HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1930-04-11, Page 5ttl 1" V t ; so 1 l 1 1 1. 1' I' i BIR',TUS , Rives --In Brock, Sack., on I4lareh 21st, to a l$$r. and Mrs. Thorpe liver.,: a deuglt .Green, -.--In 800ti Memorial HgapitaJ, Sea ortb, on April 1st, to Mr. and • Mara, 'W$Uiasn' "Green, of Teekerotnith, a eoa-+-Danatd El- g� DE4ThS "Didkson.—On Saturday, April 5th, at the Private Patients' Pavilion, Toronto Gen- eral Hospital, John Turnbull Dickson, in dais 81st year, formerly of Goderich and Seaforth, Ont. • Green.—In Scott Memoqrial Hospital, Seaforth, on April 5th, Donald Elgin Green, infant son; of Mr. and •MIsWilliam Green, of Tuckersmith, aged 4 days, :Roes, --1n Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on April 7th, Annie Allan, beloved wife of Alexander 3: Ross, of Wingham, aged 60 years, 1 month and 7 days. IMPORTANT NOTICES •QEED BARLEY FOR SALE.—A QUANTITY of seed barley for sale. Apply to R. H. MODELAND, Seaforth, or phone 143 r 4. 8252•tf SFt.ED BARLEY FOR SALE.-- FOR SALE a quantity"of No. 21 O.A.C. barley. Ap- ply to WILLIAM CHARTERS, Seaforth, or phone 4 on 137. 3252-tf WOOD FOR SALE,—A QUANTITY OF 'all hard maple wood, piled in yard. Apply to MRS. ALEX. H. ROSS. Phone 248-4, Sea.forth., 3252-1 ANYONE WANTING CATTLE PASTUR- ed for season, apply to FRED A. ELLER- INIGTON, Exeter. Prices reasonable. 3252-3 SEED FOR SALE.—O.A.C. NO. 21 BARLEY, Terms, strictly cash. Apply to ANDREW B. BELL, Kippen, or phone 93-9, Hensa•11. • 3247-tf CATTLE WANTED,—A LIMITED NUMBER of cattle will be taken in for pasture. Plenty of water. Apply to J. M. GOVEN- LOCK, Executor T. E. Hays Estate. Sea - forth. 8251-tf "VOR SALE.—I AM OFFERING TWO DARK red Shorthorn bulls ready for service, from well bred, good milking dams and sired by Vanity's Knight. You will be surprised how low these calves are priced. JAMES HILL, R. R. 1, Staffa P. O. Lot 27, Con- cession 8, Hibbert. 3250-3 WOR SALE.—A QUANTITY OF SEED oats grown from O.A.C. seed 144, at 80 cents per bushel. Also a limited supply of dr'yI slabs left at $2.75 per cord for soft wood; at143,25 tor soft maple. Good York hog for sale. WILLIAM DOIG, Jr., Kippen, Ont. Phone 138,r 2, Seaforth. 3250x3 VOR SALE. --• TWO HUNDRED ACRES farm lands in -Township of Stanley. On land are two houses, two barns and other small out -buildings. Four acres bush, orchard and small fruit trees. Near to school. church and village. Will be sold in one block or in parcels. Price reasonable, For particulars epply to A. F. HESS, Zurich, Ont. 3252.3 LIVE STOCK MARKETS Union Stock Yards, Toronto, April 8th.— Volume in the calf offering was more than double that of a week ago at close to 1,000 head, and included a large number of plain dairy -type calves, some of which sold as low as 7 cents per pound. Choice veals were scarce, and only a few primes bettered 14 cents per pound; the hulk of the choice veals moving at 121._ to 131:., cents per pound, or barely steady with last week's decline. Plain to medium calves, the bulk of the offering, sold at 3 cents per pound lower than last week's close, at 8 to 11 cents. %bur, hundred lambs in a total offering of 700 sheep and lambs, were from Western Canada and they sold 10 cents per cwt. higher than the western lambs of last Mon- day's offering. at 11,81 cents per pound. Av- erage good Ontario ewes and wethers sold steady at 12 cents, and one lot of 22 choice lambs brought 12la cents per pound. Spring lambs sold steady to lower than last week at $8 to $14 each. The sheep'.market appeared easier, nothing selling higher than 81,, cents per pound. or a- half lower than a week ago at the -top. Medium light sheep brought five cents per pound. Quotations: Heavy beef steers. $10.00 to $11.00: butcher steers, choice.. $10.50 to $11; do. fair to good, $9.50 to $10.50; do, common, $9.00 to $9.50; butcher heifers. choice. $10.50 to $10.75: do. fair to good, $9.50 to $10.21: do. common, $9.00 to $9.50: butcher cows. good to choice, $8.00 to $8.50: do. medium, $6.50 to $7.00; canners and cutters, $4.00 to $5.25; butcher bulls, good tochoice, $7.50 to $8.75: do. medium, $6.50 to 17.75: do. bol - Mlles, $6.50 to $6.75: baby beef, $9.50 to $13.00; feeders, good, $8.75 to $9.50: stockers, good, $8.50 to $9.00; do., fair, $7.50 to $8:25: oaylves, good: to choice/ $13.00 to $13.50: do. medium, $10.00 to $12.50; do., grassers, $7.00 to $7.50: springers, $90.00 to $110; milkers, $75.00 to $90.00; lambs, choice, $12.00 to $12.75; do. bucks, $9.00 to $9.60: sheep, choice, $8.00 to $8.50; hogs, bacon, w. o. a, $13.50. Do.. selects, $1 per hog premium ; do., but- chers, 75 cents per hog discount: do. f.o.b., price, $1.25 cwt. under w.o.c.; do., trucked in, 50c cwt. under w.o.c. AMY MM4KEF 1 Tpraate, Arprll 8th.-Oheoe, new, large 28:Co, 28ah,e i xwdna, 23% to 24a;' trplets, 28311; stlltops, 220. ,Qld, large. 28c I "`'trwins, 290; triplets and cuts, 80c ; old 'etiltone, 81s. B,gtter—+Piro. 1, creamy, prints,' 35 to 87c; No. 2 creamery. prints: 35. to 86c.. Eggs• --Fresh extras, in cartons, 84e i fresh extras, loose, 82c; Maty, 801; seconds, 28e. , WILLIAM HARKNESS Phone 163 SEAFORTH Box 234 District Representative Sun Life Assurance Ga�y„ of Oanada--tCanada's largest and •*ding Life Assurance Company. ,AIS•Sets at December 3let, 1929, $568,197,000. Average rate of interest earned on invested resets, 7.02%. 32.511-tf IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO HAWKINS ET AL VS DICK ET AL. Judicial Sale of Property in the Township of Usborne Pursuant to the judgment and final order for sale made in this cause and bearing 'date respectively the 8th day of August, 1923 and the 13th day of September, 1929, there will be sold with. the approbation of Edward Nor- man Lewis, Esquire, Local Master of this Court at Goderich by George H. Elliott, auc- tioneer, on the premises; at the hour of two o'clock in -the afternoon, on the 19th day of April, 1930, the following lands and premises, in one parcel, all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land or premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Usborne: in the County of Huron and Pr•wince of Ontario, containing by admeasurement One Hundred Acres of land 'be the same mote or less, being composed of Lot number Twenty- nine in the ;First 'Concession of the said Township of Usborne. On said lands there is a good brick dwelling house with stone foundation, slate roof, two bank barns with stabling under barns, also cement foundations. Splendid land, well fenced and drained with two overflowing wells and twelve acres of bush. Convenient to church, school and Villages of Exeter and Hensall. The property will be offered for sale sub- ject to a reserved bid which has been fixed by the said Master. The purchase price is payable as follows: Ten per centum of the purchase price at the time of sale, the assumption of a mortgage for $4,000.00 having about one year to run with interest at 6% per annum and the bal- ance on the 30th day of April, 1930. The purchaser to assume the taxes for the year 1930, fire insurance premiums and interest to be adjusted ed as of date of closing. Possession will be given on day of sale. The Vendors will only be required to furnish a Registrar's Abstract of Title, and to produce such deeds, copies thereof, or evi- dences•of title, as are in their possession. In all other respects the terms and conditions of sale will be the standing conditions of this Court. Further particulars can be had from John J. Huggard, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Vendors : George H. Elliott, Auctioneer, Clinton, Ontario, or Gladman & Stanbury, Solicitors, Exeter, Ontario. Dated at Goderich, Ontario, this 3rd day of April, 1930. E. N. LEWIS, 3252-2 Master. FARMS FOR SALE F ARM •FOR SALE, -50 ACRES ON EAST half Lot 22, Concession I, McKillop, grass farm, orchard; good water and plenty of it. Apply to THOMAS HABKIRK, Box 305, Seaforth. Phone 364. 3242 -Lf FM ARS FOR SALE.—A FEW CHOICE farms in the Townships of Usborne, Tuckersmith and Hibbert. Good buildings and well located as to markets. THOMAS CAM- ERON, Exeter, Ont. 3068-tf FARM- FOR SALE.—FOR SALE PART LOT 28 and 29. Concession 3, McKillop, con- taining 192 acres and knowni as the .T. E. Hays farm, Must be sold to close the estate. If not sold will be rented. For particulars apply to J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor, Sea - forth. 3201-tf FARM , FOR SALE. — MY TIME BEING taken up with other business, I am of- fering my farm of 100 acres working land for sale; one-quarter mile from Seaforth; well watered and in first class agricultural condi- tion. Buildings beautifully situated and com- modious. Farm has always been heavily stocked with dairy cattle and hogs. Suitable terms to reliable parties. Phone 25 or 24-143 for appointments. Apply to J. A. McKENZIE, R. R. No. 8, Seaforth. 8232-tf FARM FOR SALE. --,100 ACRES, LOT NO. 8, Concession 16, Township of Grey, Coun- ty of Huron; 2 storey brick house, barn 'Axil on stone foundation : another building 26x56; windmill, drilled well ; 30 acres plowed, balance has been, under pasture for several years. Thirteen acres hardwood bush. Pos- session first of March. Apply to ALEX. BUCHANAN, R. R. No. 3, Walton. 3186-tf AITGT f1 T ALES ES AtIC'TION $A -T-4 OP' HOME AND LOT, M Lot 14.. Concession 12 McKillop, on +Satr' urdaY, April. .1.2110, at 2,80 p.m. House . l be s91d' aepary,.tely or house add Jot to -suit purchaser. Also acme household effects.. Terms•-41putehold goods, dash, Terme can. be arranged on house, J, M. GOVENLOCK, In. Spector; Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, 3252-1 AUCTION SALE OF HORSES.—Mr. Geo. H. Elliott has been instructed. to sell 8Y, public auction at the Dick Hotel Stables, Seaforth, on Monday, April 14th, at 1.80 P.m., 17 good work horses, ell good ages and good colors; 1 colt, unbroken. Terms—Six months' credit on bankable paper. Four per cent. straight off for cash. ED. PRYCE, Proprie- tor; G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 3252x1 House Cleaning IS AT HAND Have you seen the new Premier Electric Cleaning Unit? The Premier Duplex Vacuum Gleaner plus the Floor Polisher and the Premier Spic -.Span for all light house cleaning. Let us demonstrate for you at your convenience, For Demonstration apply to P. 0.157 Seaforth DR. MOIR'S R. P. White Leghorns University of British Columbia Strain Large birds and Splendid Layers BABY CHICKS, $15 per Hundred HATCHING 'EGGS, $7 per Hundred Smaller lots at slightly higher price. Order ahead as supply is limited DR. MOIR'S FARM Phone 1 on 85 Hensall. 3251-4 FARMERS. Draining season is almost here: Get your Tile early. We have the following sizes in stock: - 3 -inch, $18.00 per 4 -inch, $25.00 per 5 -inch, $35.00 per 6 -inch, $50.00 per Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand We are prepared to give our immediate• attention to orders for sizes up to 16 inches. R. FROST & SON Manufacturers of Concrete Tile and Blocks SEAFORTH, ONT. N. TIIt"r 'Id TUE ES1"ATL,+ pis t Ai►ttilitq$ ;�4dUM, HT.T.i,. lifts '.wn of 3, Pyt1$f4ie• the Cottitf'y of 'Huron." :, Shae.repairert teeeised, NO`¢'IOE I fp:1W, iJi 0IVEN' that li, credi- tors and of era baying claims or demaands against the F.atiste of Ambrose Martin Bill, who died oh or nbant the Fourteenth day of January, 1980 at the City of London, ill the County of ift441.gsos, are required on or before the 19th day elf April, 1980, to send by post, prepaid to flames Hill, Port Elgin, Ont., their •names ' and addresses in full and thein♦ accounts in writing. AND TAKE NO7,'IOE that after that date the said Administrator will proceed to- dis- tribute all assets, having regard only to claims received. JAMES HILL, Administrator, Port Elgin, Ont. W. R. TOMLINSON, Solicitor for said Administrator. DATED at Port Elgin, this 26th day of March, 1930. 3250-3 TENDERS WANTED Settled tenders marked "Gravel Grubber Tender" will be received by the undersigned until Thursday, April 24th, at 3 o'clock p.m. for furnishing power and operating the gravel crusher for the Township of Hullett for the coming season. Separate tenders for operat- ing and furnishing power may be considered. Operator to furnish all necessary men and teams to keep the plant running to full ca- pacity, and have the crushed material in the bins ready for hauling. Contractor for power to furnish either 30 H.P. gasoline or 20 H.P. steam. Operator to clean off all surface soil and keep the pit in proper repair. Also at the same time tenders will be received for the delivery .by truckl of not more than 11/2 yards capacity, of the crushed gravel at a Price per yard per mile haul. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Specifica- tions may be seen at the office of the under- signed. JOHN FINGLAND, Clerk of Hulett 3251-3 Fa yEl Don't /leave it until • the lana your clothes cleaned. Only.. ,days till Easter -- the Cleaners1 SUITS OV .... Dry Cleaned and Pressed Made to sparkle by steam, $1.50 look and feel SWEATERS Cleaned Right—No Shrinking—No Stretching 75c yr 18 CAPS Made to look like New for 25c GLOVES 25c 4: l�l+$tin•` a; ;a SPATS Made to look like New for 25c S, DUNGEY _Dry Cleaning and Pressing. Commercial°Hotel. Phon PAINTING the HOUSE with Lowe Brothers' "High Standard" Paint assures the consumer— not only of the utmost in appearance but—of Maximum Economy in his •painting costs. One gallon of Lowe Brothers' Paint at $5.35 per gal- lon will spread over an average of 850 square feet of surface—whereas one gallon of cheap paint at an average price of $3.50 per gallon will spread over only 650 square feet. Hence "per square foot," which is the true measure of Paint Cost, Lowe Brothers is by all calculations most economical. Fineness of Grinding—Excellence of Ingredients --Three-quarters of a Century of Experience—Modern Machinery—and Skill in Manufacture explains the Superior Hiding—Spreading—Long Service -Dependability --and Economy of Lowe Brothers' Paints and Varnishes. Trp them on pour next job. "�tI1.t• Jaunts Yarttish?s 1.01.11 b1 01b111114,1.1111-1' aa1 t a t,1 1 4 1 t11 1 t I GEO. A. SILLS & SON HARDWARE, PLUMBING & FURNACE WORK EARN $6 TO $10 PER DAY Ambitious, reliable men wanted at once. Part time pay while training for Aviation Mechanics, Garage Work, Driving, Battery. Electric Acetelyne Welding, House Wiring, Industrial Electricity, Machinist, Bricklay- ing, Plastering, Drafting, Barbering and Hairdressing. Act quick, get your applies- tion in now. Write or call for information. DOMINION TRADE SCHOOLS, LTD. Eastern Headquarters, 163 King St., W., Toronto; 365 Talbot Street, London. Employment service—coast to coast. (:l DIES y FIS_ Complete with ever modern comfort and convenience featRre TODAY, "Body by Fisher" denotes the world's standard of quality in auto- mobile coachcraft. And among all cars in the lowest price field . . Fisher Bodies are exclusive on the new Chevrolet Six. That is the reason for Chevrolet's outstand- ing beauty . . for the graceful fleetness expressed in its long, low lines . . the instant impression of luxury conveyed by no other cal' near its price. In the appointment of Chevrolet's roomier interiors, no refinement which could con- ceivably add to beauty, comfort or con- venience has been omitted. In the sedan, for instance, are found satin -covered assist cords, arm rests, decorative door panels and attractive smoking sets. Draft -proof piping in all closed models seals the seams where doors and body meet. Seats are wider and deeply -cushioned, with form- fitting backs. Chevrolet brings striking beauty ' . . and more. It combines six -cylinder perfor- mance . . the smooth,` quiet power which nothing less than a six can give . . with low initial cost and exceptional economy. With all its advanced features, that ensure safety, handling ease and riding comfort, the Chevrolet Six is available at new extremely low prices. More than ever before is its matchless ,dollar -for -dollar value apparent. See, the new Chevrolet Six today . . drive it yourself. And ask about the attractive G.M.A.C. Deferred Payment Plan. S PONLOP St BARNETT Seaforth, Ont.. BETTER BECALISE I T -.� .►*.,.***1_ E. W. FAWM Mitchell, Ont. �r G:9°3Oa C A N A D I A 1\ �f�ia.+fli,4! s+�,fy'1^J7,+�icir ii Baby Chicks Utility Barred Rocks, Watson's strain, Male birds from J. H. Thomp- son, of Port Dover, Only our own eggs used. First hatch ready April 19th; price 18 cents for April and 10 cents for May. Hatching Eggs for sale at 4 and 5 cents per egg. Apply to ROY LAWSON Clinton, R.R. 1. Phone 241 r 31 3252x1 Fertilizer News Have you bought your Fertilizer? We shall be pleased to fill your orders for high quality plant food, at the fol- lowing prices, off car. Tennessee Natural 33 per cent phos- phate, the cheapest source of plar.t food to the farmer. Use it with you'. - manure, it will save you buying a fer- tilizer drill. Price, cash, $30.00 per ton. October 1st, $31.50. TANGUAY — A French Fertilizer manufactured in Quebec City, A l Quality. 0.12.5—Cash $30 your note to Oct. 1. $31,50 $35.00 $37,00 $40.00 2-8-4— " $33 2-12-2— " $35 2-12-6— " $38 „ ,. " „ Armour's High Analysis 2-16-8— " $49 " " $51.00 4-16-4— " $53 " " $55.00 6-16-12-- " $70 " " $72.00 Nitrate of Soda in ton lots...$65.00 Smaller Lots, $70.00. Aero, Brand Agricultural Limestone, an all Canadian Product. 1✓2 ton " 1 M " 5 10 30 ton car $7.00 If stored fifty cents extra. We de- liver to you for one dollar per ton. We guarantee our Fertilizers and will put them ton for ton of the same ana- lysis against any offered by competi- tors. , Yours for Service and a bumper crop, $4.50 $8.00 $7.75 $7.50 " „ „ „ $8.75 $8.00 $7.75 William M. Sproat TILE MFGR. PHONE 136 r 2 SUPERIOR QUALITY BABY CHICKS S. C. WRITE LEGHORNS B. P. ROCKS BLACK MINORCA$ WHITE WYANDOTTES ANCONAS Olir •flocks are pure bred bred -to -lay and are carefully culled for high egg production and large eggs, mated with cockerels from high. production hens, many of them pedigreed. Price List on request. Gall and talk over your needs in poultry supplies. We handle the "Royal" line—Brooders, Feeders, Fountains, etc., also Royal Purple Brooders. We also handle all kinds of feed, lay mash, chick mash, cod liver oil, oyster shell, grit, etc. W will have a limited space each week for custom hatching at 4 cent per egg. Now is the time to order your Baby Chicks if you want early fall layers, when egg prices are high and to realize the most for your broilers. ' SUNNYVALE POULTRY FARM AND HATCHERY ANDREW A. MOORE PHONE 137"r 3 amisir R. R. 3, SEAFORTH, ONT. 3249 -ti J. A. Wesicoti 92rezent.c Miss' k,,MERICA � new I3ULOVA 47,4ti wach A glorious new timepiece created by the deft fingers of Bulova craftsmen. With that newness and in- dividuality so characteristic of all Bulova feature watches. Its daintily engraved dust -cite case is 'set with four simulated sapphires or emeralds; flexible bracelet set with matching stones; 15 #750 jewel Bulova movement. v Come in today—!'ee this b+t dutiful watch on your wrist J. A. Westcott PHONES JEWELLER 64J and 64 W SEAFORTH FARM FOR SALE Desirable farm for sale on the Provincial Highway, a mile and a half west. of Sea - forth, Ont. 200 acres being Lot 17 and H.R.S., ('uneession 1, Turkersmith. This is a very fine farm, being well drained and fenced and in a good state of cultivation. On the farm arc• a splendid brick house rich modern convenience:. two good hank barns. large driving shed and ,two artesian wells. This farm must be sold to close up tie es - tete of the late .1 ceph Fowler. .1•'urthei• par- ticulars may be had on 'applying at the premises Or to ,101 --IN H. BEST, S,,licitor for the Executors. Patel Mash 27th, 11130. 3250'tf Automobile Insurance. We issue the Standard Policies of the PROVINCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF ENGLAND One of the few British Companies operating in Canada to -day, at Non -Tariff Rates This means a saving in premium to you with protection, security and the night and day service of this of- fice. Call, phone or write us for full in- formation, rates, etc. Our services are at your disposal alb any time. A. D. SUTHERLAND General Insurance, Conveyattcing4 Real Estate, Investments, Etc. PHONE 152 : • SEAFORTH, ONT. ECKERT Chick Hatching and Breeding Farm. BRED -TO -LAY S. C. W. LEGHOR.NH 0. A. C. BARRED ROCKS If you want better quality chicks frpm a carefully culled and inspected flock of high egg production and high grading, our Chicks bring greater pro- fits. Hens mated to male birds whose records run from 250 to 316 eggs. Here is what one of our customers says: J. A. Eckart: Dear Sir—I thought I must tell you how well those Kabir Chicks did that I got from you last year. First we only ordered twenty- five. They were such smart, healthy chicks we ordered three hundred more. We raised almost ninety per cent, of those. I am so pleased with them that I intend ordering 500 baby chicks early this year. Yours truly, Mrs. Ed. O'Hearn." Book your order now for Baby Chicks, three-week old Chickens and eight-week old Pullets. Send for Circular. Visitors wet. come. Phone 23.23, Dublin. It 1 NO xl