HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1930-01-10, Page 5li i'nial�if ARRAT 1 0Jp0n ►1al 7.01ro,GheeseS per, Im e: 01 triplets, 22e , i1ttiNon0„ 27p. o14 a#?ie, 2941 twins, 293i1o; t ipllala snag cute, Bop: old SWton11., 81.4. Bill0STs'alkt 1 erean,.ery Wink. 48S, crealnery,. prints, 410. Egg0--oFnesh extras in • ear4011S, 67o; fresh • extras loose, 65c; fixate, 1oose 6001 seconds, 47c; pullet extras, 65c, Storage eggs-Firets, 62e; seconds, 490. POULTRY MARKET Toronto, January 74h, Chickens, 5 Its. up DO.. 4 to 6 lbs. Do., 8% to 4 lbs. r , Do., 3' flu $j lbs. Do., 8 Iia: Hens, over 5 lbs.. iDo., 4.40 5 lbs.. Broilers Duckilingssl tr keys Geese 85 82 80 29 29 82 8540 30-82 82.40 26-28 GRAIN MARKET -Toronto, January 7th. -Manitoba wheat - No!' 1 Northern, $1.45%; ; No. 2 do., 91.48%; No. 8, $1.89%; No. 5, 91.26%; No. 6, 91.07; feed, 99e (ca,f. Oodericb and Bay ports). Manitoba oatsa-No. 1 feet, 68c; No. 2, 6$c, ci.f. American .Corn -No. 2 yellow, $1.01; No. B yellow, 98e; No. 4 yellow, 95e; (United States funds) ell. rail delivered' Toronto freight. 0 4I1feed--Delivered, Montreal freights. bags Included: Bran, per ton, $85.25; shorts, per ton, $87.85; middlings, $44.25. Ontario gratin -Wheat 31.20 to 91.25; oats, 65 to 58c; barley, 70c; ryer $1.00; buckwheat, SO to 88e. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Union Stock Yards, Toronto, January 7th. -Following comparative shortage of the past two weeks, the cattle offering at the yards to -day was of average midwinter volume at well over 4,000 head, largely killers. The r Increase in supply slowed up trade in but- cher steerr�,,and heifers, on which bids at the start miir•e a quarter dower than the close last week. Cows, on the other hand, were active at firml prices, and made up the bulk in a movement of 1,600 head of cattle to the scales up to 2 o'clock, Bulls, in a limit- ed offering of that class, sold steady, and baby beeves were firm to strong at a range of 10 to 14 cent per pound, the few, at the top selling $1.00 per cwt. higher than anything offered last week. Heavy steers moved in email lots at from 6% to 101/.r cents per pound, and the range on handy to weighty steers and heifers in carlots was 91/.a to 10 cents, with some small lot bf plain steers down to 8' cents per pound. Butcher cows sold from 6 to , 8 1-2 cent per pound, with .the bulk at from 7% to 81/ cents, with canners and cutters at +3% to 41,! cent. Butcher bulls including bolognas at the low, made 61/2 to 8 cents per pound. Trade after 2 o'clock was slow, with /butcher rattle selling a quarter down from Hast week and about a quarter of the supply ;for the day was left over at the close. Store cattle demand was poser, and only a few stockers changed hands. Nor was there much activity in the milker and springer division. where only the hest forward springers were -wanted at barely steady prices, $125 each be- ing an outside top. Parking space for trucks at the yards was well taken up for the first time in two weeks, and supply of calves for the day was half of last week's total, while sheep and 'iambs outnumbered last week's -arrivals. The calf market was steady at 151 to 1574- cents per pound for good to choice weals, ,with the .odd prime making 17 cents. Medium light veais brought 11 to 14% cents, and oply s (few heavy (plain calves sold as low as. 7 cents Per pound' Bogs f at a range of 11 to 1114 cents f.o.b, and 121,1, to 12% cents w.o.c. for bacons with the bulk at the top of the spread or a egnarter higher than last week. Truck hogs were marked at 12 cents, or the equivalent of 12% cents .weighed off cars. The bulk of the good ewe and wether lambs brought 13% cent per pound, or even with ;last week's top and a few fancy lambs made 13'3,'1 cents per pound, with culls downward to 10 dents. Sheer sold firm to strong, good /butcher ewes bringing 7 to 8 cents per Pound, heavies and medium 5 to 61,E cents and culls downward to 3 cents. The receipts to -(lay' were 4,800 cattle, 430 calves, 922 hogs and 883 sheep and lambs. Quotation.- : .Heavy beef steers, $9.00 to `810.25; butcher eteers, choice, $9.50 to 310.00; do, common, .$7.00 to 38.50; butcher heifers, choice, $9.50 to $10.00; do. fair to good, $8.50 to 39.25; do. common, 37.00 to $8.50; butcher cows, good ,to choice, $7.00 to,' 98.50; do. common to medium, $6.00 to 96.50; do. can - mere and cutters, $3.50 to 94.50; butcher bulls ,.mood to choice, $7.25 to 98.00; do. medium. $6 to $6.50; do. bolognas, $6.00 to 96.25; baby beef 110.00 to $13.00; feeders, goad, ' 38.00 to 18.50; do. fair, 97.00 to $7.75; stock- ers, good, 37.50 to $8.00; da, fair, $6.50 to 17.25; calves, good, $16,50 to $17.00; do. unedium, 310.00 to 910.00; do., gra sers. 97.00 -to $7,50; springers, $110 to $125; milkeers, $75.00 to 3100.00: Iambs, choice, $13.0D to 118.50; do. bucks, 910.00, to 910,50; sheep, choice, 96.50 to $7.50; hogs, bacon, ws o, c., $12.25 to 212.50. Do., selects, 31.00 per beg Premium; do., butchers, 75 cents per hog discount; do., f.o.b. grace, $1.25 c'w,t. under w.o.c.; do., trucked in, 50 cents cwt. w.o.c. Buffalo, January 7th. -,Receipts of hogs, $,100; holdovers, 100; active to all interests, 40 to 50 cents below Saturday's erratic mar - Wet and 10 to 20 cents over Friday's market. Bulk, 120 to 240 pounds, $10.60; few, 310.65; 1250 to 270 pounds, 910.35 to 310.50; packing ,sows, $8.26 to $8.75; sparingly, $9.00. Cattle, 1,750; steer quality very plain, fair- ly active, strong to 26, cents higher; good yearlings, $13.50: medium and short fads, 111.50 to 313,; common steers an dheifers, .$9.25 to $10.80; f cows, $7.75 to 39; cutter grades, 34.25 to $6.50. Calves, 1,300; vealers mostly steady, 317.50 down. Sheep, 8,600; lambs active, 10 to 25 cents ?higher, good to. choice, 314 .to $13.25 ; medium and strong weights, 312.25 to $13.25; yearling uvethers, $11.60 to $12. BIRTHS Z{ellar.-In McK'',lop, et, Sunday, January 5th, 1930, to `:r. and Mrs: Harry Kellar, a daughter. DEATHS baoyl'an.-In Dahlin, on Sunday, January 6th, Thomas Moyl,.n, in his 68th year. Oldfield. -In Egmondville, on Monday, Janu- ary 6th, John Oldfield, in his 79th year. 11ioGonigle.-In Flenforth, on Saturday, Janu- ary 4th, Hel.n Hablcirk, widow of the late George McGonigle, in her 79th year. allIMIMMSOMOleelleeevanem Nate. --('teres gladnt t Beale e verse, and CO emits eadh In living memiory of our dear little.deugh- ter, Grwendear* E. Deaton, who passed away at Seaforth, Jaupary 8, 1929, aged 1 year and 8 months. She was a sweet little rosebud, A dear little flower from birth; God took her home to Heaven, Before she was soiled by earth. --Sadly missed by Daddy. Mama, and Grandparents. 'TC",1'IQN S$ A 'EMI, SALEQxi' l tOTl lobe' ;F :fe*, 441 n ex lleO eflnditaon, in Two f Nerlsaf aa. ,south aider O Jing Street,. o• SSatihrdSF ,lase1iary 18th, at 1 o'clock, sharks,• Oak dining son>Aarniture, aid bad xoom suite, walnut bedneern ' shite, kitchen ato7e, nutnerousshahs and rackbrs, kirtahen cep;, boards. earpete. linoleum and, other articles too numerous to mention. Terms -Cash.. Mr. ROBERTT, ELGIE; Executor Elizabeth $rat Estate: Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 8238.2 Broter 8289hx1l IMPORTANT ' NOTICES BULISTON.---dn loving memory of my bro. them,,,, who passed away one year ago on deanery 9th, 1929. Tbs. allow `was hard, the shock severe, Goll only knows bow we miss him here, And only these that loos can tell The pain of parting, with no farewell. •--From His Sister., • NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE Is hereby given pursuant to the Statutes in that behalf that all persons hav- ing claims against the estate of John G. Grieve, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 10th ,flay of Novem- ber, 1929, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned Solicitors on or before the 8th day of January, 1980, after which date the Executor will proceed to dis- tribute the assets ]saving regard only to and being responsible only for the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED December 19th, 1929. BEST & BEST. Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for Exeeutor. Tells'Just Why She Recommends Them ONTARIO LADY FOUND RELIEF IN DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS -Mrs. Win. Brown Suffered With Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Hamilton, Ont., Jan. 9. -(Special) •`I was troubled with Kidney and Bladder trouble," states Mrs. Wm. Brown, 145 Strathcona Ave., Hamilton Ont. "I had tried a lot of medicines but without avail. rI finally tried Dodd's Kidney .Pills and to my great joy my kidneys got in real good shape. I feel so much better now. I keep a lox in the house all the time. I would not be without them. I recommend :hem to all my friends." There are many symptoms which point directly to kidney disease and warn' you of serious danger ahead. Backache, deposits in urine, headaches and aching limbs, harsh dry and itch- ing skin and loss of flesh and weight. To their direct action on the kidneys is due the wonderful success of Dodd's Kidney Pills as a relief for diseases of the kidneys. Just give them a trial to be con- vinced. The cheapest and sur- est way to get high- priced winter eggs is to give your hens . a, daily dose of Makes Heals Lay More Eggs Sold by all dealers Write for Pratte Poultry Book-•Fre. PRATT FOOD CO of Canada Ltd. 328 Carlow Ave-, Tomato 8, Ont. rHE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y BEAD OFFICE--SEAFORTIIt, ONT OFFICERS: tames Evans, Beechwood - President ane® Connolly, Goderich, Vice -Pres, D. F. McGregor, Seaforth, Sec.-Treas. AGENTS: Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton ; 1P. E. Hinchley, Seaforth; Jtihn Mur sy, Egmondville; J. W. Yeo, Gods ich; R. G. Jarmouth, Brodhagen; Jas. ?Tett, Blyth. DIRECTORS: William Rinn, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth; 'ohn Bennewies, Brodhagen; Jamb •.'vans, peechwood; James Connelly, roderic ; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 8, Sea - forth; Robert Ferris, Harlock; George dicCartney, No. 8, Seaforth; Murray Ibsen, Brumfield ; James Sholdice, Ralban. R. H. ROBINSON Wishes to announce the opening of a Leather Goods Store In the Campbell Block, Seaforth Harness and Rarness'A.ccessories. Travelling Goods, Mitts, Boots and Shoes for Men. Gooderich HiPress Rubber Footwear for Men. WOOD WANTED. -FOR S. S. NO. 9, TUCK- ersmith, 10 cords hard wood, maple and 16 , delered at 'scool. T to 'be�inn by January 20th, 1880.h W. S. BROADF0OT, Secretaay, R. R. 3,. lupulin;, Ont. r , 8288=2, LEICEi TIat, RAMS FOR SALE.-FO)3 SAF,51 seven Leicester rams. Also one Short- horn bull calf 12 months old, red in color, Appy to WRIILIAM CHARTERS, R. R. No. 8, Seaforth, or phone 4 on 187. 8229-83 FARM FOR SALE. - MY TIME BEING taken up with other business, I am of- fering my farm of 100 acres working Fond for sale; one-quarter mile from Seaforth; push watered and in first class agricultural condi- tion. Buildings beautifully situated and com- modious.• Farm has always be heavily stocked with dairy cattle and bogd . Suitable terms to .reliable parties. Phone 25 or 24448 for appointments. Apply to J. A. MoKENZIE, R. R. No. 8, Seaforth. 8282-tf DEBENTURES FOR SALE The Town of $8,000.00 ten-year per dent., payable Oculars apply to JOHN Treasurer, 8239-2 Seaforth offers for sale debentures. Interest .5% yearly. For further par - A. WILSON, Town of Seaforth. McKiLLOP TAX NOTICE Ali taxes for the Township of McKillop that are not paid on or before the 13th of Janu- ary, proceedings will be taken to collect at once. A41 ratepayers in arrears of taxes please govern themselves accordingly, as this will be the last notice given. By order, GEORGE McKEE, Collector of Taxes. BAYFI ELD AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY The annual meeting of the Bayfield Agri- cultural Society will be held at the 'Town Hall on Wednesday, January 15th, 1930, to receive the Secretary's report and to elect officers and •directors for 1930. The directors are desirous of having a full attends:we of members and any others interested in the so- ciety. JOHN McLURE, • A. E. ERWIN. President. Secretary. Building Materials Save money. Buy at Magic Prices in January. Galvanized corrugated roof- ing 5.10. Oak flooring 514c. Fir doors 2.85. Building paper 39c. No. 8 roof- ing 1.89. Wall board 2%o foot. Barn paint, roper sheet plaster, glazed win- dows, nails, hotbed sash, garages, pipe at bargain prices. Write for circular giving freight paid prices. HALLIDAY COMPANY • Box 75, Hamilton. CARD OF THANKS Thc,4' iily of the late Mrs. George Mc- Gonigle desire to express their appreciation to the neighbors and friends who extended their sympathy during their recent sad be- reavement. 8292-1 CARD OF THANK - To the electors who voted for us and the citizens who supported us on Monday, we thank you. A. D. SUTHERLAND. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH Ladies and Gentlemen: I am taking this opportunity of extending my sincere thanks to you for the kind and generous support given me on Monday, Janu- ary 6th, by electing me Mayor for 1930. R. G. PARKE. TO THE ELECTORS OF TUCKERSMITH: Ladies and Gentlemen: I take this' opportunity of expressing to you my•aincere thank.- for the confidence you have reposed in me 'by electing me your Reeve for 1930. W. P. THOMPSON. TO THE ELECTORS OF HULLETT Ladies and Gentlemen: I wish to express my sincere appreciation bf the confidence you have reposed in me by electing me Reeve of Mullett for the year 1930. The township is not in very good con- dition financially at the present time, but if the Council will co-operate with me, n figur- ing the estimates a little closer, without in-, luring the township. I hope to be able to get back to :mild ground, without raising the tax rate very materially. Wishing you all the compliments of the season MAT. ARMSTRONG. MEN WANTED -DRAFTING Make money easily -The quick, sure road to $75 weekly upwards. Ine•eastng demand for experts -Learn Drafting, Architecture and Building Estimating. Few weeks. Practical blue print and shop. Guaranteed training. Endorsed by Engineers. Instruments supplied. Canadian employment service. Free railway fare.' Earn while learning. Limited education sufficient. Write to- day for illustrated booklet. COMMERCIAL DRAFTING SCHOOLS 79 Queen W., Toronto. ANNUAL MEETING SOUTH HURON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY 'rhe annual meeting of the South Huron Agricultural Society will be held in the Cern- mereial Hotel, Hensall, on Friday, January 17th, 1980, at 1 p.m., for the purpose of receiving the Directors' and Auditors' annual reports, the election of directors for the cur- rent year, and the transaction of other busi- nese. DR. A. R. CAMPBELL, K. M. MeLEAN, President. Secretary, 3239-2 TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received until January 16th, for eight cords of 16 -inch body hard wood, to be piled in church shod. Also for the posi- tion of caretaker of Cavan United Church, Winthrop, for one year, commencing Fehrnary 1st, 1980. Tenders to be addressed to William Somerville, R. R. No. 4, Walton. Lowest or any tender not necessarily Vacant - ed. ROBERT McFARLANE, Chairman. 8288-2 ....Batteryless ADIO Gives the Red Tone WHAT MORE CAN BE 60T $238. Geo. A. Silly ez Sons. SOLE AGENTS ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Hortietrltural So- ciety _ will be held in Carnegie Library on Wednesday, January 15th. Election of of- ficers. WM. HARTRY, President. E. R. CRAWFORD Secretary. 8289-1 ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Meeting of the Seaforth Agri- cultural Society will be held in the Carnegie Library on Friday afternoon, January 17th, 1930, at 2 o'clock. Business, financial report for 1929, election of Officers and Directors for 1930. THOMAS E. LIVINGSTON, President A. D. SUTHERLAND, Secretary -Treasurer. 3238-2 Ontario Breeding Station SPECIALIZING IN BARRED ROCKS This' is our second year under breeding station supervision. Plant trap -nested in R.O.P. pens headed with pedigreed males from R. O. P. and registered hens, whose records run from 200 to 265 eggs. We have already booked for 1930 delivery, three-quarters of our last year's entire chick out- put. ' Place your order now' for qual- ity Chicks at last year's prices. J. rt. SCOTT "Sunny Crest Farm" PHONE 32-251 SEA FORTH 3239-tf MEN WANIPED-DRAFTING Make money easily -The quick, sure road to $75 weekly upwards. Increasing demand for experts --Learn Drafting, Architecture and Building Estimating. Few weeks. Practical blue print end shop. Guaranteed training. Endorsed by Engineers. Instruments supplied, Canadian employment service. Fret railwsy fare. Earn while learning. Limited education sufficient. Write to- day for illustrated booklet. COMMERCIAL DRAFTING SCHOOLS 79 Queen W., Toronto. 357 St. Catherine W.. Montreal. FARMS FOR SALE FA3MS FOR SALE. -A FEW CHOICE farms in the Townships .f Usborne, l'uckersmith and Hibbert. Good buildings and well located as to markets. THOMAS CAM- ERON, Exeter, Ont. 8068-tf FARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE PART LOT 28 and 29, Concession 8, McKillop, con- taining 192 acres and known as the T. E. Hays farm. Must be sold to close the estate. If not sold will be rented. For particulars apply to J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor, Sea - forth. 8201-tf FARM FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, LOT NO. 8, Concussion 16, Township of Grey. Coun- ty of Huron ; 2 storey brick house, barn 55x60 on stone foundation; another building 26x56; windmill, drilled well; 80 acres plowed, balance has been under pasture for several years. Thirteen acres hardwood bush. Poe- seaeicm first of March. Apply to ALEX. BUCHANAN, R. R. Ne. 8, Walton. 8188-tf T'ARM FOR SALE. -LOT 8, CONCESSION 6, Stanley, 100 acres, all cleared. On the farm are a 1% storey frame house, cement foundation, cistern and cement floors in base- ment; barn 34x70 with lean of 12 feet, on a atone foundation ; barn 811x52 and drive shed. Farm drained with tile, and wire fences; 4 acres fall wheat. 40 acre-- ploughed; balance seeded down. Situated one-half mile from Church, 1 mile from school. 4 mil's from Kippen ; 6 miles from Hensnll. Rural mail and telephone. Farm in good state et cultiva- tion. 'For further partlgolars apply on premises. B. W. CARLILE, Proprietor, R. R. 1, Zurich P. O. 0187-tf OUR NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS ARE: We will hblp you to be prosperous by making a New Year's Resolution: That we will sell you, out farmer friends, a higher grade Fertilizer at less cost per plant unit and give you better service (and we don't mean maybe) than you can get elsewhere. Gide us the once-over and be con- vinced before placing your order. William M. Sproat TILE MANUFACTURER General Agent, Huron & Perth Or Any Representative Agent t PHONE .136 - 2 OOOOC.0000000 0 0 o W. T.BOX &CO. o O Funeral Director and 0 O Licensed Embalmer. O O H. C. BOK • 0. O Best Motor and. Horse-drawn O 0 equipment. O O Charges moderate, O 0 Flowers furnished on short O 0 notice. 0 O Night Calls Day Calla O O Phone 175 Phone 43 O 0 0 000000000000 THE JOHN ,RANKIN AGENCY. Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate Money to Loan SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Phone 91 y A BARGAIN FOR SALE. -Five acres, one mile mom Seaforth; modern house wilt 'ernes, bath and toilet; small barn; food orchard. Taxes, $15. Splendid lance to start chicken farm, bees, etc. Apply to R. S. HAYS, 2953-tf Seaforth. •Ont D. H. McINNES - Registered Drugless Practitioner. CHIROPRACTOR ' ELECTRICITY Magnetic Electric Baths Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons. Adjustments given for diseases of all kinds. 8054-tf Men ro• CL raw Buy ' a Watches 20 % Discount, Jewelry x"/ Di e Umbrellas 20% Discount Leather Goods 25% Discount Glassware 25% Discount See our selection of Diamond Rings, Real Speeiald 25% Disdount. Bargain Tables at 25c, 50c and $1.04 J. WESTCOr JEWELLER SEAFORTH - - PHONES 64J 8c 64W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o W. J. CLEARY 0 Licensed Embalmer and 0 0' - Funeral Director. 0 0 Up-to-date Horse and MotOr O 0 Equipment. O 0 Night and Day' Service. ' . 0 0 Phone 19-22, Dublin. O O 0 000000000000 O O 0 O O 0 O O 0 O 0 0 0 OOOOOOOOOOii 0 0 0 0 a 0 W. J. Walker & Son W. J. Walker, Funeral Director and Embalmer. Motor or Horse Equipment. 0 Cars or flowers furnished Co „ak, requested. , 4 Day or 'Night, phone 67. 0 00000.000000 Nobody's Business. The insurance man chased the business man into his, office. That was his business. The .business man chased the insurance man out of his office. That was poor business. The business man, two years later, chased the Insurance Company and was rejected. ' That was their business. One year later the business man was chased off the earth. That was unfortunate business. Three months passed' and his family was chased • into the street. That was nobody's business. The time to recognize your responsibility is NOW. The way to shoulder that responsibility is by INSURANCE. The Company that will give you entire satisfaction is THE EX- CELSIOR LIFE. Therefore your insurance man is. CARL C. PINKNEY Agent THE EXCELSIOR LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY JA a. LE &nash Go The Prices. The Greatest Bargains you have ever known -$25,000 stock of Men's and Boys' Clothing and Ladies' Ready - to - Wear, placed on the Bargain Block. All former costs and profits have been thrown to the four winds and for- gotten in order to sell out this large stock in a hurry. Let nothing keep you away. Sale Starts Friday, Jan, 10th HURRY-SUY-SAVE TOGGERY SHOP SEAFORTH 7; giµ,-..lir' �C-.,--....-- „.m 3hon'e 118 t fi ItK • !4 '7