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The Huron Expositor, 1929-09-27, Page 6
I ' 4, y ;r I i''.: I+ ,: is 'il'.:'", I .., 'r, .�' .. .. r': gyp. ..':. , ..r `n..,,. ;, ;. .I I I t a� . 1 � " , M1 _ ,R,, ., ..!• ' ;,u w'",_*' �9a b�. r•; ,.....,+�-,..,,;, ., r., T.r ,.. - - .a. ..";v, ''!'�.'�,`.�'('>,:.., R., y • , __ .�"rt +�„� u. .�,-....m,......,, _,..�.......... ....... earn, J. A 1`ti�j=ay- onions from se4 ,'I. `,CI�+1G'1'i 1CDutolm ssto,,�. n> trr oV ; ontou ' from '1 ]ser, C. C.H. Holl lad; if peck red onions, Dr. Grieve; whit: or .11 yellow onioms, F. Barker, Dr. Grioye; C�PEI�IITi`�C��'i oM1tsiow, sets, V]. J. Willert, Mrs. Diek- J son; onio=,. pickling, Dr. Grieve. Mrs. i Dickson; muskmelons, Mrs. Dickson, 1.r r+. ]marker; watermelons, F. Barker, 1 r Mrs. Dickson; citrons, F. Barker, Dr. count for Seaforth. Buy from your home merchants. Grieve; vegetable marrow, F. Barker, Dr. Grieve; cable y tri ... 3 varieties squash, ii"I.. 'llr" ti Dr. Grieve; Hubbard squash, Dr. _, , ��� Grieve, F. Burke;; pie, pumpkins, -', I Mrs. Dickson, F. Barker; cucumbers, rii asm2szofldl 4 N. Carter, J. A. Murray; butter beans, rr N. 'Carter, Mrs. T- Battles; white . ��ins�� beans, N. Carter, C. H. Holland- sugar mangolds, F. Barker, J. W. Beattie; }k� g to doom �amm� i/!£5Di ' °Ad -D1 RLDui15 (1 i a GS i ¢9)tlrA a{ L3%rS ,,,,; a Intermediate marigolds, Mrs. Craw- aW' ford, F. Barker; Swede turnips. Wm. R4, eai Tu o Beattie, N. Carter; any other variety er�=. I=a t == ye,gr aftn�Maz 9-7 A &=--% " ��` ' turnips, E. J. Willert; white or yellow flail 9F. B$Pkar; ez �, , �. =N ,3,_� ... a c$rrots, sniveet a p 'p- trf4,,,� Ca Zoe. ff msax= pers, Jean Scott, C. Routledge; larg- 11 doctm told say Hand, a� t E could 2,9040miti �° est pumpkin, F. Barker, Mrs. Dick- ak than a„3ala. II T� m cat 61�„ a�br16t�60-tirne. and V= confined to son; collection of garden products, F. Dickson. 4a1. tcvo1a4'b2v•m Barker, Mrs. �a nearly q—�r»-« oIIa After 4�r1)rtAq! t® @70Pt ea week. Judge—William Elco$t. uh-Z ic�'' "_ M ` 1 go 4 verV CANNED FRUITS, ETC. II bunve I.on. Being mn atb�eta, lout a Canned apples, D/[lvss Dell McGavin, ow =hoIlar, It would tate Me a aaeak to write Krus hem salts-" Mrs. W. J. Dickson • canned raspber- C,laa Facto about ¢ a- qzv ries, Mrs. J. 'Creighton, C. H. Holland; gru;,alran 5'as a obt3a le a dry an(I canned cherries, Mrs. J. Creighton, ge mtnient atom in Canada at 750. a battle. p _ ottie Contains enoaagb to last for n or 5 Norman Carter; canned pears, Nor- ry,�ud hesgtm gas bc"s-&4=tt o dap, man Carter, Mrs. W. J. Dickson; pre- Peter Port, Dr. Hou...... 2 S se F. uJ. server strawberries, Miss Dell Mc- ___ _ _ Gavin, Norman Carter; preserved . Lambert Grattan, Mur - plums, Mrs. J. Creighton, Mrs. J. B. SBAFORTH FALL FAIR Tyreman; preserved peaches, Dr. John (Continued from page 1) Grieve; red raspberry jam, Mrs. W. HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS J. Dickson, Mrs. J. Was. Free; apple ray ........... .. Time -2.27%,.1 2. jelly, Evelyn Hiarburn, C. H. Holland; Apples—Collection apples, Irene Ppy tally, lively(' Harburn, 'MPs. J. Sloan, G. Laithwaite; 6 varieties Of B. Tyreman; red currant Jelly, MPS. winter apples, G. Laithwaite, Irene W. J. Dickson, C. H. Holland; canned Sloan; 4 varieties fall apples, Irene tomatoes, Mrs. J. Wes. Free, Mrs. T. Sloan, G. Laithwaite; Baldwins, G. Bettles; canned corn, Mrs- A. L. ]Laithwaite, Irene Sloan; ]Kings, G. Porteous, Mrs. W. J. Dickson; canned Laithwaite, Thos. Ferguson; Northern beans, Charles Routledge, Norman Spy, Thos. Ferguson, Irene Sloan; Carter; canned sausage, Norman Car- FaRawater, G. Laithwaite; Golden ter, Mrs. Hugh McGregor; canned (Russett, Thos. Ferguson, E. J. Wil- beef, Norman Carter; mixed vinegar lert; Pewaukee, G. Laithwaite, Thos. pickles, 'Charles Roul;ledge, Mrs. T. ]Ferguson; 'Ontario, F. J. Coleman, G- Bettles; mustard pickles, Chas. Rout- Laithwaite; Wagner, G. Laithwaite, ledge, Florence E. Beattie; tomato Irene Sloan; Roxboro Russett, 'Irene catsup, Mrs. Hugh McGregor, Mrs. J. Sloan; Gravenstein, Irene Sloan, G. B. Tyreman; green relish, Chas. Rout- Laithwaite; Duchess, G. Laithwaite; ledge; red sauce, 'Mrs. J. Wes. Free, Cayuga Red Streak, G. Laithwaite; Mrs. A. L. Porteous; collection bot- 'Spitzenburg, G. Laithwaite; Snow, tled fruits, jams, jellies, etc., Nor - G. Laithwaite, Joseph Carlin; Colvert, man Garter,Mrs. W. J. Dickson. F. J. Coleman, Norman Carter; Mann, DAIRY PRODUCTS G. Laithwaite, Irene Sloan; Blenheim Butter, 25 pounds, Norman Carter, Orange, J. Wes. Beattie, G. Laith- Mrs. W. J. Dickson, James Carter; waite• Maiden Blush, Norman Carter, butter, 3 pounds in 1 -pound prints, Jos. Carlin; )Red Crabs, Irene Sloan; James Carter, Norman Carter, ,Mrs. Norman Carter; Yellow Crabs, John W. J. Dickson; butter, 1 dozen pats, A. Murray, Joseph Carlin; R. 1. Green- James Carter, Norman Carter; but- ing, G. Laithwaite, Irene Sloan; Rib- ter, 10 pound's in 1 -pound pails, Hut- ston Pippin, G. Laithwaite, Joseph chison's Special, James Carter; but - Carlin; Blenheim Pippin, G. Laitn- ter sweepstakes, best butter shown Waite, Irene Sloan; Fall Pippin, Irene James Carter; honey in comb, William Sloan; Cranberry Pippin, Irene Sloan; Hartry; honey extracted, William St. Lawrence, G. Laithwaite, Irene Hartry; honey display, Wm. Hartry; Sloan; Canadian Red, Tbos. Feru- g white eggs, Jean Scott, C. H. Holland; son, Irene Sloan; McIntosh Red, Irene 'brown eggs, Mrs. Hugh McGregor, F. .Sloan, Thos. Ferguson; Talrnan Sweet, J. Coleman. G. Laithwaite, Jean Scott. ' DOMESTIC SCIENCE Pears—Four varieties of winter Loaf white bread, Mrs. Hugh Mc - pears, G. Laithwaite; 4 varieties of Gregor, Mrs. A. L. Porteous, Norman fall pears, G. Laithwaite; Duchess Carter; four loaf pan home-made Angouline, G. Laithwaite, Norman bread, Haigh Special, Mrs. A. L. Port - Carter; Beurre Clairgean, G. Laith- eous, Mrs. Hugh McGregor; loaf Waite, Irene 'Sloan; Clappls Favorite, Graham 'bread, Mrs. A. L. P rteous, E. J. Willert, W. Hartry; Belle Lucra- Norman Carter; nut bread, quick; tiv'e, Norman Carter; Sheldon, Nor- Mrs. Porteous, James Carter; raised man Carter, G. Laithwaite; Louis buns, J. W. McLean, Mrs. Hugh Me- onne de Jersey, Norman Carter; Bart- Gregor; raised biscuits, white flour, lett, G. Laithwaite, Irene Sloan; Seek- Norman Carter, Mrs. W. J. Dickson; el, F. Barber, G. Laithwaite; Beurre oatmeal cookies, Miss Dell McGavin, d' Anjou, F. Barker, Irene Sloan. Velma H'aist; rolled cookies, Ethel M. Peaches—Early Crawford, G. Laith- Beattie, Jean Scott; dropped cookies. Waite; any other variety peach, G. J. W. McLean, Ethel M. Beattie; fried Laithwaite. cakes, Norman Carter; angel cake, Plums—Golden Drop, G. Laith- Mrs. J. B. Tyreman, Jean Scott; Waite; Monarch, G. Laithwaite; Im- parker House rolls, Norman Carter ; perial Gage, Mrs. J. B. Tyreman; jelly roll, Mrs. W. J. Dickson; sponge Duane's Purple, John A. Murray; cake, Jean Scott; dark fruit cake, Mrs, Lombard, Adda Tyreman, Dr. Grieve; W. J. Dickson, James 'Carter; light Bradshaw, G. Laithwaite, Mrs. J. B. layer cake, Mrs. J. W. Free, Florence Tyreman; 'German Prune, John A. Beattie; dark layer cake, Florence E. Murray, G. Laithwaite; any other Beattie, Mrs. W. J. Dickson; apple pie, variety plums, Mrs. J. B. Tyreman, Haigh .Special, 'Mrs. H. McGregor, Dr. Grieve. Norman Carter; pie, C. H. Grapes—Moore's Early, G. Laith- ,pumpkin Holland, Norman Carter; lemon pie. Waite; Niagara, G. Laithwaite; Con- Norman Carter, Mrs. J. W. Free, cord, G. Laithwaite; Agawan, G. ,neat loaf, Norman Carter, Florence Laithwaite; Wilder, Dr. Grieve; Lind- E Beattie; home made maple cream ley, G. Laithwaite; any other variety candy, Florence E. Beattie; collection grapes, Mrs. J. B. Tyreman, John A. home-made candy, Mrs. A. L. Port - Murray; collection of grapes, G. eous, Jean Scott; mould of jellied Laithwaite. chicken, C. H. Holland, Mrs. J. W. Judge --John M. Cardno. Free; home-made soap, Mrs. Dickson; ROOTS AND VEGETABLES Mrs. J. Creighton; best variety bak- Irish Cobbler potatoes, John Hugill; ing from one batch cookie dough, Jean any other variety early potatoes. John Scott, Mrs. H. McGregor. Hugill, Norman Carter; 'Green Moun- Judge—Mrs. Edna DeLacey. tain potatoes, N. Carter, John Hugill; many other variety late potatoes, F. J DOMESTIC NEEDLECRAFT 'Willert, N. Carter; winter cabbage, J. Comforter, down, Mrs. J. Creagh- A. Murray; Savoy cabbage, J. A. Mur- ton; comforter, wool, Evelyn 1-iarburn, ay; red cabbage, Mrs. A. Porteous; Mrs. Isaac Hudson; quilt, best quilt - fall cabbage, Mrs. J. T. Crawford, F. ing, Dr. Grieve, Mrs. James Hill; Barker; cauliflowers, Mrs. T. Bettles, quilt, patchwork, Mrs. W. J. Dickson, F. Barker; celery, Dr. Grieve, J. Wes. D'- 'Grieve; quilt, velvet crazy patch - Beattie; parsnips, J. A. Murray; table work, Evelyn Harburn, Mrs. Porteous; carrots, stump rooted, N. Carter, F. apron, kitchen, Mrs. Porteous, Alex, Barker; table carrots, long, Mrs. W. Wallace; apron, fancy, Mrs. H H1ym- .J. Dickson; any other variety table men, Winnifred Evans; house dress. carrots, N. Carter, Mrs. J. T. Craw- most practical, Miss A. Tyreman, Dell Mord; long blood beets, Mrs. Dickson, McGavin; men's sleeping garment, N. Carter; turnip blood beets, C. H. machine made, Dell 'McGavin, Mrs. Holland, Mrs. Crawford; red tonna- Hymmen; ladies' slip, MPs. J. C-reigh- toes, N. Carter, Mrs. Dickson; pink ton, Mrs. Hymmen; knitted sox, hand tomatoes, Mrs. Dickson, F. Barker; made, Mrs. J. Creighton, 'Miss Living - collection tomatoes, Dr. Grieve, Mrs, ston; mitts, handmade, Mrs. J. Creigb- Di'ckson; sweet table corn, F. Barker, ton; floor mat, braided, Mrs. W. J. J. A. Murray; field corn, C. H- Hol- Dickson, Mrs. E. Turnbull; best hand land, J. A. Murray; 6 stalks fodder made garment, Miss Livingston Mrs. ', � �,,: - afI Be Ll�a C1U 23o-dOFrO,,. i�_ ���U u�' 1 O'''f .t, = S EM EIr SS`1 STRIi, YI ',. 2Z ROSS SAVAUGA OLIDLt. D. Gpttometafsti C�PEI�IITi`�C��'i Hulley, John Johnson; garden carrot-,, law of selfishness and bcomes a parasite in the life of the community. Under the terms of his law that man should send his children to the C � *v° add] the toueb off paoo- (aAII VAim= ,. OM T Otte � _ e8'IltgD {GTD' tJ$®r� D; �iV® ��ifila�s.2tllagl,'iclt. 1Fraium SHM,Z vMS count for Seaforth. Buy from your home merchants. ,q'� ��y �n ,3VJ1911111,4 ` Y+uu'%{190 Cv'Q'H11Q,�1Gyp P3Il$Clit®IDL. 1L7oUL W>uuG �®1(L�lB�lird. LPatoinover®Il� ,,;' Ar{ PQ i �`.°�-f�dD Ildt�1P8 AcG. �ffii5a�t, E117HCIl iIDaiao®oma. lEmp rcafsi. ]u�y� tt� (mgr. Good] COME �yyvTO WAlljj nIR\JCOIlI`s90 an mercer OW cvalln, . � rii asm2szofldl 4 Roo long, gen tmaim®nt, etmoive. 11��2, 1�iTQh r°', I a CEO w✓Aynpp�r , to Kiri alp`1rz� �> tt � }k� g to doom �amm� i/!£5Di ' °Ad -D1 RLDui15 (1 i a GS i ¢9)tlrA a{ L3%rS as TIB jb ✓ SG PSI( vim do ¢ ur m 3 �21�� `., right. Shoes Values without an m �� 0 aqua]. Also Club Bags and Suit Cases in stock. lane, Elmer Cameron; citrons, Flet- ,vulmw...... 1 ____ .-_ 'tl CALL AND SEE OUR SHOES FALL FARR DAY tario Dairymen's Association, and one of the best known dairymen in Ontario. Mr. Barber was born in Rothsay, Wlellington County, and ,Special prices on all lines for Men, Women and Children. +` I best dressed doll clothes, hand made, „ 1.i Sa l; Qoor mast, lsoolwd, 113. J., io §'a§_,A�,r=__n tinter. Lace, QIZIP 4 temu+chet, Mrs.3^.r�l3z; Miss 1[aiviup tills.; ]lace clot, cottDit! Mrs. Pdt'ym =(= n, Rams Livingston; nth, knitted cottons, 4, s. J. S. 1H 9w r ie, M1 Livingston; tatting, display, Wise ]Covin ing+aton, Dell MieGavin; drawn work, display, Miss Ealvingston, Mrs. Hym- men; drawn work, Italian, Mrs. Hym. men, Mrs. J. Creighton; enmbroider� cross stitch, li(i(rs. Hymmen, 'Wrrp. Howrie; embroidery, modern conven- tional, colored, Mrs. Hymmen, Miss Livngston; embroidery display, MTs. J. Creighton, Mrs. ,Hlymmen; fancy work bag, Mrs. Hymmen; pair cur- tains, hand trimming, Mrs. hymmen, Miss Livingston. (Dining Room Furnishings—Lunch- eon set, embroidered, MPs. J. Creigh- ton, Mrs. Hymmen; luncheon set, other hand work, Mrs. Hymmen, Miss Livingston; tea cloth, embroidered, Mrs. Hymmen, Mrs. William Deem; tea cloth, any other hand work Biro, Hymmen, Miss Livingston; table doyleys, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Hym- men; tray cloth, Mrs. Hymmen. Mrs, James Hill; centrepiece, embroidered in cotton, white, Mrs. Hymmen, Miss Livingston; centrepiece embroidered in cotton, colored, Mrs. Hymmen; 'bridge set, 5 pieces, 'Mrs, J. Creigh- ton, Miss Livingston; buffet set, col- ored, Mrg, IH'ymmen, Dell McGavin; buffet set, white, (Mrs. Hymmen, Mrs Creighton; table cloth and six nap- kins, initialed, Mrs. 'Hymmen, Mrs. J. B. Tyreman- Bedroom Furnishing—Pillow slips, embroidered, Mrs. 'Creighton, Miss Livingston; pillow slips, other hand work, Mrs. F&mmen, Mrs, W. J. Dick• son; pair towels, embroidered, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Hymmen; towels, crochet, Mss. Hymmen, Mrs. Howrie; towels, other hand work, Mrs. Creigh- ton, (Mrs. Howrie; guest towels, Mrs Creighton, Mrs. Hymmen; bat'a tow' els, Mrs. Hymmen, Miss Livingston; single fancy towel, Mrsl, Hymmen Mrs. Itreighton; fancy sheet and pil. low slips to match, Mrs. Hymmen Mrs. Howrie; vanity set, 3 pieces, Mrs Hymmen, Mrs. W. Cameron; dressei runner, washable, Mrs. Creighton Miss Livingston; runner and 3 pies( vanity set to match, Mrs. Hymmen. Ladies' Wear ---,Night rube, Mss Hymmen, Miss Litvingston; step-ins Mrs. Hymmen, Dell McGavin; fanc] handkerchiefs, 3 styles handwork Miss Livingston, Mrs. Hymmen sweater, knitted or crochet, Mrs. How rie, Mrs. Won. Deem; slip, hand trim med, Mrs. Hymmen; fancy collar ane cuffs, Miss Livingston; ladies' scarf fancy, Dell McGavin, Mrs. J. Creigh ton. 'Children's Wear — Child's fanci dress, hand -made, Miss Livingston Mrs. Hymmen; child's dress ant bloomers, Miss Livingston; bonnet Mrs. Htymmen, Miss Livingston; woo jacket, Mrs. Hymmen, Miss Living ston; 'bath robe or kimona, Mrs. Hym men; baby's set, knitted bonnet, jack et and 'bootees, Miss Livingston, Mrs Howrie. Living Room Furnishings — Ta'bl+ runner, colored, Miss Livingston, Mrs Howrie; centrepiece, colored, Mrs Hymmen, Mrs. Creighton; sofa pil low, handmade, Miss Livingston, Mrs Hymmen; sofa pillow, quilted, Mis Livingston, Mrs. Howrie; lamp shadE hand -made, Mrs. E. Turnbull and 2nd card table cover, Dell McGavin. Mrs Hymmen; sampler or other wall dec oration, handmade, Florence E. Beat tie; single piece needlepoint, Mrs, Hymmen. Miscellaneous—Single piece fanc; work not listed, Mrs. Hymmen, Ev elyn Harburn; collection of fanc; needlework, 6 pieces, Mrs. Hymmen Miss Livingston'; best 5 articles suit able for Christmas presents, no art icle to cost more than 75c, Mrs. Hym men, Miss Livingston; old time fanc; quilt, 50 years old or over, Mrs. H McGregor, Adda Tyreman; dish tow els, embroidered, 4 or more, Alex Wallace, Mrs. Will Cameron. Judge—Mrs. J. C. Richardson. FINE AND DECORATIVE ARTS Oil Paintings—Landscape from na ture, Miss Livingston, Dr. Grieve marine (view, copy, Lucille Grant, Mrs Howrie; animals, copy, Lucille Grant Mrs. Howrie; still life, object, Mis Livingston, Lucille 'Grant. . Water Colors —Landscape, copy Lucille Grant, Mrs. Hymmen; martin view, nature, Lucille 'Giant, Mrs Howrie; animals or figure work Lucille Grant, Miss Livingston; vege tables, grouped, Miss Livingston, Mrs Hymmen; flowers from object, Lucille Grant, 'Miss Livingston; inanimate ob Jett or objects, Miss Livingston, Mrs Howrie. Miscellaneous — Crayon drawing light and shade, Lucille Grant, Mrs Hymmen; pastel, original study Lucille Grant, Mrs. Hymmen; sephia any subject, 'Mrs. E. Turnbull, Mis. Livingston; pencil drawing, loca scene, Lucille Grant; pencil drawing designing, Lucille Grant; display pos ter design, Mrs. Hymmen; amateu photography, Mrs. Howrie; single piece] art work, not listed, Lucile+ Grant; Winifred Evan's. Hand Painted 'China-1Vase or orn ament, Lucille Grant, Mrs. Hymmen salad bowl, conventional desigr Lucille Grant, Dr. Grieve; cake plat or sandwich tray, realistic, Lucill' Grant, Dr. Grieve; two cups and saucers, different designs, Lucill Grant, Mrs. Hymmen; candlestick Lucille Grant, Mrs. Hymmen; collet tion, five pieces, Dr. Grieve, Lucill Grant; any article not listed, Lucill Grant, Dr. Grieve; best exhi+bit of nes craft not otherwise listed, F. Barke and 2nd. Reed Work—'fray, Velma Haisi EvelynHarburn; sandwich ndwich baske9 Mrs. James Hill, Velma Hlaist; lain and shade, Evelyn Harburn; flowe holder, Mrs. Howrie; fernery, Gert rude Peart; collection of. 3 articles Velma 'H'aist, Evelyn Harburn. Judge—Mrs. J. C .Richardson. FLORAL EXHIBIT Cut Blooms --Asters, pink, J. W McLean; Asters, white, D. Fothering ham & Sons, Mrs. W. -J. Dickson; AS ters, mauve or purple, D. Pothering ham & Sons, Charles Routledge; As ters, red, Mrs. W. J. Dickson; collet tion of Asters, John A. 'Murray; Cos mos, display, Adda Tyromrean; Dian thus, display, F. Barket, Dir. Grieve; Gladioli, (best 8 apikeh, diRerrent, Wvr Ildl try, Ethel M, 96attle aIsydiol'. toll ctioviI V1211. Ifla1ttvy, l�i~m. V. J ekson; wari:goldo, display, Pers. J u Iii Ii +t ,; . . r ,. , _ I x t a{ f. ,, r i' 1r' I .11i'. '1�. r ':. 'i:. , :'�' I.. :.,r .. V : ...l�.,h '.:i: 'k e, Ir. ,... ..,., e., : ir. I ; �- ! ,. . M..$e'�1_3114,1373%r�ir�SdTdlktlin7 CZ64 ,.r�rti, " '^« r a QI TT I We H UR ON EXP 0 - � ,.:�OR 6Z * fkl- 99 C '', I 6J �i_ ,RIAs F�1, T,I,,, f :. - I `' „ t th "Buy J...� �� 1 �..� .ice a,T �,. a:. f r }J, �� . `" ( (Il 11., n. l . ry BUYHNG I1D=C1TGEV AM luti It 0.:' Glt_1M. Tilrouda the Co-OLIDelradom 02 tMo C{1oftecs Dgem noteQ halo5aRow, we VzDU giaLTDIrcou= w cerise o imrratdmmel a-014413 matimxm,,mr h.,mt, as R a h •ttn: Inllsirlran iris iwmeMt , h f r. 11 ealulrn mil nm e: ,h1am Im R town, amtJ Mui■ hrrirny; ah umt a mamr p (Tr oe sea ronvatCpu f- ltm ,�r 'L SMWART 3202.1f Icy 61 T � GG SHOP d � VIS I` e m90 (CIl®tP hag =2 IQl�{I],G�19 Eamdy=Lt-ftz �1�0 ,. <n " �� IIA �II�I��A TIP TOCP SUITS ANDGVIE1aC®A'TS--PJdade to your indliAduaIl meas-)��IIDII��° ure, hundreds of different ]English all -wool cloths to choose *om. 4 OEM s �7 Leave your measure to -day. One price -424.50. Guaranteed fits Women's New PIIS Q'J717Z IEND we atiYB featuring (FLU (coats End DpeSses �' OO a 2LQs lees t ��,dspsmdena { ®. �. PURE n fee �>ng C®V31M In the days when the Indians inhabited this country a man could do _IN_ (very much as he pleased. His success and happiness depended sole- ly upon himself. What he diad meant little to anyone else. But those Soffit tel Shades amts IFmwm C®I®r@ Sf� w u� ,� r o days are no longer. , PmsCombimtmtiom 1PDmidlo. cue®o IID. IFeTgls®im & Co. SOLEX Guaranteed Electric Lil albs, burn longer and show a ]brig light. 25 and 40 watt, 27c; 40 w c; 100 watt, 48c, inside frosted. (Everything in Hardware. TELEPHONE 61 I.A. V1l Jl s 1l c WJ Jl. 11 JeawejIer and WatcNamalles t.AC1C`IIV1E WIEDDENG GIFTS MODERATE 1PRIICIES. Thommpsonn's ]Book Stoma WALL PAPER BARGAINS for Balance of month of September. Window Shades IPictmre IFrammee Hade to Order Phone i81 1. E. KEATIII` G SPECIAL 20 per cent. discount on all Golf Clubs. Kodak Agent Phone 28 - Senfforth WALTER G. W: LILIIS Dependable Shoes. Ladies' Patent Leather Slippers, new Fall styles with narrow strap and buckle fastening; (�i �f� 'Cuban heels, special at �JL/ ° �1 ROY S. IDIINKI\\TIEIY Biread, (Cakes and PZStTy OUR RAISIN SQUARE is de- licious. Try it. �j O� A dozen ................. Phone 70. Life under modern conditions is a complicated system, a union of SIEAIF®IRTUH CREAMERY ���� S. SA�A��I�9®o the residents of one community with another, each dependent to a large extent on the other. Modern society is based on the family, where the success of all depends Can the efforts of each. Loyalty is the secret of happiness. The members of a family 'help each other by their actions; the residents of 4i community must unite for cam- bined success; and the citizens of a country must work together for the well-being of the nation. wattclurRoLar almd ,Veweu¢p oNomIIettAGe �„T QRIII S13ti®�„ A man may claim that he has the right to spend his money where he pleases, that no one can stop him if he wants to buy his goods out- 2Z ROSS SAVAUGA OLIDLt. D. Gpttometafsti side Seaforth- He is literally right, but that man observes only the Hulley, John Johnson; garden carrot-,, law of selfishness and bcomes a parasite in the life of the community. Under the terms of his law that man should send his children to the ]Bem,tue'S Cyon Mom schools in the community where he buys his goods. DINNER S&M Do not use the argument that the things you buy outside 'Seaford( —specia➢— are small. It is the little things in life that count. Make them CO1ttt<I]i E AND SEE count for Seaforth. Buy from your home merchants. 133AT O'S CHINA AND GUIE'll CAI'\JA13A IFURNETU RIE STOR1E Agents for Massey -Harris Imple- 7. IRC SHHTH 77. A. (CIRIICIIE TO SIECURR THIS $51 SAVING Groceries, 'rasa affil] C®fffee© BAKER COME �yyvTO WAlljj nIR\JCOIlI`s90 PEACHES AND PLUMS (Elizabeth Waite Chocolates Cucumbers - Sluices Hand Rolled. DURING NATIONAL SANE-1BIIE.7'1 I WEEK, SEPT. 1� to 21st Vinegar - Tomatoes Telephone 12 Telephone 34 and see this special ani -Bili Suit priced for 7 days of quick selling a' over Canada. FORD IRC IHL SPR®AT SALES SERVICE GASOLINE and GELS TIRES VULCANIZED When you buy right you can save Carter; tomatoes, Elizabeth McFar- right. Shoes Values without an 1)1S 79OT G&Ilrge, SeMIOTAj� ll J�j� aqua]. Also Club Bags and Suit Cases in stock. lane, Elmer Cameron; citrons, Flet- Compare our prices and quality. HIIII&VI'dtI ER BueflIl iso Wn'tC�-Up. IFIRIEIID ��o lfiTII(iu�° IF®EDs and Sh®1GG THE S]EAFORTH CR]EAMIERY.—The Seaforth 'Creamery is own- ed 'and operated by Mr. C. A. Barber, President of the Western On- CALL AND SEE OUR SHOES FALL FARR DAY tario Dairymen's Association, and one of the best known dairymen in Ontario. Mr. Barber was born in Rothsay, Wlellington County, and ,Special prices on all lines for Men, Women and Children. started his dairy experience as a cheesema'ker at which he worked for 16 years. In 1914 in partnership with Mr. Robert Johnston, of Woodstock, he opened the present Creamery in 'Seaforth, and in 1920 on the death of Mr. Johnston, he purchased the plant, which had been carried on so successfully under his management. In the 15 years the Seaforth Creamery has been in operation it has steadily extended its field of operations, its plant and its output. It employs a staff of 10, and the output of (butter last year exceeded 350,000 pounds. J. J. C LIEAIRY /W M o A M E N T Groceries, Fruits. Vegetables PURE CLOVER HONER q COAL and WOOD Per pound .... . .......... u �� HARD MAPLE SLABS Delivery Service . Phone 117 Phone 126 IRIEIIGIEIR9S GARAGE SIEAIF®IRTUH CREAMERY WollvertoIIn Mounm I`VIi iUs Studebaker Sales and Service The place to market your Cream (Co., ILimftin(E Repairs on all Makes of Cars. and to receive the best service Millers of flour that's Dependable Hulley, John Johnson; garden carrot-,, that can be given. SILVIERKING for 131R]EAD TIRES, BATTERIES, ]ETC. Phone SOW. KEYSTONE for PASTRY Telephone 167 C. A. BARBER, Proprietor. Telephone 51 The IRobt. IB eH Engine & GALLOP & D&AILPRNIE CAI'\JA13A IFURNETU RIE ThrresNeir Company Agents for Massey -Harris Imple- Plant, Ken Bettles; 14 years and unn- Tra ur of Traction Engines, ,Rasa ments and Repairs. PJ[ANUFACTUR ERS, LIMITED Tractors, br 'Ilrractore, '6lerr�lnera, 1Power and Hosting !Boilers, Sawmills. (Etc. we offer a large Beatty Bros. Farm Equipment Office Furniture of new, rebuilt and secondhand threshers and engines, very ouitahle far Metallic Roofing Frost Fence Waite, .James Cluff; Roses, collection, individual or castenn c orlL Buy at honme�t where you are assured of promipt cervica GASOLINE and GELS Sectional Bookcases. FOR WALL PAPIER, PAINTS, VARNISHES AND WINDOW SHADES, TRY T. G. SCOTT Telephone 62 The EkTr®Ell Expositor Huron 'County's Family Paper Established 1860. We Make a Specialty of Job Printing. A. 71. DUNLOP GARAGI9 How is Your Battery for Fall and Winter Driving? Come in and see our line of Batteries. satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone Ils' TIRIOD iAS IIDIICKSON Dealer in ' ]Flour - ]Feed - Seed] Poultry and (Eggs Telephone 13 . � . �. . r r 'a', ; .1 • , r -rr :, i ;;r ':'6 til+ w r� , ,r ':' ',.,.,, ....._ .:. ;.r ', '"' �: •� .. r'1. ('til r( ,1 I 1: rx I 0- C11 o� JA 6, P W 10 B. Tyreman, D. Fotheringham & EPARTMENT CHILDRE'N'S DGarnet Free, Jack Dorrance; bird der, Lillian Reeves, Evelyn Nott. Sons; Nasturtiums, best collections, Vegetables—Swede turnips, Gretta house, Clarence Nolan, Arnold Hugill; Boys' Races —8 years and undfs7, Ethel M. Beattie, Jean Scott; Petunias Hulley, John Johnson; garden carrot-,, model of gate, Edmund Matthews, Alastair Wigg, David Grieve; 10 yearn single, Ethel M. Beattie, Dr, Grieve; Howard Siegrist, David J. Grieve; Jack Cameron; any other article made and under, Jack 'Cheoros, Kenneth Petunias, double, Dr. Grieve, Mrs. J. yellow Intermediate mangolds, Jack from wood, Kenneth Bettles, Kenneth Bettles; 12 years and under, Stewart B. Tyreman; Pansies, 8 or more var- Cameron, Kenneth Bettles; parsnips, Adams; button holes in cotton, Patsy Plant, Ken Bettles; 14 years and unn- ieties, John A. Murray, Jean Scott ; David J. Grieve, Margaret Lane; gar- Southgate, Isabel Bettles; hand made der, 'Stewart Plant, Jack 'Habklrk. Roses, 3 blooms of 3 colors, G. Iaith- den 'beets, Howard Siegrist, Harold apron, Mary Broadfoot, Margaret Bicycle (Races --+Boys, 12 years andl Waite, .James Cluff; Roses, collection, Free; onions, David J. Grieve, Lorne Lane; darning, woollen, Vera Mole, under, R. Rennie, A. Dunlop] boys, 15 .James 'fluff and 2nd; Snapdragon, 4 Carter; tomatoes, Elizabeth McFar- Patsy Southgate; doyley, special, Isa- years and under, Ike Hudson, Chan. colors, 3 spikes each, Mrs. A. L. lane, Elmer Cameron; citrons, Flet- bel O'Connor; handkerchief, plain Cudmore. Porteous and 2nd; Snapdragon, dis- cher Whitmore, Warren Whitmore ; hemmed, Edith Wallace, Lulu Hart; Horseshoe 'Pitcbing—Boa and Boa, play, Evelyn Harburn, Mrs. Dickson; cabbages, Jack Cameron, Lorne Car- I best dressed doll clothes, hand made, Hensall, 1st; Verner and Hoggardn, Stocks, 6 spikes, D. Fotheringham & ter; potatoes, Arnold Hugill, Pearl Isabel Bettles, Margaret Lane; best 2nd; Snider and Brandon, 3rd. Sons, Charles Routledge; Sweet Peas, Hugill; collection garden vegetables, dressed fowl, Jack Carter, Leslie Dol- HORSE RACE'S 12 springs, 1 variety, D. Fothering- David J. Grieve, Jack Carter. mage. 2.30 Class ham & Sons; Sweet Peas, display, D. (Flowers—Nasturtiums, Edith Wal- Poultry—Barred Rock cockerel, Jean Patch, H. Bierling...... I A 11 Fotheringham & Sons; Zinnias, col- lace- Asters, Vera Mole, Pearl Hugill; Fletcher Whitmore, Carman Whit- Peter Port, Dr. Hou...... 2 S se F. uJ. lection, eMrs, Porteous, Fthel M. Beat- sunflower, Edmund Matthews; bou- ' more; Barred Rock pullett, Howard . Lambert Grattan, Mur - tie; collection Annuals, J. Wesley quet, Pearl Hugill, Edith Waliace. Siegrist, Warren Whitmore. 3 �l Beattie, Mrs. Porteous; collection Cooking—'Tea biscuits, Isabel ,Bet- School taking the largest number ray ........... .. Time -2.27%,.1 2. Perennials, Mrs. J. B. Tyreman; tles, Elizabeth McFarlane; buns, Mar- of prizes for exhibits, Seaforth Pub - basket, table, mixed blooms, William garet Habkirk, Lulu Hart; layer cake, lic School. Classified Race. H'artry, Ethel M. Beattie; table bou- Jean Dungey, Olive Pryce; apple pie, Judges—William Elcoat, J. $1. Reid, Jimmy D., R. Hedden ...... 1 11 R quet, Ethel M. Beattie, Mrs, Dickson; Isabel Flannigan, Margaret Hahkirk; W. J. Duncan, Mrs. DeLacey, Mrs. J. MaeToglter , Cudmore and winter bouquet, natural, Mrs, J. B. rolled cookies, Olive Eberbart, Mary C. Richardson. 2 2 B Tyreman, Adda Tyreman; winter bou- Broadfoot; dropped cookies, Isabel SPORTS, TRACES, ETC. Time -2.18112, 2.161K, 2.19. quet, painted or decorated, Jean Bettles. .. Best appearing school in parade— I <::. Scott. Art Work — First Class, Helen O'Reilly Mary E. Carron; Second No. 8, Tuck0rsmith• youngest girl in ° Flies have caused mome deaths the parade, Ruth Campbell, S. Sy No. 10, all wars combined—yeti some of no &>Pot Plants—Zegonlas, 3 of one col- Class, lbonald Mactarvish, Alastair McKillop- school drill, 'Seafoith Pub- nothing to help prevent future casual - or, William :Hhrtry; Begonias, three frilled, William llarti•y; F'uchias, one Wigg; Third 'Clash, .track Dixon, Jas. lic School, No. 6, Tuckersmith; Run- ties. Flies have. no preference—you o7 variety in bloom, Jean Scott and 2nd; McCully; Fourth 'Class, Elizabeth Me- Farlane, Agnes 'Dodds. ning race, 66 mile, A. Finlayson, M. Hawkins; horseback potato race, D. some of your family or friends maDr be to-day—and kill Geraniums, Single, two colors, Dr. Writing-1F1rs1t Book, Francis Phil- Dale, W. Taylor, A. MvGill, Art Fin- newt. 'S'tart e'arGZ7 one you see. It is very easy if you unnm Grieve, Jason Scott Geraniums, two double, 2 'br. Giieve, Jean li s, Glenny Mldebran4; Second Book, Darold layson; oldest man on grounds, Thoo. FLY -TOY the product developed nib colors, Scott; Sword Fern, Thomas Fergu- Free, Alastair Wigg•, Third Book, Izabel Flannigan Rita btincan; .Stephens, mage 89; oldest woman on the grounds, Mrs. John Barnett, age 4`Jellon Institute of Industrial Eb- search by then Research Fellowship. son; single house plant in bloom, Dr. pourth Book, Patsy 801mthf ays, Ar- 79. It has a perfume fragrance, fln Grieve; best novelty in cut Plower or in pot; John 11/,1, Oor+renlock, J. Wesley thur DeVe eaux, «� (Shead o groin, Jiaok 'Cag'r! S�arii- Girls' Rlaces--,8 ea and under, y , Olive 1H3bmrhart, IiCelea Frraiip�r; ton ind,liko harmless in mcinitnnd, but lrlllsl ta9"li Beattie. M. Reid, W. Dun- cis Coleman-, edllectioll udt, " t'- yyt'earS and under, 2dtlia 1k°laalt, ]C�aabla laots3mlio&al..iaraets. Jfust folIlow i4rms tioltz, eh� ,t�'lyl*16&01,of. h6ttld. 1=1 eludge&_Jahn J. garet Lane; eollectioul snit , Olivar'N'ott; 12 y6tit6 a2id Wldeia°; Vve13n upoii'PLY-` OX 1roma yminr' retsSfc ,—:-r can. Wight; collection of naltIVO Woadg, Nott, Labia 1Vott,, 14 -gd- ,ro mzd tan» A,ave . � . �. . r r 'a', ; .1 • , r -rr :, i ;;r ':'6 til+ w r� , ,r ':' ',.,.,, ....._ .:. ;.r ', '"' �: •� .. r'1. ('til r( ,1 I 1: rx I 0- C11 o� JA 6, P W 10