HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1930-01-03, Page 8si
„y Our
To close the year without
t aaking our Customers for
past pleasant relations, which
lave made the past year our
best year, would leave a debt
We hope our" Patrons have
had a
and will halite
which will prove to be their
very best year also.
F. D. Hutchison
Phone Phor Phood-166
When Do We
Start ?
A worth -while position never
has been nor never will be se-
curedwithout preparing for it
A thorough business train-
ing in our school will greatly
increase your market value.
Write your name on the bot-
tom of this ad and return it for
full information.
Stratford, Ontario
Nurses Graduate. - Misses Grace
Casentieri, 'Hazel Hackney and Gert-
rude Cardno have passed the Provin-
cial examinations and have received
the degree of Registered Nurse.
Danger in Snowballing. -The Chief
of Police has asked The Expositor to
draw the attention of the public, and
especially of young boys, to the dan-
gerous practice of throwing snow-
aalls on the streets. On Tuesday af-
ternoon • the horse of Mr, Anderson
Scott was struck by a snow ball, be-
came unmanageable and ran away,
breaking the harness and cutter, but
fortunately, Mr. Scptt was not injur-
ed. It is easier to take a warning
than to settle a large bill of damages.
That is something boys should re-
life's i,'aluea, perhaps. its significance,
derive largely from the little every-
day Gontaets with those about us. If
this be true, the worth of humanity
would seem in great measure to be
the sum built up by men and women
of good will, carrying on generously
through life's daily contacts with their
fellows and very conscious of the great
importance of the total which is made
up of little things rightly done. Such
people are the basis of what is stable
and good in any community, and the.
stability of nations come from .their
communities. At the Church of the
Covenant last Sunday, there were
quoted in memory of Mrs. Biggs these
"0 valiant heart,
Splendid you passed, the great sur-
render made,
Into the light that nevermore shall
Hail! valiant heart. Hail! and
Death of Former Resident. -Word
was received here this week of the
death of Mrs. John Habkirk, a former
well known resident of this district,
which sad event occurred at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Brigadier
Hughes, in Buffalo, on Sunday, De-
cember 22nd. Mrs. Habkirk was a
native of McKillop township, where
she was born 85 years ago, being a
daughter •of the late John Cowan.
After her marriage she resided in that
township and in Seaforth before the
family moved to the West many years
ago. She is survived by a family of
four sons and one daughter, John, of
Chicago; Hector, of Winnipeg; Wil-
liam, of Saskatchewan; James, of
Vancouver, and Mrs. Brigadier
Hughes, of Buffalo. The remains
were taken to Winnipeg for interment
in which city the funeral was held ori.
Thursday, December 26th. • A memor-
ial service for the late Mrs. Habkirk
will be held in the Salvation Army
Hall, Seaforth, on Sunday, January
representing only the best Can-
adian, British a n d American
All, kinds of insurance effected
at the lowest rates, including -
Prompt attention paid to placing
risks and adjusting of claims.
Business established 50 years,
guaranteeing good service.
Agents for Singer Sewing Machine
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
O Hohnes&Son O
O Main'"Street, Seaforth. 0
T. Holmirs' residence, 0
,Go rich Street, West; phone O
O No. 19 W. Charles Holmes' •O
m reside e, Goderich Street, 0
0 East; phone No. 308. 0
0 Limousine Ambulance Service. 0
O Night falls, phone 308. 0
0 Days calls, phone 119 J. 0
O Charges moderate. 0
p O
® 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4411 Licensed Auctioneer for Perth
• • and Huron Coth ties.
di Sales Solicited
Terms: On application
Satisfaction guaranteed
of Farrar Stock, Chattels and
+ Real Estate Property
^� R. R. No. 4, Mitchell
* tot 24, Con. 4, Logan; 5 miles *-
• P east of Beechwood.
• ar Phone 634 r 6, Mitchell.
so •
Notice. -All books must be returned to the
Public Library on or before January 11th.
Greta Thompson, Librarian. 2238-2
Lost.= -On December 31st, keys on ring, be-
tween Seaforth Post Office and Harpurhey.
Finder please Leave at The Expositor Office.
. 3238x1
Dinner Set B•,rgains will continue until end
of December. Come and see. Beattie's China
and Gift Store, Seaforth.
If it's a Portrait of the family or the chil-
dren, or a portrait of the wedding party, let
the Burgess Portrait Studio, Mitchell, do the
work for you and you will be pleased.
Died In Mitchell. -The Mitchell Ad-
vocate of this week makes the follow-
ing reference to the death of Mrs.
'Richard Babb, mother of Mrs. F. D.
Hutchison, of this town: "Ann Dawe,
widow of the late Richard Babb, died
at her home, St. George Street, early
Monday morning, in her 97th year
Deceased was born in Lidford, Eng-
land, and came to Canada with her
parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. James
Dawe, when a child of eight years.
'They first settled in Waterloo County
and about eleven years later moved
to Mitchell where she has been'a con-
tinuous resident ever since. Her hus-
band who had been a prominent mer-
chant in Mitchell predeceased her by
some years. Deceased was helove_I
by a large circle of friends and ac-
quaintances and she had been a great
worker in the Methodist church, later
United Church, and had filled many
offices in the various societies. Not •
withstanding her years she was smart
and active up to a short time ago, butstrengthfor the,past six weeks it was notice-
able that her strength was failing
and she passed peacefully away trust-
ing in' the hereafter. Deceased was
the mother of twelve children, nine of
whom survive; Mrs. Eliza Tucker,
Mrs. Edna Boyd and Miss Lily Babb,
at home' Mrs. F. D. Hutchison, Sea -
forth; Wesley and Cecil in Chicago;
Richard in Hamilton; Harry, Toron-
to, and Norval of Stratford. The fun-
eral was held from her late home on
New Year's Day at 2.30 p.m. and af-
ter service at the house, conducted
by her pastor, Rev. A. Murray Stuart,
the funeral cortege proceeded to
Woodland Cemetery, where interment
took place."
.r;.,.. #.... • • • * * * , r
Play Safe
Choose a Huron & Erie trus-
tee debenture when investing
3ot; iir : vinga.
r�' farmer surance
rare= •`• and exedu tors
itil eat i' Huron & Erie cl'eben-
tutrts use they are author -
i b law for' trust funds.
tion EXPOSITOR '41 Sf
For the ew
Journals Ledgers
Minute Books
Cash Books Account Books
Binding Cases
Files Receipts . Indexes
Inks • Pencils Pens
Week of Prayer. -Commencing on
Monalay, January 6ht, there will be a
weekk of prayer. The churches of Sea=
forth co -opera ' g are as follows: -
January 6th, o , in Anglican
Church; speaker, Re W. P. Lane;
January 7th, Tuesday, in North Side
United Church; speaker, Rev. I. B.
Kaine; January 8th, Wednesday, in
Egmondville United Church; speaker,
Rev. T. H. Brown; January 9th,
Thursday, in First Presbyterian
Church, speaker, Rev. C. A. Malcolm.
H d School Association -
ome an
January, 1930, has arrived and to-
wards the end of it, Seaforthians are
promised a great,• musical treat. • I
allude to theconcert to be given by
Professor Anderton's pupils of the
Public School. Every effort will be
made for its success and on January
6th, at 4 p.m. in the teachers' room
at the public school, a meeting will
be held to discuss the purchasing of
materials, designing and making of,
the costumes for the performers, etc.
Now "two heads are better than one,"
so do come -mothers, teachers, all
who are interested. At a slightly
later 'mate, an evening will be devoted
to 'making the costumes and as
"many hands make light work," please
all come again. You need not be a
member of the Horne and School As-
sociation. We work always for the
good of the community and any par-
ent or teacher in the community is
always welcome at our meetings. Re-
member the date, January 6th, Re-
member the time, 4 p.m. 'Remember
the place, Public School.
T hompson's.
Subscriptions taken for all magazines
and papers at publisher's prices.
Ci'aas XII Sri-orehta O'Rourke 88,
William, • 'lan44gan. 82, Minhael Walsii .
76, Mary Walsh 75, Barbara Carlin
74, Richard Downey 70, Clarence
O'Rei11y 66, Class IPI, Jr. --Cecelia
Krauskopf 85, Dorothy Nolan 60,
C1e;ment Krauskopf 60, Gerald Burns
59, Margaret Walsh 59, Jos. Burns
43. Class II -•Mary 'Givlin 86, Mar-
garet Krauskopf 76, Thomas Flana-
gan 68, Joseph Givlin 60, Anne
Downey 56, Denis Nolan 56. Class I
-Leo Carlin, Rita Ryan, Lorne Flan-
agan, John Walsh, Lorne Burns.
Primer-i1Vlary Krauskopf, Mary Nol-
an. Number on roll, 32; average at-
tendance 31.. - Mary E. O'Rourke,
spending the holidays with her father,
Mr. Thomas McMillan, M.P.
Mr. and Mrs, Joe Eckert have re-
turned to Oakville after spending the
holidays with friends here.
Miss Marion Scarlett has returned
from visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Manson in Dundas.
Mr. Sam Walker, of Timmins, spent
Christmas with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Walker.
Mrs. W. Ament spent New Year's
in Kincardine.
Mr. and Mrs. John Quail, •of Clin-
ton, spent Christmas with fends
Miss Mildred Johnston has taken a'
school at Wabashene, and leaves this
week to assume her new duties.
Mr. J. Carbert, of Kitchener, spent
the holidays at his home here.
Mr. H. S. Welsh, of Hamilton, spent
New Year's at the homeof his bro-
ther, Mrs. F. J. Welsh.
Miss Helen McKercher and her bro-
ther, Mr. Robert McKercher, who
spent the holidays at their home in
McKillop, returned to Guelph on
Thursday to resume their studies at
MacDonald Hall and the Agricultural
College. -
Mrs. Jean Hamilton Briggs. -The
Bystander, an American magazine,
published in Cleveland, makes the fol-
lowing reference to the death of Mrs.
Jean Hamilton Briggs: "A great lib-
eralizing element would brighten our.
human course, if in the midst of life's
hurry, and its impacts, we could ap-
praise greatness of soul and give it
due, recognition -as we do when the
irstant of death completes the pic-
ture of a life with mass and outline,
light and shadow all defined and in
perspective. Mrs, Briggs (born Jean
Hamilton McDermid, at Seaforth, On-
tario) died at Tucson, Arizona, on
December 10, 1929. The duties of her
early life involving the discipline of
daily helpful association with the
grim realities of suffering and death,
molded and strengthened a nature of
naturally rich endowment, -and perm-
anently fixed her inborn gifts of
quick sympathy and prompt effective
action. The flowering and maturity of
this noble character in the twenty-six
years of her married life, was mani-
fest to the many friends she welcom-
ed with gracious sincerity to the home
and family life of which she was the
center, radiating that warmth and
cheery helpfulness now remembered
as a benediction. Always she gave
greatly of herself, simply, spontan-
eously, without stint, and she was of
those of whom it was said "They give
twice who give quickly." That good
fortune enabled her to reach far, ex-
tending her helpfulness to the great-
er needs, was a detail only ---firer gen-
ius would have found,, and did find,
other tools with which to work. In
war time she with others organized
and carried on the activities main-
tained so finely by our women. Day
by day, month by month, until peace
came, those capable untiring hands
were busy in the work of the Hospital
Supply Division of War Relief. To
the School of Art, the Institute of
Music and many other public under-
takings, her help was gladly given,
But those who knew her in her
home and saw how completely her
woman's heart centered there, in the
vhful development of her children
as life's greatest opportunity, saw a
vision that will be cherished. Through•
out the last yrr of struggle against
&dining health and diminished
strenOrdtor gallant aoui never fait,
area 1rC its aim. Husband, children,
boxlid filled liar niitld roar them ate
fottgl1t to live, to parry on ptantiitlg'
60'0614 1)a the. utast; fro atfier'er i s,
l?1 6nnt1 fd '1i ii, tt *tiuld Beni that
Mr. D. Shanahan left on Thursday
`or Southern Pines, North Carolina,
where he will spend the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Hector Hays and baby
;f Stratford, and the Misses Mary'.
and Ann McClelland, of Toronto, were
New Year's ghests at the home of
dal. and Mrs. R. S. Hays.
Mr. F. R. Beattie, of Timmins,
;pent the holidays with his family
Mrs. M. Carbert left this week for
Detroit, 'where she will spend the
winter with her daughter.
Mr. E. Little, of Iroquois Palls, was
a Christmas guest at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Wilson.
Miss Margaret Cleary, R,N.of
Rochester, is spending the holidays
with her mother here.
Mrs. G. D. C. Htarn, spent New
Year's with her daughter in Tortnto.
Mr. J. E. Willis, of Toronto, spent
the holiday with his family here.
'Miss Shanahan of Sudbury, is a
,guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
D, Shanahan.
Mrs. David Laidlaw, of Cupar,
Sask., is visiting her mother, • Mrs,.
Mc(onigle, North Main Street.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Reynolds vdere
in London this week attending the
religious profession of their daugh.
ter, at the Sacred Heart Convent.
Mr. William Sclater, 'of Regina,
spent New Year's at the home of his
mother, Mrs. William Sclater.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Habkirk have
returned from their honeymoon spent
in Detroit, and are livingin the Brod-
erick Apartments.
Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Bissonnette and
two children, of Stratford, were holi-
day guests this week at the home of
Mr. William Hartry.
Miss Maybelle Rands, of 'Stratford,
spent Christmas with her parents, Mr
and Mrs. Thomas Rands.
Mrs. W. McMichael and her sister,
Mrs. G. Duncan, are visiting friends
ih Woodstock.
Mr. George Eberhart, Jr.; of St.
George's School, London, and his sis-
ter, Miss 'Mae, of London, spent the
holidays with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs, George Eberhart, in McKillop.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Nott, of the
Huron Road, spent last week with
friends in Stratford and Woodstock.
Mrs. L G. Kruse and son, Billie, of
Galt, and Mrs. Edgar Lawson ani
Bernice, of Auburn, were holiday 'vis-
itors at the home of Mrs. William
Mr. Ernest Geddes is visiting this
week with friends in Kitchener and
Mr, G. K. Roge - = .Tonto, was
a New Year's • i at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. C ich.
Miss S. I. Mctea spent New
Year's with friends in Stratford.
Mr. P. Banbury, of Wolseley, Sask.,
was a New Year's guest at the home
of Dr. and Mrs. F. J,. Barrows,
Mr. and Mira.' W. R. Plahit and two
cildren hsps the holidays in Weston
and 'rorontd.
1Vliss Lucy Eckert has returned to
Detroit after; spending the holidays
with her .areri Mr. and Mics, C.
JY �
Miss Margaret MttVX lt;an. t tt t t
to Mast otl ld' fall on'l hiiraday
Notes. -Mr. Garnet Johns, of De-
troit, was home for Christmas. -Miss
Lorena Johns, of Toronto, was home
for Christmas. -Misses Joy and Ev-
elyn Whitlock, of St. Thomas, were
visitors in the neighborhood last week.
--Rev. and Mrs. White and children
visited their ielatives in Windsor and
Chatham last week. -Mr. and Mrs.
Ernie Pym and daughter were visi-
tors at Mr, Bert Hierdman's last Sun-
day. -Miss Vera Heywood and Mx.
Thomas Heywood are spending the
holidays at their home here.
Officers ,Elected. -The officers pf
the Mission Band who were elected
last Sunday, are as follows: Presi-
dent, Gladys Johns; Vice -President,
Lillian Murch; Recording Secretary,
Mary Johns; Corresponding Secre-
tary, Wilhelmine Ferguson; Treasur
er, Laura Ford; organist; Margthet
Johns; mite box Supt., Eula Herd-
man; Heralds -Africa, Marion Min-
ers; Japan,Irwin. O'Reilly; China,
Earl Coutis; India, Gordon Prance;
Korea, Hazel Johns; ,Canada, Harold
Clarke; Temperance, Gordon Brooks,
School. Report. -The following are,
the results of the examinations for
School Section No. 2, for the months
of November and December. Honours
75 per cent., Pass 60 per cent. Fifth
C ass-Ethyle Storey 70. Sr. IV-
aagaret Storey 76, Robert McMillan
01 Verna McFarlane 68, James Mc-
Clure 63aJames More 42. Sr. 1TI-
Margaret McClure 67, Edith iVlcMil-
•'lan --64; Neiion McClure 60, Orville
Storey 53, Eddie Storey 51. Jr. III -
Isabel Anderson 70, Verna Storey 66,
Arthur; Anderson 60, Sr. II•• --Bert
MdClue 62, Elmer Scott 60, Charlie
Storey'60. Ist Clasa--Bertha McFar-
lane, John Anderson. Primer -Doro-
thy McClure, Elwood Storey. Num-
ber on roll, 21; average attendance,
19.5.=Oliive V. Medd, Teacher.
School Report: -The following is
the report of Union School Section No.
1, McKi- lop, far the months of Novem-
ber and, December: Class IV -Jos.
Downey!'821 ;', Mary Downey 76, Hub-
ert O'Reilly 75, Albert Krauskopf 60,
Marie Burns 53, Clarence Ryan 47.
Burning the
Notes. -Owing to the bad condition
of our roads, the butchers and bakers
have not been able to make their us-
ual rounds. .Holiday visitors were -
Miss Mary and Irene Chuter, of Lon-
don; Miss Margaret Chuter, of Gode-
rich; 'Miss Gladys and Emily Beatty.
of London; Miss Margaret McConnell
of Toronto; Miss Rene Johnston, of
Stratford. -Mr. C. Pilgrim has been
under the doctor's care and his many
friends are pleased to see •• about
again.- air. Argo, of To . onto, was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. _ . Mc on-
nell during the holiday. --Monday be
ing nomination day there was a u
attendances of the ratepayers, the
satisfaction of last year's council
members being so satisfactory that
all the old members Will retain their
seats, -Mr. E. Enps & Sons have add-
ed to their already full equipment, a
government now plow.
from a story by rs
and 50 Wild Riding Cowboys, )he opens
wide "the Great Door to Adventure
Old California.
Also Showing-
Lupino Lane
famous clown of the Londbn, England,
Hippodrome, in
Progressive Euchre and
Full announcement in next's
week's paper.
Post 156, CANADIAN -
Miss Dorothy Robinson
Dale's Barbet' Shop
Itic 00T14P R �b C
Phone iidence 'lb's • .
We Begin 1930 by giving
you an exceptional °oppor-
tunity for Saving Dollars
if you Buy Your iWinter
• Hats
In Two. ••
Any Hat
At Half
Dress or Hat
, '.of
Any Dress
At A
Doman GO The
Prices on Coats
Dresses and Hats
Right now is the best time of the whole season to get
what you want at a low price. Assortments are, good, your.
know what styles are best, and prices have reached the low-
est limit.- Don't Delay. Come at once and get your pick
of the Season's Smartest Styles at prices below usual
prices. Come Come at once.
Special Prices on many items
throughout the. store.
Notes. -The many friends of Mr;.
Peter Eckert will be glad to • know
that he is recovering from being hit
by a horse while plunging through a,
snow drift. -The January thaw hast
already increased the supply of awl':
ter, -The many friends of Miss Marie
Murray are pleased to learn that she
is recovering from a fall down stairs,
when accidentally her heel caught.
No bones were broken, but she re-
ceived a severe shaking up. -Sisters
Martha and Steffeny have returned
to their home in Chatham aft -r
spending their vacation with the
former's mother and brother, Mrs.
Thomas O'Hara and Mr. Jerry O'Hara
and the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
G. K, Holland, Dublin. -Quite a num-
ber from here attended the play at
St. Columban last Monday evening,
given in the honor of Rev„ J. M.
Eckart's silver pubilee, which was' a
grand success. His many friends
wish him to live many more years for
his return for his golden jubilee.
Notes. -Messrs. Keith Love, of To-
ronto University, and Russel, of
London, spent the holidays with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Love. -Mr.
George Stephenson, of Walkerton,
spent a few days recently with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stepheh't-
son.-Misses Anna and Agnes Love
spent the week ehd with their aunt,
Mrs. L. Anderson;; of Centralia, -Mr.
John Farquar, of Hensall, spent a
few holidays with his grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. •Cochrane. - Mrs.
Hugh Love spent a few days at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Jarrott, of
Kipper. -Mr. and Mrs, C. Moir, of
Hensall, were Saturday visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Love. -Mr.
and Mrs. W. Love spent a few days
with friends in London. -Miss
Cochrane,of Stanley township, spent
a few days with her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane.
Y. P. S. -The Young People of the
Hillsgreen ~,Church held a birthday
party in the basement of the church
on Monday eventing. The 'meeting
opened by singing Hymn 177. Rev.
Mr. Conner led in prayer. The Scrip-
ture Iesson was then read, followed
by the devotional part by Miss Eileen
Turner: Hymn 374 was sung. Miss
Annie Jarrott then gave an instru-
mental. Miss Muriel Carlile gave a
reading; Misses Jeanette McAllister
and Annie Carlile gave a duet; Mr.
Thomas Bennett delighted all with an
accordian selection. This was,follow-
ed by a cantata of Christmas songs
by the audience. Solo parts were
taken by Miss Jean Ivi98n.,and Rev.
Mr. Comer, Mrs. Conner accompany-
ing on the organ. This was followed
by contests and games. Miss Annie
,Carrott read a newspaper. The birth-
day offering was taken; lunch was
served, and the meeting closed by
singing Hymn 74 followed by prayer.
Euchre and Dance. -The officers of
the Badminton Club held a very sue-
eoss£ul euchre and dance on Monday
evening, which was largely attended.
The prize winners were as follows:
Ladies' first, Susie Westlake; gentle.,
mere, 'Wilmer Blair. . the Mtge was
furnished by the Lakeside , Entertain-
^ars • consisting of eel)e; 1VLrs.
r�I� irl, Mr.
Pinill; Dr:. Newton -
Brady, Milton Pollock, Arthur Peck;
Mr, Stelck.on the banjo, and Mr. Al-
baD+n the drum.
Robert Penhale left on
Saturday to spend the holidays at
London and St. Thomas. -Mr. and
Mrs. George King are spending a
couple of weeks at Toronto. ---Rev. and
MrseF. H. Paull were at London over
Christmas. -Mr. and Mrs. W. Hall
are visiting in Toronto. --Mr. and
Mrs. John Pollock were at Goderich
for the Christmas holidays. -Gerald
Hamilton, of the Canadian Bank of
Commerce, was at his home in Car -
isle, over Christmas. -Mrs. Margaret
ergason is spending the holidays at
- Among those who wero
,i r „ m� �Ffor the holidays were David
Elva $rad, Anne.Dewar, Toronto; Izet-
ta Me.nelr, New Dundee; Lola Elliott,
Detroit; Ruth Houston, Lawrence
Fowlie, Harry Baker, Mrs. A. Wigle,
London; M. Prentice, Toronto; Jes-
sie (Metcalf; .De it; uth Higginsa
London.-Jos_0p lain,mof Port aura�
on, is spending the holidays heae,t1-14i
guest of Mae. A. Blair.-lfiarry Dar -
rah spent Christmas at ,Goderic ''. i
At 'the annual ?school meeting.
Saturday evening, Mrs. Seed waS;'d'p.°
pointed a trustee being for three year
term. The other trust¢es are E. H.
Johns and A,,, Dunn. -The pageant,
"The Bethlehem Inn,''postponed on
account of unfavora. ':Aweatber from
Friday, the 1' • Monday, the
23rd, another t '- qday, the 26th,
was very well at i ded and proved
most interesting. ' ose taking part
did very Well. The different charac-
ters were as follows: Spirit of Christ-
mas, Ethel Stirling, Hannah, Blind
Beggar Maid, Dorothy Scotchmer;
Sulla, Roma'ih Innkeeper, Don McKen-
zie; Jeptha; ` ewish stable boy, Mur-
ray Graing traveller from beyond
Jordan, Harvey Hohner; iriam,
Larnard, Zada, Dorcas child .en of
Bethlehem, Dick Weston, Fr Stur-
geon, Edith Mlerrier, Geraldin Castle;
Hulda, Deborah, Hagar Rach el Zil-
la, womei 'o thlehem, Mrs. Brown
Stewart, ;)a. E. Sturgeon, Marie
Grainger, Sarah ld 'Cecil Leo,
1p '
trumpeter, ; Laren a"Hohner; Herald,
Harold Scotchmer; traveller from
Caperneum, C. Wallis; Isacar Zebulon,
Simeon, Jewish Shepherds, G. Hamid -
ton, Albert Woe* Ardell Grainger;
Simeon, Angel .i.H+elen Seed, Joseph,
Brown `« tewart; Mary, Mabel Scotch -
mer; a !Child, Eva Sturgeon; Belshaz-
zar, Melchior Casper, W?Semeniof thea-
Wid'combe; a s3 1r'vant, Ja,nnes Rouatt,=--
The euchre ann`.'dance held on.Friday'
evening under :the • a .spices of
. `Lthea
Loyal Orangeedge,.Nio. 24, was as
success, there libtiing a';good attend-
ance and all eiti edr,, t;,i Followings
the euchre, 1u ch . ar served after
which there iv. -.1;$ lanoila,`g for a fence
Briefs. -Polies'' gistrate- and Mrs -
S. J. Andrews,' o Clinton, celebrated/
their golden ',wedding on Tuesday of"
last week -Mr: +'. Carter, of De-
troit is spending his holidays at hiss
home in Winghani -Mr, Frank Mac-
Donald, of Detroit, is spending then
holidays with his parents, Mr. anvil
Mrs. A. MacDonald. -Misses Loretta,
1)dphine and Mildred Fitzpatrick are-
vi`s'iting with their father, Mr. Ed.-
?itapatrick. -'Misses Anne and Fier -
Le Barber are spending the holidays
ith their mother, Mrs, Chas. Barber..
-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shoebottom, of'
'Stratford, are vis•thhg the latter's--
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William John -
=tin -Miss-, Laurette McBurney
visiting her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Johnston. -Rev. Father-
Gibbon.3,:Chaplair. of St, Joseph's Hos-
pital, London, spent Christmas withe
his parents, Mr. and ' Mrs. Patric'
Gibbons. -Mr. Clayton Logan is vis-
iting his parents, Mr. and Mrsi Freda.
Logan. -Misses Kathleen Gibbons, of'
Guelph; Agnes Gibbons, of Coirmac;-
Evelyn Gibbons, Windsor, and Angela -
Gibbons, of 1? ondon, are spehding�
their vacation, With 'their parents, Mr_
and Mrs. Patrick Gibbons. - Miss:
Edith Kew, of Bothwell, and Mr. Wil-
liam Kew are visiting their parents,.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kew. -M; Ed..
Smith and Howard Pocock, also bliss-
' es Louise Thompson, Margaret Fin-
' lay, Mary Robertson, Annie CampbeIl,,
l Anetta Fischer, all of Stratford Nor-
mal School, are spending the holiday -
at their, respective homes. --Mr. Geo. -
Falconer, of Toronto, is visiting hiss
father, Mr. George Falconer. -.Miss
Kathleen Fleming spent Christmas.
with her sister, Mrs. Chris. Newman-
-Mr. Edward Forgie is visiting hi,t
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Forgie.--
Miss Veronica McGue, of Buffalo, has*
spent the • past fey weeks with her
This Space Represents our
1 al Sojourn in Seaforth
We believe in making a good start each year. 1930
will be a good year if we do our best. For January
,we will place on, sale a new line of White Table
Ware, direct import from England -
This line will go on sale Saturday next. We will
Broadeast'prices next week.
Itis" just'asdainty as can be
Do us gild favor, -come and see.
China and,
Git Stott