HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1929-09-13, Page 4-- . I I . 11 � 11 "I'll- I I ­­ I I I I- ­�, ­­­-­---­ - - - I I I . I . 1. " . �)V�rY 1�7 ­77M77�".7 I . I . . I , . I . I . ,,P I . , I I I ,��,-,@Wj'�,w, 1-11, ­­­', , - !, "'N%-, �, , , I I I '. ,­ I .1 I � I , . I I � , I I :­ , �, �, �� '' � �­�,V,�`, - I � 11 I - : . , . . 11 , � I , :.. , , � , , , �11 . I ". , I "I . . I ­; 1, ­� ...... . ,. , . . � - , � r, I - , � - I �­,' , ,_,, , ,�,� .',� , , . I ­ ,. 1, I , , - I , . ,�, .. .. , I , , , ,., , , �;��'�1�11'� , I P 61 , I . ,� 11 - , , j 1:1. 1:11 �, �.i., I , 1, f ', � ., 'I - I I�L­� -� � �`.,;,��: .;�!, I . , ,�, A . �;��,,,,� I., I" � . I . � I , , I J , , � � "( , " , . , kAt :.110,��;, J� , - !.. - �: - : � I , . I I ,, I ". � , � I ­ ,� . � , � ,: ,I '.� : ; -�. ,, , - , , �, , , I., , � ,�, �, )k , , �, � , �, , ,:, ,�, , �.!: ,,, ., I : , I:- . I 11 ". " , , Un -�]' , - .1, , ­­ . . �'��, � � ` �, .1 , � ,;,� � .� �! '', i I ''�, �. ". 11 1',,.'�!. . 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M-11 � 4NP* ."lawl.w- � Qt TAOM%.Caso ci 413M W0t,;,WR'*rA,.", � - 404i 44,�� 19h , , - T7.111itta �41 ., , , .''. , RINR! d", 01. l, � 'VA4 . 1 OWBA 404pwap C, , r 3 � ., 1 , - I ';n�-� - " , � ,­ �, ��W. r"70v'414 Nvwxfq '44V U -4`515t=- Mu �z . -%le umw.%, " omp -0 TV. �1 . w ., I ) gun- from 44047A­'�i�0 . . I LL.L��-, "I'll . 7 .� �r,�Ai. I , ­­­ ­­ tion QW.*A,3:W,,UMQ= V740SIS FZVY Q mbiob .Pb4 mnll- 0 �t., most 'P'14'aQ4, tq miai ums"Muellurdout, 74" 0 t , � I I `.ra., , X4 #�, ZIAY IPPMUO(q 44vw&� � . . I I I I : ,� mys, ,3ral ,w%4 4614 on V.ednesdv, intOT- 09 ' I- , I , , r, I �Voated on tv,m Rrpvingial. bighw � I' 4mal '.�'4010 3P.4 I � � � , I *t . id, but: 9 , , t$. � x1m. � 0, 4 , Lt. 11�!;� - . , , � ,Z4­11�kkl Who, M0,40 tha great - went tmWnz plc�ce in, the Browon Line ber =0 , , - Q140n; . = , o�,�o 'I . , VWjObu , to go to tho lzen , 4 .to,, Z; ,' ex to, 400A4 tup a I .1 .��a, Frway, SeLoa*= , . k �,iq "V tbw. rolativ.0, At. anal � � , � � , I., I -. ;Pat i=prdv=eatg in the gippearance cemetery. Rev. V1, Y. Dreier conduct- io to ti�c? -*,%me to, t4in. :1 I . -­... - : ­ � I . azc� - 14, i&� ��c NU -5 . W�ddlft, ' . ,, I . . 1. I., * I . her IQ, , ,,, ,,, holy. *�Dldilg aphu, Kzit4i,` Thekv'�kw ,� 'Very , . 11 , � I I . surround- ed the serviftfs, , 1,. no doob � )So 11441d =,,` Mrs- , I . I I � I.' , ., I of their dweillup q,ud their . S of w -d .1 I , % , L, ve a , . :� , , ,� .,:. il, resident � lzrge uum,�qr,oz6agpt an thle ha,opy , lAgs during the past swMmer season- - House Brarnod.--The . , , - � I I ,:�:��., %all she hv�s' ' I , '' "-OZ C A RIFIEFUL it is �jd,or %hd a delf,obtfiulld qMenlng I. ,� , , tiluate but none the less �7,uricb, Dashwood and surrounding jjd­v�lua�le,�,u'j'j��.ss experioav spent in 'bpmes, , taii4c 4 * , I 11..,�,',i r �, ;,' , :", . I v dwellers . 0 hav-, �"*4q'on - - 4=11 , . , �.�, ,,,,t� - country were startled on Tuesday af - I - � ,�. I 1g. " tree that very many countr oto 4'her and booklKeeP- �, '', ,�, , ; I ing ,been 40A , I � L �.:, ILNI,�as been a 4TY season. almost In Canada have Over paid the at, tenicon when the news was circulated " I and in the line of music we le,4rn th,at i I " er for the, Ain*,a Bontbron & Drys- Mr . , 11�1 ­�11 , T� XuXdo,ok On his violin aceQm- ;�, ;.',�,,UI�4,'�Inq 1 Iker's grove, at Grand Bend . � - . .. . �­i`x'Aoaeatlydry. Woods and fielSs tention they Might to the appearance. that Wa rdw'are'� - ad -by"'11-iss 43Tetta Laramie on I ,� ,'�� - ,� VMS e. - dale, bg . jad furniture merah 1, , ­ �., . . lttl� on fir � ae", , �,.',"O�R" i�,md bri, - 9,�jngles on roots og their houses, the creation of lawns, The Dashwood Are en I I .,- "'­� ants for a numbei of years -and onlY rh plano more than deligilted the . I ". 1,1 " ak �, i 1.0 rubs and and it t I I '­'111�111­ sh L �, , f�� 1;1 gine was rushed to the scene jq I %, 1�*ers of barns are like tinder. the planting of trees, -sition there a fe,wi .­ :" - �­"g theni"bove all, to scertained that the residence of. resigning her large number of guests ,with their - ,A*i`!1,V , , , � :�4��,��,,�,�"", �, " "' i*w - flowers around was a selections, - — Mr. ��OSP,P'.� 1. " I'K ", �ajessly �hro,qm match or 0, cari� the painting or even whitewashing of Mr. C. 31. Walker, owner of , � � ".-I'le'N 511� Oak -wood, months, ago in. the interests of 'hw splendid, '�L': �­!;,�'�,-;�el')E houses, barns or outbuildings. Far health, wbicb,.,hawever, with the rest, Coombes, Of Blyth, is here spending . , 0 �0,� r,laced lantern is as dangerous ' rably a few di�ns With his frlends,—In a I I 14. 3;1 - �1' was on fire. The house and contents 1. � ,t,rtei she has enj,oy�4,.,Js now conside � ''�"��,�,,,��.,;�.',t�.L,;.�,,� were a total loss. The fire . 1, 14­'Ii:�;,441,�,!�,`r VunneT of fire as dropping a to, often the Canadian farm house �, Are � oved�—The church services in our friendly game of bowls on Monday - 0 �AT,, , �, ,� tllr� - ,� ,�, "" � �: � ,­;;:; �.,,, n empty 9&sOlille and its immediate surroundings con- from the chimney. Fortunately the IMPr pr,att.y well attended on evening 14st on our green, . between ,,466404 macb. into a . ve were I , , . I �, ", ,, ��'.,I, �4 - stitute an eyesore rather than an at- fire did not Spread, as a high wind villag . ­ the -former , � �;�iA " , 0, would Sunday I�st and excellent Sermons Ailsa Craig and. Hensall, the , ,;f", ,",iol* - 11 I I ,,, L �.'.,;" " - ure of the rural landscape. was blowing and the result back the trophy that I* ,�. � , . ,,m,.�­­i , tractive feet were delivere& 1�7 the ptastors and won out taking �� T ., ry as a rule have been disastrous. le they had lost -in a former contest.— G1, ,.,!,�­�..'�,,,'."':., r 0 Our American neighbors ,,��.�,�13,L"�����,-,,�,-,,�,.�ft M,some direction, almost eve . , ,�,�. lill ,�;.,�! . ection of fire. Too . Rector of our t,%ree churches, whi �. ,� 1:, `* , , there is a refl set us an example i7i this respect that Zurich Fair. — Arrangements for tile musical part�'of the services were Mr. Arnold Habkirk, a resident Of our X� ;�7­,.�,-,,, 111. buildings 11 follow. To -day, at . '114 means a farmer's wek might we Zurich Fall Fair are nearing comple- ago, was V7 '17' . it well in keeping. ,.At the mor ser village a nuMber of years r in the villa .1, recently visiting his rm ��. ''.. . country, arm , 11 ��� . I . f 'houses are mng -I' nt, Mr. and ,�,� �-:� � �',,;� � it is not least in the older portions of their I '', - ,;, a - b , 11� 11, , � gone up in smoke. neat, clean, tion. The track has been put into ex- vice in the United Church Mrs. L. 1:�11; �1; il it always cellent condition and other improve- .ncI, and au Mrs. Alfrel N( ", "I! " a, s carelessness, but -kept lawns, - Redden took a solo part in. the an- . — - , , " ";; ', a, - attractive, with well The mi , "�, " �, P, ents made. Alice Dunbar and com , ly and after the sermon Taylor and other relatives , �, V%� - �, ',�,! careful- althy and well-pla�t- ' them very 0 �J , pa s ,to be bright flowers, he n engaged for the con- 1�, 1�i,�., mean pany have bee flower beds at our station yards con- TI .;:::�'., " . , BE, ull. fire would ed trees. The motorist who crosses Mrs. G. Hess.'and Mrs. Hedden ren- . �,­ rus are f A n stantly call fortsh much admir ­­ . -7,�P,,!,L, rt and a good orchestra will furnish ation, by IQ ,,',',%��' � I ly, tell ce dered a duet, -which was more tha ,.�,�,';",g,­O��!, � uits of a lifc- the border can, too common sersby as well as those travelling P4 . ,��,`�';"�g', � any the loss of the fr music for the dance. joyed by tho congregation and pas 1,1�1�`,&�,�,4",j�� ,� , to In , ,�,�,2,,:� , , s true that most that he has done so if b� nothing else ns. Mr. H. Arnold's bed H , , - ,In .01��11� " � �, time's work. It i The Late Mrs. John Laporte.—Af- I .1plendidly re�dered.—Mr. T. C. Joynt on the trai �� �,�,Y`��o,",�� 1:, ". ban the change from the trim, pro- ter a short illness there passed away, earned (in a very la - rge busi- of flowers around one of his shade Fi . I �ir,V�',`,, � ' ' farm buildings are insured: all farm t = has I � �t��j�l m in h! . I 1, � , -essive-looking country i's three &tore -bxick ,block for I trees o the Main Street also ,looks H ` " - R , should be. But no real gi ine o -heel, shab on Wednesday of this week Mrs. John "I I g 11.1PJ'�,-:, 5uildings of the 1, t the down -at rte, at her home on the Blue n the geneiml sttore I r. y and with a number o -v fy %'!t�,-,!. oney out of Ily neglected appearance Lapo ' ' very p "i ,�,,,,� Water Highway. Deceased had lived I S' n'�nlbcr O' Yea's i oul lend a charm to our Main H gg� �,��'��,'. fa=er ever made any in by and genera� business, having decided to go out Of Such w ,� of large numbers of Canadian faryn � township and was .—Our I al hoirs are P �,.'�`Ir"',"�'� � oze insurance. all her life in Ha� the general stor� business, is -carrying or any street Oc e 1. li'6. ', 1` ,4 ",,, I � . ", t more than the houses. highly respected by all who knew I cleaking sale of his ii -n- now getting back into line after their Q ­*;�!,.;.� Farm. buildings cos and a grow on a large a large staff summer holidays, and will, 'no doubt, S1 ... I ..(,�7,,I' her. Her husband n up I III, land to -day. No more can a f armer it would be a fine thing if the ex- . mense stock and has .,... n conclud- family of sons and daughters survive I � rig off of it. Mr. give a good account of themselves N �, ".. bush lot and cut the tim- periment that has just bee not emp,,oyed in the stllii ", ,;' , go into his I arrangements have Sunday to -Sunday.—The Hen- sl 4, r . � .. � ber as he could -when his present build- ed so successfully around St- Johns her. Funeral Joynt has.been a most enterprising from - �- te of writing. ,a Ian f t ring Co. are constant- I . Id attract wide attention and irm been made at da merchant carrying a stock that would I r 11 u ac'u ly c here in IV �'�C'� . . Notes�Tbe many, friends of Mrs. do credit to a 'large city store, and in .asi.g their business �'��'��, -were erected. Rebuilding is "I ` , lugs tation. The cost and the labor in- rrott, wife of Mr. W. J. Jarrott, will be much missed in the meyeay.1- the output of garments and have quite F .�J,',,�� ruinous job. volved would be very slight in con- Ja .—The IE , �.� ",-, se: wou ei sorry to hear of her ,$­ ,Don't take any chances, and parison with the results to be obtain- Hillsgreen, w re k place last Wednes- tile line as he put large assortments a staff of girls busily engaged ­., th, which too - rains of the past week, while not very g ";, � dea of all kinds -of ladies' and gents' furn "� ­ that no one else does. Be careful. ed. 4, ,� day at her home in Hillsgreen, after 1. ishings, along with all other Classes heavy ones, were greatly appreciat- I , ,� . ome months. The fun- Ilage, saving ed and helped all vegetation, but it 1,� ��'� ! ,H�-- ­���� an illness of s ht i - .,� '. s held on Saturday, interment the'time and expense of going 0-ther will take pretty heavy and steady I 1�1. i eral w a fields to r "'s DUBMW places. We hope he may yet be in-: rains to bring the pasture M. ET DOES NOT ALWAYS taking place at the Exeter Cemetery. ': � teT is being felt 1.�.'­. —The scarcity of wa duced to carry on some line or branch anything like what they were before I "I I "34 I '. FOLLOW Notes.—Mr. Thomas Murphy, of To- by many of our citizens, owing to the of business in our village as he has the continued drought, but farmer -3 'I I th his mother, co,,;tinued dry weather.—A number 14,11" ronto, is holidaying wi given employment to, so maily in the and all in this section of the country I I "I,. �, d Mrs. C. Murpby.—Mrs. W. Tait, of from the village attended the funeral past years and always took a great have much to be thankful for in the i I " Dr. Charles Mayo, the renowne the 'wa ;4 American surgeon. says you can get Stratford, called on friends ip of the late Charles Hartleilb held at interest in- our village and whatever Y doloug d crops, and nothing like ' , ' t t� �c y � the I gr � . *11 k.—Mr. John Goderich on Tuesday.—Marry Of our was going on and was one of our ht in other parts of I'�� �� along With a wooden leg, but you vi age during the wee . — "I rp. d Howard, of Brantford, called on his citizens are attending London Fair largest tax payers.—Mr. A. S. Case, I musntry which -proved very serious. , - �,., , can't -get along With a wooden hea . old friends recently,—Mr. Joseph this week.—Mr. and Mrs. Dan Koehler railway agent,, aecompanied .by Mrs. . Bertha Bell, our well 6stalylish- i � . � c ed 6 . . -ided this fall that , � I'll This does not always follow. What Feeney has returned to London to re- and children, of Kit hener, visit r I- Came, are enjoying a week or so holi- ed milliner, has dec , 1� .� about the speed fiends, the cut -in sume his studies at St. Peter's Sem- atives here over Sunday,—Mr. and days going by motor from here to instead of announcing special days 111. r. Jerome Jordan and bride, Mrs. John Schluchter, of Pigeon' Kingston and tal,ing the boat from for openings that she will have them I'll 11 ��: drivers, the man who would rather inary.—M spent the week end at the Michigan, are visiting relatives here t Thom- every week end.—Our gardeners have 1,,,� a C,,t of Detroit, James Jordan. this week. here to M,ontreal. Mr. Sidney been busily engaged during the past . chase and run over a chicken, home of Mr. and Mrs. s eo ssion of I -lay, , . '111 .1 or a dog on the highway than try to —A number from the village are at- son of Mr. Samuel Thomson, is act- week taking up their potatoes, which ,, ,,, , ,dodge -one; the men who drive horse tending London Fair.—We are Pleas- -.;;�� ing as relieving agent during Mr. have proved a very good crop. 'Mr. - 1. 11 Joseph Cronin I . T F I vehicles on the roads at night with- ed to learn that Mr. KPIPEN ". Case's holidays.—Mr. John Coulter is and Mrs. C. Cook and son, Harry, re , �� 1, The man -w-110 is improving after a serious operation making improvernents to his dwelling turned the end of last week 7 from a t . , motor I� : out carrying a light? at St. Joseph's Hospital, London- Notes—Rev. Mr. and Mrs. JO-hn on the north -side of Richmond Street, very pleasant and quite lonj �� rocks the (boat and hundreds of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gormley, of Sea- Richardson, of Drumbo, are visiting which will add much to its appearance trip.—Mr. -and Mrs. Harry Price, of , �.1 - IN with Mr. and former residents of our ..I others. forth, spent Sunday d friends in the neighbor- as well as comfort and warmth.—Mrs. Waterloo, -..J!,� relatives an - village, were recently here calling on - tbeTn Thomas. Peppe hall, of 1�11, - rs. J. Bruxe-r. . ;%� if everything above the ears on M hood., who are pleased to see r is resting as con, � ormer wipg �, f�. not wood, then ­====� again, Mr. Richardson being a f fortably as can be expected folio friends.—Mrs. Frank Mars I......, these individuals is drew's Presbyterian her recent in -juries caused by falling London, spent the week end here with V I ,,i, what is it. of course it may be ivory pastor of St. An friends.—Mr. Mervyn Brown, of To- ..... ,11�, i 0[D1\qSTA1\\TCE Cburch.—M,iss Mona McGregor, Of backward whil&eoniing up her cellar SQ ,: but we would certainly hate to cal , 1, the Seafortb Hospital staff, who has steps and fracturing her hip, and is ronto, is here this week visiting hi 11 S it g -ray matter. ie. past couple O -r now being waited upon by a nurse. parents.—Our Council have struck the ��, 1, Sbower.—A pretty event took Place been spending tl 'lliam, tax rate for this year v,q-iich is one- , ".. �. Yet these people not only live, they on Tuesday last at the home of My -weeks holidays visiting her brother, which her son,.M'!i of Toronto. 9'. f. - - and Mrs. Miller Adams when about Mr. Robert McGregor, returned to re- -brought here on Sunday last.—Our half mill less than that of last year, '... - thrive and they increase in numbers V .: assembled to honor Miss sume her duties at the hospital.—Mr. coal merchants are kept busily er- the rate for this year being 33 mills. ....'' does not always follow. forty ladies age take'S and Mrs. William Green are atter,J- gaged delivering the necessary for 'H.ensall School Fair.—Five schools , 'f No, it , 1, - 1. p, Bernice Nott, whose marri . athered at Hensall on Wednesday at .�-.I� ===H:� place later in the month. To musle ing the London Exhibition. — Mrs. the approaching cold weather.—Tbe 9 ree being from Hen- �1�. anet are attending tl�e farmers in this section greatly ap. the Town Hall, th ­%� . played by Mrs. D. Watson, Misses Doig and J . M PE SO TOO Josephine Livingston and Ella Arm- London Exhibition.—Mr, John C. Doi- sail district, one from No. 14, Hay, ''if ** WE HO - preciate the past fine dry weather for . 0 Tuckersmith. � ��.. . ' &, � and his friend, Mr. Camp- securing their bean crop in good col,- and one from No 1 , �.A, strong in white and yellow frocks, of Detroit, The children were all nicely costume" .. � ,, , I took their places at either side of a bell Hamilton, m ., St. Thomas Times -Journal ir otored over to spend dition.—Quite - a n7amber from Hen. "J", The ' ' it g. the and made a very fine appearance, ,."'.. S ar- Sa a vIcim �y are a,ttendin ,"';". a recent issue said: chair and table decorated in white the -week end with the former' P 11 nd — carrying banners as they marched , ,.:;;,., Little Miss Clarissa Dale ents. and also visit some friends in Western Fair aft London this week. --the United 1, . ­1.1,� "Five young men school teachersin and yellow. w preceded the London, who will accompany them Mr. Lester Fisher, who holds a good from the Town Hall to ��, ,�'. . With yello: . ed by the �� U I Pennsylvania arrived at Niagara in white position at W -i soy, spent the week Church corner, accompam I 1, I bride-to-be, strewing flowers along back to Det-roit.—Mrs. Charlotte Kerr . teachers, and then returned to the I 'L� th winter underwear, fur lin- d It's parents.—Messrs. I'� . Falls wi -, 1 , " the way. 'Xiss Nott herself, who of Detroit, and Mrs. Mary A. Shanks, en her - , . , . , - , -, I I nuation School, where all the 11 "I'll I I � 1� ed gloves, sheepskin coats and a r7ig looked charming gowned in white, en- of Spokane, Wash., visited during the Geiger & Son have secured in fine Conti ere thrown open to the fine .. . , I . D ' -arge acreage of -their flax rooms W ,1 . 019- condition a I � �. .� - week wit - T§. � . for the radiator of their car, Prp-- tered and took her place in the chair b Mr. and Mrs. W - ,� She was followed !by little They formerly lived in this loc,ality, crop, the weather being very favor- exhibits, which were not as large as - �, k rm 1, , Xi paratoTy to a tour in Canada. It is of honor. eir first visit here since able for continued work but makinc, in fo er years, but of a good qual 111t.. h their pupils Master Lorne Dale drawing a wagon this being th �,l to be hoped they teac ity. Owing to the dry season the , �. daintily decorated in yellow and they left some fifty years ago. They the grctund very -bard for pulling.— flowers were not quite as plentiful ,, " the truth about us in future." Sellers. Airs. Andrew Doulgall and her daugh- . 1''4r.�; � white containing the gifts. YLTs � are daughters of the late Jas. �. " a John Biggar, .of Glas- ter, Miss Cassie, who have been re- The fair altogether was a splendid & Incredible as it may seem to Charl�s XkGregor then offered cOT­ —Mr. and Mrs. .1,11, iss r so in success and showed great skill ane - I. Canadian, this � is not a far fetched gratulations of the assembly. M gow' Scotland, visited at the home of Siding for the past year o rkmansbip on the -part of the tea,ch- -1, ... the vil- Dougall's son, Wil- -0 �1,11­ isolated case Nott was the recipient if many bear- Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Jarrott of Chicago, with -Mrs. scholars. The following i,' , �� 4. fairy tale, nor is it an tiful gifts. Th ge and also -with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. liam, have returned to our village.— ers and ..... � , Of ignorance. It is quite commonly g ello- autumn McDonald, of the second of Stanley. Mrs. Crawford and Mr. McDougaij a complete list of the prin I 11� - were trimmed in y nitoba visited Mrs. H. Reid winners: Spring Wheat, Marquis 1� %, held among many of our neighbors nowers. Dainty refreshments were �� from M -a I �.. . to the south. Last year a car load of served by Mrs. Charles Dexter, Mrs. and daughter, Miss Minnie, this week. quart — Bert Thompson, Hay No ,�� ;:, ton, Mrs. —Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bonthron and 14; Ruth Bell, H,ensall- Doris Alex " T� :1 visitors arrived at the same place Benjamin Snell, Mrs. Ed. Brit - HENSALL Mis. T'. C. Joynt and little sons and ander, Hay 14. sprinw wheat, Mar � �� 7 . d J. Dale, Mrs. E. Lawson, Miss B. Me —Ruth Bell, Hensall; Ber I . � ,,, .equipped with skiis, snowshoes an Cully and Mrs. Charles McGregor. Grain Wantel.—We are in the market for Miss Minnie Gibbs have returned from quis, sheaf " ,.. other sports equipment, which would all kinds of graim and are Prepared to vay Grand Bend, where -they had beer Thorripson, Hay 14. Oats, O.A.C. Nc I -5m, 11 have a good time in Notes.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dex- the ,,r, highest possible prices, ais�o furnish . ng for the past month.—Mr. 144, quart—Jim MpEwen, Hay 1C A 1. � �enable them to and Mrs. Hugh Dunlop rou with baf-, and take care of your tnuck- eamPl 11, � -,, ... , I . � Montreal during the summer monthi. ter and Mr. Peas. Be sure to get James Sangster and staff have been. Oats, O.A.C., No. 144, sheaf—Jim Me ,�, spent Sunday with friends in Kit- inv- We speewime in , �� -. our prices before selling� Cook Bros. Milling busily engaged for some weeks in Ex- Ewen, Hay 10. Barley, O.A.C. Nc 1-11, . In fact it is not uncommon for soirc chener.—Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, of C,o., Hensall, Ont. Phone 54, Hensall. eter in the erection of Mr. F. Wick- 21, quart—Myrtle Thompson, Hay 11 .1 3221-4 4. Barley, O.A.0 � �� 'O". ,bloci:on Main Street and Edith Dick, Hay I 1, of our American cousins to cross tle Auburn, vsiited at the home of Mr. wire's new .?;..�� ,;� 'k 'border with the intention of Spend- and Mrs. 'R. Lawson on Friday lag No: 21, sheaf---4Myrtle Thompson, Ha ,;�, House For sale. --consisting of three choice in which he will have his Pri ,;�, nting 1;11 � 1� , N ... " �,, , ing a pleasant afternoon with some —Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Stevenson am 40t� in Zurich, a good frame house ' small Mr. Gavin Moir, of Quebec, 14; Edith Dick, Hay 14. Sweet corr - R1. , � Brussels, visited barn suitable for garage and chicken house. ropms.— .'Iff� - liaays at the Golden Bantam—Ray Foster, Hensal! t5 " I.. rel tive or friend who resides in New son, Harvey, of near close to school. will is enjoying his annual ho - Stewart Crex . (.; a d Mrs. B. B Fine ,location in town, Andrew Erma Kipfer, Hensall, 11, r, be Manitoba or at the home of Mr. an d be sold rmsonable. For further particularg hGme of big ,brother, Mr. ��,�i.�l Ontario, or it may Stephenson and also with Mr. an ,Pply to r4rs. N. Saunderoack, Hensail P*O,, Moir, of the township of Usborne.— ar, Hay 14; Gladys Saundercock, Her 11� 1".. 11 I .Saskatchewan. I Mrs. William Britton on Sunday last. or to A� F. iies,, Zurich. 3221-S Dr. A. R. (�ampbell is training and sail; Jack Farquhar,, Hensall. Mar 1, �!, Y, !.�P*,,- During the past summer probably Miss Ida Medd took in the Fair at ef,s.—Our teachers, scholars and driving a nice .stepping young driver. golds, Giant, white sugar — Anni I 1 ;"i'� Wednesday of this week. Bri ­V�. five out of ten cars one met on the London on our villagers and those of the rural —Mrs. T. Murdo�ck is in Toronto vi-- Goleman, Hay 10; Vera Rapp, Ha ", ", —Mr- and Mrs. B. B. Stephenson and and daughter, Dr. 14; Douglas Sangster, Hensall; Hai ;., 1� I bore a United districts ar4 lo,okirig forward with iting her son-in-law "..- ItE 'Blue Water Highway Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson motor- 11 ,and Mrs. Campbell vey Hudson, Hensall. Turnips, Car " I i 7,� States license plate, and to a greater riterest to our school fair whicb B. A. Campbe ,C. Eilber, of Zur. adian Gern—Alfred,Ropp, Hay 14; N 1,gi:­ ed to Londo,n on Wednesday of this much i r Continuation and and..,family.—Mrs. ��!,I� of these guests, Canada is an week.—Mr. and ,Mrs. George Wheat- is to be held at ou. s week vis- Name; Archie McGregor, Hay 1, I ­,O�.. number ley and Miss Elva spent blic school on Wednesday afternoon ioh, was in the village thi .�1-1 I Wednesday Pu friends. — My. Beets, Detroit dark red—Keith .Bucl " ,�g� open book and probably always has which promises to iting her relatives and - arian, Herisall, Ruth Cole, Hensal "''j, e Fair in London.—Among thos3 of this week, and 1� q.f"�' 'been to a majority of them. Bilt there at tb ,be well attended with fine exhibit.3 and Mrs. Fred Manns and son Ken nsall; Harold Higgin I ­�j, the Fair on Thursday '�rontj, Mary Clark, He 1 who attended , 1$,, ;�,:,;i', , are others, thousands upon thousands were Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams, Donelda from the s-cholaTs.—Mr. and Mrs. neth, have returned from T ter, Hensall: Je I;' * I"! Toung, of Rochester, N. Y., were the. where they had been at the Sick Hensall; Harold Fos " V �,.' . of them who know no more about and Kelso, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferguson, ldren's Hospital, receiving treat- sic Dick, Hay 10. Carrots, Chantend ,,.. �1'1" - guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Leeper on 'Chi o had his arm —Mildred Follick, Hensall; Jack Col , , 1, ,V� Canada than an Eskimo knows about Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson and fam ", ily, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dale and Mrs. Labor Day.—The annual harvest ment for Kenneth, wh �'� 11-1 'recently broken owing to a fall from Hensall; Mona Glenn, Hensall; Cat] ` Hag-: eying Drysdale, 'H-ensall- Margar, , " a fruit sundae. thanksgiving service of St. Paul's - "I 1 , Z George Dale.—Mr. and Mrs. Kerby, —Mrs. Hassell and Miss �rj. -home Anglican Church will be held on Sun- a tree. E�a A&Quee - � ere school �� � I . In this case, the men w of Toronto, are visiting at the ext, September 15th, morning sell and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Shepherd, Hensall; i, ". Parsnips, Hollow ,Crown - I �::., I �..., teachers and one wonders where they of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Britton, Mrs. day n -, ,'.'�'- � . . d their education in geographv service ,at 11 a.m. by the rector: Rev. son, all of Chambersburg, Pa., are Hensall. lensall. Onions, YellO 1�,, ", i.; acquire . Kerby's sister. -ker; anthem, "Ye- Shall visitors at the homes of Mr. and M rs. Bill Glenn, I -1111,� , f wonder at their M. B. Pai ys. J. W. Globe Danvers—Irma Ferguson, Hi ;�, " ,� or rather, Canadians ­=­====� Doi . - ------ Dwell in the Land," Stainer; evening Mark Drysdale, Mr. and M , and Mrs. J. A ­�� m�' . Pat- 14; Helen Glenn, Hensall; 1,,­j;v.', ,utter ignorance of history and like- song service will be taken by the Rev. Ortwein and My. Alexander, Hay 14- Mabel Fee, He .,.�' ,�I'. 1-11, � latives and friends� ' Hensall. Wint ;;;� 4-`, ,Wise their ignorance of geography. ZURRVE A. L. G. Clarke, of St. John�s Evan- erson, their re i,:!'I,� on. A cordial Our vil�age clerk, Mr. James A. Pat- gall; Jean Foster, . ,�-,.,%: 'If Canadian boys and girls did not geli%t's Church, Lond , - uAly engaged this wheat, any variety, quart --Jim M ". A 1; . , :. �,, and The Late Charles Hartleib. — The. invitation is extended to all to join terson, has -been b Vera Rapp, HaY 1 'I, - 4 'know, more about the geography Se and thanks- week mailing out voters' lists for our Ewen, I -lay 10; , i, residents of Zurich and vicinity were in this service of prai c- Archie McGregor, Hay 44; Alfn ri.,�,., ,,, real history of the United States than a Mast�r.—Mrs. village�Mr. and,.Xrs. Duncan M Hay 14; -Shirley Koehler, H,, I , nd ,t.: H �* deeply shocked to learn of the death giving �o our Lord last from Ropp� _ lil, I I �� on Satur- Martin returned nd Y Q, ed On *1U a I "'.., uates of American Uni- -nSall. Potato( ',�,','?,t� many grad at Goderi,ch on Saturday evening of Anna McDonald return 14- Billy Glenn, He 1$�� 'h av 41"��, , er well known day last from a very pleasant motor Galt, W ere they h e been with Mr. I , know about the geograpliy Charles Hartleib, a form �, i ,. . ler—Mabel Fee, Hensa I ".. �,�, versities McDonald, their rela- Irish Cobb ". "". . ent of Zurich. The late Mr. trip to the West, where she has sev- and Mrs. D. I 41 :�!: - resid ' n g jr, Dorothy McQueen, Hensall; AnT �. and -history of Canada, those Canad ked .N,-,,%,' ,,,��, � -,;i'.� � . Hartleib was injured -when knoc eral [InGtbers and sisters and other tives, for the past'three mo th 'Both Colem , Hay 10; Bob Higgins, He ,­�:� !an boys and -girls would never get ,"., down by a rar while crossing the relatives. She spent part of her time the interests ,of their health. 4n - i :"...3", . out of our public schools. street at the -Square on Thursday ev- in Winnipeg and M-ooW,i Jaw and re- are row considerably improved and gall; Irene Mousseau, Hay 10; Mildr "I., ,,, 1, D gain in Follick, Hensall. Potatoes, Gre "��, �� 1� " 1'� .1 ­ ;�;,!.�, ening and the injuries proved fatal. turned by way -of Detr6k and had a will no doubt continue b ;.�, I One wonders, too, jug I Strength after their change Mountains—Gladys Jarrott, ,Ray I ,�­-; �,i�, ,, -and visit. — Mr. health an( 1" ,',,;;,,':; n 'busi - most enjoyable trip Bill Higgins, Hensall; Alfred Rol !��,­A`,�,. . young men teachers from For over twenty years he was i from the active duties of . �", these five 6f Montreal and rest � " " - ;L,",� �, �%� , 11 � , : I . I I in will feel vvh�n their ness in Zurich, leaving here a nuTn- L. C. Dart, of the Bank —M.r. Harold Redden underwent Hay 14; Irma Ferguson, 1111Y ,�,,,�il,;:,�, pennsylvan . ber of years ago for Waterloo to re� staff, motored on Sunday last to Han- life. n School collection of vegeta)bleo—H, . , ,­ t'l�,, I . ,actual eyesight reveals to them their mpanied 'by Mr. S. an ,operation at the local hospital 'D . ji.� 'f"-'. side. He also lived in, London for a over, and was need st for.th6 rem kum#ki%—Sh1-rley Kochi , " li'e�,:R:,�,i;:"�, ppleT, accountant of the Bank of Tuesday Ift oval of his 14. Pie ,r ,�Ls.; 1%,", ignorance. If they are the right kind ved to Gode- L. Pa� n Dick, Hay 14- Ste - )11�11,1 I �!U��A".', be9t rich. While in Zurich he built two Montreal, and his Wife, who intend re- tonsils, the operation ,being Success- Hay 14- Bensoi f lri,;�','�i,`R,:�� I &js lesson -will be one of the and spending, a couple of fully performed by Vnf� Moir ancP Me- art Dic�, Ray 14- Douglas Sangst ,,�� �;,O, � , " , a handsome residence. maining -i*en, Hay 10,; Do, 4,� "?'. �,: ind most. q, —My. Gerald Farqu- Kin,lion, and t) doing as ,�,­ f , ,,� � seful they ever learned fine stores and .le patient is Hensall; Jim M% ,­4��,".�. on Tuesday fro,r- week's holidays. een, Hensall. Bouquet, ) ,KYA,v�.,�i . tter qualified The funeral was held %po,eted at the pres- thy McQu 'L�!,,­,­,� and their *111,90 back be' as returned to Chicago after well as can be e� . 1.11"t"I".." i . I his late home in Godericb, interment bar h tdSon, Hensall; Ray F '%1NW14;1­ � were before. t king ,place his parents ent time.—Mrs, William Heddell and ters—Max 11t . , �,�4;�;�,�,;;!'' � . tb toach than they ever at Sebringville. Six spending holidays- with lelen Dick, Hay ��'-!�N;;"�,',f �. a the �ast ter, RensRlIA I " . �-�!);'�,;���: � journal hopes, at least, that fi"ghters and a,number Of brothers here.—Miga Mary McKaig, of Exeter, three children who Spent aird Hudson, Hensull; Margi - 'L�1­11 �' The - week here with Mr�­ George Hedden, L %1�,�,L.��:,.';.,� , rvive hfift. spent the Week at her, home here, nsall; Alice Pfaff, H , '' I thgy will tell the truth 0out no, and and sisters su 'hag accepted returned to HamiltdA on -Sunday last Shepherd, He of 'Phlo) L, :"i�,�,Vt�,,. r i( ���,:;`),`�:,� '. The Late Mrs. Conrad Trneynner.- - miss Margaret Habkirl Bouquet C-�-Xary C `e�;�`;,,-;, 4,� too. er husband, WIM mot*red here gall. ­�;J�!,`­,'­ . V4�1,hope so' With unexpected suddenness the death a situation aS, an assistant W Hengall wit'h b j, MeD. Wilson is Man,' H:ty 10; Vera Rapp, HEY.. 1�.`�I,� -,,.;J/, , I I de. vacant by Mrs. Is. for tb�m,—Vrs. � , � V "' , , " "' , , � � � - I I I - - , � � '. , , "! I , , � - - �� I - --=� I I I " �� , I, a I f r , , � ­ - Z_- �. - �, ) i,�, � � iP� I I --�-- - �- took place a Mrs, Conrad Tri�enmer, post offte, ma to join her vi fiting relat . ives in St. Mhrys aild Bouquet, Zinnia — Jack Farquk ,.,",J.�,L �1111 "I I � I . 1, I : 14th con4cession, avvy, on , SundaY Hed-den going to Hamilton ," !";..,", ", - e for some distviet.--Wr, BeWA,': 61 'London, father Rensgffi- Harold Foster"Hengall; T� '.",,;�,,,��,��::�1,11 I I 41SpAUC9N-G­, UP" THE r'd in husband, who has been ther Wolf, k6nsall- Ruth Cole, HenS 1, I., �,M!�,,�, t. . , , .night. She bad attended chn h P, of Dr. S. T. 13eanv, wito at one time ,`�,�,',M, ",­,", t � � , , , � � 1� �. . I.. 1. I , ith -Mr. Truqmner earlier in montlis in A large, 6wSgO Of Which bi -8arbura A 11 "�� ',je , " ,, 1, , � Zurich wi 140 Nttma, H�nsftll; I'��� ,. " 1, I � " - OU the evening at I d who I ��i'g,,,.�,, � . sl� practised b"e, was�j% the village dur- ­,�, - I i � . 1MR 1 X I& a ghort tihie after brother, William, is fOVOrAlElft, at herd, Kepgall�. Bouquet, African 91 �.-vo,�':, ", M I I .. ,��,,,; ­, , I . � �, I 11 I , 1, I . 1. .. I I I ­ . , ::­% ..,,� I ,.,. I ,."", , 1� .� A �. 00) - "t6ht dye Arised 21WA7 having secured nice IneW opaiktmorts ih�v the past wed%,g di )uple ,Pell Ing a C( 1 `,.�,­,, . , I kidus for his vvife�& 66me to of disys with fri�W&�U 8rt Th 'a , � ­, � 1. "Utre; Jetiring for the I essra. Parl. golds—B, 'p,2veon, AY, 14-t : 11� ,"" . !,;, , ; " ,, , I � , . - vv`M4 V,U , �";,L'�- ��L:� "�� l,'�j.' I It RouquA � 036161i� " .� �..� � .'.� - ..i I . I before medical aid COM I 6 ttilnIn'Ou I ITo44on,'bip. proved &. mer and so'd ara,hii,obg the frolit, m �qleyi*:Mmsall, I , � �, , , =6 , in V4,�h,� IT&Mifton Mv ;j ,.qi, I I . I , I ��... ,��.�­ 4, 1, � I , .A 4��d. . 6ii&:Wo W - .1, � " , k �, ,,,,, , d * a id."the vaz Wink Ift Rev to-ftallip , . I J�JfihJhJtJnP ,at_ thoit V& ­ _ , ;:",�"'��."�.�;-.�.L'il'�f,:�'i".�, 'd , _ SqS1 _6TV ii�i 7011WI44 Mil ,-1 , �­­- 1� ;1 141 I , I � I . �� � ' "' � A """L-- --H 1�"-- it&- L, I .-� ­A-dA"6 & . ;� I �rdludgon Hefimffi. atrold 2 " 1; ", V � I �#­­"! -I .- '�'i-.Pl— -,""",,1-,"7 , 7,':.­� :ij, I " -.L )­ 1. I 1� � ,)-� — ,.� i.:-, 1�, . - 1'111� ' ­­ � � ­ ----- .... . ,��,,,�, ��­ 1 �77777=" 1 q-- ` , . � .,I 1. I I :� :,.4,i")i"�",� � , I . . .. �, , "' , .?�, . " 1 L I . I I . . �L I . . .� . 7 77�,777 77, ". "" , 1� -1, 1 1��­ ." �'.., � ," � � ,�, -.1.- 1. - I � 1:1: � , P 1. � . �, ".1, , �.,N , "' ? �111,�� � ��," �;L�' "i 177-- 17 1 1:, , Z �, L. %, '' � , 11 -'�7�111 , 1, "" 7'17,F7 ..,,7 ,"L"!�7 �� ��LL , .� F r'l� 7, ., 7 J I �- I �­­ .. ---- i , ,.,;�,,��y�%,;,;,­ .1. 1�. . r ,, ': �Ll � �'. � , . �r�, , I I , I ". *.'i , , :� � � , ;: , , ,,!, A �,,, I ` - 11,-, 11; ­"., , - � I I � I � I . I I.; �1­,.,�,.l I ", .1, � I . I I � � . , o:,� � ,�� - ; I i. . I ,,, �, ., I I , t�i, ? . 4, � �,.j2 �­­­, �, ,,, I J' , . I I ��� � � I � q , I I . , �'!�L , .1 I I . ­ �­�, . 1, . � , . . fi�, 1,�, I . �� I-' � ' 4 ' L � I . I . � I 11 �.� � 11 . 1, -, . ' � . � .. . ., ,.. 11 11 11 . , . 1�111 : I" i. I I , I :r ... I", r t,., � , L . I , ;, I , I I � I .. I I .. . I . . I I � I . ­ I , � - ! ��,, I . , % ,., I . , " I'. - � . - . WR ionte your �no,pp.a�.lez, �, "d w �A1610 ,, Hae of i I I I I . '. - ­ , ras'a Y—to-waoa , "I , I -we are I ,-, " " � Smart �, hap", *h1ph I , � IOA d to .... . I iatroda*g for' the antamu SWA OQV-= Pra . 0 � I P?l9ea. ' -"',­�L,�,;�." ,�: . 1. W . . �. �, � :, i 1. I I . . 1, I , . " � 11 L , , ­ , , , � .,�., . , , ��, .,� , " - " MY'& Bertha L 0*1119" '', ". .''. I I I I ql " . I , I � � ,­ " � .�, . �� . , ,. . �� , 9 IE W white 6 siffay. 06-42 . I , , I .1, . . . . . . . 1. .. I I . -11. ­ . I . 0 1 ; I . . I �,�. - . . . �� er Blanche Thomson, 'HEY 14; Wona Glenn, Hensall- Lunch clo I ,�� , , " , )rin, Hensall, Bouquet, French cotton—Mildred F,Qllkk,, Hensall,- An� . .. I I Agold � Mary Clark, Hensall; nie Coleman, Hay 10; Edith,' Dich U 2. - ", Alum 9-ru-clAl,' Hensall; Annie Cole- Ha:� 14- Olive Lemmon, He=4 �� - .,. ; m, Hay 10; Alfred Ropp, Hay 14; Myrtle Thomson, Hay 14; Mary Cole- , xma Cook, Hensall. Bouquet, Cos- man ay 10. Foot, ruler to be zi�LrU.w I I , Myrtle ed of?lik ,/,,"--Jimmie McEwen, H I I . )s—Ruth . Bell, Hensall; 4'el I I LOMSOn, Hay 14. Bouquet, Salpig- 10; Norman Sinclair, I'Tensall. W I 1-1 ;sis—Nabel Fee, Hensall; Mildrei niatch holder--Timmle XcEwen, 41ay � Illick. Hiensa 1-6. Annie Coleman, Ray I0-,,,RO`uM& � msall. �Bouquet of Coreopsis—Jean bread board—Archie McGregor, Hay ,� , 1 14, Jimmie MeEwen, Hay 10. Any )Ster, Henaail; Keith Buchanan, I I model in wood-�Jlmmie Y&Ewen, Hay - ��, ;hsall. Dining room table bouquet 10; Shirley Koehler, Hay 14- Myrtle rl . am home garden—Mary Coleman, Thomson, Hay 14; Blanche homso,av . ay�, 10. Keith Buchanan, Hensall ; Hay 14; .Archie McGregor, Hay 16. I aarl Harpole, 'Htensall-,' Elva X�- Scrap book, live stock cuttings-- I . :xeefi, Hensall; Robt. D�ysdale, He- Blanche Thomson, Ha�4 14; Stuairt �'. I �. .. ,11; June Sundercoe'k, Hensall.. Plato Dick, Hay 14; Dorothy Dougall, Hay . orthern Sfpy apples—Douglas Sang- 10; Alfred Roppii Hay 14; Cecil Kip- er, Hensall; Beatrice Miller, Ray , fer, Hensall. Ar ficial flowers, Sweet 1; Blanche Thompson, 'Illay 14; Jim Peas—Janet McIntyre, Hensall.. Col-, I '-cEwen, -Hay 10; John Alexander, lection -of 10 �vorst weeds in Your I . �ay 10; Bert Thompson, Hay 14. School Section—Myrtle Thomson, HEY . asket assorted fruits for table use 14; Bert Thomson, Hay 14, Jim Me- rown i,n Huron County��Ruth Cole, Ewan, Hay 10. Collection of. ten lensall- Dorothy Daters, Hay; Gladys native woods --Jimmie McEwen, NZY 10; Bert Thomson, Ray 14; -Myrtle aunde;cock, Hensall; Jim MICEWell, Thomson� Hay 14. School collection, I lay iO. Barred Rock, cockerel—Jim- 5 moths;, '10 ,butterflies, 5 beetles— I iie McEwen, No. 10; Mary Coleman, Miss Finnigan Ray 14. Writing, , To. 10, Myrtle Thomson, No. 14, ,,S1o,r,ing ym'n"--Jatk ',Cole4 Bar- ' I �hirley Koehler, No. 14'. Alfred ROM', bara Sh6ppard, Mary -Clark, Hensall; . To. 14; Bert Thomson, No. 14. Bar- Irma Ferguson,'Hiay 14; Wilma Greez ed Rock pullet. --Jimmie McEwen, No. Herman'Wolff, Hensall. 1AThe Land 0; Mary Coleman, No. IQ; Ed. Cor- of Nod,"—Ronald Peck, Jean FoEiter, )ett, No. 10; Shirley Koehler, No. 14; Loretto Bell, Ivan Ki f Hensall: STo. 14; Dorothy Drum- Jack Munn, Hay fo; TyceNAe McGr,- Ufred Ropp, 1, nond, Herisall. White Leghorn cock- gor, Hay 14. Writing, "A Wet Sheet I �rel, Douglas Sangster, Hensall; Vera and a Flowing Sea'�--Ross McIlro T: , lopp, No. 14; Stuart Dick, No. 14. 1 R h C I Annie Hui .nsal , , ut' Ser, He Fhite Leghorn pullet—Stuart Dick, Aridre-�O;skenzie, Stanl6y 14; Kath- ' ir " h- L\To. 14-, Douglas -S,angsteT, Rensall; ryn Drysdale, Hensall; Sli ley Koe Vera Rapp, No. 14. Dog—Jack Sim- ler' Hay 14. Writing, "Christmas'�-- nons, Hensall; Lloyd Mousseau, No Kathleen Robbins, Stanley 14; Myrtle 10; Herbert Drummond, Hensall; Thomson, Hay 14; Edith Dick, Hay Max H�dson, HenS411; David Sang- 14: Margaret McKenzie, Stai�ley 14-, ster, Hensall; Kenneth Manns, Hen- Dorothy Corbett,H'Ay 10; Irene Mous- sail. Pair rabbits Bob PassmoTe, seau, Hay 10. Group of, an apple, po- Robert Drysdale, Laird Hudson, Lloyd tato and carrot—Irma Ferguson, Hay - Brock, Hens -all. Any ,Pet not included 14; Russell ,Hedden, Stanley Tucker, elsewhere on prize list --June Sau.n- Jack 'Coles, Douglas Sangster, Elva derco,ek, Harold Bonthron, Kennet', McQueen. Group. of three fruits, no Passmore, Edna Saundereack, Harvey color—Ivan Kipfer. Ronald Peck, Rob. Hudson, Hensall; Shirley Koehler Hay Drysdale, Dorothy Daters, Hensall; 14. Dozen brown eggs—Irma Fergu- Archie McGregar,'Hay 14; Erma Kip - Son, Hay 14; Mary Coleman, Hay 10: fer, Hensall. The Union Jack in color Bert Thomson, Hay 14; Billie Higgins, Shirley,' Koehler, Hay 14; Vera Ropp, I H,ensall. Dozen white eggs—Gladys Hay 14; Ross Mellroy, Hensall; Wil- , Jarrot7t, Hay 14; Irene Mousseau, Hay mer Jones., Stanley 14; Margaret Ken- 10- Helen Glenn, Hensall; Mona nings, Hensall; Elmer Hayter, Stan- Gl�rm Hensall; Margaret MacGregor, ley 14. Calendar design, suitabl efor � Hay i4; Blanche Thompson, Hay 14. December—Helen .Glenn, Hensall; Market lamb, about 85 tbs. — Bill Myrtle Thomson, Hay 14; Stewart; Glenn, Hensall; Mona Glenn, Hensall. Bell, Hensall; Alvin Bell, Hay 10; Jim Pair bacon hogs, 170-230 Tbs.—Bert McEwen � Ray 10; Edith Dick, Ray. Thomson, Hay 14. School lunch— 14. Ma�'Of Huron County—Ronald I , Margaret MacGregor, Hay 14; RutblPeck ' Jean Foster, Ivan Kipfer, Hen- I Coles Hensall- Dorothy Drummond, gall; Jack Munn, Hay 10; Kenneth El- HensLl; Irma Perguson, Hay 14; Ed- der, Hay 10; Dorothy Daters, Hensall. na Sundercock, Hensall; Gladys Sur- Map of North America—Ross Me- dercock, Hensall. Dozen oatmeai Ilroy, Ruth Cole4, i Dorothy Drum- , 1. cookies—Mario4 D!ougall, Hay 10; mond, Hensa,11; Ann e Coleman, HEY . Doris Alexand6'�, Hay 14; Margaret 10; Edgar Wurm, Hensall; Edna Cor - McGregor, Hay 14. Layer cake with *bett, Hay 10. Map, the 13ritish Isles icing—Helen Glenn, Hensall; Mildred --Jim McEwen, Garnet Mousseau, Follick, Hensall; Isabel Mary Sunder- Harold Elder, Alvin Bell, Hay No. cock, Hensall; Beatrice Willert, Ray 10; Emma Wurm, Helen ,Glenn, Hen- 14- Annie Coleman, Hay 10; Edna gall. Essay, My � Pet Dog, Cat or C�yboctt, Hay 10. Lemon tarts—Hel- other animal—Vera Ropp, Shirley - n - en Glenn, Hensall; Isgbell Mary Sun- Koehler, Hay 14; Irene -Smale, He I dercock, Hensall; Vers. Ropp, Hay 14; gall; Annie Coleman, Ed7iR Corbett, . Dorothy Drummond, Hensall; Myrtle Hay 10, Doris Alexander, Hay 111. Thomson, Ray 14; Mildred Follick, Essay, historical sketch of own town- . Hensall. Apple sauce—Dorothy Dou- ship, -Emma Wurm, Hensall; Stewart I gall, Hay 10, Mildred Follick, Hen- Bell, Hensall; Jim M,cEwen, Hay 10; . . gall; Vera Ropp, Hay 14; Ruth Coles, Myrtle Thomson, Hay 14; Gladys Jar- . Hensall, Blanche Thomson, Hay, 14 ; rott, Hay 14. Public speaking— Doris Alexander Hay 14. Vegetable Myrtle Thomson, Vera Ropp, S. S. 14- . - salad, individual—Margaret McGre- Boys, live stock judging competition . gor, Hay 14; Dorothy Drummond, —Aldon Appleton, Hensall; Stewart. . Hensall; Shirley Koehler, Ray 14; Crerar, Hay 14; Stewart Bell, Hen- . Mary Little, Hensall. Cream fudge— gall; John Alexander, Hay 10. Poultry - Vera Ro,pp, Hay 14; Myrtle Thomson, judging competition, girls --Beatrice . Hay 14- Bert Thomson, Ray 14; Willert, Ray 14;' Edith Dick, Hay 14: ; Beatrice Wallert, Hay 14; Mona Myrtle Thomson, Hay 14; Helen Glenn . Glenn, Hensall; Dorothy Drummond., Hensall; Gladys Jarrott, Hay 14; r Hensall. Peanut Brittle—Gladys Sun- Minnie Sangster, Hensall. Weed , dercock, Hensall- Helen Glenn, Hen- naming contest—Shirley Koehler, Hay ; gall; Bert Thorn�on I -lay 14; Dorothy 14; John Alexander, Hay 10; MyrV.e - Drummond, Herisah; Blanche Thom- Thomson, Hay 14; Beatrice Willert, - San, Hay 14; Myrtle Thomson, Bay Hay 14; Annie McIntyre, Hensall ; - 14.Hand made holder for Pots and Gladys Jarrott, Ray 14. Spelling , pans—Wilma, Green, Nellie Fee, Hen- match, 2 from each school�Norman gall. Hand made dust cap, plain— Sinclair, 'Hensall; Myrtle Thomson, V Mildred Folliek, Dorothy Drummond, Hay 14; 'Annie Coleman, Hay 10; - Janet McIntyre, Mabel Fee, Hensall; Harold Elder, Ray 10; Edith Dick, . Gladys Jarrott, Hay 14. Plain apron Hay 14; Mary Hemphill, Hensall. 0 to fit exhibitor—Edith Dick, Hay 14; School parade—Hensall 1, Hensall IH," �- Nellie Fee, Mildred Follick, Hensall; Hensall 111, No. 10, Hay, No. 14, I- dresser scarf—Mildred Follick, Hen- Hay. Special T. Eaton Co., champion ' , sail- Myrtle Thomson, Hay 14; Helert pupils—Jim McEwen, Hay 10; Iflyrtle �, GGn, H,ensall. Any article made Thomson, Hay 14, Vera Ropp, Hay I- from School Fair ribbons — Mona, 14. 1 .. � V !t 1, - �Al ly is 'I - 3r c - I .. A Ly S, 11: ie n- �d � Bn \ . , .- . , . � . � 4; - -- � P, . -4. 6Y, W, ! w� �r, .16- , I LS- )8- �0; �et , . T6: 14.1 , . 2.0 P UNIVERS977 OF WESTERN I I ONTARIO Students pceive personal attention En all Faculties and Departments. .. t?ot additional In - Men and women interested in under- . .. . I ; Z gorreaflon write — graduate or yost-graduate, resident or . X. P. R. NEVYLLP, non-resident courses should write to � Ph.D., Registrar, the Registrar. �i, . -1 . London, caftadn Whag cweer? . I .� � . 11 More than haff o2 the . . . ' � laniversity graduates 62 �' . this continent go Into buahiona. Thin UniverfiltF giveD 01y, g., -;6A , 11M COMMeT90 96V FAI A RpeCial CGUM the purpose pf preparing proz%f -1 ,�, .� I Ing yo mod Par, buoibe coraerfll!l , h0 Vnk'0�81tr h0195 tO E7 0 "', � ! " " ! , ' .01 M,W , , . . I z2ace thavo "Aae cite Tramy., , " ,.. ',W�­:; I—, -­tt -, 1­�, 4 - � 0 - 1. 11 . . I r E&tx�IZA�mk�w��,��%,,,,,�--��,,�", —.......... , . , -1 I