HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1929-09-27, Page 8ens inn Cured Meats has y a gond big imnargin, and nacre and more satisfied cuss We stuck Breakfast Bacon, -noun Flea -/sheared Back, Cots nil's, Rolled Shoulders, Picnic (both fresh and cured ), agn , Sausages, Weiners, Cheese rte, Cooksed Hams, ms, ]Etc., which we ta5ldille at chose prices. MOi N BISCUITS -3 tbs.....25c To arrive about Saturday. .ClBlEiESE-Old, 35c; New, 25c; be- sides six other kinds at 30 to 50c LEN CLOTHES LINES Hand made, special; 30 feet 25c SPRING CLOTHES PINS f Per dozen ii��JJ BAKER'S COCOANUT 25c Fresh stock, pound 1?iIEX ,CATCHERS and KILLERS - Fly Tox, Whiz, Wilson's Fly Pads, Tnnglefoot, Fly Catchers, Zapho WALNUTS -Fresh height iEac quarters; pound OXO CORDIAL -6 ounce bottles 50c. A teaspoonful to a cup of hot wa- ter makes a splendid beef tea. DRIED PEAS -One satchel, 10 cents, equal to 11/2 cans of peas. CANNED PEAS -1's 10c ICE-Goodquality unpolish- can ed; 4 pounds C� IyffcLAREN'S OLIVES -321/2 ozsj Col•,c Crottle for The best value we think we ever had. ENJEit N RZIPOSIENDE Paurriuvr atATZ1848S I'. F. l ll © i Phone Thos. Pho®d-168 1 Th'OR SUNDAY DINNER Order one of our fine Roasts, Roast Beef, Roast Lamb, Roast Veal, etc. You will find our fnments are meats of quality, and a you have guests they will praise your selection as well as the way Ilt ie prepared and served. Geo. CUM= CSAII�J ST]i8R E:T - SIEAFOIBTIHI PHONE 58 ID 9�S ,1111 Miss Thlrleresa M. Siegell's (Recital of Black Thunder -an Outlaw Horse, one selection in her Varied Programme. This dramatic and humorous pro- gramme, assisted by local numbers, is under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid eef North Side United Church. -in- cCarrdln®9s Opera House ky, ]Eve g, October 7 at 8 pen. A.dnits 40c. Children 25e. Reserved Seats 50c. ilnan opens October 3rd at Aberhart's Drug Store. WZIPCIE FOR POSVIPIEIRS They will get in the house when cool weather comes. We have a full line of Fly Killer in stock. - FLY TOX, FLY FLIT, WHIZ, SAPHO, etc. Handy little hand pumps for spraying, 25c. SPECIAL Tli(IIS WEEK 2 Tubes Colgate's Tooth Paste, .50 1 Colgate's Tooth Brush .50 $1.00 You get the outfit for50c ke1ih11?;9s hammy y The Eexall Drug Store PHONE 28 S]EAFOETI1I basement of the church on V des: - day evening of this week. Assam McRae presided over an encellent pre, gramme, which included hymn, prayer, Rev. I. 18. (Heine; instrumental, Miss K. Storey; reading, Mrs. Raine; solo, Miss Anna Edmonds; reading, Miss Jean Smith; coitmunity singing. A nominating committee was appointed and their report was adopted by the meeting. The officers for 1929-30 will be: Honorary president, Rev. L 18. Kaine; president, Angus McRae; vice- presidents, Miss M. Grieve, Mr. D. Day, Miss M. P. Patterson, Mrs. Mer- ton Reid, Miss Trout; secretary, Ruby McRae; treasurer, R. Walters; pianist, Miss F. Beattie; assistant, Miss K. Storey. At the conclusion of the busi- ness, an excellent lunch was served, followed by community singing led by Mr. Kaine. Announcement -Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Howatt announce the engagement of their younger daughter, Sadie Evelyn, to Mr. Hugh Mure Chesney, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Chesney, the marriage to take place quietly in October. WAUS®iv iiia SIFaAFORTE, ONT. fly SEAL ([NSUi ANCE AGENTO TOpremennting only the hest Con - einem, i:;ritish a n d American Connnpaaniea. LIE Mode of inns®mince effected at the lowent rates, inacludlinB- :GdP3r , Lite le, ACCIDENT, AUTiO- "O1e1LE, TORNADO AND PLATE GLASS RISKS -Also-- fin' ,Ill I;;ISTATE and LOAN AGIENT8 ne mnpt attention paid to placing 2k1c and adjusting of clainan. Mud -nese established 50 ysaara, ranteeing good service. Returning 0 vers Appointed. -An- nouncement has been made of the ap- pointment of Returning Officers for the election on October 30th: South Huron -Fred G. Ford, Clinton; elec- tion clerk, Robert Higgins, Hensall; North Huron -A. J. Goldthorpe, Goele- rich, R. R. No. 4. arianfa far Singer Secwl>mg Mees dese Company. OFFICE PHONE, 33 W RESIDENCE PHONE, 83,7 M Cada etaarpaano $7,600,000 es iarit7 ITi1 and strum/ aro ifs atm Vain iDo%nztenrt Synnnpathy Extended. -The deepest sympathy of the community goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell, of McKillop, in the death of their infant son, Gordon Wilson, on September 18, after a short illness. The funeral took place on Friday, September 20th from his father's residence, to the Maitlandbank Cemetery, where the remains were interred in the family plot. Famished Rooms to let. Apply to J. B. Henderson. 8223x2 Water a;ueran teed. -Persons wanting a good supply of water from a drilled well should see the undersigned. All oontracts on no water, no pay basis. W. D. Hopper, Sea - forth. Phone 216. 8221x4 Women's Institute. - The October meeting of the Women's Institute will be held on Friday, October 4th, at the home of Miss Mary Papple, at 3 p.m. A very good programme is being pro- vided. All the girls are asked to please hand in their quilt blocks as the committee in charge are waiting to finish the quilt. Don't forget your flour sack articles, which are to be handed in at this meeting also. Man Wanted. -A first class man to work on my farm in Tuckersmith township, near Kippen, for the fall and winter months. Ap ply to W. M. Doig, L.L.B., Port Huron, Michigan, Kui11 Block. phone 1616, or Kippen, Ontario, R. R. No. 2, phone 20 0 93. 3223- Golff.-A golf tournament will be held on the links of the Seaforth Golf and Country Club on Saturday after- noon of this week, when prizes will be given for the best score made by men with a handicap under 20 and over 20 and a sealed hole prize. At 3 p.m. there will be a mixed four- some for which prizes will be award- ed, and there will also be a sealed hole prize in this event. One of the interesting features of the afternoon will be a display at the club house of all the trophies, cups and replicas won by members of the club during the past two years. Property For Sale. -A good frame house, 9 rooms with kitchen and woodshed attached. electric Iighta, furnace. soft water in th house, a good well, stable Clan be used as garage, hen house, large garden. Telephone 160 r 21. Apply to Mrs. W. Oliver, Mair Street, Egmondvi11e. 3.224x: Won Fifty Dollar Prize. -While at tending the London Fair recently Mayor Golding made out a coupon i a guessing contest conducted by A Carey & Sons, Westinghouse distribu tors for radios in that city. The con test was to guess the number of sta tions that could be logged on a West inghouse Consolaire style 89 radio se during a three-hour period. His vor ship filled in the coupon all right an promptly forgot all about it. Cons quently he was very much surprise to learn over a week later that h had been the winner of the fourt prize, carrying with it a $50 credit. see Local Briefs. -Judge J. A. Jackso of Lethbridge, spent the week end the home of his sister, Miss Jacks() in Egmondville.-Mrs. Cruickshank o Ottawa, the Misses Margaret an Ernestine White, of Kincardine, an Mr. Gibson White, who has bee spending the summer in the nort country, were week end guests at th home of Mrs. E. White. -Mr. and Mr J. T. Scott and two sons, of Win sor, spent the week end at the hom of Mr. John Scott, Rcoeboro. Mr Scott rendered a beautiful solo at t morning service in First Presbyte ian Church on Sunday. -Mr. and Mr Thomas Allen, Mr. George Allen a Miss Jane Allen of Toronto, we week end guests at the home of t Misses Young. -Mrs. Mulligan, Grand Forks, N. D., and her mothe Mrs. Thomas McQuaid, of town, a spending this week in Toronto at t home of Miss McQuaid's sister, Mr McConnell, whose husband pass away last week. -Mrs. T. G. Scott h returned from Chicago where s spent several weeks at the home her son. -Mr. John Robb, of Detroi spent the week end with his broth and sister, Miss Robb and Mr. Jam Robb. Many old Seaforth friers were glad to see him again. -Mr. a Mrs. Charles Clark, of Aylmer, spe the week end with Mr. Clark's mothe Mrs. R. L. Clark. -Miss Bess Griev of Chatham, spent the week end the home of her parents in Egmon ville.-Miss Mabel Turnbull delight the congregation of First Presbyte ian Church on Sunday evening wi two well rendered solos.-1Mr. Ra mond Glinski and Mrs. Reginald Syk of Tacoma, Wash., who are spen ing their holidays in Detroit and Se forth, were guests of Mr. and M John Sproat and Mr. and Mrs. G. Dale over the week end. - Mr, a Mrs. P. Calder, of St. Catharines, a Miss Mary Hays, of Totonto, spe this week at the parental home of and Mrs. Adam Hays. -Mr. Gallop, the Massey -Harris sales rooms, h moved his family into Mr. S. J Prey's house on Victoria Street.- Glen Smith and Miss Agnes Smith, Toronto, spent Sunday at the home their parents here. - Mr. and Isaac Hudson and family motored Windsor for the week end to' vi their little grandson, Jack Huds who is seriously all. -Mrs. E. Dou las and son, Mr. Jack Douglas, Hyde Park, and Mrs. Johnson a Miss Margaret Johnson were t guests of Mrs. Robert Smith and M J. Patterson this week. -Mr. and M J. F. Montgomery, of Brantford, tended the Eucharistic Congress Wednesday. - Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith left Monday morning on a m or trip to MontreaL-The Misses Cr well are spending this week in Tor to. -Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hays a Miss Lucy Eckert, of Detroit, sp the week end at the homes of tri parents here. -Mr. Hunter, of Tor to, spent Sunday at the home of and Mrs. John L. Smith �M•iss a Jackson, of Thedford, spent the yr end at the home of her parents, and Mrs. L. C. Jackson. -Mise Et Beattie is substituting in the Seafo public school this week for Miss W. Mackay, who is in Toronto t week with her brother, Dr. Mackay s• Mr. Alex. Droadfoot, of Moose J is here this week visiting his moth Mrs. J. H. Breadfoot.. +Mr. and s Walter Grassie, who spent seve weeks with relatives and friends Seaforth and vicinity, returned Saturday to their home in Vancou --Mr. J. J. Cluff was in Toronto t week attending a meeting of the vincial lumber dealers. -Mrs. El Reid and children,, of Stratford, visiting at the bonne of her pare Mr. and Mrs. John Grimoldby-- Misses D. and J. 11 ,cGeg'echy, of x troit, spent several days with th aunt, Mra. Ellen Murray.--Mr.rMurray.--Mr.Mrs. William Edwards, orf rigd were calling on Seaforth friends t week.�--Mrs. George E. Lindberg here from Minneapolis visiting brother, Mir, Johan Grimaaoldby, Sof coming hero she had.been visiting ° Chicago, Washington,Atlantic C New '`tont, v iJotntretxl and elfin - Palls. Vim, 41Lintate?s was born Se o b. - Monza, lit .o IkTelas McKillop Holme Helpers. -The Mc- Killop Home .Helpers of First Pres- byterian Church was held on Thurs- day, September 12th, in the school room of the church. Mrs. R. Goven- lock presided. There was a good at- tendance. The meeting opened with singing Hymn 38 and prayer by Mrs. Covenlock. Mrs. J. M. Govenlock read the Scripture lesson. Mrs. Jas. Kerr read an excellent paper on the work in China. Mrs. J. L. Bell read the Glad Tidings prayer. Hymn 552 was sung and the meeting closed by all repeating the Lord's Prayer. The collection amounted to $7.50. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Bell. Egniondville-The regular meeting of the Egmondville Y.P.S.C.E. was held on Monday evening and was in charge of Evalena Nott. The meet- ing opened by Hymns 162 and 289 and the Lord's Prayer was then re- peated in unison. The Scripture les- son was read by Margaret Forrest. and Hymn 270 was then sung. The topic for the evening was very ably taken by Evalena Nott. Miss Jean- nette Finnigan then sang a very pleasing solo. .The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secre- tary and after a few minutes of in- termission, the meeting was closed by Hymn 284 and the Mizpah Benedic- tion. Barbara Kirkman Auniliary.-The September meeting of the Barbar Kirkman Auxiliary was held on Tues- day evening in First Presbyterian Church with a good attendance. The meeting opened with Illy - ma 109, and was followed by the Bible lesson which was led by Miss Edith McKay and re- sponded to by several of the member A prayer for home missions was giv- en by Miss M. P. Patterson. The roll call and minutes of the previqu meeting were read and adopted. The treasurer's report was also read and eon:irmed. Hymn 478 was sung and Mrs. Gibson led in the business dis- cussion when it was decided to hold the meeting on the fourth Wednesday evening of each month. The topic was read by Miss M. P. Patterson. Miss 'Campbell read current events. A solo entitled, "Nearer, Still Nearer," was sung very sweetly by Mrs. Ale Kerr, accompanied by Mins :; ze1 Reid. Miss 3. Steele read two art- icles on World Missions. Than collec- tion was taken end the roti .1, ng clos- ed with Etymn 41x4 and repenting the Lord's Prager in 11111/14121. Young I?eople ]Molal r ,f -tea Yonrn Peoples' et of nen. l o- b�ri'fran Cltnnrreh held a reorganize- tion eofrgsatnizA tion Meeting end normal o tuning in the 1:. W ulainntosa, who has 'lee the 18rc�dfusd wilily in 1 ]lop, was the guest of Miss En on ]Fnis Day. --- Mr• ro&eph sher, of 'reroute, spent Sunday with s aunt, Mrs. A. W. Stobie. - Mr. ' u, n 2 e- at n, d- h' r- nd re he of re he ed as he er es rs. MY. Mns. el, ens- on- ent Mr. Mary eek llel rth aw, ver 1?ro- mer n These ice° Sinn nmol For we, papers Mangy half have the , nue price papering chance papers Sale balance offering at lines `songs j� September Our marked If do, here SEAFORTEI all p°keine, sating H Hs Fti a' as: M w M Wall J prices. H at C. you . C is ai money. f S F S magazines ° prices. g clearing are and to . - taken at publisher's of less. to save - for BOOKSTORE Subscriptions ' and Norman this the a Friday taking Reid, with this her ' consultation ' > terson, 1 • - - - - t - I d e h a n h 5. e s. r, s. t,, !cis nt. e, et d th es C. nd nesSouth e. as of of to sit g- of nd he rs. At- s )t- o Mr. M. h- errs:; in on his De- eir aid enohis his is olear re in Jefferson left for Toronto t week, where •they will enter University. -Mr. Gordon Wright, former Collegiate student, left on s for Guelph, where he intends a four year course. -Mr. E. t of Stratford, spent the week end Mr. and Mrs. John Grimoldby.- Miss Kate Broadfoot is in Hamilton week. --Mrs. E. H. Hodgins, of Kincardine, spent the week end with a mother, Mrs. Robert Winter. -Dr. e Charles Mackay, who has been con- f fined to his home here for the past month, was taken to the Western P Hospital, Toronto, on Tuesday for a e and treatment. -Mr. and p Mrs. H. E. Minett and Mrs. John Pat, t of Toronto, were week end 1 guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1 E. J. ]Box. -Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mc- c Kay, of Niagara Falls, are /visiting at 1 the home of Mr. Adam McKay. -Mrs. O'Brien, Mrs. Glavin, Miss Tess Hef- fernan, Mr. L. Barrie and Mr. Bert a Farmer, of Centralia, and Miss Helen 1 Heffernan, of Well's Academy, Lan- t don, attended the Eucharistic Con- l gress in Seaforth on Wednesday and i while here were the guests of Mr. J. 1 Heffernan and his sister, Miss Hef- 1 fernan. - Mies Ruth Wheeler, of i T 66 the Australia -VV An kangaroo the b6 The of PENCESS NOW . outdoor MARION principal Most Modern BUS romance and DALE and Sensational 'Mmes, ALL (See F(LAY)ING M New cCO in RANGE9D of the boomerang, DOUGLAS AUSTIN Zealand feminine U ' the land of with Girls, in roles. 99 Spectacle be shown NEXT �' page GE will WEEK 1) A vincial TOWN nor date eral tion Prominent dress Thomas J. LLbeIIfl HALL, 2 party SAVE Shillllnnghalw, " ° :om0 Liberals of for Fro - held in the a candi- in the Lib- Elec- will ad- KING." IP'r�ceese Convention Huron, purposes, at the purpose to contest interests on October the meeting. "GOD M. Govelrnllock, of the as constituted will be IFIIIENSAUS o'clock p.un. of selecting the Riding at the Provincial 30th. speakers THE Secretary. Schoo We invite display. of your satisfaction carry Specs B F We tri a complete Saw es 8 L,. Soled you see. or A1F0 Emp Biz n lien over our a chars guarantee back. We 2.2k Sign TIE to would money Chap look like We line. 3E it 11 i I �: �Le The Ladies' Presbyterian lung a Home SATURDAY, im the /acant iter As of Salle Alri'1 willaMr/C-11arrl=4ft6>.tdm. Cv" Ia Ne of 'First are hay - Salle, aim IDPJ,B 'll8 2 l , two raolanDTO ialrxike e ma. `I A Aid Society Chnnrcla, Cooking S>1 store, Mr. Iter disuse at 8 ts100l`3 Mrs. Milton Chesney and Mrs. G, Chesney, of Toronto, spent the eek end with friends here. ---Mr. and rs. John Boehler, Mr. and Mrs. ick Boehler and Mrs. Calhoun, of amilton, spent Sunday with Mr. Jas. arlin and his sister, Miss Dolly arlin -Mr. and Mrs., R. 0. Parke nd family spent the week end with riends in Orangeville. -Mr. W. M. tewar••t has leased the rooms over I.VIr. red Wligg's store and will move there portly �1Vir. Frank Allen, Jr., of St. Marys, rendered Millard's "Ave Verum" at the mass of the Eucharistic Congress held at St. James' Church n Wednesday morning, and also as • fisted the choir at the closing services the evening. Mr. Allen was the uest of•Mrs. F. Devereaux while in own. -Mr. Leonard McCormick, of Toronto, was a /guest at the home of Mr. Jaynes Carlin during the week- Mr. Fred Huisser and Mrs. M. Hodg- on and family mptored to Toronto and visited relatives and friends oven• he week end. DUBLIN Notes -Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Bern nd boys, of London, spent the week nd with friends in the village. --The ollowing girls are attending Normal t Stratford: Misses Florence Smith, dargaret Jordan, Annie Ryan, Marg- ret O'Rourke and Marie Murray. - dr. and Mrs. Lyall Jordan, of Toren - o, spent the week end at the home of Jtr. and Mrs. James Jordan. - Mr. ergus Maloney, of Buffalo, is hole laying with his mother, Mrs. 17 Maloney. The Late Mrs. C. McDaid. -On Sun - ay afternoon Mrs. Charles McDaid, If Kitchener, died after a short sick- ness of pneumonia. Deceased is a daughter of Mrs. Thomas Burns and lad lived in the village up until about our years age. On Monday after - loon the body was brought to her nother's home and on Tuesday morn - ng the funeral was held at 9 o'clock rt St. Patrick's Church, where High Ytass was sung by Rev. Father D'Drouski, burial being made in St. Patrick's cemetery. Besides her sor- owing husband, four little children ire left to mourn the loss of a dear ood mother. Her mother, Mrs. Thos. Burns, four brothent , Mac, at home; Phomas, in the West; Pat, of Detroit; John, in McKillop; two sisters, Mrs. William Flanagan, of McKillop, 'and firs. Charles Stubb, of Kitchener, sur- vive. The pallbearers were Mews. Frank McConnell, John Redmond, Jos. Kenny, John Kenny, Michael Nagle and Joseph Lerner. We extend to the ntire family our heartfelt sympathy. Jl lU CKERSIE MEI ouv Auto 11111: rei to 'Get COMMAND SELECT i` O7.r New Neck- wear That Adds Greatly To The Smartness of Autumn Frocks. Presentation. -A very pleasant ev- ent took place last Wednesday even- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tyndall, when a few friends and schoolmates of Miss Bernice Nott met in honor of her marriage to Mr. Gordon Richardson, of the Mill Road. The bride-to-be was presented with a beautiful arched fernery and the ev- ening was spent in dancing and music. Ladies' Club Meet. -Mrs. William Landesborough was the hostess for the September meeting of the Tuck- ersmith Ladies' Club on Wednesday last. Roll call was answered by "What others do that annoys me most." Readings were given by Mrs. Landesborough, Mrs. Coleman and Mrs. Fear. Mrs. Walters told what to teach your daughter. Mrs. Garrett explained some of the doings of the Women's Institute at the Women's Building at the C. N. E. Miss Pearl Peppee told of a new discovery of Northern Ontario, to be seen at the C.N.E. Current events were given by Mrs. Matheson. A quilt was quilted and a social half hour brought the meeting to a close. The October meeting will be at Mrs. F. Townsend's. Roll call is to be answered by hints for the sick room. A paper on home nursing will probably be given. COAT'S Of handsome fabrics, tailor- ed along beautiful lines, superbly trimmed with fur, also mannish styles. DRESSES New Dresses with a dainti- ness of design and excellence of quality that will win your hearty approval the minute you see and inspect them. HATS Fashion's best and newest creations at less than ordin- ary prices. Come. They will please you. A r Smart Leather, Hand ag 15 an Article you will Surely Need. Special $1.49 Full Fashioned Chiffon Holeproof Hosiery, Ex. Toe; Autumn tones, 2$I1.o5® a Pair Tapered Ankle, Full fashioned Silk Holeproof Hosiery $1.95 a Pair The Smartest Dollar -a -Pain Silk Stockings are Here. VA]RNA Address and Presentation. -A very pleasant social evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cole- man on Thursday night of last week, when a number of the Junior : ible Class gathered to spend an evening with them before they removed from the farm to their new home in `Eg- mondville. During the evening Mr. Coleman, who had been the teacher of the class for a number of years, was made the recipient of a handsome presentation, accompanied by the fol- lowing address: "Dear Mr. Coleman: We, the members of .the Junior Bible Class, meet with you once again to show our appreciation of the 'valuable service you rendered to us for so many years, as teacher of our class. It was with deep regret we learned of your departure, but we are assured that you will be of the same assist- ance in the Sunday school which yon are now attending. Yobr painstaking spirit and loyalty Was ever the same despite the many times your patience was taxed and we realize that your task was not always an easy one. It is with genuine pleasure we ask you to accept this pen and pencil set, not for its intrinsic value, but as a slight token for our regards of your much appreciated efforts in our class. Our best wishes go with you to your new home and may God bless and keep you always. We are, the Members of the Junior Bible Class." ION]) :SIBO RQD Notes. -(Bev. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Pearson, ofj Michigan, and family, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Beacom last week. -Rev. Mr. and Mrs. John- ston spent ! K,st Tuesday at Bright's Grove, also calling on friends in Sarnia,. --Rev. Mr. and (;lire. Forres- ter spent Coverall holidays at Sarnia last weak. Mies h abel likevey ac- companied therein.." 'Mrs. ' 'Bell, who spent the , not two waste at the home of bra. ill ' n atom, EI ' n1 returned on Monday. ---ter. and ire. Ease spent loot i `talo mday, encets at tit home of Mr. and 47drrla N. Sino""uatels.---M'ra. J. I). i illalq, Sgtz a 1 t day in 0 arm ae Il Coide MAKE THIIS PEP Next time 1 am down town II will call at Mac- Tavish's Store anal," order one or more 0. V. all wool I:.ian- kets. Be sure you at least see these I:leautiful Pure Wool I:lankets 2 late th In Fancy Wool ted (Cov- ers we specialize on the cele- brated 0. V. makes. These embody DesilraTblie Quality Lasting Satisfaction Attractive Patterns I1' ealunfnff ullll Odors Pilain Pastell Colicas Four -Collor Combfinatioui s Price Popuallarrit y $5.95 to $8.85 ©TA:VI[SH den. --,Miss McCurdy, of Winghamm, ' has returned after a pleasant few days' visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. McCrea. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brigham and Lavinia spent last Fri- day with Goderich friends. - Mr. R. Townsend was in Hensall on Monday attending the convention. -Miss E. Lyon has returned after spending a pleasant holiday . with her brother, near Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. T. Lyon. - Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, of Stratford, called on friends here last Thursday. -Mr. and Mrs. T. Tamblyn, who spent the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Tarablyn, of Toronto, have returned home. -Mr. and Mrs. Percy Manning spent last Friday in Gode- rich.-Mr. and Mrs. T. Longman, of the 13th, motored over to Goderich last week. IBITEILSGIRIEIEN The Late Robert Love. - There passed away in London on Friday, September 20th, Mr. Robert Love, of Hillsgreen. Mr. Love was a highly respected man and lived in this com- munity all his life. He was a mem- ber of the Hillsgreen Church and an Elder. .Some years ago he was con- fined to his room and about a year ago he was taken to a home in Lon- don, where he passed peacefully away to his heavenly home in his 69th year. The funeral, which was priv- ate, was held from the home of his son, Mr. Milton Love, in Hensall, on Monday, September 23rd, at 2 o'clock. Interment took place in is aird's ceme- tery, Rev. A. Conner conducting the services, assisted by Rev. A. Sinclair of the United Church, Hensall. 1Te leaves to mourn his loss his sorrow- ing wife and two daughters, Mrs. Al- bert Keys, of Blake, and Mrs. J. Mc- Ewen, of Hensall, and four sons, Mil- ton, in Hensall; Ross and Glenn, at Hillsgreen; Grant, of Lansing, Michi- gan, besides his brothers and sisters, Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. McMurtrie, of Hensall; Mrs. W. Randell, of Platts- vvi11e; James and William, of Hills green, and Andrew, of Hensall. Notes. - Miss Edna Cochrane re- turned to her home and is getting along nicely after her operation ins Clinton Hospital. -Mrs. George Steph- i enson and Mr. Weekes, of Walkerton, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stephenson. - Mrs. Elsom has returned to the home of Mr. W. Carlile and family, after spending several days at Toronto and Niagara Falls. -Mr. Grant Love, of Lansing, Mich., attended his father'n funeral on Monday. -Anniversary ser- vices were held on Sunday. Rev_ Maines, of Walton, preached fine ser- mons morning and evening. The choir rendered special anthems, assisted by Mrs. Elsom, who sang a delightful duet with her brother, Mr. W. Carlile, and a duet by Misses A.gnes Love and Martha Carlile. -The fall fairs are now the order of the day, quite 5. number taking in Exeter and Sea - forth last week; Zurich and Bev ui,eldl of this week. -Mr. Russel Love, London, spent the week end at the home of his parents. Flow Th t' 101,2 Wilt RCM trio atl,mA9 BEY WENT FLOUR MILLED FROM Sa..ECTED NM SKIING WHEAT WOLVElintN FLOUR MOLLS com PAM! -"OUR BEST PATENT" milled from selected Hard Bpring Wheat. Use it in your assured of Success in alcimg. epe d able fforBitculfaiesancRats STY/ARIZ ONTARIO, KEYSTONE FLOUR "A GOOD PASTRY FLOUR." Hare is a flour specially mill - ad to make " Good etry." It costs RC more than other If@iveTten Flour Flab Ce„, imited