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The Huron Expositor, 1929-08-09, Page 8
i; l' L WTI WITTE GOO] 412GA14. ' >o PECT4ELING. WE MANE EWE. AGIAS in cause 255c 4,4 a B> Ns,_C>la$les 21c 11.4bby'L1; 2 for ESE --New at 25z 11, Gheeae 35c ±aTf1R'S BEDDED COCOANUT—Per ib. ILAREN'S GELATINE—B/falses mts of delicious jelly. 91"er package igONEY—New crop honey. 25 pounds a -WO LARD Lar pound ,-I]H[ES--CoOd quality 8 for .kuING MOLASSES --In hulk ea IRs. Kan 20c UAKING SY]UP—In bulk..1Oc IIb. :.All&MALADE 40 -oz. jars @0 C na. QUICK QUAKER OATS with china Without China 30c zeal 10e GLASS FRUIT SETS--.Bowl®� and six nappies; per set . iXTRACTS-10c or 3 for 25c CCrOCKS-2 to 12 gallons at ®U per gallon ITANCY BISCUITS, including Cocoa - mut Fingers, Peach Fingers, Fruit iset, Vanilla Wafers and LL�� �i'O© Sallies at, pound 4}® c of the Necessi UJ. e SOotllaing Cueanats and Letlene. Protect your skin groan sane - burn. FACE CRAMS COLD CREAMS LOTIONS FACE POWD 15 I S TALCUMS ATIEII POWDERS RAT18I SALTS A coml•lete range of Summer Toiletries, for vacation or week end trips. I5 —AT— The ReuaI1l ll rang Store PHONE 28 SIEAIFOII8711ri( Miss .Brown, W. E. Southgate .. saes E. burro J. E. Keating.. Miss J. Elcoat, W. Sutherland.. 'Mrs. F. Sills, A. Y. McLean Mrs. Burrows, C. Aberhart .... Miss Jeffrey, P. Ealfnight Mrs. McLean, Fill Halfnight ... Miss A. Graves, R. Walters .... Mrs. Bell, Ian McLean Mrs. C. Stewart. J. Hinckley.... TD D. Hilutcllthon. ]Phone Plhorr PPmood1-1166 58 52 59 57 48 65 62 58 47 57 Wanted At One-Q.—Young man, about 18 years old, 6o learn baking busllnesa. App1Y to W. A. Crich. 8217-1 7os Salle.—Sia roomed frame house on Chalk Street, east of St. James° Church and school Apply to Thu. J. J. Hurley. Seaforth. 8214x4 Lcurnnttmod Sioasao To Mont.—'three reams and pantry down stairs, 3 bedrooms and bath room- ,Hard and soft water. A•pp1Y et The Entamitor Office. 8217-1 Zraaort LXodnCt 59unialalra. 23 cents a roll. env acre, peat paid: Extra prints. 3 cents each. Jackson Studio. Scafont9, Ont. 8215-4will Maks Twinno.---Car load binder traits© be here before wheat harvest. Como and Qat your tcatne. •• . J. ]lQeDQilltsn. Phono 128. Lvor Salo. --'rhe cosiest cottage in Seaforth, having every modern convenience and stand- ing, with garage in 2 lots of ground, large lawn, beautiful flower garden and vegetable garden, with youngfruit trees coming into full hearing. Within b minutes walk of churches, stores and schools. A bargain at 53.500; owner would accept 53,000 for quick axle. Write Box 502, Seaforth, or phone 308. 3215a8 Special Op Ural Na'lflce.--iHave your eyes examined by our well known and painstak- ing specialist, Mr. Hugbson, formerly optical expert for Kents, Toronto, and Henry Mor- gan & Co., Montreal. You are assured of the very best optical work to be obtained and at moderate cost. We furnish all styles of frames and mountings, the best make of the best makers, and our prices are from 54 up. Tuesday and Wednesday, August 13th and 14th. Close Wednesday at 12, nom. Come early. .Beattie's Fair, Seaforth. 8216-2 TIE HURON EX OSUT®IES DISTRICT MATTERS Annonnceanent,—Tile Toronto Globe on Sat irday last contained the fol- lowing announcement: "Mr. and Mrs. William S. Hamilton announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Aileen Margaret Bethune, to Mr. James Mur- ray Smillie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex- ander G. Smillie. The wedding will take place in Knox College Chapel, August 31st." FO SUNDAY DINNER Order one of our fine Roasts, Roast Beef, Roast Lamb, Roast Neal, etc. You will find our heats are meats of quality, and if you have guests they will praise your selection as well as the way it is prepared and served. Ow, C sacs°® u. p tV STREET - SEAFOR.11 ti PHONE 58 L©_nsumancce PUBLIC LIABILITY PROPERTY DAMAGE FIRE, THEFT COLLISION Fotr Boys End GIlTwO Seaforth Races.—The Seaforth rac- es on Wednesday, August 14th, will wind up the racing season until the Fall Fairs and with the three classes well filled a good afternoon's sport is assured. The races are being held under the auspices of the Long Branch Jockey Club, which permits betting, and the horse breaking the track re- cord will take home the Silver Trophy donated by the Seaforth Turf As- sociation. The Seaforth Turf Associ- ation have endeavoured to provide the public with the best of clean racing and the classes carded bring together the best horses in training. The Sea - forth track is the finest in Western Ontario and is exactly a half mile, so that records made are standard. A full staff of attendants will .be in. at- tendance with provision made for the parking of cars from the opening of the gates at 12 o'clock, noon. g.Gt ass explain the coverages and the t3lameunt of protection afforded for Mall premium. Leben a minor accident will cost you MOM than the premium on a policy. _.z :':a"'. Prompt Settlement of all Claims. Ai SUTHERLAND Insurance, Real Estate, Conveyancing, Etc. (riiBT 11 E 152 - SETEL ONT. Seaforth Bowlers Capture Prizes.— At two of the out of town tourna- ments on the holiday, the Seaforth rinks did well. At London, a rink composed of Messrs. John Best, R. Winter, Dr. Bechely and Ross Sproat, skip, captured the Mintee trophy, be- ing pitted against some of the best bowlers in south western Ontario. At Hanover, a rink composed of Doctor McPhee, William Thompson. C. P. Sills and Russel Sproat, skip, did well to be amongst the prize winners, as there were fifty-two rinks present from north western Ontario. —Arrangements are being com- pleted for the big tournament on the 14th. The Executive is trying its ut- most to make conditions agreeable for everybody. Some fifty rinks have already signified their intention to be present and the full entry will no doubt be there. The ladies are doing their part in preparing the meals, and it is taken for granted the men members will all join in and help make the tournament a success, thus ensuring the payment of the entire club's indebtedness this year. Just the thing to tepee with you one your lsollndays or for Summer reading. Good selection of titles to cheese from. PRICE 50 CENTS. ISACIIII ompsoes 00ESTORE - - SIEAP0II0.T11II Subscriptions taken for all magazines and papers at publisher's prices. I:l from a trip to the West. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hays, of De- troit, are spending the holidays- at their homes here. Mrs. Harvey Hubbard, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dayman, of Orlando. Florida, and Mr. George La Trielle, of Los Angeles, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McCowan over the week end. Mrs. M. McKellar has returned from a visit with friends in Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Reid spent the holiday with friends in Milverton. Miss Eleanor Snider, organist and choir leader at Egmondville United Church, has completed her A.T.C.M. examination for piano. Miss Snider is a pupil of Pref. A. W, Anderton, Clinton, who teaolies singing in Sas- forth public school, and wino will be starting class in Seaforth in September. Messrs. Dave Reid and Clarence Muir, of Kirrkland Lake, are spending. et few holidays at their homes here. Mrs. J. A. Munn, Miss Florence Beattie and Messrs. McKenzie, Stew- art, Dick, Holmes and Willis played in the tennis tournament in Exeter on Wednesday. Mr. .1. M. Eckert is busy threshing fall wheat and reports the crop in this district a good one. The many friends of Mr. Ed. Jar- man, who met with such a serious accident a few weeks ago, will be glad to learn that he is making a very satisfactory recovery, and eu- pects to 'be 'lsble to leave the hospital on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Marry Grieve and lit- tle son, of Windsor, are guests at the home of .Mr. Grieve's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Grieve, in Egmond- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Sutherland and children, of Owen Sound, are visiting with relatives and friends here. Miss Gerard, of Toronto, is the guest of Miss Nan Campbell. The Misses Cresswell returned home on Wednesday from Passadena and Denver, where they have been since last fall. Miss Mary McCowan has returned home from Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Stark, of Wel- land; Mr. T. A. Smith, of Windsor, and Miss E. Madill, of London, were week end guests at the home of Mrs. A. Stark. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hays and Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckert are spending a few holidays in Midland. Mrs. A. E. Philips, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Martin, of Englehart, were recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Tebutt, in Tuckersmith. Mr. and Mrs. D. Shannahan were in Clinton on Tuesday attending the Sorrell -McIntosh wedding. Miss Mona Sills, of St. Joseph's Hospital, London, spent Thursday at her home here. Miss Burke, of Ottawa, is visiting with friends in town Mrs. Grant Caldwell and daughter, Mary; Messrs. Jack and Bert Ewen and George Archibald, of Moose Jaw, who motored to Ontario, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sproat. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Henderson and family, of Toronto, are visiting at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Modeland. LOCAL BRi1EFS Miss Doris Hawthorne has returned to her home in Goderich after spend- ing two weeks with her grandmother, Mrs. Robert Hawthorne. Miss Jean Smith is spending her holidays in London and Hamilton. Miss Minnie Habkirk and Miss Ida Ball spent the week end at the Ritz, Bayfield. Mrs. J. Patterson is visiting friends in London and Hyde Park. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright spent the week end in Port Huron. Mr. W. Laing. of Milverton, spent the week end and holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Laing. Miss Annie Gordon, of Cleveland, is the guest of Mrs. E. White. Mrs. W. C. T. Morson, of Toronto, is a guest at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. J. H. Best. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Crich and Mr. J. W. Beattie and two daughters, Miss Ethel and Miss Florence Beat- tie, returned on Saturday from a very pleasant boat trip to Mackinaw. Mrs. (Dr.) Curtis, of Marmora, is a guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Edmonds. The Misses Neal, of Stratford, were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Neil. Mr. and Mrs. William Somerville, of t th ek end and h WATSON n;l IR EIfIID SEAFOR'1111, ONT. SI ]:MAL }INSURANCE AGENTS representing only the best Can- c49iiam, British a n d American Companies. OR Made of insurance effectG'fI rd the lowest rates, including— EE, LIFE, ACCIIDENT, AUTO- CIOlB1 LE, TORNADO AND PLATEGLASS RISKS —Also-- QmAL ESTATE and LOAN AGII`,TT ]Prompt attention paid to placing stinks and adjusting of claim). siness established 50 years, guaranteeing good service. agcnt:s for Singer Sewing SMachineCe uspamy. OFFICE P:'+ONE, 83W RESIDENCE PHONE, 83.1 ::411 1:1 8 Rebekah picnic.—The annual picnic of the Rebekahs was held at Bayfield on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Perfect weather and a very large at- tendance made the afternoon a thor- oughly enjoyable one. Boating, bath- ing, sports and a sumptuous lunch made up the programme. The win- ners: Jumbo shoe race, Mr. A. West- cott; men's open race, Mr. Frank Cudmore; standing broad jump, Mr. Frank Cudmore; hop, step, jump, Mr. E. R. Crawford; shot put. Mr. Ches. Henderson; walking race, Mr. Ches. Henderson; plump ladies' race, Miss .Jean Smith; ladies' open race, Miss Abbie Seip; ladies' slipper race, Mrs. E. R. Crawford; three-legged race, Miss Martha Reid, Mrs. McGeoch; rolling pin race, Miss Abbie Seip; shot put, Miss Martha Reid; boys' race, Billy Scott; girls' race. Edna Plant. The committee in charge were: Races, Miss Belle Campbell, Miss Martha Reid, Mrs. Roy McGeoch; refresh- ments, Mrs. Pullman, Miss Minnie Habkirk, Miss Ila Johnston, Miss Ev- elyn Cardno, Mrs. Thomas Scott, Miss Edith McKay. Toronto, spen e we oliday with friends in Seaforth. Mr. James Scott, of Windsor, spent bthe oro. week end with his father at Rox- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Somers and fam- ily, of Detroit, spent several days with Seaforth friends. Mr. Jim McLeod, of Toronto, is spending his holidays at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. McGregor, in Tuckersmith. Mr. Arthur Burrows, of Toronto, spent the week end at his home here. Messrs. W. and Earl Smith, of To- ronto, spent the week end with Sea - forth friends. Miss Marion Watson, of New York. is spending her holidays at the home of her father, Mr. James Watson. Mr. Carman Ferguson, of Windsor, spent the holiday with Seaforth friends. Mr. Robert Willis, of Toronto, spent the holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Willis. Miss Anna Sutherland. of Toronto, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Suther- land. Mr. John Habkirk, an old Seaforth boy and a graduate of The Expositor office, was calling on Seaforth friends this week. For a great many years Mr. Habkirk has been connected with the Salvation Army, and is now supervisor of prison work for eleven States, with headquarters at Chicago. Miss Barbara Simpson, of Tucker - smith, has been appointed teacher Of the school in School Section No. 4, Hibbert. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hudson and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hudson and baby in Windsor and with friends in Detroit over the holiday. ,Mrs. (Dr.) Hossock and daughter. Miss Dorothy, of Innerkip, are the guests of Miss Hossock's aunts, Mrs Thomas Henderson and Mrs. W. E. Broadfoot. Mrs. J. O. Rose, of Guelph, and Mr. Douglas Beattie, of Toronto, were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Beattie. Mrs. Cameron, of Regina, and Miss Mary Walker. of Timmins are visit ing at the horse of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Walker. Mrs. Arthur Mason, of Saskatoon, NOW PLAYING WElLacce EE Rzymend I9ATTW IN THE IBiLt K1Ua The famous comedy team in a story of two side-show sharp- shooters (?) who got mixed up in a Kentucky mountain fend. Sall>;,c Dam iu4 Shodee to Match Voter COet>]nusse. SIIeaa;Ilan, Vac Patz Ifttape A Real 1 &ial At 40c Pair Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday W11 12111 Haines Golf,—Seaforth Golf and Country Club was a lively looking place on Monday, Civic holiday. Besides the local members, there were a large number of strangers on the course, which was crowded all day. In the afternoon the club ran a two ball mix- ed foursome, the winners being Mrs. .J C. Greig and Mr. T. S. Smith with a score of 45, which constitutes a course record for a two ball mixed foursome. The second prize went to Mrs. Earl Bell and Ian McLean with a score of 47. and the third prize was won by Mrs. F. J. Burrows a r, d C . rl Alberhart with a score of al. Fol- lowing the game the ladies served afternoon tea at the club hours. The l+rrs. Smith, R. McKenzie llErs. Greig, 1i. S. Smith Mrs. Sept, W. Laing Miss E. McLean, F. Sills Miss >gf .Elcoat, 'vJ, Greig 56 atm. McKenzie, T. 1 odds 017 E,h.'. Pam, lit. Dealda 41 T.2%. k�Li e".S Luso . Lam: buil. Mlice''asC~� so so ,, • in Cess 113g�;t (►>;e A reproduction of the stage play. INCESS and Miss Grace Gunning are the guests of Mrs. Robert Charters, Mill Road, and other friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson, of Auburn, and Mrs. L. G. Kruse and son, Billie, of Galt. spent Sunday with Mrs. William Sclater. Mr. Wilfrid Coleman visited with friends in Windsor and Detroit over the week end. Mrs. Susan Strant, of New York, is visiting at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McCowan. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Greist, of Lansing, Michigan; Mr. Allen Livance and Miss Helen are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kerslake. Mrs. 3. Finlayson has returned from a visit with friends In Galt and Toronto. Miss Mildred Turnbull and Ms Thompson, of Toronto, were gineats at the home of Mrs. G. T. Tt abaill. Mr. Meter Ninniso and Son, Duncan have returned. to Toronto after spend- ing three weeks at the born© of Ms Nia sso'55 parents, 21rz. and lines. ntara. can Pt CayVai5, '3lh¢eseArro. .Mr. Sara Jeerer ruled tjhiis 'Vogt LSS ,JACQUES OF SARNIA will be at PULLMAN'S BARBER SHOP THURSDAY AND FRIDAY AUGUST 15th and 16th to do Permanent Waving. Shelton Simplicity System Permanent Waving. Shelton Perm -o -fete Eugene Waves. The Waves of Natural Beauty. For appointment, Phone 125 JUST AROUND THE CORNER in Dominion Bank I::milding of CONSTANCE Notes.—Miss Constance Healle, of Toronto, spent last week with her friend, Miss Blanche Wheatley. --Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gardiner, of Clinton, and Mrs. Miner, of Saskatoon, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Stevenson on Thursday last. — Miss Vera Dodds, of Toronto. is spending her holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson and other rela- tives—Mr. and Mrs. Wilber MCRorie and son, Willie, spent over Wednes- day with the former's sister, Mrs. William Britton. Helen and Edith Britton returned with them for their holidays. ---Miss Thelma Dale, Will Dale and Mr. Arthur Bromley, of Toronto, spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.Jas. of StyLIleln SD-etgds £wale MIST Ingpectf©m �Yoivi'11 Lang to Owss More Thwii One. C DMIE. Bald Comccert by kind permission of Lt. Col. Trow, 0.C., and under the direction of Band- master, D. A. Withrow THE PERTH EMMENTAL BAND will give a and Concert in SEE. Eveizig, at 815 Silver Collection in aid Fund. See dodger programmes Everybody Welcome MAYOR GOLDING - Chairman. of the Band for selections Seft BEE Game COLLEGIATE INSTIITU'rIS OUNDS WEDNESDAY, Mgr 0.11 IStruccalielld. ver, Then a fa the Winghasa Orchestra Proeeeds in ate of .Ssafcerwb A. DI. 1311'MAMILANTED atTnIcsrev Dein Sum. The activity evideaced the Wiling off dresses ia) minds am now ola thiv: Braaten ;. caused again the reAlly fine showimg SMART that ara.assembled hem There is a price reaon, too. C01.118 nd see the pretty frocks assembled. A price range from $S.95 for D inty Wash Dresses-, to 19.95 for the BeautE, full Georgette Ensembl 11 rwea,:r A FEW SPECIALS MENTiONED HERE; 1—Silknit Vests of genuine merit, all colors 2—Heavy qu lity Silknit Vests in all the popular shades and faultlessly made, each.......... C 3—Silknit Bloomers, all sizes, all shades, wonderful 89 value, pair. 4—Dimity Bloomers, in Maize, Orchid, Peach, Rose, 39 Champagne, Blue, White, pair. . . 5—Dimity Nightgowns, an excellent $E.50 value, (T priced as a special at 11 o You need not go farther than to this store for latest style5 in Gloves, Hosiery, Neckwear, Lingerie, Belts, Brassieres, Corsets, etc. J. adiNLVRS Evelyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Delaney, was united in mar- riage to Charles E. O'Neil, of Maid- stone. Rev. Father O'Drowski sang the Nuptial Mass and performed the marriage ceremony. The bride look, ed charming in a dress of rose georgette with hat and shoes to match, and carried Butterfly roses. Miss Helen Delaney, sister of the bride, attended in peachegeorgette and carried roses. Mr. George Corgeau, of Flint, Michigan. ably assisted the groom. After the ceremony a dainty wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's parents, the im- mediate relatives being present. Prior to her marriage the bride was enter- tained at a shower. Many pretty and costly gifts were received. After a short honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. O'Neil will reside at Windsor. Notes.—Messrs. John IMcCorinell, of New York, and Joseph, of Chicago, are holidaying with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. 1VieConnell.—Miss Han- nah Downey, of Saginaw, called on friends during the week.—Messrs. L. Beale and Kingsley, of Stratford, vis- ited the former's mother. Mrs. E. Beale.,—Mrst Howard,/ George and Margaret, of Brantford, called on friends during the week.—Mr. and Mrs. Leo Holland have returned to 17illindsor.—Mr. and Mrs. O'Connell and 1Vtiss Annie Waters, of Detroit, spent the week end at the home of Francis Kenny has purchased the property of the late 'Mrs. Rose Mc- Graw on the Huron Prighway.-,n1Wiss Beth Hicknell of the Telephone Co., is on vacation.—MIss Marion. Monter spent Thursd y in Mitchell. — Miss Ella Prendergast and Mra. ID. Moly- mann, e Chicago, spent a few days with friends in the village. the scene of a pretty wadding •nithen EEILISGREEN Notes.—Mrs. 3. Steacey, of Hen- sall, was a Sunday visitor at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. Jarrett. —Miss Ellen McAllister, of liensall, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. W. McAllister.—Mrs. K. Cochrane and daughter, Miss Annie, of Clinton, spent a few days with friends.—Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Workman, of Flint, Michigan, were week end visitors with friends in this vicinity.—Iffie and Mrs. James Green and Mr. and Mrs. I. Moir and daughter, Ola, of Exeter, and Mrs. Elsom, of Moose Jaw, spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Carlile. — Master Clarence Love had his tonsils removed by Drs. MacKinnon and O'Dwyer, of Zurich, and is getting along nicely.—Mrs. W. McAllister, of Marlette, Michigan, spent a few days at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. Lave, and other friends in this vicinity.—Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane and son, Allan, and Mrs. L. Eiler and children were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. D. Saunders, of London. --Miss Ednan 1Coichrane, nurse -in -training at To- ronto, who has been spending a couple of weeks' holidays at her home, hes returned to her duties again. ---The W.. M. S. will be held on Wednesday af- ternoon, August 14th, at 2.30 p.m. The text word is "Serve."—Mr. and Mrs. George Stephenson and son, of Walkerton, spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Stephenson.. —Mr. and Mrs. W. Randell, off Platts- ville, are spending a few days with friends in this vicinity.—Mrs. Allan and daughter, Lois, of Toronto, spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Love and family.—Mrse sall, called on the former's sister, Mrs. W. Jarrott. recently.—Quite number of the relatives of the Pfaff' reunion attended their picnic near Sarnia on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. W. Hyde, of Hensel, were Sunday visi- tors at the home of IVIrs. L. Troyer. Music Exams.—The following were successful in recent 11(111S1C examine, tions trying in Clinton: Miss Violt Fraser, honors in Junior Vocal, also Miss Ida McGowan, pass Elementary Vocal; IVIiss Elizabeth Mills, lst class honors in Intermediate Musical His- tory, tried at London. Notes. --Mr. and Mrs. Riddell (nee Maud Fisher), of Thorrulale, were visiting friends in and around Blyth. —Miss Annie arr is visiting friends in Wingham.—Miss Bertha Ellis, of Toronto, is spending some days with her parents.—Miss .Hazel Pebts, of London, is visating her parents.— Miss Eivelyn Howard, B.A., of Exeter, visited her friend, Miss Melds Mc- Elroy. — Mr. Kenneth Aalaton, 'Gerrie has been engaged as prinzi- pal of Blyth public school. Nimbi] now ais Caw WEREAT We are paying $1.28 per bushel for Wheat, Standard, (delivered} at the We are agents for the POOL nd can handle your grain in aezordance vitli your contract. Tamara We can arrange to truck your wheat on a mileage basis. Wa can supply bags for this. FOR Ftnamma PA TICULA AND RATES PIRONE 51. 11 14