HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1929-10-04, Page 81.,
1 ;!
i11", I
BICE -Good quality
1: ed; 4 pounds .............. 25C
I eLAREN'S OLIVES --321/ oz. (0�
11 (bottle for ��'�
house, a good well, stable can be used as
fowl Supper will be served the fol- garage, hen house, large garden. Telephone,
The best value We think we ever
lowing Monday evening. Iso r 21. Apply to Mrs, W. Oliver, Main
C street, Egmondv'idle. 3224x3
7� n o
D. Hutch}. a,00{rn
D. ``411L111
forth Prize List published In last ermined by our well known and painstaking
spec lolls t, Mr- Hughaon, formerly optical en
Expositor, Henry Morgan
LS c 1511 illi
Dale won first prize for filly or geld- oft coming tth. You are assured
of the best opticall wwarork to be obtained and
also mannish styles.
a , f
•f t+ a � �,l
•r 'h g
shown in the judge's book, from which late styles of mountings. The best make
:� t i"A
"�t�� ' tb� �. �� Toronto, uncle Gt$'
P i a ,
"� � 1 tk' who w
�� e. & ria. a1JVQ
9aa ,laic 'by laer father, was lovely
. 'I i, I , ` ' 1n 'a 1''reii &h ensemble of raze biege
l 't ho sane n
I 11 4:,,,; ,,,:,., with s point lace 'and, fringe, and
11 3Q
p >a
y K e car ted Asa �raua barlelazet of Premier
ii WwAaws An Cuured Meats has 1 roses and Njby's ,breath. Her only
' '1 ` :, . V s, d Tray a go od bug nsargin, aanaIl ornameaut wws tlhe graam's gifts:, a
,� g qvQ uunozo.. aundl;merr,l eatisfied cans- They will Bart in the hawse earl and amethyst bar pin, A Paris -
when cool weather comes. Fate p
�r 1 , i �,, , w, V1 st=4 Breakfast Bacon, ian handkerchief sus also used, which
1, �t-� IP a:fua, pea -mewled Back, Cot- have a full line of Fly Killer completed the bridal costume. After
r 1' 1 11>� Rolled] Shoulders, Picnic t in stock. - FLY TOK, FLY the ceremony a, reception
"rap im®tln fresh and canreal �, KI1L, FLIT WIIEI'IZ SAPHO,
, y Alliott was held at
c the brides home, where the newly
'`y,11 Sauaagass, VJefiners, Clnaeaas etc• married couple received congratula-
r , la! �'
,41, Cooked] Hams, Me., which we « ]dandy little hand pumps for tions, among which were several tele -
'R at close Lmntiaes. grams. A dainty wedding luncheon
r „d spraying, LSc.
1„ i. 2Rr'OKEX ''BIS ITS --3 Ms. _ " .25c ; was served, the 'dining' room trim-
`rte shrive abo t Saturday. SPECIAL TnII]fS 11J1ElEK rings being mauve and white. Later
c'" ]>�S'E`-®id, `5c; New, 25c; be- 11 Mr. and Mrs. ,Martin left on a motor
2 Tubes Colgate's Tooth trip to Montreal and Quebec City. For
�d t t. Aides six oth kinds at 30 to 50c : Paste, , ....... , • .50 travelling, the bride donned a pretty
";,u`.TICN CLOT ES LINES �� 1 Colgate's Tooth frock of cocoa brown crepe Romaine
°� ])]Land made, special; 30 feet Brush ,50 brown basket weave vella bloom coat
a �J trimmed with fox paw fur, and small
'lava,,!, ]Per dozen �Il.00 'baten hat, shoe and matching acces-
� ' BAKER'S COCOANUT series.
Xlr Fresh stock, pound ........ ��� You get the outfit ior... 5Oa
S LY 'CATCHERS and KILLERS- Wanted, -Situation for young man, ase 17
i}lf ]Fly Tax, Whiz, Wilson's Fly Pads, �' 9S ?� �e�A year . Apply at The Mcgositor aDffice-
Tanglefoot, Fly Catchers, zapho ?l s225x1
A1LNUTS-Fresh bright 1Pi® Social.—The Philxthea Cdeas of North
- g',�� The Reirall Drug Stare Side United Church will hold a pie social in
i+,.�• '' quarters; pound ..... the near future. Watch for further particu-
` 0X0 CORDIAL --6 ounce bottles 50c. IPffi®N1E 28 SIEAFORTIHI lars.
.A: teaspoonful to a clip of hot wa- ]Lost.—Recently, a sliver wire bar brooch
K ,- ter makes a splendid beef to
with brrown stone in centre, also some months
" ago a gold safety pin brooch with a circle
DRIED PEAS -one satchel, 10 cents,
M,,., -^.__ _ ___ of small torououststonese anset in a heavy gold
e ual to 1 v- cans of peas. rim 'Finder leave at The Expositor Office.
CANNED PEAS -1'r, ... - ...... 10e
Anniversary Services.—Anniversary 3225-1
services will be held at North Side (Property For sale. -r, good frame house, 7
BICE -Good quality
1: ed; 4 pounds .............. 25C
United Church, Se'aforth, on Sunday, _gym+ with kitchen and woodshed attached;
November 17th. The usual annual ""'r' , "ghts, furnace, soft water in the
I eLAREN'S OLIVES --321/ oz. (0�
11 (bottle for ��'�
house, a good well, stable can be used as
fowl Supper will be served the fol- garage, hen house, large garden. Telephone,
The best value We think we ever
lowing Monday evening. Iso r 21. Apply to Mrs, W. Oliver, Main
C street, Egmondv'idle. 3224x3
Fair ]List Correction.—In the Sea- Special optical Notice.—Have your eyes ex-
7� n o
D. Hutch}. a,00{rn
D. ``411L111
forth Prize List published In last ermined by our well known and painstaking
spec lolls t, Mr- Hughaon, formerly optical en
Expositor, Henry Morgan
LS c 1511 illi
Week's an error occurred pert for Kents, Toronto, and
in the roadster class. \'Ir. George T. g Co., Montreal; 30 yearn' experience, 19
Phone1Phor 1Phood-166
Dale won first prize for filly or geld- oft coming tth. You are assured
of the best opticall wwarork to be obtained and
also mannish styles.
ing two years old, not third prize as at very moderate cost. We furn sh all the
shown in the judge's book, from which late styles of mountings. The best make
_ _ __
the list was copied, of the best makers and our prices are from
$4.00 up, Two days only—Tuesday and Wed-
%' i�
nesday, Octuber 15th and 16th. Close Wed-
The Mansion. -"The Mansion," by nesday at 4 p.m. Curve early. Beattie's Fair,
lei s
Van Dyke, will be presented by Miss Seaforth- 3225-2
T. M. Siegel in North Side United "
Church on Sunday evening, October Announcement.—The following an -
Lc tiff
6th, at the regular church service. nouncement was taken from the Far -
IS &4
"The Mansion" has an inspiring and go Forum, of Fargo, North Dakota:
of quality that gill win your
thought- provoking message for all.
"Mr, and Mrs. J. ,M. Martin, of Fargo,
hearty approval the minute to
Everybody welcome.
N. D., announce the engagement of
youand inspect them.
their daughter, Thelma, to Mr. W.
Church Notes.—In First Presbyter-
Claude Patterson, of Minneapolis
ian Church on Sunday next, October
Minn., son of Mrs. Jennie Patterson
creations at less than or din -
arty prices. Corrine. They will
6th, Rev. I. B. Kaine, the minister,
of 5eaforth, and the late John Pat
Full Fashioned
Tapered Ankle,
� h e s m urtestt
�la� on IFI[olepn°o®�
IE`unll fashioned
Hosiery, Ex. Toe,
will commence a series of sermons on
terson, of Sheldon, N. Dakota, th
Autumn tones.
SUk StockiIllgo.
$ 450 a I aha
$1.95 a Panni
are Here.
WaTm Bed(JIM
O 101 the
"Jesus and the Great Religions of the
marriage to take place October 14th.'
MAKI& TIMS In Fancy Wool Deal Cov-
P�l1 EMO ers we specialize on the cele-
brated ®. V. makes.
]Next time I am r These embody
doom sown H Desi>raMe Quality
World." The first one will be given
—The following was taken from
ancl,' order one Attractive Pa,ttttemm
on Sunday evening, when the sermon
the Globe of Saturday, September 28:
kets. Main IPa,stteIl Colors `
subject will be "Jesus and Buddhism."
"Mr. and Mrs. Alexander McKean, o
Communion services will be held pn
Hamilton, announce the engagement
A. Knechtel, Burlington; Miss J. their great-grandmother, Mrs. J. H
Sunday morning.
of their daughter, Mary Agnes, to Mr.
Order one of our fine Roasts,
Martin, ,Middleport; Rev. G. A. Mr- friends of Dr. Charles Mackay wil
Alex. Gordon, of Winnipeg, son of th
ilSoast Beef, Roast Lamb, Roast
1Eghnondville.-Miss Sadie Howatt,
]ate Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gordon', o
, Veal, etc. You will find our
of Tuckersmith, was tendered a mis-
Hamilton, the marriage to take Alae
meats are meats of quality, and
cellaneous shower at the home of Mr.
quietly the second week in October."
�d2 you have guests they will praise
and Mrs. W. C. Govenlock, on Wed-
.___< ---
Four selection as well as the way
nes'day evening, when the choir of
Golf: A very successful and en
Rt is prepared and served.
which she is a valued member Pres-
joyable golf tournament was held o
Lions Park on Wednesday evening of word recently that he had ,been grant
ented her with a number of pretty
the course of the Seafarth Golf an
(��®o ��,����
and useful gifts. Choir practise was
Country Club on Saturday afternoon
Lucknow and Wingham during the his nephew, Mr. W. R. Plant. -, Kr.
held anis following this, games and
last, Prizes were awarded for th
j�Il111vr STREET - S1EAlFO]fBTIH[
contests were played. :Miss Howatt is
a bride -elect of this week.
lowest net score with a handicap o
Marys, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, while Mrs. Sykes is spending the re -
John Cummings over the week ends. mainder of her holidays here.--Rool-
20 and under, and for the lowest ne
McKillop W. M. S. -The YlcIiillop
score with a handicap of 20 and over
Branch of the United Church W.M.S.
with two, sealed hole prizes in each
event- This was followed by a tw
met on September 30th, at
ball mixed foresome with four prize
NAM SPRIM MpEAY �o ��l I?17
the Parsonage. About thirty ladies
for the lowest net scores, and fou_
lull\\�1 I�jI�(1�.'II�
were present. Part the afternoon
was spent in sewing, after which the
prizes for the sealed hole. The priz
Lt !1 llut�JJ/tyJ ult InniltvvliiiluultSl
meeting wasopened, Mrs. Dale pre-
"inners were: of 20 an
under, 1st, I -an McLean, score 30; 2nd
Miss Theresa M. Sly el"S
siding. The Bible lesson was read by
Mrs. Dale, and a paper on Missions
Gordon Rennie, score 32; sealed hole
W. Manning
by Mrs. Sparks. There was a solo by
W. Southgate; 2nd,
handicap 20 and over, 1st, L. Jack
lStecital of Black Thunder—an Outlaw
'_Miss Ruth Thompson; Mrs. McDer-
con, 29; 2nd, W. Sutherland, 34; seal
Morse, one selection in her
mid read a chapter from "Drums in
ed hole, A. McLean; 2nd, W. Fines
Varied Programme,
the Darkness," and ]Misses Helen Lane
and Eleanor Burrows
Mixed foursome, Mass Norma Jeffrey
gave a piano
and R. M. Jones, 44; Mrs. R. IVIcKen
This dramatic and humorous pro-
duet. Mrs. Lane' closed with prayer.
zie and W. Sutherland, 46; Miss Eliz
�ti same, assisted by local numbers, is
The collection amounted to$10.25.
abeth McLean and O. Neil, 49; Miss
under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid
was served and a pleasant half
McTaggart and W. Hinks, 50. Seale
®f North Side United Church.
hour spent. _
hole: Miss Carlin and Dr. Aberhart
Egmmondville Y. P. S. C. E. -The
14; Mrs. E. Bell and G. Rennie, 14,
Q�i�lrrdno's (Opera House
regular meeting of the E,gmopdtvilie
Mrs. Burrows and Ian McLean, 15
Mrs. K. McLean and F. S. Savau'ge
�. P. S. C. E. was held Monday even-
15. During the afternoon the ladies
ing at which 'Rev. Mr. Malcolm occu-
served tea at the club house.
pied the chair. The meeting opened
uv1gunday I�ejRelilling, (OCtoherr 7
by hymns 120 and 196 after which
Rev. ,Mr. Malcolm led in prayer.
Lions Hallowe'en Frolic. -An out
at 8 pan.
Margaret Forrest then recited a poem.
standing event that has lived through
The Scripture lesson was read by
out the year in the memory of ou
'adults 40c. Children 25c.
George Black, after which Harold
townsfolk was the Hallowe'en Froli
2. Reserved Seats 50'c.
Jackson favored the audience with a
staged by the Lions Club last Octo
Plan opens October 3rd at Aberhart's
s'olo. A very interesting and helpful
ber in an effort to give the your>Cge
element --and ,older persons, too -lot
° Drug Store.
topic was taken by Rev. Mr. Malcolm.
The orchestra then p4ayed a selection
of fun, together with lively entertain
and after a few minutes of intermis-
ment. The success of that frolic has
sion the meeting closed by hymn 47
caused 'the Club to decide to bald
and the 1Mizpah Benediction"
similar event on Hallow'e'en night
Thursday, October 31st. The Club h
Rebekah Lodge_ A special meeting
pledged itself to go into the thin
of the Rebekah Lodge was held on
wholeheartedly, and every member i
Monday night, September 30th, with
ready to do his "bit." This fact sure
the N. G., Sister McKellar, in the
ly is all that is necessary to assure
chair. The lodge was visited by the
-both young and old, that if ,they con
Vice -President, Mrs. Land, of '_North
to the Skating Rink Hallowe'en nigh
1. representing only the best Cann-
Bay, who instructed the lodge in the
they will Ihave enjoyable excitement
adlien, British and American
school of instruction, The N.G. and
for 'a couple of hours at least. Th
her officers have been asked to give
idea is to give the hays and girls
the school of instruction at Stratford
much better time than they would
AM '],:midis off insu>ran effected
on October 29th. At the close of the
have parading the streets and playing
tats the lowest rates, including -
1, Iludlinhg-
meeting Sister H'oggarth, on behalf
pranks, some ,Perhaps of an objection
of the lodge, presented the Vice-Presi-
'able nature. The members of th
dent with a ,beautiful brass comport
Lions Club are 'desirous to have ill
and address. Mrs. Land made a pail-
boys and•vdgirls who live in the counh
'able reply of 'appreciation. After the
try participate in the fun this Frolic
meeting lunch was served and an en-
will provide, therefore, they ask t11
joyable evening was spent by all those
parents to bring them without fail
Further particulars will be given i
.,,' Prompt attention paid to placing
this paper at a later date.
F,. eiaks and adjusting of claims.
Aocideniar-On Thursday afternoon
�s:' business established 50 years,
last 'Mr. Robert Archibald, James
Young People of Northside Unite
:a� guaranteeing good service.
Street, met with a very unfortunate
Church.--.` Was Jesus subject to dif
accident. He upas standing• on a lad-
ficulties slid limitations as other
11 V,oants for Singer SerAag Machine
der, when it moved, and thinking it
men?" This was the question Mr.
was about to fall, he jumped to the
Carl Pinkney took as the subject for
ground. The distance was only a few
his topic at the meeting of the Young
feet, but in some manner he fractur-
Peoplets Society of Ntorblisnde, United
ed his leg above the ankle. He is get-
'Church on Tuesday evening. He usury
ting along nicely, but will be con-
ably discussed and, answered ft in, bile
fined to his home for some time.
affirinraitive, 'baking hial remarks on
-On Saturday morning, Pat, the
the temptation of 'Christ, found in
little daughter of Dr, and Mrs. F. J.
the first eleven verses of the fourth
Bechely, was crossing the Pavement chapter of Matthew. The meeting vras
in front of her home, when she 'eras in charge of Mr. J. A. Westcott, con -
.511 struck and knocked down by a car, venor of the Christian Fellowship de -
the -wheel ,passing over her leg and partment. Prayer was offered by Mr.
fracturing it ,between the levee and ,Hogg and the Scripture lesson was
the ankle. read ,by Miss Ruth Thompson. Miss
+'� G z tC' I t�j7 .C— -r Dorene Hudson, delighted the audibInce
�7 P\ artim-1'1nnechtcal4-A quiet autumn with a reading, "Ildw We Kept
'f/ fl600100Q0 wedding vas Solemnized in Fiat M'oiihetr'.s Biirthdnyr'.nr Wag S�J'aalle
Presbyterian Mu r&4 &=Zwth On F,ando wid Miso ]#dlyZ 'A&rbwn
SM ,titsfus � .� = Saturday, SerptertmbGPu 25th, WUm C--'r�e played, a rpie'ssimv plan* duets. A via -
I' �' *,P � LJj taw. kvr" Elizs;hsth,, YOU1tgaaat dangb -2 of ]fir- ualieed, trip up Tit, It isnier, "V"l�as"iftg-
} rro: anal 1iss. W. 1 . f rrh^ael, ''a�r'sM tP�e t01A, onjoroA, by the yomg yne'ojole
` I bVI& tvf Mo. 111 ra ��u�lC�fl Imp- ars they, lire inc�1 �� Miro Ar�oimta ]ilsxle
;_, .� ,� . mo_L 'u tc, only coo tots tin. 3=,ft =4 Ser tell 0a4 lit? My, � the to=t thi€1 M=-
l..�hosrifl, n3 1�ial» meet, drbirs 4ss� dl'rPil lte< e-
•-'+' k , t f . ° 0 . di Ict3 QGftnC� "V ,`,� :+W C9i oT er- ti lv , eo, IESrli'i8�`�'ui, ap
�a�u L.� G, : C P� v' u:: Situ s i ret !v"w'
,,,, ,:,5 „..% 2"vd"ti�i� ai� anf �iGlnv tw h"K '��i(4,® ab Jt30I
fi ' ;`','x' t�''.-.;st. '' 't^� lLi�iE,�y "3L"...zJ'6 tun' iul°.t' 1, �"1,;r11!IrfC',i,,tti;y C71�u.idldti
1 1
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e 4 "G`• s >�t. ' cDlxi o1. 'e -"a .
1R lrn e )r'R
E1 '� "I I .'
IN 4 4'
Have yon, a good] Book t
read] ail; give tap your friends.
we have a good selection o
titles An Reprint Fiction a
18SOOKS9t'�1U, - - S3AFF
Subscriptions taken for all ma
and papers at publisher's pri
marvelous. beauty of the place
visited. Next wee'k's meeting
necessity will be held on Wedn
e,,vening, when Miss Fennell, o
Collegiate staff, will 'speak to
young geo'ple.
Pringle -]Evans. — Miss Win,
Evans, only daughter of Mr. and
Harry Evan's and Mr. Allan Mo
Pringle were married on Sat
September 213th, in St. Thomas'
can Church, with the rector, R
H. Brawn, officiating. The churc
beautifully decorated with a
flowers and leaves'. The pretty
bride, who was given away b
father, wore a becoming go
white georgette and ivory satin
seed pearl trimming. Her tull
was arranged in a cap with cl
of orange blossoms. She carri
shower bouquet of Sweetheart
lily of the valley and maiden
fern. Her bridesmaid was Miss 1
Crabbe, of Ilamilton, and was g
in pale green taffeta frock with
hat, and carried a sheaf of pin
es. The wedding march was play
Mr. George Clark. A reception
•llri e`� parents. Quests were present
To eafo
f an, S agtla Woodstock,
, s�t4 ]�,
ax]d 1B�$;pio. dilli massy.' I +Qqd,- wishes,
. and Mrs. Pringle le o m for
F��• �left, $1• a 4
trip, after Vbich they will, rp'side in
Seal'orth. Thp bride's travelling cos-
tume was blue crepe de chane with
travel coat of brown trimmed with
® sable collar and matching shoes and
f hat..
t Presbyterian Church Young People's
Society—The weekly meeting of the
Young People of First Presbyterian
9 Church was •held on Tuesday evening
with a good attendance of young peo-
ple and members of the congregation.
®�,�� The meeting opened with 'a hymn and
was led in prayer by Rev. I-' B. Kaine,
maga Miss 'Ruby McRae, the secretary, read.
ceg• the minutes of the previous meeting;
which were adopted as read. Miss
Norma Hallki'rk played "'Minuet in
s she G" an the violin], ameompanied by
Miss Margaret McLellan. A Musical
of a contelst was enjoyed, Miss F. Beattie
esday playing the airs of several numbers.
f the Mr. James' Stewart won the prize. The
the one outstanding feature of the even-
ing was an address given by Mr. A.
B. Farmer, of the Collegiate Institute
staff, who spoke on "Education and
Mrs. Vocation,"' and was most interesting.
rrison The meeting closed with a hymn and
arday, the Mizpah Benediction.
Angli -
ev. T. Huron PresbyterizD. - The annual
h was gathering of the Women's Missionary
Society Conference of Huron Presby -
young terial was held in Egmondville Unit-
y her ed Church on Septembelr 26th" The
wn of chair was occupied by the vice-presi-
with dent, Mrs. W. 'P. Lane, of Seaforth.
e veil The delegates were welcomed by Mrs.
usters Malcolm and Mrs. Britton, of Con-
ed a stance, responded, Fourteen auxiliar-
roses, ies answered the roll call with reports
hair of progress, which were most satis-
'hylli6 factory and indicated their determin-
owned ation to come up to their allocation.
black A very 'pleasin'g duet by Miss Fitz -
k ros- simmons and .Mrs. Corliss was given,
ed by of Wesley -Willis, which was followed
was by the roll call of the Young Women's
Auxiliaries, Circles and ,C. G. I. T.
Groups. Mrs. Doan and Mrs. Johnson
were made members -of the resolution
Al committee, and Mrs. Tyreman and
+� 'WEEK Mrs. !McKinley of the nominating com-
mittee . The literature table was in
Thrills, Its Humanness Magnitude,
charge of Miss Southeott. Rev, Mr.
1*1 Malcom closed the session with
prayer, after which the members ad -
e i &':,, wI . ` journed to the basement for luncheon
' : provided by the ladies. The afternoon
m session was presided over by Mrs.
Mallard. Duff's Church Auxiliary con-
t e� ducted the opening exercises. ,Miss
t) 11 ;'' Paelthorpe, a returned missionary
f has gown straight and true
e the category of
If you haven't already seen it
n those who have?
8.15 p.m_Saturday 7.15 and 9.3
f XCE IlM1�S
s Come in the afternoon if pos
Maftee 15 and 10 cents
Evenings 25 and 15 cents
Monday, Tuesday and Wedn
Sealed '<
TOT schod DE73
r We invite you to look over,
display. We would like a a
of your trade. We guars
satisfaction or money back.
carry �a�jjc®(m complete jjli jn�e.
s speed t'�clg ad Bags, a
g Bc�Me9s � � 5
Bow G®a Eacke A
a The Ladies of the Bowling
are having a Euchre and
in the G. W. V. A. ROOMS
e at 6.15, sharp
- There will be a lucky nn
,prize givers out among the
e 100 guests. So ,be there ser
n This R8 Your Invitation.
Admission Fee, 50 cents
,,.�?,��rt��'l,��,,���,,�'�,��,."�,�,�'I'���l."''"""', , o� , � , -
� `� ,,, 1�, , ,, 3,��.;-;., ...,��,�!,; -- " .'', ,
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wgi,q Oct 9fia
StFatLrick90 H
Co==eMdMff 6 to.m.
An�'7 /111 HOX We
CPmitild>rem Qe>rv.&T n2 �earrojl'
�4 IAV. L. Raff
� ; l',C'lil' e
from Korea, gave a very enlightening
address. Some of the important points
into were as follows: Work among the
country women, enlarged fellowship
RES of the United Church, work in Korea,
the house disadvantage in Korea,
, ask Korea looking forward to church un-
ion, the distinction between leen and
women, the W. M. S. work among
0 p.m. women, its importance. Miss Jeanette
Finnigan sang to very fine solo, ac-
companied by Miss Smith. Mrs. R.
E. McKenzie, stewardship secretary,
stressed the necessity of a liberal re-
sponse and .the gathering in of neW
members. The most liberal givers, she
Bible. said, were those who had the least to
give. Out of the 50,000 women in the
. London Conference Committee, only
. 15,000 are associated with the W.M.S.
and 31 per cent. only of the Women
Presbyterial. A paper, "Over Against
esday the Treasury," was given by Mr's.
Weir. ,Mrs. Sco'bie presided during the
roll call of the Mission Bands and
baby bands, and gave 'many sugges-
tions. Mrs. Doan :brought loving
" greetings from Mrs. Shane, a former
pastor's wife, who has been an in-
•r--� ,valid for some years. It was suggest-
ed by the ladies that a message of
hope and cheer be sent to Mrs. Shaw.
An invitation to hold the next annual
-- meeting in Constance was accepted.
o It- was decided to send a delegate to
la %a the branch conference from Varna
Auxiliary. The closing words were
given by Mrs. Mollard, of Exeter,
"We should be ready to sacrifice i
order to promate missionary work."
oulr ]Local Briefs -Mr. John McKenzie,
mare of Tuckersmith, has purchased the
,tee mill at the station from the Thomson
We estate, and is now in possession. -
Mr. W. -A. Crich is in Toronto this
an�� week attending the annual convention
((�� of the Ontario Bread and Cake Bak-
ers, err, Association.—Rev.
T. H. Brawn
and Mrs. Brown are spending two
Ionweeks' vacation in Toronto. — Mr.
Hugh Daividson, of .Knox College, To-
ronto, was a week end guest at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Merton Reid.
-Mr. Robert ,Coates, of London, is a
guest at the 'home of Mr, and Mrs.
�aw W. Ament.-IMi'ss Greta Fvoss has ac-
cepted a position on the staff of the
Club Weston public school and left on
IN Monday to assume her new duties.-
, on Mr. A. Y. McLean left on Monday to
attend Toronto University. - Miss
Atth Rossie Elder, who Play been in British
Columbia for the past three months,
has returned home. Mass ]Elder also
m� spent some time in Alberta and the
fnrist o'the'r Western Provinces. -Mr. and
rfly. Mrs. John Sclater and family and
Mrs. William Sclater were in Galt
over the week end. - The many
friends of Mr. Henry' Forsyth, who is
still in the Seaforth Hospital, will be
MUSIIC glad to know that be is improving
fast and will soon be able to be mov-
ed to his home. -Guests at the par-
sonage in Egmondville over the week
end were Mrs. James Malcolm, of
Markham, and Mrs. Malcolm and Miss
Malcolm, of Toronto. -Mrs. Thomas
p 'Rands, who has been visiting her bro-
ther in North Dakota, for several
months, returned home on Friday
last. --Mr. Wes. Nott attended the
Woodbine races in Toronto last weak.
• -•(Messrs. Jack Reid, Alvin Grandy
Ha �Il and James Peviitt spent the week end
in Alsia Craig. -Miss Maybe'lle Rands
is visiting friends in Guelph.-+M'rs. F.
G. Livingston, of 'Detroit, spent hast
week with Senforth friends. -Mrs. S.
Slhannon, of Winthrop, underwent a
Serious 'operation in Clinton Hospital
last wook, but her many friends will
eve Tse pleased to •lcn0•q that she is re-
caereuing 'nicely. --Mr. Allan Stone and
two dhdlduren, of Norwich, ppelit the
11 , .1 .11
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Appar, ,
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11, ..
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Of handsome ftabr ieg, tallorr-
ed along beautiful l limes,
superbly trimmed with fur,
also mannish styles.
lei s
New Dresses wntha a da inti-
ness of design and excellence
IS &4
of quality that gill win your
A tide
hearty approval the minute to
youli -VAR
youand inspect them.
Fashion's best and newest .
creations at less than or din -
arty prices. Corrine. They will
please you..
Full Fashioned
Tapered Ankle,
� h e s m urtestt
�la� on IFI[olepn°o®�
IE`unll fashioned
Hosiery, Ex. Toe,
-Silk JH(oleproof
Autumn tones.
SUk StockiIllgo.
$ 450 a I aha
$1.95 a Panni
are Here.
WaTm Bed(JIM
O 101 the
MAKI& TIMS In Fancy Wool Deal Cov-
P�l1 EMO ers we specialize on the cele-
brated ®. V. makes.
]Next time I am r These embody
doom sown H Desi>raMe Quality
will call at Mae- Lasting Satisfaction
Tavish's Stone .
ancl,' order one Attractive Pa,ttttemm
err aerates ®. �T. Beaunttifun CoRorrs
all wool Blan-
kets. Main IPa,stteIl Colors `
I our-Cdorr CO1ta bina�ttiow
Be sure you at least
See these Beautiful Price IP®pulla:rentty
Pure 1�1�Tool Blankets $5.95 to $8.85
J. M 061b
A. Knechtel, Burlington; Miss J. their great-grandmother, Mrs. J. H
Knechtel, Meaford; Miss W. Bickett, Broadfoot.-Miss Helen Young ani
Brantford; Miss J. Roadhouse, Strat- 'Miss Elizabeth McLean spent a fee,
ford; (Mrs: J. Snyder, 'Clinton; Mrs. days in Toronto this week. -The mang
Martin, ,Middleport; Rev. G. A. Mr- friends of Dr. Charles Mackay wil
Lean, Mrs. McLean and Mrs. Mercer, be 'very �g'lad to learn that he is mak'
of Toronto. -Mr. William Archibald, ing a d'ery satisfactory recovery ai
of Tuckersmith, who won the county the Western Hospital, Toronto. Rfi
scholarship, left last week to take a sister, ,Miss M. W. Mackay, who hat
course at the Geulph Agricultural been in Toronto with him, spent Tues,
College -Miss Mabel Turnbull left: day at her home here. She was ac.
on Thursday for Toronto where she comlpanie(q by Miss Redmond. -Mr
will ,visit her sister, Mrs. J. R. 'Hills. and Mrs. Reg. Reid, of Stratford
Before returning home she will visit spent the week end in town. -Mr. anc
with friends in Huntsville and also Mrs. T. Swan Smith returned homer
attend the Keliock-Forsyth wedding , Sunday from a very pleasant motoi
in Severn' Bridge, -Dr, and Mrs.Coup- trip to Montreal. Mr. Jack Archi•
land were the week end ,guests of Mr. bald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willian
land Mrs. Andrew Oke, Royal Apart- Archibald, of Tuckersmith, who chat
ments'-]]Miss Margaret IChifttendeny been acting as an insurance actuary
of Toronto, spent the week end with at Toronto, has secured an excellent
relatives here. -The C�G.I.T_ arid the and very remunerative (position ft
Tuxis boys, of First Presbyterian New York, and left last week for
Church, held a Weiner roast at the that city. -Mr. W. T. Laing receives
Lions Park on Wednesday evening of word recently that he had ,been grant
this week. -Miss Belle Jackson has ed his B.A. degree specializing h
returned to her home in Egmovldville mathematics and physics, f r o n
after spending several weeks with Queen's University, Kingston. -Hr
friends in (Detroit.-IMr. and Mrs. An- A. Beattie, of Prince Rupert, B. C.
drew Kirk visited with friends in spent the 'meek end at the home of
Lucknow and Wingham during the his nephew, Mr. W. R. Plant. -, Kr.
past week.=-tMr. and Mrs. McNeil and and Mrs. Reg. 'Sykes, of Skelton ,
Mr. and Mrs. Higgins and Miss Ferrol Washington, who have been spendinE
Higgins visited with Mr. and Mrs. their holidays in Detroit and Sea -
Andrew Oke over -Sunday--Mr. and forth, were here- over the week end!
Mrs. John Mills and Mrs. Long, of St. Mr. Sykes returning on T3hursdas7:
Marys, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, while Mrs. Sykes is spending the re -
John Cummings over the week ends. mainder of her holidays here.--Rool-
-Miss Kathleen Morton, of fflamil- dent hunting licenses may be obtain -
ton, and M6ss ,Peggy M'cArter, of ed from the Postmaster at the. Fool
Guelph, are 'guests at the home of Of&e.
; r e'Dependable
0, MQ� 9i�,20 ®g,M&�p�
0111.120 coed
NAM SPRIM MpEAY �o ��l I?17
OLVEIR-F&mFL08Di98c&ULs PgrBbQ11gkP1,eS4ftJC0e
ro Milled from eel acted H wd Hero iii g, flour specially mffl-
Irprrinig Wheat. Ume it in y.%W 00i to Make " Good 3P�,stmy:"
favorite Recipes ands an,are I It o®eLa no more than other
mun>r°el of anceem in all. $l®urP.
�;I: _
�!11 l'Il b
wisdl end Pyre. (Mrs. Stone, r0ho hat
bee's!, TYiell her siober, 1lb rn. Srmr�tmVom, V�v�i d L9 l� 9 Z � GMAC •N � Oe
flan Oli la, :rafturnedl 'Mith *gum.--P>lm. tl o,' o
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