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The Huron Expositor, 1929-10-11, Page 8
1.a 1",Rl" ?i r+�,.am''*3ikx+-a4', *w+ """ ."""'••",;x ..-___,.,_ nesday evening, Vetooer 10111. r.,ves'y --�^ - al,�"3 �suY5k4erm antenEsnls, >�®�rsa and roorua Toning latefar&ly dec�]calte arra �."I" ,44 ;'T, °' citizen and their friends will be Wel- Duav® YQU a good 200Ps to rose and what Im e. The bride and groom ' r come and may thus ➢help, by tln®ir QeIId or eve t® Y® ff>riendsY "I I . `' � .444460tianae a Jec package o� FL presence, in forth®ring a good cause. �1Je haw a g®oaIl selection Off later `left ora a motor trip; rand aan Q aid" , a n.1 . ' �$]Z with every 'purchase of titles a>a )IBeinPint Fiction .at their return will Hive on th® groom'sIn ��� ecze O if yaunu c�inan to buy or sell a farm. see. II2. farm in 'I [cKillop. - I out lome W h,, :4;5.]& U'4,l�•b+S Ll[NE�:S a Pickard. Eineter, Ont. 8226-3 � �DrD CIF.I�ITS �� �` ���iiL������yyy � a s9Dlea+i81D 30 feet HC For sale.—P,andora steel range. reservolr. �'�,n- p!']fM�s$E lDlsEglnC in good condition. Will sell cheap for quick ° (; They fr�alIl g nxa tka® haoans® sale tars. J. W. ron�. 8226-1 J q Death of Mrs. David (Fen.. - `7Che "-�;a, p y,' urEd ........... �r✓la(�ua cool v 'atln®r comes. 1»e Z=poric,aced �ucestant Ganadia:n couple � la of Mrs. ➢p�avid ]Fellq 11 X� Thompson ws mf the death $" �i}��a !- g4aalaty unpolirsln- which ,occurred 'suddenfly nn Clinton ����j �Q��'� y 14 l � ��� � 1� n n pounds ��� leave a full 1�11»ne of IE'ly 'Dill®r r n. .0 1 my�� •ta ,S t IDarrniau rs. - - on Saturdays evening, carate to the •, x in stock. - FLY TOX, (FLY Box is, Brussels. Ont. 8226x1 1B(0Ol;; ST(D1� D�]ilAll'®JE3`ll°!}II D 4 +' y -EAS-.-One satchel, 10 cents, L° g,,�T, 'p�', SAIE°]ElI®, people of Seaforth with a great sense ° 1 to 1% cans of peas. , ; Houusc Leer sa0e.-- For sole. frame bnnnynxlova p p 2 floc . etc' aituiated on corner of George and Victoria S1EbsCripti®m!3 taken $oIC LaIl11 IInag�s�u71nBffi Of shock. 'Last wdmt0m MPs. Fell suf- 11 Q 1D 11k;AS-1's streets. ,All modem convenience,. Apply and pape>zo at publiolier's prices- fered a severe illness, but during the .1"MI" ���,. . 'D 4S 2& ]Sandy little hand pumps for l to Dr. J_ A. Munn, far phone 151 W. Seaferth. spring and summer she- had recovered t� pounds �j�[� spraying, 25c. 3226-tf � _ ag a _ .............. 1 and seemed to be in her usual good ll a .Q 1 �S�aCTS L .�� Nrotice.—Applications for the pesition of health. On 'Saturday last she and ___ _._. � fer F"� SIFID�IIAl1, 7CffiIIS a�IEP� ` �k in the Scott Memorial H,caprital will be received by the secretary and must be to Mr. Fell left Seaforth on the evening ,?Upri ED �W T ��J ((7 $Tubes t'olgate's Too$h his hands before 6 p.m., October }5th. State in Hullett township 59 Years ago, MPs. train for Clinton, intending' to spend 2 for .................. ° . Paste, 50 3226-1 Y was. the week end at the home of Mrs. , salary expected. R_ R. Ross, D.D.S., Seare- McKe the daug'h'ter of the late t $� 1'IiE'S ° tary. Robert Smith, of that township. �7 �'g� Colgate's TOO$h .The Woman's Association of the united lef$1'bhe citation Mrs. Wisp. jl.g held C®l LEU 3 RUGS , for .............. ° ° o o • Brua�ield, will bold a sale of home- Thirty-stve'ra sesta $g0 5110 was unit- an'd were walking to - Brush ................ .50 Church .daAN jg41�]j�IE,S ��� __ : made 'baking in Seaforth on _saturded after- ed in marriage to Mr. Robert McKa. wards Mrs. Wi'se's home, when 'Mrs. ���IlZemade-Any$i$$e]l°Yl II71fla��. . i¢'SDP D ..... ° ........... ° .. $'11.00 roan' October 12th, fro®� to 6, in the va.oarut i r and after her mar- Fell suddenly fell and expired almost I • O- Tuckerslmith, 'IEEIDLF�SS RAISINS store loath vY Mr. W. Willis score. Eats -1 nage re54ded on the fourth conces- ° (�° Pie $oeiai—Given by Phila,thea Glass in instantly. The deceased Was born in • `�, for .................. ° ° YOU get the outfit far... 5®Q school roam of Northside United Church. Se Ston, until they y etired from the farm Goderich 'tow'nsh'ip, nela:r Clinton, 61) ' ..y �JltAPE NUTS ��� y farm, on October 16th, at s o'clock. Admit in 1920, and purchased a home in Eg- years ago, her maiden namfe being a, '?° for .. • ........ • • • • ���(( sion to good Programme, 10 cents : Pie and m'ondvllle. Until her health prevent- Mary A. Mason. In 1882 she was �A���(��° �"®���®l��o ��1�11 n. jf1F1T,Y.3f POWDER'S �i f�� � g � �"1l coffee, 5 cents: extra Pie. 6 cents a visors. J C�rJ sees -1 ed, she P000k an active interest in �1 errs ago M� and Fell 4 for .................... The Reu&H Drug Store Property For Sale.—A good frame house, 7 church work, bein an interested g 'esboro. �° X�°ellel<l$ f®j(° Bedg°®®](j(l$, uncles In marriage to Ma. David , g and went to reside in Lond EODaZED SALT r�%�� rooms with kitchen and woodshed attached; ,;porker in the women's Organization's Twenty-eight Fell ntyme to years where'd 'Mrs. , _ packages ..... • ....... , .. (SS L Ply®Nffi 2fi ° S II, �� electric lights, furnace, soft water in the of the church, first at Brueefield, and they i 3 p house, a good well, stable can be used as mondville Church, where ,SULPHUR ��' garage, hen (house, large garden. Telephone, WOmeYl5 g have since resided. The funeral W$S �� d pounds l�� 3224x3 life me'm'bership In the held ,on Tuesday afternoon from the later ]YP E Main yr,]PSOM SALTS �� 16Art;cie saw --cask stove, burns sh® held $Mlssionaly Society. Be- home of :Mrs. Wise in Clinton, when ���i ��-�° �t �'� ���u�' 11°y pounds - ori woo E6also 7 ilP,pee and elbow, $12.00 ; 8 sides her husband .she is survived by the .services were c'o'nducted by Rev. For Dina iIl Rool(1fl or Bedroom. QsLA><7BER SALTS ��� ]East 1FIIanrorl Teachers. -The annual set woven bed springs at $1.75; coal oil a family of two sons and one dough- g, Lane, of Seaforth, hem pastor; pounds • • • - • • • • • • • • • ' ' ' ' convention of the East Huron Teach- heater: iron bedstead, $3.50 ; mattress, $1.00 , ter, Mrs. Marr Stewart, of New Mr. Hogg and Rev. Mr. )Tolme6, ' Y Rev. CASTILE SOAP irom pump, $2.75; quantity galvanized piping Hamburg; Mr. Bert McKay, of Bruce- of rChriton. The pallbearers were ' �5C ers' Association is being held in Sea- ,t half price: galvanized tank (50 gallons) field, and Mr. Leslie McKay, of 1 s 9 cakes forth on Thursday and Friday of this $3.75; galvanized tank kilo gallons), $5.00. Messrs. W. R. Smith, J. W. Beattie,; ]3utter, ]Eggs and (Dried Apples taken 3226-3 Guelph, and by one stepdaughter, LEN(GL Ul�ll RUGS t week. There are 130 teachers in at- F. D. xatch sun. P , W. J. 111CIntosi5, D. L. Redd, Andrew aA exchange for g(Doala- tendanCe. Special Optical Notice.—xae•e your eyes ex- Mrs. Lorne Wilson, of Brueefield. She Oke•, of Seaforth, and William Mair, 'i ermined by our well known and painstaking is also survived by four sisters and of Clinton. In all Size's and Patterns. �. �' ,, -:24�, �D H�j��j�IlO�IM Kerslake -Willis. - En Brussels on pert tut, Mr. Huoront formerly optica] en two brothers, Mrs. John roadMcCforo, pert for Keats, Toronto, and Henry Morgan t 'i:? Thursday, October 3rd, 1929, 'by Rev. & co., Montreal; so years' experience, 19 of McKillop; Mrs. Alex. Broadfoot, A. W. Barker, Edythe Adelle, young- years coming to Seaforth. You are assured Tuckemsmith; Mrs. James Grainger, Local Briefs.—Mrs. John Warwick - Ilnlho>me l;Dlhor 1phaai-166 y of the be t artiest work to be oboaived and of An'gu'sville, Manitoba; Mr. William est daughter of Mrs. Ida WillisI Of at very moderate coat. We furnish a]1 the Smith, of British -Columbia, and Mr. and Mrs. John Melville, or Lc.f' M . YARDAGE IL aNOLSUIt�l ,f. — Brussels, to Mr. William Reginald late styles of mountings. The best make Robert Smith, of Seaforth. The fun- boyo• were guests at the home cf Vlr. /� Kerslake, of Seaforth. of the best maker and our prices are from sial was held from her late home in ani Alrs. K. M. McLean on Saturday. �7 �%' $4.00 up. Two days only—Tuesday and wed- 2 meds Wide, 4 yards Wide • in best nesday, October 15th and 16th. Close Wed- —Mr. Sam Walker, of Timmins. spent d' Y I Canadian Legion. -A meeting will nesday at e P.M. Come early. Beattie's Fair, Egmondvdlle on Wednesday afternoon a few days list week with his par- , ar• IDa��eIC°lilS° CIFAT be held Tuesday evening, October 15, Seaforth. 3225-2 when the services were conducted by eats, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. ' W alker.- at 8 o'clock in the G.W.V.A. Hall, Rev. Ma•. Malcolm, of E ontLvdlle Mi Margaret Cleary, R.N , left on LMMIT G'' Seaforth, c proceed with the forma- Young People's Society off North- Church;. assisted by Rev. Mr. Brem- or Itoche'ster to resume her tion of a local branch of the Canadian side ]Jilted ClnanrcVn. - Missionary nm of Brueefield. Iritermemt was Sat is in f one of he hospital as that rT /('a1r vl(�'(�r h city. tri Or1C (U. t FLOOR ®11��L.1lld®11 H ), 1. f ��.� -� Legion of the British Empire Service dight at the Young People's Society made in 'M]altlandbank Cemetery and city.—Mr. Dickson, of Toronto, League. Ever�r ex -service man of on Wednesday evening was in charge the funeral was one of the most larges- int the week end at the home of �a i ` fly attended that has been seen in �1? Ni�iloiQ'e Iia �e1CIT1S 11(1 �uoo� �ldali y. D 1, �r� any branch of the allied services is of Miss Anne Goivenlock. Rev. W. his mother, Mra. Adam Dickson— I: ' urged to be present. P. Lane led in the opening prayer. the district for some years. The pall M:. and Mrs. Stewart McIntosa of --�� Mists Maud Ferguson read the scrip- bearers Were Messrs. D. FothePing- "The Chinese ham, A. Forsythe, Angus Brown, Detroit, spent the week end with rel-. A Good Race Horse—"Oliver Pete" tore lesson. The topic, atives in town. -Mr. Jack McKay, of owned by Mr. Leonard Guy, has had in Canada," the first of the home mil Robert McGonigle, George Hills and New Liskeard, spent the week end at 'TAPESTRY R®OI�IIi RUGS • I D( I a very successful seaason on the rac- sion topics in the new study hook, was William Finnigan. the home of his grandfather, Mr. Ad- ] ing circuits this year. Out of 21 ably taken by Mrs. W. R. Lane. Fol- am McKay.-rM'iss Bessie Grieve, of Some to clear �t reduced prices. � starts, he has won seven firsts, ten lowing intermission, R. ]E. Bright Trewartha-Harburn.-The home of the Chatham 'Collegiate staff, spent x. seconds, three thirds and one fourth, sang "God send you back 6a me," in Dr. and Mrs. Harburn, Seaforth, was the week end at her home in Egmand- - ( 1Tia'OIl$ SUNDAY IIDIIlaTIaT')EIEB and has never been outside the a pleasing gl ted h and aud'Mrience William on Tuesday, October 8th, at high noon ville. --Mass Emma Dinsmore, of Zur-% ` money. Mr. Guy is staying in town McNay delighted his audience with a the scene of a very pretty autumn ich, was a week end guest -at the home ' Order one of our fine Roasts, for a few dayls, but intends to start violin 'solo. The Society is very £'ortu- wedding, when the pastor, Rev. W. P. of J. and Mrs. J. J..Sclater.-�1VIrs. PRETTY H AR°�'� MATS 19oast Beef, Roast Lamb, Roast his horse again in the 2.15 pace at nate in having Rev. S. A. Martin, Lane, officiated at the marriage of J. F. Scott, who recently underwent A Veal, etc. You will find our Chatham on October 14th. home missionary, who is touring the meats are meats of quality, and province, come to speak to a joint their only daughter, Evelyn Anne, to an operation for append'p day 'had �olA Will IC'eall� Wa%lt Sol(i<le° of the Egmondvilie and Mr. Irvin 'Chester Trewartha, son of sufficriently recovered on Monday to be lift you have guests they will praise Held ]Fire IDri➢➢.--Chief Box and meeting Mr. and Mrs. William Tre'wartha, of mot'red to the home of Mr. and Mrs. your selection as well as the way members of the Fire Brigade made Northside United Church Societies on McKillop. The house was effectively T. G. Scott.-iMrs. (harry Bremner l At is prepared and served. their ,annual visit to the Seaforth Tuesday next. decorated with gorgeous autumn and two sons, of Ethel, are guests at Separate, Public and Collegiate leaves y p the home of Mrs. G. D. C. Harn.- VERY EIFFEnCTEVE m,�rRTAOIIT5 �i®o ��l lrmtc�g-(3JMl schools 'on Tuesday. A thorough in- To Contest a Toronto Riding. -The under a lovele arc mdecorated with Mr, Alex. Broadfoot, who has been ` A �" spection of the premises was made Globe on Friday last said: The Liber- y Che ve>r y latest �IPilfle�l aII10'� o�11ePWASe and everything found satisfactory. als of St. George's Riding held a no'm- rose and tTr its streamers and leaves, spending a couple of weeks at the , RIAEPT STRIEET _ S) IF®IIg7l'BI banked wit beautiful ferns. The home of his mother here, returned to They also held fire drill, in which inatian meeting in the Veteran's Hall I�IHPOI�TIE 5ffi the pupils made a very creditable on Isabella Street last Birth, when wedding music from Lohengiln was Moose Jaw on Monday. -Mrs. Mul- they gave their unanimous endorse- played by Miss Gertrude Peart. The len, of Toronto, is a guest at the ¢ showing. b:'de was given in marriage by her home 'of Mr. and 'Mrs. J. G. Mullen. 3 - tion to Mrs. J. Grant Needham. Mrs father, and wore a modish gown} of .-Miss Hazel Thompson, of Toronto, ������� r��������� Wolverton Flour Mills. -The Wol- Needham is a charter member of the beige georgette and radium lace with wad here this week attending the I�1IeI��L LOP MUTUAL verton Flour Mill, which has been Toronto Women's Liberal And e - shoes, etc., to match, and carried a funeral of the late Mrs. D. Fell.—Miss AIYYI®S� sure �® �ilaVo WIIa� y®1A911 Iflk� undergoing extensive improvements tion and has beem a loyal and en- Edith McKay is spending her holidays 9 during the summer months, is now thusiasftic member ever since, oecu'py.- with friends In Luckn�ow and Blyth,- ] �n° S� A���'l�° �'® Y' in operation again, and on Tuesday ing the chair of President in 1923-24. I .d of this week turned out 200 barrels She is also a charter member of the Ba , Luc s • Re'id, of the Montreal id, of flour in 10 hours. The mills con- Ontario Liberal Women's Association Bank, Luckmo o and Mrs. Plaut Reid TAPESTRY � •'P�®I�Al�l ®� ���]�QA his aunt, motored here Sunday and 1?iI1�ApD ®IF]F]IClffn-SIEAIFOI.70, ONT, sumption' of wheat is 2,500 bushels and has travelled extensively over spent the day with friends in town r "''For Upholstery�7 --�i�`'� hat We can do per day, and so far this fall they the Province in the various political and vicinity. - Miss ,May Eberhar*, OFFICERS'. have purchased 10,000 bushels from campaigns." Mrs. Needham viii be ��®�p�j� ��Ilj]��°®�� .Miss Margaret Elgie, George Eber- �O�'�®�° . the farmers in this vicinity. The remembered by° many of the older C� hart, Donald Eberhart, MP. Clark ,Uamles Evans, Beechwood -' PresideW present flour being manufactured is residents of this vicinity as she is - IN and Mr. Ball, of London, and Mr. H. games Connolly, Goderich, Viae-Preo- far export to the West Indies. the widow of the late Rev. George _ Murray, of Windsor, were guests at ... . IlD° F. McGregor, ,Seaforth, S6zrTP --Y- Needham, who died in E,gmondville the home of Mr. and Mr's. George-18�RASS Carr RTAEN RODS AGENTS: IEgmondville.-The regular meeting during his pastorate of the Egmond-T.h E•bemhart in McKillop on Sunday last. a 'R. -NO. -i m' of the E m'ondv�ille Y. P. S. C. E. was ville church. 0�� ©� { '` Alen. Leitch, R. Tl, Cl n� g -MTs. Homer Hunt is spending this ©; l�lf'ICeS �®IC �12eSeD �`���2C $O ��C rLaC�(l° . E. B[inchley, Seaforth; John Muir• held on Monday evening and was in week in Londbn..-Mr. and Mrs. Gar 11 .- i r _ q my, 1• gmomdville;. J. W. • Yeo, +i O&M- charge of 'Mae Wallace. The meeting A Visitor From Calgary.-�A large net Wilson, 'Mrs. Mauld Sloan and . gam; R. G. Jarmouth, Brodhagen; Jew. was opened by Hymns 338 and 177, congregation assembled on Sunday ev-(f p O t Mrs. Nendick, of Toronto, motoredtt Bl h. and were followed by the Lord's ening in Northside United Church, to o , lyIr ��o here this week and were guests at DIPRECTO'RS: Prayer repeated in unison. The Scrip- rear Miss Theresa M. Siegel, of Cal- the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Jones. William Winn, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth, .ture lesson was read by Helen Thomp- gory, Alberta, in her presentation of with -Mrs. Katherine ,Carlin, of Dublin, . J. M �� � LV � � � o ®Tin Bennewies, Brodhagen; Janne son. The topic for the evening, "Na- Dr. Henry Van Dykes, "The Man- spent several days this week with 37ane, (Beech -wood; James Connolly, tional 'Confessi'on," was very ably tak- sicn." Miss Siegel is a dramatic NANCY CARBOLIC Mrs. J. J. Shine Mils Theresa M. Qedemich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 34, See en by 'Mae Wallace. After a few min- reader of unusual ability and those Siegel, dramatic reader, was the est , 4mrrta; Robert Ferris, Harlock; Geon utes of intermission, the meeting clos- resent listened. with the greatest in- ®➢,GA ]BACiLANOVA iiaD. Nearimey, No 3, Sesforth; MnrMy ed by Hymn' 168 and the Miz'pah ben- present to the recital. The spiritual H her friends, in and 'Mrs. F. a- �^ ( i� rn, ]Br®cefit©ld! ° Jf�an y 1ShoIl�, ed'iction. The church services of Sun- side of the story was made very dm- Wall Street! Fortunes made! Mil- Hutchison, while in town. -The Sea- • clay evening next, October 13th, will F,ressive. Three' appropriate numbers lions last! Joy or woe! And, behind forth (Memorial Hospital Board hiss .�Y. Ai71/'Lua' lllls -iM '%, YiSA ,�W—e*. ,16 "N.rr°,FOkilb,bkkY Wks.",, HAi ,N . q'�Wkd .. c !-..xa • 4-1 . , �...... , r....:'..: '1 1 Y be in charge of the young people. The vete also rendered by choir mem- it all that abnormal brain, that ruth- intended to ]told the formal opening F Monday meeting of next week will be bers. Again on Monday evening at less fighter, The Wolf! and His Wife. of that institution on October 15th, " l" r��v asocial meeting and a good program the concert in 'Cardno's Hall, Miss The woman on whom he lavishes all ,but owing to some. of the equipment G' � o o o WATSON REM is being arranged. Siegel gave marked evidence of her his wealth. The woman who uses not arriving in time, the, opening will okeTROT] ®@9Ll 5 compalm iiJ lifihoo i14 -�'� wonderful dramatic and recitative men as playthings. now be (held on October 22nd, further lt' �/ 9 ; SEAFORTIEII, ONT. Clnurc6e N®tea.-During the vacation powers. In each succeeding number The vogue<'of the masterful, he-man Biotics of Which, will he given next d ,o period of the Rev. T. H. Brown, rector she captured afresh the imagination actor has caught the screen and Ban- week. �Mr. James Devitt, of Guelph,11, seafei 1�1: , (ant " ' y (lgMN19RAL INSURANCE AGENTS of St. Thomas' Church, the Rev. Arch- croft's forceful personalis has been spent Sunda here with friends- ' of her hearers and held their atten- Y Y representing only tine forest Can- deacon Jones�Bateman, of Goderich, tion to the end. Assisting Miss Sie- the dominent factor. Mrs. William Charters, of Texas, who The Wolf of Wall 'Street" takes is visiting her sister, Mors. David An- i` f adliam, (British and American officiated. 11 The theme on Sunday gel were some of our local artists, you behind the scenes of the famous Berson, at Varna, was calling on Sea Ir '� ARIII° PAY]IPTG ]FOIIB Q°rI[BAIIl`T Companies. morning was "Whos'e is this image who delighted the audience with vocal exchange and shows how the wheels forth friend's this week. - Mr. and i" ADIl Painals off insurance effected slid superscription?" and at even song and instrumental numbers. The op Whelk, Standard ................................$1.28 per bushel `i'y service "The Unknown God." The ser- go around. 'h 'settings and business Mas. F. Lorne Hutchison and son, ®ATS Standard or over ......................... .60 per bushel 0 tat time lowest rates, inclmding- ening number on the program was a of "the floor".1ehig duplicated in ex- Peter, of Toronto; Mr'. George r, .60 ' . . vice lessons were read by 'MP. F. G. pisno duet 'by the Misses Elinor BuP- act detail. o IBAIIIALF�,Y, ']ll[alting (Greed® ...... .. ° . 92 per lDuoPmeIl °.IIlllli, LIIIFE, ACCIIIIDERTT, ANT®- Neelin, appointed by His Grace the colica and Helen Lane, which was fav- Hutchison, of London• Mr. and Mrs. I1Gts®d Barley ams ®ata ....... $1.50 per ]t00 Bibs, �, a w' }��I$II1L]E, TORNADO A1`vIIID IFLATIE Archbishop of Canada lay reader of orably commented upon. Miss Elva 1 McLean and iMliss 1,11an Babb, of GILASS I[BIISIBS. the Anglican Church. The rendering Wheatley diapflayed marked ability im } Mitchell, were Werk end guests at the �jse8® prices ffiue for clean, dirty grain, sle➢ivereml et Lits® P(till➢° r d of the choral service by the chP L oir, her vocal solos. Miss E. Snyder' in Monday, Tares, and Wednesday home of Nlit. stns' Mas. F,. D. Hutchi- s -Also- under the leadership of Mrs. J. H. h selection on tla® piano revealed a soa1.--IMr. Fred lBmoadfoot, of Seattle, ,E HANDLE BUCKWHEAT CANNOT Best and organist, Mr. George Clark, fine power of musical interpretation. WARI�T]ED1? BAILTII�II$ is tele this Weefk vianting iris mother, ' j; M, &R, 3STATIE and LOAN AGENTS received merited commendation. Each Mr. Fred Willis, alw$ys a favorite MBs. J. H. Bra$dfoot.-iMiss Mary -, Bran -In bags ................................... $38.00 per ton services were greeted b large II,0N RICH Broadfoot, ,of the +Moll Road, under- SlEorts-IIB bags ........................:.1. $38.00 .1Der tmmm �� •90romnpt attention paid to placing of the gz Y g elicited hearty applause of his solos. pe g $ 5.00 per ton � rlolss and adjusting of claims. congregations. The Layman's Con- The singers were ably accompanied fourth hospital on Tuesday. -Mr. and s went a tonsil o ration in the Sea P>U D➢DLIINGS---in ba ],' ; SurAness established 50 years, vention of the Deanery of Huron will PHONE by 1Mr. E. VanEgmonB. The ]Ladies' Mfrs. Reid, of Flushing, Michigan, 51 „•K guaranteeing good service. -be held in St. Thomas' Church in Aid Society of Northside Church is "CRAIIG'S WIFE have been visiting at the home of Mr. ' h;. Seaforth on Friday, October lith. . f ::Oi, .:, b..°m, N,. to be congratulated on providing fog From the stage drama that won the and 'Mrs. J. 'G. Mullen.--1Mr. J. M. 'r ,, : �QattQtts for Singer Sewing Machine Seaforth a literary and musical treat g - I Commpalhy. The Bowler's Seas®an. 7Clle annual of such unusual merit. Pulitzer Prize. Eckart has .been confined to his homy meeting of the Bowling Club to be si'rllee Saturday With an attack be 'p'YCE PHONE, 33 W held the latter part of this month, ) � -v 0 Q 'plenirisy, but expects n be able fio in ' I P& RESIDENCE PHONE, 33 J will close aseason -I-, - marks 1929 out with his threshing "outfit again i as one of the most eventful in the Death off Mrs. Robert iUloEayr-In TP ia � s t11® last of the week: Mr+s. J. W. history of the club. The opening of the death of Mars. Robert McKay, Freer, of town, won the silver cup at the new greens this year, so beauti- which occurred at her home in Eg- Brussels Fair for the best loaf of fully lighted and removing as it does m'ondville, early Tuesday morning,liomemnade bread. This is the second an ugly spot on our Main Street, was this community has lost a widely ��a� C,o c� pe DAJ(CC, •year in succes�sibn that,Mrs. Free has surely an event which warrants the known resident and one whose many won this prize.at B uls'sels. Xr. Gor- congratulahions of all good citizens of excellent qualities had gained for her The 'Ladies• of the Bowling Club d'Dn' Hudson, of Los' Angeles, has bean Seaforth. The wonder of all the vis- the esteem and friendship of all who are having a Euchre mid Dance vi'siti'ng his fgramdamothe, Mr's. Leslie . 51it clubs is, how it could be done knew her. For the past six y'e'ars in the G. 'V,r-. V. A. ROOMS, on Mullen: -Mfrs. W. R. Plant and two in such a small place and the wonder Mrs. .M1eKray had not bean in good ' children, his V0 'and 4Mr. andrt, are in R. n l*l grew when these' visitors were inform- health, mlth'ougln, shi was, able to be W'JIElIDN ESDAT, OCTOIBMR 16tra To�c+arito fnmw wok.Prest and Mn. y p �p��llU ed that for all practical purpo�s ev- •about the great,�er, dart ofd the, time. at a.10, b larrp H. 'S anti Wer® in Pion arra Sunday "✓ ed thi t would hs .paid, foP,tlli8 year. Thaee tab, fie ' ' Vohs at =12 �. Kredg returned vAth therm ;g q tr aro Thi Club liras to tPaamis tYire g�matroua tllre horn® rDf ham' , 111 am New Ther® Wlll �� a lucky rnnnnbar arcs aBs�>ar<c tPne'� vrreirll.- M�fl- d '' t1Il�il�t ryrt�lz® gives giant armom'g th® S1D eoflrtn '.IlGf easy, ofodedrich; PJ�rttl. - �a J ���� �] a �', Ck j r1 w llCS�'%' IlCaI"�E~3{ . ,U dOtfOr�s vTTnO ln&1$ta Yntlde tlllt3 plDSlflible, 7ffiOE@ '01110 Jga'70 00 I II$YnibalY 9, Glue . cyst leu • ,. StMI c, b`dt h m1 'r23 tP ?"CSB C1C l olilt C'A ifL�Lly a411D Il1e£�flX7a a�'Ib be tIEOPo i2�1}%° I G31� t11d'1l X1= �tn1Pi SY t 111 ° v Of LG Y K; L ,k + ""^nom " erg y ell at dbitir'�nS ntnmPcn o aTa©ir Sc2r ra aid Ila1 sl fin tla® taw 0 d 00 mot hfl arLm ad hex ' is ere in `td�'ili . a v5 h 'a 'i�lf `uM>r )Td �s t Tisa lac ° 711t nrto; I •ls Mims rnea Iffit+o otc, ®f d�u7JlQr�hq Ste• B�'d4g� �roY&�v a�9 Q�ilaC�lph, ,. ,<1 , i� ) c�r""iorrt ,tm proc Popo alas y"��,. e�tmb In tn� ant -=10, �y: .M av&, QD�i �a�� � �4 i�i�is rDy , ,' ,. 5 iqqpp�yS•C45n. lis iCW"hCt�q a<' ,' OAIro'lltJ'>'.Il "bG•q bT'•IUBILD1 . V. sWrVJ dU911:iuy tA4L'.,':bi;rlf. BDLv �yM, .. � x"�D x�, r� y@ ..- f', + 1yy , 'r ,t.. y',» �- t: ,. , yy ' '. ,11164 Il, },u8 d3 fl76nfil YWv' �; it 3Pg1p /�q,,�r"G1&V 1�d �G " 'i C4 1t flSG rill ' WYG t36"aIlt Sr l5ui . �... y, _, yry�',,�y�'.,�1 . �"� aiilla'V W�d' ."D. .JVIll � 'a dtli�' ; Il i7 vol✓: 1 ;;q. c.,Z,ku .: �..:.1 ,':¢ p� (�¢�� y���y�•y�y�jyyyNSp�c`p�g.lkJvSt�q, ' °,t .�:I, , Ft.,,,�' F1 \"'llld3 }.:3.riyM1ili �. j� •: Jiy','w �p 1i:/171Yii 1(LwJLD�'+ fLQ1IlLl �i/ t...' !<t�. ,, W7L1� ,',5 & ;'' �''.ir n"'� {�y. yt)� pw p ISE C'b '2Ul'Y f ' ' r ,'.j; ) 1 iy* ��,yy�5rry{j�, t' 1 � d `6 , 111 .7 + V'i�j ,1°^'? y� �f k, !� i' ' �'� i,"t',i /N'AD ': Y. ` �.'J' . � !t , i� l'�,�1�.:y� �n'�,y i , '! x° "'....'I r . < VtlLC"iN?,'��L�S Sts. K'%Jsl,ll!( 4.'D °�'L°�`?:+',q , 1 1 .+,/' j-P11L�G1. .G46Y,.1� 4L'.''�t VI 1/ t < '+ n f a� P ' b d tf , a ! ... 3't f Dr, 'iy I'f .. ,, 1. .0 h- .,'. I. 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