HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1930-06-13, Page 2P J�s
P, C1 In
0, le .3
o v, ve.. n
At. �;
'INVINCIBLE farm fence,
made of open hearth
o 9 steel copper bearing e.
8 wire even spaced stays, 22" apart ....... 46c Rod
8 wire even spaced stays, 161/2" apart ..... 50c Rod
Burlington U Posts .................... 45c Each
Poultry Frence, 18 wire with No. 9 tops and bot-
tom............................ ...... 75c Rod
Long handled solid neck shovels ..... $1.25 each
Steel Garden Rakes ..................... 75c each
Full Line of Fence and Gardening Supplies
m1pif, ,
See the Pacific Coast
this Summer. Enjoy the
hospitality of jasper
Park Lodge in the heart
of the Canadian
Rockies. Tennis, swim-
ming, climbing, riding, A A
motoring. Enthralling
scenery ... new experi-
ences. Then see Van.
couver,Victoria and the
glorious Pacific Coast.
only a few days extra
required to take the cruise
to Prince Rupert and
Alaska—pleasant com.
panicyns—wouderfud sights — 12k ANNA ]MI
totem pole villages—glaciers. ff;t
Enquire about Low Tourist =1111101
Fares, in effect from May %9A IMEARLIKE
15th, to September 30tb_ HUN
Beautifully illustrated
folders available throughany
Agent of Canadian National
it aJ'nJL
110 laal
T, a, 4,S .... .... ..
Gyproe Gives
W 1�1� d", 41�
, � I—
MADE from Gypsum
e $15.12; ohu�ton,
wpa4r men, $7.50; P. X,Jsaac,
rock, Gyproc Wall-
board does not burn. And
esu*, s till lead on,
this year it has a new
Tel. Mfg. Co., matetial,
smooth Ivory finish that
needs no decoration
�nd, Although the way cheerless,
(when panelled) al-
men's t0qmpenvati6n Board, assezB-
though you can tint,
paper or plaster it if you
Guide us by Thy hand.
$166; E.. R. Guenther, cartage,
Structurally strong, in-
expensive, easily and
quickly put. up, Gyproc
Towuehip Accounts�Amuse-
Wallboard gives perma-
nent fire protection to
If the foe be liear,
the walls, ceilings and
plans.. Bell-�MeEwen dyain, IV;
partitions of your home.
Your dealer's name is
jet not faith and hope forsake us;
listed below. Ask him for
Advocate rains, $1.75;
advertising d
complete details of this
t it%i , :i"
pioneer Canadian fire -
To our ho)Qae we, go.
safe Gypsum board or
Weeds, $2. The council adjourned to
write for free interesting
book, "Building and Re-
Suffer us not to turn in anger on
model -ling with Gyproc."
1.30 o'clock p.m.—A. F. Hess, Cl
r1urt, lest we increase the sorrows of
Bathind Beauty s
T, a, 4,S .... .... ..
W 1�1� d", 41�
m4teri4l, $518.41 expivas, post -
W. J. J boar
R�r Isabel Ha Go erilph, Ont.)
e $15.12; ohu�ton,
wpa4r men, $7.50; P. X,Jsaac,
00',PW w1re, $17.91; Strom-
esu*, s till lead on,
Tel. Mfg. Co., matetial,
Till our rest -be won;
C. N. R., freight, $6.49; Work-
�nd, Although the way cheerless,
men's t0qmpenvati6n Board, assezB-
Te will follow, calin and fearless;
ment, $Z2.29.; Zurich Central,,switch-
Guide us by Thy hand.
$166; E.. R. Guenther, cartage,
To our fatherland.
H. G. Hess, labor, material, etc.
Towuehip Accounts�Amuse-
If the way be drear,
ments Tax Branch, hall license, $3;
If the foe be liear,
plans.. Bell-�MeEwen dyain, IV;
�tat not faithless fears o'erta-ke us,
postage, excise, etc., $26-03; Mitchell
jet not faith and hope forsake us;
Mulllliill�! ii
Advocate rains, $1.75;
advertising d
For, through many a foe,
t it%i , :i"
Dept. Agriculture, Ottawa, Yarm
To our ho)Qae we, go.
Weeds, $2. The council adjourned to
N. L. Zinzendorf.
meet again on Monday, July 7th, at
Suffer us not to turn in anger on
1.30 o'clock p.m.—A. F. Hess, Cl
'11m, who has wronged us, seeking his
r1urt, lest we increase the sorrows of
Bathind Beauty s
The word electricity �bas, become
%,e world and taint our own souls
commonplace in our languagie, but
with the poisoned- sweetness of re-
Complexion Secret
will -ne,eT become commonplace in
venge. -Make us determined to love
the vocabulary of the s�ientist. The
even at cost to our pride, that so we
11 X have now used Kruschen Sales for a long
timetouilhinkitiswonderful. Everyonefell8ma
3cientist of to -day is more complete -
may be soldiers of thy peace on earth.
howwell I took and what a beautiful stan I have.
ly fascinated by its possibilitie.i than
Walter Rauschenbusch.
I tell then that it is ihank-8 to your wonderful
Kruschen Salu, I have just won a. 49econd Prize
was Benjamin Franklin when he flew
in a bathing beauty cqntpetition of a leading
iper. I shall use %t alwaye. and fell all my
his kite in the storm.
Electricity is the force men will
S. S. LESSON FOR JUNE 15th, 1930
1"rejwenpas to do the 8ame." A. D.
origival letter on W."t, LIlaotion.
use to prorpel ships, railrorad trains,
Lesson Topic—Jesus on the Cross.
This IB beauty's first secret—a good com,
airplanes, automobiles. The day will
Lesson Passage—Matthew 27:33-50,
Plex10' comes from within. No need for creams
or lotiona—put the coiour on from inside.
come when man will draw his health
from It. Through electricity man will
Golden Text—Hebrew 12:2.
3Keep aonr blood pure and healthy with the
nd beauty's reward
be able to control the weather; the
lPilate., having failed in his aVL
tempts to have the multitude choose
-_ —
will be yours—a clear skin, bright, sparkling
eves—the, abounding Joy of good health.
farmer will be able to regulate his
to release Jesus, handed Him over to
the Roman soldiers to be crucified.
rruschen saits is obtainable st.eng.and
department stores in Canada at 75o ttle.
You will sit at home b. ble
These men no doubt had had plenty
A bottle contains enough to last for 4 or 6
mouths --pod. heallth for haff-a-cent a dim
to- talk with, and see, a friend who
may be on a steam -ship in the Indian,
of practice in. crucifying Jews. It
was part of their ordinary work in
Ocean or on a train in Africa., You
these troublesome times. They were
will be able to, -have soft lights in
in this instance. ignorant of what theY
do yer suppose, some day, now, I'll
your home without the u -se of lamps.
were doing, and therefore they were
git all my larnln'?"
I him down the
This light will be diffused from a
bowl which you will be able to place
guiltle-is. Christ said that
"They know not what they do," Hav-
As watched scurry
side of the cliff and pull off in his
at will because there will be no wire,
ing finished their work, "sitting down
boat, I thought, "Yes, he'll get his
attachments, and it will be a light of
they watched Him there." As they
larnin' if some of us will patter.
-a c
such pleasing radi n e that you will
watched what did they hear and what
our lives that they in turn will make
be enchanted.
did they see ? In the first place they
opportunity for others."—The Mis-
Manufacturing problems . will
simpl-ified. More and more electricity
saw some men passing on their way
sionary Review.
is being used for work which calls
to the city. We infer frorn- the re-
marks of these men that they were
for strict accuracy. 0ne interesting
the buyers and sellers whom Jesus
application is called "the bean grow -
er�s eye," used in gradinT beans. This
had on two occasions driven from the
Temple. These men now remember-
The Birthright of Every Girl.
is a photoelectric cell which is fasten-
ed his words in answer to their form-
ed above the carrier along which the
er demand for a sign, "Destroy this
Dull eyes mean misery and wear.-
beang are transported, and which in -
fallibly detects and brushes aside in -
temple, and in three days I will raise
ness--4a sure sign of a blaodless
leriar -beans. The electric eye is coin -
it up." (John 2.19).
It was perfectly safe to ridicule
condition. Anaemic girls and wom-en
have dull, heavy Ues with dark lines
ing into very general use where there
that speech now and so with insulting
underneath. The bright eyed girl or
is need for selective grading in inanu-
facturing. It has been found to be
tones they 'cried out to Him: "Thou
woman is always -happy and well.
extremely useful, in the selection of
that destroyest the temple, and build-
est it in three days, save thyself. If
There is one way to make the eyes
bright—to -bring the glow of health
leaf tobacco, in discriminating "be-
it be
thou be the Son of God, come down
to pale cheeks' that is to invigorate
tween colors in cloth; can put
to a thousand and -one uses and it
from the cross." Just at the time this
the body with new blood, rich, red
will not fail or grow fatigued.
saving of Jesus was being ridiculed it
health -giving blood. Dr. Williams'
In my own work with electricity, I
was being verified. All was �oming
Pink Pills do this and they do it well.
ke ep returning to radio and the talk -
to pass just as He had said. He ha d
never said, "I will destroy this te m-
Concerning them Mrs. Ro'bert Devitt,
Brougham, Ont., says: "My daugh-
ing moving picture. Coupled, with
ple." He only intimated that if they
ter became so ill and nervous we had
radio is the great study of television.
Within a year you will -be able to have
diVestroy his body, he would raise
to take her out of school. She was
tel�evision in your home. It will be
iy-again in three days. The first part
pale and thin,- her eyes weTe dull and
limited and crude in its workings, but,
of that declaration was being fulfilled,
the least exe;tion upset her. I began
for that matter, so was the home
the second part was to be fulfilled
three days later.
giving her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
radio of less than a dozen years ago.
and in less than six months you would
You will be able within a year to sit
Others joined in mocking him and
spoke the truth although they did not
not know her. She gained in weight
and strength and is now the picture
in your home and witness a motion
realize its i-eal meaning when they
, picture shown in a theater rnan,�,mile%
said: "He saved others; himself he
of ealth."
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills are sold by
away. Eventually' you will see in
home -the reproduction of big
cannot save." With one movement of
inedicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents
outdoor spectacles such as footha 11
His limbs He could have loosened the
nails and stepped upon the earth.
a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi -
gaines, thougl� this miracle w;l', have
Instead He let the order of Eternal
cine Co., Brockville,'Ont.
to await new inventions.
wisdom take its course, He had come
'It is a pretty safe assumption that
for one purpose and under the fire of
engineers will find a way for reduc-
sinful men's taunts �He was calm, gen-
ing the cost of current to one-half
tle and full of peace. But the crown-
cent -per kilowatt hour, where it costs,
ing crime of men, the crime of killing
Hay Council Meeting.—The Council
now from eight to ten cents. E-lec-
ithe Prince of Life was not to pass
of the, Township of Hay met lor its
tricity will be generally used to cook
without some expostulation of Nature
regular monthly session in the Town
foods and cool them. That is being
itself -against it. For three hours
Hall, Zurich, on June 2nd. All the
done on quite a large scale now; and
those hanging upon the crosses wer-,
members wexe. present. The minutes
it will, be done universally when costs
it. One step that is
Xrom the gaze of the watchers.
of the meetings held on May 5th and
of power permit
not too far away is the warming of
It was a darkness which science is
unable to explain. It was not the
May 17th, wetre -adopted as read.
Council becarne organized as a C-ourt
homes by electricity. I imagine one
darkness of night, for it began at
of Revision on the 1930 assesment
f'OTM of heating will be to place. pads
trwelve o'clock in the day. It vas
ro-11. Appeals were disposed of as
under the rugs. In the -summer, the
Dot the darkness of an eclipse for it
1930 assessment roll were disposed
sarne equipment will -be used to draw
was then full moon, and it is only a.
follows: Paul Masse, appeal dismis-
off the heat and cool the rooms.
Health -giving ultra-4violet rays will
the new moon that eclipse of the sun
sed; Albert Shirray, assessment re-
can take place. God was pleased to
dueed to $3,800; C. Anderson, dog
be used universally. These rays pen-,
make Nature visibly sympathetic
added; Jacob Hartleib, dog added, and
ertato where visible light does not, so
with the passion of His Son.
that the assetz�sment roll as amended
it will be simple to il�stall the equip -
After this the soldiers heard a cry
be accepted by the council, the assess-
ment in hidden crevices in the walls --
from the central cross but it was not
ments confirined and the 6ourt of Re-
in the home, the office or the factory
in words they could understand: "MY
vision closed. The council then re-
—so the �ays will be constantly per -
meating the -atmosphere. Tbere4will
God, my God, why hast thou forsaken
Me?" In "Voices from Calvary," the
sumed the order of general business.
A communication, was laid before the
be a marked decline in diseases such
author says of this cry that in it we
council fl-om the Treasury Depart-
as tub-erculosis, rheumatism, rickets,
'have the perfect example of trust in
merit of Ontario showing that the.
and son on.
trial. Just then, when He was being
amount of railway tax apportioned to
In that future day—nor is it so far
crucified in weakness, His cry was
the Township of Fiay for 1929 was
distant—we shall -be able to dispense
"My strength, My strength." A]-
$1911-68 and a schedule showinig, how
with electric light ' s -as we now know
though in that hour of darkness He
this amount was taken up with the
them. 'In the early nineties Nikola
Tesla the, time would come
doe;e not utter t4.at happy cry,
payment of patients, in Ontari-) Hois-
we should have wireless light.
he, as the perfect man, clung
fast to his rock. held on through all
pitals chargeable to Hay Township.
The following resolutions were pass-
He had a �belief that high -frequency
the blows of the waves and billows;
ed: That the tender for constructing
wires, hidden in the walls of -a build -
and even in this sbort burst of lan-
the 30 -foot concrete bridge on Town-
ing, could be used so their dischaxge
guage in agony applied to God the
ship Road No. 15 be awarded to Mr.
would affect a bowl filled with cer-
word "My" twice over, appropriating
J. R. Hunkin, of Exeter, at $4.75 per
tain gases—would cause the gases to
the "Living Strength" as His very
cubic yard; that accounts covering
glow and give off light.
Tesla as said made that prediction
payments on townsship roads, tele-
phone and general accounts be passed
more' t�an 30Teears ago, and his pre -
as follows: Township Roads—post-
dicti(;n has been in a labol"'ItOTial
"I Wish't I Cud"
age, excise, $5.70-; Free Press, adVeT-
stage ever since. It will find realiz-a-
This little glimpse of a Labrador
tising, $9.15; London Rolling Mill Co.,
tion. More than a hint in that direc-
lad is by. Miss Alice V. Bower, who
Steel for bridge, $199*?9; �.N.R.,
tion is the present use of, -neon light.
spent some time teaching on the Lab-
freight -on steel, $17.70; B. Makins,
When that device is ;P�rfected for
rador 'Coast. It is reprinted from
pay list Rd. 5, $54.50; W. J. Jarrott,
ho -me use it will -be a cold light --an
some of her mernories of ��brador,
pay list, Blake hill, $23.25; E. Hiem-
accomplishment that has intrigued
given in the British Missionary. It
drick, pay IiF�t, Rd. 14, $15; W. Grem-
scientists through the ages. We are
is a pleasure to know that the United
ier, pay IiiTt, -Rd. 8, $8; M. CoTriveau,
on the verge of seeing it in, reality.
Church also has missions on the Lab-
pay list, Rd. 17 $20; J. Oesch, ipay
Thirty years ago considerable im-
rador, helping just such hungering
list, Rd. 8, $6.50; S. McArthur, pay
agi4f#ion would have been- needed to
hearts. '
list, Rd. I,' $73,12� A. Mousseau, pay
-lead you into thinking that you would
But of all the memories the one
li-st, Rd. 3, $18-50; T. Ayotte, pay list,
ever be able to sit at your desk and
that stands out most conspiebously is
Rd. 10, $13; C. E. Aldworth, -pay list,
carry on telephonic conversatiol-I wit�
that of a fisher lad of sixteen, sitting
$50.0-5. Telephone Accounts — Bell
Europe. Now such conversations are
in the end of an old boat on the shore,
Telephone Co., tolls March to April,
being carried out on nearly everymin.
mending nets and sails. I can see�
$97.5.9; Can. Telephome & Supplies,
ute of the day.
him so clearly, as he looked that noon-
material, $50,701; Nlorthern Electric
Radio telephony, however, is not
time, when he stoppeil the children on
satisfactory under present conditions
their way home from school. "Are
I believe the ultimate in trs�nsoccani,
ye gettin' yer larnin?" he queried.
telephone communication will be thE
"Yeh," they hooted in reply.
use of the cable instead of the wire.
Disease Germs
At this the fisher lad stopped his
looking thoughtfully
less. EngineeTs have now perfected E
cable which, by all accounts-, is ver)
i-nendimg, and
and longingly after the children, said
satisfactory. But there is no, ques
"I wish't I cud."
Haven't a Chmce
ti,on that radio will -be i1sed for hun.
As I looked, back, he was still rest-
dreds'of other convenietilces onven.
ing his chin in his 'hand and gazing
Absorbir,,�, Tr.. spulli death to disease
iences such as sending a written mes.
age. By radio it will be possible t(
far out to sea. I wondered what the
thoughts of that poor lad could be.
geim, a: -.d 1,', Lion. As a gargle and
,, 1,1, C.: -. s.Je, cl�.,pcndable anti-
repToduce a facsimile of these mes,
On the way back to school, I took him
septic and germicide kitlis germs on Bight
sages many hundreds of times"fastei
,a pocket notebook with an Evers -harp,
clippegl to it. At the tap of many of
In the mouth and throat. Applied to
mores, wounds, cuts, bruises and sprains
than by cable.
London newspaper publishers --al.
the pages I had written his rame in
it not only relieves the pain and sore-
though I do not know why they shoulc
bold script. When I gave it to him
ness, but also heals quickly and pre-
desire to d -D so-4will (be, able, to pro.
he just pushed it into his pocket say-
vents inflarriniation.
duce a facsimile of their editioiis anc.
ing in his embarrassment, simply,
Always keep Absorbine, Jr., in Out
sell them -on the streets of New Yorl
"Thank'e, 'Miss,"
medicine cabinet. It is Nature's
Aid"—non-greasy an d stainless. $1.25
within a balf hour from the timai the3
have come surging from the, Englial
But -4t, was a very different boy
---at your druggists Booklet free. 10
who came up to the schoolhouse
couple of days later with the note-
One of the -next big develorpment�
book filled with:zigzag writing which
Abs" in' eir
in electricity will -be the electrifying
be lwd done out in the botit while
of farms, so that two and three erop�
the other mat did the rowing Z)r the
will be hativested each year. Tbi!
,fishing. As he pushed a new note-
'Or "�WOZJ(,-17, tOnSit 5
nd chegt Colds
will come when the cost of eleatricit3
is reduced. In that future there wil
,book into his pockdt, he said, oh, so
earnestly: "Do yer suppose, Tacbie,
be to need fbr broad acres. A smal
e, y1A,
We Sell
MrSP Cheques
Thy assure saf
and convenience in
carrying money
whfle tmvdiing and
are negotiable every-
For sale at any
..4 -A. 4:
Established 1871
R. M. Jones Manager
holding in land, with two and three
cro,ps each year., will do more to im-
prove the farmer's financial position
than all the relief measures in legis- r
lation. Asthma and Hay Feve
Three -ways for utilizing electricity auicKL-y RELIEVED
in crop development are available ev- RYT-W OLD RELIABLE REMM
en now. Their worth has been prov- AKE0015
ed scientilfically, and farmers could,
take advantage of them to -day were a
power costs lower.
The three ways are:
1. By applying electricity through —REMEDY
the soil, using underground noninsu- Rr-COGNMED FOR "A" AS A WrANDAWD Rg-
lated wires. MC y Von yH16 DREAD AFFLICTION. QUICK -
2. By stringing wires abova the L.YDRICUMVEA ANCOVOMOMES INWrTATICN-
plant life so electric discharges are K13
given off into the air.
3. By using ultra -violet light
To electrify the farm will be ex-
pensive, but its cost will quickly lose
its importance in the increased crop
returns. Research has proved the
feasibility of the plans; their use wilt
be imperatifve as future sources of
soil enrichment, to say nothing of
furnishing food for a rapidly growing
Vegetables, fruits and grains grown
with the help of electricity will be 0
much richer in vitamins than they
are now; they will be more att.-active
to the eye 1)recause the flow of elec-
tricity will retard the growth of para-
sites, if not stop it altogether.
The uses of electricity are fairly in-
exhaustible. There is no task to be Bes
done, it seems, that electricity cannot lor a
simplify in the doing.
a favorite Canadian
, grain, wholesome corn
has climbed to new
heights of popularity,
through, the matchless
flavor and crispness of,""
Kellogg's Corn Makes;
More than 12,000,000,
daily enjoy delicious
*Always look for the redo
and -green package.
out a
No man of good appearance
goes outivithout a collar...
nor does he go about with
dusty, unpolished sboes ...
Piso"l pride suggests a
frequent "Nugget" shine
to keep the shoes smartly,
presen table and wa ter -
fk m'uwa in N CPW IVA a WO
I'll 12�1
I t� , 1 4 � k
�, �o ,
W§ -v
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