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v.vonty-First ' Year
1W:hole Nva iter 32'58'
A Dominion general election is go-
ingthe endof July,
to be field at
early in August. The prolbalbilityof
much an event has been frequently
forecast in this correspondence and it
is now definitely assured. The an -
mounted intention is to wind up the
session of Parliament, not abruptly,
but in an orderly fashion as speedily
as possible, and them dissolve Parlia-
ment and appeal to the electorate. As
the Election Act calls' for a delay of
at least 60 days between dissolution
and polling, it is improbable that the
latter date will be before the 28th of
July or much later than the fourth
of August. Under an amendment to
the Election Act, Canadian elections
must :be held on a Monday, the idea
being that election day holidays fits in
with the'week end and is more con-
venient to the travelling public.
An unusual circumstance. is bring
ing about the termination of Parlia-
ment and. the midsummer election.
It is the Economic Conference of the
British Empire, which is fixed for the
end of September in London. All
the parties here have advocated it
and' it is• necessary to send a Can-
adian delegation and to know the
policy which it will advocate. If in
the election the present government
is returned, it will need time to con-
sider its program and to develop its
attitude. If the government were de-
feated and the Conservatives were re-
turned to office, they would require
even more time because, apart from
preparing for the conference, they
would have to have a cabinet which
is no easy process. The possibility is
that no party will have a decisive ma-
jority, in which event it would be nec-
essary to summon Parliament in an
emergency session to decide who is
who, and what is what: and particu-
larly what would be the character of
the Canadian representation to the
Budget Is Real Issue.
A rather peremptory development
results from Premier King accepting
the challenlge of the .Conservative
leader, Mr. Bennett, to have an elec-
tion on the question of mandate for
the Imperial Conference. Mr. Ben-
nett was not very emphatic in taking
this stand, but the government has
been quick to pick up the gauntlet,
evidently only looking for the excuse
to do so.
The issue really will be the irulget,
which was recently brought down in
Parliament. Upon it the Dominion
government is prepared to stand or
fall. It elevates the duties against
the United States on many commodi-
ties, and on a great many more it
lowers the duties upon imports from
the British Empire or makes them
free of duty. It is an attempt to
switch to British channels some of
that voluminous trade which has
heretofore gone to the United States.
It is the reaction in Canada from the
American traiff policy of 'building up
a high tariff even against this Do-
minion, which is the best customer
of the United States.
very hoi; w 'k eeause the etgrat has
•long been larewrng. Conservatives
save fora ibrief 'interval of three
months •in '19216., when, following the
defeat of the King government in the
House, the
took ;Office, ,
to be
the isel'tes in a general elec-
tion whacltf occurred ea short time af-
ter. The in Mr. Bennett 'has a
new leaderc 'and in Gen. Mellae, a new
field marshal, and bath of them. are
wealthy. men. Organization has been
There ha
a wide
campaign of .publicity and propaganda
although carloads of this literature
have had to be assigned to the dump,
since the recent budget came down.
Generally speaking, it might be
said that the psychology of the pub-
lic during the past • winter has not
been altogether favorable to the Lib-
eral party which is now •in office. In
the provincial elections in Saskatche-
wan a year ago they encountered a
reverse ,tthe!,. iCenservatives being re-
turned io office. That was quite a
figure of influence.. During the win-
ter unemployment has been quite ex-
tensive, though .small in relative coin,
parison with what exists across the
border. Then a great many people
lost money in the stock market, and
as a result have been in .a grumpy
frame of mind. Finally, a large part
of last season's'wheat crop in the
West has not vet 'been marketed, ow-
ing to the policy of the wheat pool
in holding it back for a price. All
these things have combined to cre-
ate a certain amount of depression
Which adversely affects the go.vern-
ment, and correspondingly benefits
the opposition. Nevertheless, it is be-
lieved that the whole situation has
been utterly changed in the last few
weeks. Seasonal unemployment is
now over, an exceedingly early
spring promises abundant crops, peo-
ple are assuming a more cheerful at•
titude, while a prominent Conservative
has' been constrained to admit that the
new budget, as he calls it, is a "whirl-
wind:" It seems to be very popular.
In what is done to the United States,
it strikes a responsive note, and, in
extended trade with Great Britain,
the reaction is equally favorable.
When the election conies the G,nser-
vatives will have to hold what they
have now and win 35 seats extra.
They are great optimists and great
fighters and they have all the mater-
ial and intellectual equipment for an
aggressive campaign; but many in-
dependent observers think the dis-
lodging of Mackenzie King's ministry
is an enterprise too laborious to be
accomplished under the newer cir-
cumstances which prevail and t h e
newer issues raised for the decision
of the 'Canadian people.
over thus road we turned a oorne'r and
amust be
behe,'�i s. sight that Im
rare in Canada. It was certainly new
to us and called for many comments
as to what it was, but'which proved
to be sheep at the lee side of a very
large hill, and guarded by two men
and two dogs. There must have been
between two and three thousand, and
were blocked ee closely together and
were so immov'a'ble that at first we
thought they were large boulders.
What they were there for and what
they were going to do with them was
not apparent, and we, with our bun-
dles fond suitcases, seemed to be the
centre of .attraction at the time.
We did not make good time that
dao and only got as far as Medicine
Hat for the night and again stayed
with friends, who were kindness' per-
sonified. 'It is a very pretty city and
the trees and lawns and flowers were
very refreshing after the barren
wastes we had passed through that
day :such as I never dreamed existed
in Canada. We went for miles and
-miles without seeing any living thing
except a sort of grey shrub that
Seemed to thrive in the red clay or
sand or whatever it was, also a few
gophers w'h'ich made a small diversion
in the. monotony. How much we felt
it may be judged by the. foot that we
noticed there at all. We wondered
how so fine a city could thrive in such
a barren country, but supposed that
there must'have been better land far-
ther from the highway., We had hop-
ed to reach Calgary the next night
but what with a late start and punc-
tures we only got as far as Glerchen,
a small mining town. They ,said it
was but we had good accommodation•
at the 'one hotel, and es •Calgary was
just 58 miles further on, we made it
easily the next morn1tn'g, passing
through the irrigation district on our
way, and it was quite interesting and
rooked as though it h'ad been quite a
success: The highway passes under
the aaued'u'ct so we had a good view
of it, but the dam was some distance
to the left. We spent the rest of
that day and all of the next in Cal-
gary with friends and had a nvuch
needed rest.
(Continued on page 6)
(At the Principal's Desk)
Parents who studied geography 2C
or thirty years ago and compare the
text books used to -clay with those of
their generation, are apt to wonder
whether the real disciplinary value of
the study of geography has not been
lost by making the subject so absurd-
ly interesting.
The old idea was of course that to
be of value as discipline a study had
to be as uninteresting and apparently
useless as possible. Consequently in
geography we were forced to mem-
orize with equal labor the rivers of
China, the mountains and lakes of
Central ' Africa, and the counties and
county towns of Ontario.
ITo-day the conception of the rela-
tive value and importance of facts in
geography is receiving recognition,
and in the modern text books a fact
of geography is recognized as import-
ant and receive attention to propor-
tion as it bears on the welfare of hu-
man beings, how people live and
make their living.
A. further step in the right direc-
tion in the study of geography would
be the devotion of perhaps one les-
son period a week in the lower school
to the study of local geography from
this viewpoint, how people live and
earn their living in the neighboring
town, county and province.
Such a course would furnish the
junior pupils with a background of
knowledge of the occupations of the
district that would prove of great
value in aiding them to choose their
careers, and properly presented would
incidentally help them to understand
the value, the bearing on the great
problem of living and earning a liv-
ing of the 'various studies on the
school curriculum.
In the case of schools with good
assembly halls, such lessons might
with advantage be supplemented by
frequent evening lectures which par-
ents might attend. for parents are
naturally interested in the vocational
opportunities of their children.
To secure someone capable of pres-
enting this subject of occupational op-
portunities, and meeting the pupils
privately for the personal interviews
that would naturally be sought as a
result of such lessons would not be
easy at present, but the experiment
might well be tried first in one of our
larger centres where one man combin-
ing experience in :business and. in the
field of education might serve several
schools' at one time.
Already the universities are realiz-
ing the need of some such work. In
the report of the Department of Uni-
versity Extension and Publicity of the
University of Toronto, Mr. Dunlop,
the Director, writes: "I have realiz-
ed how important it is, in the inter-
ests of the boys and girls, that they
should be told what careers are open
to them. . . Without a doubt the
Provincial University owes this ser-
vice to the youth of Ontario—to tell
them what is available and to guide
them in their choice of subjects, and
I hope the Board of Governors will
make it possible to employ a suitable
man for this urgent piece of work."
From the President of the Uni-
versity of .Western Ontario comes
word that "We are on the point of
making a concerted effort to make
known to the high school students of
Western Ontario the possibilities of
various vocational openings."
But thisis subject of find ng
cation in which one can be happiest,
most useful and lnost successful is
too big, too important, to be left to
the annual or semi-annual visit of a
university representative, valuable
The following very descriptive let-
ter, which was recently received by
Mrs. John McGavin, of Tuckersmith,
from her sister, Mrs. N. L. Goven-
lock, of Shoal Lake, .Manitoba, will be
of interest to many df our readers:
On Thursday, September 6th, 192e,
we left: Shoal Lake about noon and
started on the long tra;i for Van-
courver with our touring equipments
and the good• faithful little Ford. We
travelled all tat afternoon through
the usual . Mianitoba farming country
and saw in many places fine crops in
spite of the lack of rain during the
summer. We arrived in Whitewood
about seven in the evening and spent
the night with friends there. Friday
we started again about 9 a.m. and
travelling with mlany turns and de-
tours around road construction work,
but always westerly through much
the same looking farming country.
We lunched with. friends at Sun-
taluta art noon, and passed through
Regina between five and six in the
evening. We all thought Regina a
fine city, the streets are wide and
clean looking, and there was every
appearance orf prosperity and pro-
gressiveness. We got as far as
Moosejaw that evening, and were very
comfortable at the hotel there, while
the garage man looked after our
steed. We had a rather late start
next morning as we called on some
friends there. The country through
which we passed that day was rather
barren looking and we hit our first
really,'• bad roads 'between Mortleck
and Parkbeg, no mud, just great ruts
however it was only for a short dist
ance, and after a short detour are
taking a drop of about two feet back
on to the main highway, we pulled
up at :Parklbeg and had ,some refresh-
ments at a white lunch house—the pie
was delicious. .Hlere our driver re-
ceived great praise for her manipu-
lation of the gallant little. Ford, in
fact her steady nerve and the ready
response of the car was our admira-
tion and pleasure throughout our
whole trip. We made Swift Current
that night and' on Sunday morning we
drove as far as Gull Lake and stayed
with friends about a mile out of town.
They are managers of the Interna-
tional Deracentration Farm, and we
found it quite interesting. We stay.
ed there the rest of the day and en-
joyed our rest very much. We were
tolyl that there would be mails and
bits of wire scattered along the road
in order to make work for the garage
men. Whether that was true tr not,
we managed to pick up three tacks
and were oonsban'tly dodging bits of
barbed wire that forenoon'. W'e lunch-
ed in the touring camp at Brooks, a
:very Pretty place, and in the after.
noon we ran 'across the path of a
couple of showers, whieb had left the
roads very snippy and required very
slow going and good guiding in order
not to go ,over the side. Neither of
then' were very long though, not more
than a mile each„ and the 'second was
oroer a hill, ett we stopped and put
ort the e'haitts, tWbieh made it much
less d'atirgerinfs, ' Jtint 'after passing
Conservatives in Tight Place.
Conservatives encounter some diffi-
culty in opposing the budget. It, en-
larges the duty on many things for
which they have been demanding more
protection, although in reality that
party has really been exploiting griev-
ances of individual groups .of manu-
facturers or producers before the
tariff board. Conservatives are not
tactically placed to oppose any eleva-
tion of duty on anything, because a
'higher protection • is their funda-
mental principle. At the same time
it is an almost unprecedented thing
for one party to agree to what the
other evolves, and especially in a
matter' affecting the tariff. And so,
it has come about that the Conserva-
tives raise the cry that the Liberal
party is not sincere, that its tariff
policy is a negation of its traditional
attitude, that it cannot be relied upon
to give effect to its proposals, and
that so far as the extension of the
British preference is concerned, it is
elusive, a great many things being
put on the free list which are not be-
ing imported at all. '
In all this there is the makings of
a hot campaign, introducing all the
polemics of political controversy. An
effort is being made to put through
the vital legislation before the session
closes in a hurry. The government
wants to adopt the budget, but, even
if it were not given legislative sanc-
tion, it will remain in effect until
parliament meets again. The law is
that a budget goes into effect auto-
matically on the day that it is de-
livered. The soldiers' pension bill wil
need bo be passed, because if it is
frustrated it will not be a happy cir-
cumstance for the party which is re-
sponsible for it. But some legislation
• will inevitably go by the board, in-
cluding the proposed regulation an•3
nationalizing of radio broadcasting.
Interesting Possibilities Ahead.
The coming election presents many
interesting possibilities. It will be
• preceded by a readjustmelrt of Prem-
ier King's cabinet, although this is
not likely to 'be very extensive. The
probabilities are that Ilon. J;. 1I. King,
Minister of Pensions and National
Health, will be appointed 'to the sen-
ate, and be replaced by T D. Patten),
Liberal leader in, British Columbia.
There will also be a new English
speaking minister from Quebec, while
a new portfolio of fisheries has . just
been created and for it Prof. 'Cyrus
McMillan of^"MeGill University is the
probable selection, . Four or five of
the present members of parliament
will be appointed to vacancies in the
senate, which xtmmber six,
The catipaign .p mines to be a
for all -.
Building Purposes.
and welcome as that may be. It is
actually the most vitally important
side of the whole study of geography,
and to give it one period a week—
geography, as commonly taught, its
less vital phases now receive four o:
five periods a week in the lower school
—to give it one period a week would
be little enough recognition of its
Notes.—S. S. No. 9, Blake, will hold
in the school grounds on Wednesday,
June llth. a reunion picnic of all the
pupils and teachers ever attending
that school. Please bring your lunch
and come and enjoy a pleasant after-
noon renewing old friendships with
your former playmates.
Notes.—Mrs. D. Bruxer, of Chicago,
spent a few days with friends in the
village.—Mr. W. J. O'Rourke has
purchased a new Ford sedan.—Miss
Mary Cummings, of Kitchener, is vis -
Anniversary Services
Y. P. S.
Brucefield United
11 A.M. and 7 P.M.
Rev: Gordon Butt, of • roderich,
'will be the preacher for the day.
By the Y.P.S., on
at 8 p.m.
ADMISSION: 35c and 20c
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.
Cummings.—IMiss Veronica McCon-
nell, of St. Clemens, spent Sunday
with her father, Mr. F. McConnell.
—Mrs. Gandier and little daughter,
of Niagara Falls, are visiting the
former's mother. Mrs. M. Carpenter.
—Miss Millie Williams, of Stratford,
spent Sunday with Mrs. Jas. Shea.
Yr,4,nk McClinehey stands seeon_Ti high-
rr • HHt 'also won two speciait prates
:and he is to lie congratulated en his
Creditable standing. He is now work-
ing in the Seaforth 'Creamery and we
wish him success in the dairy busi-
ness. -Mr. and Mrs. Oscar • Wright
and family, .of Kennilworth, spent the
week end with friends in Stanley.—
:Mr. and Mrs. Will Real and Miss
Jean visited in Hamilton over Sun-
day.—Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Peck, of
London, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Dowson one day last week.—
Aliso Margaret McKinley spent Sun-
day in Forest, the guest of Mr. and
Mfrs. W. F. Braun. — Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Robinson and family and
Miss Olive Erratt visited with Mr.
and Mrs. James M. Reid, Clinton, on
Notes.—We notice by the Ontario
Milk Producer that out of a class of
over 50 who took the 1930 Dairy
Short Course at O.A.C.. Guelph, Mr.
Notes.—A meeting will be held in
Constance Sunday .school on Monday
evening, May 26th, at 8 o'clock p.m.
for the purpose of electing delegates
to send teethe Liberal conyention, to
be held in aliensall. All interested
will •please attend Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Habkirk, of Wyandotte,
Michigan, were week end visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Feegu-
son.—We are sorry to learn that Mrs.
Orville Dale is in Scott Memorial
Hospital at present but we hope for
a speedy recovery.—Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Wilkinson and Mr. and Mrs.
Ellicker, of Lambton County, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Brit-
ton over the week encl.-111r. David
Millson has treated himself to a Ford
coach, also Mr. William Knox to a
Ford sedan.—Mr. Alvin Riley had the
misfortune while playing to run into
a barb wire fence on Thursday night,
cutting his mouth so as the doctor
had to put a few stitches in.—Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Lawson and Mrs. Robt.
Lawson spent Thursday in Stratford.
Notes.—Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Clarke
and family spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. E. Epps, of Varna. — The
heavy rains have delayed some with
their seeding, but it has helped the
pasture fields.—We are sorry to hear
that Mrs. Davidson, who has been
confined to Seaforth Hospital for
some time, is very low at time of
writing.—Mr. and Mrs. John McClure
and Miss Ethel McClure have gat
settled in their new home. We wel-
come them to our village.—Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Campbell and Misses
Reta and Cora Campbell spent Sun-
day with Mr. and 'Mrs, Grieve, of
Tuckersmith.—Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Govenlock and family called on
friends in the village Sunday evening.
Mr. Govenlock has been engaged as
foreman over a gang of men on the
Bell Telephone System at Waterford.
—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hart and son,
Kenneth, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Ferg. Bullard.—The young peo-
ple are presenting the play, "Wanted,
A Wife," in Gerrie this Thursday
Nurses Graduate.—Hundreds at-
tended the annual graduating exer-
cises of the Guelph General Hospital
Monday evening, May 12th, when
thirteen nurses received their diplom-
as. Addresses were delivered by Dr:
G. I. Christie, President of the 0. A.
C., and J. M. Taylor, chairman of the
Hlospital Board. One of the features
of the exercises was the presentation
of prizes to the girls who stood high-
est in their class work, the awards
being made as follows: General pro•
ficiency, 'Miss Mary Darby, Rockwood;
theory, Miss Isabell Pearse, Paisley;
Two Oustanding P ays
Presenting Spectacular Musical Production
Noted Hungarian Concert Artists—THE (:ARAY SISTERS
Superb Productions from Popular .Operettas
A Season Ticket Admitting Purchaser to All
Chautauqua Attractions
Tax Included
Seaf oah June
ehartint of recordea ss s,,A'te1i4,°
Dyer, Woodatoolq surgcah teehuiiue
Mies Kate Jeanette Laidlaw,
Mrs. Angus McKinnon ,.pr, esented,.
ntploni:as ba' the following .graduates
Miss Mary Isabell Dirty, Ro4;kwoo4;
Miss Isobel Clrrstina
�r -
town; Miss Annie Elizabeth Cockburn;'
Guelph; Miss Dora•.Iay .1•saF rt, .Asa,
ten; Mies Isabella Henderson, Paris;;
Miss Isabel Pearse, Paisley; Mass
Dorothy' Winnifred Fletcher,.,Canibell-
ville; 'Miss Janet Issbel Kilpatrick,
Elora; Miss Jeanette Popp1es tune,
Blyth; Miss Katie Jeanette Laidlaw,
Blyth; Miss Mary Amelia Dyer, Wood-
stock;' Miss Beatrice 'Stewart Storey,
Milton West; Miss Florence Ethel
Decels, Ereslau. Those who attended
this function from Blyth were' Dr.
and Mrs. Milne, Miss Milne, Mr. and
Mrs. R. M. 'McKay, Miss Olive Mc-
Gill, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Weir, Miss
Ida McGowan, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan
Laidlaw, Mr. and Mrs. James Laid-
law, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Popplestone,
Miss Dorothy and Leslie Popplestone,
Mr. and 'Mrs. Win. A. Logan, Kath-
leen Logan, Mrs. J. •Sinclair, Brig -
den; Mrs. Leo Stephenson, Constance;
Miss M. Ruth Laidlaw, R.N., London.
Briefs. —' The condition of Miss
Susan Laidlaw, who has been ill. for
the past three months, continues un-
changed. Miss M. R. Laidlaw, R.N.,
of London, is in attendance.
Briefs —Ed. Aldsworth, who has
been attending college in Saskatche-
wan, and preaching in a missicn, ar-
rived home Saturday and will spend
the summer with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Aldsworth, in Hay town-
ship. Ed. is studying for the minis-
try.—Miss Marguerite Aldsworth and
Ross McClennan, of Stratford, spent
the week end with he parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Aldsworth.—S. J.
V. Cann is extending the booth at his
gas station in order to care for the
increasing trade. The place he is
now occupying being far too small to
accommodate his business.—The Wilk-
inson brothers, who receirtly purchas-
ed the old evaporator property, have
torn down one building and fitted the
other up for a laying pen, in which
they have laid out two floors. At
present they have about five hundred
of the prettiest White Leghorn lay-
ing pullets, that were hatched by
Hogarth in January, that one would
care to see. It is their intention to
have the second floor, with as many
or more for winter laying. In the
brooders, outside of the building, can
be seen the other batch coming on.
The Wilkinsons came out from Eng-
land some time ago, to engaged in.
farm work, which they did for a time,
then decided to engage in the chick-
en business.—Several members of
the Clinton Orange Lodge paid the
Exeter Lodge a visit on Friday night
The officers of the local lodge put on
the Blue Degree, which was so much
enjoyed by the visitors, that they left
en invitation for them to come to
Clinton, on the night of the 30th, to
put on the third degree.—Mr. and
Mrs. A. C. Francis, of St. Marys, vis-
ited his brother, Reeve Francis, on
Saturday.—Several members of the
Masonic Order ,visited with the Strat-
ford Lodge Fridayn ight, in honor of
the visit of the District Deputy, Dr.
Tye, of Milverton.
oust ;t1se V1 t
yr en
�r3 ;tom �y ,
:La:st reports' by e .
well :as tsar Jae eacpeote,L 1
he io w „by i ost ; ople,:
used to w4 •king on 1411seine
in Detx'oit :and escaped accident.,
friends wish him a..:spe.edy recover
Breezes..— Rev F, , Paull axed
Paull me Frida' o n
a 11 teen d y' fr',in 'Iso
where they attended Synod;
'Paull, (Mr. Daubs utOtherVte i
with them:—Mr.'and 'Mrs.. E. Hov,,
bf Ridgeway, were here last` week.
visit Mrs. Howes' mother, Mrs. Lanee.
lot Clarke. ---William Parker; '14e40 ;;
Susie Westlake and Vina•- • Herber;
motored to Sarnia Sunday .and spent''
the day there.-1Miss Ruth HouMon,
of London„ was home for ,Sundayta:la
Mrs. P. V. Lamont, Field 'Secretary
of the Missionary Society of the
Presbyterians, was here Sunday 'and
gave a very interesting address •at •
the service in the morning at the'
Town Hall. While here Mrs. Lamont
was the guest of 'Mrs. Fraser.—Mrs.
Bristol. of Washington, D:C., is spend
ing a few weeks here the' guest of
Mrs: J. Tippet—nobort and 'George-
George Blair, who have been at Detrpit, re-
turned last week.--aMiss Cough'lin;re-
turned from London Monday after
spending a couple of weeks there. ---
Miss Aggie McIntyre, of 'Strath'roy,
arrived for the summer on Thursday
of last week, and is, at Mrs. J. Pier-
son's.—Mr. and Mri-, John Sturgeon,
of Port Elgin, and Mrs. A. Catling and
son, James; ^f St. Thomas, were
guests Sunday of Mrs. James Stur-
geon.—On Sunday evening, June. lst,
at St. Andrew's United Church, Rev.
S. Pinnock, of Toronto, will give. ai
address in the interest of the Bibb -
Society. All are invited.—An amus-
ing and intriguing comedy. "The Tiger
Earl," will be presented by members
of the A.Y.P.A. of Trinity Parish in-
nthe Town Hia11 on Friday evening,
May 30th.
Notes.—'The many friends of Mrs_
William McGregor, will be sorry to -
learn that she was taken to Victoria
Hospital, London, where she will un-
dergo an operation soon.—Mrs. Bev-
erly Beaton and son, of Detroit, are
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Joni.
Death of J. K. Ireland.—The Brud-
sels Post of last week makes the fol-
lowing reference to. the death of Mr.
J. K. 'Ireland, a former resident or
tbiat:townehip, and laelaeknownato..,.ar ...
great many people here: "Last Sat-
urday evening James K. Ireland pass-
ed away at the home of his daughter,,
Mrs. 0. Smith, 5th concession of Grey
Township, in his 88th year. Deceas-
ed had not been in the best of health.
for some time, 'being bothered with
his heart. Mr. Ireland• elm to native
of Galloway, Kirkcudbik 'f1ire, Scot-
land, and when two years old came.
with his parents to Canada and they
located in Tuckersmith township,near
Egmondville. On March 23rd, 1806,,,
deceased was married to Miss Jean
Ross, of the same township, by Rev.
Wm. Graham, and for one year they-
heylived on the old Ireland farm on the
Mill Road, Tuckersmith, and then
moved northward to the farm on the,
3rd line, Morris, where they lived for
49 years. A family of two sons,.
James, of Saskatoon, and William on
the homestead, and five daughters..
Mrs. 0. Smith, 5th con. Grey township;
Mrs. George Henderson, 3rd line, Mor-
ris; airs. 0. Turnbull, 15th con. Grey;Mrs. J. Oliver, Brussels, and Mrs. H.
Glazier, Stratford, survive. One of
the daughters, Mrs. J, Moses, died
two years ago. He is also survived
by 24 grandchildren and 12 great--
grandchildren. In 1916 Mr. and Mrs.
Ireland celebrated their golden wed-
ding, and later in the year Mr. and
Mrs. Ireland moved into Brussels {>o
reside and take life easy, but five
years later Mrs. Ireland passed away
and Mr. Ireland returned to the home
of his son, and later has been living'
with various members of his family.
During his lifetime on the farm he
has seen all the changes take place of
the pioneer, the farm being trans-
formed from bush to well tilled acres,
and oxen displaced byine; the
cradle for the self-hindeerru and the
market changed from 20 miles to 3,.
with rural telephone, rural mail and
other modern comforts and conveni-
ences within easy reach. The late
Mr. Ireland was an honorable man,
who dealt squarely with his neighbors.
He was a staunch Presbyterian and a
Liberal in politics. His home was
always a home that was open to every
one. The funeral, which was largely
attended, was held on Tuesday after-
noon from the residence of 0. and
Mrs. Smith, and the services were
conducted by Rev. F. G. Fowler, pas-
tor of Melville church, who spoke of
the god life and character of the de-
ceased. Two favorite hymns were
sung: "Jesus Lover of My Soul," and
"0 God of Bethel by Whose Hand."
The pallbearers were his five son -in-
laws, 0. Smith, 0. Turnbull, J. Moses,
H. Glazier, J. Oliver and a nephew,
T. Archibald. Interment was made
in Brussels cemetery. The floral
tributes were beautiful. Among the
relatives and friends from a distance
were: Joseph Holman and Mrs:
Smith, Stratford; R. and Mr"s. Ross
and son, 'Gordon, of Kincardine; Mr.
and Mrs. Broadfoot, Mr. and Mrs.
Papple, A. and Mrs. Modeland, of
Tuckersmith township; Wm. Welsh,
Mrs. Stewart, William and Mrs.
Fteeman, John and Mrs. Walker, of
Seaforth; Miss 'Minnie Smith,
Paul and Mrs. Freeman, of To-
ronto. The family have the sy'n'ipathy^
of a wide circle 'of friends in the loss,
they have sustained."
Briefs. — George Scantlebury, of
Stratford, was a recent visitor in town
with his grandparents, M.r. and Mrs.
George Hanley.—Mrs. George Mc-
Nichol was a Sunday visitor with Mr.
and Mrs. George Clarke, Listowel.—
Prof. S. R. Crerar and sons, Ross and
Stuart, of Toronto, were recent visi-
tors with relatives and friends in
Brussels.—Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mes-
ser and children, Lois and Vernon, of
Palmerston, were week end visitors
with the former's mother, Mrs. Annie
Messer.—Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Cam-
eron and son, Jimmy, were Sunday
visitors with Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Cam-
eron, Palmerston.—Mr. and Mrs. R.
M. Williams and children, of Pontiac,
Mich., were visitors over the week
end with the • Tatter's mother, Mrs.
Watson. --'Mrs. Dora Holmes, Walton,
was a week end visitor under the par-
ental roof.—Mrs. A. Sohier and Mrs.
T. Clarke of Walton, were Sunday
visitors with friends in Brussels.—
Mr. and Mrs. William Mitchell were
Sunday visitors with friends in Strat-
ford.—Mr. and -'Mrs. W. F. Coleman
and children, Francis and. Marion
were recent visitors with- the latter's
father, Samuel Wilton.—Sam Shine
of Detroit, spent a few days with his
sister, Miss Robert G. Dark. -1T'. and
Mrs. George Dawson, of Tiverton
were recent visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Philip Anrent. — Mrs. Donal:
Clarke and children, of Hamilton, are
welcome visitors with the former'.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Sin-
clair.—Mr, and Mrs. Brian Scott ani
Miss Jean, of Toronto, were recent
visitors with Mr, and MIS. Fred Bur-
chill•—•Gordon Sleightholrn spent the
'.eek end under the parental roof.—
Miss Jean Saunders was a week end
visitor under the parental roof in At-
wood —'Miss Marie Gorham, of South-
ampton, spent Sunday with Mrs.
Quest Dobson.
Serious Accident.—On Friday morn-
ing last shortly after starting work
shingling the Town Hall, where Fred
Baker, Fred Geminhardt, Percy Wes-
ton and Walter 'McLellan were at
work, a serious accident happened
when McLellan slipped and fell to the
groped. a distance of about twenty-
five feet. A bunch of shingles fol -