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The Huron Expositor, 1929-10-18, Page 5
iwc.yfu+ ww'wnyr +r<t+ . a- u+•'MlrvY i,Y�.'!aa`N ++4+ar +W,,w mar.. Ar WwnE N'.'.wV'S;a4 '.. r.,0 Fk F�AWAti ,'.,.. .,P•, wN'rar w»SCfr+". �� ck4NS41.,H51 i&.kA"W ..44. ;�,nMiE,.i.;... •,. e a a t A1As . a� ;y s sly. „ +xzry l� �, its Fn rHa Nx .^ +m, .I...'. 4�g a Ez '�.<-�"l' ^a {pr,*13 �"' p,6 James. c. ,?� M 4R . IIur.+t..G '•cw= S ' r. • :.. ,+ .,� 11 M P eMy'A{ WW1'M 4 S1.Ft. iM' IMyu4F i. i 0 �w' (+ iv7 $WV �?WN'+. Y'.1 4i'. �161Y '✓ P «. r. � •i j�fy�1,j�� •% V 9 (�t\ 4 MIKM A s -W, e MWE UWE ==Mr. 0 mu® L +7h'+fl h ��ryry YWWH:N��1'h ��QQ,� 'W'•�4� 40m,�tkl�l�a MPoIi ��a': r{ 't��' i��g.�.�VD¶' � 8 -• > .,,,.,,p q,i 00%p=400 Y' �4F, W `nhn' W $1. r �Y. 4.F++4VW �I.�LLN 3� M ���l,�h,., ^1 I qry,.iiy •'e 1�. I nadlW 7 .+a %>•4W 4. NW+V.+..ragV N1Wi+7Z �,,�}� �p d m, $}17E�j� o ..-r�� 1'ry�(1" �t j� reuentl - Zumo-V,410� WrJ•� HP h'Id' 71'eaft r� �y fir s '1j� ,,Q� W' �MM�V � �'!,'�Oy a�/� m�•,�q,irp d, a '; r: A1G$ 0 f,A4, �I ,,.,,.,ns iLVVAj7S ' wiY 5�a�{4�Yr�i'Y4 YYn�f.����`�(��nS,,^'A4 4n1� e,,,,.,t��'1��1�.M�,u�i,'`W aV447�•'L"ow--'r v�ae�5W1Qyi�y�,�'7,1,Wt,2',1 �a1L'¶'ei�3,,,�.,Q�)�'[,u; e- ��y�jy�Ir#.•T•��.+M,* M�t,A ✓�v ._T""`+"^�'^"� 'ri7�U 'ti✓241'12 bz C"a'mj�71�%.��.: 4w, RROZ NAliz I[�,Z5— ,,��,gyd�,n,,�M,JA,.. 7l'ecd 7iuRe, o t4W4 ilb.%00t (DW7uA:G7'7MM7g '' Shull!®�2�9g+un !ftl 4',''...`47�. -0-34 . Mia s ,cu. ane (49 -�W MSV - 'YN14 '!( nm Gpez,ftZ . gto�� .Nn,z ..,sM17tav3 ha "(f'ee'd, 444'iS���]JLYAA',ia/o y•'.,-'3.ny,1?�{i�'1{...,���- SSU�P//A,�r;•�0 I 11ItMkl�;1':91r7) �'I..our burg. -- A`4% �@i,,ll,,Qt6 q Whoa: ,vv Aq'�'1&11 ..W.Va. `4L . h'V. 91il T. NGH Heft list 4P,iioal day � Emil read a Q t r1Fr1 , �e4 r1r erir iopa� a• �d y?, Q;alt•, f7QA �i8@ Il'II L fitroe mega1c�>at, t Ga>Aviaa'�' th"u, Tw 1�t1ov CY"SB'5 ". „ hie d�n�ie� one flee csor�aeaaat it io 0014 00er think a Como o fin a aead lii42:?or clie x1mg Co ddod, co. of the W. `S'. >aln/eatingl. A osi I 1,wG,tiOn$!FJ baa/ tpIl,,Zi�,., viuµan+A �flrl� �A'NtA�.+.% 4AIA'GuS .JYSAIt's• WA IT01\` decd, 08 ] a�Ilbuir4, ABf�sta$ iu�lca. "ai loaned their care. 6227-1 Mustard @we a short h =1 te,M WioltS,z Aural rl 0,9Wy gerviceg mre descriptive of Dyer work, which wac •gi�a'>Il iw Biethd Ua16,Ud ChUrVh on Sun. Meech %pprGC1ated by ®veryOne pTeE6 edea',' last and ,wwa mrgdy attended. ent. Kra. Arthur P&I� ueea cRosed tha !l 291a'MW p&'8110r, lR.'V. W F. 01%111, meeting rAth prayer. of Goa,Ae United Church, waste in. Notes,—INmrse Gretta Mustard, of charge ,of ''both 'services, delivering Ethelbert, Manitoba, is holidaying at orrery inspiring sermons. Special mus- the !home of her parents, Mr. and MTs, fic ;by the choir Was also much ap. Alen. Mustard.—Mr. A. Morton, of •aped, beang a slolllo by 5*s. Fling. Toronto, is the guest of Mr. Murray 'and, lof W(aiton, and, one by A&. and Miss Gibson this week. — Mfrs. Ohl& +les Boyd, which deserves :'pecial (Dr-) Corey, of Denver, formerly -awnitlon,—Mr. Norman Roland, and Miss Margaret' Jamieson, of Bruce- '}a,essrs. Louis and Charlie McDonald field, ;was renewing old acquaintances isbook in the Round and Rinn dance in our village last week. Mr, and RYday evening, Mrs. William Douglas moved from ® their farm to (their cozy home in the Djiil[NGHA`i(1I village last week.—.Miss. J. McKenzie, FECTS, in the. Town of Hensell, on South of Ripley, spent a few days with her Peath of Mrs. Mary Logan, — The friends at the Manse last week.—Rev, ,community was shocked to learn of M. Smith, of 'McKillop, will conduct lbhe death of Mary Evelyn Logan, only divine serviced Sunday, October 20th, sated 'beloved daughter of Mr. and'Mrs. in the United Church when Rev. W. , Pied Lagan, which took place at her A. Bremner will conduct anniversary home in East Waw.anosh, on Septem- services in Duff's Church, McKillop. $ler 16th. While Evelyn had been --The sale of home-made baking, somewhat of an invalid for some which washeld in Seaforth last week some, her condition was not such as by the Wiomen's Association, proved -to cause alarm to her relatives, until quite a success. -m few days prior to her death. She estate of Rebecca Wood, late.of the Town of was born in Winnipeg about eighteen 1`11 eMLLOF years ago and lived in the West until Eigth Line 1927 when the family moved to our Notes.—Mr. and Mrs. F. vicinity. She had a .patient, lovable Koehler and 'MT. and Mrs. C. Regele disposition, which endeared her to all were Sunday visitors in Wfoukton.- -who knew her and her '.going leaves Mr. Lawrence Messersehmidt, of De- -her parents and brothers, Clayton, troi't, spent from Friday to Monday •!Fred and 'Clifford, to mourn the loss at his' home here, att6ading his sis- mf a dearly loved daughter and sis- ter's wedding.—Lilttle Marie Hoe'gy is ter. The funeral service was held in recovering from her recent illness.— St. Augustine R. C. Church, and was Mr. and 'Mhrs. C. Eggert and Della `conducted by Rev. H. Paquette. In- and Norman, and Mrs. Jahn' Eggert t erment was made in St. Augustine spent Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs. cemetery. The pallbearers were Jas. Henry Murr, at Wartburg. and Blair Gibbons, A. Jamieson, Presentation.—Mr. and Mrs. Russel '.Bruce 0hamney, 'Charles and W. Rob- Dorraance, McKillop, were taken by in'son. The floral tributes and spir- surprise Thursday evening, October iitual bouquets were many and beauti- 10th, 'when the mem'be'rs of Edelweiss ,ful. Relative's from London, Ripley Rebekah Lodge, of which Mrs. Dor- -and Teeswater attended the funeral. ranee is a valued member, called at -The sympathy of the whole common- their home to Wish them happiness in -sty goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Logan their wedded life. A few happy hours and their family in their time of were spent in .progressive euchre, Mr. .190r1r1Dvr. Roy ,MlcGeoch captured the prize for er, who died on the 13th day of August, 1929, are required to send to the undersigned a9licl- the most games-; Mrs. Haigh for I•one (C1EaS3ll11ALttJllLtSll hands, and M&r. M1ac. McKellar the writing and verified by affidavit, of their claims and the nature of the securitic6, if consolation. I(f'Mac" is a good card Notes.—On Thursday evening of player but it was just his night off). -last week, Mr. 'and Mrs. W. Wilkin- There was also a lucky chair prize son were surprised when the mems- and Mrs. Dorrance was the winner. 'Iters of .the Hurondale Women's In- A dainty lunch was served by the isttnftllte to the number of about forty, members of Ede'lwedsts', after which paid them a visit •and during the ev- Mr. and 'Mrs. -Dormnee were present - ,ng 'presented' Mrs. Wilkinson with ed with a beautiful console set, Miss a etolid leather club bag and nicely M. Reid read the address and Mrs. M. ,worded 'address, expressing their re- McKellar made the presentation. Mr. gret at her departure, with best wish- and Mtrs. Dorrance replied in a fitting Lss for her future. Mrs. Wilkinson m'an'ner. AS ter a short "sing song," ,miode a very feeling reply.--4Mr. An- everyone departed for home feeling Igus Robertson, has returned to Wind- they had spent a real, jolly evening. so+r after spending a week with his Bennevreis-�Me'sserschmidt. — T h e 2athrer and g'rain;dmother: 'Miss Rena home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koehler, (Simpson has so for recovered as to 8th concession of McKillop, was the ]be able to resume her duties as teach- scene of a quite wedding on Sattur- er for No. 10, Tu'ckersmitrh. — Rev. day, October 12th, at 2 p.m., when Gordon 'Butt, of Goderich, took the their daughter, Miss Adeline F. E. siuMece in the United 0hurch on Sun- Me!sselrschmidt, was united in mar - day last, preaching a fine sermon and riage to Mr. Norman H. Benneweis, the also 's'an'g a solo, which was much son of Ma. and Mrs. Louis Semmelweis. renjoyed.—Next 'Sunday at the Unit- Rev. G. L. Gross, of Auburn, officiat- ,ed Church, Automobile Sunday, will ed. The bride was attended by her be observed, so use your carr to bring sister, Miss Irene Koehler, and Mr. ,your friends to church. During the Clarence Bennewei's, of Brodlizgen, service the cross which stood over the assisted the groom. The bride wa',, grave of the late Lance Corporal T. dressed in a bridal costume of sand W. T. Wilkinson, in France, will be georgette, trimmed with transparent aln'veiled and left i•n' the church as a velvet, and carried a bouquet of imem+oriial.—Mr. Thomas Leeming, of Korde's roses and lily of the valley. IElamilton, and MT. John I.eemin'g, of T31e bridesmaid wore a gown of cocoa MclGillop, visited last week at the georgette trimmed with transparent home of Mr. 'and Mrs. J. Variey. velvet and brilliants with a corsage a bouquet of lily of valley. The groom's =LE°TT gift to .the bride was a cabinet of farm are a 1% storey frame house, cement silver; to the bridesmaid, a string of Obituary.—In the death of 'Mrs. be'ad's„ and' to the, groomsanan, a William Lowrie, which occurred at pocket knife. After the ceremony lher home on the ninth concession of the bridal couple left on a motor trip the Township of Hullett, on Tuesday, to various parts of Ontario, the bride ebe 8th of October, the community travelling in tweed coast with beaver Blas lost one of its most highly esteem- fur trimming, also 'brown hat and ed residents, a most devoted wife and shoes to match. On their return they mother, a real home woman in the will reside on the groom's farm on moblest sense of the term. Although the Sth- concession of Logan. !bereft of her husband some years ago � she loved to live in close communion 11 ' i5ait2i her family and teach them to ]BIRTHS &know and to prize the better and nob- John.—In Tuakeramith, on October Nth, to Rer things of life and to look forward Mr. and Mss. Howard Johns, a daughter. with faith and (hope in the happier Bierling.—In Stephen, on October 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bierlinu, (nee Olive Dear - Rife beyond where care and suffering ing), a daughter. shall be known no more. Born in McDougall —In Morris, on October 7th, tun Galashiels, 'Scotland, in the year 1853 Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McDougall, a eon. Bissonnette.—In Seaforth Memorial Hospital. QieT parents with their family after- on October 16th. to :Mr. and Mrs. R. N. swards moved to Ireland, from whence Blesonnette, a son. she and a brother emigrated to Can- - � - --- lady in the early seventies, settling in MARRIAGES the Township of .Hallett. In AugustPiChurch nrcml a c�atesARARt street United Parsonage, Exeter, on October 9th, ;mf 1878 she was married to her fate Miss Vera Eileen, daughter of Mr- and Mrs. (husband, Mr. VAlliam Lowrie, resid- William H. Coates, to Mr. Verne J. Pin- ing all their after lives on the old comhe. son of Mr, and Mrs. William Pin- cornbe, of Usborne, by Rev. D. McTavish. original Lowrie homestead. She was Loosemore-Mass.--,At the home of the bride's a consistent member of Buries' Church, parents, Hullett Township, on October 5th, Hullett, and 'while health and strength by the Rev. W. R. Alp, Elizabeth Moss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cunning - i'tted always delighted t0 be permitted )present at the Sabbath services. The ham, to Frederick Loosemcre, of Glencoe. ,funeral service was conducted from D1EATHS cher late residence by her pastor, Rev. Howard. --in Parkhill, on Monday, October 11. WLr. Forester, of Burns' Church and Fred Howard, aged 43 years. Plumsteel.—In Clinton, on October 8rd, Henry 7,ondesboro, interment being in Burns' Plumsbeel, in his 85th year, lehurch cemetery, beside the remains Clenderming —In Wir.j�ham, On October 7th• of her deceased husband, the pall- M WrIlnyarn Irl nd on>ng.onn his77thber year. Mar- tbearers being her three sons, James, garet Catherine MacKay. aged 43 years. Randolph and Charles Lowrie, her --c— eon-in-law, Mr. Peter Taylor, Mr. Wm. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Menderson, of •Morris, and Mr. W. L. At the samro time and place will also be Jamieson, of Kitchener, Ont, She Union Stock Yards, Torrito, October 15th. Quotations: Heavy beef ateem, $9.50 to Reams to mourn the loss of an ever $9 50 ; butcher steers, choice, $9.25 to 09.50: kind and gHectionate mother, her do, fair to good, 63.00 to $8.26; do., common, tbroe sons, Jamesand (Randolph, on $5.76 to mrso; butcher heifers, choice, 09.25 39.50: f51air to good, t 5,13.75 : `lthe home farm, Charles, of Morris T`own'ship, and two daughters, Mrs. dn. common, n, $8.00 to37.5butcher butcheo r cows, d good to choice, 38.50 to 87.25; do. common Peter Taylor, of Itullett Township, bo medium. $r,.00 to 06.00; do. canners and 68.50 to 84.50: butdber hulls, good to and Euph'emia, onthe' homestead. cutters, choice, 66.50 to '87126: do. medium, $6.00 to �^ -- -- - $6.25: do. bolognna, 85:25 to $5.75; baby, beef, 1�qp� � �, �llille $10.00 to 014-.50: federe, goorl, $8.00 to 58.50: do. fair, 47.00 to $7.75: stock- xrwA $7.50 to 08.00; do. fair, $6.00 to V. elle(. .S.—T!h0'i ortien'Li Ma€lionary ers, vm; calves, good, MS -90 to 018.00; do - Society of teles BPnited Oltahttroll held Quo em, $110 o0 6 25 g m"I06-00e obeir monthly � m met in s CTharch On �11aAectlar`,4 '((17'x$'g�ollp:"r flth, ;$10-00i tm 100.00: Iamlia, choice, 011.26; CIO. o $1 376.00 to $ choice, 00',00 44r 80,50; Sparlor13 %vith Zbe pre'slder t, '%1irf. >i:k� vJ rj W.A. budrn,, cheep, do. oidium. 65.00 40 05.40 i 4ralyti, oil, fa. Brevfa>ner pratilding. 11%0 loll *all OX,. MR to M2.25; do., agleam; % por Dias %' Z=lto era, We per oW.b %t>�te wed an stbandl9=0 of ntV-�i W0 Ju.,m,ckAd inn 50c cwt, under a.: ,tic.. =,embers, and 't eD eIIEnfiv;' tad• VAth a Q-ro.b, pries. 91.26 awed, under vsamm ti, 1., ,Y, , e l 1 f 1, Y Ito ... li ��J' 1 'L ¢J - , £ w pwf ` .'' '.:'� Mr4: � ,( 11 e�� ry ,.JW. �ai,'A' :�M A,4plir�' VIT�Iw,Y6MJ Rv'fAN�/ W41 ` $Ata.-/,��lf�D Ir¢AICI ' Gi" +P,HD•$ ..!p1 '.k1D. 4�YfA:Al�,,n .1.,,,' '' '. ' Makes, umc 29 mwaa%V= CAU ial�ir,M•w gip: 'Y9idv ✓- Q�'W , '�a� vy., YTl 'r r - n Q'ir. ,{�.�' �,. V .• _4':ia4&. kWr I 13. 4, 9l 9Wft or rhoacl aul a 5. 912 ' # , o , X0.7v +w 7 Btp ' 4= I f{sr04a Apel@ ori rp wm,r #Vp doy, iD1E� 0-aDIt�L�iA. A 19. ' dlac czalrus�aasc "w ^. mar. ]fifes F &�, Shcakkagc, ' ;? r sad 5robkgmn ort© to gr�lve OartnBscr EBifi, ot4octa poa,,ua Mdej[1ur� 'res$. rage sed cv�fPl3, dla�. TW 6f, 3. 8, sc;&0 `4i ll, t1�.., 1 Ili 4l t ", ,I ..... 11l�aLL r.� ( 1'M�" J SpenT�w�GTG�F �11 11 Sv„ On fiMondeny. October '281t'la. on-utarm 18i;",d xr.'l�bertwc r 4 $1v ear i e 0h East, a�djoiuln¢ the Town of Seaforth. Clear- ing P.a p their n p real p nit'I,nRt �. many kiP.d and sy !them in ti�gbo Sale of k'orm Stock crud Ymplemen'tzr. W. E. M;irn, Auctioneer; Daae Nixon, Pro. y their s teat a . Cent and 1¢eireavetraant, t 7o @W Ithanit those who Prietor. loaned their care. 6227-1 H 0 Limousine Almtbuilaame Service. AU(C (DET A�6i111E (CARD OF THANKS AUCTION SAIi-41e;.•--I• R. F. W. AHRENS The family of the late P.,7ni,. William Lawrie has been instructed to sell by public aue- of Hullett TOwniahip, dm iim to thumit their. tion on Lot '16, Concession 7, McKillop, on friends and neighbom for the many expres. kindness Tuesday, October '22nd, 1829, at 1.80 p.100 the sinus of and sympathy in the sed following: 40 head choice stos$cer and fexder bereavement of the lora of their dear mother. heifers 2 Years old, 8 steers 1 year coming 2 8227x1 Years old, 1 cow to freshen in January. nursery stock and you will be success - Terme,—Ten muonths' credit on approved joint bankable paper, or a discount of 4 per cent. fol. Our agency is valuable. Per annum oil' on credit amounts. These n �� are an exceptionally (cod lot of cantle and 8i18� must be sold as feed and room is scarce. THOMAS WiiEATLEY, Proprietor; F. W. The undersigned will receive application, Ahrens, Auctioneer. s. 2 in writing. up to Saturday, t'ho 26th inset., for ® the position of Matron of tho Children's Shel- AUCTION BALE OF HOUSEHOLD E•: ter at Goderich; duties to begin November FECTS, in the. Town of Hensell, on South eat neat. ud Street, on Saturday, October 26th, Applicants to state qualifications, age, if at 1.80 o'clock, sharp, the following; Kit- married, or single, and give referencea- chen stove, burns wood or coal; heater, one GEO. W HOLMAN, sideboard, 1 extension table, 1 cupboard. one clothes cupboard, 1 genuine brand new bureau, Goderich, Oat' God�'�'' October 15, 1929. 8227-2 1 rocking chair. I couch, 9 dining chairs, cane bottoms; 2 rocking chairs, 1 child's high - chair, 2 small tables, 1 square piano, 1 dress- er, 1 dressing stand, 1 bed, springs and mat- ��®���° �® ���® RS tress, tress, 3 beds, 8 springs and 2 mattresses, Flowers furnished on short one Cleveland bicycle, half dozen kitchen chairs, Pictures, picture frames, sealers, two EB NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all cred- wooden tubs, wringer, 2 boilers, granite hors and others claims against the kettles, pots and pans, a quantity of dishes, estate of Rebecca Wood, late.of the Town of sea kettle, 1 granite pail, 1 granite piteber, a Seaforth, in the County of Huron, who died quantity of tumblers, 1 lawn mower, one on the thirtieth day o3 August, 1929, are re- t scalding scalding barrel, 1 shovel, 1 fork, 1 hand saw, quired 'to forward their claims duly proven a quantity of eayp6nter's tools, I eongoleurn to the undersigned solicitor $or the executor, rug 3 yards by 4 yards, practically new; on or before the 21st day of October, 1929. linoleum ley yards wide and 5 yards long, AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that good parlor carpet Practically new, 1 yard after the said date the Executor will proceed wide -and 6 yards long, a of them; I parlor to distribute the estate, having regard only lamp, 2 small lamps, 2 big damps, 1 kitchen to the claims of which he then shall have table, 1 leaf table, 8 kitchen chairs, 1 crock- notice. inole board, 2 &banding mirrors, stripe of DATED at Seaforth, Out, this third day rag carpet, 8 -burner coal oil stove, 1 oom- of October, 1929. mode box, 50 -pound flour can, 5 -gallon coal JOAN J. HU(`GARD' oil can, 1 sofa for veranda, and other articles Sea -forth, Ontario, too numerous to mention. Terms—Cash. Solicitor for the Executor. M'R'S, SAMUEL STEACY, Proprietress, A•r. 8225-3 thur Weber, Auctioneer. 8226-2 Insurance of all kinds. � AUCTION STOCK AND undersiign IMPLLACM TS,—The d has HOUCY, TO CI,It DHT®1LL` S been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 7, Concession 8, H.R.S., Tuckeramith, one mile east of red school, on Friday, October NOTICE Is hereby given under the statues in that behalf 18th, 1929, at 12.30, sharp the following:— .that ala persons having any claims against Robert- Gibson, late of the Horses -3 good work mares quiet and reliable, 1 gelding rising 3, well broken. Cattle -One Townsh'iD of McKillop, Huron County, farm - cow 8 years old, freshened October lat; 1 er, who died on the 13th day of August, 1929, are required to send to the undersigned a9licl- cow 4 years old, due; 1 cow 5 years old, due January 20th ; 1 cow 8 years, due February bor for -the Executors, full partieulars in 10th, 1 milch cow 8 years old, supposed to writing and verified by affidavit, of their claims and the nature of the securitic6, if be with calf. 2 heifers 1 year old; 2 steers one year old; 4 steers 2 years old, 2 spring any, held by them, on Or before the 21st day calves, 1 calf 2 weeks old. Hogs—s14 pigs S. of October, 192e, after which date the said weeks old.. Poultry --60 Barred Rock pullets, Executors will proceed to distribute the as - sets of the said deceased, having regard only 16 year-old hens. Implements -1 Measly- Harris binder 6 foot out, 1 Deering mower 6 to .the claims of which he 'then shall have foot rnnt, 1 Deering disc drill, I Massey -Hams had notice. DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 3rd day of cultivator, 1 Kemp manure spreader, 1 Deer- October, 1929. ing hay rake, 2 set harrows, 1 disc, 1 land R. S. HAYS, roller, 1 Oliver riding' plow, 1 walking plow, Solicitor for ExecutbTs 1 turnip ahwer, 1 wagon, 1 set sleighs, one 8225-3 acuffler, stock rack, Clinton Fanning mill, Massey -Harris road Oulper, Portland cutter, wheelbarrow, 86 -foot extension ladder, set of ' double harness, set single harness, 20 gain bags, forks and shovels. Household Effects— 1F RM IFOR S•1 One Britannia steel range, new; 1 Quebec heater, new; 6 -piece !parlor suite,' kitchen table, kitchen ARMS FOR SALE,—A r EW CHOICE cupboards, 2 rocking arra, kit- chen chairs, 8 bedsteads,,, parlor table linoleum 1C farms in the TownohiW of Uabarsno, 4x4 yards, new washing machine, barrel, Daisy churn, Delaval dream sepa for ruckeromith amd Hibbort. Ggc4 bulldin= asd Pell to ted m to market,,. 92TAS CAMa- and numerous other artidles. About 15 tons choice ,MO1V � OmL A06tS-t4 ' timothy and alfalfa hay, 16 cords dry wood. Terms.—relay, wood, poultry and household ARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE 'PART LOT effects and all sums of $10.00 and under, 28 and 29, Concession 8, McKillop, con - taming 192 acres and known as the T. E cash; over that amount 12 months' credit will will be given on furnishing approved joint - farm. Must be sold d. class the estate- If paper. Five per cent. discount al. n If not sold will be rented. l?'br particularo apply to J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor, Sea - lowed for cash. Positively no reserve as the forth 8201-tP proprietor is giving up Harming. JOSEPH E- MicLELLAN, Proprietor; George H. El- :lint, Auctioneer. 8226x•2 "ARM FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, LOT NO. g, Concession 16, Township of Grey, Coun- }1 o4 Huron; 2 storey brick home, barn US �Ay, z 1Vll®ri�'rrt,G l�/j� 1111 1'11 )I.I�n 55 noto 36x60 on atone foundation; another building 26x56; windmill, drilled well-, 80 aerm plowed, OF FARM LANDS IN TOWNSHffP balance has been under pasture for several Years. Thirteen acres hardwood bush, Poa- OF McKILLOP session Brat of March. Apply to ALEX. BUCHANAN, R. R. No. 8, Walton. 8186 -ti ' Under and by virtue of the powers oil sale — contained in an indenture of Mortgage, which UNARM FOR SALE.—LOT 8, CONCESSION will be produced at the time of sale, there 6, Stanley, 100 acres, all cleared. On the will be offered for sale, at public auction, by farm are a 1% storey frame house, cement rhomas Brown, Auctioneer. on Saturday, the foundation, cistern and cement floors in base - 2nd November, 1929, at two o'clock, in the ment; barn 84x70 with lean of 12 feet, on a afternoon, at The Queen's Hotel, Seaforth, stone foundation; barn 85x52 and drive shed. the following lands and premises, namely:— Farm drained with tile, and wire fences: 4 Lot number twenty-five (25), in the Third acres fall wheat, 40 acres ploughed; Wanes (8rd) Concesaion, of the Township of Mo- seeded down. Situated one-half mile from Killop, in the County of Huron, containintr Church, 1 mile from sch„ol. 4 mil -o freim by admeasurement one ;hundred acres of wand Kippen : 6 miles from Hensall- Rural mail be the same more or less. aril telephone. Farm in good state of cultiva- There are erected on the land a large frame tion. For further particulars apply on bank barn, with stone stabling underneath premises, B. W CARLILE, Proprietor, R. R. and a pig and hen house and two (2) dwel- 1. Zurleh 1°- O. 8187-tf ling houses and the land is all cleared and tillable. This farm is situated on the County Highway about one mile north of Seaforth .-__-- and offers a splendid opportunity to any one ®•� �� DEADR HVE wanting to secure a farm advantageously sit- 11CCeA � sated. _ TERMS OF SALE. Twenty per cent. in cash on the day of 9 Call us by phone at our ex - ,ale and the balance to be paid in cash and have (Live without interest thfrty (30) days thereafter. pense when you a I'he purchaser will be required to sign an ,��•/1 or Dead Horse Ol' L!®�% �� y agreement for the cornpletion of sale accord- ing to written conditions of sale, which will want taken away. be made known On the day of sale and may oe ted in the meantime from the undersigned, Dated at Seaforth. Ontario, this 14th Octo-• � ,,7� �a Limited William Stone Sons, ILi mited beq 1929. R. S. HAYS, Phone 21 Ingersoll. Vendors' Solicitor. Phone 215W Stratford rhomas Brown. Auctioneer. 3227-3 _ 3227-16 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE ------- -- AT PUBLIC AiJCTBON, OF ����� ERS PARCEI. NO. 1. --Lot Number 9 on Centre ' itreet and Lok Number 9 on Wader Street, ,oth in the VILLAGE OF EGMONDVILLE, You can have your feather �n the County of Huron. 'PARCEL NO. 2. --Part of Lot Number it bed made into a Sanitary y in the 2n4 Cond,ession, Humn Road Survey, Roll Mattress or T)I,wn Com- ; rf the TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH, in forter. 1 the County of Huron, cnntairiing 2% acres Drop a card to >f land, more or less, will be held at the premises on Tuesday, the 29th day of October. DOMINION FEATddER AND A.D.. 1929. at. 2 o'clock p -m. MATTRESS CO., Goderich, Ont. At the samro time and place will also be rffered for sale a number of household articles Our Agent will call. Including a melodion, 2 small parlor tables, I Morris chair, 1 arm chair, 6 rocking chairs, 3227x1 settee, extension dining table, cupboard. din- ing .mom chairs. clock, conch, 2 -burner coal - Al stove with oven, small National beating stove, dock stave, kitchen balite, smell clothes horse, 1 bdraom suite, 1 wooden bed, 1 iron FOR SALE bed, wash a+Ands, burdau. hmall bedroom table, springs, mattresses, a quantity of herl- dirul and linen. bedroom dial es, a small quan- tity of jewellry, sewing machine, desk, books. Steel Water Tanks nn hand, 6'x23'' &mal cupboani. Brussels carpet sweeper. X24"; pirice $9.8,5. .mall coniroleum rag, eaTpetc, floor roaMting. White Ash Tongues, t2'* and 14' 4 small floor ruga. plaWrea, cus'h•ions, window long, each $1.50. curtains. a quantity of dishes and cooking utensils, step ladder. lawn mower, small quan- Beech Stone Boat Plank, cut With City of coal, shovels, and other artielca, ' " " v 'turn Ori end, 2 x12 $y 8 Tong, On Parcel 1 there are said to be created a $1.50 each or ethreP for $4.00. comfortable 1% storey 6 -mooed frame dwel- ling %*use. with cellar and electric lights, Hardwood Slabs, 12" to 142 long at and a barn. $4.'00 per cord. Parcel No. 2 has bean used for pasturage Soft Maple Slabs, 12" to 14" Tong at but is available for agriculture or gardemtria TE lvriq or SALE.—Of Real Estate, 10 per $3.50 par cord. cent. at time of sale, balance in thirty days- Soft Wood Slalus, 12" to 141',1 10118, at Gale svhject Ass reserve bids. $8.00 1 TER'M'S OF SALE.—Of Chattels, mash -Il For further partioulsarg a'p�ly to Wood prices delivered. I� CANADA TRUOT OOLr77PANT, London. Also tall Asphalt WKifiang and Sid - Ont.. Admdn4Gtrator of the 351; t3 eB (Eliza- ing and Sltvgl products of all Undo, beth Ann 'Rieke. docsaged, oY W. ffitY1DOM�l., oanttcsr One„ Co1Y Solicitor 8or tW? Admaib�ld vi tar. Vn' LiLRAPJ DOIGa, )Jl"L Thoman Guia&7. Auctt@otir¢ar, ''j w,:lt8. Paan. �, Ril¢'t"4.3ifill Jtemona desirlug do inamt the premlo�i mmr do Be by applying to A64-irt McGoilk$o. Or P) f6i a 138 r 2, SSt^�.t' 9tXth. falg�a nadvi•lle, Ont. P -22`d -S f-- `.'1t2.2` 2'a t a 1 , et.W..,l.a �. w... .r - .ate' II 44d "ei,. "�-•.....,� eJ�. rt i.i ti�l�+ ' ,l' i P �m,T^�4P"Mr^. A :i Y ,R'i 1 k tl I,.: 1 '•, "V' 4 1 4' .� , Y 1 .. r- �r ��� .` if �. w I N+A . r;, ", ,r ,,I l `>rt , r1 (idg ' i ,}, .; . ,' f:: v ! v t l( ::4,u kw7 kid Y l,.v',s `�. u. , tl +.,;.,., .1 j :+ '" nl '.J'r` +l r,>b\.'`�, i a;r.+� h !s I;r.>ri il, i �,rr- -- :.U' '1. r7,:1 iVls. 2"kl$les^r% '�'i 1:11 [f11 - . I L- e "1t hsY iA)r s, E� i 4-,�,-� 1 � I— I s a ' i 3'!E.rt n. I I 7%,:�� . I . . I p�., �� -11-1 11, A . " -%-,:, � 1;j,,,!�,,, � ,,� � � .� I - 1901, � I , , E17 i4gr t' Y , 'iY i°3�?, v 1 M, , ,, , I I .1. '9 !r f r.,'' 11ej71,' �,rre"r,�`1:�!.�Aii Pik` t'" 14,1- .1 t 01 h -.. {', :7 E t •;,7v e..Ne '?, .3.r7. i- lf1 tit4:, �t:,,, ", , , ,i,e",., i..' - if, ,'fit,.. Y,.�." r Ate a� r9�, �,, :+17 ei S n fl 1' , , T `t+i� h s. a I L ,r A 4• .h 11 I I IA �Q ^ap�^ptn�pa�gtrqv¢tdQ'��iMl. 1� , • � , , , �`'..x r �., •.. t i 1 t ail' ` . '. g,,ay�kky�"'`r '�w�1 ""'r > tiLI,t `� � /� 9 4 d -1J f +fp�„Y FA I t 1 . �- � n 2 .n I'll YFNf:, � .Vi';LiErti: .ai N �F?>;�1 �,� Nakers of Famous ]Food LPiroducts since 8858 �. .�. .�. .�. .�. .�. .�. .�. .�. .1,« 'moi 0 0 ® S. 11. 1101mes & Son � O FUNERAL SERVIIClE _ 1So' ® Main Street, Seaforth. i i'.t s 5 C9 1 Ili S. T. Holmes, residence, t ", ,I ..... 11l�aLL r.� 0 Goderich Street, West; phone �11 11 Sv„ ® No. 119W. Charles Holmes' time arrangement. G> residence, Goderich Street, ® East; phone No. 308. H 0 Limousine Almtbuilaame Service. ®' © Night calls, phone 308, equipped Nursery and supply our cus- 0 Days calls, phone 119J. 0 Charges moderate. variety. Sell hardy, Canadian grows 370H IMOTS Storm windows saved Frank Buell $27 the first winter. Sixty others saved altogether ov- ar thirteen hundred dollars- Reports from all Wer prove average saving of over 24 per cent. (almost one-fourth). Our prices for READY GLAZED windows are astonishingly low, due A quantity pproduction, and direct dealing. Write for FOtEE price list of 82 ready -to - ship sizes. We pay freight. Order your win- :er windows now, they pay for themselves in ruel saved. Address HALLIDAY COMPANY, Box 136, Halliday Building, Hamilton. 8225-4 Hook e �o &e puhhk I have purchased the plant of the late Gordon Thomson in Seaforth, and the 'business will be carried on as usual. Anyone having Buckwheat to dispose of, we are putting through a shipment at pres- ent. Close attention given to all custom work. A car of corn in next week. :Expect to press cider in about ten days. Jo A. HCKILenzie SEAFORTH, ONT. Phone 25 Night Phone 143 r 24 3225-2 lause Toy Sde ®T Ri emL Comfortable Frame Dwelling, hot id cold water, furnace, bath, toilet, c. Good location; immediate pos- sSion. See our list of dwellings in Seaforth, arpurhey and F.gmondville for sale greatly reduced prices. Possession, 'ranged. We also have several bar -- tins in improved farms with easy rms ofTrT'i��payment. 1a717r7�C7�� � �yTYn A. D. S UJ L- 121 E 11Lt 1Ld['Sl..l� D Insurance and Real ]Estate iPHONE 152 ID. ISI. XCHN I&S Refgloteredl Dmgleoo Practitioner. CHIROPRACTOR 3LRi:CTRIICII7CY PJ[t sltfnetic IEBectric Bnt10 Cotrrilmmerciml note% sonforah Mounazy, wednrsofty cued i%Idaay AffQerr came• AdlImmecnento alv(m flora asacn= of A iimino. f3Vl A'u Awr''�? CANADA STARCH CO. %I � ILhrairiJ �"� i l~Jfi ON' 113A. '0 _ 1So' b� `.'. I ?3hi i i'.t s 5 C9 1 Ili o."I'll . t ", ,I ..... 11l�aLL r.� ;�k exclusive territory. Whole or part �11 11 Sv„ I, x'' time arrangement. O 7' -, 0 ® H �� ® .,+i lc> ,C� equipped Nursery and supply our cus- °II The CANADA STARCH CO. %I � ILhrairiJ �"� IF. 1I. CHEA Y l~Jfi ON' 113A. Salesman in Huron County during _ 1So' Licensed Bmbahmelr anC Fall and Winter months to sell fruit 'Aa." 1FuuuneraIl Director. ' 11 AV L � P %�' [,J�A�001�( E'� To' L �, JA 111 �! NO ", �A. The South Huron Plowing Match will be held on GienaRmamd DaiIlTy Fazim� A. B. IE oweliff''e, Proprietor, % mile !South of Eyelaszll on No. 4, Highway, London Road, on Thullrodal.y0 Oct 24. 7 Classes, with $300 in Pirizes and Specials. Write the Secretary, IIs. J. 1PYM, IFLE.3, ]Exeter, for particulars. AIR.CHIIIE MORGAN, President. �� �i%ANTEL I® MOW , *' "'' ® ® <. ® <> ® '<cot IF. 1I. CHEA Y Salesman in Huron County during ® Licensed Bmbahmelr anC Fall and Winter months to sell fruit ® 1FuuuneraIl Director. C9 trees, flowering shrubs, ebc. Good pay; ® Up-to-date Horse and Eaoto? <�, exclusive territory. Whole or part O Equipment. time arrangement. O Night and Day Service. A 500-AC1187E NUR3lE1RY 0 ® ]Phone 19-22, Dublin. . We own and operate a modern, WeRl ® ® 0 ® ® ,6 ® ® ® ® ® lc> ,C� equipped Nursery and supply our cus- tomers with the best in quality, and variety. Sell hardy, Canadian grows nursery stock and you will be success - 010> fol. Our agency is valuable. ® W. T. BOX & (00. Established 35 Years, O Funeral Director and C9 PHELHAM NURSERY CO., ® Lncenqed Emballmmelr- 10> Toronto 2, Ontario. f> H. C. BOK ,C) 3224u8 0 Best Motor and Horse-drav/lm equipment. 10> ® Charges moderate. ® Flowers furnished on short /��T��� �p�r T �lJlil.Ip�l4llll spy �p1�{�(� ® ® notice. Night Calls Day CMUC � l�l�W (9,111 H spell ® Phone 175 Phone 43 0 I have taken over the agency for J. Fleury & Son celebrated - plow makers. - A, full stock on hand, inclu1- Mlle JOEW IRz,ARX07 ing the New Ribbed Alfalfa AG EN07 Point; also points for all other mhkes of plows. Insurance of all kinds. � ,t/��\ A. steV^ Fonds, Real EstateZ t airt Loney to (Loan MAIN STREET - SEAFORTIIII S ° AIF®)P,rll'IHI, ONTARIIG 3219-12 Phone 911 a e �oU� S RUR Qn—idt O'Caat - Be Prepared ZMTr v k)1r° ,%PPff-0M CNR,ng CoRd (1tys End >mightsa SKILL CRAFT Overcoats ran Blue Cheviot, Blue Chinchilla, Blue Melton, Grey Frieze and many shades for Ulsters, made in the latest styles, quarter, half or full haled. FEms-425 tu $40 --ca Avoid the early fall rush for Tailored Clothes ---Get your measure on ounr boolks at onez for your Indigo or Grey Serge Suit. DO MOT DELAY RoEo ll rh , { i11 N, r n Ir [�+I m 1 � ;i ice