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The Huron Expositor, 1929-08-16, Page 8
IPW4 SIMING, colored handles, sgc .pr aft, for WY—New crop, pure 4Over; 10-1b. pail a.pctund pails 55c );(40,K NA.PIITHA SOAP 25© G 2or apoic NAPHTHA. SOAP CHIPS— gto lar 20e, for 14a all*P FLAKES in bulk; 2 pounds =MINE AMMONIA S for gt.IGGET OR 2 in SHOE 709LaR1g,--2 for 2.5A:RMALADE-40 oz. glass tar COFFEE—Special values at 55c, 60c and 70c pound. GOLDEN HALLOWI DATES of splendid quality 2 pounds LAMP CHIMNEYS and LANTERN GLOBES -2 fief 25c ROKE,N SODAIS 3 pounds IODIZED SALT 3 for ALUMINUM PRESERVING KET- TLES at 20 per cent. discount. u00 2c 25c '26c If% D. dll© Phone Phor Phood1-166 FOR SUNDAY DINNER Order one of our fine Roaets, Roast Beef, Roast Lamb, Roast lIeal, etc. You will find our meats are meats of quality, and if you have guests they wig ROise your selection as well as fide way it is prepared and served. 9,11 GetzD CEmen:Dim STREET - PHONE 53 N 70T AT P :laarsd Aft 7 Commencing 7 p.m., sharp HIGHLAND PIPE BAND Special Vocal Programme A Snappy Orchestra and Refreshment Booth EXCELLENT DANCE FLOOR Ample parking space All funds realized will be spent for community benefit. Come and Have a Real Night ! Admission 25c; Children Free. her fine qualities. She was a member of First Presbyterian Church and ale so an interested member of the Wee men's Missionary Society. Miss Lellan and her sister, Miss Agnes, with whom she had resided for a number of years, moved to Meaford last fall in the hope that the change would benefit her health. She is sur- vived by two sisters, Mrs. William Oliver, of Egmondville, and Miss Ag- nes McLellan, of Meaford, and also two brothers, Messrs. John McLellan, of Seaforth, and Andrew NicLellara, of Hibbert. The remains were brought to Seaforth and the funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon from the residence of her sister, Mrs. Oliver, in Egmondville, when the services were conducted 'by Rev. C. E. Dougan, of Clinton Presbyterian Church. In- terment was made in Maitlandbank cemetery, the pallbearers being Messrs. W. N. Knechtel, F. D. Hutch- ison, Neil Gillespie, Arthur Routledge, F. J. Kerslake and John Cairns. TIBIE IBIUIRON EXPOSITOR © :fizzurrsgace PUBLIC LaActaLrrY lPhOPIERTY DAPSIAG FIORE, THEFT (COLLISION_ DISTRICT MA IL ilERS Announcement.—Mr. Thos. E. Liv- ingston announces the engagement of his daughter, Mabel Elizabeth, to Mr. George W. Pockett, of Winnipeg, the marriage to take place early in Sep- tember. act no explain the coverages and the Cemoteet of protection afforded for premium. WWI* I pII F BeyS Etald. Cale lust the thing to take with you on your holidays or for Summer reading. God selection of titles to choose from. PRICE 50 CENTS EACH Thompson For Sale.—Six roomed frame house on Chalk Street, east of St. James' Church and school. Apply to Mrs. J. J. Hurley, Seaforth. 3218x2 Expert Kodak Finishing, 23 cents a roll, anv aloe. post paid. Extra prints, 3 cents each. Jackson Studio, Seaforth, Ont. 3215-4 Binder Twine.—Car load binder twine will be here before wheat harvest. Come and get your twine. R. J. McMillan. Phone 123. 3211-tf Wanted.—Collegiate gir,le to room or board; warm rooms and well lighted. Miss J. Mc- BrIde, Centre Street. 3218- Notice.—The Carnegie Public Library will be closed from August 12th to August 26th. Greta Thompson, Librarian. 3218-1 Honey For Sale.—Clover honey for sale; price 10 cents a pound. Phone 19 on 86, Hensel!. Wallace Ross, Kippen. 3218-2 For Sale.—Fur sale to wind up Executry, chopping, milling and grain business at Sea - forth and grain, flour, feed and seed brusi- n4s atl M it:chilli_ Apply to Mrs. Flossie Thomsen, Mitchell. 3218x1 Successful Music Pupils.—The fol- lowing pupils of Mrs. M. R. Rennie were successful in passing the Toron- to Conservatory of Music examina- tions, held here on July 8th: Prim- ary Singing, Elva Wheatley; Inter- mediate Piano, Helen Ament; Prim- ary Piano, Kathleen Stewart: Intro- ductory Piano, Leo Joynt. amen a minor accident will cost you etre than the premium on a policy. Prompt Settlement off all Claim& A. D. SUTIlitl&alL,AND General Insurance, Real Estate, Conveyarming, Etc. P/MikTlE 152 - SIF.AFORTH, ONT. W.A.TSONl REM SEAFORTH, ONT. MMTERAL EN SU a ANC IS AGENTS Hogg -Nesbitt. ----A very pretty wed- ding was solemnized on Thursday ev- ening last, August 8th, at Bankhead Farm, the home of Mr. and Mrs. An- derson Scott, Seaforth, when Miss Ella Nesbitt, of Toronto, and former- ly of County Tyrone, Ireland, was united in marriage to Mr. Harold Hogg, of Cleveland. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. P. Lane, of North Side United Church, Sea - forth. Mr. and Mrs. Hogg will re- side in Cleveland. representing only the best Can- adian, British .a n d American Companies. AED kinds of insurance effected at the lowest rates, including— glERIE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, AUTO- ErOlslILIE, TORNADO AND PLATE GLASS RISKS —Also-- Dickson Family -Reunion. -- Many people in Seaforth, and vicinity were glad to see the members of the fam- ily of the late John Dickson, of "Gla.dswood," IL:ode-Oro, McKillop. They were spending sonde weeks at Black- well, near Sarnia, ,the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. James Lockhart, and motored up to the old home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Creagh motored from Vancouver, B.C., and picked up Mrs. McCarrol in Montana on their way east. The other members of the fam- ily were Mrs. Lockhart and Mrs. Wm. Scott, Sarnia, Mrs. James Whimster and Miss Helen Dickson, Aurora, Out. James Dickson, of the Forestry apartment, Ottawa, and John W. T. Dickson, of the P. 0. Department, Winnipeg. Mr. Archibald Dickson, of Natchez, Mississippi, was late in getting away and will join the party at Sarnia. CMAL ESTATE and LOAN AGENTS Prompt attention paid to placing Asks and adjusting of claims. niness established 60 years, guaranteeing good service. newto for Singer Sewing. Machine Company. OFFICE PHONE, 83 W RESIDENCE PHONE, 33 J The OM HInzom can repsy marry &Oar to its dnbe ture envners aeol civtiitoro and cella lava An Pgikto ourpilazt $70600400 !ggIlltrOvt, ZZACI aettan . ttint „tedlieliellee4e6 aseeera Mefitilt Ii 9 pears among a list of four others cabled from London, England, to the London Life Insurance Company, London, Ontario, as successful in se- curing his intermediate examination in Secterial course of Chartered In- stitute of Secretaries, which carries with it a bonus of $160 from the Lon- don, Ontario, Company. — Mrs. S. Southcott, Mrs. Knechtel, Mrs. Geiger and Miss Elizabeth Rennie were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie. --Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Woeld and three children, of Bridgdburg, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Huggard.—Mr. and Mrs. F. Lorne Hutchison and son, Peter, and Miss Edith Elliott, of To- ronto, are visiting the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Hutchison. --IMr. John B. Henderson informed The Expositor this week that he clear- ly remembers the stringing of the first telegraph wires east of Toronto, which occurred 83 years ago. — Mr. George Daly is on a motor trip to Montreal and Quebec. — Miss. Verde Best was the week end guest of Miss Guera Brown. --Miss Rogers, of Toronto, is a guest at the home of Col. R. S. Rays.—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pierce and son, of Saginaw, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sills.—Mr. and Mrs. John Wright, who have been on a motor trip through the Western States, visiting friends in Detroit and Minneapolis, were here this week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Alcock, of •Morrie, and other friends in this district.—'Miss Lucy Eckart, of Detroit, who has just returned from a trip to Duluth, is spending her holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckart. — Mr. Joseph Grieve, of Grosse Isle, Mich., motored to Seaforth and spent the week end with friends. He was ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Little, who were guests at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Lowery.—Mr. Frank Rankin, of Detroit, is spending his holidays at his home here. — Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckart and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hays have returned from Midland, where they spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. Eckart. BOOKSTORE - - SEAFORTH Subscriptions taken for all magazines and papers at publisher's prices. Iowa.—Mr. Sam Walker, of Timmins is visiting at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Walker.— Mr. Dick Winters, of St. Catharines, was calling on old friends here this week—Miss Bertha Grieve, of To- ronto, is spending her holidays at the home 'of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Grieve.! ---Miss Mary Stewart has returned from Toronto, where she was taking a summer course at the University. --Mr. and Mrs. John Cam- eron, of Lansing, Michigan, were guests this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith.—Mr. John T. Corley, of the MacTavish store, is spending his holidays at his home in Mount Forest—Miss Alva Graves left on Thursday on . a trip to the West. —Mr. Dawson Reid, of the Guelph Customs Office, is spending his holidays at his home here.—Chief Fee is spending two weeks' holidays. —Mr. Elroy Brownlee, of London, spent the week end at his home here. —Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hay, of Tara, Mrs. Cunningham and Mrs. McLane, of San Francisco, visited at the home of their aunt, Mrs. John Hay, Tucker - smith, also Mrs. D. Fraser, of Wrox- eter, and John W. Scott, Postmaster of Listowel.—Mrs. Robert Archibald and daughter, Mrs. Charles H. Else, are in Toronto this week.—Miss Ellen MacKenzie and Mr. Neil, of Sault Ste. Marie, are the guests this week of Miss Jennie Steele.—Mr. Taman and Mr. A. Henegan, from Niagara Falls, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Allen.—Miss Kathleen and Mr. 'Leonard Lloyd were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hohl- hein last week.—Mr. E. J. Reynolds, of Buffalo; spent his vacation at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Reynolds, of Egmondville.—Mrs. R. L. Clark and grandson, Glen Pink- ney, spent the week end in Aylmer.— Mr. Ambrose McAvoy, of Port Col- borne, was the guest of Mr. W. R. Reid, of Kirkland Lake, who is spend- ing his holidays here, on Wednesday. —,Miss 'Mary Jackson, who has been taking a summer course at Toronto University, has returned home.—Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Hammes, nee Miss Eleanor Harris, of Calumet, Michi- gan, were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Best.— The naras--of George •G. Hutchison ap- Special Church Services.—Mr. Aberhart, B.A., Principal of the Calgary Collegiate, who occupied the pulpit in First Presbyterian Church during the past two Sundays, left for his home in the West on Monday. Mr. Aberhart has a thorough knowledge of the Bible and is a wonderfully gift- ed speaker and his sermons have cre- ated unusual interest and were listen- ed to by unusually large congrega- tions, who were delighted to have the oPPontunity of hearing him again. On Sunday last the congregation also had the pleasure and privilege of hearing the Rennie Sisters Quartette, four sisters of 'Mr. M. R. Rennie, choir leader, who gave several excellent numbers at each service. Golf.—Eleven members of the Sea - forth Golf Club were in Bayfield on Saturday afternoon last and played a friendly game with the Hayfield mem- bers on their course, the game re- sulting in favor of Seaforth by a score of 17 points to 10. After the game the Hayfield ladies served tea at the club house. The scores: Seaforth. Hayfield. R. M. Jones3 Dr.Newton-Brady 0 W. E. Southgate 1 W. Somerville ..0 F. S. Savauge0 W. Stephenson ..3 J. Hinchley 3 J. Jowett 0 R. E. McKenzie..2 Dr. Lewis 0 J. C. Greig 0 W. L. Burch ....3 0. Neil... 0 A. McClellan ...2 W. Greig 2 W. R. Wills ....0 K. M. McLean3 J. Suppneck ....0 T. S. Smith0 J. McClellan ....2 Ian McLean3 J. Marshall --Mrs. F. J. Bechety will be con- venor at the golf links on Thursday, August 22nd. Women's Missionary Society.—The August meeting of the Egmondville United Church was held in the vestry of the church on Friday, August 9th. Mrs. James Allen presided. The meet- ing opened with Hymn 384 and was followed with the Lord's Prayer re- peated in unison. The minutes of the last meeting and the roll call were read and confirmed. Hymn 385 was sung. Mrs. W. F. McMillan took the devotional leaflet on "The Steward- ship of the Creed." Mrs. Allen led in prayer and continued with the fol- lowing verse of the hymn: "Take my love, my Lord, I pour, At Thy feet, its treasure store; Take myself, and I will be Ever only, all for Thee." The Missionary leaflet was taken in sections by Mrs. Shillinglaw on "Do- ings and Dreams"; Miss Thorns on "Transformation Among the People," and Mrs. Eyre on "Dreams of the Fu- ture." Hymn 56 was sung and prayer 'by Miss Mactavish closed the meet- ing. Serious Motor Accident.—A very serious motor accident occurred on the Hayfield Road, near the old ceme- tery west of Varna on Sunday after- onn last, when several members of a Seaforth family were badly injured. A new Ford truck owned by J. Gerof- sky, of Stratford, and driven by his son, a boy of seventeen, had come up from that city carrying several peo- ple sitting on chairs in the -back of it. About three o'clock in the af- ternoon they picked up Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shinan and two daughters in ,Seaforth, the whole party intending to picnic at Hayfield. Going down the hill west of Varna the truck, which was travelling fast, got out of control. It ran along the ditch for a hundred yards, bumped over a three foot roadway leading into Mr. Parson's farm, and then crashed into a hydro pole at the bottom of the hill. All the occupants were thrown out and a number badly injured. Mr. Shinan had his back badly injured ; Mrs. Shinan's scalp was torn and she was otherwise cut and bruised; Miss Ethel Shinan was also injured in the head; Louis Shapiro, of Stratford, had his thigh broken; Rabbi Appel, of Stratford, had hii back badly torn by being thrown against a wire fence and Miss Mildred Blatsky, of Toron- to, Sam, Harry and Saul Gerofsky, of Stratford, received minor injuries. Doctors from Hayfield, Seaforth and Clinton were called and arrived short- ly after the accident. The injured were given first aid and then convey- ed in S. T. Holmes & Son's motor ambulance to the Seaforth hospital, where Mr. and Mrs. Shinan and daughter are still confined, but are improving. The truck was badly wrecked and it is a miracle that no lives were lost. W. M. Society.—The August meet- ing of the W. M. S. of the United Church was held in the school room on Thursday, August 8th, with a very encouraging number of members pres- ent. The President, Mrs. Lane, pre- sided over the business part of the meeting and also led in prayer, after which Mrs. R. Archibald, convenor of Circle 2, took charge. The Bible reading was given by Mrs. McQuaid, followed with selections from the Watch Tower by Mrs. S. Hannah and Mrs. J. Kerr. The devotional leaflet, "The Stewardship of Creed" was read by Mrs. I. Hudson and Miss J. Fer- guson. Miss McBride gave the Mis- sionary Monthly Prayer. The con- cluding chapter of the study book was given by Miss M. Somerville, Miss J. Alexander and Mrs. 'hinchley. A splendid duet by Mrs. Lane and Miss Helen was enjoyed by all. The meet- ing closed by all repeating the Lord's Prayer. Died In Meaford.--The death occur- red on Monday, August 12th, at her home in Illeaford of Catherine Mc- Lellan, a former very highly esteem- ed resident rt2 Zgmoncolville and young- est daughter cif the late Mr. and Mrs. Andrew ,MeLetian,prominent pioneers of Mart toWnship, cu6 born ,25 years ago. Mice Indianan hadbeen a =Teter. Nite come years ..t7l.th =am= britt the 0v-41 came corm* littt ntellpettilP, The dete=ed IttiOsit I aghly, d,steetned it' 11 nsa ES with CHARLES FARRELL Star of Seventh Heaven ESTHER RALSTON WALLACE 'LEERY GEORGE ILANCROFT a ,.1 st T is CIIIESELNITIEST Notes.—Mr. and Mrs. Henderson and family, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Norris and family, of London, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLean.—Mr. and Mrs. Clarence 'Shepherd of Manitoulin, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Shepherd.—The oats will neaEly all be cut by this week end. Al- though the straw is short, they give promise of a good yield. A sailor's sweetheart whose love is rocked in the cradle of battle with fighting tars and falling spars, in the pirate rookery at Tripoli in 1804. Four First Magnitude Stars in a picture that played SIX MON SAS ON BROADWAY AT $2.00 PRICES. NOW SHOWING Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday JOHN GILBERT in "FOUR WALLS" A story of New York to -day. Local Briefs.—Mr. Arnold Turnbull of Toronto, spent the week end at the home of his mother here.—The Misses Henderson, of Buffalo, and former well known Seaforth residents, were visiting with friends here this week. —Mr. Lloyd Workman, of Oshawa, spent the week end at his home near Kippen. Col. A. Wilson, of Toronto, is a guest at the home of his nieces, the Misses Young.—Mr. Oscar Reid, of Ottawa, is visiting at the home of his father, 'Mr. J. BE. lleid.—Thr. II. it. Ross and daughter„ Miss tflareara.,,t, returned last week from a very pleas- ant and ant/ended trip to the Pacific Cond.—Mr. ant" Mro. Pri..ed Paul/mar and little son are asitzto at the home of Mr. PanIlmer's Mother here.— old Movkla oil ttr. G. II. Holland of Dalin, wart pleased to ate him in town on Trameltsv. ,vaD neo - by hit !later, rfro. Vszarzw,,of LA Next Week End EDSKIIN" R 66 with BIICIHIARD DIX WALTON Notes.—Mr. Clarence Bennett made a business trip to London recently.— Miss Jean Drager spent last week end with friends in Kitchener.—Mr. Geo Clark, of Listowel, has been spending a few days in the village.—Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Miller, Mr. Alex. Mitchell, Misses Jean Drager and Gertrude Miller visited friends in Port Elgin recently. NCESS 3RUCEF1111LID Notes.—The many friends of Miss Edna Bremner will be glad to hear that she was able to be removed to her home last week, after her opera- tion in Seaforth Memorial Hospital. —Miss Annie Mustard, of Barrie, is spending her holidays at the home of her parents.—Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McQueen and daughter, Viola, from Sandusky, Michigan, visited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Walker and Mr. and Mrs. James McQueen last week. This is Mr. McQueen's first visit to Canada. He is the son of the late 'William McQueen, a former resident° of Stanley, who was well known in Brucefield and vicinity a number of years ago. A McQueen reunion picnic was held at Goderich last Monday, which was much enjoy- ed by all.—Mr. and Mrs. Dunlop and son, Jack, of Fenlon Falls, spent last week visiting friends in our village. —Mrs. William Berry returned home last week after spending a month visiting friends in the West. — Miss Grace Ross is visiting friends in Sim- coe and at Turkey Point Beach on Lake Erie. f3:1H00 'Eve .sen eckcedi Will Lowerr ON Ladies' Co'ats and a Think of it ! Our entire stock of Coats and Dresses, ,11 thigs season's most popular styles, at a trifle more than ?DP, ultry Wanted EIGEEST PRICES PAID FOR POUJLT12.1r Taken Tnesday, and Friday e each week before staltgl. Thai ickelli Csaforth. Gefierioh Dticeat, ELNat, appcatte .eqr-Nb moot STAFIFA Notes.—Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Rob- bins, of Los Angeles, California, are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. G. G. Wilson.—Mr. William Hastings had a successful barn raising on Thurs- day.—Rev. and Mrs. Snell are spend- ing their vacation at Muskoka.—Miss Ethel Elliott spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dining, of Hen- sall.—Mrs. Robert Smale, of Regina, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smale and Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson, Varna, during the week. — Mr. and Mrs. George Lodge, of Cleveland, are spending their vacation with Mr. and MTS. William Jeffery .and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hannon.—Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smale and Mr. and Mrs. Par- sons Munroe and Mr. Scott, of Far- quhar, spent Sunday in Goderich and Bayfield.—Oscar Reid and R. Living- ston spent Sunday at Grand Bend.— Gordon Hazelwood, of Kirkton, will preach in the United Church on Sun- day morning, August 18th.—'Rev. and Mrs. Snell and Miss Blanche Snell are spending their vacation in Muskoka. —Mr. and Mrs. William Dinnen and family spent Sunday in Bayfield. HALF PR Here is the last and final reduction o CE Coats and Dresses: VkLUES VALUES Up to $9.2.50 Up to $17.5(1% 16.95 J.3.95 ,UES Up to *2a .0 All Misses' and Children's Coats and Dresses at proportionately low prices. COTIE QUKK &VII SEAIFOIETHI„ ONT. ties, uptight, kind and generous in all his dealings, and he will he great- ly missed in his home and by both neighbors and friends. There remain to mourn his loss, one brother, Joseph of Seaforth, and two sisters, Miss Martha, at home, and Mrs. Charles Wright of McKillop. One brother, John, and two sisters, Miss Matilda and Mrs. M. Murdie, predeceased him. Mrs. White, of Seaforth; Mr. W. Mur - die, of Lucknow; Mr. Robert Murdie, of Stratford; Mrs. E. A. Cruickshank, of Ottawa, and the Misses t elle and Elizabeth Murdie, of Lucknow, are nieces and nephews. The remains were laid to rest on Thursday after- noon in Egmondville cemetery, when the 'services were conducted 'by Rev. J. E. Kirkwood, of Mitchell. The pall bearers were 'Messrs. Wilson Campbell, Archie Ferguson, George McSpadden, Joseph Murray, John E. Daley and L. Gordon. DfleaKIIILLOP Successful Students.—Mary Dodds and Sam McSpadden have success- fully passed the la•partmental cub- jects of the first year of the Lower School. They are pupils of Miss An- nie E. Strong, School Section No. 12, DeathEI l .f Robert Gibson. — There died in MeKillop on Tuesday, Augltat 12th, mat. Ilohert Gibson, youngest son of the late Mr. 'and Mrs. son, in his 29th. year. The dilemma was Toro, and sprat all MI Edo tie the homestead farm, Lot 129 Oirzcoamiora Sle trim a wan lid &Shag ociati. i• • • TUCKEIESIEETEI West End Notes.—The fall wheat and barley are now harvested and some of the farmers here have com- menced cutting oats.—The Sunday school of Turner's Church picnicked at ,Goderich on Friday last. — Mrs. Wright, of Harrow, visited relatives here last week.—Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Layton, of Hamilton, visited relatives here this week.—Miss Reinkie, of Tuckersmith, has been engaged to teach the West End School. — Edna Ashton, daughter of Mr. J. Ashton, fell and broke her arm. Notes. --Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clark and children who have been spending the past month in Muskoka, Montreal, Quebec and other places, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Doig before returning to their home in Calgary, Mrs. Clark being a niece of Mrs. Doig.—Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDonali, of the Thames Road, vis- ited their daughter, Mrs. Green, on Wednesday.—Mr. John of Doig and friend, Mr. Campbell Ham- ilton, motored over from Detroit to spend the week end with the form- er's parents.—Mrs. Beverley Beaton, of Detroit, and son are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jonah Green. STANLEY Presentation.—On Thursday even- ing of last week the members of Goshen United Church met at the home off Mr. and Mrs. ' enry Errata and presented their daughter (Ruley)a. Mrs. George Anderson, with a puree of money and an address of apprecia- tion in recognition of her services as organist in Goshen Church. Ruby re- plied, thanking' them for their kind- ness and inviting them all to visit her in her new home.—A very pleas- ant evening was spent in music ad social intercourse, after which 1120,4 was served. Notes.—Mr. Newell Geiger, of Zur- ich, will occupy the pulpit at Goshen, Blake and Varna next Sunday in the absence of the pastor, Rev. J. Pen- rose, who is away on his vacation.— Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lowden, of Hamil- ton, visited last week at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Robinson, Sr.—Rev. Will Robinson, of Antler, Sask., is spending his holidays' at his home on the Goshen Line.—Mr. Robt- Turner and son, Bert, and other friends, of Yale, Michigan, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc- Clinchey on Sunday. An Old Aesident Passes.—Mrs. An- derson, Sr., passed away on Friday, August 9th, at the home of her son, David, of the Parr Line. She was an her 90th year and was a life-long an& highly respected resident of this com- munity. Se o1h11 OW0 Lit • WE AR 5 PAYING FOR GRAIN , WHEAT, Standard $1.28 per bushel OATS, Standard or over .60 per bushel BARLEY, ,Malting Grade .72 per bushel These prices are for clean, dry grain, delivered at the Mill. We are aorta for the POOL. w'WILL Thum v.lit a Or ON A MILEAGE IASIS. BRAN—in bags $84.41) per ton 'SORTS—in bags iS1.420 par ton Iltt/DDLEWS—ita tam $46.60 ger ton Irlacce gRartn atul Vaddilitinpla from Wqrakre Wheal ptioNTEI