HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1929-10-11, Page 1a ill , �� i Jt .. - , 1I , � , � "I I I s I , I% � 1'.. . I11�1" I 1 77777771, 1 1.io,"I, I' 7 - I 00 , i, I , I 1 4 Q I, I I , 4. 1 � L I I I � ) 4 I , , I "I , I, � I I � , I 11 I ", i I I 1, I I hl , . .. . � i , ,ft , V , �1111 . , . . � ! 11 , , � t, i , 1 )7 11 I I . 11 . 1 i p;, i ) I I %. , I I I 1, . , . . I I .1. I � Im 11 11 11 11 . . . ., I ,e 6M%WMTEZ yr.4R W091ULXTTUW'Br,R 3224 " I . � 111. I— I 1, I -1444M alwlvlk#W" 1 -, P" W, - X10A I , I J ' , " �, P,1, / . , � Z�N W 1W . , vo , ) . I I 04011�,-­' J - „ . 1W �:'4� . , j I I .1 . TO 703 RURCZAV'VO OF E;MATOR= 11 i I . I A few years guo the people of Se urrounding territory had to -"�, grom you, or go without. As yo1A,;ZMqkW 0,ARy too wall{,that is, Act now rhe ass's. Good roads and motor =84 $=d . tzdnes, metropolitam.papero and radios, plus free mail delivery, has chaaVd ail that. I I To -day people can -get anytbi the sexed or -want, froni -whom and whence they please -not only case, beat 0. They can set it from you, but -whether they do or do not depends on you. In practicallIr every community we hear: "Outside advertising is enticing our people" --"Competition of combines Is -taking our business." Maybe, this As true, but what are you doing to counteract it? : As an excuse and alibi for lack of business, thousands. of merchants say, `People don't buy like they used to." That is absolutely true -people don't buy as they used to. . but how about you -do you still sell "like you used to?" Why should people stick to the old humdrum, weekly "tradin'," when shopping and buy- • ins are now made such a pleasure? Why go to a funeral when a festival is on? If other stores invite the people and give them a reason. why they should 'buy from them, of course your customers are going to accept the invitation at least -once. Then, if those extending thq invitation sell and. serve as to- day's buyers like to be sold and served, they will continue to'keeept the re- peated invitation. You would do it yourself under similar circumstances. Still, the average man and woman, by far the majority of the people in Seaforth, would rather do business with you, and they will do business with you if you will profit by the experience of others. That is not idle talk, glut a fact based on human nature, backed up by actual proof obtained from the people themselves in every section, of the country. But, you must have a "reason why" and that reason must be kept before all of the people all of the time. Say to yourself, "Why do people buy elsewhere?" Ask yourself, "Why should the people of 'Seaforth buy from me what I have to sell, in preference to my competitor?" Answer both of these questions -they must be answered not only to your- self, but to your customers if you are going ;o continue in business and keep out of the red. . Business goes to the place where it is invited -you can't expect business If you don't ask for it. ' Business stays at the place where it is well treated, backed up with an �nvitatioa to continue the pleasure of such treatment. Business comes -back to the place where it is served best and where the invitation to profit from' such service is kept constantly in the forefront. Your newspaper is your ally -use it. Copyright, 1929, Dyckston, Inc. Reproduction prohibited in whole or in aalrt- I This Town Doctor Article is published by The Expositor, in co-operation with the Seaforth Lions' Club. -, FOLMCS AND OTHER by a big- majority an Misther Nee'.) made it unanymous. By Gar! Misther . TH � NGS Finlayson, the Ministber- av Maine.s, was the broth av, a boy wid a silver BUsther Edither:- tongue in his ,had, as the Frinch say la Sir Wilfrid barrin, the whoite It's a munth of 'Sundays since yez plumes, whin proclaimin' the acts av Nerd from me. Well, for the lasht the Ferguson ,Governmint as bein, in two wakes oiv been gloamin' over the besht intherests, av the -province, the roami& wid me litherary fried, espechelly the act about the liquor. 13il Powl, av Tor,ontah-the-good. Bil It certainly had a grate bade on it . an, his corricab are grate cronies, an' the *ladies prisint loiked the I Wherilver Bil was on wan side av shmack av it. 7?litics of was conthrary. Whin Fer- After sh4in' hands wid the byes . gie told us the eleckebun was on an' girls around Sayfourtb an' Eg- October 30th, Bil wanted his mondville for a wake, wan av the champaigne dry an of wanted the Grit byes took me over to Hinsill to campaign wet. Oi yelled Sinkie an' the Grit convinshun. They had wan Bil yelled Fergie an be -well we got divil av a toime cryin' out pace, pace, our polytics a -bit mixed, however, no whin there was no place. Some am mattber who wins the elecksbun we're the Grit byes were in favor av let - sure hay our re ala liquid refresh- tin' the UY.O.'s tend ate sthay in raints anyway. the foight widout oppysithun an' give At Dublin we met our ould frinds, united battle to the common inemy- Frank an, Pether, an' Billy sez to me, thim Tories. Other Grits favored an' "Ye can take wan but not more than out -an -out Liberal candydate gifted two whin yer campaignin'." At Irish- wid the courage av' a dare -to -be -a - town there was Pether an' Arnold Daniel to sthand alone an' foight it lookin' at a bunch av cattle, but we out on that loine, if it took all Octo- left thim to their own contintmen-,, her. The King Billy no surrinder not wantin' to git into sthray pash- policy shwayed the convinshun an' tures, By gar! but thim Sayfourth Misther Mayor Golding, Dr. R. R. Lions made a grate swimin' parlor Ross an' Misther John Govenlock, av out av the ould quarry bole, an Doc- Sayfourth; Dr. J. W. Shaw, av Clin- tor Lion Charley made a prisint av ton, an, Misther Owen Geiger, av Billy Levney's oul home to the kid- Hinsill, were, nomyrrated. The three dies to dress in. A grate Lion act. former non *ted declined an Mr. In Sayfourth of had the divil's own Govenlock was chosen the bye for t6ime wid the Stewart's, Sills', Golway, an' is at prisint foightin' Smith's, Beattie's, Dick's, Boyds, loike a Throwjan. Cardno's, McTavish'ls, Reid's, Shan- This laves the political battle be- mahan's, Box's, McIntosh's, Grieve's, twine the U. F. O., Tories an' Grits ill Stephen's, Dungey's, Carlin's, Holmes, South Huron), Sthrange - passin, Daly's, Aberhart's, Walker's, ThGrap- sthrange. The political debate laves, son's, McLean's, -K6ating's, XcMil- Tory George wid a big -wide smoile Ian's, Willis', Jones', Mulleri's, Cri,ch's, up his shleeve. But George didn't ,Savauge's, Ferguson's, Westcott's shtack the cards. To illustrate me Edge's, Hutchison's, Cluff's, Hays', continshun wid three in the foight, Cleary's, Close's, Bright's, Amen' George is in the position av the ex- Sproat's an' .priests and parsons, N'se, pert poker player an' the unsophisti- whole countryside whose names would cated praycher whin they play cards fill yer paper full. -Sez wan av the for a big proize. The poker man sed Tory byes to me, sez he, "Git into me to the pdaycher, you do the prayin' car an, come wid us to the Conven- for your success are oil shuffle the sbun at Hinsall." Danny sez, "Get cards, which was agreed to. Whin into the car-nivecr moind the com- the cards were sphread out on the pang yer 'in," so off we wint, horse, table the poker man held a royal foot an, artbillary. Loike Kippling's flush an' the joker.too into the bar - "'Judy 01. Grady an' ,the Colonel's gain. . Lady, the Grit an' Tory byes are all Av course the boilin' av the politi- the same under the skin," especially cal pot in South Huron doesn't make whin they are dancin' the Reel av this Irishman lay awake av noights, Tully-Go,Rum, wid the accint cn the but sfhill of adrAoire me frind Danny's . Rum.. wisdom-loike advice, "Niver shwap Ait the convinshun there was a lady horses in the middle av the sthrame morayfiated an' she could shpake. She whin there's a big freshet runnin%" tow-ld the Tories that Misther Fergu- Notwithstandin' all this the bettin' son was a grate leader an' that poly- an' the candydates is even, but were tics was the business av the counthry athickin, to Sir John Macdonald's an' Ivry wan was intherested in edu- elecksbun wisdom, "There are two un - cation, child -welfare ail' good citizen- certain things in this loife, horse rac- , ship. ,There was one woman in the as an, eleckshuns. Niver bet an, thin Canadian, House av Commons, four until the - ins are in," an' even thin in the U. IS. Congress, an' 13 in the yeld bather -wait for the raycount. British House av Commons, but from Well, as Jigg's says, "That's that." raycent experience In preliminary HICK KILLIP. political meetins the Tory-Conserva- Sayfourth, Oct. 2, 1929. tive min av South Huron were not ready yit for a. woman. Mrs. Tre- -<,:�— wArtha wouldn't sthand. Misther Neeb, am ,Stephen township, moightly HURON PRESSYTERY axtholled the legislative acts av the THE UMTED CHURCH Ferguson 0overnmint an' would sthand by the decishun av the con- the Presbytery of 'Huron, the venshun. The idol av the Torries, United Church of Canada, held its Wisther George 191liott, av Clinton, in regular autumn meeting in the United acknowledgin' the honor av nomyfia- Church, Centralia, on Thursday, Sap- mhun as a candydath, said he was loike I tember 26th with the Rev. Jas. Sco- the Irishman What lAnded in Quebec I bid, of 11algrave, in the chair. Thirty - an' the hall wad gull �n he bad to -five ministers and thirty-three lay del- Alape wid -1 ms;i' Who *0s Z lawyer. I egatos -mere it, , attAdance, %esides I Whin they were 9061r,tbohd under i v number of visitors. Very fall re- , the quilts th,Z 1=70:0 old," 'Flit, yeld I ports ryord brought hi by v=401M.'s com- . I hav,atfora VDU'nt1ttg*s, part-laulally Vito c6mmiuses 1he a long toliftd 4, would shlaldo "IrAd 16111h I U." In re- on r6ligious education and evannelimm ply -Pat mido AIAWAdo mo faith, Vold and social GOVAce. The roport of the 5a a lot Wm" S, htland bag ommittee on rel[151,6= edlufttioa, giv- 'I"' I thcir'd =0 6 16int, oat av, 1, Z, 4, 1 1 .1 I xw ou ,by Rev. J. N. CdUfts, Grand'.3end, ­. , , 'cast way in ft A0 '&4 "S hiddoiQ,80. ' oraphmoized the -Vorlxa� tsmhor tMia» gataker aulott'. �, oma zpa,b,�trs I a in VA0 VOLT 0�b=Aotq � 1. - I , itis': , 4!ilpu as outline Note I I � �I:— , ,��, i " , I , ,' ,4,�,'Z'l , , "I ,"': , � I �, .: . , : , � i.,, ,,,� . �I " I , I I . � I , , , i I , 1.� ,� �� ,, i,�%!� ,. , , �, �, , , , . , " �'� . , . �.; , , � : , " , , �, ,,, , - 7 ,I : ,", ;', , "� � 1, � �, �: ,; ,,, � . � ,,,.,,.,,,�,.,W,,,,,,,��.t,4L"u I 171 1. . �� k U R I � ,� I , I " L. �.0 --­ ­ -- --- I � I courzea iosuedb.v the e'limura's depart. '- men 1, t, of MA61= eo-ap,qa0u, ;124 also, the setting- 113P of 4�anjbk4, tz,Fa ,�� A FM P-.nNn0ls+M.—;4­ i A'' �! - � ".. .... 11 . I . 110"., - .1 1. , �-11 % 'Aw� I — .... ­­­­­ - I � . ­ I ............ -11 , � I >J sect Rmill'ap Q'i 'Upi", , :4. .Z��,, 46 ft '��`Alla I � 4 W I CV , " �," I., ".O 9 . i,� , '. 'i, 1� "' �i­?,.­ i 4 ylq=.2 � - i 'I I , ".1 P4,Za- lva - -44", f -ARA, ii� In, - , i " I I . I I I I I � ) .1 I - , I �, �,,�. �T ,11- , � , 11,11, , '­. , - - , ',�,` ,"! -,,��` [":", 1� : w.,�,,�.�', '-!�,-,, .,?�, 4 I I , 1, i . - I - �­­'�'­',,'­!­ - . ; I ­­ , , " . . I i " , " " , ,� , Too" . - 4 �!*,'i',,'�,;,����.',,��!"���i��","J,�I . , , ". ­ , , I 1, b"111 -l" Af::, 11 , .11 I �."��l,,�,,-,�U'",;""", ��,�,�"2`�1� , ",441,11K ic;,Publisbia*,, ,D! . ,,,,,,."', , z -� I'll I � ­­!, -�....�� - ��,;;"7�- :�­'­�"-T,i�� , - I k4,� , , , , I .1, -, . 't� � -- -- � , ,;�".. I'— I:t,I,,�'.4',f". �, "" � � , a r'L'.,�', 11 I ",I--., , , 11 1, 11,� �5; �� ; �":­ ' I - I �L`-':'4 *Jj1b.1�"'6f'h'0jJiJ4j.� L, L 'W I � '�­ I 4 , I- '' �%,,', - , � Na , . w P #, Dp , " ,� R I'll � , , I , _ - , I rn�,? I � §',�;,,Ak"- " --'n`•, .. I I - A 44 E4 Many . I'll 1,;',,�,",( - """ ­ "" ­ ­-­ ---"J�*,MWr4:,, h44k0�f'$,W,q`W,0,$ �, �-7,,4g� �.-, ,; 1- , . - - -, - *'% , 'If � - ..0 � . ir" , ;.i ,l , I . I , 1, , coltQcdoz 09, Piz, � ",. `ty"� I i"', " ', Z,�qo I ? , '­ VRI� L . i � I 't ;13$, --1 , I a0ns, C. MabraQh and 2nd; lhaze;aot. Zulgot, I "';,"t- , I tres in the Prasbytery'Tas possible. , - 1 -I -11,1-- L", IN , ,66A",-'�� . r 14,;I`T�4 , The report � I ,� "' � son 0 -Oiool� W �.--,,P*YW�"­ - T- , ­ ,., - Cher recomniande,6 that V ,,�- "'AA " �, -.W, - - ,��'w 11� ":,,:: I ; proffrznime of . ­­ , L � leatioa qf `b 1"S4wt%it,, an Intensivrr, W"", I , 1�`1111--,. 11W $10R40A POMP' RZ X49KIIJIS , ", ... I .� e04W7, W. V-Apoa. W. 1wal- at the h ", �, 01.11 ­ ,M,- ,4 11 tamper , t, ;,�,WM, W; - ,# "' - I roni� �,l#, � , 4, �,� 11 I I I " 9 M.4-� og� . - t�A ., 1: 1. I lar - bast, Wdo, any, vildety,l 66MQV, V,ratoon,;. -1 rll­ , - . ,, , ,. I . 4 ', ,'��",� , N _p,T,,r. 1991 r�T,�A .;,rg, � " seat® education be carried � 22 PU , . C 5 APO' I ", �, , ,0 . . 'A fM'i ad N Bm i., ., ,;;;;;,L� .. ,4,q-,*,N,;P,,�,*X� W,,�, '0? ,� �, ..... I . %.Olsi 'sire and �bm-s,* T. 'Cuba aTa'd ,W I I ­­ I , ­­ - - I - I , � .4 3, M I ­­ , L 44,,�100+ OW`4`4 -11,47"'g 'in church se eels using the arzied tm- 2. , .", . N 4 I ,. � 1.0 , p,�11',,',�:"�!; . ... .. .... I -10eat .9pn"EM0 VQ�- twit, spent the V e,ILJ't'��OAO'4'%�t'. J� "14 " �"� .. P11'y:4W`k1X I 7 #0 " . SeUK" ­AfA V�,�� , ,_1 �, a . Peranee lesecus pravl4ad ,by the do- ; ; I I 1, , I �. 4,�,­­'' , ,! 121,� 1, .0 , '. , � I #-,-1"0,- F A", � , " 11 Y��'�,,� jt�`,40ii-�,,,��,�,, "I', "I Scott's ;�itla, W. Willar; Wilson's Kenzie.-4Mtu. ,Switb ,P) , ;mar , , : � � , I , I , , L�"Rpl lv�� r* :9%, partment in Toronto. The attention . " � L , . - . � -­ I t I letv, W, Mi ler 2nd Zed sr4; 'of their parents, X -aRA4TVS;6;1 .. . 1. : DUN , .4 X` , ` , . � ) %�i � 1, 4 02 1 a of Presbytery was called to the very , , I, . . 4 t " �­ , 1� I " 'm , . . g I I 0. "�A ­443'3"� 1 , .1"!", - , r, L , , special, W. Willer. , Ire, $114 OT�'O'i�'I"""".,'4 �-'�*A � � 7 " I W a " ,� , �,,*p 1-.1, . L , ,�. fine reading courses for young people I . , 11-1 � rison, ol aluavale, , U -, r --Z 1-1 Judge 11 10410VAng-, , 0"I') 0 vo , qqwwg,� . I ,�', i A � 00 � �j ... - . M . ". , -A. W. Lysou. ,,q -0. '. 0:,* , • �� , home Mr. and a. 41ugh 40#y� Aliwv,41410b 75 M. I'�i 6 ` I ( and the lists (if the best books drawn I D �, � � �9 I k, ­­.... ;4P� *""10 1. 1, � . I I .. . , Y1�09,1'v Z �, li. � up by the Ryerson -Press in co -opera- I I 7 ,'�, Mrs. Briegn% 'of Landoral � qas�f­ ' 'Wde 1� 11 . , , . I . tinued on page 5) "", 12 11 ", (con �4�111 T � �I,t, . -0 I . guest ,of her -,ziece, �&73. Jamp's.", Xpvn�0l-, W. , 5 , . "I �'L tion with Dr. Solandt. I 7 -1 , 1. 11P -1 �4wvbo�- " It " � i�� , � 1-.1.11 . - , ir " 15-A �� 'L -, D &I I ­ ++.. '49, .The report of evangelism and social ­.,I,W'. .11, 11 C;1— Donald, last * , per' "I... - .,, " e. week.-Nfir. D. Toug I 0 ,�'',', .,, .,, I . I . P- Jr. 111-FUU& W-0 00" . ", ., L ""', " ,Ow�'% I , � � , '404, c'- ,','Ao��i�;.! service was given by Rev. R. M. Gale, ited,.Z�t the home ,af. his,: � -An �NcLal4b,�la4-,sx,4,,�.�,�',��,�01-� I .- , ', 90�10i,�iiA§.'­�­ of Bayfield. �T 9S GO�NG TO BE COLD the Brosvwn Line last week. � i .919 I �,�. 1� I I � , ', -Sr. L I ---�Fa$s OoTal;, ,4 , . I I fI �1, %,'.', I,,, 1�",,�;, I r., and; , L." , , � �0�4 1. .. W',;',�,,�A.AA��'i;! In its first part it am I -, "`�' , it a 3 , , .11 " ,R -t�,h�, J� .11 ,,� ­ - -".,3a " �� 1'­­*­,� "I 111-11i""," - . 0-1 . ffl­1, L, ` . , ., �, , �,��,�Jc,,�.�.�,­;, I 1, - R. ,� i ` I �� , ,� I ,angelism as , , , r,'St e, P4 " phasized the work of ev An-, iii. Mrs. John Kc%efl, of St. Th, , .... , ­­ L.: , art Love 77" Zato �: . I . ­,­�": -."4, , . � -,k I land i , '0'1,§,��'K:t, � - , 11, � ", �. ,, " "U'k,!" ,it'- . ., ffl", -,L" '., , I , " �1 , . M -.14 - a " . - Such is the warning of James .8 couver, spent the week end et the XU, k,qy;­,,0 ­ ­ "�,� i q,", , �t. , , -! , ­ ,,v the chief task of the church and call- - , -, �,,� j�i It's going to be a hard winter. Mrs. (Dr.) A. Murdo of Vap- Aldim%4', Q* �Mell �, 11 04, , , , , . - ad upon the ministers and laymen of I AIVS, ,W-JQF� , LL I 0&�& f6 "Ito H(eat Bowes, 73 ea •"Sage of Chats. home f ' - d Mrs. Johan X rdee Primer­iwx . an -a"ptow. ­�, -,,!�- Presbytery to labor through the win- N ' Mr. on M . . . e o .0 i 'Mlil, i . '. I, I" , ,.�,X,4v ... all, M, ter with this end in view. The report � I worth," and long -distant® weather . I the sell;,`"v ' ' ' -1-r-- I "�L,,��,�! ,,t!�,, , . ---<�— zwg ., . , . .1 prophet whose predictions are gospel ; aveipme. a ­ I � �1� 111'1 asked the ministers to urge in season . Those names-inwaff-314W "I � , - �a I � t1*06 - 11 and out of season the observance of 1% to the farmer folk of Owen Sound missed, examinations , family worship in the home and the 11 CLVFF & SONS country. 3D1\\T81i1-1Ayq(M9 -=Margaret E. GLieye,, T,4- - " - "I , �11%!��vli ..��� I . " It", �,�i, - " � wh " �', I I ,',,��,�. di �'Zr - ­,,, acceo � 03 ­.�.. '? , '17- more ifa thful- "A real Christmas, one of the cold- A Very S 41A �:? I .- � "? , '17, use - - .. , of the.Sabbath day — -- est in years," is Bowes, Coma and onJoy the RDwlirw Club Euchre I A, or.;�1111 ..... " ... , , � 11 ��-,,, I , ... ��� and its privileges of worship. In its * outlook on and Dance in Senforth, October 16th, at 8.Vi N. L. 'Cartew, -of ,a )WUrj3n� $46,%4;' - L I the holiday season. ®m . .0, .11" ,�.,;.,,,;���, I 1 , second part the report reaffirmed the 'Turnbull; heifer calf, Junior, Kerr =5-2 been a most, sizopossful,,elxh-lf..b-li�to,vrI ,1 , ',:",���','�.J, . , L", �!, , ,,� ,,�`, . . 1, ­ �,� ,.,� 11 , �,�, 1.171P .;i,.- � �1, -, .0-1 Winter, he said, will begin about the county .fall faks Vito seasom, � , -.,� �.,11 RK, , church's uncompromising stand a- Bros. and 2nd and 3rd; herd of Short- N Notes. -Mr. Lorne Lawson of the I 'I, i " I gainst the liquor traffic in all its horns, I male and 4 females November 27th and will start - , " �..' - � 1 ", - �, , V, earnest. " Stromberg-Oarlson Telephone and the Blyth. and Goderich Fairs, " "'­,`,�-.��'�'A, � , , Kerr , �,,, - i ; �,-""! , . . , 11 �� ,, 1111. It re-emphasized the church's Bros., M. Crich, O. Turnbull & Sons; won the following pnrn+zv.es- . .", : �'. " forms. I. ii ­­­, Radio Com Tor , , " "", ,­­- P, belief in total prohibition of the me,,- best female, any 'age, M. Crich- three This grey-haired Scot will tell you Toronto spent the Garden cartlots, long, let; b � . ' r�,+ ��r�,� , , 'I'll that he is able to predict the weather week end with his parents, Mr. an4 . aets, � tab'10", ��4,­l .. ."'. , .- 2 ufacture and sale of strong drink as animals, get of one sire, Kerr' Bros. use, 2nd; fall apples, 1st; Canuda-14 -� li'­;12.,'. 11, ' . . 41 .. ;I j� .... ;: i.�, the only way out 6f the evil that fol- and 2nd, O. Turnbull not only weeks and months but years Mrs. Robert Lawson. -Mr. Will Dale 2nd; crab apples, 2nd; tomatoes; I .t* 1, , nbuU ,& Sons. of Dominion, Bank, returned to Toron- . , ," I � Iowa the use of alcohol for -beverage Aberdeen Angus --Bull ,, calf, B . ,I butter in roll, 3rd; ban's e --hate,,' .", ,,, I., - , I _. � -, , ahead and do it in such a way that to after -spending two weeks' ho 9X31,I ,�,. ",, strongly urged Cardiff; milch cow, M. Cardiff. mother hi bread, 1st; b ,- L' .1 -:i; purposes. The report be is right 85 per cent. of the time- days with his parents, His m her 2nd; W te . town . 4 - �1'1 , 1st; tea biscuits, 2nd- . S,I "I �,­�":,; ,;� the need for temperance education 'G'rade 'Cattle -Milch cow, dairyAnd, -what is more, he is able to returned with him to spend a week or I V . stat,. ­:",� � - , , a ,11 ­�..;�; and pledge -signing campaigns. strain, L. Parr, A. McLauchlin, back up his assertions by comparisons other tela- meal, 2nd; soft gin I ,.. I I , : 1q, W. So with her daughter and _ I I,, !� � - .i�- , At the afternoon Session the Pres of his previous forecasts with actual Scotch gingerbread, , .. I . . . . . . "1,111 ", - Yuill; milch cow, 'beef, strain, L. Parr, fives.- *Mrs. Henry Taylor, of Sea- ; �� . I " -.�­,. ;; !.�­ , ; , ; ; . ,:::.. ,�, , 11 P . , ,,*:;' bytery listened to a Tery fine address and 2nd and 3rd; two year old heifer, records of the weather as it has oc- for 2nd;pumpkinpie, Ist; G �, ;, �-,,-'tl� 11 1"�� �� P ..:, ",,f,, , � � ,I � . . �, , , , , , from Rev. Peter Bryce, D.D., Toronto A. MeLauchlin, L. PiTr and 3rd; one carred. forth, Spent a few days. with her ,- !,�-,,',-A, �� �� daughter, Mrs. R. Lawson. - Mrs. fish lwd' 1st; strawberry preservies, �. "I �,4, ��'1'11 � �� , " , � , " - . I—. 1Z , , 1, in the interests of the missionary year old heifer, L. 'Parr, A. Me- "Winter will come in strong about Dave Watson and Miss Bessie David- list; cherries, 2nd; peas, 2nd; cotnp 11 .��";��: , ­ � I . I - '�114' "f! , "I".. �, 4 'i%l - 2nd; lie�, 2nd; pickles, weet, ILft;. ' I ��,� N" work of the church. He sketched the Lauchlin, H. Lamont; one year old November 27th, with deep snow and son of Leadbury, misited. at the home .. ;�,,a I .�., IT ,� 1. ."I"', � needs and opportunities that'� heavy winds. December will be cold 6rter, r4a 1 " 'ate be. steer, A McL of kr. and Mrs. E. -Britton on Wed- pickles, fnions, "'94 conif , - � `J.Ivs,P",'% 1 , ' a � - 11 " .", , fore the church to -day, both at home 3rd; steer calf, Senibr, L. Parr and and wintry, except maybe for a little d of this week. -Miss Elva chime stitched, -2nd- mat hDoked, 2nd �­ " , , ", •, . . - and abroad. He called up the church 2nd, W. Yuill; steer.':calf, Junior, H. lull from the third to the 15th There ­­ ` best 5 tbs. 'butter in pririts,'2ndi b� . ,:�. �� ", "� I - Wheatley sang two solos which were I �; � I in Huron Presbytery, to labor faith- Lamont and 2nd, O,i�, Turn -bull will be a heavy snowfall at 6��stmas,, much appreciated -butter, 2nd. G,oder1&­Eaihr � r.� I � . ,, 1. 1. and I 5 tbs. . , mind my words. -at the concert giv- . fully and self-sacrificingly for the ex- Sons; heifer calf, '90ior, , potatoes,. 2nd - . I W� Yuill, L. ,,It 11 be a real, old-fashioned Christ an .in Cardno's Hal� Seaforth, on ; Green 'Mou4wn pota- ' tension of the Kingdom. of, God the Parr and 3rd; heifer � calf, Junior,. W. _ toss, 2nd; canning torni�oes, list; I � Monday night :by the Northside. Unit-, ". 1, mas. Better start buying .� ��," . world over. 'Rev. A. E. Thompson, Yuill and 2nd, H. LaTnont; fat steer W your coal blotod beets, 2nd; 12 tDinato*§' 14; - . �,,, the furs ad Church�Mr. Will Carter return- , I � �1' '� . � .D.D., of London, also spoke on, the H. Lamont, W. Yuill, 14. Lamont; best now and tell the, wife to •,get, ad from Detroit on Tuesday evening preserved fruits, 2nd- canned fruit, , , " 1.1 I .11, � � I ­. - * `111111 I same matter. Mr. ,William Marm, of animal on the grounds, beef type, A. out of the moth 'balls -for shape go- last. Friends will be pleased to ISt' Canned Vagel;�"l a. fat; sm�t , , Innerkip, - 1. -president of the Caniferenc�, McLauchlin, L. Pid;i,, Ing to be cold." ' , �'H. Lamont. Know 1st; mincemeat, gat; 0jiln. - " . Bowes' preliminary forecast for the that his son, Charles, is somewhat P'cK'esl ,'p " I Lay Association, made a strong ap- Eatonla)Special, K Bros,,; Bank Of lain and chocolate pies, 14; aqa6rt � 1!-'. " improved. -Miss Marjorie Colson of - k - i-,.--.., 1-1 , �. peal .to the laymen of the Presbytery Commerce Special, H. Lamont, W. first nine months of 1931), which tafts, Ist; macaroons,. Ist; dough"Aits, .;.:i '. , , I to get behind the work of the -church Yuill; Bank of Novz S Will subject to some slight Ye- Blyth, spent Thursday with her ;�i;t, . I'll, . IL4i dqvl, layer cake, 14;1 ISeo*h �, ;I, Scotia Special, 'Ivlrs- George Dale. � ',,�, ��. that it might do the work laid upon Kerr 'Bros., M. Cricbl, Walker's Spe- vision after he has had time for fur- . shorthread, lat; R%getaible, saded, lot; I ��'� , ., 14, . . . . it. It was agreed to hold A minister- cial, A. McLauchlin, H. Lamont. that study of the movements of the -C� fruit salad, 1st; cold meat pie, Ut- I ,,, .��, , "I., J`( ial conference of the Preshytery on Judge -Channon. planets 'next year, was drawn up as beef loaf, Ist; hard soap, Ist; LK `�, . follows . 11 . . . I -121 October 15th, at Brucefield, for the [SHEEP PTUCK1@RS=E-1 soap, 1st; working insWe supper, Ut.- ­�e R� .. purpose of discussing and planning Leicester -Aged 'ram, J. S. Cowan, JANUARY -Mild and moderate wililts bread, lust; brown bread, �,,*t; -I". :,' for -the church's work in the Presby- G. Brown; shearling ram, G. Brown, with one storm near the end of the Come -d enjoy the Bowling club Euchre nut'bread, 1st; tea biscuits, W; buns, .11"'�� " 11 tery. It wqs also agreed to hold . J. S. Cowan; ram lamb, J. S. Cowan month. and Dance in Seaforth, October 16th, at 8.15 _tst. cookies, ca*e, � " , I I I �,�,=' supper meeting FEBRUALRY-A heavy storm tin 1"m' 3220-2, kies, -1st; Rocks, 2nd; I ­,-� .1 the combined and 2nd; ewe, two shears and over, ' apple and lemonpies, 1st; book- "i � for 3rd- . 0, I .1 , 'It,, �� i� Presbyteries of Huron and Perth on J. S. Cowan, G. Brown; shearling ewe, the first half, when Venus passes the Notes.�--Mr. and Mrs. J, D. Stew- ad 'mat, lat. . �,­.� .1, . I 11 November 5th next. J. S. Cowan, G. Brown; ewe lamb G. earth, with the last half unseasonally art and iMiss Winnie Stewart, of, mild. --0 -I -1 The folloWing new ministers were Brown and 2nd; pen, J,. S. Cowan,' G. Tuckersmith, are visiting friends in N, ` I welcomed into. the Presbytery. Rev. Brown. MARCH�Milder and drier than us- London on Saturday �Mt. Wilkinson, � � "I I ual with spring coming early in the of Port Huron, spent' the week end -at Campbell Tavenor, As'lifield; Rev. C. �Oxf y, J. . WALTON . C. Keine, Dungannon; Rev. Gordon Connell; shearling ram, J. Connell, month. I the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Doig. Notes. -Mrs. Herbert KiTkby wha, ,_: I . .11. I � ­!. I �.! � I .�� ,.., Butt, Goderich; Rev. J, C. Forster, M. Henry; ram lamb, M. Henry and APRIL -Dry weather and average -Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bell, .Mr. and has been suffering for some time with ., temperatures throughout the month. , 1 B.A., Londesboro; Rev. E. L. Ander- 2n,d-, ewe, two shears and over, M )MAY -A storm is due about the Mrs. T. Forsythe and Mr. R. Co, per a sore thumb from the effeets of blood . ,:t��', son, B.A., Blyth; Rev. A. E. Mann, Henry, S. Pym & Sons; shearling ewe* first of May with cold' frost and visited friends in Gorrie duringthepoisoning underwent an operation in , ,', 111.. Bluevale; Rev. C. A. Malcolm, M.A., M. Henry, J. Connell; ewe lamb, J.' I week­--�Mr. and Mrs. Win. Doig and Clinton hoElpital on 'Monday and �had � �i.­, . ., Egmondville; 'Rev. H. W. Hagelstein, Connell and 2nd; pen, M. Henry, J. north winds This will be followed Miss Janet Doig visited ,:��; ... I 1.11"I " friends In the thumb amputated at the first j � , . B.A., Crediton; Rev. C. E. Taylor, Connell. by mild weather the rest of the month Wroxeter and Listowel during the joint. p,4 I'-, �'J I _Mr. and 'Mrs. Duncan John- I "', Ethel. Dorset Horned - Aged ram, M with the probability of one wet spell. week --Mr. and Mrs., Koellm and � ::;`�', ,,, ", 11 JUNE- the eak or SO, daughter, Mrs. Thompson, of Glen. returned home after spending a week .1 Presbytery adjourned to meet in Henry; shearling ram, M. Henry, C. first w stone and Miss Annie Johnstone have Bluevale the first Tuesday in De- Danbrook; ram lamb, M. Henry, C. but with a long wet stretch starting Allen, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. . � ,,, I Bell. -Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hob'n day. Rev. Mr. Anderson, of Blyth, cember. Danbroc,W; ewe, two shears and over, the tenth and lasting right through And. with relatives in Stevensville on Sun- ------ ::�— the month. Strong, cool winds will of Toronto, spent the week end at conducted the services morning and . ;;;; - C. Danbrook and 2nd; shearling ewe, accompany the heavy rains. the latter's brother, Mr. and Mrs. ]BRUSSELS FALL FARR M. Henry and 2nd; ewe lamb, M. JULY -The June wet siege will ex- evening, while Rev. W. J. Maines took, : Henry and 2nd; pen, M. Henry, C. Harry Chesney, and other friends. the services in Blyth. -Mr. and Mrs. .� Danbrook. tend into the first ten days of July, Present2ftion.-A very pleasant I , For the first time in several years with the latter end of the month un- . William Humphries and family were r", the Brussels Agricultural Society was with rain, M. ening was spent at the home of Mr. . ", usually warm. Conditions will the guests at the home of Robert and "I I � 11, Henry, W. Ross; shearling rain, M. " a,nd Mrs. John McLean, of Tucker- Mrs. Campbell of the 9th concession � . .;�, favored with dry weather for their Henry, W. Ross; ram lamb, W. Ross favorable for thunderstorms during Smith, last Friday when a large num- - Fall Fair, which was held on Thars- the latter part. of McKillop on Sunday­-4Miss Edna 7'..". of Berimiller, spent the week . �,.,� and 2nd; ewe two shears and over, bar of the parents and pupils of S. S. Reid J AUGUST -The first part of the No. 6, Hibbert, met in honor Of Miss 't her home on the south gravel, .. 11 , q day and Friday of last week. M Henry, W. Ross; shearling ewe, W. ".. R' end a As a consequence there was a good month will be decidedly warm. A Grace McLean, a bride -elect of this road Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall 1, Ross and 2nd; ewe lamb, M. Henry, A • I show, and although the weather was W. Ross; pen, M. Henry, W. Ross. rain .Storm will come around the 15th, month. Miss McLean taught at S. ' � .. cold on Friday, the attendance was Judge -J. C. Ross. to be followed by quite warm, dry S. No. 6 for three years and was very are settled in their new home just I'll large, the gate receipts amounting to weather. south of Walton. --John Wratt was in " : PIGS successful in her work. An address -I, some $500. SEPTEMBER -A poor crop month, Toronto on business recently---lMiss ., Bacon Pigs -Boar, I year and over, a-, read by Mr. William Kay and .,'.•s The show of live stock was the best with parching dry weather through- w Laura :Hoy won the prize in the popu- , in years, and no, Fair in the county Douglas & Son, 0. Turnbull & Son; out. little Marian and Agnes Scott pre_ lar contest that was held by the, :: ,d I,, boar, under I year and over 6 month-, ented their ex -teacher with a silver Brown Company which played im this year has excelled it. Horses, The whole of next fall, according sandwich tray, silver cream and suga., Douglas & Son and 2nd; boar, under sap cattle and sheep were exceptionally 6 months, Douglas & Son and '2nd, 0. to Bowes' outlook now, will be dr Walton last week. -The Misses Annie ., y set, and a cut glass bowl. After the , . 1,1 good in quality, and the entry in all and mild, with virtually no winter, and Maud Ferguson, Seaforth, vera �"i.. classes was a record one. Turnbull & Son; sow, 1 year and ov- even in December. presentation a splendid lunch was recent visitors with Mrs. Wm. Neal. I IT ere Douglas & Son, 0. Turnbull & served by the ladies, and the rest.of I �,., The following is a list of the suc- . "Looking her over," Bowe,,) ,corn- the evening was spent in dancing and -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Davidson and J.. � cessful exhibitors:Son; sow, under I year and over six aerated after be ha Sketched his son, Murray; Thomas and ,Mrs. Wat- '.:r„� , months, Douglas & Son, O. Turnbull 1930 forecast, "it looks like an awful card playing. son, of London, were visitors at the 'y � �. 11 & Son and 3rd; sow, under 6 months, bad spring for fall wheat. The snow home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ben - 1 HORSES Chesney-Houatt.-A pretty autumn Douglas & -Son and 2nd, O. Turnbull wedding was solemnized at Hillcrest I "�i I 4 ,4� �, -w Farm, the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. . p,, grcultural-Broodmare having & Son; pen, 1 male, 1 brood sow, so will go off too soon and there'll be 8 nett -Mrs. (Dr.) Armstrong, of - 'rn 1..� I some . t ­ S, D. Houatt, on Saturday, October 5th, last week. -Peter B. Gardiner motor- '•, raised foal in 1929, R. Cunningham, under I year and sow under 6 month pretty late frosts, especially gary, called on old friends in Walton J. Bolger & S one about the 15th of June." �,.i I t on, J. Rennie; horse or Douglas & Son; best pair bogs, when their younger ,daughter, Sadie ed to London on business on Monday. ��.', mare colt, M. Cardiff, J. Bolger & any breed, from 170 to 220 Bs., Doug- Evelyn, became the -bride of Mr. Hugh I e11 -There were large congregations on 11.11 Son, J. Rennie; two year old filly or las & Son and 2nd. O. Turnbull & 13RUCEIFIELID Mure Chesney, eldest son of Mr. and Sunday at the anniversary services. : IN "M gelding, F. Toll, R. Cunningham, J. Son. Come and enjoy the Bowling Club Euchre Mrs. Pearson Chesney. ,Rev. Charleg held in Cavan United 'Church Win- ;:��`,.`l "A ,"i Moses; I year old filly or gelding, J. Judge -J. C. Ross. and Dance in Seaforth, October 16th, at 8.i5 Malcolm, of Egmondville United throp. Rev. Mr. Malcolm, of Eg- ;�l I . I , , " Patrice M. Cardiff, H. Lamont; span POULTRY p.m. 8226-2 Church, officiated. The 'bride, who mondrville, was the speaker for the ". of agricultural horses, A. McLauch- Brabmas (c) T. Wilson; Barred Ladies' Association. -A very suc- was given in marriage by her father, day. -Misses Annie and Maud Far-- I M, , L - , lan, F ­Toll, J. Bolger & Son; mare Rocks (c) W. Miller and 2nd, (h) W. cossful meeting of the Ladies' Assaci- was lovely in a dainty frock of yel- guson, of Seaforth, visited Mrs. 14eml 1 '14 , i,, or gelding, any age, A. McLauchlan, Scott, W. ,Miller, (cr and p) W. Mil- ation was held on Wednesday, October low chiffon with rhinestone trimming last week. -Mr. Duncan Johnston is, ��4 , i�N,� , L Armstrong. ler -and 2nd; Rocks, any other variety, 3rd, at the home of Mrs. Win. Rotten- and Carried an arm bouquet of Sun- on the sick list and under the dot- ;A11 1111 I Heavy Draft --Brood mare having (c and h) R. Doan, (er) W Miller, bury, with about 25 ladies present. burst roses, lily of the rralley and tor�s Care. His many friends wish - I -�::: " .. , raised foal in 1929, L. Armstrong, M. Douglas & Son, (p) W. Miller, R. After an hour spent in sewing, the maiden hair fern. Little Miss Phyllis him a speedy recovery-41dr. Basil .:,i .;;� Cardiff; horse colt or marq,,jL,a1q,lt, L. Doan; Cochin (e) R. Doan and 2nd, business part was taken charge. of Manning, niece of the bride dressed Wilson, of London, is visiting hit ,��--,,,.,,�,f 4 1, WI . �� y""T"geld- by the president, Mrs. A. Broadfoot. in a pretty French frock f peach aunt, Mrs. Fred Ennis at present.-- "P; Armstrong; two year olctfill (h) T. Wilson, R. Doan, (cr and p) � 1%, ,I . I I . , I . .1 � , ", ,.� , ing, J. Brigham, H. Lamont - dun- R. Doan -and 2nd - Dorkings (c) T. A very interesting paper on "Home crepe, acted as flower girl, '1�arrYln.' Mr and Mrs. Judhins, and Mrs. .J. '� -, -:�I , I ningham; yearling, filly or.&, dixig,,11. Wilson, R. Doan, (h') R. Doan, T. Wil- Making" was read by Miss Marks. a basket of Sunburst ros,ebuds. Men- Campbell, of London, visited friends " ' "VI I ". ��,� Cunningham; heravy draft tea, ,B�. son, (er and p) T. Wilson; Game (e) At the close of the meeting Mrs. Ad- dellsohn's wedding march was played and relatives in Walton this week— .. I;,��, I . 1. �1,1 Hemmingway, L. Armstrong; mare or W. Scott and 2nd, (h) W. Scott, R. dison invited the ladies to hold the by Miss Billy Chesney, sister of the Mr. and Mrs. John Smillie is visiting. .10,� gelding any - age, J. Biighagi. �1.i`,'J: , � , . Doan, (cr) T. Wilson, R. Doan, (p) next meeting at her home. At the groom. While the register was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Ross, N, . �).,: Percheron team, J. Boller ft' Son, W. Scott R. Doan; Orpingtons (c) W. close the hostess served lunch. signed, Miss Margaret Pentlan�l, of Embro.-Services were withdrawn in J""U", L. Armstrong; three horses from One Miller, T; Wilson, (h) T. Wilson and Young People's Convention. -- The Goderich, sang "O Promise Me," Fol- Duff's United Church last Sunday ow- ,4" 1 T��',i township, A. McLauchlin, F. Toll'.. 2nd (cr and p) W. Miller, T. Wilson; fifth annual convention of the Y.P.S. ]owing a wed(15ng breakfast, . to the anniversairy services at '�,,. Ing Brood mare, having raised foal Mi-� reborn R. of Huron Presbytery held in Bruce- Mrs. Chesney left on a motor trip, the Moncrieff.-Tbe marriage of Mr. Fos- ..�, " I •I ;1� in 1929-A- Murray, horse;,T mare Doan, (cr and,p) W. Miller, W. S�ott; field United Church, Friday, Sptem- bride travelling in a brown ensemble ter Bennett and Miss Margaret Eaton 11:�, I ­��A,l . , Z-!, colt, Murray, R. Cunningham;htwo White Wyandottes (c, b, and p) W. ,bar 27th, proved both practical and with matching accessories. ., � is announced for this week. Both I il I, i I. !' ' L' ' '.'. �,., 1- . I year I filly or gelding, S.,.Wheeler; Miller, R. Doan, (cr) R. Doan, W. inspiring. The devotional periods Ladies, Club, - The Tuckersftiith young people are well known In thin � , , one year old filly -or gelding, J, Hain- Miller; Wyandottes, any other var- were conducted by Y. P. Societies Of Ladigg' Club held a very intereati,g vicinity.--4MT. and Mrs. H. Last, ok, I1« ,�,,;, I I' 01 ilton, W. McCauley, J. Hamilton; iety (c and b) W. Miller, T. Wilson, 'Walton, Kippen and James Street, Ex- and profitable meeting on October 2nd Windsor, spent a few days at the ,4,;!!�- 11��,.� ,,�..."� 2, � � � buggy horse, R. Lott, J. Culvert, W. (cr) R. Doan, W. Miller, (p) W. Mil- eter. Rev. J. Morly Colling, Of at the home of Mrs. F. Townsend. home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoy last � �� `��,' �, � .,,�, Coulter, J. Collins; gentleman's out- ler and 2ft-d- Rhode Island Reds (h, Grand Bend, very ably conducted the Mrs. C. O'Brien, vice-president, occu- week: -,Miss Laura Boy is visiting .. 'I ��,,,,I)'�, 't, I fit, R. Lott; lady driver, W. Coulter. cr and p) ;. Wilson end 2nd; Lep-- discussion on committee reports, pied the chair. Roll call showed an friend,,; in Windsor.- medicine com- . .. .�z , Judge - O. Lounsbury, Wheatley, horns, White, (c) Douglas & Son anti Parallel discussion groups were pro- attendance of 18 members and several pang which has been giving free con- - - , ' �, ' .� Ont. 2nd, (h) Dougla,q & Son R. Dhoan, fitably led by Rev. G. Butt, of Vic- visitors and We,; answered with "Hints cents during the past ,weak in Wal- � ,; �;, :,�,;,;, , ��' , r. ,, CATTLE (cr and p) , T. Wilson ap� 2nd; Leg- toria St., Goderich; Rev. G. Weir, of for the sick room." Instrumental ton have left for Brussels. Judgfa�-, : .. , � . Shorthorns -Bull, 2 years old and horns, Brown (c) W. Scott and 2nd; St. Andrew's United Church, Blyth; solos were given by Mrs. E. Crich and from the number of bottles of nied- ..� ��: k. ou.1711t the'r ,, t -- over, Kerr Bros., L. Parr; bull, one (h) W. Scott, R. Doma, (cr and pp Rev. W. P. Lane, of Seaforth, and Miss Hazel Pepper and readings by cine someof our citizens -b . 1, ­� . ...... ... �, ., , , ,., , �, �. 1. , ftv� ��.,`�:,,,�.',,k�, ;, year Old, 0. Turnbull & -Sons; bull W. Scott, T. Wilson; Legborns, any Rev. R. B. Cumming, of Bermiller. Mrs. Fred Pepper and Mrs. V. Terry - calf, the Senior, ,Kerr Bros., M. Crich ; otber variety (c and P) R, Doan, T. Enjoyable sing -songs were conducted berry. Mrs. Fletcher Townsend read for a while.-4oaepli and amO� '`4�'J�J!� bull calf, Junior, O. Turnbull & Sons Wilson, (h and cr) T. Wilson, R. by Rev. H. G. TM, itfield, of St. Hel- the topic for the month on 'APhiloso- son and som, lfurray; TIt 11 -- . , 01, 1 ,4 -, �: �';;�,��'! and 2nd, Kerr Bros.; ,best male, any Doan; Aneozas (c) W. ,W-Ille-f, Dr. ens, and Rev. R. B. Cumming. -Rev. phy for Ill and Well, and Mrs, Amos Mrs. (Watson. of London, md"I" :": W. I t age, Kerr Bros.; milch cow or COW Grieve, I I �d,,!;,,,,,,�;, , well gone in calf, 6 years or over, 29. and P) .6h) W. Miller, .R. Dozin, (cr C. D. Daniels, the special Speaker, Townsend gave some interesting cur- Mrs, josaph Zau% ,, �.. . I . proved splendidly inspiring. He ChMR- rent events. A ,pleasant hour was br I I 1,­11�,!,�,�,, . Killer, S. r`ym &�'Son-p .0, , 'm � 110 I ''. � "i I ,, Crich and 2nd, Kerr Br,46a.,; milch cow ng,UiOUZ�p (c, cr . apgat 18maday at I ; - �", ";�,: ,, , - W I ..�",?�,�� .'' I , I 1i �1� 1-1'� I' .) 'thO , V V1 lbootb0z - lie, ?" "I and P) T. Wilcon lensed youth to live up to their bVt, then spent * riff mvmtlatu find avid Mrs. 'Portir, •tmat", "* � "I")" -1, ' ,-.6 'M ',-,� ",` ,--q,,, -A .. under 4 yG=, 14. Crieh, C. Turnbull and gftd�- (TI) T. Wilzon, R, D4�6,ft- 'to give themselves wholly to Ckiot, in social intercourse. 40 Xa,romlbov Verggry SarVieeb 4�I�ijt t,&, ' . A- nti� 1�; .1 I 't. il � ­ ,,t',."; ." & ,Sons and bid.; two year old heifer, ,M)6,gday10 &,�q A. Dnn, (g,ri ana. p�,� � = =- nL Ited Chu &' dtk""'I'Viat. �r : % !.;, ,L? - and to help bring His kingdom antong th vill be held at trim hoi�ia of unol 11 , . 4&- ,­', 11 ,�$ .. .... .. . .... , R I I Kerr Bros. and Sad 0 T'arnbull a ­W11C,oi4. . ,,t1jZt I V " t an *A.1,4ki "!�,�,`Tl .1�tl. .,� 11� I'l, � � m, Clelat ( It '-- d. alta®n bT making nee of pxamnt OX107- Mr.o. 'IF Crieu bb z6vomt-vi, au, 134, ot 11 a.1% nel�:#4ft 0 , , gons, one year old hoiar, 2. Criksh, ,p), 0, W�vJ g�ft towiti f service or Xmtw. ' the ptog��mjme i�a t I -- ""t4 �,J�.��, ,,,I�j!�,;�,,"'!�`,�,, , Z to -$vdU �j 0111 � 0& , * � 1VV lit 10 T " - � I L 11 , ,,%.� %*'16, "',� 4-4'. V� � - 4 I 1, Z146t i �4 il.,oz �V�&3��,�,,` 11 IV , ,,,;,, , ��a�:, (q . N5,4f Naft"O.'o- The Sne=mCnt a2 :tho- br the r, I ,- , , , " , '- � ,-.'L:�,.;�;,­', "I , �, , 't �.' �,,, 0� Tarnbull a SO= M. 021da; 11d9d ,gdW."JZ) ezo - j,,a:n4wv.1?asz I �,Nfa , "� , d, � h5h..,-d i­4� 4107F "I , '�, , gl I P110 I 1,0' jo� �,�.,��":I,'�,"",��'�' -Ar-dl VAth .1190ERM&6 ''tto ,f LA, -­ ii,;��,,�-, , - ali =h Paz, 5" , , 1.1'1� Ivals Isupper -Will be anorma atw. to W dum r vgt , , "�.yr,.�.�­,,, .", onlil 80nior, 'm . ,L11, I , �jt . ,� . ­,­ . ,9 - , ", - , �� '�'­,-�.' . . . 911d. W ,Mldba: 4 I , ar dy� 1, E, ­ , I 1. I " t3 A 1� .1 , ­ ��,,� . . . . . . ,�,!�, ­', , ," ,o ,!,, - ,, ��,,� ,��I, ­ ­, ,,., 1, , � . � , I � : 1,-.�� I � . � , I , . , , 111�1 ­��, I . I'll. I '11�.�, ., . . . I , I 11, �,,,�,��, I., I , " ,,, 1� " lr��1�1,1! - , 11�'�' "I I I': � i .� I . " J� �111� . '�'�' " - �, 11,111 -`�' ) "', 1, 1-1- - I, 1, 16, "�.�"I".,�,�",,��l,.""�"'I" - 1 � 1� t, .1 ` ��,,'�;" , I , � - ,