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The Huron Expositor, 1929-10-11, Page 5
N M1 o i! lif;•Y r 11 0M �0 rf-, � 11 � "'�y 1 (•1+4'f - .i,, :... ,.. t.�,. v n I r flnr 'i : �r�' it It w� 'sCr, *41 , ,IVQO rnelved of th d , , . ':Film ms ']??eimee, 99 De � • � 90 (W. • reoident of the Val I{ .�."�� 194oeased was a daughtp? a 1%%� H�'� NWM& lQt .and ,T%11]-:0, ° 50, an, 10 all -vived by her husband.and $a>a ,gslalr'lI. tWi$JliammtmAetoii a»at Q ja►aov1 iinis, M hevwes, attq aded 1,41 `�1 #FCbla vuoh °oh YZ 'bQla4 llll'i'. 9 J� Ul 1q__Wr&7. 11fd't11LV Ln >•1 Ti s. --Quits a number oR *Iendi .Q'd neighbors gathered at the hom( of :Mr. and Mrs. George Stelrnagle lass Monday might to wish them well on the eve of their departure for ,Mo. 1M' wk, N.Y., where they inten,d tc snake their future home on the 16Z acre dairy .farm they purchased while they 'were away visiting their son, Ed.—,Last Week -there wa's a .rush of when three threshing outfits made a and charge in our 'burg 'to wind up the season's threshing. — Mr. W, Rapien is 'busy drawing gravel with lie truck from the county stone crush- <ar.—Mr. Watson, from Mitchell, had a miraculous escape from death last ('Friday while drawing gravel with his truck, whelk lona w6ae1 broke land turned the truck turtle twice, with the load -on. ,Mr. Watson was able to draw himself out from the wreck- age with a 'sev'eTe shaking up and was sable to proceed home. -=Mr. Thomas Purcell, who was home here last Sun- aay, expects the paving gang are go- ing to move to Simeoe after this week. ' ril v ., , L,l4ai-? UQ7174! 9 11 d���C=t, , bels moors cut. A c'v .44 a>iv;;flOgraa A8� I ? 4 �taer�, �' 1b Oda; No. 2 a 0}y sg wa, IImY4�acia7. ado S i=ta W& � d4? a , k,. - `2'=c 400; C Vmb, vile ;acro 1t ; aZay. Ootobxr nth, ]llaarigarelc r8mfth, beloved c+18a of Tamvebewt =�111CZ; U 50 yearG, 4 tm =tha and 12 ' I v r{.p, �vin�� �IVp T7ri}�, �of� - l ' ?i azYlltSll.Gr?,I.RRl�;I, Clt�aaeyDitd 9 =1•n Tuckersmith. o� n� 8 t9as I daAc 06 5th, by Rev. Malcolm, ,Wisa ygadiw9, a1p13k- Hewett, daughter of Mr, and Mrs -Cheam, son of Mr. and Mrs. P,uM. Chesgh s Trey. SUIRME Consitt.-In Seaforth Memorial Hospital, on September 29th, to ,Mr, and Mrs. Roy Con- sitt, CARD son. �1.ra1n1l D (O JlJlltd' I lK2 Herbert Smale desires to .thank all his friends ,and neighbors for the many expres-. sions of kindness and sympathy Qhown him in his recent sad and sudden bereavement 1�v�1V /� �ry p� V 322V6-1 IMAIPO Y1163>,d�111 InTEDU C3.9 FOR SALE, -A TEAM O1• CLYDESDAL4 colts, mare and gelding, rising b years old. Extra good pair. Mare can be register- ed• Priced to sell. ED, JOHNSTON, R,- R. 4, Clinton. or phone 3-636. 3226-1 Wj STRAY. -A GRAY HORSE WEICHl . between 1300 and 1400 NG bounds, strayed from pasture on Tuesday night. Anyone hav- STANLS7CA EY my any information, kindly advise E. J. S. T. IDloR m es & Sollll BARNETT, Seaforth, or phone 276. 8226-1 (School Report—The following is �jOR SALE. --ONE GALVANIZED WATER the report of S. S. No. 7, Stanley, bank, new; capacity about 120 cubic feet. for the month of September. Those A,PPiY to HERBERT S -MALE, Staffa P, O- anarked with an asterisk missed one 3226-1 .or more tests: Sr. IV—Helen Ander- FOR SALE. -SHORTHORNS, 3 HEIFERS, son 80%, *Irene Turner 46%. Sr. III one due to calve October 13th, other two f —Annie Carlile 67%, Jeanette McAl- M iNbTOSH, Colors, red, 8, roanand white. lister 64%, Doreen Riechert 60%, 8224X4 s ~'Wilmer Turner 48%, * George Staph- ]�'� R SALE. -TWO YOUNG SHORTHORN r YEnsOri 16°��, II.—Allen Love 86%. ''Billie Ried 78%, *'Stewart Turner bulls, one 20 months old and one 12 months old. Apply to J. D. GEMMELL, R. s R. 4, Seaforth, or phone IN 2. •52%. II (A) — Julene Stephenson r 3226x4 e 2 fl00'!o. (B)—Margaret Riechert -- — a '70%. Primer—Margaret Love, Ruth Ai' 1IJC,TEON SALE s WeAllister.—T. S. Beattie, Teacher. Night calls, phone 308. p �UCTION SALE, -SMR. F. W. AHRENS Died in 'Sask'atchew'an,—Mr. W. J. Rowson received word last week Of has been instructed to sell by public auc- d tion on Lot 16, Concession 7, McKillop, h the death of his 'brother, Joseph Dow- on Tuesday, October22nd, 1929, at 1.80 p.m., the b ;ion, which took place at his home at following: 40 .head choice stocker and feeder a VI1litewood, Sask., on Sunday, Sept. heifers 2 years old, 8 steers 1 year coming 2 A years old, 1 29th. He was the eldest son of the cow to freshen in January. t Terms.- ren ,months' credit an approved joint late Henry Dowson and was born 76 bankable paper, or a discount of 4 per cent, a y@ar8 8g0 on the farm in Startle Y -where his per annum off' -on credit amounts. These o are an exceptionally good lot of cattle and brother now resides. A.P- must,. ,he. , old u�. feed and room is rte 1; d,9Pi r1q1t1, 8, ter+ � y aotw, =0; 1 Caw 0' VQ33%vA-1411;-! Wld, cit 4YODuary 202'd; 1 cow & yea,m, dao 1Fabr-: '",, A = ob Row .8 y� = told., pr saapd rte 1`11 h 4,2prc fl yens PY ': $:. gFi gi, one year ofil ; awe a 2 years is al4rlr calwaa. 1 orad$ 2 cr;a old. OEIm p-lfl4 okra Nn2w 011. - IPataC$0t y-Gi1 ;;1VV(4 Bach qu"(Z2 �5. Y .. r�1v1 9ter1,. &rngolerlreas6a ^il ]?rasa. H'4rrlo binder 0 foot crit. fl anerlatZ mower mud, I DZ_1n disc -shill. I >tilt;aaov Roare cultivator„ ;1 Z[,=p. manwe apreadel', a Dee hay nlb?, 2 Got horrovm. i dirk, R JQV er, fi. Oliver aidlmg ipl®w, 1 vnvlttinc plot 1 turnip dower, 1 wagon, 1 Get -lei lou, or scui6er, shock rack, Clinton fnnnln> 1:1 ='MasGey,Harlrip tas2 pulger, Pozuand catte ,"1barnovp. 83-' t extension ladder. Get a double harness, set oinU,rle harness, 20 gitx4 bags. forks and shovels. Household IGfi'ec6s- One Britannia steel range, new; 1 Quebe heater, new; 6 -piece parlor suite, kftehe table, kitchen cupboard, 2 rocking chairs, kit then chairs, 8 bedsteads, parlor table, linGleuy 4x4 yards, new waahing an4ehine, cak barra. Daisy churn, DeLaval cream separator an numerous other artidles. About 15 tons choic timothy and alfalfa hay, 15 cords dry wool Terme.--I+ IIuy, wood, poultry and househol effects and all sums of $10,00 and under cash-; over that amount 12 months' credi will be given on furnishing approved join bankable paper. Five per cent. discount a•1 lowed for cash. Positively no resdrve as th Proprietor is giving up farming. JOSEPI E. McLELLAN, Proprietor: George H. El Mott, Auctioneer. 3226xf CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARD STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND HOUSE HOLD EFFECTS. -Phe undersigned has in strutted Mr. George Elliott to sell by public auction at Lot 18, B.R.Nt. Stanley Township adjoining ,the Village of Varna, on Wednes. day, October 16th, at one o clock, sharp, th, following: .Horses --General purpose horse general purpose mare, good driving horse •1 Years old, broke single and double; black Percheron 6 years old, broke single and double. Cattle--aAyrshire cow 9 years old due o freshen December 2&th, Jersey cow 4 years old due December 1410x, Holstein 4 years old due November 6th, Holstein 4 years old due February 21st, Jersey -Hereford 3 years old due March 21st, Holstein 6 years old due April 6th, brindle cow 9 years old due May 14th, Brindle cow 6 years old due May 24th, b head young cattle 2 years old, and one yearling heifer. Pigs even hogs about 125 pounds each; a number of hens and also pallets. Implements -Massey -Harris binder, Massey -Harris drill, Massey -Harris corn bin- der, Frost & Wood mow6r, disc harrow, spring tooth cultivator, set 3 -section iron harrows, John Deere - riding plow nearly new, wagon, buggy, set bobsleighs, walking Plough, gang II, cutter, light wagon, 2 scuHlers, hay ark, carriage, -about 140 feet rope nearly new, 2rt, 'horsepower International engine, traw cutter, circular saw on steel frame with pulley, fanning mill, gravel box, hog ack, wooden roller, iron roller, 2 horse rakes, Eaton cream separator No. 5, nearly new; et plough harness, set single harness, scythe, hains, forks, doubletrees, etc., etc., about 60 cedar posts, a quantity of hay, bean thaw, oats, marigolds, turnips and a large Craw stack. Hiousehold Effects -Steel range, coal oil beater„ Detroit gasoline stove, kitchen table, kitchen cupboard, Daisy churn No. 5. Quebec 'heater, Raymond sewing machine, ash churn, bedsteads, bedroom stand, clothes arse, Aladdin lamp, new; vacuum cleaner, racket lamp land other lamps and other Aides too numerous to mention• Terms - 1.1 sums of $10 and under, cash, also Pont - y, grain and hay; over that amount 12 in credit will be given on furnishing Dproved rilint notes, with a discount of 5% of for cash on credit amounts. J. E. HARN- WELL, Proprietor; G. H;' Elliott, Auctioneer. ter his . `M%age: to Miss Gr a Palm- THOU` r, Pro rietor; @oa 1> flC p F. �V.-UCTION SALE OF FARM $TOCK AND Ahrens'i�notfoneer. 82 6 2 IMPLEMENTS. -Mr, George H. Elliott ,2r, he sets cit a farm in flay town- �i ship, who rue continued to reside till �UCTION 8 has received instructions from the undersign - ALE OF HOUSEHOLD F- ed to sell by public auction on Lot 19, Oon- labout $g'• ago, wlhen . he moved Etch` in Mire Town of Hensall, on South cession 6, McKillop, .on .Tuesday, October 16th, itraalrmonct Street, on SaRurday. October 26th. t with his ( lily to'Kaskatchewan. Be- a 1 o'clock sharp, the following: Horses- sides 1.80 ec)ock, 's'harp, the following: Kit- One driving hoose, ' work single or double; Sides his al e', he Peavey ta;.»lourin' his open srtove,• burns `wood. or coal; heater, one heavy draught colt, M year old. Oattle-rOne 3oss a family Of two sons and `three sidehoaixt 1 . extensign table, 1 cupboard, one cow 6 years old, bred :-March 15th; Register - <daughters, also two brothers, William elathes @aPbdard, d genuine brand new bapau, ed cow 6 years old, bred Mss 23rd; 1 heifer J., of Stanley, 1 rocking chair, i cou<9r, 9 fbnipg_ chairs,:.' bred bred April 29th; 1 heifer bred ,April l3tt)' 1 ey, and Calvin, of Sea- bottoms: 2 making chair,,Vr2 child's. -,;+high: -¢ow 4 years ofd,' bred August 4th; 8 steers :forth, anSl;..two sisters, IM�rs. J. Col- chair, 2 -.mall tables, 1 equal-��riano, T "a- one year old„ 2 heifers 1 year old, 2 calves. fins, of M]Chlgan, and M;s. George er, 1 dressing stand, 1 bed,.•spr>tr raand;ayaM1 .Imp'lements-One mower, 1 sulky rake, 1 aide 1AIley, of Si*al'Orth, trees, 3 beds. 3 springs and 2 rtnattreieses, rake, 1 Yarling mill, 1 walking plow, 1 set Cleveland one p� e eland bicycle, half" -dozen kitchen harrows, 1 has loader, 1 atonebaat, hay oar N'OteSl Miss Margaret McKinley is chairs, pictures, Picture frames, sealers, two and 160 feet .rope, 1 trip for slings, set, scales .,spending a few weeks with friends in wooden tubs, wringer, 2 boilers, granite 2,000 lbs. capacity, 1 circular saw, 1 wagon 1MicoKillop. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar kettles, pots and Dans, a quantity of dishes, box and stock rack, 1 gravel box, 1 stuffier, tea kettle, 1 granite pail, 1 granite •ibitcher, a 1 set sleighs, 2 cutters, 2 rubber tired buggies 'Wright, of Kennilworth, spent the quantity of tumrblers, 1 lawn 'mower, one nearly new, 2 steel tired buggies, 8 horse- -week end at the home of the latter's scalding barrel, 1 shovel, 1 fork, 1 hand saw, power gasoline engine, 1 Coleman grain znother, Mrs. George Dowson. — Mr. a quantity -of carpenter's tools, 1 congoleum crusher, 2 sets heavy harness, 1 set single rug 8 Yards by 4 yards, Practically new; harness nearly new, a number of horse col - and Mrs. Alex. Wiley, of Detroit, linoleum 1% yards wide and 5 yards long, lars, quantity of lumber, 12 steel fence posts, repent a few days with friends in good Parlor carpet Practically new, 1 yard 3 logging chains, 1 set fence stretcher, one ]Stanley. wide and 5 yards long, 3 of them; 1 parlor Melotte cream separator, bag truck,. forks and lamp, 2 small lamps, 2 big .lamps, 1 kitchln other artioles rtoo numerous to mention. House - table, 1 leaf table, 8 kitchen chairs, 1 crock- hold Effects -Ane dozen kitchen chairs, two �7 lUSIBO CbNE inole board, 2 standing mirrors, strips of tables, 1 large churn, 40 gallon cowl oil tank, rag carpet, 3 -burner coal oil stove, 1 com- 1 copper boiler, 5 gallon coal oil can, one r Council Meeting. —The municipal mode box, 50 -pound flour can, 5 -gallon coal mattress, 1 feather tick, 2 large pieces car - oil can, 1 sofa for veranda, and other nrticles pet, a number of crocks. Terms. -All sums council of the Township of Usborne too numerous to mention. Terms -Cash. of $10 and .under, cash; over that amount 11 Tiller at the Township Hall, F.limville, MRS. SAMUEL STEACY, Proprietress; Ar- months' credit will be given on approved on October 5th, 1929, pursuant to ad- thur Weber, Auctioneer. $226-2 joint notes. !Five Per cent. discount allowed off for cash. WILSON CAMPBELL, Proprie- journment. All the members Of COun- /('CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM tor; George H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 3225x2 cil were present. The minutes of the v STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. --.McNeil & ---- ----------.-- meeting of September 7th were read Nairn, Auctioneers, have received instruc- A UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND and approved on motion of Dew -Wil- tions from Walter Stewart, to sell by public til IMPLEMENTS, GRAIN AND HAY. -The auction at Lot 25, Concession 8, Fullerton. on undersigned has received instructions to sell liams. Re collection of taxes: That Thursday. October 17th, 1929, commencing at by public auction at Lot 3, Concession 14, the 'Collector be instructed to have I o'clock, sharp, the following: Horses- Tuckersmith, 8 miles east of Hens -all, on Span of general purpose grey snares 8 and printed on the 1928 tax notices the Thursday, October 17, 1929, at 1 o'clock, sharp 10 years old, sound and quiet, single or the following: Horses -One 6 year old heavy following: Taxes are payable to the double; general Purpose black mare 8 years draught bay gelding, 1 heavy draught black Collector, or the ratepayer m'$y remit okl, sound and quiet, single or double: brown brood mare, I agricultural black mare ricin: driving horse 7 years old, sound and to the Bank of Montreal, Exeter or good a seam old. 1 bay driving mare, would sulk to work; pair of light drivers; 8 years old, 'mail carrier, 1 suckling colt. Cattle -One Kirkton, by paying the collection sound and good single or double. Cattle- roan cow milking, 1 red cow milking, 1 roan charges, viz: 5 cents per collection Four Durham cows supposed to be in calf, 3 yearling heifer, 3 calves. Implements Mes- ffOr scams under $15 and 10 cents Over Holstein cows supposed to be in calf, pure sey-Hangs fertilizer drill in excellent condi- bred Holstein heifer 2 years old, supposed to tion, 2 Maxwell binders, 1 stiff tooth cutti- $hat amount, per motion of Skinner- be in calf:' Holstein heifer 3 years old with vator, .Maxwel•l disc, set of 3 -section diamond Williams. Berry -Dew: That the. sel- calf at foot; Holstein cow due about time of harrows, Frost & Wood mower, lumber wagon, <ection of jurors be made on October sale; 2 Durhoim, •. %cows due in November: buggy, p ] light wagon, cutter, rubber tired b open 16th at 8 m. at the Office of the Registered andl'tysted Jersey cow b years old, buggy, Fleury walking plow, gang plow, Clin- i P.M., + in calf to regisftiv6-Jersey bull, due in Jan- tori fanning mill, pulper, set 2,000 tbs. Ren- c Klerk. 'Carried. A petition from Cecil uary; Jersey 'helfeX I 'years old, due to fresh- frew scales (accurate), dump rake, 550 lbs. {Camaro and others for the repair Of en in Decernber;'Je'rsey heifer calf .6 months Renfrew cream separator (clean skimmer), e the Pym -Miners Drain and branches old; pure bred Holstein heifer calf 8 months wheelbarrow, 123 feet hay fork rope, ear, old. Bogs -8: cllflliilij about 90 Pounds; a pulleys and slings, 2 logging bunks, set team and for removing the improved drain number of Yourl ' Ow . Sheep ---5 choice Lei- harness, collars, etc., set Gotd[ne mounted toff Concession Road 8 and 9 on to tester 1�• t. &t° e. Implements-Manney- single driving harness, togging chain, scoop c Lot 6, Concession 9, was presenteii to Harris mower 5 foot cut. Cockshutt riding shovel, forks, and other articles too numerous a PI ow with foot lift in good shape, No- 21, to mention. Grain --860 bushels mixed grain, o ahe council. -Dew-Williams: That the Fleury walking Plow, set of disc harrows, good sample; a few tons of timothy and said etitioll'! be forwarded to John light wagon with reek rack in good condi_ P sweet clover (Yellow Blossom) hay, also one s tion: two wheei'ed'- oiler with stock rack and acre of manvolda. Terms. -All sums of 10 Roger, O.1L.S., for examination and $ h hitch: Portland � dotter, 2 seta of l,oldine and under, cash; over that amount 7 months' report --Carried. Williams -Skinner: ,,nounted driving , harness. Terms of Sale- credit Will be given on furnishing appppved That the following account be paid, All sums of 815 and under, cash; over that joint notes. Five per cent. per annum dis- viz: `ingot Iron Co., Culverts, $500.19; amount six mor)+th-s' credit will be given on count off for cash. W. I. WILKINSON, Pro. furnishing approved joint notes with 4 per prietor; Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 3225-2 Stratf Ord Cyugated Pipe Co., 1 pipe cent. interest added. Positively no reserve. 42,11x241, , 5; E. Robinson, 15 Everything will be sold to the highest bidde, 1611 tile, Branch B, $4.70; H. Foster, Ra the proprietor is going to Detroit for the MORTGAGE E SAILIE 6LTllCking tile, $4•} Verne PinCOmtlle, `°inter mon-tbs. WALTER STEWART, Pro- _____ r Anda r; McNeil Bc Nairn, Auctioneers; Sid. Under and by virtue of the powers con- alitehing Branch � B, $.>, Wm. Pin- Andersen. Clens. 3226-1 rcombe, ditching, $3.60; Mitchell Ad- --- ---- tained in a certain Mortgage which will be UCTION SALE OF IMPLEMENTS, MA- produced at the time of sale, there will be vocate, Ad. Drain tender, $8.20; Jos. L�1 offered for sale by public auction by George CHINF,RY And some Household Effects, t- H. Elliott, Auctioneer, at the Dwyer, Advance on Winchelsea drain MAsaey-H•RiTiv Warehouses, Clinton, on Sat- premises, on. +eontract, $480• Wm. Connelly & Sons urdny, October 12th, commenring at 1 o'clock, Monday, the 1M1th rtay of October, 1929, at r + the hour of 1.30 o'clock in the afternoon, the - advance on Stewart DTain contract, as follows: No. 2t Massey -Harris mower 7 foot, A1; No. 21 Massey -Harris mower 6 foot, following property, namely: The Easterly 80 I' X600; Thos. Quinton, Treas., grant to At ; No. 16 Massey -Harris mower, 6 foot, Al: acres of (art Number One and the Easterly Winchelsea School Fair, $25• Ross No. 16 Massey -Harris mower 6 foot, Al; No. 60 acres of Lot Number Two, all in the Sec- E '°.1`a TOT bridge lumber, 32:20• J. to M'aasey-Harris mower 6 foot, Al; Deer- °'rid Concession, London Road Survey, of the y Co., g $ ,ownship of Tuckersmi0h, in the Coanty of iris mower, 6 fool, AlAI ; loader cylinder with Ferguson, weed cutting, $1.75; Alfred new fore carriage's 101A foot side rake, steel Huron. Buchanan, we.Ed cutting, $2.50; Frau- tedder attachment; `IO -hoe drill; No. 8 corn On -the property are erected a substantial, cultivator nearly new, 18 tooth Deering cul- comfortable sour] brick dwelling house and a A (field Brock, weed cutting $1.5; Harold pndorson riding plow, bank barn of sufficient oapacity end other i 1 tivntor, Madhope !Q_,, Denhem weed cutting, $18• Welling- oubbuildinga. a r lulu r Perrin iar.rJa 110.,tooth c<iv riding Dkro. The land (except about 5 acres) in of ex- f 1tOri Batten, trucking gravel, $220.80; Massey-Hai:rie 10..;Wgtih cfrltivator, .Al; No, cellent soil and suitable far general agricul- (Chas. 'Stephen, weed cutting, $:500,3(); 2 Massey -Harris cutting box and blower, 12 tore- it is located two miles from Nensald. inch mouth; barrel sprayer, number of J.8 Geo. Davis, gavelling, $36; George foot extapl5W h der-, now; set slat Minq For terms amd conditions of sale apply to Yerguson gravelling $'22.80; Ed. Sel- ropes, nonw= nuiab of sling "pea, new; sling r r W BRYDONE. Clinton, 6 chain, h ntl - C of pulleys, steel, new; g@ry, gravelling, $3.00; Freeman ' Solicitor for the Vender. 2 2[,orme, miscellaneous, @52.95; Bruce hay fo ,�q i,-' w Lsaf hay oar for mood 8224-8 h W LTACiC, "'f a and -car; secondhand Cooper, work Oil bridge, $15.90 ; Wm. Massey= is 4 t ildo,' canvases, good ; second 7 Bradshaw, wont on bridge, $27. 0; hand ,uk, he' t of No. 4 spreader; - sriem[i{i° w '�rrro'dY1 yokes mn.1 trees r11 �I�. �\� Id1,� fames Heywood, 'stork . on bridge, and •}rin� �,rpp�� 2 binder trucks. wood; 2 97OJililll y� V�J1�Uly®WU S - 0i7.006; Fred Ford, vll�bu� 'bih lodge, $12; binder tnrclt1 atRe]: Chevrolet sedan, 4 door Gerald Ford' Work oft bridge03.00 • car, 5 balloon tires, light inside, shield wiper,StDrrn � Quinton, ' Al s'h 2S'�.� "' ofd ray Per<iiaeron, Al; windows saved Frank Buell 27 the f Thor;. uinton, W, '60, �"i e, .x,.091: � � �- flxst winter. Sixty others saved alid}lether ov- f ,t blacks'$ ver i r5Y d ! l0+foot `Mase f�hBfl. DOb%s w0! O W l'''F�y' Dtnrri6�tael• sew. Mems anther arPJcIleG c'r thirteen hundred do7lartYh. DioPorh� from ail m ' G3 o . s too ne er ` daletr prove overage savtng W over 24 Ver cent. i InyTil, fi $ ,11 ho, of . ork. Dre ser and stand, .almost ane•fourtb).. ,Our „jt4iricel Mor READY a v boast. ..-ap B is a parlor tuitar, GLAZED wm taws a" aatrotrhh r Parmers ItiO-QD - i+i G , o.i ,A6,itr ��y ll. be. Gold 1udikhoult rb. inE"lY low, duo a 4O.+B5; 'iR. �$. 9'°4'°llC �' '�.Qil1' Ewaw� to quantity vrttdriatlon, !till alt4Lfi" dealing. 1 o a serum: a and nd{tions.-All G1lmG of lady - a tisgell Skinner ,d eM?al;1 G vel f' 4° . 010 crud under. <uasth : over thaa2 rmount oix llIVWx4a .for We p oriel list fl2 a_ r v? r Glrtt rises. Vtlo P4v fra9pyltt Q6&vlcir our wlna W Tiro. 'Sr" irla%e: - . , ai�u m,, v l v : Oe, ar-lit: on fusnuwlrlirc::,n rr l' 9adiltY tar ,VVftSpws :naw, rt�l4 vsa, sa g if o dip� u$ of II m • cent. Mrra2tsnt10 a A, o �m� on41`I �i 'ism ... •�, > ' iiELa,TQI � -' • p0 ' : •Y 118' q�-�v,'e;�> . A�4 clsa iG Z : 2Q `t' ', ei ., i`n a : ,11..'. .. r - .nc`itS lilii4� !� ' -ti ., > �l'�rn�iP.r...pattt, Adcbidneet•. 8'�' •K' flII157' DaDad9 Tt b✓d'�i,dCi. V�f ,d .CS... YM Lfl."t� y . 25- raii��-d 1, The imp. ° cedlenie4 finest ra makes oat The. p�erfc�l-manc Consolaire is a t production so cl "'-blrings you face or speak to entert sensitivity so exti' local broadcasts your r>yi 1. The New Westin an improved mrnod from distinctive n i\\TOTHC1 11® (CR1Cdll1Y1111 ORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all cred- tam and others having claims against the estate of Rebecca Wood, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, who died D the 'thirtieth day of August, 1929, are re- quired to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned solicitor for the executor, on or before the 21st day of October, 1929. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that after the said date the Executor will proce4A to distribute the estate, having regard only o the claims of which he then a'hall have notice. DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this third day of October, 1929. JOHN J. HUGGARD, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executor. 3226-3 l TOTRcCZ TO cCRIElIDlTw (ORS NOTICE is hereby given under the statues n that behalf that all persons having any laims against Robert Gibson, late of the Township of McKillop, Huron County, farm - r, who died on the 13th day of August, 1929, one required to send to• the undersigned s9llci- tor for the Execators, full Particulars in writing and, verified by affidavit of their ]aims and the nature of the securiticli, if ny, held by them, on or before the 21st day f October, 1920, after which date the es"d Executors will proceed to distribute the ac- eta of the said deceased, having regard only o the claims of which he then shall have ad notice. - DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 3rd day of October, 1929. R. S. HAYS, Solicitor for Executors. • 3225-3 (FARMS FOR SA j('j ARMS FOR SALE. -A FEW CHOICE .0 farms in the Townahir- of Ushornaa, vckeromith and Hibbert. Gond buildium and well located as to market. THOMAS CA.M- RON, Exeter, Oat 8068-t4 ARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE PART LOT � 28 and 29, Concession S. McKillop, con- taining 192 acres and known as the T. E. ays farm. Must be sold to elrme the estate, If not sold will be rented. Fnr particulars pply to J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor, Sea- orth. 8201-tf Ir, FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, LOT NO. 8, Conetsaien 16, Township of Grey, Coun- ty of Huron; 2 atorey brick house, barn fix60 on stone foundation; another building 6x56 ; windmill, drilled well; 80 Rerea plowed, glance has been under pasture for Geveral ,Rre. Thirteen acres hardwood Psunh. Pas- ession first -of March. Apply to ALZX. UCHANAN, R. R. No. 9, Walton, 8186-tf T. ARM FOR 9AL11- LOT 8. CONCESSION G. $t 7110% 100 d arc, all cleart& On the arm are a fli/,'y of-tey frame hc=o, eament oundationi *1016M Cad ement flaps In bwar- ent; barb 84ft'?d '!midi lepra of 19 eclat, on a one f2 U,n&1,tibi&; tial 85=62 and nlfto shed. arm ge4af a Nvith mol rmd afro' flOucaa! 4 area falh4 d ou c1l ` 4ajtra 1 r� tils+ala o ended° 3u .i24n cappsaif ,aniffid" erncNa Churahr Til illi i) ., W, "'t �ii�l. d Twill,}, flaw's {noon : tl �i55 ,t u ,t . 126=11. �1 maadl` rid 1*10011 t( � 114 mud ammo a `i�1'i 4vdr V, � I " , , 11 I . ''I''. 1. �- ", " `�: ` �,$Z , I � W I 11 ; , � , , ",, � .- I 11 � I I . I � L I I , , , , 1' yyyyyV f�.�, � I I , , : � � "w, � , ,.,a . -�w Iwo 11�_,�� I 71 I I I.. "'. '111 I— .. , �: � lw'_,�,2� I ��f . - "I , �.'''', syr a ,r • I . _1 I . � ,,.� , , 11�1 11, r. "?". "t. I �'f p°jt ' 'a - ,!`oo�'a°°" Wr'" .. .:�-''ril,'rl�, oi°.'.. ...? •:.,''..1� s y � . 1. m �1-r. •f ,110 Q. OTA• e? .' 1- a , :, � �:p 7 0 a ry,Dt 1. , I .. s. G 11. - Z :, GI - I 1-1 1Y4 - F a A"'i k- r Y a+ - �Miiyiol- I I , - �< yiy-,r.'@. 1-11...,.". �. • res."` .-`P,� r I 10 - %-y - r vs. `e' • . I r ` � f' tr.. a .. i . b , : ;_ "6a _ �.L MILT! L: L.vi-1 F: as0�RZIagmy'r vou� ?Zae fo race �t � (�� til�.lt no till e�`e'��llil�; rile' �(�llll�ti'�' ��•'l��l ll[1���re'- �•lc��E���tl..l1 it` ...�.�tl�•# r1c�� «c��Y����e�r -oi �1<e're' i r��e* �t��� t �l�L� �� c�)t'�A� �l�.lti yet known �.lt ,.i ���r(, r�l�•�t t11�•(��111��_ r,.l���11" 1i] r�.l���t(�l �'�.tilll". v e of the meas Westinghouse sensitive circuit. It embodies many outstanding riumph of radio science. Re- features. meas exclusive tone modulator, illaiulln- ear—so vividly life-lilke that it inated magnified tinning dial, synchro dynamic to face" with all who sing, play speaker, hy�pernic iron transformer, and the new ain you. At last, selectivity and harmonic alio P iffier radiotm®n UX245. aordinalry you can cast through aInd bring in distant stations at See and hear it tonight! Compare its perform- ' ante, it s beauty, it s price, with any other radio ,hoause C®nsolaire is not merely in the world. el; baht an entirely NEW (radio— Turn in your old se¢—ehe eCounsolaiuYe mrnalkes i¢ � evf calbinet design ¢o tyle slliper- batik number. J.'F. DAL.Y DEALER fZ;a• .rrrrr (u/ lr< art thr >•tr ti r 3a {!yeas;.,. 1,�a0 i cog. �, ` �Y,1 tl dt n � �..Fia( M a is, 4 t'aaau� ilnai ,� � r . ^' •x: VbT Q . r<t 1t Z11= t r raV Nq. iz2a2� >7. . 5111N**4 - __ I k 1 I '811 ED UN©C�,,LY I EXPERT f< <a, D10 `. Iii;'"' 9t 1 Phone t I t' � (�) `� ,,tri I.1 I ?. 0 �,' is l; `,� ' �e,, i �. w . r 11 ., .. wr �� fc<.rafrt•)."fid-°rrsraa �' `m���, _ — - Ruffs hirm hphmemt I have taken over the agency for J. Fleury & Son celebrated plow makers. A full stock on hand, includ- ing the New Ribbed Alfalfa Point; also points for all other makes of plows. Jr A. st(e lilt MAIIN STREET - SIEAFORTn 3219-12 WANTREAD NOW Salesman in Huron County during Fall and Winter months to sell fruit trees, flowering shrubs, etc. Good pay; exclusive territory. Whole or part time arrangement. A 600 -ACRE NURSERY We own and operate a modern, well equippe4 Nursery and supply our cus- toMers with the best in quality and Variety. Sell hardy. Canadian grown' nursery stock and you will be success- ful. Our agency is valuable. Established 35 Years. PHELHAM NURSERY CO., Toronto 2, Ontario. 3224x8 R(B2ke t &e pubes I have purchased the plant of the late Gordon Thomson in Seaforth, and the business will be carried on as usual. Anyone having Buckwheat to dispose of, we are putting through a shipment at pres- ant. Close attention given to all custom work. A car of corn in next week. Jr, A7 . ry����•4�xyc�t,t} �u}��h, m's C�=L`d[111r •lY1�a� ll S1, O 11. ftdm'e 25 laYffB'%t Maome 11,38 2 !94 8.2 M ® �' T of n „Y , ^., S. T. IDloR m es & Sollll 'Z..%. O FUNERAL SERVICE O 1{ a O »S21I 1. gym H. C. BOK ." d ..F �� O O r . . k .11 e of the meas Westinghouse sensitive circuit. It embodies many outstanding riumph of radio science. Re- features. meas exclusive tone modulator, illaiulln- ear—so vividly life-lilke that it inated magnified tinning dial, synchro dynamic to face" with all who sing, play speaker, hy�pernic iron transformer, and the new ain you. At last, selectivity and harmonic alio P iffier radiotm®n UX245. aordinalry you can cast through aInd bring in distant stations at See and hear it tonight! Compare its perform- ' ante, it s beauty, it s price, with any other radio ,hoause C®nsolaire is not merely in the world. el; baht an entirely NEW (radio— Turn in your old se¢—ehe eCounsolaiuYe mrnalkes i¢ � evf calbinet design ¢o tyle slliper- batik number. J.'F. DAL.Y DEALER fZ;a• .rrrrr (u/ lr< art thr >•tr ti r 3a {!yeas;.,. 1,�a0 i cog. �, ` �Y,1 tl dt n � �..Fia( M a is, 4 t'aaau� ilnai ,� � r . ^' •x: VbT Q . r<t 1t Z11= t r raV Nq. iz2a2� >7. . 5111N**4 - __ I k 1 I '811 ED UN©C�,,LY I EXPERT f< <a, D10 `. Iii;'"' 9t 1 Phone t I t' � (�) `� ,,tri I.1 I ?. 0 �,' is l; `,� ' �e,, i �. w . r 11 ., .. wr �� fc<.rafrt•)."fid-°rrsraa �' `m���, _ — - Ruffs hirm hphmemt I have taken over the agency for J. Fleury & Son celebrated plow makers. A full stock on hand, includ- ing the New Ribbed Alfalfa Point; also points for all other makes of plows. Jr A. st(e lilt MAIIN STREET - SIEAFORTn 3219-12 WANTREAD NOW Salesman in Huron County during Fall and Winter months to sell fruit trees, flowering shrubs, etc. Good pay; exclusive territory. Whole or part time arrangement. A 600 -ACRE NURSERY We own and operate a modern, well equippe4 Nursery and supply our cus- toMers with the best in quality and Variety. Sell hardy. Canadian grown' nursery stock and you will be success- ful. Our agency is valuable. Established 35 Years. PHELHAM NURSERY CO., Toronto 2, Ontario. 3224x8 R(B2ke t &e pubes I have purchased the plant of the late Gordon Thomson in Seaforth, and the business will be carried on as usual. Anyone having Buckwheat to dispose of, we are putting through a shipment at pres- ant. Close attention given to all custom work. A car of corn in next week. Jr, A7 . ry����•4�xyc�t,t} �u}��h, m's C�=L`d[111r •lY1�a� ll S1, O 11. ftdm'e 25 laYffB'%t Maome 11,38 2 !94 8.2 M ® O O S. T. IDloR m es & Sollll O O FUNERAL SERVICE O O Main Street, Seaforth. O O H. C. BOK O S. T. Holmes' residence, O O Goderich Street, West; phone O O No. 119W. Charles Holmes' O O residence, Goderich Street, O O East; phone No. 308. O O Limousine Ambulance Service. O O Night calls, phone 308. O O Days calls, phone 119J. O O Charges moderate. O ® 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ® O O I�� utr1r tcp li"rr^!rRit 7%. J. C O Licensed Embalmer a>md O IFu neraD Directar. O O Up-to-date Horse and Rgotorz O' O Equipment. O Night and Day Service. O O Phone 19-22, Dublin. O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0® O THE JOHN 1LlLCilN= AGENCY Insurance of all kign& 11pnds, Real (Estate Money to IL�®7P��,Sn }� A�1Ld�JC ®1Cb 1L 1C11, ®A@1 11 i31REO Phone 911 G�t youfc SEE LTadt V(Comro)t New Be prepalTed emirRy ffer aper omcchi ng CoRd days and nights. SKILL CRAFT Overcoats In Blue Cheviot, Blue Chinehilla, Blue Melton, Grey Frieze and (many shades for Ulsters, made in the latest styles, quarter, half or full lined. 25 $40 �f.:,�� ; ��� s Avoid the early fall rush for Tailored Clothes —Geta your measure on ouiz boobs ai" o ne,s for your Indigo or Grey Serge Sunlit. r I�(� ", ", ®® uV� UQ U '.: " : .11 � �,:�,,�, 0 • 0 BRI 11�, 01AI ,a. . . R °!l°A9 IdZD1�TEhiG Ti't Dr,• !4'�D��z 11 . p • .: z ,", P`,1 4 .I 11 "'! - 1, 11 ......n.. t... t.,11111i11 -1111--- =t 0 p p7ry r� V1% . ll o ROM & C& 1:1 O FunerO Director and 0 O Lice>msed 19 m balmmerr. <0> O H. C. BOK O Best Motor and Horse-drawn,C> O equipment. O Charges moderate. O Flowers furnished on short O , notice. O Night Calls Day C O Phone 175 Phone a3 <a, O <0> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 THE JOHN 1LlLCilN= AGENCY Insurance of all kign& 11pnds, Real (Estate Money to IL�®7P��,Sn }� A�1Ld�JC ®1Cb 1L 1C11, ®A@1 11 i31REO Phone 911 G�t youfc SEE LTadt V(Comro)t New Be prepalTed emirRy ffer aper omcchi ng CoRd days and nights. SKILL CRAFT Overcoats In Blue Cheviot, Blue Chinehilla, Blue Melton, Grey Frieze and (many shades for Ulsters, made in the latest styles, quarter, half or full lined. 25 $40 �f.:,�� ; ��� s Avoid the early fall rush for Tailored Clothes —Geta your measure on ouiz boobs ai" o ne,s for your Indigo or Grey Serge Sunlit. r I�(� ", ", ®® uV� UQ U '.: " : .11 � �,:�,,�, 0 • 0 BRI 11�, 01AI ,a. . . R °!l°A9 IdZD1�TEhiG Ti't Dr,• !4'�D��z 11 . p • .: z ,", P`,1 4 .I 11 "'! - 1, 11 ......n.. t... t.,11111i11 -1111--- =t