HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1930-03-21, Page 1.", ", �, 11 �:­ , - " ", I;-,,l"1,"l) "I"' ,'-)--",7�,��i1��l",.�,v���7,"'�,P;mw,�-,���, ,,;, � 1� �r� ,�4 " , � 11 '._ �,;j;!"", "Ilpin, , , � , '' _�-,71l-"r- _­V_�, ­ , ­_ . Y,M"r.- " � , ,., , , . 7,4.P, . 11 �,;.': � , , , I . I �, �, .. ,�� ., � � � � ,,, � �, ��kl i; j�'(, "�I"q,,g'y 2'1,1�1 i�,�, I . ... .. ��,,,,,�,,�,��,,J�,�i:,,!,,,.�.i���!,iij�rt���i,,�,;;,�,',�%,�i,t.?�.',i,,,,I�.�,"'�'. �IV I I .... �,��;,�,,�,,;, "' ­u,�,,,;,J,��, ,�,,Or�qj,t�,II , I ,�l �, �'. � 11 . , 11.1 ,_ %� I, 7 � � I :: 1. r ll,�lli , �, ` `,`I�-;I�,',i, � -�,.'��i,5 ��`,'Al,,,,J:Ill�� �,'4i :7 , ", ",;F ,,ll-'* 4 ,+"�; 11 1. , ,,, 1; ,"'��PI,���,Jllll,,�;"�;,',���i!, "', -, I . , 1 AI:�Ih' 1'�� 1 j,", ", 1:'I., �". " ,!�,z , . I I , , , � ". I 11.1, ". , " , ";;j��,;, ',11�� ,,,, � " , . ,, I .Njj�' , I!, I,, !, " . �� ,,,,, .. , � . 7I , ,t , ,Il, ,I 214"ll"ll"i" r;,m ;, ,_[���; 'i'� I - - ��� % , 11 . I � i ��� j't 1, , , I i� �i 11 i , I �. , 1, . �.. 1 1: , ,,, I� !l, '�,� 0�p. 1 1, ,��; : 7 � ,� , � ,, ,, . I I , I I . ��,,, �.,�,,, 11.1 � I � ,: "... " .1 �'.?�'., i'lly, � ,� I 1: I I " , �� �� �: . � 't�,� �Jl. , ',�,.�.r "T.- '11, 1 � 1. I . . . � � li ; , 11 '�� li�,, I. . � . , . . I .1 . I : ol I � I �. I , � I I I I 1; . I "'I" . , . I . I . � . ,f�?, �i�: . . � I . I .� , ", , I � , � , . - I . . � . I I. , ' ' � ' .� � ' ' . . , I ' ' '11::': ------" � =:'I� ­ .­ I V "I 1. ­­ � .- . I � , "I .1 ­ I I I 7 -7 -- Ill— ` � . ,10, I '. .. I I 1��� . ,I ... 4 I ; I V I I I . ... I . I ; lo, I I . — I ,. I . . � I , t� � l . I . I . 4 . I . . r ­� . _1_'_ '.1, I . -l-- I " 1'.� ar.— I, �, l: . " , . I. � ­ i .. . , . 1. .1 - I 0 I I . ` " I I I , �. .�. . ___ - - - T_ 7-:---7711 " ,��:'�`.��;% e� I . *. — T .: 1-1 �_. . '_,;;��­`;_1771� 4"', , I 1.1j.1-- �, , "I'll " ,., �� 1. , " , '�r!,��,,��,-, .- - 1, I'll, I, IIRIMIIIIA Nr��.�g% , , ,� ,%� I g . . g�� , , , -4 . 1. " V wp v �-, �4, "T.'Y'r,�"Y'l i'5', "' , -,%5l,,�j " . , , � 'T ,,� Ni,:,�t-';%� � . ­.."'I"I'� , , ,. � �g,��gu,w,*g :�,� �`�,�. I,: � _ �� - " �,,I. ,Tj? , Z"A'00'I"J, . , , -.0" "., h! � " "I" I 1. I 11�, "r r" ; ��, ,�,�.#,*'�� � . . . [V . , V-11"'WOF . 1. � I . ,�� . , , i , il. , ��l ,�;,�.�.� I �'.-,I-f%1§1,1��11 �,1�1, '1011, ..... . , �11,u_jQvi-�,V.�` I ,,,,,,� , :, I lz";i,��:�,;.i.,",i"���'lli,i;r��,k'441��,',,- " k�,��,,�,��,,,�i"""��,�g",Z,)-�,,�'It�� , � . ��IRN,�­k�l,,��'q I 1, I - ,, I, �, . . � %1, � . , '.. 11 lz:� �, N , I " 11 "", I �'%_i' , I I . I ., I 1. . :11�1 � ,�i.:,:��,,�,�,�'-,�.�,,�-.,','�.;�,,,,,'�'T�,,�(f�,�,��', ,I,��W,,�RM,10511 I '' . I t .. l I ,. , �t, ,�� r .. ,,, I II , . I . -?— !r � I I . -9 I 1�1,. 1111 ....".-.1'... 11.11, - I 11 -1-1-1 I �, . I - ,� . , I I . 1. � , , � 11 . � �, . 11 .. ,,­ :-,,1- � �7,�'.`.�. C.", '', I - 111M l. I ,� . . — � . I ... . "� 11 . . , � I � , �� , I I, .1i I �1. , , " , � , � . . , . ,� � �,,:I��Il� 11: � , Seventy -First Year SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1930. . I .,:, i;,�. .­ I 11 : " , . I -I- , Number 3249 . I � '. . 1 .,� "i, ; 011\1 I '11, 11 � 1.11 .. I, . .. . 14,1 i I. 4 , 1.m . � ,,�,, � ',,I�l I I. I I ".. - " I . . 11 I - I 11 .... I "-11111.1. I ... ... ,_ " ­ '�L. . I . I I.., . ,I, ,911.;V51;!, ,�, , �, � � � f . . I , I , 1'1_�P 1`_1�11�1�;"�" ,,"..., I 1:p,, " " " FROM THE DOMINION which they do not possess, to buyers the all (the arfitlimeticians except- . - feature Or unusual interest in the edu- ring losses in infected herds, :. ;�,, ", w1w do not intend to take delivery. � ed, mof whom I have, about 40) a les - cationall work & the Ontario Agri� munized stock is moch more = I _- in.; I — 111�1 1. i "I .1 ".."11 ,il. - P What- will ,be done about it is not soon, In -the forenoo-A -and another in cultuml College has been the. annual for this purpose than new arrim- A I : ;4 0, C"ITAL OAK .. . ­­­, �� _ . clear, buit, if many of the Western the afternoon. I have same at 10s 1. exhibition known as the "CoRege Roy- als. . ........... !!!!!!!!!!! �1. -11.1,11 1".. ��� , 1, - I', � � . I the most important interna- members hame itheir way, the law Will jxv quarter. You will be thinking L al." The -show is staged entirely by . �� 611.1 � J '11:1 , . I .1. ,It I 1. Quite I be go ahiended astoprohibit this par- that I Ought to make money, and so the.etudernts' and is a sort of a minia- .. � ( " I 1:. "IN , 14 1 Xw_,I� . tional quesition brmight before the I Mrs. W L � , ) m 4.4 . , , ,','� ll't , " 1� ticulaw form of speculativel activity. I might if 1) was paid but I daresay ture Royal Winter F,air. This year's j .. I . w M, , , , I 'gl�j , , , , , I , , �d I � in yeirs is the Eradicating Weeds. � , 11,11, � " , .; ",I r" !J,�� ��gr,p Canadian Parliament I I am lying -out Of about 9,20. FLOORING show was held -on March 4th and -two, -Ara.VPtersr'4Qf � ., ". , , --1 _­ , q, , �,, . , - , I liquor export bill of Premier Macken, Election Talk Calmer. (And the following, written- in the . I proved lilghlyl successful, An unus- v I 1A - ", I, I . Good- work is -being done in, part Young. A. ver7y ,�S�l� gg,v . ,� . I �J , 11f., N I I zie, King. in a voluminous talk over the pos- same letter Crosswise in a different - ula-1 feature is the fact -that in the live of Wellington, County to curtail the numbw. w.,as s V I V�hat has b6on fr r I . . , givan Iv,y I ,,,, ­1,en�% .. IM, ,�1_1_­ :: " �, -ug siblEty,of a general, election this year colored, in.k:)- stock classes, prizes. were not award- weed nuislance. R. H. Clemens, the r1son; %axl and. V14iA."", � ,4,,� wt rda Is Not whone and bu I the measure is abundantly justified I 4 NO , there -appears latterly to be a col ,Dear Father: (I had almost sealed ed On the inerits, of t;he animals but agricultural repremirtative of tbliat . chwer aga "K 'A I . nowthrat its provisions are definitely � ,,, .. aiw ., eTable decline. NoW ,that parliament up this letterlast night but I thought Expensive. on the proficiency of the exhibitors district, recenfly( declared' that the) eomp�%Jiied by M -39's Gladl.'Wl I ;� ,, -A known. It is a closely drawn affair. . y .0 ... �, ..11", 1:ars got settled dow* to its work, the if I did not get it sent to Coldstream in preparing and exhibiting their en- sow thistle has been cut down, by 14n; duet -by the Ybuu .. , g�,b�,�O, ' " I I of liquor from e, A !I �7,?g;)­��-­��"), It probibits, the export rank and file -of meTabers from all to -day I might perhips get something zbout fifty per cent. Similar reports quittettes, ,by BA'.' Id 'I ' W43W, ,OY, t�l-llfll -'T, li 111A.1i , I �..,�',�I:,�, . ' � ", ___"JP J1, �J�A(f' �, I ,I yfio, � e A ,., ,�i.,%� jjwa� r�f �, , ,, , _q,,��'_ , " the United -States is not mentioned . , ... 0 .. .... �". 1-,:!,L1!;,,, . Canada to. any country--4specifically, - , asued by other � W, M _.W_R� -Al,!, make it clear that they are not more to amuse, you, -and I think for Let us quote on all " agricaitur- etta Erwin, Sebitch e,r, fft ,;,��,�,�_ . sides have been i . vA ,,��,_"�,�# ". =_,�.- : ,I - � I hankering for an election. 'They are that purpose I will write you a copy al representatives wl*. are gilving at. Galel, ,readings Jby'gm Wj�a � - �,, , . . ,,,, .1 "I ­�- �,, -". 11.111, I I . �,�F� � , , "I"r;, �101 , I I "I" �,iN, � 1, , ll - at all__-4whoselaws forbid such impo�r- Elliott and MT. Me U­auaud.,� � Axw-i", ­."""', ,.,4%1��,. �,, ., i entitled to come ,here for another ses - or two of som e of my scholars' left- or any of Current Crop Report. tention to this important mattef. The ,.:7, , � I " 1, 16". � I T'-, �� "' taflon, Moreover, it is designed to cut Sion, and to avoid for another year ters. I genevably make the most ad- . I "I" `...;;l"'-"Nvl,�. , - �, iN '' I ". , , i ij, past dry see -son was not favor it was a very `­ 4, ", _ � 1� I,- ", s1de gether . , .,� �. I!�i.141, I An' :-"Aupr�'il�l 4-.l " ) cessful even mg I :,. ­.O"� ". . , ,; I I , , off the source of supply ,both at the the bother and. expense and. political vanced of them write me once a fort- The crop report issued for the first for the continued growth of the weed i - ". I ;,__,:,:��AV, �. , ­_I�A4,'hl distillery -and at the docks. 'Clear your rooms, ,­* ­ ", ,", ,,, i - h ard,of au election, and, incidentally night in order to givethem some idea - ,�o,1111. �, url, "I ,M,..n , - ., . ­�,6.l,.,,� I ances ,are not ,only to be refused to '" . week in MUrch, describes a general and valuable steps were takeu ,for- Brids.—The `Orangemen�, ar� , . ", � � to collect another indemnity of $4,000, bowto write a letter. I always give I � �!,� �, �.�, Z I 1, poor condition -among live stock. Brant ward in its eradication in many parts a progressive euchre and danc�', 4�� ��I`l,Z,!,.r':, "' VOW: �., ''.. .�,.­ �- �, �111, �, .. I A,,4 : I ­ , .�._. -the, port I,,��.. , ' " L jg�4, ' , ­1�1111 , ` " cargoes of this characiter at plus perquisitesand expenses. them something to write about, per- N. CLUFF &SONS ,County reports ,that stock in many of Ontario. I Town Hall, WednesdaygVenq 3 'I, ,.,. jrwl'�Jl; I I . I W1 e zi�. 1�.� . ­.,`111','­�� 4Df exportation, but the liquor is not To the average individual this looks 1haps to ,give' me ,an ,account of the cases does not look too well and the � Maxah 26th. There will, no dotfbt-`6W' ' . ,- i I -0 — �. ­ .... �-��'. to be relleased from. bond for export pretty good. The Conservatives, how- -lesson they were reading, but they — farnierre have been, wintering them as � -a good attendance as all lWorw fl]�at 1. 1, . I 1. ,'I .11, � ,. "I r4 to any prohibited, eoirr#try- everr, suspect that the'government is are not allowed to look into their cheaply as possible. Crops in Duf - the menibere of Bay.field Lod;v 0601 I � - i -1,1� -11 I For export to -either countries, regu: going to dis"llve parliament drarring books. But the week before "house- the ,,.,,,,,ity DUBLIN I , ', �,�I I, of co-operation. ,and are ferin appeared rbo be in good condi- -to it that everyone has a good;11i'mi", "'? ...... , ;�­�qi -111, i�: I . , 1, , , ,4, . " �,.,,l "I � ... , � t, lations,#re to be devised and these the year, either sooner or later and Jin-onda-Y" I told them the subject of ,eladyto Lend -their support in making tion and a heavy demarna for No. I ' There will be good prizes dror".4.,im- -I - I , , I I., ` ' , e- p.. ,- I . .1 4 �, �,'­ . -;Ill I -will have an. important bearing upoa: Notes.—Mr. and Mrs. Lyall Jordan ,,,I � , 90, ''. ' 0 - they are preparing for that elventual� their letter would, be ,how much play this Act -new effective and hence of Alaska Oats is indicatedI. Consider- ners. Preparations -are Lug' 4.0 gr I ... l��1,11 , the opewatilve, efficaey of what is pro- and children, of Toronto, were , ity. They� are contemplating it in they wished me to give them' wirth greater value. -Soil fertility teaching able sickness in fowl is, reported bY week nicely for the 12th of July celebr� .�� " � 'tl. ,�� - 4 � ,, �� I posed to be, applied to the arid area end visitors at -the home of MT. an'l tion, and undlo-uhtledly, witli firie,wea_ " . . ,� I their ,maneuvers in the house. As far ,any other thing they liked. I dare- on drainage, -crop rotation&, fertiliz- Frontelaiac. No unsoatisfactory re-' . ,. .,. to the south. It has been said that Mrs. James Jordan.—Mrs. L. Beale, ther, the,, will be the biggest ,:', , as the Liberals are concerned they say I have about 50 all kept,for the ers and limeproveds very timely and ports have been heard regarding fall gather- I'll. � 'i i liquor which i's stopped, from crossing . of Stratford, spent a day with Mrs. ing Bayfield has ever seem — BEV. ;4.1 I arein moreor less of a quandary, not sake of shoving to people that know interesting subject. Drainage forms wheat, but farmers in H-aldiiamnd are I '.�,�al I . E. Berale.—Messrs. Lorne Cron -in and and. Mrs. Roy Smith I �� \ .1 I the bcrd�r ,along - ,the' Detroit and wishing particularly to appeal to the. the writers. I will give you a copy the building stone of all $ofl fertility concerned on account of the unusual and daughi�� I I ,, �� "I I �!, ,,,, I Niagara riverg Will find an outlet on Joe Dill, of Detroit, spent the week moved here last week fro � I , I the French islands, St. Pierre and electorate -this year, but uncertain as of those all play. work. Crop rotations play a large weather. Fall wheart and clover fields end with their parents,-4bliss, Helen � . m Londow . ".. " ��, It, i ,��, 1- I lt .... i . to whether the political prospects January 1st, 1836. Dear Sir: At pa,et in controlling Weeds and, disease are in poor condition in, Hastings, and will Occupy the house formerly � , � ­.. , � I �n. '... ".. I 11 111. V� llffiique[lon, which are a niotorious Would be beder now.or a year hence. Your request I write these, few lines and maintaining soil, fertility. The While -serious damage has been dbne Krauskopf, nurse -in -training at St. owned by the, late Mlss,,Sarah Reid.— 11 \,�;X.l' 11 , I I sourceof supply I to the- United- States. As to what the decision will be can with 'respect to ,our holiday, but sir, .,subject of commercial fertilizer coai-,by rodents in Huron omhards. Fall Josepli'-s Hospital, London, spent a Miss, K. R. Parke, who is visiting he-. : .11, I 'I'll , . � ..� . 11, Evidently, however, the government is only be guessed, much dependiii-g I respect you too much as a master cerars -almost every farmer. The sub- wheat in 'Kent is in good condition few days with her parents, Mr. and sister, Mrs. Cluff at Clinton, spen�_ :.,�,�i I , - I I taking this into account as well, be- upon coming events which are utterly for meto make -a choice. Your serv- ject of fertilizer applieWtions, is in- and egg production in. LaTnbton is Mrs. James Krauskopf,—Mr. and Mrs. the week end with Miss ()a.therim . � " I . cause even to -those countries- to which William Byrne, of Detroit, spen the, .. I I ,,� ,,, Obscure. ant 1 am, Marshall Carham. . ,�­ . creasing annually and information re- rapidly on the increase. -Red clover Parke.—Mr. and Mrs, John Stewart,, ',� export is permitted, drastic regula- The -next is from -a boy from Mark week end, with friends here. — Miss, ,v I �, �t lating to commercial fertilzers prorvl­ seed -is plentiful in, Lincoln but al- of Hamilton,, motored up and spent �..� . " . , i , . tionsare to be adopted. .0 Common. ed of interest to all farmers attend- falfa seed is scarce. Cattle have,be,n Gertrude Mulligan spent 'Sunday in the week end with Mrs. StewarVkj. ., ".! , IF - There are people here in parliament January 1-st, 1836. !Sir: I return ing these moefings. . selling extensively in Middlesex. A Stratford_--�Miss Drucy Campbell, of parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pollock . . ."-"�� '. who d10 not like this measure, but of LETTERS 100 YEARS OLD you my sincere thanks for the kind The subjects of Better Seed, Stan- surplus ,supply of milk is reported in Toronto, is visiting her friend, Miss —M,r - and M,s. E. A. FeatheTL4on. , � � I" : � , , , 11 ". ". � . its adoption little doubt is enter- attention you have shown me. It shall dard varielties, Smut Control measures Oxford. Orchards in Welland have Marie Krauskopf.—Mr. Charles Me- spent the week end with friends at , ,� �l � " . tained. Because it is a goveTnment The following taken, from the Ed- always be my study and -ambition to .and the Wleed Act were dealt with by been injured by the ice storms of the, Daid, of Kitchener, spent a few days Hamilton attending the 45th wedding- ". I , . � '' , � I., , - , , Ineasure the Liberals will be for it monton Journal Of * March 13th, will follow your instructions. I shall el Mr. C. E. Toole, of Newmarket. Dis- past winter. with friends. 'Miss, Anna Dillon, of anniversary of 1�1r. Featherston's ,par- , .,�,, I / on the principal -of -party fidelity. be of interest to many Expositor dejavor to make the best improve- cussions, in Boil Fertility problems Exeter, is ,,visiting her parents, Mr. en-ts.—Miss Marion Davison has re- -11, . .1"', The most outstanding of Ontario readers in thisdistrict, as the princi- and Mrs. D. Dillon,. I ".1 I ment 1 Can while under your care. I Were dealt with by G. A. K-cCag-ue, I turned from a short visit with her �­,, , ... " - I Conservatives, Hon. Hugh Guthrie pals were pioneer residents Of M"- know a HW4 learning is an advantag- Agricultural Representative. sister ,at London.—Mrs. A. Catling7 _;, I � � bas stated that at least his party Killop; Mr. James Scott for many eous. thing, and as I am resolved not Tribute to Agriculture. and son, James, -of St. Thomas, and �� � h from this province will be- for it. The years was a -prominent 'busines's man to taste -at the. fountain of knowledge, ON WINGHAM � I ,, Mrs. Wigle, of London, are visiffing: ,�. I I westeTnI Progressives and Inde,pen- of Seafortb, and Mr. S. A. Dickson is I shall -pay every due attention to E. W., Beatty, K.C., president of _,'�� Notes.—Mr. John Smith, of Diagon- -Mr. and Mrs. James Sturge*n.—Mxk,. -11 I 1, . , 0h, I dents were clamorous for such an ac- an ,old Seeforth boy, when he was a your precepts. My uncle is very CHATS ON EDUCATION the ,C.P.R., in u recent address at al Road, intends moving his family to J. A. Ferguson returned home Satur- I'll ; I � I I t year and -.highly critical of memberof the famous "Hurons." eased with the -learning. I have Toronto, dealing with the conditions tr,p t(> �,, tion las . Pi (At the Principal's Desk) Owbn Sound within the next few day after a four months' ��,., . � I I el tv the -government when it was not Days nearly a century a -go in what received from you, I add no more, at of the railways in their relation- to weeks, where he has secured a posi- London, Burlington, Toronto, and Buy . -�.I, " Il taken. And so, for all this, rie, were S, ,,, b the marketing -of Canada's, wheat crop ,.�N I M I it is is now Onta recalled the present but remain your obedient A High h I tea, er remarked tion.—Mrs. Staivley and family of near CitY.—Mr. and Mrs. F. Aikenhea4 oE ...,;. - -sight -of letters writ- paid a remarkable tribute to agricul- :�;,.", t h" abundantly manifest that the bill will Other ,day at the Lucknow, have moved to Wffigham_ Brucefield, spent,Sunday with My. am& 41 .,�. scholar, Adam Laddlaw. the other day that if he were asking ture. H�e declared: "It all indicates I �:�,� 1, I pass in the -house, It may encounter ten in 1836 and, 184a� They had been 97here were a ,great many very cur- a School Board for a, testimonial. he Mrs. Thomas Keen sprained her waist Mrs. F. Baker— 'Mrs. Arthur Grahaam - " �, � some opposition in the Senate., where sent from the old country to the new, ious, -ones. Some of them asked two the tremendous importance of agri- while going to church on- Sunday ow- of Chatham, is visiting ,her cousin,, Ill', . �� should particularly request that they culture to Canada's prosperity, not .�` . I , at I -east a few are prepared, to subject with no envelope and no stamp! One, days at 11houselmonday," one at Corn- should not mention fine Christian only in its direct results to the pro- ing to the, slippery streets. — The Mrs, A. Brandon. . , 11 it to rverbal assault, but the, rank and for instance,, was folded and sealed hill Fair and oneat Easter and Christ. character, but that they should, if diicer, of farm products, but to the. teachers and scholars. of ,the Wingliam Dearth of TWO Well Known Re'd- . ,"1144" ) heavily -with wax, and on one face mas and two when I was married. One I � 111. I Ele of the Liberals up there will be of the lyacket was written the address: sa . possible, mention, just one thing, that business of the country as -a -whole High School enjoyed a bc,liday on dents.—Dayfield has just recently last. : .1 for 'it and many Conservatives as id I was to, have a Wife of thl,� he was a good disciplinani ,eneral Friday and Monday Owing to tbe two of its oldest and, -best known'resi- ; 7,� 1 an. and through the value of the g I - I -,----... - . �, - WGIL I Mr. Robert Scott, right kind. 'She was to be like an Sue importance attached to b. 11, ' 'I�, ,h is the purchasing power which agricultural oiler being repaired.—Dr. C. H.. Ross, dents' by the. hand 4 diath. Oi� Tues- �JOI . . ,,,�, t , - The opinion bas been formed' in cio- Anthovy Van Edginon,d, Esq., ec�h, and not Idke an- echo; slhe Was discipline, and rightly so, by the ma- Drs. A. G. and A. W. Irwin and Dr. day, March 11th, Alexander Camer- I I - Huron Tract, to be like a snail and, not like a snail- prosperity giver.." .. ��:_,', , I many places and is justified by the I _M I jo,--*,y of BQ,ard*, . G. W. Howesom will close their of- on, who has the distinction of bdfn� - ,��lll, t x ry . ��g, , , 11 argament advanced in the petitions Upper Canada, she was to be like a clock and -no The powers placed in the hands o,' flees on Wednesday afternoon start- oux oldest resident, ,passed away. Tha ,�! � , ff , ./ to parliament, that this measure is N. America. like a clock. She was to -be like a . ting April 1st until November.—The deceased, who was in. his ninetierth : Over the right hand corner was Principals and tweacbers to maintain sn" . ., � I designed, primarily, to help out the snail t6 keep well. to her own house, ' M erbridge, Smj�- � I— United States in its "noble expeTi- scrawled in large, script, "Paid 2s ryd." discipline are quite adequat . Amount of Farm Loans. I acLean Lumber and Coal Co. have year, was born i -n B4[�U ��., .. . � .1 ;1 � but she must not be Eke a snail to A . ,ne -and, in July, 1840. When, tw9 -y6a� 1�', I Sixty cents in "postage." This letter , - To the pupils at school and Also to ,of now secu d their summer ice. supply. I I . "I �, , meat" and that it embodies a friendly 36. Thit posted, in 1848 carry it ahout With her upoin ha-,-, back. and from school, the teacher is, in the Hon. John S. Martin, Minister The ice. was only about ten inches old -he left Scotland with his parenjt%, �1.t- -_ 1. I act of one country -to another. As a was dated 18 She must be like -an, echo to speak place of the parent, authorized by law Agriculture, told the Legislature thick, but is of fair quality.—Result- the late MT. and, Airs. Donald Caumw- 11 �10 I � matter ,of fact, this is not the basis showed -a -slight change. It was ad- when she's spoken to but not to hava to enforce discipline by all such means that the amount of loan,, outstand- ing from a charge of receiving goods on, and settled in, Picto'u, Nova, Scm- ., I '! ,'! of -the legis,lAtion at ,all. It is being dressed, t0 the last word. IShe must be like a . iving there ten years ha "I ��,4. � � as might be. used by a kind, just and ing under the Agricultural Develop- under false pretenses, R. Thompson tia.* After I .. ', , Ar town clock to keep good time, in her t. I treated as a domestic thing whollv. IT - Robott scoti, wise paren mlent Act for the past three years was sentenced On Monday by '�N�ayor and his mother and sister boarded z 1,1�i I ..... ,. ­ , The government takes the, po�itf6n Haitland Wells, own ,house, but not to tell all her Since all parents are, at least in was $15,531,360 in 1927; $19,465,405 Fells to thirty days in the county French sailing vessel and went W IfLv- I'll � that those people who are engaged MzKillop Township, neighbors about it. theix own estimation, kind, ,,yise and in 1928 and $23,835,887 in 1929. He goal—Mr. Percy Hogg -has sold his triait, then On the vessel, "Old Plaw I Alf'� I, I . I - Huron Tract, .�,. . -the e I just and . � , IA, in Olort of 1114uor to the United I shall now give you a sketch of? � since almost all conceivable said there was $133,999 outstandinz farm on the Bline Lind to Mr, J. J. Boy," came to Goderich, arriving ora Canada West, the last one -I received. The subject I :. � rytates, coW.Thonly know s -of enforcing obedience are in short term notes at the close of X,r Hogg intend,,; the 12th of JLI,ly, where he, for the :�� � -n,a,s rum run- holi- method . iff at and- son. Mr. �,, , JWSi &re in the main a class of ,Peo- N. America. . . was how they had -spent their used and defended by considerable the last fiscal year. In answering a to reside in Wingliam.—The Victoria first time, saw an Orange walk. They, "I"... �e in cynical contempt o 'In twelve short years, it is seen days. ,, _v1%_1 f law and e question as to how much money has Street Baptist Church is now broad- then came to Bayfield,' where Ids. 1, jr from this, bh*ls�rttlernent of the coun- January 1st, Sir—Agreeable, to your numbers of parents, this gives th been lost to date, be said: "There casting the evening services over Sta- father had already settled. On tha, ... I otdior and a corrupting influence up- teacher large latitude, and the pupil - l,`.1 .Q: , , on the -Customs service, which is the try had proceeded; �villagers establish- desire, I harve taken up,the pen. to in- little ground for protest whatever have been no actual losses because tiOn 10 BP.—'Ar. Ed. Sherman, Who 17th of February, 18'69, he married ,�Cl V��'., - I connecting link between, the distillers ed, township marked, and Upper Can- form you bow I liked houselmonday, methods may be used. the reserve created for that purpose has been suffering from blood poison Miss Helen Logan, who died, in M5_ ,'�111 the rum ada had become Canada West. and what great slights I saw, and in last few weeks, resulting Shortly after big marriage he moved ,,11 and brewers at ,cl end , - has taken care of all shortages, Which for the ,, �� I This is the fuln- 'Students Of Canadian history Willi Behind the teacher is the Prin,i In. $12,804 for long term notes from a pimple on his knuckle., is imr to Kinloss, remaining there till 1891- .� ,',, runner on bhe,otherr. first firs considerable pal, behind the Principal is the Board; have bee � I'll damental ground upon which the leg- mark the second' name on the lyart,of my time ,playing at, club, and $903 for short -term notes. The proving rapidly.—Miss Aangela Gib- He then went to California for fow�- . address too. It is that of Col. Van and behind, the Board the full power and . -nd the warrant for then I went to see the shooting. I board has taken no foreclosuTes in bons, of London First Class Normal, years. In 1886 he built .his home � �, .. -191ation is based, a of the law and of all the machinery .�; � it is also found in the recommenda- Edgml who was a comrade in arms am apt to think there were a great for law enforcement. the las-t t1iree years, although 'sale spent last week end at the home of where since Mrs. Gameron�s death lie 1. I * tion of ,the special committee that in- with MacKenzie, grandfather of Car'- many bullets went past the board, If such measures as might be used proceedings ,have been taken in fifty- 'he -r parents. Mr. and m.rs. P. Gib- .has, lived with his eldest daughter, I 1__,� vestigated the Customs Department in ad-a's present premieT, when be stag- More, than went through it and, if I two cases." bons, of Wingham. � Elizabeth. Hk- wag a Conservative I , ,I, * and the judicial commission ed his abortive and took great interest in. the affsirs� "'i . 1926 right, you yourself fired too the pupil may be expedled. But ex- .0 �� I rebellion. The colonel, think by a wise, firm and just parent fail, 16 I uded bbat it is recorded, took poison rather than quick and by that means lost the of the country and till within a few ,,, which continued and conel face the disgrace of defeat. prize. With regard to what book pulsion does not release the pupil weeks of his death read the news. of , 11 inquiry. * * from the law requiring him to attend WINTHROP 41 . * place during the night, I can say no- Good Seed Pays Well. the day. He was an adherent of the �..A, � school until sixteen years of age. �l '. Pension Bill a Departure. These interesting links with a now thing as I was not out, but I hope ,Conscious of the overwhelming According to experiments conduct- Notes.—Wlomen's Day of PrayeT Anglican church, having been a .� ,�( �\ The pensions legislation being dis- distant past are lat present in the you enjoyed the company. On. Tues- old e - 5 ". , � hands of Mr. Janilt, of Edinon- ,day I' saw nothing but drunk men, power behind him, the teacher can ed at the Ontario Agricultural Col- was observed in Cavan Church last staunch memb�er of the Pr sibry _;, cussed in Parliament just now is a afford tobe both, gentle and firm with lege, it is now quite possible to raise week with a g6od attendance. Those terian Church until the, split between ;;� �4 4 radical departure from the old regula- ton. ,Mr. Scott, by the way, is quite some running races and other trifles , e troublesome pupil. The worst ef- the yield fority per cent. by using taking part were Mrs. McKee, Mrs. the Auld Kirk and the new. He vms- �,'e, - , " I -have oc- a link himself, for,he was born 83 too tedious to mention, so that I cried 'b 'III, tions. The debates which ` forts Of the most troublesome pupil Clean, high quality seed. Results Si -p—, Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Ross, possessed of a keen memory and A I . -ars "O bonny houselmonday, when Will fing stories (YE' curred, on it have -had one unfortunate yc tOTekeeper . are so puny compared to the. forces ba,,wd On the work ,of the last few Mrs. Patrick, ,Mrs. H. Blanchard, Mrs. could tell many in -teres ` � gain?" With- respect . `11 aspect. Party politics has been infus- already mentioned', was. a s you come back he is foolish ernough to try to Oppose, yeaT% actually show that this increase R. Bolton, Mrs. A. Cuthifl, Mrs. early days and his $raveh,. The fun- , in Sell Ontario, for sixty years, I am, your, "MI'st Obedient .scholar en -days -old kit- over the l,ow-yi6lding plot& run all Campbell, Mrs, W. MeSpadden, Mrs. eral war. held from his home an Fii- �,:." ed, largely by the Conservatives, who ' Like the efforts of a t ,�, � -10 1suspect that the government is -going came here fifteen years ago, bought Robert Willson. ex and ,ten to bite your finger! the way from 30 to 643 per cent. Tlie R. McClure, followed by 'the regular duy afternoon, the 14th, when a large I 1. this year, and land in. the Peace River country, and "That boy is a beautiful figuy So far as power and authority are importance of well -cleaned, seed is meeting with 3ATs. Simpson presiding. number were ,present to pay a HL-st � to bring on an election ng stories .11, j) w1ho belielve that in tba,t event the he can tell some interesti writer and onlyabout -nine years old." concemed, a teacher is in a position. to further illustrated by the results from The meeting opened by singing Hymn tribute to one they had known and 11 �1, about that too—and soon is going to And about all that needs be added "M ministry will seek to capitalize politic- ria, Where he has a secondhome. is that the modern- youngster is -not enforce disciphne with whatever de- ,,lots where small, ,shrunken and 481. The Scripture I-e-4son Was read respected. Rev. F. H. Paull conduct- , ,'I 11 % ally the benefits extended to the f orm - Victo . of strictness and seve-rity he may broken seed Was used in one case and,, by Miss McNeil and volunbary prayer ed the service, The -pallbearers were, ,� I'll, eT service men in the new pensions Mr. James Scott, by the way, is re- at all likely to write niiything like gy`�'e Mrs. D. McFarlane. The roll was Donald MICK. Cameron, Frank Cam- ,I -1 known that! deem wi se. large plump kernels in the. other. The by "I", enactment. lated to S. A.Dickson, the wel The ablest teachers and principals case of the former -showed ,the yield called and the minutes of the last eT0n, two slons; Donald A. OP-11eroln, . 11., �. The Canadian Legion, judging frpm, local barrister. He'Teme,mbeTs away a rule comparatively' mild in with oats to be 4.6.6 bushels per acre meeting were read and adopted. The grands4on. John R. Carneron, Donald T, � 11 ,pression of its 'heads, are by back to the confederation election 0 are as Leaves and Dreams" C. Galbr�ith -and D. A. Galbraith, ."N , 1) ,the ex wben Sam's gr their discipline. It is the nervous, w; compared with 62 bushels fro�m t,r-,pic, "Healing * � i� 210 means pleased with this politi�al I d Bruce. HURON COUNTY FARMERS frightened and inexpCTienced driver the latter. Good .seed cost% less than from the study 'book, "Drums in the ncphews. He- is survived by fotw " . 1. stuff and readily able -to see the par- as a Liberal for Harron. an who is apt to drive -with tod tight a two dollars per acre muore and yet Darkness," was given by .Mrs. A. Ross daughters and four sons, Elizabeth, .". I - criticism. Later, as a resul-��.Of intiniate associa- �I. tion w th Sir John MacDonald, MT. INTERESTED IN BETTER SEED rein and so irritate a horse into ' two dollars means a yield folilowed by F&nten,ce prayers by Mrs. at home; Grace, Beverly Hills, Cali- ,� tisan motive of some cd the m1s- this extra ";Z 0 VAhat the goveraiiii,ent pfroposes, basic- i behavior. of fifteen bushels of oats to eve-ry Barren, Mrs. S. Garnharn and Mrs. fornia; Mern and Mlildred, Detroit; , �11 �� ally, deals with the "burnt out" sol- Dickson turned ConseTvative and bad AND FERTILIZERS The Worst that could be said of acre. E. Habkirk. After several business John, Palo Alto, California.". ' Donald, : �,�,` I I diC-T—th� man who came, back from the distinction of huv�ing an editorial � principal, it items were discussed, the meeting William and Frank, Detroit. Mr. �p I written about him And headed quite A series of fifteen. Weed, Seed and the discipline Of anly I- i -A but who, mean- closed by singing Hymn 419 and re- Cameron was a member of Luck -now J 11 � the war seemingly fit, simply "James Dickspn." Vai4t the Fertilizer meetings, Were beld in seems to me, is that While he main- .''! . ,� while, -has developed disabilitde,-; that ained er, he expelled puprils who peating the Lord's Prayer in unis,on. Order of Oddfellows and had just 1�1 � ',")' are -not pension -able. In -this, legisla- Gqobe said, about it is not recorded Huron County February 24th to t Ord Free Material. —Several from here attended the cornpletea fifty-one years membership �1�1 11 J 1. here, but it1s dollaTs,to doughnuts it March 8th. These meetings Were un- becam6 outstanding successes in later a veteran's jewel. i When he �, tion ,be will be pensionable. - school. Such a record means that Canadian Legion St. Patrick's inas- and received ?� I was Considerably more virulent than der the direction of the Ontario De The- Ontario Agricultural anti EX- e in Se-aforth Monday night, —There passed away to her eternal' !. " : gets to theage ,of 65, and if he needs re q u eyad ,� . anything th,& Gldbe,Wourld sa,j about partment Of Agriculture, Clinton, and that -principal's methods a suppre9- ,. , ft,*he Can, ,have �n old age pension. dly t*-Al'y. I, , were so arranged as to cover the 011- sive of personality rather than char- I periniental Union is ag-ain prepared about 250 being present. The music home after an illness of five or six I . I'll anybe to distribute in Onta-rio free material 1,; Others have to wait until they av,� at- acter builders, are workable only wWh and costurnes were wonde,rful—Mirs. Weelkg, Ellen, Maria Elliott, beloved "Fq , 4, . * I w tire county. In all, 825 farmers with grains, pota- �Hiarold Smalld,on and Children, Babe wife c,f James W. FovAie. Deceased T� 70. When, at any -age, disability de- To get On -with the letters. These bl these meetings, making an av- the. timid and the weal,, and! are ut- f" e-'U10T�n1ent-q 1, � '6� vellops, presumably from war service, with 'people t,oes, roots, fodder craps and fertl and Bobby, of Walto,n, .spent the week was a daughter of FAWard and'Maria li . �,,� I " - J were writtefi. by one, Joseph Scotc erage ,of fifty-five art each of the fol- terly futile when dealing I . �,',4',� ;, provided ers, All seeds ,and fertilizers- will be end with friends in the vill&ge.—Mr. Elliott, and was ,born in Bayfidld, �,�," , a pension'of $40 a month i,, of force and character. "'4 �` In ,the case of ,a married man and $20 froin Wark, -near Coldstream to his lo" ' ��e�tres: - Tre is that .sent in good time for spring geedinlw and Mrs. Archie Ken entertained the February 19th, 1860, and in 18,85 was ? , -rigan-non, Au- I I�;lj � father, Robert. Two Robert Scotts, C I �in Blyth, Du The best type of discipli applicati-ons are r"eived at Mei-ry Makens Friday evening. A '1� in the, case Of a single man,. hich secures the cheelrCul willing Co- P"Ovid'e"c" married to James W. Fowlie, and, a ' :��o father and son, an4 Archibald Dick- burn Walton, Brusse,ls, Win,gbani, w rly &ate. The supply, hOwever, was enjoyed by all, — Mr. family of four daughters ., good time. and, two sons I '.1, �* The Dominion government wisely operation of each in the intereets of an ea . 41,I( 1. and son, James, -bad, come to UP- Fordwich, Wroxeter, Belgrave, Varna, .1 1� . i,z limitef] and those who apply first and WT,rq. Met Clarke spent Sunday survive, Frances, and, Ethel, lat home. I'Illl� believes in maintaiting the identity sen ,nada in, 1833, each taldIng a Hensall, Zurich, Ciediton and Sea- all. .:, u l . of the soldiL will be surest of obtaining the de- with friends, in Goderich.—We Dorothy, Mys. 1G. II(Ioebler, ZuT*b; :�. ol-_1 r'shome and Reepinghim per Q are ll, -, son with him. After spending a forth. -0 %ired material. Prof. W. J, Squi - I Trell sorry to bear that Mr. George M�- Ina, Mrs. John ' Worsell, Hamlett, 1� . there among his flown people rather . Out the land they sent ",," ' � . . . Subjelcts. dealing with better seed f the Ontario Ag-ricultural College, Spadden is Confined to his bed agai d, London. , than establishing institutions for the year sP711119 0 . 1-1 Sal Lawrence- and Fre :,,� - �, . . , collective care of veterans. The in- back to Scotland,, to the Tweed dis- were discussed. The results of the NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR Guelph, is direftar Of experimente. with pneumonia. Surviving also are her busiband, Jas. ,",;; I quiry which is -now being started by bilict, and sixty persons came out, ta,'k- sell drill survery made in the Prov- 5 W. Fowlie, who has been. for some ,,'��""�,, a coni,mittee will very likel'y amplify ingsix weeks, -on theocea trip alone. ince Of Ontarip would indicate that THE BUSY FARMER -0 ,e'le n, I . time in rvery poor helalth, -and one .�,10� I � Materially the proposailts of the gov- * * 1* more care was necessary in prepara- I sister, Mirs. H. R. McKay, Bayfield, o ��r I , ; 11 While Joseph in these letters, tion of grain for seeding. In that Hon. John, S. Martin, Minister of Selling A borted Cows. BAYFIELD family of 41 11 t �, 6 eyninent. -Such a procedure is wel- duced, a bill in , . the last member of a . �� I I I -- I � comed by ,the ,cabinet. I writes mostly of relatives in the old survey i.t was, found tbb.t 34 per cent. Agriculture, has intro ­ ­ . ted she-uld Men�s Sunday Servi-ice and Monday twelve. The funeral was held from ��A I i 11 country, there is one extract that is- ,of the seed lbeing !�own graded reject- the Legislature providing for inl- Noanimal which has aboT �Ili I�, * ...... 01 upon at provement in the quIl ,of dairy be se-tift, to market or sold to another Night's Irish Social. — On Sunday, the Ilionne On Monday afternoon, Rev. ilI-N -of more than passing interest now ed. Thits can be improved, , a special men's service F. H. Paull, conducting the service. �I�, � '�� To Investigate Grain Trade.g., - a the young 'litti no .and methods of products. The -act now provides that establishment until it has undergone March 16th ii rch, POrbeT'% The pallbearers were George and Ed- I j, " � _ for it reveal,, ,,he ranind e Or expense � � ,; i',', At -a time when the. provincial a e and cream be, paid foron a but- the proper period of i%olsti,0111 and Was held in Grace Ch, � ll�?Ml the. pupil of a century age. Joseph &I tt improvem nt Were recommended. The milk Principal ward Weston, Jose '' � gynnients are closely checking up .,, � 1 r. of sitandard, varieties of grain ter fat basis" except Whelk for human been drisinfed,j, otherwise it may Hill, Mr. George Jefferson, ph and Fred Me- ­,�.N�l, li, e�, on of stock brokers, Par _ was a school teacher—perhaps they matte -on. The amendment re- -y infection eh%ewfiere. With some of the Public School, of Clinton, gave Uwan, George Elliott and Hugh- R. ,i',I��,!,�� a and suggestive ad- McKay. Among those wqio attended- "'?0 , I operati, . called it something else them, Here was dealt with and, farmers were consumpti can <'lo",_N� 01 mont here intends to take a hand in -on. It als'o pro- farmers it is Customary to get Tid of a very interesting � �',�)�,W' �� , ,4, the grain businegg, An, inquiry will is a portion of his letter reproduced strongly advised to sow oully reliable Moves (this excepti ed sh s basing his, remaAs on the four from a distance were lAwrencel row- '' �`,KM�� I U writteo: home ,grown varieties thart bad yield- vides that factrovieshereafter shall be anill which have abort ,. It ould dyes I ,,��,2,11�Alq It 5 , , exactly as at kinds of Soil in the parable of the lie, Mir. and, -Mrs. Fred; Powlie, Mr.. I ...... i" ��, , , ,�;�,�'-� ',,,� ll , ",,, ' he held ,by the agriculture commit Dew Father: I am &till laboring ed weal undler test. Control measures termed plants and provides for e'x- be particularly noted however, th t $%k..'�'4, A Inibo the opebration, of the gfrain, ex- e sanitatiorA in buildings. most animals, which' have suffered sower. The men of the church took 1C,barles Brennan, Mrs. Wand t,m­ ___. ', :I', _­_ l';jV ngst my youn flocl�..aj,, I for smuts -of cereal crops were given treM - , 1��,�, g", ces have fluctuat . ,,,��M)r�� Lt. 6fiarige. Wheat pri _ away amo .9 from an attack of the disease are us- charge -of the choir and led the sing - don; 'Mr. a d Mrs. Andrew N*146* l , ;'VlJ.kA " 1, . haver never beehn so tired w .1 wag and methods outlined which would � Aerieh; Z, Samuel avvitzor, Vr,.,� 'IrfQ,� PN4, ery; ni.�A this. winter and this is Ir naft more resistant to it than those ing i n a very capable manner- On Gi .1 , � 1 � �'�'JA"'t'. , . .I ,. !I ; , li,-. ��.Rl- . ;X I . Ili., ;,, � , � ` =1buW not, and that by keeping Monday evening following a pancake Osc&r,ftritzfftXr. and MTO, )IM16ad � 11 - ", ,4 101 "" 0111A 0 , 11ftv ,' wholly t�, coladitiorls in this day. It was a very' Snowy Morn- cheek'theso di"40es i� such crops. ac which have � I . ' , 14Z . ll��'.­ , � come, olleffe Royal"' , �,,,,,�,�2�,,.�.J � ";' t� g, and my assi ir virmprovided in the basement, fram. near 011inton- Mr. AM M0,,', 1, - � , ' , 4 , ,I ,cft� in start did, not The, rweed situation and the weed act " I - � I -X t ' worldmarket, butratlier to SPe Animals whilch "I . I :,�t ... �0�;-�, � I j , ""I , "' -�11-�` I 1-1- , ,-,�,��, , so that I Irad *A to do, myself and 'all wete ruftdor discussion. ftrMers have aborted, one may Sul ' .'. ,� .". 1� -;�,�, 1� lativo "7i�iqwq in she* selling y are realizing During the post few y6m, a new be better enabled to get rid of rec4r- followed by a maiied and interesting KoehleT, fttkht. I �j � 1,11.,,il �,:� was able to do was to &e thtbughoUt the edunt I � NO* 411 MV44 " at a future, date, "" " � I— .1 ­_ Z lL; , . , 1�,,,�,,;, �, I . I'— .1, I—— I . ,�. 11 11­111­;w.",�, I . .1 � . . . � I �,v I V, � A �'"' ;' L , ., . v ' . �'., . I ��,:,, ,j , � � I (o 110 11 I .1 . : � ',��,,�,�,, , �' . ,� I . i % �� , I �r� , I ' ' . , 4, l, �, . I . .�.� il,",�,,,, �L:" �,,`,,,,�'�""",`%� ,,�' I �, � ", I 1, , , . '� . I �11,z�y� l� , :�;, ,:� �,� �il ,�'�";";""l ;I`Z Q'�.�4 ,�, I . I � I � ,�, " ,`�'�`,"I'�'�!`�"'! � - I ! , � I . , . , '""""' , 1� I �, ���,��;",�,,,, ." � i ,�; . I I I . , I— "�­ ,.--,, I ... I., . . . . , �, 1, I . �11'1 .... .. � � � I ` . . � , 1;,� v, 11 , , ,, .... II,�. -� L I "'V V1��S`.�.,�,,-X � ,',,,',..,,�lI'. ,�, l�,� I I I 11 I I . — ��"'iv�','T "', 1,�, ,,. ,'0.-.,-."1, ", ;� , f,000;G7,",l, !;:,­j"RI�:�N "', I , 11 "�, "'111., �� , �� , , I I ,l;,', ', � ... . ... j, '14 ,,. �, ., , �""', . �� ­ ," ;�', ,, �P;,N',��`,!],�� -.,� . " .�: ', I � �, I ", "I'll: �� : , ,,� 1: i ': � zw, I ,� I I - , , � I . i.""L " ' I ,. 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