HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1929-11-01, Page 2rr. Il cel/h//ii/L/i/f/1//.d/1 /'/i 1,11/7 e i err 1� } 11111�1�� lenge and 6:411g= ma5@ no, bettgr >el$— twautilisa c: t 10 111111111111111111111111111111111 ]]]Villi 11111111111111111 N. CILUTIF . SONS - Sef®Pth t IlJ1y ffauttaishetrforf any job, ire any Curr a e of Senuaaa-Mazat CDfak, kvaple lanot InA—•+Tri.M�n�n{{AA`w'+r..r nr `}Y To+1!h'^`S -•n _A ,,:,vi (u;y I[taaball Ill t'}i ' P? 45"1`x. 'lo4J .D ®f Caul.4 df21wititaaA; 0 144 'u , Shan ety "behelvitner No vvrk of sin I[°Y)l anger Before my ayes to be: I hate the work of sinners It shall not cleave to me. ]Palm 1M. IPP.AYIER Conscious of Thy presence in the world, may we go forth day by day to live for truth and righteousness and so do our part in extending the Kingdom. For Jess' .sake. Amen. S. S. LESSON FOE NOVEMBER 3rd Lessem Trivia ---1 espeet For Right- ful Authority. ILessoaa Pessaige .— Mark 12:13-17 ; Bonuses 13:1-7; 1 Peter 2:13-16. Golden Ter-lOiumsanns 13:1. The men, in this instance, who came to question Christ, were Phari- sees and enodians. We know who the former were but off the latter we know nothing mare than is stated here. They evidently both had a genuine interest in the question which they asked, "Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar or not?" They were not sincere seekers after knowledge, for Jesus addressed them as hypocrites. Their object was not to solve their own difficulties, but to involve Christ in difficulties. Christ did not give them a direct "yes," or "no" for answer. He asked for a penny, the common silver ' coin of the day. What would they seen on the coin that was 'handed to Him? It would be the portrait of either the reigning emperor or his predecessor most likely. This was the sign of ownership. It came from Caesar's mint and must be restored to his ex- chegtier. In addition to letting them see that Caesar had a right to command a share of their money for the public good, Christ gave them to understand that the reigning emperor had no power to command their consciences. "Pay you tribute, therefore, without murmuring or disputing, but be sure to render to God the things that are God's. Matthew Henry says on this verse: "Many, that seem careful to give to men their due, are in no care to give to God the glory due to His name; whereas our hearts and best affectionssare as much due to Him as ever rent was to a landlord, or tri- bute to a prince. All that heard Christ marvelled at the discretion of His answer, and how ingeniously He avoided the snare; but I doiipbt none were .brought by it, as they ought to be, to render to God themselves and their devotions. Many will commend the wit of a sermon, that will not be commanded by the divine laws of a sermon. Romans 13:1-7. St. Paul in his teaching ever made Christian doctrine the ground; of Christian duty. He could cite Christ's example in the days of his flesh in proof of his Statement: "Let every soul be subject unto the.=higher powers. Christ'would not alloy Him- self to be made the means of insur- rection when the people would take Him 'tty force and make Him a King; He paid the tribute money to avoid giving offence; he permitted Himself to be given up to the rulers and to be tried, condemned and put to death. So we find the apostle teaching the people that the "powers that be are ordained of God." Nero's will might be devilish but every power which he wielded was divine. "He had been appointed to rule the world which He tormented by Him who loved the world. The emperor's existence was a testimony to the poor Christian that he belonged to the great Roman world, that he was .concerned, whe- ther he was citizen or slave, in its welfare and its misery. "He is a min- ister of God to thee for good." As Paul believed Jesus Christ to be the Son of God and the King of men, he could not help believing that all hu- man society was organized according to the law which He expressed in words, which He embodied in His in- carnation and death --"The chief of all is the servant of all." The Apos- tle could not doubt that every Chris- tian ought to maintain the truth which Nero set at naught, and that if he did, it would prove itself in his case -Nero would be a minister of God for good to him."—(F. D. Maur- ice in The Sermon Bible.) � a oqukolaqu qua"" 1 iitatEA14>AU. to adorn in rr t+y "eCt. IMP P dat set far its Coosa oletnar"" 8p Septeae nes 79tr0.740 TP.nwho ra `lliariesgnvrlapu 901' abate n r herby'aa . 044‘7,14s/v70,1 '.at fi ttarkeysy"'judgbag'ay see:llriGe fra rs) d : ferent pelts of the province. Tur- keys raised at the open during the summer cannot stand closed coan:de- ment during the fattening period . nd should therefore not be confined to pens. Confinement often results in the birds going off their feed and de- veloping digestive troubles, sometimes in death. The proper time to com- mence fattening is four weeks .i. -'' ore they are wanted for table use, which is usually in November and Decem- ber. The young birds should be started feeding gradually. The feed should be composed of both mashes and whole grain at night. The mash s made up of equal harts ce ground oats, "barley meal, cornmeal and wheat bran, and should be fed . in a moist condition from clean "V""w{p- ed troughs. )Whole corn is al best grain for fattening purposes and should be used for the evening meal. Never give them more than they 'will readily eat. Turkeys thrinre best in the open and even in the fattening period should be allowed to roost out- side, with protection, of course, from cold winde and rain. Too BIlldcrz lSil� .zug a1118c3 amo)oftilllfl Vtlttfil o 438 Oeltlo 21/2 a) amEanstaz CreAlINANEZ D S3 t1LNGl! 1hS Tor The Ltooff )Handsome, ineouprensive, i5reproof,easyto lay over old roofs—permanent. Get the facts. Ask your tinsmith or oarsentsr. GALVANIZED SUDIINan ffor (Outside Waffo Three attractive' posh.terns.. With building paper are 0781110, dry windproof. Easy to put ma and paint 13113AZITII1PIIlL=i 1FIIR15-IPRCOP Sheet Steel Cealingslook well, resist fire effect- ively. Add brightness to i afle, steres, churches, schools kitchens and. bathrooms. Do nothing 9,11 you get the prig© �... fuel particulars. 66 another cause of �_NE'S BUSY" —business Ro t WEIENr a call comes for h man at the far end of the office the line is tied up for useless minutes until he reaches the telephone. Anyone else trying to call is told: "Line's t..usy", but in reality the line is idle. An office with only one telephone when it needs two or three, or an office in which telephones are poorly located, is a sure cause of unnecessary "Line'a t=',rasy", a sure time -waster, a sure busineoo ]loner. 'Line's ruse is the chief cause of the million tele- phone calls a day in Ontario and Quebec which fail to get throegh. They mean two million minutes a day wasted — congestion of traffic — constant irrita- tion --- a ban. cap to all business. We are milting every effort to provide the beat pos- olble telephone service.e out It tarsen three people to complete a call. Only through public co-operation can we reads nnanin umia efficie . cy. We would be glad) at , rq r time to have our enperts etggreeyv your telephone facilities affie1 submit a re - Parte lit will nave eerie •-- yamand other people'o �» anal it will get bualaneao ''for you which you are elate losing thronelb "Line°a Danny." Vow taloglento gloat and sora - Woo dalivatetaanta mewl tee '.e' fia'p fair 200 elo2c, of teed dere,': 6:006060. aa. o aJssu SUCCESS,,rrF�I:L BAKING Made 'in Canada., No A/urn E.W. GILLETTCO LTL,;,`, TO RO'NT0 CAN lages. after- a period of treatment free from infection by leprosy. From the standpoint of the spiri- tual life in our homes there is abund- ant indication of a work of grace. 'Phis finds humble, but joyful and spontaneous expression in those who have experienced a newness of life. It is manifest in various ways but not least in gratitude for blessings received, in service of the weaker by the stronger and in a common life where love, joy and peace are pres- ent and abound because of those in whom the Word of Christ dwells.— From Without the Camp. Donct.ille Rave _ndigestiom Super -Acidity of the Stomach Need- lessly Spoils the Eating Pleasures of Thousands. 'Thous'ands of people suffer daily for the good things they eat or else are slaves to their disordered stomachs— living on disagreeable diet, afraid to eat the things they like for fear of pain to follow. Yet good, healthy, painless digestion is easy for most folks, for -,re-tenths of all stomach enisery, e e. -by merely am exeess rf acid ill' t a stomach. And a little Bisurated N gnosia, taken immedi- ._ after exiting, will instantly neu- tralize this acid, -stop food fermen- tation, - prevent gas and sourness so that what you eat will digest just as nature intended it should. You can enjoy your next meal—and every meal —if you will get from the nearest drug store a package of Bisurated Magnesia—either tablets or powder. Give it a real trial and you may soon be eating hearty meals of those foods which now disagree with you, with- out the slightest fear of stomach trouble. WORLD MISSIONS The important work of rescuing the children of lepers from leprosy continues to be one of ever increasing value. The work being done in this way by the Mission is far-reaching in its effect. From among the heal- thy children of lepers who have been saved from leprosy have come many of our most valued helpers. Others have gone out from our homes to take up their life among the healthy com- munity, where instead of being a charge on the public and a menace to others as they undoubtedly would have been had they abated the fate of their deprous parents, they are making their own contribution by their industry and character to the strengthening of these communities. It is gratifying also that children in whom there was early infection have become free through medical treat- ment from any taint of disease. They too, can now confidently look forward to a life of usefulness. In the fore- going connection it is of exceptional interest that Dr. C. A. Wiggins, mil- der whom a number of treatment cen- tres for lepers have 'been organized in Eastern Uganda, has found that in the villages a large percentage of the -children are already infected with leprosy but are treatable. EIe has plane for bringing these children under hoc aital care and obsartration. This le r `erred to elsewhere In these pages. A sluittsble bliillaliug la al- ready available 'don' use et a children's hospital. Dr. Wggine feeks that 0 he a;arn commetee'titia provision for a data there it t~ teoftmaiafie hope that 'aider "' a r tosti ital eat'a tIteso anthem re.yr Tat ramitka 'to tliuoir vl'il- NEWS ANI) INFORMATION FOR THE BUSY FARMER Royal Winter Fair, Toronto—No- veneber 20-28. Guelph Winter Fair—December 9th to 12th. Ottawa Winter Fair—December 2nd to 6th. Oats and Sows Thistle. "Don't sow oats on fields infested with sow thistle. Rather sow clov- ers, plow them when very dry, and work thoroughly," is the advice of one farmer who has had experience with this noxious weed. Sow thistle as well as other thistles, thrive in oats better than in any other crop. It does not show up very much in wheat or clover. Sow weed infest- ed fields to any of the clovers and cut twice a year. By following this course, sow thistle will be largely eliminated. Live Stock Hotel. The finest live stock "hotel" known is the Royal, Winter Fair. It will house in comfort 2,000 head of cattle, 2,000 sheep and 1,500 swine. A new judging ring augments the huge ar- ena in the Royal Coliseum, the cen- tral building itf the show. There are rest and lounge rooms, shower baths and warm sleeping quarters for, at- tendants and exhibitors. Big Enrolment at O. A. C. President Christie of the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph, re- ports a largely increased enrolment this year. A. total of 325 students have entered for the fall term as com- pared with 278 in 1928. MacDonald Hall has an enrolment of 214 young ladies as compared with 190 last year. This gratifying increase emphasizes the need for greater accommodation, which will be supplied in the form of a new million dollar administra- tion and residence building on which work has already commenced. It will be the largest building on the campus 0 and 3um1120,1 al not wait for stiffness or lameness is set in—rub in Absorbine, Jr., im- mediately! This famous liniment will relieve the ache andain caused by or bumps, reducee the inflam- mation and discolouring of the skis, d resist nature to heal quickly. Nem sh e, pr., lo a concentrated lini- Meat and a dependable antiseptic— et i4 deo not reals or burn either the s srr e clothes, and lc greaseless. Try qho3tis t eday—' 1.23, at your favorite art -WE -eta - 8 dor .9nf°rnss" rte il�l"i?�s. tPr1i mint bSOrbine It Pays to Spray. Ontario farmers will this year hart vest the cleanest apple crop in the history of the province. 'It is almost solely due to better spraying, which in turn is the result of the activities of the department's spray service. One farmer reports that his crop benefitted to the extent of $1,090 by reason of spraying. Another claims to have lost $500 by not following in- structions completely. Spraying must be done properly and thoroughly to yield the best results. iu,, over the Maritime product in Sari n, due chiefly to u . e fact that Ontario apples are inspected by the eovermmrnent before euportation. The isermanent appointment of an over- seas sales representative at London will greatly benefit Ontario shippers. Full information may be secured from P. W. Biodgetts, Secre ry On- tario Fruit Growers' Association, Parliament i. uildings, Toronto. Your Water Supply. One weekly newspaper editor re- cently made the following timely com- ment: "While drinking water in cities and towns is frequently analyzed as to purity, the wells in rural sections are too often taken for granted. In view of the long drought and the exceed- ing scarcity of water farmers would do well -'to know just what kind of water isbeing used in their homes. In the last survey of well waters from farm homesteads, the samples submitted showed only some 24.4 per cent. as pure and wholesome. Every farmer may have the vgater tested free of charge, provided samples are collected and sent in prepaid. We suggest that farmers in this district consult the township medical health officer. It may save much sickness in the family." Acreage off Crops. Some interesting statistics have been compiled by the department deal- ing with the acreage of principal field crops of Ontario and the yield per acre in bushels for 1929 as compared with 1928. The acreage of fall wheat is shown to be about the same with an increase in the acre yield. Spring wheat, both in acreage and yield, was slightly off. Oats showed a similar tendency. More barley was planted but the acre -yield was light- er. Less rye was grown but the yield remained stationary. The acreage of peas dropped abort 30 per cent. and the yield per acre decreased. About 25 per cent. more beans were grown and the yield increased. About 25 pe: cent. more beans were grown and the yield increased. Alfalfa was off considerably from the heavy crops of Co-operative Ships Potatoes. The Central Ontario Potato Grow- ers' Association commenced active business last week by shipping their first car from Alliston. This associa- tion is meeting the problems of On- tario farmers by offering straight carloads of one variety grown from certified seed and graded not only to "Canada 1," but to the standard set for their awn brand. They believe that by selling their high-class pro- duction under a brand name, which they are prepared to protect, that they can compete in all markets where quality counts. Local branches are located at Craighurst, New Lowell, Alliston, Whitfield, Orangeville end Caledon. The main office is at Alliston and Carl Whiteside is tae secretary -treasurer. J. R. Hargreaves, of • Beachville, was declared the grand champion plowman at the seventeenth annual international plowing match in King- ston. Waterloo County won the spe- cial class for county teams, with York County second. The first in- dividual prize in the inter -county competition went to R. G. Brown of Galt. It was one of the most suc- cessful events in the history of the association. The Potato Market. Ottawa forecasts estimate t h e Canadian potato crop at about 16 per cent. 'below that of last year. In Ontario the crap is nearly 30 per cent. below that of 1928. The United Staves crop is one of the lightest in ten years, in feet is the smallest with the exception of 1925. It will be readily appreciated that potatoes are in a strong position. Some On- tario and Quebec formers are short ofstorage and require ready cash, consequently prices are . oomewhat depressed at present, but es soon as digging has been completed it is ex- pected that prices will stiffen. Mewl. Apple Market. Prospects for a heaviaee apple woe!) in Ontario this seasor4 .'d enaplasia to the e2part market as a peolltahle outlet' flor autplus fruit. Mailed tales pplea are not likely gl+lg't the rhi's- ltiin Markt ritmt thmfis year an+d,,�a.,,�ltas na time NoNova, crop trop id }�uuczVi ,AY rnUL LLgbD a ;r• lea 120'6.061y eor° lma5 Ci 'ti - 1927 and 1928, hat stilfl fee * I, caro the average for the past 16 Nearer?,° The yield was not so gool.a had a -good year and fair yield Lam;_ acre. Sweet clover fell ofi€'. beats ko acreage and yield. But hay and clov- er had the biggest acreage yet auad p fine yield. The figures foe other crops will be furnished at a later date. The logical conclusion to be drawn from the above figures is that the waltz: r- ally dry summer has not been so isa- jurious as might be imagined. sae EAUTIFY younr kitchem2 IIDy giving your s¢ovc ahe IlDIlackcait9 bn-ighae a anal moon bealuatiffuuIl ng eve had 0 o a ahe qunick9 cIleann wary, with Zef Tla Liquid Stove IiDollish o o. and, as if by magic, fhsa s>tove becomes an zaadlnsnn¢Ilyy bright aundi gkwiimg as fie' m'I:ayT ]1[l was new, mixcLuIITTS (Ov®no©al ILlleElaF ]ID - ortenn- v>IIvrEer THE NEW IMPROVED CY?_lac Greater Structural Stren Takes Any Decoration (nu IIinprroveZ alga; 0