HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1930-02-21, Page 5,tr r •r 4 .A l 144, $ o 64; 4pr ape4')telpsr 0.40 $:tp tY 25. lop$4 40 $0 tO $0,21;: d0 co ' on, *.O0"'!tt► 58.75 ;, Were, .choke, $040 to $10.00: ,fair to seed, 00.04 be 84.701 de, 'Ar $7.0.0 to $0,00 ittel o.F liens, good "Ito chotcet $7.60 to 48.50: do coten a t to medium, $6.50 to $7.00: canners: and cutters, *d.00 to 30.25; butcher bul'is, gond to choice, 87.25 to $8.00. do. , ane4iurn, 85.60. to $7.25: do. bologna*, 3$.5.0 to 36.75: baby beef $10,00 to $15.00; feeders. good, $8.25 to 88.75 ; stockers. good. $8.25 to $8.50; do. fair. 37.50 to $8; calves, good, $14.50 to $15.50; do, medium, $,10.00 to 414.00; do. grassers, 30.00 to $7.50. springers, 8100 •to $120; milkers, $76.00 to 390.00; lambs, choice. $12.00 to 312.60; do. bucks, $9.00 to $10.00; sheep, choice, $7.00 to 37.60; hogs, baton, w.o.c., 314.25 to 314.50. Do., selects, 31 per hog premium; do., but- chers, 75 cents per frog discount; do. f.o.b., Price, $1.25 cwt. under w.o.c.: do., trucked in, 50c cwt. under w.v.c. "ii6*h1F^e-+•T M* >,�lr 571•C�l1R` lett."^ eeit; 8topn ltoL, res, Mb ..tat,. ntRNS alnr�ppxaiij�i, &11 ew tea° WINTHROP Notes, -The community was shock- ed to learn of the death of Gordon Carswell, only sols of Rev,. 02x. 'Cars• well, former pastor of Cavan Church, who passed suddenly away at the 11onle of his father, Friday evening. 'We extend our sympathy to those left to mourn. - Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Clark, Mr. and iMrs. George Eaton and Mr. Nelson Govenlock attended the Canadian Legion euchre and dance in Seaforth last Wednesday evening. .A good time vias reported. -Mr. and Mrs, Bolger, of Walton • spent Sun- day with Mr. and 'Mrs, Frank John- ston. We are sorry to hear that lit• tle Roma Johnston is under the doc- tor's care. -Mrs. N. Geddes and Miss Annie Geddes, of Belgrave, visited Mr. and Ma's. Joseph Little a few days this week. -We are sorry to hear that Mr. , George ,McSpadden was operated on in Seaforth Hospital on Monday and had his eye removed. -Kenneth Betties, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theron Betties had his adenoids removed in Seaforth 'Hospital last Monday,-1Mr. and Mrs. Percy Smith entertained the Merry Makers Friday evening. -,The Young People's Society of Cavan United Church are presenting a play, "`Wanted, A Wife," on Friday even- ing, March 7th. Watch for ad. (Intended for last week.) Notes. -Mr. and \1rs. Joseph Dol - mage entertained the "Glee Club" last Tuesday evening. The night was spent in progressive euchre. Norine Little carried off ladles' first prize, silver candlestick holders and candles; men's first prize, a silver cigarette case,. went to Mr. Ferg. Bullard; consola- tion prizes went to Mrs. Melvin Clark' and Mr. George Eaton. -,Mr. Lou, Kirby, of Walton, called on friends in the village Sunday evening. - Mr. Ferg. Bullard has been engaged as linesman for the McKillop Telephone. System. DUBLIN Notes, -Miss Veronica McConnell. of St. Clemens, spent the week end with her father, Mr. Frank McCon- tnell. Mrs. Butcher, of St. Marys, spent a week with her sister, Mrs. F. G. Forrester. McKILLOP Notes. -Mr. Alex. Sterling is the guest of his 'brother in Goderich, Eighth Line Notes. -On Wednesday last week Mrs. C. Regele, Mrs. W. Koehler and Mrs. William Hoegy spent the day with Mrs. Ge,o. Hoegy in Grey. -Mrs. F. Koehler and Miss Marie spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Jerry Doerr at Rostock. -We are pleased to know that Mr. Fred Eckert is now making strides toward recovery from his re- cent accident in the bush. -We wel- come Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bauermann on our line. -Mrs. Fred Koehler has disposed of her farm to Mr. Jerry Doerr, who takes possession after the sale on March 6th. VARNA Notes. -Mr. George Beatty shipped a car load of live stock to Toronto on Saturday. -The many friends of Mr. Dennison will be pleased to know he is improving and we hope to see him out soon. -The change in the weather is heartily welcomed. -Miss Irene Chuter, of London, has returned to the city after a pleasant holiday' at ber home. -Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Reid entertained a few of their friends on Monday evening. -We note the hat hookers have organized for the sea- son. -.The saw log teamsters have come to a sudden halt. -Mr. J. Steepe, of Clinton, has engaged with Mr. A. Robinson to cut wood. TUCKERSMITH 1 A Good Sire. -Andrew Kirk, of Tuckersmith, has purchased a pure bred Aberdeen Angus bull, a valuable animal of the famous Todd, St. Hel- en's breed. It was delivered to him at Blyth on Tuesday, Mr. Kirk meet- ing the man there who delivered him. Rob Carnochan went with him. The animal will weigh 1,600 pounds. Notes. -The many friends of Mrs. Wm. McGregor will 'be pleased to know that her health is improving, after her recent illness. -Mr. W. M. Doig, of Port Huron, spent the week end with his family. -Quite a number attended the Masonic At -Home in Hensel' on Wednesday night of this week. - Mr. and Mrs. Will Sproat spent last week in Woodstock. MANLEY Notes. -The many friends of Mr. Fred Eckert are pleased see him around again after`"tfie pain ' ace. - dent he met with while cutting woo.. When a tree lodged, he climbed up to cut the limb, which suddenly gave way, throwing him, and in the fall he landed on a knot which knocked him out. They carried him home on the "sleigh end called the doctor, but it was found that no bones were brok- en. -Mr. Stephen Murray has return- ed from Wi ,Isor and Detroit, where he spent hist vacation, and has resum- ed his work with the Canadian Bank of Commerce in rBrodhage'n,-Quite a number from here attended the euchre and dance in St. James' parish hall in Seaforth last Tuesday evening and report a good time. -Mr. John Mur- ray as purchased the late Robert Gibso "'s farm, which is supposed to be one of the choicest farms in. Me- Eillop +Mr. Gib Murray, son of Mr. Martin Murray, was rushed to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, last Mon- day and underwent an operation and is progressing favorably. -The Bauer - ;mann Orchestra of our burg, has been engaged to play for the dance to be held next Friday night in St. James' parish hall, Seaforth. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Tinton Stock Yards, Toronto, February 18. The receipts to -day were 2,200 cattle, 800 •'salves, 1,000 hogs and 810 sheep and lambs. QUeteltions : cleave beef steers, $9.00 to ,i14y�;k4"rill V.J.w1i45ldu F�t Montreal, February 16th, -Cattle receipts on the two Montreal live Stock markets to- day totalled 731. Buyers and sellers were at a deadlock over prices and early to -day only a very few sales had been made. 310.75 being offered and refused for good steers. A few good cows sold at 38, with odd choice caws up to $9. Small lots of light steers of fairly good to good quality brought $10.00 to 310.75 and an odd good heifer sold with steers brought $10. Common kinds of light butcher cattle sold between $8.50 and 39.50, and com- mon to medium cows Bold for 36 to 37,50. Bulls brought $7 to 38. BlICTHS ^,lulls. In McKillop, on February 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Givlin, twin dangh- tere, Teresa Helena and Florence Rita.. Kramers.-In Dublin, on February 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kramere, a eon. McQuaid. -,In McKillop, on February leth, to Mr. and Mrs. James McQuaid, a son. DEATHS Henderson. -•In Toronto, on Monday, February 17th, Mrs. George E. Henderson. IN MEMORIAM Note.-Itepoa under this head will be charg- ed 50 cents per single verse, and 25 cents for each additional verse. In loving memory of our dear husband and lather, Mr. John Conaitt, who passed away one year ago, February 22nd. Quick and suddenly came the call, His sudden death surprised us all, putt God is good, He gives us strength T.r bear our heavy cross. He is the only one who knows How bitter is our loss 43 we loved him, so we miss In our r!emary he is dear, Love remembered, longed for Shedding many a silent tear. It is only those who have lost can tell, The sorrow of parting without farewell. -Sadly missed by wife, son and daughter. 3245x1 him, always IMPORTANT NOTICES QEED OATS AND BARLEY. -FOR SALE a quantity of seed oats and barley. Ap- ply to D. J. O'REILLY, No. 5, Seaforth, ,_1r phone 46-16, Dahlin Central. 3245x1 FOR SALE. -.RED ROAN SHORTHORN bull, 16 mouths old, sired by Browndale Model 170200. N. R. DORRANCE. Phone 21-239, Seaforth: • 3244x2. SEED GRAIN FOR SALE. -A QUANTITY of choice barley 'and oats; O.A.C. No, 21 barley and 0.A.C, gats 144; $1.00 per bushel. Teras strictly cash. Apply to ROY McDON- ALD, Cromarty, of phone 14-90, Henson. 3244-2 ONE HUNDRED ACRE FARM FOR SALE. Sixty acres of this is choice clay loam soil in fide conditioif,.never rented; high un- dulating surface. Well tile drained; forty acres timbered; tine water supply. Good furnace heated house and bank barn with modern stable fixtures and cement floor, plenty fruit. Situated in the Township of Stanley, County of Huron, on Bayfield and Brucedield Highway; 4 miles from rail road station at Biucefield and London Road. Convenient to several gold to*nd' and markets. Buildings only a few rods from village of Varna. Im- mediate possession- Price for quick sale. $4500.00. Terms -$1000.00 will be accepted down cash payment Long term for balance if re'uired. For particulars see or write the owner. J. W. ARMSTRONG, Box 89, Gods - rich, Ont. 3245-2 In the Estate of Walter Habkirk, Deceased All persons indebted to the Estate of Wal- ter Habkirk, late of the Village of Hensall, retired farmer, deceased, are hereby notified that the Executrices require payment of such indebtedness forthwith. And all persons having claims against the said Estate are notified hereby to present their claims to the Executrices for payment on or before lst March. Payments are to be made and claims pres- ented to the undersigned Executrices at the late residence of the deceased in the Village of Hensall. Dated the 14th day of February, A. D., 1930. MARGARET R. HABKIRK, AGNES H. MOODIE, Executrices. 3245-1 END WASH DAY DRUDGERY! ! The Wonder Washer will fit your boiler. Does not require electricity, generates its power from hot water and steam. Washes clothes snow white in 80 minutes. Simple to operate, nothing to get out of order, lasts a lifetime. Most perfect washer made, the price will amaze you. 37.85 complete, a 10 day trial will convince you, or money refunded. Send order to- day. Territories open for agents -,liberal commission. The Canadian Distributing Company P. O. Box 334, Toronto. Ontario Breeding Station WHAT IS AN ONTARIO BREEDING STATION? A poultry farm under Govern- ment supervision. All stock and equipment has to be up to Govern- ment standard. Everything is ex- amined and passed or rejected by Government inspectdrs. All birds that are rejected for disqualifica- tions in weight, disease, egg type or feathers, etc., have to be disposed of at once. Inspectors call unan- nounced to check up on conditions. Every month a duplicate account of all records is sent to the Poultry Department, O.A.C,, Guelph. The idea is to create breeding stocks of the highest class free of disease. There are only three breeding stations in Huron County, namely: Elmer Parrish, Luoknow; J. M. Scott, and 0. F. Siegrist, Seaforth. For further information apply to the above members. Order your needs now for Baby Chicks, Started Chicks and eight weeks old Pullets. 41, O. F. Siegrist BOX 173, SEAPORTS. Phone 304 8243 t,f ly}Y 1., �ri•�P *yl r�P lr'i S ,,ens y>y va{�i .BAkI'i p410,100H91,470 ,Elf• 'l FEC7`S �t .Q ifO� 1uXR'i' iiMiker (.1p .090.l; i2.. MOM &MS iJ`Sr& �i6 R +w �TY eb 28th, at r, yah o a:lrlu Fd salesmen Mble o , •igckori small tables, So 06140)1, stoves llnelelrm, f hall xoon4 "''OOilea„ 2 beds. and 6.i4110; ; l,' :large bureaus ]citcben table chairs, ISMelien °onboard, sewing machine, dishes; anti other antsier too numerous to mentign. Ternw_Capp. George H. Elltott,. Auctioneer. . 8246.1 4c AUCTION SALE "OF BOU'SFdHOLD EF- FECTSof late Mass Taylor, Hensen, on Saturday, February 22nd; at 1 o'clock; Par- lor arfor suite, organ, small tables, oak ezteneiou table, sideboard, clock, kitchen stove, cup- board, kitchen tables, chairs, rockers, couch, bedroom suite, bed and stand, springs, mat- tress, feather ticks, pillows, bedding, carpet, linoleum, dishes and other articles too num- erous to mention. Ter ms--,0geh. ELIZA .7. SHEPHERD, Executrix; George IL Elliott, Auctioneer. 8244-2 AUCTION SALE 01' PiJBE BRED HOL- S'11EIN CATTLE AND HOGS. -39r. G. 1L Elliott will sell for the undersigned, on Mon- day, March 3rd, on Highway No. 4, one-half mile north of Kippen, the following pare bred Holstein cattle: Four cows under 7 years old to freshen this spring, 1 two year old heifer to freshen in March, 6 two year old heifers freeh in November, 6 two year old heifers bred to freshen in September and October, 2 heifer calves' about 10 months old. These cattle are bred from tested sires and have some of. the best blood of the breed in their veins. .They are bred to a eon of a forty pound sire. Also 50 hogs from 40 lbs, to '150 lbs. weight. Terms. -Seven months' credit on bankable paper with 5 per cent. straight off for cash. J. B. McLEAN, Pro- prietor; G. 11. Elliott, Auctioneer. 3245-2 AUCTION SALE OF LIVE STOCK ON Lot 1, Concession Concession 1, McKillop Township, at St. Columban, on Wednesday, February 26th, at 1.30 sharp: Horses -One matched bay team, mare and gelding, rising 8 and 9 years old; 1 matched brown team, mare and gelding, rising 5 and 6 years old; 1 matched team of black Percheron colts ris- ing 2 years; 1 grey Percheron colt rising 1 year old; 1 driving colt rising 2 years old, broken to drive single. Cattle -'l holstein cow 7 years old due latter part of March; 1 Holstein cow 10 years old due April 10th; 1 cow 6 years old with calf at foot; 1 cow 4 years old bred January 14th; 1 cow four years old bred January 14th, cow 4 years old bred January 31st, one Holstein cow freshened two months; 1 Holstein heifer, 1 Durham cow due to calve May 28th, 1 Hol- stein ,heifer bred December llth, 1 heifer bred January 25th, 1 heifer bred February 8th; 1 pair of steers rising 2 years ,old. The above cows and heifers are in Al condition and all bred to a thoroughbred Hereford bull. Pigs - 1 saw bred January 3rd, 1 sow bred January 5th, 13, chunks of pigs. Implements --One good farm wagon, 1 gravel box, 2 sets of 4 section ,harrows. Terms. -All sums of $10 and under, cash ;sever that amount 7 months' credit on approved joint notes, with land own- ers as security. Six per cent. per annum off for cash. OWEN HART, Proprietor; Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. 6245x1 AUCTION SALE OF LIVE STOCK AND MACHINERY, on Lot 27, Concession 11, Township of Hibbert, on Friday, February 21st, 1930, of the following: Horses -One matched grey general purpose team of mares weighing 2700, good single and double, 6 and 7 years old; 1 Grey Percheron filly 3 years old, weighing 1450 tbs., good single or double; 1 general purpose filly, black, 2 years old. Cattle -1 cow 4 years old due time of sale, 1 cow 4 years old due in August, 1 heifer three years old due time of sale, 1 oow 5 years old just fresh, 1 cow 5 years old due in August, 1 cow 7 years old, just freshened; 2 heifers 2 years old, supposed to be in calf ; 1 heifer 2 years old due time of sale, 4 calves. Machinery -Threshing outfit in good working shape, 1 Rumley tractor 16-30 H.P., 1 Goodi- son separator 86-50 with cutter on rear, one Oliver tractor plow 3 -furrow, in good shape: 4 Chevrolet truck, 1929, 4 cylinder, 4 wheel brakes ; 1 Chevrolet truck, late 1927; 2 grav- ity dump gravel bodies, 1 stock rack 52 inches high for trucks, 1 Dodge touring car, 1 light wagon, 1 buggy, a number of oil barrels. Terms of Sale -Live stock and implements, 8 months' credit on approved joint notes; 6 per cent. straight off for dash. Threshing ma- chine and trucks, 25 per cent cash, balance arranged day of sale. GEORGE CHAMBERS, Proprietor: William Nairn. Auctioneer. 8244x1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS, on Lot 3, Concession 6, Stanley Township. on Thursday, March Gth, half mile north of Hillsgreen:- Live Stock -1 draught mare 9 years old, one general purpose mare 10 years old, works single or double; 1 Registered cow due April 10th, 1 Registered cow milking 3 months, bred January 10th : 1 heifer rising 2 years, 2 spring heifer calves, could be registered; one calf 3 months old, 50 hens. Implements, Etc, -Six foot Frost & Wood binder, 12 hoe drill, spring cultivator with wide feet, 5 -foot mower, 9 -foot 3 drum steel roller, 10 foot hay rake, disc harrow with truck bean cultivator and puller combined ; Bain wagon, truck wagon, Brown & Clark sleigh, 4 -section harrows. John Deere manure spreader, gang plow. Fleury No, 21 walking plow, Wilkinson No. 17 plow, Cockshutt riding plow No, 21 bottom, Clinton fanning mill with bagger, scales 2000 lbs. capacity, 16 -foot hay rack, flat rackfor sleigh. 1.V2 yard gravel box, gravel box, 'top buggy with second set of rubber wheels, top buggy, two seated top buggy with pole, cut- ter, sap pan, 45 sap pails and spites, feed cooker, set dOUhle team harness with breech - en, set plow harness, set single harness, In- ternational 1 H.P. engine, pump jack, set slings, hay fork, hay knife, 5 or 6 tons of hay, forks, hoes, shovels and other numerous artioles. Household Effects. - Anker Holtz cream separator 500 lbs. capacity. used only six months; range stove. heater, kitchen chairs, rocker, bureau, hanging Lamp, emery grinder, coal oil stove 4 -burner with oven. coal oil heater, dresser and stand. bed springs, couch, etc. Terms. -Hay, Hens and all sums of 510 and under, cash; over that amount 8 months' credit with approved joint notes. Four per cent, straight off for cash on credit amounts. B, W. CARLiLE, Proprietor; Wm. S. Johnston, Clerk ; George H. Elliott, Auc- tioneer. 3245-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. at Lot 31, Concession 2, Tuckersmith Township, 4% miles south east of Clinton, on Wednesday, March 5th, at 1 o'clock, sharp, consisting of the following: Horses --Choice agricultural horse 5 years old, agricultural horse 8 years old, draft gelding rising 3 years old, 2 draft fillies rising 2 years old. Cattle -Six Durham grade cows due to freshen in April, Holstein cow due to freshen March 15th, heifer two years old; 2 brood sows to farrow in March, 31 Oxford and Leicester ewes, Leicester ram lamb, African goose and gander, 18 Rock pullets. Implements--,Massey-Harris binder 6 foot cut, McCormick mower, set of disc har- rows, spring tooth cultivator, 18 disc aeed drill, 1)aY loader, hay rake, wagon, set of bob sleighs, riding plow, walking plow, set of 5 section diamond harrows, 2 butters, 2 demo- crats, hay tedder, pea puller, 2 buggies, fan- ning mill, jack, 31/0 horsepower engine, cir- cular saw, incubator and brooder, cider press, 3 sets of single harness, 2 sets of double harness, roller, grain crusher, hay fork, car. ropes and pulleys, set of scales, 2.000 pounds capacity; cutting box, sugar kettle, No. 15 De Laval cream separator, one-fifth share in corn binder, extension ladder, water tank, bicycle, training sulky, Collie dog, quantity of seed oats and hay, several hives of bees and empty bee boxes, queen excluders, bee foundations, honey, sap pails, and pen, barrel of cider vinegar, mounted birds, kitchen range, box stove and heater, tables, chairs, carpets, dishes, square piano, sideboard and numerous other household effects, also forks, chains, shovels, whifiletrees, neckyakes and other articles too numerous to mention. Posi- tively no reserve as proprietor has Bold his farm. Acoomglodatton for horses on day of sale. If weather is unfavorable, sale will be conducted indoors. Terms -All sums of $10 and under, cash ; over that amount 8 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved Joint bankable papers, or a discount of 4 per cent. atraight"' allowed for cash on credit amounts. A. E. MATHESON, Proprietor: Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 8246-2 SALE REGISTER On Monday, March 7th, on Lot 17, Concession 14, McKillop, auction sale of Farm Stock end Implements. AROHIE McJALLUM, Proprie- tor; Oreo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 8245x2 nMssitaiveiiisas U, Three cholceiy Ib tfitllafif 0e aide age, :Sired 1w �Xtel or. Ging lar Rothea Bing) spIT$ yolllfig W1311,vuearing.si oar able sage, aired by Bythwgod''Supreme pr (grandson of Brewp ale), These calves are from extra good minting cows and will be Priced ream:table. Apply, to ROBERT 74. K P.1 , Zurich, Ont., or phone 96-8. Hansa 82484 AGENTS WANTED If you are looking for an opyortuuftr:to better yopr position, the Watkins Basin*. will put you in the path of success without' ruck. Positively the• largest and best line of goods. sold to families. ;50.00 or mare profit, Per week for the industrious man. Apply now for the nearest locality, rural or city, and start the New • Year right. THE d. R. WATKINS COMPANY. Dept. M-80 749 Craig West, Montreal, Que. 8240-4 ONTARIO BREEDING STATION SPECIALIZING IN BARRED ROCKS This is our second year under Breeding Station supervision. Plant trap -nested in R. 0: P. Pens headed with pedigreed males from R. 0. P. and Registered henswhose records are from 200 to 265 eggs. Every bird blood tested. Our 12 -page illustrated catalogue is just off the press. It contains val- uable information on feeding poultry from chick to layer. We will gladly send you a copy free. J. M. SCOTT "Sunny Crest Farm" PHONE 32-251 SEAFORTH 3244-tf ECKERT Chick Hatching and Breeding Farm. BRED -TO -LAY S. C. W. LEGHORNS 0. A. C. BARRED ROCKS If you want better quality chicks from a carefully culled and inspected flock of high egg production and high grading, our Chicks bring greater pro- fits. Hens mated to male birds whose records run from 250 to 316 eggs. Here is what 2.e of our customers says: J. A. Eckart: Dear Sir -I thought I must tell you how well those Baby Chicks did that I got from you last year. First we only ordered twenty- five. They were such smart, healthy chicks we ordered three hundred more. We raised almost ninety per cent. of those. I am so pleased with them that I intend ordering 500 baby chicks early this year. Yours truly, Mrs. Ed. O'Hearn," Book your order now for Baby Chicks, three-week old Chickens and eight-week old Pullets. ' Send for, Circular. Visitors wel- come. Phone 23-23, Dublin. J. A. Eckert R. R. NO. 1, DUBLIN, ONT. 3243-8 Investors' Opportunity. We Require $16,000.00 for first mortgages on imrproved farm property in amounts of $500.00 and up at SIX PER CENT. Each mortgage will be well se- cured, the amounts required being for from 20 to 50 per cent. of the value of the property. Each title has already been searchedand there is ample insurance protec- tion. A. D. SUTHERLAND Insurance, Real Estate, Etc. SEAFORTH, ONT.'' The South Huron Agricultural .So- clety will hold their Annual Seed Show in the TOWN HALL, HENSALL -on-- TUESDAY," FEBRUARY 25th PRIZE LIST. The following prizes will be awarded on the best samples of seed exhibited in accord- ance with the rules governing Seed Fairs: 2 bushels Fall Wheat.. 32.50 32.00 31.75 3 2 bushels Spring Wheat, any variety 2.50, 2.00 1.75 1 bushel Early Oats8.50 8.00 2.50 2.00 1 bushel Late Oats . 8.50 8.00 2.60 2.00 1 bushel Barley, 8 -rowed 8.50 3.00 2.60 2.00 1 bushel of Field Peas 2.50 2.00 1.76 1 bushel of Field Beans 2.60 1.00 1.76 1 • bushel Yates'', Eye Beans 2.50 2.00 1.75 1 bus. Timothy Seed2.50 2.00 1.75 1 bus. Red Clover Seed 2.60 2.00 1.75 1 bus. of Alfalfa Seed 2.50 2.00 1.75 1' bus. of Alsike Seed 2.50 2.00 1.75 1 bushel of Potatoes, any early variety - 2.50 2.00 1.76 1 bushel of Potatoes, for general crop2.50 2.00 1.76 1 bushel of Buckwheat 2.50 1.00 1.76 Most creditable showing of Grain and SeedsSweepstake Badges RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. All seeds entered for competition must have been grown by the eathibitor within one year previous to the exhibition. All exhibits of seeds shall be held to be representative of the total quantity of such seed offered for sale by'.the exhibitor. The Secretary of the So- ciety may take and preserve samples from each exhibit for reference in case of dispute arising from the sale of seed by exhibitor. 2. -Competitors must become members of the Society by paring to the Treasurer there- of, either previous to or at the time of mak- ing entries, the sum of $1 each, which will also entitle such member to free entry in the stock show. 3. -No premiums shall be awarded on ex- hibits that contain weed seed, which in the opinion of the judge, are of a noxious nature. 4. -No exhibitor shall receive more than one prize in any class. 5. --All samples must be correctly labelled with the name of the variety, the amount of seed for sale and the selling price. Grain not leas than 25 bushels for sale except Spring WO:eatl 10 bushels; Alsike, Timothy and Clover, not less than 3 bushels; Alfalfa, 3 bushels ; Early Potatoes, not less than five bushels ; Late Potatoes, not less than 25 bush- els ; Onions, not less than 1 bushel. 6. --,In case of dispute, a statutory declara- tion that the above rules have been complied with, may be required from each or any ex. hibitor of 'seed. 7. -All exhibits for competitions for prizes must be delivered at the Town Hall, Hensall, not later than 12 o'clock, noon, and shall not be removed until the close of the Fair at 4 p.m. ADMISSION FREE DR. A. R. CAMPBELL - President K. M. McLEAN - - Secretary YOU ARE WANTED -For A Big Pay Job - Make money easier. The quick, sure road to success. Increasing demand for Trained Men. - World's biggest most fascinat- ing trades needs Auto and Avi- ation Mechanics, Electric Weld- ers, House Wiremen, Electric- ians, Bricklayers, Building Es- timators, Draftsmen. BE AN EXPERT Few weeks, practical guaran- teed, unlimited, Shop Training, endorsed by graduates. Canad- ian employment service. Earn part time. Free railroad fare. FIND OUT HOW to make $50 weekly upwards by writing to- day. Commercial Engineering Schools 57 Queen W., Toronto. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O W. J. CLEARY O Licensed Embalmer and O Funeral Director. O Up-to-date Horse and Motor O Equipment. O Night and Day Service. O' Phone. 19-22, Dublin. O O O O O O O O O O O O.o O C Q C FARMS FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE. -50 ACRES ON .EAS1 half Lot 22, Concession 5, McKillop, rass farm, orchard; good water and plenty of it. Apply to THOMAS HABKIRK, Box 305, Seaforth, Phone 864. 3242-tf FARMS FOR SALE. -A FEW CHOICE- farms in the Townships of Usborne, Tuckersmith and Hibbert, Good buildings and well located as is market.. THOMAS CAM- ERON, Exeter, Ont 8068-tf FARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE PART LOT 28 and 29. Concession 8, McKillop, con- taining 192 acres and known as the T. E. Hays farm. Must be sold to close the estate. If not sold will be rented. For particulars apply to J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor, Sea - forth. 8201-tf FARM FOR SALE. - MY TIME BEING taken up with other business, I am of- fering my farm of 100 acres working land for sale; one-quarter mile from Seaforth; well watered and in first class agricultural condi- tion. Buildings beautifully situated and com- modious. Farm has always been heavily stocked with dairy cattle and hogs. Suitable terms to reliable parties. Phone 25 or 24r143 for appointments. Apply to J. A. MCNZ1E, R. R. No. 8, Seaforth. 8282-tf FARM FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, LOT NO. 8, Ooncession 16, Township of Grey, Conn- ty of Huron; 2 storey brick house, barn 55x60 on stone foundation ; another building 26x56: windmill, drilled well ; 80 acres plovied. balance has been under mature for several years. Thirteen acres hardwood bush. Pos- session first of Mareh. Apply to ALEX. BUCHANAN, R. R. Ne. 8, Walton. 8186-tf T'ARM FOR SALE. -LOT 8, CONCESSION 8, Stanley, 100 acres, all cleared. On the farm are a 1/ storey frame house, cement foundation, cistern and cement floors In base- ment; barn 84x70 with lean of 12 feet, en e atone foundation; barn 85x52 and drive shed. Farm drained with tile, and wire fences; 4 acres fall wheat 40 acres ploughed; balanee needed down. Situated one-half mile from Ohut'ch, 1 mile from ech,.ol, 4 mike from Klemm; 8 miles from ltenaall. Rural marl and telephone. Farm in good state of enitive- tion. For further particulate apply en premises. $, W.-OARLILE, Proprietor, P. R. 1, ZurkL, P. O. 11187 -if ii 1'' THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate Money to Loan SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Phone 91 D. H. McINNES Registered Drugless Practitioner. CHIROPRACTOR ELECTRICITY Magnetic Electric Baths Commercial Hotel, Beaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons. Adjustments given for diseases of all kinds. reclarPaNlaM A BARGAIN FOR SALE. -Five acres, one mile from Seaforth; modern house with furnace, bath and toilet; small barn; good orchard. Taxes, $16. Splendid chance to start chicken farm, bees, etc. Apply to 2953-tf Seaforth, Ont. Sal fixtures of the, Estate. at an attratthre. dollar. we are offering saMe public at, a still more attratfr price. Sale Starts Saturday, February 22. This Stock Must be Sold at Once. Come and buy as you never bought before at any sale. Stock consists of Underwear of all kinds, Caps, Gloves, Collars, Hats, Shirts, Men's Hose, Pyjamas, Mitts, Handkerchiefs, Overcoats, Work Shirts, Sweaters, Full Dress Shirts, Garters, Suspenders, Mufflers, Mackinaw Coats, Work Pants and Overalls, Belts and other ar- ticles too numerous to mention, such as Show Cases, Tables, Stove, Counter, Small Cabinets, etc. "gm. Teims Cash No Goods on Approval Israel Charters ooG00000000 0 Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer. 0 Best Motor and Horse-drawn equipment. Charges moderate. 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 notice. 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 W. J. Walker, Funeral O 0 Director and Rmbalmer. 0 Motor or Horse Equipment. Co 0 Cars or flowers furnis• lied 0 as requested. 0 Day or Night, phone 67. 0 F EED •••. Batteryless RADIOGives the Real Tone WHAT MORE CAN BE GOT? $238. Geo. A. Sills & Sons. SOLE AGENTS WHY? Buy Stock in Producers Royalty Corporation FIVE SUBSTANTIAL AND UNDENIABLY GOOD REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD 1. THE PAST RECORD -Highly successful and remunerative. To date since July, 1924, has paid in dividends 160 per cent. This shows an average annual return in excess of 32 per cent. 2. NATURE OF THE BUSINESS ENGAGED IN -Oil Royalties are considered the "Gold Boads" of the oil industry, being a first mortgage on all the oil 2y:educed. 3. EXPERIENCED CAPABLE MANAGEMENT -This is demon- strated by our outstanding dividend record, and by our con- tinually increasing earnings and surplus accumulation of funds. 4. THE FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE CORPORATION as of May 31st, 1929, reflects tho following: - Value of Roza? Outstanding Common and Preferred $ 359,930.00 Surplus 1,101,009.44 This surplus shows $3.00 for every $1.00 ?worth (No stock out- standing. ' 5. I recommend the purchage of the shares of this Corporation. C. C. PINKNEY, Seaforth, Ont. Representing H. R. 11/ILL & CO., 724 Federal Mdg., Toronto. Ont.