HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1929-09-20, Page 84 igieetened9Q t l 'ruAsred tn • 1s 2arg4pipai To17g c, a big margin, and 4470 andl, more satisfied cus- a Mesa Nzfp Steels Breakfast Bacon, effete Aaeons Pea-klealed Back, Cot- agID1t , '1I sIleadl Shoulders, Picnic itbntb fresh and cur .,i D, P;Tpla, i;i p Sausages, Weiners, Cheese TIsPealt Ceased ]Bianns, Etc., which we Benla le at close prices. IREOEEN' °BISCUITS -3 Ms- ..25c Te arrive about Saturday. r, +1] ',S'E--Old, 35c; New, 25c; be- adles six other kinds at 30 to 50c IleINEN CLOTHES LINES Ifinsed made, RING CLOTHES pedal; feet 25c ESPINS dozen til ]EE'S COCOANUT 25c Fresh stock, pound %, 'a]L Y 'CAr11CHERS and KII .I.ERS- Fly Tox, Whiz, Wilson's Fly Pads, Tanglefoot, Fly Catchers, Zapho WALNUTS -Fresh bright - quarters; .pound O10 CORDIAL -6 ounce bottles 50e. A teaspoonful to a cup of hot wa- ter makes a splendid beef tea. DRIED PEAS -One satchel, 10 cents, equal to 1% cans of peas. CANNED PEAS -1's 10c ]IUICE-Good- quality unpolish- etre ed; 4 pounds TdeLAREN'S OLIVES -32% ozgee bottle for g The best value we think we ever had. 50c F, D. Ho.u.Icilifiem Monne Phor IPhood-166 FOP. SUNDAY DINNER Order one of our fine Roasts, K. oast Beef, Roast Lamb, Roast Veal, etc. You will find our meats are meats of quality, and 44 you have guests they will praise your selection as well as the way St is prepared and served. Ge®C CaIl macs They will get in the house when cool weather comes. We have a full line of Fly Killer in stock. - FLY TOX, FLY KIL, FLIT, WHIZ, SAPHO, etc. Handy little hand pumps for spraying, 25c. SPECIAL TINS WEEK 2 Tubes Colgate's Tooth Paste, .50 1 Colgate's Tooth Brush .50 $1.00 You get the outfit for... 50c ll egtIil1Q 53 ?hammy York Street in Toronto, and it is sig- nificant that they noir find their btdkk1 g in the shadow of the new Royal '.soak, one of the most magnificent hotels in the world and the largest in the British Empire. Apart from the appropriateness of the name for a line of men's made -to -measure clothing, there is a historical back ground which justifies the use of the name "Royal York" in connection with the record and good name of W. R. John- ston & Company, Limited. Stewart Bros. announcement as agents for the Royal York clothes appears on page 3 of this issue. A special representa- tive of W. R. Johnston will also be here demonstrating this line at Stew art Bros.' Store, October 2nd and 3rd next. The Rexail Drug Store PHONE 28 SEA FORTE Hoene and School Association. -The Home and School Association will hold the first meeting of the season Mon- day, September 23rd, at four p.m., in the Kindergarten room of the public school. There will be election of of- ficers for the coming year. We urge all members to be at this meeting. MAIN STREET - SEAFO]i TIHE PHONE 58 Apt© Insurallice IPU is LIC LIABILITY PROPERTY DAMAGE FIIRE, THEFT COLLISION Furnished Roans to let. Apply to J. B. Henderson. 8228x2 House Fur sale. -Frame house in Brucefield, large veranda, hydro, new garage, double lot, Apply to Harry Collins, Brucefteld. 8228x1 Water Guaranteed. -Persons wanting a good supply of water from a drilled well should see the undersigned. All contracts on no water, no pay basis. W. D. Hopper, Sea - forth. Phone 296. 8221x4 Man Wanted. -A first class man to work on my farm in Tuckersmith township, near Kippen, for the fall and winter months. Ap- ply to W. M. Doig, L.L.B., Port Huron, Michigan. Kuill Block, phone 1616, or to Kippen, Ontario, R. R. No. 2, phone 20 on 93. 32L'3-2 Music. -Anne G. Govendock, teacher of piano, organ and theory. Pupils prepared for 'Toronto Conservatory examinations. Class work for beginners may be arranged. Studio, North Main Street. Seaforth. Phone 103. 3220-4 Agents Wanted. -You can make good money and get the cash every week. selling our nursery stock: Fruit trees, raspberries, cur- rants, gooseberries, shade trees, dowering shrubs, .hardy Perennials, roses, hedging, etc. We furnish complete outfit free. Write to- day for particulars. Cavers Brothers, R. R. Nu. 1, Fruitland, Ontario. 32204 Announcement. -Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Knechtel, Egmondville, announce the engagenieent of their daughter, Grace Elizabeth, to Mr. William P, Martin, Middleport, only son of Mrs. Martin and the late Mr. Gershom Martin, Middleport, Ont., the wedding to take place the latter part of September. ant us explain the coverages and the l7umount of protection afforded for pat..all premium. eSe Even a minor accident will cost you Torre than the premium on a policy. Preempt Settlement of all Claims. A. D. gifilrititifiaLAND General Insurance, Real- Estate, Conveyancing, Etc. SONE 152 - SEAFOI':TH, ONT. ' WATSON Ez, REED SEAFORTH, ONT. For the balance of September we are offering our Wall papers at clearing prices. Warty lines are marked at half price and less. If you have papering to do, here is you chance to save money. k- l� O0f�f to ponsls - - SIEAFOIEBT]!II Subscriptions taken for all magazines and papers at publisher's prices. The Gordon Eckardt Company of Bell Ringers and entertainers, will ap- pear at Cardno's Opera House on Thursday evening next. As a special attraction this season the Company has engaged the Carman Gay Gypsy Band, an all girls five piece orchestra from the Pacific Coast, to furnish music for dancing after the concert. Dance is free to concert patrons. r.IN1F RAL IINSU I'IANCE AGENTS Egmondville.--'The W. M. S. Con- ference centre section of Huron Pres- byterial Society of the United Church will be held in Egmondville United Church on Thursday, September 26th. All interested in children and wo- men's work at home and abroad are invited to attend. If you have prob- lems, bring them. Miss Emma Pael- thorpe, Korea, is to be present and give an address. napresenting only the hest Can- cdiara, 'British a n d Ammerrican Companies. All ][minds of insurance effected ntt the lowest rates, includnng- ,' IE, LIIF E, ACC'ID'ENT, AUTO- .M0121112„ UTO- 0 11t dE, TORNADO AND PLATE GLASS RISES Women's IInstitute.-The October meeting of the Women's Institute will be held on Friday. October 4th, at the home of Miss Mary Papple at 3 p.m. A very good programme is be- ing provided. All the girls are asked to please hand in their quilt nlocks as the committee in charge are wait- ing to finish the quilt. Don't forget your flour sack articles are supposed to be handed in at this meeting also. -Alao-- AIL ESTATE and LOAN AGTEITS Prompt attention paid to placing plea and adjusting of alma o. tt e;heess established 50 yearn, guaranteeing good cervices. agamers for Singer Sewiivnp efeenefeae Cenpnmty- OFFICE P1.; ONE, 83 W RESIDENCE PHONE, 38,7 Home Grown Tobacco. -Mr. William Duggan, East William Street, brought into The Expositor Office this week a fine sample of Burley tobacco, grown in his own garden. The main stalk held six branches which were covered with leaves which measured over 20 inches in length by seven inches a- cross at the widest point. Mr. Dug- gan has grown his own tobacco for a number of years. nay Bak CInt=3 a 'Huron az Erie taus- te.s debenture c'rhen investing carr ravings. 'Mutual fanners insurance E*Satt8canie3 6r3M enecu to To '> A in Huron da Erie de - £rO;3 ttI C: t keyp arra aa>utzl - 7 Incy ffacr Nati hes been spending the summer at the hgme of •her. aunt, Mrs, A. D.Sather- lend', left on Tuesday- for •Toronto,. Where she will join her father" before returning to their tonne. in - Fort Sas katehewan.-r,-Miss Bertha 'Beattie, of Toro#lto, spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Beattie, in Egmondville - Mrs. Dick Winter, of St. Catharines, was the guest of Miss Grace Stevens. - Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wilson and little son, of Detroit, are guests this week at the home of Mr. Wilson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wilson. -Mr. Jas. Sleeth, of Detroit,- was a week end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. 'M. Stewart. Mr. Sleeth rendered two delightful solos at the morning, service in First Presbyterian,church --Miss Rena Simpson, of Egmndville, met with an unfortunate motor acci- dent on Monday evening. She was driving on the Kippen road when her car skidded in the loose gravel and upset. Miss Simpson was pinned un- der the car and her arm was fractur- ed in two places. During her con- valescence her duties at No. 10 school, Tuckersmith, will be filled by Mr. Ed- ward Rankin. -The Misses Bessie and Pat Kyle and Mr, Morrison, of Welland, and Miss Dorothy Hutchison, of St. Catharines, were the guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. F. D. Hutchison `while here on Saturday, attending the A'berhart- Laing wedding. -The East Huron Teachers' Convention will be held in Seaforth on October llth and 12th. - Mr. Robert Porterfield and Mr. Frank Lamont are spending a couple of weeks in Clifford, where Mr. Porter- field has a building contract. - Mr. James Watson and daughter, Miss Marion Watson, are spending this week in Toronto. -Sunday, October 6th, and Monday, October 7th, are the dates reserved for Miss Siegel, inspirational, dramatic and huh orous entertainer ,who will appear in the United Church on those dates. - Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Russell and daughters left Friday for their home in Peoria, Ill., after spending several weeks with relatives here. -Mr. and Mrs. George Allan and Mr. and 'Mrs. Reg. Sloan, of Dearborn, Mich., were w -eek end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Jones. - Egmondvillians extend a hearty welcome to Mr. and Mrs. George Coleman and family who have moved from :Stanley and ars occupying the handsome residence they recently purchased from Mr. John tMcCaa.-Mrs. R. H. Sproat has returned from visiting friends in Lon- don. -Mrs. W. R. Plant and daugh- ter, Edna, have returned from visit- ing friends in Acton and Toronto. - Mr. and Mrs. L. Kruse and son, Billie, of Galt, and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson, of Auburn, spent Sunday with Mrs. William Sclater. -Mr. Geo.' Irwin, of Florin, California, was here over the week end visiting friends at his old home at Alma and other places in the district. Mr. Irwin has always been a great poultry breeder and fancier and this year has been ex- hibiting a hundred of his birds at the large fairs in the States and Canada. He captured $116 at the Western Fair, London, and has been equally success- ful at other points. On his way back to California, he will exhibit at all ]FELT. •JEIAlls SELF '.IrERWIMED MD ITEM= TRIMMED Eograg?a klA]I>flwa pink roses, maiden hair ferns and baby's breath, showered with lilies of the valley. During the signing of the register, Miss Mabel Turnbull sang 61 Love You Truly." Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents Autumn flowers of almost every var- iety had been introduced into the rooms for the occasion. The color scheme of the dining room was pink and mauve. The bridal party receiv- ed in the living room before a bank of ferns and flowers, Mrs. Laing, the mother of the bride, wearing navy georgette, panelled with lace, with rhinestone ornament, a navy blue hat and oorsage bouquet of pink roses. Mrs. Aberhart was modishly gowned in black and silver with hat to match. A buffet luncheon was prettily serv- ed by Miss Margaret Crich and Miss Helen Lane, assisted by Dr. Keith, of Toronto, and Mr. William Greig. The toast to the bride was proposed by Rev. Mr. Lane, to 'which the groom responded in a few well chosen re- marks. Amid showers of confetti, the happy couple left on a motor trip, the bride travelling in a figured crepe gown of powder blue and black, sable trimmed navy coat with hat and shoes to match. They will spend their honeymoon at the Aberhart cottage at Bayfield. Guests about thirty of the immediate friends of the bride and groom were present from Toronto, Stratford, Welland, Port Dalhousie, St. Catharines, Aurora, Walkerton and Milverton. Dn. and Mrs. Aberhart will reside on St. Andrew Street, Mit- chell, and will be at home to their friends after October 15th. Dorrance-Johnston.-A quiet wed- ding was solemnized at North Side Church Parsonage, on Thursday, September 12th, at three o'clock in the afternoon, when Miss Ila Mae Johnston, daughter of Mrs. S. John- ston, of Seaforth, was united in mar- riage to Mr. Norman Russel Dorrance of McKillop, the ceremony being per- formed by Rev. W. P. Lane. Fol- lowing the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Dorrance left on a motor trip to Montreal and Quebec, and on their re- turn will reside on the groom's farm in McKillop. Church Notes. -Rev. I. B. Kaine will have for his sermon subject in First Presbyterian Church on Sanday morning next, "The Church in the House," and in the evening, "Seeing the Unseen." -The young people of First Pres- byterian Church will hold a social evening in the school room of the church on Wednesday, September 25th, at 8 p.m. Everyone welcome, Young People's Society of North Side United Church. -The Social Com- mittee with Mrs. E. S. Chapman as convenor, were responsible for the success of the meeting of the North Side United Church Young People's Society on Tuesday evening. Owing to weather conditions the weiner roast, previously planned to be held at the Lions Club Park, had to be cancelled, but games and contests, supervised by E. R. Crawford, were greatly enjoyed in the basement of the church, as 'were the piping hot rolls and weiners. Next week's meet- ing is in charge of the Citizenship Department with Mr. James Scott presiding. Come and join us in our fall work. The Penny Bank. - The average weekly percentage of pupils deposit- ing during May and June in Seaforth in the Penny Bank, in the schools of Canada, was Seaforth Public School, 51 per cent; Seaforth Separate School, 21 per cent. The total amount on deposit at the end of June to the credit of the pupils of the Seaforth schools was $1,200.59. This is an in- crease of $298.75 over the amount on deposit at the end of June, 1928. Not how much but how often. Thrift is a habit. W. M. S. of Egmondville United Church. -The September meeting of. the W.M.S. of the Egmondville- Unit- ed Church was held on September 13th. Mrs. W. F. McMillan presided. Hymn 293 was sung and the Scripture lesson from 23rd chapter Luke was read by Mrs. 'McMillan. Prayer was given by Mrs. James Brown. Devo- tional leaflet, "Beginning at Jerusa lem," was given by Miss Charters. Study leaflet, "Pioneer Days in Can- ada," by Miss Thoms, "Wolfe and Montcalm" by Mrs. McGonigle. The call of the Great Northwest" by Mrs. P. M. Chesney. Mrs. (Malcolm was present and spoke a few words on "The Menace of Red Socialism." The sectional meeting will be held in Eg- mondville church on September 26th. Local Briefs. -Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart left last Thursday for Fort William where Mr. Stewart will at- tend the annual convention of the Canadian Ticket Sellers' Association. -Mr. David Anderson, of Chicago, was a guest last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Smith. - Dr. John 'Mel+aul, Mrs. McFaul and Miss Evelyn, bf Toronto, are' guests this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mullen. -Miss Elizabeth Jones who ECH JOT RETURN ENGAGEMENT OF el Er W. M. S. -The September meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of North Side United Church was held in the school room Thursday after- noon, September 12th. The meeting was in charge of Circle No. 3, Mrs. Reid presiding. The Scripture read- ing was given by the leader, and prayer by Mrs. J. Johnson. A most bellyful reading, entitled "A Chinese Woman's Prayer" was given by Mrs. Hutchison. The study, "Pioneer Days in Canada," was given in three parts by Mrs. Finlayson, Mrs. Welsh and Miss Jennie Robb. A very pleasing piano solo, "Humeresque," was play- ed by Miss Annie Hanna. Our worthy president, Mrs. W. P. Lane, who just returned from their vahation, was present for the business part el' the programme, taking charge, and closed the meeting with prayer. $100 For a Naurne.-On July 5th last, W. R. Johnston & Co., Limited, well known Toronto manufactures of hiifi grade clothing, amounted' in The EZ- positor, through their. Saaforth ag- ents, Ste -wart Eros., that it was their intention to bring out a new popular priced line of made -to -measure cloth- ing and offered $100 for a suitable name. The contest clewed July 15th and the judges were Mr. George MacDonald, President of George MacDonald, Limited, advertising ag- ency, and Mr. George Duffy, advertis- ing manager of "The Clothier and Haberdasher." The name selested for the new line of clothing was "Royal York." There were twelve contest- ants, scattered from coast to coast, who suggested Royal York, Mr. James Stewart, of Seaforth, being one of the twelve. Owing to the unusual num- ber of successful contestants, W. R. Johnston & Co., Ltd., increased the prize motley to ow and gave each successful contestant $25. The reas- ons why the name "Royel York" was chosen are ea fellows: W. R. John- ston & Company, Limited, have been manufacturers of men's clothing since 1838, having been in busitteSsf ever since the time when Torentai was known as "Muddy York," ssiOd York wan the st costre of the newly or- ganized P1:01&le.O of Upper Canada. Toronto =C. Wigan:11y ltnovra, and rd. Tortt," and was nenetateilVe yearn Aherhart-Laing. -- On Saturday, September 14th, North Side United Church, deoorated with gladioli and ferns, was a bower of beauty, when Miss Mary Laing, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Laing, appeared at the altar and became the bride of Dr. William Aberhart, of Mitchell, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Aberhart. Rev. W. P. Lane, pastor of the church, of- ficiated. The bridal erocession begah promptly at 6.30, when the strains of 04, bridal chorus from Lohengrin, were sounded by Miss Anne Goven- lock at the organ. The ushers were Mr. W. T. Laing, brother of the bride, and Mr. William Greig. The brides- maid, Miss Mary Bell, was frocked in shell pink georgette and lace with large black velvet hat, and carried a bouquet of pink roses. The groom was ably supported by his brother, Mr. 'Carl Aberhart. Following the bridesmaid, the bride entered the church on the arm of her farther. Her wedding gown was of white georeeette and Brussels laee, embroidered with seed pearls. A court train ailver tissue "fell in a le linee from the thouldere end up aid second train shi4nnezring veil( s4; .14e, hqld to :the head wi on dear side. Paramount's mighty tribute to the Western -iioneers that took the coun- try by storm when first shown several years ago. ERNEST TORRANCE TULLY MARSHALL LOIS WILSON and all the original stars you'll want to see again in their famous roles. NOW SHOWING Afternoon and twice at night Fair Day. Admission, 15 and 25 cents. Matinee, 15 cents. ,,e Altsonac- ffilk- those -&11M141. ti6ndloonlild 'limit Monday, Tuesday and Wednesalay MARY ASTOR LLOYD HUGHES "THREE WING MARRIAGE" A story of 'it.a.nch and Circus. CONUNG 65 The Epic of the Air Gs" For Six Day Showing. INC the larger centres in the Southern States. -Mr. and Mrs. W. McIntosh, of Toronto, spent the week end at the home of Mrs. James McIntosh. --Miss Hazel Reid spent the week eni with Stratford friends. -Mr. Roy Coward from the West, is visiting with friends here. -Mr. and Mrs. E. Ferguson, of Aylmer, spent the week end with friends here.-Egmonnyille and vicin- ity will be glad to know that Mr. John MoCaa has decided to remain in the village and is building a new home adjoining the one he recently sold to Mr. Coleman. -Mrs. Malcolm, of the Manse, Egmondville, who met with a painful accident before moving here, is atble to be out again after being confined to the house for several weeks. -Miss Agnes McLellan, of Meaford, is staying with her sister, Mrs. Oliver. ss For Moo Dap We inverve yors to Reels MCC ear display. We would like a clove of your tr e. We Martnetes Gatiasfaellen or a -Amoy knelt. Wo carry a escapists, ra. Wiggi 011 Bags, 25c VTIhTTIEROP Notes. -The anniversary service will be held in Cavan Church on Sun day, October 6th. Rev. Mr. Malcolm of Egmondville, will preach the morn supper will be held on Tuesday eve ning, October 8th. A play, "Th Colenel Maid," will be put on by th young people of Belgrave Unite Church. -Miss Isabel Eaton spent th week end in London. -Mr. and Mrs W. C. Bennett, of Walton, spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton MANITEY Died In London. -Word was receiv ed here last Sunday of the death o Miss Mary Keahne, which took plac in London Sanitarium. -Her remain were brought to 'her mother's hom here last Monday, and the fuenera the Evangelical Cemetery. She i survived by her mother and one bro sympathy of the community in thi their hour of sad affliction. Notes. -Messrs. M. McLoughlin, Manley, Thomas McKay and Mis Healy took in the sights in Midlan last week, after spending a few day with Mr. and ,Mrs. Joe Eckart.-Th many friends of .Mrs. Jerry O'Har are pleased to hear that she is we enough to be moved home after u dergoing an operation in the Me oriel Hospital, Seaforth, last week. Quite a number from here attende the Brodhagen band concert givee Seaforth last Sunday evening, and a enjoyed the programme. Notes. -Mr. . of Victo University, delivexed a very able se mon in the United Church here la Sabbath morning. --The W. M. S. be their regular monthly meeting in t basement of the United 'Church I profitable time VIZZ upent Coy al. ing for Mr. D, lUbettent, eine lc lord?, in f ends Ma co trannty.-41117. C. Marron 2CP04.',,, at, 4. ., go Y1 T Joe. ;4. For a Qua a t ,°.ren. epee neseree A I al � Results in t�IlO i s, :�' , , ���'�f [tIl e ]et it �� 9 instances ha oqed that quality me•3chan- Sagefirlleee dise is the basie.eLawry Tor The prominent success. This , truth lives to -day, will Autumn S i of live to -morrow and con- tinue to live ,with, in- :929 creasing force. Our Fall merchandise be- We invite you now to speaks quality, come and inspect the fresh, new quality mer- chandise that is display- ed here in every depart- ment. ' Outstanding Feataurxee .: og the • N1EW COATS AND NN CO» DRESSES ®un Exhibit 1U erre Distinctive in Quality '•` and Line. k e c se Striking in their artis- tic color tones. Not merely coats -not Unusual in their smart merely dresses - b u t trim effects. coats and dresses-qual- Moderate in their Price ity coats and dresses at Markings. popular prices. By all means come and see if we have not got just the Coat or Dress you would like to have. Exeter, visited the latter's brother, 'Taggart, of Watford, visited the: Mr. and Mrs. William Brigham, last home of Mr. E. Adams and also Mice Thursdays. They were accompanied and Mrs. G. Thompson. -Mr. and Mrs.. byMr. and Mrs. Beamer, who spent George McCall spent the week '(FAB the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. with friends near Brussels. - Wee G. Moon. -Mr. G. Ball spent several Fraser, who has been for some ti6:.a days with London friends last week. at the home of Mir. A. Radford, has -Ma. J. Canter spent last feek with completed his contract and has teem Landon friends. -Mr. and Mrs. Mc- another at Mr. E. Youngblut's. MY:LT T: ,,r, a Dependa,D e _ _ _ CVd - a („m41Q.3 1MDE µ4RR RrpS1u ,,,..„„,„„e„ 03 BEST PATENT 1l0URo gf gatt4G , « J, a:rl'% MILLED FROM IFQOlaId' SELECTED HARD SPRING WHEAT Tor Biscuits, Pies ondeatres WOLVERTON FLOUR MUS COMPANY TOW =gICh= MARYS ONTARIO T yS ONTARIO JST. SIILVIEIRKIING KEYSTONE FLOUR FLOUR F "OUR i::EST PATENT,' "A GOOD PASTRY ]FLOUR.°' 3 IIs milled ;frog m selected Hard Here is a flour specially umW Spring Wheat. Use it in your ed to make 6L Good Pastry.' favorite lEtecipes and you are It costs no more than othe] a assured of Success in baking. flour. MILLERS SINCE 1849. W llv tr10 l TADaar Ni..IlIl_e Co„ Lfimited,a i SIEAIF®] TIRD N 1T 5 e a 7 e 11 d n" ii O4gors you 1 101,i0f ,11 1 1 erce Clinton, i}t© a 1Pr{1 l 1:uoineoso Trnieriza ,g that lmsao macdo it pool3iblo ffoi oaarr sterno of atta dont t,o obtain anal hoM pooitlorma den ",,.1 R`L: a eras high standard o$ @r, Q u.„, COU Irt SES: Stems asaphia, Oasis® rcllai, Secretarial', honor aD 'la : ®fat 4% Cion &mice, Cotnnnnsrelal T®sachmen Course mad SpaffaIl Ceara- c r- O(J �r87a3t1Ii3� z :.. Irt d F USS SERV II,:seen Now o l, :nn od ,to�l Students at- ne gt Is tending The t3ohpo1 Off t orilit me °a o. • j Sias honrb d,aiillalcehool art •: tellIlow fres to Ova 7 studer9its. lkiZtke hie an opportimitylou cannot afor' /1 Ip- {a to miss. IFot pactict l afl a `. 'itei ,' , in 1,.,•. Y ,5, ,L { ,p ,M pp �g,�;�, IL Stn WARD, a- m4 ] Rema t . a q r nII