HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1929-09-20, Page 5.� ;; � � N . � � .�"�ij�� yt�q �Y.��/y ir1.�,�f.j�i5 +1��',� I �. � m y�y I {� -,�u - !�. ,.. �, . ..�� . �i. �.�< �rt ,�. , . � a, . s��. � ,.�. .�a. �� �� ,,.�.;�.. 1 .. 'V . �, � r + ��r� . . . '-�''-'f„ rK � / �*,; � hy,� '`�'� � a C�'�.�f�;t����`���a��`',�' �; �%���aua�z��1 ���uuu �"�.�ui ;¢��� , a � ,� �tt ��o�Q� � r IDi . �' 4D� ��43 �1 a. _ 4 • �? � w �i J � � c� d� �aF�k c � w���aa�, ��a�� ��,�, a���l����� �apouana�a � ��aa �'A��ra�u�asaan. ��r�u� �� m�aapm� �1un aea�a_ ��: � ��u�a��' �&a� �4���i��' aa� �na�tta��as. l�'�ll. ���? , �➢ao��� �i� �����rap. ��� emaa���n�ioxa �'� vti�ux y�u*$,v������a� wa &uc��� Flf, q�s ��i�� v a , 1i8,�aa�'�� s���., ,�,�pg�'P�us� ��PIl�w�� e��a �' �.� m�' 4�+��.e�l��e9�i�un�; ,�me�a�ksisIl�a� �'][��axy ��` }' �S ]C�uun��a��ae, 1�T�Cioa�ag ���pfl�iaaa oi' � � �1�ro IC��,�aa�, ac�dresa�dl �Il�� �er�abe�s �� ��� &ais�Q�y oE its or��nizm,fio�a. ]�[� � G��a� $$� �s�du$fl c�evefl�or��a�t �'�oar� ---' ':9. �ETca� 8a�r.��a�tiom og tlae firs� ➢sa�axac&a nz� 'I��mn�su�o� dux�a�� �.�Y2 to �he uauuav�a �� �IlII ��n� e� b�� �s �¢fl �ua'bdivas' ;��EaS�9 '�&�l �°,�1II4- �! �o�a arn � Y���, whes� �Raere v�aa�e '���v+r��au � + 4nv� �ra� t�r�� thoanasaadl mb�rnka�a�s Yaa ,o ' �1�� organization �.aa� aaow tTe� �o��sll umem'berstai� ie �flos� o�n 6�,��9D. %�e ��r ��hbas3�og said hovv rmtacJh �P������fi� , wosk w�s d�one by t�ae ]League �aad � - �hmt surely it wap, not imp�ssible �to ihape that it would continae to expand uan4il it includes every Catholic wo- ��� vnan in �anada. Stand �by your post, � She said, and serve the �.eV Y�. and �ake a deep interest in your societv; �¢�cve it as generously as possible ana g��ur Yeague is bound to floarista and �ov,v. 1Vliss �athleen Drouillard, of �Iflittdsor, wa,s made a life membea� oi 4t➢a� Yeagne, the �ighest $�onor which '+� tt�e Catholic VU'omen's g,e�gue hms icn ats power io bestow. P/�[isa Y��ouillard ` wras for severa! years the first coss- �enor of �'rirl Guides for the le$gae, Ibut for the past three years has been �flanost an invalid. �'he little bad;e � mf Yife merri�bershig wras passed by Y �,. "- `A/C�rs. I�u�gan into the %anda of 1Vdrs. � �PI"an. �arwin, �ngersoll, present co�- ��' �enor of �ir1 �aides, and by her was � tta $�e pinned on the dress �f P/tiss �" �+rouilYard. 1Vi[rs. Donald Fraser, of . '' �Chatham, N.�., announced that Mi�s ��.Poline ��amel, of Wilcox, Sask., had ��`� �von the second annual schol.ar.ship o£ � '�2,000 given .by the League, by writ- �� �ng the best essay out of the 54 sub- �� �if,ted �by girls li,ving in all provinces •af ��e Dominion. Between four and '9� '" 4�ive hnndred people attended tiie con- vemtion banquet Friday. Gratifying �eports of social service work were $eaei. N�ecessity for field organiza- ` �ioxn w�as s�tressed and the need of a 1 � �'ield organizer to visit outlying• posts. IVfuch discussion ensued as to how to �raise means to support the expensev mf such an organizer. Mrs. .7. J. Du�;- � gan, national president, expre�sed th� �ympat3�y for outlying dio�eses and , k� �tated that Prince Rupert, v�•hich is `- �_� �rganized, has never seen an nation�l mfficer with the exception of her�elf. 1 1Virs. Duggan stressed the fact thst �ach subdivision try to have a visit 5 �frotn some one of th.e national execu- $ive once a year, if possible. A sue- �es�tion was made to raise the p?r t t1 Qapita tax to 25 cents, but this wa.s s mve�--ruled, finaily Mrs. Coffey, of li/tontreal, submitted the idea that the ° �league carry on dn the same ba:ais as t 9�ormerIy, with each diocese doin� � �vhatever possible to raise money fu: L �rganizatLon purposes. The Social � r �r.vice report �vas preserntecl by Nirs. fl'arent and the work done in London �? '� (�l sand �ttawa sho�ved a wcnderful � amount accomplished. Mi;s Sara ° �a�sey, Montreal, national convenor, � �' �ave the report of organization in d �he East. The convention session lbroke up early on Friday in order f �hat the members �night see the work- �ngs of a�baby clinic in St. 4.lphonsu� t �FiaIl➢. �he amendments as nresented � �in the April maga��ne f.or considera- � s�ion of the convention were dcalt with �,t the Friday sess�on. All were lost � �;xcept that submittecl by Lond�n li aliocese, viz„ "That in future local S g�residents for the current tiear be �ligible ior election on the Diocesan �P �;xecative." Friday evening tne dele- �, gat�s were present at Benediction ii: �ur �ady of Lalce Church, Easf Wi�:d- S „ o, so�, 3tev. F. X. Laurandeau officiat- �r�g. Saturday-The last session of la ttY�e cOnvention was occupied for twu 1 Shflvars in considering final reports li p o �u+om the different convenors of aciivi- � tt�es. Decision was made to appeal fi mnc� more 'to all the subdivis�ons for � �he annuai subsidy of $3,5('0 which � �he Yeague gives to the Sister? of Ser- avic�, with the understanding that if � v �he contributors so desixe any sums � molll¢oted in excess of the snrr� would a ibe �iven to the RuLhenian Si�terS. It S Q� �mvas unanimously agreed to join with �h�� international organization of D c���holic v�romen in presenting a spiri- d ����+ '�u$➢ bouquet to H'is Huliness 3'ope ° ,€2� �aus XI on the celebration of his n �ofla➢ea� �anniversary, and to send a R 4el�ra� nf congratulation to the J ➢Prnmate of 1V'iexico on the signing of �' �g 9 �n �;cc�brd wi�th the government of t� ���� eoxantry on the status of the �h�rch `there. Next the elEction of � mflFace�s `iook place with the following R ti,> tr�sult: F'resident, Mrs. P/�. J. 1Lyons, �' �icts�va; ls�, �Iice-i'residerat, P/drs. �F7. �' p, 1Uy�aolntyre, Charlottetown, P. �. I•; $ 2mcfl �/ic�-President, Mrs. J. C. Keen- � �n, '1Cor�onto; 3rd Vice-�resident, Mrs. L � �, �RI. �;pnnolly, Edmonton; Honorary a RI ��creba�y, IVLias Rose McElderry, �uelph;.`"Y3ionorary B'reasurer, P/xrs. ,�, to p a �o¢g�y, �estmount, Que., who was rY- h �lected. ,�'� .A.?p i�vitation from Sudbury R ,� r t�o �o7d �fi�"fiext :Vational ('onvention tO a�n 't➢�at ctity was accepted. Th� morn- S �n� session was under the chairman- D s➢�ip of .1Virs. J. J. Duggan, Fdmon- g �,toss, retiring president. Ndrs. M. �. �� �,gr�ns, the newly-elected President, �n �a�s been active in C.W.L. �vork ever S' �nnce a �braneh of the ]eague was � k� sbar4,�d in �ttawa in 1919, and was H �he �irst diocesan presiden�t t}iere. Sha e •a ` �k an active part in or�anizing war '�1 � � avork among the Cathnlics a� 1�ttawa�. m �e.������ C ��asnciY Minutes. - '��e municipal d�I� w, �o�arccil af the 'Township of Usborne �¢� �t Elimville, August 21st, in ��mc�afl aneeting as per motion of a mn��'tia►� of August 3rd. Mernbers � +��s�a�t: .�mrnes �allant,yne, Reeve, p{ �t $�a� �'louatcflYors Skinner, W`ilinams and V� ]i�ebv. �ue 9��otice e��aving been served , . m�a a�af,�pa�ye�s int�rreg�d in the �Luth- W �s�os�i I�raixa ..9.rovm�d, �h�e xeport, plan g ��� specifiq�,iiams +l�q �. 'F�T. l3rcfiibalcY, a �.�J., we� r�ac4 �s�d �ms�grle�re�, &�y the � �ow�cil e.nd sa���cYya' ��fl�;"�i,�rec��r� rate- • ,; }p�gTexs p��sent. �'�tmtr. �j��'},�af��ia�sion g ��� meport wms ��.'a�'d'E�e�#A�w���' '��pterl i po �+9 A2'81l OYl 1(1f10'�47II1 ,ki�. i a��Y'f��'l"'4-�%�1- a ➢��axea; i�e C,➢��P,�- u� 8����3���„ C� ,�6�-Yava h S�OP $�1Q �i1T'��'i@$&b7���� 6�' �L�2�4 �1d��1M8�;� -�, e9��Er $o '�� aitab��a�'�°�`�`'a�,�^�Prnm �tua�ss- � �� ��pi�¢�a er�� ��Lr��, �,�r�r"�A'�v°� dUS2 l[$�- ernedio�e on th� ���i�g��lrl0ffp� ds�tn' �a't+lna �b� Q amm S� f,ea�a�a�te 7�F� �� �a �m�- � t��Il�l P _ _ _ _._ _ __. . _.__ . _ _ _ _ ._ _ __ _ '. �. � � � � � ,{ a �� )� � I � i I I ! � i i ,i , , r �. „ �, i, . „ , . ,. ,` , . � �, . � ". � , , �� -r � ,, . . , :! 4 .,... i . ... , . . . ,:; y . /-� .. ,; .., ,. . ,. . .. � ���� „ ., ..,: . �. �.u.._, � ! J , . , . , , . . . � � �. , , , � •`�. --:e., t . .,.,.,� ,.. _ .. 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AMm � � . .�..�M ',� - � n ' � �-- 5..�:.. ....:,::....� ' .' � r.-.: a �er..,,..r..+�.� . �+4v r,nrr�+rFwrvK*�+wi�wsw�r**�r +m, mw 7 � .,.�. -...�..�. , . , � �.. �.. , 1 . , . , . . .'!'�M'!a ^!. �+»i .+n . , .., � �m-.:;rn ,. , r..� ..,.r...M:.ic v.,-a.,,-r,-. ^ �^- n E �: ' � - , �e:Mh'�,,. 7' . . ... .'t"f^. . .:�,.m;'� vrn ,.-�� '� � .- . �..... r^.� ...,.;.�.�:W, ., . � �;.' '.' _ _.. i� r ..,.��n - ¶ ...... ..._..w w. ,. . �...r . �ei rv ,�.a ..,.. . .,. � ���' . � .'i� .,. .. ,, ..: � -i' ,�.,. .,, „n�i'rtim-�m' �.��s .s ,. '. ' r..�.�.. Jlr'e'w. � « Kw �.:,'.. .�- , �:.:.�. . .i_: �.«a,,.... . i.�.. i , f . :.... ,...'. i�� . ,.-,.�'. . ��.�,�., -;i• .n�' . 7 ,.,.�., �...,. f .., . r, .. ���: 3 '��. Nwr� �«ro.w x *..� _ . , wrt. v^.. :� .v :u. Y�"t .... . � R . . F4ik W - !/ � �� � 4v� �"� � 9 k n � � ��� '�,u�d M, ���'��1111 .���1��.�a�s�n �za S�� �e� �,�� �^ava� ��a���a �nrad P�� fa��a�a A� :�� c�a�r�� ant� �� � `�,�nP9 ���t�vuz��t�3�a ���. h�ma&9��► I�as��� � �wre��: a�x►. ]HC�r� a�a� '�tka.--�����7. 1�rr ��� �T�. �'A �.�;��, ���n� �� � ��au�x� �c� �R� ��r�aa P��� I�u �,u��v�iz3�a� �;&se �$,�ev� �at� �zr����.��� �1'e, ���aac� ta �r. ��� -ri(�rc`�� ]Ce. � ��au� nnaa��,hc�� sua��.a� �a� �i��- ]��aiby au�a� �aur�i�y �u� �a�a��� g r��n&.�zs�qp� ��sc� �a��l at��$ %�+saa�l'�m F��hy. � ,o na� eos�. ,��Ill�r��va�q�s�aa��a�. 7l°lta� ��&flo�u- u gaa�'�a�xd�cs vs�� re��$v�� �� �k►c a�aaa- ILIIPT�' �7C���i PJ��iP�B�IP� st��s�rn:�� �&am �1'J'��1h��na�ua lIDa�esiaa, vaz: ,� �`i�B�,F��H �. '�e.'E'wt�$y �aYsQ�°r�r�D g° ���'� �''�- Union Sioolc Yarda, '�oro2tto. Se�ptem'ber 1 �8d T" �,R�i��,��°,,��`�3°�A���D'n �Il811�0Y"5 1�09., -W�hile �the of�erints �oP ewttle at tho var l $g,$�L �: 7C��n��.a �a�r i�l�p I$gocgs �I�r�,isn9 c�-a�y wr� ��me soo �newa ne�Yte�s tihaa� n NLonclaY 'l�ak, �Yhere was so�e imPr4vent vfl2: �("i' �Hl.@B�+ �'+��811 �S .�OY48, �i�.,`��Q; /�181- in nu�li�ty in the bwlk of the mmtrohaxm �u $�FQ, ��8'tDA k�.`�4?n''y��QD. ��trJ-�3�11�,ri1S: x�a,de s4tbwed smm�e increase in activitY. mrii 7PI�a� �k��_ 1�e�,v� R1flQIl �018II8C1IIlOP Skiaa• �me z.soo u��aa weighsrl Ak 2 o��ou. aKainst 2,OOQ at the e�apqe bi�e �. week a� II7,�8' �k1@ E& ¢96Y�p.IIY9T�$94: t0 iri�iPVLL'W ��f1�80 6hoice 'handyweight s�teace sold e�teadY at CO%1�i�lCJ�OTg aS8 "�CO B�ECYIAL$y $pi� pg�09. to 9iyy cen�ts per gawnd, with beat heife ecu�oas �a� $P� V�-dPlC. �IYl$YY19=eS�f�Y!- n ah8a� ���r ue ba 9�j�c: Plsm butche �a�,; o��$ ��� .F�1q,0.�,i �g�flQ' �� q� were barely ateady however, w�i6h aome of th rf; T� � r eom7nan �i�nd sell.is?E dawn bo 6jq cenf� ee viz: %o�,�g�► JJ�wyer, ba�Ya.nce can�ta�act s�u d. �Chaice ��ta uH to s ce�. �t �price ,on ]Paesmore I>raira cotttract, bhe odd gr�ime ��c sy4 cents ;n the ,�anlv trad �$30;,�addition;a.1 allawed for extras by '�• bwt the market f�r bua:her �owe f� off ufier the firet oau�,le of h�ouxxi, and 7 Engir�c�er, $128.XU, total $958.10. ]F'mee 7�/, ceut� ger souna r000k the �3t befar I'ress, adv�r�is�n�g %o�r tenders for �l�ins tim�. ona aoa.a or hea� 9t� ,�,aa �]0'�ashb.�zrn and �rock drains, �10.p0, lo °enc� Ber a�ow�,�t, ae azs�;,�t a nop of .lo�,s uents �Yvr 2he b�t in �tlhat cless e weelc ago -��iSPl'i�[l. 'g'p1L �Ta,lri Q'.OYY1SYtlttO� TC- while o6her �l�oade oP 'hea.vy ateers averagin coYicimended that neithe•x° tenaer on over i,2oo �unds satd from a�/.� to sy,� ��a the Wtashburn and lBroek drains be Der a,o°'°d. s�s Were a�toW trade, w;t accepted. �ouneil adjourned to meet nothing .�-Y �«Kt offerea ana the f��T t g�ood butoher bulle eel�l�'tng juc�:t steady at 67� itt i�ts xnonthl meetin Se tem e Y & A � T 7, bo 73/•� cen18 Per 'gmbnd: Sulo;nas we�re 192�.!�ienry Str�,ng, �T6Tli, shade �ser �t 6�� ?�0 6.90 ��� ver a�una. -�'Il'he Municipal Council of the Baby b�e°� �n 8 L�gbt oSering e�ae na-i�� steady with khe bq�.t oE last week the odd tap '$o�wTlshlFA of bTSbolme met 3t t�1e toWY�- bn'vr�ing 15 cenm per pound µnd other grad� ship �all, �limville, on Septe�rniber 7, do�a,�.�a 'to 11 �eaas. Trade ia atoT� w�s in its regular xneeting pursuant to �`"w 8t et�dy p�ie�,, rawsine trom s�/ m, ad'ournment. Mem�bers 7 gb cente mer pound f»r etnckeme and 7 to 1 presen�t:- s�/F cent� per pou�d for feeders. Trade iu iteeve 3ames �allantyne and Coun- k��ie� n�a f��r�Y ��c��e Up to the clase, and cillors Skinner, Williams, Dew and �'e haldover of oa.ttle, all knna9, wae no Berr 'Y'he minutes of the meabin h�'vier t,t�x„ 8.,.eek �xo, a.�a[te rohe m- Y• � cx•esse in the offaring.. of August 3rd, togethe�r with :hat of Quotakians: Heavy �ee eteers, g8.so to the special meeting of August 21st, �10.�0; butoher steete, choice, g9.60 to gzo.00: were read and approved with the fol- `�°' ��ir t° �, gs.00 r,o �s.zs; �ornmon, 56.00 Uo $5.00; butcher heiPeis, choice, 49��4 lowing correction: L. Carnish, $6.30 no �s.75 ; ab, faiT ,to �rood, gs.00 to gs.2s ; intead of $8.25 for shovelling, on do. oommon. $7.00 to ss.6o; butcher co�9, August 3rd meetimg on motion of �OOd t° �n��, �725 to sv,6w, ao. �o�on to medium, $5.50 to �7,00; do. cannee� and VNilliams-Skinner. '�he Gount OP �Z0- oatter3, $3.fi0 to �s.00 ; butoher buLis, �aod to VISiOII OTl tl'1� gZu�theTford �P&lII fi5- ch�oice, a7.00 to $7.76 ; do. medtium, §d.64 to sessment was calle� but there bein� $7.00 ; ao. boaoan�, ��.om tm ;,s.�o ; b85y b�f, no a eals and no assessed arties �1g•oo co gis.00 ; feeders, gaod, g8.00 to PP P S8.'L�6 ; do. fair, 56.60 to $7.50 ; etocic- preSeTlt, there W85 ri0 WOTIC fC�P t}12 eis, gaod, $7.00 to �7.75; de. fair, $5.50 to court to do. A tender for the con- �s.so; ��Y�. �, gi5.00 to 516.50; do., medrium, $10.00 to $14.50; do. graesers, $6.00 struction of the Rutherfox•d drain was �$7,00; springecs, $200 ta $130; milkers, received fro,m Wellington Neil for the ��s.00 to �$1D0.00; �lamixi, choice. $12.00; do., SllTri of g860, 1riC1U(�iTlg tlle� Wlt}L SSF- ��ucics, 310.00; yheeD� choice, $6.00 to $7.00: do. medium, $5.U0 to $5.00 ; ho£zs, Uscan, w.o. sfactory security. 4�'illiams-Sei•ry: �., Sii.�o btd; �to., a�.. f.ob., 5to.�_>�: ao.. That W. Neil's tender be accepted.- ,ole�cs, si.00 premivm; do., }wtcher�, w.o.c., C7arried. The Drain Committee re- s'io.7� bid. ported that they had received and ac- epted a ten�3er from Donald Graham �d���� 8i Son, London, for the construction Kdein.-- In Ponti�c, Michigan, on September lZth, to Mr. and Mr3. Jvh,n Klei�n, formerly of the Washburn Drain for th� sum �f M�x;,i,lop, x�on-M;�h1ei F,.d„�;�. �f $2,000, work to commence immedi- f'���.- �n 5tanley, nn September att,, to Mr. atelv and the contract comple�ed by �"� mtr.�. Robert M. Peck, a daughter- M�ar.ion Grxce. )ecember 15th, weather conditions Darroch.-In Seafortn Mc�morial Ho�pital, otl permit�ing, A tender for thc COri- September 13th, to nT,�. :,ad mr�. F. �v. truction of the Brock Creek D-rain Dzrroch, x aauunre,-. was received from Wellington Shipley, 1`r"""'e.�tn Mcfiillop on September iitn, to Mn r�ttc! Mjs. Jmeph IIroome, a eon-Wil- Garnet Harness and Bert I3uffie1�1 of bent Checklev. he Totivnship of Blattshal•d, for the Ni��n.-In E3st Wawan�h, on Sentember 3, um of y;1,335, work to commence im- b° '`n". an`i M". w'alr.�t• m�on, a sor. Rivei�.-� In Goderich, on August iRth, to Mr. mediately. The tender vras accepted a��a v�ry. xa�o�a N. Rivers, a aon-Dona'.d n motion Of BCTly-PeW and the COri- � Keit�n Grand Bend, on Au�uyt Alst, bo Mr. ract signed and Hugh Berry was ap- 8n� M�. Harmun at. Giu, a daughter- ointed inspector on said drain by J�dn Luc�19e. ame motion. Skinner-Dew: Tta� �- he Workmen's Compensation Board j�[�]E$,gg](�,�]E� e no�tified of these rieW COIILT'iLCtS. 'Lapfe-Aikenhead.-dn Stratford, on September W'illiams-Skinner: That the motion of �itn, �v tne Rev. George Rowland, Janet 'VTa 4th, uttin into effer�t the I:lim- c.. �i�i�.�t aduunret� or Mr. and �7�, xuqh Y P � Aikenhead, of Stanley Townc'hiD. to AUra- ille Drain By-law, be rescinded a�s no ham w. zanfe, �ia�t son of Mr. and ivt�. oilection of the assessment on 531� Hem�y C. Zapfe, of Br���fia�a. raiii will be niade this ear. ]��y_ �'Idc�lt-welly.- ac tt,e Manse, Londesboro, on y SeptR�rnber 4th, by Rev. Mr. Fuster, Marg Williams: That the Dominion Guar- E. we�ta,, second d�uUgnteT ot da:r,es we�te, ntee and Accident Insurance Polic�; to Mr: J. Simpson ,ut�Ca�i, of Morrie town- ship. or the rotection of the ivorknien of � Reynolcls-��Bell.-In London, on September G, he �tOWI15�11p be PL'17eW8C1.-C1PI"12C1. ;11�y. MarFaret Bela. aY $lyth, to Elmer 8Pt'y-NO S�COI'1d21: �It2.t 3 gl'flri'� Oi Alfred Reynalds, uf London. Uy Rev. George 15 be made to the Kirkton Library. G�)meur. -No action. A petition by residents � f the area of Woodham for street ����ffi� CumpbilL-In McKillop, un Sep•tember 18th, ghts from the Hydro Commissiou r,�„-don wa�.,on Campbell, infant soa of Mr, as presented to the council. Ferrs�- �R� M�. R��e�e wa�o� Campbell, aged s kinner: That ths Clerk communicate ""eeks. e. .Jar-rott.-In Hillsgreen, on September 4th, 1�}i the �V(�TO �OIY]M1SS10ri� aSk"IiIP' Christenn Bonthron, bc�loved wife of Widliam or terms and conditions.-C<�l"T'12CI. J. Jarrott, in her sath yez�i. he sUm of �4.00 was receiver] by th�� PO���n.-In U�bm•ne. �n September 6th, Wil- reasui•er fTOTYl residents Of Blan� liam John Pollen, in his 69th year, hard, from the sale of cow tags. �y- --- _ w No. 8, 1929, levy-ing rates, was ��1��D������v ��v�eIl��Cq � ead and passed on motion oF Wil- ams-Skinner.-Carried. '�he Ruth- �ox Sai,E.-EtcH'r YORii PIGs, READx TfOT(� �Y'a.lri By-law No. 7, 1�2�, WSS to wean, and 10 chunks. App�ly to F. S. n�allv adopted on mation of ROTTy- COLEI4,AN, R. H. No. 1, Seaforth, or vhone TiTilliams. The follaw�ing orders were ����3R� 3223-2 assed and paid on mation of IDev�- �uxE BRED st-r,�,oPsxixEs FOR sAa.�. kinner, viz: C'ivarantee and Acci- Few choice reKistered ram damt�, iett. ent Insurance Go., renewal of insur- j'LOYD A. MOFFATT. 332 Dundas st,�t, I..ondon, Oni. Phone ivtet. 809. 3223-1 nce poljcy, $72; Times-Advo�cate, on ccount 1929 printing contract, $31.55, �OR SALE.-LEICESTER SHEEP, 1 TVvO Vl%Tn. Connelly Rc Sons, advance on ghea'' Tam, i ram �amb ana some ewe �Eti*I2Tt dT81II contract, $g60; JoSe� h lam�bs. JAMES McALLISTER, A. R. No. 1, P Zurich. 3220� wyer, advance on Winchelsea creel: rain contract, $320; Russell Skinner, ------------- -- -- n account, 1929, gravel, �100; 'Ten- (�"(.��,� ��°i °Il°]�[ ,����� yson Johns, weed cutting, $3; T u�ther __ owcliffe, weed cutting, $3; Clarence Mere wh,as are snaa�„8te to Pxvr�,s ovr ohns, weed cutbing $3• Garnet Hicks thank.9 to the many �;t;Zeng of.Seafohh ana vicinity for the kindn�rs shown to onr aon. eed cutting $3; Ed. �Sillery, weed the excellent car� and �ttentien Riven him Uitt711g' �3' Q�sEI'81C1 �''OI'C�, weed Cllt- since the re&rettxb2e nnd unfortunate acc�- IIg $30• Peter �OtY� weed Clltt]riQ� dent which befeld him and m�any othere on 6.50• Ed. McDougall, weed cutting� Sunday, Au�ust llth. Dr. Newtan-Brady, of + Ba1*fic4d, we wan�t bo apeeially thank for the 2.40 • Freeman �OTflE', WEetl CUttlYlg, efficient qrofe�,sional services rendered ; Mr. 23.75; kiarold IDenh�m, weed cutting flna Mts. .4dex. McLennan 8na the Mmmori.a] 35.80• Crarfield Brock� W�2tj Cllt�lYlg� H�spita�l staff for the sTalen�id servic� entE ' tender care ftiven our son, I.onis. The insti- 21.60; �.Qw�1S COY'1ll�Sh, wCed CUttlYlg, tution is one worthy of the suvpo� of ail s• �. �' .�fiC�{�S� W0� CllttlTlg'� �4.00� citizems and it is only at a tiane of emer�ency utfier Oke, weed cutting and tile, thAt many or „q t„iir apprecinte tne oounv 2.10; Merv n Cudmore, weed ctnttin lese arta;as whioh a�e Ro �9enki�i to ailev;�ate Y g sufferi.rig. nd cleaning pnt, $26.60; PlGervyn �ls- i�. sxAPIRo, strateo�ra. n, cutting we�eds, $4.40�; Reg. De',- ridge, gravelling, $14.30; Hec�tor -� owcliffe, gravelling, �9,63; Welling- v�����v�v ���v�v�� n Satten, gra�v�lling, $379A�5; Chas. tephen, g*ravelling, $390.40; (:eorge Tende,t, for th� repair of the wintch�� av�s, grave]ling $712.ri• Frec� Sears, Drain, 9outh Aramch, a�lso the Hidlen Drain, ravellin�g �3iA.45; John F'letcher, �n McKillap Townehip, wi�ll be reoeived ti9d tching $9.50• Lewis Fle•tche•r, (�1tCIl- Saturday, Septerriber 14th. 1929. Tenders Wtat N be �oqened at 8 �.m. nt CarneKie FIa11. Sea- g, �$.5d' F'TCCI F'oYC�, (�itC}liPlg' y,1.2�� {�rth. Ten par cent. of contrnct to aoc�o�mp- dney Wilson, ditching and tile, any tender. Loweat or any tenaer not ne�- 5.40• Chas. Tuekey, CI1tClliilg, �1.00 ; 9$rily accepted. Plans, etc., anay be seeu� et Lot 36, Conceqeian 3, MeKilto➢. enry Westlake, repairing bridge, ,���N mcNax, cier¢�. tc., $16 Henry Ford, superintendence azzi-z 06.36; �/f�.. �i. �'ord, c]erical work, 6.-Ca�-3e�. 'C�ouncil adj�ourned t� - -- ---- - ee�t Octdber �i, 1929.-�Hemry Stra.n�, lerk. ' J��� � ��._-..,��',� � Yrfiti" � � �,. Na���. 1VCr.';'� Mrs�. W. J. Beale ' � � nd sosa, lKingsley, of Mantreal, and ""• � I r. and Mrs. Il; Beale, E ionel �n� '''�y" � �" i; U in s��;'of S�ra�ford, were week en3 � r� g � �� sito�'s'�i thL,hof�ne of Mrs. E. �eale. ��'�yJ --,Mr��=,7. 1V�T�eCira$h and LuciUe were t' ���L �� eek end visitors ist Galt.-IVire. �. `? ' urns"-fs� v4si2'i�� it� Kit�hener..-f1Vfr. '�et P�er back go nd 7�� s, , �'.. �Collins, og 'li/d�i. �arme➢, + � ' , �. • w o r &. Moulting 3`�'" , hean0 don't 1ay �aen�t -5u�id�'$ wi�h� IUl•rs, 1�l�ulli��.n.--- ��.gs. P�rt �ratte 1Poultry N[rq, 5�. Cxdnin �nd so9�, .�osep3a, oP etro{t,, .8�'�.; &l�Ii�s�yiriy� wiih fCie�ids ��t�Hntor in the feed and hena qet Cfie vI4t7L1y 2o hu�t�y ng� Che' moult, mnd puIcic- n ihe vi]1�����I➢x. �ts�d l��ns. ��ayrno�° IlY �02 barlc to laYlnCd E[3tTe. It Davs Co uce- x,d Victrn• 1�ave l�t £or th�r �aev� i �� mne in Kitchen�r, �h�ra� �T9L i�4�e�e' �i� as secured � �oo� p�$cbie�. �31i� �1 � �is'h them e�very sa����n.-��'Jdu: �,A�a� . `�p'l�II�irf�'4� ��' �,L"�Il�.l��sc' ,�PB. '�llCl�e� OY �04,4'O�i�`.''��D'�'Y4'E i'i�32 �'SitP49�� � � .�old b� %�amIarA nl ov¢r C1 Ad , nd w�ith Mr. and l��cs. I�. 1�. �'ua���. pA�r tQ �w �'�rrs novarnrmoox, �F'%i�'� Iiby '�1f ff���lID �. �',�.Y9NF�dD/� �SravC ---�P�[�. �'. �y�n, P��pll�r o� �.aac��.aap ��, ,Ca�-9aw Av¢.� �r0n a• �" � ;; , a �� � ,. - .....,a.M4w ,� ' s An. � A` 4iF Y�+ Al �'�7� 4'� p �Q�X r • � A9t� S k�� �" e t o �W i L`A ,j?�? sa ,�c94 �, SU�Pt "1A�' 'aeaoamaa 8;',�&1t.��JabC. �t�a'�aa.4:���?�, �eatfs�bzr, 2a�i �� - �.�a �. .s�,. �h � � ��< 7 � � R� p &�! �t ,. �i uaad ya�a�t �Cll6, bresda�¢' �cu�a, $4D ��,r�t 2.fwba an�i W �,�c JI. 1c�usaTa�., � 7�ta�� �x� �. ��r���':x'�t af ��a�� Sc cyu _ c�i����a�a � b�au. �'�?:�1�&a'c ¢�r.���t y�a � �.�Ax� �d 9mu3x ��tes. P'azer � ce . ot n�t rai 3Tb&QD�V4"a� �noqrrriePror; �'� ���j'n. F�ue�� .� r , �za�� ��ic�r�w�v s�.a�� �� vr�r,����.� a���� i. ��i ��Fi�'� �� �'.t�jr,V�N��i Oi p'�flF, � in �Gye Vi11ag� oE ID�ablrin, Qp.�tft, 1V[r. �`$��y n�nmNn h�m receivad •inet�nCCiafic� froui Pl�r, � �,� M. Judge kti sell by �ubHc �a�,�,tion o�n i��ay s � ee har 2 rcl S 1929 mt d . , 1. p.m., a�har�. 't�i h faLlmw,int; valuable px+mge.s+b�'; 'l�a U�nxiwtmc � girntel, wtuieh ia� a i�hres a.1u�y bririk Luilalir� contairsaina 2o bad raama, $�qxlo� emd �hevb} a. t+anm. wi4h hot water c�5s�¢ea k�t�ouffhaut. �iiePc 8 ase ihree tab on cvhic4, thera �p ei�ttit�,ted �ood "� �rame 6aru. l�en Jwuae �a,ra�;e �.nd a brieL e 9u5 een. Terms vf $al�e= T�a�d HnoyertY� 3U r per cent eas�h on day oP sale, �and ba,(ance in h�Gkiirty d�ays. For 3urther paitP4�Culan3 nee �larLze sale bi11s. No re�erve as �i eq yrtrogrietor � re- �.t'tr'rng frum businese. P. 142. �'l�7DGE. Ptm�grie- D � �r. Dublin, On�G 8228x1 � �t UCTi�N SALE OF F14&til6 STOCK AT e t]1 I,ot 17, t;onceseiwn �9, IYB.aYSn�11o� Townehip, 1 2 miles east of Wi•wthroH. mn Wednesday. K October 2nd, at 1.30 a�h�ary, ,�pyinis,tiag of the ,� following: 26 �two year �ald heifern riei�ng h three: 9 yearling e-teete and �6eifers, Durham o grade �heifer with ea1P at Soot,. $olxtejn �ei�er suppoaed to Ue in oalf. Aols'Gpin cow rie3i�ng Q a milking goa3, due NGarch 4th ; FLvlytein caw � yeais, fruhemed 2 monthe3, heavy mid�lcer, aged drivi�ng mare, nuiet and rell3able. 8ix of above heifere are , euAnose3 '�hm freshea ia Navember mmd December. T`his :iy � choice io; of On�Gari,o Iared etock, �os.t]y�y.yurha.m, pa�lled Angus smd Hereford gim.de im good oond"ution a�nd w�ill be poai�tively s<nld vnikhout c�aerve as Hi+mArietor has no w.inter fe�d, Terms,-8ev_ en man�66s' credi�t w�i�17 be g;ven on furniabin� a�proved joi�nt ibankable DaDer,' or a diecownt of 3 per cen2. str.nip,ht v�i11 lse a�ldowod gor cash. CHARLES LI't"I'T.'E, Prtsgrietur; G. gi El�Iriott, Auctioneer. g22g_y �%ECUTORS' SAI.E OF 60 A.CFtE FAR1Vi. The Executor.c of the �kate oP the date John McDuug�all h�ave it�kruete�d the under- xigntrl to yell by Bublic aua6inII an Y,he prem- 'v�zs, 2 milev wai�t oY Kippen, ees2 Falf of Lot 5, sou2h bounda.ry, Stanley Towrwhi�p, oa TUenday, October let, at 2 g;nx., aharp, �e farm, which uansis�ts of 60 acrr:, more or les:�, of cday lasm with li/3 s�tory frame house, [6ix2'L� with kitchen 16�x20�, barn 40�x60/, drivinE shtd lS�x26� sma�1] amounG of buah, i,rood bearin� Qrehand, 6 seres q.( fa�ll wh�t, 17 acres seeded down 7�o h�y� .ii�al�ance tt12ab2e land. At the sume time e.nd P1ace a qusn- tity u�f h�ay i�n bara wi.11 be sn7d. nlso eea- son's crap of app]ea, wt�inh consints of onz acre or m.ore of gcwd wituter fzvit. Terms- Hay wnd a,pplea, cawh. Tertns on Rex] Es- tate.-10 ner cent. of purchase muney io be paid down on d�ay of eale, ba:lm:nce w be paid in 80 days. ARTI-IUR ANDERSON and HiJGH McMURTRIE, Executors ; Gror�e H. �Iliott, Awc.tioneer. -gg:gg ? �L�ARTNG AUCTION SALE UI�' FAR94 5'COCK AND IMPLENIENTS.-'I'he under- ,i�netl avctianeer has been ict�tructed to c�e�d by public auction at Lot 24, Gcmc��a.�ion 3, FIullett Townvhip, 1� mi]es nprth enyt of Clintan, on Wed�ne>day, September ?3ch, com- menr�im,q at 1 o'cluck, eh�arp, convi+tin� of t.he foldow�in�g: Hor3ey-Heavy dTaft re�ister- ecl Glyde mare, supnosed to be in foal: draft f�e]<lin�; ruin�; 4 years ; d�raf�t fi�ily ri.in� tw� yexrs, ga�od fnrm work hor3e, e�cecl, drivinr. mare, aged. Cattle-fDvrhaan gnade cow. 6 yea� ald, dve May 6th;"Durha� tiraile co�e ii yeara odd, due Aprid 28th; Ayre;hire qrade cow u yexr.� ald, due Aprid 20th; black cow 5 year� dld, due May E3rd; farrow cow, 8 years, millcing good; 2 steera 2 year.; crld; 2 h�eife�s 2 yeax� old; 1 steer 1 year old; one heifet 1 year .dld ; 5 sAring calves. Imple- menLi-McCorm•iek binder G-foat cut, Deerun4� mower 6-faot cut, Deering ho2se rake, bean harves�ter, eomple2e; Bain wagon, ert of disc h�.rnowy, Aet of diamond harrows, "I'ud�hope� A•ndetson plow, new; seed d�ri1�; t�ra�el box nearly new, seed dri11 and UrAadravter com- bined, wa�on rack, new ; szt a4 acsslec 2,000 Ifis. capac'vty, 3 drum steal roller mexrly new, YI,�Ta,ggart famning mi�11, set of b�ib x�lei�hs. � set of sli�nq�, ropes and puldeys, rcn�t pul�per. set of team �h:arn�s, Massey�I3srrie cream sepa�rator nea.r]y new, whiHietreei�, neckyokes, forks, chains, a�nd nv.mrruus otS2er articles. No reserve as praprietar .ie �iv-es�{r up fat�m- ' in�. 'Pernv; oF Sale.--All eums of $10 and under, cash ; over that amounk 12 manths' creciit wi�ll be given on furnnshing aFProvrd join2 ba��nkable p�a9ett or a discuunt. of d per cent. off for cash on creelit am�>un�te. JOHN BAYLEY, Proprietor; G. H. F]Lliott, Auc- tioneer 3223-1 �O �D ��� ° g c ������� lEll�ffl[DA%I ana� Sl�'Il'�K�.��I SID�'ll'TEId�il�IEIl� 2�th-'LIls� �1f8��IE1fZ� SIP]E�IAILS c P a�2,Y�E'S CA7CSUP FLAV0�3t �j n� < ....... ......... C4�� CERZ'0..... C4e�J� � at.............. ......... CHICK�N HAD�I)IE . < at .............. .�..�..�.�..�.�. ��� < VdANXFLOUJERS SOAP �i I�� < < 4 for ...................... C!t11 RICE c��� ` 3 for G BEST WI�dTE J�AR RUBI3ERS �i I�� � 4 packages . .,. . . . . . . . . , C4e1J CANNFi� i'IJPJ[P$�IN .r�j �� ` 2 for ......................C� TAPIOCIi �O� ` pound . ............. _ ....... C�RN FLAK`E�S package ........... �� ZINC JAR R.INGS 51I�� ¢ . . U c1J dozen ...... .... < IP]6[�i�TIE: llIl a�n 9� < --- - � �G71��J a.� ��� ��1.LaAf"a < - < �y AIItNi FOR SA&,E.-FOII2 SALF JPAIIt'� II,�'d � 28 and 29, Conceseian S, Mc�iilloD, con- � te.ining 192 ncr� an� known ne Lha '%'. �. Aays farm. Mvat be sold to closo tpiQ �4at� < df not eold will be rented. For He.rtictalam � RDv1y to d. flQ. 2,'�77�RILOCR. Erzeciator, ��- < forth. gapg �g < �q ARI�, F03L SPsE,]E,-100 A('RPB, IL�'Il' N�. � 8, Conceasion 16, Townshin �f Greq, Conm- ty o4 s�uron ; 2 atorey brirlc hovae, 4aarei a 5fix60 on e�tone Youndation; nn��ther �u0dinx 28n5fi; wtndtmilt, driHed weil: 3o racra� p8awerB, balnnae hxs been under pnnhire 4or oeverul years. Thirl:¢en acres hardw(x+�i bvah, PoA- aeanion flrsk o4 March. Ann1y $o Afi,�'FC. � R�TCPLANAN. R. R. No. 8, WA�ton. 8i�e-t4 f 4�A.RM FOR SAI.E.-$,SDT 9, �ONC�S�SION F 6, 3tantey, 100 �crav, nll olrared. On the f ferm are a 1� etorey framP hovne, c¢men' ( f�vndntion, cintern and crmPnt floorn 9n baae- E ment; barn 84x70 tm3th lewn nP 12 Feet, on n �tone 4ovnd�tion ; marn 8Fx62 nnA drive e.hed. � Fxrm �➢ralned with tile, an�l �oire fencea ; d F acre4 4a1�1 whenr�, 40 aeree D����sfheol7 ba9anep �, =eedeK3 down. S{tun�teQy onrhnlP miTe 4rora Church, 1 mi3e 4ro� achool. 9 m11 e 4nom P RipnAn : 6 mdtEa 4rom &Lenaall. fltvr�l av�mil P nn�9 teleDhome, F�rm in an(ul ntate o4 cvl2iva- � N�n. For 4vrCher Derllcmlarn ap�1y �n � areminPEs. �. �VV. Q.'AY�II.TII.E. PrnDT1a$OP� FE. �@. 1, Zurich P. QD. II1R�-44 � �ARM FQFt SpI.Ii..- 999At•T. FARM FOR ` a�IP, nd3oinittQ thr Villavr of 14{7�9�n. � T'li.ic 4na�n con9.a,ina 10�� AfY/w o4 Innt$, n�ll =nrdPcl to mK+ne. 7`here amr �n the pTvvm9aP, a�+d eix-room�ed frnmo hnv�� with kikchen - �M1RC�}1P(I, ACt on a rement 4.+��n�labion, cament Il�ra with 4vrnRc� nnd �Satnrn alAo toao �o�� h,ar�l wnter WQ��9� ph�nA aT�l IiQhtering rnde, ('��d barn nntY aEal�le, nitz nn�i hen hh�ne; an PRI'I'A msod npp]o orrhard. flOso peara, e pluma and che'rrics �nnd nmmndl Prnd4�, $hsttivd mi,th muap}e treea Ajen¢� Pr�nt nP 'FIITiTt. Tjt�g 4are+m wouid lrr 0�311C'AB�P fnr n ret9recIl farmer or drnver. $i �� with3n 10 minnfn3q' wtnYFc oP chvrch, tao �ad btor�v nn.; � o4�9ca, n➢se Alnekemith sA+dyv� Aarn�a nnri rEDni� atnaD. Paascsasi�9� lYiveN• 23r�in Fall. Fnr c�14nt�,%er y�a �. ttc.ulnra n71F�� v�ti �Ae Premiaea. illi�. %��- HY49.ILA �1($,�'D'k,'ltT, �i4p�n P. �., �m�. ; a4vn� 1:;; � , IIIi��L x � r': ! s '� I ���-�.�.� ,�,�; �,�« �!� � ���L...� J�'�`� � � ��� n Q� 4�. . �. 'S1Y _ .. �'i �tA 1�' �t . , b3 'S �� � ��k �� , � k�� �s ;� ��� F �u ' _�, � �a���. � 7�0��: ���^��� �a� �►�a�a ���„ � ��a��. r ��8'9� "�w �A�4d �IIA ItR�tD�`✓,I�[�+T�t4D�`�T �A'�'�'',u3� ��`J1@ : I`J�A�if�I��� r��t., Quer���n�lh� Q1�t�. � �a�tr �i ��ms� c�u�l( ¢�,i�. ' �`�`��-� "' �LU�" "� "`,r'1.� 0.�1�4s�a�: tiSlyJ3.1:U J,� � ���u�����rrs �� �-�A�,r IVR�TI�E is he�reb�Y fisiven tha�t a� b�rduw cuae ID�as�d bv tbe Nduniot&a1 Go�wnei�l oY the �mw� of Seaf,orth on bhe �th day nq ge�,t,�,�,y.� 1328, pinvid9� yor the issue op de�enttares to tke amiount of �3,000.00 ior the 8urgose af inataAQins a vew elentrie 8ne a4�rm a?lstr�n, aud tha,t eudh by.law was rngistey�ed in t$a regixtry office mf Q'aoderich fn the �au�a�ty o& Huron, an the IOCh d�ay o4 S�pte�eber, 1929. Any m,otion to qucvwh or eet aside the asffie ar any garG thereof, munt 6e �ade vvithia three moaW�a after the 6rsk pu,blication oY this noiti,ce and oann�at be ma,de �herend'tRr. lDated the llth dav oP $ePtamber, 1929. .II�79(N A. el'JII1L 3�N �9eeC;, � a222-s o p aj� ����Q � � d � Ot� �2`1�@ 0� i�Q ll11�0 1�omfortable �'rame �7LY111flny taot and cold �nater, ifuraace, bath, toilet, etc. �ood location; imtnediate pos- sessflon. See our ➢ist of dwellings in Seaforich, Ht&P�llPpl�g* and ]Egmondville for $a,fle at greatly Peduced prices, Possession arranged. �7e also h�ve sev�raIl b�r- gains in improved f�rms with e�.sy tePffi3 Oi payYri�)fAt. �o �o ��������� II�su��uu�� ��¢$ Il��Il ]Lsam�� II'IHI�I�T]E Il5� ����r�� ���� �� ������� � Y have taken over the agency for J. Fleury & Son celebrated plow makers. A fu11 stock on hand, inclu�- ing the New Itibbed Alfalfm Point; also points for all otF�er mnakes of pTows. �o �o ��(��`J�1�� a'IiAIIiV S�']E�]ElE'I[' - 57EAlE'�EB��ff 3219-yZ ������ �l��o ��mi�����1 llL� ����pIl�'p �� 'd�IV�, Sd�I�B1�T�. �IE$�ART,'1Cff3[]E�IE��Y Fifty-five successful entries fox �o- onto Cor.servaiory Examinations las•t %ear, over 60 per cent. scoring honors �nd first class honors. '1['uatimuus lEB�saatuaea9 �IE�I['��$'ll'�I[, IVi[�IV�1��, S]E�''�I 94,6n HIlE1VS�ILIL, ]E'lEBpII�Ag', SIEll"IC. 6�� A few vacancies for pupils in both entres. SEAFOg2.TH PHONE 107 HEN�SALL PHONE 61 3220-4 >� O O O O� O� O� O > � ' �o �e gI[�llm�rn�s �z 5�uu � > 1F1UI�TIEIIB 4IL SlE1E8�TII�]E � > ftYmamm SQree�, S��ff�Q��n. � D � . > S. T. ]E�olmes' residence, � > Goderich Street, F�7est• phone 4 > No. 119 F�TT. �harles FioIlmes° O< > residence, Goderich Street, � < > East; phome No. 308. O< > d,n�n�nnsnen� Auenlb�Ilaan�� S�re�rn��. � � > Nig�t calla, phone 30�. � � > Days calls, phone 119 J. O > Charges moderate. O Q � p > 0000000<Y00� � --- ` < D O O O O O O O� O O� O � �Jo �o ��� � ��o � e T II''UDIDI�ICffiD � �..DY4'C���ff ��m1 � � > IL'n���a��! IEmml��ll�nn�p. O ` > h�. C. 16�� � � >�est I�i otor anc➢ g$orse-r&Qffiva� O > equipm�ua4. O � > Chasges raloder�4,�. O � D 1F�OWL'Y8 furnished on sVaops'i �� > a�otic�. � � > NigIl�� C�➢ls 17a� C�Ilflffi � � > Phome fl75 ]Phom� �3 � < > O � Y � 0 � � � � � � � � � � ._.. _ -.. . _-- - .. . -- -��- -- � --___�_._ < ll�lU� 1L 1'il�ll0� �� ll 1Pa� twood ................ Sept. 20-21 �ayfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 25-2ti 1,yth . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . Sept. 26-27 russels ...................Oct. 3-4 �ungannon . ............Oct. 3-4 ,mbro ......................Oct. 3 �oderich .........5ept. 30, �ct. 1-? [arri�toM .... .........Sept. 26-25 irkton ............... ...�ct. 1-2 Iildmay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 24-2fi �ilveYtnn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 26-27 " iitchell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 24-25 'almerston ................Oct. 8-� t. Mar,ys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �rt. 8-�J ' avistock ...............Sept. 27-28 I�in�ham ............. ..Oct. 9-10 urich .....�...-.....•.Sept. 23-24 �I[qJlftQ�N 3G'pV6��1L iFAIIIl�. 1IDA°1T]��, Ift, B?D2� rr°.t��➢-September 23Pd1. �e4�'Yffive-Sep4emb�a 24$�n. � Qpoc➢a��ic1� 7Cp.--Sep4ambe*e ���Sm. ��3t�Ft-�9��t�mber 27�F�. ��uc��i4�an---S�p�embea 304�v. gY��ao3r�ae �[°p.-�c�rofl��r fls�. Q�i�Y6�5h °d°��9' iN---�C���D@Il' .iff�. � ��ilfrlfii�t�1 �ivU91c"O�-^d��Q�"Id�c' Q�u , �, , ��A: .t� � �J ..f• ...Uf' , , ::� �� E �+ � r,m,rtu: _ �; , ;Y •; i i + M�` Y� _L_. - ni. . _ . __ ; ;:., , ,, ; , - � ;:�.��.� ��� .._w__�� �._�._�.�. _... __ .. _ �_ ._ , ; �y i R- � � ` �-� ,;:� �,� ,° .,-W,�-,�:�.r ..�. �:w_ K. , _ ;, , ' "� r� �a. _, . = � � > , : r � , . : , c. _ ,_ �'`� , ,:,„ r � ..; . � :, - � _, �. , ,,) ., �' , � �, ;�^�' , . .. � J , ��`� ,, � �� � � , ,,, _ . . � � . . � . . . .. .. ,.. � 7, .�i'�.� . � . . .. i , ., ... .r . .. �. . . � . . . . . � � . . � . . . . . � . � . ,..,. . . i . . . . . . . . .. , , . . . . . , . . , . � � � . . � � . . � .. � . . . .� , ,�. . , .. .. � . � ..� . ..i . .. ... . .. �� .i .,. f "� ,. , , � . �.�..it' � . �� , � , � ,�{�,�,. � �,� . °( � :� � �; � .-:� � a. � < -' � � �w� h � � /�'� yr `'^fn ,7 °� . � r r '� -a ,. - G , ! . ,, ,�, -� �> , r �, '�, . J �� � r� !) :�, A . .1F . � .l . �"�.�C� . s�{�.�k'�,s�,w, t .L„ i�, ,C�" , � : .n .� m� . . � . x n � � , ���r,�,» C„�� J-�,�y�+ �"k.F?{'.��� t�x,a o,�aw��, �iGn„�T t€ �"���": ��r�Tl�.7 ��p�,4F��?�l+ ��!��"�� �r+������ ��`�u'rx% �r� S��„ i � ` r �, i�''��d �;��r � � ' � � a�o�I�sr� � �,� ,�'� t �� 1�1�Y+a�� Fs+:r ll�A�JtuSw �° !7� -�c,i 9T`y°4� �:i� � I n . i� io� Y;�s S �^ %� � �E➢� �- �,urra, a ,� t�� �� � :,� �� � t�,i,?v� �, ;: �fG�Da�i9l���"'��4: �S�l�?� .�� ' r� „ 'i: �� ^�is�� ,; �� �' �'r"� . , �s, r7 `�: R ������m�.; ��,�c�.r,�,aS�,.���a,:;F¢�'�lE, ����j� ?��R���+^� p . - fi�y � `. ��.,,?�r. r,;� :� � •...p: �, � � r '- �,� � �^ tk^�, ��;, �/- � , 1�A `� Jl��'� T�.r� , � � r,. : ,' n ':' , � , � rt .<� , �-� , �� � , > aU �' ���� �a�.,��. ,�,�+ +,�r� ..,.7,��3 . (� . w st� :. . . i 1� : +t , ._ �, w. � . YR a� � . '� i��nY I� 4Y wr G v rk.V x �r'4?,i� a�,t.:y, �'. i 3�SEAiL'> v � � ' i � ; ,�{ i''.v ��.�;� f� ' a ;*d+.,.���R .'N�' t y� �y' 1f�11�� *. i�� �, Y� , �',. �'��"����`�1� ���,��� �,�.�� p �A 9� �' ,;J �;re'o 11-yU.'v AW.Iy. � °� - �"' � a� 1�,}/9I�;' , :1 I :J u , s������ � ���� ������ �� ������;,/� /� '�'�'�9�p7� /,� . . "t?r'h'� 'f,,� '�' : � ? a"Y11L7).l.1:a1ClL1CJ1d7S.J3,ti:'1Ji FC�71 a� �S��i.'.. �. . Q ' ¢ ' � . ' t '�� , 9 �� t�� ��'�. , ' � � ,. � ���a � �,�',S"ip.��,.,�r , ` '� � .' a � ,':;r, "Y'r , ,w � ���i%�'� �� i�a���3� a n � ! 't; y J i r i n , _ V � ,;'. ,M � �`' � . � _ s r ;. . � . . .. . . � `� i � r :a �,- 51 � , � eo � � d a , , � ": : � , �. ���� �� � �x . � � �•^ � ��- � ��� � , � a � �'',` ^; giavin � � g purchased a Niannmo�h �uckeye Fmcubai�� o� 1�,Q��PO ��� capacity, I am desirous of gettia�g ixa touch with � f�av farm�r� �v�a� r`,," ..' have cnoice bred-to-la�y �arre� lt$ocks �ncd �lac�ls I4�bin.�rca �ocP�a �7sic�, 'r ,, ra ;, ; �71� a view to procuring eggs ior ne�t 9�1:cgaing season.. A girexYait�r� �� gA' u},:, a 10 cent s per aioz�n will 'be paid for eggs fro�p t�is q��lit�r si�t�' �;; �'armers wishing fco avaiT ti�emselves of this op�aa�C��it7, kinc�l3 ��,�ll "M ''' and make arrangements at once to �,ve their flocks cull�d amd natt�2�, Xour orders for �aby �hicks of the foPlowin� breeds�--]�rreti ]Ro�Pssfl '�„r•. @U'hite R�eghorns, �lack 1Vi[inorcas and A�con�.s--a�e so�icfl&e�. '��iS,�;'; � .� �ans¢��u ]6[�tt�nuu��. ;;"� �. ti a` , SBI1�I�T�Y �VAII.9E I[��iU�7P�8.5Y ]FAI�i`N[i A1�TIID IDiA7C��7��`L , '�: < A1�TII➢][BIEd'Ii A. P�/il��ffB.I�, lI'rr��Pa�U�r �.un�l P![i et�¢���rr, � `k; �! �r�i���om�: � isz $ s ��, ' A'S� y � ;��' � �s� ; ;yF', . nI� ��, II �` ..�r.. V � 1 J • ��� � ��� ��� J�'! �'Yy ����� ��J��' �lk�� �___, ���. �''�II° S�a��a�Y�'s 11��d11La�elo o < o o .... . . - ��.�� �ll.8'Z s��,���ld�s ���� �.�,���. o o , . o ....... - z.a� �.n� ��au�fi�Yd's �����a]L��e9,��d� �Il���s - �.�� 1E'����,un's (]��av�r mYfl-���fl �nl�bedl) - ]�.5� Il.11� ]Pe�am�°� (v���l fl�ec� �ne���l).. e < . . - ll.25 eZ8 Ac�,�b�, (�,fll m�ool �-nlbb�dl.)o >> a o.. - 2.�D� Il.37 IP��augaa�n's (���g�����).o o , . o ,.. . . . - Il.�5 �.�� 5��,�fi���'s ���ualb��a��a��� 1��. 8F3�� �,F9G� .l���l 1l.a1,�0� 2�� ��' Adf�ar�,➢, l�T�,ta��°�,l ���Il....... .... . , ,. �,2� 11.5� �aa�° S�4���..-CR�.F�" S�YP"&�JY�S �,II'� �Vd.fl�IllCig VC��� ga�- s�e��eo�. �E A�Ql9S�D, �no�v ps �o�a� ��p�rt���t� �� �ve��° �IIiAH�i�-"1��-iVd��S�.Dt�iE g�,�°ffie�ts t�n�,� �a��pyr �1�,ss --!!i/� aCE�90W �-904i1/ 1rCD �II �r�SU6��. lE��eBD t�11S �ongIl� IlIlIl ID(&Il�l�i @8�1�fi1 �i]I�IlPIg. ��igDa�'� �°�gD���� �C'P���ae�--IF'd�s� S�Sidd ����'t I��ac��-��-I���nsa�P�-������ �o �o � � ���� TAdLORING N1ADE-�'�-1Vd��SdT�%]E > t> O O� O O O O� O�I > �o �e ������ �a ��,� �a� � > II.n���ns¢�I IEmm1��Ilm�n�p ��all � n � �FllAIIIl�Il'�D ID}ill[����P. � AJ� ID ���� �� > �TP-to-date F�orse and P/,[o�� � > ]Equap�eaa�. 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