HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1929-11-15, Page 6el Titepe'lelleeeseee s calee rip r wet. Vepit i*/ �et®ISeF • ni fl , ;ea Co fur - cepa n eeeste en u410k;g00, l rod eta me= bee an pk e. La e tape or ribbon eae be changed in,ttes -may--it saves tine. To - Mi eind "WO en Undies. Instead of patching in the usual way, mend as you would hose by darning. There is no unnecessary bulkiness when mended. Before using the mending wool, shrink over the steaxn of the kettle to prevent it from pulling from the garment when wash- ed. • HOW THE SUN BEGAN We do not know how old the sun is, but a Norwegian professor thinks it began as a huge mass of scattered matter of low temperature, which ' gradually grew together, and shaped itself as we know it, and all the time got hotter and,h•otter, just as would happen if you piled scattered coal to- gether. The color was first red, like burn- ing coal, and then it became of a glowing yellow. He thinks the sun, in course of time, gets cooler and cooler, and will gradually return to its former scat- tered form, and finally go out alto- gether like a lamp. But as this will take, not millions but billions of years to accomplish, we need not worry. Mending Trousers. When mending holes in the legs of men's trousers, take a safety razor blade and rip the outside seam of the leg. Sew on your patch by machine and then it takes only a minute to run up the seam again. Do you dread the fall and winter months because you are subject to colds or kindred ailments? You may escape. these by beginning right now to take Gallagher's Indian Herbal Remedy. It will build up your re- sistance against attacks of this kind. This Remedy as well as all the other Gallagher Herbal Preparations is sold by J. E. Keating, Seaforth; A. W. E. Hemphill, Hensall. Now Yogis that he lead all the money he'wanted. The uaext clay he befit Now York for Qtesenslan4, and ..he had Boated his loan or, to be exact, half of it and at 6 per cent. Then the story came out. - 'It1 appeared that Theodore had journeyed to London via New York. With shrewd foresight he had fore- seen just such a demand as that made by the London financiers and had made discreet inquiries. The New York group, on his return and while London financiers were still waiting, snapped up all they could get of the Queensland loan. A Good Mop. You will find that fitting up the loop with old stocking legs, silk or cotton ---not wool—will be a great im- provement. Cut out feet, double over stocking le -g and sew round edge of mop—about six or eight legs—more if the mop is eery old. It is easy to wash them out and sew on again. Valuable Rainfall Recent rains have been of untold value to the province. Reports from the various counties indicate that while too late to materially improve pastures, the widespread rainfall has improved fall wheat wonderfully and has permitted fall plowing to proceed. Live stock is generally reported in poor condition, and with grain scarce and feed high, the whole milk supply is short in all parts of the province. Most of the apple and root crops have been harvested. HOUSEHOLD DISCOVERIES I always make the hem of curtains wider than I need, to allow for shrink- age in the wash. I also put a thimble on the end of the rod when I am put- ting the curtains on. It saves time and prevents tearing. 1 keep an old wash stand with a bottom cupboard and a drawer by the side of the sink. It is enamelled white, and is very convenien- for holding soiled clothes. I keep all kinds of household utensils in the cupboard, and keep bottle brushes, cleaning powders, etc., in the drawer. Scrap Bags. • Mosquito netting makes the best scrap bags, as you can see what you want without turning everything out. Washing Hose. When washing many pairs of hose, pin each pair together with a rust - less safety pin. They can be hung over the line to dry, kept in pairs ready for darning and no time is lost in sorting. Changing Elastic. When changing elastic, fasten the end of the new to the old with a 5 your daviihterr eHakying.lile? "1[' is just in her "teen age99 that a girl should be getting he most fun out of life•1•Yet so often it happens that girls of sixteen - to - twenty have outgrown their strength —are quickly tired, pale, nervous, generally run- down and unhappy 1 These are sure signs of anaemia, a condition that results from thin, worn-out, under -nourished blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have corrected this in thousands off girls. Here is the actual experience of Mrs. Ben Nicholas of iErieau, Ont. .,My daughter was to a run-down state. She was easily tired and did not wish to associate with others. As this was unnatural, 1 began giving her Dr. Williams' ]Pink Pills, and they soon Heade a strong healthy girl of her. Now elm is as happy a girl as ono would wish to eae." Start your daughter on thio proven treatment now by buying De. Williatns' (Pink Palo at your druggiot'e ne any leder in medicine air toy men, 50 emits, postpaid, ffecen Time ®e. D7Jillhiammna It's7edidEleao Coe litecele illllc, "A E+tOtfoct04'ALD NAMS its tteS ll 51007 nOt tl" /► IP I \fr YES ME int=Es Says T niigg s e HUR aforth. " 13.0 0 0 C®I`1VII`VIl UNIIT T 1I mr TNG IIDERIEC (EIRY AI`\\TIID IBUSIiNIESS GUIDE Through the co-operattileri of the ri sineaa Men dilated below, we will repeoduce ca works) ®4 eiteaatiloteall are oleo ®mdeavoninnt So Min saleca0 a better business reiationnsllaip between resident and merchant In the tome and them biers abased emcee ptfoen eseive co n nammn1ty fin wilele to flow Dirimg;i Tells Easy Way hi IEma Bkakfi( We ss STIEWAI T 11. ROB. Pleasant, Inexpensive Home Treat- ment Quickly Relieves ]Daily Irritation and Getting -up - Nights. No matter what your age may be, how long you have been troubled or how many medicines you have tried without success—if you are a victim of Bladder Weakness and Urethral ir- ritation, causing days of troublesome annoyance and nights of broken rest —you should try the amazing value of Ur. Southworth's URATABS at once! Made from a special formula, suc- cessfully used in the Doctor's private practice for nearly 50 years--URA- TABS are particularly designed of turning Urethral Irritations. Back- aches, Bladder Weakness and Getting - up -Nights. Safe, Pleasant, Inexpen- sive—and supplied by all good drug- gists on a guarantee of money back on very first package if not fully sat- isfied. If you need a medicine of this kind, try URATABS to -day! WARM WIEAEB.A ]],(LIES FOR WINTER WEATHER - he t1 1S ®\ sza JS s111I01? tt •Me>rn&s 011otllduug amid (Ladies' 1" eady-to-We lc' TIP TOP SUITS AND OVERCOATS—Made to your individual meas- ure, hundreds of different English all -wool cloths to choose from. Leave your measure to -day. One price—$24.50. Guaranteed fit. )t c EA /IS Z57965 SISA.IF®L°s filif LADIIES9 APPAREL SEG? They Are Wanted! They Are Here! BEAUTIFUL BLACK DRESSES BEAUTIFUL BROWN DRESSES See them Friday and Saturday. COMMUNI[TY WELL-]ID®l1N(G Stewed TOO "Joint -Ease" is selling like hot cakes in my store, because it is a Ivonderful and speedy remedy for all joint troubles. "But why- not impress on tens of thousands of suffering people some of the things that dozens of my custom- ers tell me almost daily. "Some say that it knocks out lum- bago over night—others that for chest colds and sore throat it has no equal, while many insist that there is nothing they ever tried that is so ef- ficient for neuralgia, neuritis and ev- en head colds and vile nasal catarrh." Answering the above letter. we, the makers of Joint -Ease, know that what this thriving Ottawa druggist says is true, but we still maintain that Joint - Ease is prepared for stiff, inflamed. painful, swollen joints. whether in ankle, knee, hip, elbow, shoulder, fingers or spine. You'll like to use stainless Joint - Ease, for with just one minute's rub- bing it soaks in through the flesh direct to the ailing hones, joints and ligaments—that's why it succeeds— `or when Joint -Ease gets in joint ag- ony gets out—and without any waste of time all swelling and congestion disappears. Made in Canada—costs only 60c a tube. All druggists sells lots of it. AUSTRALIA'S TREASURER IS A NEWS AND INFORMATION FOR THE BUSY FARMER Royal Winter Fair, Toronto —Nov- ember 20 -28th. Guelph Winter Fair—December 9th to 12th. Ottawa Winter Fair—December 2nd to Gth. Ontario Beekeepers' Association, Torent„—November 211, 27 and 28. MAN OF QUICK ACTION "Ted" Theodore, who has become head of the treasury department of Australia. is an extremely interesting 2elitical figure and a still more in- teresting personality. He is an out- 'tandin:g man in the public life of Australia. Like many other well- balanced minds his is hacked by a superb physique. Deep of chest and stockily built, his very appearance breeds confidence, even in his oppon- ents. Back in 1916, as state troasurer of Queensland, Mr. Theodore had many problems. One of these he solved with a brilliant courage that aroused Australia to her own possibilities. In 1919-20 the government of Queensland had to meet many loans then falling due. There was no ques- tion of Queensland's inability to pay, but it was considered better policy to keep Australian capital for private in- vestment and to continue to borrow on government development work. Mr. Theodore journeyed to London, hat'in hand, as many another domin- ion statesman has done. Arrived at the centre of Empire finance he found himself coldly received. He required $50.000,000. The Queensland government was in disfavor. For many years the "un- protected north" had been recogniz • ed as a danger to Australia. So that the danger might be lessened the Queensland and government decided to break up large cattle stations, (ranches), some of them hundreds of square miles in extent, and to leave them to farmers and their families. Whereas these cattle estates, many of them capitalized in London, had been paying from two cents to twen- ty-five cents per acre annual rental, the small farmer was demonstrating that he•could pay as high as four dol- lars per acre in annual rental. This was just the question exercits- ing the minds of London financiers. These cattle stations had been return- ing immense profits to London share- holders. Mr. Theodore was told that Queensland could have her $50,000,- 000, 50,000;000, but the closer settlement policy must he altered. It was a distinct attempt by London financiers to dic- tate political policy to a dominion. The treasurer of Queensland did not quarrel openly with these gentle. men Who held the Empire pui'be- sttrings. He asked far a few days to consider both the proposal and the rate of interest, which was to have been 7% per cent. The financiers waited, patiently and with assurance, foe hie decision. Imagine their astonishment when ifiii. Z. G. 'Jr7rld6dOi ititifi add feast Geo. D. Fergunsollu Co. SOLEX Guaranteed Electric Light Bulbs, burn longer and show a bright- er light: 25 and 40 watt, 27c; 40 watt 30c; 100 watt, 48c, inside frosted. Everything in Hardware. TELEPHONE 61 J. A. WSTCOlL Jeweller and Watchmaker Just In PINK GLASSWARE Moderate Prices. All men desire to achieve. From the veriest child to the adult of advanced years there is nearly always apparent the wish to be doing, to be accomplishing. Nothing is more contrary to right living than the sense of community inaction. Laciness and indolence, idleness and stupor are unnatural conditions to exist in the community in which you reside, and right-minded individuals look upon them as un- desirable and repellant. They tend toward the overtheow of civic, as well as community pride and government. It places you in a state of lethargy that will placard your community as among the "has- beens." Admitted that all inen naturally express the 'desire of activi- ty, to be doing something, what is the law which will result in free- dom to achieve properly, to accomplish that which is worthy and of advantage to their community as well as to themselves. There is only one right law of activity, and that is "Community Love." You cannot achieve much where community pride is lost. You must be- lieve in your merchants, your neighbors, in fact the whole munici- pality in which you reside, with an abiding faith that there is none better. Faith is the foundation upon which the whole superstructure of your community is built, without it you are lost. First show your faith in patronizing your merchants and your merchant' will show his faith in you. 1° F In ED S. SAVAUGE, Watchmaker and Jeweller Optometrist "THE GIFT SEtOP" M. ROSS SAVAUGE, Opt. D. Optometrist I: eattie9s China Store See our New Line of YELLOW and WHIITE ENAMEL • at all prices. Suitable Gifts for Showers. A silver trophy donated by the On- tario Vegetable Growers' Associa- tion, open to members in good stand- ing prior to September 1st, 1929, is offered to the exhibitor obtaining the highest number of points in all sec- tions for vegetables at the Royal Win- ter Fair. A miniature of the trophy will be given to the -winner each year. An insight into the international character of 0. A. C. may be derived from the announcement that students are in attendance from the following countries: Trinidad, Rhodesia, Ber- muda. Mexico, South Africa, Holland, Germany, Peru, Ukraine, Japan, Nor- way, United States, England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Czecho-Slovakia and Canada. Thompson's took Store NEW BOOKS By such authors as Kathleen Nor- ris, Grace Richmond, Cody Pack- ard, Hugh ]Walpole and Stratton - Porter. Window Shades Picture Frames Made to Order Phone 181 J. E. KEAT]NG W. R. SMIITlliI W. A. CRIICIE WA1THE i• S NEW DATES 2 pounds for Dinner Sets at Reduced Prices. 2c BAKER DOUGHNUTS 206 per dozen Telephone 34 CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES Full line of Giffard Walnut small goods, Foreign Pottery, Lamps, Vases, Cedar Chests. CALL AND SEE THEM . SP OAT' ONE CENT SALE THIS WEEK Thursday, Friday and Saturday Your chance to save money at KEATING'S PHARMACY The Rexall Drug Store Phone 28 Seaforth. A 1n YEN HEATERS FO rr. ALL MAKES OF CARS Daly Gairage Sea 3r RUBBER FOOTWEAR Buy your Rubber Footwear at the Economy Shoe Store, where you get real values, and all first qual- ity stock. Hon. John S. Martin, Minister of Agriculture, returned to his duties at the Parliament Buildings last week after an absence of five months due to illness. He was warmly greeted by heads of the different departmental oranches. Hon. Mr. Martin will now actively supervise activities) of the department, although he will be com- pelled to take things easy for about a year. WALTE r G. WELLIES Dependable Shoes MEN'S WORK SHOES We sell all the best makes, Grebs, Williams, Sterling's, Hydro City, Panco or leather soles, $2.95 to $4.50. Big Value in Fertilizers. Commercial fertilizers when applied to various crops in conjunction with gond fanning Methods give big re- turns. Phosphates increase yields of almost all crops on almost all types of soil in the province. Potash pays, especially on the sandy soils. Nitro- gen for most farm crops should, as far as possible, be obtained for grow- ing legumes. Crop Yield Average. The estimated yield of fall wheat, spring wheat, oats, barley, rye and peas in Ontario for the year is given at 114.140,939 bushels as compared with 135,377.224 bushels last year. The total acreage in Ontario for these grains was 367,881 acres less than last year. Oats are lower by 19,500,- 000 bushels than last year. The pota- to crop was -below normal and turnips and mangele, due to a continuous drought, are smaller in size than us- ual. Small fruits proved to be a light crop, but winter apples are plentiful although small in size. The tobacco average was 30 per cent. be- low 14)28. Taken all in all, the crop yield is an average one, and the qual- ity good. Grading is Vital. The fact that more than 180,000 acres of potatoes are grown in On- tario every year, it is highly import- ant that an efficient marketing sys- tem he perfected. This means that every grower should co-operate in properly grading his potatoes and in placing them on the market in a suit- able container. Only in this way can the competition of the outside product he niet. Weed Advisers. It is the opinion of the provincial weed inspected that when councils are selecting inspectors they should choose "weed advisers" rather than "policemen." Excellent progress has been made this year and it was found that this was most pronounced where a man was chhsen as inspector. who was enthusiastic about weed control and could advise farmers how to re- duce their weed menace. Much bet- ter to encourage a man to properly prepare a field . than to come along late in the season and order the crop cut because of weed infestation. the Bean Market. The Ontario bean crop will be little larger than last year. A decrease in the average yield per acre twill almost offset the great increase in acreage. The American crop of small white beans has been estimated about two per cent. larger than latet year. The guropeean peoductian in aibout normal in contrast to 1928, when the crop was very short. Th6 Mil Mere iter the United Stakes, Ii. ROY S. IPNNKNR Y read9 Cakes and Pastry SHORTBREAD The Real Scotch ]Kind. Phone 70. J. Z. CLEARY CASH YOUR SALADAE TEA COUPONS —at— J. J. CLEARY'S iidividlin1 Business White -Up" FRIED W. BGG W. J. WALKER le SON—Walker's Furniture Store in Seaforth is one of the finest, if not the finest, furniture display rooms in Huron County. The firm has been in the furniture business for the past 32 years, and for 21 years of that time they have been in Seaforth. Their stock of furniture is all embracing and of the 'finest quality. Besides the regular lines of furniture of all kinds, they make a speciality of Gibbard solid walnut. At present they are carrying a huge stock of Christmas goods which includes gift goods and pottery. The sales service is of the best, and in no store in Western Ontario will one find a greater range of furniture stock, or goods of better quality than there is constantly on display in this store. The firm also does a large undertaking busieess and carries a com- plete line of undertaker's supplies and equipment. WV AM E NT t Dots and Shoes BOYS' GOOD SCHOOL SHOES Heavy or medium weight. Special at $2.95 FOR WALL PAPER, PAINTS, VARNISHES AND WINDOW SHADES, TRY 'ur T. G. SCOTT Telephone 62 i CHRYSLER-PLYMOU'I'1Ht: America's lowest -priced, full-size car; larger body, wider seats, wider doors, larger brakes, more visibility, more head room and 1,eg room, larger tires. RIM IER'S GARAGE Studebaker Sales and Service Repairs on all Makes of Cars. TIRES, BATTERIIES, ETC. Telephone 167 THRESHER FOR SALE One Decker with Cutting Box at- tachment, suitable for farmer's in- dividual use. Equipped with Eberr- soll Feeder. At bargain price. The Robt. tell Engine & Thresher Company SEAFO !" CRIEAME 1" Y The place to market your Cream and to receive the best service that can be given. Phone 80 W. C. A. leeARBER, Proprietor. GALLOP McALPINE Agents for Massey -Harris Imple- ments and Repairs. Beatty Bros. Farm Equipment Metallic Roofing Frost Fence GASOLINE and OIILS Canada and Europe was very small. consequently new beans are meeting a ready sale. Quotations on imported European beans which compete with Ontario grown of good quality, have gone up during recent weeks, the No - Bek N1©tt Teel-. �® IEma Mgegfl®m INSTANT RELIEF Thousands of unfortunate people suffer almost daily from stomach acidity, gas, sourness and indigestion after eating. If they would start the agreeable practice of taking a glass of hot water containing a teaspoonful or four tablets of pure Bisurated Magnesia, they Would seen find their stomach so strengthened and improv- ed that they could eat the richest and most satisfying meals without the least symptom of indigestion. Nearly all digestive troubles are caused by an excess of acid and an insufficient blood supply in the stom- ach. Food ferments and sours be- fore digestion can take place. A glass of hot water -draws the blood to the stomach and tdisurated Magnesia neu- tralizes the steerach acids and keeps the stomach strong, sweet and healthy and promotes *Orval rva1 painless diges- tion. Bisurated 'Magnesia is not a laxative, is harmless, easy and *me- ant to take, acid tan be obtained front any well stocked dirug+gist in either powder ave tablet form. Try thio to- day end enjoy our meals In peace. Wollvertoln Flour Mills Co, Limited Millers of flour that's Dependable SILVERKIING for BREAD KEYSTONE for PASTRY Telephone 51 The (-limon (Expositor Huron County's Family Paper Established 1860. We Make a Specialty of Jab Printing. A. W. DUNLOP GA I" AGE Come in and hear the ne AT 1930 Marconi and Lyric Radios Come in and see our line of Batteries. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone 187 CANADA FURNIITUR E MANUFACTURERS, LIMITED Office Furniture Sectional Bookcases. vemher 1st price being $3.75 a bushel frnrr titres a year and culling unde- eirphre specimens. Thousands of blood c.amplcs are taken and forwarded to the Is-horatories for testing, from which reports are sent back to the in- n"ctors, who act upon them. A not- nble imp'ovement in poultry stand- ards has been achieved in this way. f.o.b., Montreal. Longer Light Pays. For several years past poultry - breeders have been trying to discover whether the use of electric light in laying houses really does increase egg _production among hens. The theory is that in prolonging daylight the hens were enticed to lay more eggs. Experiments over a period of five years at the Dominion Experi- mental Station with two pens, one supplied with the extra lighting fa- cilities and the other without, show the following results: Over the five-year period, the pen of 100 hens supplied with light pro- duced on an average 3966 eggs at a cost of 20 cents per dozen in the six months. The pen vsithout lights pro- duced 3671 at a oest of 22 cents pee dozen. This gives an advantaga of about 300 eggs for the pen with hghts and at a reduction in cost of 2 cents per dozen. Poultry Breeding Stations. One ideportant way in rwhich the Poultry Department at 0.A.C. is carrying its knowledge in a practical manner to the farmers of Ontario is by the establishment of poultry breed- ing stations for purposes of eulling and general flock empedvement. Last year there were approximately 50,000 hens on 160 farms which came under this ,plan, while this fall over 100.000, birds, representing 300 farme have been enrolled. The department hes seven inspectors conatantly on the reed With a view to visiting each flea Now Interest in Field Peas. Thirty or forty years ago Ontario fnemers grew annually about half a rellion acres of field peas, but when the wevil became troublesome, inter- rst in the crop gradually waned until there was lees than 100,000 acres grown. 1However, during the past few years peas have been compara- tively free from insect pests and the acreage has been increasing a little every year. Renewed interest has been obtain- ed also by the development at the On- tario Agricultural College of an out- standing variety known as 0. A. C. 181, whieh is now being/ distributed through the Experimental Union. This variety is a cross between Prussian Blue and White Wonder and is a fair- ly early ripening pea. Under a ten- year test at 0. A. C. it has yielded about 25 per cent. greater returns than most common varieties. Several farmers in the Guelph district have reported excellent crops with this Buy Certified Seed Potetoeo Now. Certified seed will do more, perhaps, than any other single feet& to im- prove the peteto erop on this average faren. ovittifioa geed will likely be THOMAS IIDI«KSON Dealer in Flour - Feed - Seed Poultry and Eggs Telephone 13 therefore the wise farmer will ar- range for his supply now. R. D. Nodwell, of Hilleburg, one of the best known producers of qual- ity potatoes, when acting as field man for the Crops and Market Branch during the past summer, had an ex- cellent opportunity of observing dif— ferences in potato crops. He says: "My eyes were opened fo the serious state of the potato business on the ordinary farm. I was amazed at the amount of black leg and rhizoctonia in the average fields. In many cases the loss from these two diseases alone would run from 10 to 25 per cent." This meant to many farmers this year a lose of from $10 to $40 per acre." Certified seed not only re— duces the disease lose but increaseo the yield and quality. No farmer can afford to use poor seed. Contain No Narcotize Imam your child io random. p000lotn. a Istilicaton the revatjett of *omit sad that .,4,,e44:ye the little one*o otronath lo bolek al and