HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1930-05-23, Page 2Si" It gT; 4'l 111 ci r V€fl Fence INVINCIBLE farm fence, made of open hearth No. 9 steel copper bearing wire. GUARANTEED RUST PROOF 8 wire even spaced stays, 22" apart 46c Rod 8 wire even spaced stays, 161/2' apart 50c Rod SPOT CASH PRICES Burlington U Posts 45c Each Poultry Frence, 18 wire with No. 9 tops and bot- tom 75c Rod Long handled solid neck shovels -Steel Garden Rakes $1.25 each 75c each Full Line of Fence and Gardening Supplies GEO. A. SILLS & SON HARDWARE, PLUMBING & FURNACE WORK 'Iota be inconsistent as this Scraggly, unshaven beards are like dull, unpolish0 ed shoes ... both are entirely out of keeping with your pride of personal appearaince... so keep your shoes do at all times smart with "Nugget" which ti) waterproofs the shoes as it polishes. SHOE P011811 q!ie NUGGET TIN ofaen4 with a twill Bring New Rooms to Your Home with Gyproc AWORK-ROOM for you —a play -room for the youngsters in the basement. An extra bedroom or two in the Attic. These are now possible in your . home at little expense. The new Ivory coloured Gyproc Wallboard that does not burn and needs no decor- ation (when panelled) will give you additional space in your present home. Easily and quickly applied, structurally strong, it pro- vides fire -safe walls, ceilings and partitions. Your dealer's name is listed below. Consult him today and ask for full infor- mation regarding Gyproc Wallboard or write for in- teresting free book "Build- ing and Remodelling with Gyproc." GYPSUM, LIME AND ALABASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED - Paris - Ontario ii r.4 lh Ir �t sa r ai 4 19. it • SUNDAY AFTE.IWO.QN (By Isabel Hamilton, Godexich, QaaG.) Thou Judge of Yiuick and dead, rBeforr whose bar ,severe With holy joy or guilty dread We all +shall soon appear,, • OUT cautioned souls prepare For that tremendous day, And fill us now with watchful care, And stir us up to pray. C. 'Wesley,, PRAYER To -night, my Father, I pray; For all who do not pray, and for whom no one prays; let thy love be their intercessor. For all who are worried or sick in body, mind or heart. For all who spend their days in good work, to help others, and to glorify God. For all whom I love er who love me, in whatever place or condition. For all whom I have hurt or tempt- ed or wronged in thought, word or deed this day. Christina Rossetti. S. S. LESSON FOR MAY 25th, 1930 Lesson Topic—Jesus Describes the Future of the Kingdom. Lesson Passage—Matthew 25:1-13. Golden Text—Mark 13:33. In" this chapter there are three parables but the subject is one and the same thing. In the three Christ recognizes only two classes in human life. In His most marvellous of all addresses --His Sermon on the Mount --IH}e had the same two classes before Him—the wise and the foolish. "Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of urine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man: and everyone that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man. (Matt. 7:24, 26). In this parable of the ten virgins he describes them as being equally divided into exactly the same classes, arranged under the leadership of wis- dom on the one hand and folly on the other. In the parable of the ten virgins Christ cautions His disciples to watch and be ready for His coming again. It was a custom that, on the occasion cf a marriage among the Jews, the brid•egro•om should go attended by his friends, late in the night) to the house of the bride, where 'sh&attended by her bridesmaids, expected him. When notice would be given cf the bridegroom's approach, they went out to meet him. They carried lamps in their hands to light him into the house with great formality. What is meant by the wise and the foolish virgins? They represent the body of professing Christians, just such as are aseemble'd together on any Lord's Day in the Lord's house. They gyre alike in many things. They enjoy the same ordinances; they ut- ter the same prayers and they have the •sam'e outward behaviour. But there is a difference. All cart y the lamp, which is the symbol of outward profession but only a certain number carry oil in their vessels, which oil is the symbol of the inward spiritual life. When the cry came that the bride- groom was coning a discovery was made. "Our lamps are. gone out." Their lamps went out because the' had no oil. They burned for awhile, as a dry wick will do, often with a great blaze, but soon the flame de- cays, and it goes out for want of oil. This is the case with hypocrites. They have no spring of gracious oil within their hearts. In consequence of their unprepared- ness they missed the opportunity of joining the marriage procession, and accompanying it to the feast. "W,ateh," says Christ, "for ye know not the hour." By preserving and fostering the divine in us we pay heed to his injunction—"Be ye also ready." What was the reward of those whose lamps had oil in them? When they heard the cry, though they like the others had been sleeping, they arose and trimmed tlit?•ir lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. And they went in with hum to the marriage and then the doer was shut. The period of watching was past -and the period of unalloyed happiness be- gan. This is the position of the Church of Christ --watching now for the Heavenly Bridgegroom, expecting His coming and assured of his love ; and yet not able' to enter into the full- ness of her joy until he himself ar- rives, and takes her to his Heavenly home.—(The Sermon 'Bible). WORLD MISSIONS "Cast thy bread upon the waters," wrote the preacher of long ago, "for after many days it shall return unto thee." The ref'ere'nce here is said to be to the ancient practice of the na- tives of Egypt, who, when the Nile was in flood went forth in their boats scattering the rice on the water. When the waters subsided the rice germinated in the mud and after many days the harvest was reaped. The illustration perfectly represents the m.ethod'e of spreading the Bible throughout the world that ha0e been going on for many years. The go'o.l seed has been sown, but -the harvest is not yet. What it will be no man can tell. Up and down the world go an army of colporteurs each year press- ing further and further' into regions unknown, tratiil-Ihreakers for the mis- sionary- bearers •orethee Book contain- ing the wonderful words of life. In "The Glory of the Garden," the popu- lar report of the work of the British and F'ore'ign 'Bilble ,Soeiety, to which reference has been made before, ars' many stories of these noble self-s'acri- ficing mien. The •society employs nearly ane thousand colporteurs of !various na- ti'onalit•es in all parts of the world in the 'distribution of the Scriptures. These colporteurs, who are in a way pioneer missi•aniaries, sold no fewer than 6,027,455 capies--Jalbout 100,000 were Bibles and 210,00D were New Testaments, the remainder w e r e (mainly) Gospels and. other single books of ,Scripture. The total indi- cates that out of every ten books placed in the hands 'of readers last year six were (scold by colparteurig. Seventeen mien ie Burma trr.velled 22,941 miles, visited 54,927 heu.sea in 5,299 villages and towtl':a, 'a'nd sold 11 1 11 •)5 .T' NEVER s OF a'AF N, HE"A'YS "In spite of toz leS and special treat. meats I took, ' . *te,adily lost strength 'lel and energy inept going down JOHN HARRISON hill. I suffered with indigestion and bilious spells and hardly passed a day without a headache. I couldn't half sleep and would get up mornings com- pletely fagged out. Four bottles of Sargon restored my appetite, my weight has increased ld pound's, I sleep fine and have more strength and energy than I've had in years. In my opinion there's nothing to compare with Sargon! "Sargon Pills put my liver in fine working order and rid nie of constipa- tion."—John Harrison, well known fernier, Woodbridge, Ontario. Sargon may obtained in Seaforth from Charles Aberhart. 44 323 volumes of Scriptures. Some of the men were stoned and kicked and spat upon. — (Outlook of the Church). THE REASON WHY Thin, Weak Children Need Baby's Own Tablets. Malnutrition, or inability to derive nourishment from food, is a common trouble with little children and is en- tirely due to stomach and bowel weakness. Another cause of loss of flesh and sleep is worms. To correct stomach and (bowel trou- bles and thus banish constipation and indigestion, break up colds and simple fevers; expel worms and allay the pain which accompanies the cutting of teeth is what Baby's Own Tablets were designed for. They never fail to be of aid and can be given with safety to the. youngest babe. Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by nail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. When Abraha,nt.incoln was a law- yer in Illinois, he and a certain judge once got to•'bantering one another a- bout trading horses; and it was agreed that the next morning at nine o'clock they would make a trade, the horses to be unseen up to that hour, and no backing out, under a foirfeiture of $25.00. At the hour ap'poityted, the Judge came up, leading the sorriest -looking specimen of a horse ever seen in those parts. In a few minutes Mr. Lincoln was seen approaching with a wooden saw -horse upon his shr9ul- ders. Great were the shouts and laughter of the crowd and both were greatly increased when Mr. Lincoln on surveying the Judge's animal, set down his saw -horse, and exclaimed: "Well, Judge, this is the first time I ever got the worst of it in a horse trade." NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR THE BUSY FARMER Farm Drainage. Tile drainage of land is receiving increased attention in Ontario. The high acre returns from orchards and other cultivated each crops has stim- ulated this interest. Properly instal- led tile drains, while increasing• pro- duction, lower the overhead cost per unit of commodity marketed. The greater ease with which the drained land can be worked further lowers production costs. .The 0. A. C. De- partment of Drainage stands ready to assist the farmers by making drain- age surveys, inspection of drainage work installed, the 'securing of ma- chines where possible and any advice Bladder Weakness Makes. Life Misery! Daily Annoyance, Troublesome Nights Wreeking Lives of Thousands States Writer Who Tells What To Do For Quick Relief Backa•hes, Headaches, Pains in feet and legs, Nervousness, Restlessness, frequent but scanty Urination with turning and pain, getbting-u'p-ni•ghts— are some of the more, troubleso'me signs that should have prompt att.tn- tion before they reach a more ser- ious stage! No matter how stubborn your case may s. em to be or how many medi- cines you have tried without results - don't thank your condition is hope - lees or the natural consequences of advancing years until\you have tried the ,amazing value of Dr. •Soruthwerth's "URATAIBS." On a Strict guarantee of money •back on first box purchased if you do not receive swift and sati•sfyin„ re- lioi, any geod druggist will supply you with"Urababs" in sealed peck. ages containing a ten days' supply. If tl ey bring ,great relief inside of 48 hours and a wonderful improve - merit inside of ten days, you) Will be greatly pleased—if they do not help, they cosh you nothing! Ask your druggist to -day. g.; 4.A a n Yi' ti's`:• s `... • ad needed by the individual harmer in ,ftcuring loci's under; the Tile Pra(li- age Act YOU. earl, secure particulate fromn, youlr, local agrrci�ilr tuaral reipres'eabati'¢e 'oar by wvritin + to the Department a,Drainage, O.A.c, Fighting the Sow Thistle. Prof. Hewitt of the 0. A. C., reeem- mends the following practices to as- sist the farmer in combatting the sow thistle menace: 1. Vigorous neid'-sun mer cultiva- tion ultica-tion during the dry, hot weather im- mediately following haying or har- vest. 2. The use of smother crops such as sweet lalorv'er, rape and (buckwheat. These are very effective when proper- ly ]candled. Su Short crop rotations which give a chance to Use hoed crops frequent- ly. 4, Under -drainage, of lands requir- ing it. (iPoorly drained land is most favorable to the growth of the sow thistle). 5. On heavy clay soils, deep plow- ing immediately after haying, espec- ially if the ground is very dry and hard. (Th'i's means) !plenty of power). 6. Thorough cleaning out of the first •small patches that apprar on the farm, to prevent the weed from 'be- coming established. 7. A determination not to be beat- en by weed or devil. Herd Depreciates. In a discussion of the costs of dairy farming an item is often overio•oked that should be mentioned—the cow itself. Many a dairy farmer is not making as much money yearly as he thinks be is because of the deprecia- tion in the value of his herd. T' lye useful life of a cow is not very long. The troubles which occur in every herd, such as abortion, non -+breeding, udder troubles, take a larger toll than is tho'ug'ht possible without records for guidance. A study of the situa- tion 'shows that the average cow re- mains in ,produetion far about five years. Allowing ten months milking per year, this limits the average use- ful life oe a cow to 50 months. Dur- ing this period the cow has to pay all costs of feed, .labor, housing, etc., be- sides a 'profit to the owner. Only good c;wvs can do this. Crop Diversity Helpful. Dr. G. I. Christie, pre'siddrnt of the Ontario Agricultural College, in a recent address said that the recent glo'o'my :talk about the price of west- ern wheat was of. minor concern to Ontaaio, where a diversity of pro- ducts is grown and where it is pos- sible to make a choice among half a dozen / lines to specialize. The time has net yet come when the acreage of any crop can be regulated and an assurance given of highly remunera- tive prices. The element of chance must be reckoned with in farming as on the stock exchange. Were it pos- sible to fix the price of wheat at cost of 'production plus twenty per cent., there would be a rush to. grain growing with a resultant surplus' in a few years that the world could not use. Stresses Home Markets. In his first public statement, Mr. James B. Fairbairn, newly appointed Deputy Manistee of Agriculture, gives expression to the following ,views; "My thought is that we should etress • Ontario products. We should try to create in the minds of all house- wives the desire to purchase Ontario products. We should also educate the dealer. We need the co-operation of city people,. the Manufacturers As- sociation, Chambers of Commerce and service clubs. We have to stress be- fore these bodies the fact that in or- der to bring 'about a reorganization of methods, we have to encourage them to think of Ontario products. My main thought is going to be to stress the purchase of Ontario farm produce. I want to stabilize the home markets, for the Ontario producer. We have the very best quality of fruits and ve'gerbables that can, be pro- duced anywhere." Current Crop Report. Many field of 'fail wheat are being plowed up in Brant, according to a re- cent crop bulletin issued by the de- partment. Sufficient hay to carry all stock to grass is indicated in Bruce. In Dundas American buyers have been active 'and a number of grade cows have beensold foe from $85 to $100. The top bull at a sale in Carle- ton brought a price of $225, while 250 stocker cattle were ,sold at the same sale. A large acreage df pota- toes has been set out in Elgin. Cold weather has effected little injury in Essex County except to tobacco plant. some of which are frozen. A .poor growth of fall wheat and meadows in I-ilaldimand has resulted in the plow- ing up ,of several fields. Many clove;' and fall wheat fields in Middlesex are said to be practically worthless. Profits in Dairying. A dairyman in Oxford County, Al - hent Sipie, who keeps' a 'h'eed of from 17 to 18 Holstein cows on his 70 -acre farm and a strict account of the rev- enue obtained from all sources mak- ing use of the milk produced, has just compiled some interesting figures covering the past four years which strengthen the argument so often ad- vanced that the dairy farm offers a safe investment provided the cows kept are of the breed and blood lines likely to give good results at the pail. In 1926, 17 covens in the herd produc- ed 219,980 pounds of milk, an aver- age of 12,940 pounds. The total re- ceipts amounted to $4,034.87, an av- erage income per cow of $237,34. In 1927 the 'same number 'of dniimals av- eraged 12,459 pounds per cow and the proceeds amounted to $4,167.61; averaging $245.1.9 per 'cow. In 1928, 18 cows averaged 11,547 pounds of milk and ,an income of $230.01. In 1929 the original number of (tows, 17 head, averragedi 11,37.1 pounds, and gave a revenue of $226 per cow. Fewer complaints would be heard relative to' the .unprofitablemess of dairy fanning if the production of herds in Ontario could be raiised from the average of lees than 4,000 pound:, to ,anywhere near the standard set by Mr. 1Sipile. Honor Retiring Official. Heads of the various ' ibranehee of the Department made a p'res'entation en the last day of ,AJ�pnil to !, Bert. ,r r • _..91.1 • • • .,f n .y 'tr I�� a.. t.� s :�. +Jfflc .v. N,t Leads in Canadian Sales because it leads in Quality, Workmanship and Value SEA A �J'0KENJ J IIA 1O FLOORING ..: •r ri t%ell'. letA,%XY.%X/%%/.%%%%theY.%%%ir Sold in, Seaforth by N.CLUFF & SONS 20 Roadhonise, former 'Deputy Minister, on the occasion of his transfer to the position of chairman of the Agricul- tural Development Beard. Mr. Road- house, recalled that when he became Deputy, Minister 18 years ago, the Department expenditures were in the neigh!bc'rhood of $750,000 annually, whereas at the present time they are approximately $3,000,0010, •apart from capital expenditures. The board of which Mr. 'Roadhouse now takes charge, has loaned more than $27,- 000;000 to the present time. Soy Beans More Popular. Soy ib'eans awe coming more and more, into use as an annual hay crop. For this purpose soy 'beans should be sown early in May at the rate of one and 'one-half to two bushels per acre, and the •crop cut when the pods are about half-grown. The seed may be sawn with a grain drill in the same way as field peas. Any soil which grows corn well will produce a good erop of soy beans. They produce a large yield of palatable hay which is very rich in protein. The only eb- jectiorn to the use of soy beans at the present time, is the high price of the seed. Of General Application. A townsman in We'ste'rn Ontario recently wrote to the Ontario Agri- cultural College asking whether the Prov'inicial Corn Borer Act had any application in cities, towns and vil- lager. Professor Caesar, who is in charge orf the enforcement of the act replied emphatically as follows:— "G1'owers of small plats of corn in villages, towns and cities must re • member that the act applies to them just as much as to the farmers, and, that sometimes their corn is more heavily infested than .the cern on farms. All corn stalks on these plots and all coarse weeds 'alongside them must`be gathered and burned as soon as they are dry and the ground .thene spaded •ar plowed." Keep awake with Wr IGLEYS Drowsiness is dangerous.. Weary miles seem shorter and the day is brightened when you have Wrigley's with- you. Itssugar peps you up. Its • delicious flavor adds to any enjoyment. A Jive cent package a safety insurance Aids digestion, too! The choice of Tens ,y;f Th usa ds CDDNCaSTANDARD Below—A "close-up" of 2iB- ROLL, showing LED•HED nail and wide side Lap. When nailed this joint is invisible from even a short distance away. Metal Ceiling Preston Barn Ventilators have proven their supreme value as a preventive of spon- taneous combustion by keeping air in constant circulation - Preston Galvanized Tanks are guaranteed. Size 3 ft. in dia- meter and 2 ft. deep. Cash price $7.70. Oblong tanks 6' x 2' x 2'. Cash price $10.85 ... built of 20 gauge galvanized iron. X1'111—,A' OMB itiMilk. 11111 Appearance alone has sold Rib -Roll roofinr to thousands of farmers . •. but it is,. economy, fire protection and permanence that keeps it sold. Wherever you go in Ontario these handsome roofs are familiar • land -marks ... protecting millions of dollars. • worth of crops, stock and property. RIB- ROLL's success has caused it to be widely imitated—but Rib -Roll alone has the rigidity, ease of erection, durability, low cost and absolute fire protection which make it the foremost roofing value in Canada today. An Unbeatable Combination RIB -ROLL Roofing and Preston LED -HED • nails make a roofing combination impossible to beat. The cost of laying RIB -ROLL is lower than nearly all•other types of roofing. When you use LED -HED nails you get a • rigid, handsome, tight -jointed roof that de- fies fire and weather. The nails are speci- ally designed with lead heads which com- pletely seal the nail hole. There are no awkward washers... no threading or punch- ing. Write for samples of RIB -ROLL and: Preston LED -HED nails. Preston Metal Ceilings The enduring quality and beauty of Preston metal ceilings have made them one of the most popular types of ceilings for stores, homes and offices. Preston METAL CEIL- INGS are permanent. They retain their good looks indefinitely. Economy Metal Lath r' At Left is shown close-up of the famous Econ- omy Herringbone (double -mesh) Metal Lath a metal lath that can be supplied, erected and plastered as cheaply as No. 1 Wood Lath. It gives 100% perfect key as against 15% key of wood lath . , , eliminating streaks, cracks, fall- ing plaster, and providing great fire protection. PRESTON S EELSTRUSS BARNS4. the greatest barn value today. astern d t Guelph Street, Preston, Ontario Factories and OR§,ces at Toronto end Montreal Eastern Steel Products Limited, Guelph Street, Preston, Ontario. Pease send literature on Preston STEEL TRUSS Barns 0, RIB -ROLL Roofing 0, LED -HED Nails 0,. Barn Door Hardwarej 1, Metal Latal. Check items in which you are interested. Name «1...........1..•••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••.• .....................:........-.....,,.,-,•„-.. ; rn 1�5 r.a V 1P 8 4., ii