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The Huron Expositor, 1929-11-15, Page 2
NiNIEMILANNINO mss •• 777AYiffi %moionizes vh f ver sigie of .c`, . 1.1111111111111111 IIII111111llhI11lI I i1 a II11]I1i{ll11 11111111111111 iltiII 11111111fllll1t111.1 N. MUFF S14rNl 4 t A> SOON (IBy Isabel Hamilton, Goderioh, Ont,) When. wilt Thou save the people? 0 God of mercy, when? Not Dings alone, but nations! Not thrones and crowns, but men! Flowers of Thy heart, 0 God, are they; Let them not pass, like weeds, away - Their heritage a sunless day, God save the people! E. Elliott. Ill�lll 11111111111111111 GALVANIZED 1G]LIBS for the Roof n%iudsomme,fireproof. lest the life off the lbuildmg. Memo other. Getpricecb II iIIIIEI Stla &anal,® SHEET STIEIEL CIEIELENGZ IForfStoollssi9I RH% Stoma, Hotels, 1\tch , etc. BEAUTIFUL — FIREPROOF ECONOMICAL (Put up in a '.!-'y. Many 1han.1-®ma patterns. Easy tt handle. Nailed inn place over old] plaster No dust or dirt. No mnss ilel litter. Easy to clean and paint" Get the facts and sabre your mon Sea yaw' &c a& dreentithat7 maezazator X191 �lilitl ill CALVAlallIZISID SIDING Toe Canaoidle Wille Choice of Brick, Roca -face or Sear board patters. Good loo= weather-proof. Ease t®Da • Eau, to out on. azwellg, Dis77 anngEol ©Elam CO3sov. Ipszt3ffigC� 050 PRAYER 0 Thou who are the creator of all nations and the Father of all peoples, help us to think in terms of world- wide evangelism and work for the bringing in of Thine own who are yet afar off. For Jesus' sake. Amen. S. S. LESSON 70118 NOVIM[ a EIB 17 Lessem Topic—Living with People of other rakes. Lesson Passage --A is 10:9-155, 30- 35; Galatians 3:28, 29. Golden Test—Acts 10:34, 35. Acts 10:9-15, 30-35. It is a turn very new and remark- able which the story of this chapter gives to the Acts of the Apostles; hitherto, 'both at Jerusalem and everywhere elsewhere the ministers of Christ came, they preached the gospel only to the Jews, or those Greeks that were converts to the Jews' religion; but now the does of faith is opened to the Gentiles. We read that Cornelius had receiv- ed positive orders from heaven to send for Peter, whom otherwise he had not 'heard of, or at least not heeded, but there is another difficulty lying in the way of getting them to- gether—the question is, whether Pet- er will come to Cornelius when he is sent for; it would be a matter of conscience with him. Cornelius was a very worthy man but he was a Gen- tile; and because God in his law had forbidden his people to associate with idolatrous nations they would not keep company with any but those of their own religion, though they were ever so deserving; and they carried the matter so far that they made even the involuntary touch of a Gen- tile to contract a ceremonial pollu- tion (John 18:28). In to -day's lesson we see how the Apostle Peter was the man chosen of God to admit the uncircumcised Gen- tiles into the Christian church. It was through a vision that Peter was directed to go to Cornelius without making any scruple of it. The Scrip- tures of the Old Testament had spok- en plainly of the bringing in of the Gentiles into the church. Christ had given plain intimations of it in his dealings with the Gentiles of Galilee in whose country the most important part of his ministry was carried on. His public teaching showed no preju- dice in favor of the Jews in hie giv- ing of praise or 'blame and his last command to His disciples was to teach all nations; and yet even Peter who knew so much of his Master's mind, could not understand it till it was revealed by vision. As he meditated on what the -vision could mean, the Spirit of God spoke to him and told him what was going on down below in the street and that without questioning he was to do as these messengers wanted. He went with them and was taken into the house of Cornelius, who greeted hiin with the circumstances of his being sent far to Joppa. Cornelius, too, had had a vision in which he was told to send for Peter, who would speak to him of all the things commanded of God. Then it was that the full meanin gof his own vision came to him. "Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons; but in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accept- ed with him." Galatians 3:28, 29. Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, in writing to the Galatians, sail that the Law given to Moses did indeed make a difference between Jew and Greek, giving the Jews on many ac- counts the .pre-eminence; it also made a difference between bond and free, master and servant, male and female. Paul proceeded to show them that that was all done away; they all stood on the same level, and are "all one in Christ Jesus." As Matthew Henry says: "As the one is not ac- cepted on the account of any nation- al or personal advantages he may en- joy above the other, so neither is the other rejected for the want of them; but all who sincerely 'believe on Christ, of what nation or sex, or con- dition, soever they be, are accepted of him, and become the children of God through faith in 'Him. WORLD MISSIONS "Unsupported by earnest, prevail- ing prayer, the missionary enterprise would be a total failure --defeated and overwhelmed by the forces of darkness again which we contend. Yet, on the other hand, praise God, through prayer all things are- pos- sible. We have proved this over and over again in our own experience, and the history of missions as a whole proves it beyond question. But we do not realize, we who live in the homeland, the utter hopeless- ness of evangelization -without prayer as do the missionaries who are sur- rounded, and at times well-nigh smothered, 'by the blight and horror of paganism. They seek to enlighten minds whose darkness is so appalling that God alone •can fathom it. They have left home and friends to teach the Ward of Life to nations whose intelle'•ots are clouded and benumbed by the influence of centuries of ignor- ance and :degradation. Only the power of the Holy Spirit can pene- trate the gloom. No wonder their first and constant request is for an interest in the prayers of those at home. "To-day-now—in Africa this con- flict is raging, and every mail brings letters from our workers requesting that we bear them up in prayer. May God help us to realize to the full our own personal responsibility in this struggle for the enlightenment of Africa; a responsibility of such im- portance that it should lead each one of us to `,go a little farther' with Jesus into the place of prayer. Sure- ly they wvill not Inlend in vara." -- Secretary of the Sudan Interior Mis- . COKING is munmdn mom pI1eissannf when yolmit stove Rooks oi well as it cooks o 0 0 when its (Infill= Bunt llJkck slhnnnco makes it sperEdle Hike new o e o when bbdlll essedl nip" ccrnit➢n Zehn?ii1 1Liqunndl Strove PoIlnsIh9 ate ©Ma pleas 08a79 elltunmll wag to keep stoves llovellya V.1.0 .0 Tt1 II s rr. on the editorial waiters or lampoon- ists. For instance, business men are not permitt bo shoe their own re- presen'tatilves to the obavaber of cou(a- merce. M!oessoliuii eh0045 tbeaS. to one wonder then, that at a signal from the dictator, the ch'anaber of commerce or may other .public or semi- public 'body will pass unanimously and enthusiastically any resolution which he may draft? To keep hie machine running and suppress revolt, Mussolini finds it necessary to control the very life of the citzens. This is done by a police force whose maintenance costs four times as much as that of France; the Fascist militia and six other special bodies of detectives and constables, as well as an army of •spies. Italians living abroad are also spied upon through the agency of the Italian con- sulates and if they should prove critical of Mussolini their families at home are made hostages for their good be- havior. 'Po go abroad it is necessary for an Italian to have a passport and if he receives a passport, the Fascist spies must be able to give a favorable report upon him. He must be sound concerning Mussolini. That is one reason why when visiting Italians are i'n'terviewed, they invariably de- clare that in Italy life is happier and freer from restrictions than life any- where else on the face of the earth. It is also a reason why the most em- inent Italians those regared abroad with the greatest respect, are unable to travel. Giglielmo Ferrero, the most illustrious of Italian historians was obliged to decline an invitation to deliver a series of addresses in Am- erican universities because of his opinions of Fascism. OBSOLETE LAMP POSTS A London Daily Telegraph corres- pondent writes: In Japan most of the streets are lit up, not by public lamps, but by the electric light from a lamp which every house is suppos- ed to have outside the gate or on the front door. This applies also to shops, which are generally kept open until lite in the evening. Their entrances ars some times illuminated by Japanese lanterns and look very picturesque. In this way the streets in Japan are fairly well illuminated, and pre- sent quite an artistic appearance. BADDY CAN ANY NOIPlate NCA Ere dearly loved a rich tit -bit. The spirit was willing, but the flesh was weak. Whenever he ate anything rich, his bons used to say, " Poor dad, he will pay the penalty to -morrow." Read the sequel in his own words " Since taking the regular dose of IKr•usehen Salts it is quite different, and any boys enjoy themselves seeing me eat what d dare not touch before. My eldest son was the same, but since he has taken Kruschen Salts he can eat and enjoy whatever is put in front of him." Modern artificial conditions, errors of diet, overwork, lack of exercise, and so on, are bound to have injurious effecto in the long run providing due precaution is not taken. Kruschen Salts should be your safe- guard. Besides cleansing the body of impurities gently, surely and painlessly, they possess a vital power of giving new life and vitality to the countless millions of cello of which every body is composed. That is why physicians never hesitate to recommend Kruschen Salts. ITALY APPROACHES THE BRINK OF RUTIN It is an ominous picture of Italy which is painted in the writings of Francisco Nitti, formerly minister of the treasury and president of the council of ministers in another and happier regime. Needless to say, Signor Nitti passes his strictures from abroad. He would not be per- mitted to write as he does in Italy and even if he were he could find no medium which would circulate his views. There is no longer a free press in Italy, the result being that nobody believes anything he sees in it. Or perhaps it would be safe to say that the readers betray about the same scepticism as they would when reading a patent medicine testi- monial. It might, of course, be true. We regret to note that faith in the infallibility of the press everywhere is spreading and only the other day we heard of an argument in which one man asserted, as though to clinch it, that such and such a statement had appeared in the paper. "The paper?" the other disputant echoed, "When the paper's ever right I'll give you my watch-" Well, it is a good deal worse than that in Italy. Any dictator 'will, as a matter of course, forbid newspapers from criti- cising him. But a press censorship as revealed in Italy goes muoh further when it forbids the papers to publish news which may be of the utmost im- portance to the public generally in arriving at right conclusions. The press is not permitted to publish news of deportations. Some of the most distinguished men in the country have been quietly deported to penal colon- ies and the only news the public is vouchsafed is a statement that they were communists. All kinds of fin- ancial and commercial news which might be held to imply a criticism, of the administration or to suggest that affairs in Italy are not of the best is kept out of the papers. The grip of Mussolini is as firm on the throats of the business peen of the nation as up- azzaze Germ Absorbine, Jr., spells death to disease Berms and infection. As a gargle and mouthwash, this safe, dependable anti- captic and germicide ]tills germs on sight In the mouth and throat. Applied to cores, wounds, cute, bruises and s raino it not only relieves the pain and sore- ness, but also heals quickly and pre- vents inflammation. Always keep Absorbine, Jr., in your medicine cabinet. It is Nature's "First Aid"—non-greasy a.nd stainless. $1.25 —at your druggists. Booklet free. 10 • wi iba : tiae aavw oe cul' riZoyq he should lhae a highly ,auesarne'rlauI farmer. It shows the peed "• iitiQ og malting these newcomers into tweilaL111 nrae¢nlbers of the rural cormmunities if someone •will only undertake to be- friend them and instruct them in the ways of Oanadlam farming. - GENIUS FLOWERS ]EARLY IN, MANY MUSICIANS Musical genius probably flowers' earlier than any other 'kind, and while New York has been raving for week about the performance of Ruggiero Ricci, a nine-year-old violinist from San Francisco, it is only two years since it was similarly raving about Yehudi Men'uhin, another youuugster. Yat is quite possible that both these prodigies are authentic music gen- iuses, for as we have paid it is quite usual for the supreme gift of music- ianship to he detected quite early in life. M'enuhimm, on a return visit to New York, showed that his earlier appearance was not what we heard a man once describe as a "splash in the pan." The talents of the lad ev- en in atwelve-month have been seen to ripen nd critics predict that he will become in time one of the great virtuosi. Ruggiero seems to have an equally rare gift, for this youngster is said to have displayed both the emotionalism and sensitivity which have distinguished the great Italian musicians of the past. The urchin had also the poise to command an orchestra for he held it to the tempo which he chose for the rendering of the Mendelssohn violin concerto, ac- cording to an article in the New York Times. While there are certain heights and Senator Benedetto Croce, regarded as one of the profoundest of the world's thinkers, who delivered a memorable speech in the senate a- gainst the Lateran treaty, is viewed with more than suspicion. The Ital- ian press was not permitted to re- produce his notable oration and only brief extracts were given. Students who ventured to write him congratu- lating him upon his performance were arrested. The mail of the nation is controlled, and it is thus that the government gets information with which it can conform suspects. In Rome alone there is an army of 14,- 000 spies. In the words of Signor Nitti, "Italy is like a country sub- jected by an army of occupation. In private all speak against Fascism and almost everybody hates it, but no one dares criticize it in public." One of the most curious charges which he makes is that important public works which were completed ten, twenty or even thirty years ago, are credited .to the enterprise and public spirit of Mussolini and his lieutenants. But it is upon the matter of finance that he is able to speak with the greatest authority. He asserts that Italy is virtually bankrupt and that her condition cannot long be kept from the knowledge of the Italians themselves and the outside world. He says that the adverse trade balance in 1929 will probably amount to $460,- 000,000. Italy was never a creditor country and in the past her balance of imports over exports was made good by the money sent home by Italian emigrants, the money spent by tourists and the earnings of the merchant marine. All these sources are either closed or diminishing. To date the deficits have been met by new borrowings, mainly from the United States. These loans in turn have beers squandered to maintain the artificial rate of the lira which is the security that lenders have in- cautiously accepted as proof that It- aly is on a sound financial footing. Signor Nitti believes that the lira has been stabilized at an absurd level. If he is wrong then Italian money is worth twice as much as French money and three times as much as Belgian money. The critic believes that this stabilization cannot long continue and that soon it will be necessary to turn to inflation. When that day comes the doom of 'Mussolini cannot be much longer postponed. Ontario Potatoes. "Ontario potatoes are staging a comeback," states J. A. Carroll, of the Crops 'and Markets Branch. "On- tario has always grown good pota- toes, but owing to a faulty marketing system the 'bulk of the crop has reach- ed the market improperly graded. In strong competition this meant a re- duced price which in the distress con- ditions of last year meant about 50 per cent. 'below the top. Growers are improving their cultural methods and are producing tubers which when pro- perly graded cannot be beaten for quality." depths in the world of music which the concert platform while they were can be neither reached nor under- mere lads. In fact, so far as great stood without a good deal of living as composers and violinists are concern - some'background, and while there are ed, it is the exception rather than the some who suggest that the best pt's- rule for talent to manifest itself for paration for a great career in sing- the first time after boyhood is pass- ing is a contemporaneous or previous ed. 'Wagner's genius first expressed! career of singing a technical mastery itself in written lyrics, and he was of various instruments sometimes dis- - plays itself in early youth. It has in his teens when he heard the been calculated that between the , Beethoven symphony which turned years 1700 and 1900 no fewer than him to the hiss's of producing on 200 youthful] geniuses appeared in mighty music on own account. the realm of music. These were not infant 'prodigies forgotten as soon as their youth was passed, but men and women who 'became sound and even important musicians as they develop- ed. It is true that few of them ever had the ability to astound the world while they were children and proceed- ed throughout their lives with a crescendo of astonishment. There never was, we suppose,' a great vio- linist at ten who was seven times as great a performer at 70. But Mozart, one of the supreme geniuses in musi- cal history, played the piano and .bril- liantly improvised at four. At seven he was appearing before kings and queens. It is believed that many a rich tal- ent has 'been too early exploited and in consequence, never reached matur- ity. It is pleasant to know that in the case of both Ruggiero and Yehudi their parents are determined that the children. shall have normal boyhoods and will not be permitted to give fre- quent public recitals, though the fin- ancial temptation to yield to the de- mand and curiosity of the public may prove hard to resist. Brahms gave early evidence of the fact that he was a genius, but his father wisely forbade too early devotion to music and made the youth wait longer than he desired before he was permitted to devote himself absolutely to the mistress who was to dominate his life. Handel had worse obstacles to overcome. His love of music was manifest when he was a child, but his father thought that the career of professional musicians was little bet- ter than no career at all or perhaps on a par with a career as profession • al sot ,and lecher, He banished all musical instruments from the house, for he wanted the outh to beccmea lawyer. The story is that Handel, with the assistance of his nurse, contrived to get a piano smuggled into the house, and conveyed to the attic. At night, while the rest of the household slum- bered, (Handel, behind closed doors, would practice and improvise. One day a duke heard him play an organ in the royal chapel and congratulated Handel's father on the performance, thus breaking down his opposition. Liszt, Beethoven and Mendelssohn were all infant prodigies. So was Paganini, the greatest of all violin- ists. At the age of nine he wrote a composition so difficult that nobody else could play it, and before he was of age the musical world was at his feet. Haw his successor inane to be inspired is an interesting, and we hope, a credible story. It appears that the Signora 'Sivori heard him play the day before she gave birth to a baby. At the age of eighteen IIte411>ztg Vil cDaA You Uoo `Feslulr New QDnuattmsa© t IIs 90 nab helm Acre off marvel/ono how quickly the itching stops, the pain eastia aUndl the swellin -es down, when you: apply °"Scotha- nva" to nna!'med or- protruding, Piles. This me© ointment b the prescription off a famous physician and you can use it with every assurance t tit will help you to quick iy Bet ria] of yntar Plies. 54.toataiidruggists. tic cooto yew nothis a SU you do snot ilPenop¢ G�ff¢oc usonunar ecWa bona et °"Sau¢Ifoa-& 1h, ", l Oaro not =defied, luaa rotere deo oaaptv ¢o rvuGt-a-tilvoa 14dnnito4, Ottawa, ®mC� coo dill uc2uumil your naooffias7. months the; 'baby seized two stiletto and tried to make them into a ftriclin and bow. His bent was thus determined 9.ind when he grew sprightly older, he vvrm^, sent to study. In time, he became Paganini's favorite pupil, and where the maestro was dying, he gave hint his cherished violin and said, "You will be the only successor to my name." Later masters of ,'', e violin have astonished critics vdth their ueerr- form'ances while mere infants. Wo may mention Josef Hamann, who, ate the age of ten, travelled hal ` way round the world giving concerts. He was, no doubt, cruelly exploited, and his American tour was stopped by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. The rest . dI Hofmann good, for later on he re- turned with matured powers to com- plete the conquest which he had be- gun as a little boy. Kubelik and Mischa Flman earned large sums on 0.A.C. Live Stock Sale. The recent annual sale of purebred live stock at O.A.C. attracted many buyers from all parts of the province. Many choice epeJcimen of beef, dairy and fat cattle were readily sold and brought good prices. An outstanding lot of swine, including Yorkshires, Berkshires and Tamworths, was dis- tributed. The top price in the cattle sale was $260 paid' for a six-year-old cow. Tonal receipts were $7,759. This sale has 'become an institution, with a truly educating influence. By the distribution of these high class animals throughout the province, de- isirable improvement in Ontario bred live stock will be effected. Helping the Newcomer. There is a moral in this little story: In the spring of 1929, William A. Pullman, a Welsh miner, landed in Canada with his wife and family of nine children. They had no money and no prospects of work. The im- migration agent got in touch with Mr. IElon Weir, a Norfolk farmer. The latter furnished them with a tenant house, hired the `head of the family, and found • positions on neighboring fatras for four of the older boyo end two of the girls. All h'al'e made good. In the course of a year lam.'. Passion eupe7ts to take up bis o05 fsrt ra and LONGE] HAK (Busy hands—at hard] tasks day in and ,s . y out. Persian IBaim keeps the skin soft and. pliable. Removes redness and relieves irritation. At yaw Druggist PE 1 GoacIarecooc 1 Irnttlin fl10 oa Se icaeoo chnaoia wish "Srecom,- Gsid Circuit." Model $149.0014,e u.! rar2mr' • ...:ix:'at fee Ova newate- Warner Warner Radio has Toriged3 ahead to topmost place Atm tedl opinion of experienced teak buyero. IIt's an outstanding Bend- er by every tis¢ of performmnnaf Tao thrill of having the bow Le goose with the new Saoc. uv. Warner Radio. ;neat connnpnao see and hear It NOW I GALLOP PJ[i cALPINIS SEAFORTH MAO "ifr GYP( OC Makes ®Rd Homes Young !. y nailing the smooth, rigid, fireproof Gypr<oc sheets right over the faded walls and ceilings and. hen decorating, you can make the oldest home Rook iniew and handsome. EE® Ebv -0,2_011 (,.vey lei`{n{,.,yam-•+4, vL, \1d1� z. Gila G�'+LllJ34J 'l -'f o \Y/