HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1929-11-01, Page 1A �� � ,!J a. � � , r ,. ..I . _. . c. I.i I I t � , � .,. ,I�' > . . � . � � � . .. �.+-.�+�-�-�• . ,I. \ ="'��� �� .r".'". l 1 � I '��� , ' ' .... � .-. � � i� ,' � I� \ � �' I', � ��.�J��� � , , � , .� ; �. ��. .Um'1M1?'�, ��^ Y:i���J�u '� ',. ' Qu'�r'"�i�t1l'.� I`�T�1'PJ,CIFRIF9T&. ��rna, .. . - . _ --•.-,--T_ , '� . .. .. . . . . .... ..-,'�' � , . �. ,�aStkj:n� "d(�� J�� � .. V� � � . � 1 � . , , � . . }4 .Y�"l.Y.: i�f � . �a .,i�t -.`,Y+; ''', � . '. . . , . I f i �,;; I I , +< I i .� ,I� 1 „� � '� � I �' �.t i ' 1 � �`..��„ I t � � , . ; �. � . � �. ......._ ,. . r�" .� m.�� a�, ..r� ';, �„'�`a""""'^,,e'"°'�M„_",""r .=. � ....i. �r"-,...-,r. ��-"-'e..-.-.�+.�+-�^�,nem. ..'n-•,.w.{,�n"'1: " - _ _ .. i:fa .. :a �. ✓ ,: d„v .v.. ," v..d� �..�r,.. - .. . , �,:,�-- >,s,rM ' , � .. .�,-., . „ .,� � . ,,.�. � '+.�:�'i .. .. ,.,',. ..��- • :� �� .,.. i.. �.. �� ,.�. ��:;�� . :.. •.;.:, � r� � �-�.. � ��� , .�.:.�� .,::� t �.,.., ..� . .',,.; � � . ^��� ,�',. 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Bl.�flung� �s ��an°-u�na��ac� ilr��la�nta�as��y �S$!1 � U�°Q,1FS SE'S$T SW.Ip 'e,P�syi� ��Un°rr� s��n�." '�r�aa sn•agT f�e� �.a �k�a ��s�fl�ue.� rp�� rcee��➢g ss�i� �m m�m, 6a��aa� �ss3ra�-8� `7i� ��a� 18Goaaa� ]l�a� l�'i�rs$D mma�cg �Fa� �sIlll ara�t, ��dl lt ��� ra�s�r at ns�'c� tr�a� �a1o�� ��9eim��n ��u� �� a���9 �g� ��r •���r`i �� �,�v¢ �es�w� g��llw� �n mmyr �,osa�,1 �sIl- c�mgre ��pz��P¢d�� °lPuy �,t ff3Gayn�° +�� �a�, �syn¢fl �eua f,aau-� a,.a�unua� es�tfl a�� ��a� �- 7gas�i�e iIl��as�flw�s.�a �d �but �irru�, �a�t aa c�#��un i�ae c�se. 1�T!mt Iloa�� �s�m ���annu�a��2 Yaa.ercIlassmmt �es� �t �tns t��s� b�u�ab�stir�g �n� 7Pau��� m� Iai� �cr¢nmcd�aamity f�$ d�in� �ausi�ss �e�� daar-ba-QB�am s�olaeutor�s, �mv� ��ay�aBa� auA mtcIlaep Ita�w�ua�s the ��m�s h� 1tn�¢Il to r�Yl. ��e a'C�rrr��a� �o �svt� me fi�uare�s-��aei rerr�a�t �m yo�a seagrgsose h¢ vwa��fie l�Pnem on? Stati�aaery Il�e Il�� �su�s���s�z➢ ���ta+�u�h t�►e� m�anaf�,etramar m� �, �m�dan�t he sofl�. IY e�Tled �nis �.tif��tio•� Po� it, �,n�i he s�a�y 66II mev�s �k�oaa�e� �o�a� ��a�t a9 4% �are ��a�Yem� im� �this sm�� baw� s�id, "]Buain�ss is bum 'becausa �v�2�nt�gr n� ��s taevea taa.� �the� ans�i➢ mrd�P 'bu��.�' f1i, �aYf �aur ��tes� g s�w � st�t�m,aemt �C�r�a btais �ia� �s%o�e an, �the� des➢s o� a�za��es�, nnmde� �o�at a�a m� i�ilfl ine�d pa�uai- �'�� � rga��il mrder c�ae►cern�. i��� tiofl�. of tt�,is, tkae� tipe an�sn s�aid, "Pi(rell, 7[ m��s Ilo�ake�r8 a,t it �t�nat rovay." a lC onc� ➢��.r� a d�ruggist give a r��alar le�ture amm "�buyin,g at hame,,' �n� rd {���'� B�'ffi7�E,' OV�YL1 Yl 6a1V1/ CO7LCIU9�VE 1 �VY(I�A b'' � thtut m�rcn'be i rs of h s avvs� #ayxaily mlad j�st +that vvhiah Il�e was cassing o,thera fop doing. �e said in re�plp tu a�rair� Pi*�$POiRYI� 1t, "�'ell, that's a� lis�tle dif%re�t." �I[ �ne�,rd a ia�rdware de$Yer rave rece�n�tYy �saa�e � d�ry goods mercharut's 'v�aff� �baught a�oo$� s�ove �1•s�here; whe� F tol�d him that y hap�pea�ed to P�a�v �hat his wif� rov�uld no�t �buy a drass in tawn fmr fear a�thers wrould '�,orov vPhaft �s&�� paid f�or i�, ]he 5aid, b`�N�11, th�at'�s our !busin�as." Saac➢► �s�s �,a thi6 do get a pe�rsa�'s� goat ��d that is why b ssy, "NYaybe� �Y�na'rce pighi.'° 7Bu�t c��aca'�t b�t the�se f,evv "gomt-�+atters" itt�fluence ,,y�our �,tti- �nn��. �ause a, fe�vv �peaple don'� practice wh�t they •g�rreach, don't cuC ofF � �nba� �ose t,o spit� y�our f�ace �by 5ayang, "�Tr�ll, they do it s�o �vvhy ahould�'t ][2" JB� bi�-aion't gat the wags af doan� ard �thixrk�ing �oi little� �ople, pull y�ou �arovuc �o, theriP le,v�Y. y]�! 1Cf you cluaa't li�Ce "l3uy a� 111OYIZEy9P all righ�-Ibu�t r�mem�ber this, i�t's �ood 1 ut �maasiness on y+au�r ,part--ar�y way y�ou flcak �.t ii�--it's an�aaa�ey in �nour po�kei trim �y 'd5h� �ome Fbllos F'irst. �apy�i�ht, fl929, .Pa. gD. S�bane. flt,�prsa�iuctioaa �prahibited in �rhole o� in 7��• ' 7Chis �own �octor Article is publist►�d by �he �xgositor, ixa co-operation a9nth �tPae S��fortka ]L'aons' �lmmb. ��(���i ���(�'�"� ���� any man rwould �want in � lifetime. ������,�.��� ����� As is always the oase, the tale g�a,ins in £orce because of �this oommend�abla �he thixd annuai Junio� ktoy�l restra7nt. �fuadgia�g Com�p�tition to select �ena `�imy ffZidge, B,ens, !4'blain, St. 1V�az- `lhays bo rtake adva��age of tlae �ov- aire, Passechendale--these are names c�aata�neatt's �ffer of � free •ta�ip to ihe and me�mories .to conjure �by in the re- t i card of bhe �an�adian cor ]E$oyal �7Vdnier �'�ir v�as helcfl �st �1in- � on the weatern frorvt. �rof. �,�a�r vai�sely '��naa maa �iday, �etdber 25t4n. °d°his d�aes n�at ess�ay to give a bird's eye w�s the l�argest �eamgatitiom mvela� �aeld �ew oP these •terrific en nffi ,�Il�e �ounty, ihe�re being featy-d'av¢ g��mexits of as�mm't�sts�vts, and the wimne�s of. the �he 4'.a�nad5an,s. '�e meaely se�ts f�ri➢� Q whai his aw� e�dperience rnvere in those Sca�e 4�g are as foilo�rs:-- trying days of 1917. $t �took hizn Name Ad�lress Score some time to r�cognize that seiting �'ossi'ble score 856 telep�hona wir� fbr the liaisomm o� "zn- Il. Il�eavin �udanore, ]Elen�sall b....Z56 fantry and artillery, hesdquanters �nd 2. �lare�c� Smillie, He�nsalil 2. .. Z40 Qom�bat uni�ts, was qui�te a,s easen�tial 3. Alvfisa Procsbor, OVing!ham 4....728 as aatual han�-�o-hand �ighiting, but �. I&�iar�rey '9�. S�t��phen,son, lE,the�. .`d2b i►e lea�rmed '�h1s an�d m�mn� �a�ther thnn�s a. 7Faank �Al�right, Kap�pe�n _.....69� in bhe �ours� �f Ew�o y�axs' a,�sbive �. ,b�o�iin P/leB'avish, �luevale� fl....69i service. �. �larence Cl�ark, �thel ........683 «yn his �pain�staking de�scription af �. 'FnTard ii�ern, VV'aoriha.m 1.....�'74 ��Life at t�he fronk in 1�17," ]Prof. �. '�Pmlter �'orster, Y�uckmornv 1. ...649 g�Pr has �give.n a fai�thful a,ccourvt of g�. .7�,mes Tur�n�bull, Bruss�ls....64& a Cana�tian private's d��y�by-day ex- �e �?anadian Nahianal �xhibitien ia'ten�ce. He is 'by no means sParin� �Stsi�ld for the high�standing novice of cmticai analy�sis of some p�hases avaa �w�on �by Harvey W. S�te�phenson, of ihe IAominion, foxces' leadershi�p, as �g �'�h��• for example, the a�pparentIy unneces- Bhe cantest was held nn�der the �ary �sacrifice of life at Passchendale �irec'ti�on of Agricubtural R.ep�rasen'ba- and �he rev�erse sustained �by the al- bive G. F,. McCague, and e�is ass�is�t- lied arms at C�ambrai. For that mat- �r�t, Y. 'iVfcY,eod. 'The judges were : ter, he believes that "iniiia�tive an3 �ssrs. F. F'orsyth and I,. Y{err, �maginaLion tivere alt a heavy discount 1�1Ualke�rton; P'ras�cis I3ench, Markd�.le, in all the general staffs." �,nd F. A. Wiggin�s, Clinton. "prof. Kerr, who last year receiv- - ed noia�ble tribute fo�r �iis s�cholarly ^ haok, "The 7EZeign af ��rror,p' deal+ing �j'�j'�(��f 1�1�1 0"�"�f ���f��[� with two yeans of t1h� &'reruch ren�olu- tian, cuts his v�olume �oi mem�ories of �he follotiving, where a moral is the shTieks and crashes of 1917 a� �learly shown, is taken� from an ex- the ctiose of tha�t year as he goes an �hange: leave to England. From �➢�is it may "�t.ecen�tly a church congregation in be assumed tha�t he will write rruore ' �s Iittle bCan�sas tawn bniIt a new of his experience�s in 1918. Yt r��ill bc c�hurch. To �pay for it� they" were welcome." �bliged to call on the merchants of �b��e �cornmunity for donatians. The A snerchants res�p�omder3 liberally' a�e3 ����-, � ������-� $3�0 was raisecl from this� suux�ce. �'pee lasrt mar� asked to subscribe was ����� �����.y� ���.d.��S ��q��.� �oh� Smith, a merchant. "b wilY �,*iv� p� �����,� ��N.���� Zrou $20 if y�ou will Iet me add som�- ,�h,in,� .to the list," he said. The per- �he -se�cond Chamgionship Public ' anission was granted hira and he �y�aking Con�test �was held at Ciin- w wrote at tha faat of the list; ton, Saturday, �ctabe2• 2fi�th, under Jobn Smith ....... ?,...... $20 th�e direction of the De�partment of " lNlail Ordex I'Lous� . . .. . . .. . �00 p,g-r-iculrture, Glinton. The first ;prize �'eddler and transient trader $Q�'0 p��lic spe�akems at fourte�en of the "The Church peaple saw the point 5chool,,,,�'airs held in. gluron Coum�tv , w�en bhe minister read from the pul- met in t�ais �conies�t. �'hese four�te�en pit the list of donor� to the bvilding 5peakers provided a rnost intere5ting fumd, a�nd since the de�dication of aftermoon and displayed a very pnaxk- $4�a� church theme� have been no mail ed a'bility in public spea�kimg. 1Vir. orders sent �out from that bown." F.uge�ne Beav�ex, of Crediton Pu�blic � S�chool, rwhose 5u�bject, `9I-�ow a �oy Miay �ecome Strong Physi�cally," was ���➢�� ��� ����'�flo� winneT for firsrt prize. �he subje�ct matter crt' his spe�ech was excell�nt �`d`he follativin�; is� e. n�wsgra�per re, and the manner of delivery showed vrfle�w of the n�w'tvaok wrir�ten �by �ug, �T�� a�bilit,y an�d trainimg. �3[e will �renrton ]Kerc, a Seaforth �lxoy, an�d a represemt Huron Couniy at thc con- ' s�an ofi �Mr. and 'Mrs. Jamea E�erx�, �$ test field in conjunction with the I3�is- td�i�s towaa: tric�t Ek3uc�ti�onal Ass�ociatian con-ven- . "'�he author of t➢vs good cont�ibu- ti•on of CDntario, at Guel.ph. �Mr. tion to the world rarar li�brasy fls as- Fletch�er Whitmore, of S: S. No. 6, sis�tanrt pro£e�asor �of (ustary at the �u�ekarsmith, tivas a close cam.peti.tar, BT,niversi�ty of l�uffalo. A atud�n� v�8 gP�ak'n�g �m "Jack Miner and �is �he University af �aroivbo iavhen tlae �'oxk," won second prize. `Mr. I.loyd vmar came, he enlisted� in �rch, 19g6, �utle�dge, o�f S. S, No. 2, West Wia�w- an tihe 67th �att�ry, Can�adian Fiefld anosh, s�roke on a most timel,y and Artillery, and �fter the usu�I train- �nteiesting su�hj�ct, "'She �1Vfa.n ➢3ehind an�g cam�p cours� in �n�lafa►d, aemveri the 7Plaw in Honourable �osition." urxa bhe lines in Franre wi�th the C. k'. �he s�plendid c�ompoqition and delivemgr .A.. from J�anuary, 1917, �to tk�e end af �f this sp�ee�c:-h made him worthy of ihe- conflaot. third prize. "�rof. �exr'� story ia ihe� simrple All wlio aiiemdecl this cor��4e�s2 couid ma2um�rrted a'tarrative ai th� life �� �, �''o�t help but feel that this gt�fiase of °jpl�i� Tou�k �amsv$te" in bhe C�an�di�,n Junior woxlc in the publi�c �chooYs rov�s �wpeditio���a•y �'or��. kTis book re�re- °�'� of very great value. �°he �irsk g�ta, a,s �e� §�tis f�orth in his forre�^ �hree �arize�s c�onsi�sted of s,pe�ci�flly rovup�, "an a��atn im d�*acri,be the s�ePec�ed Tvooks f�or �raun� pe�o�pYe, w�eile � each oi the ot4�e� yaun� campotif.o�ra �perie�uc�s �of a��� a�ala3ier, isvs�ofar �s re�ceived a sis�gle� �(L�'�[ POT �I101T �aPYl- f,��p wer� �q�t+t�s�fl '�,�n�d' �i�a�eP��a� Ior�- ot� ��7,aE 9r� ro:ram ]hi��n�x �►omours. aanan�bly of ,�vm�a� "����, �,�'�.in�� a'1'Q�e £ol2awim�g li�t s�ho�� ihe p�rize !ba,o3cp�rouncfl �c�' ��� �����r �� E�ae �om�s, winners, �the� sr,�n�T fai� �up P�pq�+- �i�a �vlicissi'�aaa$�s, $�u� i���fl��t� �,ra� 3�s �e�g�d �s� 9;h��° s�ta➢aja�:- �4�ou�gh� �tarrasrn�.g Ilffi�1�,°' � 1. Fu��e ]���,�e�r�,{.,. Q:t���fp4�a�m, '"IAiiaro� . f:g�a 9f��� w"�a'r�r�m� �'ia� �,v�4�o�r �ss ����y ma�r be�came� D�1.LOYII�j'' $YYIgiEIlC1'i9r��3%.99 g�a�o�e�d� ���� ��' +�'me an�� qr� ��� 2. FIERCPi1�T �'1T'�4OF@9 �Yi�nf,a� aharr- ��ok^mu➢�, �� �n,tma�Il����. G�Offi �n��s� �aC; �,y� �'J�nlc 1Udin�p a�c�Y iafi� �xYr.': ��� �o ��.t�n�,K,fi� �l��i �i�a�g* c�� fl3�� ffi. lLlogrc� 3E�va�$�r��, ��It. �i[�qar�:�, �aa �fie� ���c��me�a� Cr,��;r�r�� sa4 �a��LL�s,�> ,:"�'u� rn�a� b�fiis��Q ��n� �c➢�r ��'�&am�aan�� o ��� ��., �r��s�' a�g �r3 �ma�s�� ���� � ���m �msi.���.90 F ��r . ,..��� � r � � i � I 4'1 A' � �'• �~ r f '�-' '�" n l .'Y '� �'a�� � t. ✓ 1 � � � ." � j w 1'ri �I � , , , ds c � . �� , "' ,� ,_ � ��.:' . ," � � F ,.� � � .� �. �� " . a ,:: . � �� , . � ,. ... , � � � , c � � � . , . , ,. .. � .. +il ,. : , , �•i. ' ��� '� � -� , .. _,, . . , �, ' - , . � , . ,.� � - t , .� . �.� .�. �, a � , �,i`' � ; .� ".,;i;;� �``�.� `,,.�'-�.�..;. �, � �: t� 'y' -�i . . . . �r � � _ .. . . . � � • P. � - . . ��'� , . � . 1�1 ;'��:: � . . � �, , . . . . } .�- . . i , � ' � . . . . . ' . . . . � . � . — _ . .. . ',. r ' � ' ��' ., .... .,m.m-mmm�.�.�m- ,... . . .. _ _ - �I . . , ..:.. . �. �. . .. .. .. ;� 1 �,�. �;: i �. ( � . , i : 1 , . .. � ,� '�� ,� . .. - , .� ..,, .� . . .. . � � . . .. . . . .., .., �,,: -- - ,a � t r� ///��� �, ` .. � ( . , P'F`MS'�Y:..a'^q"�m"4^'°� i �; �; 'M1 T � W .Y _ - n � � �Jtdasl���� Ah`Y'.t 7 6M1�� 'lf'r `� . ,.. �' 1 �� f ,l ,yf. � 4 � ,' . � � ����, �����!'���� �:�, ��''��,'�o : � � ;,; '�. � ��.vu'',� �'��;i� �.nu ��iv � ' �n � � �. ; ; � � � ' � ��_.. ��.� �.�z� .���� b �� A'w�`@Yb'�i'flPbQ� L.° _ � _ a . �,. ';� � . �,. � , � .. � ""� jn' � d""'�*""`'i'�"`- ., r 4 2Sfi0 49'II�r �,O�Vc'iiL°E� �i°i^ ' �"'���AR£1, �`�'i. .r rT .ij��t + n �..� � a�as�l�sn� �� aua�ma�, �au� aD� � m7��a.r°�r- . 6 ' � ,4 v 1�. ;J�±" ��s�aa'c ��� au� ,��M� � �a -;;' 1 0 �' � �; U�.�' i�97J1� ��Fr'S�'a�l�Y�*��52�$4� f3�.. �'Ya�A� ,� /�, `�'� � w:f: _ � �� y . i�a� sa� �g���ll s�e�ra����an: �� - �' ,r �� ' .�r� '�* f� !��' �S aa 'F�: G'BD+r%4P�<. •' ��'� �3'3�..��tLIId ' ���� ' Crr.`�.1Y: ��'"af���� i4 �� V- ���fF#Fi����� ���� �` � ` r 3 �i �. , � . � ���'�����'. '. lEro�¢IImd�a� �Ia�naIl��a�, 7�flg��a, ��a�ala�, ,�,��.. . �&�q�y"; ��r'¶a�a ]H'��anGcln�a, �C&a�fl, °� AC'EQ�VWA�S� �'OQWiP�g' Naaa^�s ]�ma�Ila�, �°rfl�a�a- �o� 7P�rrm, a:�ir ��aaa �eaEs°'y IE�e�rIl �nau�,g�$a, '�aam��c9a, �°&�,lb�s s��,v3a�� �t�_ m ��V'5fl��63y,,oHy4 $pi's�'�q'�m��18°IIRidRDp A,��(1��, ''�i e �'7p�{ll'$$9 %V 1�C.ib�d�.�y a6 `!V'��fi'y➢ '�k�� YlL1'�d P �olborm�, �IE��kre�� s�vrasa•� ���ace� �ua ��IlO f�8y�n;1� 'Q,'u06��� ��(P��,l,by �¶lmr�W�yi�C�rylCy¶p�a�SIC ��uYma JIPII�YgTEiC999 dVL�J{C.qL'�,�$y LLCLL'L"L�.18Y$'YIiSp l�el���,v�, `4$rxaH�naa�� `VV1L�Syy'y �'ra�c� w�''8Yy'L��B'�y "�z�Ui�EY'BtS�E '�.°5D'VVII13�A9�D➢7�(�""Il°k¶AQ: ]P�aliflreran o� �&� �hi�¢�Y YIQ��SN��y d['JL�Y� �➢�msmsada, II�sasafll, a�71'he value �.� �`mi�s" p 7Eage�ca B'z�efl�v¢�ta, � .f�shfaeldl, ac�YS1Y81Y �A'�1�OIIIl.'v �.'ke� jurl��es� of •$�ais contes�� rover� �. �P. ,lid. F'ield �.nc� Ii�r. ]E. �. ]Be�eouen9 ffLiuro�. Coun�y ]E'u!bli�c 9o�moIl yans�a�- bors, �md 1ViV�r. Yacn 1Ydie7[csoc3, A�snsitan�t , AgricwltraPal �p��s�nt�tiv�. ���7p�ry T� 7�� lU �LiJ.C�� ll11�� �¢em �evnQ Ba4�a �h Keating's Phax�acY, Sea- farth, Thurau.Lay, Frid�ay and Saturday, �ctober 31et, No vember ls�t and End. Bi¢geet �oney . saving even�t ad year. Sc� bills. Notes.--aMrs. �. I&��m, �f �oronto, � and h�r �broibher, �Dr. Swan, of �lam - ilton, visvted �th�ir aunrt, 1VdTs. Wiliam S�att, l�ast Sund�ay, who gs seriously ill.-:Nir. ancd .Mrs. James Allen, of �gman�lville, tivere the guests of 1Vir. a�nd 'M�rs. A. �iHf�cQueesa last Sunday — lU�x. and 'P/dxs. Elsley, af ➢Ld�ouat �'o$- l est, spent the week end at �the k�o�me of the latter's m•ather, 'P/trs. �7. �tev- ens.-�ne �of �our c.i�tizens, 1�!ls�. R11ax�- rorrr, has moved �to ]�a,yfield. -, ,MP_ �lin�e and Mr. Ald�ridge �vvere the guests �f Mr. and .IUd'ias �ibson last Sunday. ' IAnniversary Senwice�s:-�!}he anni- versary servi�ces, wDuala were held ir. the �Jnited Cil�urch las�t Sunday, were largely atte�nded, the s�pa.cious audi- torium being filled to its utmos�t ��- pa�ci�ty, morniz�g and ev�ning. �wm excellent discourse�s were d�eldvered bq Rev. Mx_ Clark, �of �aderiah. Spe�eiat musi�c ;w�as furnished �by the choir un der the ieadersh�i•p �of Niiss Jman ZVdur- dock, wpvo was a5sisted� �bg Mz�, �a�e arni �PJ�r. f'ildridge, of Y�oncian. B'he mus�i� was af � very high orde�r �.accl wras much agprecia'ted. � moat lib- eral offeris�g was gave�, aynounting to ne�arl Y �709. gPall�owe'eu �SociaY. - �he 'lil��rian Oliver Cimle heid � �nery s�u�ccessful fiallowe'en saei�al �on �'°uesdag� even- u ing, �ctaber 29�th, in �Ghe baserne�nt of the clnu•rch, �arhen aa2ne�ty-thr�e people svere pr�semt includin�g bhe E�m�ad_ ' valie �'oun�g �e�o;pl�'S So�iety, tavh�o �ere inviter� tm a�tend. �Many were 3Y�assed iaa fancy and comic costum�s which pr�vided much inte�rest an3 mirth during the evening. �'he win- nex Yor ]adies' h�at costume �as Mies Jean �VVe'bster; for lacties' camic, �Tio- et Tyn�dall; for hoys' best, Alex. A.d- 3ison; for �boy�s' camic, Edwin Ches- . ney. �1VLany games we�e�e �played an,d �lso �community singing finally enrl- ; ng wibh goin•g �thraugh Hvrror's Hall dvhere, judging by bhe sounds th�at �ame forth, there were some grue- >ome thin�gs. A �buffet lunch was �erved and eruj�oyed �by all. ���������� Notes.-'�he l�adie�s of the Chisel- ' iurst Un��e�d Church will serve a� �hicken pie s�upper an �the �as�em�nt � �f the church on Wednesday, Novem- �er 20th. �s good prog-ramme tivill 'ollaw. �More particvlars next week. Presen�tati�on�s to Mr. and Mrs. Har- � �l�l Hu�n�ter.-F. nnery pleasant even- ng w�as spe�n�t at the home af 1VLr. ind 1Vlrs. I-Larold Hun�ter, of Usborne, , Nhen the S�ainisbury Dramatic Club , �nd the mem'h�rs of St. Patrick'� ��hurch ga�thered there, in homor of � he�ir recent marriage. During the �vening �Mr. and Mrs. I-iun�ter were ` �resen�te�l �with a handsom� walnu� � nantle cl�c�ic by the� Dramatic Clu�b, >f which they we�re active ➢nembers, �rnl the following addre�s �as re�ad >y Miss W'illa Cul'bert an,d the clock mesented by Mr. Albert Dickins:- `1�o D2r. and Mrs. Harold Hunter:- �ear Fi-iends: We, the mercnbers of ;he Saint�bury Dram�atic Club, are ;lad to have the opportunit,y of ;athering here to e}rpress to you our t�e�artiest con�ratul�ations, Since the >rganization of our Club ,you h�ave �obh heen faithfnl workere and have� spare�d n�o time or effart im trying to nake our un�lertakin�gs a su�cceas. 9tTe �re very gl�ad to knrotiv that you are �till to remain amov�g n�, and knaw ;h�at you will both be a vcron,dRrful telp in all church, Sun�day gchool and i'oung Pe�oplo's aetivities as yon have �een itt the pas�t. We ask you to a�- �pt this boken of our appreciation �f y�our scrvices and hope it will al- �ays �be a remind�er of the hap�PS� ;ime� we have sp�emt tog�ther. We �ray t.hai God's richest �hlessirn�s mag �e�st upon V�u in your married life. 3i�ned nn behal� of the :'vaints+buYy @ramati�c ' Clu4r--MYs. �Ie�be�y IDavis, Vfzs. C�arle�g Fis��r, Mrs. Tom Quin- ;om, I,e•n� I?�avhs, 7VLarias� Nd.acdo�l�, Willa (',vlhe,2•t, .Pe�n Aticirrs�on, �ile�n Fiod�ins, Mr. Ruld;eel, 'g'om Quinbo�, H'red LAo�hbs, Albert IDickins, Alfred :',nl�bPt•t. Cxordom P+$kin�v�.." P.ft�r :he pe-e:s�enrbation by t�ee Clul� ihe mem- �eTs �f S�t, Patrick^s Sund�ay Schaot �rcwen.ted I�fr. �unte�r vvith a be�uti- °ui walnv,t c�esf,�rfi�ld tabYe anrl vel- vet taUl� ecarf. 7['The follawirn� a�Y- �1'P.C9 was re�d ��y �IVf9ss �'�n Atican- C ,on, ��n� ��ne ��ible �� ga�senteed by Nfr. l�Ifi•ed �ul'tx�r� $n� 1�/L'�. �mom�d�on � At'icinson: "�Deap I�/d'�. �ur�ier: $a�ap �i•den�t activiii�e� �,s�� �fiFo�t.a ancIl groux ��alendnd ana3 �FA�ciemb s�mvtc�s in oure Sur��1s�p S�e�nnl am�Ec h��� vacrn �oY gsv�rn a�s$ �a9gt���fc e��tm �r�a➢ ��aa�ei�4s'�mm. d�7'� p�joic� a� QI�� ���'c �en�� o� �tn� If�� �r�c➢ tl�in�& i� i� �,Y� �o2�2u�le �fmrun �r� �F�omv g�+o� i� s�murre� �i',�.� � a��a;�^�3- idp ` �. � � i ° 4 Jt t 1 I i t In _ �+.1 J.it�. yl !�. � � �P'.'�.Yfl 5(�A4D�6' v'il?�� �t9 Qis'G'.4°�G��a fC.l�.'8&i4•:��� i' �"� ' ��` � i �', ' 4 . //j($�}y} fl'iA1D&1t8 fi�'Jl' ��}�l�PT��' '�.QF'�'�$�E.''�.r�.,-� � $.1�1ha.$`ll{{^ - � � . . �` � r-+�,��^*,u� t ' E � � �. JJ�[�$'��,�,, 'k2u"o �� �Har� ��°vv1�1� 4'i� `1t�aAaa$�7' k�,�ilnm�:sHa a �� , ' � i � ,, � ` ` r r ; ,� . „ ` �R' F�9 . �.. ���.��� '� �' � I , .;;,: , ;, �sa�a�Pm �s� 1�a'��a��� � &�?r�'� � �aar.� � � , . i � ,� � �� �� . :�� :����������� ��� �,� ���Q , � x , ; saa�l��$ raa��. �m s�a� s�� '��aw a,WpRai�� a��i ������ ��� _��� �-,.,-�,F-:--„� t ' ' � ; � ,� i , ���� "��I`°� ��Q�a �° ' � '� .� k , ' �,�� '� �' � ,` �` ����� y.���� °� � � �� ��� ��� �������� 1�Iia��s.-�-OC�a� ��,aatana�a �°�&a��is.a�eria��� , ' ` .. ' � ��, r "` � * � o� ��� it�/.�.5. �� ��ls��� Y.Taaa�d � , � ' . -�h�nrch, �vviYl b� hefl� o�a Susad�sYy 1�I�- �jy� � �, �������� vea�:b�P 3$�fl; �.�t 2.3� �.�c. P��i�s ]E�a,nB 1� �� ��� � I7ryq��� q �. �� Y'SIIIY�°�0y �. �1'8'gy���i�% l�%� ��$ .�y .. .. . , l I n �. 4 vuiflfl �b� th� s���y�Il sgr���C�. _ �,r, � . � > �' � <. ::.➢Ibe�➢r�as af fl� 7B6m��e ro�c� ➢� r� "��e� ���P�e� �� $�,�i � , I � �•� � � � �� � �l[�s'1a� S�plae�n�s�� s�aavi m ff�w da.y$ o � � ��t ��r v�iit& �ia bro�fi�$, PVL�. �,�ud 1�/$7rs. ��. �'�• , ' . ` Ste�v�eYrsaai, �ai '�a.ikerPan. - 1U.��. y � � ' z , ��� �/ ��a� ���� .Y�arnes lF�a�wrinoraa� l�t �aars��,y �aa �i�]TA��8��18l�Il@l�� ��@����. ' ,7 ; rou��� f�om h�r kao�e fl� l�daase ��v�, �, ��7�7 �a ��( Sas�k., �i�r s,pea►�nng � cmca�ole �Q �Y3�HNi���N-r�'"lEIGo�. 4�T. �D. IBY�Ts. �QAr�fl.D � � ` i : il�l o �11d�J�" � �' ��l��1 � m�an�hs' visi� �it�s fri��r� a�aa aa� �- ��'rQDI�1dA r'g➢➢.� �. TiQ. 7t��. lP$i�1V�� �;'��'�'��`� � �. ����',���` ;', z �,.' L roun+d �iiflls�green.-�VCis�s N��flie 7C�y- %�E8AN7C]F�YB.�-,ck�r. Q�J. �. ��.'� '.��ly�`��`pP 1�RtD�'�..��, P '�. ,� " _ ��„ lor, af I�ens�.Y�, spea��t $he� roveePs �d �P�:3. 2,�3�. ll2'tn�➢.ag QA�a;�d..� � .�' ' � °'' UYI� a 0Y '�p10 � dP ' � '�. �Yl'�81 T90 gi� � �.-,�8' ��� t T� . �%1C$ �a�'°d---�''�T . � A .� � l[�arls. ation of, i�e ��rm� � &no�w� i➢ais Mrs. �E%. �mmrlil� $nd famil s �lU�.$�.�`f1U' S�N`��.`-.�°1�. `j�. �;����rx , '' �, Y g�na� S�an- Cl�t�t���N "Asdm�ra �. A.sfr�s. �,�TS�SL.gd�-a�. �. ��;�, giflt is n�dt �� �,ig ma�x���nsatin�g you fop' day vvith iri�nd�s in ]BrucefleYd.-Q�ui'ie ����1�•N�' N.-",�l�bemt �. �1��. �1T. �A�$'$�pl�'�a;� .,_. a ,��', �� 1�i�a'iQ ' �., the aacri9ic�es y�rta ��tna mad�, ��a-t we �. numhar from this v�icinity� �btenaied ���gY�,f41V�E S.-�1�. �'. ���ia�g• Q�x,��. � f, ask you to re�o2�iv�=i� as at �oa�en a£ td�e auctiaei sale of �household e�ects D�JND�F�S-�a�rg� �. �.Ia�:�i�. S�dJ7L7C S� 1�i�:�R;g�°�`7�r�., ��� �',�: 011P SpjDPQ("12f�10Y1 O'i }I+R+IEP 83CCQ'].��7f1$ ftYL� of 1lidra. Y. S't�a�ey �an Satux��y �f�er- D�II&i&If�!!�. ,�. �13ia�. $,y�Q,�s. � r;;'.', bem�e�ficial se�vices. '��e trus�t t�hat naoa in IHre�saY1.-�7he 5toualg �ea�rle �S�S�E�b S.-"��. 1�. ]R. Sm¢#�. S�1VdC'�'� �l�iS�.°=��re. ��. �E'ap�cM.�� �r�"•' n3` Ca�ci's Tich�st `k�le�s�axt�s �wilI da� wi�tta of F�nllsgreen ar� ➢�o1di�� a �,1- �7JGI1V �S�`-.Ch�arl�s �. $$a,,r�„ ,��,a, �h�;�,, you ary�1 ,1Vd�s. �itax��e� asad that u lowe�en sociai an F'xidm e�veaai ki�; Y'� ' -i y �a� f� �SS� N��9E�,�� IDr. Paul �oassos�. STINNdIIC�]E 'S���J7C�'@7�S°�'--aV. �, .�f�,a�.. >� ,; ryvill �bath es�joy �, fl�tt�g> kia,PPY and t'he basemen� of �the oh�rch a�t mfl�h�t �'���il� �37LLFPn1I�ir-+"�'ra�,nk �. $��a,�. q�sax�. 7�,,�'i pnos�perous life is 'the ean-rue�t a��siixe dcl�oc�k. �'aames an�d a gra,aai mnmske� �'1R�Q1N��1VA��-II.�'JN�1V��-{Z��s.rtds �T. S'1��Ii:At1l�N�7C--i�-�D. A. 7�1V'�vg&a'�uma. .;;:� '� of the m�Havb�r� of •$t. �a�trrick's Sun- march and conte�s Trrill �be the e�v��- .&i'amiblp. S��T�fi��'�N �,;5-.�1be�, t��a�. �Ys� ' day S�h�ool. Siganed¢ c�n �be�salf mf St. img's erutartaimn�srut. I.unrin will 3zP Ca+13+F:(N�Pgd�`'�E�on�. �. '�¢�w'�1 &'�er- S��Jib$gTI%5t--�`$�o�. �'#�irfl�s 18+��6;fe�u' "'�,.'1 P�atrick's Sun�lay S�charol, Sai•nbs u'° $' `b $'Y• served. �veryone a�o�e �n�l briwg � gv�o'ni, ,IlQaj. Qaver 2,�a�iD)• �A�ccIl.) i��n.� The resi of f.��e e�v�laui�� v�ras s��oent in frien� �or 4wa.--�➢,uit� a ifew faosn t�iis E$I��L➢3PMIAIN'1)�--�I�r. fl$. P/i[. �es'rY• �SK.�1�ldN�°A. Y. ���y pZaying caaais aad aiasa�ng. �e larlies�• vicia�ity atte�na3ed the a�rnaiiversmi•y ser- &%f�1NLdL��DN ���NTF�-w'�. Vfl. �ta.�- rli.6/faj. 9�1➢. '� ���t}�. of th� chnarch pravad,�'�] a�w�omm�ierful vice�s in ��rucefield �mn Sunday.-1ltr. �t�rt. aTYf���tIl� S.=F]�I'. RI'J. S4a�fl��. t'n,. ,' lum�ct►, a�d � jall�r f,iaea� wr�a s�p�nt by anfi �NLrs. �I1V. Y➢ignan, of �ea�salg, and I3AJiViI]L.'�ON ��1�.S�-r•�ffi. II�LOTY1fiDY1. �V'.���tL�� S.-"�Il �3t'i�aa4➢a. +: alI. � 1Vl�r. an�d '�1VLhrs. �eorge J�ohnsion a�d FLA1VgF,L'��N W',�S'1C-�h�an. �'reci¢rick 'FIP�LI,AN�YD -- '1l��a�,u�➢y �7�ata�iw'a�a, . 1.`'`;<�' son, Q�ord•on, of �Tarna, we�re SuncIl�as �'. Smy"h. �j. 408. 1P1VI�a,j_ 3,706. �r�:a;; visibors a1t •the home af Mrs. Y,. B`c�oy- 3$��5�`IN�S �tASB'-r�T. 7F. �i13 G�.� �3yeY�N�QN SIr--�',smma itek.�'�Q3�ra Ff�Y i13 �'i�l �°��� er.--,Miss hl�artha �arlile is in ��Yi�- �YAS��IN�+S '9�T.-°�fT. '&g. �a�elx�d. �i'ta9die. � hQ, tan at present.-�Mrs. Y,. �coyex is �:5�][1V�S N����`�!saa�. �. ]E$. T�1E7I�PT��t7��gt7C� 1�I.-��A. ]L. ,S9aav�r. ,��, spendiag a, few dsys writh 1!�'r. and Gook� (I�ccl.). 4����° �s�ezes.--1t�dr. ,�,z!� Rli�s. C�rv�r and �]U�F11VV�'Dt�(D&2,� �5.=::�. �. Diltalaomm�. fs�flly mav�ed las� aree& to �o�berm�arq Mrs. A. I.nge�s, of �Iarna. 7FIUR�N 5���8J�F�aa�ge �ilio�tt. Df1'gNAS�� &:.-•� F'. �161. �al�aoaa. ?;w`:;, tt �g �here he �wil& ex�gag� in� hunting.- � �ESNT E.-]P. �. ffi�n�y, D3�aj. �.33. �N`➢I�SQi�. �.-���p. �. g$ea'd. �` f �liver Gsolaithoa�pe, who hms conduct- KE�N� �'..^-lft,ev. A.. �. i�alde�r. �'�iL&� lE.-Y�wap. Qs. S. ]�essry, „ "' :d vetty succe�ss�uflly the B�y�fie�ld °�°�fQ:j�j�°��j��jjl �['�°�j KIN�GS�'�N-'=�'. �. �£adai �(��el.y. �t,ZZ�. ��- ;Yr,, fi g.A1M�'�ON �45� �w�w�and lE`a�ifl- q�;;pg� N.--a�'ilif��¢a�. �as�, ,I�,y. 2P�. ,,;: sarag� for tihe summe3�, �has clos�d it �8e �@�¢ s�ao �t a�e8an�'e rn�mesv, sea- Por � tim� �vvhile �� as aw�g� hun�tia�g f�r». �v�a�v. Fridmy and Saturda9. o��ter g,p�M1B'7C�IV �5�--�Y�. A. �. 1t/�le- X�1�� R3P.-:°�arg. ]Eb�a+h�a� ��a�,. ]Ebt n Muskm�ka.---lMa�. and T�i[as. F3'ng.h xist. xo��er aet ana 2na. �i��t �oner 1ylaj. 3,333. l�c%lare�mm �saa�d �a�iIly, af �oa� Elgin, e8°"'� e°�nt of v�r. s� zritt�. P/Filla�n. SZ�R,7� S.-�~•]fltagcvl� 'A�is�aaA�ag, 1�4aj.. a >peni the �week end flt�r� evith 1l�tiss 1Vot�s.---IIl2�r. and Rlirs. �orge &`air- g•A�N;A�3£ N.-�kv'h� A. �s�ai��. �,418. . Posephin� Sterling.---PJ�r. and 4/irs. �. burn a�com�vaaaied �by 1�Ifm�s. J�n�ah 1L�'NAIR:� S,�-�. �. L�. L��d�am. �'�II8�A1'll`� }I�III[D�liT�� ;� 1Areen vi�sited friend�s and reYatives ���ID�'--�}g''. �. Sk�nan�c. ���• �' Patterson, of �oa�o�nro,o, w�re gaaests , �&�A1�7S���a�an�� A.. 11� LIIV� �Y. -. 7 �s� �eek mff �r. �nt� 1Nfss. Praull at Eor a f�vv rla�rs.-,1VIr. Jua 1Vlk$�eJ.l�an �'i N S. .F. �&�a�, ➢(�'�j. Tr�8. Il�la�. 5>346. �r :he R2'C�Dijl.—�R�18'S �� a�ims gtitz, vvho has secelpted ��osi�tion im �aaelpIli.- �BNI3��N N.--�rt.b. �. I�da;o$�, P�.�., �,�Yd���.�+��9-.-=���s �. IP�$ifl,. . ';,;� ias b�en seriotas�lp nl$ im H�milto�, is �`Y'esen�tatiom ��n Fridsy fla�t �, ��j. 3,OGiD. IN�aj• 3,330, iarne re�cuperm.tiatg.---�obert 1�°e�s&e Pleasant evem.ing was spenit at the 3.�1VIAON S.-'°Dr. �. �. @Vills�mm,B/�aJ• ��LA'��Nd�Ai�,�+"��Y{mass�➢1 N�as�bati�,.�.. ;�� eft Sunda for home of lUfu�. $m�d .➢lirs. �ea�sa� �ptes- �.Q�• 51' Qta�'k��, where Il�e laas '�_, 1�aj. 4,17�4. shipg�d a car of a.gegr➢ea. �il�as. �ugh ney, °'Rus�coe Farm,>, w'hen a gaadly 'MdITDY..ESE� N�b%.�YY-�'. F7. Y.�ugh- ���DC�TON--�"�'. �. Tt�cIl�riesa, .�,�. NTi�c�y accoYnpaaaze€1 &�irn to Taronto, nu7n'her of fPie�n�l�s amd �a�Rgh�trors as- �'T� �S,QD4b. r�t�ere she, went to �s� k�eg d�.i�ghker, sembled to extend bheir mamg*r�4.ia1�- �I)�DI�ES�EX DV+�S�-Y➢r. go. -�1, gy���.%�iJR7C-:�7Sa.�axaafl ']C. �I�'i.�htt;. Vi�'iss .�4m� �1V1JeBa v�fi�m has beer� ill tions and ood wishe�s io �lAldr. and `��-s. �p��g�� '�J• 3�. ' � Y� g M�bJ�Sd��(DKA-��OP ]l�iaj. 2,Y8Q➢. �vit� pneuanonia. �TV� �evish her a�ugh 1Nd. �hesney on tiheir re�cent mer- ge �hl. �c�le��ne. E�g,gnT+g`��+N=SSmu➢iteu� 'rl�ielf�ara, �0(ta�� speedg x�ecovery.--Mr. aa�d Ndrs. f�,l- �a�e. •B'hep were presente�i with a �A�1•) 3,fl5�. �' 'red Sc&�midti, of Stratford• IVtr. and 'beawtiful tea wagon, bhe addre•ss heing NIA,GAI�.A �'Ad.LS-'R�. �. �TiPs�o�n. ��,�E,N�n���gy,��oP e� Sanith P�lls'.. t Vtrs. S. �n�ox, of �'oronto,�and N�a�. read �kry '1Vir. R.bbert Beatty and t3�e N�IPPISSING--*FY�uz�y 'lbbmrel, `�..i• �,25�. g 9 � 't�'' 0 sn�i iPJ�rs. W. J. Ksvox, of SeaforCh, presezitartiorr m�ade by Nds. Jahn C. l�ifl�• g�i�� pAg„g{�.:W. A. �aiPd�, �. �.Y ;w'i np�nt :Sunday with �Mr. and 163rs. E. Reinke. �"he follawin�g is the address: N�ORFOLK-TH,on. .�. S. 1!/La.rtial,lU�Gaj. '�/�j. g,795. ;;;s �. 5turgeon�IVLrs. �I+.�argar�t F'ergu "Dear �Mr. and 'l�Lirs. Che�snep: �n 1,50U. ���q{�.��� ` z�,���. �. �. ��� ;{ �on re�turned IMond�ay aftar sne�ndin� leaxning of your re�cent marriage, we, �IV`d'AY2.IQ IV��RB'd3-�. �lanshasd, �2Vilaj. 3,6�6. `;; d week in lLonclon.-,PhT. atacl l��rs. ID. y�our friends and neigh�bors have as- M�J• 848• RIIiI'II�R.IAA,`b.E�-"�. �akley, l�dia�.. ';.j�. 1' ��arrisan, �f �'oron�to, ynatored here sembled here to shaw •our agprecia- ��`TAw1� �.-Lou�S �a�te. 3,39�5. t; as�t week to se� Raber�t Ii�cMurray, tian of you as members of our cam- ��'q'A�N� N.-�A. E. �ioney+w�It;l6�aj, g7`. �,����g,���. �, a���,�. ��� �h�o w� zegret �to state, is in very munity and to extend bo you our 2,718• 1,36Y. ioor he�alth.-Rev. IVIr. Gmod�cvill, of hearti�st congr�atulations. Having �'��'��� S.-'"A�rthur �lli�s, (.��Y.) S'T. DA�Y�'5---�J', l�[�ag;�in�ba�my PJPsy,. ° ;.;' 31yth, is conductin�g spe�iaT service5 kn�own you �both we feel that we are P��R�' ��bTNI��-��G. �7. �conx*�, 4,736. ,;y 'or two wee�ks ier �he Town� lgiall, be- wet�omimg �th�ose who will be a help, ��F�-'xGol. B'. ]L. ��v�dy S7C. �1�}�g�,Q�]E'S,-.�"h3C, �. fi�'�,o�fieldl, >' ng en�gaged by the memlbers of the to each personally as well as to th� P�1tTH N�ORTH-� gLon�, $yp, Y, yy, �aj. �,sqdD. ; 'res�yterian congre�ation. - Mzs. e'ntire n�eigh�borhood. In the estab- 'Mon't�i'th. S�_ p���g,y,�]�y�]�,, p, IV[ju�yl�g, ��_. 3itts, IVQiss Guest, �Mr. and Mrs. Ed- lishment af your netiv home we wish PE��'I� S'OU�'H-I�vid ]B�onis. 2,247. �' ;ar Gaest, and 'Mrs. Millar and you ever,y success in life, ndt only in PF.TERBOR� CI�'Y�p. F`. Stri�c�kla,nd. �R11�Q�I1r�T�}-�=����.ge Shie�I�, IULay. iaughter, R,ase Mary, of '.Vtioun� those things which pertain to your �ORT ART�IUR-"�D. M. F3b�ggax-th, �5,gQb2, '� 'le�mens, and Mi�s Lola Elliott, of temporal welfare and comfort here, ; 3eiroit, were guests of 1Va�rs, aVilliam but also in things of a higher and �[.➢�D�II'�,�5 ������EO�' . �` �lliatt on Sund�ay.-'.Vfr. and Mrs. R. better nature. We also hape that ' 3. Smith and son, Glen, af �,ondon, Your life may be blessed by every BRtiC�F, N�OR'PH�T�. J. �P/I�cll�,y. ����][�,I� ��,yJ�-.�g„ �,, �eP. vere guests of Mr. an�i liZra. Ch�arles happiness w�hich marri�d life =�hould CrLE'N�('rAIRRY�T. A. Sa.n�gsteP. ZRl'A�']E5RL0�0 N�1�,�'E3---�5. C. 7CvPe�d. 'arker over the week en�d. `1N[r. Geo. give. It is also our sin�cere desire HURON N�OR�'H-'�C. A. YLo+berts�om. ��b,L1IN�G9CON IV. E.-]3r. �. .�i. 1Vdc- �;j dtitchell, nf La'bo T+n�•ns�ip, left for that vou may both be blessed with a NLANITOULIN-Th�s. Farqu}t�r, l�ui�bba�. �o7ne '][�e�sd�ay after a�s�hort� visit long life of usefulness. As a slight ONTARICD SOI7TH-�`W. E. N. S'in- S�M•O�E C�NTRE-Dm. 3. L. Siarag4 ` vith his cousin, F. A. F�dtivards.- token of our esteem an�d frie�ndship, iclair. �,o;�,. �; �Vork is prog-ressing rapidly on the we ask ,you to accept this tea wagon, ;i:: ottages being built for �1VLr. Eurtch and when y^ou lcMk upon it, may you �Y'O�TOSSI�'�S ���C���o n the praperty he purci�ased nortl� Ue assured of the best wishes of Your „ f D�eer Lodge Park from Don�ald Frieflds." BRA NT- H. *. N�xon. I C�'&t.E�' IV�R'$`E3i---� gD. J. Taylor. Di1I�'FF,RIN-- T. K. S1ack. , , �T. �. �. ���C���. ", CrPF,I" SOUTH-Farquhar OliveT_ �� �� ILibe��fl I��o��essbves ]Fle�ted. . � � I�AI.TO�N--'P. f�.. Bl�akelock. O�FOitI) N�ORTH-D. 1VI. Fi.��ss. �����- 7lnc�epen�➢era� �e�ns��ti�<�,t,a�es ]ClFct��c� ;�T; � t� � ��� RAIti7" RIVF.Ii(-W. H. ElL�att. pRES ; , (�, . c oT�c—�. .s�t. nPn�S. i t : . �ry, �I �N � � .S ✓+. , 4V J' �1�nIl� ����� Il ��llll��nYllUlhl ll 9 ll ll��ll�S ll 1Ct1��l� hLU11���1WlIll ll ����a �� �`���o `�I � � � °�°I�� i�Il���s�� ��m�c�� ��.���� ���c� ��c��r ���c����l. ��' � � Ilmm�fi �� all,Il1TIlC�bilIIll� �.1. �CDC�II`�(�II`11 ITII� �� , Il1T I���a �?� �c�t� �a��� n�o `�`fii���c� �1��� ��II�a ������ �W���� V����� lIl�� �����llll �������(� 9� .������� aJ/ � ���G ���f�J�...�.. ���� ���"��. 1�'��m�� ��3 � � ���i���fi�i a�t�d ���� ��� �r�d� t�l.'�. i J .1,,: 1 �,:.Iv�..��: �.a. ' � XVir.. :._(':'i � �9 IIdS�!'b' '�'IIQIE II']E�1Pb.lE �'QD'V']F.II� At 1 o'cbork thds (Thur4day) morn- in� sia seats remain�ed dou�btful. The pzrtp srt,and�ng in the On�tario gene�r- al eler�ion!s was as fol]otiva: C:ons�rvati�ve�s ............. R7 I,ihe�-ala .. . lp �7'�l�'i"C4S1 V C3 . . . . . . . . . • . . . 4 in�lr�pen�3en�t �',�ruseTv�tivc�g .. 2 I�ihera;l-k'ro�-ressive ........ i i7. F. 0. ...... . .. i ..... .... Deferr-ed ....... ......... 1 T�ou�btful . . f> 7'hc� s�x doubtful s�ats were: �Tic- t�ria N�rth, Pe�tel�hm�o (`ounty, l3ur- ham, Kenorc�, Remfrrcu S�outh emrl Russrll. S�,muna➢nm� mt 1f�essax�wB.n�va. (;nn�g�rvatives ............. 76 7.7Q1ETA�t� ..... ... ......... �Q� Prn�rr�c.�ives .............. 11 iT. F. (� . ................. :3 V�ca.nrc�i�s . ....... ...... 8 VVa�w 4@ar V.ema➢e��a 1F�a¢m�. �C"rR F,N Vi T,LF A�n. f�. H�n�*ard Fc�-gv�on (�D • •4,448 �`hmma.g Td. Rrarlleg (Fr.) .... 2,�9�1 �NTART� �OU'fiE$'- W�bliain F. N. S7nrl�air (L.�... �,fi�� g'ramk L. iVfia�a�o� ( C;. ) . . . . . . . �,�6 M�i1lpLF�FX i�S�7C- M' F�orn� �0'. F`re�Ye (�.) ....... ��0 John C. L,�4:h9��io��ge {�.� ..... �,7[8� �Ch�omas C�. °H'urnl��lY QIL.) .... °�,�fi�� ���4a i�Ta�au �g Q�����a��vc��. f�0�'�`i1i���'cY¢bi A��"OT�ttt13, �w�y''c��d�Pi (� �r1i�C$i' �Y'6"t'➢C�P71���� '�iEl1Nl'�1�U�1 u.tDfi�'.�.�`�,^i"�2 S�vu�'n, (�cl��.s�� I�Y�°�c�a, 3i��n�v4�.�, SI�."W �![��11' �L°I�YID �3.�`�i ��i651 ��'..� �% �n� ,� , • � I F, �.��_ � __ "' � v. � . N�on-l;h, Fbrt Wtilliam, F'ran���h,c-$,amm_ n�ox. Grenn�ilIe C'oun�ty, I�ialclam�mu31,. H�amil�bnn East, �iamiPrbon C�m�ftr�, �� H�amiltcm �9Ve�s2, �3�srfrin�gs �s�, F�'a.g� ';!"i; in�gs �Ve,st, Hura�n S'au�h, Y{er�t ]E�!s�r, Kc�t We�t, I�in�g;�tom, Lam�b�boza 7F�s�,, . bb La m I�ton W�st, LaTta.rk Nvr�, 1[�'aa- ark Scauth, Leeds, Y.irvoaln, l[.a��I�va �� N•arth, I.oTrdflm S�oukh, �TU��de�],�a.nz � N�orth, NCni 'ddles�x Wesrt, 73�usk�a�k'�, ,;,': Niagara Fal�ls, Nipis�sing, I�TorPo➢�,. `%'"' No1-t'hum�beTland, �n�tario lUo�e�h, ��- ;' baw� F3aw�, ��tta�w�a RTarth, 2��w'� ,,' � t S�ovth, Farry Soun�3, �e�el, �e�� '! N�curth, Pe.�+th Sourth, P�teThB�o �i2yr, ""! Fm-t Arthur, Prescott (wan fi�y $��- Ln�de�pc�nde��; �'mm�rva�ive�> �'an�� Ffc7�ccard, FtPnfrem N�rn-th, St. C'�cC�r�- rt�;' inp�s, S�au1t Ste. Maiie�r SSmcoe '+�r�� �,.,�,,:s�;v� ,'',imc�oe S�a�Chrvre+��t, Stormov�tt, �i.iair,�• , �, eon l�ail9, Stil�lbury, '1Cim7s�cami�c�. '�`or- , .,,;.�:',;, on+�o (�Il 7.ri rir3in�j, @7ic�ora'm, Sau��, �" V7ateml�cvo S�at�th, Vti'�Tl;aa�d, �J6lr�&Yasu„�a�c;. �outh, TR�erei,�wo�'h PJ�h, TV�i�'�'��°�im r� ' Sovt`t�� V(�in�d�s,o.r I�'�c, '�irecTssv� �P�at��. �� ; York E�s�t, Yhr�c �'oaih; �"'€�t+P� 1Vo&°"�tq '`��;�' Yavtt W�si, �E.aing* 3E£ii�vee' (�xn���x'�'�+�� t',om�.�erv+artiv�), �sex �ts�f�'n. � � ��a�� �T��n �g� II.nP��rta4a. � � �Ti]C'@ .�"U1E�l, Qvg�0Y8��,'".il.Y'4'�t9 �'p$1�"$'u�' �� � �, Nrsrr��, 1�7rcr�lhaarc�'�2�°P�s��, �',,'���� � ��a�u�l, �i°r�h�b�� �ra�°�, v'`��,��`ffi ' � 1�'�op�t�, '�1'��Y�'fm��Prapa T+��ms��a�.��a, L�`�r'"w�» , ' , t ,, �au�Yn�� ��� �1�4��. ' ��aic�r � �ansm 1�� T[�m�+��Csii��. ' t flBrr�+arr�i; �Dt�i�'`�r ��1, ���7 �u`��b� r��ias• ? a ' �,µ� i ' 1�iD�"��1. ��n� ti��� �i� �e �. �� �v''G��' �t���d. r � �+ ` V ;. '� � �� l `l _ .. �. , ,11 . . .. , . ' " �.