live Stock, Real Estate, Mer- ebmdise and Farm Sales. Rates in keeping with prevailing market. Sat- fgbwdon assured, Write or wire, Omar Klopp, Zurich; Out. Phone: :11"a. 2866-26 1 *_1* R. T. LUKER Licensed auctioneer for the Countl bf Huron. ,Sales attended to In all . parts of the unty. Seven slars? el. VO4eace in gunitoba and Ckatebe- vim Terms reasonable. Phone No 118 r 11, Exeter, Centralia P.O., R.R - No. I . Orders left at The Huron EX aftdinr office Seafartho imramptly at, . F . . WROM a . " 'A % " gn,09;?"`17� .1 W -1. I , �i J �24i, 1 ", I � , , � , �.i ii, ii'�� I., , N�ll !"?"I'li, i,ll P..�'�',.',iiii�,4.fl�d, ,,,, � - , ,4, ,,�,,i i,,,, i��`i: . I . . ,�. ;. . I . I., �. " �, " 5 � , , ;,.� if, .,;k" , i 1, V'' ,�4 '1'i�.f!�i.,i,:;,'tig 4�,,�g(�,14 � Y" , A , -T", � Ull lt'11�111'1 I'll. , � ,ii,�,:,'��,O�i";`, , , , , " " ^ " " 'i, .., , I ,, �,I^i I I " , . � . .;� � I -1 ��!,'1'1'11,', . ";: "l -if,' ­,'� :."h � L� 11 .1 "I __ _­_. , ,.T. i ,�,'. , , , , ," APA',3,0A(1JA%rq#1 , I i I - ­ � ;, !, I .14 ,� " �. , 1. IRMIJI-1144 _, � 11 :,�, . , , ,. �,,il � I I . �. . 'I.' "; .., , " W9 ,. , " � ­:� � e ", , - , b *4 1 , I I I . 1, , !� ; ; - �A , 1. , i I I . I .111 I . I. li . -1 "� ,;� , 1. , . ffllp'. gav"m �, , 0 w I 11 "4 w4iow" , 'd � � � �. I . I 0: "�,�L&Mqwt. I'll 11 I ��,, , 4.! , 40. 144A � .. I i . .1 1.�� � ­ I .. l . ,� 1. ... i ..'I'll, k.ect 'O . I 11 I .. �, "I ,., , ".9"I f , 11 � I I 11 I 1. � 1. 11 ��11� 1: ' � �' I �`J ,, , , � ,�� I Aqr �f� ,�, , � , " �Ia��'L - , , , I I - I �., ;" . - , , ,� R . i ming, j. . , pp - - . o Q. J , 40. her game I . :11, : I . . , 1. 11 I � 1, 1� � , 1 : i ` - brini , A "M I I I Ili tly gin ?Jaw Wan ., i . i g , . :,�: I I 7 I . 11; I Alarm a - t,)war4 . , Tl: I I , I .. i; , . : vibum a tactf It" � I',, : - 1, I J '# g o .1 I Ahe supre e cub_Wup im, T�" E , �, v , f her de� I I . L I . . I , .. . I sireo, V nad trampled pride, FAIR- , � I I � 0 hi valion =4 Al, wel'ousnes4 . I. . . � . be reven 0 S of degradation. ,toward . T" ,ge which was now all, but 'hors. With I By Archie P. McKishme the, eons,uv�laate skill .of- ter sex she Al I had first won, Trollivior's admirwbon, ,, � then she h,adi begun to work cn biG . ,r. � . ___ weakness. She fed 'his vanity, fan- .. . . . ned his anibition,, encourAged. his ap- (Continued from last week.) so I'm willing to hurry things to a petite for daink. . More and more she . bead. Give me three or four weeks had dvann him within the web. And She was gowned in a simple crea- longer, That's all I ask. I% make it one nightes, they sat ,alone over their tion of ,black lace. On the table be- well worth your while, my dear. live wine she had disclosed to him the fore her Tested. an in -laid jewel case, got a deal on now which, will ret me fact that he was helplessly In her Open, a rope of pearls lying half in million.$. I'll ditch, TrollIvIor as the power. and half out of it, as though thrown skunk deserves, and we'll go to Spain, The knowledge had sobered him, but there carelessly. the country you have always wanted with her white hand on his arm, loath - Ar. she looked at Turnbull her red to ,know.,, ing herself for -the despicable part she lips parted in a contemptuous smile. She stirred erect with soyrifthing was playing, she had given him to "And what," he asked "has occur- o,f interest. understand thait the '* & -of her sil- " 44 PrIc red to disturb the equanimity of mv Perhaps I might learn to forget, enee was n)urriage. He was not to peerless sister?, Can it be that her there," she said sadly. . misunderstand 'hey, " She did not love, fiance, who has just departed, is suing "We will help you," he told her. him. ,It was h -is wealth and position for still more timb?" "'We? You'll never get Myra that urged her. He. laughed jeeringly as her color J-Pantingdon to go with you," she said. She remembered .now how his face deepened. "Never!" had gone white and the spilled wine 111"m afraid there's nothing for it, "Oh, yes, I shall," he replied lightly, from his glass"'had splashed on his Clara, -but to continue playing Mr. "Leave that to ,me.,, whitb shirt-ibosom. like leaping blood Wesley Trollivor a little longer." I ,He sat down on a corner of the from. -a wound. He -had sat silent, He seated himself on a divan, and table and. lit a cigarette. staring. She knew he was suffering following his wave of invitation, she ' "Now then, let's see where we exquisite -torture, and the knowledge sank upon the arm of a great chair. 'stand, Clara Trollivor believes that thrilled her. ,"Jim," she ispoke abruptly, 'q'm were he to"brei his engagement with He .had agreed to the arrangemeftt� only your foster -sister, thank heaven you, you would divulge his ,part in the .had -given. her the solitaire she was -and I can't go on Playing this game Nevada Oil swindle, and put him in now wearing. much longer. ,If you only knew ,how jail. He doesn't dream that we know With a gesture of abhorrence she I hate and despise that man you would what we know." He laughed gloat- drew the diamond from her finger and hurry -things a little." ingly. hurled it across the room. Then she He glanced at ,her keenly. "But why," she asked drearily, "is �hrew herself ,on a couch and buried "Surely the superb Clara hasn't it necessary to keep up this, farce? her face in the cushions. discovered that she has a conscience?" Why not crush him at once?" , he scoffed. "Because," 'he returned, "he must ' CHAPTER IX "Not as far as Mr. Trollivor is con- be kept on the rack. The more he A TIP ON MARCHAND cerned, -at least," she answered. "I has to worry about himself, the less , To James Turnbull's, ring the door don't -mind seeing him suffer4 but I inclined he'll be to -pay minute atten- was opened by a serving men. do mind ,being obliged, to suffer tion to a deal in which he will play a "Mr. Haight -asked me to have you through him. And," she added, flash- conspicous part. 'He's brainy and cun- go at once to -the library, Mr. Turn- ing him a leivel look, "I di intend hing, and as far-seeing as they mako bull," he said as he took the visitor's to continue undergoing humiliation them, but I happen to know that he hat and coat.' any longer." th a certain The servant's attitude was One of 41 -My dear Clara," he returned, "is woman who has disappeared fro -m servile respect as h"owed, and shuf- it -necessary for me to remind you the place where he had bidden her a- fling down theball switched -on a clus- 3nee again that -you will. continue to way.. He is half -crazed with being ter of rose -hued lights. lo, as I ,say; and I say that you wil' obliged to keep his secret and having "Mi&s Huntingdon ? She's at home, go On keeping Trollivor in hot water no way of discovering her wherea- Hoopel antil the lobster is sufficiently boiled bouts. In fact �` " he added, "Trollivor's The man shook his head. to admit of my pieking his hones just about due to cave under." . . "Missi Illuntingdom is out, sir. She without fear of mental, moral or fill- She gave a little shrug of repalsion. iid not say Where she was going nor 3.n,cial indigestion. "I saw Myra to -day," -she said, as when she wouqd� be back." "Listen," he urged, as she gave a though to divert the subject. "She Turn -bull turned to the stairs. AT- 3hudder of repulsion. "It won't be was telling me that the Parnl,ey heir -riving ,at the half -open door of 'the ror much longer new. This I promise has appeared and has taken up his library, he, paused and looked, in. Join - Tim. You must go on acting the part residence at Shag Villa." as Haight was seated before a rose . >f the loving, trusting woman who "Why, yes," frowned Turnbull, "and wood table, his: chin on his breast. He oolos forward fondly to the day when that reminds me that I have an un- raised his -head .slowly as hi,s visitor , le will, make you Mrs. Trollivor." pleasant duty to perform. The rattle entered. Her slippered foot tapped the floor headed idiot has refused to lease us ' I'Ah.--Turnbull," he spoke, "you got ingrily. so s, and I my m,-.gsag% I -seei. Shut the door 'You've been saying that for a long have to notify my friends ,t�) this ef- please, and liock it, then come over ' ' ime," she reminded him. "I would fect. The fellow had the audacity t�) here and sit down." Ike to -see him pay for what he has come out to River Bend Farin the Turnbull closed and locked the door, lone to me. !But Jim, be is becoming other morning and read me -the riot and took a seat opposite the older .inbearable. Do You know, to -night, act. He was driving a big French man. when be cringed -before me, making car, and was more than half drunk. "I judged from your message that excuise-J fori further extending ou,r I wonder if Myra has me I t him?" he it must be sontething imperative," he 3ilgageiment, I felt such an actual re- asked concernedly. said, "so I came. at once." pugnanee for him -and myself that I She--afouk her he -ad. "I hardly ' He lifted the decanter, wb;cb his �lippecl -his ring from my finger. Al- think so. I know, though, that she host pushed towards h-im, and mixed most I gave it back to him. I bad to hopes he will spend some of his mone� himself a whisky and soda. fight myself," in giving the tenement dwellers bet- Haight flashed him a look from cal - Turnbull was on ,his feet in an in- ter homes and all that," culating eyes. stant. He laughed contemptuously. "Turnbull," he said huskily, "it was "You little fool," 'he cried ang-rily. "Webster strikes me as being the. imperative. I'm in a devil of a tight "Once - let Trollivor feel that he has sort of easy mark who would do it," corner, and' need your help." nothing to fear from you, and away he sneered. "For my part, if I were ' Turnbull'& face, as he raised his go all your hopes of ever making him allowed to do what I'd like to do for glass, was inscrutable. Day for what he has made you suf- these whining good-for-nothing swine, Mr. Haight leaned further forward. �er. I'd pitch them off the earth." I The fingers that selected -a cigar from -He took a few quick paces up and the door, the humidor tremb,led and the flare of lown the room. "Now, Clara, patience but a little the wax .taper disclosed to the watch - "Listen Clara," 'he said, at length, longer and -Spain, the glorious land ing man a deeper pallor than usual on pausing before her. "Your's is a of sunshine, for us. Keep Trollivor the thin face. mighty unenviable position, I'll admit, -on 'his knees for three, short wpeks. I Turnbull finished his whisky and I promise he won't bother you or any- soda. __ body after that." "So you wish to ,borrow miore LONDON AND WINGHAM I.�ft alone, Clara , Kim,berlie sat money?" be said. "How much9" gazing straight Wore her, beje-welled 111aigbt st-qted. North. fingErs clasped agonizingly, starry I'More than you will be willing to a.m. p.m. e yes which had lost all their hauteu., loan me, perhaps," he answered, "Con - dimmed by the mistA of saddened sidering-" Centralia ......... 10.36 5.41 memories. She despised heTself for "How much?" Exeter ............. 10.49 5.54 the deapicable part she was playing; ' Turnbull shook a cigarette from lids Hensall ........... 11.03 6.08 she rebelled against the weakness monogrammed case and lit it. Kippen ........... 11.08 6.13 vi;lljio4 had made her the tool of her "Supposing 'I say fifty thousand?" Brucefield ......... 11.17 6.22 foster brother's masterly will. Con- The i-teely grey eyes, capabl,L of Clinton ........... 12.03 6.42 . vent reared, she had known absolute- reading most men, were striving hard Londesboro ....... 12.23. 7.02 ly nothing about that craft and Wffle to pierce the masked face of the one Blyth ............. 12.32 7.12 which form the rounds of the ladder before him. Turnbull tranquilly blow- Belgrave .......... 12.44 7.28 which mer climb tov� ard the attaili� Ing the blue smoke rings ceilingward, 1.00 7.4 inent of selfish desires. When at beat a tinkling measure on the glass I South. 1,ongtn 1.er naturally analytical mind with his finger-tips. I I had begun to reason for itself, and "I feared." began Haight, "that you a.m. p.m s'ie had seen th,ings in their t.-ue might consider it unreasonablie--" Wingham ......... 6.45 3.05 hiht, the realization ,of what she was "I constider it nothing of the kind," Belgrave .......... 7.03 3.2.5 doing had sickened her. Buit now it broke in Turnbull. "I am only too Blyth ............ 7.14 3.37 was too late to draw back. glad to be in a position to loan you Londesboro ........ 7.21 3.45 The strain of Spanish blood in her the money." . Clinton ........... 7.40 4.0t veins, quick to love and quick to ha,te, He tossed his cigarette to an ash- Brucefield ......... 7.58 4.28 had urged her to wreak vengeance tray and d,rew,a cheque-book from his Kippen ............ 8.05 4.36 on him who had destroyed her hap- pocket. This he filled in for fifty Hensall ........... 8.13 4.48 piness, her trust and faith in men. thousand -dollars, payable to bearer, Exeter ............ 8.27 4.5� Her heart lay buried with the young and handed it to the older niall. ' Centralia ......... 8.39 5.0 avia'toT who slept som�ewhere in the "Thanks, my 'boy, thanks." The battle -scarred fiellds of France. She tones were grateful. "No',v as to se - had loved him -with all the strength curity­-" . C. N. R. TIME TABLE of her fiery nature. And Wesley Turnbull ,waved a hand. East. Trollivor she believed had, after de- "Never mind that to -night. Later a.m. . p. m. p�riving him of all that was his, pois- you can give me your note for the Goderich ........... 6.20 2,15 oned his mind against her and sent amount, as usual." ' 6.36 2.31,,) him to his death. Her ]over had "You are ii good," murmured Holmesville ........ Clinton ............ 6.44 2.45 ,,vritten her confessing that he had Haight. Seaforth ........... 6.59 3.03 gambled his own and her happiness "Nionsense. It's nothing. This has c "I am been a lucky day for e on the Stock St. Columbian ...... 7.06 3,10 and did not merit forgiveness. in Dublin ............. 7.11 3.17 going," he had said, "in .the wake of Exchange. Acting -on ancyther"s ad - all my dead hopes. Eiven the old vice -a ,stra-n,ge thing for me to do -I West. homestead wheTL- we were. to have cleaned up exactly one hundred thi a.m. p.m. P.M spirit so many sweet hours is lost." sand dioli Dublin ...... 11.27 5.38 10-04 The old home place with its quaint Illaight leaned fc,Tward in his. chair, St. Columban. 11.82 5.44 .... buildings and gnarled� apple trees_- His eyes shone with a fevered glit- Seaforth . .... ' 11.43 5.53 10.1 i how well she remembered it. She ter. Clinton ...... 11.59 6.08-5.43 10-31 could see it now with its snowy bl-o's- "A tip," -he half -whispered, "and Holmesville .. 12.11 7.05 10.4(. sonis sloping to the lake, its undu- you cleaned up a cool hundred thou- Goderich ..... 12.25 7.10 10.5i lating fields -of green and gold with sancl!" the -sage-hued wo,ods beyond; the pine Turnbull ,smiled. C. P. R. TIME TABLE gi-o,ve on the hill whefe, slept big peo- "Pure luck," be said. "I was, a fool East. ple, Phis and the money he had 'halv- to take the risk." a.m ed for the culmination Of his bappi. Haight poured himself a glass ol 5.5C niess and heirs, had -been lost to Troll- whisky. Goderieb .................. 5.56 livoy. "Yes," be said absently, "any man'E Menset .................... (1.04 One short Iine she had received a fool to risk money on a gamble. I McGaw .................... 6.11 from the, field canopied in file blue have yet to risk my first dollar." Auburn.................... Blyth ..................... 6.25 'haze of death. Its 'words, weire etch- Turnbull's eyes, swept the roorr Walton ..................... 6.40 ed in heir brain and 'he -art: I "Thank slowly, noting its. luxurious fittings MeNaught ................. 6.62 GoLd--4hat forr w1hich I long is all the costly paintings on ther walls, ev- 1024 about me. Good-4bye." ery item bespeaking taste and wealth I Later, she hadi read, dry-eyed, his then back to the shallow, intellectua' West. name arnong the list of those who face -of the older man. R.M. bad made the, supreme sacrifice. Af- "You d-cin't con!sider backing PirE 7.40 terward -nothing had mattered. She Fly to win the HaTport Sweepstake., MeNaugbt ................. 11.48 lived only for vengeance, .and in this a gamble then,?" -he, -asked. Walton .................... 12-01 James TUTn,bulll bad abetted her. "Why should I?" exclaimed Haight Blyth ..................... 12.12 Cleverly, assiduously, be had heilged "The mare will win, there's. no, ques. Auburn .................... 12.211 'heir weave the web which was. to en- tion about it. Why, man, she ca- MeGaw .................... 12.94 mesh the man she hated. 0b, the beat anything entered against her b3 Meneset ................... 12.41 glory Of holding oveir 'him tbif§ sword a length, There's only one horse It Goderieb ................... 12.41 Which at any moment she emild let AmeTica can go a faster mile, and hel I ," I . 11� " , ,. � �tq;"�Iilllll� , � " " , "Y'.", - �", " , 1�11, ,�, - I ,� "I , I � � R. .11 ?11,1,�111411'11 01i�i, __ 11111� � �111 __ W �nujqn,,�TL, 1, 45 �,��i4 1 ili7 '. �717'1, WAS, . � . : 1:� .112 .11 I � , -, , , � I , A# ,Q WR i M''', �i,�, , , , V , V �, , "' , " Of, ,LOU T , "M "'. WPI ... M ,�� 1 11";��"ii",Pi,�L,�il""4)�,�p�i'I 0, ,,,&'.i�l�k , - , ,� , V " ;,Nlli I " , I " , E , 1� Iii ,1'11�`i i'll, ,�![, i, i , , I im, But it # ,/ g s t, � " , . �h � _4 'Or w#A0 , bo� ; , - fi�i;��,',il'jMfj, gmue.7y . . I . I . � I - . e , .., 402 , _� I 11 i",� I ,I C ., , l' . 1 0*9011`114.� 11,11P.W1 �`, '1,1, '- "�, , ""N . "'.1"'r "'' I - I Ai���,�,�,�i�',�"ItVFI�ll,ly,lmI I ", lii,�',,'. " `u', 1,1k;i ..... . 1� ,� book hi , � �J I .1 ,,,,I 001glit 4 .0 31,00, 'P19,34sly, -;,,90#10, 01V %i,ffi ji;',,qV@A1 , -1, ,, ­ q,,,,� � , , M "" ,,- , , ! �, I , '161 e"11""'I'l�i, i�:ill��N,1%0v­' 'lLiii, , , ... " � , t� , " `� ...... ,& IT ; , ' bot, 11 I U9 "44 " .- . I? ",I , 01'�� 4A4 You know,, I nw-w 1-41. ­i7it"r - -,:"* "Aq-,.",�1!R�T11- , 11 11111 'Mr, 111�i � suld, .4%.ut I have an, `w � ellent ,, " - ,I ,,,, - . 0. IM, - i . , , - I , offleT wo V "O"Im""t, A I 1�l�,S'li , � lql"$ 4 1 , , � �%� ��,� , .� P � IV, . 1, , " ­ "" , , for Fii& fly from, ,the -AgrAm 09 4 1, '. 'i"W' " "" V .. U 119W, !� 9 � i . , ,.4, An Wq!1_01 , , RVJV�F� - 4111ii, 1,� lkli, ­Ii� i, �,! ,:. stwoles, iprovuling abe, vAnr, the sweep- ihft 0-orp,*14., �Xbpphtk' '*,"', -14,400 ,�, "i , I ;, r!,f�,:,-',!i';'1y,1 I *#,I, �, M,q .4 , # -,.�,,W%knwv,,�, "'! , ff",Z' 1 , , ptakesi W-1-th dfoAp '." � , " " , ,; ­,", , ��','q ��,.!'i'��4];,," . .. � ,� ,4 , li, I I � v:."Amoie, ,I 411BUt'll q was under i i�l . said Tumbulli" n-OVUET,ox,y"Qu,bo�m,O,A�,qy�tlunx""T*!-:;,.O.#T�,�,�!� ''�111'1��"11'4'1111'�` the impression Fire Fly be -longed to "Of 0ourseil. I:know4,b*,t;,.1�-,,T0.Vq i , i -,,�,,11,� I �i�: �:�I,� � . . ,,, t'lK. � "'I" 'I ., Wiss Huntingdon." I Turnbull apologe � !, "', , , aW, )Z ,, ," ",� p , � I � I I . ��� . , ., ?"" .. Al . 1�1 I 1111-i I I a-ersi- anu, . .. Haight laughed unpleasantly, !your aversion to, . I ,! __ �� � . rzw. - " A ""' � , , iii I ,,,, ­ b , , '�1111 : 141R,i-, "She does, for that matter," he re- I wasannoyw at Wne,�7fqicq I il��'�, 11, plied, "as all the hors" do. They to' Donley in your ,presome!" .11 .. - �K -11 '� �- - � . I 111. �, ge are a part Of her inheritanee,"A 'Tut, WWI . , p, g�� 1� �,� . �, I . "And supposing she doesn't ear� to Haigb� disnilaiwd the tr*.,,. wi �"; LLLL � I 61 .Vae th 1�� : I . 'i'll sell the mare?" I magnanimous wave ,of We hand. , %XV,ir,010-1 V:ilt"W I , '1101.1111 _ ,. "Shell do as I say," suppoie Pra a fanatical old ass in, �', �,.��, , 1 1110 , gg I i� I 4 .� Haight compressed his lips grimly thinking gambling the gireatost � ) , , "A of ... il, I :.ii l.- ,,, , " "I - "She is sdll under age, and'I an, aH vices, but 11 can't-be�p it."' � � . ii�. 1 14 . I - . . "i ...... 11 ";;, " . .", 1, 11 , � .., 7�', ,� 'J,gv , . � , ., ir_!_�;;11.1 . . , : , 11 ,, ,� - her legal, guardian. -She has never His sharp eyes flashed to Tuxinbull's. I I I � ""'.. ..... .... I W"10 , �,,,,' � W",!.111�;" ti�:;v I 1�,, . " ,�Ii�i�_O, I, . � , _,?� '�L�itl � ", I 0 "There, there you iniiistult mind me. . .1 . .� 10, " :1.1:1-i P1.1,; �, 411-1112fi, g ii�� I IM, , , IN :0 yet questioned the wisdom, f any act I - , ;1 I '17r; li;i� 1;.1,11. . . ", - I .1, _� I` I �,�.,�.�I'l""I��,�,�i�ll"�,�,,�,,�",�)�,,�'-I q of mine, nor will she this." I dare say -this broker of yours had _.,�, � �,i;,Ox',­�, _ , ,� . I , ,I;,,:; I ,,, I , .1 ,"'e". ', _,"',"', '' , � J "il,,,�,Iii.,,�' i. � ,_'� `,G.i� , 1111- I 1 ��_,_�:�,.,,, I 'e, C", i�t , �t",. !�, '� "You mean to say that .she is will- something SUM, otherlw'lse he wouldn't 'N" W' � 0V,%iii.,'..i.,.,;, " ''�. vi� �,�g igg to be guided by you in all inat- have bothered You?" :; 1, �.,­,- ". I .,;:, ,�. �, "41": " ,'vo �"Vl� . , ., - I ,., ," ,�.;,i,v 1� I L I 'i_ D"', "I", �,-!,�,,,,l�., '. - �1 .9 1.1:-, , , , ;.,1,:,.F " � I "�..",�, 11 i teTs?" Turnbull asked significantly. "Yes," Turnbull admitted. "He Rays For Old " A � , ", $* .�, .� XI: � , �) ! I I I ` , " �1. ,;,";�," I " The quiet emphasis on, the word it's ,sure, and ,I believe he knows. It InY, 1 1, , � - ,!"�, � "'' I 6 " , :_ ., . , :.Ill , 'i, "I , I.. Z ­'. - ' � - . '­�, " . . . . . ", I brought a flush. to Halight's cheeks. was on his advice I bought larg6ly.,of owckly�f �, 41 I .. I He glanced quickly at Turnbull and a certain stock to-tiday, and cleaned up I $01y, ' , , ' . � .1 - , for the fractionof a moment glimpsed that hundred'. thowand." FADED, spotted, wtifna,o ., . �`!��?�4,�P- - . , T,y. I . ;, � 'YeA ­i�,.� il I i� the face of the manwithout its nmsk Haight caught his breath hard. streaked garments citu �bic,-Maft "' I � I , ,", � I . . , I "I'll not pretend to misunderstand ' "Of course," he admitted. "It's none good as new by t"W-cing'.out 616r, apt(l % "I. ,-:, - I �,�.,; I , . .1 lu'r. 1: I . , i" you, Turnbull," he said. "And as I've of my business, but if I were blemishes with Whit; i .. . , "i'L ' ;­ _�"� youl, - J i , , , , , I ­. ., promised you; I've done everything I Turnbull,, I'd leave .these sure -thing White RIT removes ciAorf, , ', ;. , . r.'� �.,� r �qIIX ; : � � "", possibly can to -help your suit with tips alone. Not but that You're every fiber of Ill ina� I- " -.-, . terials-even : li�'. . Myra. I can't very well force her to wealthy enough to stand a reverse or black -harmless as boiling watek, , , .. 11,, 1, 1, ,­�, I I . I I 1, !", "R .. , marry you, you know," he added irri- two, -but well, there is Myra to- con- even to the finest ,of fhbrics. T I I'll. . I .1 I ,e:.,.0 lx�h � I ., � I 1AI'l- 1 ,4 ' I tably, as the other ,smiled queerly. sider. ,She loathes gambling as much you can tint or re-dyethern pcde,c . .. I.. � . 111", , . On, . 1, .. 4 " ,! ­­ .. 1 ,,� I! I 1: !�"; "Oh," said Turnbull, easily. I�Ilnl as I do." beautifully, with INSTA14T lUf. 1, . _1 ", . . . . . ;; . `11i�111 . I not asking you to go so far as that. Turnbull's lips twisted in a simile. Use White RIT teremove color from-. � " " .1i ,�, . I 1:1 � , , �� . 1, ... - ll come out "'I got the bulk of my money gamb- Dresses Curtains 11, �015` I "R ..... .. �` "I �, all righ�." ling, as you know," -he said quietly; Hosiery Children's clothing -..:.',,"i, - 41�i , - , "It,4ill," declared, Haight. "She's "and I suppose as long as I'm alive Lingerie Scarfs, gloves, etc. I , ,All; � 'i, � IrIl" I ","... a ,heady youngster, but you leave her I'll take a chance. However, I'm safe White RIT also removes spots 11�;i I ,�.l , .i., , ;. to me. She thinks the world of your in buying heavily on Marchand to- and stains frorn white goods, even , tt-,i ­ . ,�i,qr, I'll.., . �,`, . toster-sister. That ought to, help con- morrow. Donley`fp inside information ink, fnift, perspiration, rust, etc., or - :,4."i &iderably." is authentic." I .4 - 1,i, j; " yellowed" or "grayed" appearance :111 - Turnbull's face darkened. Haight shrugged and- threw out his due to age or poor launderi � ii�' � ng. .11,111, � I "I'd like to think that," be said hands. At your druggist or department store- 1711'� slowly, "but I happen to, know that "Youth will have -its head," he Isc per package. I " .. , � - "By the way, Turnbull, -,peak- 0 : �i , -, my. fosteT-sister considers Myra too sighed , good for me. She has told me so re- irig a gambles, I chanced to. come in New INSTANT RIT Colors 1.'�`11 � ' ' . . . . . . I peatedly. I can't expect much help contact with -a man not long ago Whom Use INSTANT RI T to tintor fastdye, . I I . ��ti­ ' � - From her, I'm afraid, Besides," he it would seem has a number of Nev- fabrics. Comes in season'o fashionable shadeg, �1, I :l� , I Easy to :�Ouickcr, longer lasting ---no spots, ..", %id,ded grimily, "Clara is becoming ada Oil shares he seemed anxious to --no str : � . 151 11 ­ " � something of -a worry. She knows dispose -of. 'Hia name was Nevilles. When color has been removed with Whit& I I x1together too much about me and Remember anybody by that name ?,, RIT be sure to re -tint or re -dye with INSTANT i�;. . , kindred in formula and ".� RIT because they am . , : 1, � my business, and if she should ever Turnbull shgov ",I � � . �ehis h ep hen �­ "He must ____ --Ai* he used together. . 1. ,�uieqs what I have done-" !sleepl' professional results only guaranteed w ...,, He bit -off the words with a snap laughed, "Othe he uld kmO_ !, 1, that the Neva, * * ' b IPF 11 , � f his jaws. - �J .. ) d, � ba,ubl:o�urst five .11, i t ' v� .. .�, d� ' "Bah!" sneered Haight. "She's years ago. 4r(u didn't tell him that �.zid .1 �� )nly -a woman." I you and Trollivor had helped exploit UQUA . � .1 .1 , "So was Eve," Turnbull remindea the stock, I suppose?" he asked dry- I ,.� ,�,:_ I I , l,im, "and look what she did to Adarn I IY- . �; . 3,n,d the rest of us. No, she's an ele- "I'm, not exactly crazy," retorted rolor Removicr :11'.1, 11 ­ - nent that must be reckoned with. The Haight. "But I would like to know Harmless As Boiling Watep 1, �" � �, 11 i r I I l girl's brainy and far-seeing. How I've where he got hold of the shares; he Note: ALL RIT IS INSTANTR T ; nanaged to fool her as long as I have, sent a wire to a follow up no,th, to whether so rnarked on package or not. ;. 1, I , , , I don't know." Timmins, I think it was, stating that , i I . Haight gave a cackling laugh. he bad just learned that the stock was . ... . il " . "Keep on fooling 'her for a few worthless." I 1. I .. .1 .. Peeks longer, my boy. That's all yo u "To whom was this wire sent?" same as be did theleasing of Drown- I �­ 1. lave to do. You'll- be in clover ,then." "Fellow by the name of Cavcrs." led Acres?" ". � 1: I "If the deal we've' shaped together "Arnold Cavers?" .... . . . . . �,, � ��Qes over,.yes," . Turnbull laid down the glass of "He'll not," promised H)aiii "The 11 ........ I " �i . . . . . . . I fellow's a brainless fool. You watch . ,,� "It"ll go,over," Haight said. "Am whisky he had poured himse,lf and me handle him." ,�., .. . I , , [ not with you? You said somAlling stared at the ,older man. 1111�.. "That's the name. You know bi in, 11 Rememberr," Turnbull raised a � 11 � , - ibout brains, J think." finger warningly. "I've simply got to- 111.1 He touched his forehead, chuckled, the n ? " wn that district. After this next . illil I ind settled far back in -his chair. Turnbull shook his bead. "I did 0 " 11 ., , big coup is pul-led, I may settle down � . �.. �114 rred Turnbulli, "sup- know an Arnold Cavers, who bought ,f , , and go in for politics. Uso, I'll tear 11,; _OM demu ?osing Webster takes a cantankerous pretty heavily of Nevada shares, I out those rickety saloons and build � 11�;] It and refuses to rise, to the lure?" believe; but this chap was killed in ...."o, . . ! .,.,,I . hew -ones. We'll need a few more pool I ,,, ,I Haight pressed the tips of his fill- the wan" rooms, and. ain -arena for boidug-bduts q� �er together and sucked in his breath "Are you sure of that?" 1,.r�g � too. I intelidto spend a ilot of money . ,. . :, �xqltingly. Turnbull smiled slowly. "Absolute down there, and I don't -want any 1� I '�Dor�t you worry," he said softly. 1Y. I made it my business to make plans I'm making to fall thro,ugh." .� �� "' "I'll handle Webster." sure." 11 nement dwel- . � �r Q The telephone rang. Haight lifted He turned his calculating eyes to lings?" Haight -asked. 11, )ff the receiver. Haight. "I'll leave them as they are," Tin. m- . i, I "It's for you," he said, handing the 4' Suppose we change the subject," bull answered. "They're paying well I.. he suggested. "Tell me something .1 ,nstrument to Turnbull. enough as they stand.." _;^,L, For five minutes Turnbull listened about this new heir, Webster. I in- "Aild what'll you do with Bryce, the, .."11., I � 11 � �o the voice on the other end of the, fer from what I hear that he is rather man -who collects the rents? Keepi ,� '' ine, occasionally uttering a crisp yes an erratic gent, ,'What if he ' takes it him on?" 11 � Dr no. into his head to buck the proposedl I Then, "All right, Donley," he said,�sale of the tenement district to me, (Continued next week) . I --------- ____._______ �_ - ave Youar Car W ^ - AU -1v V & 'mom linvilm difillim lim Wood %w0ndlition' . ' Newfore yous Nake it � on the road � Cbeck your brakes carefully before you start out on the highway. You may have to depend on them, and they may I fail you . . . to the injury of yourself or others. I See that your headlights do not glare. The Night Patrol I of the Traffic Police may stop you and issue a summons. Glaring headlights are the terror of night driving. I . ' Be careful. Show courtesy to otbers on the road. Use your I I ; coriamon sen,se in deciding where, how, and at what speed you ! wifl drive your car. i The Keystone of Safety on the King's Highway and aU other roads and streets I � � . a oil . 10k � I a I I . . . I I I I .. ." � : --- . I P I - Highway I Com ____ I � 77w BON. GE0. S. HENRY, Chairman tin � . I: . I .1 I . I I I 1,11111111111- il - .1 I . I . . . � ,,, 11 ,�i, - .: .. i4"..;,", �,' " . 1 ;­,!',V��,N;"Y:1,'�.4!i � "., * " .t i� � � , 4., . �..!;".���.�l;.;",r�.�,;�,�,��t,