HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1929-09-27, Page 3(Continued) froM Beet Week)
wI°fegenias, t"1 emus, W. H. Doors
ang, iMra. L. i symtolas; ]3egonIz s, 3
nth-r'y+I''''4.7F3 EEwitin; eseve
ratty urs P tited plants, W. I.. Dear-
-by; ogoss, Mrs. Garnet �'•'lay-
seaself lin. E. Trembly; Snapdragoane
eelltectione, Mrs. Garnet Bfeywood,
We. H. Dewing ; Alsters, whiff,
Wee. I . Trembly; Asters, pink, Mrs.
Mrs. Trembly; Asters, purple,
W. OHS Dearing, P/irs, Trembly; Ass
nesse Comet, oollecti'mn, Balms. L. Rese
molds; Alstere, wets, W. H. Dear-
flng, Mrs. G. ]Elleyvwood; Asters,
mauve, ami s. G. !:I eyw'ood, JIltre. L.
I .ynolds; Asters, purple, ,Mrrs. Trem-
bly.; .rs pink'/slurs. Tremb ;
Asters,, C,atri-ichn plume, W. E. Dene -
Gag, 0`rs. Trembly; Coxcombs, dis-
play, Mrs. Reynoa, W. IL Dearing;
Co connbs, display feathered. Mrs.
IDearing, Mrs. L. Reynolds; Cosmos,
lira. L. Reynolds, Mrs. Trembly;
Dianthus or Pinks, collection, Mrs. G.
Heywood, IMrs. L. Reynolds; Gladio-
llusq, best one named variety, D. Row-
cliid'e, G. .i +eywood; Gladiolus, best 3
apik es, D. Rowcliffe, G. :!eywood;
Gladiolas, best six spikes, G. 'may -
wood, Mrs. Hyndman; Gladiolas, best
collection, G. Heywood; Gladiolas,
tbasket or vase, with any foliage ar-
rran.gementy G. Heywood; Impatiens
or Balsams, Mrs. 'Reynolds; Marigolds
African, W. H. Dearing, Mrs. L. Rey-
nolds; Marigolds, French, Mrs. G.
Ilhgfwood, Mrs. E. Trembly; Mattiola
or Stacks, best display, Mrs. G. Hey -
"wood, Mrs. Reynolds; Phlox Drum -
c ndi, best display, Mrs. Trembly, W.
M. Dearing; Petunia, single best dis-
play, Mrs. G. Heywood, W. H. Dear-
fing; Petunia, double, best display
"with foliage, Mrs. L. Reynolds, W. H.
IDearing; Pansies, 3 best blooms, W.
lAC. Dearing, Mrs. G. Heywood; Sweet
=Peas, Mrs. G. Heywood; Verbenas,
(best display, 'Mrs. Trembly, Mrs. G.
eywood; Zinnias, Dahlia boweled,
1Ilirs. Trembly, Mrs. Heywood; Zinnias,
Hunkin, Mrs. Heywood; collection'
of annuals, W. H. Dearing, Mrs.
'Trembly; collection of perenials, Mrs..
IL. Reynolds; 'bride's bouquet, W. H.
Dearing, G. Heywood; Ibasket cut
lowers, George Jaques, Mrs. Trembly;
Shand bouquet, 'Mrs. Trembly; novelty
nn curt flowers, W. H. Dearing, Mrs.
W. H. Deeginea ]$3. vii ,Q=10
�$ vG tzi, Vel.114, BEM. �''a.• 02874i
�EVi 11 ,
v eties net Sap, Joni
see /kb Edith ly; cA
W. to , Dwaine, G. �:{ =kin;
caganGatil' �Qj�li,4,,a;�`r�*�rinSo. s . 'CadeItmn,
GlJdEkssy3 in; ,oanpned PM's, Jam
'Grieve, W, ul. Deering; enliese4 /"Vias s a
W. Iffi. IIDeesin , P u'a, L. kBroyixgldo;
cennneel n• 'tie , W, Dearing, B.
WiDlioe= en canned einawberries,
MTS. L. Ir eInelda, W. E. Dearing;
canned aspplee, W. H. Deering, Mrs.
Old ; =pa crapes, G'brlya 7561t --
kin; ca rti esd corn,, Um. E. Linde ie eld,
William )Hey' canned tomatoes, W.
1 Dearing, J. T. Hare; 2 varieties
vegetable Marreslade, W. E. Dearing,
Mrs. E. Trembly; can=ned &l en, W.
. Dearin 091. A. Fuse; bll;rash 4o'r
two, G. P., myn]pn; e n .-,,i hens, )Mrs.
Clayton Sims, W. H. Dung; assort-
ment cured meats, H. A. Fuss, W. H.
Judge--JMrs. W=illiam Consitt.
Apples—Six varieties a winter ap-
pies, J. Ts iehner; fall apples, J. Trieb-
ner, W. Doupe; Rhode Island Green -
hags, C. Truemner & San, Alvin Kad-
ing; Northern Spies, C. Truemnar
Son, J. Triebner; Golden Russets,
Mrs. E. R. Pym, C. Truemner •: Son;
snow apples, R. Sanders, J. Triebner;
Colvents, R. Sanders, C. Truemner
Son; Alexander% G. Hepburn; !"ib -
stone Pippins, J. Triebner; 'Wagners.
C. Truemner San, R. Sanders;
Maiden's Blush, J. Triebner; Wealthy.
B. Williams & Son, Mrs. E. R. ]Pyne;
Blenheim Pippins, C. Truemner &
Son; Tolman Sweet, R. Sanders, C.
Truemner & Son.
Bears--4C!app's Favorite, ars. E.
Trembly, 'Mrs. C. Sims; Bartlett, W.
H. Dearing.
Plums—Lombards, J. Grieve, R.
Sanders; any variety, J. Grieve, C.
Truemner & San; Pond's Seeding, C,
Truemner & San.
Grapes—Niagara, Gladys Hunkin,
Miss White; Concord, W. H. Dearing.
Judge—S. J. Hogarth.
Most neatly arranged plate of but-
ter for table use, J. T. Hern, J Trieb-
ner; 2 dozen eggs, Mrs. Van Camp, J.
T. Hern; 5 dozen eggs, J. T. Hern.
Ten yards flannel, all wool, W. W.
Taman; pair blankets, all wool, South -
Fall wheat, white, Wm. Coates, B. eott Bros., Mrs. James Creighton;
Williams & Son; fall wheat, red„ J. woollen yarn, Mrs. E. Darling; 10
Triebner, H. A. Fuss; spring wheat, yards rag carpet, Mrs. E. Lawson;
Clinton Sweet, C. Truemner & Son: tailor custom suit, W. W. Taman,
6 -rowed barley, C. Sweet; white oats, Southcott Bros.; collection general
C. Truemner & Son; timothy seed, goods, Southcott Bros.; 'best collection
C. Truemner & Son; white beans, C. tailor's goods and furnishings, W. W.
Truemner & Son; clover seed, C. Taman; collection boots and shoes,
Truemner & Son; best collection of Southcobt Bros.; assortment of tweeds
geain in ear, L. Reynolds; small 'peas, any make, W. W. Taman; pair ladies'
C. Truemner & Son. boots, Southcott •Bros.; pair gent's
boots, Southcott Bros.
Potatoes, Rural New Yorkers, W.
IH,. Dearing; Irish Cobblers, J. Sut- Landscape, Miss White, Mrs. Bat•
ton, W. Doupe; Green Mountain, J. ton; marine view, copy, John Grieve,
Sutton, W. H. Dearing; Early Rose, Mrs. Batson; animals, copy, Mas.
W. 1a. Dearing; any other variety of Batson; still life, study, Mrs. Bat -
potatoes, J. Sutton, ,VMrs. E. Linden- son, John Grieve; fruit or vegetables,
•Yield; three varIenes of potatoes, Mrs. Batson, John Grieve; portrait,
'W. H. Dearing; blood beets, R. San- Miss White, Mrs. Batson; water col-
eleis, Globe beets, J. Sutton, C. or scene from nature, Miss White,
Truemner & Son; sugar beet man- John Grieve; flowers, Miss White;
golds, W. H. Dearing; long man- any original object, F. Gollings, J.
golds, J. Triebner, W. H. Dearing; Grieve; sepia, any subject, Mrs. J.
globe mangolds,. R. Sanders, W. H. Batson, G. Ifeywood; pastel, land -
Dearing; intermediates, Mrs. Rey- scape, Mrs. Batson; pastel, marine
molds, W. H. Dearing; Early Horn view, Mss. Batson-; pencil drawing
carrots, R. Sanders, Mrs. E. Trem- scene, Mrs. Batson, Miss White;
ably; Nantes, J. Sutton, Mrs. E. pen and ink sketch, Mrs. Batson, F.
Trembly; white or yellow field car- Gollings; single piece of art work
rots, R. Sanders, Aldon Kading; ten not listed, Mrs. Batson, H. A. Fuss;
ears of sweet corn, white, Mrs. L. tooled leather, 'Mrs. Batson, new
Reynolds; 12 ears Indian corn, G. craft not listed, F. Gollings, 1VIrs.
Heywood; 10 ears Bantam corn, J. Batson; sealing wax, display, Mrs
Sutton, W. H. Dearing; water mel- Batson„ 'Miss White; basketry, three
ons, R. Sanders; pumpkins, R. San- specimens, Mrs. Batson, H. A. Fuss;
de2s, C. Truemner & Son; squash, charcoal scene, Mrs. Batson.
IR. Sanders; musk melons, R. San- Hand Painted China --- Realistic
triers; sweet turnips, Clinton Sweet, painting, 3 pieces, Miss White, Mrs
cauliflower, R. Sanders; red onions, Batson; conventional painting, three
John Grieve; white or yellow onions, pieces, Mrs. Batson, John Grieve;
-John Grieve, W. H. Dearing; Spanish lustre work, collection of small piec-
onions, R. Sanders, G. Grieve; peck es, J. Grieve, Mrs. Batson; six or
of tomatoes, R. Sanders, G. Hey- more pieces of tea set, 'Mrs. Batson,
wood; bunches of celery, John John Grieve; tinted snap shots. Mrs.
Grieve; citrons, round, R. Sanders, Batson, 'Miss White; photographs,
John Grieve; parsnips, R. Sanders; amateur, 'Mrs. Batson.
1Hubibard squash, Mrs. E. Linden- Judge—Annie Dier.
)field, Cecil Rowe; table squash, R.
Slanders, C. Truemner & Son; fall LADIES' WORK
cabbage, R. Sanders; winter cabbage, Embroidered tray cloths, Mrs. J.
1R. Sanders; best collection of vege- : Creighton, Wim. Hey, H. A. Fuss ;
=tables, R. Sanders; special vege- embroidered table linen cloth and 6
table marrow, Mrs. Van Camp. napkins, George Jaques, Edgar Dar-
Judge-1Rkl. Coates. ling; embroidered luncheon set, Mrs.
Hyndman, Wm. Hey, Mrs. Creigh-
DOMESTIC ton; luncheon cloth) and serviettes,
Honey, extracted, Mrs. Edgar Dar- Mrs. Hyndman, E. Darling, Mrs.
Iling; maple syrup, W. Doupe, Mrs. Creighton; embroidered centre piece,
Clayton Sims; home made bread, white, William Hey, Grace Chambers,
"white, Mrs. E. Lindenfield, Mrs. L. Mrs. E. Lawson; embroidered corna-
1R.eynold's; home made bread, brown, tion braid, Mrs. E. Darling; embroid-
2. T. Hera, W. H. Dearing; six home erect curt work, Mrs. Hyndman, 'Mrs.,,
tmade buns, Mrs. E. Lindenfield, W. Darling, George Jaques; embroidered
. Dearing; coffee cake, W. H. Dear- eyelet, Wm. Hey, Mrs. Creighton; em -
Eng, {Mrs. L. Reynolds; angel cake, broidered French and eyelet, Mrs.
Mrs. L. Reynolds; light cake, W. Creighton, Wm. Hey; embroidered
Doupe, Cecil Rowe; dark cake, Mrs, punch work, Mrs. Creighton, Edgar
Reynolds, Cecil Rowe; apple pie, Al- Darling; embroidered towels, Grace
win Pyne, Cecil Rowe; pumpkin pie, Chambers, Mrs. Van Camp, Mas.
W. H. Dearing, W. Doupe; lemon pie, Creighton; embroidered sheet and pin
G. Jaques, A. Pym; red currant, W. low cases, Mrs. Hyndman, H. A. Fuss;
H. Dearing; apple jelly, Mrs. L. Rey- embriidered pillow cases, Mrs. Creigh-
arra, lolv11n 1Pm..
t*; eattalarolld 4 Vie£.
� Sas . �pr fly li
� 'u 4VA141;a7'�1 ICtf, TgQU° A, 7 ,.
e w r ' eamhaara>1 ased. la.ul-
garian, Mrs. E. b,'riimng, Was Waite;
embroidered 'li mennaellie , Mica W *t ;
enebroider Modern a; 's Oita, Miss
W Prov. Caele tt054 embroidered
Centrepiece, cohered, Mrs. E. I#t. Pym,,
Mire. Darling, Fllorenee Walter; lace,
Irish, Mrs. Car hton; lace ane.Stinig,
J. Grieve; lace, tatting, Mrs, Ed. Law-
aon, Mrs. Darling; lace ttenburg,
Miss White; late with machine made
•braid,rs, Darling; other than e;�',1_
bmoidery txvey cloths, Mrs. Law en
Mrs. Darling; other than embroidery
doylies, 'Mrs. Darlianee C.Yrace Cham-
bers; other sheen embroidery luncheon
set, 'PGLiltcosi )tut, Mrs. E. ][Dawning;
other than embrsoidery luncheon cloth
and serviettes, I cars. Ed. Lawson, Mrs.
E. Darting; other than embroidery
pillow cases, Luther Rowelige. Mrs.
Creighton; other than embroidery
and nd stand covers, Mrs. E.
Lawson=, Mrs. Darling; the: than
embroidery towels, Mrs. Darling,
Grace C!r.:;'mvbers; other than em'braid-
ery Sheet and pillow cases, Grace
Chambers; bed spread, H. A. Feiss,
Mas. 'Creighton; other than embroid-
ery serviettes, 6 or Snore, Mrs. Dar-
ling; crochet fillet, Mrs. Ed. Lawson,
Elva amine; crochet Macrane. Mims
White; crochet table mats, Mrs.
Creighton, Pars. Darling; crochet
centrepiece, Mrs. E. Lawson, Elva
Hlorne; between meal cloth, Grace
Chambers, Mrs. Creighton, George
Jaques; drawn thread work, Mrs.
Creighton, William Hey; handker-
chiefs, 6 handmade, Mrs. E. Lawson;
collar and cug set, H. A. Fuss; fancy
apron, 'Mrs. Ed. Lawson; 'Mrs. E. Lin-
denfield, Mrs. E. R. Pym; ladies' un-
derwear, Mrs. Creighton, . A. Fuss;
night gown, William Hey, Mrs.
Creighton,, Mrs. J. 'Green; "rinces•s
slip, 11._A. Fuss; infants jacket, 'Mas.
Hyndmase Mrs. Lawson; infant's bon-
net, Mrs. Hyndman, Miss White; in-
fant's bootees, Mrs. Hyndman, Mrs.
Darling; child's dress, 2 years or ov-
er, 'Mrs. E. Lawson, 'Mrs. C. Sims;
ladies' dress, house, Mrs. E. R. Pym,
Mrs. James Green; laundry bag, Elva
Horne, Mrs. Darling, fancy bag, Mrs.
Ed. Lawson, Alvin Pym; bead work,
Mrs. C. Sims, H. A. Fuss; table run-
ner, Florencaj Walters, Mrs: Dar-
ling; sofa pil=low, mounted, Elva
Horne, Mrs. C. Sims, Mrs. Batson;
sofa pillow, washable, Mrs. E. Law-
Mrs. C. Sims, 'Mrs. Darling;
library set pillow and runner, Mrs. E.
Lawson, Mrs. Darling; serving tray,
Mrs. Batson, Mrs. Lawson; card
table cover, Mrs. Creighton, Flor-
ence Walters; man's night shirt, J
Mrs. E. R. Pym, Luther RowcIifte;
man's work shirt, Mrs. E. R. Pym,
R. A. Fuss; kitchen apron, Mrs. E.
R. Pymn, Mrs. C. Sims, Mrs. Law- r,
son; knitted sweater, 'Mrs. C. Sims,
Mrs. Creighton; knitted suit, girl's,
over 4 years, Mrs. C. Sims; knitted
scarf, Mrs. Creighton, H. A. Fuss;
knitted cap, Mrs. C. Sims, H. A.
Fuss; knitted slippers, John Grieve;
knitted ladies' mitts, Mrs. Creighton,
Mrs. Lawson; knitted men's mitts,
John Grieve, Mrs. Darling; knitted
men's socks, Mrs. E. Lawson, Mrs.
Darling; braided rug, Southcott Bros., :*
Mrs. L. Reynolds, W. H. Dearing;
hooked rug, Mrs. C. Sims, C. Sweet;
pair window curtains, H. A. Fuse,
Mrs. Darling; slumber rug, H. A.
Fuss, Mrs. Darling; down or wool
comforter, Milton Luther, Mrs.
Creighton; quilt, patched cotton,
Luther Rowcliffe, W. H. Dearing, Al-
vin Pym; quilt, pa=tched, knitted, John
Grieve; table runner, Luther Row-
cliffe, Mrs. C. Sims.
Judge—Annie Dier.
Green Mountain potatoes, Mrs. L.
Reynolds, J. Trie'bner; Irish Cobbler
potatoes, Mrs. E. Lindenfield, Clin-
ton Sweet, Mrs. Van Camp; Golden
Bantam corn, Mrs. Van Camp, Mrs.
Reynolds, E. McDonald; blood beets,
round, G. Hunkin, Barbara Atkinson,
Mrs. Van Camp; Chautenay carrots,
G. Hunkin, Barbara Atkinson, Mrs.
Van Camp; any other variety car-
rots, Mrs. E. Lindenfield, J. Trieb-
ner; yellow onions, Mrs. L. Reynolds;
Dutch sets, Mrs. L. Reynolds, Mrs.
Stone, J. Triebner; Swede turnips, J.
Triebner, Mrs. Reynolds$ parsnips,
J. Triebner; bunches of celery, Mrs.
Reynolds; tomatoes, Mrs. Van Camp,
Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. G. Heywood;
cabbage, G. Hunkin, Mrs. Reynolds,
table beans, Mrs. Reynolds, .1. Trieb-
ner; white beans, Mrs. Reynolds, G.
Hunkin, J. Triebner; marigolds, Mrs.
Reynolds, Mrs. G. Heywood, Mrs. V.
Cut Flowers—Phlox, Mrs. L. Rey-
nolds, Mrs. G. Heywood; Sweet Peas,
Mrs. G. Heywood; Nasturtiums, Mins.
Reynolds, J. T. Hern; Pansies, Mrs.
G. Heywood; 'best Geranium in pot,
Gladys Hunkin, J. Trieibner; Balsams,
Mrs. Reynolds; Dahlias, J. T. Herrn,
N. McDonald; Gladioli, G. Hunkin,
Mrs. G. Heywood, Mrs. Reynolds; col-
lection of woods, named from Huron
County, Mrs. Reynolds, Chas- Com-
collection of leaves, named and -
mounted, Mrs. Reynolds; collection
insects, named and mounted, Mrs.
Reynolds; hest writing, pupil ten
years old and under, Lorraine Arm-
strong, Clarence McDonald, Ethel
Kydd; drawing of Huron County,
10 years old and under, Stewart Puke,
Ray Jones, David Kestle; drawing of
Province of Ontario, 10 years or over,
.J•ack Doerr, Raymond Smith, Hy.
Penh'al e.
Grains—Winter wheat. Mrs. Rey-
nolds, J. Triebner; oats, M-rs. Reynolds
J. Triebner; barley, Mrs. Reynolds, J.
Domestic Science —'School lunch,
Mrs. Reynolds, G. Hunkin; jar of
plums, G. Hunkin; jar of raspberries,
Gladys Nunkin, N. McDonald; apple
pie, Gladys Hunkin; hemmed hand-
kerchief, Mrs. Stone; fancy tea apron,
Hazel Clark, Gracie Strange; dressed
doll, Mrs. Stone; hemstitching, three
pieces, Clinton Sweet; pair hand
worked towels, Mrs. Van Camp, 1st
and 2nd; sofa pillow mounted, Mrs.
Stone, Hazel Clark; fancy apron, Mtrs.
Van Clamp, Mrs. Stone; fancy pin
cushion, Mrs. Stone, let and 2nd;
crochet work, Mrs. 'Stone, Mrs. E.
Lawsoe; button holes, six, Mrs. Stone
1st and 2nd; laundry hag, Mrs. E.
taw "son; knitted socks, Mrs. E. Law-
son; ,pillow cases, Mrs. V. Camp, Mra.
Stone; 'best hammer handle, Mrs. E.
Lawson; best birdhouse, G. Browning.
• `f
eel 1
-. -FOS S t .'A ,.FV4a • 1,,,y •
Mr. C. H. Anderson, special rlep :;•ei tative of 1.OY
YORK CLOTHES, will . ive a two days defnnonstratjoml of
this famous new line of made -to -measure clothing.
All the very latest patterns, colors and styles will be
presented—each Suit and Overcoat will be made to yo:;r
individual measurement and style requirement Mr.
Anderson is an expert in measuring. Every suit will be
sold under a guarantee of perfect fit and satisfaction.
Tal r:ace
lE�II$ 2lrad and 3rd
Come in and see this wonderful offer. You will not be
pressed to buy. This is an introductory offer of Canada's
newest and best value Tailored Suits.
ecomidrngly Different
What more beauty in
fashioning than those fea-
tured in our new Fall Dis-
play. A striking collection
suitable for every occasion.
A selection that will meet
with every taste.
Every thing that is new
for the autumnal season is
here. Come and see them.
m,rl,rr IFRIIC ES
V .75® 35.
in Newer Manner
Tailored to perfection,
smarter and newer than ev-
er. Cloth Coats with love-
lier details than ever shown
in past seasons. And such a
tremendous showing to
choose from.
Broadcloths, Chidrnchillll
Velours, Sabine, Whitlrneys
New fabrics in a selection
of the choicest shades for
Fall. Beautifully furred.
ew Bath Towek9
We are displaying in our windows and at our
,staple counter this week some very special values
in ]Bath Towels. There is a very extensive range of •
domestic and imported Towels. It will pay you to
inspect these towels and the unusual low prices.
An advance showing of all that is new in the Hat
styles of the new autumnal season. A wonderful
selection for all head sizes. Trimmed in the most
fascinating effects.