HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1930-05-23, Page 8rl rk it 'he paration which stops leaks in luniinum, Tin, Granit, Auto Rad- iators, etc. Easily done and results ranteed or money re- unded. Per bottle, only, ... �� ' d to be had in Seaforth only at iiutchison's. NU-COTE—With a cloth applied; in one hour dried; for floors, linoleum, furniture and woodwork. 32 -oz., regular $1.75, for ....$L40 16 -oz., regular 95c, for 75c 8 -oz., regular 55c, for 45c For recommendation of NU -COTE ask anyone who has used it. AFORD'S FLOOR WAX—We have other Floor Waxes and have had still ethers, but nothing to equa Baford's. We know of no one who •has once used it ever to use any other floor wax Per can LAYER TABLE FIGS—Regular 25c 15e per package; 3 for CHOICE PULLED FIGS—Reg- 25c ular 25c Tb.; 2 pounds BULK GARDEN SEEDS — Carrot, Radish, Cucumber, Dwarf and Tal Nasturtium, Sweet Peas, Sweet William, Lettuce and Beets in plain envelopes PITCHERS—Special offering of ex- tra large pitchers holding from two to three quarts, wide mouthed, easily washed, low set, not easily upset; plain and flowered, in dur- able fire clay at 25c, 30e. 40c. GREEN MOUNTAIN SEED POTA- TOES—We have just received a consignment from Government certified stock of this excel- 45c lent variety, at per peck�J IRISH COBBLERS --A few at 45c per peck �#aY LARGE STRONG GALVANIZED PAIL with 2 Cakes Guest Ivory Soap, 1 package•Ivory Flakes, 1 Oxydol, large size; 5 cakes P &: G Naptha, 2 Gold Soap. 95c Value $1.20, for P and G CLEAN UP WEEK P and G-10 cakes for 39c GOLD SOAP -5 cakes for 27c CHIPSO-2 large pkgs. 43c OXYDOL-2 large pkgs 43c IVORY SOAP -5 cakes for 23c FOR ONE WEEK 45c 5c • �.�... eve .,oping Printing and Enlarging You will be pleased with the results you get with your Snap- shots. You get the pictures. Let us do the finishing—Plain or border Prints. HEADQUARTERS FOR KODAK SUPPLIES Brownie Cameras and Kodaits, Kodak Film. For results use the film in the yellow box. Keating's Pharmacy The Rexall Drug Store PHONE 28 SEAFORTI —AT— F, D. Hutchison Phone Phor Phood-166 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O S. T. Holmes RT Son 0 FUNERAL SERVICE 0 Main Street, Seaforth 4 O O O 0 O S. T. Holmes' residence, Goderich Street, West; phone No. 119 W. Charles Holmes' residence, Goderich Street, East; phone No. 308. Limousine Ambulance Service O Night calls, phone 308. 0 4 Days calls, phone 119J. 0 O Charges moderate. O O O O O O O O O O O O O O and" the 'boniness discussed.: Plans were made for the immedhate work- ing our new athletic campus. Tho opening meeting of the Althletic So- ciety will be held June 7th. An ath- letic magazine was proposed, Jean- nette Finnigan being nominated edi- tor-in-chief,. and Margaret Forrest, sub -editor. Delegates for the Gode- rich summer school were appointed. "Work for the Night is Coming" was sung and the meting ended by all repeating the Mazpalh benediction. Postal Information Saturday be- ing a Dominion holiday, the wickets at the Post Office will Le ppen from 12 noon to 1 p.m. only. No rural mail will be delivered on Saturday. Seaforth Races.—The Seaforth Turf Club are making extensive prepara- tions for their race meet on Wednes- day, June 1Sth. Three races will b= carded: 2.15, 2.18 and 2.24 trot or pace, with a purse of $300.00 for each. race. The races will be held as usual under the auspices of the Long Branch Jockey Club, which permits betting. Plumbing and Tinsmithing Agent for *LA FURNACES AND KEMP OJ,L BURNERS P. J. DORSEY Phone 23 Seaforth THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT OFFICERS: James Evans, Beechwood - President James Connolly, Goderich - Vice -Pres p. F. McGregor, Seaforth - Sec.-Treas AGENTS: W. E. Hinehley, Seaforth ; John Murray, Egmorldville; R. G. Jarmouth, Brodhagen; James Watt, Blyth. DIRECTORS: William Rinn, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth; John Bennewies, Brodhagen ; James Evans, Beechwood; James Connolly Goderich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 3, Sea forth; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George McCartney, No. 3, Seaforth; John Pepper, Brucefield; James Sholdice, Walton. Canadians have over $22,000,000 invested in Huron & Eris debentures. Authorized by law for e*ecutors and trustees. 51 r i h U is paid;• half -yearly WO and:''over. )1hOlietitions are accepted by R1tORi FiCittfilt For Sale.—Duck eggs. Apply to Mrs. W. M. Doig. Phone 20 r 93. 3258-1 Wanted.—Girl to sssist with housework. Apply to Mrs. Ed. Hunt, Seaforth. Phone 244 r 16. 8258-t For Sale.—Second hand bicycles for sale: frame IST, and 2011. .Apply at The Exposi- tor Office. 8258x1 Notice.—ATI accounts not paid on June 1st will be placed in other hands for collection. Peter Dill, Dublin- 3258-1 Plants For Sale --We have a larger supply this year---Toanatoes, Cabbage, Cauliflower; As- ters and Zinniay. Albert Baker, Seaforth. 3258-3 Found ---Girls coat, grey with brown trim- mings.. found in Bayfield. Apply to Harry Tyndall. Lot 7, Concession 4, Tuckersmith. 8258x1 House For Sale. ---Frame bungalow, situated on corner of George and Victoria Streets, All modern conveniences. Apply to Dr. J. A. Munn, or phone 151 W., Seaforth. 3257-tf For Sale --A quantity of cabbage, cauli- flower, tomato plants and all kinds of flowers. Apply to Juhn Grieve, Seaforth. 3257x2 Notice.—The Chopping Mill in Seaforth will be closed on Wednesdays all day until further notice. Get our prides on feeds. Apply to J. A. McKenzie, Seaforth. 3257-cf A Great Catch of Trout.—Messrs. Scott Hawthorne, Chris. Cheoros, Tony Phillips and B. Dunn spent sev- eral days last week at the Bruce Pen- insula, on a .fishing trip. They re- turned Thursday with a catch of 80 speckled trout measuring 10 to 161/2 inches and weighing in all 62 pounds. It was the best catch that has been brought into town for many a day. ohe trout were on exhibition in one f the windows of the Olympia Rest- aurant on Saturday evening and made a beautiful sight that drew a great deal of attention. Departmental Exams. — The time tables for the annual Departmental Examinations for 1930 have been is- sued and will no doubt prove Jf in- terest to many of our readers. High School Entrance Examinations will commence on Monday. June 23rJ and continue until Friday, June 27th; Lower School Exams will acom:nence on Thursday, June lath, and continue until Wednesday, June 25th; Middle .school commences on Monday, June 16th, and continue until Wednesday, June 25th, and the Upper School ex- aminations will commence on Monday, June 16th, ending on Monday, June 30th. Home and School Association --Thr Home and School Association will hold its regular monthly meeting on Monday afternoon, May 26th, at 4 p.m. in the teacher's room of the public school. Mrs. R. E. Bright will give her report of the convention held its Toronto a few weeks ago. Crane out and hear how other Horne and School Clubs accomplish things, and what they are doing. There will be election of officers at this meeting. Mrs. Barber and Mary will play a duet. Mr. R. E. Bright will sing. We hope all our members will make a special effort to attend this last meet- ing of the season. A picnic will be arranged for in June. C. G. I. T.—The Marian Keith C. G. I. T. of North Side United Church, met Wednesday evening of this week. The meeting opened with the vice- president, Evelyn Golding, presiding. After the roll call• and the minutes of the last meeting, the Scripture lea - :.on was read by Margaret Crich and the Year Book by Winnie Savauge. Mrs. Lane then led in prayer after which the members sang from the song sheet. The society has accept= ad the invitation from the Margaret Larkin C. G. I. T. to join them in a hike next Wednesday afternoon. It was decidtd to have a meeting later an to make arrangements for .camp, which it to be held ten days follow - i -g July 7th. A contest was thea held, after which the meeting was closed with the C. G. 1. T. benediction. Lions !fleet.—The Seaforth Lions Club were honored at their semi- monthly dinner at the Commercial Hotel Monday night by the attend- ance of the district governor, Joseph Sheerly, who gave an interesting ad- dress on the work of Lions Clubs. Rev. H. W. Tebbs, of Burlington, also gave an entertaining talk, interspers- ed with humorous anecdotes on his personal experiences. J. E. Keating was appointed song leader at the North Bay convention. Dr. H. H. Ross presided. Young People's Society.—A meet- ing of the Y. P. S. of Northside Unit- ed Church, was held on Tuesday eve- ning, May 20th, when 'Mr. William McNay, convenor of citizenship Cern - niittee, was in charge. The minutes of the fornr'er meeting were read by the Secretary and" adopted. Miss Hellyer read the Scripture lessen af- ter which the Lord's Prayer was re- peated in unison, Miss Mary Barber favored the audience with a piano solo and Mrs. A. McGavin sang, "My Task" with Miss Helen Lane accom- panying. Rev• W. P. Lane read a mis- sionary letter from our representa- tive, Rev. W. H. Moss, who is station- ed at Hythe, Peace River District. Miss Anona Dale presented a very helpful topic, "How Young People may he the light of the world." After singing Hymn 226 the meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. Egmondville Y. 1'. S.—On Tuesday evening the Young People's Society met under the leadership of Jeannette Finnigan, convenor of the Citizenship Department. A few minutes of jolly community singing were enjoyed. "The Maple Leaf Forever" was sung and the Scripture lesson read by Isa- bel Forrest, After Mr. Malcolm's prayer, "0 Canada" was sung. Gladys Coleman gave a rearing, "Canada." The topic proved highly entertaining and educational, being taken in three sections. Margaret Forrest gave a vivid word picture of Canada as a traveller would see it; Alice Thomp- son spoke in air interesting manner of Canada to -day and one hundred years ago.. The concluding 'speaker, J. Finnigan, told us what "Lovieg Canada" meant. Evalena Nott read "A Song of Canada." During .inter- mission a unique "Canada Fact Match" was elosely contested, The president called the meeting 'NS order PONDJE BARDS Good WieFinished Cor - ,respondence Cards and En- velopes to, match. Each box contains 24 Gold Edge Cards and 24 Envelopes. 40 CENTS PER BOX Thornp son's BOOK STORE - - SEAFORTR Subscriptions taken for all magazines and papers at publisher's prices. Killed In Detroit --Word• was re- ceived this week of the death in De- troit of Mr. Albert Rawley. In com- pany with a companion he was driv- ing on a street in Detroit, when the car was st1'uc'k by the Wabash flyer and carried a distance of 1500 feet. His companion was instantly killed, and Mr. Rawley was rushed to the hospital, where he died a short time after. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Thomas Rawley, two brothers, Jake and Joe, and two sisters, Mrs. K. Johnston and Miss Clara, all of Port Huron. Mr. Rawley is a nephew of Mr. and Mss. C. Eckert, of Sea - forth, and his parents at one time re- sided here. i Special Church Services. — Special services were held in First Presby- terian Church on Sunday last, when Rev. J. W. McNamara, D.D., Secre- tary of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church an Canada, oc- cupied the pulpit both morning and evening. Dr. McNamara is a very fluent and convincing speaker and he delivered two outstanding sermons. In the morning he took for his sub- ject, "The Place and Value of the Church in the Community," and in the evening, `Three Great Character- istics of the Gospel." The choir, un- der the leadership of Mr. M. R. Rer.- nie, presented an unusually attractive programme of anthems, solos, duets and quartettes. There was a large attendance at both services. A Narrow Escape= Mr, Jae Eckert' of this town, who operates the 18 ten steam shovel for the King Construe -I tion Company, had a narrow escape from possible death a week ago. The company were moving their equip- ment from Port McNicoll to Wye - bridge to start a new paving contract, and when attempting to cross a 73 foot span steel bridge over the Wye river near •Midland, the shovel went through the bridge and dropped 16 feet into seven feet of water. Fortun- ately for Mr. Eckert, he had got down off the machine before it started to cross the bridge, The big sk.ovel was not damaged, but it took two days to remove it from the river, and it is said it will cost the King Company ten thousand, dollars or more to re- pair the damage to the bridge. Baseball.—At a well attended meet- ing of baseball fans, held ia the town hall, Hensall, on •Wednesd'ay ight, the following officers were electcc for the Huron County Base.abll League for 1930: Honorary Presidents, Dr. Shaw, • W. G. Medd, M.L.A., Thomas MdMillan, M.P., Dr. Whiteley; Presi- dents, Mr. ,Morley, Exeter; Vice - Presidents, Mr. Ivan Hill, Goderich; Mr. Hawkins, Clinton; Mr. Reg. Kers- lake, Seaforth; Mr. Rivers, Exeter; Mr. Mickle, Hensall; Secretary -Treas- urer, •Mr. Cantelon, HensalL It was decided to play a double schedule of home and home games the Executive to choose a neutral umpire at the plate with the home club umpire on the oases. All games to commence not later than 5.30 p.m. and finish at an even innings if called at sundown. The winners of the first home and home series to play off with the win- ners of the second series for the dis- trict championship of the 0. B. A. Class B. Intermediates. The follow- ing schedule was drawn up: ,June 4—Seaforth at Clinton. June 6—Hensall at Seaforth Clinton at Goderich. June 11—Hensall at Goderich. Seaforth at Exeter. June 13—Goderich at Seaforth. Exeter at Clinton. June 16—Clinton at Seaforth. Exeter at Hensall. 18—Goderich at Exeter. 19—Seaforth at Hensel]. 20—Exeter at Goderich. 23 ---Clinton at Hensall. 24—Seaforth at Goderich: 27—Exeter at Seaforth. Goderich at Hensall. .July 1 ----Clinton at Exeter. July 4--Goderich at Clinton. • Representatives from Mitchell and St. Marys Clubs `were also •present.a/Id will arrange for a sehedple with other Perth County 'Clubs,. the winners t,r play off with the winners of the 1uron League as directed by the 0. B. A. The Seaforth Cltib ^will hold its re- organization meeting in the Carnegie Library on, Monday evening', May 26th, inflnediatelyafter the practice at the Recreation Grounds. A bumper attendance is desired. other students of the Tor oalto-'Medical. College, whose home is in Regina.— dVlr, and Mrs, A. G. Smillie and son, Ivan, of Toronto, Nem calling en friends here last eveell,- 1VIrs. wtkin- son and little grandson left en Men - day for Detroit, where they will spend several months.—.Messrs. William and Bari Smith, of Toronto, spent the week end with friends here. -- Mr, and 'Mr's. D. D. Wilson and son, Bob, f Toronto, were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wil- son.—Mr. Leslie Watson, of Toronto, spent the week end with his' father, Mx. James Watson.—Mr. Tom Cluf has joined the local staff of 'the Dominion Bank,—Mr, Thomas Daly, who spent the winter with his daugh- ter in Windsor, returned to Seaforth this week. --Mrs. J. E. Willis and Miss Fergus McKay were in Orillia this week attending the funeral 'of the late Mrs. W. J. McKay Miss Edith Haunt arid Mr. Gladson Campbell, of To- ronto, and Mr. and 'Mrs. C. C. Hunt, of Lonn,don, were week end guests of Mr..and 'Mrs. Ed. Hunt, in McKillop. —The many friends of Mr. L. C. J'aek- son will regret to learn that he suf- fered a stroke on Sunday evening.— Mr. James Clennan, of Detroit, spent several days with relatives here last week.—IMrs. T. Joynt and daughter and Mr. and Mrs, J. McMillan, of Wingham, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joynt.--A splendid il- lustrated lecture on Canadian and English gardens was given in the Carnegie Library Hall on Monday evening by Rev. H. W. Tebbs, of Bur- lington, who is a past president of the Ontario Horticultural Society. The lecture was under the auspices of the local Horticultural Society and was thoroughly enjoyed by the good at- tendance present.—The many friends of Mr. G. C. Bell will,regret to learn that he suffered a second stroke on Tuesday and is in a very serious con- dition.—Mrs. F. Devereaux and fam- ily spent the week end in Windsor.— Mr. and .Mrs. George Seip and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robirsson spent Sun- day with New Hamburg friends. — Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Logan and daugh- ter, Miss Jean, of Teeswater, were week end guests at 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Haigh. — Mrs. G. D. Ferguson and little daughter have been in Toronto for two weeks, Mrs. Ferguson going down to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Fred Clark- sen.—Miss Jessie Bethune leaves on Friday for Vernon, B.C,, where she will spend the summer at the home of her sister, Mrs. Mcittrie.—Mr. Frank Cudmore, who has been a Ford sales- man for Mr. J. F. Daly for the past two years, has accepted a .position with the Ford Company in Toronto, and will leave next ,week for that city.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whitmore, of Hamilton, were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Oke.—Mrs. J. A. Case has returned from Detroit.—Mr. E. Mole is moving his family this week from his resi- dence on James Street, to the resi- dence on the waterworks property, where he, will in future reside.—Mr. William Edmonds has been confined to his home for, the past two weeks through illne e -Mrs. Harvey, of London, is a guest at the hone of her daughter, Mrs. F. J. Burrows.— Miss Mary Jackson, of Theclford, has been spending the past week at her home here owing to illness.—Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Main and two children, of Hamilton, spent Sunday with Mrs Miain's father and sister, Mr. H. Edge and Miss Josephine.—Miss Marian Watson is visiting in Toronto. — Mrs. Earl Smith and son, returned to To- . ronto on Sunday. Won Special Prize in Edmonton.— The following from the Edmonton Journal of May 5t1t, will be of inter- est to many friends of the family in Seaforth and vicinity, as Mr. Scott is a son of Mr. Melvin Scott, a former well known Seaforth boy and a grand- son of the late Arch Scott, for a great many years a well known resi- dent of Seaforth and of Mrs. Scott, now of Ottawa: "Distinguishing him- self for academic ability and by his contribution to the lives of fellow students, Bob Scott, 18, has won the first of the annual special prizes a- warded in Victoria high school by the Alumni Association of that institu- tion, according to an announcement Monday. The prizes are given to the students securing the highest total from a possible 50 marks awarded for academic proficiency by the staff of the school and another possible 50 marks awarded through the Students' Union Executive for service to the student body. The nature of the prizes and the date of presentation have not yet been definitely flied by the Alumni Association. Few stu- dents are more generally popular than is Bob Scott, 18 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Scott, 10009 115 St Theyouth was born in Listowel, Ont., coming to the city with his parents in 1914. He received his elementary education in Oliver school and for the past four years has been attending Victoria high. Upon completing his course at that institution this year, he will enter the University of Alber- ta to study electrical engineering. Bob is the present president of the Students' Union in Victoria high, de- voting much time and energy to fill- ing the duties which fall to the in- cumbent of this post. .June June June .June .June June Local Briefs.—Mr. Karl Aberhar left this week for Regina, where h will be on the staff of one of the hos pitals for the' summer. He will mak the trip in his car accompanied by tw OLIDAY Special. Men of Iron in a Titanic Struggle of Daring `THUNDER' Lon Chaney Metro's spectacular super -film. of the Mississippi Floods, depicting the heroic part played by the railroad men in rescuing thousands marooned. in the sea -wide sweep of waters. Truly one of the finest melodramas ever recorded by a motion picture camera. NOW SHOWING Thursday, 8.15 p.m. Friday & Saturday, 7.45 and 9.20 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Geraldine From the book by BOOTH TARKINGTON PRINCESS Invitation You are invited to bring your holiday visitors and look over our varied CHiNA and GIFT LINES. No obligation to buy. Specials just now in SHOWER, RECEPTION an d WEDDING GI FTS. Remember—Beattie Sells For Less. Beattie's China Store Anno t u(rr(ri t. Succeeding Mr. Pinkney in the Cake Business, I would greatly appreciate your patronage. T. R. Anderson. Seaforth. • Phone 70 TUB FROCKS Dainty - Girlish - Cool The best house frock there is at the price, 89c ST. COLUMBAN Notes. — The Catholic Wo`lnen's League are holding a social in the parish hall Friday evening. Stewart's Orchestra, of Stratford, will be in at- tendance.—Miss Mildred McGrath, of Guelph, and her brother, Robert, of Detroit, were here attending the fun- eral of their uncle, M'r. Wm. Byrne, of Dublin.--iThe following relatives from Detroit motored here with the funeral of the late Mrs. Margaret McMillan, whose body was interred in Seaforth cemetery on Friday last:— Mr. and Mrs. W. Sorensen and fam- ily; Mr. Thomas Peirce and family; Mr. and Mrs. James Peirce and son, Mr. J. Gormley, Mrs. Collins and four daughters and two sons of Mts. Mc- Millan.—Mr. John Downey and 1VIr, and Mrs. Harry Downey, of Detroit, have returned home after attending the funerals of the late Mrs. Mc- Milland and Mr. Wm. Byrne.—Mrs. T. Christopher and baby, 'Margaret Ann, is returning to her home in Lon- don this week. STAFFA Notes.—The regular meeting of the Women's Institute will be held in the hall on Monday evening, May 26th, at 8 p.m. The roll call is to be answered with a garden or poultry hint. All the ladies of the commun- ity made welcome. Please note change of date. BRUCEFIELD Notes. --;Mrs. Annie McDonald, of Dundas, is a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. C. •Haugh, this week.— Mr. Norman McQueen and his sister, Viola, of Sandusky, Michigan, visited at the home of !Mr. and Mrs. James Walker and friends in the village this week.—Mr. John McIntosh, who has been studying in the University of Toronto, during the winter months, returned to his home last week. He intends going to the same mission field as he was last summer in Sas- katchewan. --Mr. Alex. Ross, Sr., vis- ited friends in London last week — ELIMVILLE Notes.—Miss Leola Hern, of Gode rich, will take charge of the service in this church darn Conference Sunday in the interests of the W. M. S. She will speak of her work in connection with the Social Service in Toronto.— Mrrs. (Rev.) Johnson, of Sarnia, visit- ed at. the parsonage with Rev, and Mrs. Wlhite last ureevk.—Mr. and Mrs. William IMiiis, M. Earl Milds and Miss Gillespie, of Blyth, Visited the former''s niece, Mars. J. IL $rack, last l"rida '.-•-elVfrs. Fred Wright and baby are h*lidaying in Lothian, HOOVER DRESSES Neat, Smart, Sensible A utility garment made for heavy duty $1.50 Featuring D & A Corsets This week one of our windows gives a special ex- hibit of D and A Corsets. D and A Corsets are pli- able, graceful, comfortable. They are durable. They are favorites from Halifax to Vancouver. There is a style suited to every figure. Let Your New Corset be One of This Make • $1.00 to $6.50 Holeproof Hosiery A shapely stocking that sells itself. Col- or tones as good and lasting as can be made. 75c to $1.95 Rainbow Hosiery Wear Rainbow Hos- iery and you will not look for better service in any other. $1.50; Special $1.95 The Coat and Dress You Want Surely it's time you get it now. We are in the heart of the season and not a day passes that we do - not get compliments on the styles we are selling. The garments, every one of them, are fashioned in the modes approved by style authorities. Come and make a selection soon. COATS Fur trimmed and otherwise $10.00 to $35.00 DRESSES Cotton wash fabrics to satin back crepes. 89c to $25.00 New Summer Styles in Ladies' and Misses' Headwear. Popular Prices. Special Showing of the Latest Styles in Hats. This Friday... J. MacTavish GEO. D. HAIGH COOL DRINKS FOR Lemon Cup • 25c bottle LJ Orange Cup 25c bottle Lime 25c bottle 'Assorted Flavors 25c bottle Hire's Root Beer Extract 35c package intakes 32• pint bottles. Canada Dry Ginger .Ale 20c large size IMaroh's Grape Juice, ..'bottle 10c, 35c, 70c Corn 25c 2 cans J HOT DAYS Del Maize Golden Bantam 22c large can LL Green Giant Peas 25c can Super Suds large package, 2 for Rinso, package ....10c Clothespins 10 dozen for . 25c and 25c 25c Pep, Rice Krispies, Bran Flakes, PostBran and Shredded Wheat, 2 packages ....25 25e Full Line of Plants and Orders taken for refilling hanging pots. Wolverton Flour Mills Company, Limited. Seaforth, Ont. SILVERKING FLOUR BEST PATENT MILLED FOR HIGH-CLASS FAMILY AND FAKERY USE KEYSTONE FLOUR PASTRY • — PATENT ' MILLED ESPECIALLY FOR CAKES AND PASTRY PHONE 51 EVENINGS 299 Custom Tailoring IT COSTS LESS TO BUY THE BEST Drops in and see out feature blue at $38.00 Made -to -Measure Clothing - Repairing, phone 42. When. you are -buying clothing, remember always, you just .get what you pay for. ISRAEL & CliARTERS kS; Y 4i i�. i9. 11 ✓11 ,x.,.,i ± .,., ''