HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1930-01-03, Page 1:� ;,�'.4"")�,��V,l -,,��,,,% , , , �, .I?�,,­.1­__ .... _,, 11 1.17 ,.,�', � . 1�� I.' W, " , , , 4! , , r , . Zlt . �,, , �, � �. ­ _.. I I,',, ,11--)1.1- 1, ­," - 'S""'W ,� J ,� , , 0q.C..",-, 1 , . F ,? , _�v - -;��I,) ,.J!�� 1,*.'�q"�� ��,!,'. " I ", ­­ t* � "i, , � I I I. ., .i , ': .�� � t,,� ":�.111, �.,�,�r. "' 2, , , , "' 1, , " -�.1�141 "A �%,10, i1 ,J'�, J . '.,� .�,�, . I I � �i,�� 1_1,� """", R,151 �. ,. ) lov ,'4� ,� ", jj;�,�, 1�� � I. �� �, �,.,� ,,, " 111. I - It I , , � . 4'1'� ". . . �1, 11 i . - I , ,� , , .. , , 1��041� ., 1: I C'� 1� I(Ilj.��. , I I , , . , I 11 1,0,t, "'� ", . -'A, 4 I t�`�t.`T% � . "A' I , 1.�, iS-11', � , " §, � �: � �- 117 "" I . * �;��,,'�, _". 1.11&,"��1�14&,", %, 1�,', ,. , , � ,,, - ;, 'A , � , %_ , e ,�;.,,,�,,.J,,,,�4'0 , , ;� .,� :,�:",� , . �,,�'; _I, I I .; ,i��N%,,!�,-� *i � � , I ',�,,�: 4,,Zi��,,';� ". I ggp 1 , , tl,,;.,� � i . 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I 11 ? . )! %, � ­­ ___ " W '&�`­ , . I I - .. , : ­ ',',,,��,,""�,i!�,t�,",',�����',-,,�',��';-,,��, , , I It. 1. . �, .: I 11, _�­ fv,�. , I "', � , I , N ;;; All, ! . I � . ,,, . ...... � ,,, , I . � ­ I ­ . - � q11 � � I . : ." I ". I - � 1. .1 -1 . '19, . ­ I . � I 7 , � �111'�, �1.1 11,14 , .�Ilqt . , "A': . I .. . ': � i I "" ., 11 I ��:�,,It`� , V I . I , 11 '� �-`�, ­,­­ , R� . I It I . I . � . , ��I I , � . . �w I I� I 11 , , 1:1'1,� ,� 3238, � � SEAFORTH, FRWAY1, "I'll, ... I . . I 'Ill ii I .1 — , .1 I . I 10 . . 1. -, �1�` � t I I . y , , . I I .1 ,A ... . . .... , �, A`�! �'NA ,�t­', '4it . I P3 , - -� I . I '!,* � 1,1 11 " I I I I I I 6 .1, I-", 1.1 . . I I 11 I , ., :: 11 � �­ , 1, - ,� . . �� � I I . � � . I I . .... : . ,_ '13% 1, , . I - rjk.i� I , " , .- .1 .I �; 9 " 1 4; �, 05- � , 11 It I I.i _i;ii­.. � I . . . ; , :,V� "',I26"J, 4 1`11 I I I _. N -_ __; I . ,;;"..�"!;"�,�'t"��".:,..""-�.-,�,,�.�,.�,� 11 - I_ ", I , I " ,­ . I . . , ,---.-,., 11 , I . .; - ­ - __ ­ 117, I P.m"" t , , . ��� �i': `,*,,�,,i � , .0 , , , � . .11,*,,�,",�i � , .1 I , n'ig, . , I . ­1�1 III ,N�­.­ — 11 . ; . ­ - , ­ ;� 11 " ,.Ir..i, 11V �. -�,,, . � � 11 I .... . . I , , ,� — ., 11 I .. , , " ',�,�. `�_ �, 7 , ", ­ . . - . I- 1-1 111. 1".... 1. . " ... ", � f, , �111 ,�., ': . I 1:11, 17.. � A, - -1 � I I , , , ",". 7,� ­'-;"V�.� I ­N"� . I "" I I . . I . " , , I � . . I I I ,,,I,,,, ­ . I I 1. I 'I �1,11�'� 1,1,� -qI "! . its cost -assumed by the United'States - , I I I �,� , ,,':, -,�,,N, IN I , . I --0 .,I "' , , � 4'p I -I � � , "," I- a,, I , I . - � �1. ­ -1 -happened to ,be in Toronto when lew years Ap and still not posse q direw's,�'W;I,F, A.,.Nbf ;,41,� .�­,�, � ". ,,, � . . I . I . I ,.��itgjp­., - . I , 1� - I , 1, ­ '.. ... I ,� . TURTOWN DOCTOR alone. , ,4 i 1". , , ; , , I 11 1. AY: , M gi ;itwt�,�N, t "I I �,;�,,'- � � I T 111 , � tile entirelpolice force and apparenit- by people li*in,g � in .the , . r, I .1 1. I I I , � rR #1 i�l k� �_ � , 1.11"�J'kl - , -, , . 1. I I ou t . � -_ "I', , ii - I . I . . . , By were cal he small, tovms.� � , " ,year 1030., we - :�pjd­,� POP44 I", ,.1­.;ft11_1.1, 4, " , � I -, iii , �, . 1 ,an 'in ' r.,..,�6 ,,�`�`,'�' -i , I , untr ,%if"I" � ,�, : . I Worm) I � The new Wellaud ca 1, which will AQP., - , I - � . . ­ � �. � ' PO I y , �: .,-;ZXPr4R-,1771Xom ,id `jw th , I,; � (Tbe Decor of T I �", I'll 'I. �:r�, �­ . ly all theii reserve led' - . _t"& ... i,, . I , � 'Ke� link, e whole cost has been borne ­� , ,­�,� I , �. be finished next year, is the essential to, arrest a few h4ir-bralned,,. would� Wuey I r6flectid, you -are undoubt- Riet6--�-pW.." 0. '�§ 'd- " '- I 4e',Quls"11 ,, � `­"" -q`, vv'� , W', .1i I � 1 ' I . , I ,� �,,,".?: "I 9i - 'I, I . ",_ , be Communist boys anir.lgirlis. It edly becoming . qp, ep,s,, . , ��_ , , . . . . ' "'; � ' � � ,.`;� �,i - _ 4. "' D &11 po,, � ,__ � � 7" '0� . ,11, . -) , 11 �, 1, 11 I ,%, " ; Says 'im, I . , t'i �,I,i I - ,044,Z�,* _q , I �Ik .4. Dominion would also I 11,11,11 101 -60erer and you are % M. ran'tclo 'Ho,&��q� '­., I .1 9 17 THINK -IT WON'T HURT YOU ANT.� ' .4 A. , ;, C an . bu4o � 4, F , � .. . � - � , �.; - soei�iied rather extraordinary to me� becoming more effi,cient. But are yo , :!rU I'll, � I . . . � ­ I , _ - 7, - , . . ., . .1 pery-cer In parts of the river and h, � - I I .u. X, Willijms, Nvla,,� 'W"114,91k"A $0 1 1 ,:: �42 . , - ,,,� i 011 . I ,'I' that tfie ridiculousness of this whole becoming h6ppler? , Are you riecolin- " "we I I , IM, , Wt, .'. �� �,' I -1 11 I , ,Fr 1. .. -X' , -, � �q - . , '" , , , � , '11�, I , .� als - '' to the international Anthr" , 1, te, .. Rivers, B" x Oucisp��_e ,104, .�"*�� I ­ �,l �11 � _*,� QXIY,, I . I ... � Thomas Edison, once said., "The American people"Will go to an -------- , proceedifig-did ii-ot srtrike either the ing kind.pr? - Are you becoming, more, Uejrb. Ford, Wilo fto , ... � .", �;n,��j�, p I * , c, it c I I I , " t . I . 1-4 I gv, I stretch. Farther on, in Quebe' an 1, 1.4,1111 . � 1. � If -:�,ae , , 4. "I , w . Old the necessity of thinking." � . .police or, those in authority in, the, eqntpizw? . 47�-,4wleft�!C:l - � 14 Q, " . 4v 1 , 11 .. * I . "': ... ... , . I , "'J"r r,r" ...1 I . � I :,: , "pre.r., city. � -.1 1, . �, of times to think. avail of the new Beautharnois power I , ink, John TAylor' ; Nnllj4ln�, Dt&�ri- " F�l I . X1JD i , .1. ­ .1119v, 0, 11 ill tWithstanding that fact---ithink! This Is th ti Is careful In 'Western Canada ' such a , 'And, I leavd this thought for thette-, Edward Di ' - 1. . ' HJITA Url"e , - , '4q,y" i�.� I . . I . KI'WX'4 Ame,;� , , . - " , �4�,,`- . I �1.1, � I.., 4� _,w , TWs week ,A year. passes into "what used to be."' lVLL:Abrough; it's gone, canal as a source -of navigation for I, thing would have ,been laughed to flection of the reader, - Moses Amy; f our' ,to' 'lJ,o44te',qt0(L I oar4 � , ' ., � i,p, I , 0, � ­ . . ., . .. 1.1.11., - , I . . , � I "".", J, 105 ,, * 4 it wilYnever return. Many, mani things were accomplished in the last ships, because that canal is .to, be of ared 4 in rJOUS scorn. . I . ,. I I k11 ��, I u the 9a'me size as the new Welland. P . I . . . 11 R . 1. I or pattegion-willikin D oirip "' - J G-., -�!�O,"; 11 - , ­ . ­ . - . I . . � I I., I - . � The things which I bavle mentioned I . . IL t, "9.1 - _ ... 1. 1���,, �J­ - " 14'.months, but that's ancient history. There are a iot of othqr thiugs� yo I P I "a, ti " bu Be"a e,rs, ir. I I � �, I . 0 _-.1 , , � 1) ` 1.6 fair proposi- S1 - TV ". "Ifth might'perhaps with good reason be , , �.% , I *�� I '11,141 It , i ,� I . � qu idn't Itlis considered to -be a 'S '"" , --y", Mts� R � ,�,,,;� , Win 129 -it's, what you are going to do in 1930 that counts 110W.- tion that if Canada builds the u�per I 1___1_aX1_ HATS ON EDUCAT I , 9'r dg6,, A, X. 'i �11 i: � , , � � � t �wpldr have done -that's ancient history, too. it isn't what y5i�idid,or di zes to fiv C 'ION I R toxi& Z I .."11", , I � ) 1. . I . termed as being rather trivial, and so . "I ,; . 1'1�111 , ,,,, Ge - ,Z tt.. I I f inum ' " ". - r'. H. J.,�Btq�m.�;j " ,�', ' - I'll . 11 .11., - what are you going to do -same as in 1929?� If you do, you are ,and ower ends, a4d considerable 'o . '6�` , ' ,.Min- I wish to pass .on to what :appeared (At the Principal's Desk) 61d,, N. Villia��4, D - " i0idoill I �'�o , And ' ' ' 11", . r .1 to go against evefy liaw of -progress. If you dian't change, you will the interval between, the' United result 't , �ln I'll I � d!, J. 11, Grieve- three Oto". elect- ' :"� I�,�.:�t_ I , � going -, @ , , 4j�.`� , " L to me to be a really serious change I I ";V, -� 0 , 1% �, I . . , F1, , . ". ". '111 '111_;�i . I I greement *' finally �' in har4eter and ethics that 'has tak- ' ties � Gommissilm� - "';n'. � 11 , �L %e 6rough-not all at'once, to be sure, but you can't go 'forward standing States, when the a " An 'examination of the Public util _ ,, , .� � �,f . q " att6ndanee W.illiam -;i I � " Mum cost 4 - , . I ., � ­' ;9.fill, And if. �you don't do better in 1930 you'll be where you -were in T9, and arrived Wit -way reasonably be expect- I ,�,,,V&ievery c ,ince I dwelt ill cities before r�esters of the Collegiate impels'a tion. . Ward, ,elected - b.V'* aetclania,4'L .', ­"'. I 11 I'Llj� - " - I e i . \ � ! . I.. "'��L�ii, ­ I ;, � . - at's. st dm' still -or going backward. ' I . rnational J- Illy 11 . .1 ... ..), ''N'. -"I t 11 1''. � ,��,-.,, � i�, ,� ,' ... . lb . ed to construct the inte ' andpea%' which is different to the Principal to ask what is -the matter HEN,SALL.-'The Honsall noTina "; ", 1, . .- , �� , . r ,:-�Vbi eads with '� , �,:' ; 0 I , i erm utial- "' � i , � . ,,an Fike a s -on. It isnt meaii-t that way. It's just my, peculiar stretchand divide its power pote " � , iting, Fbaracter and ethics existingIn farm- th I ". 1, � ype o f H , , I 11 I . tO-4ay tion in _. :'.,',,..1N I " I �� Iz. - I ' ' ity. There have been few develop- " unities, both east and West that it failts to hold its boy6 for the. ning in the^ T-6wa: Halli with Jamet;. ,,�. .F. -."'y �of leading up to this- . . , _\ Collegiate Institute. ,eeting was held Monday eve: ­ I . I � "A' - I .... �11 K. . ,. . r this year, but in -�-`:, - : I -InfgC=a and also, as far as I know full four years of high school educa- Pattierson� the Ctdik, presidi � , ", I t"', - I If,: in 1W you sort of went back on Seaforth; if you leaned back with any ments in the matte Plant, , . " of - your 100 -worn-out -alibis -and let the other fellow do the work; if you the coming year the prospect is bet- t I them in the small towns.and villages. tion to which people of Ont I ' , , ,ng as.. .:",; ' ' . . ��­ � 4at in,the car while the other boys changed, the ti ' , ar10 gen- 'chairman. It was grgely .1 I A. I .1 I re; if you let some fool ter 'because the waterway pian is I ;ef I attended, " I ., 4 1 , " ,� � ­ , i ,of L -the coldness and heart- erally consider that a boy is entitl d. and th r payerg. took a keen infet- . 41 _*ft in,g in fav'or, and some of the ob- I lessness e e ate � I , y jealousy keep you out of the Chamber -of Commerce or Lions Club; all business transactions Without fall examination of statis- est as memb ..,. I i , ' grow n N. CLUFF '(1,11"SONS el; to, 11 , "; I i, 1 ! i je,ti heretafore urged against it _______.��--- ars of the present counelf"� � �,iq'i.,J?l 1 . . y I _ , 1111 I 11 _e ,:_;�, !:.;�, I . ,.;, ,�,It . i , f I you turned sour because everybody else couldn't'see, things as you did- - . - and of many of"the business people tics it is fair assume that there, told of their stewardship, during.past - .. �:� . ;tl I , if" I have been neutralized. ' I --,t,�:. with whom c On are \almost as any I .- ". , . you acted up liLjo a school kid, and w6uldn't play at all, and tried to spoil I . _% boys ,,of , h I . ,�:�S�� . , I L" ' `th -a dense me tioning this, one is invariably met a hool age et � � Years, and new candidates for ,�tce lt��,;;,�, , mi S t ,4 e� ;1N � lhi6 fun of oth rs just beca',use they wouidn't pl9y your way and let you be There will not be any'legislation ence. On a wet night, in in this distri re presented their plat , 21 . . . 16 . 11 c . .t, �. A, , , " , r 4n, 'teAcher; if you. poo,h poo,hed every attempt on the part 01 others to t1a some- fixing the pKice of Canadian news- mass of pac ed, st andity, with the same answer: are girls. I 1, 1W. . k forms. The.result A� I eami * hum lill , 11. ' I.. of the nom - `�Ag , . .. e. . , I I ., . .,.:�?.J I t , . :,�.? . , .,,? Z lAking to build SWorth; if you spent your time Pussy -footing, scandal print exported to the United ,States, I can well believe; that� In the public ,schools the numbFrs Reeve, Robert- Higgins (pres A , I , . inations follows. For "'. , e are ew , �r f "There is no room for sentimen , I .'N�V I uniongering and rabbit punchiAgi if you kept your hands in your pockets. but'the subject, previously mentioned, things more disagreeab ' Ahan one in modern busineiiss life. Eae-h must are about the same. . ent officeii . _1,0?, 1.11 I., - , ­ I . I ... 1 I,q,l - . 3ea4mg "backward, while others were putting their shoulder;' to the wheei is causing a lot of agitation on both of . 'street car. 1. bolder),.J. W. Qttweinj Owen,Geij�e�, I 1.111'rl%, 'taushing forward -if you. did these things, and kn.ow'you were doing them e the numbers of boys and girls are neil. (fouk to'be . "I . I I "", �� . . these trips in # Toro . In the First Form of the Collegiate D. Robinson.; for Cou '�" . look out for himself " ." i - I ,� ... -- I'll, , . �. I y sid s of the line. The United States The docility of the cit. 1petople�,un- Aild many' actio,fts'that. I -observed elected) -Tames ,Sangster, Dr. A. ,& � ,�'.,_ � �1' :I I _wu were a civi-c. moocher and deserve no 'consideration from neighbor pr is larg,ely dependent upon Canada for der this treatment se : " ' . to e personally indicated quite almost the same: twenty-bour boys Cam I , �V -i. t. . I . clearly tha-, pbell, G. C. Petty-, William Con- . .F �' I . . eotmnger. . I , its newsprint, but not wholly so. be remarkable. Beyond, 4;,�s ad d twenty-seven girls. , "", , , ow of ,this code is being rkithlessly lived up an S, -0 �, . -tt, R. Camerony L. 'Renb�, Williaj�� - I I I I _ I ."� .11,11, � . .- Maybe you didn't know you were doing such things -that's why I say Amprican paper manufacturers *ho a doubt I know th t fa . But in the ,Second ,Form the figures Sangster, J. W. Ortwein; for Public .. �i,,�"','z .j . , I 21 ,. s in the to. 1, 1 � I '.. �,,,..� � I I .1 . , tldnk-it wiR. do you good. � I supply a part of the American news- West would not put up ,,five win- On one occasion I asked A busi look as if the boys must 'have met utilities Commissioner, E. Rennie .. . �11 - , I ness . '... 11., � - � � 1 Copyright, 1929, A. D. Stone. Reproduction prohibited in whole or in paper. demand at $55 a ton object to utes with similar treat "' � . 'Surely groUp . with many . accidents, � fov the . M ., , 11 " .. if they felt quite certain P1 I re are (acclamation); �'­ 4i, -1. , . for Public School A��,`� � ,_ ,SmLrt. ' .raising their prices because the paper it is not beyond the bou - of intel- their own hearts that t1iose who only eighteen boys to twenty-nin , . 11!,i�-11,1 irs I - . se e Trustees (three to ,be elected)., Thos. -1 . . 'r�. .1p i '_'� s Town Doctior Article is published by The Expositbr, in co-oper,tion . ,,, � girls. r ; , ,,, Thl make of Ontario and Quebec, ba6k- . ,�, � 11 ,, *#h the -Seaforth Lions' Club. I I . ed by the provincial governments want -t-Yl, Hudson, Fred Manns, A. Case, H. Ho - . 1�,,�.N� � 11 , I . . � . .. In the Third Form, we find four- ton and Dr. A. R. Campbell. Mr. Hur- , �, ,,�l � i. V . -_ - - ____ ''. - $60 a ton. There is much speculation ','�,X-- , teen boys' to twenty-nine girls. son d . ig , ,.� I . ,% . - In the Fourth For announced he would not be a . -, � ' �"-�� over the outcome of the dispute. , I �il. I ,. I I .� . 111.11 I � . in . N�r I',, - I I'll I , 7, e 1, , we have twelve candidate although, it 'is undersoocl . . � Dominion are spending millions on . I- . ­ . . boys to ,twenty girls. I ��;.p - ­ � . �. " FROM THE DOMINION I - � � . ., ,��11 . �. I 0 . _� I . �'. gn . .. - new works, many of which will . 1, the Filth Form, five boys to BLYTH.---�Reeve-Dr. -Miline,". W�,w �Zlll - �, ��, ahead during the winter. It is felt THROUGH A FARMER'S . fifteen girls. . � I I . ,:. 1,�4v, -1 CAPITAL Mills, W. Johnstozi, James Cu#;� ,V 11',g , I I 1 I. -1 � that under all the circumstances, the I I am i "' the Field for, Assuming that there are as many Councillors, J.. Reffron, C. Belig (;. . _."qt "I boys as girls in -the district, the total White, 1. Wallace, G. Afachan,- J. . �g� , ..... . A Canadian official that wanz tj situation does not warrant any con- EYES �� ..'. ., I I figures of seventy-three -boys and one Hoover, E. Laundy; School Ttru�tees, ';;.,!p , I I Mo-idon to -a constitutional conference ference under Dorninio,n auspices or I I ,�� . 1. .. .. ; , � I �'O, I '11 . . w1neh started in October and laste,il any special measures to cope, with un- . (By H. G. L. Strange, Alberta) hundred and twenty girls mean that J. Maine, W. J. Sims, W. H. Lyon; W. . " , ??, , ., . there must be about fifty boys who . I I , , , I .1 11�1 , i � I . , �hm mouths,licame mployment additional to those Up to the war I bad always lived need education just as much as the to ,be elected) - Hydro Comm 11,1' � home this week e ' White, S. Gi,bthorne, S. White (three . � � g I � I ission, 1� 4 I �,�, hearing important documents which which already have been taken_ in large cities -London, Paris, New girls do, 'who are going without it or j. Williams (acclamation). _X 1. record highly important constitution- A very notable occasion it the end 1 i'151, . , York, -San Frandscot etc., --and had seeking it elsewhere, because the Sea- BAYFIELD-Six were nominated .��`_ ­ ­ , _ al achievements. Briefly stated, they of last week here was the formal sign- 1, I' ., . reAr � become rather familiar with city life MA YOR ' 'tu ,4 ing o,f agreements whereby the Do- I .1 forth Collegiate Insti -te doe _Jtj�.!. 3nean fla-,t -Canada and all the other 4 9 not, for village trustees at the municipa . "1111, . . !!!!! , 4e (�ri ty minion government hands over to the and with the thoughts, ideals and . I I I provide the courses that appeal to the I . �A` ons have the same auth, I .nominstions held,Monday night. They '.,?'il� . "75", r I'* . "A ethics of city. people. " � I boys of this district as,being practical, are, W. H. Talbot Donald Murray. . , . " I " �', stat�s within thVdr spheres as has provinces of Manitoba ani Alberta, 'Since the war, for the last ten years useable and, profitable. . � , , C �; the British government itself. I their public domain in lands, minerals, D. A. Fetherston, t . , -4 Lewis Thompsori6 11 I I ", . . e If by increasing our staff and en- I � "X, . t . I . forests and water powers, This ques- I have been farming an the Western Your Vote and, Influence- Would b W. J (McLeod and Murdock Ross. li4" The progress has been far since the I prairies, and have only very occasion- 4 '. I -1 �q�, , . ....... l,arging our curriculum to 1p'cludeper- I . zI,.".4, . . . - age M6RRIS.-Reeve, W. Elston, W_ 111�,v "W ,old days when, outside of the Briti9b., ticn had attained the ripe old Vint ally visited a city and even then'only ' baps Agriculture, manual training,and "N _� I ­ 1.1", Z de- ,11enders-on. Council] rs--J. Shortreed, . "'A' . r�. 01 'lv appreciated - commerce, we could hold those-TOrtIr A.'Wheeler, T. Brydges, John B I ,. Ules, all the pos,sessions were mere I of twentY-five years, with many �n connection with agricultural affairs, grea$,, P 0 � 4, ", e onies and treated in, an attitude I ,rands and refusals and , recurrent ' ,, . . ��Z�%- .1 ,rown, ,4�,,� " ,:0 ; I of paternalism. At the Imperial Con-! pilgrimages to Ottawa. so that one might say that I hwve * I or fifty boys,, would it be worth th,- F. MeAlfum W. Burnard. _,� , : 1-ference of 1927 a. declaration was I ' At last agreement is reached, seen little,or nothing of city -life for 1� I necessary investment - �n new, build - � ... r ­ I k'�_ � . , and, ten years. During this time, howev- ings, and'added equipmen' N01SH-Reeve P. W� I '��.` . �, ). made of equality and status, but only; briefly stated, thei;e.tV9, prqvinces are er, I have become very - intimately ac- I L. t? ' Talk it Scott, N. Thompson, Robert 8oultes . . ­,�', I . , I'to get back *all I over. P. �,�,,�J, P ,..". at the conference recently concludei tlieir'�ublic domain Councillors -G. Youngblut, F. Camp- . t . I I ouainted with rural ,or farm life and V - The estimate that we might hold bell, W. Reid, F, Marshall, E. Walker� � _Ili�, I., -were arrangements made to give real � and, as well, the subsidy which ,the in additloh with the life that goes on , I forty or fifty is �on, the assumption 1"�. effect to this. To do so it is necessar Dorrinidn government, while admin- . . RULLIDTTL--keeve, E. Adams, X. � . ", 1" , . I'll ... I .. '. " � xii� , , y iste i n the , villages and small towns of the J0 , �­ Fe DALY � that all the girls in this district who Armstrong. Councillors --i Lei' ,�, .11 *0.,:r,0T,e;ql.A,,nuTnber of _Britis�AW the d in ,j . ,.-_­, -- , 'I . - . � .g ffest. _ . -, '. .- , .� I . � ,:, � - "', 1. 1. m ''.. I c Q11 , per., 11 ... 11 '. I., ;_- � �4� , ��1,1I:Z;-AA­­,_, 1�- ­­ ''. ,aTe entitled, � I 1�,,�;q,,, . _ , : . , , . , swhlii stand in. the way of conip-1 T`4­"�f 4tVeii_Doss-_9SiW�. . , ,,_§ e4u, . , " . , ,,, � ,:.., - #0 - 1, jt,n�6J4 _­ " -4 ".. I � "" , , , I " ,� , q; , �, '. , � � � �� are fr� " hc�. tit is fte-'� Li-,�,ipn . " , ' , - i, . , We aeu Business reasons recently -necessi- 1, , _o mokry,�, g�,,,M,0,4,griage,.J,..,J�a=�..-F,,,,Fo�,,b,,,, P."e-, " li; Iequality and these statutes are either There.is -till. however, a rift in the ' . %. I . V , 1. I . �g , � . to be repealed or treated' as soinie of lute. The urrovince of Saskatchewan t,ted my spending some two months k, . ly -that another fifty girls might' at- STk'�HEN­Reeve, AlVx. Neeb, , �: � �,`Q,�,i i I'll in Toronto on purely commercial and 11 I 111,111 I them have been for yea'rs, as con- is 'not in the agreement because its .1 - -_ - tend if we offered something interest. William . , 4 ., fintan6al matters, so that I was able - I Sweitzer, Reuben Goetz; as- 4_ljl� � I . I — ing and practical rin the way of the sistant Reeve William ;§Weftzer, � ; ,11�11 14 . istitutionally dead. npw premier, Mr. Anderson, elected to again to mix with.,city people and see . course in Domestic Science, a course " ,. '­ It is the intention that, after I mert money they were accepting would de- 1 ""10. 1,,".'1.1�1 l fur- play politics. Hie made demands which city life with somewhat of a new eye, ligent planning by the'manage Which appeals to both those who ex- Chester MscWb�nney; C.auncillors- �: �­, 'y". 4 " ther consultation, there will be initro- were considered exorbitant, so much of this so-called,finest. street ear- Sys- rive a benefit from R. Petreau, E. Gill, W. Deering, P�. . '11�;,R . '1 :�io�41 V , ", duced at all events with an eye that had the transaction pect to be ho,me makers and those A H . �� . I ,�. > rs. Under their �Clientsl. interests 'aiming at the teaching profession? USBORNE.-For Reeve Jas. Bal- I ""'. I iii the British parliament the so as to ensure that they would be been absent for several yea tem on the North American continent and whether Artini, . Beaver. i� ,,� act of Weistminster. The putpose of ,refused and thus perpetuate argu- these circumstances changed factors to devise means by which an adequate, were being properly protected. .�, P . * .�� , , �, I . lantyne and Hugh Berry; Councillors, � .,i�' i 11 ; -this is to give effece to the changes7 intent. But the Saskatchewan govern- : service of street ,dars w6uld be avail- I was answered: 0 �.,` IiIOA V.,`111 � it ,� 11 , . .. " �� I , .11 , , , � I - 11 , ��� , . I ; I 1� t I , ;, t I .. '51 .. Im"11, , I "'proposed. 'One law wh emba In city life perhaps appeared to me in I Dan D w,' George . %!,! �v, iA is to be re. intent is now placed in an rraRs- stronger relief than they would ap� able during the rush hours? . Simy triend, you are 'way out of e Wescott; Bensont ... �� � . � � : pealed is that which makes a Canad- ing, position, because, it Is surr,-)unded The policemen seemed to be very date. That Williams, Reuben Shire, C. Pym 1� , � : - pear to those who have continually � kind of sentimental con- MUNICIPAL NOMINAtIONS ­ , . '. lan statute inoperative if it comes iti on each side by provinces which courteous and anxious to assist,'but side'ration w COLBORNE. - For Reerv,e, Hugh . -i -conflict with a British statute. An- bave gladly accepted the Dominion lived amongst them. . sy I was struck ould send a man broke I Hill, Frank Wilson, William Young, I 'I'll, I I i'&rhaps the most striking tbi t . in a very short time. Each must The following are the results of the 1'�A�l r ,� 4otfber provision will confer upon the government's offer. ng 0 with the erWdent complete authority look after his own interests." municipal nomin Aaron Fisher A. J. Goldthor -I'W,�, I me was to observe the quite general ations, held tn.tbe dif, y . pe, Alex- ..;'M - , which the public seemed to accord to "But " -1 iqignitntly answered ter Young, C, A. Rbbertsctn; Councillorg, I �,,�.0 Dominion power to create admiralty When that identical offer is abortly harsh, strained look on the faces of , ent cen,tres in this district on Mon- 1;�!.--� ,courts on its own authority, iiisf�ad made to Saskatchewan, the provincial the police. A policemen -on horseback ",you �ery evidentl' . �, the men in the downtown districts I y did. not tell the day last: William Young, William Thom, Ar- . �'�'1i� . vf under the authority of the British goveimment will ei 1. I " 4.1- ty ,_T1.A'WryD,rx± nn thur Fish 0— � V 1 ,,�,,,, I � , , , I zdrniralty a:ct. accept it or else to be open to the and the fact that everyone, both mem and women alike, seemed to be in i, . The British parliament now has predominant suspicion that it is more suc 1 a constant, desperate hurry. Cur- , . Voureir to disallow any statute of the concerned about nursing a politiqal iously enough, this harsh and strain- ,; , I I . ImAjAinent of Canada. This otlso is ,i6'be done away with, The governor grudge than in getting possession, of the domain to which it is entitle,i, . ed look did not seem to be worn by I , � . I I geuer�d of Canada, whose assent is and which it professes to want. the women, neither' shopping visitors !�, , ". ,�,-,� "' macegsary to any bull passed by pai7- . Clashing views am ong Canadian e -n- to the downtown districts nor. by the clerks and stenographers employed I I 1�­ � , ��,: I �� � ,Ument has to right to "reserve" an ? y , pardeular measure f�T the "-pleasure frineers on the St. Lawrence waterway H-lopment have been reconciled. The 6 ther . "Whether this was due to the ' , 1��­: . � ." .� . vf the king," or, in otHer words, to re- -f4r IIIFPTence between the engineers at Ottawa ' efficiency of the, ladles, make-up,or whether the femininle nature admitq 11 "" I . . I , ;.�:, . . .1 . it to tiTe king of England. This -also is to go into the discard, . . and those of the Hydra-Elec.. ri tric Commission are largely technical, . I 0 f a. mpre 's6rene contemplation of the rusfi bustle life, I 'I , ." . , Then there will be provisions con- '-it the Unit ed Stat card could not '-,e %,P and of cannot pretend to say, -but certainly to me the L*, ,'I I ,� L � �, � . , ." Ill ,ferring upoii.each dominion tb- righL �to iegisters � approached witli , view of harm- differences,- contrast between the faces of the men .. ".. X.: ., � ­ I. estsblisfi`�' ' and codes o! Abipping. 11 A still further and import- onizing certain also e isting with them, until the CanadiI and worne-n was ivery striking- , ! ­-', 1W.": , . -ant provision is that the laws of any tte � wn tr u board se I d it to o bles. This The high speed of automobiles and trucks also seemed vdry notieteable I . . �; _ idominion may have extra -territorial AWdet. .For example, if there is a law has now been done. The next step will be to iron out and it was a continual source of won- ,. . .1 can' only say that t seems a ,_Avgplating aviation, it shall apply to . with the American board of engineers der to me that in the crowded,d9wn- � CW"dian airplanes, not -only when the question as to whether single or town streets, with thousandsof people I � . Oey ate within the country, but when 'country. double stage developments on the St. t-!rossing and recrossing all the time, that accidents are not more comroon. , twy are in some other S16 questions involved'in these Lawrence are the. more desirable, VThen this is finally straightened This would seem to be possible be- . -1: � documents are� inherently technical, . away, the government will then be- in cause of the splendid, driving abilities . a nd, ,of the most punctilious way in 4 . Stit they are considered of great con- istif�iticnal importance, being so many a position to make the proposition to Washington. for co-operation in con- ' which traffic signals are obeyed by ,. ''. I I . milestones on the was, of Canada�s structiom of the waterways or, more motorists, whether policemen are . + — 4- T -A AA .4- -A . 4.- w o e u , nor the whole facits. "Certainly not," was the reply. ,��,�. . he following a the nominations fo� the 1930 Council I G eagan %juelvire Cann,X ' 'Melgifty , . 111JIM -�,,,,, AX, , I "But we didii't tell any untruths!", for Seafortb., Mayor, W. HL Golding, J. Pitblado, j. N., Kernighan, E. jjj�lj;! h-ausen. I �1�1111 " ;. I , , , I had lunch one' 'day with a hian John F. Daly, R. G. Parkeand A. D. I The nominees have Untit . ­ " + . who told me he had finally,'amassed Sutherland. Reeivo, John W. Beat- I tiesday 'night to qualify, but it took% _,­�11 .,l ��,,, the round sum of $75,000. Eight days "L I . e Public UtilitYl .'CommissioiieTS, Yoiin F. Daly like a'fOUr-cornered contest for thes reeveship. Wilson, Young, y,� I 1. f -1, afterwards I met this same man a- gain when he 1�rokeiily info+med me and William it' - qo1d_ ing. Councillors, A. D.' Sui& r1and Fisher . ' - and.Goldthbrpe, .have sign Wed their ,� I I . - " , t&,, , , �`I�v that be had nothing left from the . ! Er*est L. Box,- Robert Smith, Willi . am intention 6f allowiiii-tbeir 'biimes to; , I _ , .i,�10 stock crash but a mortgaged house. A. Crich, 'Herbert C. Box, William j. stand., 'Reeve Hill intends,%retiring. ., I , � � �A, 1. �t,f On another occasion I saw a man who Bickell, George D. Haigh, Merton A. HIBIBERT.-For Reeve__J.VV.HacyC_ � . ,�,,� -, � ;t%, had Just jumped over a bridge to his death. Reid, W. J. McIntosh, Archibald Per, pey, A. A. Colquhou'n, Joseph Nagle,' Jiffies- --Malcolm D. ,!i':� ,g, . , III 1,11 . ,1 Some lapse of health and the guson, Thomas Johnstone, Dr. J. A - mcorris. ., V��,? � �;.,,'�q,'�, inability to hold'his end up with keen Munn, Is4ac. Hudson. Public Schoci Councillors-Roil7t. Burcill Georg& 1W. � I �",',',� city c6inpetition was the cause of it. Trustees: North W;ard, Robert Arch- vMan, Martin Feeney, j, Mack- ,,�R`!� � li,,"� so his ex'lanations read -, p , "11, ibald; South Ward,'James M.* Robert- ney, J. .S. Scott, James'Malcohn, Jn(L .,�l , : I�'!R! . .. , ""Vt - ,. . .1 can' only say that t seems a East Ward Chas son, M. McKellar;, . P . Britton, John Bi�nvtap, W�n. Harper. I 11 � , , "'., I., . : great pity that the competition for Holmes. I I Allan'MeDougAll, W. Koehlert; Sintom I ,.�, I ". 1, ,I '10, bgsiness has become so ruthless that , ICLINTONi�-Ntominations held. in Sararas, William Jeffrey. ,� I I . I � . L L,1� " . these,' to iiiy' mind low ethics, must For certainly they do linton Monday evening resulted as Wayor, Fred Jackson., H. B. FULLART-ON-Ror Reeve, W. A. Roach, John Ratz, John E, Tirrfier- I.... ..., � I ..If��,,"I` prevail. not ,follows: . ��;�� 1 prevail at all to .anything like the Cmhbe, S. S. Cooper,-fReeve, N. W For Councillors -Watson Garbut, Wm. N'-;" . ,!;,­ I . same extent amongst farming people Trewartha, J. W. Lan ord, -G. H. El: W. Rqgers, Joseph Jordak Leslie �, . t, , L'I I .15 :::. "I and they certainly do not prevail to liott; Public Utilities Commission, S. W11 amS, James Nairn, ra See-, baot. I � . 1A4 - ,,�_ �Al 1i anything like . the , same extent J. Andrews, W. L. Johnson; Council- Irvin Campbell, John Benne- 11 . 1-1, I amongst'the business people of . I small towns. I have found, curiously en- IoTs, H. B. Wanning, Dr. Fred Thomp- . 6d L! ermore, son, 0. L. Paisley, Fr v Weis, William C. dgei. I—, -, TU4,CKERSVITP- I I ,Or , r Reevel a... �� _iill � '11� ,It . , � M�g.,� I " ought, that ethics seem to be, higher � W. S. -R. Holmes, G. H. Elliott R J I . . . . ­ I . Clark, J. -Crich, 7A, . � .W. ompson iL , 1, ­ ;I I . :I . �.� :I with ose - enterwrises in the cities . Miller, Ed. Munro J.A SUtfxIv I W Watson, W. McL. Doio- For P�'­'V., 11 1'.. �,Ml .... � - �:. ­. I F- - - I I t seem � - 9 . , . . . ... ;�71,, ., -Advanced constitutional deveifl)ipment. likely, to entertain the propositi6n ­­ Charles McKay, Angus, Brown, Irii, - , I 11 i,�,�­�, k me that this automatic obedience to Mhich deal in some fashion or another Langford, Walter Mair, W. Glen Cook , , ". — ,­r,X'1� . ., The year that is closing iio�v,.-bas fro�m the American government. Johns, 'Win. Archibald (by acainia- - . ,.'� � 1 with farms and farmers. Is it and Clifford Lobb-' 'School Trustees- ' '�11�� � I - . traffic stgn#ls. was carried alrpost to . p0A_ . , � I I .1 N,� � 1 . . *bl th t Itture, who is the exactin J J. A. - ti.0n) - X Doig resigned. I 'I, 1�. . _ incongruous sight nowa' si W J. Cook i, , u] one.for th� w soon this will"be done is an absurd degree. 'On taki;ng a taxi p 1. I 111­t�- be;en a highly successf Just, ho rather an - k. F. -Cudmore, �� � . Dokinioii. Trade i not now'cle There -Fill ;be arre ' would quite often be 'seen talk ) , Foid, G. T, Jenkins. . I � �� �, 1,�..' � s u P, with tmport . ar. . days, - i4es: o . agriculture, touches sit A by-law wf 11 . . ��,,',,. I I , � _ � � 1OLPIL410in I s 'W slt- for instance, past midnight, mith just In I � . � ., �.%' , I IM � : 1 ep ially remaikabl4_; rev- ing influences. ,One ,of ; them w driv on the � who serve her directly or Indirectly be, spbmit� I I ,., i, aT'sp-s barely time to catch a train, it as fug to at automobile er ed to the people re�:dink: I I M ' R: .­:�� - *Aues have incT6ased, notably in irk- in the fact that the Ameriftn ,gov- . 1_' i �1.11� I . . very exasperating to have the taxi busiest of streets, undoubtedly upon with some magic wand,of idealism "Are .you in favor of more than one STANLEY , ."t , .11,111, ­,!� 1 _�11' A I ,�,111 " V J '46m6 tax, which is a ,sign of personal ernme-nVis tariff policy toward Canada necessary business, and yet, because and fairness that may, not be felt by lie d billiard r ol In .. .. .. �11 0 I �i,,,..,!, .;, driver stop for the -red signal light en?, 0 po room the. (School Rerport.�_The i0i ; ,���V'�,! �,,� f011OWing, '11, I 1,�, , t., -:*,00perity; field crops, on the whole, is largel-v hostile, and this condi ,of the use of -the quite out-of�date those in other walks of life? town -;f Clinton?- .� ',�,,�-,! , , ,,, ��,!_, � -4., tion is t;,�� , V . at every deserted crossing wlign as the lesult of the Christmas exanximi- . ­��Al . , 1� , &t �, "';,t �,,,, ,itre, loge, although the volume of the not encouraging to an w-reement for far as the eye could s horse, would'most unnecessarily hold After Mvefal geneTations ,of the GODERIOff. -'Municipal nomina- tions* for School 11 �, "I'll, §1� , � - -!­ . - .. I ", f�A ,:��,,,_ 1 I I . .�,, "" ". " , e there was Section No. � ata)h� �� ,;;4NM� 1� -, . . I 0,,�Qv'j "" -11" ,W- � - � a vehicle in , -n �,�:.��,j . I.M. �Z 4%4# ct*�, is less than usual Com� the construction of . the waterway. neither a pedestri-aii bore up long streams1of traffic. Whereas, speed, the rush' the teat, and the ev- tions were hold here Monday ievm4g -ley, HP ours 715%, Pass 60%. � : W. , 00. - I `4 , e*�_.,� , -0, 940on 16T thislact i§ found in tl-e Nbviettbeless, the beat opinion,every- had he used a motor takele, or a 0 94- . ." 4 I R � I I sight on the street, efir n'8 1. �N,�r­ I � , , ,,, - "I., If A ' I , erlatting ;bustle of city life; of the in the town hall. There was a large -:Helen Anderso 2, Irene Turuej- 646L . . . ln�.4� I '.. , " I , , � K�K i ,,, !i: ,,,��. 4 dinary high grade of the yi'�Iii. where fs'that it will come in time. he could finve proceeded -alongside, iTl;e' 'poutding day after'day on hard city attendance of ratepayers,. Town Clttk Sr. 1111 --Jeanette ReAllisiter go, A*� ,. 11 ;L, � . On first arriving Ai Toronto I was API V I 4A, ,��,t�, # mWtlg� there iv an almost unprece� car %he was,questioting without imy pavemd;nts'and of living one's day. L, L. Knox . 11­��, ,I. � q - ,� �1 ­ I The supreme cou;rt of Canada has inf-wined Lwith -1i.: I 1� I, , ,'�'. I, much prideby all and Presided, for the n0him4- n16 Carlile 78, - Dorte-ft Reichert 7f� :'N':."I"�, , �:J'i: ,� 110, 1`1 - W, R.: development, 'The I I � �,,,, I fq7 , , elay of th6 general tr c., , light hours in the gloomy v�Llleys of tio . , - ;;;', i", �, 9 It, *' * fisheties been -lie'aiing argument and has just Sundry that the T4ionto street car d I . ;.�,!,: ,,'�, �g, , �,s 1 1 afil ns -which- were Tecei-ved ftom,7ZO Wilmer Turner 69, Geotge,.Stephen�- � " , r . . Z,%- - ­ , . . ,,,,ts,pATt* I' 1Y heavy and the y ,�,.11 d. �� , L , I I I ' . �, 6 - I , �_ idu Ar I I I i`q""��,i.'7, � ... ___ ­ , - I 11 sk .i,4 4, 11 � , I I .yscrapers; of, soulless chain stores, to 8.36 otlock. At the d6sev'Ohatles - 8, !�, I 11 __� 1 restemed JudgmfMt in cases*,which in- 9V I was the best on the North on 47. II to Jr. III-Allanitove,. I �: ;�',. - 'L .1 'P ,!,�,,',,J� s __ . 7% `j­)10�� '4'.�, %',X,".�� "', '', I . I _ ,. � 100. Vbf the manufactures is above volvL& ov6T $1,1060,600,. They ate ilisti- American continent. This sta . oI eafet#riA§ and .quick self-service; X Saunders wary appoi-abad chairman I .,_11", ", "] ,� . steir , ,;,4 1i -.1 � T�:� 1 - I . tement, I , "', . Billie., Reid 76. ­ 11"Ste*art Turnei. " t , ��til ""i"?a I I . I I �'; .. ,� . ,.,, tuted agaititt'Ontarito brewing com- in fact, appeared to be quite a set and piffti6larly that lnv6fttiot of the fbf the program of speeches by the 45, 1 to 11-4ulege Stephenaon­86.� I.,.. A ,", . ,� - �,�, , 1�.I;q I i� ,,� �0, devil, the quick luneh,;'and, of bteafh� �.,,i_, -;�5,;�, "i.";,4"�t�1#1 Icer 00 . -hort 63 Pkilineir- . , %.', �� - , " 1417111iief""&�� pa, other expeit.observ- panfes, and the claims represent sales phrase and itainly for a g d deal I Various nomitees. Mayot H. X.-- A. 1­4MaTkaret jt6i . , i d I . . �.�., �.� '6fthe-1irdnietier find' evirything or­gall6nap ttocon the output of the of the day the gervic appeared to be � � ing air �-41dfte' *A1 dilpted', wiffi' the MOOPUWAn gave an AW6`114 Of the Margaret Love go Ruth- MCAMgter.. ­ I J.-�', . � T,.,;ii�":��, " '4 " _,;"1T6i1f`J"y1`1 It , . . ' 1�11 , I E ,i�! , ,0 J�, ig true that 0 1 ....... ill,", ; � m , � , , , ", ng 8 a ' . ,,., 1; . . "",K,� some ',breweries. ho br6*ety'coMpai1ie9 are excellent, with cbea0'area ana couit� � 't . , � . bkbaust fwlii6s of,afiitoMotileg� 6net YedT'g'hct'vit'0s in the, t6wh? tati 8 .-T. -8. Bea ie,'Tewho.r., I , _ ,Tf.. �11`% Y ur V ote . NN"I'V11". �� I "Plod ly-,,, Ail,b6t'�ii kinto d b I ge 0,10is Such , . I I " ;,��T ,' '11"61" -i" if'iii,s,� yAvgt , , I `��, � " I � _ eq � 9 -took, ,, orepave-A to. pay g nagonon the des, eaus.employees. -For the -rush hours, . I '.1 I Wonders whe,tio-k 116,lat -that I-ID29 his- beeiii- one of,'ffiii � %,%:11:� 1-� ­ " I , i -,4_ pre I . . , A �', , , , , , i'll-N, . , P1% I I - 11 -, ,,�,%'Iq 11 141f o on o0rie. u Ton ___0_ �.�V7,1i�,�,".�). 1, r�,17�1�i��'i :�Z W1 .6 it, bilt i�,0` hlirftbev ,61 tham qindbA,'er§ wfileh'are ilsod do4hestically, however, betwieeft 8 and'9 iri the, mo , T f t , , g6frigio pfo(l �e hhportalA years in its �' 1ht . . I I . � . I � ,'.,;,,, . W�;,iw`, ,� �. Xj-, 14 - - kh- . I 9 '- d. L . I I I .. I ? 6, I I I I VI.." . � $,i,"I "4� 'i 0,4. I - - -r#dta, high- othf& bhiineeg h06­U'ntil, Tix� 9h, I ; . . ... � ',�!�,'�,�' '­­ ,.' � 01#�(,�:�';O#Le,# 'W fligir lodOg 6r;l bUt t&Y" dafffl, OXO_Mptfoll from tax ing and between 5'and-4 at night, it - ; . , . of atiffidMft '�� - 2 h � to .. � ',�', , :::::: ",,,_� 4t�,.,,­� 100#4,m. - I , 'it , .­� , I .. . I Alify; Those ,hotihijited",Ware. � . ­�,,'�",, , 'if Vii tkosa, w 'ie exported, The or- does not seem a th ugh the e Is- I . Notes, Mi I Angus, P�Olieit I It. ',;;�Idll�111 , ,,V,W'_�� 'A, a ,q ,��;`&bldidfbii§ i thd: , " , lhdwih'.111.�Oi6n filld loiaginatibli b p 17,�­!",W, .hiA, & a 0 8 prA I � . .1 " affaii4,, " !� 'A .�� , �i,."Ul��§ , . . . . . . . . . .... �4�1�4',4� ,,.`,�,,�,'AW. .­­,,j�ift_ A�;.,­ndtiftuk tpddkingy igigid trist:j;uftra, si&dAiir their fouvo lt et er justified. App I 0216petly td� their I y6k, U, J.'A ',WtwA11- � b. k, Wig,le M,6nroe,,M1cbi . I I . � , 'I �!it' "'�',4';�i 1, , ,,.� . . . � �J­11�111� ".�', .,. , V es are a og 11 i go spent, t � I '' i "" %��, ��, �IV .`.� ` � , . " , aront� 44 I, I . .. .1 I ,� U . I � - W1,41 I tly and -1 nfIt", ence, A4 � t6jio4�,diErcus- 'R, E,Turnerj�,G. L, Paisi6fig-J, W I , 6% . ,� � m7_,Aff*v-;FV,J,p, ilyiiqdu#" d -OA44 -d&0- ffio &#6 has been AidjudicAt- ly the number -of cars is u I 1, I I . �� I I I 0199944 in 'r in , ,- "_ , 11 11 � .1 I . V�019_ _ � tte I .. 1. � t Y I 1, with,.his fathet, and sis ' I i It' , ,&ft 1��y , 'dgrty ltd� im- coitplet4ily in,adeoltw at these, liotirg, I �i, . ­. '_': � , , . . . hiWij` 4S� 66 66 VA 00, of 'it, `411-4he, Cftipio, S D-� Ofail.''PA6vi�-Z 0* y coopev,�_ a I , 'of . 11" , , od. ., , fhe gdpiad'o 'd . I I , . . , I- y " . I tifil 1% )) qi-by,ifit., very oziall�y 1614c, �. i P 50ing, thdidau. . tot the traMeAhat no owasi "' , k6bbi th#'AP"di­,thig, bid#16.o 7#� it 1 gs R., V., Tuttik - .1, i Mos4r, 'o, spwit I 111. . I I � otto'he6" . , . � *4 : 1. rf I Of t, i i a1l­Ab6tti'*hd1 i 11 .; %,CI 0 + ,18 9 11 ,:,�� �1 4". igemett, oxhl ytighmit, th lgpe I lyi-ii"solicited 6' .,,, , I" *fila. thif"624,01 , , i, 10,;,!" D6 i , 0 �ffitti,440*ftbt 0600W'�ftga dAy by dtiy th ,- 099 .", .. %ikl � 0 Rb�q&4 4" Mir I , I w _ - ­' T. ,, 1, , , ", d d; ­, ", . , - I 6. f 0*4 � ":.. , ''� :I� - -1111- ��'­$,.� " f,� . - I ,, � � :�. e And i , � -1 11 . in.LVJeN�, �.; jme�'RY14 , ­­ . �. - I *!��`- , Dullie, , a - ,;1W aftigiia", -.i � I i " ", ,t I II , , F 0, bus Spent ,�'Ij"' � . .., ; � i� , i , . I � I" �­ ' �,;(AfA-i�AkiA,'4-',h,"'.,�'.%'.,:"�.?'�k:' ­:" , , " e-TIP11, ,both, Aidd& i"R 0,10MM&' -01ft "b'd betts to make, tAo ot, I , , ., '�44,zlfl""i,7*&�- 'W", ly.". ,.i�� IT,- � SO ... AS g " n g6r, *ith 1.61A� ,- ,, . 01 , ,�' k4� , 'A ,6 , ,4i . . .. 1,!1&i0LMtV_ANZ_W1,L �IIL4�12�1.,­141t.;ilcrm � _ISIK�i, -:, � , A49L . . . . . . 4* ... I I '"'. ,ar- nesS And good" ftiinhft�g weta, I ,;I.; aqu ''Totr", I 11 �, ; 11.,x I 1':-', , I k Ap, V qilif6' f0g0ftdft. U., w � � ­ . I-, - I " , I ,& '6�4,10 . . . ,�, , "' �'11', '' ,, ", . � 11 � Z I V, � � ,_ � J . ", � � ig to 11114self alffissf-1. & � 4g,", t, " . ,, � 1 M,4�w­ th", �� �.�-2�. , �' 1, �&i"",,,,��,* " ­ - I " ­ 4 110,v.,t � 11 I I , � I . ­. ­� f ., 4 , , , , -W , k I I. �: ,,1 4 ,� 0,", I'do'Aft,�,46d6y" , itk� tt� 'a 4- k4" � � J4 110 I ,�� �, ; , ,,, ::: I I I I, , M I , � � , ., - 1� 11: - . , 'W ` 9 . . - �, �,i i .. "I . ot :4,'�', , 0" �' � �­� �� , , o W 1.10 _ I � It. � ,�, . I—', " r � � 0 , , , "Irt �'1111.' ,,,., e drlv ._44600 i `�' � ,�';,,4�'�'.'�,�,'��,,I�:,�,.,�l.lk , 'W,_di.:,­ vgll;�,: _1 I J619WX I V �.� � 1.1NIT " � '4 'i I � . , 1. 1. " -. I � , . 1! , 14" i ­� , i ".., �, ,,�, �', '014t, 11 41 � I �00W. olt I'll , t,,,,I..'��-�,,��l�4,��,!";,",��,,,,� 11 '­� g � � f' ' #�f­ "IL"" " '� ''. , � ­, .- ,:,4#4,W0 , I 1, . "6.41' "'! I �ft, I i I I ,� ,,, � � i ,��4 � , ,,��'," , - " �,.��,",�� , ,_, , _ I . 11 �'!, , :�', � i, ,��,::,.,. ; , 7 , ,::!,;,, T ; , , I— I . �­ I j.',01,;;( 1 � ,� 1111114110T, .� I I �L, ,4 Oiggrp-5 qqeAft,ftof". i)0,4, ��� . � � . ; . .. 11 . , P .,. , - * *0 ''I . ,,, " f�`,��`,�1,1, ,,',�,,��, ��: 4, "AtA. � f '' _ - �� , i #,�, I il�, I �- . � , f - ij';�:'�,; 'Cl s i' 1(*'B� "I'll"', � �i; , i `4 �'4Z3,1,1,1,1 V, X ,'� 0 , 'bt� M th, ". 1*1 � , . . .. _ "I, 91 I , . ( i ". s '': , " : ..... . �� �� 1'� � � , 't 11 , , g"'i ..'i'.!"'i�,"i! , !� ,:, " - , t y ,,�,t �t . ,,, . !� �,�`, � �� I , , Ill � , "'Is � g9k �61& 14i 6%#64A f 11 s 11 ,,� I,:,_,1,1�N­,; ��kt,.­V:, .� ., 4" - I , "., "'i" -j", , ,,, �, ,,, ,�:"",:.i� N �14,4 , - "-4 : '.',,;?, I- 1. � "I �.� , , . ". .."21, I , ,� ,!,; ,,� ; Z;!,�;��., ", , , , �,�',', , ,,f;�, , 1, .,.,, 1�