HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1930-05-23, Page 6}
rli AYlit��9
She looks 20 gears goungee
" I have taken Kruschen Salts for 7 years;
and enclose my photo at 50, to ask your opinion
of my record. I have been married 30 years;bave 3sons,29,
put down m grandsons,
6and20 s.
appearance to Kruschen Salts taken each
morning. I should never think of starting
the day without taking them.
I am 6ft. 5in. in height, weight 119 pounds.
I can assure you my husband is very proud
of me." Mrs. A. It.
Original loiter on filo for Inepection-
To preserve your youthful charm you must
preserve your health. Charm and beauty are
mainly a matter of health, so are vitality and
he " little daily dimeful " urs if yStarou rtt n to - morrow, anyour aith d
you will feel years younger before you are many
days older.
Kruschen Salts is obtainable at drug and
department stores in Canada at 75c. a bottle.
A bottle contains enough to last for 4 or 5
months—good health for half -a -cent a day;
Night baseball will probably be
the next sporting innovation and it
would not be surprising if we should
live to see the day when most games
will be I:lk.yed after the sun goes
down, A few days ago in Des 1Vluines,
la., a league game was played by
artificial light between Des Moines
and Wichita in the Western League
and the almost unanimous opir.'ion of
those who saw it is that it was an
unnualified success. That the ball
can be seen as well by players and
spectators as in the daytime is nu
longer in question. The only prob-
lem is whether the ueople will want
to have their baseball at night. For
generations they have been used to
having,it in the daytime, and it might
be as difficult to get them to turn out
to night games, after the novelty has
worn off, as to get them to go to the
theatres in the morning or to spend
Saturday afternoon in church. We are
inclined to think it will not. \Va know
that the main reason for the tremen-
dous popularity of dog racing, wher-
ever it is legalized, is that the races
are held at night and that the aver-
age working man whose time is occu-
pied between eight in the morning and
lttf Platt Pavduttaarrttpthurn;n¢d
teeneeorIWTre Pommy BO011-FREE
Pratt Food tborpanq ofCeneda.Llminsd
J28 Cert.,. Axe rbv,u pit
New Spring Dresses
For 30c
TAKE last season's dresses, rename
the old color and faded streaks or
spots with White RIT, and then
renew them in lovely spring shades
White RIT removes color from
all materials—even black—harm-
less as boiling water, even to the
finest of fabrics. Then you can tint
or fast -dye them perfectly ...beau-
tifully, with INSTANT RIT.
Use White RIT to remove color
Dresses Curtains
Hosiery Children's clothes
Lingerie Scarfs, gloves, etc.
Women everywhere are ,making
dresses last twice as long with
your druggist or department store. 15c
per package.
Use INSTANT RI, to tint orfast dye
fabrics. Comes in stab's fashionable shades.
Easy to use, quicker, longer lasting --no spots
--no streaks.
When color has been removed with Whitt)
RIT be sure to re-enter re -dye with INSTANT
RI's because they are kindred in formula and
professional results only guaranteed when
used together. .
acts$',1!1, liF
zr mass s 'isfiho Water
keiree: package or
xis tile,•qViMbliw )),44 , ebanee for
hi a :bit of sport,
•The Des MOVE games, which mark.
ed the opening of the season, was
played `i?efore a crowd of 10,000, peo-
pler ani witch one exoeption was the
largest llase'lxa'11 crowd in the history
of the City. i4lany people came from,
a distance, attracted, no doubt, main-
ly thy the novelty but also attracted
by the knowledge that they could
spend an hour or two getting to Des
Moines and an hour or two getting
home and yet not lose any time from
work. Eleven runs were scored in
the first inning by Des dVioines, which
eventually won the game by 11 to 6.
But all the runs were made ,.as th°e
result of solid hitting and wild pitch-
ing. There was not a play spoiled by
the light or lack of it. Everything
that happened might just as well have
happened on a fine summer after-
noons, and no player offered the arti-
ficial illumination as an excuse for his
work. Only one fly ball was. mis-
judged. In fact, in the special ac-
counts of the game which we have
read only one complaint was made
and that concerns the netting to pro-
tect the spectators in the stands. The
light is powerfully reflected off the
wire and bothers the spectators rather•
than the players. This would seem
to be a detail which could be reme-
died easily.
The playing field was•,A.11uminated
beweights on the top of six galvanizers
steel towers, all of them erected out-
side the playing field itself. Two o2
then were behind the home plate, one
each behind first and third base and
the others behind right field and left
field, respectively. It is estimated
that at current rates the lighting cost
$25 for the evening's sport. T h e
towers cost about $20,000, So it will
be seen that the financial outlay is
not prohibitive. Bud Tinning, the
Des Moines pitcher, said after the
game: "There doesn't seem to be
any difference to me." Felix Vigare,
Wichita third baseman, reported:—
"Although I didn t get any hard
drives down the third baseline I be-
lieve a fielder could judge there just
as easily by night as by day." Les-
lie Nunamaker, former big league
catcher and now manager of the Lin-
eoln team of the Nebraska State
League, says: "I am thoroughly con-
vinced and feel that the minor league
attendance problem has been solved."
Claude Davenport, manager of the
Des Moines team, testifies: "The
lights have no effect on the players'
actions. This talk of the pitcher hav-
ing such an advantage over that bats.
man is bunk. The white ball against
the black background of the sky af-
fords a fine target for the batter."
Sec Taylor, sports editor of the Des
Moines Register, writes:—
"On the other hand many brilliant
steps and catches were made, and
most of the skeptics' questions were
answered by things that occurred. For
instance August Dugas raced into
deep right field and captured as lona;
and as high a fly as one will want to
see. Later Torn Hughes, Des Moines
centre fielder, had to handle a tough,
hard-hit liner. which did not rise
higher than the grandstand, but he
went almost to the left -centre. fiell
fence into a crowd of fans standing
along the boards and made the catch.
Vigare hit a sizzling liner back at
Tinning, but the latter succeeded in
getting his glove in front of the ball,
knocking down the drive and com-
pleting the play at first. ground
bells were handled with all the eclat
of day baseball. Another thing point-
ed out by visiting baseball men to
prove that the light were efficient was
the fact that the outfielders invariab-
ly started in the right direction with
the crack of the bat against the ball."
It is said that there were hundreds
of .baseball men at the game, nearly
all of them skeptical before it and
nearly all of them enthusiastis after-
wards. The Wichita club plans to er-
ect towers at once. Others will fol-
low. Nunamaker's comment is sig-
nificant. Ordinary week day attend-
ance at ball parks everywhere, espec-
ially in the smaller cities, is invar-
iably poor and barely pays expenses.
Profits are made by holiday and Sat-
urday crowds. In this respect base-
ball owners are like amusement park
proprietors whose money is practical-
ly all made on the big holidays, the
'ot'her days merely carrying them a-
long on an even keel. The larger
the cities are, of course, the more
people there are who work at night
or otherwise have leisure in the af-
tel'hoons so that they may attend ball
games when they choose. But the
great mass'ks of wage earners and
ball fans work in the daytime and
rarely get a chance to see a game on
n week day. Night baseball, if it
comes, will be a tremendous boon to
them. It might also abolish the dou-
ble-header nuisance which is an undue
strain on the players but is made nec-
essary by the avariciods tactics of
club owners who start the season too
early and continue it too late.
(Continued from page 1)
Calgary has attractions all its own.
The oil wells are' a much talked of
industry, just now) the inky ibein+g
lighted up nightly with the blaze from
the refuse gas which must present a
wonderful sight to 'those who visit
the welIs at night. We were too
travel weary to take in any of the ex-
tra sight-seeing places and only hop-
ed to have another chance. The wells
are about thirty miles out of Cal-
gary. I believe /the young people or
some of them, make the trip from
Calgary to Banff in ope and a half
hours, but we were much more than
that to slay that'we, would miss a lot
of the lovely scenery through which
we would pass, 'Would be true as well
as an eitense for eur cautious driver
and little Po -rd if we drove so fast.
We gassed the foothills which have
a (beaut t all their own, also the Saw
Eack->arigge and three sisters passing
throng* ` lassie Gate's, where we . had
ttr l'egister before going through. It
Wan a (vary Pretty place and we +letich-
eir tiering e e warned" not to
feed the animals hi the patk as they
Were IgerYtte, 'but ad we did not
We:Ode role *eke Wit to tpd We
ere'igtadtlat' y� belng �lbn In
lilttOlifr,g . ". We ,view/Ado. patio; and be -
arta! Y:idf.
'They Were Cerin my A
Great Bene1to Me
Mrs. H. Gordon Suffered With
Pains in Her Back.
Cobourg, Ont., May 22. --((Special)
"After taking several doses of Dodd's
Kidney Pills, I (began to feel the pains
in my back diminish," writes Mrs. H.
Gordon, who residue on University
Ave. "After continuing with the
Pills for some weeks, the pains ceas-
ed. They were certainly a great ben-
efit to me."
Mrs. Gordon's statement is brief
but to the point. Ninety per cent. of
the ills from which women suffer come
from weak or diseased Kidneys. They
are -the organs that strain all the im-
purities out of the blood. If they fail
in their work, the impurities remain
in the blood a„nd are deposited all over
the body.
Dodd"s Kidney Pills have restored
sound health to thousands of troubled
women and men. Give them atrial at
once. They can be obtained fron,
Druggists everywhere, or The Dodds
Medicine Co., Ltd., Toronto 2, Ontario.
iisg prepared somewhat for what was
before us. We 'stayed the rest of the
day and night in Banff and saw a
few of the sights which have been
much advertised. It is certainly a
beautiful place. We started out a-
gain next morning for our . trip
through the mountains by way of the
Banff -Windermere trail; The. high-
way winds in and out along the foot
of the mountains till we .passed Castle
Mt., with its turrets and battlements
and dungeons, all fashioned by nature,
and looking more wonderful than can
be imagined. We then began to climb
zig-zagging back and forth, up and
up till -we had gained a height of
over five thousand feet. Hee we
passed Oastle 1VIt. BungaloweCamp. It
was a lovely spot; then we began to
t4escend and the going down was cer-
tainly more thrilling than .going up,
doubling on our tracks over and ov-
er again till we were down to level
if it could be said we were ever on
level again.
Following Vermillion river and foot
of the Mts. for a distance, we again
began to ascend and we repeated the
same manouvering over Kootenay
and Sinclair Pass. They are all on
the Windemere trail, each one pres-
enting new beauty and grandeur and
coloring. At the foot of the Mts.
we passed under overhanging rock;
that looked ready to drop. Radiurn
Springs, just beyond Sinclair Pass,
is simply magnificent and must be
seen in order to understand the beau-
ty of it. The rocks there are red
like red brick, hundreds of feet high
ir. places. There are several hotels
and we stopped and watched the
bathers for a while and saw a flock
of mountain sheep \feed•ing on the
side of the mountain, where we won-
dered how they ever found a foot-
ing. We had hoped to make Cran-
brook that night;"'but stopping so of-
ten by the way to get ;better views
through the mountains and then
striking a piece of bad road between
Fairmont, Hot Springs, over Stanford
Pass and Ta Ta Creek, we did not
make very good time, and we did
not drive after dark; 8.30 or nine
o'clock was the latest we drove, I
think, on account of the children, they
got so tired, so we put up at Ta Ta
Creek for the night, which consists
of one 'general store and four tourist
cabins. Why it was ever founded
there did not appear to us, but it
serried us to good purpose that night
and may have done so for others.
We reached Kingsgate early next
day, having stopped at Moyie on Lake
Moyle for lunch, and being able to
give' the customs officers satisfactory
answers, we passed .through the gates
into Eastport and put up for the
night in a homey little cabin on the
banks of the Kootenay River. We had
a real rest there, and had good roads
next morning after getting about 30
miles ourt, and practically level;
through green timber like great walla
on either side of us, it seemed cool
and refreshing after our previous
climbing and we enjoyed it very much
As we neared Spokane we passed by
lovely orchards laden with fruit and
the entrance to the city seemed very
nice, but after reaching the centre of
the city, as we had to do, the going
out was through a more condensed
part of the city. The streets were
narrow and very dirty, and at the
outer edge there were a number of
bridges, both traffic and railway
bridges, which was very confusing to
us as :grangers, and made it difficult
to find the right trail. (-However, we
nllanaged it in time and spent the
night in Davenport, where we had
our one poor accommodation of the
trip. We lunched at Soap Lake next
day having passed througih just ord-
inary country. Soap Lake is a sort
of health resort, the water in the lake
being of a soapy quality frothing
like suds when stirred quickly, and
the lake is very shallow for n long
piece out, and the mud at the bottom
was (black and is supposed to have
medicinall qualities that cures rheum-
atism. They have a tpostital there for
the treatment of patients and seemed
quite busy. In the afternoon we pass-
ed or travelled along the foot of
mountains entirely different to any
we had yet seen. They looked like
huge walls built of great bricks that
had been through a fire; the tops
were quite leel, just like the tap
of a wall and in places had started
to crumble away, the bricks or blocks
having rolled down right to the edge
)t. p
crop You
4lhi l lbkq't nee, gee, Mestre
of the bigfiway. The Weeks, although
of different sizes, were Cleanly cut
like bricks, The whet# range looked
to us as though it had been built by
hands about a thousand years ago
and was I eginning to •deoay. I have
some flowers that I picked at the foot
of them. After passing these we be-
gan to conte to the fruit orchards,
but it was not till we reached the
Wanatclhee Valley that/ we saw the
fruit gpowring country in all its beau-
ty. We travelled for miles through
an.avenue of fruit trees, loaded so
that they had to be propped up in or-
der to keep them from breaking down
undertheir load and almost hanging
over the curb. Then they would be
on a .slope far above us and • then
again we could look down on the tops
of the trees and see- the fruits glis-
tening through the foliage far below
us. It was all very beautiful, but I
should like to be there in blossom
Leavenworth was our stopping place
ter that night, and we were advised to
take the .Stevens Pass Trail rather
than the Blewett trail, which we did,
but would not do again. We passed
through about three miles of snow
sheds on Tuesday morning, formerly
used by the trains, but albandonedr for
an eight mile tunnel through the
mountain as a shorter cut. We be-
gan to clin-iib steadily up the steepest
climbing we' had yet drone with the
poorest roads, in and out, back and.
forth, and always up, no level to rest
the driver, till we were 4,061 feet
high .and the trail was so narrow that
it was only where they had widened
it a bit that you could meet another
car, and in one place there was a
three-mile stretch that was just wide
enough for one car. Thousand* of
feet .high we could look down over
three tier of trees to a narrow gully
et the bottom then the mountains on
the other side, just as high, but were
just barren racks. There was a lady
vrith two little folks managaing a gas
station at the top and seemed quite
happy. I certainly admired her
pluck; it was a lovely spot when you
got there. Then down the other side
doing the doubling of our tracks a-
gain, turning hair -pin curves (they
call them and well named, too)and
seeing a track or trail about five or
six hundred feet below us wondering
what road it was, then after coasting
for some distance,` with the brakes
held tight, turning another curve and
finding ourselves on this same trail
and looking up at the one we had just
gone over and looking down at an-
other below. There was no fence or
anything else ,between us and hun-
dreds and in some places •thousands
of feet (below us, if we had gone too
near the side. However, we arrived
to level again without any mishaps
and turned into Stevens Pass Tourist
Camp and had diidner. It was a love-
ly spot and we all thoroughly relax•
ed after our strenuous forenoon and
enjoyed the rest very nvueh. We had
the car gone over and the brakes
tightened at the first garage, which
Your ' : reakfast
Shot from Guns
so you don't have to kook it
Read how this amazing in-
vention gives Puffed Grains
the virtual nourishment of
hot cooked cereals.
WHEN Professor Anderson found the way to
shoot wheat and rice grains from guns he solved
an important problem. He gave these crisp, delicious,
ready -to -eat cereals the virtual nourishment of hot
cooked cereals.
Every grain of wheat and rice contains 125 million
food cells. Every food cell must be broken before the
grain can be completely digestible. It takes lqng hours
of cooking to do this. But Professor Anderson found
a better way.. He seals grains of wheat and rice in
bronze guns. Revolves them in fiery ovens. Then fires
the guns; This causes 125 million explosions in every
grain. It blasts open every tiny food cell. Puffed
Wheat and Puffed Rice are thus' made completely
digestible. Hence practically as nourishing as hot
cooked cereals.
The ains become 8 times normal size. They have
all the' buttery crunchiness of fresh toast. They ,are
made to taste like sweet new nut -meats. Never before
was rich grain nourishment made so delectably
good to eat.
You owe it to your family to give them this extra
delicious grain food that tastes like nut goodies. Order
Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice from your grocer today.
The Quaker Oats Company. -
was two miles from the eamp, Sky-
hom was the name of the place, I
think. They told us there that there
had been 14 gone over or wrecked
during the two weeks, four of them
just two days before. We made
Stanford that night, and had the 'best
of hotel accommodation, and next
morning we started on the home
stretch, (passing through Bellington,
which is a fine city, and quite a num-
ber of other interesting places, but
the trail is so well known between
Seattle and Vancouver and has been
described man31 times, that I will
pass on to BIane, where we were in-
terviewed by customs officers again
and arrived in Vancouver at 12.30 on
Thursday at noon, just two weeks
from the time we started.
"Many Boils on neck. Doctor salt
lance. Tried 'Seethe -Salve Arse
vanished overnfiht." C. T,
'Boothe-Ssiva"stops pain inI
boils go intow lams. At all drunk*
_TheyThouJg it' Y®u1
Never Happen
ri a nearby burning house
set their roof ablaze. Just a
cruel prank of the wind and
in a twinkling Fire, the
Destroyer, had taken an un-
shakeable grip. .
No matter how careful
you are to safeguard your
home from the inside it will
not help you when your in-
flammable roof is threatened
by a nearby fire. Turn that
over in'your mind NOW,
when there is still opportu-
nity to rid yourself of the old-
fashioned fire -inviting root .
Brantford Asphalt Slates
give positive protection
against sparks and wind-
blown embers. They reduce
insurance premiums and
protect your house and fami-
ly against the ever-present
fire hazard.
Brantford Roofing de-
signs are renowned for their
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colour harmonies and hand-
some appearance. Their
beauty adds immeasurably
to the value of your home.
Permanent resistance to
the weather under the most
varying climatic conditions
is another famous feature.
Brantford Asphalt Slates
will not peel, warp, shrink or
bulge, and give years of
hardy service.
. For summer or town
homes --for schools, churches
and public buildings, Brant-
ford Roofs are equally desir-
,able—not only for security
but also for,economy and
easy application.
Write for a copy of the
booklet "Beauty with Fire
Protection". It suggests to you
what the proper type, design
finish and colour of your roof
should be,
Brantfoed Reefing 4. L1ititidf Heitd Oa& and ryt t e ntfe d, Ent.
Branch Mee! and Warehewnt Totonta, Windr!ot, Wianlpa51loafrtai, H*liteet Ssint 14'N.B., and St, John sw• Ad
Sale bi