HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1929-12-06, Page 4plaace or al. latavep a,.,..! , Wap
When grandmothers went to l
they went into another world, and a
very artaone for a good army
months of the year. They had to he
pretty thoroughly clothed and pro-
tected if they hoped to awaken again
in this.
And the streets were not as num-
erous in the days of grandmothers as
they are to -day, and access to them
was much more risky 'and adventur-
ous than the access to them to -day.
If grandmothers had left their homes
clothed in a few yards of silk, the
bulk of it being hose, the chances are
that when they reached their streets,
they wou' d have been less lightly
clad -if possible -than the grand-
daughters are to -day.
When one hasj become a grand-
mother -we are speaking of old time
grandmothers -one has sounded the
depths and reached the age of descre-
tion. One has learned that there is
more material comfort in covering
one's legs rather than one's ears.
But no matter how old-fashioned
grandmothers may seem in this day
to be, we are all for thein. History
has proven them.
it short years ago, if West -
o h been blessed, or curs-
,, lch ever way you like to look
roaitla the blanket of snow under
$;;;Aitila it lies this year, ear owners
tin long since have come to the un -
I il' iQ.ous decision that the cars use-
ulleess for a few months, at least,
gas passed. They would have been
tttored. away in their di erent gar-
cges, with the full intention of leav-
big them there until spring came
hound again once more.
Not so to -day. Within these years
the Highways Department have been
experimenting with snow plows until
they have perfected the monster ma-
chines that were in operation last
year; plows with size and horsepower
enough to keep the roads open
throughout the whole winter, regard-
less of the snow fall.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, the
snow fall this year was exceptionally
early and exceptionally heavy. The
weatherman outguessed the 'Highways
Department by a month or six weeks,
with the result that these plows are
still in storage and still lacking the
necessary tuning up which they must
receive before they will be in fit con-
dition to perform the work they ars
supposed to do.
As a consequence, car owners who
during the past two or three years,
have come to believe that open roads
would be available to them in winter
as well as summer, this year find
themselves entirely out of luck.
All over this district and in every
-direction there are cars, trucks and
busses stalled in the snow along the
road side and from their owners are
arising shrieks of protest and wild
condemnation of the Highways De-
partment. To these are being added
the protests of the cities and larger
towns, which during the past two or
three years have been catering to a
business made possible by the car,
although coming from far beyond
their natural boundaries.
Without the plows in winter, cars
can not operate, and without the cars
this new and growing business would
be lost to these centres -entirely lost,
because there seems to be a curious,
but widespread belief among car own-
ers that once a car is purchased, it
does not cost anything for him or his
family; or even his neighbors, to ride
in it. A man will, on the grounds of
expense, hesitate to buy a railway
ticket once a year to take him or hie
family on a shopping expedition to a
town twenty miles away, but will drive
his car to another centre fifty miles
distant, and do it frequently, because
he believes he is getting the trip for
One sympathizes, of course, with
these truck drivers, these bus owners
and these larger centres. A tie up
•of cars means real dollars and cents
and a lot of them to them. At the
same time, one can not help but spec-
ulate on the result a carless winter
would have on the rural communities
at large.
Would the wages and money earn -
.ed in a community be spent where it
really belongs? Would the country
merchants get more cash and be ask-
ed to give less credit? Would a
farmer hitch up a horse three or four
times a day to drive into town or
drive somewhere else? Or, if he stay -
ed home five days a week instead,
would the farm or the stock show any
improvement on account of his en-
forced presence? Would people prac-
tise again the difficult art of saving,
almost lost through the universal and
merry pleasure of spending? Would
-anyone make any money?
But one, of course, can only specu-
late on these things. A luxury soon
becomes a necessity. Open roads in
winter are no longer looked upon as a
luxury to be enjoyed by a few fav-
ored centres, the car has made thein
a necessity to the many. They are
here to stay. What a change in liv-
ing conditions just a few years make.
From the New York World we learn
that the modern girl wears less on
the street than her grandmother wore
to bed, and looks better, too.
Well, perhaps. From observation,
Wove can readily believe that the first
part of the statement is true, any-
way. As to the latter, grandmother
-event to bed so long before our time
we don't feel qualifier to make a com-
parison (between her attire and that
.oft the Street costume of the present,
&ay girl.
But if one or both of these state-
ments are true, there are reasons,
many of them, which would go to
alnow that grandmother's choice of
clothes came largely from necessity,
ono -t fro-ni choice.
Poi. one thing' t,lrand9Yiavther ei homes
'mita na , 'like thio hetet, of to -day.
' "k11<' FwII Vat 7i no Ohtani or ';mot water
06. 'Par, lg4 it !ss trrsre, What
ae ?tr Capra cttti a. t eufsirel�,
fiat ';
Inite 1 tatea . fn
b tlae funeral paixac4 through a lease
formed by council"flan with fit a as$
1ta11 mast ou the building, and
ceedad to the Igzeter Cemetery, fr.
Snell owned the Exeter Hospital and
greatly imus*oved the town during the
past ears by extensive bending of
residential and 'business buildings. He
was a well known bowler and honor-
ary president of Exeter Tennis Club,
and an enthusiastic hockey and base-
ball fan. He was a member of the
United Church. Although in appar-
ent good health on Sunday, lir. Snell
died suddenly on Monday morning.
He is survived by his widow.
(Continued from page 8)
Mr. Janes V. Ryan is able to be out
again after the accident which badly
injured his knee a few weeks ago. -
Dr. Charles Mackay, who has been in
the Western Hospital, Toronto, for
some weeks, was able to return to
his 'home here on Saturday. His host
of friends will be glad to know that
he is making a good recovery. -Mrs.
M. Broderick had the misfortune to
fall on the pavement recently and
fracture her hip. -Mr. Oliver Kirk, of
the National Bank staff, and his sis-
ter, Mrs. F. Creighton and three chil-
dren, of Detroit, spent the American
Thanksgiving at the parerital home of
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk in Tucker -
smith. -Mr. Jack Walker, of Tim-
mins, spent several days with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Walker.
- Mr. James Pevitt, of Guelph, spent
the week end with friends in town. -
Mrs. Robins, of Rochester, accompan-
ied by her two nieces, Misses Bertha
and Billy Chesney, daughters of Mr.
and Mrs. P. M. Chesney, of Tucker -
smith, left on Wednesday for Roches-
ter, en route to St. Petersburg, Flori-
da, where they will spend the winter.
- Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Neelin loft on
Saturday for Cuba, where they intend
spending the winter. -Mr. Gibson
White, oQ the Western University,
London, spent the week end with his
mother here. -Reeves J. W. Beattie,
of Seaforth; R. Kennedy. of Tucker -
smith; J. Dodds, of McKillop, and E.
Adams, of Hullett, are in Goderich
this week attending the December ses-
sion of the County Council. -Mrs. G.
D. Grover and daughter, Nanette, of
Toronto, are guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Huggard. - Mr.
Edward Rankin spent the week end
in Stratford. -Mr. and Mrs. George
Hills have returned to their home in
Egmondville from Toronto, where
they spent the past few weeks.-
Twenty-fottr members of the Young
People's Society of First Presbyter-
ian Church motored to Exeter on
Monday evening and were entertain-
ed by the members of the Exeter So-
ciety. - Mr. W. Hollingsworth has
leased the residence on John Street,
recently vacated by Mr. E. W. Welsh
and has moved his family there. -
Mrs. Charles Hohlbein celebrated her
84th birthday on Wednesday of this
week. Mr. arid Mrs. Hohlbein are the
oldest married couple in Seaforth.-
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Nixon have re-
turned from a motor trip to Chicago,
Toledo and Detroit.
'Notes. --Miss Margaret Cooper, of
London, is home for a short stay here
after a small operation in St. Joseph's
Hospital, convalescing with her par-
ents, Mr. W. W. and 'Mrs. Cooper, of
the London Road, North, also with
W. R. Cooper, family and friends. -
There will be an entertainment in
school house No. 2, Tuckersmith, on
Monday, December 12th. -Mrs. Nora
Lobes and Mr. John C. Doig, of De-
troit; Miss Mary Doig, of Stratford,
and Mr. W. M. Doig, of Port Huron,
who have been spending the past few
days at the Doig homestead, have re-
turned to their homes. -Mrs. W. M.
Doig received word a few days ago
of the death of her aunt, Mrs.
Townsend, of Belleville, as the result
of an accident, in her 92nd year
Notes. -The Women's Institute met
in the hall on Wednesday of last week
with a good attendance. Much inter-
est was created in the grab ]bag which
was an exchange of small Christmas
gifts. Mrs. Cecil Bowman gave a
paper on "Colds." Plans were made
for an "At ,Home" early in the New
Year, Preparations are going on for
the Christmas entertainment on De-
cember 23rd. -The W. M. S. ars hold-
ing a bazaar in the hall on Friday
Funeral of Reeve Snell. -'The fun-
eral of the late Charles B. Snell,
Reeve of Exeter, and well known
sportsman, took place and,
Thr funeral service was conducted by
Rev. John McTavish, assisted by the
cl.oir at St. James' Street United
':buret, and was attended by many
prominent men of this locality. All
the members of the Exeter Town
Council and the Huron County Coun-
cil attended in a body. After the
sermon the cortege led by a body of
town and county councillors, passed
through the main street of town,
VAIere all stores were cloned as a last
tribute to a loyal citizen. At the town
Notes. - In the Wingham United
Church on December 3rd, a three act
play with pep and fun, "You Know
Your Neighbors," will be given, un-
der the auspices of the Victory Mis-
sion Circle. -Mr. and Mrs. P. Gib-
bons were guests at the Royal Winter
Fair and spent the week visiting
friends in Toronto. -A delightful so-
cial and dance was held in the Arm-
ouries in Wingham on Friday night
by the students of the Wingham Busi-
ness College. Nothing was lacking
to produce an evening o f sheer de-
Notes. -The funeral service of the
late Mr. John Tucker was held in the
church here last Thursday. Inter-
ment was made in the cemetery ad-
joining. -Miss Hazel Williams was ill
with tonsilitis last week.-IMr. Wilfrid
Johns underwent another operation
for trouble in his ear in London last
Saturday. This has been causing him
much pain since his operation for
facial trouble some weeks ago. His
friends hope he will have relief now
and make a good recovery. - Mrs.
Whiteford is spending the winter at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wes.
Horne, here.
1D.R.0., O., 'Ig71aa'{rliCgas; ¢5'4D, 4} Town MA
W. G. Hese,13;0. 711!. gawtlld P.O.;
No. 5, School Assure No. 12, U. Bl'a1e,
D,R.O., rklier'b llri'aaeger, P.C.; No. 6,
Dashwood Central Office, C. Q. Nile,
D.tR,O., A. Weber, P.C.; No. 7, School
House No. 3, J..13. Forrest, 'x'.18,.0., J.
McAllister; No. 8, L. N. Deeomme's
store, F. E. Ducharme, D.R,O., J.
Corriveau, Jr., P.C. That accounts
covering payments as to township
roads, salaries, telephone, schools and
general accounts bepassed as follows;
John Erb, refund tiling, Road 8, $60;
A. F. Hess, assistance, $20 0. Koeh-
ler, pay list, 4128.75; T. Laing, rental
gravel pit, part payment, $100; S.
Ropp, pay lisp;. $41.35; '':I . sown, pay
list, $72.01; E. Gabel, pay list, $3,20;
Elmore Deters, pay list, $200.62; S.
Martin, pay list, $3.65; R. Geiger, pay
list, $2.45; J xnes Rennie, pay list,
$51.25; John eilDesch, pay list, $3.00 ;
T. Dinsmore, pay list, $18.98; A. L.
Sreenan, pay list, $10; A. Mousseau,
cement gravel, $13.50; T. Ayotte, pay
list, $54.68; } A. Mousseau, pay list,
$114.75; C. A1tlworth, pay list, $1.50;
T. Kyle, pay list, $53.75; W. Grenier,
pay list,. $23.82; J. Parke, pay list,
$83; M. Turnbull, pay list, $103.40 ;
M. M. Russel, pay list, $11.60; W. Cr.
Bell, pay list, $3.50; W. Dearing, bal-
ance pay list, $9.60; W. J. Jarrott,
salary, Superintendent, $140; A. Gas-
cho, ditching, $5.00. Township Sal-
aries -L. H. Rader, Reeve, $60; W. R.
Dougall, councillor, $50; David Duch-
arme, councillor, $50; Alfred Melick,
councillor, $50; Edmund Walper,
councillor, $50; A. F. Hess, clerk and
treasurer, $360; .i. Albrecht, caretak-
er, $50. General Accounts - Huron
County Election Board, provincial el-
ection, .$138.22; Zurich Hydro, hall
lights, 6 months, $7.50; postage, etc.,
$19.97; Township Clerk, assessments
P. V. and drains, $45; Zurich Police
Village, township grant, $212.55;
Dashwood Police Village, township
grant, $73.25; Township Clerk, re
Tuckersmith telephone assessments,
$10; Mud Creek. refunds, $607.49; J.
Thuel, repairs at hall, $1; C. Melick,
hauling gravel, town hall, $5; T. Mc-
Adams, gravel, $1.50; R. J. Lovell
Co., supplies, $8.92; Jeffrey Drain for
bridges, $120; J. Reid, on Black Creek
contract, $4,000.00; W. Decher, wood
for hall, $7;• George Hess, account,
$1.50; A. Foster, part payment. lock-
ups, $50; W. L. Siebert, six sittings
Division Court, $24; C. Eilber, six
sittings Division Court, $24; C. L.
Smith, account, $29.45; Stade and
Weido, account, $8.10; Black Creek
By-law, allowances, bridges, etc.,
$1017.00; L. Rands, McEwen -Bell Dr ,
$191.87; W. Haist, tile, McEwen -Bell
Drain, $76.3'7; Telephone Accounts -
L. H. Rader, ,Reeve, $10; W. R. Dou-
gall, councillor. $5; Alfred Melick,
councillor, $5; David Ducharme, coun-
cillor, $5; Edmund Walper, councillor,
5'5; A. F. Hess, clerk and treasurer;
:1350; Bell Telephone Co., tolls, Sept.
31st to Oct. 20th, $99.76: H. Eilber,
re Hay system, $25; J. E. Harnwell,
re Hay system, $5; W. J. Brander, re
(lay system, 87).00; Zurich Hydro,
lights, telephone office, $7.50; North-
ern Electric Company, supplies,
°'123.32; I. Bestard. refund rate, $10;
postage. directories, $3.25; Zurich
Central, switching, $64; M. G. Dietz,
balance, salary, etc., $70.27; express,
postage, etc., $23.14; Bell Telephone
Company, repairs to cable, $62.90; C.
L. Smith, acc5unt, $9.90; E. R. Guen-
ther, cartage, $3.15. The council ad-
journed to meet again for the final
session of the year on Monday, De-
semher 16th, at 1.30 o'clock p.m. -A.
F. Hess, Clerk.
Notes. -The funeral of the late Mrs.
Leah Rennie, which was 'held last Fri-
day, was largely attended, Rev. W.
Dreier, pastor of the local Evangelical
Church, conducted the services. - A
meeting was held in the senior room
of the school last Wednesday evening
when matters pertaining to the bet-
terment of the Zurich School Fair for
1930 were discussed. Mr. McCague,
Agricultural District Representative,
and his assistant, Mr. I. McLeod, both
of Centon, were present. The 1929
school fair was one of the most suc-
cessful in recent years. A neat bal-
ance is on hand after all prizes have
been paid. -Mrs. H. Rupp has moyed
into part of the house occupied by
Mr. and Mrs. Menno Bechler for the
winter months. -,Mrs. E. Paulin, of
Regina, arrived here last week to at-
tend the funeral of her mother, the
late Mrs. Rennie. She will visit rel-
atives here for some time -Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Happel, of Jackson,
Michigan, are visiting relatives here
at present. Mr. 'Happel also visited
his uncle, Mr. Charles Stelck, of Var-
na, who is seriously ill at present. -
Mr. L. H. Rader, Reeve of Hay town-
ship, is attending the county council
sessions at Goderich at present. The
township council is having two lock-
ups (built in, the basement of the town
hall. The cells have concrete wall
with steel doors. It is hoped that the
cells will not be needed for - many
months, 'but they will be useful in
ease of emergencies. -Mr. H. G. Hess
who has charge of the local Hyde
system, has been appointed linesman
of the Hay Municipal Telephone Sys-
tem in connection with Zurich central.
Mr. Hess has had many years of ex-
perience in telephone work and the
subscribers connected with Zurich can
expect to receive good service. -Auto-
mobiles are having difficulty in the
snow on the roads in the country at
present. -
Notes. -Mr. Joseph Looby has gone
to Detroit. -Mr. Matin Klinkhamer.
of Detroit, spent a fe wdays with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs, M. J. Klink-
hamer.-While driving to church on
Si nday morning Mrs. Leo Murray
was badly hurt, being thrown out of
the buggy, her head hitting the hard
ground. The bit brake in the horse's
mouth, causing it to run away. At
present Mrs. Murray is doing as web
as can the expected. - Miss Mary
Krauskopf, of Detroit, visited her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Krauskopf.-
The pupils of the High School held a
euchre and dance in the parish hall
en Tuesday evening. A large crowd
attended and a jolly good time was
Notes. -A pretty wedding took
place at the home of Mr. Henry Mil-
ler on Thursday, the 28th of Novem-
ber. when his daughter, Toleda, was
united in marriage to Mr. Leslie
byermann. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. Mr. Alberti, of St.
Peter's Church, Brodhagen, the im-
mediate friends being present, after
which a sumptuous wedding dinner
was served. The young couple left
for Detroit on their honeymoon trip
and on their return will reside on
the groom's fine farm, lot 6, conces-
sion 8, McKillop. Their many friends
wish them a smooth journey through
the stream of life. -Winter has set
in on dry ground and it will mean a
water famine for those who have not
good wells, but if the old proverb
comes true, the snow won't remain on
dry ground.
Council 'Meeting. - The regular
meeting of the Council of the Town-
ship of Hay was held in the Town
Hall, Zurich, on Monday, December
2nd, with all the members present.
The minutes of the previous meeting
were adopted as read. The following
resolutions were passed: That the
application of E. Gaiser for a loan
under the Tile Drainage Act be re-
ceived and that a meeting of the
Council of the Township of Hay to
consider a by-law to enable the town-
ship to borrow money under the said
act be held in the Town Hall, Zurich,
on Monday, January 13th, 1930, at a
o'clock in the afternoon. That the
offer of Fred J. Haberer for wood and
timber on the road allowance on Road
No. 6, north of Zurich Road to Road
No. 18, be accepted at the sum of
$15. That By-law No. 16, 1929, to
regulate and govern transient traders
in the township of Hay and fixing the
fee at $100 be read three times and
finally passed. That By-law No. 17,
1929, providing for the appointment
of polling places, Deputy Returning
Officers and Poll Clerks be read three
times and finally passed. That the
sum of $607.49, being the money re-
ceived from the Township of Stephen
on the Mud Creek Drain scheme as
Hay's portion of Government aid and
refund on cost of construction he paid
to the owners assessed in the Town-
ship of Hay under the said s'heme
pro rata. That allowances for bridges
and disposal of material under the
Black Creek drain by-law be paid to
the various persons entitled thereto.
That Harry G. Hess be engaged as
linesman for the Hay Municipal Tele-
phone System in connection with Zur-
ich Central, and also supervisor of
the central office at Zurich, at fifty
cents per hour arid thirty cents per
hour for helper for time actually spent
on system and that an agreement be
prepared and signed by both parties.
Satisfactory bond to he furnished for
services to be rendered. Services to
begin on December 3rd, 1929, and pay-
ment to be made monthly. That the
following .he appointed polling places.,
Deputy Returning Officers and Poll
Clerks for the several polling places
of the Township of Hay for the year
1980, and that a bar -law be prepared
confirming same: Sub -division No. 1,
School Rouse No. 2, F, Campbell, D.
R40., C. Prouty, P.C. • 2 School once
No. 14, D. Burns, rb.iii.O., W. Alex -
ender; No. 3, Town Hall, W. O'Brien,
duet by Annie !• (nicer ' pad 'aCDgra ay
Deters; violin selection James,,BBen-
goug'h and ah`red !Deters; polo by Mrs,
Donald IVIhKlnnon; duet by Margaret
Dougall and Harry Dougall; violin
selections by Fred Datsa'rs; solo by
Mrs, W. A. 4VJcLaren•; reading by Miss
Alice Walker. The meeting was cloa•-
ed by singing a hymn followed by
the Mizpah benediction. At the close
of the programme, a dainty lunch was
Remember the Mail Couriers. -Our
faithful rural mail couriers, who cov-
er close on to 25 miles daily, on their
routes through all kinds of weather
and roads, are at this season of the
year, when the roads are often neither
suitable for buggy or cutter, much
less a ear, looking forward to the
kindness of many patrons who re-
member them in their ardous toils
at the Christmas season. Nor is it
to be wondered at when they are con-
stantly performing little acts of
kindness to their patrons, in the way
of doing many things that they are
really not required to do, such as
making change, putting on stamps,
very often ploughing through unbrok-
en roads and unshovelled approaches
to mail boxes, etc., that they do look
forward to being remembered. Par-
ticularly so when they hear of mail
distributors in the large centres, who
make their service on nice sidewalks
and have nothing like the hardships
of rural service are generally so gen-
erously remembered by their patrons,
and which of course, while not nec-
essarily given or required, makes the
service so much more heartsome.
The Young People's League. -The
League of the United Church held its
regular weekly meeting on Monday
evening last when there was a very
good attendance, the spacious school
room being well filled and there was
an excellent literary and musical pro-
gramme gotten up 'by Mr. Claude
Blowes, Principal of our public school.
It was given largely by the smaller
scholars of his room and embraced
the following numbers: Piano solos
by Mary Hemphill, Mildred Follicle;
violin solos, Billy Glenn, accompanied
by Helen Glenn; girls' chorus,
"Smiles," Miss Buchanan accompan-
ist; recitations by Ruth Coles, Olive
Lemon, Margaret Kennings and Keith
Buchanan. These excellent numbers
were followed by selections of the
orchestra composed of Scott Welsh,
Ferris Cantelon, accompanied by
Florence McDonald; minute speeches,
Norman Sinclair, subject, "St. An-
drew"; Bobbie Passmore, subject,
"What I would do if I had a million
dollars"; vocal duets by Minnie Sang-
ster and Kathryn Drysdale accom-
panied by Gladys Luker; "Character
Poses" by Norman Sinclair, Harold
lldggins, Roy Brock and Bobbie Pass-
more. At the .close of this very in-
teresting programme in which e.11 the
young people took their parts won-
derfully well, a dainty lunch was serv-
ed and treats distributed to the chil-
dren who took part in the programme.
The singing of the national anthem
brought the meeting to a close.
Briefs. -The annual thank offering
of the W.M.S. of the United Church
,will be held next Sunday morning,
when Miss Florence Rawlings, return-
ed missionary from South Africa, will
have charge of the service. Miss
Rawlings has been engaged in mis-
sion work in Africa for a number of
years and her address is being looked
forward to with great interest. Our
business men report trade as quite
brisk, the heavy fall of snow being a
factor in bringing many in from the
farms, while produce of all kinds finds
its way to market in quite large quan-
tities. -Rev. J. Mcllroy, following his
course of special sermons, will have
the following subjects on the coming
Sunday, December 8th. At the morn-
ing service at 11 a.n9. "Religion Needs
a Tonic," and at the evening service
at 7 p.m., "What the Church Most
Needs to Fear." Mr. Mcllroy's dis-
courses were timely and good on Sun-
day last, and from the subjects chos-
en promise to be most interesting on
the ooming Sunday. -The Guild of St.
Paul's Anglican 'Church held their
bazaar on Saturday last, November
30th, and in spite of the very severe
weather, there was a splendid crowd
and the bazaar was a decided success
in every way. Each booth was decor-
ated very prettily in gold and purple.
The following ladies were conveners
of the booths: Fancy work, Miss M.
Fee and 'Mrs. T. Simpson; aprons,
Mrs. Goodwin and Mrs. Varley; home
cooking, Mrs. Maulkinson and Miss
Fee; country store, Mrs. Aldrich and
Miss V. Fee; candy, Miss Rands and
Miss B. Drummond; fish pond, Mrs.
G. 'Case and Miss E. Johnston. The
tea tables were presided over by Mrs.
S. Peppier and Miss M. Johnston and
during the tea hour Miss Jean Mur-
phy, of Corunna. delighted the audi-
ence with a number of fine solos and
our Hensall orchestra played several
fine selections which were much en-
joyed by all. The proceeds of the
day amounted to nearly $200 -Miss
Minnie Gibb, of Toronto. is visiting
with Mrs. 'Robert Bont'hron. - Miss
Mabel Whiteman, of Kippen, spent a
few days during the past week the
guest of Miss Emily Morrison. - Mr.
and Mrs. Manley Jinks and little child
who were here for several weeks on a
visit, have returned to their home in
Detroit. -Mr. and Mrs. J. Sweitzer
have also returned to Detroit. -Mrs.
Lipphardt, of Zurich, is here visiting
at her relatives. Mr. George Fee and
family JMrr. Will Simpson motored
here from Detroit, spending the week
end with his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Bonthron.-Dr. Ross
Dougall is wearing these days a smile
that will not come off. Do you ask
the reason why? Well, hes has a
voting son. which he hopes that in the
not very distant future, will he able
to help him with 'his practice. -We
regrelt to report that 'Mrs. $Tinian'
Beaver is at the preeent time in very
neer health and, in fact, has been for
some little time, owing to throat
trouble. which makes it almost im-
possible for him to take any nourish-
ment. apart from medical aid, and is
et present in the new hospital at Sea-
forth, where it is hoped that she may
receive much benefit. --• Mr. Samuel
Rennie, recently assisted the choir of
North Side (United Church at Gode-
rich.--A number from our village on
Friday afternoon last attended the
funeral of the late lVfre. Samuel Ren-
nie, which took place from her late
home in Zurich. --On Friday evening
of thio week at 8 o'clock, the Motion
For Sale. -Iron pump and piping complete,
galvanized bath tub in solid maple casing.
bath room basin with taps, chemdaal closet
with pipes. M. and E. Johnston, P. O. Box
26, Henaali, Ont. 3232-2
Young People's Society. -The regu-
lar meeting of the Young People's So-
ciety of the Presbyterian Church was
held on Friday evening, November
29th, and took the form of a sock
social. The President, Miss Ruby Mc-
Laren, presided and the meeting op-
ened by singing Hymn 782, after
which the Lord's Prayer was repeated
in unison. The Scripture lesson was
then read by Beryl Pfaff. After the
reading of the minutes and the roll
call, the topic, "A7iplying Christian
Standards to Amusements" was giv-
en by bir. Ward Forrest. A sketch
of the life of Pauline Johnson was
given by Miss Mabel Workman, after
which a programme was given as fol-
lows: Instrumental by Irene :'log-
garth; reading by William ;Eats;
Sante Claus is doing
usanusually complete line of '!Aolidasy 'Footwear we have assembled for
the S!. ristmes 45ec.8on.
Kn this store are 1i , eds of suggestions for. useful, •plewsimg ani
economical gifts. If you cannot think of what pressen to buy, leo±
over our display.
Btere you will find the ]best selectimas for young • and oldat fairest
prices and the greatest variety of new styles, unstring of selection tion ase
easy and pleasant recreation. 'Come and look at this' fine holiday ,c!na-
play of:-
s bit but you, =at come early to Gee the
Dress Shoes
midair SIlllpJers
Ol1Ituea Slippers
Rubber r mootts
Hockey 'Loots
Sulit Cases
Dress Sappers
Folli Slippers
House RippDpDe=
Skatfurag Shoes
Club 'rags
S A[r-c.u'RTH
Band will have a lantern slide of in-,
teresting views from the Educationai I
Department. Everybody welcome. -
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higgins were in
Clinton on Monday spending the eve-'
ning with relatives and friends while
Mr. Higgins had business also to at-'
tend to. -Our coal merchants have
been kept very busy during the past
week supplying the needful. -Mrs. T.
J. Berry is spending a few days with
relatives and friends on the boundary,
and with her sister, Mrs. Gordon Bol-
ton. -Mrs. John Swan and little son,
of Detroit, have returned to the city
after spending a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. Alex. Swan. -Mr. George
Hudson is having a radio set installed
in his home this week. -A number of
the Oddfellows of Hensall Lodge at-
tended a lodge of instruction recently
held in the Seaforth Lodge. -The rel-
atives and friends of Miss Janet Bal-
lantyne, daughter of Mr. James Bal-
lantyne, of the Township of Usborne,
will regret to learn that she recently
underwent an operation for appen-
dicitis in one of the London Hospitals
but will be pleased to learn that she
is doing as well as can be expected. -
Our village snow plow made its first
rounds on Wednesday morning of
this week and our pedestrians wel-
comed the action of our council in
sending it out, as it is certainly a
boon to all using our sidewalks. -A
number of our village stores are be-
ginning to present a real Santa Claus
appearance with their wealth of
beautiful goods and yet much more to
follow in the next week or so. -We
are pleased to see Miss Hannah Craig
able to go around again following the
severe effects of a fall she received a
number of weeks ago, when hurriedly
crossing the street near their place
on Queen Street. -A large number of
the fair sex during the past week or
two have been organizing euchre and
bridge clubs to help spend the winter
nights. --Mr. Roy Smale, of Windsor,
has been here'for the past week or so
visiting his parents. -Our local mer-
chants appreciate the patronage they
are receiving. They have put in fine-
ly assorted and fine value goods of
all kinds and very naturally appreci-
ate it when those in their own village
and locality give them their orders
and patronage in preference to far
away cities and places where they
very frequently, do not receive as good
values -Mr. William Consitt was one
of those who visited the Winter Fair
at Toronto and in fact has done so
from year to year and who was so
favorably impressed with the magnifi-
cence of the entries and displays in
all lines of exhibits. -The A. Y. P. A.
of St. Pau 's Anglican Church visited
the si ciety of the Trivitt Mem-
orial Church at Exeter on Monday ev-
ening last, putting on the programme
and were most kindly received and
splendidly entertained. -A large num-
ber of parcels are now being mailed
from the local post office for the Old
Country, the Western Provinces and
the United States and those sending
to those places would do well, in ad-
vance of sending, to call and get cus-
torn declaration forms to be attached
to all parcels for the United Kingdom
end for the United States, so that they
can fill up same in their, leisure with
values of articles sent separately. The
only exception is when any parcel
weighs less than eight ounces it
does not require a declaration or cus-
toms form. -A number of our young
men and boys have been taking in
skating, hockey and other like sports
on the neighboring sheets of ice want-
ing to get in such sport before our
rink was ready. -Mr. John Passmore
has made arrangements for a pigeon
shooting match on Friday of this
week. ;Mrs.• Donald Park and her
daughter, Mrs. Donald McKinnon,
were recently in London spending a
day or so. -Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Wren who have been on their farm,
a short distance east of Chiselhurst,
since early in the spring, returned a
week or so ago to occupy their dwel-
ling again on Richmond St., North,
and certainly are well entitled to
rest from the active duties of the
farm. -We regret to learn of the ill-
ness of Mr. Lawrence Hoffman, of
our village, but hope he may soon
recover his accustomed good health.
To the
One Who Beaks Hee
Rem (files
Over -Weight
ad Skin
Tonsils -Adenoids
Hay Fever
The President of our Organization
328 King St. West
100 Downie Street Phone 712\
Ste will be pleased to interview anyone
FREE or CHARGE who desires information
for Various Human Ailments
Your Health is assured if you get back to
Nature for Help
Our Herbal Remedies have been before the
public since 1888, and aur organization has
advanced to the stage where we now main-
ONTARIO as well as distributing agencies
throughout Canada. If you are ailing, see
him while he is in either of these places and
get started on the path back to Health.
]'hone 2663
au c guy,
Sei n ih, Out
,heppi 11g---Ch®pping-CfIl®ppir
We have had so many requests for custom grinding that we have
started our chopper again.
We can chop or roll grain of all kinds and will give efficient and
courteous services.
WHEAT, Standard
OATS, Standard or over .58 per bushel
Barley, Malting grade
Mixed Barley and Oats
$1.20 per bushel
.70 per bushel
1.50 per 100 tbs.
Mixed Barley and Wheat according to sample
BRAN -in bags
SHORTS -in bags
MIDDLINGS -in bags
OAT CHOP in hags
Rolled Oats -in bags
Barley Chop -in bags
MIXED CHOP in bags ,
$35.00 per ton
37.00 per toe
45.00 per ton
2.25 per hag
2.25 per ]bag
1.85 per bag
1.90 per bag