HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1929-09-13, Page 1P 41 a k?j 4 A .1 = a on, .10 IinIII...... .... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ ...... I-14 Ady ... ....... IA Val Ho th The 4Z "heade W, ''Ley W ti lbz' 40 b tr Wdxd %rops"in. thO w o ifierehaadW, bhey gavvy, bixt the �wrlc -40ap by D Aoz, ladd! Ut .414 a , ;r " ,a . I . . . . . d t a, Mon A4 vmt e�z ow "fttw, 1,QQW . 4,; * COMP000 e OM, whose sole w4a mm U040 help. I � I 00 14 Qu say__4VMJU, It fmsiol W, and vom� ;0 has been to a su, es$ wr 4 'D 410A 11KV; gad show your `estlma#02� re 1.4 the poor,, it, is not going M rdry'w� to�, make them iny better "for yw-.' to 4 ybody t A, and when you field ond _4e of n O.roV abot. Atti4ying g produ,:04�, 1,4 this moar� aestrable axi in Aeo4 Of something to buy It *01 'ordor,,�Xr in � a peddlor, or go to Mineral d1swes, � such part of, Cau�dg, the Huron 73ist *ct, PA , your. local me was �the 4wef wqk�: of �tbe B."re'ali 0, ri ut aa,iYie other tan. 10n�, the other h�4bd, If jr6.4 wi rehants ResPeetfullY - submitted. Thomas Li Minel"in its discover. �4 break, and'offer t�. buy fror - t parforminj lRot only 4 ser in' D vingston, President." Mee to your comriiunit�, a,goq1a..t_u to y Ilo* itizen, ;but you nl1 be 'T�,make the mineral v about on q, par viih Ttwo 'rWe hope Ahe -pe district ople of the doing.y0rself:-a favor. This of c*munilt boosting of.eivie �W�Ohtarlo, in Order,,that it might be N awy via 'a $bade, dearei, Vp SONS WIJI:assist in this patriotic and laud- loyalty or civib weIf*4:;-,# 'is purely matter of good busiriess- employed tQhe public intetest. Spch, .10 able object -by. becoming members. mO4ts, But th 1`04ou:' v to,', 0 bz q -with larger opportu and o4 .-a Ibigger s!6ale, remain than her �,Mood 'business, on, your part. Ulothing li0swa"A for he ) fa -41y, itak If you live in�,a­town­you or those who provide y9ur livelioo-4, Are ILU a the chief work round, Is cheaper f the Department of Mines at the J�usine" or theyat least earn a 'U in the community. If YOU Own real larly shoes, Take the job pri vM9 sum' via. -40r resent day. meet the appm., �f the exhilb RoAmpm �N trade. The Petruit Wintev,ggto .$�4 astate, thereis that much niore reason -why you should g6 out of your way .,�o see'to it thi In' 1900,,*Mr. Blue left the Bureau ti s and the public a week for 4A- hours; the T*rwto job Xrs�_4. gets all the business possible, but you dont in have to, own two or three store buildings, z,house and lot, or be a stock 4 your community on Mines iiid Mr. Gibson -was appoint- generally. standing Adverse printer'185-20, not as mucbL Of ed Director in his stead. For many weather co4dit! boldern a ban, order that it pay you, a profit. Therefore, it is not only from tite' About $Ito (By Bil Powl) dour or Kitchener. years the Bureau of Mines Continued to -time ave 4p your� duty, but it is your business -to -see'to it that the community gets,Ali on. h d the funds, the less than Windsor, and $18 less than part of the Department merchants aiao �%H ,u ss men have al , the business from yourself and everyone else you can influence; also, it is as an integral If one has the news ear, he learns I)Otroit In the Bordert Cities a, W and d S of Lands, Forests and Mines, but,, on -ways come to,thi, le also will make dedue. Detroit you do not meet with the green United chiliv 5,4p,sistarlee of the of -things. Ili -wing riClr.000 gade dra be, if its -stores are behind the timew, velopment in the )?ro;vince �ras pro- cash and g of 5,= For instance, I learned in De- white-coIlared bri from I Con Apt -your business to see to it that your town is not looked down upon, as It its becoming evident thaj,inineral de- Society with te"' I surely l Ap, us donations But it is ten to one that your stores are riot as poor as lots of people ich enabled the io"it from a relative of my. own, an $15 to $22 a week as You do in To - ternleut.t6 'It' I Ceeding so fast that 'a separate Det- Directors to thei think them to be. Your stores can supply you witA most anything that you r,programme atountant with a big realty concern ronto. How the latter live, 1 afta4 etery. The. uty Minister Was required, Mr, Gib- of lniiprovemefitk��_,%ereases. in prize that they are booming Oshaw. A1_' wonder. Frank son was appointed in W6. In 192o money t may want to, purchase. In this day and age of staniladized'merchaudise, er, David Andersi elimim he classes that so thattheyhave big investments in Discus. sing the conditions in the two -present distribution ssterii, any merchant can take care of your wants, after the Drury Government came in- have had theii. 41" and substituting other Ontario cities. Probably Toy- countries ith a native anadian, a Those atiendini, f' with, the U -he wants to. Of course, if your merchants really are so far behind the to ofice the Bureau of Mines be -came those'more up"41 1 erecting a times, or laek'gumption enough to supply, your needs and likes—that is how onto for all I learned. You see I was former banker, he �)ut it thusly- The distance were separate department, under the title cases I a n the hall different. he ultimate o,- not in, he interrogative mood as to Yanks do not make goods as Mks. James ood as IDepartment of Mines, Hon. H. Mills ject of haing all..� risha-ble exhibits land Investment But I was much in- Canadians. They buy more, and con- Xwwa "Me"M Norman nd, ��a All of this is said with the full: realization, that there are still some "store becoming, the -first Minister nd H;on, under glass, oind- ifio( erection Of I, y new terested in industrial pursuits. Not sequently more people get work sup- Jarrott, Mrs. Ross Diek and ;Ieepers' running '�supply­ depots," who have � "cierks" in t ad f ' a e h 1,, Misal e 0 's I S C ar MCrea, the present Minister stock pbus. Th6-ikgstanee t4u na 0 ch a that real estate investments will not Plying their wants. 'There, is ome- ID r ae, all of Tuionto; XT, pe,(�ple." But you are res, nsible if you. have -good stores or poor ones. If of Mlines succeeding him, wh�n the en is much, appreo P0 ur' ��td by th lead to that, but rather to manufac- thing i3a that—if You examine it close- D e Direc Mrs. - B.Saunders, of London-- nba f Parkhill,- Mr. J.,R. Re y buy from e, you -turn yourself into a walking, The old method of administering learning the so 31". such help, will turns. I wanted to satisfy myself Canadian Industrialists. I came to ald, of Stratford- r James Ja t; you c9irtinually refuse to give yo merchants first opportunity to supply Drury Government left office, tors, and it is the citizens, or, turing�and profits—and quick re- IY- Currie, o Your wanf�, coutirivall outsid ltalking advertisement for a bum town, and who wamts (to live and have the mining lands of the Crown was deal at home, how big industry keeps on the move the conclusion, have the European Of Ailsa Crai 'Mr. and Mrs. Joh other pople know that they liv e -in a dead community direct from the DepaAment of Lands, "Situated as we'!A 'k af,nowledged t brings you in cont hc Henry Ford or that other Henry Gavin, Mr. and Mrs. mind. Thei must change. Follow MeGavin, Mr. and Mrs. Min Al Also, if youJive in the town, especially in a small'city, your social life Forests and Mine,. in times of spe- district, gener'illy, e in the Huron _and why. Jaakip MULTI act with your fellow citizens, you associate with them; cial activity, this method was found finest in Canada, ever been the Big Turnover—Small Profits Bulk. Thornton. Else our boys will leave Mr. and AlTs. Albeit MeGavin, all of and can you really,feel just right in socially fraternizing with them, when irksome and cumersome, and when purpose of the Di rs to encourage adbury; NIx. and Mrs. Jhn Me,. Canada, as did the, accountant and Le 7ou kn9w that you are no tgivig thern a fairr shake?. Put yourself in their a inining rush was on, the Depart- the exhibit of the .1 There was a time in the Northern Aucts of the field, the boy above quoted. Both twere. Gavin and Miss Mary MeGavin, of: employees of financial i6titutiong in Seiaforth; Mr. Thomas psitio-ii—just what would you do? ment became congested with work. States when employers of labor were McMillan, of. And as a tip to merchants let nie add—Business goes where it is invItec' Sometimes, too, it was alleged�_ opposed to good wages. The coal Canada, at about $15 per week. Now Ifullett; Mr. Thomas Hagan, Min;w FLO, a f and stays and comes back to the place,where it is well treated and served fhough there does t seem to h v_, fields, the iron, trades, the textile they draw down more than that each neapolis, Winn., trades, the shoe trade, the printing day just across the river from Can-' Notes.----:M-r. and M-rs. Russ Dick, oy best. been much ground for the allegation Copyright, 1929, A. D. Stone. Reproduction prohibited in whole or in —that political influence were brought trade—manufacturing in general— ada. to bear on the making of decisions. Er Toronto spent the PEAC 0 believed that low wages --a slave week end with This Town Doctor Article is Pi�blished by TRe Expositor in co-operation HGn. Fran Cochrane -was the head class, as in Eurdpe Sky -View Parked. friends in this vicinity.—Mr. Th —was necessary to omas Hagan returned -to his home in Min- with the Seaforth Lions Club. of -the, Department responsible , for the ind6strial development of the The tunnel in course of construe Isystem. nespolis after spending several, dayg the decentralizaticift of this We expect 4- ar load of United States. The injunction mills tion and the Ambassador suspen slon with friends—Mrs. James Hawthorne, one of mining recorders and Mining Alberta Pea' 'es were put to work, barribs were thrown, bridge will bring the Border C't'es of Moose Jaw, is spending a few. in one ,onstituted the di�4ins being established. The rdin- men were hung, the Pinkertons and verylose to Detroit's city hall. Down- weeks with friends in and around this may be said to have c THE W,60.4. the National Guard—all were en- town Windsor is now 20 minutes a- eral?areas of the Province were sepa- beginning of the whole Northern On- tario development. rated into divisions, at the head of ployed to batter down wages. YeUs way. As the crow flies the Detroit community.—Miss. Rena Stephenson In his attitude towards the prob h` of which was p .,)PEC�AL F than -is EUM� OF FREDERICTON eac ut a recorder, itE OFF CAR ago I saw conditions in the Hocking city hall is no further away Iras returned to her home after spend- 0- I Toronto city lemseita ning to the development of who wasappointed for the purpose of Valley coal strike too horrible to re- the Don bridge from several days in Michigan and T The stately elms -Of Fredericton, a new .1 untry, he has unfailingly ex. recording for minitg Phone rders to late. The black slave of the south hall. The slow ferry takes up ronto—Rev. 'Mr. MeEen, of Torun-' Beside the broad St. John, lands, and genera was far betterff than were the white time arossin the to, took the service on S-qnday. 'Next hibited what may be "Called a ternpey lly: dealing with g the Detroit river.. With mmigration And rocks the ships 'at daw'n, totth. This system has ley of the 'Hocking. That is n charge after his vacation.—Mr. -breast -6 his That mirrors cloudland on her claimg and the recording of instru- 230-3 )gth miners and their families in the Val- the tunnel opened, the I Sunday, Rev. R. Connrwill be I ed optimism. That is o Gay, he hs ment, and aith in the rich pos-r never allowed his f IPracti" offilcials working a bit faster than That fliii,g their tackle to the breeze een found to -work very satisfacto ally all gone in the North, and nly now 12 to 15 min Stelck -was a recent visitor with of Var sibilities ot.'Ontario mining to outrun Ir- utez will take. one iis brother, Charles Stick, And, warder an and on., W C. ANFTT in isolated districts of the South, to the seat of Detroit's eMe goyern- The optimism has: his_ discredun I_,4mnversary in' 1915, during 'thewar, thei,qu6� where white labor has taken the place ment. sery will be b been always there--4biA it has bee . . . . ...... . . in ilisgreem, tUuited- -Chilith, on �-Sun4: of black labor, is there any of th The stately elms of Fredericton, of the reasoned and -reasonable sort' tion of nickel, and the possibility'tha� 'The Ambassador bridge f ther up day, He has always known how, and when 22nd- Rev. That thrill one with,desire Ontario nickel might be used by the orchard, garden, home' Id feeling towards the operatives o ur September Mr- live sitock, the river may permit the traveller to Mai 'To roam the empyrean pace enemy, greatly agitated the public poultry, etc. industry. -nes, of Wialton, will conduct the to put his hand on the brake. The and thus attract othem get there as quickly as by the tunnel. At any rate a big sign on a services at 11 o'clock p.m. and 7 p.m- And touch the magic lyre, permanency of a Deputy Minister's mind. Hion. G. Haward Ferguson, not so favoraly situated, to the dis- Henry Ford's New Religion. sky -view --Quite a number are attending the then head of the Department, Apaint- trict. It will also be gratifying for "Detroit's Like Carman, Roberts,when they wrote tenure of office--4while Ministers may al Commission parked property says ed a R Western Fair at London this week.— fWith rare poetic fire. come -and Ministers may go, he i's al- to investigate the citizens, as it has beeia to the Di- A country lad on a Michigan farm city hall is but 20 minutes away from the whole subject of nickel, and ec We -are sorry to report that Miss Ed- ways- on the jb—making such a qual- 'rectors, to know that from the r,�- developed a new industry—and along this property." The stately elms of Fredericton, no Cochrane, of Toronto, went throug ity particularly valuable in one hold- P�cially the, practicability of having marks of the Government judges who with it a new religion. Perhaps T Another bridge will be under con- Proud sentinbls -that stand nakel refined in Canada, instead of offleiate here and numerous Fa;rs should not say tbat—for Henry's idea struction in 60 days. an operation for appendicitis in Clin- ing the position. n ton Hospital. At date of writing she- And guard the city beautiful He received his early education ;n the United" States, as was then throughout the Province, the quality was a new application of the Golden High-speed realtors have grabbed the public schools f the -village in is doing as well -as can be looked for. In that delightful land: ,argely the praotice. This Royal Com- of the exhibit,% in all departments at Rule. off the farm lands on the Canadian Mr. Their stalwart arms outstretched to irnssion consisted of Mr. G. T. Hollo- Seaforth and other Fairs in the Huron 1 Whatever one may call that idea side, surveyed streets, paved some of McAllister, f Michigan, isr whili he was born, and subsequently Iway, the eminent metallurgist, of district, are not surpassed anywhere, it has spread throughout the North' Mrs M. Walker and Mrs. W. MeAl- heaven, proceeded to Rockwood Academy. As - the roadways, sidewalk., planted sPend'ng a few day th h' - r Their feet upon -the sand. a boy, he had a great liking for writ- London, England, Dr. W. G. Miller, and seldom equalled. The. Directors ern States with a rapidity that is re- trees, and one at the job as a they H. ISABEL GRAHAM. i,g. Indeed, his native and natural the Ontario Provincial geologist, Mr- invite suggestions folt the improve- markable. The steel mills wherc knew how. "It was a bridge that lister.—Mrs. J. Steacey, who has been spending -several weeks at the home aptitude for the pn, earalbined with McGregor Young, K.C., an. Mr. Gib- ment of the Fair in any way; possily once Pinkerton rifles rang out no,, made Brooklyn" says one big sign. son, as ser -eta tember of some class has been overlooked. Hand work their operatives but eight hours Four miles from the -bridge are . of Mr. W. Jarrett, returned to her a fine �gift of phraseology, has !in- signs home in HensaIL parted to fficial 1�roduetiuus erngnat- the Commission, the idea eing to in your suggestions and they will re- -a shift, formerly it was twelve. The announcing good schools, churches. 7HOMAS W. G I BSON have metallurgy, geology, law and ad- ceive the attention of the Directors. production has been greater under golf, water, electric and so on. ing from him distinction that is not ministration all represented on the All exhibitors in every department eight hmrs than twelve. Consequent. Th� same is true at Walkerville. A Brief Biography of the Man Who always easily discernible in other investigating body. In eighteen are treated alike. ly employees are -better paid. They the most home-likepot and -best part is the G�uide, Philosopher, and documents pf the kind. With such BAT7EFLD a bent, he naturally turned in the months, the Comniissin had carried "It is also in keeping with the coni- spend more, the wheels of industry of the Border Cities. The latter balks Friend of Mining in Ontario. out its duties, having visited fist instarice, to writing as a voca- the munitY spirit that after strenuous whirl ceaselessly. The people are at "joining up-" They say it will in- (By A. R. R. Jones in Canadian Min- tian. So, at an early age, he becalme ed, better housed. Indus- crease their taxes. Walkerville has nickel areas, not only of Canada, ut work we seek a little recreation and better dress Breezes.—Tbe season just closed Ing Journal) the local correspondent of The Huron also of other countries, for example, to this end a splendid programme o� try learned from that farm -boy that it's own civic buildings, post office has seen more summer tourists in New Caledonia -Cuba, Norway and so sports, races, etc., has been provided, good output meant good wages, an(l building, better looking tha Bayfield than ever before and all arer Expositor, and when only fifteen years n Torun- e on as well as refining plants in the ending up with n exc ]lent concert good wages meant that employees to's, its own -waterworks, fire brigade, benefit greatly in health through the The recent appointment of IVIT. T. old, was invited by the editor of that loud in their praises of Bayfield. They Old Country. In 1917, its reports was in -Carno's Hal in the evening. Help could ride to work in automobiles just police force, railroad station and cus- F, Sutherland to, be Actin� Deputy paper, which was published in Sea Minister of Mines, -for Ontario has re- forth to come and edit it' He join- published and practically settled the clear pure air, which causes them to toms buildings. It's a trim town Ilieved the Deputy Minister, Mr. Thos� ed the Toronto Glob!e at the age of question as to the practicability of Miles of 'new streets and homes. Or have restful sleep. A great many ap- W.. Gibson, -of the routine work of the refining nickel in Canada. This was preciate the quiet and return home. in- I nineteen, and then, forsaking the the east Ford City that was, now office, while the latter's valued ser6c- reported on as being eminently prac- rated and ready for their regular, 'Mast Windsor, adjoins Walkerville. v'go es, in an a I dvisory and consultative path of journalism, he went with Ron. ticable, and, almost immediately fol- pursuits. Never has there been such On the west of the latter is Windsor James Patton into the enterprise of a capacity, have een retained for the loan company which the latter had lowing the report, the International 0 City. There is a scheme on to get a demand for cottages and the hotels, t and boarding places have been taxed Department. Nickel Com,panT!s refinery at Port Walkerville to double -up with Eag tarted. After a year of this work, Boni in the Ontario village Of Colborne was constructed. Windsor. The influential Border Cit- to their utmost capacity. The store- he entered the civil service of On- keepers have had good business as the Wroxeter, Mr. Gibson is of Scottish tario as secretary to Hon.. T. B. Par- In 1924, Mr. McCrea went to Eng- ies Star urges the amalgamation, f0j, parentage on both 'sides, of the house land with the view lof interesting the sake of economy. It iple find they can get all the dee who was Commissioner f Lands may come. peo y re- quire as reasonably as at home.--, capitalists there in the mining de- Both are comparatively new, and in in eisentials, he is himself a Scots- in 'the Mowat Government. Wednesday and Thursday, September man of Scotsmen, with the traditional velopments of OntariQ, and, later in a few years, when the rough spots While still in the civil service, he 25th and 29th, are the days of Bay- the same year, Mr. Gibson followed the wild -carrot qualities of his race strongly repre�­ saw -some military service, taking ented irrlis character, and particular- part in her operations which result- him, to caLry on the work. and other weeds controlled, the two field's annual Fall Fair. The diree- tors are hoping for fine weather for It has been mentioned that will make a fine ity. Mark this, in ly its national passion for thOrOugb- ed in the subdual of the North Wiest when Zzzhe nes,3—arx attribute that Inspires and Rebellion. 'This 'accomplished I Mr Gibson joined the Bureau of ��o pt a9 Enjmd ten years the combined population of . cess hangs in a large measure on . I he re- mi' a fine day. The entry list will prob- informs his whole, life in its very de- tu)'Llned to his, post with I10n. Mr. nes, the staff numbered three, all 0 the Border Cities will approximate told. Tli� present staff of the De- ably e up to the usual and the cor.- partment. "A asic 'sense Of right- Pardee, In 1886, however, he was that of Toronto of to -day. If com- ness� said of him one who know of Mines will, in a busy LIVE STOCh, POULTRY, ROOTS AND VEGETABLES s forced to relinquish this, by reason of Partment bined now the population exceeds cert on show night, the 26th, will be season, number a hundred and fifty, FRUITS A-\ D FLOWERS, LADIES' WORK, FINE ARTS good. The Sterling Comedy Troupe him well�tiu the writer the other day, ill health, and went back to help his Hamilton, and residents claim the In 1890 the value of Ontario's min- of five artists, comedian, entertainer, �pervades the who in his basi- SCHOOL CHILDREN'S EXHIBIT, ETC. Border Cities the second city of On- v ,,pate of opin- father, who was 9, miller, eral production was $4,705,000. Last iolinist, soloist and pianist, of Lon- ion, in which I ness. Then, in 1891 Ron. A. S. Hardy DONIRNION SHORTHORN BREEDERS' tario. They make no bones that they Any man who hm had any real invited him to re year it was $100,000,000. will be first city in Ontario in a fe' don are to provide the programme— -eTfter the civil ser- It ASSOCIA77ON SPECIALS Rev. and Mrs. V. 1-1. Paull are away will thus be seen that Mr. Gib- years. And are working that contacts with Ontario mining has v1 e, as a Bureau of Mines was just wa-S for a few weeks' holidays at Galt, To- necessaxily been brought Idto r son has been actively associated with beat Sam Hill. But it's a one- I,- ela- being started under the department ronto and oher places. Archdeacon tions with the Deputy Minister, and, of Crown Lands. a period of enormous importance to dustry city—automobiles. Toronto i� The Director of SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Jones Bateman, of Goderich, took the, the Province's pogress in mining. Its on all sides, one hears nGthirig but the Bureau of Mines was Mr. AT�41_ otherwise. true interests are very close to hiR services on Sunday and is to be here praise for the wise foresight and vx- bald Blue, who had previously been Horse Races, Foot and Bicycle Races. Relay Horse Race, Running next Sunday.—On Tuesday last cellent judgment he has; constantly Deputy Minister of griculture, heart and he has fostered and fur- the and Horse Race, Ilorseback PotaV Race, Nor." Shoe Pitching social events column of the Toronto displayed with respect to the many, Mr. Gibson acted as his assistant thered them to an extent that it would and complex proiblems-that have come be difficult to measure. Tournanient, Colossal MiL, ay—Amusement Galore. DRAINAGE ASSISTANCE Globe says: Mrs. Macdonald, form-- The Bureau of Mines was establish- before him, from time to time, over a ed "to aid in promoting the mining Minister, fficials, metallurgists, erly of Goderich, now of Sarnia, is Speaking, of interests of the Province'�_a phras pros SCHOOL CH�LDREN'S PARADE AND DR�LL Mr. C. Cox, Drainage Dept., O.A.C., the guest of Miss Nordheimer. Mrs. long period of years. pectors and operators alike' Mr hi.9 foresight, by the way, it may bs which concisely desciribeg the function Gibson stands well vidth them ai'l. Af- has been permanently appointed to Macdonald spent the greater portion perffnently recalled that it was he of the Department -of Mines bo -day. ter'.all, that is the richest reward any MUSIC BY SEAFORTH PIPE BAND. take charge of requests for assistance of the holiday season with her daugh- When it first began t�o operate, the man of -good sense and right feeling in drainage and is located at Strat- ter, Mrs. (Dr.) A. Ne-wton-Btady, of -who first glimpsed the possibilities of Cobalt, the opening up of which staff only numbered thr�e, ut its can desire—to know that his work ADMISSION: Adults 25c, (Children 15c, Autos �,,Pc ford. Mr. Cox will be available foi this popular summer resort.—Mr. J. and his personality are esteemed, at on ounty. This affords W. Martin, for many years a vlsitor� Grand StAnd- Adults 15c, Children 10c. work in Hur activities gradually expanded. their ighest, by thDse who have had All School Children in Parade Admied Free. a real opportunity for farmers requir- here, has been appointed Commis- One of its main duties -was to Pub- ing drainage and it is hoped that sioner of Dominion Lands in the De- hish an annual volume ori'minefi an the best opportunities of ftidging many will take advantage of this ser- partment of Interior, Ottawa, succeei­ minin'� In Ontario. In ktlmng suit- both. That reward, by universal testimony, is his Abundantly. vice. ing the late, J. W. Greenway. Mr�(j aterial for this, the Bureau an able m Those wishing assistance should Miartin has been Acting Cmmisioner-4 listed - the co-operation of 13r. A. P. ...... inake application at an early date. since Mr. Green -way died about a year, -a and Dr. � W. G. afiler, w1io For further informtion, write G. A, ago. Mr. Martin who was b6rfi Colema was aubsequett appointed Prbvilh- THE FALL FAIR A MnskaB,. Singing and Dancing Revue under the direction of MeCague, Agrirultural Representative, Goderich in 1879, has been in the do- cial kess Alice Henderson Dept. of Agriculture, Clinton, Out. partment for many years, He Don't -forget tbo Imst dance of Irtaimnent secretary to, the Cmmistion ldh, ed ditfferint mfiVW districts In the 'With everything in feadines for Wnaag�s, Dancers, Fun Makers, Vaudeville, Ruts negotiated Treaty MID. 8 With the k;- Province, and Me regulti of thel the 1929 'FWI Fair n Thursday and 7%7o Nours of Solid Fun ,ths� 'h held at � ;��, I 1:� I vestleations in thc Friday, S6#teMbtr 19th and 20,th, we Doors opon 7A5 p.m. Concert at 8.00 O'clock Idians of the Peace River MZ72GRd annual volu-MOJ Just Mabtio=& cannot do bettar thin oublish Presi. ADMISMON—All Seats, 55c; Children 25c. miss Jessfe hittaker bf the dent Livingston's mdsumge as taken Mrs. Willia J. Jarrott Pasaos.�­ giotlal gtav Of St. Mfldtoala. 'PRIDAY, 13th This line of work 60u�g �oUA4 oat_ from the prize list., IMAIN4CM IN SMIX.A. ROWS AFTER THE CONC13RT Ohristems Bonthren, beloved wife of Church privvbe wadeM7. X62 able of great Slid It "It is, indeed, 6, very pleasant duty 'William John Z=ott, of mlk�ves% �bple, who visited duAnn, * the s* became the prwdga .40 ddta,- oup 0�2 MMAVIOV.Ta ASM4CULTURAL SOCIWJY Pt r4i 74 for me, as PkOA&At, to Submit here,- was born on Rovembr 2nd, 1865, wt ties 040rk= ' , A. D. Sutherland, Sec'y.-T�Gao. r the uride 1664ptig with the ri 111at 192G, the r�- rd tonceesid of RV ftnk- W watad stynela, dka it the seeo, I1Adb t2at� Iva i1tad front the Secretary jubo new field, vh6ft �kft U te tult of in at t revigion awl ship, In 1991 she was ut&etl W lAW4' bow 02 U E xaoll�, apbo,� 61 Wtdrs gad Vo tb W, . Jmroft� With lftm tho 1.6thlto 'O Toa%atb Oil Ibeen d190WIn-i2d, dtXd,' vl%wvy ROT tmm� to rent4t ara god Imer, IIIii